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Mock RYA Day Skipper Chartwork Exam

Instructions to exam candidates

© Skippers Online 2016

No part of this exam may be shared or distributed to any other person.

This is a mock exam and will not count towards any qualification.

If you were taking a real exam you would have 90 minutes and you would
not be allowed access to any reference materials aside from the RYA Training
Almanac and either UK Admiralty Chart 5011 or US Chart 1.

You can save your work at any stage, in which case you will receive an email
providing you with a link to re-open it.

Once you have completed the exam and submitted your answers we will
provide you with a report giving your answers against the model answers.
It's up to you to assess how well you did. There is no absolute pass mark but
you must demonstrate that you understand all the topics covered in the

Entering your answers

If you are required to enter a position, enter Latitude in the format

DD.MM.9N/S (e.g. 45.23.5N) and Longitude in the format
DDD.MM.9E/W (e.g. 005.45.2W)

If you are required to enter a time, enter it as hours and minutes

in the format HHMM, if necessary qualified by time zone
(e.g. 1230UT or 0130 for 1hr 30mins)

If you are required to enter a distance, enter it in miles and

decimal parts of a mile in the format MM.D followed by the letter
"M" (e.g. 5.4M)

If you are required to enter a tidal height, enter it in metres and

decimal parts of a metre in the format MM.D followed by the letter
"m" (e.g. 3.1m)
If you are required to enter a course or bearing, enter it in
degrees in the format DDD qualified with either T, M or C (e.g.

If you are required to enter a speed, enter it in knots in the

format KK.Dkts (e.g. 2.5kts)
This paper comprises 4 questions

Mock exams have been deliberately designed to be slightly more

challenging than the real ones in order that you can feel confident
that, if you can perform reasonably well in them, you won't have too
many problems in the real one.

Use RYA Chart 3 in the area shown and the RYA Training Almanac

If you don't have these they can be obtained from Amazon here and
here. Chart Area.jpg ¬Use Variation 7°W All times as shown

Read the questions carefully

Try to answer all of the questions and all of every question

You can navigate backwards and forwards as much as you like If you struggle
with a question, move on and come back to it later if you have sufficient time

1. At 1700 the navigator observes that Bay View Hotel on

Strong Holm (46°17.1'N 005°50.7W) and Taw Spire (46°
17.3N 005°50.0W) are in transit. At the same time the
lighthouse on Holm Point (46°18.8'N 005°49.6'W) bears
315°M. The log reads 3.7

Plot the 1700 fix on your chart.

a1) What is the latitude of the fix?

e.g. 45.23.5N
a2) What is the longitude of the fix?
e.g. 005.45.2W
b) If the echo sounder reads 27.0m, what is the height of tide?

e.g. 12.4m

2. From the fix in the previoius question the boat steers

360°M. Plot the EP at 1800 when the log reads 10.2. The
tidal stream is 111°T at 1.6kts
a1) What is the latitude of the EP?

e.g. 45.23.5N
a2) What is the longitude of the EP?

e.g. 005.45.2W
b) What is the SOG (speed over the ground) of the vessel?

e.g. 2.5kts
c) How close to the BB5 buoy did the boat pass?

e.g. 5.0M
3.At 1651DST on Saturday 13th July a yacht racing is at
the FC6 buoy (46°15.8'N 005°44.6'W).
a) What magnetic course should she steer for the FC5 buoy (46°16.3'N
005°40.6'W) if she expects her speed to be 8kts and to make 5° of leeway in
the south easterly wind? Use the tidal stream atlas.

e.g. 350M
b) What is her ETA at the FC5 buoy?

e.g. 2300DST
c) 5 minutes after departing the FC6 buoy the back-bearing on the FC6 buoy
is 262°M Should her navigator ask the helmsman to adjust course to port or
to starboard?
To port
To starboard

4. At 1100UT on Friday 8th March a yacht is planning to

anchor for lunch off Warren Point in Namley Harbour
(46°25.7'N 005°45.7'W).
a) What is the height of tide at 1100UT?

e.g. 10.0m
b) How much will the tide fall between 1100UT and the next LW?

e.g. 5.0m
c) If the yacht draws 2.0m, what is the least depth she must anchor in at
1100UT in order to allow a clearance (safety margin) of 0.5m at LW?
e.g. 5.0m

That's it.
If you've still got time left, we really
recommend that you use it to review
your answers, particularly ensuring that
you've attempted every question and all
of every question.

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