Chapter 1

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Emotional Impact of Bullying among the Junior High School

Students of Balijuagan National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

for the Subject

Research in Daily Life I


John Mar de Jaime

Joemarie Gomez

Jean Candelario

March 05 2018



This chapter presents the Background of the

study, Statement of the problem, Significance of the study,

Scope and delimitation of the study and Definition of


Background of the stud

Bullying can exist in any part of the

world. It can happen anywhere and in any situation.

Bullying can be considered a fatal cause of emotional

depression and even lead to suicide acts. Here in the

Philippines bullying mostly happen in school and the most

common victims were students who do not know how to handle


Bullying is decried as a serious problem

in academic setting in all parts of the words. They found

that bullying has negative impact to academic performance.

Females were more affected than male in bullying.

Bullying constitutes a complex problem in school kids

lives. It is a problem that affects all students, either

bullies or victim, and those who attended inter-personal

violence. Bullying may involve many sections verbal,

physical assault, threats, jokes or other languages and

criticizing. All of such factor effect individually or

collectively and contributes in child bullying. It is well

known that bullying is difficult to eliminate or to stop it

in school because it is used by students. Themselves is

considered as a global problem that effect emotional,

social, and physical well being of school-age children.

Bullying in school occurs in any place either in school

building or outside school promises and may occur in

bathrooms, school buses and during waiting for school

buses, and in classes which may require group work or after

school activities. School bullying is a widespread issue

that affects school students in many parts of their lives

such as; thier Psychological, Educational and Professional.

aspecs Bullying at school affects academic achievements

since bullied children feel fear and weak at the same time.

Further, it also affects self confidence and personality

traits. Therefore such situations make bullied students

unable to follow or to pay attention for their study well

and even they might do not like to go to school. Moreover,

they miss the opportunities to participate with their

colleagues or even enjoy school activities.

Statement of the problem

This study aimed to answer the following


What are the emotional effects of bullying to the Junior

High School students of Balijuagan national high school?

What are the reasons of the student bully?

What is the school intervention in solving bullying inside

the school campus?

Significance of the study

​The significance of the study is to inform

the students, parents, teacher, and future researcher the

effect of cyber bully into the student of balijuagan

national high school.

Student​-To learn and to inform the effects of cyber

bullying and to know necessary steps to prevent bullying

experience that situation.

Parents​- To know the effects of person cyber bullying to

become aware of the effects to her/his children.

Teacher- To know what are the reasons and to give advice to

the student who bulled and the person that first give

action to problem.

Future Researcher- ​To know the affect of cyber bullying to

the children to give advice to the experience the cyber


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

In this study we focus to determine the

difference performance of our school (BNHS) because most

teenagers are now victims of bullying especially in school.

Definition of Terms

Emotional- refers to Likely to show or express emotion

-In this study emotional referred to showing your


Impact- refers to have a strong and often bad effect

(something or someone).

-In this study impact referred to the act or

force of one thing hitting another.

Bullying-​refers to here in the ​Philippines ​bullying mostly

happen in school most common victims were students who do

not know how to handle depression.

-in this study bullying refers to bullying is the

use of intimidation, coercion threats or force to dominate

other bullying behaviors are often habitual, creating a

long-term problem for victims.

Students- refers to a person who attend a schools colleges

or university.

-A person who came in school to studies



Review of Related Literature

Foreign- Some of the students at the San

Francisco International High School have only been in the

country for a short time, but they are already tackling

difficult topics that transcend borders. Each student has

selected a “Change maker” someone who, in their eyes, is

solving the problems these students care about most. In

this ongoing series, the students first write about

themselves and why they selected their change maker. The

profiles of their heroes will follow. Bullying can make

children feel depressed and powerless, and a majority of

students in America report witnessing bullying at their

schools.student often feel poorly supported by adults and

teachers who do not intervene to prevent bullying. These

are two of the students who have selected a change marker

working to reduce bullying.

Local- The Philippines is not an exemption. “Over

here, with the study in 2016, and that’s a remarkable

number considering that those that are bullied are the

youth and in the school setup,” Cheyenne dela fuente,

expert in child Behavior and Psycology told The Manila

Times during the launch of an anti-bullying campaign.

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