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NIM : 18178001


Interlanguage is a language created by the learner when they attempt to communicate in
the target language. Interlanguage is affected by the learner's native language as they use their
native language knowledge to understand and organize the second language or to compensate for
existing competency gaps. Since that, it never be easy. There will be some error or mistake that
arise during the learning process. This condition is called as fossilization. It occurs when certain
mistakes seem to be impossible to correct in spite of the ability and motivation, learners cannot
rectify and replace it with correct usage. Moreover, Selinker mentions that fossilization consist
some process are:

1. Over generalization
2. Transfer of training
3. Language Training
4. Strategies of SLL
5. Strategies of SLL Communication

However, it is never clear enough about the definition of fossilization. According to Han
& Odlin in Nushi, mention that lacks a unified definition of fossilization which make it has been
quite arbitrary to determine fossilization. Then, fossilization has not been adequately investigated
empirically. Therefore, it needs an analytic model that seeks to predict and account for both the
fossilizable. L1 markedness and L2 input robustness may be combined in different ways, creating
zones of fossilization and acquisition respectively. It uses to make a hypothesis which L1
markedness is conceived of as a composite of two sub-variables, frequency and variability.
Similarly, the L2 input robustness variable comprises two dimensions, frequency and variability.
The use of formula can be adjustment related to the conditions.
Nushi, M. 2016. On the Role of L1 Markedness and L2 Input Robustness in Determining
Potentially Fossilizable Language Forms in Iranian EFL Learners' Writing. Journal of
Language and Linguistic Studies

Wei, Li and Vivian Cook. 2009. Contemporary Applied Linguistics: Language for the Real World.
London :Continuum International Publishing Group

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