CT Problem Procedures

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Recommended Practice: Wells: CTU Operations - Problem Procedures Page 1 of 29

Alaska Drilling and Wells

RP: Wells: CTU Operations - Problem Procedures
Formerly: PE Manual: Coiled Tubing Operations
Section: Problem Procedures


Authority: Custodian:
Operation Supervisor Engineer
Document Control
Scope: Wells: Coiled Tubing Control
Alaska Wells Group
Issue Date: January 22, 2002 Issuing Dept:
Revision Date: October 30, 2008 Control Tier: Tier 4
Next Review Date: October 30, 2012


© 2009 BP America Inc. (for all US copyright notices) All rights reserved.
This document contains confidential information, which is the exclusive and proprietary property of BP America Inc. and affiliates.
In whole or part, this document or its attachments MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose
without the express written permission of BP America Inc. or affiliates.

1.0 Purpose/Scope
This section provides guidelines for the Wells Wellsite Leaders on how to handle problems that can occur
while supervising coiled tubing operations on the North Slope.

Note: Section 7.0 contains Lessons learned from the field.

2.0 Definitions
CTU Coiled Tubing Unit
BOP Blowout Preventors
WSL Wellsite Leader

3.0 General Requirements

This section provides information on the equipment and recommended rig up procedures for coiled tubing
operations on the North Slope.

4.0 Key Responsibilities

Well Operations Supervisor is responsible for:
 Designating the person to update manual as necessary to incorporate new policies or procedures

Wellsite Leaders are:

 Responsible for implementing ADW Emergency Management Plan notifications, as required by
incident criticality.
 Responsible for identifying and submitting changes to the procedures and methodology based on new
technology and new and better ways of performing work
 Update the manual based on changes as a result of Root Cause Investigations

5.0 Procedure

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Control Tier: 4 - ADW Revision Date: 10/30/2006
Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
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Coiled tubing problems have been greatly reduced in the last several years, primarily due to better
manufacturing quality control, but also because of improved operating practices. A coil is routinely
replaced, while it is still in relatively good condition, at 600,000 –750,000 running feet (Schlumberger
determines replacement time in conjunction with BP). A UTIM is an eddy current measuring device
utilized to determine ovality problems with the coil. The device is placed after the counter on the coil and
measures ovality in real time. Ovalities outside the recommended limits generate an alarm so that that
area in the coil can be checked with an ultrasonic thickness tool to determine if it is an ovality or wall
thickness problem. Standard operating practices also consist of monitoring coil cycles so that 80% of coil
life is not exceeded. Operators and well site supervisors should only exceed these limits after discussion
with Schlumberger and the Well Operations Supervisor.

Typical coiled tubing problems that may be encountered and suggested procedures to solve these problems
are presented in this section. The main problems have been divided into the following seven categories
and are discussed below: Coiled Tubing Leaks, Pressure Control Equipment Leaks, Stuck Coiled Tubing,
Runaway Coil, Loss of CTU Hydraulics, Pad Shutdowns, Cutting Coiled Tubing, Free Point Calculations,
and Well Killing.

Remember that each job and situation is unique. This section provides techniques that have worked in the
past and may be a solution to a problem that is encountered by a PE. Review these suggestions; consider
the facts and circumstances of the specific job, use common sense and a sound engineering approach to
solve the problem that may be encountered.


Coiled tubing leaks can be in the form of pinholes, split coil, parted coil, or kinked coil. These problems
can occur either above or below the stripper. Problems above the stripper have a greater environmental
threat but are easier to deal with from an operational standpoint. If the problem occurs below the stripper,
the coiled tubing unit operator may not have a good indication that there is a problem nor the severity of
the problem.

The most common problem (even though it does not occur frequently) is a pinhole leak caused by coil
damage, corrosion, erosion, a small factory defect, excessive runs in chrome tubing or a combination of
these factors. Split coil, parted coil, or kinked coil generally manifest themselves when the coil is in high
tension or compression below the injector head.

Parted coil most often occurs near surface where coil tension is highest. Kinked coil is caused by
excessive coil compression, which generally occurs at either the surface, between the injector head and the
stripper; or at the bottom of the coil, just above the bottom hole assembly. Excessive compression can
easily be caused by trying to snub into a well with a high wellhead pressure and a very tight stripper, by
setting down too much weight when on bottom, or by excessive upward force on the BHA from well
pressure below plugs once the plug becomes free. If wellhead pressure is high, > 1200 psi, a large
compressive force is created when trying to enter the well (2886 lb compression with 1.75” coil against
1200 psi, 4330 lb with 1800 psi wellhead pressure). The area between the injector head and the stripper is
an area where the coil can easily kink because there is no support for the coil in this spot. Once deflection
begins the coil can quickly bend or crumple, so extreme care should be taken when initially entering a
well with a high wellhead pressure.

The amount of compressive load that can be affected down hole is a function of the tubular diameters and
hole angle. High angle holes distribute compressive loading over a greater length of the coil due to coil
buckling and friction at numerous contact points with the tubing. For this reason, it is difficult to achieve
high compressive loads on bottom in a directional well unless there is a severe dogleg. As the ID of the
wellbore tubulars increase, so do the chances of kinking coil in the hole when in compression. With
decreased coil support, the bending and deflection increase as the contact points up the hole are reduced,
which equates to more set down weight on bottom.

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Coiled tubing leaks at surface can often be controlled quickly if check valves have been installed in the
tool string and function as designed. The checks limit the amount of live fluid which can enter the coil
and reduce the amount which is available to escape. Coil leaks which develop downhole result in loss of
fluid placement control during a job and become an environmental problem when brought to surface.
Downhole leaks can also prevent fluid from reaching the nozzle and result in, or cause, a stuck coil.

The following procedures to handle a leak in coiled tubing have been divided into two sections. First,
leaks with functioning check valves installed and second, leaks without functioning check valves.

5.2 Leaks with Functional Check Valves

With functioning check valves, there are four types of leaks that can occur and which are dealt with

Case 1: Minor Leak Develops in Coil at Surface

1. Stop running in hole. Stop pumping and bleed the coiled tubing pressure off at surface. The coiled
tubing pressure should drop to zero if the check valves are holding. Evaluate the leak. Notify the
Well Operations Supervisor and report any spill.
2. Notify appropriate personnel that there is a leak / spill (659-5700 @ GPB). Do not shut down to wait
for Spill Control / Environmental to arrive
3. If acid is in the coil, RIH to put the leak below the stripper. Flush the acid out of the coil with a
different fluid such as water or MeOH (if cold weather). POOH. For all other fluids, POOH.
Note: Have personnel stay away from wellhead and CTU reel while POOH until the leak is spooled
onto the reel and a layer of coiled tubing has been wrapped over the leak.
4. While POOH, reduce the stripper pressure to a minimum. Reduce the reel pressure (tension).
Attempt to get a layer of coil spooled back onto the drum. Wrapping the leak back onto the drum
should minimize the spill area, especially as the leak is covered by another layer of spooled coiled
5. Call out a dirty vac truck to suck up fluids that have leaked from the coil into the reel sump.
6. Consider flowing the well (without gas lift) or pumping down the backside to reduce the wellhead
7. If the well is shut in but has a flowline hooked up, consider the option of flowing the well to reduce
differential pressure on the check valves while POOH.
8. When coil is at surface, blow down coil with N 2. Return to yard and repair or change out coiled

Case 2: Severe Leak Develops in Coil at Surface

1. Stop pumping immediately and do not move the coil. Assess the severity of the damage. If the check
valves hold pressure, the coil should bleed off very quickly if it is fluid packed. Notify the Well
Operations Supervisor.
2. Notify appropriate personnel that there is a leak / spill (659-5700 @ GPB). Do not shut down to wait
for Spill Control / Environmental to arrive.
3. If possible, try to spool the leak back onto the drum to minimize spillage. This will also raise the coil
off bottom so that it can be cut and dropped if necessary. With the leak back onto the drum and the
checks holding, continue pulling out of the hole. Freeze protect as much of the coil as possible.
4. Call out a dirty vac truck to suck up fluids that have leaked from the coil into the reel sump.

If the coil cannot be moved, proceed as follows:

5. Record the string weight, set the coiled tubing slips and slack off weight to ensure they are holding.
Close the pipe rams.
6. Kill the well by pumping kill weight fluid through the pump-in sub and into the coiled tubing by
tubing annulus.

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7. Cut out the bad section of coiled tubing and make a cold roll connection or install a spoolable, dimple
connector (depending on pipe weight). Pull test the connection to 10% above the last up weight
before releasing the coiled tubing slips. Pull the coil to neutral weight. Equalize the pressure across
the rams. Retract the slips and pipe rams and pull out of the hole.
Note: See the detailed procedure in “Cutting Coiled Tubing”. Prior to undertaking this step, a
detailed procedure and hazard assessment must be prepared.

Case 3: Parted Coil at Surface

1. If the pipe parts below the injector head and falls through the BOP stack, verify that the coiled tubing
is below the BOP stack by closing swab valve. Actuate the upper blind/shear rams to regain well
2. If the pipe parts above the injector head and the coil does not fall into the hole:
a.) Actuate the coiled tubing slips. Slack off weight with the injector, to be sure they are holding.
b.) Close the pipe rams for additional pressure control. The check valves should contain the coil
pressure. Notify the Well Operations Supervisor.
c.) Notify appropriate personnel that there is a spill (659-5700 at GPB). Do not shut down to wait
for Spill Control / Environmental to arrive.
d.) Kill the well by pumping kill weight fluid through the pump-in sub and into the coiled tubing by
tubing annulus.
e.) Cut out the bad section of coiled tubing and make a cold roll connection or install a spoolable,
dimple connector (depending on pipe weight) . Pull test the connection to 10% above the last up
weight before releasing the coiled tubing slips. Pull the coil to neutral weight. Equalize the
pressure across the rams. Retract the slips and pipe rams and pull out of the hole. (Last up
weight can be obtained from the CTU data file if uncertain of weight before part occurred).
Note: See the detailed procedure in “Cutting Coiled Tubing”. Prior to undertaking this step, a
detailed procedure and hazard assessment must be prepared.

Case 4: Coil Leak is Suspected in the Hole

1. If the job has not started, begin pulling out of the hole.
a) Try to minimize the pressure inside the coiled tubing by flowing the well without gas lift and
consider displacing the coiled tubing with fresh water before pulling the leak to surface to reduce
the environmental impact. The decision to pump fresh water as opposed to a freeze protect fluid
will depend on the weather conditions.
b) Upon reaching the suspected bad section of pipe, pull out slowly and prepare to contain the
possible spray from the leak with a tarp.
2. If the job is in progress, you will need to decide either to abort job or continue with the operation. If
only a pinhole is suspected and job safety is not jeopardized, consider whether the job can be finished
with minimal coil movement. Displace coil with fresh water if possible. When the leak is pulled to
surface, proceed to Case 1 “Minor Leak Develops In Coil At Surface”. Before POOH, consider
calling out a dirty vac truck to suck up fluids that may leak from the coil into the reel sump.
3. If conditions such as a severe pressure drop or weight loss indicate the coil may be parted down hole,
proceed to the next section, "Leaks Without Functional Check Valves" Case 3.

5.3 Leaks Without Functional Check Valves

The primary consideration in this case is the leak severity. Without check valves, or with checks that have
failed, the coil pressure cannot be bled off and considerable loss of wellbore fluids via the inside of the coil
can result.

Case 1: Minor Leak Develops in Coil at Surface

1. Pull out of the hole.
2. While pulling out, slowly pump water or MeOH. This will help keep the well from unloading the
coil. Remember that the heavier the liquid the better and that fresh water is also less environmentally

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VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
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damaging. The ambient weather conditions should be a factor in the choice of liquid. Call out a dirty
vac truck to suck up fluids that have leaked from the coil into the reel sump.
3. If the tubing is already full of oil and gas, consider flowing the well, without gas lift, to reduce the
pressure outside the coil. On the other hand, if the tubing has been heavily loaded with water,
flowing the well could make the situation worse by producing hydrocarbons up the coil.

Case 2: Severe Leak Develops in Coil at Surface

1. Attempt to get the leak back onto the drum to minimize the spill area. If the leak is from damaged
coil between the injector head and the stripper, the coiled tubing may part and drop downhole. If the
leak is too severe to safely continue pulling out or is environmentally disastrous, park the coil.
2. Record the current string weight, set the tubing slips, and slack off some weight to ensure they are
holding. If the coil is in compression (that is negative weight), pick up a little overpull, about 2000 to
3000 lbs to be sure the slips are set.
3. Close the pipe rams.
4. Actuate the lower blind/shear rams to cut the coiled tubing. Pick up the cut coiled tubing to above the
upper blind/shears and close them. At this time, you should have control of the well. Screw in the
lock down lugs on the slips, pipe, and upper blind rams in case of leaks in the unit’s hydraulic system.
Notify the Wells Operations Supervisor.
5. Notify appropriate personnel that there is a leak / spill (659-5700 @ GPB). Do not shut down to wait
for Spill Control / Environmental to arrive.
6. Rig up to the outer 2 inch valve on the pump-in sub, below the BOPs, and kill the well. Methods to
kill wells are discussed at the end of the section. If the pump-in sub cannot be used, use the S-Riser
service valve, referred to as Cosasco valve, to kill the well. Remember to bleed off several times
above the pipe rams during the kill operation to vent any gas and live oil from inside the coil string.
The entire volume of the coil may need to be bled off as kill weight fluid is circulated down the
backside and up the coiled tubing. When bleeding from above the pipe rams, line up to the upstream
side of the choke skid and bleed to return tanks rather than to a slop trailer.
Note: If the well is cold, be sure to precede the kill water with a 5 barrel slug of MeOH to prevent
forming a slush plug in the well.
Caution: Attempting to pump through the coil while in the slips should be performed carefully, since
the piston effect down on the coil could pump the coil fish out of the slips.
7. Once the well is killed, start fishing the coiled tubing out of the BOP stack. Bait the fish by setting an
overshot over the coil stub with a "GS" compatible profile looking up, using a wireline unit. Prepare
a detailed procedure and hazard assessment before proceeding with this step.
8. Latch onto the overshot with the coil string, using the "GS" tool and pick up enough distance to make
a cold-roll coiled tubing connection.
9. Install a cold-roll connector or a spoolable, dimple connector (depending on pipe weight). Pull test
the connection to 10% above the last up weight before releasing the coiled tubing slips. Retract the
slips and pull out of the hole.

Case 3: Coil Leak is Suspected in the Hole

You will need to decide either to abort job or continue with the operation. In most cases job safety is
now jeopardized so aborting the job and pulling out of the hole is the prudent choice. Discuss with
the Well Operations Supervisor.
1. Begin to pull out of hole. Try to minimize the pressure inside the coiled tubing by either flowing the
well without gas lift or killing the well. Consider displacing the coiled tubing with fresh water before
pulling the leak to surface to reduce the environmental impact. The ambient weather conditions
should be a factor in the choice of liquid. Before POOH, consider calling out a dirty vac truck to suck
up fluids that may leak from the coil into the reel sump

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Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
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2. When reaching the suspected bad section of pipe, pull out slowly and prepare to contain the possible
spray from the leak with a tarp. If information indicates coiled tubing may have parted down hole,
such as a drastic pressure drop or weight loss, extra care must be taken to avoid a severe surface spill.
3. Stop periodically when the failure point is near surface and cycle the swab valve to get indications
when the bottom of the damaged coil is above the tree, so the well can be closed in. In most instances
the damage will be above the coiled tubing BHA.
4. If a leak is brought to surface, proceed to Case 1 or 2, whichever is appropriate.
Note: If you bump up early, damaged coil may be preventing you from passing through the brass
guides at the bottom of the stripper. Check the swab valve to see if the coil is across the tree. If the
coiled tubing is across the tree, proceed to Case 2, step 2 as the coil will have to be cut. If the coiled
tubing is not across the tree, close the swab and bleed off. Repair the damaged coiled tubing.


5.4.1 Stripper Leaks
Stripper elements in the injector head assembly, sometimes referred to as the packoffs, can suddenly lose
their ability to form a seal around the coil, due to wear or a mechanical failure. The number of coil trips a
stripper can handle depends upon many factors like stripper hardness, coil smoothness, effectiveness of
the coil lubrication system, the temperature of the fluid being pumped, and the stripper pressure that is

Without adequate lubrication, strippers can completely grip the coil while going in the hole. This can
cause coil failure between the stripper and the injector head chains. Previously, lubrication consisted of
spraying diesel at the reel but this sometimes caused drippings on the ground. Now the stripper housings
have a small ported orifice so lubrication is applied right at the stripper. This has the advantage of
placing the lubrication where it is needed, yet it is inconvenient as the lubrication point is not readily
visible so it is difficult to verify that the coil is being adequately lubricated.

Temperature also affects the packoffs. Stripper elements will soften when heated by warm fluids. This
tends to increase the gripping tendency of the elements making it more difficult to run in or out of the
wellbore. The more a coil is moved through a warm stripper, the more the tendency for the stripper to
wear and permanently deform, shortening its useful life. On the other hand, a cold stripper element can
be too stiff in Arctic conditions to properly seal with the piston pressure applied to them. Steps for Small Stripper Leaks

1. a) Try increasing the stripper piston pressure until it stops.
b) Cycle the stripper pressure.
c) Do not allow a small leak to continue, because high velocity gas can cut the elements and make
the leak more severe.
2. If stripper hydraulic pressure is at a maximum and the leak will not stop, the stripper is probably
damaged. The coil should be pulled out of the hole, if possible, and the stripper elements changed
3. If the leak cannot be stopped by stripper hydraulic pressure, and the coil cannot be pulled out, follow
the procedure outlined below for severe stripper leaks. Steps for Severe Stripper Leaks

1. Note the current string weight, set the slips on the coil, and either slack off or pick up coil weight
from 3000 to 5000 lbs, depending upon whether current weight is positive or negative, to be sure the
slips are holding.
2. Set the pipe rams and be sure the rams are holding. Screw in the BOP lock down lugs on the pipe
rams and slips to prevent ram movement. Bleed off the lubricator.
3. Notify the Well Operations Supervisor. The coil depth and leak severity should be considered when
determining the next step. Discuss whether either to kill well, flow well without gas lift to reduce

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Control Tier: 4 - ADW Revision Date: 10/30/2006
Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
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well head pressure or to proceed without reducing well head pressure during stripper repair. Prepare
a detailed procedure and hazard assessment before proceeding with this step.
4. Change out the stripper elements. If the injector head is high above the well house this is a difficult
task. You will need either a manlift or a crane with a man basket for the men to work from. In sub
zero weather, plan on stringing together three heater hoses to warm the stripper since the energizer
element around the split stripper segments will have to be separated from the stripper elements. This
job is often difficult if the stripper is very cold. Be aware of the fluid in the coil and surface
equipment during sub zero weather. If pumping is not an option, apply heat to the reel house and
exposed coil immediately if freezable fluid is in the coil. In windy conditions, risk assess the use of a
man lift prior to commencing activities. Man lifts can be arranged through heavy equipment/ICE
central dispatch at 659-5049. Man lifts are available in 60’, 80’, 100’ and 125’ sizes. The 100’ and
125’ man lifts are third party but are all arranged through heavy equipment/ICE. In general most man
lifts are rated up to 25 mph but this must be confirmed for the specific lift on location.
5. Energize the new stripper and equalize the lubricator pressure with the well head pressure.
6. Open the pipe rams. Set the string weight to the previous value and open the slips. Proceed with
normal operations.

5.4.2 O-Ring Leaks

When an O-ring or chevron seal between the BOP stack and the stripper fails, you will need to secure the
pipe and restore pressure control.
1. Note the current string weight, set the slips on the coil, and either slack off or pick up coil weight
from 3000 to 5000 lbs, depending upon whether current weight is positive or negative, to be sure the
slips are holding.
2. Set the pipe rams and be sure the rams are holding. Screw in the BOP lock down lugs on the pipe
rams and slips to prevent ram movement. Bleed off the lubricator.
3. Notify the Well Operations Supervisor of the situation. The coil depth and leak severity should be
considered when determining the next step. Discuss whether to kill well, flow well without gas lift to
reduce well head pressure, or to proceed without reducing well head pressure during O-ring repair.
Prepare a detailed procedure and hazard assessment before proceeding with this step.
4. Back off the quick union where the O-ring is leaking and walk the injector head up the tubing, by
operating the injector as if running the coil in the hole slowly, while raising the trolley hoist, to help
support the total injector head and guide arch weight.
5. If a spare O-ring is already on the lubricator, roll it down into place. Otherwise, repair the O-ring
with a standard patch kit.
6. Walk the injector head back down and make up the quick union.
7. Flow the well to decrease the well head pressure. Pressure test the new O-ring to a value comparable
to the current well head pressure being careful not to collapse the coil due to insufficient coil pressure.
8. Set the string weight to the original setting, screw-out the lock down lugs on the BOP’s. Equalize
pressure across the pipe rams and open the pipe rams.
9. Retract the pipe slips.
10. If a spare O-ring was rolled into place, continue with job. Otherwise, pull out of the hole to change
out the patched O-ring and install a spare O-ring.

5.4.3 Leaks at the BOPs

Leaks rarely develop in the BOP stack or below them. All connections below the BOPs should be flanged
connections to comply with BP North Slope specifications. The pump-in subs have a 5000 psi working
pressure and should have two 5000 psi flanged valves on the inlet thus a leak below the BOPs is extremely
rare. Since the pipe rams are on the bottom of the BOP stack, the odds are favorable that if a BOP leak
developed, it would be above the pipe rams and therefore can be isolated from the well pressure. The
severity of the leak and the depth of the coil will determine what should be done.

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VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
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 If the leak is at a flanged connection, the connection should be made up tighter, which usually will
stop the leak.
The leak severity in the BOPs is a judgment call from a HSE standpoint. Remember that a fire or
explosion can damage the hydraulic hoses going to the BOPs rendering them useless. Moreover, the
environmental cleanup cost can quickly become equal to the potential cost of a workover to remove the
coil fish.

If the leak:
 Is not large and will be contained by the well house and cellar,
 Does not involve dangerous levels of H2S,
 Prompts gas venting but there is no other operation onsite, especially down wind,
 Prompts gas venting and the wind is not blowing toward the coil unit,
 Is liquids and they are not extremely toxic and can be contained inside the well house during the trip
Then an attempt to get the coil out should be considered rather than cutting and dropping the coil. Case 1: Minor Leak

1. Continue to pull out of the hole. Shut-in gas lift. Notify the Well Operations Supervisor. Make
preparations for the possibility of the leak becoming more severe.
2. Pump water or MeOH down the coiled tubing by tubing annulus to reduce well head pressure if
possible. If this is not possible, flow the well without gas lift, to reduce the leak when well head
pressures are high from a large gas cap.
3. Take careful note of wind shifts so gas is not blown toward the coil unit. Open all wellhouse doors to
provide better insulation.
4. Remove ignition sources from down wind of wellhouse. Move or hit ESD button on portable heaters
or triplexes close to the wellhouse. Case 2: Serious Leak

1. Stop the coil.
a) If possible enter the well house to determine exactly where the leak is located. If it is above the
tubing rams, close the rams to isolate the leak from the well. Shut-in the gas lift and begin flowing
the well to drop the well head pressure and remove the gas cap.
b) If it is not possible to enter the well house to evaluate the situation and or do any work, try shutting
the pipe rams in the hope the leak is above them. Once again, try to reduce well head pressure.
c) If well is still leaking, open the pipe rams back up while cutting the pipe with the lower blind/shear
rams as quickly as possible. If possible to shut the swab valve, close the valve. Count the turns so
that you know if the coiled tubing has dropped below the swab valve. If it is not possible to safely
close the swab valve, actuate the SSV from the well house panel. (Not an option unless fusible cap
removed and panel normaled up ahead of time) Close the manual master valve as an additional
precaution. If the coil does not clear any of the wellhead valves, leave location and activate ERT.
d) Raise the coil above the upper blind/shear rams and close them.
2. Notify the Well Operations Supervisor of the situation. Notify the appropriate personnel of spill (659-
5700 at GPB).
3. Prepare a detailed procedure and hazard assessment before proceeding.
4. a) If the tree is holding, rig back the injector and lubricator. ND the BOP’s.
b) Install and pressure test new BOP’s.
c) Rig up hard line to the pump-in sub and prepare to kill the well.

5.5 Stuck Coiled Tubing Procedures

The well conditions and job situations which can lead to stuck coiled tubing are varied. Only common
causes experienced will be discussed. The main causes for stuck coil are:
 Solids have formed a bridge between the coiled tubing and the well bore.
 A cement sheath in the wellbore has fallen and wedged the coil.
 Down hole tools have become jammed in a restriction or caught on a square shoulder.

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Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
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 Coiled tubing is cemented in the hole from a squeeze operation. This situation is discussed in the
“Squeeze Cementing with Coiled Tubing” section.
 Differential sticking in the perforations or at a hole in the tubulars.

5.5.1 Solids Bridges

The most common cause of stuck coil is solids buildup around the coil and the coil BHA during a fill
cleanout or an underreaming operation. The greater the length of fill around a coil, the more friction that
must be overcome to move the coil.

A solids bridge can form around the coil or coil BHA which wedges the string into a fixed position. The
bridges are generally either small wellbore solids that form a sand arch between the coil and the wellbore
tubulars or chunks of debris that have wedged around the coil or tool string. The friction between the coil
and solids, and the solids and wellbore wall becomes so great that the coil cannot be moved. The more the
applied strain, the more solid the sand arch can become if conditions are right.

Squeezing operations often leave a cement sheath in the production liner. This sheath will vary in
thickness, length, and how well it is bonded to the walls of the casing. If the well is underreamed after the
squeeze, the sheath will be reduced in thickness but it may become more fragile and slough in. Running
in and out of the hole that has a cement sheath with coil can dislodge cement particles or pieces of cement
that can wedge around the coil or on a shoulder of the BHA and stick the coil.

The best way to prevent stuck coil from solids buildup is to use good fill cleanout and underreaming
techniques. Good wellbore cleaning is imperative and is discussed in more detail in the Fill Cleanout and
Underreaming chapters of the Coiled Tubing section. Sometimes job conditions like a pump failure (or
running out of fluid), a sudden pressure drop that results in a surge of solids into the well from the
perforations, or a pad shut down will cause a solids bridge and stick the coil.

5.5.2 If the Coil Becomes Stuck

1. Continue circulation if possible. If you are not getting returns, continue to pump. Flag the pipe at
counter wheel at earliest convenience. This helps indicate minor pipe movements which might go
unnoticed by both mechanical and electronic counters.
Note: Take an inventory of your fluids. Make sure that you have enough fluid on location to pump
for several hours (time to work pipe and pump while POOH).
2. Work the coil in the opposite direction from the way the coil was going when it stuck. If a few feet of
progress is made in that direction, begin working the coil back the other way. Usually you discover
the coil sticking while pulling up. So try working the coil down a few feet, then try the up direction
again. Gradually increase the over pull or set down weight in each cycle rather than going to
maximums all at once. Maximum pull is 75% of the minimum ultimate strength of the coiled tubing.
For tapered strings, you need to know what the pipe wall thickness is over the gooseneck, distance to
the next weld, and what part of the coil is stuck (estimate from a free point calculation).
3. Coil circulation may be lost to the surface due to the solids buildup with the pumped fluids simply
going right into the open perforations. If circulation can be established across the solids bridge
continue to pump and consider pumping a high viscosity sweep to help string the solids out. The goal
is to string out the solids to reduce the friction load so the coil can be moved. Try to avoid forming a
sand arch around the coil because its gripping power is tremendous.
4. Avoid working the coil over the gooseneck with high coil pressure, as this drastically reduces the
number of cycles that can be made before suffering permanent coil fatigue or ballooned pipe. Before
the coil has been worked too much, check CoilLife to get an idea of the remaining life of the coil.
5. Always keep track of coiled tubing cycles over the gooseneck. Do not work the pipe continuously
when there is no progress. Attempt to change the downhole conditions to increase your chances of
becoming free, before working the pipe again.
 At some time, it is advisable to determine the coil free point. The calculation and example are
shown at the end of this chapter. Remember that a free point calculation is conservative; the
predicted result is normally shallower than the actual stuck depth.

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6. Try to increase the differential hydraulic pressure across the solids bridge by flowing the well harder,
increasing gas lift, or surging the well. Do this while continuing to work the coil. These techniques
have worked many times.
a.) If fluid can be injected, consider injecting nitrogen down the tubing by coiled tubing annulus to
form a gas cap. Then surge the well through the wing valve to apply a high upward differential
pressure across the problem debris while working the coiled tubing.
b.) If an upward differential pressure does not seem to be working, try pumping down the tubing-
coiled tubing annulus while working the coil to free it. This technique has also proven
c.) If all else fails, consider spotting acid across the problem debris if you feel it is even partially acid
soluble. Allow the acid to soak for at least an hour. If HCl acid is used, a minimum strength of
15% is recommended. If mud acid is considered, use a full strength mixture of HCl and HF
Once the coil starts moving always continue circulating while working the pipe back up the hole slowly.
The distance to come up the hole will depend upon the situation and is a decision of the supervisor. Be
safe and conservative.

5.5.3 Tools Jammed

While running coiled tubing in or out of the hole, the coil tools can get jammed in a restriction or against
a profile in the tubulars. Tubing restrictions can include seating nipples, the entry into the tailpipe, scale
buildup, or a restriction caused by junk getting wedged beside the coil tools. Liner restrictions are
generally a cement sheath, scale buildup or liner damage.

1. If the coil becomes stuck, circulate if possible or continue to circulate. Circulation may dislodge
small debris that has settled beside or above the coil BHA and jammed it against the wall of the hole.
Flag the pipe at counter wheel at earliest convenience. This helps indicate minor pipe movements
which might go unnoticed by both mechanical and electronic counters.
Note: Take an inventory of your fluids. Make sure that you have enough fluid on location to pump
for several hours (time to work pipe and pump while POOH)

2. Work the coil in the opposite direction from the way the coil was moving when it jammed. Gradually
increase the overpull or set down weight with each cycle rather than going to maximums all at once.
If the coil breaks free, work the coil a little before attempting to get past the tight spot again in case
loose debris was contributing to the problem. Attempting to get past the tight spot again should be at
as slow a rate as possible.

3. If scale buildup is the suspected cause of the restriction and you can circulate, spotting acid is an
option that should be considered. A smaller OD coil BHA should be considered for future runs.
Note: Be sure to document the problem, BHA configuration and OD, and the remedy in your
AWGRS report for reference for future coil jobs
4. Avoid working the coil over the gooseneck with high coil pressure, as this drastically reduces the
number of cycles that can be made before suffering permanent coil fatigue or ballooned pipe. Before
the coil has been worked too much, check CoilLife to get an idea of the remaining life of the coil.

5. Always keep track of coiled tubing cycles over the gooseneck. Do not work the pipe continuously
when there is no progress. Attempt to change the downhole conditions to increase your chances of
becoming free, before working the pipe again.
 At some point, it is advisable to determine the coil free point. The calculation and example are
shown at the end of this section. Remember that a free point calculation is conservative; the
predicted result is normally shallower than the actual stuck depth.

6. Try to increase the differential hydraulic pressure across the solids bridge by flowing the well harder,
increasing gas lift, or surging the well. Do this while continuing to work the coil. These techniques
have worked many times.

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a.) Try surging the pump, which is varying the pump rate quickly, in an effort to move the coil down
hole slightly, which may help to reposition the BHA enough to free it. Do this while continuing
to work the coil.
b.) If there are open perforations and if fluid can be injected, consider injecting nitrogen down the
tubing by coiled tubing annulus to form a large gas cap. Then surge the well through the wing
valve to apply a high upward differential pressure across the restriction while working the coiled
c.) If an upward differential pressure does not seem to be working, try pumping down the tubing-
coiled tubing annulus while working the coil to free it. This technique has also proven
d.) If all else fails, consider spotting acid across the problem debris if you feel it is even partially acid
soluble. Allow the acid to soak for at least an hour. If HCl acid is used, a minimum strength of
15% is recommended. If mud acid is considered, use a full strength mixture of HCl and HF

7. If all attempts fail and you have a hydraulic disconnect in the BHA, disconnect from the BHA. If not,
make preparations to cut coil above the free point (See details on coil cutting procedures in this

Once the coil starts moving always continue circulating while working the pipe back up the hole slowly, in
case the BHA was jammed due to loose debris. The distance to come up the hole will depend upon the
situation and is a decision of the supervisor. Be safe and conservative.

If there is a good possibility that damaged coil tools were the cause of the jamming, the tools should be
pulled out of the hole and inspected before proceeding. Likewise, pull the tools and inspect them if there
is a possibility that they were damaged while trying to free them from the tight spot.

5.5.4 Differential Sticking

When the fluids in the well create an overbalanced situation, it is possible to differentially stick the coil
when running through the perforations or past a hole in the casing or liner. Differential sticking is not
limited to drilling but can be caused anytime pipe is pushed against the side of the hole because the
pressure inside the wellbore is greater than the pressure outside the wellbore. In routine coiled tubing
jobs, typically the wells are loaded with KCl or seawater. This condition, in many cases, creates a
pressure differential from the wellbore to the formation. If you run through the perforations while fluid is
moving from the wellbore to the formation, the coil may be pushed to the side of the wellbore and held
there due to the pressure differential. If solids or fines are also present, the problem can be aggravated.
1. If the coil becomes differentially stuck, circulate if possible or continue to circulate. Circulation may
dislodge small debris that has settled beside or above the coil and is helping to hold the coil against
the wall of the hole. It may also allow fluid to move between the coil and the wall of the hole and
mitigate the pressure differential. Flag the pipe at counter wheel at earliest convenience. This helps
indicate minor pipe movements which might go unnoticed by both mechanical and electronic
Note: Take an inventory of your fluids. Make sure that you have enough fluid on location to pump
for several hours (time to work pipe and pump while POOH). If you become differentially stuck
during a FCO, continue to circulate until you are confident that you have any suspended solids out of
the wellbore and then come down on the pumps. The BHP and the differential pressure across the
perfs will decrease as the fluid in the well bleeds out into the reservoir. Continue to work the coil
while shutting down the pumps and allowing the BHP to bleed down.

2. If you can move the coil, work the coil in the opposite direction from the way the coil was moving
when it stuck. Gradually increase the overpull or set down weight with each cycle rather than going
to maximums all at once. If the coil breaks free, work the coil a little before attempting to get past the
perforations again in case loose debris was contributing to the problem.

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3. Avoid working the coil over the gooseneck with high coil pressure, as this drastically reduces the
number of cycles that can be made before suffering permanent coil fatigue or ballooned pipe. Before
the coil has been worked too much, check CoilLife to get an idea of the remaining life of the coil.

4. Always keep track of coiled tubing cycles over the gooseneck. Do not work the pipe continuously
when there is no progress. Attempt to change the downhole conditions to increase your chances of
becoming free, before working the pipe again.

5. Try to decrease differential hydraulic pressure downhole byflowing the well, bleeding off the WHP, or
circulating diesel or crude down the coil and up the backside, or surging the well. Take these
actions while continuing to work the coil. These techniques have worked many times.

6. Try surging the pump, which is varying the pump rate quickly, in an effort to move the coil down hole
slightly, which may help to reposition the BHA or coil enough to free it. Do this while continuing to
work the coil.

7. If crude/diesel does not lighten the column of fluid enough, consider injecting nitrogen down the
coiled tubing to lighten the wellbore fluid column.

8. If all else fails, consider spotting acid across the perfs in case the problem is not differential sticking
and is actually debris which may be partially acid soluble. Allow the acid to soak for at least an hour.
If HCl acid is used, a minimum strength of 15% is recommended.

9. At some point, it is advisable to determine the coil free point. The calculation and example are
shown at the end of this section. Remember that a free point calculation is conservative; the predicted
result is normally shallower than the actual stuck depth.

10. If all attempts fail and you have a hydraulic disconnect in the BHA, disconnect from the BHA. If you
are stuck above the hydraulic disconnect, this will not free the coil. If by releasing at the hydraulic
disconnect, the coil did not come free (or if there is no hydraulic disconnect), make preparations to
cut coil above the free point (See details on coil cutting procedures in this chapter).

Once the coil starts moving always continue circulating while working the pipe back up the hole slowly, in
case debris was adding to the coil sticking. The distance to come up the hole will depend upon the
situation and is a decision of the supervisor. Be safe and conservative.

5.6 Runaway Coil

One of the more frightening coil problems is runaway coil where the coil is either free falling into the hole
or being blown uncontrolled out of it. On the North Slope where the pressures are not high, the more
likely occurrence is coil free falling into the hole. This problem, although very rare, has the possibility of
jeopardizing the security and well being of the people on location and the well to a great extent. The time
for the coil operator to react properly is limited. The momentum a coil reel can develop by the coil free-
falling into the hole is impressive. Since the coil system is not harmonically balanced, the vibrations from
a freely falling coil rapidly build in intensity at the reel and make the operation of the coil unit difficult

5.6.1 Causes:
The most common causes of runaway coil are:
 Loss or failure of the hydraulic system to the injector head drive motors, causing drop in skate
 Buildup of ice, hydrates, or paraffin on the gripper blocks that hold the pipe.

Coil injector head drive motors generally operate at a maximum pressure of 2500 psi. Most of the time
less pressure than this is required to move the pipe. If the hydraulic pressure to the injector head is lost
due to a hose rupture, engine shutdown, pump failure, or air pocket, the coil could start running into the
hole. Once the throttle is placed in the neutral position, the injector motor brakes inside the drive motors

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are supposed to set, essentially hydraulically locking the drive motors. If air is caught in them, or
cavitation occurs, the injector motor brakes are rendered useless.

If ice and snow build up on the chains and gripper blocks, or the stripper head (immediately below) is
allowed to spray wellbore fluids on to the blocks and chains for too long, a buildup on the gripper blocks
can cause the coil to slip through the blocks. Generally slippage starts as small, quick jerks that can be
easily heard and felt in the coil unit. Do not allow the situation to continue. Stop the coil and investigate
immediately. Failure to do so can easily and quickly build into a runaway situation.

5.6.2 If Free Fall Occurs

1. Immediately increase the "in hole" throttle to try to match hydraulic supply volume with the injector
head drive motor usage. Note the system pressures, to try to quickly determine if any additional
hydraulic supply is available to the head.

2. Simultaneously increase traction pressure. If pipe slippage in the gripper blocks is the problem, this
may help.

3. Increase reel pressure. The extra tension could help slow the pipe. Do not set the reel brake. All
caution must be considered before attempting this step, damage to the reel motor and gooseneck could
make the problem worse.

4. If pipe control is re-established, slowly move the injector throttle to the neutral position to completely
stop the pipe. Set the BOP slips followed by the pipe rams. Screw in the lock down lugs on the BOP
and evaluate the cause of the problem before trying to spool the coiled tubing back out of the hole.

5. If pipe control is not re-established, there are two choices.

a.) Let the coiled tubing slide and stack out on bottom. If the coiled tubing is not far from bottom, it
may be more prudent to let it go the rest of the way. Coiled tubing has been stacked out on
bottom and successfully retrieved on the North Slope.
b.) Set the pipe slips. The shock load to the tree from setting the slips on the pipe is likely to be
considerable. However, the shock load will be in the vertical direction.

5.7 If Coiled Tubing is Pumped out of the Hole

1. Immediately increase the "up" throttle to try to match hydraulic supply volume with the injector head
drive motor usage. Note the system pressures to try to quickly determine if any additional hydraulic
supply is available to the head.

2. Simultaneously increase traction pressure. If pipe slippage in the gripper blocks is the problem, this
may help.

3. Increase stripper pressure. The increased drag will help slow the pipe.

4. If pipe control is re-established, slowly move the injector throttle to the neutral position to completely
stop the coiled tubing. Set the BOP slips followed by the pipe rams. If the coil which has been
pumped out of the hole is broken and well fluids are blowing out, shut the lower blind/shears to re-
establish control. Screw in the lock down lugs on the BOP and evaluate the cause of the problem.
Begin preparations to clean up any spill and other material on the location.

5. If pipe control is not re-established there are two choices:

a.) Set the BOP slips and try to stop the coil. (This is the prudent choice - to set the slips on the
coiled tubing.)
b.) Let the coiled tubing get blown all the way out, until the nozzle bumps up against the bottom of
the stripper.

5.8 Loss of Coiled Tubing Unit Hydraulics

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The loss of coiled tubing unit hydraulics can occur in any or several of the following areas:
1. Loss of hydraulics to the injector head drive motors.
2. Loss of hydraulics to the BOP accumulator system.
3. Loss of hydraulics to the reel motor.
4. Loss of hydraulics to the winch, trolley, or mast units.
The first 3 are the most serious since they can lead to a loss of well or coil control. If the main engine
goes down, the main hydraulic supply is lost and everything goes down. Since the BOP system has a
hydraulic accumulator associated with it, sufficient hydraulic supply and pressure would still be retained
to allow you to close all the BOP rams and control the well. There is also a backup manual pump that can
effectively close the rams if the accumulator fails for some reason.

5.8.1 If a Loss of Hydraulics Occurs:

1. Immediately stop the coil, note the string weight, and set the BOP slips.

2. Close the pipe rams.

3. Screw in the lockdown lugs on the BOP pipe and slip rams in case the hydraulics are lost to those

4. Begin tracing the cause of the loss of hydraulic pressure. One of the common problems is that the
drive engine which supplies the main hydraulic pumps has stopped.

5. If the problem cannot be repaired in a timely manner, arrangements should be made to pull another
coil unit beside yours. Install jumper hydraulic supply hoses from it so that your unit can be operated
and the coil pulled out of the hole.

6. If the hydraulics are repaired, allow a few minutes for the system to operate and verify that the system
is functioning properly. Equalize the pressure across the rams and retract the BOP lock down lugs.
Open the pipe rams. Set the coil string weight to the previously recorded value and open the slips.
Proceed with normal operations.

7. If only temporary repairs have been made and if the well can be left in a safe state, abort the job, pull
out of the hole and repair the hydraulic system.

5.9 Pad Shut Down

Pad shut downs are usually a result of a Gathering Center / Flow Station problem which reduces the
production capacity of the facility. Production Control or the Flow Station Control room closes high
volume wells and sometimes entire pads to adjust to the reduced capacity. Unfortunately, coil operations
are seldom notified immediately of pad shut downs. However, pad shut downs may be anticipated if
monitoring “Field BP” or the Flow Station frequency on your trunk radio.

If a pad shut down occurs, you may not immediately notice this at the coil unit unless you are circulating
fluid down the flowline. If circulating and the pad is shut-in, the wellhead pressure will rise indicating a
problem. If this happens, contact Production Control / Flow Station / Drill Site Operator If the pad is
shut-in, the SSV on your well should trip. However, the fusible cap will not allow the SSV to shut on the
coil. The pad operator will eventually contact you at the coil unit to inform you of the situation.

5.9.1 If a Pad Shutdown Occurs

Quickly evaluate its effect upon your operation. The worst case is if you happen to be on doing a cleanout
in which returns are being taken to the system and a lot of solids are in the tubing – coiled tubing annulus.
With the pad down you will be unable to circulate so the solids will settle and possibly stick the coil.

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If the downhole work is in progress and does not require circulation to the flowline / system at any time,
consideration should be given to finishing the job. Keep in mind that if anything unexpected happens
during the job, circulation down the flowline will not be an option.

If the down hole work has not yet started, discuss the situation with the Well Operations Supervisor. It
may be better to suspend the operation until the pad is functional. Remember that most shut downs only
last a few hours.

5.9.2 Pad Shutdowns on Cleanouts

1. If a pad shutdown occurs and returns are going to the system, immediately start out of the hole since
you now are at risk of getting stuck. Continue pumping fluid down the coil while pulling out of the
hole. Fill settling can quickly begin to grab the pipe. Keep the gas lift to the well open since the gas
entry in the tubing might keep the solids somewhat suspended, allowing you to get out of the hole.
Consider including a flowback system in the rig up for fill cleanouts as a contingency – especially if a
pad has a history of unplanned shutdowns.
Note: In freezing conditions, prepare to pump MeOH down the coil. Solids may bridge above and
below the nozzle and cause the coil to become stuck, at which point you may lose the ability to pump
down the coil. If you have sufficient MeOH to pump continuously while pulling to surface,
immediately switch to MeOH to freeze protect the coil. Otherwise, continue pumping water while
watching pump rate and pressure. If you have an open top tank available on the location, switch
returns to the tank and POOH. Shut in any gas lift if switching to an open top tank. Be prepared to
switch to MeOH if your circulation rate starts to diminish.

2. If the solids are trying to grab the coil while pulling out, go back down a few feet then pull back up in
an effort to string out the solids next to the coil and work the solids to below the bottom of the coil

3. If the coil becomes solidly stuck, do not work the pipe excessively until the pad is operational. Once
you are allowed to send production down the flowline, follow the procedures for stuck coil.

5.10 Cutting Coiled Tubing

If a coil is stuck in the hole and cannot be worked free, it must be cut above the stuck point so that it can
be pulled out of the hole. The fish then left in the hole can be fished out with either braided line or
another coiled tubing string with the necessary fishing tools attached. To cut the coil down hole, the coil
must first be cut at surface in order to deploy the chemical cutter.

Before the coiled tubing cutting procedure can begin, the well must be thoroughly killed, both inside and
outside the coil. The coil and upper tubing should also be freeze protected to ensure that icing will not
complicate the operations. Well killing is discussed with examples at the end of this section.

The most critical point in cutting coil is determining at what depth to make the cut. The deepest possible
cut is usually desired so that the shortest coil fish is left in the hole. In some cases, however, it is best to
cut the coil inside the production tubing, where it will be easier to fish rather than inside a 7" liner. If you
decide to cut it inside the tubing, keep in mind the severed coil top will move downhole several feet,
depending on the liner size below. Also a stuck BHA is extremely difficult to recover with several hundred
feet of coil above the BHA since the impact delivered by jars is absorbed by the coil between the jars and
the fish. Discuss the cut depth with the Well Operations Supervisor and fishing experts prior to cutting
the coil.

It is not always certain where the coil is stuck. Stretch calculations, shown at the end of this section, are
required but remember that they are generally conservative – especially in a directional well. That is, the
calculated free point will be shallower than the actual point at which the coil is stuck. Therefore, a free
point indicator tool run on E-line is much more reliable for free point determination and picking the depth
to cut the coil. This data, coupled with knowledge of the circumstances under which the coil became
stuck, will give you the best information for picking the location to cut the coiled tubing. Running the

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free point tool will also provide an indication of any clearance problems that might be encountered when
the chemical cutter is run. (The small OD free pint tool may have to be hot shotted).

5.10.1 Cutting Methods

Two procedures are discussed for cutting the coil. There are actually many variations of these two
procedures that have evolved in the industry. The two procedures differ primarily in the location of the
surface cut point. The position of the initial cut dictates the subsequent operations.
The first procedure, Operation 1, cuts the coil below the injector head. Whereas the second procedure,
Operation 2, cuts the coil above the injector head.

Operation 1 is the quickest and easiest. Particularly in the situation when the coil becomes stuck with a
long lubricator on the well or when the weather is extreme. This procedure can be performed at the
shortest possible distance above the well house. The disadvantage is that you are relying more on the BOP
slips to hold the coil, even with an additional coil clamp installed, than in Operation 2, where the injector
head never releases the coil.

With Operation 2, the injector head always grips the coil. Therefore, there is less chance of dropping the
coil, and a better indication when the coil is successfully cut. Moreover, its advantage is that if the free
point tools or coil cutter hang up before reaching bottom, the coil can be manipulated to help get the tools
to bottom. The disadvantage is that when the injector head is high in the air, working above the injector
with personnel is more difficult and involves more risk performing all the operations.

Any coil cutting operation is a non-standard operation. A detailed procedure and hazard analysis
should be continued before continuing.

Operation 1: Initial Cut Below Injector

1. Call the service company who will chemically cut the coil. They will need the coil size, estimated
cutting depth, and whether a free-point tool is required.

2. Call heavy equipment/ICE at 659-5049 to arrange for a man lift. Consider whether to have
additional equipment such as light plants, heaters, and heater hoses brought to location. Well Support
has split heater socks which can be secured around the exposed pipe easily and quickly.

3. Be sure the BOPs are tarped and a heater is on the well house to keep everything warm if the
operation is performed in cold weather.

4. Get a hot tap tool for the coiled tubing OD, pipe cutter, the special coil connector with a pump-in sub
and threaded for a TIW valve, the TIW valve, and the crossover back to a standard E-line quick
connection. (The TIW valve and special subs are either at Schlumberger Wireline Services or at
Baker). Also locate the special BP coil clamps and heavy U-shaped landing plate. These items are
kept in the GPB-West Field wireline building.

5. While rounding up equipment, calculate the necessary weight of the kill fluid for the well. Include
2500 ft of MeOH for freeze protection in the calculations. Order kill fluid if 2% KCl is not sufficient
to kill the well. Kill the well and the coiled tubing with at least 1.5 tubing volumes of filtered fluid
(assumes a bullhead kill). Tail in with freeze protect fluid in both the coil and the tubing. Monitor
the well, both tubing and coil, to be sure it is dead.

6. Overpull the coil an additional 5000 to 6000 lbs above the normal string weight before the coil
became stuck and set the BOP slips. Release the injector tension slowly to be sure the slips are set
properly. Close the BOP pipe rams. Screw in the BOP manual lock down lugs. Bleed off any trapped
pressure above the BOP pipe rams.

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7. Disconnect the riser immediately above the BOP and walk the injector head up the coil about 10 feet
by releasing skate tension and lowering the coil slowly through the injector, while simultaneously
raising the injector head with the trolley winch.

8. Set the heavy U-shaped plate on the BOP connection and install the coil clamp immediately above it.

9. Pick a point above where the coil is to be cut and hot tap the coiled tubing to make sure that there is
not any trapped pressure in the coil.

10. Prepare the coiled tubing connector, necessary XO’s to the TIW valve, inspect the O-rings, and open
the TIW valve. Make sure that the correct wrench for closing the TIW valve is on the back deck.

11. Cut the coil about 7 feet above top of the BOP. The cut must be high enough such that a future cold
roll connector is at the very least, halfway through the injector head chains when stabbed back on to
the BOPs. Set the lubricator and injector head back onto the deck.

12. Install the coiled tubing connector with TIW valve and crossover back to E-line quick connect on top
of the coiled tubing stub (above the BOP). The TIW valve should be open to stab and then closed
prior to continuing. Raise the trolley boom to make room for the E-line rig up.

13. RU crane (a 90 ton crane will probably be required because of height and distance). The crane is
required to run the free point and is nice to have when cutting the tubing. When using a crane, you
can check whether the cut was successful without having to install the connector and injector head.

14. Rig up the E-line BOPs and lubricator and pick up the free point indicator (If concerned about getting
to bottom, an option is to rig up slickline and make a drift run with a dummy before running the E-
line tools). Make up to the quick connect on top of the coil. Make KB correction, and run in the
hole. Determine TD and the estimated free point. Pull out and lay down the free point indicator.

15. Pick up the E-line chemical cutter following all service company and BP safety procedures. Make up
the E-line lubricator to the quick connect on top of the coil head assembly. Set KB correction, and
run in the hole. Tag TD and pick up to the cut point. Cut the coiled tubing. Pull out of the hole with
the spent cutter.
Note: Use extreme caution when the chemical cutter is at surface before and after it has been fired.
An accidental firing at surface and the resulting gas cloud are very dangerous to personnel.

16. a) If a crane is rigged up, install a lifting harness and pick up the coil to see if it is free. If
the coil is free, Rig down all the E-line equipment. If the coil is not free, repeat step 12.
b) If a crane is not rigged up or the crane does not have the capacity to pick up the coiled tubing, rig
down all the E-line equipment. Install a cold rolled connector onto the coiled tubing extending
below the injector. Position and suspend the injector head over coil stub. Determine that the
coiled tubing slips are still holding properly and remove the coil clamp and plate. Verify that the
coil and the well are still dead. Cut off the coiled tubing connector with the quick connect and
TIW valve off the top of the coiled tubing hanging in the BOPs. Prepare the end of the coil and
connect to the cold rolled connector hanging from the injector. Remove the coiled tubing clamp
and plate.

17. Walk the injector head back down the coil and make up the bottom of the lubricator to the BOPs. The
cold roll connection should be nearly to the top of the chains. Pull test 5000 to 10000 lbs in excess of
string weight. Equalize any pressure across pipe rams and open the rams. Pull with the injector head
to slightly over free hanging weight and open the coiled tubing slips. Pull the coiled tubing out of the

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Caution: Since the coil has been cut and is open ended, proceed with caution near the surface to avoid
pulling the stub through the packoffs and creating a potential hazard like a spill or pressure release.
Use proper PPE such as slicker suits, goggles, and rubber gloves.
Note: The operator should be using the swab valve to check when the coiled tubing has cleared the
tree and allowing the well to be shut in. The valve man should move away a safe distance as the
coiled tubing is being pulled between the swab valve cycles. In addition, limit the pull length to less
than the distance from the swab valve to the packoff when checking for the end of the coiled tubing
with the swab to prevent pulling the jagged stub through the packoff.

Operation 2: Initial Cut Above Injector

1. Call the service company who will chemically cut the coil. They will need the coil size, estimated
cutting depth, and whether a free-point tool is required.C

2. Call the VMS Coordinator and procure both a manlift and a 40 ton crane (larger crane capacity (90
ton)) may be required due to temperature and placement of the crane. Be prepared to provide the
weight of the injector and crane distance from the wellhead (radius) when ordering the equipment).
Consider whether to have additional equipment such as light plants, heaters, and heater hoses brought
to location. Well Support has split heater socks which can be secured around the exposed pipe easily
and quickly. Be sure the BOPs are tarped and a heater is on the well house to keep everything warm
during cold weather.
Get a hot tap tool for the coiled tubing OD, pipe cutter, the special coil connector with a pump-in sub
and threaded for a TIW valve, the TIW valve, and the crossover back to a standard E-line quick
connection. (The TIW valve and special subs are either at Schlumberger Wireline Services or at
Baker). Also locate the special BP coil clamps and heavy U-shaped landing plate. These items are
kept in the GPB-West Field wireline building.

3. While rounding up equipment, calculate the necessary weight of the kill fluid for the well. Include
2500 ft of MeOH for freeze protection in the calculations. Order kill fluid if 2% KCl is not sufficient
to kill the well. Kill the well and the coiled tubing with at least 1.5 tubing volumes of filtered fluid
(assumes bullhead kill). Tail in with freeze protect fluid in both the coil and the tubing. Monitor the
well, both tubing and coil, to be sure it is dead.

4. Slack off a couple of feet of coil into the hole, but make sure the coiled tubing in the BOPs is still in
tension. Record the coil weight and set the BOP slips. Screw in the slip lock down lugs. Clamp and
tie-off the coil section from the reel to the injector head. Remove the coil guides immediately above
the injector head chains.

5. Prepare the coiled tubing connector, inspect the O-rings, and open the TIW valve. Make sure that the
correct wrench for closing the TIW valve is on the back deck. Pick a point above where the coil is to
be cut and hot tap the coiled tubing to make sure that there is not any trapped pressure in the coil.
Cut the coil above the chains and install the coil clamp. Open the slips. Using the normal string
weight before the coil became stuck, overpull the coil an additional 5000 to 6000 lbs (using the
injector chains).
6. Close the BOP slips and pipe rams. Screw in lock down lugs on the slips and pipe rams.

7. Make a second coil cut to leave a convenient straight stub above the injector head. Install the coiled
tubing connector with TIW valve open, and crossover back to E-line quick connect.

8. Install a 4-way heavy cable harness onto the injector head frame. Have the crane pick up the injector
weight to take the strain off the trolley. Release the trolley from the injector head and raise the coil
trolley boom so E-line can rig up.

9. Rig up the E-line BOPs and lubricator and pick up the free point indicator (If concerned about getting
to bottom, an option is to rig up slickline and make a drift run with a dummy before running the E-

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line tools). Make up the lubricator to the quick connect on top of the coil. Make KB correction, and
run in the hole. Determine TD and the estimated free point. If necessary, work the coil up and down
and vary the tension to help get the tools to bottom (use the injector chains and crane as necessary to
move the pipe). Pull out of hole and lay down the free point tools.

10. Pick up the E-line chemical cutter following all service company and BP safety procedures. Make up
to the quick connect on the coil. Set KB correction, and run in the hole. Tag TD and pick up to the
cut point. Cut the coiled tubing. Pull out of the hole with the spent cutter. Rig off all the E-line
Note: Use extreme caution when a chemical cutter is at surface before and after it has been fired. An
accidental firing at surface and the resulting gas cloud are very dangerous to personnel.

11. Verify that the well is still dead. Set the string weight to slightly over the free hanging weight.
Equalize the pressure across the pipe rams. Open the slips and pipe rams. Test pull the coil to be
sure it is free. If it is not, repeat the E-line cutting procedure further up the hole.

12. Close slip and pipe rams. Cut off the coil tubing connector assembly and install a coiled tubing clamp
and plate. Open the pipe rams and slip rams.

13. Pull out of hole slowly, pulling the coil stub over the gooseneck with the winch or a boom truck, until
the end is back at the reel.
Install a cold roll connector (or spoolable dimple connector) joining the two coiled tubing ends
together, then remove the coil clamps. Re-install the gooseneck guides and position the trolley back
over the injector head. Take up the weight of the total injector load with the injector trolley and
release the crane. Continue to pull out of the hole with the coiled tubing.
Caution: Since the coil has been cut and is open ended, proceed with caution near the surface to avoid
pulling the stub through the packoffs and creating a potential hazard like a spill or pressure release.
Use proper PPE such as slicker suits, goggles, and rubber gloves.
Note: The operator should be using the swab valve to check when the coiled tubing has cleared the
tree and allowing the well to be shut in. The valve man should move away a safe distance as the
coiled tubing is being pulled between the swab valve cycles. In addition, limit the pull length to less
than the distance from the swab valve to the packoff when checking for the end of the coiled tubing
with the swab to prevent pulling the jagged stub through the packoff.
Operation #1 is the normal method used to cut coiled tubing. It is recommended over Operation

Free Point Calculations

To determine free point, first pull the pipe into tension 500 to 1000 lbs over string weight. Mark pipe
with small scratch or paint stick as close to injector as possible. This will be the base reference. Pull the
pipe in several increments noting the incremental stretch from reference point and the incremental
weight. Using the equations below, calculate the pipe free point. If using a tapered coil string, the
calculations are iterated several times to determine stuck point. Examples are shown below.
Note that due to friction between the tubing and coil tubing, which cannot not be easily accounted for, the
calculated free point will probably be shallower than the actual.
Free Point Equation:
L = Free Point (ft)
 = Young’s Modulus of Elasticity for Steel (30,000,000 lbs/in )
l = Stretch (in)
An = Pipe Cross Sectional Area (in )
F = Differential pull (lbs)
pipe = Pipe Weight (lbs/ft)
Ltaper = Length of taper section (ft)
l taper = Stretch of taper section (in)

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0.2833 lb/in3 = Density of steel

E  l  An
12(in / ft )  F

or by substituting the density of steel and the pipe weight:

E  l   pipe
40.8(lb / ft / in 2 )  F
and substituting the value of Young’s modulus:

735,380( ft 2 / in)  l   pipe


For tapered string calculations note that:

Ltaper  F
ltaper 
735,380   pipe

Free Point Example #1

A coil is stuck with 9,800’ of 1.75” x 0.109” wall (1.915 lbs/ft) in the well. String weight of 15,000 lbs, is
noted. The coil is picked up to 16,000 lbs, 1000 lbs over string weight, and the pipe is marked. The pipe
is pulled in increments of 1000 lbs and the stretch is measured and noted. At 25,000 lbs the stretch is
measured at 67 in. Where is the free point of the coil?
735,380( ft 2 / in)  l   pipe 735,380( ft 2 / in)  67in  1.915lb / ft
L = = 9435 ft
F 10000lb

Free Point Example #2

A coil is stuck with 9,800’ of 1.75” tapered string in the well. The reel data is shown in table below.
String weight of 20,000 lbs is noted. The coil is picked up to 21,000 lbs, 1000 lbs over string weight, and
the pipe is marked. The pipe is pulled in increments of 1000 lbs and the stretch is measured and noted.
At 30,000 lbs the stretch is measured at 65 in. Where is the free point of the coil?
Wall Thickness Pipe Weight, lbs/ft* Section Length, ft
0.134 2.318 7,200
0.125 2.175 1,170
0.116 2.029 760
0.109 1.915 5,670
Total 14,800
* - Pipe weight is from Precision Tubing Data Book
The first thing to note is that out of the 14,800 ft of coil originally on the reel that 9,800 ft are in the well
and there is 5,000 ft remaining on the reel. That puts 2,200 ft of 0.134” in the well (7,200 - 5,000 =
Starting from the top of the well, the amount of stretch in each taper is determined using the equation
shown below. Each incremental length is added until the cumulative length exceeds the total measured
0.134” Taper:

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Ltaper  F 2200 ft  10000lb

ltaper  = = 12.9 in
735,380   pipe 735,380  2.318lb / ft

0.125” Taper:
Ltaper  F 1170 ft  10000lb
ltaper  = = 7.3 in
735,380   pipe 735,380  2.175lb / ft
Cumulative Stretch = 12.9 in + 7.3 in = 20.2 in

0.116” Taper:
Ltaper  F 760 ft  10000lb
ltaper  = = 5.1 in
735,380   pipe 735,380  2.029lb / ft
Cumulative Stretch = 5.1 in + 20.2 in = 25.3 in
The stuck point must be in the 0.109” taper. The amount of stretch in this taper section is determined to
be 39.7 in (65 in of total stretch less 25.3 in cumulative to the 0.109 inch section of coil).
Ltaper  F
ltaper 
735,380   pipe

Lft  10000lb
39.7 in =
735,380  1.915lb / ft
Ltaper = 5591 ft Free Pipe = 2,200 + 1,170 + 760 + 5,591 = 9,721 ft

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5.11 Well Killing

The discussion below is for killing a well in order to maintain or regain control of a well during a coiled
tubing operation that has encountered a problem, leak in the coil, need to cut coil, etc. The methods can
also be used in the normal course of reducing wellhead pressure in order to enter a well. However, for
most wells, fluid can be bullheaded down the backside (tubing-coiled tubing annulus) to reduce the
wellhead pressure and allow the coiled tubing to start RIH.
The common methods to kill a well with coiled tubing in the well are:
 Bullhead Kill.
 Pump & Bleed.
 Circulation Kill.
Factors to consider are:
 Well status – coil cut, can you circulate down coil and backside, checks holding
 Tubing size
 Injection Rate
 Production or well potential
 Volume to pump
 Formation damage
 Wellbore fluids affect well killing since gas deep in the well will greatly expand as it migrates to
surface, thus reducing hydrostatic pressure.
 Gas wells and reservoirs with multiple zones at various pressures make it difficult to keep the well
dead. Sometimes after the initial kill, the well requires intermittent killing
 General Rules of Thumb:
 Gas density is about 0.1 psi/ft or 2 ppg.
 Gas slip velocity through a static liquid column is about 60 feet per minute.

5.11.1 Bullhead Kill:

 Continuous pumping from start to finish.
 Pumps current wellbore fluid into reservoir which may cause formation damage. Additionally, kill
fluids pumped into reservoir can also cause formation damage or excessive unloading volumes.
 Filtered and treated fluids will probably be required.
 Requires injection ability which may be difficult in tight rock.
 Tubing movement limitations and packer calculations should be considered.
 Reservoir pressure and frac pressure should be considered. Exceeding frac gradient sometimes is
 Kill weight fluid is required to keep well overbalanced.
Bullhead Rules of Thumb:
1. Minimum kill volume required is 1.5 times the load volume from surface to top perfs.
Example: 9,000 ft of 4-1/2” tubing (137 barrels) and 2,000 ft of 7” liner (76 barrels to top perf) is 213
barrels load, so 320 barrels required for kill volume.
2. Pump rate should be approximately 1 BPM for every one inch of nominal tubing size
Example: 5-1/2” tubing requires pump rates that equal or exceed 5.5 bpm. Maximum rate may be
limited by wellhead pressure, pump capacity and line vibration.

1. Rig up pump and hardline to production tubing (coiled tubing - tubing annulus if coiled tubing is in
the well). Usually the connection will be to the pump-in sub. Record well head pressures. Pressure
test lines and equipment. Calculate the maximum allowable WHP that will prevent fracturing the
formation (use 0.65 psi/ft for the frac gradient in Prudhoe Bay)

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2. Begin pumping slowly ensuring all lines and valves are open and tubulars and perfs are not plugged.
When satisfied, bring pump rate up to desired kill rate.
3. Monitor pump pressure and ALL annulus pressures. Pump pressure should drop, indicative of kill
weight fluids replacing lower density fluids. Note that excessive and immediate changes of pump and
annulus pressures could indicate tubular or packer failures and the pumping should be terminated.
Caution: If coiled tubing is in the well, maximum wellhead pressure may be limited by the collapse
pressure of the coil.
4. Continue to pump until well is killed, indicated by low pump pressures which have stabilized, then
shut down pumps.
5. If possible, displace coil with kill fluid once well is dead
6. Monitor well pressures to verify that well is dead.
7. It may be necessary to continue to pump at a reduced rate to maintain overbalanced conditions and
keep gas from entering the wellbore. Alternatively, once the well has been killed, spot a viscous pill
across the perfs followed by kill weight fluid.

5.11.2 Pump & Bleed Kill (Pressure Method of Gas Lubrication):

 A certain volume of kill weight fluid is pumped into the well. The pressure is allowed to stabilize and
then a determined amount of pressure is bled off. This pump and bleed procedure is continued until
kill fluid has replaced formation fluids and the well is dead.
 Usually reduces volume required to kill well compared to bullhead kill. Thus formation damage is
mitigated or reduced. On the other hand, it is not as quick as more time is required for stabilization
and bleed off. Incorrect bleed off could allow well to continue flowing formation fluids into the
 Can be used if unable to pump down coil
 Effective in tight reservoirs and gas reservoirs.
 Filtered and treated fluids are recommended as there are still potential losses to the formation.
 Helpful to know reservoir pressure and density of wellbore fluids.
 Prepare and follow a kill sheet.

Pump & Bleed Rules of Thumb:

Estimate the pressure to be bled off from:
Pbleed = P2initial  Ppumped,

where : Pinitial = initial pressure before pumping

Ppumped = pressure at the wellhead after pumping kill fluid
Pbleed = final pressure to bleed the well to before pumping again. For the 2 nd and
subsequent cycles this becomes Pinitial

1. Calculate kill weight fluid required from reservoir pressure or the shut in coiled tubing pressure if no
checks in BHA.
2. Rig up pump and hardline to production tubing (coiled tubing - tubing annulus if coiled tubing is in
the well). Usually the connection will be to the pump-in sub. Record well head pressures. Pressure
test lines and equipment.
3. Record well head pressure on kill sheet. Select the incremental pressure for the pump cycle.
4. Pump down well at desired rate and shut down at determined pressure. Record pressures and volume
pumped and wait 10 to 15 minutes to let the kill fluid to fall through the gas and pressure to stabilize.

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5. After the pressure has stabilized, bleed the well down to the determined pressure – P bleed. Record on
rig kill sheet and determine hydrostatic pressures.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until well is killed.
7. Monitor well pressures.

Figure 5a – Pump & Bleed Kill Sheet

Pump & Bleed Kill Sheet

Initial Wellhead Pressure (psi): 2400

Incremental Pressure (psi): 200

Tubing Size (in): 4.5 Coiled Tubing OD (in): 1.75

Tubing ID (in): 4 Coiled Tubing Depth (ft): 5000
Tubing Depth (ft) 6500
Casing Size (in): 7
Casing ID (in): 6.181
Perforation Depth (ft) 8500 Well Capacity (bbl): 160.4

Kill Fluid (lb/gal) 8.5

Kill Sheet
Volume Hydrostatic Pressure Cumulative
Stage P initial P pumped P bleed Pumped Pressure Gain Pumped
(psi) (psi) (psi) (bbl) (psi) (psi) (bbl)
1 2400 2600 2215 12 422 237 12
2 2215 2415 2032 11.4 401 217 23.4
3 2032 2232 1850 11 387 205 34.4
4 1850 2050 1669 10.7 376 196 45.1
5 1669 1869 1491 10.7 376 198 55.8
6 1491 1691 1314 10.5 369 193 66.3
7 1314 1514 1141 10 352 178 76.3
8 1141 1341 971 11 387 217 87.3
9 971 1171 805 10.3 362 196 97.6
10 805 1005 645 10 352 191 107.6
11 645 845 492 9.9 348 195 117.5
12 492 692 350 9.7 341 199 127.2
13 350 550 223 9.5 334 207 136.7
14 223 423 117 9.2 323 218 145.9
15 117 317 43 9.2 323 250 155.1
16 43 243 8 9 316 281 164.1
17 8 208 0 9 316 309 173.1

Note: Hydrostatic pressure assumes that all fluid gain is in tubing - coiled tubing annulus

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Circulation Kill:
 Pump down coiled tubing while taking returns to surface, either to a tank or to the system.
 Also known as Driller’s Method if you begin circulation with the fluid on location or Wait & Weight
if you delay circulation until kill fluid is on location
 Requires coiled tubing or pipe in hole and the capability of circulating returns to surface and through
a choke.
 Can require significant kill fluid volumes and time but reduces kill fluid losses to formation.
 Helpful to know reservoir pressure and wellbore fluid density.
 Use a rig kill sheet.
 Monitor wellhead pressure. If wellhead pressure is increasing, may be required to lubricate fluid as
gas migrates while waiting on kill weight fluid.
 This method is not recommended unless you can take returns to the system. If a flowline is not
available, discuss the situation and options with the Well Operations Supervisor.

1. Calculate kill weight fluid required from reservoir pressure or the shut in coiled tubing pressure if no
checks in BHA. If reservoir pressure is unknown, roll pumps to get a shut-in pressure from the coiled
tubing with checks. Record well head pressure and determine kill volume.
2. Order kill fluid if necessary. Monitor well while waiting on kill fluid. Record wellhead pressure and
coiled tubing pressure every two minutes.
3. Rig up pump and hardline to coiled tubing and make sure there is a choke at the downstream end of
the flow path (either the tree or at the skid). Arrange to have well in the test separator so that
volumes can be measured. Pressure test lines and equipment. Do not use this method if you are
going to an open top tank unless there is a gas buster on the tank. You will also need to have
sufficient fluid storage volume to handle about 1.5 times the well volume if you are taking returns to
4. If possible RIH with the coil to start kill as deep as possible and to assure deep compressed gas is
circulated to surface. Zero the MicroMotion totalizer before starting to pump. Bring pump on slowly
while keeping wellhead pressure constant. Once pump is at kill rate, use coiled tubing pressure to
determine when to adjust choke.
5. Use the kill sheet which has regular pump volume stages as a guide to adjusting the choke. Once kill
fluid is at the nozzle, keep coiled tubing pressure constant and continue to circulate kill fluid.
6. Continue circulating until well is dead.

For example refer to Figure 5b – Pre-Recorded Data and Figure 5c – Pump & Bleed Kill Sheet

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Figure 5b – Pre-Recorded Data


Pad/Well: F-10A BP Supervisor: BUNDY

Date: 6/29/2000 CTU Supervisor:

TVD @ MP of Perfs: 8975 MD @ MP of Perfs: 10435

Measured SIBHP: Max Allowable Surf Pressure:

ID: Top: Bottom: Length:

Production Tubing: 6.276 0 8701 8701

Tail Pipe/Packer: 3.958 8701 8746 45

Casing 1: 0

Casing 2: 0

Production Liner: 2.44 8746 10990 2244


Coiled Tubing:
ID: 1.532 OD: 1.75

Capacity, BBL/Ft: 0.00228 Displacement.,BBL/Ft: 0.00298

CT Total Length: 12700 CT Surface Volume: 4.56

CT In Hole Length: 10700 CT In Hole Volume: 24.41

CT Surface Length: 2000 CT Total Volume: 28.97

ID: 1 OD: 2 Length: 50

Surface LineVol., BBLs: 3 BHA Volume, BBLs: 0.05

Pump Kill Rate, BPM: 1.7 Pump Kill Press., psi 800

(Assumes BHA is in the liner)

Tubular Vol., bbls Well x Coil/BHA Annulus Vol, bbls

Prod Tubing: 333.1 307.16

Tail Pipe: 0.7 0.55

Casing 1: 0.0 0.00

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Figure 5c – Circulation Kill Worksheet

"Wait & Weight" Well Kill Worksheet

SICTP 300 KMW 9.04
SIWHP 2200 ICP1 1100
Calc'd Actual Remarks
Volume CT Press CT Press
0 1100 ICP1Circulating Press Pump to Arch
1.1 1100 ICP1Circulating Press Pump to Arch
2.3 1100 ICP1Circulating Press Pump to Arch
3.4 1100 ICP1Circulating Press Pump to Arch
4.6 1100 ICP1Circulating Press Pump to Arch
7.0 1076 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
9.4 1052 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
11.9 1028 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
14.3 1004 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
16.8 981 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
19.2 957 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
21.6 933 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
24.1 909 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
26.5 885 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
29.0 861 Circulating Press Arch to Bit
59.8 861 Final Circulating Pressure
90.7 861 Final Circulating Pressure
121.5 861 Final Circulating Pressure
152.4 861 Final Circulating Pressure
183.2 861 Final Circulating Pressure
214.1 861 Final Circulating Pressure
244.9 861 Final Circulating Pressure
275.8 861 Final Circulating Pressure
306.6 861 Final Circulating Pressure
337.4 861 FCP Final Circulating Pressure

Wait & Weight Kill Profile

Coil Tbg Circ

CTP Pressure








Cum ulative BBLs Pum ped

BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc.

Control Tier: 4 - ADW Revision Date: 10/30/2006
Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
Recommended Practice: Wells: CTU Operations - Problem Procedures Page 28 of 29

6.0 Key Documents/Tools/References

 BP Drilling and Well Operations Policy
 ADW Emergency Management Plan (March 2008)
 ADW Well Control Contingency Plan (June 2008)
 Alaska Safety Handbook
 North Slope Environmental Field Handbook
 BP Alaska Wells Group Rigless Operations Manual
 BP Alaska PE Manual
 ARCO Alaska Wells Group Policies, Guidelines and Resources Manual
 Randy Smith Drilling Schools Well Control Technical Manual
 Wells Stack Analysis Report - analytical report of the Zeta Model analysis for MPL-01 well
intervention stack.

7.0 Lessons Learned

Further LL information can be viewed in TeamLink by using the LL tracking numbers.
1) TeamLink LL # 620, Wells Coil Tubing, June 2007
 When bleeding or PT's of the MHA on coils, a night cap will be installed on the BOP's. This will
prevent any leaking fluid from spilling if the valves do not hold properly, prior to the pressure test.
2) TeamLink LL # 10135, January 2008
 Following a pressure test of an MHA or when coil is known to be fluid-packed following a trip in the
hole, to minimize fluid fall-out on the back working deck of the unit while making and breaking
toolstrings, open the coiled tubing reel manifold to the flow back tanks via the backside line or bleed
through a 1/2" hose from the reel manifold to a slop trailer.
 This will reduce the possibility of fluid falling out of the downhole end of the coil as the string travels
over the gooseneck.
 This is particularly important if there is a chance that the coil may have entrained gas in the fluid.
3) TeamLink LL # 10215, June 2008
 A low value of LSRV should be specified if a significant volume of gel is to be circulated around the
backside of the coil to prevent excessively high circulation pressures while pumping the gel down the
coil tubing.
 A recipe of 3% by volume "Lube-776" (MI product) and 2% by volume "Lotorq" (MI product)
provides significant lubrication properties.
4) TeamLink LL# 10236, June 2008
 Laboratory investigation into the behavior of biopolymers (Biozan and Flo-Pro) indicated loss of low
shear rate viscosity and solid/liquid separation when exposed to set cement from CT milling
 If other problems were encountered during a cement milling operation, then this coupled with loss of
viscous pill quality, could result in stuck pipe.
 Further investigation revealed that Diutan gum (Geovis XT), when mixed in KCL, tolerates cement
well. Geovis XT also found to have superior low frictional pressure drop down the coiled tubing.
5) TeamLink 10269, October 2008
 If well conditions require deployment of the toolstring past the depth at which it can be
conventionally recovered, the agitator may be used to agitate the toolstring back OOH by holding
maximum tension on the CT and circulating through the agitator at optimum rate. In these scenarios,
also consider use of a metal-metal friction reducing agent to reduce the drag forces acting on the CT.

6) TeamLink 10638, February 2010

away the depth was approximately 9500 feet. The operator dialed up injector working pressure and
traction and chased it in the hole trying to catch up with it. The operator caught the pipe around

BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc.

Control Tier: 4 - ADW Revision Date: 10/30/2006
Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse
Recommended Practice: Wells: CTU Operations - Problem Procedures Page 29 of 29

10,000 ft, the operator stopped the injector. Call a third party out to pump hot diesel around the pipe
to melt ice in chains and pulled out of hole to do a chain inspection.

Revision Log
Revision Date Approving Authority Custodian/Author Revision Details
January 22, 2002 Steve Rossberg Andrew Pfaff Original Issue
January 09, 2005 Steve Rossberg Yeager/Forcade Minor Revisions, elimination of
man basket operations
March 30, 2006 Jerry L. Bixby Wells Operation Revised Approving Authority and
Supervisor Custodian. Extended next
review date. Changed SOP to
August 03, 2007 Jerry L. Bixby C. Tzvetcoff / Added Sec. 7 – Lessons
M. Seward Learned and LL # 620.
January 29, 2008 Jerry L. Bixby M. Seward Added LL # 10135
June 04, 2008 Well Operations M. Seward Added LL # 10215 & 10236;
Supervisor Revised header
October 30, 2008 Well Operations M. Seward / C. Added LL # 10269
Supervisor Tzvetcoff
June 24, 2010 AK, D&C Well Kevin Yeager / Added LL 10638 (item #6) to
Servicing Team Lead Chris Tzvetcoff section 7.0.
June 29, 2010 Andy Kirk Chris Tzvetcoff Add BP Confidentiality
(or, see attached e-mail )
Approving Authority signature Date

BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc.

Control Tier: 4 - ADW Revision Date: 10/30/2006
Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00047-4 Print Date: 1/24/2019
VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

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