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January 23, 2019 Kathy Ingram Town Clerk Town of Longmeadow 20 Williams Street Longmeadow, MA 01106 Dear Ms. Ingram: | accepted the position on the Longmeadow School Committee with the objective of positively effecting student educational, social, and emotional outcomes. Every decision Imade as a committee member was made with students as my priority and | stand behind those decisions and | am proud of the work accomplished. The present division within the School Committee and among the Longmeadow community serves only to divert attention away from the needs of students and for this reason, | hereby resign from the Longmeadow School Committee, effective immediately. Sincerely, thleaiyhor— Stephanie Jasmin Town Clerk Katherine Ingram 20 Wiliams Street Longmeadow, MA 01106 January 23, 2019 | set out in 2017 to serve on the School Committee after a dozen years serving in volunteer positions that always benefitted the students of Longmeadow. | stand behind all the decisions | have made and all the work | have undertaken while serving during my term. | now find myself in an untenable situation where | believe the School Committee is no longer being given the opportunity to function in its role to serve the best interests of the students. At this time, itis best for me to focus my endeavors on projects and in spaces where my work is beneficial, productive, and valued. Effective immediately, |, Elizabeth Baron, submit my resignation from the office of the Longmeadow School Committee. Best of luck to those who will continue the work to improve our school district. It is my hope that our students remain the central focus of all the decisions that will be made. Respectfully S&S Elizabeth Baron WAGO'Y ZHDKOT JO MOL SS v EC NNT B PP January 23, 2019 Please accept this as notice of my resignation as school committee member of the Longmeadow Public Schools, effective immediately. It has been an honor to have served in this capacity since being elected in June, 2017. | selflessly undertook this role with enthusiasm and honest intentions. My goal was to support the great work of the district, evaluate needs, and objectively address areas for growth and improvement. Every decision was informed by fact and acted upon in good faith, in the best interest of the district. | am very disillusioned and discouraged by the deliberate politicization of education that has befallen this town, which includes calculated mischaracterizations, misrepresentation of information and false narratives. The daily vitriol has created an unhealthy community environment of hostility and intimidation which deters from the work that needs to get done and precludes me from adequately performing such duties. The ensuing division is a tragic disservice to the children of Longmeadow and the beauty of our community. 1am proud to have introduced new district initiatives, guided school policy and supported district goals, all of which, will improve the educational experience and well being of our students. | am privileged to have collaborated with many intelligent, dedicated and caring individuals. Sincerely, fuutiwie fothsler— Melanie Rothstein

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