Cell Respiration Cornell Notes Teacher

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Cellular Respiration

Main Ideas Details

Cellular Respiration (also called Aerobic respiration)
 Occurs in autotrophs AND heterotrophs
 Converts chemical energy stored in molecules of glucose to
cellular energy (ATP)
 Requires oxygen
 Produces 36 ATP molecules
 Equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2 à 6CO2 +6H2O +36ATP

3 Stages of Cellular Respiration

 Glycolysis
 Krebs cycle
 Electron transport chain (ETC)

Glycolysis - Glyco = glucose, Lysis = to split

 Process in which one molecule of glucose is broken in half,
producing two molecules of pyruvic acid, a 3-carbon compound
 Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm
 Total energy yield = 4 ATP, but 2 ATP used in process so
Net ATP gain = 2 ATP
 Advantages - Reaction is fast, cells can produce thousands of
ATP molecules in a few milliseconds, Does not require oxygen

What comes next depends on whether conditions are aerobic

(with O2) or anaerobic (without O2).
 In presence of O2, molecules enter Krebs Cycle and ETC
releasing additional ATP
 In the absence of O2, glycolysis is followed by fermentation
with NO additional energy production

Krebs Cycle - In the presence of oxygen, pyruvic acid is broken

down into CO2, 2 more ATP produced, NADH produced for last

Electron Transport Chain (ETC) – Electrons from hydrogen are

carried by NADH from Krebs cycle and passed down an electron
transport chain (ETC), where high-energy electrons convert ADP
to ATP, 32 more ATP produced.
SUMMARY: _________________________________________________

 Krebs Cycle and ETC occur in the mitochondria of all

 Structure of mitochondria
– Matrix = liquid portion
– Cristae – inner membrane where majority of ATP is
- pH of the mitochondria is lower (acidic) in matrix of inner
membrane than in between outer membrane and cristae
- As ETC processes occur and positive ions are moved across
membranes the mitochondria becomes more acidic

 If no oxygen is present there is no Krebs Cycle or ETC,

instead Anaerobic respiration (also called fermentation) will
– Does not use O2
- Produces 2 ATP Net (from glycolysis)
- There are two types of fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation – produces alcohol
Lactic acid fermentation – produces lactic acid, it is
an acid, when produced in skeletal muscles the
muscles do not contract as easily (& are sore!)

Energy and Exercise

 Quick energy – body uses limited supply of ATP produced
during glycolysis which last a few seconds
 For the first 90 seconds the body produces ATP by lactic acid
 Longer-term energy – cellular respiration produces ATP for
exercise over 90 seconds
– Cellular respiration is slower than fermentation.
 Human bodies begin breaking down glycogen for the first 15-
20 minutes of exercise to give glucose to fuel cellular
 After that, human bodies begin breaking down fats and other
molecules for energy

 Oxygen debt – caused when there is a shortage of oxygen due

to lactic acid being produced as a byproduct. When exercise is
finished the body must repay the debt with heavy breathing.

Cellular Respiration Summary:

Energy Transformation




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