Section Marks Marks

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Time: 21⁄2 hours
Name: ................................................................................................ Stream: .................................

For Examiner’s Use Only

Section Marks Marks
A 30

B 40
C Qn 34 15
 Attempt ALL questions in section A and Section B
 Answer any two questions in section C Qn 35
 All answers must be written in spaces provided 15
Qn 36
Qn 37

1. 11. 21.
2. 12. 22.
3. 13. 23.
4. 14. 24.
5. 15. 25.
6. 16. 26.
7. 17. 27.
8. 18. 28.
9. 19. 29.
10. 20. 30.

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1. Which statement is NOT true about the role of the shoot tip in phototropism?
A. It is sensitive to light C. its cells divide continuously by mitosis
B. It produces auxins D. its cells elongate

2. The response shown when Euglena swims towards light is

A. Positive response C. negative hydrotropism
B. Positive phototropism D. a positive tactic response

3. The blinking of an eye when an object touches the conjunctiva of the eye is a
A. Reflex action C. tactic response
B. Conditional reflex action D. nastic response

4. The hormone secreted by the testes is called

A. Progesterone C. oestrogen
B. Testosterone D. melatonin

5. Which of the following organs is both endocrine .and exocrine?

A. Salivary glands C. liver
B. pancreas D. ovary

6. What mode of nutrition is used by rhizopus?

A. Heterophism C. parasitism
B. Autotropism D. saprophytism

7. Green plants give out less carbon dioxide during the day than at night because during the
A. The rate of photosynthesis is low
B. Transpiration interferes with escape of carbon dioxide
C. Most stomata close
D. Some of the carbon dioxide produced is used for photosynthesis

8. Controlled feeding on diet rich in vitamin A may improve

A. calcium deposition C. night vision
B. number of red cells D. healing of wounds

9. The part of the tooth which contains blood vessels is

A. Enamel C. dentine
B. Pulp cavity D. cement

10. The role of rennin in the guts of children during digestion is

A. breakdown milk protein in peptides
B. coagulate milk proteins

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C. mix the milk protein with digestive enzymes
D. activate pepsin to digest proteins

11. Which one of the following groups contains organisms that are closely related?
A. Species B. family C. order D. class

12. Which one of the following protozoa possess cilia?

A. Amoeba C. plasmodium
B. paramecium D. trypanosome

13. The cerci at the tip of the abdomen of a cockroach are important for.....
A. Sensitivity C. sex identification
B. reproduction D. Protection

14. In houseflies, the most rapidly growing stage is the

A. Egg stage B. larval stage C. pupal stage D. adult stage

15. Which part of the bulb stores food?

A. Underground roots C. leaves
B. Underground stem D. aerial stem

16. Which of the following best describes compensation point during photosynthesis?
A. Plant produces more CO2 than O2
B. Plant produces more O2 than CO2
C. Plant stops carrying out photosynthesis
D. There is no gaseous exchange between the plant and its environment

17. The following results were obtained from an experiment to determine water content in a
given soil sample
Weight of crucible......................................................................................P g
Weight of crucible and soil........................................................................Q g
Weight of crucible and soil after drying to constant weight......................R g
Weight of crucible and soil after heating strongly.....................................S g
What is the percentage of humus in the soil?
A. × 100 C. 𝑄−𝑃 × 100
𝑅−𝑠 𝑅−𝑆
B. × 100 D. 𝑄−𝑆 × 100
18. Peristalsis is an example of
A. Reflex action C. voluntary action
B. Conditional reflex action D. conditioned action

19. The growing parts of a flowering plant are called

A. Tip C. meristems

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B. Auxin D. Shoots and roots

20. What is the main function of the root cap?

A. Formation of lateral roots C. protection of the root tip
B. Formation of new cells D. secondary thickening

21. Insect pollinated flowers have

A. Smell and sticky pollen grains C. small and rigid stigma
B. no smell and nectar D. small green bracts

22. Which of one the following is NOT a function of water in the animal body?
A. Removal of soluble nitrogenous wastes
B. Support
C. Temperature regulation
D. Formation of aqueous environment for metabolism

23. Which one of these is caused by hormonal deficiency??

A. scurvy C. diabetes
B. rickets D. poliomyelitis

24. Under what condition is lactic acid likely to be accumulated in man?

A. During sleep
B. When engaged in a vigorous physical exercise
C. After consuming a lot of malt
D. After breathing in excess carbon dioxide

25. Which one of the following animals produces the smallest egg cell?
A. Frog C. snake
B. Chicken D. elephant

26. In which of the following do organisms have a body with two layers?
A. Coelenterata C. nematoda
B. Platyhelminthes D. chordata

27. Sexual reproduction in spirogyra is described as

A. Fragmantation C. budding
B. conjugation D. binary fission

28. What would happen to a red blood cell placed in distilled water?
A. Turgidity C. heamolysis
B. plasmolysis D. remain unchanged

29. Which one of the following does not hydrolyse its substrate into smaller units?

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A. Rennin C. catalase
B. Pepsin D. ptyalin

30. Which of the following mineral nutrients are constituents of chlorophyll?

A Potassium and sulphur C. Zinc and copper
B. Calcium and phosphorus D. nitrogen and magnesium


31. An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of unidirectional light on the
growth curvature (d) of a maize seedling shoot/coleoptile in a blackened box. The growth
curvature of the shoot was measured in millimeters for 160 hours, at intervals of 20
hours. See figure below.
Figure 1

The following results were obtained

Time in hours Growth curvature (d) in mm
00 00
20 2.4
40 4.5
60 6.0
80 7.1
100 8.2
130 9.0
160 9.0

(a) (i) State the dependent and independent variable in the investigation.
Dependent variable.................................................................. (1mk)

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Independent variable................................................................ (1mk)
(b) (ii) Describe the nature of your graph (7mks)
(ii) Explain your answer in (b) (i) above (4mks)
(c) Figure 2

(i) State the effect of auxins on the growth of maize radicle placed horizontally as in
figure 2
(ii) Explain your answer in (c) (i) above.
32. (a) State the ways in which mammals respond to
A. Over-cooling (3mks)
B. Over hating (3 mks)
(b) Suggest how bony fish get rid of their nitrogenous waste products (4 mks)

33. (a) (i) State structural features which all insects have in common ( 6mks)


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(b) Mention four ways in which a soldier termite differs from a housefly.
Soldier Termite House fly

SECTION C Answer any two questions

34. (a) What do you understand by the term accommodation in reference to the eye (lmk)
(b) State and describe any two defects of the eye, their causes and suggest how
the effects can be corrected, with diagrammatic illustrations (10mks)
(d) A student moved from a dimly lit room to a brightly lit room. Sate the events that occurred in
the student's eye (4mks)
35. (a) State the characteristics of respiratory surfaces (4mks)
(b) Describe the mechanism of gaseous exchange in a bony fish (llmks)
36. (a) Briefly describe the effect of iodine solution on a starch solution (6mks)
(b) Describe an experiment to test for the presence of non-reducing sugars in
sugar cane juice (9mks)
37. (a) State the characteristics that would lead you classify an organism as insect (6mks)
(b) State the economic importance of insects, giving examples in each case (9mks)


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