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Republic of the Philippines


Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

College of Engineering Student Government


17-21 APRIL 2017


1. To revive the spirit of Students’ Week by celebrating the diverse talents including but not limited to physical, artistic, analytic,
and organizational skills of Engineering Students not only as individuals but also as teams.
2. To conduct programs and activities parallel to the objectives of both the College of Engineering and the University promoting
social, cultural, and environmental awareness of Engineering Students.
3. To provide an avenue for Engineering Students to explore beyond academic pressures necessary to constantly learn, grow,
and excel.


1. CAPTURE-UP: PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST. This is a competition open to all CEn Students throughout the whole week
capturing creative and relevant images or photos provided as a challenge. Photos will be uploaded to social media websites
and will serve as the battleground.

2. COLOR IT COOL: POSTER-MAKING CONTEST. A typical poster-making contest open to all CEn Students with a subject
relative to the theme of the Students’ Week or as specified in the contest IRR.

3. GRAPHITE MASTER: PENCIL RENDERING CONTEST. A technical pencil rendering contest open to all CEn Students. The
model will be presented on the spot.

4. iSKETCH: COMPUTER MODELING & RENDERING CONTEST. A very interesting computer modeling and rendering
competition open to all CEn Students wherein the challenge is to create a realistic model or image of a given subject.

5. The VOICEn. An open-date open-mic videoke singing competition with the Finals during the last day of the Students’ Week.
A very simple rule is that the videoke is the sole judge of the game.

6. BINGO INNOVATION. Play BINGO with “innovative” theme and win free prizes! This is a mini game during most
convenient hours.

7. enduRUNce: ENGINEERING AMAZING RACE. An amazing race that will challenge both physical and mental strength of
the competitors. This is a group-of-three event open to all CEn Students with stations distributed in the entire University.

8. GINEERS’ SCRABBLE. Like the traditional scrabble but this time, equations will be played instead of words. This game is
open to all CEn Students.

9. LARO SA TAG-ARAW: LARO NG LAHI TOURNAMENT. A very exciting series of games—“Laro ng Lahi”— will be played
in three-four days where each team must obtain points from each game. The team that will accumulate the highest point will
be declared as the winner.

10. GEAR-to-GEAR. An inter-block general-knowledge quiz bee. Entry will be a team-of-two open to all CEn Students.

11. INNOVATORS’ COUNTER: BOOTH MAKING CONTEST. An innovative booth-making competition open only to CEn-
based recognized student organizations.

12. ECOllect: PLASTIC BOTTLE COLLECTION CHALLENGE. Teams will collect plastic bottles throughout the whole week.
The team with the most number of collected bottles will be the winner.

13. SUMMER VOLLEYBALL. A volleyball tournament open to all CEn Students. Each team shall be composed of at most two
non-spiking male players and all members must be of the same block.

14. PIGING SA KOLEHIYO. A free lunch boodle fight whose primary target consumers are the participants of all the activities

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