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Palouse,WA 99161


Thisistonotifyyooofadiscipliriarymee1ingscheduledforNovember29,2018,al 10:00amln
theColfaxCityCouncilO,am tJers. Myooareaware,an in""5ti9,ltionwasrecenlly perfonm:d
trythird-partyOearRiskSolutioosr,,gardlngyourcompllance w1thpre-lirin~statl.tesand
regulal!on,;,specffiralyre\atinglo )'Oll" hiring ofOfficcrsHand ley,Emerson,Pereza nd Spitzer,

Th<'!followingfindings....-emade based oo Oeor RiskSulutlon"sinvesti<}alion

1.Yoo kneworshouldl\l!ve l:nownthat priDrlohirir,gtheoffirersrwnedobove,yoowere

requi red bystatut~and reg,,lalion to have each thoroughly vel:led, ir.dudi ng a
backgrwndinvestigation,fir,gerprlnling, psydlol<:g"calevaluation, ~ndpolygraph
testing .

2. TI-ere w,..; no evidencefo<Jndclurtl"lg thelnvestiga!lonlhatyou coo,plied with the

a!)Pllcablestatutesandregulations. Thcintcrvicwtcstimooyand00<respondenoo
col lectedevidences yoorfai cn tosocooir,ly.

3. Yoomaintai nedno doc<.rnenl!ltionlodemoostratecirnplianc.ewiththea>'Pl(cable

statutes and regulations.

4. Despi~ dearcommunicalioo tryCJTC oo Decembcr6, 2016,ofthestarutory and

reg ulato<ypre-<liring mandat:Es,yooslg<led andsut,mltteddoru-T>mtstoOTCoo
Deeemt>er 7, 2016, under penalty of pe~Ll"'f, that you complied with th<l statutory and
regu1atorymandatesreg.1rdinc,the l"irtngo( Ofr,:;ersKandley andPerez.
5. During your interview with Clear Risk Solutions, you claimed that you could not recall
I whether you actually fulfilled the mandates for those you hired.

Your actions, as found by the Clear Risk Solutions investigation, are a violation of the City of
Colfax Ovil Service Commission Rules & Regulations section 5.02, which provides that ·

An employee may be discharged or suspended without pay from the Colfax

Police Department . . . or demoted or deprived of vacation or other privileges for
any of the following reasons:

a. Incompetence, inefficiency or inattention to or dereliction of duty.

b. Dishonesty ... or any other act of omission or commission tending to injure
the public service; or any other willful failure on the part of the employee to
conduct himself properly; or any willful violation of the provisions of these

Regardless of your right to what is commonly referred to as a Loudermill hearing or a name-

clearing hearing, in accordance with a Loudermill hearing and a name-clearing hearing, this
meeting will serve as your opportunity to provide whatever information you wish for me to
consider, or ''your side of the story," before determining the appropriate disciplinary action,
which could include termination. If you fail to attend the November 29, 2018 meeting, I will
determine the appropriate discipline, which could include termination, without your input. The
Qty will have legal counsel present at the meeting. Accordingly, you are welcome to have legal
counsel or a chosen representative appear with you at the meeting.

G. Todd Vanek, Mayor

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