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Wooden Play Equipment

Tables and Chairs

Material for Nursery Care and Role playing Beaver Building Blocks Movement materials –
Kindergarten – designed for designed for E. Hengsten-
Emmi Pikler® approach berg® approach.
Pikler Hengstenberg Institute Denmark

Movemement room
and course location
in Skanderborg

The Pikler Hengstenberg Institute offers courses and lectures that
can prepare pedagogues, teachers and parents alike for the mani-
fold challenges that children present us with. Our highly developed
technical world floods children with information, but a child’s ne-
cessity for self-exploration and self-experience requires explicit
body and movement generated sensory impressions that techni-
cally supplied information cannot replace .

The materials in this catalogue were developed by the members of

the Basis Gemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten, a shared living and work
based community founded on the basis of Christian ideals. Their
community focus makes it possible to produce these goods with
intensive hand work in a Western European country.

Our location in Skanderborg is arranged as a movement room

where one can see and try out all the beautiful wooden equip-
ment and experience the many possibilities shown in the cata-

At Pikler Hengstenberg Institute we combine skills with movement

pedagogues, therapists and artists who work together with the
goal of child development enhancement

Pikler Hengstenberg Institut

Horndrupvej 36
8660 Skanderborg

Production in Germany

A look inside our

carpentry workshop

Our decision to produce our wooden play things in Germany

was deliberate. The production is characterized by intensive
manual work – commencing with the sawmill planks and con-
tinuing until the finishing touches are provided by hand pol-
ishing. This creates employment opportunities in our area and
reflects our desire to produce in a way that is environmentally
sustainable. For us this means:
Wood attained from domestic forests
We exclusively make use of wood from domestic and nearby
forests. We utilize all of the wood and sawdust that is left over
during production to heat our workshop and the houses of the
Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten in a CO2-neutral manner.
The solid wood is coated with glue and then comes
into the woodworking glue press.
All of our playing equipment is made of solid wood - predomi-
nantly ash and beech. The wooden joints – areas that receive
higher stress - are worked with wood in wood pegs and then
strengthened with additional screws and glue. We pay atten-
tion to high quality in the accessory production (axles, wheels,
materials, etc.) Thus our playing equipment can withstand the
high demand placed through kindergarten and school setting
If a part is damaged, it can easily be replaced (i.e. wheels, grips,
axels, materials, etc.). This means: Repairs are worthwhile.
Environmental compatibility
We exclusively treat the wooden surfaces with natural and en- Manual work - also in the fine details: The stool
vironmentally safe linseed oil varnish. It penetrates into the seating material is knotted and interlocked.
pores of the wood and protects from the inside out. The wood We select our suppliers according to these crite-
can breathe and radiates its natural warmth. ria.

All our playing and movement materials correspond The movement materials designed by E. Hengstenberg
to the valid European standards (CE). (Art. No. Hg 800-840, 842-860, 880) are examined by the
TÜV Product Service Hamburg for their safety quality.

Pi 600, Hg 850 and 860. Pikler® and Hengstenberg® are registered trademarks in Germany.

Plaything just as a commodity or for a child’s true needs?
Playthings for Children – for the Child
and from the Child
Children need only a few playthings. But these few things
must make true play possible – they must allow children
to experience on their own, to try things out, to discover,
to learn, to be creative - alone or together with others. ​
Through the process of playing children receive a chance
to take part in the development of their own life.
A “perfect” toy causes boredom or destructiveness as the
only possibility of active participation."
Friedrich Fröbel
We build:
Play materials which are not a "consumer" good
- but encourage a child's own inner and outer activity as
well as the use and development. of his or her physical
and mental capacities. The children have the valuable experience of lively social
Play materials which are stable and safe. interaction when building caves - when driving wagons…
Children must be able to depend upon their play things. Play material, which allows children to develop a sense
They identify themselves with the materials. Throughout of responsibility in learning how best to treat their toys.
the years their creativity in playing must grow. Children feel intuitively whether a play material should be
Play material, which is comprehendable and variable taken seriously or not. We build play material from wood,
due to simple build and construction. The children should because it brings the children in contact with naturally
come to discover and determine the function of their grown substances: it has atmosphere, it radiates warmth.
play material themselves - and in this way create their Children can thus learn to understand the beauty, charac-
own play environment independently. teristic and aliveness of wood during their playing activity.
Play material that encourages and utilizes a child’s joy in Play material, which benefits all children.
movement. We decided to develop play material for public institu-
In building, re-building, pulling, pushing, driving, balanc- tions that are openly accessible to all children. Thus we
ing, climbing, crawling, jumping - the child may engage know that our work benefits children from all different
and develop his joy of movement. social classes. Children who come from socially disadvan-
taged families require exceptional guidance from adults
Play materials that build the children’s relationships to
in order to be able to achieve true independence.

Play material with a concept –

the kindergarten as a play-space for movement.
We have worked together with institutions for many
years and engage in direct contact with diverse peda-
gogical methods and working professionals. In this way
we are attentively aware of the meaning and connection
between spatial arrangements and the developmental
possibilities children can achieve in play.
Children need space.
But which types of spaces allow them to develop their
own independent self engagement in play?
Children need movement.
But which quality of movement allows them to find an
each other. inner balance and so achieve the freedom of movement
“Big” toys allow children to act out their “big” play- and self-assurance that is essential for their develop-
ing ideas. The enactment of these ideas is dependent ment? With our play material we try to give answers to
upon the participation of many hands, arms and feet! these questions.

Day nursery material –
designed for Emmi Pikler approach
“It is essential that the child is allowed to make as many discoveries as he can on his own. If we try to help
him with the fulfillment of all daily tasks, we rob the child of all that is vital for his independent psycho-
logical development. A child, who successfully achieves something through his own independent desire
of experiment, acquires a completely different quality of knowledge than one who is simply handed a
finished product.”
Emmi Pikler

Small Labyrinth Pi 700

Pikler Ball Pi 350
Early Childhood Education based upon the Emmi Pikler® approach
Emmi Pikler (1902 -1984) a pediatrician, was founder and year- The Pikler materials – such as crawling crates, labyrinth and
long director of the home for infant orphans named “Lóczy” in climbing triangles - provide a diverse and wide-ranging en-
Budapest. Today “Lóczy” - well known as Pikler Institute - is inter- vironment for children of this age and/or stage of develop-
nationally acclaimed in respect to its research and further train- ment. Many of the materials illustrated here in this catalogue
ing of child caregivers. are used in the same or in a similar form in the Pikler Insti-
tute and are further developed in co-operation with special-
The name Emmi Pikler stands for a change of consciousness in ists working there.
early child education and care: an infant is to be taken seri-
ously as a full human being from the moment of birth. Inquiries about further training as a Pikler pedagogue can be
directed to us. A portion of our product income goes to support
Due to her work advising families, Emmi Pikler soon recognized the Pikler research and seminar activities.
how valuable the self induced movement development of the
child is for his entire further personality development. If his/
her need for security and protection is fulfilled by affectionate
caregivers during the care situation, then, in a well defined and
protected framework – during the process of free play with
others – it develops perseverance, self-assurance and dexterity.
Book recommendation:
„Laßt mir Zeit“ (“Let me take my time”)
by E. Pikler

Large Labyrinth Pi 710

Nursery material

Inside the crates the children find a protected play space. When
turned over the crates are transformed into a crawling and climbing
High Crawling Crate Pi 550; 62 x 45,5 x 21 cm
High Crate BKH; 38,5 x 33 x 22,5 cm
Middle Sized Crate BKM; 38,5 x 34,5 x 10,5 cm
Small Crate BKK; 28 x 20 x 10,5 cm

Crawling Crate


with Attachable
Crawling Ramps
Attached to the wedge with bands - the plastic knob
serves to hold the crate and wedge together.

Simple play equipment for movement development, orientation

and proprioception. Please consider: the various wedges allow for
a range of challenges in respect to coordination and balance.

Crawling Crate Pi 500; 70 x 70 x 14 cm

Crawling Ramp with Rungs Pi 510; 53 x 53 cm
Crawling Ramp with carpet Pi 520; tretford-natur, rot; 53 x 53 cm
Crawling Ramp Pi 540; 53 x 53 cm

Rocking Boat –
Set of Stairs

As a set of stairs this plaything is suitable for day nursery level.

As a rocking boat it is recommended for the kindergarten age.

Rocking Boat/Stairs GS 430; 120 x 60 x 36 cm

Arched Ladder
The Arched Ladder entices chil-
dren into the world of discov-
ery. It encourages both climb-
ing and creeping – and – when
covered with a cloth - it trans-
forms itself into a little house.
The Arched Ladder can be com-
bined with our Beaver Cubes.

Arched Ladder Pi 760;

116 x 57 x 39 cm;
Load limit: max. 50 kg

Nursery material

Small Pikler Triangle Pi 610

Large Pikler Triangle Pi 600

Slide and Crawling Board Pi 620

Triangles P
Slide and Crawling Board


Small Pikler Triangle Pi 610 The Slide and Crawling Board can easily be hung up on the rungs and
Height: 48 cm secured at different inclinations from almost flat to steep.

Slide and Crawling Board Pi 620

120 x 40 cm

Large Pikler Triangle

- Mobile Pi 600 The Slide and Crawling Board can also be hung up onto the Beaver
Height: 72 cm, Can be folded Blocks. This requires 2 round bars - BS 45 (See photo).
Maximum stress up to 60 kg

By pulling on a knob, the clasp releases. Then the Triangle can be

folded together.
Connection Piece B 961

Two Beaver Cubes can

Large Pikler Triangle be joined together with
- non-foldable Pi 615 a Connection Piece. Then

Height: 72 cm they cannot slip or come

Maximum stress up to 60 kg apart.

The Importance of Small Materials

The picture shows material appropriate for the crawling stage (not available from us).
For toddlers play and movement belong together. Gross and fine motor skills activities take
place in turns and complement each other. That is why age appropriate movement materials and
sufficient play materials belong in every group room. Everyday objects and smaller play materi-
als in various forms and of different materials are appropriate for this. These should, according
to the child’s stage of development, be offered to the children, independently and within reach.

Nursery material

Large Labyrinth Pi 710

Labyrinth Tunnel for the Labyrinth


Original Beaver Cubes and Beaver Tunnels can be connected. They are
great for crawling through, hiding or resting. The Beaver Tunnel
The labyrinth offers a wide variety of activities as both a tunnel can be constructed with only 2 Beaver Cubes!
for crawling through and as a climbing challange. The slide can be
attached to each of the blocks simply by slipping it between two Beaver Tunnel Pi 740
of the round bars. Cloth tunnel and 2 wooden rods;
Small Labyrinth Pi 700 Length: 120 cm
3 Beaver Cubes: BW 0, BW 6, BW 8, – without the Beaver Cubes
Cube measurements: 42 x 42 x 42 cm;
max. length of the labyrinth: 126 cm

Large Labyrinth Pi 710 Material:

4 Beaver Cubes: BW 0, BW 1, BW 6, Cotton washable up to 60 °
BW 8, Slide Pi 620 and 2 round bars Maximum stress tolerance
BS 45 up to max. 60 kg.
max. length of the labyrinth: 168 cm
The fasteners provide for
a secure non-slip connec-
tion to the Cubes.

Beaver Cubes For the vertical construction, the Beaver Cubes must be connected
to each other with Beaver Fixed Screws (B 952).
Of course you can arrange your own labyrinth yourself
The Beaver tower can be stabilized by using 4 boards (B 457)
- or supplement it by selecting single Cubes.
(see photo below).

BW 0 BW 1 BW 2 BW 6 BW 8

Beaver Cube BW 0, 42 x 42 x 42 cm; 4 sides closed

Beaver Cube BW 1, 42 x 42 x 42 cm; large round hole on one side
Beaver Cube BW 2, 42 x 42 x 42 cm; 8 rods and 4 round holes
Beaver Cube BW 6, 42 x 42 x 42 cm; 6 rods
Beaver Cube BW 8, 42 x 42 x 42 cm; 8 rods

Nursery material
Independent eating
- Eating Benches


For 1 approx. 18 months old child - ideal for eating, painting and

Eating Benches Pi 300; L: 63,5 cm; W: 45 cm; H: 41 cm

Bench top surface: 45 x 33,5 cm; Seat level: 18 cm

Undisturbed playing
- Play Pen

® Play pens create safe
areas for infants.

Basic Set Pi 400; 5 individual components, 2 Wall Fixtures, including 12

links; L: 4 m, standard height: 68 cm (other heights made on request)
Single component Pi 410; L: 75 cm, standard height: 68 cm, joints
Wall Fixture Set Pi 420; 2 wall fixture elements left/right; including
joints; Full length when constructed: 25 cm
Gate Element Pi 430; L: 87 cm, width 53 cm; including hinges
Hinges Pi 440; (as spare part) 1 pair

Secure Changing
- Changing Table


Due to the high rail, this changing table offers a safe environment
when changing nappies - even if the children already stand.

Changing Table Pi 200; Wood: Spruce; D: 72 x W: 94 x H: 48 cm

Pikler-Ball P


The various sizes of spacings to-

gether with the natural mate-
rial invite the child to investigate
the ball by grasping, turning, and
passing it from one hand to the
other. Because the Pikler Ball is
very light, it does not roll far away. The ball is suitable for the first, ten-
tative touching experiences (i.e.. eye hand co-ordination). When the
children become older, they can easily °dismantle" the ball and then
they need other playthings.
Pikler-Ball Pi 350; Material: reed, woven; ø approx. 11 cm

Nursery Material
Hand Pulled Wagon

The wagon is stable and very manouverable. The children can

play with it inside or outside.

Hand Pulled Wagon GS 710; Steel axles with rubber wheels -

200 kg/wheel, L: without shaft: 83 cm; W: 43 cm; H: 45 cm


The mats are suitable for the crawling area. They are durable, saliva
and sweat resistant and anti-bacterial! The dovetailed edges al-
low the mats to be joined together - in various forms and colours.

Vario Step Mats 60 x 60 x 1,4 cm; red VS 01

blue VS 02
Vario Top Mats 100 x 100 x 2,5 cm; red VT 01
Fall protection up to 100 cm blue VT 02

Fundamental to Emmi Piker’s early childhood care is the establishment of an in-

tense contact during the pedagogy situation as well as the recognition of the
child in his self-induced activity in free play and movement. In order to provide
institutions with suitable environments for these basic activities, we have been
working together with two manufacturers: Martin Plackner (Austria) and the Ba-
sisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten (Germany).
But, utilizing these materials is not straight forward. It requires special pedagogi-
cal knowledge to be able to discern at which age and under which conditions the
children can benefit from them. Apart from the development of the materials and
furniture it is equally important to us that the institutions attain knowledge about
the pedagogical methods themselves.

Anna Tardos, born in 1931,

Child psychologist

She has been director of the
Pikler Institute “Loczy” in

„Play and movement materials, as Original Budapest for many years.

Her activities extend to support
well as the furniture that have been in the Pikler organization and as
utilized successfully in the Pikler ® an expert lecturer about Pikler.
institute “Loczy” can be recognized
by the Pikler trademark."

Tables and Chairs for
Nursery and Kindergarten
The achievement of sitting represents an essential step towards the child’s independence. As experienced manu-
facturers of movement equipment, we want to create suitable and ergonomically healthy sitting opportunities –
for eating or drawing, playing or painting. This includes not only the correct height adjustment between the chairs
and tables, but also a high quality of wood and processing; of seat and user comfort. To fulfill these requirements
we have designed chairs and tables for you from solid bright ash wood.

Beaver Table B 611

Crate Seat Pi 315 and Pi 320

Crate Seat
Crate Seat Pi 310
Pi 320 Beaver Table
Beaver Table B 610
B 611 Crate Seat
Pi 315
Beaver Table Nursery Table
The Beaver Table consists of a Beaver Cube and a removable desk The Nursery Table offers the children appealing and accessible
top that can be firmly attached with two popper-catches. It is a tables for playing and eating. At these small round tables, the
piece of furniture and playing material in one: For playing and child can meet for meals, snacks, painting and other activities. The
building, meals or handicraft, the Beaver Table offers many pos- diagonal position of the legs increases the table’s stability.
sibilities - even in small areas. You can assemble your own Beaver
Table out of singular elements:

Nursery Table; Height: 43 cm

B 615
Pi 330; Hexagon Table top: 90 x 78 cm
Pi 331; Table top square: 78 x 78 cm (no photo)

The Nursery Table is com-

binable with the Eating
Bench Pi 300. The bench
BW 0 BW 6 can simply be pushed un-
Beaver Table; Height 43 cm der the table. Thus the
B 610; Beaver Cube BW 0; Table top B 600; 90 x 78 cm small children can easily be
B 611; Beaver Cube BW 6; Table top B 600; 90 x 78 cm seated with the older ones.
B 616; Beaver Cube BW 0; Table top B 615; 78 x 78 cm
B 617; Beaver Cube BW 6; Table top B 615; 78 x 78 cm
p 31,5 cm p Crate Seat
cpm 28 cm
24,5 28 cm

p p p p


35 cm
28 cm 24,5 cm

28 cm
21,5 cm


21 cm
24,5 cm

Pi 320 Pi 315 Pi 310

Beaver Table; Height 50 cm Beaver Table; Height of 57 cm Our Crate Seats are for sitting, climbing and playing - all in one.
B 613: Beaver Cube BW 0, B 612: Beaver Cube BW 0, Table One can even hang the Chicken Ladder (Hg 830) onto the Crate
Table top B 600; 2 Beaver top B 600; Beaver Block BG 9, Seat with a Notched Edge (Pi 315).
Blocks BK 3, Biber-Fix-5 Biber-Fix-5 (Screws) B 951
(Screws) B 951 Crate Seat Pi 310; 21 x 24, 5 x 28 cm
B 618: Beaver Cube BW 0, B 619: Beaver Cube BW 0, Table Crate Seat with Notched Edge Pi 315; 21 x 24, 5 x 28 cm
Table top B 615; 2 Beaver top B 615; Beaver Block BG 9, Crate Seat with Notched Edge Pi 320; 24, 5 x 28 x 31,5 x 35 cm
Blocks BK 3, Biber-Fix-5 Biber-Fix-5 (Screws) B 951
(Screws) B 951


Tables and chairs

for nursery and
• solid ash
• oiled surfaces

Chairs Tables The adaptable table which grows

with you. With three different table-
Due to the four different seat tops and four table legs of different
levels, each child can find a lengths you can put together a table
seat that fits. The chair legs are which suits your particular needs. The
slanted slightly outwards to table legs are easily put on and off
make the chair safe from tip- by hand.
Table-legs M 200; 43,5 cm (table height)*
Chair M 310; 22 cm* Table-legs M 210; 47 cm (table height)*
Chair M 320; 26 cm* Table-legs M 220; 54 cm (table height)*
Chair M 330; 31 cm* Table-legs M 230; 61 cm (table height)*
Chair M 340; 36 cm* * fulfilling the DIN standard EN 1729
*height of the seat, fulfilling the
DIN standard EN 1729
The grip-holes make it easy Various table-top forms allow for an individual and ergonomic
for even the small children spatial arrangement.
to push or lift the chairs.
Regardless of the heights, the
chairs can all be stacked to-
Square Trapezoid Rectangle
Table-top M 100; Square 64 x 64 cm
Eating Benches without tables Table-top M 110; Trapezoid 128 x 55 x 64 cm
Table-top M 120; Rectangle 128 x 64 cm
The Eating Bench can be fas-
tened to the table so that Since all tables are sized according to the same basic dimension,
it cannot slip or be tipped. one can arrange the size and form of each group of tables de-
Thus the small children can pending upon
safely eat with the bigger the group of
ones. The slightly higher floor children and the
board brings them up to equal available space
Eating Bench without Table height. This also supports and conditions. (See
M 390 promotes ergonomic sitting drawing)
and relieves the kindergar-
ten teacher’s back.
Several Eating Benches can On request we can supply our tables and
be attached together - chairs with felt pads. These are recom-
either next to each other or in mended for wood and stone floors.
the “L” fashion.

Movement Equipment
“Instead of letting the children imitate mechanically repetitive gym exercises, Elfriede Hengstenberg provided
them with manifold opportunities to develop their independent movement potential in a playful mood of self-
exploration. Instead of trying to correct flat-feet, crooked hips or crooked backs through giving them postural rules
to follow, she simply let them experiment on boards, rods, stools, etc. In this way they could slowly experience the
mystery of the self-induced active uprightness.“
Ernst J. Kiphard

Small Play Ladders

Hg 850

Play Stool
Hg 840 Balancing Poles
Hg 810

Middle Beam Ladder Hg 880

An Impulse for Movement Pedagogy initiated by Elfriede Hengstenberg®
Elfriede Hengstenberg (1892-1992) was a gymnastic teacher Since 1991 we have been manufacturing the Hengstenberg move-
in Berlin. She was driven by the desire to allow children to dis- ment apparatus in cooperation with movement professionals and
cover and develop their own movement skills. “In principle, I therapists: ladders, stools, chicken ladders, balancing poles all
let the children explore and discover independently… and sim- provide enticement for the children to creep, crawl, climb, hang,
ply prepare materials and equipment designed to entice the swing and jump.
children to experiment.” (E. Hengstenberg) All of the apparatus can be combined together and serve as ver-
satile and mobile elements. They offer the children the possibility
By climbing through and over many adventurous obstacles
of creating movement landscapes themselves - that allow them
the inquisitive children strive to discover the secret of inter-
to unfold their joy of movement and movement skills – and then
nal and external equilibrium. The children sensitize their entire
explore these self constructed landscapes at their own pace and
physical being. The soles of their bare feet bring them the un-
following their own dynamic.
derstanding of the different surfaces that they move over or
through – and therewith the sensitivity of their toes allows
them to maintain a safe hold.
“The stabilizing moment in all motion is the ability to maintain
balance, to abandon it, and then to find it again and again.

Whether on firm ground, when balancing on narrow rods,

bending branches and ropes, during flight through the air, in für den Umgang mit den


whirling tricks or on wheels - when challenges arise, the ten-
sion develops: will it succeed…? or… not…? That is adventure,
lure and joy at the same time. Thus the children can progress Book recommendation: A detailed instruction manual
on their own through external balance to the internal state of „Entfaltungen“ informs you how to use and to
by E. Hengstenberg (P. 33) care for the materials.
such." (Uli Tritschler) Please read carefully!

Hengstenberg Further Training Courses

Introductory and further training courses are recommended for all institutions who would like to work with the Hengsten-
berg materials. We will be glad to assist you in your search for qualified and experienced instructors.
Further information and advanced training offers found at:,
In Scandanavia course information can be attained through:

16 16
Bewe- Movement

The Floor Material

The basic Floor Materials are an integral part of the Hengstenberg-Movement
work. Here the children can explore the dynamic of their sense of balance at
heights that are not dangerous. The observing adult can easily recognize
what level of movement development a child has attained when he or
she moves over the wobbly and rocking Floor Materials.

Since the Floor Materials are made from solid wood, they can develop
small cracks when drying. This does not impair function.

Semi Roller
The Semi-Roller is an exciting
movement material. Scarcely
higher than the ground, the
adventurous search for balance
starts here.

Semi Roller Hg 870; ø approx. 9 cm; L: approx. 40 cm; solid alder

Semi Roller Hg 871; ø approx. 12 cm; L: approx. 40 cm; solid alder
Semi Roller Hg 872; ø approx. 15 cm; L: approx. 56 cm; solid alder
Semi Roller - Hollow Hg 875; ø approx. 28 cm; L: 56 cm; Beech plywood
Semi Roller - Hollow Hg 876; ø approx. 44 cm; L: 42 cm; Beech plywood

Long Roller Hg 150
L: approx. 56 cm; consists of
2 x Semi-Rollers - Hollow,
ø approx. 28 cm (Hg 875) and
Biber-Fix-5 screws (B 951)

High Roller Hg 151

L: approx. 42 cm; consists of
2 x Semi-Rollers - Hollow,
ø approx. 44 cm (Hg 876) and
Biber-Fix-5 screws (B 951)

Roller on Wheels
Long Roller on Wheels Hg 152
L: approx. 56 cm; consists of
a Semi-Roller - Hollow,
ø approx. 28 cm (Hg 875) and
a wheel set (B 955)

High Roller on Wheels Hg 153

L: approx. 42 cm; consists of
Semi Roller - Hollow,
ø approx. 44 cm (Hg 876) and
a wheel set (B 955)
See photo.

Movement apparatus designed for Elfriede Hengstenberg® approach
Small Balancing
The Small Balancing Disc can
be used separately or in con-
junction with a “parcours” route
on the floor. It can also be used
Hg 761 Hg 760
on a chair or on the floor as a
sitting and balancing disc.

Kindergarten Balancing Disc Hg 760; ø approx. 29 cm; H: approx. 6 cm;

turned wood solid beech
School Balancing Disc Hg 761; ø approx. 29 cm; H: approx. 7 cm; Beech,

Square Balusters
„Skis “
The Square Balusters can be
used to build with, as part of a
floor “parcours” or a pair can be
used as “skis”.

Square Balusters - short Hg 890; W 4.5 cm; L: 42 cm; Ash; 1 pair

Square Balusters - long Hg 891; W 4.5 cm; L: 58.5 cm; Ash; 1 pair

Building and
Balancing Boards
With the Building and Balancing
Boards one can build both simple
and difficult paths for balancing
on. They can also be used in the
building corner.

Building and Balancing Boards Hg 900; Ash; 24 x 12 x 4 cm

Building and Balancing Boards Hg 901; Poplar; 24,5 x 14 x 4 cm

Boards, Rings and

The versatile Boards have a slit
for the Rings and two drilled
holes for Rod insertions.

Building and Balancing Boards Hg 910; with slits and drilled holes
Ash; 28 x 14 x 3,5 cm
6 Rings Hg 470; ø approx. 70 cm
6 Rings Hg 490; ø approx. 90 cm
6 Rounded Rods B 451; L approx. 100 cm; ø 2,5 cm

Floor Material Sets Tidying Up
Small Floor We recommend our Block Cart for space-saving safe- keeping of
Material Set the floor materials. The Block Cart is also suitable for storing the
Hg 101 Beaver Blocks.

Balancing Disc Hg 760, 4 each of Semi Roller Hg 870 and 871, one
pair each of Square Balusters Hg 890 and Hg 891, 8 Building and
Balancing Boards - poplar Hg 901

Basic Floor
Material Set Block Cart BWag 2
Hg 102 62 x 45,5 x 27,5 cm (without floor material)

Necessary for storing the Floor

Material Sets:
One each of Balancing Disc Hg 760 and Hg 761, 6 each of Semi
Roller Hg 870 and 871, 2 Semi Rollers Hg 872, 4 pairs each of
Square Balusters Hg 890 and Hg 891, 12 each of Building and
Balancing Boards ash Hg 900
Small Floor Material Set
Large Floor Block Cart BWag 2
Material Set
Hg 103

Basic Floor Material Set

Block Cart BWag 2 +
Extra Crate BWag K

1 each of Balancing Disc Hg 760 and Hg 761, 6 each of Semi Roller

Hg 870 and 871, 4 pairs each of Square Balusters Hg 890 and Hg 891,
18 Building and Balancing Boards ash Hg 900 and poplar Hg 901, 4
Large Floor Material Set
Building and Balancing Boards ash with a “Slit” for the Rings and two
drilled holes for the Rods Hg 910, 1 set of round Rods B 451, 1 set of Block Cart BWag 2 +
Sand Bags (6 pcs.) Hg 570, 1 set of wood Rings (6 pcs.) Hg 470 2 Extra Crates BWag K

“Filled with fantasy and sensitivity Elfriede Hengstenberg presented the children tasks
and materials, with which they could expand their movement abilities at their own pace.
This proves to be a reliable method, because objects are also subject to the laws of nature
– like gravity. Objects give a child direct feedback as to the correctness of his or her way
of carrying out a task. Thus objects can even act as “words” that can help to change a
child’s behavior, when the child’s own being would otherwise stand in the way of his own
In order to make this way of working accessible to kindergartens and schools, the
Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten - together with a team of teachers and therapists
- have further developed the Hengstenberg materials.”

Elfriede Hengstenberg’s pupil and publisher of the book " Entfaltungen", she has par- Ute Strub, born 1933
ticipated in publishing various books about Pikler Pedagogy (German language). She Movement Pedagogue
teaches extensively about Pikler and Hengstenberg and is active in the Pikler Organi-

Movement devices designed for Elfriede Hengstenberg® approach.

- Play barefoot (as the foundation for meaningful perception)

- Leave yourself and others enough space

- Take your time, and let the others take their time

- Do only what you think you are capable of doing on your own

- Start at the ground level and move upwards slowly

Playing Stool
The Playing Stools have a huge
variety of usage. They can be
used – upright or on their sides -
to crawl through, to crawl over on
hands and feet, to try to balance
on top of, to be used in building,
or climbing. Many of the other materials can be hung up onto a stool
when placed on its side.

Playing Stool with Seat Hg 840; H: 44 cm; Seat face: 37 x 37 cm

The cloth is removable and washable. Colour can vary.
Playing Stool without Seat Hg 842; Measurements as above.

Insertion Plate

The Insertion Plate can be inserted onto our Playing Stools and used
as a seat or to balance on. It is a useful addition to the ground ma-

Insertion Plate Hg 841; Beech veneer 8 mm

Balancing Poles
With the Balancing Poles - used
individually or in pairs – children
can balance, slide, bounce, etc.
New challenges are created by lay-
ing them on the ground or hanging
them up on a Playing Stool, Ladder
or on a wall mount ladder.
Our recommendation for initial experimentation:
Place 2 Balancing Poles next to each other.
Balancing Pole Hg 810; Standard L: 240 cm; ø 4,5 cm
Balancing Pole Hg 811; Standard L: 280 cm; ø 4,5 cm
Balancing Pole Hg 819; for small spaces L: 190 cm; ø 4,5 cm
Balancing Pole Hg 815; for schools and adults L: 240 cm; ø 5 cm

Slide and Rocking
When lying on the floor, it is a
Rocking Board. The children can
balance on it in lying, sitting,
standing or walking. When
hung up on a Play Ladder, the Balancing Apparatus or a wall
mount ladder, it becomes a Slide.

Slide and Rocking Board Hg 820; L: 240 cm; B: 28 cm

Slide and Rocking Board Hg 821; L: 280 cm; B: 28 cm

Chicken Ladder

The chicken Ladders can likewise be hung up on to Stools,

Ladders or other climbing equipment – either inclined or as a

Chicken Ladder Hg 830; L: 160 cm; B: 12 cm

Chicken Ladder Hg 831; L: 200 cm; B: 16 cm

Playing Ladder
The pyramid shaped vertical
beam placement gives this ladder
exceptionally high stability. In ad-
dition one can set up the ladder
at two different heights. It is also
possible to climb over the ladder from the sides using the cross
beams. Balancing Poles, Slide and Rocking Board. Chicken and
Middle Beam Ladders can be hung up onto the rungs or the cross

Small Playing Ladder Hg 850; various rung spacing

Cross beam lower position height: 139 cm
Cross beam upper position height: 132 cm

Big Playing Ladder Hg 860; various rung spacing

Cross beam lower position height: 195 cm
Cross beam upper position height: 188 cm

Playing Ladder with equal rung distance can be delivered upon request!

Adjustable Cross Beam

Movement devices designed for Elfriede Hengstenberg® approach
Middle Beam Ladder
The Middle Beam Ladder opens
various possibilities for move-
ment: climbing, sliding, balanc-
ing, etc. Hung up between two
Ladders, it becomes a “monkey

Middle Beam Ladder Hg 880; L: 240 cm; Rung distance 25 cm;

Rungs 8 x 4.5 cm

Balancing and
Climbing Apparatus
The Balancing and Climbing
Apparatus can be used horizon-
tally for balancing and vertical-
ly for climbing. Other apparatus
like the Balancing Poles, Slide
and Rocking Board, Chicken
or Middle Beam Ladders can
be hung on to it in either the
diagonal or horizontal position.
The Balancing and Climbing
Apparatus can easily be disas-
sembled into 2 cross beams and
5 bars.

Balancing and Climbing Apparatus Hg 800; H: 200 cm; W: approx. 143 cm

Balancing and Climbing Apparatus Hg 801; H: 220 cm; W: approx. 143 cm
Balancing and Climbing Apparatus Hg 802; H: 240 cm; W: approx. 143 cm
Mat Set L 604; (4 mats with Velcro connections)

When using the climbing

apparatus in the vertical upright
position the Mat Set L 604 is
required for compliance with
the GS requirements.
(See. fig. right)

Large Rocking Disc

One or more children can test
their balance on the Large
Rocking Disc - whether lying,
sitting or standing. When the
Large Rocking Disc is placed
with the flat side downwards,
further movement and play
possibilities are revealed.

Large Rocking Disc Hg 750 

ø 120 cm; H: 20 cm

Movement Accessories
Rolling Board
The Rolling Board is oval shaped. It allows the children an
experience of unimpaired joy of movement. When lying on
the stomach they can test
their own balance

Rolling Board GS 740;

L: 60 cm; W: 42 cm; H: 9 cm

Oil Treatment for our Wood Surfaces Paper Ball Hg 511;

Linseed Oil 50 ml Hg 660 ø 15 cm, inflatable, 25 pieces.
Linseed Oil 250 ml Hg 661 Luftmatz® Hg 519;
ø 19 cm, material + ballon
For the Tables and Benches we offer the: Luftmatz® Hg 533;
Working Surface Oil 250 ml Hg 662 ø 33 cm, material + ballon

Wall Fixture Hg 600;

Wooden bar with 4 sturdy
Velcro bands L: 45 cm
Belt Hg 610;
for Hg 750/800; + mats Set of Sticks Hg 580; For small building projects. 80 Sticks,
(L: approx. 2 m) (without photo) in 3 different wood types; 6 round rods ø 2.5 cm

Superlight Gym Mat SL 60K Spinning Plate and Sticks Hg 560; 6 sets
150 x 100 x 6 cm, weight: 5,5 kg Velvet Sand Bags Hg 570; 6 pieces; blue and red
Superlight Gym Mat SL 61K
200 x 100 x 6 cm, weight: 7 kg
With Velcro connections at the cor-
ners for connecting several mats.
Fall protection up to 60 cm!
Fall Protection Mat FSM 60
150 x 100 x 6 cm, weight: 14,5 kg
Fall Protection Mat FSM 61
200 x 100 x 6 cm, weight: 19,5 kg
With anti-slip
Fall Protection up to 195 cm!
Other mats on request! Anti-slip Mats Hg 650; 10 pieces rubber coated 30 x 30 cm

Beaver Blocks
"A child’s fantasy prefers an incomplete object
- for example a piece of wood for a doll -
because fantasy knows how to create the details."

Friedrich Fröbel

Beaver Blocks

Building is an elementary part of children’s play. It inspires chil- Building makes the children clever - because grasping with
dren to take part in independent fantasy-filled experiment- the hands and grasping a concept with understanding is not
ing. It is significant that simple and unfinished building ma- only closely linked linguistically, but also on a neurophysi-
terials leave the children free to unfold their own fantasy and ological level.
constructive imagination.
Evermore: when a child concentrates and quietly builds he is
When building, the children experience fundamental laws of attentive to gravitational pull and forces and finds his own
statics and mathematics through trial and error. In this way a internal plumb line. When the child works persistently to con-
wide range of knowledge is acquired about spatial relation- struct a tower, he experiences his own center of balance.
ships – starting with: large - small, right - left, up - down, back
– front; as well as about the composition and stability of var- Our Beaver Blocks make this kind of building activity pos-
ious materials. sible. Blocks and Rods can be connected to construct a stur-
dy building.
The children select different forms and sizes when building
and compare various volumes and surfaces. Thus they de- As reference: All the Blocks have the same basic dimension
velop through play the ability to classify and to organize. (the multiple of 7). Thus – even when building with different
sizes of Blocks – the construction levels off.
Beaver Blocks

Small Beaver Blocks (Size: 14 x 14 x 7 cm) Large Beaver Blocks (Size: 28 x 28 x 14 cm)
B 200 9 Blocks in 3 Shapes (See photo) B 300 7 Blocks in 6 Shapes (See photo)
B 210 18 Blocks in 3 Shapes B 310 14 Blocks in 6 Shapes
B 220 27 Blocks in 3 Shapes B 320 21 Blocks in 6 Shapes

Boards and Rods

8 boards in 4 lengths B 455; 14/42/84/126 cm Crates
Broad Board with 12 holes BB 12; 84 x 42 cm Small Crate BKK; 28 x 20 x 10,5 cm
6 Round Rods, short B 450; 45 cm Middle Crate BKM; 38,5 x 34,5 x 10,5 cm
long B 451; 100 cm Large Crate BKH; 38,5 x 33 x 22,5 cm

Accessory Crate BWag K


Wagon BWag 2 j

Beaver Cubes (42 x 42 x 42 cm) Wagon - for storing and transporting materials or simply
Beaver Cube BW 0; 4 sides closed for use as building vehicle.
Beaver Cube BW 1; large round hole on one side Wagon BWag 2; 62 x 45,5 x 27,5 cm (without Accessory Crate)
Beaver Cube BW 6; 6 Rods Accessory Crate BWag K; 62 x 45,5 x 21 cm
Beaver Cube BW 8; 8 Rods

Beaver Fix Screws

All beaver components can be connected
with Beaver Fix Screws.
Beaver Fix Set B 950 5 short and
Sink Accessory (without dish) BAS Plastic Bowl 5 long screws, 10 knob nuts
Stove Accessory BAH BASP colour can vary
Spülenaufsatz mit Kunststoffschüssel BASHerdplattenaufsatz BAHWaschmaschineneinsatz BAWRückwand BARArbeitsplatte
Biber-Fix-Set B 951(glatt) BAGscrews,
5 short
5 knob nuts (no photo)

Beaver Blocks

Beaver - Combination Set B 400

28 parts in 10 different shapes

Beaver - Extension B 420

27 parts in 11 shapes

Beaver - Combination B 500

The playing materials shown in the photo (excavator and scales)
can be built when combining B 400 and B 420. Many different
constructions are possible.

B 400 + B 420; 55 parts in 21 shapes

Beaver - Castle B 550

83 parts in 21 shapes
2 x B 400 and 1 x B 420

Beaver Blocks

Beaver Kitchen B 570

Delicious meals can be prepared in the Beaver Kitchen. Various counter heights are possible adjustable to the size of the children.
(42 and 70 cm)

+ +

The beaver kitchen consists of B 400+B 420+B 440+2x B 950 Round Bars (B 450/B 451), Beaver Fix Set (B 950) and
(see P. 24). Anti-slide Mats (Hg 650) can be used to stabilize the
various components.

Kitchen Extension B 440 Stove BK 50

With 2 extra handles a Beaver
Cube (BW 0) becomes a stove: Put
the stove top on (snaps in) and
then insert the crate - finished.

Sink BK 60
In this way a Beaver Cube be-
comes a sink: Simply insert the
With the kitchen extension one can easily con- board with the bowl between the
struct a kitchen from the Beaver Block Set (B 500). two round bars.

Role Playing
"We mistakenly believe that adults have to help to teach children
how to play because we have too little notion of the potential for development
that each person brings into the world."

Heinrich Jacoby

Curtains GS 384

Playstands GS 380

Role playing

Playing is not only the fundamental basis for the learning through his own experiences. In everyday role playing
and education processes, but it is learning in itself. This children unfold their own dynamic fantasy-filled life.
type of learning is especially intensive, because it is in- They first play out their role and then dare to go further
itiated through internal drive and enthusiasm. Play does in living out new “let’s pretend” situations.
not have its own goal as such, but it is meaningful. It is
goal-less, because playing is a process – the goal of which In addition roll playing involves complicated conversation
is engagement in this process. And it is meaningful, be- amongst children. The children not only speak during play,
cause play is the child’s own means of getting to know the but they speak about the playing situation – “I am going
world. to be…” Thus essential verbal communication skills are
developed and expanded.
In role playing the child is actively engaged with his
environment: “I am the Mummy and you are the Dad- It is our commitment to provide you and your organizati-
dy” and “You are the child whose birthday it is today”. on with the necessary support when arranging and cons-
Other people and their behavior are imitated. In this way tructing spaces for role playing activities. We do this by
the child learns how to deepen his connection to sur- providing materials – each of which can be utilized in a
rounding life situations and how to get to know them manifold way and thereby make space for further expan-
from another perspective. In shaping his own role from sion of the fantasy-filled role playing activity
within during play, the child can re-live and thus work

Role playing

The cotton cloth is washable. The blankets and cushions are


Cradle GS 110; Inside dimension: 50 x 25 cm

Bedding Materials GS 111; three pieces, Cover colour can vary

Canopy Bed

The Canopy Bed has a removable canopy, so that it can be used

as table, puppet theater, bed, etc.
Doll Bed GS 260; Inside dimension: 54 x 29 cm
Bedding Materials GS 261; three pieces; Cover colour can vary
Canopy Bed GS 270; H: 57 cm; Board surface: 63 x 42 cm
Bedding Materials and Curtains GS 271;  three pieces,
material colour can vary

Rocking Chair

The Rocking Chair movement movement has a calming effect

upon children. The shape of the ply-wood rockers prevents them
from tipping over backwards.

Rocking Chair GS 340

H: 58 cm; back rest: 40 cm; Seat: 30 x 25 cm


This Buggy encourages roll playing. The children can take a doll
or one another for a walk.

Buggy GS 700; H: 60 cm; seat width: 24 cm, solid steel axle, sturdy
wheels, sturdy cloth material, tire color black 28 x 20 x 10.5 cm

Role Playing

Play Stands Round Bars and Sun Shade

Children like to arrange their own play areas. The concept of variable A market can be built easily: 3 Round Rods are stuck into the
play stands makes this possible: two or more stands can be connect- upper beam. Outside one can create a sun shade.
ed with wicker rattan in this way.
Place a large play cloth over the play stands, and one has made a
house, a cave, a doll corner, a new space.
Round Rods GS 382;
3 Piece Set
Sun Shade GS 383;
Cloth color can vary

With the curtains the variable
play stands can be changed
into a puppet theater, a “win-
dow with curtains”, a room
divider, etc.
Play Stands GS 380
Curtains GS 384; 2-piece,
L: 107 cm; W: 33 cm;
cloth color can vary
H: 104 cm;
Seat level: 44 cm
Play cloth and Wicker Rattan
The light and flexible wicker rattan has various uses for creating
new play areas. The play cloth is made from light and translucent
With our play stands the upper beam cotton gauze.
can be loosened with a simple hand
movement and pulled out.
Wicker Rattan GS 381;
6 piece set; L: 1,85 m; ø: 1 cm

Play cloth GS 385;

400 x 300 cm in un-dyed cotton
Other colors on request

Shelf Crate
The crates fulfill various functions in children’s play: Fruit crates,
drawers in the wardrobe, seats, etc

Seat Crate Pi 310; Small Crate BKK;

21 x 24, 5 x 28 cm 28 x 20 x 10,5 cm

The following books are available in German language:

Laßt mir Zeit Miteinander vertraut werden Friedliche Babys – Ein guter Start ins Leben
Die selbständige Bewegungsentwicklung des Erfahrungen und Gedanken zur Pflege von zufriedene Mütter Ein Leitfaden für die erste Zeit mit Ihrem Baby
Kindes bis zum freien Gehen Säuglingen und Kleinkindern Pädagogische Ratschläge einer Kinderärztin Magda Gerber & Allison Johnson
Emmi Pikler Emmi Pikler / Anna Tardos u.a Emmi Pikler In vielen Beispielen, von den alltäglichen Pfle-
Emmi Pikler weist aufgrund ihrer jahrzehn- In "Miteinander vertraut werden" geht es gesituationen bis zum freien Spiel, zeigt das
Babys und Kleinkinder sind kompetenter als wir
telangen Arbeit mit Kindern einen grundsätzlich um den respektvollen Umgang mit Säuglin- Buch, wie Eltern liebevoll für ihre Kinder sorgen
glauben. Wir müssen ihnen nur vertrauen und
neuen Weg: Sie geht von den Fähigkeiten und gen und Kleinkindern – vor allem während und ihnen gleichzeitig Raum für ihre eigenstän-
ihnen Zeit lassen. Dann nehmen sie ihre Ent-
nicht von der Hilflosigkeit eines Neugeborenen der Pflege. Anhand verschiedener Artikel und dige Entwicklung geben können. So können El-
wicklung selbst in die Hand. Der Klassiker für
und der Abhängigkeit eines Kleinkindes aus. Wie zahlreicher Fotos und Zeichnungen macht es tern die Zeichen ihrer Kinder verstehen lernen
eine unverkrampfte Erziehung.
man die Selbständigkeit des Kleinkindes, seine deutlich, wie wir schon zum Neugeborenen und in langsamer, respektvoller Zuwendung
224 Seiten LIT-F
Beziehung zu sich und seiner Umwelt von Ge- und Säugling eine enge und vertraute Bezie- Kooperation und Austausch erleben.
burt an unterstützen kann, dafür gibt das Buch hung aufbauen und das Kind in seinem 288 Seiten LIT-G
anhand sehr anschaulicher Beispiele und vieler Entwicklungsprozess unterstützen können.
Fotos eine Fülle von Anregungen. 152 Seiten LIT-M
246 Seiten LIT-Z


»Statt die Kinder zur Nachahmung vorgefertigter Turnübungen zu bewegen, gibt ihnen Elfriede Hengstenberg
vielfältige Gelegenheiten zum eigenständigen Erproben und zum spielerischen Entfalten eigener Handlungsmöglich-
keiten. Statt ihre Senkfüße, ihre schiefen Hüften oder schlaffen Rücken durch rigide Haltungsvorschriften von außen
korrigieren zu wollen, experimentieren die Kinder (...) auf Brettern, Stangen, Hockern usw. Dabei erfahren sie
allmählich das Geheimnis der aktiven Aufrichtung aus eigenem Antrieb.«
Ernst J. Kiphard

* Elfriede Hengstenberg, Entfaltungen. hg. von Ute Strub. Heidelberg 1991

Entfaltungen Das Bewegungskonzept Hengstenberg Projekt-Bericht Entfaltung à la Hengstenberg

Bilder und Schilderungen aus meiner Arbeit Elfriede Hengstenbergs Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten Die Bedeutung des Freien Spiels für das innere
mit Kindern und äußere Gleichgewicht
Kim Traxler (Hrsg.)
Elfriede Hengstenberg 26 Kitas aus Sachsen-Anhalt berichten sehr
Ein anschauliches Buch mit zahlreichen Fotos, 1993 wurden 22 Einrichtungen (Kindergärten,
Der Eigenaktivität der Kinder einen Raum geben. anschaulich und lebendig von ihren Erfahrun-
das die Hengstenberg-Arbeit im Kontext aktueller Grundschulen) im gesamten Bundesgebiet mit
Sehr anschaulich und mit einzigartigen Fotos gen mit dem "Spiel- und Bewegungskonzept
Anwendungsbeispiele dokumentiert. Im ersten den Bewegungsmaterialien ausgestattet. Ein
dokumentiert dieses Buch die ganzheitliche Ar- á la Hengstenberg". Nach einer Einführung in
Teil widmet sich das Buch der Arbeit von Elfriede Jahr sollten sie damit arbeiten und uns ihre
beit Elfriede Hengstenbergs. Es macht deutlich, biographische und grundsätzliche Aspekte der
Hengstenberg mit einer pointierten Darstel- Erfahrungen berichten: Was geschah mit den
welch große Bedeutung die Eigenaktivität der Hengstenberg-Arbeit schildern ErzieherInnen
lung ihres pädagogischem Konzepts. Im zwei- Kindern? Was entdeckten die ErzieherInnen?
Kinder für deren Entwicklung hat und wie wir "hautnah" die Entfaltungsprozesse vieler Kinder
ten und eher praxisorientierten Teil präsentiert Wie reagierten die Eltern? Das Ergebnis liegt im
ihr Raum geben können. Das Geheimnis der ak- und veranschaulichen deren oft überraschende
Traxler die Spiel- und Bewegungsmaterialien ‘Hengstenberg-Projekt-Bericht’ vor und hat uns
tiven Aufrichtung aus eigenem Antrieb wird für Entwicklung anhand zahlreicher Bilder. Auch die
sowie Rahmenbedingungen für den praktischen ermutigt, diesen Weg weiter zu gehen.
den Leser förmlich spürbar. Reflexion der ErzieherInnen über ihre Arbeit und
Umgang mit ihnen. 36 Seiten LIT-P
221 Seiten LIT-E ihre Rolle bei der Begleitung dieser kindlichen
156 Seiten LIT-T
Entwicklungen kommt zur Sprache.
88 Seiten LIT-PD

Weiterführende Literatur: Jenseits von >Begabt< und >Unbegabt< Schlüssel für die Entfaltung des Menschen,
Beziehungen Fotografien; Marian Reismann,; Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin 1991 Kursdokumente; Heinrich Jacoby, Hrsg. Sophie Ludwig;
Schritte zum selbständigen Essen; Dr. Maria Vincze; Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin 1992 6. Auflage; Hans Christians Verlag, Hamburg 2004; ISBN: 3-7672-1412-10
Von den Anfängen des freien Spiels; Eva Kallo, Györgyi Balog, Fotografien: Marian Reismann; Entfaltung statt Erziehung; Die Pädagogik Heinrich Jacobys; Walter Biedermann;
Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin 1996 arbor-Verlag, 2003; ISBN: 3-936855-10-2
Im Dialog mit dem Säugling und Kleinkind; Hrsg: Ute Strub, Anna Tardos; Die Pädagogik des Lauschens; Gerburg Fuchs i. Eigenverlag; Nürnberg 2003; ISBN: 3-00-012761-5
Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin 2006; ISBN: 3-9808431-3-0
Beobachten, Verstehen, Begleiten - Entwicklungsdiagnostik nach Pikler; Judith Falk, Monika Aly; Videos/DVDs
Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin 2008 Sich frei bewegen, Tardos/Szanto; 24 min.
Mütterliche Liebe - Professionelle Liebe; Schriftenreihe Wege der Entfaltung; Säuglinge und Kleinkinder untereinander, Vincze/Appell; 54 min.
P. Zeitler Verlag; München 2002; ISBN: 3-931428-14-1 Die Aufmerksamkeit des Säuglings während des Spiels, Tardos/Appell; 27 min.
Erinnerungen an Elsa Gindler; Hrsg. Peggy Zeitler; München 2000; ISBN: 3-931428-07-9 Entfaltungsräume für Kinder; Ein bewegungspädagogisches Angebot der Basisgemeinde
Elsa Gindler - von ihrem Leben und Wirken - `Wahrnehmen, was wir empfinden´; Wulfshagenerhütten eG für Kitas; 18 min; 2006
Hrsg. Ludwig/Haag; Christians Verlag 2002; ISBN: 37672-1398-2 Schau mal! Dem Alltag mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken. Gerburg Fuchs/Angelika Kölsch
Kinder sich bewegen lassen. Gerburg Fuchs; 2010; DVD 30 min;

Further training

„Help me do it on my own! “
Maria Montessori

Our products are the outcome of intensive cooperative work

with teachers, pedagogues, therapists and other specialists. Projects for Kindergartens and Institutions of
We refer advanced training opportunities to kindergartens, Higher Learning
therapists, and institutions of higher learning from members
Titel Kiel 16.07.2008 11:45 Uhr Seite 1 Titel Kiel 16.07.2008 11:45 Uhr Seite 1 Titel Kiel 16.07.2008 11:45 Uhr Seite 1

Movement-educational Advanced Training with Leasing of

of this network. the Movement Equipment.

Hengstenberg-Pikler- In several states in Germany a Movement Project has been ini-

Gesellschaft e. V. tiated together with the accident insurance companies, public
(registered organization) health authorities and health insurance companies. We offer
advanced training opportunities to organizations, institutions
or groups of Kindergartens in a particular region with the op-
tion to test the movement materials for a period of several
We have examined the effect that an Elfriede Hengstenberg months.
and Emmi Pikler based pedagogical focus has on children in Further information about current projects and the concrete
many institutions. In order for such a project to succeed in modalities can be found at:
your institution, an introduction to the method is of great im-
portance. This is the basis for the founding of the Hengsten- Example of a project
berg-Pikler Society. It is a platform for people who are deeply
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Further Training Based on Pikler® Verband Europa e. V.

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Emmi Pikler’s Work

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The work with children under 3 years of age - in the play set-
ting and particularly in the nursery care is gaining in impor-
tance. Therefore we would like to draw attention to the further Space for Child Development
training possibilities offered by the Pikler Verband Europa e.V. Movement-educational advanced training offer for Kindergartens
This network also offers training as a Pikler-Pedagogue. based on Elfriede Hengstenberg and Emmi Pikler’s work.
Information under: DVD, 18:12 min

Warranty and Customer Service
There is a two years warranty on our wooden playing equipment when subject to proper usage.
Our materials are made from natural material. Because the wood is not sealed, the pores of the wood are open and the wood can breathe.
Particularly in respect to long pieces of wood, the wood can react in various manners. Some parts are very stable, some are bendable.
Various degrees of flexibility and bending of the slides, bars, etc. do not provide reason for complaint. Those are parameters, which children
confront when climbing outside in nature. They are an expression of the natural quality of the materials.
As manufacturers we are eager to do long term follow up on our wooden playing equipment. Contact us: By getting in touch with us
immediately, damage can usually be kept to a minimum, allowing us to deliver spare parts or make the necessary repairs.

Servicing and maintenance of the play equipment

Depending upon usage of the play equipment you should consider the following:
• Approx. every 6 months all the playing equipment that is treated with linseed oil should be re-oiled. Small scratches and
paint chips should be sanded smooth beforehand. This is best done by sanding following the grain of the wood with 80 and
then 120 grain sandpaper. Polish the wood afterwards with a few drops of linseed oil on a rag.
Attention: Let the oiling rags dry out sufficiently, otherwise they can combust and cause fire.
• Every 3 months all screws in the movement materials should be tested - and tightened if necessary. This is especially im
portant for all of the materials that can be hung up together.
It is sufficient to tighten the screws of the roll playing furniture once a year.

• You can place your order up by telephone, in writing or by mail:
For Scandanavia please contact: Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten eG
Pikler Hengstenberg Institute Zum Wohld 4
Horndrupvej 36 Germany - 24214 Tüttendorf
DK - 8660 Skanderborg phone: 0 43 46/36 8010
phone: 0045 86512586 fax: 0 43 46/36 8011
• When ordering please give your exact address, telephone number, email address and institution opening times for the
• Prices: The indicated prices are the end prices that include the valid sales tax, as well as the packing and forwarding
expenses within Germany – for orders of 100, - € and more. For orders under 100, - € there is an additional
5, - € shipping charge. We reserve the right to change goods prices.
For deliveries outside of Germany, please inquire.
• Discounts: We grant a 5% discount on orders of 3000, - € total and upwards and a 10% discount of orders from
6000, - € total. This is only applicable for a single order and delivery to one location.
• Payment: Payment terms without added interest charges are within 30 days from the date of invoice.
• Design: We are constantly updating and improving our products. In this sense we reserve the right to make changes in
the design, the materials or the dimensions of any of our products without prior announcement.
All product measurements are approx.

Delivery is performed via a shipping company. The customer has to ensure that the goods can be received. Important: If the goods
are damaged or show signs of damage when delivered (i.e. if the packaging is damaged), the receiver must note the damage on the
suppliers delivery note at delivery time. Please report the damage to us immediately, so that we can make a prompt replacement.
The goods remain our property until payment has been completed in full.

Imprint: Setting: Clemens Weber and Einblatt-Druck

Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten eG Print: Einblatt-Druck, Schweffelstr. 6, 24118 Kiel
Zum Wohld 4, 24214 Tüttendorf photos: Markus Frietsch, Bettina Schüttrumpf, Harro Wolter, foto pilo,
phone: 0 43 46/ 36 80 10 Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten, Barbara Fahle (p. 13)

Basisgemeinde Wulfshagenerhütten eG
Zum Wohld 4
24214 Tüttendorf
phone: +49 43 46 / 36 80 10

For Scandinavia please contact:

Pikler Hengstenberg Institute
Horndrupvej 36
DK - 8660 Skanderborg
phone: +45 86512586

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