Paper Edit White Water

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Paper Edit

Script Edit
Dennis sits alone on a seaside bench Opening shot with Dennis sitting, behind
Just visible in the distance Cut to shot of the beach
stands and takes a step forward Cut to Dennis, front shot
He stares Cut to closer shot of Dennis
A woman makes her way Cut to beach
Walking briskly away from the Cut to establishing shot of Dennis
promenade walking away

A drill bit, spinning Shot of drill

A hand presses a large button Cut to CU of hand
Drill bit slows its spinning Cut to CU of drill
Dennis sighs and removes goggles Cut to MCU of Dennis
He places them on a sawdust Cut to MS
His hand lingers over the wallet Cut to MS
Dennis turns Cut to MS
A glimpse of damp Cut to LS
Dennis looks up Cut to MCU

Dialogue Shot reverse shot

Dennis folds his arms MCU of Dennis
Dennis boss Shot reverse shot
Dennis stares on blankly MCU of Dennis
Sound bridge with noises, office and pub
Place is quiet Establishing shot of pub
Placing his drink back on the bar Cut to MS of Dennis
Stares into drink Cut to reserve shot of Dennis
Removes a photo from his wallet Cut to side shot of Dennis
Quickly replaces photo, spilling his drink Cut to side of Dennis but closer
Dennis turns his head to stare dopily Cut to MCU of Dennis
Placing it upright on the bar Cut to MS of Dennis
He stands suddenly Cut to LS of Dennis behind
Walks the length of the pub and Cut to Establishing shot of Pub
stumbles out

Dennis walks on an empty street LS of Dennis

He rounds a corner Cut to MLS of Dennis

Dennis leans on the wall of a house Cut to MLS of Dennis

He stands at his front door Cut to MS of Dennis
He turns suddenly Cut to MCU of Dennis
He tumbles in Cut to LS of Dennis
Sound bridge, door and kettle
A kettle boiling, pouring hot water Cut to CU of Kettle
Dennis sits at a small table Cut to MLS of Dennis sitting
He stares into his tea Cut to MCU of Dennis staring
A faded image Cut to CU of the image
He stares at the photo Cut to MCU of Dennis staring
The cup, smashed Cut to MLS of Dennis
Photo slips from Dennis’s hand Cut to MCU of Photo slipping his hand
He walks the length of the kitchen Cut to LS of Dennis walking
Steady hand pours boiling water Cut to MCU of hand pouring water
Sound of water pouring with sea
Wood creaking with door swinging
Bedroom door swings right idly Cut to establishing shot of room
An eye, wide open Cut to CU of eye
Dennis jolts upright, human shape Cut to high MLS of bed
Wet footprints on the floor Cut to MS of footproints

Front door hangs open

Dennis makes his way briskly along

Dennis carries on past an empty bench

A figure, waste deep in the morning surf
He continues out onto the bench

Dennis reaches the bench and stops Cut to establishing shot of him next to
the bench
His breathing ragged Cut to MCU of Dennis face
He looks out over a calm empty sea Cut to MS of behind Dennis
A tentative step and then another Cut to LS of behind Dennis
He is waste deep in water
A hand takes him Cut to a CU of hand taking his
He wades on

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