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Sīrah of Prophet

Before Birth
◆ I n a dream Abdul Muttalib was shown the location of the well of Zam Zam.
Sixth Year of Prophethood
◆E nraged that the Muslims are safe in Abyssinia, the Quraish send Amr bin
◆P  rophet engages with the Jews in a treaty of peace and harmony for all
the inhabitants of Madīnah.
Seventh Year of Migration
◆ Th
 e battle of Khaybar: The inhabitants of Khaybar were the main
He re-dug the well with the help of his son Hārith. al-Ās and Abdullah bin Ubayy to Najāshi to try to convince him to evict the ◆ Consummation of marriage with Ā’isha (R.A) takes place. agents who had enlisted the Arab and Jewish forces in the battle of
◆P  rophet’s father Abdullah passed away a few months before his birth. Muslims. Najāshi refuses. ◆A  s the Quraish prepare to attack Madīnah, Allāh grants the confederates. They were still at large and continued to plot against
◆A  braha; the governor of Yemen, took an oath to destroy the Ka’bah. He ◆ Hamzah (R.A) accepts Islām. Three days later Umar (R.A) accepts Islām. the Muslims permission to defend themselves and thus Jihād is ordained. Islām. Prophet lays siege to their forts. The people of Khaybar beg for
marched to Makkah on a huge elephant with an army of 60,000 soldiers ◆A fter notable and powerful figures such as Hamza (R.A) and Umar (R.A) accept ◆ S almān al-Fārsī and Abdullāh bin Salām the famous Jewish scholar, accept Islām. forgiveness which Prophet grants and he allows them to leave Madīnah
but they were stopped in their tracks as Allāh sent a flock of birds that Islām, the Quraish approach the Prophet saying we will give you wealth, without any punishment.
pelted them with stones. This took place 50 or 55 days before the birth power and other worldly possessions if you stop preaching. Second Year of Migration ◆A  s a result of the conquest of Khaybar the Muhājirīn become rich and
of Prophet . ◆A s the Quraish fail to entice Prophet with wealth and power, some ◆ Th
 e expedition of Abwā’: Enraged that the Prophet has escaped to independent from the Ansār. Hence they return all the possessions
elements of the Quraish plot to assassinate him. Madīnah, the Quraish declare war and prepare to attack Madīnah. A group (houses, land and trees) which the Ansār had given them to use and
◆ Th
 e Quraish contact the Jews of Madīnah asking them for advice. They tell of fighters involved in this plot is stationed at Abwā’, Prophet and 70 benefit from.
Birth the Quraish to put three questions to the Prophet advising that, if he Muhājirīn go to engage them but they fee. This is the first expedition in ◆U  mrah al-Qadhā is performed to compensate for the Umrah which the
◆ Th
 e Holy Prophet is born on Monday the 9th, or 12th of Rabī al-Awwal, answers the first two of the three questions he is a Prophet. The Prophet which Prophet takes part himself. Muslims had intended to perform in the previous year.
corresponding to April 570/571CE. answers the first two questions. ◆ Th
 rough the command of Allāh the direction of prayer; Qibla, is ◆M  ut’ah and the consumption of domesticated donkeys
◆ I n line with the practice of the Arabs, Prophet is given to Halīma (R.A) changed, from Masjid al-Aqsā to Masjid al-Harām. become prohibited.
who takes him to the countryside so he can grow up healthy and learn Seventh-Ninth Year of Prophethood ◆A section of Masjid al-Nabawī is designated for the poor Muslims who have ◆ J a’far bin Abī Tālib (R.A) and other companions (R.A) who are left in
the pure Arabic spoken by the Bedouins. Halīma (R.A) experiences many ◆ Th
 e Quraish initiate an oppressive boycott of the Muslims and Banū Hāshim no house of their own. Abyssinia migrate to Madīnāh.
miracles through the blessing of this child destined to be the final messenger. and vow only to end the boycott if the Muslims hand over the Prophet ◆ Th
 e battle of Badr takes place between the Muslims and the disbelievers of ◆ Th
 e Prophet marries Umm Habība (daughter of Abu Sufyān (R.A),
◆A  t the age of four, during his stay with Halīma (R.A), two angels come to after which the Quraish would kill him. The boycott lasts for three years. Quraish. Despite the fact that the Muslims have only 313 ill-equipped men and Safiyyah bint Huyay and Maymūnah (R.A).
Prophet and split his chest open and thereafter wash his noble heart. ◆ Th
 e boycott causes massive starvation amongst the Muslims. They are forced the Quraish have over a 1000 well armed men, the Muslims are still victorious. ◆H  ighly respected leaders such as Khālid bin Walīd, Uthmān bin Talha and
Following this incident, Halīma (R.A) returns the Prophet to his mother to survive on leaves. Sometimes if they were lucky they would find skin ◆ Th
 e laws of fasting, Sadaqah al-Fitr, Salāh of īd, Udh’hiya and Zakāt Amr bin Aās accept Islām, some scholars say they accepted Islām in the
Āmina (R.A). which they would roast to eat. are ordained. eighth year of Hijrī.
◆A  s Āmina (R.A) returns from Madīnah with her orphan son she falls ill ◆M ansūr bin Ikramah; the scribe who drafted the charter of the boycott is soon ◆ Ruqayyah (R.A); the daughter of the Prophet passes away.
and passes away in Abwā’. The Prophet is only six years old and his punished by Allāh . His hands become disabled and he is never to write again. ◆ Fātimah (R.A); the daughter of the Prophet marries Alī (R.A). Eighth Year of Migration
grandfather Abdul Muttalib takes care of him. ◆A bū Bakr (R.A) leaves Makkah to join the Muslims in Abyssinia. Ibn ◆A fter the clan of Qaynuqā’ humiliate a Muslim women and kill a Muslim ◆ Th
 e expedition of Mūtah takes place in which 3000 Muslims fight against
◆A  bdul Muttalib passes away when Prophet is eight years old. Prophet Dugunnah brings him back guaranteeing him sanctuary. man, the Prophet lays siege to their forts for fifteen days after which they 300,000 disbelievers. Only 12 Muslims are martyred.
is taken into the care of his uncle Abū Tālib. surrender. Subsequently they are banished from Madīnah and its suburbs. ◆ Th
 e Expedition of Abū Ubaidah takes place. The Muslims suffer from
◆ Th
 e splitting of the chest takes place for the second time when Prophet Tenth Year of Prophethood hunger during this time. Finally they resort to eating the leaves of
is ten years old. ◆ Th
 e Quraish had hung the charter of the boycott on the wall of the Ka’bah. Third Year of Migration trees. One day whilst they are travelling by the sea shore, miraculously, a
◆ Th
 e incident of Bahīra (a Christian monk): At the age of twelve, the Prophet Allāh informs the Prophet that the charter has been eaten by white ◆ The Prophet marries Hafsa (R.A); the daughter of Umar (R.A). whale is thrown out of the sea. The Muslims eat from this whale for
leaves Makkah for the first time. He accompanies his uncle Abū Tālib to ants except for the name of Allāh . Abū Tālib informs the Quraish of this ◆ The Battle of Uhad takes place. eighteen days.
Syria in a trading caravan. Upon reaching Busrā, Bahīra recognises Prophet occurrence and says: if the Prophet is wrong we will hand him over, but ◆ Hasan (R.A); the grandson of the Prophet is born to Fātima (R.A). ◆A  fter the Quraish break the treaty of Hudaybiyyah the Prophet advances
through his knowledge of the previous scriptures. He warns Abū Tālib if he is right you must end the boycott. The Quraish agree and check the ◆ The consumption of alcohol is prohibited. (Some say 4th Hijri) towards Makkah with 10,000 soldiers and successfully enters and conquers
that Prophet must be sent back to Makkah, otherwise if the Romans charter. They find the Prophet to be correct and thus the boycott ends. ◆ Th
 e daughter of the Prophet Umm Kulthūm (R.A) marries Uthmān (R.A). Makkah. Even though the Quraish had tortured and persecuted the
become aware of whom he is they will harm him. Subsequently the Prophet ◆ 2 5 seniors of the Quraish go to Abū Tālib for the last time and try to ◆ Th
 e laws of inheritance are revealed. Up until now, women were Muslims, when Prophet enters Makkah he prohibits any form of revenge
is returned to Makkah. convince him to abandon the Prophet . They return unsuccessfully but never given a share of the inheritance. Not only did Islām give women a and thus there was no bloodshed. This act of kindness and peace results in
◆ Th
 e war of Fijār takes place in which the Prophet assists upon the leave him with a warning. share from the inheritance, Islām ruled that more women will many ardent enemies of the Prophet accepting Islām.
insistence of his uncles but does not partake in battle. His age is 14, 15, or ◆ Abū Tālib passes away. receive inheritance than men. Thus, only four categories of men are entitled ◆M  any people knew Islām is the truth but did not embrace it out of fear of
20 at the time. The Peace treaty of Fudhūl was an oath taken by three men ◆ Khadījah (R.A) passes away 3-5 days after Abū Tālib. to inheritance but eight categories of women are entitled the Quraish. Now, as the Quraish were being crushed, the people embrace
to stop the killing of the innocent. Following the war of Fijār the treaty of ◆ Prophet marries Sawdah (R.A). to inheritance. Islām in large numbers. Entire tribes and committees embrace Islām in
Fudhūl is renewed in which the Prophet is also involved. ◆Z  aid bin Hārithah (R.A) accompanies Prophet to Tā’if for ten days. The ◆ The marriage of a Muslim to a polytheist is also prohibited in this year. succession. Even though the Prophet gave the Qurashi leaders sanctuary
◆A  t the age of 25, Khadījah, a rich Makkan businesswomen, sends Prophet people of Tāif mock and attack Prophet . On the return from Tā’if, the and forgave them, many of the leaders embrace Islām. Some of them are:
and her slave Maysarah to Syria. On this journey a monk called Nastūra angel responsible for the mountains asks the Prophet for permission to Fourth Year of Migration Safwān bin Umayyah, Suhayl bin Amr, Utbah and Mu’awiyyah (May Allāh
observes him and identifies him as a Prophet. crush the people of Tā’if and Makkah by bringing together the mountains on ◆U pon their request, the Prophet sends ten learned Muslims to the tribe be pleased with them)
◆ Th
 e business trip is successful and Prophet returns with a lot of profit. either side of the two cities. Prophet refuses and instead he prays for them. of Adhal and Qārah to educate them about Islām. These people betray the ◆P  rophet appoints governors in many Muslim areas and thus a system of
Maysarah testifies to the honesty and nobility of Prophet . Khadījah is ◆U  pon returning from Tā’if, the Prophet stops at Nakhlah for a few days. Muslims and kill all ten Muslims. peace and justice is established in those areas.
affected by this and subsequently asks him to marry her. Prophet marries A group of Jinn stop by to listen to the Prophet reciting Qur’ān. After ◆U pon the request of Āmir bin Mālik the Prophet sends seventy ◆A  bbās (R.A) migrates to Madīnah from Makkah with his entire family
her at the age of 25 and at the time she is 40. 5 years before prophethood, listening to a few verses they leave. The Prophet remains unaware of this companions (R.A) to Najd to teach them about Islām. Again the Muslims following the Muslim’s victory in Makkah.
the Ka’bah is re-built. A dispute ensues as to which tribe of the Quraish occurrence until Allāh reveals it to him. are betrayed and martyred. ◆ Th
 e battle of Hunayn takes place in which the tribes of Hawāzin and Thaqīf
should have the honour of placing the black stone in its place. Due to his ◆ Th
 e tribe of Banu Nadhīr lure the Prophet to sit in a place with the attempt to raid Makkah with 20,000 men. Allāh assists the Muslims and
honesty, the Quraish appoint Prophet as the arbitrator and the matter is Eleventh Year of Prophethood intention of assassinating him. They are unsuccessful in this attempt and are thus the enemy is defeated.
resolved peacefully. ◆ Th
 e incident of Me’rāj/Isrā’ takes place wherein the Prophet is taken from subsequently banished from Madīnah. ◆A  fter their defeat at Hunayn some of the raiders fortify themselves in Tā’if.
◆A  s the Prophet approaches the age of forty, he prefers solitude and spends Masjid al-Harām in Makkah, to Masjid al-Aqsā in Palestine in one night. In ◆ Th
 e battle of Thāt al-Riqā’ takes place. Subsequently the rulings of Salāh al- The Prophet lays siege to the fort but the fort is not conquered. Later on
much of his time in the cave of Hirā in Mount Nur. this journey, Prophet physically tours the heavens. In this journey the 5 khawf are revealed. Some scholars hold that the rules were ordained in the these people decide to accept Islām on their own accord.
◆ S ix months prior to receiving prophethood, Prophet begins to see dreams daily prayers become obligatory. 4th, 5th or 7th year of Hijrī. ◆ S tationed at Ja’rāna, the Prophet proceeds to Makkah for Umrah and
which would materialise and prove to be very accurate. ◆ S ix men from the tribe of Khazraj accept Islām during the Hajj season. ◆H usayn (R.A); the grandson of the Prophet is born to Fātimah (R.A). returns to Madīnah after two months and sixteen days.
Through these six men Islām begins to spread in Madīnah. ◆ The second expedition of Badr takes place. ◆H  adhrat Ibrāhīm (R.A), the son of the Prophet and Māriyah al-Qibtiyya
Prophethood ◆ The Prophet marries Ā’isha (R.A). ◆ Th
 e Prophet marries Zainab bint Khuzayma (R.A) and she sadly passes
away a few months later.
is born.
◆ Zaynab (RA); the daughter of the Prophet passes away.
First Year of Prophethood Twelfth Year of Prophethood ◆ The Prophet marries Umm Salama (R.A).
◆ One
 day, at the age of 40 in the cave Hirā, Prophet is visited by the angel ◆F irst pledge of Aqabah takes place. 12 men from Madīnah pledge their ◆ Th
 e Prophet orderes Zaid bin Thābit to learn Hebrew. The Prophet did Ninth Year of Migration
Jibra’īl who reveals the first few verses of Surah Iqra. From this point the era allegiance to Prophet five of which had accepted Islām at the hands of so as he did not trust the Jews and did not want to rely on them. ◆ Tamīm bin Aws al-Dari accepts Islām. He is also well known for being the
of divine revelation (Wahī) begins. the Prophet the previous year. ◆ Th
 e rules of Hijāb (modestly covering oneself ) are ordained. Some scholars first person to light a lamp in Masjid al-Nabawi. Prior to this, the Masjid
◆ S haken by the experience of revelation, Khadījah (R.A) takes Prophet to ◆B efore Jumu’ah actually became obligatory, As’ad bin Zurārah by his own say 3rd or 5th Hijrī. had no light.
Waraqah bin Nawfal, a Christian scholar. Prophet relates his experience initiative establishes a gathering on the day of Jumu’ah. The Muslims gather ◆ Th
 e Prophet dispatches individuals to the various Muslim lands to
and Warqah says that this is what the Prophet Moses also experienced. and worship Allāh together. Fifth Year of Migration collect Zakāt.
Waraqah then confirms that Prophet is the final messenger as described ◆ The expedition of Dūma al-Jandal: The disbelievers stationed at Dūma al- ◆A fter the fall of Makkah and the collapse of the Quraish, the Romans fear
in the Christian and Jewish scriptures. Thirteenth Year of Prophethood Jandal, frequently raid and loot the passing caravans. Prophet proceeds to for their own power. They assemble an army of 40,000 to destroy Islām.
◆ Jibra’īl (A.S) teaches Prophet how to perform Wudhu and Salāh. ◆ S econd pledge of Aqabah takes place during the Hajj season. 2 women and confront them but they flee. The Prophet prepares an army of 30,000 to combat the roman army of
◆ The splitting of the chest occurs for the third time. 70-73 men pledge their allegiance to Prophet . The Prophet then ◆ The grandson of the Prophet Abdullāh bin Uthmān passes away. 40,000 at Tabūk. The Romans flee as soon as they hear of the Muslim army
◆ Th
 e first few people to accept Islām are Khadījah (R.A), Abū Bakr (R.A), Alī appoints 12 leaders amongst them. ◆ The Battle of Banī Mustaliq: In aid of the Quraish, a small army from the and thus no fighting takes place.
(R.A) and Zaid (R.A). ◆U pon seeing the mounting difficulties and persecution the Muslims face daily, clan of Mustaliq advances to attack the Muslims. Prophet intercepts ◆N ajāshi; the king of Abyssinia passes away. The Prophet prays Janāzah
◆ Th
 e Muslims begin to gather in the house of Arqam to learn about Islām the Prophet instructs his companions to migrate to Madīnah. them out of Madīnah. Salāh for him in Madīnah.
and worship Allāh discreetly. ◆A  bū Salamah (R.A) is the first person to migrate. Thereafter, Umar (R.A) ◆ The Prophet marries Juwairiyya (R.A). ◆ Th
 e Prophet orders the destruction of Masjid al-Dhirār. This was the
migrates with 20 other people. ◆ The incident of Ifk takes place. place were the hypocrites would plot against Islām and the Prophet .
First-Third Year of Prophethood ◆ The rules of Tayammumn are ordained. ◆ Umm Kulthūm; the daughter of the Prophet passes away.
◆ Th
 e Prophet and the Muslims invite others towards Islām discreetly. This Fourteenth Year of ◆ The Battle of the confederates: An alliance of 10,000 soldiers from different ◆A bdullah bin Ubayy bin Sulūl; the leader of the hypocrites
practice and propagation of Islām continues in a discreet manner for 3 years. Arab and Jewish tribes converges on Madīnah to wipe out Islām once and for (Munāfiqīn) dies.
◆ Th
 ose people who accepted Islām during the first three years (i.e. whilst Prophethood ⁄ First Year all. The Prophet digs trenches around Madīnah to stop their advance. The ◆ Th
 e Prophet sends Abū Bakr (R.A) to perform the pilgrimage (Hajj).
people were being invited towards Islām discreetly) are known as ‘Al-Sābiqīn
al-Awwalīn’. Approximately 130 men and women fall into this category. of Migration 622 ⁄ 623 CE enemy besieges Madīnah for 27 days after which distrust and dispute dissolves
the alliance and they all leave. Once again Allāh protects the Muslims.
This Hajj is known as Al-Hajj al-Akbar.
◆ Th
 e laws of Li’ān are revealed. Some narrate that this took place in
◆ Th
 e disbelievers of Quraish gather in Dār al-Nadwa to plot to kill the ◆ The Prophet marries Zainab bint Jahash (R.A). 5th Hijri
Fourth Year of Prophethood Prophet . This takes place approximately two and a half months after the ◆ Th
 e battle of Banū Quraidha: The clan of Quraidha betrayed the Muslims ◆ Jizya is established.
◆ Th
 e verse: is revealed and thus, Prophet extends the second Bay’ah of Aqaba. and secretly assisted the alliance from within Madīnah. Subsequently ◆ Usage and dealing with Ribā (interest) is prohibited.
preaching of Islām to the different tribes of the Quraish. ◆ Th
 e next day, a group of Quraishi men surround the house of Prophet banished them from Madīnah. ◆M ore than 20 delegations from different tribes come to Madīnah to accept
◆ Th
 e verse: is revealed. Prophet and the Prophet in order to assassinate him. When the Prophet emerges, he ◆ Hajj is made obligatory. Some say sixth Hijrī. Islām. Many of them in the ninth year of Hijrah (Migration).
Muslims begin to openly preach Islām. They also begin to worship and throws dust in their direction which temporarily blinds them. They remain ◆ A tremor and lunar eclipse take place in Madīnah. ◆ The
 incident of Mubāhala takes place between Prophet and
perform Salāh openly. unaware of his exit until morning. At this point, on the 27th of Safar, the ◆R  ules pertaining to false accusations and some forms of divorce such as Banū Najrān.
◆ I slām is spreading fast and the Hajj season is approaching. Fearing the Prophet begins the journey of migration along with his loyal companion Zhihār are ordained.
further popularity of Islām, Walīd bin Mughīrah and other nobles of Abū Bakr (R.A). ◆ The laws of fostering a child are ordained. Tenth Year of Migration
Makkah gather to discuss how to deter the pilgrims from the message of ◆ Th
 e Prophet stops in Qubā for a few days wherein he establishes the ◆ S a’d bin Muāth (R.A); the leader of the Ansār passes away. Prophet ◆P  rophet sends Muāth bin Jabal (R.A) and Abū Musā al-Ash’ari (R.A)
the Prophet . first masjid, namely Masjid Qubā. Thereafter on Friday he proceeds and is saddened as Sa’d bin Muāth (R.A) helped and protected Prophet to separate places in Yemen to educate people about Islām (This may have
◆ Th
 e Quraish intensify their opposition to Prophet and start to physically enters Madīnah. throughout his life. happened at the end of the ninth year of Hijrah).
abuse him and the other Muslims. The poor and weak Muslims are ◆ Th
 e people of Madīnah are eagerly waiting for the arrival of Prophet . ◆P  rophet performs Hajj with approximately 100,000 of his companions.
severely persecuted. Upon his arrival, the little girls of Madīnah sing songs of praise. Sixth Year of Migration ◆ Ibrāhīm (R.A) the son of the Prophet passes away at the age of
◆ Th
 e Quraish are fed up with the success of Islām. They approach Abū Tālib ◆ Th
 e Jewish rabbis begin to come to the Prophet in order to test him and ◆F or the first time after migration the Prophet intends to perform Umrah sixteen months.
and attempt to convince him to abandon the Prophet . Abū Tālib ignores determine whether he is their long awaited prophet. Many Jewish scholars with approximately 1400/1500 companions (R.A). The Quraish prevent them ◆M  usaylamah al-Kathāb claims prophethood in Yamāmah and Aswad Bin
them; they approach him a second and third time wherein they warn him. accept Islām upon meeting the Prophet . from entering Makkah. A standoff between the Quraish and Muslims ensues. Ka’b claims prophethood in San’aa, Yemen.
◆ Th
 e Prophet and his companions (R.A) build Masjid al-Nabawī as well ◆D uring this standoff, the Prophet sends Uthmān (R.A) as a messenger on
Fifth Year of Prophethood as the living quarters of the wives of the Prophet . As the Muhājirīn had behalf of the Muslims to the Quraish. The Muslims are wrongly informed Eleventh Year of Migration (May) 632 CE
◆ I n hope of escaping the persecution of the Quraish, 12 men and 4 women left all their possessions in Makkah, Prophet establishes the bond of that Uthmān (R.A) has been martyred by the Quraish. The Muslims ◆A  gain the Romans plot against Islām and thus Prophet prepares to
migrate to Abyssinia. This is the first migration in Islām. brotherhood between the Muhājirīn and Ansār. An Ansāri took a Muhājir as vow to take revenge for him. This vow is known as Bay’ah al-Ridhwān. dispatch an army under the leadership of Usāma bin Zaid (R.A) towards
◆ Th
 e second migration to Abyssinia takes place. 82-86 men and 17-18 his brother and divided his entire wealth with him. Subsequently this standoff is resolved through the treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Rome. Before the army leaves he falls ill. This was the final army that the
women migrate on this occasion. ◆ The Athān; call to prayer is established. ◆ Th
 e treaty of Hudaybiyyah meant that now, after 18 years of persecution at Prophet dispatched.
◆ Th
 e Prophet recites Surah al-Najm and the disbelievers of the Quraish ◆P rophet sends Zaid bin Hāritha (R.A) and Abū Rāfi’ (R.A) to Makkah to the hands of the Quraish, the Muslims can now live in peace. In this peace- ◆ The greatest sadness ever: The noble Prophet leaves the world on the 12th
are miraculously forced, against their will, to prostrate with the Muslims bring those of his family members who are left there, namely Fātima, Umm time era Prophet sends letters to various kings and rulers inviting them of Rabī al-Awwal.
upon hearing the Qur’ān. Kulthūm and Umm al Mu’minīn Sawdah (R.A). towards Islām. ◆ Abū Bakr (R.A) becomes Caliph.

Some names which Prophet His sincere assistants The Battles of the Prophet
His noble lineage from his father Abdullah: His nannies
has called himself
(Shayma was the daughter of Halīma)
(He would take care of Prophet’s Confrontations which
(The one who embodies the most resulted in fighting
His blessed children daily errands)
praiseworthy qualities)
All of Prophet children are from his wife Khadījah R.A. except for Confrontations which
Ibrāhīm as he is from Māriyah al-Qibtiyya R.A. did not result in fighting
(He would take care of Prophet’s
(The one who praises Allah the slippers and Miswak)
most, or the one who himself is
His noble lineage from his mother Āmina: most deserving of praise from the
(Also known as and )
entire creation)
(From his mother’s lineage is the same as his fathers) (He would take care of Prophet’s
His grandchildren (The one whom Allah uses to
end disbelief)
His pious wives (He would take care of Prophet’s
riding camel)
(The one to be resurrected first)

(He would take care of Prophet’s

(The one, after whom there is no sanitary requirements)
His two wet nurses
other Prophet) 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH 10TH

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