USS Pittsburgh Returns Home From Deployment: Kris Allen Concert Tickets Still Available

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Vol. 49, No. 19 Serving the Military Community in Southeastern Connecticut since 1918 Thursday, October 21, 2010

USS Pittsburgh returns home from deployment

By MC1 Steven Myers
Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs

GROTON, Conn. – Los

Angeles-class attack subma-
rine USS Pittsburgh (SSN
720) returned to wait-

New Haven, CT 06511

ing loved ones at Naval

40 Sargent Drive
Submarine Base New
London, Oct. 15.
Pittsburgh, which depart-
ed April 1 for a six-month
deployment, conducted
operations in the European
Command area of responsi-
“It’s great to see all the
families here. Six months
is a long time to be out
to sea on a submarine,
so its nice to come home
and know your are appre-
ciated, missed, and made
to feel welcome again,”
said Commander Michael
Savageaux, Pittsburgh’s
commanding officer.
An enlisted crew member
and officer were chosen to
receive the traditional first
kiss. They were Electronics Photo by MC1 Steven Myers
Technician 3rd Class Loren
GROTON, Conn. – Line handlers aboard Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) pull the forward lines across as the submarine moors at Naval
Trover and his wife Andrea;
Submarine Base New London following a six-month deployment. Pittsburgh conducted missions in the European Command area of operations, Oct.15.
and, Lieutenant Commander
Sean Stein and his wife Senior Chief Fire Control received the first hug. lies had some very similar visiting ports in Faslane,
Nina. Emily, daughter of Technician David Fennell While waiting, the fami- thoughts. Scotland; Haakonsvern,


It’s great that they’re back,” Norway; Brest, France; and


said Nina Stein. ‘It’s suppos- Portsmouth, England. The
edly cold outside today, but I submarine steamed about
feel really warm inside.” 30,000 miles during her
Andrea Trover agreed. deployment.
“Now if I can only keep it Fast-attack submarines like
together for these last few
Pittsburgh have multi-facet-
minutes everything will be ed missions. They use their
all right,” she said. stealth, persistence, agility
Machinist’s Mate 1st Class and firepower to deploy and
Zachary Shafer was met support special force opera-
with a first as well. He tions, disrupt and destroy
met his newest child, Jesse, an adversary’s military and
for the first time. She was economic operations at sea,
born while Pittsburgh was
provide early strike from
“It’s great to be back,” close proximity, and ensure
said Shafer. “Now I get to undersea superiority.
work on a relationship with The submarine, commis- New Mexico
sioned Nov. 23, 1985, is
my daughter. Hopefully, we
the fourth Navy vessel to changes
can get her to the point
where she doesn’t cry when be named for the people hands
I pick her up.” of Pittsburgh, Pa. The sub-
Pittsburgh’s crew marine’s crew compliment Page 3
was able to enjoy some includes 13 officers and 121
European culture while enlisted Sailors.
Photo by MC1 Steven Myers

GROTON, Conn. – Machinists Mate 1st Class Zachary Shafer holds his daughter,
Jesse, for the first time during the USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) homecoming at
Naval Submarine Base New London, Oct. 15. Jesse was born while the Los
Angeles-class submarine was deployed to the European Command area of

Haven’t even asked for your ballot yet? Still not too late!
If you’ve gotten behind and not requested your absentee
ballot, it’s not too late. Many election officials can accept
Kris Allen concert 235th Birthday
U.S. Navy!!!
Page 4
tickets still available
your registration and absentee ballot application by email
or fax, and will send you back your ballot by e-mail, fax,
or by posting online. Requesting your ballot is simple and
fast at where you can use our online reg-
istration and absentee ballot assistant to complete your
Federal Postcard Application (FPCA) and have your forms By SN Michael Henderson
completed, printed out, and ready to send back home in less
than 10 minutes. Contact your command voting representa- GROTON, Conn. - The season eight winner of American
tive for more information. Idol, Kris Allen, will be performing at Naval Submarine
Base New London’s Dealey Theater, tomorrow. The FREE

VA urges vets to use benefits, services show takes place at 7:30 p.m., but does require a ticket.
Tickets can be picked up at the Information, Tickets, and
Tours office while supplies last.
Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom when his brother, Mike Doheny, Kris Allen’s hit single, “Live Like We’re Dying”, has departs for
sold more than 1.5 million copies to date. Samples of Kris
By Donna Miles and Operation New Dawn.
The new ad promotes one of
a Marine veteran working as a
civilian security contractor for Allen’s music can also be found on his Web site, www.
American Forces Press Service
VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki’s top the Army Corps of Engineers,
WASHINGTON - The priorities: providing more veterans was killed during an improvised Contact the Morale, Welfare and Recreation department
Page 8
Department of Veterans Affairs access to VA services, Roberts said. explosive device attack southeast at (860) 694-3238 for more information.
(VA) has launched a campaign Only about 8 million of the more of Baghdad. Kugler escorted his
to encourage veterans of Iraq and than 23 million veterans around brother’s body home to Broken
Afghanistan to take advantage of
available VA benefits and servic-
the country take advantage of VA
benefits or health care, she said.
“This advertising campaign is an
Bow, Neb., and then returned to
Iraq to finish his deployment.
After separating from the mili-
VA broadcast the first in a series effort to bridge the gap,” Roberts tary, Kugler heeded the advice Movies.......................................5
of paid multimedia advertisements said. “VA wants service members Mike left behind in a letter to Classifieds........................6
last week in six major U.S. mar- and veterans to know we are the be opened only upon his death:
kets as part of its National Veterans resource. The sooner we meet Follow your dreams and do the
Awareness Campaign, VA Press their needs, the less likely they things you’ve always wanted.
Secretary Katie Roberts said are to encounter the repercussions For Rob, that meant mov-
The locations - Norfolk, Va.; commonly associated with their ing to Los Angeles and pursing
Raleigh, N.C.; Savannah, Ga.; post-combat experience.” an acting career. He currently
Seattle; Watertown, N.Y.; and Former Marine Sergeant Robert takes improvisation classes at
El Paso, Texas - were selected Kugler, an Iraqi war veteran, plays the Groundlings Theater and
because they’re near major mili- the lead role in VA’s first television School and has appeared in
tary bases and large populations of ad, “What Lies Ahead.” several TV ads.
veterans from Operation Enduring Kugler was deployed to Iraq See VA on Page 8
2 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sailor runs Hartford Marathon for his sister hospital in Springfield has
By MC1(AW) Peter D. Blair been changing the world
“The Shriners Foundation has been helping through caring for kids.
GROTON, Conn. – Many Shriners is the only multi-
Sailors in the Navy partici- my sister since she was one ... I wanted to hospital system in the United
pate in sports for recreation States that provides all care
and camaraderie, but USS help raise money for them so other children and services without finan-
Hartford (SSN 768) Sailor,
Sonar Technician 2nd class
can continue to receive the same quality cial obligation to patients or
This newspaper is an authorized publication for personnel of the
Department of Defense and their families. Contents of The Dolphin are not Brian Shelton decided to
become a marathon runner
care she has.” “Shriners is underutilized,
they are simply there to help
necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the
Department of Defense or the Department of the Navy. for personal reasons. Shelton patients,” concluded Shelton.
ran in the Hartford Marathon ST2 Brian Shelton “There are no qualifications
Commanding Officer Naval Submarine Base New London this month to raise money to receive care from them
Capt. Marc W. Denno
Executive Officer Naval Submarine Base New London
for an organization that has “The Shriners Foundation help him get through that other than for them to be
Cmdr. Daniel M. Rossler done so much to help his has been helping my sis- last mile.” able to help you.”
Command Master Chief Naval Submarine Base New London family. ter since she was one,” said As she joined her broth- If you would like to
CMDCM(SS) Ray Powell In February of this year Shelton. “I wanted to help er, Robyn was actually run- donate to Shriners you can
Public Affairs Officer - Christopher Zendan Shelton began training for help through the Combined
Editor - Sheryl Walsh
raise money for them so ning a faster pace than Brian
the marathon, which he ran other children can continue which made him push even Federal Campaign (CFC).
Editorial Assistant - Christina Lough
Public Affairs Staff - MCC(SW/AW)Evelyn Haywood,
for his sister Robyn. to receive the same quality harder. Contact your CFC coordina-
MCC(SW) James O’Donnell, MC1(AW) Peter Blair, Robyn Shelton was born care she has.” “I had slowed down my tor for more information.
MM3 Sean Phillips, ET3 Timothy Walter, SN Joshua Hirschfeld with a birth defect that Shelton finished the mar- pace at the 20 mile point So far Shelton has raised $600
and SN Michael Henderson required the amputation of athon in 4:57:15 and was so when Robyn joined me for the Shriners Foundation;
her left foot, and has worn helped by Robyn, as she I actually had to speed up his goal is to raise $5,000.
• NEWS - The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited a prosthetic leg since she If you would like to help
and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Submarine Base New joined her brother for the to stay with her,” added
London. News items and photos must be received by 4 p.m. the Friday
was very young. Her drive final mile of the marathon to Shelton. “When I crossed the Petty Officer Shelton direct-
before publication. News ideas and questions can be directed to Christopher to live a life where her dis- motivate him to finish just finish line I was sore, and ly you can do so by going
Zendan at 694-5980. Readers can e-mail us at Log ability would not slow her as she had motivated him to very emotional. Just finish- to the following Web site,
onto the Web site at down motivated her brother start. ing felt great, but crossing http://support.shrinershos-
• ADDRESS - The Dolphin staff can be reached at 694-3514 or write to: to raise money for the foun-
The Dolphin, Naval Submarine Base New London PAO, Box 44, Groton, CT
“I didn’t want to slow him the line with Robyn made it a
dation that has helped her do down,” said Robyn. “I was greater accomplishment.” General?pxfid=1521&fr_
06349-5044. All news releases should be sent to this address.
• ADVERTISING - Advertisements are solicited by Shore Line
just that. happy I could be there to For 85 years, the Shriners id=1030&pg=fund.
Newspapers and not the editorial staff or Public Affairs Office. Inquiries
regarding advertisements should be directed to the Display Advertising or
Classified Advertising departments.
Display Advertising, Laura Carpenter at (203) 752-2704, Betsy
Lemkin at (203) 752-2706 and Mercy Mosher at (203) 752-2702
Community Coalition for Children hosts
Classified Advertising (in Conn.) (800) 922-7066
Classified Advertising (outside Conn.) (203) 789-5200

The Dolphin is published every Thursday by Shoreline Newspapers,

resource fair, workshop on drug use at the Garde
40 Sargent Drive, New Haven, CT 06511. Telephone (203) 752-2701. The Community Coalition speak to guests at the event. from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30
Minimum weekly circulation 10,000. for Children will host a Children 12 and older are Child care registration is p.m., in the Crozier-Williams
resource fair, Oct. 25 at the welcome to the program, as required. Call (860) 701-5150 Center at Connecticut College
John Slater, General Manager
Shore Line Newspapers Garde Arts Center in New well as parents, grandpar- to register for child care. in New London.
The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the Naval London. Doors open at 6 ents, teachers, counselors, On Oct. 26, there will be These events are free. Call
Submarine Base New London Public Affairs Office. p.m. coaches, social service agen- an Intergenerational work- (860) 444-4790 or e-mail in
The Dolphin is published by Shoreline Newspapers, a private firm in no At 7 p.m., Jeff Wolfsberg, cies, and religious groups. shop, “Hey, Did You Ever fo@communitycoalitionforch
way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy under exclu- author of CD “Mom, Did Register for the event at Try Drugs? To Use Or Not To for more informa-
sive written contract with the Naval Submarine Base New London. You Ever Try Drugs?” will www.communitycoalition- Use – That Is The Question,” tion.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts of
supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense
or Shoreline Newspapers of the products and services advertised.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for pur-
chase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other
Tricare official: Early flu shots key to prevention
Flu tips
non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. tion covers two of the most com-
By Donna Miles mon seasonal influenza strains,
This newspaper is printed on recycled newsprint. Please help conserve our American Forces Press Service A H3N2 and B virus, as well as
resources and recycle this paper when you are finished with it. In addition to getting a flu shot, CDC officials offer additional tips
for avoiding the flu and its spread:

Male singers needed

WASHINGTON – With flu Although the flu typically
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or
season already under way, the doesn’t hit some regions for anoth- sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
top Tricare military health plan er few months, research shows - Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you
SUBASE wants you to sing
official encourages the system’s it’s better to get the vaccine early, cough or sneeze. You also can use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
almost 9.7 million beneficiaries to preferably by mid-October. - Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this
get their flu shots as early as pos- Last year, for example, when way.
sible at a military medical facility manufacturing shortages delayed - Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
GROTON, Conn. - Male active duty personnel are being or network provider, or - in an flu shots for Tricare beneficiaries - Stay home if you are sick until at least 24 hours after you no
sought for a men’s ensemble for a Christmas-themed perfor- increasingly popular option - at along with the general population, longer have a fever - 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.8 degrees Celsius
mance. Rehearsals will take place at Chapel On The Thames any participating pharmacy. 486,000 Tricare beneficiaries who - or signs of a fever without the use of a fever-reducing medicine such
(Base Chapel) at 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Nov. Military hospitals and clinics hadn’t been immunized devel- as acetaminophen.
18 and Dec. 2. These rehearsals will be preparation for a and Tricare network providers are oped flu symptoms before Nov. 1. - While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to keep
performance at the Governor’s Mansion, Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. stocked with this year’s flu vac- “We went back and looked at from infecting them.
For more information, call the Naval Submarine Base New cine, ready to administer them our data and realized that if we
London Chaplains office at (860) 694-3232. now, Navy Rear Admiral Christine had been able to get everyone and Tricare network providers, While encouraging people to
S. Hunter, deputy director for the immunized in October rather than they will administer the flu shot at get their flu shot wherever it’s

News in your community

Tricare Management Activity, told later in the year, we would have no cost to Tricare beneficiaries. most convenient, Hunter empha-
American Forces Press Service. prevented almost 500,000 people Many of the retail pharmacies sized that some Tricare beneficia-
It’s available to every Tricare from getting sick,” Hunter said. offer flu shots at night and on ries should consult their medical
beneficiary over 6 months old, Not all required a doctor’s care weekends, and most don’t require provider first. These include peo-
MSMHS now accepting Dolphin Mini-Mart with no copayment or preautho- and most didn’t experience any appointments. ple with a serious chronic illness,
rization required, even for people serious complications, she said, Tricare introduced the phar- young children who have never
student applications closed for renovations enrolled in programs that typically but almost all could have avoided macy option during last year’s flu had a flu shot and other at-risk
Marine Science Magnet The Naval Submarine Base require one, she said. the flu if the vaccine had been season, and Hunter said she hopes groups.
High School of Southeastern New London Dolphin Mini- “We want you to get the shot,” available sooner. more people will take advantage Retail pharmacies will adminis-
Connecticut (MSMHS) is a Mart on Sailfish Road will be Hunter emphasized, calling flu “This year, there is no delay of it this year as they learn about
ter flu shots to active-duty military
regional 9-12 magnet school closed for renovations until in the distribution of the shots,” the program.
shots “an essential preventive ser- members and can provide docu-
with the mission of prepar- Oct. 24. “People really value conve-
vice.” Nine out of 10 healthy peo- Hunter said. “You can get it now. nience in their health care,” she mentation for their official shot
ing students for higher edu- During this timeframe the ple who get the shot won’t get the It’s available in military hospitals records.
said. “This is part of a campaign
cation and marine-related Navy Exchange Autoport/Gas flu, according to the Centers for and clinics and through Tricare However, Hunter recognized
to bring preventive care as close
employment by addressing Station will remain open until Disease Control and Prevention. now. So we would like to encour- to where people live and work as that some servicemembers may
marine-related topics and 10 p.m. nightly, and its inven- Unlike last year, when people age people to get it now.” possible.” be required to get their shots
disciplines with a challeng- tory will be modified to carry needed two vaccines - a conven- To make that as convenient as The Tricare Web site lists par- along with the rest of the mem-
ing, experiential, 21st centu- many items that were normally tional flu shot and another devel- possible, Tricare has entered into ticipating pharmacies, with a loca- bers of their units. That way,
ry curriculum that is respon- purchased at the Mini-Mart. oped specifically for the H1N1 agreements with about 50,000 tor button identifying the closest she explained, the information is
sive to the diverse needs and Contractors will also be virus - one shot will suffice this retail pharmacies nationwide. one, based on the beneficiary’s recorded immediately in unit shot
interests of a broad spectrum removing the test wells on year, Hunter noted. Its formula- Like military hospitals and clinics ZIP code. records, with no delay.
of students. Sailfish Road. Flagman will
The school will utilize cut-
ting edge science labs, an
aquaculture production lab,
direct traffic in and out of
Sailfish Road until work is
Client confidentiality: Core to the NMCRS commitment
Project Oceanology facilities, their own problem-solving strat- “need to know” basis. If the NMCRS counselor deter-
and a variety of coastal eco- November FRA By Lisa Aszklar egies through financial counsel- This does not apply if, for mines that it is necessary to
systems to provide students meeting scheduled NMCRS Staff Writer ing and educational programs
such as Budget for Baby.
instance, the service member
has engaged in criminal acts,
involve the command but the
service member objects, then the
with authentic problem-solv- The November Board of
ing and project-based learn- GROTON, Conn. - The goal Finally, Navy-Marine Corps misconduct, or behavior affect- Society will do its best to identify
Directors meeting will be held Relief Society has promised that ing discipline or the security of other organizations that may be
ing. of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief
Nov. 2, at the Branch Home at our services and programs will the command. In these cases, better able to render assistance.
Marine Science Magnet Society (NMCRS) is simple: to
6 p.m. All members in good be administered by compassion- the Society does not require the Clients are always welcome to
High School, operated by improve the lives of Sailors,
standing are invited at attend. Marines and families through ate, trained staff who are com- service member’s permission to bring a spouse when they meet
LEARN Regional Educational Branch 20 will spon- both financial management mitted to providing, on a consis- inform the command of these with the NMCRS staff, but only in
Service Center, is a member sor any student in grades tent basis, a workable solution occurrences.
education and need-based assis- certain cases would a spouse be
of the National Consortium 7 through 12 who is inter- to the service member’s needs. Because of the personal nature
tance. To meet that goal, the required to attend. Furthermore,
of Specialized Secondary ested in entering the Fleet The Society recognizes that of the information discussed
Society has established a list if the spouse requests informa-
Schools in Mathematics, Reserve Association’s annual every client is a valuable mem- between the NMCRS counselor
of guiding principles that have tion on the service member’s
Science and Technology Americanism-Patriotism Essay ber of our military family and and the client, there is normally
been fundamental to a successful past dealings with the Society,
(NCSSSMST). Contest for a chance to win the possesses a number of important no requirement that a command that request would be denied,
track record of assisting Sailors,
The school will open fall top prize of a $10,000 savings rights. These include the right representative - someone in a unless the service member
Marines, and their families.
2011 and is now accepting bond. Prizes are also awarded to meet with a Society repre- position of authority over the authorizes the Society to divulge
First, the Society promises to
applications until Dec. 31, at the Branch, Regional, and sentative in a non-judgmental client - accompany the service that information.
provide the same high caliber
2010. from students enter- National level for each grade. atmosphere; a guarantee that member. If the client requests Navy-Marine Corps Relief
service our clients have come
ing their freshmen and soph- Only winners in each grade they will be treated in a man- that a command representative Society’s privacy policy is
to expect since we opened our
omore year in the fall of at each level are forwarded for ner that maintains dignity and join the meeting, the Society designed to uphold the self-
doors 106 years ago. self-respect; and an expectation caseworker would make certain
2011. further consideration at the Second, the Society recognizes respect and dignity of the mili-
Applicants for admission next level. The top prize is the that the nature of the meet- that the client understands that
that members of today’s Armed tary members whom we serve.
should possess a deep inter- overall winner at the national ing between the client and the this is their right, not an NMCRS
Forces face challenges that differ Society will remain confiden- requirement. We take seriously our commit-
est in the sciences, love of level. from the needs of personnel who ment to act as responsible stew-
maritime activity, and strong Students’ parents do not tial, as set forth in the Society’s Otherwise, Navy-Marine
served decades ago. As an orga- written policy. This last item is Corps Relief Society will engage ards of the personal financial
fundamental math skills. have to be members of the nization, we are committed to information collected in any
For more information, join Fleet Reserve Association, but crucial in light of the ease with the command only if a case
evolving with today’s military so which personal data may be is unusual in nature and only meetings between the service
an information session host- the student must be sponsored that there is never a gap between member and our staff.
breached, electronically or oth- with verbal or written permis-
ed at Project Oceanology at by a Branch or an FRA mem- the needs of our clients and the This is one more way we
erwise, in today’s world. sion of the service member. In
Avery Point in Groton on ber. types of service we provide. Navy-Marine Corps Relief these cases, the command repre- have earned the respect and
October 28, and Nov. 2 and The deadline for submis- Third, recognizing that per- Society’s confidentiality policy is sentative will only be provided trust of Sailors and Marines
4, from 6 to 7 p.m. sions is Dec. 1. sonal financial health is criti- straightforward: the client’s per- information that relates directly around the world, one service
For more information, visit For information on how to cally important to not only mili- sonal information will remain to this request for assistance. member at a time, and why
the Web site at www.mari- enter, call the Branch Home tary readiness but also the suc- confidential within the Society, In other words, the caseworker they should always consider or call at (860) 445-0731 and leave cess of the military family, the and members of the Society staff would not discuss previous his- the Society their first resource
Dr. Scott Brown at (860) 434- a message for the Branch Society has pledged to provide are prohibited from discussing tory that’s not relevant to the when facing financial difficul-
4800, Ext. 176. Secretary. the means for clients to develop that information, except on a current request. ties.
Thursday, October 21, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 3

USS New Mexico forges ahead with new commanding officer

of command ceremony Oct. 15 Submarine Group 2, was the character cannot be judged by Virginia-class submarine to be from the ground up. But the
By MC1 Virginia Schaefer at Naval Submarine Base New guest speaker for the ceremo- his successes, but how he deals fully-certified in all tactical war most difficult challenges and
Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs London’s Shepherd of the Sea ny in which Commander Mark with adversity. Given what we fighting areas during Weapons most rewarding accomplish-
Chapel. Prokopius turned over com- have been through the past two System Acceptance Testing. ments remain ahead. As we
GROTON, Conn. – USS New Rear Admiral Michael mand to Cmdr. George Perez. years…you responded to every Prokopius will next serve move through this availability,
Mexico (SSN 779) held a change McLaughlin, Commander McLaughlin commented challenge and fought through to as the Deputy for Training at we will transition New Mexico
on Prokopius’ success during the end. I am proud to call each Submarine Squadron Six. from the final chapter of new
his tenure as New Mexico’s of you shipmates.” Perez congratulated the crew construction to her first as an
Commanding Officer. Prokopius received the of New Mexico for overcoming operational warship of the fleet
“Mark has handled well the meritorious service medal. the many challenges faced with and the start of a history that will
challenge of taking a subma- According to the award’s cita- commissioning a new ship. span the next three decades. I
rine from new construction to tion, Prokopius kept New “You have endeavored to look forward to facing the times
a certified war-fighting machine Mexico and her crew on the build the world’s most techno- ahead with each and every one
in the United States’ arsenal. leading edge, becoming the first logically-advanced submarine of you,” said Perez.
And in the process, he forged
a cohesive fighting team,” said
During his speech, Prokopius,
a native of Seven Hills, Ohio
who received his commission
through the Naval Reserve
Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
at the University of Notre Dame,
took the opportunity to thank
the people who influenced him
during his career as well as
those who served with him the
last few years.
“A commanding officer’s suc-
Photo by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer cess is entirely dependent on
GROTON, Conn. - Commander Mark Prokopius turns over the commanding officer’s cell his command team, and I have
phone to his relief, Cmdr. George Perez, during the USS New Mexico change of com- been extremely fortunate in that
mand ceremony held at the Shepherd of the Sea Chapel, Oct. 15. During the ceremony, area.” He concluded, “I leave
Perez relieved Prokopius, who will next serve as the Deputy for Training at Submarine you [the crew and family of USS
Squadron Six. New Mexico] with this. A man’s
4 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, October 21, 2010

Celebrating 235 years

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. - Above, a table set for the Missing Man is placed next to the
Celebrity Ballroom stage during the 235th Navy Birthday Ball, Oct. 15.

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Left, the oldest Sailor in the audience, retired Lieutenant
Ernie Plantz (left), born April 3, 1920, and the youngest Sailor, Hospitalman Justin Hayes
(right), born March 21, 1990, laugh after participating in a cake cutting ceremony during
the 235th Navy Birthday Ball, held at MGM Grand Foxwoods Resort, Oct. 15.

Photos by SN Michael Henderson

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Above, Kassondra Lee Brokaw sings the National Anthem while the
Naval Submarine Base New London Submarine School Silver Dolphins provide colors for the
event, Oct. 15.

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Left, Sailors and guests of the 235th Navy Birthday Ball dance in the
Celebrity Ballroom at MGM Grand Foxwoods Resort, Oct. 15.

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Above, Chief Navy Career Councilor Daniel Haase (left) holds the microphone while retired
Lieutenant Ernie Plantz (right) states his birthday for the audience (April 3, 1920). The youngest and oldest Sailor in
the room took part in the traditional cake cutting ceremony, during the 235th Navy Birthday Ball, Oct. 15.

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Right, (Left to right) Rear Admiral Michael McLaughlin, Commander Submarine Group 2
Commanding Officer, Bob Ross, Executive Director, Office of Military Affairs, State of Connecticut, Command Master
Chief Wesley Koshoffer, DEVRON 12, Captain Marc Denno, Commanding Officer Naval Submarine Base New London, and
Master Chief Electronics Technician Jon Smedley toast to the audience during the 235th Navy Birthday Ball, Oct. 15.

Happy Birthday, Navy On Oct. 15, Naval Submarine hand in. The retaking of the event was Bob Ross, Executive
By SN Michael Henderson Base New London (SUBASE), German owned MV Magellan Director, Office of Military
the world’s “First and Finest” from Somali pirates, providing Affairs, State of Connecticut.
MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – celebrated the occasion in the support to Haiti after the dev- Ross spoke of his time in office,
It’s about that time of the year Celebrity Ballroom of MGM astating earthquake, sending and how he helped shape the
again. Some people stop count- Grand at Foxwoods Resort. skimmers to help control the base’s future, fitting the year’s
ing after their 30s, but when the To kick off the birthday ball, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, theme: “Remember our past to
Navy sees more than 235 years Captain Marc Denno, SUBASE and a joint exercise with South mold our future”, but first, he
running, you can’t help but to Commanding Officer, opened Korea after one of their ships opened with a joke.
celebrate. All around the globe, with a brief history of the were sunk, are a few Naval “If a man is hungry and you
naval installations celebrate the Navy, SUBASE itself, and also accomplishments of the past give him a fish, he will feed
birthday of the United States touched on some of the major year. himself for an entire day,” said
Navy, Oct. 13, 1775. events that the Navy had a “And what I listed are just the Ross, “if you give the man a
unclassified accomplishments,” boat, he will drink beer for the
said Denno during his speech. rest of his life.”
Within the Celebrity Ballroom, After dinner, the crowd was
more than 500 guests enjoyed scoured to find the youngest
the night’s events. Master Sailor and oldest Sailor for the
Chief Electronics Technician traditional cake cutting cer-
Jon Smedley welcomed guests emony. Hospitalman Justin
and kept the show moving as Hayes, born March 21, 1990,
the Master of Ceremonies. The the youngest Sailor, and retired
National Anthem was sung by Lieutenant and former WWII
Kassondra Lee Brokaw while Prisoner of War Ernie Plantz,
SUBASE’s Submarine School born April 3, 1920, the oldest
Silver Dolphins provided the Sailor, cut the massive vanilla
opening colors. The Silver frosted cake the way a real
Dolphins went on to display Sailor would, with a perfectly
“precision performance” that polished Navy Cutlass.
entertained guests with sharp A job well done goes out to
moves and acrobatic rifle toss- the individuals who coordinat-
ing. An invocation, Missing Man ed the grand occasion, and to MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Rear Admiral Michael McLaughlin (left),
MASHANTUCKET, Conn. – Members of the Naval Submarine Base New London ceremony, and cake cutting were the Sailors, Fleet, and families Commander Submarine Group 2 Commanding Officer, and Legalman 2nd
Submarine School Silver Dolphins pose during a precision demonstration in the among the night’s other events. that ensure the future of Navy Class Ru Li enjoy the festivities at the 235th Navy Birthday Ball, at MGM
Celebrity Ballroom, Oct. 15. The guest speaker for the birthdays to come. Grand Foxwoods Resort, Oct. 15.
Thursday, October 21, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 5

Man on the Street: By ET3 Timothy Walter and MM3 Sean Phillips

What do you like most about Fall? SN Ryan Wooley:

“I’m from the South. In Louisiana, all
we have are pine and oak trees. We don’t
Lt.Cmdr. Jeanne Jimenez: have all these beautiful colors on the trees.
“The initiation of the season reminds us I drove around the other day just to see
about family both here and at home.” them all.”

CSSC James Bryant: EM3 Brendan Lane:

“The camaraderie and small town feel. More “It happens every two years in the fall
people come together in the fall because you – Elections.”
have more meals. The food does get better… I
can do me a good soup.”

YouTube phenomenon ‘A Macabre Macbeth’

‘Danielle Ate The Sandwich’ in Mark Twain House’s
to make her New London debut spooky basement
“Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn
YouTube musical phenomenon “Danielle Ate the Sandwich” will leave her and cauldron bubble!” With these words, three
webcam behind as she plays live at the Garde Arts Center’s Oasis Room, Nov. witches foretell a dark fate for the Scottish sol-

Lost Planet 2
8 at 7:30 p.m. The performance is presented in association with Kitchings dier whose designs on the throne of Scotland
Singing and songwriting since 2006, the 23-year-old ukulele player - real
will result in a bloody undoing for Macbeth and
name Danielle Anderson - got her start doing the open mic rounds while she his infamous wife. Capital Classics, a 20-year
attended Colorado State University. After gaining national attention from her old theatrical troupe known for their popular
videos on YouTube in 2009, Anderson started pursuing music as a full-time outdoor Shakespeare Festival, have decided By SN Michael Henderson
career and began touring nationally, playing for her loyal group of more than to revisit this cursed classic in an all-new
25,000 online supporters. “reader’s theatre” adaptation of “A Macabre GROTON, Conn. - After making its way to PC Oct. 15, Lost
Anderson’s third album, and first professional recording, “Two Bedroom Macbeth” that will be performed in a decidedly Planet 2 was supposed to be everything I had hoped for in a
Apartment,” was released in 2010. Collaborating with other musicians, spooky location - the basement of the Mark game, but it disappoints on many fronts. To elaborate, Lost Planet
Anderson takes her music to a new level with instrumentations that create the Twain House - for three performances only: 2 is the twisted love-child of Gears of War and Monster Hunter:
perfect ambiance for her storytelling. “Two Bedroom Apartment” songs include Oct. 28 at 8 p.m., Oct. 29 at 10:30 p.m., and maintaining third person shooter gameplay, a clever plot line with
“We are Hot Dogs,” “Where the Good Ones Go” and “Fool.” in-game cutscenes, massive and interesting enemies, and a vari-
Tickets are $10 and are available at the Garde Box Office, 325 State St. in New
Oct. 30 at 10:30 p.m. ety of weapons, vehicles, and customization options that would
London. The Garde Box Office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to Tickets are $15. Due to the intimate size of the whet any completionist’s appetite. HOWEVER. Glaring bugs and
4 p.m., and two hours prior to the curtain on performance days. Tickets may basement of the Twain House, seating is strictly general lack-of-thinkingness make the game a love-hate-hate-
be purchased by phone during regular box office hour at (860) 444-7373, Ext. limited. Reservations are strongly recommend- love…okay-I-think-we-should-just-be-friends relationship.
1, or online at ed. To order tickets, call (860) 280-3130. The newest addition to Capcom’s third-person shooter series,
Lost Planet 2, is set 10 years after the first game in world of EDN
III. The game provides a number of single-player, cooperative,
MWR Travel Show welcomes military retirees and multiplayer options. The world of EDN III easily captivates,
and is definitely worth the money (to me) for the aural and
visual experience alone, despite its flaws.
Players run through the game fending off enemies from numer-
ous warring factions, as well as the planet’s native residents, the
monstrous Akrid, in an effort to collect the vital substance that
keeps the world turning, Thermal Energy.
Whether playing alone with AI controlled teammates, or online
with your buddies, up to four players can play through the cam-
paign missions together. Playing through campaigns earns points
to spend on unlocking new titles, emotes, clothing, guns, and abili-
ties. Online, up to 16 players can join up to play against each other
in a number of different ways (teamed or free for all deathmatches,
single eliminations, objective oriented control missions, etc).
There are three major categories (yes, categories) of problems
inherit in Lost Planet 2 – Motion, Matchmaking, and Monotony.
I sincerely hope that Capcom will make an effort to patch the
game’s flaws, buuuuuut how often does that happen, really.
Angry face, engage!
Motion: Aiming just does, not, work. If you’re trying to bead
in on an opponent’s face, and move your mouse to the left, it’s
likely that the crosshair will happily disobey your command
unless you over exaggerate that movement, and even then, it’s
clunky and unresponsive. The problem is more than likely due to
the built in aim assist that really isn’t required for PC gamers.
Matchmaking: Putting games together is difficult, given the
game’s inability to let players “drop-in” and out of play. It’s not
uncommon to sit in a lobby for the better part of 30 minutes,
waiting for the in-game players to complete or fail their current
mission. The worst part is that there isn’t anything to ‘do’ while
you sit there, just twiddle your thumbs, or help support obesity by
donating your time to the creation of hot pockets. In multiplayer
lobbies, waiting for 16 players to join is a rare sight. Rare as in,
I’ve never seen it happen. And when you ‘do’ end up playing a
game, it will last for a good 5 or 10 minutes at the most before
Photo by ET3 Timothy Walter kicking everyone out of the lobby and forcing you to look for
GROTON, Conn. – Retired Senior Chief Dispensary Clerk Ambrose Dzanis (left) speaks with retired Chief Electronics Technician Richard Leuck (right) from
another game.
Monotony: After the carrot on the stick aspect of unlocking
the Connecticut Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) during the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Travel Show at Morton’s Hall Gymnasium, Oct. 16. In
new weapons, abilities, clothing and titles wears thin, you’ll
addition to providing information on the upcoming MWR trips and events, the event served as a complement to that morning’s Military Retiree Seminar at most likely put the game down and only pick it up again for LAN
Dealey Center, where speakers such as Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE) Commanding Officer, Captain Marc Denno and Commissioner Linda parties. The campaign encounters themselves only have a cer-
S. Schwartz from Connecticut State Veteran’s Affairs provided updates on the state of SUBASE and on the changes in government programs for retirees. tain amount of replayability, and a good deal of poorly scripted
Several of the speakers from the seminar manned tables at the MWR Travel Show to provide further assistance on the topics they discussed. Over 25 dif- missions will leave you with a headache.
ferent organizations were present at the Travel show with information on topics such as Tricare, military funeral honors, and the Navy Marine Corps Relief
Society Visiting Nurse Service, among others. TLDR
Lost Planet 2 could have been something really amaz-
ing, given the gorgeous details, interesting cooperative

Now showing at ‘ShoreGrass’ performs at campaigns, and entertaining multiplayer, but often takes
a back seat to painfully obvious design flaws. Gamers will
spend as much time sitting in lobbies as actually playing

Dealey Center Theater North Haven church the game, which is only fun if you are running Call of
Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in the background.
“ShoreGrass,” a blue-
Oct. 22 Kris Allen, American Idol Free Concert
6:30 p.m. doors open show is at 7:30 p.m.
grass band from the
Connecticut shoreline
RATING: 6.5/10
Oct. 23 5:00 p.m. The American comprised of Frank and
Big guns, big bugs… and more big bugs.
7:00 p.m. Resident Evil: Afterlife Barbara Shaw (banjo
Oct. 24 5:00 p.m. Resident Evil: Afterlife and guitar) and various [Want to see a game reviewed? Have some smack
Oct. 25 6:00 p.m. The American musicians on mando- talking to do? E-mail, and
Oct. 26 6:00 p.m. Resident Evil: Afterlife lin, bass, fiddle, and address it to Sailor’s Game Locker (or SGL).]
Oct. 27 6:00 p.m. The American Dobro, will perform
Oct. 28 6:00 p.m. Resident Evil: Afterlife at the North Haven
The American Cast: George Clooney, Thekla Reuten,
Rated: R, Story Type: Romance, Thriller and Adaptation,
Congregational Church
in North Haven, Oct.
30 at 7 p.m., with a
Ghouls and Ghosts at
Bill Memorial Library
Runtime: 95 min. receotion to follow.
Resident Evil: Afterlife Cast: Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, The group has per-
Rated: R, Story Type: Action/Adventure, Suspense/Horror, formed locally as well
Thriller and Sequel, Runtime: 96 min. as around the Northeast since 1996. Their music is a mix of tradi- Visit the Haunted Library, Oct. 30 from 7 to 9 p.m., at
tional bluegrass, early country, gospel, and folk songs, as well as
Next Week: original pieces reflecting their roots in contemporary music. the Bill Memorial Library in the City of Groton. Admission
Tickets are $100, $5 for students, children ages 12 and under will be $5 for adults, $3 for children under 12 and $1 if
Alpha and Omega, you are brave enough to walk through a second time.
admitted free. There will be a Ham Dinner at 5:30 p.m. prior to the
and Devil concert. For reservations, call the church office at (203) 239-5691. Enter through the front door and exit through the grave-
Dinner tickets are $10 with reservations, $14 at the door. yard ... and prepare to be scared. This event is not suitable
For more information visit for young children under the age of 8.
6 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010 • THE DOLPHIN • 7
8 • THE DOLPHIN • Thursday, October 21, 2010

Providence leaves for deployment VA ...

Continued from page 1
In his VA ad debut, Kugler VA’s job assistance can prepare
urges combat veterans transi- you for a career.
tioning back to civilian life to “Want to buy a house?” he
take advantage of the benefits questions. “See if you quali-
and services they’ve earned. fy for a zero-down VA home
“Welcome home!” he says loan.
in the ad. “You’ve served your “It’s your VA,” he concludes.
country. Now that you’ve com- “Take advantage of your ben-
pleted your service, you’ve got efits.”
lots of opportunities for your The ad directs viewers to the
future. “My VA” Web site to sign up
“But health comes first,” he for benefits.
continues. “Sign up for health The “What Lies Ahead”
care at your nearest VA.” ad is slated to run through
“Thinking about a job, or November, Roberts said, fol-
school?” he asks. “The GI Bill lowed by a second ad to run
can help pay for college and through the year’s end.

Photo by MC1 Virginia K. Schaefer

GROTON, Conn. - Crew members from the Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Providence (SSN 719) wave goodbye to family members while
transiting the Thames River. The submarine departed Naval Submarine Base New London starting a scheduled deployment, Oct. 8.

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