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Module in Media and Literacy

What are codes?

Codes are systems of signs which create meaning.

Technical Codes (ways in which

equipment is used to tell a story)
Technical codes are codes that are specific to a media form and do
not live outside of them. For instance, our understanding of
different camera shots and their connotations make sense when
we look and films and photographs, but mean nothing to us
outside of those forms. Technical codes in media
include Camerawork
(techniques), Editing, Audio and Lighting.
Module in Media and Literacy

Camerawork refers to how the camera is operated, positioned and
moved for specific effects. Aspects of camerawork include:

• Positioning
• Movement
• Framing
• Exposure
• Lens choice
Module in Media and Literacy

Editing is the process of choosing, manipulating and arranging
images and sound. Editing is generally done for four different

• Graphic edits
• Rhythmic edits
• Spacial edits
• Temporal edits
Module in Media and Literacy

Audio is the expressive or naturalistic use of sound. Audio can be
diegetic or non diegetic. The three aspects of audio are:

• dialogue
• sound effects
• music
Module in Media and Literacy

Lighting is the manipulation of natural or artificial light to
selectively highlight specific elements of the scene. Elements of
lighting include:

• Quality
• Direction
• Source
• Colour
Module in Media and Literacy

Basic Camera Shots

Extreme Wide Shot

Wide Shot
Module in Media and Literacy

Medium Shot

Medium Close Up
Module in Media and Literacy

Close Up

Extreme Close up
Module in Media and Literacy

Note: Send your final output at with a file
name document format: Surname_FirstName_Section
Example – Cardenas_Nicky_ABM11B

Open an MS Word Document and Answer the following:

1. Look for one sample picture per Basic Camera Shots in
from notable Movie Series or Television Shows of your
choice. Cite Your Source. Copy and Paste each picture
with a label on the following:
a. Extreme Wide Shot
b. Wide Shot
c. Medium Shot
d. Medium Close up
e. Close up
f. Extreme Close Up
2. Look for one sample picture per ‘Shot Angles’ in from
notable Movie Series or Television Shows of your choice.
Cite Your Source. Copy and Paste each picture with a
label on the following:
a. Low
b. Eye Level
c. High
d. Worms Eye
e. Canted
f. Birds Eye
Module in Media and Literacy

Video Analysis

Source: Walking Dead Movie Series

• Does the scene convince the audience that it is possible for the
actor to survive or impossible for the actor to escape from the
“zombies” or walking dead people? Why? Explain your answer in
5 – 8 sentences only.

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