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Siemens PLM Software

Software portfolio that helps you
realize innovation in the Digital
A holistic approach to optimize
the entire value chain

The growing complexity and In a scenario in which business is more and The growing complexity and variation of
variation of markets is forcing more impacted by the Internet and end markets is forcing manufacturers to rethink
manufacturers to rethink their
customers are increasingly able to tell manu- their source-make-deliver processes, depend-
source-make-deliver processes,
depend­ing on target market
facturers directly exactly what they want and ing on target market locations, requirements
locations, requirements and when, manufacturers must respond quickly, and conditions. This requires a closer integra-
conditions. with improved flexibility to enable individual- tion of manufacturing operations in the
ized mass production, and with the efficiency company’s overall value chain – which will in
to reduce energy and resource consumption. turn call for harmonization of technologies,
the capability to handle massive data flows,
Merely focusing on the automation of manu-
the use of appropriate metrics and last but
facturing processes or on the cost and
not least, the correct interpretation of this
efficiency of individual production operations
is no longer enough to compete in the global
marketplace and to meet these requirements.
A holistic approach, spanning the entire
value chain and including suppliers, is

Production Services

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Realizing innovation
in the Digital Enterprise

Siemens now offers a holistic automation

solution covering all major Industry 4.0
requirements: the Digital Enterprise
Software Suite.
Manufacturers are better equipped to initiate
or respond to disruptive innovation trends
when their processes are fully digitalized.
Digitalization transforms the innovation
process into a proactive agent in driving new
business opportunities, enabling manufactur-
ers to weave a digital thread through three
distinct phases:
Ideation, the traditional area of product
concept and design
Realization, including production planning,
production engineering, factory automation
and production execution systems
Utilization, the service and support of prod-
ucts in the field and the feedback loop from
these products to the other domains
Siemens PLM Software solutions smoothly
connect major parts of the product and To digitally transform the realization phase,
production lifecycle. Powerful product life- Siemens provides a complete portfolio of
cycle management (PLM) software enables solutions for manufacturing operations
the development and optimization of new management (MOM), bridging PLM and
products on an entirely virtual basis. In the automation domains and enabling customers
real manufacturing world, the concept of to implement strategies for the complete
Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) ensures digitalization and integration of their product
the efficient interoperability of all automation and production lifecycles.

Optimizing production to
improve efficiency, flexibility
and time-to-market

Using Siemens’ MOM solutions, The Siemens portfolio for manufacturing Improved flexibility and time-to-market
our customers are able to model, operations management enables the Using the Siemens MOM portfolio, our cus-
visualize, update, and harmonize digitalization of a broad spectrum of produc- tomers are able to model, visualize, optimize,
production processes globally.
tion-related functions, including advanced update, and harmonize production processes
planning and scheduling, manufacturing globally, and have the ability to collect, plan
execution, quality management and manu- and schedule, aggregate, analyze and
facturing intelligence. Working together, respond to real-time manufacturing events.
these solutions optimize production pro- The integration with PLM, enterprise resource
cesses and drive operational excellence, with planning (ERP) and automation provides the
a focus on steadily improving production flexibility and scalability of production pro-
efficiency, flexibility and time-to-market. cesses required to maximize responsiveness.
Improved efficiency With a fully optimized Digital Enterprise,
The Siemens MOM portfolio provides end-to- manufacturers are better equipped to rapidly
end visibility into production operations and respond to market changes and realize the
quality management, connecting the auto- innovation that customers demand today.
mated operations equipment and systems on
the shop floor to the decision makers in
product development, manufacturing engi-
neering, production and enterprise
management. With full visibility into produc-
tion, decision makers can readily identify
areas to be improved within both the product
design and associated manufacturing pro-
cesses, and make the necessary operational
adjustments for smoother and more efficient

Because manufacturing is a key part of the value chain, the For better visibility into and reporting about manufacturing
Siemens MOM portfolio integrates with the control and effectiveness, the Siemens MOM portfolio can be imple-
automation and with the business level, as well as with the mented on a single production line, in a plant or in several
Siemens PLM software portfolio. Siemens is uniquely plants. It is scalable and has specific functionality for every
positioned to offer a complete and connected software industry. It offers a broad range of functionality on a single
portfolio for the Digital Enterprise. platform, and is available in dedicated packages according to
the specific needs of your plant.
One size does not fit all. The technologies and architecture
of the Siemens MOM portfolio adapt to the specific To translate raw real-time manufacturing data into business
requirements of different industrial processes. It provides performance indicators, vast amounts of plant data from
comprehensive MOM applications with a rich ecosystem of different systems (tag-based, relational databases, enterprise
industry-specific functionalities developed from deep exper- applications) can be collected into a unique data warehouse,
tise in manufacturing. The highly scalable platform delivers stored with a configurable unified data structure and handled
multiple capabilities and enables customers to combine in real time or with event-driven dashboards, with role-based
production efficiency with quality and visibility to reduce time data accessibility, navigation, filtering, calculations, aggrega-
to production. tion or drill-down.
A full-featured platform with a model-based architecture Accurate production planning and scheduling is key to quickly
enables manufacturers to handle production management analyzing and calculating achievable production schedules,
and execution, coordinate systems within factories and considering multiple constraints and business rules. With the
standardize production across the entire enterprise. Siemens MOM portfolio, planners can generate and evaluate
what-if scenarios to achieve optimum results.
Process visualization and monitoring, asset utilization, line
monitoring, materials management, quality management,
integrated diagnostics and flexible analysis capabilities are all
common needs for all manufacturers. The information cap-
tured will in time drive improvements in performance and
reduce costs, while achieving operational excellence by
increasing process stability. It will help to empower the shop
floor through better decision support, resulting in leaner
operations and more flexibility.

With the Siemens MOM portfolio,
planners can generate and evaluate
what-if scenarios to achieve
optimum results.

MOM portfolio

The Siemens MOM portfolio enables custom- Manufacturing Intelligence

ers to implement the strategy and first steps Manufacturing Intelligence is a modern
towards complete digitalization of manufac- enterprise solution targeting the current and
turing operations, via these solutions: future transformational technologies that are
shaping the future of data analytics for manu-
SIMATIC IT – Manufacturing Execution facturing: mobile internet, cloud computing
System (MES)) and advanced analytics. Manufacturing
SIMATIC IT UA DM and SIMATIC IT UA PI are Intelligence connects, organizes and aggre-
the two SIMATIC IT MES solutions for Discrete gates manufacturing data from disparate
and Process Industries. Both are based on company sources into cohesive, intelligent
SIMATIC IT Unified Architecture, a platform and contextualized information in order to
for creating an integrated MOM ecosystem, gain immediate and actionable insights.
targeting the current and future transforma-
tional technologies that are shaping the SIMATIC IT – Advanced planning
future of manufacturing: mobile internet, and scheduling
automation of knowledge work, the Internet SIMATIC IT Preactor is a family of world-lead-
of Things, and cloud computing. At the core ing advanced planning and scheduling (APS)
of SIT UA Foundation is a unified manufactur- solutions designed to work alongside, rather
ing operations data bus that provides a than replace, existing systems. SIMATIC IT
common backbone for the integration of Preactor solutions can be used for both long-
legacy applications while providing the first term planning and detailed scheduling, and
fundamental step towards a unified, inte- customers can select the capabilities that
grated system. satisfy both their needs and budgets.

SIMATIC IT – R&D Camstar – MES for semiconductor

SIMATIC IT R&D Suite is a solution for process and medical devices industries
industries. It is a modular, scalable software Camstar™ Enterprise platform extends
platform for R&D and quality. This includes Siemens’ integrated product development
software for lab automation (LIMS), specifica- and production automation solutions to the
tion and product data management, medical devices and semiconductor indus-
electronic lab notebook, formula and recipe tries. The Camstar MES portfolio of
management, digital supplier data exchange industry-specific suites supports highly com-
and management, and regulatory plex process workflows, high-volume
management. automated data collection, mass customiza-
tion, discrete assembly, batch process
and more.

QMS – Quality Management System
The Siemens PLM Software QMS quality
management system enables organiza-
tions to safeguard compliance, optimize
quality, reduce defect and rework costs
and achieve operational excellence by
increasing process stability. The inte-
grated process interlocking capabilities
(quality gates) can detect production
errors to avoid further processing and
The Siemens MOM portfolio
shipment of nonconforming material.
QMS Professional brings higher integra-
enables customers to
tion between functions, global user
groups and manufacturers to suppliers. implement the strategy towards
complete digitalization of
QMS Professional is a process-oriented,
modular system that supports the
closed-loop quality product lifecycle,
managing complexities for planning,
control and monitoring of processes
manufacturing operations.
and corporate quality.

Realizing the
Digital Enterprise

With the Siemens MOM portfolio, Connecting people, processes and technolo- The MOM software portfolio also integrates
manufacturing operations gies to achieve a truly Digital Enterprise is a with and delivers feedback to financial and
become an integral part of the growing concern in manufacturing organiza- administrative systems, typically ERP, sup-
plant digitalization strategy.
tions, as performance requirements continue porting smoother supply chain integration
to grow and emerging markets must be and collaboration or service to customers.
In summary, with the Siemens MOM
Ultimately, manufacturing information tech- portfolio, manufacturing operations become
nology that can handle product, production an integral part of the plant digitalization
and plant data, and share these among the strategy. Manufacturers can gain significantly
various parts of a manufacturing organiza- more productivity and flexibility during pro-
tion, will be a key enabler to capitalize on duction planning, engineering and executing
speed, efficiency and cost gains realized to increase the speed, quality and accuracy of
through collaboration. how they respond to customer demands.
Product and production data must be avail-
able from the lowest field level on the factory
floor, up to the business level, at any time,
and in any required reporting format.
The Siemens MOM portfolio connects the
automation level with product planning and
design and production planning and design,
enabling companies to execute according to
plan. Its central position in the value creation
process allows optimization and real-time
response to production events, feeding back
production data for immediate cause-specific

About Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens
Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of
software solutions to drive the digital transformation of
industry, creating new opportunities for manufacturers
to realize innovation. With headquarters in Plano, Texas,
and over 140,000 customers worldwide, Siemens PLM
Software works with companies of all sizes to transform
the way ideas come to life, the way products are
realized, and the way products and assets in operation
are used and understood. For more information on
Siemens PLM Software products and services,

Headquarters: +1 972 987 3000

Americas: +1 314 264 8499
Europe: +49 (0) 2624 9180-0
Asia-Pacific: +86 (21) 3889 2765

© 2018 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Siemens, the Siemens
logo and SIMATIC IT are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Camstar, D-Cubed,
Femap, Fibersim, Geolus, GO PLM, I-deas, JT, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge, Syncrofit,
Teamcenter and Tecnomatix are trademarks or registered trademarks of Siemens
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