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1st Grade Lesson Plan 1.

1. Goal: To keep the steady beat; practice rhythm tapping; present s-m

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID ta and ti ti in songs and patterns
 ID sounds as so or mi
 ID fast/slow, high/low
 Describe the music staff

3. Materials: ta/ti ti cards; scarves; rhythm sticks

4. Procedure
1. Hello’s

2. Ta / Ti ti Rhythm Warm-Up

3. Animals with Long Ears

 Move to match high/low sounds with scarves

4. Hey Hey
 Class sings whole song together
 T. has first phrase of song on the music staff
 Review lines/spaces and numbers
 Students sing phrase with “high/low”
 T. explains that “high/low” have music names called so/mi
 Write S for so and M for mi sounds under staff
 Show hand signs and echo first phrase
 Have students complete second phrase on the staff, then echo with
hand signs
 Play game!

5. Hey Hey Whatdya Say?

 Use rhythm sticks for activity!

6. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment of ta and ti ti rhythms, hand signs

singing, and rhythm tapping
6. Homework: None

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