Battle of Manila Bay

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Battle of Manila Bay

 During revolution in Cuba, the explosion and sinking of US Navy warship

“Havana” led to the declaration of war between the US and Spain.
 Commodore George Dewey sailed to the Philippines with fleet of 7 US ships
 They encountered 12 Spanish ships that was headed by Admiral Patricio Montojo
 The US won and called for armed reinforcement. They acted as a blockade for
Manila Bay.

Aguinaldo Return to Philippines

 Emilio Aguinaldo went back to the Philippines aboard USS McCulloch

 He initiated a revolutionary government.
- Object of government: "the struggle for the independence of the Philippines
until all nations, including the Spanish, shall expressly recognize it, and to
prepare the country so that the true republic may be established."
- 4 Departments were created
o Department of Foreign Affairs, Navy and Commerce

o Department of War and Public Works

o Department of Police and Public Order, Justice, Education and
o Department of Finance, Agriculture and Manufacturing Industry
 12,000 men raided the last remaining stronghold of Spanish Empire in Battle of
 Bataan, Pampanga, Batangas, Bulacan, Laguna and Morong were liberated by
 Spanish troops
- In Naic & Indang : remained to surrender
- In Bataan : wiped out
- In Pampanga: forces was localized in San Fernando
“And having as witness to the rectitude of our intentions, the Supreme judge of the
universe, and under the protection of our powerful and humanitarian nation (USA), we
do hereby proclaim & declare solemnly in the name by authority of the people of these
Philippine Islands:
- They are and have the right to be free and independent
- They have ceased to have allegiance to the Crown of Spain
- All political ties with Spain should be completely severed and annulled
- They enjoy the full power to make war & peace as well as commercial
treaties, enter into alliances, and regulate commerce.
“ And imbued with firm confidence in Divine Providence, we hereby mutually
bind ourselves to support this Declaration with our lives, our fortunes, and with
our sacred possession, our Honor.”

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