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Name ____________________________ Date _________________

My Rocket Ship

When I fall asleep, I dream about what it would be like to have a rocket ship. If I had
a rocket ship, my first destination would be the Earth's moon, which is called Luna.
When I got to Luna I would jump all around. Because there is little gravity I would be
able to jump very high. After I finished jumping all over the moon, I would fly to
Saturn and travel around Saturn's beautiful rings. On my way to Saturn, I would try to
avoid a number of Asteroids. Asteroids are large pieces of rocks and minerals. In my
science class I learned that would take me almost my entire life to travel to Pluto.
Pluto is the last Planet in our solar system. Because it's so far from our Sun that it is
super cold. I wish I could see Pluto up close.


1.) What is the name of Earth's Moon?

a. Moona b. Muna c. Mooon d. Luna

2.) Which of the following is true?

a. You wouldn't be able to jump on the moon.

b. The moon's gravity would allow you to jump high.

c. The Earth has less gravity than its moon.

d. None of the above.

3.) What is a unique feature of Saturn?

a. it's a moon b. it has lots of water

c. it bright pink in color d. it has rings

4.) What are asteroids made of?

a. vitamins b. ice

c. plastic d. rock

5.) Why is Pluto a cold planet?

a. it is too close to our Sun b. it's far away from our Sun

c. it's outside our solar system d. has no moons

6.) Which planet do think is furthest from our Sun?

a. Luna b. Pluto c. Earth d. Saturn

Name: ______________________ Date: ______________________

Reading Comprehension Worksheet

A Little Princess

By Frances Hodgson Burnett

But Lottie was a determined little person. If Sara would not tell her where she lived,
she would find out in some other way. She started late one afternoon on a voyage of
discovery, climbing stairs she had never known the existence of, until she reached
the attic floor. There she found two doors near each other, and opening one, she
saw her beloved Sara standing upon an old table and looking out of a window.

“Sara!” she cried, “Mamma Sara!” She was aghast because the attic was so bade
and ugly. Sara turned round at the sound of her voice. What would happen now? If
Lottie began to cry and any one chanced to hear. She jumped down from her table
and ran to the child. “Don’t cry and make a noise,” she implored. “Isn’t it?” gasped
Lottie, and as she looked round it she bit her lip. She was a spoiled child yet, but she
was fond enough of her adopted parent to make an effort to control herself for her
sake. It was quite possible that any place in which Sara lived might turn out to be
nice. “Why isn’t it, Sara?” she almost whispered. Sara hugged her close and tried to
laugh. She had a hard day and had been staring out of the windows with hot eyes.
“You can see all sorts of things you can’t see downstairs,” she said. “What sort of
things?” demanded Lottie, with the curiosity. “Chimneys are quite close to us with
smoke curling up in wreaths and clouds and going up into the sky and sparrows
hopping about and talking to each other just as if they were people and other attic
windows. It all feels as high as if it was another world.” “Oh, let me see it!” cried
Lottie. “Lift me up!” Sara lifted her up, and they stood on the old table together and
looked out. The sparrows twittered and hopped. Two of them perched on the
chimney top nearest and quarreled with each other fiercely until one pecked the
other and drove him away.

Answer the Questions.

1. What did Lottie find when she reached the attic floor?

2. How did Sara make Lottie curious?

3. What was Lottie fond of?

4. What did they see from the window?

5. Are these statements True or False:

A. Lottie was a determined person.

B. The attic was furnished and tidy.

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