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Jennifer Garcia

November 06,2017

Scholar Challenge #1

In the Best Buy Decision problem you have to find out which job is more

convenient for you to earn more money. In the Best Buy store your salary will be 100 dollars per

week and since your job is selling cameras then you will earn 25 dollars of commission for each

camera sold. But in Digital Source store your salary will be 250 per week plus 5 % of bonus for

each 1 camera sold. One of the mathematical strategies I think I will is the practice quiz

because they are comparing two companies and in this math problem we are doing the same

thing. Before starting the problem I predicted that Digital source was going to gain more money.

Some of the information I used was that best buy salary was 100 dollars per week and

25 dollars for each camera he sold. Some of the additional information I used was that the

digital store that their salary was 250 dollars and 5 percent of each camora sold. To make 5

percent into dollars we need to convert it 5 over 100 equals x over 250 .Then we cross multiply

5 times 250 is 1250 over 100 equals 100 over 100. Finally we canceled the 100s and divide

1250 over 100 which equals 12.50 dollars (5/100 = x/250, 1250/100 =100/100= 12.5 ). I used a

table so it would help me organize my information and answers. When starting his chart I

wanted to start one by one in cameras. Finally,in the table over time both stores get the same

amount of salary in week 12 then, after week 12 best buy salary keeps increasing and digital

source is lower than best buy.

How many cameras Each week Best Buy Digital source

sold (per week) 100+25(c) 250+12.5(c)

1 1 125 262.5

2 2 150 275

3 3 175 287.5
4 4 200 300

5 5 225 312.5

6 6 250 325

7 7 275 337.5

8 8 300 350

9 9 325 362.5

10 10 350 375

11 11 375 387.5

12 12 400 400

13 13 425 412.5

14 14 450 425

15 15 475 437.5

In conclusion my prediction was wrong best buy is the one that gains more money over

time than digital source. While using this chart it helped me organize my answers and.realized

that I does

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