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2 Macmillan English 2

Unit 13 worksheet
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Total mark:

Total /12
1 Look and complete the words.

Example:[] sun

1 rai 2 th nd r 3 r inbo

4 l ghtn ng 5 now 6 cl d

2 What is the weather like in your country in these months?

Write a sentence for each month.

Example: June: In June there is a lot oÏ rain.

1 February :

2 April:

3 November:

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3 Write the adverbs.

Example: quiet quietly

1 nice 2 slow 3 quick

4 loud 5 careful 6 bright

4 Complete the sentences. Use one word from each box.

singing reading brushing going carefully quietly slowly loudly

Example:: I’m brushing my teeth careÏully !

1 She is .

2 She is to bed .

3 The children are .

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