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___ January 2019 Pilgrim Crier Dear Friends in Christ, WOW! What a Happy Holly Daze! Did you donate cookies, auction items? Did you help with the meal? Or, how about, did you attend? Did you Enjoy! Did you hear how you did? Ifyou haven’t heard, take time to look for the article in this newsletter. Well, as I write this Advent is almost over, and Christmas is racing upon us. Are you prepared following this time of Waiting and Preparing? John the Baptist called upon us to wait and prepare for the one who was yet to come. John didn’t know the day or the time, nor wito it would be or what this person would look like, but John went out and prepared the way for the Lord. How have we prepared the way for our Lord this Holy season’? Have we taken time to read scripture, pray, attend worship? How about share our faith with others? Thave heard folks from Scandinavian countries historically have tended to be keep things more to themselves, especially things which are more faith related, as being personal. | wonder, though, what would it take for each of us 10 reach out to a neighbor or friend who is either unchurched or not attending a church at this time, and invite them to join you and us for either worship, or some program, study or fun activity, or even to help at Ruby's Pantry? You see, it is from these seeds planted God’s word spreads. Now, they may not agree to come the I* or the So! time, but we never know when it is something in the lives of others is ready to answer yes, I would like 0 come. T know a family who asked some friends to come to various activities and worship over a several year period. Then one time they agreed their child could come to Sunday School with this family’s children. Then, several years down the road, when they were asked to come another time, they said Yes, they would like to. They came and later joined the church. I think of the song, “It Only Takes A Spark”! T hope everyone had a Joy-filled and Peaceful Christmas with families and friends. Peace and Joy. Pastor Lois New Member’s Class: There will be a new member's class meeting on Sunday, January 13", following worship and fellowship time (approximately 11:30 AM). If you are haven’t joined the church and are interested in doing so, please sce Pastor Lois. Anticipated date of new members joining will either be January 20" or 27, during worship. Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 27, 2019 Bible Study, Study on the Lord's Prayer, or Book Study: Pastor Lois would like to offer one or two study’s beginning in February and going through May. These might run during the same months, of one might follow another with a short break between them (1 might run 3- 5 times over 3-5 weeks or 4- 8 weeks, while the next study could start a week or two after the first one ends). Tam looking for suggestions on the type of study you might be interested in, T would anticipate the study will run either an hour or an hour and one half. We can determine this once we know what you would be interested in Tam also wondering if anyone would like to see the Thursday Morning (or some other morning) Bible study over coffee and breakfast at either Norske Nook, or if possible, at the Osseo Family Inn. (This might be an on-going study — or say from September through May.) would love to hear from you what types of study’s and locations you are interested in having start up. Women’s Fellowship January 2019 Women’s Fellowship is fellowship, sharing, and caring provided by all women of our UCC church for all members of our church community. Upcoming events: Dove Healtheare Services: Jan. 20 Mar.17 May 12 July 14 Sept. 1 Nov. 24 Lent: Mar. 14 : CweonGgH Ss iThanks again, ES ae Women’s Fellowship We are a distribution site for Ruby’s the 2" Tuesday of each month at the United Church of Christ (on 10" and Main streets). - ‘Sorting and set-up starts at 2:30 pm and distribution goes from 4:30-6pm with clean-up 6-7pm, Our next Ruby's Pantry ASHLEY’S ANGELS A huge thank you to everyone who so generously participated in this program, I delivered 7 large boxes of gifts that I know will make Christmas much brighter for five local girls. Thank you again! Kathy Thomas UncFficial United Church of Christ - Congregational Church Council Meeting December 13th ,2018 pastor Lois opened with a prayer, then we had a potluck eupper together before the meeting. Dennis called the meeting to order. Attendance: Yammy Johnson, Dennis Frame, Ann Soiney, Lynne Anderson, Rocky Taompson, Mary Robbins, Pastor Lois, Duane Fredrick, Cheri Wathke Financial Secretary Report: Submitted and reviewed. ‘Treasurer's Report: submitted and reviewed, ‘Ann made @ motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, Freddie seconded that motion and all approved. Pastor's Report: Pastor has done more hone visits and has received some feedback from the letters that went out to some inactive members to meet with the Pastor. Those visite will continue after the holidays unless people wish for a visit before then. Boards and Committees: Ministry of Worship: Communion will be December 16" and January pot. Christmas eve service will be at 4:30pm; Deb will play and the Gaoiz will sing. Next meeting February 4°" at Spm. christian Ed: Birthday party for Jesus will be at 9am on Decenber 16M as well as the children’s program that will be held during worship. This board will bring to the annual meeting the request to lower the hunber of board menbers as it is difficult to get people to commit to be on the board. Next meting February 7 at 6pm. Trustees: Set up the star and the nativity. Checked outside doors as they sometimes do not close on their own. Repaired some pews and did Gther odd jobs deemed necessary. Women’s Fellowship: Helly Daze was a big success with profits of over $4000. Thank You to averyone that made that happen. New Business: Safe Sanctuary policy was discussed. Rocky made a motion to amend that policy to state that two adults shall always be present for children’s activities or programs; Ann seconded that motion and ell approved. Also in that discussion the Advocacy Panel will consist of the Moderator, Pastor and one other person. The 2019 budget was discussed, Rocky made a motion that each of the paid staff positions (secretary: janitor, and pianist) would receive a $150 cost of living increase to their salary: Cheri seconded that motion and all approved. Lyane made a motion to approve the proposed 2019 budget; Ann seconded that motion and Bll approved, Annual meeting will be on January 27‘ with a potluck funch following worship. Reports due on January 13", Note: if anyone wishes to give the paid staff a bonus it can be given to Rocky and he will forward it to the said person. Next meeting will be the Annual meeting on January 27¢h ‘tammy Johnson, clerk

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