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8 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol.

2 Issue 28

Vol. 2 Issue 28
The Truth A Weekly Bulletin Thu. Aug 2nd 2007
Belief Thanking the Creator
Islam is a way of life, try it.
Islam is a gift, accept it. If one of your parents or relatives gives you a present, surely you will
be happy and thank them for it. Any one who does well to us deserves
Islam is a journey, complete it. our gratitude and should be thanked for his goodness and favour.
Islam is a struggle, fight for it. We are given many favours from our parents who bring us up and
who spend nights awake for our sake; from our teachers, who edu-
Islam is a goal, achieve it. cate us and impart good manners, from our friends who give us their
Islam is an opportunity, take it. help. We thank these people and accept their favours and kindness. We
consider it a virtue to do good, and in return we praise them for their
Islam is not for sinners, overcome it. goodness.
Islam is not a game, don’t play with it. Then do we not think our Creator, Who created us and provided us
with our parents and gave us so many blessings, deserves many thanks
Islam is not a mystery, behold it. and worship from us?
Islam is not for cowards, face it. Cont’d on Page 2
Ethics Controlling The Tongue
Islam is not for the dead, live it.
Islam is a promise, fulfill it. The Messenger of God, Muhammed (P.), says:
“Blessed is the man who speaks good and is triumphant; or keeps
Islam is a duty, perform it. silent in the face of evil and is secure”.
Islam is a treasure (the Prayer), pray it. Among God’s blessings upon man is that He made him a thoughtful
and sane being and created a tongue for him. He made him able to utter
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it. sounds and clarify what he wants through the words which he speaks.
Islam has a message for you, hear it. He has only to speak to let people know what he wants.
 Tabrasi, Mashkat al-Anwar, p. 175, 2nd Edition. Cont’d on Page 3
Islam is love, love it! History PROPHETIC MISSION OF PROPHET
The Holy Prophet Muhammed (P.) spent the major portion of his life
in his native town, Mecca. He always treated the people kindly and af-
fectionately and never harmed anyone.
By: Farah Layla Hussain When he was about forty years old, he proclaimed himself, under
Allah’s command, to be the Prophet and Messenger of Allah. He advised
If you want to receive yourWeekly Digital Copy (PDF Format) Please subscribe to The Truth’s the people to refrain from idol-worship and other evil deeds, and to wor-
Mailing List @ ship only Allah, the Creator and Lord of the heavens and the earth. He
If you want any material to be published please send us an e-mail.
Please note that we have the right to Accept, Edit or Refuse any content.
also warned them of the Day of Judgment, when every one will have
Editor in Chief: Hassan Tabatabai Editor: Ahmad Al Najjar
to account for his good and bad deeds in this world, and will be recom-
Designed by: Ahmad Haidar pensed for them.
Contact-Us Please send us your feedbacks, comments, and suggestions to In those days, Arab tribes quarreled with one another over very or-
the following e-mail: Cont’d on Page 4
2 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 28 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 28 7
Cont’d from First Page 8. The action - the end of which is good - is patience and forbearance
It is Allah and He Who alone created us, Who provides for us and at the time of anger;
blesses us and it is to Him and Him alone for Whom should be reserved 9. The action - the end of which is bad is haste at the time of anger.
the ultimate praise. Prophet Dawood obviously, was very much impressed with these cor-
Anyone who fails in his duty and neither worships Allah nor thanks rect answers and appointed Prophet Sulayman as his successor.
Him can only be arrogant and evil. Thus it will be seen that it was the supreme knowledge and under-
No sane person can reject goodness and be ungrateful towards One standing that made Prophet Sulayman succeed his father and become
Who provides favours, offers help and is merciful towards him. the Great King Prophet.
My Lord! Inspire me to thank You for Your Favour which You be-
stowed upon me and on my parents, that I may do righteousness such Anecdote Bohlool, a Bundle, Barley Bread, and
as will please You. Vinegar
Article SOCIAL ETIQUETTE It is said that Bohlool mostly spent his time sitting in a graveyard. One
When Prophet Muhammed (P.) declared himself day, as usual, he went there. Haroun passed by, desiring to hunt. When
to be the Messenger of Allah (God), the people of Arabia were leading a he arrived near Bohlool he asked, “Bohlool, what are you doing?”
very miserable life. They were rough and ignorant people who were not “I have come to visit such people who don’t backbite, don’t expect
conversant with the decorum of a civilized society. So much so that they anything from me and don’t cause me pain in any way.”
did not care even to seek permission before entering another’s house “Will you tell me something about Day of Judgment, Sirat, and the
and did not wish each other when they met. They considered them- questions and answers about this world?”
selves to be enemies of each other and spoke in a very harsh tone. The “Tell your slaves to kindle a fire and place a flat iron pan over it till it
Holy Prophet gradually taught them the rules of social behaviour and the becomes red-hot.
principles of civilization and culture. Haroun ordered it and it was done.
During the last fourteen centuries, man has made great progress in “O Haroun! I will stand barefoot on this pan and introduce myself. I
different walks of life. Education has become very common and modern will describe whatever I have eaten and worn. After that, you also stand
means of transport have made the world much narrower. However, the barefoot like I did, introduce yourself, and describe whatever you have
universal and eternal Islamic principles of civilization continue to guide eaten and worn.”
humanity. We mention below some of them which are well-known as Haroun agreed.
well as very important for our social life. Then Bohlool stood on the hot pan and quickly
If we intend entering somebody’s house or room and the door is shut, said, “Bohlool, a bundle (of tattered clothes),
we should knock at the door gently with a view to seeking permission barley bread and vinegar.” He said this and im-
to enter. mediately came off; his feet were not burned
If we happen to meet some acquaintances in a gathering or in a at all. When Haroun’s turn came, he couldn’t
street, we should wish them by saying “Salamun Alaikum” which means introduce himself the way he wanted to, his
peace be upon you. While walking in a street, we should be careful not feet got burned, and he fell off.
to bump into anyone. In case we form part of a crowd, we should walk “O Haroun! Day of Judgment’s ques-
behind one another so that we do not block the way of others. tions and answers are like this. Those who
It is necessary for us not to disturb others. When others are sleeping, worship Allah, are content, and stay away
we should remain quiet and should not disturb their sleep by making from greediness of the world’s rank and
noise. dignity will easily pass Sirat, but those who
Most of us are well aware of these rules and principles but are usually are attached to worldly majesty and splen-
negligent in observing them. However, to lead a pleasant social life, it is dor will be arrested with troubles.”
incumbent upon us to understand these principles properly and to act
upon them to the best of our ability.
 Sirat Arabic word and it is a narrow path that leads to paradise, it is a path that will be
Islam teaches us the best social etiquette. is an
seen when Resurrection occurs
6 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 28 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 28 3
Story SULAYMAN (SOLOMON) THE KING Cont’d from First Page
Thus, we should thank Allah (God) for the blessings which He be-
stowed upon us. We should use our speech in useful ways; not to speak
For the guidance of mankind, Allah honoured four famous Prophets
but goodness. For example, if we are in a meeting or a gathering and
by revealing to them four Holy Books as under:
want to speak with people, or any discussion comes up then we should
1) Taurat (Torah) to Prophet Musa (Moses):
first think what we want to say and choose which words to use. If we
2) Zaboor (Psalms) to Prophet Dawood (David);
can offer useful counsel to people or offer advice, we should speak in
3) Injeel (Evangel) to Prophet Isa (Jesus);
such a way to make others want to listen. Hence your words will be
4) Holy Qur’an to Prophet Muhammed Mustafa (P.).
acceptable to Allah and the people because your speech is beneficial
The commandments of Allah are contained in these books. The first
in guiding towards goodness or reconciling people, or teaching useful
three books were for the earlier times. The Holy Qur’an is the last book
knowledge, and will increase the love of people to each other. If we say
of God and is for the guidance of entire mankind till the Day of Judg-
a word of goodness we will get Allah’s reward and the love and respect
of the people and so we will be triumphant.
Prophet Dawood eventually became King of his people. He had 19
Our glorious Prophet Muhammed (P.) says: “If man is not able to say
sons. Each of them hoped to inherit the father’s throne. Allah revealed
something useful, he should keep silent from bad words and his silence
to Prophet Dawood a few questions and their answers and commanded
will keep him far from Allah’s wrath and from the harm which might be-
him to put the questions to each one of his sons. Whosoever answered
fall him as a result of saying bad words.”
those questions correctly, would inherit the throne of the father, Prophet
Whoever does evil deeds to people, people will surely confront him
with evil too. And certainly, if you speak bad words it may cause you
One day Prophet Dawood called all his sons in the presence of the
problems and harm and make you regret and wish you had kept silent
scholars and the chiefs of the tribes of his kingdom. He then put forward
and had not spoken.
the following questions:
Consequently, our Holy Prophet Muhammed (P.) educates us with
1. Which thing is closest (nearest) to man?
good manners saying: Either you speak a useful and good word, or be
2. Which is the farthest thing?
silent which is better for you than speaking evil words.
3. Which two things are attached to each other?
In Summary
4. Which is the most awe-creating thing?
1. Among the best
5. Which two things remain unchanged?
characteristics of a
6. Which two things are always different?
Muslim is to speak
7. Which two things are opposed to each other?
only the words of
8. What is the action the result of which is good?
goodness and recon-
9. What is that action the result of which is bad?
The sons of Prophet Dawood felt helpless and could not answer any
2. It is better to
of these questions. Then the youngest of the sons, Prophet Sulayman
remain silent if you
(Solomon) stood up and gave the following answers:
cannot speak the
1. The nearest things to a man is the hereafter (Life and Death - as one
word of goodness.
may die any moment);
3. Whoever does
2. The farthest things is the time which has passed away (which is not
not keep a check on
to come again);
his tongue will regret
3. The two things that are attached to each other is man’s body with
the soul;
For those who
4. The most awe-creating is the man’s body (dead) without soul;
do good is good
5. The two things which remain the same are the sky and the earth;
(reward) and even
6. The two things which are different are the day and night;
more than that.
7. The two things which are opposed to each other are life and death;
4 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 28 The Truth, Thursday, August 2ND, 2007. Vol. 2 Issue 28 5
Cont’d from First Page Anecdote Bohlool’s Advice
dinary matters and waged wars for long, long years. The Holy Prophet Bohlool was on his way somewhere when he saw
advised them to avoid disputes and feuds and to live like brothers. a man crying with his head down, and looking as if he were a stranger.
The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammed (P.), also explained to the Bohlool went near him, saluted him, and said, “What sort of injustice has
people that Almighty Allah does not give any importance to caste, colour occurred upon you that you are so sorrowful and grievous?”
or wealth of human beings. On the other hand, He likes those who have “I am an African foreigner. When I arrived in this city, I decided to
sincere faith in Him and who possess knowledge and piety. bathe and rest for a few days. I had some coins and jewels that I depos-
He also said that Allah grants a higher rank to those who endeavour to ited in a perfumer’s shop from fear of thieves. A few days later I asked
follow the right path and serve humanity to the best of their ability. for my deposit back, but he called me bad names and made it known
The religion revealed through the Holy Prophet is called ‘ISLAM’. The that I was crazy.”
word ‘Islam’ means submission to the Will of Allah. The prophet’s first “Don’t worry. I will go to that perfumery and bring your deposit easily
successor, Imam Ali (A.S.) followed by Prophet Muhammed’s wife, lady back to you.”
Khadija, were the first and foremost to believe in his Prophethood and Then he asked who that perfumer was, and when he recognized him,
to accept Islam. Bohlool said to the foreigner, “I will be found at that perfumer’s tomor-
The teachings of Prophet Muhammed (P.) are the fountain-head for row at such-and-such a time. You come to his shop at the appointed
human welfare.dinary matters and waged wars for long, long years. The time, but do not talk to me at all, and tell the perfumer to return your
Holy Prophet advised them to avoid disputes and feuds and to live like deposit.”
brothers. The African agreed.
The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammed (P.), also explained to the Bohlool immediately went to the perfumer and said, “I plan to go to
people that Almighty Allah does not give any importance to caste, colour the city of Khorasan. I have some jewels that equal 30,000 Dinars. I
or wealth of human beings. On the other hand, He likes those who have want to deposit them with you so that when I come back safe and alive,
sincere faith in Him and who possess knowledge and piety. I will take those jewels back from you; and if I don’t return by such-and-
He also said that Allah grants a higher rank to those who endeavour to such date, then you are free and responsible to sell those jewels and
follow the right path and serve humanity to the best of their ability. have a mosque made from their money.”
The religion revealed through the Holy Prophet is called ‘ISLAM’. The The perfumer became very happy at this and asked, “You are most
word ‘Islam’ means submission to the Will of Allah. The prophet’s first welcome; when you will bring your deposit?”
successor, Imam Ali (A.S.) followed by Prophet Muhammed’s wife, lady Bohlool said, “Tomorrow at such-and-such a time.” Saying this, he
Khadija, were the first and foremost to believe in his Prophethood and went away. Then he had a leather bag made. He filled it up with some
to accept Islam. iron and glass pieces, and then securely sewed its mouth shut.
The teachings of Prophet Muhammed (P.) are the fountain-head for Then he went to the perfumer’s shop at the appointed time. The per-
human welfare. fumer saw the bag and thought it
was full of jewels, so he was very
happy. The foreigner also arrived
exactly then, and asked for his de-
The perfumer immediately said
to his slave, “In the basement in
such-and-such a place is this per-
son’s deposited bag. Immediately
bring it and give it to him.”
The servant did so. The foreign-
er took it and went away, blessing
Bohlool with all his heart.

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