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In Memory Of You

The soft voice with a story book in her hand

Always present in every night
The moon brighter to overcast my eyes
To keep me in dark of night

The forehead kisses

Give the last touches when I asleep
When I open my eyes
I feel, just in night, I hear the soft voice of you

You are the sunlight in my day

You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see

She wes there,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longging through your shedow


Voice in Poetry
 Subject Matter : Love and Death

The lines of the poem describe of the someone’s memory in past time when he is still child, he is
very loved with her mother but it is not in long time, his mother was past away.

 Theme : the sadness memory of childhood, it seen in the last stanza

“She wes there,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longging through your shedow”
This stanza describes about Someone’s feeling that he is very sad with his life

 Atmosphere : sad and disappearance

In the second and last stanza, the lines elaborate to the reader that in the poem the someone feel sad
and disappearance when he still child his mother always exist to him but now it ia only in her sweet
 Mood and Tone: disappearance

After read the poem, in memory of you elaborates the sadness memory of childhood and feel
disappearance.seen in the second and las stanza

Charaters and Setting

Inside speaker
“I” , those lines of the poem describe the meory of the someone

Outside speaker
“her” and “she”

The listener
Parent, youth, childern and adult people

The participant
The moon and story book

Figurative Language:
A paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheles somehow true and also it may be either a
situation or a statement.

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