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Learning  ObjecFves  

ACI  562-­‐16   •  Describe  why  a  concrete  repair  code  was  

A  Code  For  Repair  of  ExisFng   developed  
Concrete  Structures   •  Give  examples  of  the  major  changes  in  ACI  562-­‐16  
By   •  Design  of  concrete  repairs  using  ACI  562-­‐16  
•  Summarize  how  ACI  562-­‐16  improves  concrete  
Keith  Kesner,  PhD,  PE,SE  
repair  pracFce  
Project  Manager  
CVM  Professional  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   2  

PresentaFon  Overview   ACI  562  -­‐16  /  GUIDE  TO  ACI  562-­‐16  

•  ACI  562  –  16  

•  Overview  of  code  development  
•  Major  changes  in  2016  
•  How  to  Use  ACI  562-­‐16  
•  Design  of  repairs  using  ACI  562-­‐16  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   3  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   4  

ACI  562  -­‐  16   Guide  to  the  Use  of  ACI  562  
•  Code  for  repair  of  exisFng  concrete  structures   •  Joint  ACI  /  ICRI  Document  
•  Designed  to  improve  concrete  repair  pracFce   •  New  version  published  in  October  2016  
•  First  version  published  in  2013   •  Discussion  of  ACI  562  Chapters  
•  New  ediFon  published  June  2016   •  Worked  example  problems  using  ACI  562  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   5  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   6  


ACI  562-­‐16  –  The  Concrete  Repair  Code   Why  a  Repair  Code?  

•  Developed  to  improve  concrete  repair  pracFce  

•  FuncFon  with  IEBC  or  as  a  stand-­‐alone  code  
•  Major  changes  in  ACI  562-­‐16  
•  Improved  definiFons  and  IEBC  integraFon  
•  Demand  /  capacity  raFos  
•  Bond  of  repairs   Is an existing
•  Incorporate  feedback  on  2013  code   How structure safe?
do we evaluate
How canexisting
we design durable repairs?

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   7  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   8  

Why  a  Repair  Code?   Challenges  to  a  Repair  Code?  

•  Long-­‐term  industry  need  
•  VariaFons  in  pracFce   •  Complicated  process  
•  VariaFons  in  repair  performance   •  10  years  to  date  
•  Establish  required  minimum  pracFce   •  Lack  of  consensus  on  pracFce  
•  Help  for  building  officials     •  What  are  minimum  requirements?  
•  Large  segment  of  construcFon  industry   •  Acceptance  from  community  
•  ~20%  of  repair  industry   •  Concern  about  limiFng  creaFve  soluFons  
•  20  Billion  dollars   •  Fear  of  something  new  
•  8  Billion  dollars  in  corrosion  damage  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   9  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   10  

ACI  562  –  Philosophy   How  to  Improve  Concrete  Repair  PracFce  

•  Emphasize  performance  based  rather  than   •  ACI  Standard  

prescripFve  requirements   •  Sets  minimum  requirements  for  repair  
•  Encourage  crea*vity  and  flexibility  
•  Encourage  evaluaFon    
•  Promote  innova*on  and  new  materials  
•  Confirm  material  properFes  
•  Establish  responsibili*es  
•  Enhance  life  safety  (equivalent  safety)   •  Beler  evaluaFon  →  beler  repairs  
•  Extend  service  life   •  Sustainable  repaired  structures  
•  Provide  sustainable  and  economic  alternaFves     •  Long-­‐term  durability  of  repairs  
•  Reference  ACI  and  other  “code”  documents   •  Consistent  reliability  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   11  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   12  


ExisFng  Building  Codes   ExisFng  Building  Codes  

•  IBC  –  Chapter  34   •  IEBC  –  Alternate  Procedure  

•  ExisFng  buildings  
•  Not  in  2015  IBC  (reference  to  IEBC)  
•  IEBC  –  InternaFonal  ExisFng  Building  Code  
•  First  published  in  2003  
•  ACI  562  developed  to  work  with  IEBC  
•  IPMC  –  InternaFonal  Property  Maintenance  Code  
2015  -­‐  IEBC  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   13  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   14  

ACI  562-­‐16  -­‐  OrganizaFon   How  to  Use  ACI  562-­‐16  

•  Part  I  –  General   •  Applicability  
•  General  Requirements  –  Chapter  1  
•  Terms  /  DefiniFons  –  Chapter  2   •  ACI  562  Process  
•  Standards  /  References  –  Chapters  3  and  11  
•  Part  II  -­‐  Evalua*on  Requirements   •  Preliminary  EvaluaFon  –  1,  4  or  Appen.  A  
•  IEBC  Criteria  –  Chapter  4  
•  Stand-­‐Alone  Criteria  –  Appendix  A   •  EvaluaFon  –  1,  4,  5,  6,  App.  A  
•  Loads  –  Chapter  5   •  Repair  Design  -­‐  7  
•  Analysis  of  ExisFng  Structures  –  Chapter  6  
•  Part  III  –  Implementa*on   •  Durability  -­‐  8  
•  Structural  Repair  Design  –  Chapter  7  
•  Durability  –  Chapter  8   •  ConstrucFon  and  Quality  Assurance  –  9,  10    
•  ConstrucFon  –  Chapter  9  
•  Quality  Assurance  –  Chapter  10  
•  Maintenance  Requirements  –  1  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  115,  2016   15  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   16  

ACI  562  -­‐  Applicability   ExisFng  Structures  

•  ExisFng  concrete  structures   •  Defined  in  ACI  562  and  IEBC  

•  Superstructure,  foundaFons  (slabs),  precast   •  Structure  with  a  cerFficate  of  occupancy  
elements  –    structural  load  path     •  Structure  currently  in  use  
•  Structural  vs.  nonstructural  –  “Unsafe”   •  ACI  318  
•  Composite  members  –  concrete     •  Deals  with  new  construcFon  
•  Nonbuilding  structures  when  required   •  Repairs  that  saFsfy  new  code  requirements  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   17  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   18  


ACI  562  -­‐  Applicability   ACI  562  -­‐  Process  

•  Seismic  retrofit   •  Preliminary  EvaluaFon  

•  In  accordance  with  general  exisFng  building   •  DeterminaFon  of  design  basis  code  
code   •  SubstanFal  structural  damage  
•  Procedures  in  ASCE  41  and  ACI  369   •  EvaluaFon  
•  IEBC  –  references  ASCE  41   •  Repair  design    
•  Voluntary  seismic  retrofit  is  permiled   •  Durability  consideraFons  
•  ConstrucFon  and  Quality  Assurance  
•  Maintenance  RecommendaFons  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   19  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   20  

ACI  562  -­‐  Process   ACI  562  -­‐  Process  

•  Preliminary  evaluaFon   •  Preliminary  EvaluaFon  

•  EvaluaFon   •  EvaluaFon  
•  Extent  of  problems   •  Repair  design  
•  Extent  of  required  repairs   •  How  repairs  are  to  be  made  
•  Repair  design   •  Material  selecFon  consideraFons  
•  Durability  consideraFons   •  Durability  consideraFons  
•  ConstrucFon  and  Quality  Assurance   •  ConstrucFon  and  Quality  Assurance  
•  Maintenance  RecommendaFons   •  Maintenance  RecommendaFons  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   21  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   22  

ACI  562  -­‐  Process   ACI  562  -­‐  Process  

•  Preliminary  EvaluaFon   •  Preliminary  EvaluaFon  

•  EvaluaFon   •  EvaluaFon  
•  Repair  design   •  Repair  design  
•  Durability  consideraFons   •  Durability  consideraFons  
•  How  to  make  structures  last   •  ConstrucFon  and  Quality  Assurance  
•  Service  life   •  Maintenance  RecommendaFons  
•  ConstrucFon  and  Quality  Assurance  
•  Maintenance  RecommendaFons  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   23  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   24  


Preliminary  EvaluaFon  /  EvaluaFon   Design  Basis  Code  

•  Start  of  process  –  Chapter  1   •  Building  code  under  which  repairs  are  designed  
•  DeterminaFon  of  design-­‐basis  code   •  Possible  design  basis  codes:  
•  SubstanFal  structural  damage   •  IBC  
•  Basis  of  Design  Report   •  IEBC  
•  Determines  next  steps  –  Chapter  4  /  Appen.  A   •  Local  building  code,  i.e.,  NYC  Building  Code    
•  Detailed  evaluaFon?   •  ACI  318  
•  Repair  design?   •  CombinaFon  of  ACI  318  and  562  
  2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016  
25   26  

SubstanFal  Structural  Damage   Basis  of  Design  Report  

•  New  concept  in  ACI  562-­‐16  –  SecFon  1.5.3  
•  Defined  in  IEBC   •  Prepared  for  owner    
•  ReducFon  of  greater  than  33%  to  the  verFcal  elements  
•  Summary  of  assessment  results  
of  the  lateral  force  resisFng  system  
•  ReducFon  of  greater  than  20%  of  the  verFcal  capacity  in   •  Building  descripFon  
an  area  that  supports  more  then  30%  of  the  structures   •  Document  unsafe  condiFons  
area   •  Members  needing  strengthening  
•  Requirements  vary  with  IEBC  ediFon   •  Past  repair  history  
•  Trigger  for  upgrade  of  structure  to  current  code   •  Current  design-­‐basis  criteria  
requirements   •  Etc.  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   28  

Maintenance  /  Future  InspecFon   Chapter  4  or  Appendix  A  

•  Documented  in  basis  of  design  report   •  Criteria  for  determining  extent  of  work  
•  Types  /  frequency  of  maintenance   •  IEBC  –  use  Chapter  4  
•  Types  /  frequency  of  inspecFon   •  Stand-­‐alone  code  -­‐  Appendix  A  
•  Why?   •  Based  upon  demand  /  capacity  raFos  
•  Unsafe  condiFons  
•  Inform  current  and  future  owners  
•  Strengthening  required  
•  Help  design  professionals  
•  Repairs  to  original  code  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   29  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   30  


When  do  exisFng  structures  need  to   Repairs  to  Conform  to  Original  Code  
saFsfy  current  codes?  
•  IBC  /  IEBC   •  When  structure  is  safe  
•  If  alteraFons  or  addiFons  increase  force  in  a   •  Most  design  and  construcFon  errors  
structural  element  by  more  than  5%  
•  When  undamaged  structure  saFsfies  original  
•  Repairs  to  elements  that  are  found  to  be   design  code  
unsound  or  structurally  deficient  
•  Durability  related  repairs  
•  When  substanFal  structural  damage  has  
occurred   •  Goal  of  ACI  562  is  not  to  force  strengthening  of  
•  When  required  by  a  local  code  or  building  official   “good”  structures  
•  D  /  C  raFo  greater  than  1.5  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   32  

Unsafe  CondiFons  –  Nonseismic   Demand  /  Capacity  >  1.5  

•  Loose  materials   •  Example  –  punching  shear  

•  Falling  debris  hazards   •  As  built  –  d  =  0.5  ddesign  
•  𝑈𝑐  /  ∅𝑅𝑐𝑛  >  1.5   •  𝑉𝑢≤∅𝑉𝑛=0.75  (4)  √⁠​𝑓↑′ 𝑐   𝑏o𝑑  
•  Report  consistent  with  1.5.2   •  Unsafe  condiFon   C  L  

•  Gravity  and  wind  loads    

•  Current  demand  -­‐  𝑈𝑐   d  
0.5  d  
•  Current  capacity  -­‐  ∅𝑅𝑐𝑛    
  As-­‐designed   As-­‐built  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   34  

Strengthening  Required   Demand  /  Capacity  >  1.0  

•  Less  than  substanFal  structural  damage   •  Example  –  negaFve  moment  capacity  

•  𝑈𝑜  /  ∅𝑜𝑅𝑐𝑛  >  1.0   •  As  built  –  d  =  0.75  d  design  
•  Design  demand  -­‐  𝑈o •  ​𝑀𝑢≤∅𝑀𝑛=0.9  𝐴𝑠  𝑓𝑦(𝑑−​𝑎∕2 )  
•  Current  capacity  -­‐  ∅𝑜𝑅𝑐𝑛     •  Strengthening  required  
C  L  
•  Strengthening  required  
•  Design  to  original  building  code    
d   0.75  d  

•  As-­‐designed   As-­‐built  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   36  


Alternate  Assessment  Criteria   Demand  /  Capacity  <  1.0  

•  No  strengthening  required  
•  Contained  in  commentary  to  ACI  562   •  𝑈𝑜  /  ∅𝑜𝑅𝑐𝑛<  1.0
•  Changes  in  load  intensity  with  Fme   •  Durability  issues  
•  𝑈𝑐>1.05​𝑈↓𝑜↑∗      •  Serviceability  issues
•  If  𝑈𝑐  /∅𝑅𝑐𝑛≥1.1  –  strengthen  to  demand  of  current    
•  𝑈𝑐<1.05​𝑈↓𝑜↑∗   
•  If  ​𝑈↓𝑜↑∗   /∅𝑅𝑐𝑛≥1.05  –  strengthen  to  demand  of  
original  code  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   38  

Loads  –  Chapter  5   Load  combinaFons  

•  Key  points   •  Min.  capacity  –  no  external  reinforcement    

•  Higher  ϕ  factors  with  verificaFon  for  assessment   •  ∅𝑅𝑛=1.1𝐷+0.5𝐿+0.2𝑆    or    
–  ACI  318-­‐14  Chap.  27   •  ∅𝑅𝑛=1.1𝐷+0.75𝐿    
•  Load  combinaFons  for  external  reinforcement   •  During  fire  event  
•  FRP,  External  PT,  etc.   •  ∅𝑒𝑥𝑅=(0.9  𝑜𝑟  1.2)𝐷+0.5𝐿+0.2𝑆  
•  Accidental  damage   •  ProperFes  of  structure  during  fire  
•  Fire  damage       •  Consider  internal  restraint  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   40  

EvaluaFon  of  ExisFng  Structures  –  Chapter  6   Structural  Assessment    

•  Process  to  determine:   •  6.2.1  –  InvesFgaFon  and  structural  evaluaFon  

•  Capacity  of  structure   required  if  the  exisFng  structure:  
•  Extent  of  damage     •  1)  exhibits  signs  of  damage,  displacement,  
•  Impact  of  damage     deficiency,  or  behavior  that  is  inconsistent  with  
available  construcFon  documents  or  code  
•  Strength  of  materials  
requirements,  or    
•  2)  preliminary  evaluaFon  indicates  strengthening  
is  required  

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Structural  Assessment   Structural  EvaluaFon  –  Analysis    

•  6.2.3  -­‐  Where  repairs  are  required  on  an  element   •  6.2.5    -­‐  If  an  analysis  is  required,  the  structural  
in   a   structure,   it   shall   be   determined   if   similar   assessment  shall  document  the  requirements  of  
elements   throughout   the   structure   also   require   6.2.4  and  (a)  through  (c).  
evaluaFon   •  (a)  As-­‐measured  structural  member  secFon  
•  RepeFFve  elements   properFes  and  dimensions.  
•  Isolated  repairs  may  not  be  acceptable   •  (b)  The  presence  and  effect  of  any  alteraFons  to  
  the  structural  system.  
•  (c)  Loads,  occupancy,  or  usage  different  from  the  
original  design.  
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Unknown  Structural  Capacity   Unknown  Structural  Capacity  

•  Lack  of  design  drawings   •  Unknown  material  properFes  

•  Determine  geometry   •  Historical  values  
•  Determine  loads   •  Physical  tesFng  
•  In-­‐situ  condiFons   •  #  of  samples?  
•  ACI  201   •  #  of  elements?  
•  ACI  228.1   •  NDT  –  with  correlaFon  
•  ACI  364  
•  ASCE  Guidelines  
  2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016  
45   46  

Load  TesFng   Load  TesFng  

•  ACI  437.2-­‐13                                                                                [6.8]  

•  Load  tesFng  (ACI  437.2-­‐13)      [6.8]  
•  Code  for  load  tesFng  
•  More  raFonal  for  exisFng  structures  
•  Why  not  ACI  318-­‐14  Chapter  27?  
•  Lower  DL  
•  Cyclic  -­‐  accepted  
•  Service  load  evaluaFon  
•  Model  tesFng  
•  Supplement  analysis  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   47  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   48  


Repair  Design  –  Chapter  7   Strength  and  Serviceability    

•  Strength  to  resist  applied  loads    
•  Key  concepts  
•  SFffness  to  saFsfy  serviceability    
•   SaFsfy  strength  and  serviceability  
•   Behavior  of  repaired  structure  
•   Bond  of  materials  
•   InteracFon  and  repair  sequence  
•   Appropriate  materials  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   50  

Behavior  of  Repaired  Structure   Interface  Bond  –  7.4  

•  Integrate  repair  into  exisFng  structure   •  Interface  bond  strength

•  Recognize  what  loads  will  occur  on  repaired   •  𝑣𝑢  ≤  ∅  vni    
structure   •  𝑣𝑢  –  interface  demand  
•  Live  and  dead?   •  Loads  –  shear,  tension  
•  Live  only?   •  Volume  change  effects  
•  Lateral?   •  Vni  –  interface  capacity  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   52  

Interface  Bond  –  7.4     Interface  Bond  –  7.4  

•  Quality  assurance  requirements  -­‐  bond •  Bond  capacity  

•  FuncFon  of  interface  demand   •  Based  upon  ACI  318-­‐14  
Vu   Refer.   Reinforcement   QA  Requ.   •  TesFng  –  𝑣u  >  30  psi  
Less  than  30  psi   7.4.2   No   Bond-­‐integrity  tesFng  
30  to  60  psi   7.4.3   No   Quant.  tesFng  –  bond  strength   •  Quant.  bond  tesFng  
Greater  than  60  psi  
7.4.4   Yes   Quant.  tesFng  –  bond  strength   •  ASTM  C1583  
•  Bond-­‐integrity  tesFng   •  Interface  reinforcement  
•  Hammer  sounding,  NDE,  other  methods   •  No  tesFng  required  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   54  


InteracFon  and  Repair  Sequence  /  Detailing   Repair  Design  with  ACI  562  

•  Consider  in  repair  design   •  Design  Basis  Code  +  Engineering  Logic  

•  InteracFon  /  engagement  of  exisFng  structure   •  Key  Concepts  
•  Repair  detailing   •  Strength  and  sFffness  requirements  
•  Maximize  performance   •  Consider    
•  ICRI  Guidelines   •  In-­‐situ  structure  
•  ACI  546   •  IntegraFon  of  repair  with  structure  
•  Sequence  of  work  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   55  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   56  

Durability  –  Chapter  8   Design  Service  Life  

•  General   •  A  goal  established  by  the  licensed  design  professional  

•  Cover   (LDP)  to  achieve  an  economical  repair  that  saFsfies  
•  Cracks   both  safety  and  serviceability  requirements  
•  Corrosion  and  deterioraFon  of  reinforcement  and   •  EsFmated  by  LDP  in  consultaFon  with  the  owner  and  
metallic  embedments   consideraFon  of  the  properFes  of  the  materials  
•  Surface  treatments  and  coaFngs   •  ACI  562  does  not  establish  a  design  service  life  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   58  

Durability   Durability  -­‐  General  

•  Performance-­‐based  requirements   •  Repair   materials   and   methods   shall   be   selected  

•  Durability  considered  by  LDP  in  repair  design   that   are   intended   to   be   compaFble   with   the  
•  Individual  repairs   structure,   durable   within   the   service   environment,  
and  consider  the  an*cipated  maintenance.    
•  Overall  repaired  structure  
•  InteracFon  of  repair  area  and  structure  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   59  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   60  


Durability  -­‐  General   Cover  

So  what  does  this  mean?  
  •  In  accordance  with  the  design  basis  code  
•  Specify  materials  based  upon  service  environment   •  AlternaFve  materials  and  methods,  an  equivalent  
•  New  materials  need  to  be  compaFble  with  exisFng  
•  IdenFfy  potenFal  maintenance  issues  
cover  that  provides  sufficient  corrosion  protecFon  
•  Make  owner  aware  of  maintenance  requirements   and  fire  protecFon  shall  be  in  accordance  with  
1.4.2  *  
•  Reduce  common  causes  of  repair  material  failures  
•  Sufficient  anchorage  and  development  for  the  
•  Greater  repair  durability   reinforcement  shall  be  provided  regardless  of  
•  Reduce  future  problems  for  LDP   methods  used  to  provide  corrosion  protecFon  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   61  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   62  

Cracks   Cracks  
Crack  Repair  ConsideraFons:  
•  The  design  of  repairs  shall  consider  the  effects  of    
cracks  on  the  expected  durability,  performance,  and   •  Cause  
•  OrientaFon  
design  service  life  of  the  repair.   •  Deleterious  materials  
•  Consider  the  causes,  movement,  size,  orientaFon,   •  Performance  of  structure  
width,  complexity  of  the  network  of  cracks,   •  Movement  
•  Etc.  
characterisFcs  of  the  substrate,  locaFon,  and  
evidence  of  water  transmission  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   63  

2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   64  

Corrosion  and  deterioraFon  of  reinforcement   8.5—Surface  treatments   and  coaFngs  

and  metallic  embedments   CoaFngs  and  Surface  Treatments  

•  Considered  in  the  durability  design   •  Consider  moisture  transmission  through  the  
•  Quality  of  exisFng  concrete  and  ability  to  protect   structure  &  influence  of  surface  treatment  on  the  
reinforcement  from  corrosion  and  deterioraFon  shall   durability  of  the  structure  
be  considered   •  Surface  treatments,  coaFngs,  sealers,  and  
•  Address  anodic  ring  effect   membranes  may  have  a  shorter  service  life  than  
the  concrete  
•  EncapsulaFon  of  moisture  and  deleterious  
materials  by  surface  treatment  may  cause  or  
accelerate  deterioraFon  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   65  
2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   66  


8.5—Surface   treatments  
CoaFngs  and   and  coaFngs  
Surface  Treatments   ConstrucFon  –  Chapter  9  

What  does  this  mean?   •  Stability  and  shoring  

•  CoaFng  service  life  
•  Designed  by  an  LDP  
•  Future  maintenance  problem  
•  CoaFngs  can  trap  water   •  Consider:  sequence,  in-­‐situ  condiFons,  changes  
•  Trapped  water  can  lead  to  coaFng  failures   in  condiFons  
•  Trapped  water  can  lead  to  corrosion  problems  
Goal  of  provision  is  to  make  LDP  aware  of  potenFal  
issues  with  coaFngs  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   68  

ConstrucFon  –  Chapter  9   Quality  Assurance  –  Chapter  10  

•  Temporary  condiFons   •  InspecFon    

•  ASCE/SEI  37  when  feasible   •  Consistent  with  general  building  code  
•  Stalled  projects?   •  Detailed  commentary  lisFng  possible  inspecFon  
•  Environmental     items  
•  InstrucFons  to  contractor   •  Concealed  condiFons  
•  Report  new  condiFons   •  TesFng  and  ConstrucFon  ObservaFons  
•  Control  of  debris   •  Consistent  with  project  specificaFons  

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   70  

ICRI  –  Concrete  Repair  Technician   ACI  562-­‐16  -­‐  Summary  

•  Concrete  repair  inspectors   •  Performance-­‐based  code  

•  Project  personnel   •  Can  be  used  as  a  reference  standard  
•  Wrilen  and  field  training   •  ExisFng  concrete  structures  
•  QA  /  QC  procedures   •  Not  intended  for  new  design  
•  Understand   •  EvaluaFon,  design,  durability,  QA,  and  
•    Why  and  how  of  good   maintenance  provisions  
 repair  pracFces      

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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   72  


Impact  on  Concrete  Repair  PracFce   AddiFonal  Resources  

•  ACI  Standard   •  ACI  563  –  SpecificaFons  

•  Sets  minimum  requirements  for  repair   •  To  be  published  in  2016  
•  Encourage  evaluaFon     •  SpecificaFons  for  common  concrete  repair  types  
•  Confirm  material  properFes   •  Concrete  InternaFonal  
•  Beler  evaluaFon  =  beler  repairs   •  ACI  562-­‐16  –  arFcle  series  
•  Sustainable  repaired  structures   •  Expanded  informaFon  on  ACI  562  
•  Long-­‐term  durability  of  repairs  
•  Consistent  reliability  
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2016  ICRI  Kick-­‐Off  Party  |  February  1,  2016   74  

Webinars  on  ACI  562-­‐16   Acknowledgements  

•  Guide  to  the  Use  of  ACI  562-­‐16   •  Members  of  ACI  562  Commilee,  especially  
•  Held  September  27th  –  29th   •  Larry  Kahn  
•  6  part  webinar  series  –  available  online   •  Gene  Stevens  
•  Overview  of  Guide  to  Use  of  ACI  562   •  Kevin  Conroy  
•  5  Worked  examples   •  Fred  Goodwin  
•  Jay  Paul  
•  Webinar  series  presenters  
•  ACI  Staff  
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