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/ MBA)

Please download and complete the following application form as per the below steps

Step 01: Complete the below application sections with the required information
Section 1: Personal Information
Section 2: Admission Information
Section 3: Education Profile
Section 4: Work Experience
Section 5: Voluntary Work
Section 6: Financial and Familial Status
Section 7: Essays

Step 02: Attach all the required documents as per each application section as follow (not attaching any of the required attachments will
affect your application’s evaluation)
Section 1: Personal Information
• Copy of your personal Palestinian ID card – Also, a copy of your passport(s).
Section 2: Admission Information
• Official letter(s) from the university/ies confirming your admission ( as soon as available )
• Copies of your applications for financial aid at the universities where you applied.
Section 3: Education Profile
• Certified copy of your Tawjihi certificate in English or Arabic.
• Certified copies/ or original of your university certificates and transcripts, in English or Arabic.
• Copies of your test results (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT).
Section 4: Work Experience
• Work Experience certificates.
Section 5: Voluntary Work
• Certificates of voluntary work you carried out.
Section 6: Financial and Familial Status
• Salary or Income certificates as requested in section 6
• Copies of ID cards or passports for all direct family members.
• House ownership certificate or rent contract
• Receipts or Documents showing financial commitments and responsibilities of your direct family at schools
• Receipts or Documents showing financial commitments and responsibilities of your direct family at Universities
• Receipts or Documents showing financial commitments and responsibilities of any monthly expense

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Step 03: Complete the following annexes and attach it to the application
Annex 01: Recommendation Letter Form
Annex 02: Information Certification
Annex 03: Application Form Evaluation

Step 04: Read carefully the following attached information

M.Sc. / MBA Scholarship Criteria
Applying to the foundation
Application Selection and Evaluation

Important Notes
• This form can be photocopied. Kindly fill in blue ink and make sure all attachments are in A4 size.
• Make sure to submit a COMPLETE application with all the needed information and documents. (Applications with missing information or
• All information stated in this application should be true and correct. Any incorrect or misleading information will cause the application to
be disregarded

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Application Sections

Section 1: Personal Information

Guideline: Fill in your personal information as requested. Write your name exactly as written in your passport. For question 12, please
mention the name and contact details of the person we can contact in case you were not available. Do not forget to attach a recent
photograph to this section.

Attach a recent photo


First Second Family

1. Name: ------------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------
2. Date of Birth: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Country of Birth: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Mailing Address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Nationality (1) -----------------------------------------
(2) -----------------------------------------
6. Residence Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. City of residence in Palestine: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Country Code Area Code Number
8. Telephone: ------------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------
9. Mobile Tel.: ------------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------
10. Fax: ------------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------
11. E –mail: ------------------------------------------------ (important: must provide active & working e-mail)
12. Contact person other than yourself:
Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Country Code Area Code Number
Telephone: --------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
E-mail: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Section 2: Admission Information

Guideline: In question 1 of this section you will provide a summary of your correspondence for admission to universities of your choice from
the list of universities where HQSF provides financial support.
Fill in the table in this section and do not forget to attach copies of your application for financial aid at the universities where you applied and
also copies of your unconditional letter(s) of admission.

1. Please fill in the table below by giving information about your applications for admission to universities CHOSEN FROM HQSF
• You need to apply for financial aid as well at the universities you have chosen (in USA and Canada).
application deadline for each university)
University Country Specialization Degree\ Duration of Tuition & Applied for financial
sought studies Currency aid ( y/n)

• Please enclose a copy of your application for financial aid at each university (including Research or Teaching
• Please enclose a copy of the letter of admission for each university, as soon as available.
2. If you are applying to universities in the USA or Canada, do you have an immigration process, permanent residence or a Green
Card from those countries? (Yes/ No ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. If the answer is “Yes” in no. 2, please explain: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Did you apply for a scholarship at another Foundation(s)? (Yes/ No ) -------------------------------------------------
5. If the answer is “Yes” in no. 4, please state the Name(s) of Foundation(s) where you applied for a scholarship:
• -----------------------------------------------------------
• ------------------------------------------------------------
• ------------------------------------------------------------

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Section 3: Education Profile
Guideline: This section is a summary of your academic history starting from your high school certificate (Tawjihi). Attach certified copies of
your certificates and transcripts, in English or Arabic to the application. Please attach also copies of your test results (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE,
and GMAT).
1. Date of High School Certificate (Tawjihi): ------------------------------- Grade: ------------------------------------
2. Please fill in the table below:
Institution Years ( from-to ) Specialization Degree awarded GPA

3. Please indicate your scores in the following table:

Test Score Date

Section 4: Work Experience

Guideline: Please give details of your employment experience. You must enclose experience certificates with your application

Employer Position Years ( from – to ) Job description

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Section 5: Voluntary Work

Guideline: If you have carried out any voluntary work, advise details in the table on this section. Attach certificates of voluntary work you
Institution Period ( from – to ) Work description

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Section 6: Financial and Familial Status

• Provide information about your direct family (the married Sisters and Brothers are not included in your direct family). If you are
married, your direct family is your own, not including your father, mother, brothers and sisters. If you are single, your direct family is
your father, mother, brothers and sisters. State your family income in USD and attach documents to show your family income.
• The questions in this section are straightforward questions that will help us in evaluating your familial and financial status. Please
answer all questions and attach supporting documents as requested.
• In question no. 10 advise names and contact details of two social references, other than your relatives or direct family
• The foundation does not provide support for dependants. If you are bringing members of your family with you, the foundation will
require proof that you have the means to support them yourself. If you are awarded a scholarship, it will be to support you only.
• Any Hebrew documents should be translated into Arabic or English to be understood)

1. Marital Status: Single ---------- Married ---------- Other ----------

2. Family Sponsor :
Father --------------------- Profession: ------------------------------- Monthly Salary (USD): -------------------(Attach salary certificate)
Mother -------------------- Profession: -------------------------------- Monthly Salary (USD): ------------------ (Attach salary certificate)
Other member of your direct family (including yourself) -------------------- TOTAL Monthly Salaries (USD) -----------------(Attach ALL
their salary certificates)
3. Number of direct family members: ------------ (Attach copies of ID cards or passports for ALL family members)
4. List the names and the below required information of the direct family members:
Name Relation Age Educational Educational Current
Background Level

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5. The house you are living in is :
___ owned by family (Attach ownership certificate)
___ rented, the amount of house rent USD/year ------------------------------------- (Attach rent contract)
___ other, please explain --------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Schools/ University fees.
• No. of brothers/ sisters are currently at school :--------------------
• List the names of the brothers/ sisters are currently at school ---------------------------------------------------------------
• Total school fees for brothers/ sisters are currently at school USD /year: -------------------- (Attach receipts showing paid fees)
• How many brothers/ sisters are currently at university: ----------------
• List the names of the brothers/ sisters are currently at university ---------------------------------------------------------------
• Total university tuition for brothers/ sisters are currently at university USD/year: ------------------------ (Attach tuition receipts)
7. Other monthly expenses (please attach supporting documents)
Item Amount per month ($)
• Electricity
• Telephone
• Transportation Please clarify ………………………………………..
• Loans Please clarify ………………………………………..
• Others Please clarify ………………………………………..
8. Do you have another source of funding, other than your personal funding (Y/N)? --------------------------------------
9. If yes, please give details of source(s): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. Social references: (Social references should not be relatives or direct family members)
Name of first social reference: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Country Code Area Code Number
Telephone: ----------------------- ----------------------- --------------------
E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------
Name of second social reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Country Code Area Code Number
Telephone: ----------------------- ----------------------- --------------------
E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------

Note: HQSF reserves the right to investigate the Financial and Familial Status of the Applicant through independent private social
researchers. The Application will be disregarded if it turns out that it holds incorrect or misleading information.

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Section 7: Essays (in English language)

Guideline: Write two essays in English as required in this section. Each essay should be between 400-500 words. You can use separate A4
pages to write the essays if the space provided is not enough. (Grammar, punctuation and overall layout of your essay are all factors
considered while evaluating it).

1. Provide information about yourself and why you have chosen your current area of specialization.

2. Please describe your future educational and career plans and how you think they will contribute to the development of your country.

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Annex 01
Recommendation Letter Form
Guideline: You can photocopy this form to submit three references (two academic and one from one of your employers) all on the same
HQSF form. Each reference should be sealed and the seal signed by the referee and stamped by the stamp of the institution.
Please ask one of your referees (who should know you well and be one of your past or present teachers, academic supervisors) to complete
this form and return it to you in a sealed envelope with the seal signed and stamped by the referee. The sealed envelopes should then be
submitted with your scholarship application form. Please note that it will not be possible to consider your application without this information.
Name of Applicant: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Specialization & Degree Sought: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? Please comment on any aspect of the applicant’s record, personal
qualities or potential you believe would be helpful in his/ her evaluation.
(Continue overleaf if necessary).
2. I would rank this student in the top -------- % of approximately ------------ students I have taught in -------------years.
3. Please fill in the table below, rating the student in terms of the following qualities.
Outstanding Excellent Good Average Poor No
(top 2%) (top 15%) (Top 30%) (Middle 30%) (Bottom 30%) Comment
Intellectual Ability
Analytical Ability
Imagination & Creativity
Ability to work with others
Ability of oral expression
Ability of written expression

Name of Referee: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Position of Referee:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Institution Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Institution Address: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Institution Stamp: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Annex 02
Information Certification

I ------------------------------------------------ certify that all the information in this application and the attached documents are correct

Name of the applicant: ---------------------------------------------------

Date: ---------------------------------------------------
Signature: ---------------------------------------------------

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Annex 03
Application Form Evaluation

Please answer the following questions:

1- How did you know about announcing the graduate scholarship program 2010 – 2011

HQSF website Newspaper Ad Maan website University website (Please indicate which University) …… Other (Please indicate) …

2- What is your feedback with regard to the scholarship announcing date


3- What is your feedback with regard to the scholarship deadline date


4- What is feedback with regard to the scholarship applications collection centers (please indicate which collection center you will be
submitting your application for)


5- If you have any other feedback related to the scholarship application and requirements, please indicate



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M.Sc. / MBA Scholarship Criteria

• Palestinians (Possibly holders of Jordanian passports) residing in Palestine.

• Less than 30 years of age at the time of application.
• Priority will be given to students in genuine need for financial support.
• Priority will be given to those having work experience relevant to their field of study.
• Minimum Tawjihi score of 87.5%.
• Minimum GPA of 3 (80.0%) in undergraduate certificate.
• Valid TOEFL score of IBT 80 (550 paper based score / 210 Computer based score), or as required by the university for admission.
• Applicants for graduate studies in the UK can submit ELTS in place of TOEFL. The minimum ELTS score needed is 6.0 with a
minimum of 5.5 in each band.
• For those applying for Engineering and Computer Science graduate studies in the USA or Canada a minimum of 1100 valid GRE
score (Quantitative + Verbal).
• For MBA applicants in the USA or Canada, a minimum valid GMAT score of 600 is required
• Successful applicants are required to sign a binding contract declaring that they will return to Palestine to work for an agreed
number of years in their field of specialization upon completion of their study.

Applying to the foundation

• Please complete the enclosed form and send it with all the required documents to one of the following collection centers inside
Palestine. Applications by fax or e-mail are not acceptable
Al-Najah University – Nablus British Council - Jerusalem (Please call before delivering
Hisham Hijjawi Technical College the application 00972 2 6267111))
Public Relations Office
Islamic University of Gaza Bethlehem University – Bethlehem
New Administration Building Office of the VP for Academic Affairs
Public Relations Office Monday to Friday
09:00 am -03:00 pm only
Palestine Polytechnic University ( PPU ) – Hebron Al Quds University – Jerusalem
Public Relations Unit Department of Student Affair
Financial Aid Unit

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• Alternatively, you can send your application by express mail (courier) to the following address:
Hani Qaddumi Scholarship Foundation
Amman – 7th Circle
Zahran Plaza Building
First Floor – Office 101
Amman - Jordan
Tel: + 962 6 5817819
Upon receipt of your application, we will send you a receipt note by e-mail for your documents.

Application Selection and Evaluation

Your application will be processed and evaluated by a special selection committee and you will be notified about the result in due course. The
evaluation will be carried out based on clear and objective criteria, therefore, please do not use your contacts to lobby your scholarship
application. This will not help, and may harm, your application.

If the selection committee recommends considering you as an applicant, your application will be further processed by asking you to attend an
interview. You will be duly notified of the time and place of this interview. Otherwise you will receive an apology letter from us stating that your
application cannot be considered for further processing.

Final results of the selection will be sent in writing to applicants who attended the interview informing them of the decision about their

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