3.6 Velocity Distribution

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Velocity Distribution
Chapter 4

Hydraulic processes:
Pressurized Pipe Flow

4.1 Classification of Flow

Flow in open channel can be classified based on time �and space �. For
time criterion, the flow may be steady or unsteady. Steady flow has a
water depth constant with time at a particular point on the channel, while
the depth in unsteady flow changes with time at a particular point on the
channel. For space criterion, the flow may be either uniform or
nonuniform. Uniform flow has a constant water depth along the reach of
the channel, but the depth of water in nonuniform flow changes along the
reach of the channel. Nonuniform flows, also termed varied flow, can further be
classified as rapidly varied and gradually varied flows. For
rapidly varied flow, the water depth changes significantly over a relatively
short distance such as the case for a hydraulic jump or a hydraulic drop.
For gradually varied flow, the depth changes rather slowly over a
relatively long distance such as the case of a reservoir upstream of a dam.
According to this classification, four combinations of flows can be
considered. Steady uniform flow has a constant water depth that does not
change with time and space, and is found practically only in lab flume
4.2 Pressurized Pipe Flow
4.2.1 Energy Equation

The energy equation between two sections in an open channel is shown in

Figure (1.1) and can be expressed based on the principle of conservation of
energy as

Where p= pressure; specific weight of fluid; p/ ¥ pressure head ,v^2 / 2g velocity

head; Z = potential head; and hL head loss. The head
terms in the equation represent different types of energy per unit weight of
water contained in the channel, referred to as head since they have the
dimensions of length. The loss in energy between the two sections
designated as hL = usually reflects the major loss due to boundary friction. If
other losses are present, e.g. due to effects of turbulence, they can be
added on the right side of the equation. If pressure distribution is assumed
to be hydrostatic p = y , then the energy equation can be written as
A useful term defined as the energy head referred to the channel bed
as datum (i.e z = 0 ) is the specific energy E , given as
4.3.2 Velocity Distribution of flow in Pipes

Laminar Flow
The velocity distribution for laminar flow, at a cross section, follows a parabolic
law of variation with zero velocity at the walls. In circular pipes , the velocity
varies as the ordinates of a paraboloid of revolution with it’s average velocity is
equal to one-half of it’s maximum velocity.

The equation for the velocity profile for laminar flow:

Turbulent Flow

The velocity distribution for the turbulent flows varies with Reynolds number ,
with zero velocity at the wall and increase more rapidly for a short distance from
the walls as compared to laminar flow.

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