Indonesia Best Innovation Company (Erha Dermatology) - Raidha Nur Afifah

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Indonesia Best Innovation Company

Raidha Nur Afifah


Master of Business Administration

School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung
dr. Ronny P. Handoko, SpKK(K)

1968 1999

Started his dermatology private Erha was established as the pioneer

practice. He gave solutions to all the & disruptive innovator in the
skin problems of his patients. dermatology clinic in Indonesia.

Innovators in the beauty industry for the needs of urban
communities in skin and hair health products everyday.

• Personal Rejuvenation Program

• Personal Acne Cure Program
• Personal Hair Growth & Scalp Program
• Personal Body Program
• Children Dermatology
• Senior Dermatology
• General Dermatology

2018 Raidha Nur Afifah - MBA ITB 3

Human Values

Improve people’s lives

through a healthier skin,
scalp and hair.

Educating people about the importance of personalized

treatments for skin, scalp, and hair health.

2018 Raidha Nur Afifah - MBA ITB 4

➢ Laser hi-technology based program.
➢ Uses the latest technology specifically designed by
dermatologist Erha.
• Laser Photorejuvenation
• Laser Pigmentasi
• Laser Vascular
• Skin Tightening Therapy
• Fractional Laser Resurfacing for
• Blue Light Therapy
• Collagen Rejuvenation Therapy
• Fractional Laser Resurfacing for Acne Scar
• Red Light Therapy
• Hair Removal Therapy
• Focal Fat Deposit Therapy

Over The Counter Product

Skin care product that combines
experienced dermatologist expertise
and an understanding of the different
needs of each individual.

Laser Hi-Technology Based Program

The latest technology specifically designed
by dermatologist Erha combine with
topical treatments that will provide more
optimal treatment results.

2018 Raidha Nur Afifah - MBA ITB 6


2018 Raidha Nur Afifah - MBA ITB 7


2018 Raidha Nur Afifah - MBA ITB 8

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