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Th e W.I .M .P.E.

R W h at You Don 't Kn ow

Fact or You Kn ow
Pau l a Ki dd Casey Gi n a Cam pbel l

Egypt i an
Tu r n To Heal Nu m er ol ogy
M on i ca Can du cci Sar a Bach m ei er

I n t h e Wor l d, 7 St eps t o
Bu t Not Of Spi r i t u al
t h e Wor l d Aw ak en i n g
Ti t o Abao Necol e Li v i n gst on

Dr . Joe Vi t al e
Ex pl ai n s W hy Ho'opon opon o i s So Vi t al NOW
And Top-Rated Radio Show on Law of Attraction Radio Network
Th e W.I .M .P.E.R. FACTOR An yt h i n g I s Possi bl e A ccessi n g Yo u r W i sd o m W i t h i n
Pau l a Ki dd Casey - Pg. 6 Dr . Joe Vi t al e - Pg. 28 Gi n a C am p b el l - Pg. 36

T u r n t o H eal I n - Bu t Not of t h e Wor l d 7 St eps t o Spi r i t u al Aw ak en i n g

M o n i ca C ar d u cci - Pg.26 Ti t o Abao - Pg. 20 Necol e Li v i n gst on - Pg. 16

Egy p t i an N u m er o l o gy Ju l y / A u gu st 20 18 A st r o l o gy Rep o r t L et m e H ear Yo u r B o d y T al k

Sar a B ach m ei er - Pg. 12 M an i sh K am u r A r o r a - Pg. 4 8 St ep h an i e W o o d , PC C Pg. 4 4
This is a GREAT Tim e to Be Alive!
B y t h e Ed i t o r - I n - C h i ef , Jew el s Jo h n so n
Can you feel the excitement that everyday passes? This is a time period that will
be talked about for generations to come. I?m so happy to be experiencing it. It
means that whatever in me that is creating my experience is now being healed
because I am seeing a huge awakening, spiritually and even politically.
This is a historical time that we purposely chose to experience. Humanity is expanding beyond what
we ever thought was possible.
Some say we are shifting from 3 rd to the 5 th dimension. I am personally seeing many more people
jumping into the 5 th dimension knowingly creating what they want in their world. I am delighted to
see people wake up to their huge manifesting power with the knowledge that long-term happiness
can only be generated through the creative power of love.
Many are coming to grips that when they create through hate or anger, it is manifesting through a
restrictive force of energy which circles around and bites them. The fact that so many people are
understanding this is quite amazing! This is why you can see a visible shift in the mass consciousness
Isn?t this what the Law of Attraction is all about? Each and every day thousands of people are
awakening to their creative power of love. One of the reasons for is because of Dr. Joe Vitale and his
In the interview I had with him, he talked about the Hawaiian Healing Prayer of Ho'opononopono. As
Joe explains, there are four simple repetitive phrases that heals the issue within you. It is not about
the other person or unhappy situation in your life. It?s about the fact that as a magnificent creator
that you are, the issues in your life?s illusion is simply a reflection of what needs to be healed in you.
Dr. Hew Len, the therapist who introduced Ho'opononopono to Joe, worked in a mental/ prison
hospital which was filled with violent inmates. Hew Len knew that he creates everything in his life,
therefore he created each of his patients. In order to help them, he had to heal himself and even his
ancestors. Interesting to note that all of the inmates were healed and after 4 years the hospital
closed down. This story and more is all in my interview with Dr. Joe Vitale.
For the last 6 issues, (not intentionally on my part,) we focused on individual healing in order to
change the undesirable situations. From Rossco and the Miross Academy, to Lynne McTaggart, to Dr.
Joe Vitale, we have learned that to change what we don?t want in our life, we have to resolve the
issue within us that created it. In other words, we have to take responsibility for everything in our
environment. Seems like ?The Energy of All That Is? is wanting us to get this message out.
Remember, the biggest component to all this manifesting is that the emotion of LOVE is necessary to
bring about a beautiful and long-lasting outcome. All those not recognizing this important fact is still
residing in the 3 rd dimension. Please enjoy this issue as much as we loved preparing it for you!

Page 4 - Ju ly, 2018
T h e W .I .M .P.E.R . FA C T O R
B y Pau l a K i d d C asey 6
Egy p t i an N u m er o l o gy
Sar a B ach m ei er
7 St ep s t o M ast er Sp i r i t u al Aw ak en i n g
N eco l e L i v i n gst o n
I n th e W or ld , Bu t N ot O f T h e W or ld
T i t o A b ao 20
T u r n t o H eal
M o n i ca C an d u cci
A n y t h i n g i s Po ssi b l e ! A n Ho'opon opon o I n t er v i ew 28
D r . Jo e V i t al e

W h at Yo u D o n 't K n ow Yo u K n ow - A ccessi n g Yo u r W i sd o m W i t h i n 36
Gi n a C am p b el l
Sk i n Sl i di n g Sou t h Fr om Too M u ch Gr av i t y?
El l en W o o d
L et M e H ear Yo u r B o d y T al k
C o ach St ep h an i e W o o d , PC C
A sk Ju l i e Ry an C o l u m n
Psy ch i c, I n t u i t i v e, M ed i u m an d A n i m al C o m m u n i cat o r 46
A st r o l o gy Fo r ecast - Ju l y / A u gu st , 20 18
M an i sh K u m ar A r o r a 48
T en W ay s t o B o o st Yo u r Ser o t o n i n L ev el s W i t h o u t M ed i ci n e
Jen n i f er Gi u st r a-Kozek , LPC, NBCC 50
A Rad i cal N ew A p p r o ach t o W o r l d C i t i zen sh i p
Jo sh u a - C h an n el ed by Gar y B o d l ey T em p l e

Fo r Q u est i o n s o r C o m m en t s:
Jew el s Joh n son , Edi t or -I n -Ch i ef ,
St even Li k i ar dopou l os, Gr aph i cs
St af f @L O A r ad i oN et w o r k .co m Gi n a Appl egat e, St or y Li n e Edi t or
Pau l M i ch eal , Pr odu ct i on Su per v i si on
Fo r A d v er t i si n g Sal es:

Gi n a@L O A m ed i m Law of At t r act i on M agazi n e

P.O. Box 1933, La Qu i n t a, CA 92247
Page 5 - Ju ly, 2018

A Missing Piece of t he Law of At t r act ion

How an Ar r ogant At t or ney ?WIMPER?ed her dr eams int o exist ence!
By Paula Kidd Casey
I admit it. I am a recovering, obnoxious, demanding from hell.
attorney. Everything you have every heard about
Until one day I thought I was having a heart
the profession is probably true? we are
competitive, forceful and logical word-smiths. So attack? horrible pain in my chest, a racing heart, not
how, pray tell, can someone with close to 40 years being able to breath and the fear of imminent
of practicing this craft, decide to change her death. After six months of medical tests, I was told
?stripes? and ?Wimpir? instead of shrieking the news? there was nothing physically wrong with
demands to get what was wanted? me, it was all in my head! They were anxiety attacks
To understand this phenomenon, as well as to brought on by emotional stress.
understand what WIMPIR means and how it changed This did not sit well with me as I was strong, bossy
my life, it?s helpful to learn how I came upon this and in control of everything. How could I not be in
magical concept. control of my own mind? Little did I know that was
At the age of 53, I was pretty much at the end of my the answer to all my problems: to learn to control
rope. As a successful attorney, I was very busy. I my thoughts, my feelings, my responses and my
made lots of money that immediately got sucked actions, but in a totally different way than I had ever
out to pay huge mortgages (because a successful been taught before. I needed to become aware of
attorney obviously must have not one, but two big the WIMPIR factors.
houses). My mind was constantly arguing: cases, Traditional treatment didn?t seem to work well,
where to get dinner reservations and shopping lists. but the cognitive behavioral therapy that was
It never stopped. I was totally stressed out and on recommended did remind me of books I had read in
overload. I saw no way off this ?merry go round? the 90?s. Books like ?The Celestine Prophecy?, and

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?Conversations with God.? I dug out the books and into detail and show you step by step how to
read them. Some relief. I went to the bookstore and change your conditioned, subconscious mind,
bought more ?weird? books in the alternative which controls what you do 95% of the time. The
section of the store. More relief. The more I read information is necessary, life altering and too vast
the Woo Woo self-help books based on the law of to go into here. (Read my book and email me, I
attraction, the better I felt. would love to discuss this further.)
For the next five years I read "The mor e I r ead But for now, I want to introduce
every book I could get my hands (finally) one concept most other
on in this genre. The anxiety
t he Woo Woo self-help books do not teach? the WIMPIR
attacks subsided, and my curiosity book s based on t he factor. WIMPIR is an acronym for
Law of At t r act ion,
I loved this stuff. I felt better. It PERCEPTION, INTUITION, AND
touched my soul. But I wasn?t
The bet t er I felt ." REASON. This concept allows us to
manifesting all the things I take control of our ?moments? in
Paula Kidd Casey each circumstance we find
thought I wanted and had
?ordered from the catalog of life? ourselves, to choose a response
as all the books suggested. I asked for what I that serves our goals and dreams.
wanted. I waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing In a normal day, in a normal situation, a normal
happened. person REACTS to the conditions they find in their
?Have you been there? Wanting something more?... outside life with their five instinctual
Buying, reading and screaming at all the self-help senses? hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling, tasting.
books you could get your hands on to no avail? They let situations outside of themselves control
Wanting the Law of Attraction, or the Seven Habits, how they will feel, based on their past conditioning
or the The Seven Spiritual Laws to work for you? and their knee jerk reaction to things.
But not immediately seeing your wish list There is another way, however, to respond to our
materialize, tossing the books into the trash? environment, one that puts us squarely in control of
(Hopefully, the recycle bin.) how we think, feel and RESPOND to any situation in
?The big question is: Why didn?t it work for me? which we find ourselves. And that new way is using
our WIMPIR facilities, the six intellectual tools that
?It took me years of searching and reading and we have at our disposal, but probably don?t even
listening to the greatest teachers in the world to know we have, yet alone know how to use.
find the answer, to find the magic. And not meaning
to sound pretentious, I have.? The Lawyer and The To be able to put these tools to use, however, we
Law of Attraction, p. xiii must first realize how important the present
moment, the NOW, is in our lives. The present
What was the answer? The law of attraction does
not attract to you what you WANT. The law of
attraction attracts to you what you ARE.
?Well, uh, wait a minute,? you say. ?I don?t want
what I already am or have. I want a lot more money,
a skinnier body, the love of my life, the ability to
follow my passion. To heck with what I?ve got now.?
And that my friends, is the ultimate conundrum.
Until you change who you are, in your deep down
subconscious mind, you will never change your life.
Information regarding how to change our
subconscious mind, our past conditioning that has
been instilled in us since birth, is becoming more
available than it has in the past. In my book, I go

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moment is the only instance we can take action, hours. You arrive at work upset, are snippy with the
make a decision, move our goals forward. We must receptionist, and lose your temper with your client.
learn to remind ourselves to stay in the NOW, quiet You have let something outside of you decide how
our minds, and pay attention to life. We must learn to you react and feel and it affects your day.
take advantage of the present moment and ?Now let?s look at a different way to view the same
consciously and deliberately appreciate the options incident and CHOOSE to RESPOND (space between
we have available in each moment of our lives, the dumba** cutting you off and your response)
options that will propel us toward the life of our using WIMPIR.
dreams. The WIMPIR factor allows us to do just that.
Will: I have a bigger plan for my day, I
?There is a space between have enough self-discipline not to get
viewing outside stimuli and angry.
reacting to it. Our five senses are
programmed to react immediately Imagination: Perhaps the few seconds
to these outside stimuli; indeed longer I sit here will save me from a
these instincts are necessary for terrible fate.
our very survival. Memory: Boy, I remember I?ve done
?If we see an object hurling that before. Now I know how the other
toward us, we duck. If we smell guy felt.
smoke, we retreat. If we feel heat, Perception: I should try to look at this
we pull our hand back. When in a different way. No one was hurt, and
there is no time to debate, we the world is still turning.
react. If we are in danger, our
Intuition: I thought he might pull out so
instinct and senses are handy to
I braked a second before and I feel grateful.
Reason: The traffic is very heavy, I couldn?t have
?However, absent a saber-toothed tiger, living this
moved far, so I haven?t lost much time.
way makes us feel like a pinball machine. We let
outside conditions flip us one way or the other. We ?You have just claimed your power and stayed the
flip our emotions from fear to delight based on what course to your intended goal for that day, not
is in front of us at the time: ?squirrel?. ? ? allowing an outside force to affect it.

?What if there is a different way? In that ?space? we ?The more you do this, the easier it gets. Pry open
initially talked about, between observing a situation that space, choose a different response. When you do
and reacting, what if we could choose a different this consistently you start to see different paths
mindset? What if we could become more aware of appearing you didn?t even know existed. When you
this space, expand it, take inventory of the amazing respond differently, people respond differently to
God-given tools we have at our disposal but rarely you. They may give you a lead, offer a smile, or even
take out of the tool box, and choose a different way become a friend. Events that seemed like obstacles
to respond? Not out of immediacy or become advantages. Quite simply, how you choose to
unconsciousness, but one of a deliberate intent to respond makes all the difference in the world.?
create a response that serves our goals and dreams. Read more in ?The Lawyer and t he Law of
To decide to use our six intellectual facilities and At t ract ion? by Paul a Kidd Casey.
control our lives from the inside out. Paula Kidd Casey has been a practicing family law attorney
?Let?s take an event and illustrate how each one for over 39 years and was one of the first women in the
Midwest to open a private law firm. Like many driven
works. entrepreneurs, Paula spent years pursuing money and
?Someone has pulled in front of you in traffic, success at the expense of her health and peace of mind..
causing you to slam on your brakes. When you After realizing her professional life was not bringing her joy
and fulfillment, she spent years trying to define her passion
REACT-horn blaring, middle finger waving, teeth and then searching for ways to achieve it. Thousands of
clenched-your adrenaline begins to pump, your heart hours of study later, she discovered a life-changing theory,
rate goes up and you are angry for the next two The Natural Laws of the Universe.

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Page 11 - M ay, 2018
Eg y pt ia n
n u m er o l o g y

By Sa r a Ba c h m ei er

Th e M a g i c Beh i n d Eg y pt ia n N u m er o l o g y
A n d W h a t Yo u Sh o u l dK n o w A b o u t It !
Egyptian Numerology differs from traditional equanimity by reaching higher goals than we ever
numerology because it is channeled through the dreamed possible.
fifth dimension. This dimension has been described
All of our numbers are symbols that hold vibrations
as the plane of love and of living totally from the
we created out of the essence from the infinite
heart. Traditional numerology normally only
zero. Of all the other numbers, the zero comes
channels information from the third and fourth
closest to the vibration of God, and although it is
dimension offering the good and bad aspects of
from and of this God, it does not define God and so
number frequencies and focuses on duality rather
must be the spiritual essence of God. I picture the
than the highest possible qualities and potential
zero as a big drum that is sounded the moment we
that a person can experience in their lifetime.
are born. Each sound or vibration takes on a symbol
Egyptian Numerology teaches us that it is not the
experience in life that defines us but rather our
reaction to the experience. It takes the number
frequencies that are given to us on our date of birth
and through our birth name. This reveals a road
map or contract that we signed up for before our
incarnation into our current life.
This type of charting has three major components
that affect each individual. It serves to encourage
us to discover our Soul life mission and confirm
that we are on the right path. It can also challenge
us to make the changes necessary to live a life of

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in the form of numbers that contain a characteristic with a unique flavor and style.
I believe that these frequencies depart the drum/ zero/ void with a specific intention to explore the
universe outside of its origin and will always return home when the mission is completed. The intention is
that we return home with the same pure frequency we entered this world. Egyptian Numerology can assist
in defining the frequency you chose when you entered this life and describe to you in words the various
areas of your life that are affected by this frequency. This will enable you to navigate a better
understanding or perspective of the life you chose to live.
One of the main areas of your birth chart is called
your Soul life path. It is the sum total of your birth
date, month and year. It describes the direction your So u l
life will take, what challenges you will encounter, and
the opportunities you will come across. It tells you
what your life journey will look like and how you will
connect with the outside world. This number also
represents the traits and talents that you were born
with. Your life path and the numbers derived from it
show what you received from the world, which is the
result of what you project in it, even if you don?t feel
as if you had any part in creating the experience you
encounter. It inevitably follows the law of attraction
because there are magnetic forces that draw to you various vibrations, events and circumstances
throughout your life and all of these are influenced by your soul life path number.
The Karmic lesson number used in comprising your birth chart is a unique astrological calculation found
only in Egyptian Numerology. It is a number that shows your opportunity for receiving lessons. Our karmic
number is what drives us forward to meet our challenges and motivates us to move onward toward our
soul path and highest evolution. Not only does understanding your karmic number help you resolve past
actions in other lifetimes; it also helps you reap the rewards from seeds you have sown in this lifetime.
When working with this number, we bring to our attention the use of high and low frequency. When the
number vibration is working on a higher frequency, we creating what is known as our ?virtues?, and when
we are using our number frequencies on a lower level, we are choosing to vibrate and create what we call
our ?vices.?
The Soul Life Purpose Number is the sum total of your karmic lesson
number and your life path number. Here we are taking your life lessons
and your life path and combining their value to bring what you?ve been
trying to heal over many lifetimes and definitely want to heal in this
lifetime. This is a personal number, and it will most definitely point to
your behaviors and belief systems. The value of this number is considered
one of the most important numbers to understand because it will show
you how to best serve yourself and others.
Your name is your power of choice. The right words define your level of
knowledge and experience. They are the keys that open the doors to the
life you desire. Words are a control system for our own personal magic.
The arithmancy of your birth name is recognized as sacred and of extreme relevance and when charted
can bring to surface three major areas. The first one is called your Heart?s desire and is the sum total of all

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the vowels in your birth name. The vowels are number. We look to this number and discover the
considered fluid and soft, describing the deepest hidden passions, talents and abilities that affect
passions and motivators of the heart. They hold our your world and how it is working for you now and in
true vision of what we came here to do in this the future.
lifetime. When we are children, we often know
These are the components that comprise the birth
what we want to be when we grow up, before the
and basic charting. There are other areas not
dramas of life set in and blanket our dreams with
covered that are included in a complete chart and
polluted directions of what we ?should do? or
also relevant to affecting a person?s life. I have had
?have to do? instead of what we the privilege to read hundreds
desire to do. We already know of charts for people and been
what we are here to do and it is witness to miraculous
in our heart?s desire that the changes in these lives after
answer is kept safe and sound in they have received a reading.
case we get lost along the way. The most remarkable ones
The second area is called the come from very successful
Personality number and is the people that have broke down
sum total of the consonants of in tears after acknowledging
our birth name. This number that somewhere on their
defines how you bring your journey to success, they had
heart?s desire into manifestation become lost. The reading
in the material world. The clarified what areas needed to
personality is like the clothes we be strengthened in order to
wear; they can protect us, define bring balance and harmony
us or both. Persona is a complement to the inner back to their soul. Other precious events that
aspects of the self. It portrays our personal style, happens once people resonate in their highest
behaviors, and how we imagine ourselves and frequencies, is that they inevitably choose to be of
present ourselves to the world on both the service to others. It is the natural order of
conscious and unconscious levels. equanimity.

The third area is our Destiny number and is the sum Egyptian Numerology is fascinating because it
total of the vowels and consonants in our birth encourages us to be our true and authentic selves.
name. It describes our potential natural talents, It helps us become the best version of ourselves
abilities and embraces the truth of what you came and if we all choose to resonate in our highest
here to do through the power of your heart?s desire frequencies, we naturally emanate love and light
number and the expression of the personality and become a beacon for others to follow.

Sara Bachmeier is a certified instructor in

Egyptian numerology, CCMBA (Complete Cellular
Mind Body Alignment and Activation), CCSMC
(Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing), and
META (women?s self-defense and empowerment
program). She has been charting Egyptian
numerology since 2016. She has studied
numerology all her life and up until now has
called herself a closet spiritualist.
Visit her at https:/ / EgyptianNumerology.ORG

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?The lips of w isdom ar e closed, except t o t he ear s of

7 St eps t o Mast er Under st anding.??The Kybalion .

The moment we realize we are the soul within our
human, there is a paradigm shift that will have occurred
Spir it ual Awakening within our physical existence we call life.
We radiate between 3 different levels of energy
frequencies: The Mental Plane, The Physical Plan, and
The Spiritual Plane.
Understanding this principle is to embody our own truth
that we are energy underneath our human or physical
existence. The Principle of Correspondence brings truth
to the collective experience of enlightenment because
?there is always a correspondence between the laws and
phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.
Maneuvering what we now call "Spiritual Awakenings"
can be tricky but it doesn't have to be. Each Spiritual
Awakening gifts you with a peek into the window of your
Higher Self. We experience multiple Awakenings in our
lifetime but interestingly they are all focused on
different areas of life. Though I believe consciousness is
the seed of enlightenment that lives within us, I strongly
assert we cannot abundant l y flow within enlightenment
unless we are in full alignment with our human: mind,
body, and spirit.
Most unfortunately, many beautiful people such as
yourself have been taught, ?you are not your mind?,
when in fact you most definitely are because you control
your human through your intuition and connection with
Spirit. You are the soul within your human and your mind
is an understood part of your physical composition, yes?
In order to successfully radiate within our higher self or
best spiritual self, we must accept that there is a choice
in which we exist. And that choice is in our decision to
control our human or not. Therein lies the paradoxical
journey of our Spiritual Awakening.
When we make the choice to allow our human to lead
the way and we the soul fall back asleep, it is the
opposite of enlightenment. This is the place many
unfortunately come to because when they awaken to
their place of enlightenment, they will more than likely
have been taught that is the only aha moment they will
Therefore they stop embracing their human and forget

By Necole Livingst on how necessary it is to take their human along for the
ride. They simply forget that all the time before their
enlightened moment, their human actually did the
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physical work in this physical plane we call life. synchronicities our human would rather ignore.
Deciding to move forward in our Spiritual Our ego is alive and very well. Our ego is our
Ascension without being in alignment with our human and our human is our body. We are the Soul.
human self and Spirit is a common mistake that
?Intellectually, we know the power and the
results in a spiritual spiral of confusion. Most
importance of loving ourselves. But often we have
unfortunately, that turmoil can manifest into
difficulty practicing self-caring. Sometimes we
depression, unhealthy co-dependencies, and
meet a wall of cultural conditioning that says it?s
selfish to focus on our pamper ourselves. But this is
When we have made the choice to control our confusing self-love with hedonism ? exclusive
human through self-acceptance, understanding, self-involvement that has no resemblance to the
practice of love. When we don?t satisfy our own
mental, physical and spiritual need for love,
depression and illness overtake us. Spirit forces us
to retreat, and perhaps it?s then that we begin
listening to ourselves, loving and honoring our
needs, so that our healing can begin.?
We are the soul that lives within our human and
The Holy Spirit lives within each and every one of
us. Embrace her. Embrace him. Love on your human
in spite of the decisions your human or other
humans make that find you in low levels of
energetic frequency. That
and appreciation we embrace our faults, shadow which no longer serves
side, and ego. We embrace our past through anger you opposes your pathway
and forgiveness, sadness and pain. to a raised vibration of
We release all which no longer serves us through inner peace and
therapy, coaching, affirmations and spiritual happiness. In other words,
practice, and we step forward in the direction negative energy blocks
Divine Source or The Universe helps us awaken to. your flow of
This happens only when we become in full
enlightenment and
alignment with our human self and make the choice
separates you from your
to lead our human through the power of our
higher self.
connection with Spirit.
We Are the Soul Within Our Human: Forgive your human for
making those mistakes.
Mind, Body, Spirit.
Karma is blessing you with those do-overs as the
One Awakening may be calling you towards your
Life Mastery, another may be awakening you to lost opportunity shines brightly in your face. Take a
deepening your connection with Divine Source. deep breath in and dive right in!
Regardless of whether the exact same theme is That's why you get to experience a Spiritual
present it will still present you with different Awakening - many of them throughout your
obstacles. Why? Because we are constantly lifetime. They are packed with Spiritual Guidance to
changing and evolving. We are energy. Energy is guide you into the path you once feared but now
spiritual. embrace.
Often a Spiritual Awakening will highlight our As you grow in human years, hopefully you will find
spiritual growth or lack thereof through several yourself growing into Spiritual Wisdom as well.
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Allow your human to come along for the ride. After Spiritual Guidance for our Spiritual Awakening.
all your human wears the scars and bruises of your
?You will recognize ow far you have deviated by
past. Embrace your human and try hard not to
the depth of your pain and frustration? you must
abandon her just because you are now Awakened to
listen to the message of this frustration and let it
a new world. A new view. A new paradigm.
guide you.?
To successfully navigate any new shift of spiritual
St eps 6: Take Act ion and St ep 7: Conf irmat ion
enlightenment, you must embody all 7 stages of
the Spiritual Awakening Process. In my book, A realm completely unlike the physical plane we?ve now become more detached from has become
quite impossible to ignore. So now that you the
, you will find the exact steps to take
soul made a life altering choice to
as though you had your own personal
lead your human now, it is
Spiritual Advisor coaching and
important that you continue to
guiding you through your
embrace your human: mind, body,
This interactive guidebook helps you
Love on your human. Talk to you
cultivate your enlightened self while
human. Say thank you to you
carefully guiding you to explore the
human. Show your appreciation for
very depth of your own spirituality.
your human as she or he cannot
St ep 1: Awareness - You are the Soul. understand spiritual alchemy which
You are the spiritual energy that lives is the core of the awakening
within your human. Remember that process.
as you become more and more
But you, Dear Love....YOU
comfortable with this "new" way of
understand completely. So you must
living. Meditating, enjoying nature,
comfort your human and walk hand
Spiritual Practice, Veganism, herbal
in hand within yourself within this
remedies, smudging. Don't forget
journey of Spiritual Enlightenment.
about your human.
You are the Spirit that lives within
He or she brought you through those storms that
your human. Trust the process. Enjoy falling in love
birthed this new you as you learned from your past.
with each other all over again.
Honor the lessons and receive the Blessings having
experienced many years of being "asleep". About Necol e
St ep 2: Det achment and St ep 3: Vul nerabil it y ? Will Recognized as a Int ernat ionally Renowned Celebrit y
help you gently release the past and remove the Spirit ual Advisor and Best Selling Aut hor she has
veil to reveal the smooth passage to your very own gained over 4 Million views of her powerful spiritually
spiritual wisdom and enlightenment. guided messages.
St ep 4: Enl ight enment and St ep 5: Accept ance ? As a Mast er Manifest or, Necole is expert ly skilled at
The moment has arrived and you understand what helping people manifest t heir life mission fast er t han
truly matters but still have many unanswered t hey could do on t heir own - and accelerat e t heir
questions. You have reached an aha-moment of income t o 6 figures wit hin 12 mont hs.
surreal awareness but what does it all mean? What
are you to do with this newfound spiritual Necole's Private Coaching is t ransforming t he
awareness? These stages will gift you with the lives of people from all walks of life, regardless
mastery of self: mind, body, spirit. Remember that of their niche. Also a Transformat ion Consult ant
even though you were asleep to your newfound who rest ores t rut h for client s t o finally get t he
sense of "Mindfulness", your human still needs you. result s t hey st ruggle t o get on t heir own by using the
Now more than ever actually because your human Proven 2 - Step System she created herself.
is also "Awakening" to an entirely new existence.
?Make surrender a tool of power yet never outshine She offers private coaching and group coaching
the master.? 5 Humility is the key that unlocks this sessions to her clients. As an Educator, Necole is
great mysteries of spiritual alchemy. offering a 7-mont h Life Mission Mast er Class
Academy, an 8-week Accelerat ed Program, and an
We dance between the planes of existence and The E-Book entitled, The Art of Manifestation "Aligning
Law of Attraction is deeply embedded within our Mind Body Spirit."
Page 18 - Ju ly, 2018
Fr ee E- Bo o k

Vi si t her Websi te
For Speci al Events
Readi ngs
Coachi ng
Book s
Li fe M i ssi on M aster Class
and M uch M ore!

Necole i s Look i ng Forward to M eeti ng You!

I In The Wor ld...But Not 'of The Wor ld'

By Tit o Abao

All Happens Inside t he Lit t le Bubble of Consciousness called 'i'.

Ramana Mahar shi
Be clear! Spiritual Unfoldment is not an intellectual out there does not exist. It is being constantly
pursuit or endeavor. It is experiential. Everything I manifested by our agreement to layers and layers
write about is meant for you to experience. The of existential thoughts. Primary of those
mind can not take you vertically into the upper agreements is there is space... in which the illusion
realms of what constitutes spiritual awakening. can form. We agree that there is time, thus we have
Spiritual unfoldment is beyond every form-based movement in time and space so that the movie...
manifestation, gross and subtle. This article is our agreed upon stories may manifest.
appearing in a magazine dedicated to the
functional use of the Law of Attraction. Consciousness draws upon these agreed upon
stories, to create a mathematically precise Dual
You either attract what you ask for or you don't. You
experience a Cadillac manifesting right in front of
you as a miracle of materialization in your third
dimensional reality. Many of you have done it in
small ways and large.
The mind's limitation is simple. It relies on
subject-object relationships. It of itself cannot
intuit. Once the mind gets the concept it can then
work with it to use a new idea in the Third
dimensional environment of cause and effect.
The Third dimension in which we humans live is not
as solid as it looks. The truth is the world you see

Page 20 - M ay, 2018

Universe forming The Matrix to project a Lif e of Tit o Abao1936 AD - &Nero37AD ? 68 AD.
holographic world; reincarnating itself endlessly in
In session I entered The Void, (i) ceased to exist. I
precise variations of the stories. There is nothing
was Aware of Being Aware. 'What IS' was all that
new under the Sun. Nothing out there. What you
was there. A body (my body), a light or Source. I was
appear to be experiencing is your personal movie
unable to sustain
in which you are putting on an Oscar winning
the state therefore I
did not Realize
Earlier I wrote there are only two forces playing myself and
against each other manifesting the Holographic returned to my
universe we experience as human beings. A egoji (i) state. I.e...
positive polarity and a negative polarity. The my normal third
imbalance of two opposing energies. I used the dimensional reality.
terms positive force and a negative force. I, also,
The Egyptian
wrote the positive and negative charges are what
Pharaoh ?
drives a computer. Then, I wrote, the way the
Akhenaten usually
computer programming organizes the positive and
acknowledged to be the Father of Monotheism -
negative charges in relation to each other creates
foreshadowed the end of the Kali Yuga and pointed
an image. Consciousness, the programmer of
to the coming of the Dwapara Yuga. Akhenaten
concepts generates in the field of Consciousness a
recognized the Sun as Source and it is Source
holographic realm reflecting back to itself a three
manifesting in the Third Dimensional Universe. The
dimensional world of itself in which The Game is
Universe is your friend. Through the Law of
played by google-plexes of unique points of view
Attraction it will find a way to
that have individualized out
give you what you ask for.
of the field of Consciousness "Ther e ar e mor e t hings in Only your subconscious
blocks prevent the
Consciousness condenses heaven and ear t h, Hor at io , manifestation. Regression
itself into a three dimensional can help to find and dissolve
form called a body. We are
t han ar e dr eam of in your those blocks. I can also help
the human version of that philosophy." you find competent and
body. This body experiences reputable regression
the world through five senses Shakespear e practitioners to come to grips
designed to project a precise with your barriers to
time-line program. There are fulfillment.
google-plexes of these time lines that flow in and
You always contend with your shadows. Read Dr
out of each other. The mind is also condensed by
Karl Jung's work on the idea of shadows. In short
consciousness but more finely and it contains the
you create shadows through attachment. The Dual
programming that animates the body. None of this
Universe is a form based manifestation created by
is out of your ability to experience as follows:
a process of mind which uses subject-object
In a private session with a Realized Being I had this relationships to manifest. If you enter the Non-dual
experience in January of 2014 (a seven year): state where you recognize all is One, you give
yourself an opportunity to enter the Now state as
I must stress that you should seek out a Realized
described by Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now. In
Being to do private consultation. I can help you find
the now, all is possible without leaving a Shadow.
the right ones. They have transcended the mind,
In the Now you flow through form without
therefore when you have a session with one; there
attachment. Being in the Zone as accomplished
are no filters. If you want an Inter-dimensional
artists and athletes label it; you are in a state of
experience in a group environment I suggest The
maximum freedom, accessing Source itself.
Monroe Institute in Farber, Virginia, many of which
are described in The Monograph Of The Paral l el Moderation. There is a more basic Law than and

Page 21 - M ay, 2018

probably under pins The Law of Attraction. It is the
Law of Contrasts. Remember earlier I said there are
only two forces. Any extreme will cause you to
need to experience the extreme. In your highest
aspect you function in the Oneness... Unconditional
Love. If you divide into the pairs of opposites and
identify with one or the other, your between life
agreements will involve creating a lifetime in which
you experience great wealth and then you will need
to experience great poverty. This is how the
between life agreements come about in their most
basic form.
Study the most basic aspects of the life of The form and you will not leave a shadow.
Buddha. He was born a Prince and would have
inherited an Empire on Earth. He rejects it to find Consciousness is constantly recycling itself.
Reincarnating. It looks different but isn't... just the
appearance seems to morph and looks like
evolution. Evolution is the wrong word. The right
word is 'Unfoldment'. The moment you are born you
begin the conditioning your etheric self needs to
function in the third dimension. When you accept
the full program, your life unfolds like a flower. The
symbolism most well known in Hinduism and
Buddhism it the The Lotus.

?The pol l ut ion of t he pl anet is onl y an

out ward ref l ect ion of an inner psychic
out how life really worked and under the bodhi tree pol l ut ion: mil l ions of unconscious
he did... and founded a great path to Spiritual individual s not t aking responsibil it y f or
Freedom. t heir inner space.? Eckhart Tol l e
In today's Yuga and for the next 10 to 20 thousand
years we are moving into higher states of
consciousness. You will not have the luxury of Inquiring int o t he nat ure of sel f is where
Renouncing the World. You must learn to live 'in you can access and t ap int o t he f reedom of
the world but not be of the world'. It is a tricky your aut hent ic nat ure. Eric Al t man
business. Attachment is always dogging your heals.
But the Power of Now is your salvation. Flow thru
Abou t Tit o Abao, Au t h or
My f irst int roduct ion t o spirit ual work was in t he earl y ?60?s, as an init iat e in a Christ ian
Yoga Church in San Francisco l ed by one of t he f irst American Real ized Beings, Sri
Subramuniya. My init iat e name was Shant ianada. My t he Bet ween-Lives agreement s
were t oo powerf ul t o remain in t hat rol e. My spirit ual quest began in ernest af t er my
NDE in 2007. Under inner guidance I earned six cert if icat es of compl et ion in The
Monroe Inst it ut e?s seminar program in Faber, Virginia.

Even bef ore Christ ian Yoga as a chil d I had many paranormal experiences incl uding
Out -of -Body-Experiences and recurring (? what I know now were? ) past l if e
dreams/ memories.

Page 22 - M ay, 2018

On l y n ow i n t h e t w en t y-f i r st cen t u r y
of t h e m oder n er a can t h e t r u t h
abou t t h e u n i ver se be open l y
descr i bed, ex pl ai n ed, an d
u n der st ood by a si gn i f i can t par t of
t h e popu l at i on of pl an et Ear t h .?

The M onogr aph of the

Par allel Life of Tito
Abao and Ner o is the
stor y of a soul called
Tito Abao w ho enter s
the physical plane
(thir d dim ensional
r eality) seven
thousand year s ago.
Tito shar es his
extr aor dinar y vision
and the jour ney he
under takes to find the
m eaning. Yet this not
only the stor y of Tito
Abao's soul, it is also
the stor y of you r soul.

Th i s book i s m ean t t o be a t em pl at e. I t i s a w i n dow i n t o you r l i f e. Th r ou gh i t

you w i l l be abl e t o see t h e pat t er n s of you r ow n per son al l i f e as i t u n f ol ds.
You ar e t h e su m t ot al of al l t h at you ever w er e t h at w i l l l ead you t o an
absol u t e u n der st an di n g abou t h ow l i f e r eal l y w or k s.

Page 23 - M ay, 2018

Tur n t o Heal -
Diar y of a Tr ans-Incar nat ion

By Monica Canducci

How I r eshaped my body and life t owar ds healing and beyond.

Here is my journey in healing my mind and neglected my health and my physical
body. This will reveal my journey beyond space appearance. I was definitively not in touch with
and time, beyond the threshold of life and my body, which at the time, seemed to be an
death. I had such an intense experience that it obstacle in the way of my spiritual
completely reshaped my body, my attitude, development.
and my understanding of life on earth. It My dream at the time was to find a spiritual
brought me beyond limitations based on the master, and retire from the world in order to
concepts of gender, disease, and even develop the ability of being in touch with the
mortality. spiritual world. So, when I started receiving
My journey began as I started to understand messages from the afterlife, I felt like I was
the Principles of the Law of Attraction, and the finally on the threshold of a very important
meaning of ?healing? and ?integration.? I was spiritual path, away from the heaviness of my
17 years old when I discovered I had Spirit clumsy and uncomfortable body. Then,
Guides. I had always been attracted to the something special happened that brought me
invisible dimension of being, from spirituality, to a total change of mind.
to everything ?mysterious? and inexplicable. I At first, I started to channel automatic writing
would spend hours in studying, practicing messages. Some of the messages were from
piano, painting, all with the purpose of people who passed away and wanted to
developing my spiritual side. I completely reassure their beloved ones about their new

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dimensional life. The messages were from immediately ?recognized? this presence as
Spiritual Guides teaching on the importance of Vaslav Nijinsky, the most famous dancer at the
increasing self awareness, self knowledge and beginning of 1900s. Immediately, Nijinsky
respect for ourselves, and for the world in started explaining how his mission in life was
which we live. Above all, they taught of self about transmitting spiritual awareness through
awareness that our physical body is an dance. He tried to accomplish this task in his
instrument for what we call ?the spiritual lifetime, but failed. So, our paths became inter-
experience.? dimensionally
connected in 1988
I confess this was the hardest part of my
with the purpose of
training. The education I received, from a
helping people to heal
religious point of view, was oriented toward a
through self
conflict between spirit and matter. I used to
realization of their
believe that in order to achieve enlightenment
living body. Nijinsky
and self realization, I would have ?detach?
transmitted to me an
myself from my body and physicality.
incredible sense of
I grew up with belief that the body was a trust, confidence and
burden. I suffered from eating disorders in faith, introducing me
which I was 40 pounds overweight and had to to the Law of
lose in order to achieve a hormonal balance (my Attraction long before
monthly cycle was a mess). I was constantly in it became know in
physical and emotional pain. I even considered 2007. I started
myself definitively ugly. receiving the most
It was much easier to only wonderful training albeit a very unique
focus on my spiritual experience by channeling Nijinsky?s presence.
attainment rather than on In a few weeks, my body shape changed
focusing on my physical completely. I lost weight, my hormones found a
life. I was simply avoiding balance, and my relationship with food came to
looking within myself as a healthy balance too. I started perceiving my
well as ignoring the advice body as a true secret treasure able to drive me
coming from my Guides. In into spiritual awareness. All the physical and
a few years, my emotional pain I had for many years were gone!
communication with my But, above all, the clumsy girl I was before was
invisible Guides and now turning into a dancer.
mentors changed dramatically as I started to
This process was so fascinating, that I started to
channel in a vigilant state of trance.
deepen my study of body-mind connections
By that time, I was 23 years old. I had a that lead to work as a performer. It became
boyfriend who was also very interested in clear to me that the training I received from
spirituality and always ready to listen to the Nijinsky was something to share. It took almost
messages from the Guides. One evening, 30 years to understand the process of this
something amazing happened. The Guides told incredible experience in which to help people.
us that something extraordinary was going to Now, I can only say that what Nijinsky
change my life forever. I found myself totally transmitted to me was so precious and huge
submerged by such a powerful, almost that I needed 30 years to integrate it and
?physical? energy, clearly belonging to a optimize it, in a way that is understandable to
masculine entity. All of a sudden I felt others.
possessed by something who in a blink of an
In these 30 years, I met researchers, teachers,
eye, transmitted all his knowledge about the
trainers, healers and spiritual masters, and
body and its spiritual secrets to me.
individuals devoted to others?healing and
My boyfriend, who was studying dance, realization. I became a dancer, an actress, a
Page 25 - Ju ly, 2018
Certified Rolfer, a dance teacher and a movement
coach. I started channeling healing energies through
dance, and thanks to this journey, I was able to help
people find their true nature by achieving their own
healing. In 30 years, finally Nijinsky?s message has
become ready to be shared. I wrote the book, ?Turn to
Heal - Dancing Beyond.? This is the diary of his
?trans-incarnation? through my body. All the secrets
of the interconnections between our thoughts,
emotions, body and the environment are revealed in
my book. I?m always ready to share the healing energy
by inviting people to read it, and then to dance with
Dance is healing, dance is sacred. Dance is a powerful
tool to reconnect ourselves with our divine being, and
our body keeps the secrets of eternal youth and
infinite improvement. By practicing the very simple
training Nijinsky transmitted to me, from breathing to
dance (something I call 'Dance within'), I see how my
body became able to heal and regenerate easily and
consistently. Every passing year, I feel better than the
year before.
Our body is a tangible reflection of the expression of our spiritual being. By reading and listening
to it, we can understand in which directions we have to work in order to expand our Consciousness
as our divine self. By working though it, we can easily achieve tangible results in our life by making
our dreams come true.
The body is not only the instrument through which we can express ourselves. It is also the sacred
space into which we can take the magic steps by finding our unique way of dancing, (moving) to
create the magic in our life. It is the sacred space through which we can experience the Law of
Attraction and its secrets so it can expand into our existence.
About M onica Canducci
Born in Italy on the Adriatic Coast Monica has always been attracted to the
invisible side of life, and to the invisible worlds that she was able to perceive
and, sometimes, even to see around her. At the age of 17, she discovered
herself to be an extraordinary channel in which to receive information not only
from the afterlife, but also from that subtle, ethereal dimension described as
Faerie. As an adult, by following the call of the mountain, she happily moved
first to the magic Acosta Valley at the slopes of the magnificent Mont Blanc,
fulfilling a kind of mission related to Spirits of Nature and their connection
with the humans who are living there. Then, in 2012, by responding to another
call involving all the family she moved to the enchanting and powerful Quebec,
with her husband, son and her three cats. Monica also has a scientific
background. She is a Certified Rolfer? , Rolf Movement practitioner and creator
of the Move-In Mind? method about the power of mental imagery in rewiring
our neural networks. We invite you to explore these Faeries Realms further by visiting her websites : * c/ MonicaCanducci monicadancingfairy

Page 26 - Ju ly, 2018

Tu r n t o Heal :
Dan ci n g Beyon d

Th i s book i s an en gagi n g
adven t u r e as a w el l as a
t r easu r e h u n t t i n ged
w i t h h u m or an d w i sdom .
I t w i l l t r an spor t you i n t o
t h e f l ow of cr eat i v i t y,
r egen er at i on an d
h eal i n g.
You can ach i eve you r
ow n sel f -r eal i zat i on i n
t h i s pr ocess.
I t i s a j ou r n ey i n t o you r
ow n sel f -r eal i zat i on
accessi bl e t o al l t h ose
w h o seek aw ar en ess,
pr esen ce an d
i n t egr at i on .
Th i s i s a dan ce beyon d
l i f e, t i m e an d j u dgm en t .
Com e Dan ce W i t h M e!
M on i ca Can du cci

Vi si t M on i ca's WebsSi t e t o see al l h er book s an d pr odu ct s:

h t t ps://w w w.M on i ca-Can du cci .com

Page 27 - Ju ly, 2018

W i t h Joe Vi t al e...
A Ho'opon opon o I n t er v i ew

By Jew el s Joh n son

Page 28 - Ju ly, 2018

Jewels: Welcome Back Dr. Joe Vitale to Law of Attraction Magazine. It's always so great to see you.
JV: Thank you. I'm flattered to have a return visit here. So thanks for inviting me again.
Jewels: And you're also a return guest as our cover boy for the July Issue.
JV: Well there's bragging rights for you...I'm a cover boy! I'm getting younger by the minute.
Jewels: Anyway we're going to have some fun today and we're going
to talk about a whole bunch of things since the last time you were on.
So let's start with that. What have you done musically since w last
visited? You've got a new album out, I see.
JV: Oh that's a dangerous question to ask. I have a total of 16
albums out. I have six Singer-Songwriter albums, the most recent
one is called "The Great Something." I also got to study with Melissa
Etheridge, the Rock 'n Roll Legend who I have been a fan of for over
20 years. So I dedicated this entire album to her as well as a song
that I wrote and dedicated to her called "Melissa Said." I actually got
to see her perform after the album came out. Melissa said that she
loves the album! She actually said "I love you, Joe!" from the stage in front of 5000 people. Here I am a
Cover Boy and Melissa Etheridge saying she loves me. I mean I'm good!
Jewels: Hey, I have a feeling you might be meeting Bruce Willis soon too and actually become an actor.
JV: I had a small role in an independent movie and I loved every minute of it. And they even said that I had
a knack for it. So, of course, that went right to my head. Next thing I know, I was thinking "When is Bruce
Willis going to call? I know they're filming another Die Hard and maybe they need somebody else with
him in there. I'll be the villian or a co-host, I'll do whatever he wants. So I'm waiting for Bruce Willis to call.
Jewels: You have too great of a smile to be a villain. I'm sorry it just doesn't fit your personality!
JV: Then I'll be a cover boy in Die Hard 16 or whatever the sequel is.
Jewels: That was a great article in the July Issue about the science of manifesting someone like Bruce Willis
into your life. Explain the process to us.
JV: Actually there's a whole lot more to it. It's a way of programming your brain to attract more of what you
want. I was using celebrities, whether it's Bruce Willis or Melissa Etheridge or whoever you go gaga over,
when you started dissecting why that's happening in your brain, it's happening because of the emotion,
and because you have strong love for that person.
It's also happening because of the visual view of seeing them on-stage or in the movies and television.
And the reason it happens is because of repetition. You keep seeing them over and over and over again.
And I was pointing out in that article that those three steps are how we manifest ANYTHING. In fact, if we
could create a visual of what we want which could be the soul-mate or a particular car or a house or
spiritual enlightenment... whatever... we need the visual to program the unconscious mind of that
particular activating system, if you want to be specific and then we need the emotion. You can't create
without emotion.
When most people focus on what they hate or what they fear and I'm saying and your saying that we
need to focus on what we love, what are we passionate about, and what we want to attract into lives; what
we welcome; and what would make us just zinging happy! Then we want to look at that graphic with
emotions several times a day because that's the repetition. Then we look at the emotion and as we look at
the visual over and over again then we have that experience of seeing a celebrity. The bells go off in our
brain and our brain goes "oh they want this." And the brain goes about manufacturing it. So I was pointing
out through Bruce Willis and Melissa Etheridge or anybody else that we have the love that's out there on
the big screen and big stage, that we can use those same three principles to attract what we want at an

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accelerated rate.
Jewels: That is brilliant. And it makes so much sense. Is easier to understand by the way you put it. So it's
really powerful.
JV: Thank you.
Jewels: Let's talk about current events and how we could possibly shift our thoughts around things.
Recently, we have a great possibility of peace with North Korea which to me is very exciting. But yet there
are some that think it's insignificant and no big deal. I think, wait a minute, aren't we aren't we doing
ourselves a disservice if we don't get in line with peace, love and respect? It just doesn't make sense to me
that anyone would not want peace and denuclearition .
JV: Well absolutely. We have to pay attention to where our energy is going individually and collectively.
Individually, we have very individual choice and we can focus on whatever we want. I want to focus on
love. In the past, I did focus on fear. I know what it's like if I was on fear or on hate or on doubt or worry. But
all that will not get me where I want to go which is complete happiness. And more importantly when I'm in
that mindset, I attract other people around me in that same mindset and then we end up as this collective
that is attracting all the very things we're complaining about.
Jewels: Exactly.
JV: So we want to Ph
ot oand say :that
Cr edit St uwe
ar tare
Conthe awakened ones or at least the awakening ones. And what
w ay
we want to do is focus on what we prefer. And so I always tell people turn off the mainstream news.
It's called programming for a reason. The mainstream media is programming you for lack and limitation. It
knows your buttons! They know something to make you afraid and you're going to listen to it more because
you're afraid and think it's going to give you a solution. It's not. It's going to get you shaking in your boots.
You're going to see it keep coming from worry, doubt, fear, and hate all of those emotions you DONT want.
What we have to do is click turn off that channel and look more into shows that your are doing and the
magazine like this that let's us feed our brains more positive input. Then from that experience, we can live
individually from that thing that's going to attract more of the good in our lives and then collectively we
start attracting people in the small pockets of groups that believe the same thing. The more we do that the
more we actually transform the planet.
Too many people are actually doing the doom and gloom. And its their choice. I actually see life as an
optical illusion. You can look out there and see the negative. Or you can go out there and see the positive.
Both actually exist as possibilities. But it's up to you to choose which optical illusion you prefer. I prefer the
happy one and the prosperous one. I lived the other one and that's a version of Hell. I want to experience
the version of heaven. And I want to tell everybody to come on over here and experience a good life.
Jewels: You're absolutely right. It is amazing that celebrities announce that they want the US to have a terrible
financial collapse so that one political party will suffer. Why would people wish harm to another... Makes no
sense to me.
JV: Well they're all coming from their own view of the world. Unfortunately we give them a mouthpiece
because now they're a celebrity and we think they know something that we don't. They may know how to
act and they may know how to sing, but that doesn't mean that they know the ins and outs of life or where
the planet's going. It also shows that they are not spiritually awakened. So again, we want to pay attention
to everything we're allowing into our brain, whether that is a celebrity, or whether that's a book we're
reading or a movie we're watching. We need to have that internal discernment to understand that we're
being programmed by everything we choose to do. But most of the time it's unconscious because we're not
thinking about it we just turn it on and there's a famous celebrity saying whatever the phrase you just said
'terrible prosperity'. I like benevolent prosperity and benevolence. I'm from the smarter walk through life.
Jewels: And your coming from the place where you know that you're creating your future. Many people still do
Page 44 Jan ., 2018

Page 30 - Ju ly, 2018

not realize their power. So this is the perfect lead in to ask you about Ho'oponopono.
JV: Up until about 12 years ago, not that many people knew about it because it was more underground, or
more secretive. And it was a Hawaiian way of healing which was pretty much kept close to their vests. I had
heard, as you know, of this amazing story about a therapist who helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill
criminals, not by working on them, but by working on himself. When I first heard it, I thought this has to be
an urban legend. I know magic and miracles. I know amazing techniques, but this therapist worked on
himself instead of the real criminals that were killers and rapists! The inmates were so violent they had to
be shackled and sedated. Doctors were quitting the hospital because it was so hellish for anybody to be
there. And yet, this unusual therapist went there and used a really weird technique. It was so weird that I
pretty much dismissed it for a about year. And then I heard about it again.
This time I went looking for the therapist, and I thought,
if this is at all true then somebody has to tell the world.
Well, I met the therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. I did a
seminar with him and we became best friends. We
have had several seminars together since then.
Together, we wrote the now very famous book, called
"Zero Limits." I followed up ten years later with another
book called "At Zero" which was the follow up to the
first book. Now to simplify all of this, you must realize
that it's a true story. What Hew Len did is the most
mind stretching quantum leap by understanding
responsibility and healing that I ever came across. And
I'm so fortunate that I got to be the author to tell the
story and still tell the story today.
Hew Len basically said he was working on himself. He understood that you create your own reality. Now we
hear that statement all the time but in his view, if you create your own reality and he's in a hospital with a
prisoner who had killed somebody, on some level Hew Len helped create that person and his experience.
Len didn't draw a line and say, "Oh I created my own reality, but you created yours." No. He looked inside of
himself and said that if I created all of my reality and if that person is in my reality, I created it too! This is
mindblowing because this is that leap in taking responsibility that most people never could even
comprehend. Our minds don't go there because it's so easy for us to say "I know what I did. But it's your
fault. You did that." Not in Ho'oponopono. In Ho'oponopono you take responsibility for all of it. So whatever
your life experience is, you've got to look inside of yourself to remedy it. In his case he used
The basic four phrases are ridiculously easy: I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. That's it. I
love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. You can say them in any order and you typically don't say
them out loud. And you are saying this inside of yourself to facilitate a connection to the Higher Power, or
to the Universe or to God or to the Divine.
You're saying t hese phrases t o t he "Great Somet hing" as a kind of pet it ion or kind of prayer. In essence,
you are saying I'm sorry f or what ever bel ief s are in me or my ancest ors t hat creat ed t his sit uat ion. Pl ease
f orgive me f or being unconscious. Pl ease f orgive my ancest ors if t hey had a rol e in t his. Thank you f or
heal ing me. Thank you f or cl earing t hese bel ief s. Thank you. Thank you f or cl earing my herit age t hat
downl oaded al l of t his inf ormat ion t o me. I l ove you f or t his f eel ing. I l ove you f or my l if e. I l ove you
As Dr. Hew Len was in these offices, he'd look at their charts and he's feeling his own emotions. He begins
to work to clear HIS feelings. He's NOT working to clear the other person. He's working to clear what's in
him that is in the way of peace. And as he clears himself... This is the miracle... Those other people got
better. Every time I tell this story, I want to cry, because this is the doorway to our healing and our
salvation. It's an inner door and there's four statements that we use to knock on that door.
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I l ove you. I'm sorry. Pl ease f orgive me. Thank you.
These phrases unlock that door. We're reconnecting to the 'Great Something' and basically saying clean up
"Me." This even goes back to what you were talking about the outer world and how everybody is looking out
there and blaming everybody from the President to the Terrorists, to the Environment and Climate Change.
But in Ho'oponopono you don't blame anybody. You go, "Oh there some things out there bothering me.
Where is it bothering me?" Dr. Hew Len used to say, "Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a
problem, you are there." You are there common element. Again, it's not about cleaning up the other person
or healing them or anybody else. It's about cleaning up your own perception.
When you clean your perception with these four phrases, lo and behold, what you are perceiving somehow
shifts, somehow magically morphs into a more peaceful state, resolving the situation which is eactly what
happened in that mental institution for the criminally insane in Hawaii. Those patients got better. In a few
months they were being released and they were no longer being shackled or sedated. Within a year most of
them were released. And after 4 years, that Ward was closed because it was no longer necessary. All of this is
revealed in our book "Zero Limits" and the follow up book "At Zero."
Today, I still used Ho'opononopono although now it's automatic. I'm doing it even as I talk to you. My
background voice in my head is saying I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. But even when I
hear people first practice ho'oponopono, I have heard of the most miraculous things occurring. Some people
use it on their relationships, on their pets, or on their finances. Instead of saying it's them, they take it all
within inside and say, "I've got an issue with my neighbor, my boss, with finances, or with health or
whatever." They don't blame anybody. They take it in and say, I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank
you. I mean this is the really condensed version of this.
Jewels: So, in other words, If I heard something that affected me emotionallly, the reason for my emotions is
telling me that it needs to be healed within me for change to occur.
JV: Absolutely. I try to describe it for people that is whenever you're feeling anything other than at peace -
like I'm aggravated or I'm frustrated or I'm mad or I'm embarrassed - that is going to be a version of unhappy.
Whenever you're feeling out of sorts, not at peace, not in bliss, not just serene, or whenever, you're not in
that feeling of "here's the miracle and I'm enjoying the miracle." When you're unhappy, that's when you want
to remember, "Oh yeah, I got those four phrases. You got to ask yourself, " What's bothering me right now?"
And it could be some celebrity said something that offended you. It could be that a politician said something
or it could be somebody at work who offended you and you felt it...that feeling. The responsibility goes back
to you and that's what you want to clear. Again, it's not about clearing the president or politician or celebrity
or a neighbor or an employee or an employer. It's not about them. They were simply the trigger. Many ways
in Ho'oponopono, it's a little bit like Buddha saying everything out there is an illusion or Carl Jung saying
everything outside of ourself is simply a reflection, mirror, or hologram of our true self.
The secret way t o heal yoursel f , not t hrough t hem BUT t hrough you.
Jewels: I love that! So you can even use it when you have feelings of fear or
lack surrounding money. But since money is not a person, who do we direct it
JV: That's a great question. In all these cases, we're directing it to our
understanding of the 'Great Something.' And we need to have this
understanding from a spiritual standpoint that there is something greater
than us that we are a part of. We are of it and we are part of it and we can
communicate with it. So I think it's important to understand that we are
powerful and unlimited beings who are not here entirely alone.
There is this life force that has so many different names even when
Deepak Chopra calls it the "field of unlimited possibilities." You know if its
that what I'm referring to. The art of unlimited possibilities is alive and has
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intelligence and can help us if we request it.
So whether it is a money issue or a relationship issue or a health issue, all of those issues are not outside of
our self... they are within us. Therefore we must heal ourself to heal the entire situation. If you start feeling
really nervous about "how I'm going to pay my rent" or "I don't know where all these bullies came from and
I want to remove them." So please forgive me for having these bullies. I'm sorry for wherever they came
from and I've been unconscious to my bullies. Thank you for removing those limiting beliefs. I love you for
returning me to a place of unlimited prosperity and abundance. It's as simple as that.
But you repeat it. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. This is placed within your own
meditation. Again, you're not saying it out loud and you're not saying it to another person. You don't go to
your boss and say it OR go to your customers and say it. Instead you say it to the 'Great Something.'
And as we do that we send out that little ripple effect that is causing other people to go "Hey, what was
those four phrases I just heard about? People will start to get curious which is already happening. It will
seep out there. In fact, when you think about, it was only 15 years ago that nobody knew these four phrases
in a public way. Now there's people all over the planet that are doing these for race. So, the bottom line is
that it always comes back to us.
Jewels: So individually we do that, but we are then merging into the collective consciousness which has an
incredible amount of power to really create something magnificent.
JV: I understand what you're saying and I understand a lot of people believe
that but we're talking about ho'oponopono which brings that collective
consciousness right back to just you.
I have a new book called "Anything is Possible." I'm a marketing guy. I got to
try and get out. Here's my commercial coming in right now. The reason
anything is possible is that I am the collective. You are the collective. Each
person reading is the collective. There's a tiny little danger to think that I'm
part of something else which dilutes my own personal power. I'm coming
from the perception that I AM the 'Great Something.' I am the universe. I'm an
embodiment of it.
I don't want this to sound like it's an ego trip because that's not what I'm
meaning with people. I'm saying you have more power than you ever thought
before. And if we think,"Oh we have to merge with some other people who
believe the same thing in order to get anywhere," then we're going down the
wrong road. It's a little bit like Dr. Hew Len at the hospital by himself. There's
nurses and there are social workers and stuff but they don't know about ho'oponopono. He didn't wait for a
group of people to come in and say "Oh, we all now have to align and think the same way in order to paint
new walls hospital." No, he looked at it as anything is possible. He looked at it all coming from him and he
realized he was the only change that was needed. That's what I'm saying. And you are the only change. I am
the only change and each person watching is the only change. I'm not dismissing doing group intentions
and all these things that we know work because there is evidence for it.
But I want to empower us even more strategically and multply it by considering that the great something is
actually living through me.
Jewels: So that is a very important message because when we think about a collective consciousness we're
diluting our own power.
JV: Yes that's what I'm saying.
Jewels" And that is incredibly important. Oh my goodness! And that is the missing link for me. I've been
focusing on something outside myself when I am the collective consciousness.

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JV: That is so profound! I'm pausing just for a theatrical emphasis in a sense, just for everybody to absorb
it and to remind myself.
I mean we're human beings and part of that human wiring in us is to associate with other people to have a
little group because it helps us feel like we're going to survive. And that's the survival mechanism that's
already hardwired in our brain to keep us going. I think we're all here to awaken and I think what we're
doing especially with a magazine like yours and the radio shows you're doing, where you are bringing in
leading edge people in to really stretch people's minds with new concepts and new ideas. You're helping
people to awaken. I think we are awakening because of that and so we can start to walk away from thinking
that we need of being in a tribe. We don't need to be in a tribe. I understand at certain points that it's
comforting. It might even be essential to survival depending on where you're at. Fortunately, we're not
cave people anymore.
You know we're living in a magical place and time and miracles are pretty much the norm but we don't all
take the moment to look at it. So you're pointing it out. I'm pointing it out and I'm saying the 'Great
Something' is actually is a humongous force . It is living and experiencing life through me, through you,
through each person. And the only limits we put on it are those we keep bumping up to that we
downloaded from ancestors, from our parents, from the culture, from government, religion. It goes on and
on and on and on. But anything is possible.
Jewels: But you're recognizing your power to create because nothing, it seems, stops you. Are you still writing
the books.
JV: I have five books in the works right now. I have new music in the works right now. I'm still traveling
around the world doing my own television show 14 episodes that have all been recorded that will be
showing up pretty soon.
Jewels: Where we going to see that?
JV: Probably on Amazon or Netflix one or the other. It got a bidding war kind of a thing. We'll see. My
mindset is I simply follow my passion. And I think each of us can do that. Your passion is with your show
and your magazine for example and probably things I don't know. My passion is obvious because I promote
it like music in my books and cars and everything else. But each person has a different passion and whose
passion might be the best. I remember I was in Chicago and there was a plumber that came to fix a room I
was in. And he seemed like the happiest plumber on the planet and I had no doubt he's following his
Each of us has something different so the first thing I did was follow my passion. The second thing is that I
do have the mindset that anything is possible which means I rarely doubt any more like I did in the
beginning. When I have a big idea that comes to me and I don't know how to create it, I now have the belief
that is now installed in my brain that says 'anything is possible.'
But if I do hit a snag like I'm feeling off or I'm something bothered me. I mean I'm going through a human
experience. I'll go to ho'oponopono. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I do it every day. So
those are two or three things as a reminder that I do, that anybody can do.
Jewels: Wow. Wow. Oh goodness this is wonderful. And this is exactly what
everybody has to hear. Dr. Joe, you are just a huge blessing to every single person
in this world. I can't tell you how much I adore you. You're real. Thank you.
Dr. Joe Vit ale is t he best -selling aut hor of numerous books, from The At t ract or
Fact or t o Zero Limit s and At t ract Money Now. He has appeared in many movies,
most not ably as a st andout st ar in 'The Secret .' Joe is now a musician wit h 16
albums t o his credit . A feat ured guest on t elevision around t he globe, he is an
int ernat ional celebrit y and has an Int ernet following of millions. For more
informat ion abou t his special programs, books, his music or event s please visit his
websit e: ht t ps://
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W hat You Don?t Know You Know:
Accessing Your W isdom W ithin

By Gi n a Cam pbel l
Experiments have shown that we aren?t actually all functioning is subconscious. Which means, only
that good at knowing why we do the things we do. 5-20% is available to us consciously!
Much of our calculating, our decision-making, and
what drives them remain hidden from us. It follows We may know we want financial security, even
logically, then, that we aren?t all that good at abundance. But do we know what we need for that
knowing all that we actually need. other, deeper sense of security ? that sense of
being safe?
Yet, the first and most important step towards
manifesting what you most want and need is to be We may know we want to let go of fears or regrets
sure you have a really or blaming that no longer serve us, but do we know
clear and accurate what needs to happen to release them?
vision of what that is.
And therein lies the We may know we want to live the life of our
problem: our conscious dreams, but do we know what our innermost
mind isn?t the only dreams are?
source of information
about our desires; it Accessing t he Wisdom Wit hin
may not even be the Fine, you say. I?m with you that all this information
best source. Like the tip is below my conscious awareness, but what good
of an iceberg, we are will that do me if I can?t access it?
only able to access a
relatively limited part of Simply asking from conscious mind awareness
our mind/ body system consciously. I've found won?t work. Meditating may help. Personally I find
research estimates suggesting that 80-95% of our if I sit quietly with a pen and journal, I can channel a
Page 36 - Ju ly, 2018
connection and get some guidance. But those folder suggests the way or situation in which the
answers seem to come from the outside. What information in it could be useful (say, in April or at
about my deeper inner knowing? dinnertime.)

The good news is you can connect with and learn So, what sort of filing system does your
about your inner self from the subject?s finest subconscious use? It chooses a metaphor, a symbol
expert? you! As a counselor and life coach, I have or image that shares characteristics with the
facilitated hundreds of sessions for clients using a situation that?s happening. Any other similar
counseling and coaching method called Cl ean situation that occurs gets filed under the same
Language, developed by the late counseling metaphor.
psychologist and coach, David Grove. With Clean
Language questions and strategies, you can create For example, in high school your boyfriend/
the right conditions to learn, not only from your girlfriend dumps you for someone else. Ouch! It?s a
conscious self, but your subconscious, physical, and painful lesson about how love can hurt. Your
spiritual selves. subconscious decides, ?I need to know how to
protect myself from hurts like this in the future. I
Met aphors Mat t er need to remember what I?ve learned about love.
The key is your inner metaphors. Quite unawares,
you have chosen metaphoric images or symbols ?What is love like for me? It?s like grasping a
that capture what beautiful red rose, only
meaningful experiences are to get stabbed by a
like for you. It?s actually a thorn. You have to be
brilliant learning and careful about rose
remembering strategy that thorns; I have to be
Grove discovered we all use. careful about love in the
It works like this: future.? And so an inner
metaphor is born, there
Something happens that to be recalled and guide
feels important; ?I?m going to you the next time the
want to remember this,? your first feelings of new
subconscious mind thinks, love bloom.
?so the next time something
similar happens, I?ll quickly Remember now, this is
know how to respond. I?ll be subconscious. Likely
ready!? (Safety is very important to the your inner mind came up with this theory about
subconscious.) love, and you aren?t aware that this metaphor is
directing your responses. It?s like there is a screen
Given that there will be an infinite number of such writer and a movie director on a set, and you are
learnings over the course of a lifetime, the just the actor reading lines already written for you.
subconscious has to come up with an efficient way
of storing these lessons and an efficient way of Finding out about these metaphors, changing the
retrieving the lessons quickly so you can respond in misguided ones, strengthening the ones that can
the moment. empower you, and fashioning new ones to help you
live your life to the fullest? this is how you can get
It?s like a computer?s filing system. Imagine if every crystal clear on what you truly want and need. Then
single document was stored individually only by you can best determine what to manifest to move
date and time. It would be impossible to efficiently forward into abundance.
find what we need! Instead, we use folders to
collect documents that are similar in some Maybe you worry
significant way (perhaps Tax Records or Recipes), so Some of us fear that allowing our subconscious self
we can retrieve them easily. The category of the to emerge will reveal a raging beast. My experience
Page 37 - Ju ly, 2018
working with clients is that, far from being beastly, Keep asking this question about more of the words
the subconscious is more like a child, wanting most you used to describe what?s there. If you discover
of all to be safe and comfortable, hesitant to risk more about your image for that feeling, put that
change, choosing an uncomfortable familiar over the down, in words or pictures. Then do it again,? and
unknown. The subconscious needs to learn what the again. Generally, the first few things you know are
conscious mind knows to update strategies and things you?ve been aware of before. But keep asking,
expectations. And the conscious mind needs that and what you didn?t know you knew will reveal itself.
connection and awareness to avoid jumping to Keep asking until you don?t know anything more
solutions that don't consider the needs of the about your words or images or until it feels right to
subconscious. Only then can you heal. Only then can stop.
you grow to your full potential. Only then can you
invite in all you need. If you were working with a Clean Language
facilitator, she or he would use more Clean questions
Discover Yoursel f wit h Cl ean Language and have more strategies about where to direct your
You can use Clean Language questions attention in and amongst what you are
on your own for personal development. Con si der : uncovering. But, at its heart, finding our
What questions do you ask your what?s a feeling about what your subconscious knows
subconscious? How can you tap into you?d like mor e of and wants is straight- forward: it?s
what it has to tell you? Let me offer you in your life? about connecting with your metaphors
a taste of what?s possible. Cal m ? Ex ci t em en t ? and asking simple questions that invite
To be m or e more and more about them to emerge.
Consider: what?s a feeling you?d like con f i den t ?
more of in your life? Calm? Excitement? M or e open ? As you help your conscious and
To be more confident? More open? M or e cr eat i ve? subconscious minds get to know each
More creative? Pick something you other better, they will give you the gift
want. Now draw a picture of what that would look of a profoundly complete sense of what it is you
like. A simple stick-figure type drawing is fine; this truly want and need.
isn?t about artistic ability at all.
Want more Cl ean Language?
Maybe calm would look like a raft floating on a calm My newest book, Hope in a Corner of My Heart: a
sea; excitement might look like Fourth of July healing journey through the dream-logical world of
sparklers; confident might be a tall oak tree in your inner metaphors tells the story of my 12 sessions
spine, and so on. No need to over think it; there is no with Julia, who had recently lost her daughter in a
right or wrong answer. What you are discovering is car accident. They will give you a picture window
your mind/ body?s metaphor for that feeling in your into what discovering your personal metaphors can
life and in your body. reveal and heal. Each chapter ends with a Clean
Language activity to try for yourself.
Now describe your drawing briefly. You might want You don?t have to have suffered a traumatic loss like
to write down the words you use somewhere on your Julia or be emotionally struggling to benefit from
drawing or in a journal. Then choose one of your Clean Language. Anyone who wants to get to know
words/ short phrases and ask yourself this Clean himself or herself better will find a Clean experience
Language question: And is there anything else about opens up a whole new view of the inner you as you
that [word/ phrase]? have never known it before.

Gina Campbell is a Certified Clean Language Practitioner who works with

individuals seeking personal development. She has written four books and trains
helping and healing professionals in Clean Language processes. To learn more
and see a list of her upcoming training events, please visit:

Page 38- Ju ly, 2018

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Sk i n Sl i di n g Sou t h Fr om Too M u ch Gr av i t y?
By Featur ed Colum nist Ellen Wood
Me too. That?s okay ? it happens. Sort of like death they should have been. These bedroom slippers are
and taxes. When I was younger, I got a facelift but at not the kind that could pass for shoes ? they?re the
81, it doesn?t make much sense. I?m happy with who fuzzy kind, the dirty fuzzy kind that never see the
I am, what I look like and, in other ways, I?m even inside of a washer. I?m fastidious about making sure
better than I used to be. everything is flawless for my gigs and this was a
I?m a little more savvy, a little less uptight, sort of major slip-up.
taking life as it comes. Sure, politics still makes me I?m proud to tell you that all I said was, Oh, dang.
plumb crazy, but I?m not getting stressed to the max
about trivial things like I sometimes did in the past And here?s what I mean about how I?ve changed.
before my daily practices became habits. Formerly I would have said, OH DAMN! all caps,
maybe 16 exclamation points. Perhaps I would even
Here?s an example: Some months ago, I had a three have stamped my fuzzy-slippered foot.
hour drive to a speaking event in southern Colorado.
All my props and books and CDs were safely packed Worst of all, I would have held onto that negative
in my car, and my daughter was driving so I could feeling, allowing myself to go down into the rabbit
get a little shuteye before going onstage. We had hole of bleakness. That would have thrown off my
brought snacks, and I had a huge bath towel ? no, it pace during my talk. And believe me, audiences
was more like a beach towel ? to cover my clothes notice that kind of thing.
while munching on slices of apple, cheese wedges Instead, I did one of my quickie practices to center
and crackers. I didn?t want anything that would mess myself and ask for divine assistance. Then when I got
up my elegant crocheted dress. I didn?t even hug the inside, I took off my dirty slippers and my socks
dog before we left, because he likes to put his (those fuzzy slippers are too wide so I wear them
toenails in the crochet holes and pull. But, no. If with socks) and I gave my talk in bare feet. Sort of
you?re thinking I ruined my dress that day, uh uh. bohemian-style. Even got a
That?s not it. standing ovation. Yep, I think I?m
When we arrived at the venue, I stepped out of getting better.
the car and looked down. My feet were still in my Ellen Wood of Taos, NM is an
bedroom slippers! I immediately realized that my inspirational speaker and
strappy shoes, the ones that go with my elegant award-winning author of ?Think
crocheted dress, were still waiting by the door of my and Grow Young.? Contact her at
bedroom, instead of in the trunk of my car where
Page 42 - M ay, 2018
Cash ew s are a NA TURA L
A nti -Depressant

2 Handf ul s per day i s th e Eq ui v al ent

to one doze of P r o z a c
Page 43 - M ay, 2018
Let Me
Hear Your
Body Talk !

By Coach St ephanie Wood, PCC

Ener gize Your Law of At t r act ion by Ener gizing
Your Knowledge About Your Body.
When your body talks, the universe listens! located in your intelligence, but in your physical
When it?s your body, you hear it first? reaction to the thought.
But you might not be listening to your body?
Those reactions and those feelings occur in your
To activate the energy behind attracting what you body not your brain. If you aren?t sure what to
want, it?s time you listen to your body. identify, you will go through the process of getting
As Law of Attraction Coach, I have been applying clarity through contrasting what you do not want
those principles to my Body Confidence Coaching with what you thought you wanted. Both sides of
practice for years. I?m here to tell you, ?It really that equation are felt in your body, although
works!? identified with your mind.

Let?s return to the beginning of your acceptance of The next step is focusing your attention on the
the Law of Attraction to help you achieve your desire, the goal. Lastly, you must get out of your
goals, dreams, and vision for your ideal future. The own way and allow it to happen.
process is entirely mental, happening in your brain Did it?
to select from all the options available to you. Sounds so easy, right?
Perhaps your desires were focused on the good So why are you still waiting for your results?
feelings they produced. Those feelings are not

Page 44 - Ju ly, 2018

Because mental energy is not enough! Attraction to raise your vibration. This is
doubling the quantity of positive energy
For the Law of Attraction to work you need to apply into the universe to speed the results back
all the energy you have available. Leaving out the to you.
physical energy present in your body is like having - The feelings you relied on to make your
one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the decisions came from your body, not your
brake! brain. Go beyond those feelings into your
body?s information system through the
At first, you accelerate with all the enthusiasm your magic of motion.
brain possesses, and when the response from the - Allow your body to communicate through
universe is not immediate, doubts creep into your movement for your brain to listen. Moving
mind and you apply the brakes! your body amplifies your body talk so the
Again, I know this works because I have been universe hears your desires loud and clear.
applying those principles to my successful Body But what kind of motion?
Confidence Coaching practice for years.
Again, the response lies in your body.
Many of my clients tell me, ?I live in my head.?
Ironic, isn?t it? Especially since they come to me to Use your body knowledge system to discover the
gain confidence in their bodies, not to feel answer to that question as well as identifying what
confident in their heads. you want to attract in the first place.

As those clients will tell you, those two processes I would love to help you to coordinate your mental
are joined at the hip. Each body and mind practice desire with your physical energy to make the Law
contributes to the other, accelerating the positive of Attraction effective, efficient, and sooner than
results for both. expected!
The Law of Attraction practice really does begin
with your body knowledge. Contact Coach Stephanie Wood to Super Charge
your Law of Attraction:
Communicating with your body will guide you to
what you really want for your whole person.
Together you will focus on the specifics of your
goal and be motivated to achieve it. Then both your
body and your mind can relax in the confidence
Listen to Coach Stephanie and Coach Shelagh Jones
that the Universe will provide what you want or on their delightful show: Body-Confidence LOA
something even better. Style. To listen go to: body-confidence
This confidence allows you and your body gain a
huge positive benefit from the universe to enhance
your life.

?So, let me hear your body talk.?

I encourage you to follow this sequence:

- The practice of your body knowledge
system is the shortcut to hear your body
talk. Especially when you apply the Law of

Page 45 - Ju ly, 2018

Taela is always around you in spirit form and she
thinks that's great. She especially loves getting to
go with you wherever you go. Pay attention to the
little signs Taela uses to let you know she?s close by.
If you think you heard, felt, or smelled Taela, you
did. And, if you think you saw her out of the corner
of your eye, you're correct, you did.
Your Taela didn?t particularly care for being dressed
up in any costumes, rather, she enjoyed the extra
attention and making you happy. She showed me
how she used to dance around for you while all
dressed up and how much that seemed to delight

Deceased Dog Messages Finally, Taela wants you to consider getting another
dog, in particular, a puppy. In addition, she
Tina f rom Norco, CA, asked: suggested calling the new dog ?Taetwo? for
Hi Jul ie, Taela-Two! She knows this puppy will help you heal
and bring lots of comfort and joy to you. If you
I had t o hel p my dog Tael a pass t his week and I have decide to get a new dog, please send a picture of
a f ew quest ions. you with it.
She had bone cancer and al t hough I had her arm Hope you find this information comforting.
amput at ed, t he cancer came back wit hin a f ew
Mol d in Mont ana
mont hs. Al l I want ed was f or her t o be happy,
heal t hy and pain f ree. Donna in Col umbia Fal l s, MT, asked:
So, I'd l ike t o know who she is wit h on t he ot her Hi Jul ie,
side (animal or human) and is she okay wit h t he
I have been l iving in mol d f or t he past 20 years and
decisions I made f or her? My l ast quest ion is ... what
f igured out l ast f al l t hat my heal t h probl ems have
was her f avorit e Hal l oween cost ume?
been due t o mol d.
I know t hat sounds f unny, but she al ways seemed
Can you rid my body of t he mol d? I need enough
so happy t o dress up.
heal ing so I can get up and hel p mysel f . My body is
Any messages you can pass on t o me f rom Tael a so debil it at ed, it is very dif f icul t f or me t o do
wil l hel p my heart heal . anyt hing.
Thank you f or your t ime and al l t hat you do wit h Thank you!
your special gif t .
Hi Donna,
Hi Tina,
In order to help you, I first energetically connected
Thanks for your kind words. to you and then saw a holographic picture of you in
my mind?s eye. It was as if I was looking at an MRI,
My condolences on the loss of Taela. Losing a
CT Scan or X-ray. You weren?t kidding, you are one
beloved pet can be excruciating and sometimes
sick gal!
seems almost as bad as losing a close relative or
friend. Your body is full of black mold which is extremely
toxic. It?s so thick, it looks like the sheets of moss
In order to answer your questions, I first
you can buy in a craft store.
energetically connected to you and from you to
Taela. She was standing to your right and here?s Next, I saw an energetic healing occur which
what she had to say: removed the mold from your body and then bathed
your internal organs and tissues with stem cell
Taela is grateful you made the decisions you did.
energy. It looked like a sparkly cloud that swirled
She told me she would?ve been okay if you had put
through the interior of your body and regenerated
her down earlier but knew you needed more time
what was needed.
with her and likewise, she needed more time with
Now, here are a few suggestions:
Page 46 - Ju ly, 2018
- If at all possible, find another place to live until you pumps and had on a full apron that tied in the back
can renovate or sell your home. at her waist. They looked like they had just returned
- Go to and watch the documentary from church and were preparing to host a Sunday
film. You?ll learn a lot of helpful information. dinner.

- Eat healthy food. If God made it, eat it; if man made In particular, your great grandfather is very
it, don?t. Here?s a link to a food chart you can use as a connected to your baby son. And your great
guide. grandmother showed me how she sings to your son.
Your baby, as is the case with most small children,
- Check out for safe mold removal can and does see them.
We?re all born with intuitive capabilities and begin
- Find a physician in your area who specializes in shutting down these skills around the age of 7.
treating people with mold exposure. Go to the find a That?s about the time we?re taught by parents and
practitioner tab at and enter teachers to discount anything that can?t be
your zip code. A list of doctors in your area will scientifically proven.
When we encourage our children by listening to
Hope this information helps and hope you feel better them when they describe what we consider to be
soon. psychic phenomenon, and most importantly, by
Baby Saw Spirit believing them, it allows their intuitive skills to
mature and develop. Over time this ability will serve
Carrie f rom York, PA, asked: them and others in countless ways.
Hi Jul ie, Your great grandmother wants you to get a blanket
I?m hoping you can hel p me wit h t his. sleeper for your baby so he stays warm at night, and
your great grandfather wants you to get your
Recent l y, my 2 year-ol d son woke up in t he middl e furnace serviced before next winter.
of t he night so I went t o his room t o cal m him and
get him back t o sl eep. One last thing, always remember, every spirit is pure
love and light. If seeing or sensing a spirit scares
Once my son was set t l ed, I wal ked out of his room, you, just ask them to leave and they will.
shut t he door and t hen headed back int o my own
room. When I t urned around t here was somet hing Thanks for your question. Hope this information
right in f ront of me. It was very cl earl y a person but clarifies things for you.
t hey came and went so f ast I coul dn?t t el l who it was.
Can you t el l me who it was? Ju lie Ryan , Psych ic an d M edical In t u it ive,
I?ve been pract icing t al king t o a coupl e dif f erent can be h ear d on Law of At t r act ion Radio
peopl e t hat have passed so I?m wondering if it was Net w or k w it h h er popu lar sh ow , Th e Ask
one of t hem l et t ing me know t hey are wit h us. Ju lie Ryan Sh ow. Ju lie w elcom es caller s
Thank you! ever y Th u r sday at 8PM ET, 7PM CT, 5 PM PT
Hi Carrie, by callin g:
Congratulations! Great job seeing and acknowledging (712) 770-4160 - Access Code: 533677# .
what clearly sounds like a spirit in your home.
Actually, all of us have spirits surrounding us most of Please su bm it qu est ion s t h at m ay be
the time, and although many people see these an sw er ed on -air .
deceased loved ones, they never tell anyone fearing
someone might think they?re crazy! To h ear all pr eviou s episodes, please visit
So, in order to get some information for you, I first h er sh ow page at
energetically connected to you to see (in my mind?s h t t p:/ / loar adion et w or k .com / ju lie-r yan.
eye) what spirits were around you and your son.
For m or e in f or m at ion abou t Ju lie Ryan an d
Once I got you on my radar, the spirits of an older
abou t pu r ch asin g h er book , An gelic
couple instantly appeared. They identified
themselves as your maternal great grandparents. At t en dan t s, please visit
The man had white hair and was wearing a suit and w w w.ask ju lier yan .com .
tie while the woman wore a dress, stockings, and
Page 47 -Ju ly, 2018
July - August , 20 18
Ast r ology For ecast
Manish Kumar Ar or a
ManishAst r ologer @r edif f
Aries (21 March ? 19 April ) ? Expansion of business is likely in this period. You may start working on
big projects. You will be continually in motion due to your efforts and vigilance. You may have to
travel abroad for professional purposes. Expenses on professional activities will be too much. A
surge of ambition overtakes you, but don?t let yourself get too bogged down by responsibilities ?
reserve some time for fun. Your positive attitude towards work will remove the hurdles during this
period. However, romance will bring its fair share of challenges in August - it could be that you?re
not entirely sure of someone?s intentions. Favorabl e Dat es: Jul y 7, 8, 16, 17, 25, 26 Aug 1, 8, 17, 19,
26, 28. Favorabl e Col ors: Bl ue & Whit e
Taurus (20 April ? 20 May) ? This period will start with bundles of potential, but you will need to
seize the opportunities. Your plans are all laid out and you see clearly the innovative and
courageous steps you must take. You will get the inspiration of doing best of efforts. During this
period, you will start getting the results of tasks performed earlier. Those waiting for a job or
transfer may be successful during this time. Later in the period from 11th August, contentment for
you will come in the form of excitement and fun. Romance will go through the usual hiccups as you
waver between wanting intimacy and needing independence. Favorabl e Dat es: Jul y 5, 7, 14, 16, 23,
25 Aug 5, 7, 14, 16, 23, 26. Favorabl e Col ors: Red & Yel l ow
Gemini (21 May ? 20 June) - You will achieve success in intellectual activities. Do not perform risky
acts in business, otherwise you may have to face loss and your career may also get affected. You
need some retreat and quiet time away from the hustle and bustle and also from your job
responsibilities. Getting away from it all for just a few days can give you a new perspective. If you are
already in a relationship it is likely that some chance events will lead to a much deeper level of
mutual understanding. If you are single then this will be a real rollercoaster period emotionally and
the road to true love will not run smoothly. Favorabl e Dat es: Jul y 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21 Aug 4, 8, 13, 17,
22, 26. Favorabl e Col ors: Red & Bl ue

Cancer (21 June ? 22 Jul y) ? This period may spur you on to make some major changes in your life
especially with regard to your career or your ambitions for the future. You?ll be feeling revitalized.
The second half of the period will be marked by a definite change of pace as you become
increasingly concerned with the details of your relationships. This will be a period of deep reflection
for you that should bring a number of very useful personal insights that will help you communicate
with your loved ones more effectively. This period will offer the chance for you to turn a hobby into
a money-making scheme. Favorabl e Dat es: Jul y 1, 8, 10, 17, 19, 26 Aug 5, 8, 14, 17, 23, 26.
Favorabl e Col ors: Red & Yel l ow
Leo (23 Jul y ? 22 August ) ? This period is likely to start on a rather dreamy note as your imagination
takes over. You?ll tend to be in quite a romantic mood too, seeing all kinds of possibilities. Drop the
thinking game all together. You?ll be amazed at the freedom you will realize. There will be some
fantastic opportunities for romance, and until then channel that over-active imagination into
something constructive, such as redecorating your room or your home. You should get your heart?s
desire or certainly get closer to achieving it. You?re moving to brighter shores. You?re not totally out
of the blues yet, but it?s getting easier every moment. Favorabl e Dat es: Jul y 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20 Aug
3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 2. Favorabl e Col ors: Purpl e & Yel l ow

Virgo (23 August ? 22 Sept ember) - This could be a period of significant changes for you in almost
every area of your life. The key to making those changes successful is to rely on your instincts and
intuition. Financially, this is a period for consolidating your savings and ensuring that you have a
carefully planned budget. If you budget well there could be some major gains by the end of the
period. Keep an eye on the spending, and try to restrain what will be a rather lavish frame of mind.
You may earn profits from overseas contracts by skillfully using your abilities. Allow yourself to feel
your feelings, remember a loved one or childhood memory. Favorabl e Dat es: Jul y 4, 6, 13, 15, 22, 24
Aug 4, 7, 13, 16, 22, 25 Favorabl e Col ors: Bl ue & Whit e
Page 48 - Ju ly, 2018
Libra (23 Sept ember ? 22 Oct ober) - You will feel overloaded with work and will need to take some
down-time or it will affect your health. You will then be able to focus on the work you need to get done
and have spare time for yourself. Discussions and brainstorming at work can lead to manifesting great
things. You would focus on the impression you can make as a collective team. Take the time to make a
fresh start in your personal life, and there?s no time like the present to open up and connect with those
you love. You will feel a lot more energy and more centered about where you are in your life. Favorabl e
Dat es: Jul y 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23 Aug 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27. Favorabl e Col ors: Purpl e & Green

Scorpio (23 Oct ober ? 21 November) - This is a period that will challenge your patience and emotions.
When your emotions and tongue are tempered with compassion, your sensitivity is very helpful to others.
A delicate approach may help you focus your desires successfully. Family members will approach you this
period and ask you to help them out for various reasons. It is important to let them know that you can only
do so much. Your kind nature can sometimes wear you out and it is important to honour your emotional
health right now. Connect with your heart and you will find the mind will easily clear away its restless
behaviour. Favorabl e Dat es : Jul y 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21 Aug 2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 22. Favorabl e Col ors : Yel l ow &

Sagit t arius ( 22 November - 21 December ) - You will become more understanding and caring and will
make your close ones very happy by expressing your feelings. On the career side you will be full of life
and this will reflect in work. Your communication skills will come into light which will bring you gains. This
period is about finding the inner connection with yourself. As you do this you will discover that your
relationships become clearer and you?ll discover new ways of connecting with different areas of your life.
The more you connect and feel the people in your life, the more you will feel the difference it can make.
Favorabl e Dat es : Jul y 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24 Aug 7, 9, 16 18, 25, 27 Favorabl e Col ors : Bl ue & Green

Capricorn ( 22 December ? 19 January ) - This is a great period to take some time to play. You have a
tendency to be in your head thinking a lot and work can become very heavy. So, get out of your head and
exercise or do some breathe work. This is a time about letting yourself go and experiencing freedom. Solar
rays are infusing the area of your life that is about personal joy and how you seek to engage in personal
fulfillment. It is time to see how you are gratified and at peace with it. A need for change comes from your
personal values and sense of self-worth from 20th July. Favorabl e Dat es : Jul y 4, 7, 13, 16, 22, 25 Aug 5,
7, 14 16, 23, 25 Favorabl e Col ors : Red & Whit e

Aquarius (20 January ? 18 February) - This period will be full off responsibility and you may find yourself
flustered with the little things that really don?t matter. Pay close attention to what those little things are
teaching you and allow yourself to be inspired by the lessons. You will find that communication gets better
in your lives and the people who are draining you will handle their own issues. Broaden your horizons and
look at the bigger picture and make sure you can see where you will be and if you truly will be happy.
Think before you act, and be careful of what you do because the longer picture is more important.
Favorabl e Dat es : Jul y 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Aug 2, 9, 11, 18, 20, 22 Favorabl e Col ors : Purpl e & Whit e

Pisces ( 19 February ? 20 March ) - Excellent opportunities will present themselves during this period.
This turns your attention to your financial situation and can see you spending more than might be wise,
perhaps in an attempt to show off. This is a good time for sorting out anything which has been bugging
you,. Be as flexible as you can, and don't count on others? especially partners, older people, financial
types and father figures? to be of much use. It may be best to resist some promising new must-have and
hang on to what you've got, at least for the time being. A passionate affair, probably a secret one, is
indicated with someone Favorabl e Dat es : Jul y 4, 7, 13, 16, 22, 25 Aug 5, 12, 14, 19, 23, 28 Favorabl e
Col ors : Red & Whit e

Page 49 - Ju ly, 2018

Ways t o Boost You r Ser ot on in Levels
In cr easin g You r Em ot ion al Well-bein g

Jen n if er Giu st r a-Kozek , LPC, NBCC

Note by Editor in Chief: Having suffered from severe depression many years ago, the only remedy talked
about was prescribed medication. I often wondered back when, how people coped with depression in the
1800's prior to the development of mood altering drugs.

The side effects of these drugs prevented me from experiencing my life experiences fully. It actually kept me
from being happily excited, and yet they did keep me from being severely depressed. The down side for me was
that it took a extended amount of time to find the correct medication and dosage for me. In fact, after a few
years, the search for the right medication turned me into an emotional zombie. Life was just a flat line that
was simply not enjoyable.

As usual, the best medicine is Mother Nature. Prior to 1940's, fast foods, processed foods or poisonous
pesticides rarely existed.. Due to busy schedules, the ease of fast foods and processed foods was our go to
food. Quite simply, the majority stopped purchasing REAL FOOD and began eating convenience foods
(remember the good old TV Dinners?).

Today, people can begin feeling better without medication by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. Some
lifestyle changes and food adjustments can help solve this easily. Thanks to Collective Evolution and author
Jennifer Giustra-Kozek, LPC, NBCC for this article that bring us back to Mother Nature.

The end result will allow you to experience your human emotions, deal with them and expand yourself into the
spiritual being that you came here to experience. - Jewels

As defined by psychologists, a person has a major depressive episode when he or she has symptoms of
major depressive disorder, including depressed mood or feelings of emptiness, hopelessness or
irritability, that last for two weeks or more. And, according to the National Ambulatory Medical Care
Survey (NAMCS), the number of people diagnosed with depression has increased by 450% since 1987.

It is often recommended that we start taking a medication to reduce symptoms. However, medication
often comes with sometimes dangerous side-effects. Here are some simple ways to feel happier without
needing to take a pill.

On the next few pages, learn about 10 ways to boost your Serotonin Levels.

Page 50- Ju ly 2018

1. Get Enough Vitamin B-6
Foods like spinach, turnip greens, garlic, cauliflower,
mustard greens, celery, and non-factory farmed fish
(especially tuna, halibut, salmon, cod and snapper) can
be great sources.
2. Eat Brain Boost ing Seed Grains Inst ead of Wheat
This includes: Amaranth, buckwheat, millet and quinoa are seeds with grain-like taste and
properties. These are healthy, high-protein carbohydrates and small
amounts of the right carbohydrates are critical to boosting
Not only will you improve your mood, you will Sleep better too. A
nice dose of serotonin in the early evening will help you sleep
better at night.
These grain-like seeds also provide important B vitamins. As just
mentioned B vitamins play a critical role in brain health and in the manufacture of all your
neurotransmitters including serotonin. Vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine)
as well as vitamin D, folic acid and selenium plus calcium, and magnesium are needed to make
For protein meals: focus on digestion and food combining ? Eating foods that are high in protein ?
and specifically have a higher percentage of tryptophan (like sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds),
will provide much-needed tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin. But beware: because research
shows that eating protein with carbohydrates actually works against your ability to make serotonin.
Good to know: Plant-based protein helps to create more serotonin than animal protein does.
To boost your mood and immunity naturally, protein and probiotics ? is the delicious natural
3. Incl ude Ferment ed Food & Drinks In Your Diet
Fermented foods and drinks greatly assist in digestion and
assimilation of all the important nutrients you need for serotonin.
Additionally, they boost the nutrients in your food by at least a
Some examples are Sauerkraut, pickles, Kifir, Kimchee, Raw Cheese
and Yogart Probiotics. Pineapple and ginger soda is easy to make
and very refreshing!
4. Get Massages & Ot her Forms of Body Work
We?ve heard about the healing power of touch, but now research backs it
up! A study conducted by the Touch Research Institutes at the University of
Miami School of Medicine shows that massage increases serotonin by 28%
and decreases cortisol (the stress hormone) by 31% .

Page 51 - Ju ly, 2018

5. Have Fun in t he Sun
Early morning sunlight is more intense and this can boost your body?s production of
melatonin in the evening. Serotonin converts to melatonin for a great night?s sleep.
Getting outside for a 20-minute walk in the early morning
sunlight can boost your mood and improve your sleep!
6. Remove Toxins From Your Heal t h That Int erf ere Wit h
Brain Heal t h
Eat foods like dandelion and citrus fruit to help detox daily.
Detoxing is about increasing the effectiveness of your detox
pathways so unnecessary toxins don?t get stuck in your body. Although the medical
field keeps saying detoxing is a myth, lack of proper detoxing is a common challenge.
7. Reduce St ress
Prolonged physical or emotional stress produce adrenaline and cortisol, which
interfere with serotonin. Shifting your lifestyle and adding more relaxation into your
week can make a huge difference. Focus on Emotional Healing ? Reducing stress and
focusing on spending more time relaxing is a first step to boosting serotonin. You can
take this even further by taking action in key areas to remove
negative emotions like fear, guilt and anger. Meditate & do yoga!
8. Exercise
A comprehensive review of the relation between exercise and
mood concluded that antidepressant and anxiolytic effects have
been clearly demonstrated. In the United Kingdom the National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, which works on behalf
of the National Health Service and makes recommendations on
treatments according to the best available evidence, has published a guide on
the treatment of depression.
9. El iminat e Processed Sugar (or at l east drast ical l y reduce it )
If you have low serotonin, you may have intense cravings for sugar. This is
your body?s way of trying to increase serotonin because eating sugar produces
insulin, which helps tryptophan go into your brain. However, too much sugar
can eventually cause addiction to sugar, insulin resistance, hypoglycemia and
type 2 diabetes.
Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way with pure maple
syrup, coconut sugar or pure honey.
10. Give More Hugs, Love More & Fear Less
Human connection, living in the heart, being connected to self
actually helps to keep depression away, it also helps with addiction
to any substance.
Well-being is about getting back to the basics. Everyone can
become happier and healthier by simply eating real food? the
medicine birthed by Mother Nature.

Page 52- Ju ly, 2018

A Radi cal New A pproach To
Worl d Ci ti zensh i p

Josh ua Ch annel ed by Gary Templ e Bodl ey

You are all one, living as individuals on your planet. you also intended the freedom to pursue your
You separate yourselves by borders, by cultures, by dreams. While you seal yourselves off behind the
religion, by race, by sex, by age, by political borders of your country, you create resentment
affiliation, and by class. It is time for these among the less fortunate. This results in war and
separations to fall apart. strife, which diminish your standard of living.
You are one. You need not separate yourselves As you live in fear of your neighbors, you hold
from each other. You are traveling in a very small yourself apart from who you really are. When you
spaceship within an infinitely large universe. You classify another human as your enemy, you create
once segregated yourselves on buses, now you ride more separation which does not serve who you say
together. The same must be true of your planet. The you want to be.
good that will come from living together and
A conscious creator sees all as equally worthy and
supporting each other far outweighs the sum of
unique. You see value in all lives, all cultures, and
your fears. The value of a one-world community is
all beliefs. You understand that we are all one, that
such that will allow you all to live as you intended
there is no separation, and that borders are an
in love rather than in fear.
unnatural manifestation of fear. All devices used to
You believe that since you were born in a certain protect oneself from another are based in fear and
place that you are deserving of all that you have. If therefore perpetuate limiting beliefs.
another is born in an underdeveloped nation, he
The cost of these fears is astronomical. It costs you
should be forced to stay there for the entirety of his
unseen expense in the limitation of your
life. He should not be able to gain access to your
experience. As you are taught to believe that other
country or your standard of living. He shall be
cultures are bad and your culture is good, you
doomed to his existence by the chance of his birth.
create a framework of duality which becomes very
This is not a conscious approach to reality.
difficult to dismantle. Limiting, fear-based beliefs
While it is true that you choose your birthplace and are promoted and adopted by the masses. You
your parents based on the trajectory you intended, build insanely expensive armies to defend
Page 53 -Ju ly, 2018
is no right and no wrong in regard to your
continued and never-ending wars against people
you fear. But what you are perpetuating with your
struggle against your fellow man is an unconscious
pursuit and goes against the laws of the universe.
Your struggle is futile and until you change your
approach, it will continue to escalate. It might move
from one region to another, but it must grow. It is
universal law.
A radically new approach to your enemy would be
the release of all fear. As you move from
unconscious to conscious, you move from fear to
love. As you accept others with whom you occupy
your planet as they are, as they are less developed,
less conscious, or less evolved, you create an
yourselves from imaginary foes.
Your war culture must feed on an enemy to survive.
When no real enemy exists, one is created to
support the monster. However, you will soon come
to realize that your behemoth defense apparatus is
ridiculously oversized for the job. You chase a
ragtag group of terrorists with an army created to
wage another world war. In doing so you enrage an
entire culture and you separate yourselves even
Your army, through the institution of patriotism,
convinces you that you need protection. But you do
not. You are safe and without your army you would
have no enemy. Look at the countries without environment of love and acceptance. As you
armies. Are they under attack from terrorists? Are shower them with love and support, you create a
they engaged in this battle? Why not? You cannot framework that supports who you really are.
irradiate anything in this universe. You can never
Can you become conscious within an environment
defeat an enemy, for your ?ght will always increase
of fear? Of course. Can others also become
the fear and support more limiting beliefs that will
conscious regardless of the actions of their
give rise to newer and more powerful enemies.
government? Yes, certainly. But can you also realize
When you kill one you cause two more to take his
that the old approach is not working and can never
place. Fear creates the desire and inspiration to
work as you know it violates universal law? Can you
stand up and ?ght. When you create an atmosphere
remove you attention and support from it? Can you
of fear, you create your own enemies.
not condemn the old approach but rather support
This is an attractive universe. You cannot push away love and appreciation for all others?
what you do not like. You cannot lessen the
You cannot ?ght against any structure and topple it.
intensity of anything with your attention to it. You
You must seek what is wanted rather than avoid or
should not feel powerless when you are so very
deny what is unwanted. You don?t need to make
powerful. Why do you feel your need to display
your government wrong. All you need to do is
your power? What is the basis of your fears? There
support what you want.
Page 54- Ju ly, 2018
You are not your government, but your
government is a refection of your country?s
mass consciousness. As you move your
attention away from fear and towards love,
you radically shift the totality of that
consciousness. As others decide that
patriotism is a fear-based belief in one?s own
superiority, the consciousness of the country
moves away from nationalism and towards
acceptance. You can only believe what you
want to believe. You cannot preach your
beliefs to others for you will simply create
tension. You can shine as an example of love
which others will gravitate to. You can be
accepting of others and they will become
accepting of you.
When thinking about another culture, try not to get caught up in the propaganda. Realize that your war
institution is simply trying to maintain its survival by creating despicable enemies for you to hate. You can
rationalize the existence of a war machine only when you believe there is something to fear.
When there is no real enemy, the war institution will create one for you to hate. It is a matter of survival
and it will ?ght to survive. If you can withdraw your attention from its fabrications, you can move your
support to something that will bene?t what it is that you want, rather than what you do not want. Your war
on terror is not real. You could dismantle this war and all wars with a few weeks of love and acceptance.
You have no need for protection. You have no real enemies. If you did not have a defense industry, you
would have no enemies. If you used that energy for love, acceptance, and support for the worthiness and
value of all others, you would attract love, rather than hate. Which would you prefer? With all our love,

W it h Al l Our Love
J oshua
Questions? Comments? Connect with us at

Joshua is a group of non-physical teachers channeled by Gary

Temple Bodley. Their practical teachings provide a greater
understanding of the mechanism of physical reality, the Law of
Attraction and how to leverage universal forces to enhance our
lives. Joshua's first book, "A Perception of Reality," explains the
nature of reality using plain English in an easy-to-understand
format. Please visit Also, listen
to Joshua Live Broadcast by going to
http:/ / joshua-live
This article may not necessarily reflect the views of Law of Attraction Magazine or
its employees.

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