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M133a Ex. 2 Spring 2017 R.K.

Due: (01) 02/22/17, (02) 02/23/17.
Attempt all the questions. All problems must have work attached on
the scratch sheets.


1. Classify the equations as being separable, linear, exact or none of the above.
Make sure to indicate all possibilities in your classification. For example an
equation might be linear, but also separable.

(a) 2x sin(y)dx − x2 cos(y)dy = 0, (b) (x + ex+y )dx + (y + ex+y )dy = 0,

(c) 2xydx + (1 + x2 )dy = 0.


2. Solve the IVPs:

(a) (ex+y − 2x)dx + (ex+y + 2y)dy = 0, y(0) = 0,

y x
(b) √ + sin(x) dx + √ + 3y 2 dy = 0, y(π) = 0.
2 xy 2 xy
(c) (sec2 (x + y) − 3x2 )dx + (sec2 (x + y) + 3y 2 )dy = 0, y( ) = 0.

3. Investigate the qualitative behaviour of the solutions to:

= (y + 1)(y + 2)(y − 2).
Ans. Attach sketch of isoclines and solutions.

4. Which of the the following IVPs for the equation

= y 1/2 cos(x + y) − sin(y 4/3 )
has a unique solution? You must justify your answer on the scratch sheet (
Don’t forget that you have to use the Existence/Uniqueness Theorem for first
order odes).

(a) y(0) = 1, (b) y(1) = −1, (c) y(−1) = −1, (d) y(1) = 0.


5. Consider the equation

y 0 = (x − 2)y a .
Find the general solution of the equation when (a) a = 1 and (b) a = 2. Show
that y = 0 is a solution of the equation (a) and (b) by direct substitution. (c)
Is y = 0 part of the general solution for either (a) or (b)? In either case give an
explanation of why y = 0 is, or is not, part of the general solution.

6. Consider the equation

= (y − 1)(y + 1)(y − 2)
(a) Use the Existence/Uniqueness Theorem for odes to investigate the IVPs (i)
y(0) = a, (ii) y(2) = a and (iii) y(a) = −1 for this equation, for a ∈ R. (b)
Show directly that y = 1, y = 2 and y = −1 are solutions to the equation. (c)
Is it possible for any other solution to intersect these solutions?

7. Solve the IVPs

dy 1
(a) = , y(0) = 1,
dx 1 + x2
dy y
(b) = + 6x, y(0) = 1.
dx 1+x

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