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Control Pre-Test

Name: _________________________

Complete the following questions. Answer T (True), F (False)

1. Feminine hygiene products can be used as a contraceptive
2. A woman can become pregnant without having sexual
3. Withdrawal is an effective contraceptive method
4. Douching is not a good method of birth control
5. A female must have an orgasm to become pregnant
6. The I.U.D is recommended for any woman
7. A condom and a diaphragm are the same thing
8. Using the condom and the pill is a very effective way to prevent
9. The pill must be prescribed by a doctor
10. The most effective way to prevent the spread of STI’s is a condom
11. On average, pregnancy in teens causes more health problems
than the pill
12. After ejaculation, sperm may live longer than 48 hours
13. If a woman misses one day of the pill the should use another
contraceptive method (i.e. condom) for the rest of the month with
the pill
14. A woman is safe from pregnancy if sexual intercourse occurs
during menstruation

Answer Key

1. Feminine hygiene products can be used as a contraceptive F
2. A woman can become pregnant without having sexual T
3. Withdrawal is an effective contraceptive method F
4. Douching is not a good method of birth control T
5. A female must have an orgasm to become pregnant F
6. The I.U.D is recommended for any woman F
7. A condom and a diaphragm are the same thing F
8. Using the condom and the pill is a very effective way to prevent T
9. The pill must be prescribed by a doctor T
10. The most effective way to prevent the spread of STI’s is a condom F
11. On average, pregnancy in teens causes more health problems T
than the pill
12. After ejaculation, sperm may live longer than 48 hours T
13. If a woman misses one day of the pill the should use another T
contraceptive method (i.e. condom) for the rest of the month with
the pill
14. A woman is safe from pregnancy if sexual intercourse occurs F
during menstruation

1. False: None are an effective contraceptive method
2. True: Even if there is no penetration of the penis, sperm can still
come in contact with the vagina if ejaculation occurs outside of the
female, near the vagina or an area of the body brought in contact
with the vagina (fingers).
3. False: Sperm cell called pre-ejaculation which is released from the
penis prior to ejaculation and can cause pregnancy.
4. True: Washing out the vaginal canal with a water solution. Both
ineffective birth control and can create an imbalance in natural PH
levels of the vagina.
5. False: Pregnancy occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg. Can happen
whether female has had an orgasm or not.
6. False: Prescribed by a doctor. Doctor will do a physical exam and
look at medical history to determine if it is a good option.
7. False: Both are protection only condom can protect against both STI
and pregnancy
8. True: An added advantage is combining the hormonal method with
a condom.
9. True: a doctor or a clinic can write Prescription.
10. False: Abstinence is only 100% effective.
11. True: During first three months of pregnancy, 7-10 teens do
not see a doctor or go to a clinic, placing mother at health risk.
Increased risk for low birth weight and pre-term infants/infant
death. Very few women taking the pill experience any negative side
effects. An even smaller minority experience severe health
12. True: Sperm can live 3-5 days after ejaculation.
13. True: missing any hormone pills can increase risk of
14. False: There is no time that is considered safe for

Contraceptive Methods Chart

Method Do you need a Where can Who can buy Protect against Protect against
prescription you get this this? STI’s? pregnancy

Control Pill




Method Do you need Where can Who can buy Protect against Protect against
a you get this this? STI’s? pregnancy
prescription method?
Male condom





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