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A Review on Vermicomposting of Organic Wastes

Usman Ali,a Nida Sajid,a Azeem Khalid,b Luqman Riaz,b Muhammad Muaz Rabbani,c
Jabir Hussain Syed,d and Riffat Naseem Malika
Environmental Biology and Ecotoxicology Laboratory, Department of Environmental Sciences, Quaid-I-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan; (for correspondence)
Department of Environmental Sciences, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Department of Forestry and Range Management, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou,
Published online 00 Month 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.12100

Generation of the huge amount of solid waste around the is a lack of viable technology for their economical recycling
globe is a major ecological and technical problem. Vermi- in developing countries. Although many strategies have been
composting may be the viable option to handle solid waste in proposed and implemented for proper solid waste manage-
an environmentally friendly way. This review provides a gen- ment, including source reduction, curbside recycling, mate-
eral overview of viability of vermicomposting processes as an rial recovery, waste to energy, landfill dumping, incineration,
ecofriendly approach. The integrated approach of composting and composting [6], some of these treatment and disposal
and vermicomposting processes provides better results. Fur- methods could cause serious environmental issues. In many
ther, to optimize the process of vermicomposting, codigestion studies [7–9], it was reported that the waste placed in landfill
of organic wastes provides better opportunity for both micro- or in open dumps caused groundwater contamination due to
organisms and earthworms to convert the organic fraction of leachate of organic and inorganic compounds present in
solid waste under controlled environmental conditions. Feed- waste. Landfill dumping also promotes the greenhouse effect
ing, stocking density, pH, C/N ratio, temperature, and mois- as well [10]. Similarly, incineration treatment is restricted
ture, by inference, seem to be the critical factors that because of its low-fattening value and the cost of fuel incre-
influence the vermicomposting process. Furthermore, the end ments [9]. In the case of sewage sludge, it is directly dis-
product of vermicomposting, the nutrient-rich compost, could posed off on agricultural lands because of its high nitrogen
be used for biogas production. Hence, the management of (N) and phosphorus (P) contents used as fertilizer; however,
solid waste and energy production can be achieved at the it may cause toxicity for soil and plants and have depressive
same time with no further costs. V C 2015 American Institute of effects on the metabolism of soil microorganisms [11].
Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 00: 000–000, 2015 Under these conditions, vermicomposting may be a via-
Keywords: vermicomposting, integrated composting, codi- ble technology that is ecologically sound, and it not only
gestion, feeding, stocking density, biogas becomes ecofriendly but also economical for converting
solid wastes into organic rich manure. Vermicomposting is a
INTRODUCTION waste management technology that involves decomposition
Various anthropogenic activities, escalating urbanization, of organic fraction of solid waste in an ecofriendly way to a
industrialization, and economic growth are leading to the level in which it can be easily stored, handled, and applied
production of huge quantities of solid waste around the to agricultural fields without any adverse effects [2,12,13].
globe. The management of this solid waste has now become Vermicomposting is a joint action of microorganisms and
an ecological and a technical problem for all [1]. Sustainable earthworms in environment-controlled conditions, hence to
solid waste management practices are indispensable to keep achieve nonthermophilic decomposition and stabilization of
the environment healthy and clean [2]. The situation of gen- organic fraction of solid waste [14–18]. Simply, it is a bio-
eration of solid waste in all over the world is worse. By technological process in which organic waste is converted
inference, it seems that only in Asia Pacific region, 1.8 mil-
into nutrient-rich vermicompost by using earthworms [19].
lion tons of solid waste generation per day would be esti-
The microbes present in the system are responsible for bio-
mated by 2025 [3]. It was surprisingly increased of solid
chemical degradation of organic matter, whereas earth-
waste generation in America when municipal solid waste
(MSW) generation was reported 243 tons in 2009. According worms play their role in conditioning of substrate and also
to different studies, an average of 0.77 kg/person/day solid altering of biological activity. This is a very low-cost tech-
waste is generated in 23 developing countries [4]. Currently, nology for the treatment of organic wastes using earth-
it is predicted to increase the world’s solid waste generation worms [20]. In an acre of soil, different types of earthworm
up to 3 billion tons by 2025 [5]. species exist having different types of nature and mode of
These huge amounts of wastes have not been fully nutrition due to which the rate of degradation is affected
oppressed owing to technical and economic issues, as there [12]. In the case of MSW, the process of vermicomposting
would be highly recommended because of its safe and
hygienic degradation of high amount of organic waste pres-
C 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V ent in solid waste [2].

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 1
Figure 1. Mutualistic relationship shown by earthworm and microbes. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
is available at]

The aim of this work is to provide a review on the poten- VERMICOMPOSTING THROUGH CODIGESTION OF ORGANIC WASTES
tial of vermicomposting in handling solid waste management The mixture of substrate and cosubstrate changes the
in environment-friendly way. Beside a general overview, this physicochemical nature of the waste, which could ultimately
work specifically aims to cover the potential of (i) integrated affect the vermicomposting process. These organic substrates
composting and vermicomposting approaches and (ii) to provide such chemical nature to the waste which increases
optimize the vermicomposting process by codigestion of the efficiency of worms in vermicomposting system by
organic wastes. Furthermore, these factors are discussed here increased rate of waste reduction. It also provides fertilizer
that critically influence the process of vermicomposting. The value of the vermicomposting, growth, and reproduction of
potential of vermicompost in biogas production is also the worms during the vermicomposting process [27,28]. The
reviewed in this work, which further provides the opportu- physicochemical characteristics of some widely used organic
nity of handling the waste on one hand and energy produc- amendments are given in Table 1. The vermicomposting
tion on the other hand. potential of earthworms for degrading different types of
wastes amended with suitable cosubstrates is given in Table
2. It has been observed that earthworms’ ability to survive
COMPOSTING AND VERMICOMPOSTING INTEGRATION particularly in industrial wastes greatly reduced, and thus,
Strong mutualistic relationship among microorganisms and there is a need of some nutrient-rich organic source, such as
earthworms (shown in Figure 1) has been reported in the lit- cow dung, biogas plant slurry, and poultry droppings, mix
erature, which could be beneficial in terms of better organic with industrial wastes to enhance the vermicomposting pro-
waste degradation and quality of compost and vermicompost cess by providing sufficient amount of nutrients and inocu-
products when used as nutritional conditioner particularly for lums of microorganisms [55]. When the saw dust and cow
soils [2]. Microorganisms found in the gut and intestine of dung were amended with guar waste as organic amendments
earthworms get their nourishment from organic material and and supplements, they provide favorable conditions for
decompose it into finer particles. In this way, microorganisms worms and effectively increase the degradation rate [32]. In
provide nourishment to earthworms, and earthworms in turn contrast to this, sometimes, conditions could not be favor-
promote further microbial activity by producing fecal material able and can decrease the efficiency of worms when distill-
or casts that are microbially active than what they consume ery sludge is mixed with cow dung as bulking agent [31]. It
[21,22]. Composting is the process of aerobic decomposition was found that high proportion of distillery sludge affects
of organic waste through microorganisms, whereas vermi- the decomposition efficiency of worms. Several studies indi-
composting involves the combination of both the microorgan- cated cow dung as the suitable organic amendment to
isms and the earthworms [2]. Although vermicomposting is enhance the process of vermicomposting, including Deka
considered to be the superior process over composting in et al. [14], Suthar [31], Gupta and Garg [34], Sen and Chandra
terms of the ability to kill pathogens [23,24], some studies [35], and Garg et al. [42]. When cow dung was added to the
considered that the vermicomposting process lacks the ability waste of citronella plant, it significantly enhanced the pro-
to kill pathogens, hence it is considered as the major draw- cess of vermicomposting with decrease in C:N ratio up to
back of vermicomposting process when compared with ther- 87.7%. About 40% of cow dung is considered as the initial
mophilic composting [25]. The optimum temperature for substrate in preconsumed processing vegetable waste, which
earthworms in vermicomposting process is considered up to could produce a good-quality vermicompost [33]. Tannery
35 C [22], whereas in conventional composting (including waste has been reported to be 100% toxic for earthworms;
thermophilic composting), it may reach up to 70 C. There- therefore, cow dung as an organic substrate was added by
fore, vermicomposting process does not attain the favorable Vig et al. [29] to enhance the nutrient contents for better sur-
temperature to kill pathogens, and if the temperature exceeds vival of worms in the system, and the results showed that
35 C, it may lead to the death of earthworms which further vermicomposting produced contained higher nutrient con-
stop the process of vermicomposting. In this scenario, an tents with lower C:N ratio and electrical conductivity so that
integrated approach has been introduced composed of both it could further be used as a valuable manure. Yadav and
composting and vermicomposting processes to achieve better Garg [36] got improved vermicompost when cow dung was
output. There can be two possibilities that are generally pro- mixed to 30% of food industrial sludge. In the study of Elvira
posed for integrated approach of composting and vermicom- et al. [37], solid paper mill sludge was mixed with sewage
posting: (i) prevermicomposting followed by composting or sludge in a 3:2 ratio, and it resulted in the highest growth
(ii) precomposting followed by vermicomposting [25]. By rate with lower mortality, but when mixed with pig slurry, a
using the second approach, Gajalakshmi et al. [26] achieved high mortality of worms was observed because of the
better output by high-rate composting of water hyacinth change in environmental characteristics. Yadav and Garg [1]
before vermicomposting. observed that waste mixture containing 50% cow dung, 25%

2 Month 2015 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 1. Initial physicochemical characteristics of some widely used organic amendments.

Organic amendments
Parameters Cow dung* Cattle dung** Poultry droppings† Biogas slurry††
pH 7.01 6 0.61 8.63 6 0.02 7.7 6 0.35 7.4 6 0.01
Electrical conductivity (EC; ds/m) 0.967 6 0.14 — 3.35 6 0.32 —
Ash content (g/kg) 238.7 6 2.7 — — —
Total organic carbon (TOC; g/kg) 416 6 1.8 18.7 6 0.58 405 6 12 289.5 6 2.7
Total Kjehldahl nitrogen (TKN; g/kg) 8.1 6 0.5 1.20 6 0.01 14.5 6 0.8 19.8 6 0.3
Total potassium (TK; g/kg) 3.65 6 0.0021 0.21 6 1.30 3.1 6 0.1 —
Total available phosphorus (TAP; g/kg) 2.5 6 0.003 0.58 6 2.19 9.2 6 0.6 2.85 6 0.1
C:N ratio 51.35 6 1.75 15.58 6 0.35 27.9 6 1.8 14.6 6 0.4

*Ref. 14.
**Ref. 29.

Ref. 1.
Ref. 30.

poultry droppings, and 25% fruit industry sludge had better manure [70], and textile mill sludge mixed with poultry drop-
fertilizer value. Contreras-Ramos et al. [39] used sewage ping [41]. Eisenia fetida also functions in the reduction of soil
sludge as the initial substrate for earthworms for degradation organic matter larger than 2000 lm by between 97 and 27%
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. (200–2000 lm) during digestion [71]. Yadav and Garg [36]
used Eisenia fetida for nutrient recovery from industrial sew-
age sludge. Eisenia fetida, during vermicomposting, needs
high moisture content, sufficient amounts of organic material,
Different types of vermicomposting systems are proposed
and dark conditions for proper growth and development
by researchers to provide better habitat for worms. It includes
[72–74]. Epigeic earthworms are reported to greatly decrease
windrow system [56], pits, heaps, tanks, cement rings, and
the volatile solids in aerobic sewage sludge [75]. Suthar [76]
beds or bins (Glenn Munroe). Windrow systems are of differ-
studied the decomposition efficiency of Perionyx sansibaricus
ent types, including continuous flow system [21], batching
(Perrier) agriculture waste, farm yard manure, and urban solid
system, and wedge system. As this review article has not
waste. Liu et al. [77] studied the Eisenia fetida to reduce cop-
focused on technical and engineering aspects of vermin sys-
per and cadmium availability in sewage sludge. Saxena et al.
tems, we are not going into the in-depth details of vermin
[78] also reported Eisenia fetida to have the potential of accu-
systems; however, a brief overview of the above-mentioned
mulating heavy metals at superior concentrations during ver-
systems has been demonstrated in Table 3. In all these ver-
micomposting. Gajalakshmi et al. [79] used manure worm,
min systems, the diversification of worms may play a crucial
Eudrilus eugeniae, for vermicomposting because of its high
role in overall processing of the vermicomposting. In this
growth rate and reproduction in different type of organic
way, the selection of appropriate earthworm species for
wastes [80,81], and it is further affected by type of waste, sea-
organic waste degradation is a great matter of concern and is
sonal, and other abiotic factors. Kaviraj and Sharma [82] per-
important for getting better results. The adaptability to waste,
formed a comparative study to assess the vermicomposting
minimal gut transit time, fast growth rate, and high reproduc-
efficiency of exotic (epigeic, Eisenia fetida) and local species
tive potential of earthworms are some general characteristics
(anaecic, Lempito mauritii). Their results showed that
which should be under consideration before starting the
although Eisenia fetida was performed well in terms of loss
activity of vermicomposting [57]. Earthworms are terrestrial
of total organic carbon (TOC), reduction in C:N ratio, and
invertebrates broadly categorized as anecic, endogeic, and
increase in EC and TK over Lempito mauritii, it did not show
epigeic (Table 4) on the basis of their behavior on natural
significant value in soil structure modification. On the other
environments [58]. The vermicomposting of organic waste
hand, Lempito mauritii was not only capable of consuming
using diverse range of earthworms is given in Table 5. Differ-
organic waste but also modified and improved the structure
ent studies reported diverse range of earthworms for different
of the soil. Three tropical epigeic earthworm species (Eisenia
types of wastes. Among them, Eisenia fetida is the mostly
fetida, Perionyxex cavatus, and Dicogaster bolaui) were used
used specie for stabilization of organic waste. However, Den-
to assess in order to evaluate the suitability of different forest
drobaena veneta and Lumbricus rubellus from temperature
litters as their food material [83]. The results indicated Eisenia
regions and Eudrilus eugeniae, Perionyx excavatus, and Peri-
fetida as the suitable worm for vermicomposting of forest lit-
onyx hawayana from the tropics [68] are also among the spe-
ter in terms of survival and growth rate when compared with
cies of earthworms which are potentially the most useful
the rest of two worms. It is believed that Eudrilus euginae
specie for stabilizing organic waste. Generally, Eisenia fetida
and Perionyx excavatus are more versatile waste managers
is widely used all over the globe, whereas Eudrilus eugeniae
is popular in tropical and subtropical countries [57]. Apart
from this, polyculture worms are also used with a combina-
tion of different species. Eisenia fetida, also termed as ROLE OF VERMICULTURES IN VERMICOMPOSTING
banded worms, are the most widely used species for the deg- Earthworms played an important role in organic waste
radation and stabilization of different types of organic wastes, system by colonizing organic waste along with consumption,
including neem leaves [67], dung of cow, buffalo, horse, don- digestion, and assimilation of high rates of organic wastes.
key, sheep, goat, and camel [55], biogas slurry, cow dung, They also have the ability to tolerate a wide range of envi-
vegetable market waste, wheat straw [38], kitchen waste, ronmental stresses with high reproductive rates [86]. In an
agroresidues, and institutional and industrial wastes [69], cow organic waste system, earthworms ingest, grind, and digest

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 3
Table 2. Vermicomposting with suitable organic amendment

Substrate Waste Worms Reference

Cow dung Distillery sludge Eisenia fetida [31]
Sawdust and cow dung Guar gum Perionyx sansibaricus [32]
Cow dung Waste of citronella plant Eudrilus eugeniae [14]
Cow dung Preconsumed processing Eisenia fetida [33]
vegetable waste
Cattle dung Tannery sludge Eisenia fetida [29]
Cow dung Sewage sludge Eisenia fetida [34]
Cow dung Filter cake, trash, and bagasse Eudrilus eugeniae [35]
Cow dung Food industry sludge Eisenia fetida [36]
Primary sewage sludge Paper pulp mill sludge Eisenia andrei [37]
Sugarcane trash Sewage sludge Eisenia fetida [38]
Sewage sludge Polycyclic aromatic Eisenia fetida [39]
Cow dung Nonrecyclable postconsumer Eisenia fetida [40]
paper waste
Poultry droppings Textile mill sludge Eisenia fetida [41]
Anaerobically digested Textile mill wastewater sludge Eisenia fetida [42]
biogas plant slurry
Cow dung/agricultural Solid textile mill sludge Eisenia fetida [43]
Sugar mill filter cake Horse dung Eisenia fetida [44]
Cow dung Solid textile mill sludge Eisenia fetida [45]
Cattle dung Crop residues Eisenia fetida [46]
Wheat straw, cow dung, Vegetable solid waste Eisenia fetida [47]
and biogas slurry
Cow dung Water hyacinth Eisenia fetida [48]
Cattle manure Dairy industry sludge Eisenia andrei [28]
Cattle dung Beverage industry sludge Eisenia fetida [49]
Cattle dung Sugar industry waste Eisenia fetida, [12]
Perionyx excavatus,
and Eudrilus eugeniae
Cow dung and agriculture Leather processing sludge Eisenia fetida [50]
Sheep manure Cotton industrial waste Eisenia fetida [51]
Cow manure Oat straw Eisenia fetida [52]
Cow manure Hospital wastes Eisenia fetida [53]
Cow dung Fly ash Eisenia fetida [54]

Table 3. Different vermitechnology systems

Vermicomposting system Description

Windrow Long rows on ground up to depth of 50 cm, organic waste is
placed and worms are introduced.
Continuous flow system Container above the ground with mesh floor.
Stacking system Several trays on top of one another. Mostly, three trays are used with 150 mm in depth.
Batching system Compiled of boxes.
Wedge system Horizontal feeding method, where at 45 angle feed is applied on the bedding.
Pits Below the ground, 1-m-deep and 1.5-m-wide pits with varying lengths
Heaps Above the ground, heaps are made with placement of polythene sheet on ground.
Tanks Above the ground, tanks are made with normal bricks.
Cement rings Cement rings are made with dimensions of 90 cm diameter and 30 cm height.

organic waste with the help of aerobic and anaerobic micro- ble and microbially active material [40,88–90]. During this sta-
flora present in the gut of earthworms. The physical and bio- bilization process, chelating and phytohormonal elements are
chemical actions are performed in waste system by released, which make the organic matter into stabilized humic
earthworms. substances with high microbial content [90]. According to Lav-
The example of physical actions includes substrate aera- elle [91], earthworms ingest organic waste as well as soil
tion, mixing, and actual grinding. Biochemical actions by which pass through their body where it mixes with digestive
earthworms include microbial decomposition of substrate in enzymes and reduced by the grinding action. The material
the intestine of earthworms [20,37,51,87]. As a result of this that is excreted by the worms after digestion is nutrient rich
activity, rapid mineralization and humification process start, and termed as “castings.” All these roles are better played in
which convert the unstable organic matter into relatively sta- moist soil and well-aerated soils with low acidic value.

4 Month 2015 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 4. Classification of earthworms

Type Characteristics Examples

Anecic These construct permanent vertical burrows as in the soil (4 to 6 feet deep) Lumbricus terrestris
They feed on organic debris on the soil surface Lampito mauritii
Endogeic They mainly show horizontal burrows Aporrectodea calignosa
They feeding on mineral soil particles and decaying organic matter
Epigeic They do not build permanent burrows Eisenia fetida
They are usually found in areas rich in organic matter Eisenia andrei
Perionyx excavates
Eudrilus eugeniae

Source: Ref. 58.

Table 5. Vermicomposting of organic wastes using diverse finer particles when passing through a grinding gizzard of
earthworms earthworms. Earthworms get their nourishment from
microbes, whereas microbial activity is influenced by the
casts produced by worms [21,22].
Earthworms are responsible for the increase in phospho-
Organic waste Worms (Days) References
rus, potassium, and nitrogen which ultimately improve soil
Coffee pulp Eisenia fetida 98 [59] fertility. This increase is strongly attributed to the direct
Soybean straw, Perionyx excavatu 180 [60] action of gut enzymes of earthworms or indirect action by
wheat straw, stimulation of microflora present in the gut [12,25]. Microor-
maize stover, ganisms in the gut of earthworms produce acids which in
chick pea turn play their role in solubilizing of insoluble potassium
straw and [82]. Biologically, vermicomposts contain diverse nature of
city garbage microbial populations that are more diverse and larger when
Pig waste Pheretima asiafica — [61] compared with the thermophilic composts. Vermicomposts
Coffee pulp Eudrilus eugeniae 112 [62] are also rich in nutrient composition such as nitrates,
Pig manure Eisenia fetida 252 [63] exchangeable calcium, phosphorus, and soluble potassium.
Cattle dung Perionyx excavatus 75 [64] This is due to the vermicompost ability of having large sur-
Cow and horse Drawidia nepalensis 240 [65] face area which provides microsites for microbial activity
manure resulting in the availability of nutrients [68]. Microorganisms
Spent mushroom Eisenia fetida and 90 [66] present in the gut of earthworms are strongly responsible for
compost Eisenia andrei acid production and play role in process and increased K2O
Sewage sludge Eisenia fetida 126 [19] level. Carbonic acid and sulfuric acids are the major
Paper mill Lumbricus terrestris — [27] potassium-solubilizing acids produced by microflora present
sludge in the gut of earthworms [82]. According to Parthasarathi and
Neem leaves Eisenia fetida — [67] Ranganathan [98], microbial communities present in the gut
of earthworms secrete enzymes which are actually responsi-
ble for enhanced N, P, and K contents in vermicomposts.
Vermicomposts produced after digestion and excretion by Total phosphorus increased during the vermicomposting pro-
earthworms are actually nutrient-rich organic soil amendment cess as a result of bacterial activity present in the gut of
and has considerable potential in crop production. The com- earthworms and fecal phosphatase activity of earthworms
bined action of microorganisms and earthworms makes it due to mineralization and mobilization [15]. According to
finely divided peat-like material with high porosity, aeration, Vinotha et al. [99], phosphorus concentration in vermicasts
drainage, water-holding capacities, and low C:N ratios [68]. reported to be increasing due to microbial communities pres-
In waste system, under aerobic conditions, earthworms ent in organic waste substrate.
ingest the organic solid waste and convert a portion of it There is a strong relationship of microbial decomposer
into biomass and respiration products [92]. Microflora of communities and earthworms in a waste system. Earth-
organic waste and intestine along with gut enzymes of earth- worms in a waste system favor and promote biochemical
worms are responsible in the decomposition of organic degradation, which in turn promotes the activity of decom-
waste [93–95]. poser microbial communities. This is due to the addition of
The rest of the organic material that does not undergo mucus and enzymes in waste material through muscular
complete stabilization process is discreted by earthworms as action of foregut of earthworms, which increased the sur-
residual, which is a partially stabilized material known as face area of waste for decomposition by microbial action
“vermicasting” [92]. The enzymes secreted through the diges- [36]. Apart from aerobic microbial communities and anaero-
tive epithelium of gut of earthworms are cellulase, amylase, bic microbes, nitrifying and denitrifying microbes are also
invertase, protease, and phosphatase [96]. Although the pro- present in the intestinal gut of earthworms [100]. Firestone
cess of transformation of organic waste in the gut of earth- et al. [101] described the role of facultative anaerobic bacte-
worms is not fully understood, the resulting worm castings ria which reduce the nitrates to nitrogen and nitrous oxide.
(worms manure) are reported to be rich in microbial activity, Karsten and Drake [102] reported that gastrointestinal tracts
plant growth regulators, and fortified with pest repellence of gut of earthworms contain high proportion of anaerobic
[97]. Some earthworm species can rapidly consume the denitrifying microflora when compared with the surround-
organic fraction of solid waste and fragment them into much ing soil.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 5
Table 6. Factors with optimal range for vermicomposting vermicomposting system because of different intermediate
species production, and hence, different types of waste show
Optimal range for different behaviors in pH shift, and the overall pH in vermi-
earthworms growth composting process drops from alkaline to acidic nature [28].
Parameters and cocoon production References Many studies [1,12,38,69,73,113] reported acidic pH during
vermicomposting process; however, at initial stages, the pH
Stocking density 27–53 worms per kg [105] value is in alkaline range (8.3–7.2), which slightly shifts to
and 4–8 worms per g/feed acidic or neutral range (6.3–7.1) at the end of vermicompost-
Temperature 25–37 C [106] ing process [42] owing to the intermediate products produced
Feeding rate 1.25 kg feed/kg worm/day [107] during the process. Yadav and Garg [1] also reported
Moisture 65–70% [70] decreased pH from alkaline (7.2–8.1) to slightly acidic (6.4–
C:N Ratio 25 [107] 6.8), which was supported by the results of Khwairakpam and
pH 4.2–8.0 [58] Bhargava [12]. Another experiment conducted by Yadav and
Garg [36] also showed decreasing trend in vermicomposting
process with initially alkaline (6.5–7.9) to finally acidic (5.8–
Vermicomposting is also used for toxic metal uptake and 6.7). The results of Suthar [38] showed 3.5–9.5% overall
removal and break down of complex chemical chemicals to decrease in pH value during vermicomposting. However,
nontoxic forms [103]. During ingestion of organic substrate Datar et al. [114] reported contradiction results with the
by earthworms, heavy metals present in organic matter are increase in the value of pH during vermicomposting. The final
up taken by the skin and intestine of earthworms. The lower pH of waste when compared with the initial characteris-
increase in composting time results in the decreased uptake tics was largely due to the evolution of CO2 and the accumu-
of heavy metals absorption [104]. lation of organic acids [28].
The important factors with optimal range values that have Temperature
influence on vermicomposting process, growth of worms, Although, earthworms have fairly complex responses to
and production of cocoons are given in Table 6. However, changes in temperature, the optimum temperature range
the detail of each factor is discussed as follows. may be 25–37 C (Table 6), which favors the activity, growth,
metabolism, respiration, reproduction, and cocoon produc-
Feeding tion for earthworms and also favors the microorganisms
Feeding plays an important role not only in the growth associated with earthworms. Worms tolerate at a temperature
and reproduction of earthworms during vermicomposting range of 5–29 C [115]. Different tolerant temperature ranges
but also on the production rate of cocoon. The feeding rate are documented by several researchers from 0 to 40 C
is influenced by different factors like moisture, particle size, [86,116]. At higher temperatures (above 30 C), the chemical
and substrates organic content [108]. According to Wright and microbial activity enhances in the substrate, which leads
[109], the feeding rate is dependent on the feed type, prepa- to the reduction of oxygen level and thus had negative
ration, or feed pretreatment. The methodology adopted effects on earthworms [86]. Different earthworm species
while feeding the substrate is important to oppose anaerobic showed different responses against temperature. For exam-
conditions as mentioned by Reinecke and Viljoen [110]. In a ple, Eisenia fetida grows optimally at 25 C with 0–35 C tem-
vermicomposting system, anaerobic microorganisms are also perature tolerance, whereas Dendrobaena veneta showed
consumed by worms along with organic matter. High organic optimum growth at lower temperature and found less toler-
matter reduces the activity of worms, therefore enhancing ance of extreme temperatures. Eudrilus eugeniae and Perio-
anaerobic activity of microorganisms which creates anaerobic nyx excavatus also showed optimum growth at about 25 C;
and foul odor conditions [111]. Toxic metals if present in the however, their tolerance temperature range was generally
organic feed become fatal for worms [54]. Gupta et al. [54] found between 9 and 35 C [22]. In another study, Dendro-
reported good vermicompost processes at 60% feed as fly baena veneta showed poor reduction with decreasing tem-
ash; however, when it reached to 80%, a gradual decrease in perature [88]. A study conducted by Frederickson and
the degradation efficiency of worms was observed. In the Howell [117] to assess the earthworm population in unheated
study of Garg et al. [69], when different types of dungs were (at ambient temperature of 6.3 C 6 2.3 C) and heated beds
used as feed, it was found that cow, sheep, horse, and goat (at 13.7 C 6 0.8 C) showed greater earthworm biomass and
dung had more favorable feed for the production of value- higher numbers of hatchlings and cocoons in heated beds
added fertilizer when compared with buffalo, camel, and when compared with unheated beds. However, another
donkey dung. study found that Eudrilus eugeniae and Perionyx excavates
showed higher hatching percentage at lower temperatures
pH (20–24 C) when compared with high temperatures (27–30 C)
Neutral pH is suitable for the proper working of worms, [118]. From this discussion, we may conclude that different
but the favorable range reported is 4.5–9.0. It mostly earthworm species showed diverse response against diverse
depends on earthworm sensitivity [15] and physicochemical temperature ranges. Vermicomposting systems, when com-
characteristics of the waste. The difference in physicochemi- pared with composting process, are greatly affected by
cal characteristics of waste mainly alters the pH of vermi- extreme temperature conditions, that is, low or high temper-
composting process. The microbial activity changes ature. For example, higher temperatures in vermicomposting
physicochemical characteristics of waste during decomposi- systems are responsible for the loss of nitrogen as NH3 vola-
tion process along with mineralization of nitrogen and tilization [119]. On the other hand, lower temperatures in
phosphorus into nitrites/nitrates and orthophosphates vermicomposting process fail to destroy pathogenic organ-
[38,47]. Because of the decomposition of organics, some isms [25]. Edwards [68] reported that increased temperature
intermediates are produced, such as ammonium and humic up to 30 C accelerated the growth of earthworm specie
acids, during the decomposition process that alter the (Perionyx excavatus) with lessened time of sexual maturity.
change of pH based on the fact that negatively and posi- They also concluded that highest reproduction rate of Perio-
tively charged groups led to either neutral or acidic pH nyx excavates was observed at 25 C. Eisenia fetida showed
[112]. Different types of substrates also affect the pH of the broad temperature tolerance between 15 and 20 C [106,120].

6 Month 2015 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Lumbricus terrestris showed increased weight with an opti- and growth rate of worms. For example, the production rate
mal temperature range of 15–17.5 C [121]. of cocoon and the reproduction rate of worms decreased
with the increasing concentration of distillery sludge in the
Moisture vermicomposting system owing to the presence of higher
The growth rate of earthworms has been related to the growth-retarding compounds like metals, higher salt concen-
moisture level in the vermicomposting system [122]. An opti- tration, and grease in the initial feed of worms [31]. The
mum moisture range between 50 and 80% has been consid- reduction in worm’s efficiency was attributed to the presence
ered for efficient vermicomposting [123]; however, up to 90% of toxic metals. The toxic copper ions enter the cocoon by
of moisture level has also been considered efficient for ver- diffusion as cocoon membrane is permeable, and these cop-
micomposting process [120]. Low-moisture conditions delay per ions interact with the proteinaceous material and reserve
sexual development of earthworms [86]. According to Rei- for developing embryos of worms. Similarly, chromium ions
necke and Venter [124], the optimum moisture content for across the cell membrane reduce the transport capability of
Eisenia fetida is 70%. Neuhauser et al. [125] considered 70– essential metabolites due to electrode potential reduction,
80% moisture content as optimum for Eisenia fetida in cow which might be the cause of toxicity for developing embryo.
manure, and Tomlin and Miller [126] reported Eisenia fetida Lead also affects during cocoon production by entering into
development and reproduction at 82% of moisture content cocoon through clitellar muscles and disturbs embryo devel-
level. Kaplan et al. [127] achieved higher worm biomass with opment [139].
optimum moisture content between 70–80%. Some species Stocking density of worms in vermicomposting system is
of earthworms like Lumbricus terrestris survive well in dry another important factor which is to be considered. There is
conditions, whereas others like Allolobophora chlorotica, still a limited knowledge available regarding optimum stock-
Allolobophora caliginosa, and Aporrectodea rosea did not ing density load rates of vermicomposting systems [64]. The
survive in dry conditions. Albanell et al. [51] mentioned that higher stocking density results in reduced earthworm growth
moisture reduction was greater in vermicastings than in and cocoon production even at appropriate physicochemical
manures. conditions. Garg et al. [105] found that Eisenia fetida showed
different behaviors at different stocking densities. At higher
stocking densities, the worms grew slowly in the vermicom-
Stocking Density posting system while the maximum body weight of earth-
The density of earthworms is influenced by several factors worms was higher at lower stocking densities. The worm
including initial substrate quality and quantity, temperature, population of 27–53 worms per kilogram and 4–8 worms per
moisture, and soil structure and texture [21,128–130]. The gram/feed mixture is optimum as stocking density for effec-
copulation frequency of earthworms is high at low popula- tive vermicomposting system [105]. Suthar [64] reported that
tion density, whereas it decreases when the density the production rate of cocoon and the performance of earth-
approaches the carrying capacity of the substrate [122]. It has worm were high at high-stocking density load, whereas the
been reported that the stocking density of 1.60 kg worms/m2 individual biomass production was high in low-stocking den-
is optimum for vermicomposting [107]. Dominguez et al. [24] sity loads.
reported that Eisenia andrei grew slowly on higher popula- Substrate type also affects the growth rate of worms and
tion density with lower final body weight. the production rate of cocoon, that is, among different live-
stock excreta in the form of dung of cow, buffalo, horse,
C:N Ratio donkey, sheep, goat, and camel for vermicomposting, the
The C:N ratio plays a critical role in cell synthesis, growth, highest production rate of cocoon was recorded in donkey
and metabolism of earthworms. For proper nutrition, carbon dung (116 6 38.20) and buffalo dung (120 6 9.64); however,
and nitrogen should be present as substrates in appropriate horse and camel dung showed no cocoon production [140],
and correct ratio [107]. C:N ratio is one of the most important which might be attributed to the physicochemical nature of
indicators of waste stabilization, which is widely used in the the substrate and the presence of potential toxic contami-
index for compost maturation [45,131,132]. The improved com- nants. It is also observed by researchers that cocoon produc-
post maturity is reflected with a C:N ratio less than 20 [21,133] tion is more in the case of using cow dung as substrate feed,
when the initial C:N ratio of the substrate is 25 [107]. As a result whereas it becomes low in the case of horse dung, most
of rapid mineralization and organic matter decomposition, car- probably owing to lower nutritional value [65,138]. Haimi
bon is lost as carbon dioxide in microbial respiration, and at and Huhta [141] reported decrease of cocoon and increase of
the same time, nitrogen is increased by worms in the form of biomass in “worm bed compost” containing sewage sludge
mucus, and the nitrogenous excretory material results in overall as substrate feed. Turkey solids when used as substrate feed
decrease in C:N ratio [14,41,74,79,131,134,135]. However, initial for worms also showed poor growth rates due to high
nitrogen contents in the substrate are mainly responsible for ammonia content and conductivity values, which diminished
the final N content of vermicompost and overall the extent of the growth of earthworms [138]. Earthworms grow with
decomposition. The decrease in pH also plays an important increased cocoon production at most appropriately between
role in nitrogen retention, as at high pH, nitrogen is lost as vol- temperatures of 25–37 C [106]. Edwards et al. [138] reported
atile ammonia [136]. accelerated sexual maturity of earthworms with increasing
temperature up to 30 C. The optimal moisture content of 65–
GROWTH AND COCOON PRODUCTION 70% was considered good for worm growth and cocoon pro-
The growth rate of worms and the production rate of duction [70].
cocoon during the vermicomposting process are vital for sus-
tainable progress of the process. The production rate of BIOGAS PRODUCTION USING VERMICOMPOST AND USE OF BIOGAS SLURRY
cocoon is mostly dependent on the quality of feed and sub- Biogas is produced as a result of anaerobic digestion or
strate. Physicochemical and nutrient characteristics are the codigestion of animal wastes or organic wastes [30]. Mostly,
main factors in determining the growth of earthworms [137]. it is used in lighting and cooking by farmers in agriculture-
High feeding generally results in high production rates of based countries, which is produced in reactors known as
cocoon [110], which is also a reflection of the quality of the biogas digesters, and millions of people around the world
waste as it could be the important factor that determines the get benefited by this low-cost and environment-friendly tech-
onset of cocoon production [138]. Sometimes, extreme condi- nology [30,142,143]. Generally, biogas is a composition mix-
tions of system may lead to decrease in cocoon production ture of 48–65% methane, 36–41% carbon dioxide, up to 17%

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2015 7
nitrogen, <1% oxygen, and 32–169 ppm hydrogen sulfide, et al. [154], 20–25 million US dollars is required for the con-
and traces of other gases [144]. In anaerobic digestion pro- struction of engineered landfills and dumping of first load.
cess, the yield of biogas is affected by many factors, among On the other hand, vermicomposting provides profit when
which substrate composition is one important factor. compared with capital investment in terms of better growth
Actually, it is the pretreatment requirement in anaerobic of crops and sales of vermicompost. The marketing and eco-
codigestion process which enhances the production of bio- nomic cost effectiveness of vermicompost has been studied
gas; however, pretreatments are rarely discussed in the litera- by Devkota [155]. The authors collected information on the
ture since the last decade [43,145]. Currently, intensive production and marketing of vermicompost from vermicom-
research has been carried out to explore the pretreatment post producers of Chitwan, Nepal. The authors suggested
options for anaerobic codigestion and production of biogas. that vermicompost total production cost was Rs. 15.68 per
Previously, pretreatment involved mechanical (33%), thermal kilogram compost and Rs. 0.40 per earthworm with a net
(24%), and chemical (21%) methods [43]; however, the focus profit of Rs. 9.32 per kilogram. Total variable and gross cost
has now been diverted toward biological pretreatments, and was found to be 4.30 and 2.55, respectively, in view of
the use of vermicompost is one sound option. Briefly, the undiscounted benefit cost ratio. The payback period of capi-
lignocellulosic material, that is, chitin, present in initial sub- tal investment was suggested to be 1.72 years. This study
strate composition in anaerobic process is hard to be revealed high feasibility enterprise for vermicompost produc-
degraded by anaerobic microorganisms [44]. The vermicom- tion. Jensen et al. [156] provided the capital and operational
posting process enhances the degradability of chitin by costs for vermicomposting systems. The major capital costs
hydrolysis to free N-acetyl-D-glucosamine by a chitinolytic were involved in terms of land, permit fees, facility, utilities
system consisting of two hydrolases, chitinase and N-acetyl development, general equipment, specialized vermicompost-
b-glucosaminidase which act consecutively. The vermicom- ing system, and rolling stocks, and it overall costs $2,159,000
post also provides large surface area to enhance nutrient for Indoor Continuous-Flow Reactor Facility Vermicompost-
retention to anaerobic microorganisms responsible for biogas ing with a capacity of 100 tons of organic waste per day.
production. The degradation of chitin in vermicompost sys- However, this cost could be reduced to $1,917,000 in the
tem made favorable conditions for anaerobic microorganisms case of the absence of base and tunnels. Apart from these
to readily attack the vermicomposted enwrapped degradable capital costs, the operational costs may involve labor wages,
organic matters that might be the important factor for maintenance, fuel and utilities, disposal fee for undisposal
enhancement of methane production. In the study of Chen materials, insurance/taxes, monitoring/testing, marketing/
et al. [44], the corn stalk was codigested with vermicompost, sales, bagging, accounting, and administration. All these
which resulted in better biogas yield with 63.21–65.10% operational costs vary on geographical scale. Distant to these
methane content when compared with corn stalk digested costs, there are certain barriers for industrial and commercial
alone. The improvement in cellulose destruction was also level which may hinder the widespread use of vermisystems.
observed by the addition of vermicompost. As there is lim- For example, low-technology vermisystems, labor cost, rele-
ited literature available on the use of vermicompost as an vant experience, and lack of marketing aspects. The pro-
amendment for enhancing biogas production, it is direly jected labor costs were estimated to be in the range of $28–
important to explore the new directions and intensive 80 based on experience at low to medium technology opera-
research on use of vermicompost in biogas production. On tions on per ton of material processed basis. However, more
the other hand, the byproduct of biogas termed as “biogas efficient vermitechnologies in larger projects significantly
slurry” can effectively be used for the substrate amendment reduced the labor cost per ton of organic wastes processing.
in vermicomposting systems. For example, biogas plant It was estimated by the US military researchers that operating
slurry has been used by Yadav and Garg [46] for vermicom- cost of continuous-flow vermicomposting reactor system
posting food industry wastewater. The results showed that handling 9.1 tons per day may require $40–60 per ton. Sev-
without amendment of biogas plant slurry, the worms were eral factors play crucial role as potential barrier during the
unable to survive in 100% sludge. Thus, the addition of these feasibility and adoption of vermicomposting in industrial set-
organic sources is necessary during vermicomposting. ups, such as onsite or offsite processing, location/space, cli-
mate, human pathogens, feedstock loading rates, and
INDUSTRIAL PERSPECTIVE OF VERMICOMPOSTING earthworm population growth and availability. The annual
Owing to the environmental issues and pollution prob- return/profit, however, may significantly increase after adop-
lems associated with conventional treatment methods for the tion of vermicomposting systems as indicated by Jensen
treatment of industrial wastes, vermicomposting has been et al. [156] with a total of $2,055,000. Overall, it is concluded
growing as an emerging cost-effective and environmentally for this section that apart from some socioeconomic barriers
sound treatment option for a wide range of industries. for industrial setups, vermicomposting is a viable, environ-
Although huge work has been carried out in the literature mentally sound, and cost-effective technology with a net
regarding vermicomposting of industrial wastes, no compre- profit more than capital and operational costs and can be
hensive review is available to provide a simple and up to adopted by a diverse range of industries. Marketing and
date knowledge on vermicomposting of industrial wastes. awareness on vermicomposting should be enhanced espe-
The gap was initially covered by the work of Yadav and cially for industries to adopt this cost-effective and environ-
Garg [48]. Briefly, the vermicomposting can effectively be mentally healthy technology.
used for industrial solid waste, including palm oil mill [49],
paper pulp [27,28,37], winery/beverage [50,52,53], sugar CONCLUSIONS
[35,59], textile [45,60], food [61], thermal power plant [78], Our review identified that vermicomposting may be the
dairy [62,63], tannery [66,146], distillery [147,148], oil extrac- viable and a very low-cost option to handle solid waste in
tion [149], guar gum [32], and sago industries [150,151]. an ecofriendly way. Based on the above discussion, it can be
Here, the question arises about the operational cost of the concluded that vermicomposting is a waste management
vermicomposting systems for treating industrial solid organic technology that involves decomposition of organic fraction
wastes through either conventional or vermicomposting of solid waste in an ecofriendly way to a level in which it
methods. Nevertheless, vermicomposting systems are less can be easily stored, handled, and applied to agricultural
energy consuming, economically feasible, and cost effective fields without any adverse effects. Integration approach of
over conventional treatment technologies [152] and have composting and vermicomposting processes provides better
more potential of nutrient recovery [153]. According to Sinha results by combining both processes and choosing one of

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