NTPC Eng 16.01.19

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Recruitment of Engineering Executi CRU oer ERO a U7 NTPC Live India's frgest power company with an installed capacity of 52,946 MN, & presently operating 0 Stations 20 Coal based statons, 7 combined cycle gasiiqud ‘al based statons, 2 Hyer based statons, 9 Joint Venture statons and 12 renewable ‘nergy projets). Commensurate wih our countrys grow challenges, NTPC has ‘ombarkod upon an ambitous plan oat tolalinstalod capacity of 130 GW by 2032 ‘To uel its ambitious growth plan, NTPC is looking for promising, dedicated, energetic young Gracuate Engineers witn llant academic record tojoin ine organization ae ENGINEERING EXECUTIVE TRAINEES in disciplines of Eletricalér “Mechanical(@5) “Eletronies(25) insrumentation(25) “Wining(6)| ‘QUALIFICATION: Fulltime Bachelor's Dogroe in Enginewring or Technology/AME with not ss than 65% marks, as per respecive Instiute/University norms Final yearsemesterstudens, are ‘als eigible to apply subject to abtaining atleast 65% marcsn engineering dearos. A Candidate withthe preseribed degree isenved for the oisipines as gven below can ‘only apply forthe posto EET inthe respective eiscoine: Discipline advertised | Prescribedfulltime degrees nEngineering Tlocrealngineoing ——| Elestical 7 Cleevical & Tleavonies 1 EMOTE, Instumentaton & Conia! Power Systems & High \Voiage/ Power Elecrones/ Power ngneering Mechanical Preductin instal Engg Produsion [ElndustralEngg,Thermal/Mecnancal& Automation Power Engineering Electronics. 1 Flecsoncs& Teleconmunieavan 7 Elecronics & Power! Power Electronics Sectors & Communicaion Slecvieal & Electronics Elscronics & Insrumentaton 7 inetumentaton & Tochanical Engneorng Tlscrones ERGTOSTG Trarumertaton Ergineera| Conta! Ting Engineonng ining ‘AGE LIMIT: Upper Age limit 8 27 years a8 on last date of ontne application in NTPC (ee. 31.01 2019), ‘SELECTION PROCESS: Egle candidates wil have to appear for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE}20%9, Based on the GATE-2019 marks and requroment, candles will be ‘shor liste fr further selection process (Onine Behavioualptue Tes, fllowed by {GD ang Inirviaw). The hal ment Ist wil bs prepared based on 85% weightage of {GATE-2019 marks, 8% woighlage of GO marks and 10% weightage oneview marks, Please natethatforET-2019recrtmont GATE scores of2019villony bo vai, CCandiates ar oquedto appear for GATE-2018 paper asdetaileatbolon: Engineering Disciplines a= Gorrespending | Correspending advertised by NTPC. ‘GATE-2019 "| GATE-2019 Paper Paper Code Elocvical Engg, (Eociicl/Eeckical & Electronics /Eecttea, Instrumentation & Electrical |Gonol/ Power Systems &Mign Vatage! | Engineering fe Power Zlectronics/ Pawar Engineering) chanical Engg. (Mechanical Proaucton industrial Engg! Production & Industrial Mechanical Engg. Thermal Mechanical & Automation / | Engineering ve Powe Engnoeting) Electronics Engg, Electronics Eeckroncs |g Telocommuniation Electronics & Power! | Electronics & Power Electrons! Elocrones & Communication| EC [Communeaton’ Electical & Electronics) Engineering Instrumentation Engg, (Electronics & instrumentation], Isttmentaton rintumeniaton & Contra) | Engineering Mining Engg MN PROJECTED VACANCIES: Calogorysuite prowected vacancesin each dscipine are given blow Discipline Vacancies “Type of Disabilities identified (discipline wise) Total [UR [oe [st [ST Eleccal a [a [0 [es [2 (OA, OL, HH Mocranical [05 —[-s0_[25 [14 (OA, OL, HH Elberonies | 60 | 2a [as fo | a (OA, OL, HH Inteumentation ing Be Legend: OL [One Leg), OA|OneArm), Ai (Hearing Handeapped) ‘The vacancies for PwADs are eservedasper Govt. gucelines, ‘Thelolal numberof projected vacancies indeatod above mayinczease decrease atthe Gicrion of NTPC management ‘COMPENSATION PACKAGE: NTPC Lid. offers one of te bestpay packagesinthe industry. Selected candidates wil be placed inthe pay seal of Rs. 60,000-"0,000 ath basi pay of Rs, 600001- tring ‘one-year rainng, The oer benefs such as Dearness Allowance, aber paguiies {and alowances, terminal benefit, et wil be admasile as per company rles in force ‘fomtime tatme durng Vaining ator absorption, PLACEMENT. ‘Tho selected candidates shall undergo one-year taining a various places. The region ‘of posting wil be alloted upon Joining and the final place of posting within the allotted region will be decided after completion of training, Canddates can be laced, across he country. any al hefunetione al project! satans or ofc inciding Subsidiary companies ofNTPC. RESERVATIONS AND RELAXATIONS: 4. Reservations and relaxations fr SC / ST/ OBC (nomereamy layer) XSM / Pw andldatos wil be provided a8 por Government guidelines, Relaxations wil be txtendod invacanciesdentiied fr SC/ST /OBC (non-reamy layer Pa. 2, Category (SC / ST OBC Pw/3D) one fied inthe anne apoteation form wi not be changed and no bene of oer category wil be admissible later on, The reserved talegory candidates are required to submit requisite cerifiate In the prescribed format of Government of India, issued by the competent authorty, atthe time of Intenrew,alld fr '3, Norogistaton fee wil be charged from SCIST/PWBDIXSM candidates during online regisvatoninNTPCLis 4, SG, ST and PwBD candidates wih atleast 55% marks in qualifying examination are eligible to apply forthe post, '5, Tho uppor age Imi relaxed by 5 years for SCIST. 3 years for OBC (Non-Croamy Layer) candidates. tls olaxed by 10 years for PwED-Goneral, 13 years for PWBD- (OBC and 15 years for PwBO-SC/ST eanadates. 6, The OBC canldates wna belong to “Creamy Layer ate nat entitled for concession aamissble to OBC category ana auch candidates have to ndeate thar category a General, The OBC (Non-Creanty Layer) candidate are required to subrvt requste carfeata in presecbed formal of Goverment of Ina, rom a campotentauthorty Issued in the current year only. Also, OBC (NCL) candidates wil have to give a sel lundertaking indcaing tatty belong to OBC (Non creamy Layer} category also at the timeofGD& interview fealledtor. Upper age is relaxes by 5 years forthe canaidates who had oainaly been domictod inthe state of Jammu & Kashmir rom 07.0580 to 31.1289. n addon, the age Telaxation for Ex-sertcomen CSM) wilbs a per GovernmentotIndia norms ‘SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND: The selected canaidates who Delong to General and OBC categories willbe requlred to ‘exocite service agreement bond of Rs, 2.50,000- (Re, 28,000) or candidates Belonging to SC, ST, PwAD calogores) to srve the company frat east 3 yours ator Succossulcompletion ofane-year traning HEALTH: Before joning, candidates will have to undergo medical examination by the NTPC Medical Board and tne decision af the board il ba fnal ana bincing, No relaxation in heath standards wil be allowed. NTPC noms & standard of Medical finess are availaoie on tho website sen ngecaroers net HOW TOAPPLY: 5. Far datalec information on GATE-2019, tpt gate. ac 2. The candidates, who have apaled onne for GATE 2019, wll recive ther GATE 2018 Registation Number printed on ther admit card. On receipt of GATE registration number, he candies need to apply anne for NTPC ET-2019 onthe wabsio wincipccareers.rt from 10.01.2019031.01-2078 3, Candidate belonging to GenerallOBC category required to pay a nor-efundable registration fee of. 1501. The SC/ST/PwBDIXSM category candidates need not pay heregistratontee. The paymentcan be made ether nonlinear ofine mode. 4. Payment in offine mode: State Bank of India has been authorized to collet the Teaistration ee, Ina specaly openee account (No. 3087979093) at CAG branch [New Debi, on behalf of NTPC. Candidate has to approach the nearby SBI branch with a printout ofthe ‘payinlip" whichis avalale onthe application registration otal. The pay-inslip pented rom the portal shoul only be Used for depositing the feo or proper creating af amount inthe alocated account. On recep of te money, the bank wil fue a unigue soumal Number and a Branch Cade ofthe bank cllectng the money, Tis Jounal number and the branch cade are tobe fled Un by the eanaaace uring online registration. NTPC wil not be responsible incase the tandidate doposis the fee in awrong account ‘5, Payment in online made’ Candidate also have the option to pay the foes online {through Net banking Debit Cara! Croat Cara), The online payment option willbe availabe at the end ofthe onine application, before te submit button, Fee onco paid wil not be relurdes under any eieumstances, Candidates are threfore requested vorty ter eigilty befor payngthe regisvation fee, 7. Candidates wilb required o upload thelr photograph ana signatre (in JPGUPEG Fermatin 1 MB size) during online application. 8, Read the instuctions earful and fi-in he online appiaton form giving accurate information nclucing the GATE-2019regstraton number ané payment dtals. tar Successful registation, system will generate 2 Unique Registration Number Candigates are required to keep the prinout a the Registration slip whieh willbe gonoratod by te syst after succosstlrogistration 9, Please ensure thatthe GATE registration number, whichis mentioned on your GATE Admit card, Is fled up correctly. Name should ako bo illod up as ‘snpearing n GATE Agr card, No request with respect tthe change in any data fnlored By the canddate wil be entertained once the appleation Is submitted Successful GENERALINFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: 5 Oniyinian Natonaleare elgitleo apply. 2. The canddaia should ensue that he / sh falls the oigbilly erteria and over norms mentonedon the web sta www nipecareers net 23, Allqualiiations shoul be roman Indian Univesily/InstiuterecognizedbyAICTEY ‘anproprate statutory author. Nemanuali paper application willbe ontetained 5. Candidature of a rogistered candidal is labo to be rejected at any slage of Fecruitmort processor afar recruitment ojining any infermaton proved by tre Candida false ors not found tobe in conform wit elghityertevia mentoned Inthe advertisement 6. Forimportant instructions! queries candidates may please vsitthe Frequently ‘Asked Questions (FAQ) section onthe wabsite. 7. The E-mal ID entered inthe online application form mast remain valid frat least ext one year No change Inthe E-mal ID wil be allowed, once entered. Al fture ‘correspondence would oe sent via €-malony 8. Candidates, shortisted forimrview, are requiredto bring thelr orginal GATE 2019 scorecard asrocoivee rom GATE Organizing Commis, atthe maf Inerviow. 9, Candidates employed wth Goverment Departments / PSUS / Autonomous BotiosPrivato Organisations ae required to submit ralioving ole from curont exganizatonal the time ofjiningfselected forthe salgpost, SO.NTPC reserves the right to cancel restrict enlarge! mociy arth rerutment Brocess, reeds aes, ito tung ary usher notes or assigning ay reason ‘1 Legaljuradtion willbe ofNCT afDalhin case of any cause cpu candidates may log on to TNPORTANT OATES aaa Pt ]ooanenconono | so0Tze] (Nee a Sina Regaraton 100 Haws) BT ewiee inc tera Sane Cane co = “Vitus we specaracs ne Last date fr onine reajstration n NTPC| Sor 2018 (crit) (I “Bice: W-25em x 38am

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