Allocate Workload and Tasks

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Task 1:

1. Allocate work load and tasks:

Individual workload is mostly based on the general phenomenon of mental workload the
researcher said in his article that individual workload includes the task difficulty,
observed tsk performance and operator skills. (Funket et al.2012) The main objective is
to make the individuals understand their roles in relation to the work load and tasks that
are assigned to them in the organization. To understand better the roles first it is needed
to understand it completely with the help of definition: Roles are the positions individual
occupy in the same organization or social group. There are two types of roles generally
represented by the individuals in the team that are formal and informal. Formal roles are
those which are necessary parts or positions that must be fulfilled din order to complete
the specific goals or projects assigned. While on the contrary informal roles are those
which are may or may not require in the accomplishment of the certain tasks or the
project but they may have positive or negative impact. (1)
Leaders are the responsible to effectively assign the tasks while take workload into
consideration. Allocate proper roles to the proper people according to their skills,
priority, availability, development and interests. It should boost their morale and
motivation. (2). Allocation of tasks to the different people one way to do so it the
responsibility charting. It involves the identification of roles with best suited in a
particular situation or issue so these four roles that individuals adopt are they act as
information provider in the project. Then they can play the role of the consultant whom
the issues may consult every time in the scenarios when needed. They may fulfill the role
of decision maker in the situation.
There are different ways which are used to schedules can serve as effective planning of
time and monitoring tools such as Gantt charts, PERT diagrams and work breakdown
schedules these are very essential in assessments. It works best especially in the
allocation s of work related tasks and their completion on the specified time. Motivation
can be maintain by balancing these factors that are as follows, maximum or minimum
outputs, proper training and education, different type of opportunities in the career
development, proper task alignment with skills and knowledge, different type of
experiences to the employees like social or interactive, competitive pay rates also works
as best.

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