Brief History of British Kings & Queens, A - Ashley, Mike

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MIKE ASHLEY is an author and editor of over sixty

books, including many Mammoth titles. He worked for

over thirty years in local government but is now a
full-time writer and researcher specializing in ancient
history, historical fiction and fantasy, crime and
science fiction. He lives in Kent with his wife and over
20,000 books.

Praise for British Monarchs

‘Mike Ashley doesn’t skimp on dates in his . . .hefty

800-page tome on 2,000 years of rule in the British

Independent on Sunday

‘. . . destined to be probably the most complete and

authoritative record.’

Books Magazine

Other titles in this series

A Brief History of The Boxer Rebellion

Diana Preston

A Brief History of The Druids

Peter Berresford Ellis

A Brief History of Fighting Ships

David Davies

A Brief History of The Great Moghuls

Bamber Gascoigne

A Brief History of The Royal Flying Corps in World

War I

Ralph Barker

A Brief History of Science

Thomas Crump

A Brief History of The Tudor Age

Jasper Ridley

Constable & Robinson Ltd.
55–56 Russell Square
London WC1B 4HP

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The Prehistory (700BC–AD43)

The Roman Occupation (43–410)

The Dark Ages (410–802)

The Saxons, Angles and Jutes

The First Kings of the English (802–1066)

The House of Normandy (1066–1154)

The Kingdoms of Wales and of Scotland

Wales (500–1240)

Scotland (850–1165)

The House of Anjou (part 1: 1154–1272)


Kingdoms Still Divided

Wales 1246–84

Scotland 1214–1371

The House of Anjou (part II: 1272–1399)

The Houses of Lancaster and York (1399–1485)

The House of Tudor (1485–1603)

Scotland: The House of Stewart (1371–1625)

England, Wales and Scotland: The House of Stewart

(later Stuart) (1603–1714)


The House of Hanover (1714–1901)


The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (changed to

Windsor) (1901–)



The Celtic Tribes (Pre-Roman Conquest)

The Roman Occupation (AD43–AD410)

The British Kingdoms (410–920)

The Saxon Kingdoms (455–933)

The Danish Kingdoms (866–954)

The Saxon and Danish Kingdoms (899–1066)

The English Kingdoms (1066–1603)

England and Scotland (1603–1694)

Great Britain (1714–)

The Picts and Scots (Pre-Roman–847)

The Scottish Kingdoms (908–1130)

The Danish and Norse Kingdoms (560–1471)

Scotland (1306–1807)

Kingdom of Man (1333–1765)

The Welsh Kingdoms (400–1291)



1. The Direct Descent of Elizabeth II

2. The Saxon Kings of the English

3. The House of Normandy

4. The House of Anjou/Plantagenet

5. The Houses of York and Lancaster

6. The Tudor and Stewart Succession

7. The House of Stewart

8. The House of Hanover

9. The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

(changed to Windsor)

Bibliography and Acknowledgements



I have long been fascinated by the kings and queens

who have ruled these British Isles. I don’t mean simply
the forty-three from William the Conqueror to our
present Elizabeth II, only twelve of whom have ruled a
‘united’ kingdom, but all of them, almost a thousand,
stretching back over two thousand years.

Many of them we know little about, yet they all

contributed to the development (not all of it beneficial)
of these islands, and many of them interweave in a
complex and fascinating way. You can picture it
almost like the many tributaries of the mighty river
Amazon. Hundreds of these small streams and rivulets
starting high up in the Andes and other mountainous
regions of South America, filter down, combine and
gradually create bigger and bigger rivers until they all
flow into the Amazon, the greatest river of them all.

So too the many chieftains and petty tribal kings of

England, each of whom ruled their territories, fought
with others over theirs, gradually merging some
territory, perhaps dividing others, but all steadily
coming together over a period of some seventeen

hundred years until the United Kingdom emerged in
eighteenth century. The British royal family is one of
the oldest in the world. Queen Elizabeth II can trace
her ancestry back with certainty for fifteen hundred
years and with a degree of accuracy another five
hundred. Very few of the world’s remaining royal
families can do that.

That has been my fascination. Over the years I have

gathered data on all of these rulers and, in 1998, I was
at last able to bring this together in my book British
Monarchs, subsequently issued in paperback as The
Mammoth Book of British Kings & Queens. That was a
rather mighty tome – all 840 or so tightly printed pages
– but it achieved what I wanted to do, capturing all the
data available on those thousand kings.

However, the picture is so vast and complex that it

helps to have a simpler version, one that tells the story
from start to finish without too many diversions and
backwaters and tributaries. With the considerable help
of Elfreda Powell, this Brief History does just that.
You will be able to follow through the story of the
many rulers of Britain from the earliest times down to
the present day and see how the United Kingdom came
about and what part each ruler played.

Today the British monarchy has but a symbolic,

ceremonial role, whose crucial power is one of
restraint. This, of course, was not always so. Our first
kings were absolute rulers and warriors. Over the
centuries the concept of kingship has changed

drastically, often turbulently, as our warring kingdoms
evolved, conquered and eventually coalesced.

Fighting and slaughter were not confined to

neighbouring tribes and kingdoms, or to kings and
their ambitious relatives, but wave after wave of
invaders – Romans, Saxons, Angles, Danes, Vikings,
Normans – raided our shores, causing havoc and
devastation, until the Normans imposed their strict rule
and created order. The main part of this book
concentrates on that magnificent procession of strong,
weak, benign and bloodthirsty kings and queens whose
ambitions, or lack of them, made this kingdom what it
is today. The book is also full of charts and lists to help
take you through these complex tributaries to the one
mighty river of today.

Whether one is a devout royalist or a staunch

republican one cannot but be intrigued and fascinated
by the process that caused this evolution and by the
thousand or so known kings or queens who have ruled
part or all of Britain. This book tells that story.

– Mike Ashley

Early Britain


The islands that form Great Britain have been occupied

by humans since the end of the last Ice Age, when a
social structure began to emerge that brought with it
the need for more powerful and organized leaders. It
seems that communities inevitably fall into hierarchies
and need a dominant figure to lead, someone whom
they can respect and elevate to a higher level – almost
to one of godhead. We have no record of what these
people were like in Britain’s earliest times, however.
Whether they were men who had distinguished
themselves through brute strength or cunning, or

whether they possessed certain outstanding mystical
qualities to become leaders of their nomadic tribes, we
do not know. But their role would have been primarily
to defend their territory and help their kinsmen to
subsist through the changing seasons by hunting and

There have been kings and chieftains in Britain for at

least 3,000 years. The magnificent tomb discovered at
Forteviot in Scotland in 2009 and which dates back to
2000BC was almost certainly for royalty or someone
worshipped as a hero. The population of the whole of
Britain at that time was about 250,000 rising to
perhaps 1.5 million by the time of the Roman
conquest. the population of the whole country not
exceeding about 20,000.
Historians vary on dates but from about the eighth
century BC, Celtic culture and probably language from
the nearby continent, notably Gaul, began to influence
the native British. There was no invasion of the island
by the Celts but there was a cultural and social change
which brought with it a superior knowledge of iron to
make weapons, farm tools and transport.

From about 100BC there was an increased migration of

Celts from Gaul into southern Britain which further
reinforced the development of a tribal structure with an
aristocratic hierarchy. These Celts were highly mobile.
They fought with swords and spears and used
two-wheeled chariots. These were the Belgae who
settled in what is now Kent, the Atrebates in
Hampshire and Sussex, and the Parisii in Yorkshire;
while other natives tribes, their sworn enemies, were

the Trinovantes in Essex, the Iceni in Norfolk, the
Dobunni in the Cotswolds, the Dumnonii in Cornwall,
the Silures and Ordovices in Wales and the Marches,
and the Brigantes of Yorkshire, all independent of one
another. In northern Britain (now Scotland) were the

When the Greek navigator **********Pytheas visited

Britain in the fourth century BC and sailed around the
island, he noted that it was a country of many kings.
Pytheas visited the tin mines of Cornwall where there
was a thriving trade with Greece and the Middle East.
Britain was known to the Greeks as the Tin, or
Pretanic, Isles, from whence the name Britain

We know little of these kingdoms’ individual leaders

before the Romans recorded them. Celtic tradition,
however, has kept alive many of the names of Irish
kings and there are also many stories about the Irish
settlement of parts of Britain. One such tells us that
around the year 330BC Fergus, the son of Feradach, a
descendant of Conn of A Hundred Battles, high king of
Ireland, settled in the western highlands of Argyll.
There is a legend, variously dated, that Cruithne, the
ancestor of the Picts, settled in northern Britain from
Ireland and from his sons sprang the seven provinces
of Pictland. Setting aside the likelihood of such
legends there is little doubt that there was much
relationship between the
natives of Britain and of Ireland throughout the
pre-Roman era, and that this continued beyond the
Roman conquest.

Legend also tells us of a British king, Beli Mawr
(Mawr means ‘the Great’), father of Llud, mentioned
in the twelfth-century History of the Kings of Britain,
written by Geoffrey of Mon-mouth, who, again, relies
on legend rather than fact (he also claims that the first
king of Britain was Brutus, great grandson of the
Trojan prince Aeneas!). Llud’s name still survives in
Ludgate in the City of London.

The earliest known historical British king is Caswallon

or Cassivelaunos who flourished between 60 and
48BC. He ruled the Catuvellauni tribe who dominated
the lands to the north of the Thames, and most of what
is now Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Berkshire and
Oxfordshire and into Wiltshire. His stronghold was at
Wheathamstead. We know nothing of Caswallon’s
background other than that he was allegedly the son of
Beli and brother of Lud. He was evidently a powerful
warrior able to establish himself as the high king of the
British tribes as, before Caesar’s invasion of Britain in
55BC, Caswallon had already attacked the tribe of the
Trinovantes in Essex and killed their king. Other,
smaller tribes looked to Caswallon as their overlord,
and, more importantly, protector, as Caesar prepared
for his invasion.

Julius Caesar’s first foray into Britain was something

of a disaster. In 59BC he had decided to rout the
troublesome Belgae from Gaul and many had fled to
join their kinsmen in Kent. Caesar assembled a fleet of
a hundred ships and an army of 10,000 infantry and
cavalry and set sail for the Kentish Coast. While the
infantry had problems finding a suitable landing place,

the cavalry who followed were forced to return to
harbour in a violent storm and a number of transport
ships ‘were shattered, having lost their cables, anchors
and the remainder of their tackle,’ near what is now
Deal, and ‘were unusable, which . . . threw the whole
army into great consternation’, Caesar recorded. After
a few minor skirmishes Caesar ordered a retreat to
Gaul. Even his second campaign a year later was not
decisive. It is said
that Caswallon had an army of over 4,000 charioteers
(although that seems a wild exaggeration), let alone
infantry. But, in the end, they were no match for the

After a series of battles and sorties, the British were

forced into an encampment guarded by stakes along
the north side of the Thames. Realizing the strength of
the Roman army, Caswallon negotiated with Caesar,
who exacted tributes and hostages, and returned to
Gaul, where he feared another uprising. The fact that
Caesar was unable to conquer Britain outright says
something for the power and determination of the
British tribes and of Caswallon as leader. The Romans
saw it slightly differently: ‘Caesar . . . did indeed
intimidate the natives by a victory and secure a grip on
the coast. But he may fairly be said to have merely
drawn attention to the island: it was not his to
bequeath,’ Tacitus commented.

It would be almost ninety years before the Romans


In the interim, another king: Cunobelin, or Cymbeline
as Shakespeare called him, became one of the most
powerful kings of the ancient British. He is said to
have been the grandson of Caswallon and his
stronghold was situated at what is now St Albans. He
first invaded the kingdom of the Trinovantes and
captured their headquarters near the mouth of the River
Colne at Camulodunam (now Colchester) in AD10. The
chief of that tribe was forced to flee and eventually he
sought the protection of Emperor Augustus in Rome.
Camulodunam was a collection of scattered huts
stretching over several hundred acres and fortified by a
system of dykes. It was, at the time, the largest
settlement in Britain. Cunobelin now decided to use
Camulodunam as his base, and with the river’s outlet
in the North Sea, he was thus able to conduct an
expanding trade with Europe of cattle, corn, hides,
iron, silver and slaves, in return for jars of southern
wine, delicate jewellery, glassware and pottery.

By AD20 Cunobelin controlled a kingdom stretching

from the north bank of the Thames over all the
south-east. His power became a growing concern for
the Roman Emperors, Augustus, Tiberius and Caligula,
all of whom considered campaigns against
him, but had to use all their military power to contain
hostile tribes in Germany. Ever more ambitious, he
continued to extend his territory, attacking the
Atrebates and marching through what is now Sussex,
Hampshire and Dorset, finally capturing the iron age
fort of Maiden Castle. Cunobelin may be seen as the
last great pre-Roman British king. He ruled his

kingdom with a strong hand, but when he died in AD40
his kingdom collapsed.

Cunobelin had managed to remain on reasonably

friendly terms with the Romans; his heir and successor,
Caratacus (Caradoc), however, would have to contend
with the mighty Roman invading army. A list of the
known early British kings will be found starting on
page 414.


‘Britain yields gold, silver, and other metals, to make it

worth conquering’ wrote the first-century Roman
writer Tacitus, but warned: ‘We are dealing with

(The word Celt, coming from the Greek word Keltoi,

means precisely that – barbarians).

It finally fell to Emperor Claudius, in AD43, to

organize the invasion, with Aulus Plautius leading the
Roman army. This time they came with 40,000 men
and landed on the Kent coast. They marched inland

and engaged Caratacus and his army in the Battle of
the Medway. Caratacus and his men were defeated and
fled northwards to his father’s former stronghold at
Camulodunam. The Roman army pursued them,
forging northwards until they reached a Celtic ford
across the Thames, where ‘it empties into the sea and
at floodtime forms a lake’, wrote Caius Dio. They
crossed the river by raft, while their German
contingent was obliged to swim. From there they
pressed on but by the time they reached
Camulodunam, Caratacus had fled westwards, into the
lands of
the Dobunni, around Gloucestershire, where he would
initially build his defences and would continue a
guerrilla warfare that would last for another ten years.

Claudius, meanwhile, remained for sixteen days on the

island, during which he received the homage of eleven
chieftains from the south-east, and a bridge-head was
built at that Celtic ford, Llyn-Din, the hill by the pool,
which would become Londinium, a strategically
important site for the new Roman occupiers: easily
reached by trading ships from Europe, but far enough
inland from marauding sea raiders, and on a river that
led into the heart of the country.

Claudius would never return to Britain, and would die

eleven years later, possibly from poisoning. But from
Rome he established the first governorship of Britain
by Plautius, and Plautius’s successor in AD47 would
force Caratacus further westward, where he gained the
support of the Silures and Ordovices in south and
Central Wales. Caratacus amassed forces of over

15,000 but his brother and children were taken as
hostages. He fled to the land of the Brigantes, but their
queen Cartimandua betrayed him and handed him over
to the Romans. He and his family were taken to Rome
in chains. Since his reputation was well known,
Claudius displayed them as evidence of his own power
and authority. Caratacus was saved from execution by
a stirring speech he made and Claudius pardoned him.
But far from returning to his homeland, he remained
living in comfort in Rome and probably died around
AD54, though his brother Arviragus is believed to have
returned to Britain as a Christian King of the Silures.

It would take the Romans a further thirty years or so

before they conquered, whose total population now
amounted to around no more than 400,000. ‘Their [the
Britons’] strength is in their infantry,’ Tacitus noted,
adding that some of the tribes also fought from
chariots, with the nobleman driving, and his
dependants fighting in his defence. ‘Once they owed
obedience to kings; now they are distracted between
the warring factions of rival chiefs. Indeed
nothing has helped us more in fighting against their
very powerful nations than their inability to co-operate
. . . thus fighting in separate groups, all are conquered.’
Added to which the climate was wretched, with
frequent rains and mist, he went on to say.

Among the first of the British kings to co-operate with

the Romans was Cogidubnus, whom the Romans
rewarded for his ‘unswerving loyalty’ by giving him
the kingdom of the Regnii in Sussex, spreading to
Hampshire and Kent. He became increasingly wealthy

and powerful, ultimately becoming a Roman legate
–‘an example of the long-established Roman custom of
employing even kings to make others slaves’, Tacitus
tells us.

He established a magnificent palace at Fishbourne,

near Chichester. He was the first of the
British-Romano elite and it is almost certain that many
of the British nobility subsequently followed his
example. They were not offered kingdoms but became
magistrates of the cities.

However, not all the tribal chieftains and kings were

quelled. Some – like those in Cornwall and for many
decades in Wales and the land of the Picts – stood
firm, and continued their resistance. The most famous
of these was, of course, Boudica, queen of the Iceni in
the east, and wife of the client king Prasutagus. But she
was only initially successful. Under the arrangement of
his office, Prasutagus’s territories had passed to Rome
after his death. The Romans, who had made of
Camulodunum one of their main camps, took this
rather too literally and began pillaging the surrounding
countryside. When Boudica objected she was flogged
and her two teenage daughters raped. This was the
final outrage for the Iceni who, in AD60, rose up in
revolt, led by Boudica riding her legendary chariot.
The neighbouring Trinovantes joined forces with them,
for much of their land, like that of the Iceni, had been
sequestered for the endowment of retired Roman
officers. It was the culmination of ever-growing
resentment of the colonizing Romans’ ‘greed and
self-indulgence’, Tacitus tells us. ‘The whole island

rose under the leadership of Boudica, a lady of royal
descent – for Britons make no distinction of sex in
their appointment of commanders.’

He goes on to tell us how they hunted down the Roman

troops in their scattered outposts, stormed their forts,
assaulted ‘the colony itself’ (Colchester), which they
viewed as ‘the citadel of their servitude’ . . . ‘there was
no form of savage cruelty that the angry victors
refrained from’. (At that time the Romans were busy
erecting a temple there, in honour of Claudius whom
they had recently deified.) After Colchester, they
turned on Verulamium (St Albans), then Londinium,
massacring and burning as they went. Then they
advanced on the main Roman army, newly returned
from Wales. But even though the British must have
outnumbered the Romans by ten to one the lack of
organization amongst the British was no match for
hardened Roman discipline, and, after a day of intense
fighting, the British were defeated. The Roman
governor exacted terrible revenge, so much so that his
own troops mutinied, and order could only be restored
when Emperor Nero decided on a change of governor.

One account tells us that Boudica poisoned herself;

others that she simply fell ill and died.

For the next few hundred years, Britain remained a

colony of Rome and was subjected to a series of
governors. We know from early geographers and
historians, such as Ptolemy and Pliny the Elder, that in
the first century AD there were still some thirty tribes
in Britain and fifteen to twenty more in Ireland.

Although their rulers are not named, each of these
tribes would have had a war-leader and a chief priest,
and, depending on the size of their territory, may have
had sub-kings, or co-rulers who governed as a council
of kings. Although the Romans conquered the tribes in
the territory we now call England, they had little
impact on the Celts of Wales, Cornwall or the land of
the Picts. It is quite likely that the rulers of the Silures,
Demetae and Ordovices in Wales, and the Caledonii of
northern Britain continued to rule throughout the
period of Roman occupation but we know almost
nothing about them.

The Romans established their own communities or

civitates, based largely upon the former British tribes.
Although they brought in their own Roman
administrators for these towns,
they also married into the local nobility, and it is
probable that descendants of the former tribal chiefs
served as senior government officials with a Roman
civitas. Early on the Romans established some
client-kings, as we have seen, but this practice did not
survive. By the time of the governor Julius Agricola, in
AD78, the hierarchy of military, judicial and civic
administration was established. Although none of these
posts held the authority of king, and were not
hereditary, they did have considerable power. The
senior post – that of governor – was appointed directly
by the emperor and had the rank of senator. Most of
these administrators came from Italy, but in later years
they may have originated from elsewhere in the
Roman Empire. The only governor likely to have been
of British origin was Marcus Statius Priscus, who

governed 160–1 and is believed to have been born in
Colchester. A full list of the known Roman Governors
will be found starting on page 418.

Roman emperors seldom came to Britain: of those who

did by far the best known is Hadrian. As the adopted
son of Emperor Trajan, he succeeded him in 117, and
was the first Roman emperor to visit Britain after it
had been conquered by Claudius nearly eighty years
before. He was a strong military tactician, the first to
take the Empire’s defences seriously and spent ten
years touring its frontiers. He spent the summer of 122
in Britain, during which time he ordered the
construction of Hadrian’s Wall to demarcate the extent
of Roman territory and to keep out the aggressive
Picts. It was seventy-three and a half miles long, and
took four years to build. A century later it was
extended by the powerful emperor Severus (193–211)
the first emperor to die in Britain (at York).

Hadrian’s Wall marked the Roman Empire’s farthest

northern limit – its southernmost limits included the
whole of the North African coast. The Empire
extended in the east as far as Persia and the Black Sea
and in the west to Spain and the Atlantic, stretching
right across Europe. In its prime the Roman Empire
boasted 500,000 army officers and men. The officers
were Roman citizens, but the men came from all parts
of the Empire’s colonies: Gaul, Spain, the Rhineland,
Switzerland, North Africa, Asia Minor, Thrace and
Britain itself.

Being leader of the Roman Empire was a precarious
privilege: of all those who ruled Britain during its 350
years of colonization, few died naturally in their beds
and the majority met a sticky end – thirty-three were
murdered, nine were killed in battle, four committed
suicide. Nevertheless, in the latter days of the Roman
Empire, it became increasingly common for soldiers or
provinces to put forward their own candidates for
emperor, sometimes declaring them in opposition to
the existing ruler. Britain became notorious for this.
The first person to do so was the governor of Britain
Clodius Albinus who failed, and Severus was declared
emperor. Albinus nonetheless amassed a following of
troops discontented with their treatment by Rome, and
announced himself emperor in 193. Four years later
Severus met him in battle in Gaul, defeated and killed

Carausius – who came from the region of Holland –

was a man of lowly birth, who had risen to become
commander of the Channel fleet. When Emperor
Maximian discovered that he was in league with the
very Frankish and Saxon pirates he was supposed to be
suppressing, he ordered his arrest. Where-upon
Carausius moved to Britain, bringing his fleet with
him, and declared himself Emperor of Britain in 286.
He succeeded in ruling from London for the next six
years, only to be murdered by his ‘treasurer’ Allectus,
who became another self-styled Emperor of Britain,
until he in turn was killed in battle by Constantius
Chlorus, who recovered Britain for Rome in 296.

By the fourth century Britain was gaining a form of
quasi-independence and an increasing number of
emperors were declared in Britain. The most famous
was Constantine The Great (306–37), who came from
the region of Bulgaria. He was not only responsible for
making Christianity the official religion of the Empire,
but he also briefly visited Britain and implemented
administrative reforms, initiated by Diocletian. He
divided Britain into four provinces: Britannia Prima
(Wales and the west); Britannia Secunda (the North);
Flavia Caesariensis (the midlands and Norfolk), and
Maxima Caesariensis (the south), with four regional
capitals: Cirencester, York, Lincoln and London. By
close of this century there was a cluster of
British-made emperors, and one of them, Magnus
Maximus, has passed into Welsh tradition as being
descended from the kings of the Silures in Gwent.

But Britain was now coming under attack. The Picts

raided in the north, the Irish from the west, and the
Saxons and Franks in the south-east (where they
actually landed in 367, and lay siege to London). Rome
sent more troops, including many German auxiliaries
to restore order both there and on the northern border.
Further raids followed.

Then, within a generation of Maximus’ death in 388

Britain was no longer part of the Roman Empire.
Britain and the rest of the Roman frontier was coming
under increasing threat from the Germanic tribes who,
in 410, crossed the Rhine and invaded. The British
wrote to the emperor Honorius for help, but Honorius

had his hands full, protecting Rome itself. He wrote
back telling the British to look after themselves. This
was not a formal expulsion from the Empire. It just
meant that Rome could no longer help. Then, the
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle tells us, ‘the Romans
assembled all the gold-hoards which were in Britain
and hid some in the earth so that no one afterwards
could find them, and took some with them into Gaul’.
However, many of the Romans would remain, along
with some semblance of Roman administration, though
after 410 Roman rule and Roman law no longer
applied in Britain.

THE DARK AGES (410–802)

The release from Roman authority had the same effect

1,600 years ago as the end of Communism in the
Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia. Tribalism and local
cultures which had for so long been repressed and
restrained by Roman rule erupted. Warfare spread right
across Britain. For the most part it was a clash between
those who sought to defend and maintain the Roman
status quo, fighting invasions from the Picts to the
north, the Irish to the west and the Germanic tribes
from the east. But there was also internal fighting

between tribes who sought to gain power over old
tribal territories and, where possible, conquer
neighbouring lands which might be richer. The period
between 410 and 450 saw an almost complete
breakdown of social order, particularly in the north.
‘Here a dispirited British garrison stationed on the
fortifications pined in terror night and day, while from
beyond the wall the enemy constantly harassed them
with hooked weapons, dragging the cowardly
defenders down . . . and dashing them to the ground.
At length the Britons . . . fled in disorder, pursued by
their foes. The slaughter was more ghastly than ever
before, and the wretched citizens were torn in
pieces by their enemies. They were driven from their
homesteads and farms, and sought to save themselves
from starvation by robbery and violence against one
another . . . until there was no food left in the whole
land except whatever could be obtained by hunting,’
Bede tells us. And with famine also came plague. The
sixth-century historian Gildas in the first history of
Britain paints a grim picture too.

During this first forty years certain chieftains became

war leaders to defend their lands and conquer enemies.
These were regarded as kings by their countrymen,
though they did not have quite the mystical status of
the kings in the pre-Roman era. The best known was
Coel, the old King Cole of the nursery rhyme. He was
a real king who sought to maintain order against the
Picts in the northern territories. His own ‘kingdom’
may have extended as far as York in the east, perhaps
to a line between the Humber and Mersey, and north to
the Antonine Wall running between the Forth and the

Clyde. He seems to have dominated this territory for
about twenty years (c410–30) and one legend tells us
that he died fighting the Irish near Ayr.

Others from this period in the north were Ceretic who

ruled from Dumbarton and Cunedda who seems to
have been a war leader in the area of the Votadini in
Lothian before he migrated to north Wales. Although
these kings had certain territories within which they
operated they did not have kingdoms in the sense we
understand them today. They were leaders of their
people, not rulers of land. Thus Cunedda was king of
the Votadini, meaning that tribe, not the land
associated with it.

The kingship of southern Britain is more confusing.

Some remnant of Roman administration continued,
based around Glevum (Gloucester) and Verulamium
(St Albans). The best known of the southern kings was
Vortigern (c425–c466; c471–c480), though in fact the
name merely means ‘High King’. It’s possible that his
real name was Vitalinus, though this may have been
his father’s name. We know far more of him from
legend than from history, but it seems that for over
twenty years Vortigern led the organization and
defence of Britain against
Saxon, Pict and Scottish (Irish) raiders. He solved the
problem of the Roman imperial government’s inability
to send reinforcements by hiring Saxon mercenaries
under the leadership of Hengist and Horsa to fight the
Picts: strategies that proved successful. In return they
were awarded the Island of Thanet (a bad move that
finally led to the Saxon invasion of Britain). Later

tradition has it that Vortigern became infatuated with
Hengist’s daughter Rowena and was given her in
marriage in exchange for more land. But be that as it
may, as Vortigern grew older his power diminished
and finally civil war broke out. Vortigern was driven
into Powys by Ambrosius Aurelianus, an equally
vague character believed to be descended from an
aristocratic Roman family, most likely that of Magnus
Maximus. Ambrosius battled valiantly against
Vortigern and against the Saxons and his success has
caused some to believe that he may be one of the
individuals who inspired the legend of Arthur.
Ambrosius’ descendants were believed to continue to
rule in south Wales for several generations. And
Arthur is closely associated with Wales and the West

Although the legends of Arthur later acquired all the

trappings of medieval chivalry (in the tales of Malory,
Wace, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Wace, Layamon, the
Mabinogion, Chrétien de Troyes), can the association
of his name with so many places in local lore be
entirely fictitious? In Cornwall, there are Arthur’s Hall
(the remains of a Dark Age long house) and Arthur’s
Seat (a rocky crag) on Bodmin Moor, with the River
Camel close by, as well as Dozmary Pool associated
with his sword Excalibur, and there is also Tintagel,
the legendary birthplace of Arthur, to which Uther
Pendragon laid siege, killing the castle’s owner Gorlois
and forcibly marrying Ygerne. Later Ygerne gave her
son Arthur over to the care of Merlin. In Somerset, as
well as Cadbury Hill (supposedly the seat of Camelot)
the seventeenth-century historian William Camden

claimed to have copied a grave ornament of King
Arthur at Glastonbury Abbey, inscribed with:



Many, of course, claim that this was a forgery. And

where is it now?

In Wales, Caerleon has Arthurian associations, while

Badbury Rings in Dorset a suggested site of the Battle
of Badon in which Arthur supposedly slaughtered over
160 enemy single-handed.

However, there is a snag, for if Arthur were a real

sixth-century king, why does Gildas make no mention
of him in his first history of Britain, De Excidio
Britanniae, written in 540? Indeed there is no mention
of Arthur until Nennius’s Historia Brittonum written in
the ninth century, and in two other ninth-century
works: a Welsh poem called Verses on the Graves of
Heroes and the Annales Cambriae. Here we are told
that in 516 Arthur fought in the Battle of Badon for
three days and three nights and the Britons were
victors. In 537 Arthur and Medraut both fell in battle at
Camlann. Nennius calls Arthur a dux bellorum or
leader in battle, not a king in his own right, and lists
twelve battles that Arthur waged against the Saxons.
Gildas mentions the battle of Badon (but, as we have
seen, not Arthur). but does not date the battle So all we
can safely, and somewhat prosaically, conclude is that
a battle leader called Arthur lived at about the year 500
and during this period succeeded in rallying the kings

of Britain against the invading Saxons and soundly
defeating them at Badon. For the next twenty years
there was a period of relative calm, before he was
killed in a second wave of fighting. For a full study of
Arthur see my book A Brief History of King Arthur.

A near contemporary of Arthur and certainly a

successor as one of the High Kings, or ‘pendragon’ is
Maelgwyn Hir (‘Hir’ means tall, while ‘gwyn’ means
fair). He flourished between 534 and 549 and was a
powerful and tyrannical ruler. Maelgwyn’s life was
turbulent. He is recorded as killing his uncle as a
youth. Once established in Gwynedd, he underwent a
brief period of repentance and became a monk, before
resuming his evil ways. Having married, his passions
soon turned to his nephew’s wife.
So he murdered his own wife and his nephew in order
to assuage his heart’s desire. There is also reason to
believe that he married a Pictish princess. He
established a rich and powerful court at Deganwy, to
which he attracted many bards, whom he ensured
wrote copiously of his triumphs and achievements. He
was recognized as both a great patron of the arts and as
a lawgiver, though some of this was probably his own
propaganda. By the time of his death, Maelgwyn was
firmly established as the primary ruler of the British.
He died, most probably, of cholera which was then
sweeping Europe. One of Maelgwyn’s sons is believed
to be Brude who was chosen by the Picts to be their
leader in 554, and it was he who accepted Christianity
under Columba.

The period from 450 to 550 is nonetheless known as
the age of Arthur. Whoever he was, he symbolizes the
oppressive nature of the period when Britain was riven
with warfare and strife until one master war-chief
struck back so decisively that peace and prosperity
returned for the first time in nearly a century. No
wonder that chieftain became such a hero of legend.

There were many other heroes and villains from this

period: ranging from Urien and Peredur to the
treacherous Morcant. A full list of these Dark Age
kings starts on page 421.

The Picts had established an inheritance based on

matrilinear succession and the Pictish princesses were
much honoured, since only they could confer kingship.
There were many Pictish chieftains across the Scottish
glens and highlands and the Isles. There is evidence to
suggest each individual island or group of smaller
islands was ruled by its own chief, but insufficient
names survive to make any coherent sense. Certainly
the larger Hebridean islands (Skye and Lewis) had
their own chiefs who were originally Picts but later
were displaced by the Irish, and later still by the Norse,
and similarly the Orkneys whose chiefs were ousted by
the Norse. One Irish settlement changed the name of
Pictland. This was the Northern Irish kingdom of Dál
Riata who, as we have seen, came across to Argyll and
Kintyre from as long ago as the third century. These
settlers were called ‘Scotii’ and their name
gradually became applied to the whole of Pictland.
Aedan mac Gabhran who ruled them from 574 to 608
was the first known king of the Dál Riata to be

anointed and one of the most powerful rulers in
sixth-century Britain. While 140 years later Angus
would be the first king to rule both Picts and Dál Riata
together. Constantine too would rule both kingdoms
from 811–20.

The major surviving British kingdoms were in Wales.

Although the Romans conquered southern Wales their
hold on north Wales was more tenuous and it is
possible that the rulers of the Ordovices retained some
power, though we do not know their names. By the end
of the Roman domination in Britain Irish settlers were
invading Wales. One tradition has it that the British
under Cunedda came south from Gododdin to fight the
Irish, and they settled in North Wales. Cunedda
established the kingdom of Gwynedd, which became
the strongest of all the Welsh kingdoms. Traditionally
each of Cunedda’s sons received a share of his lands
and it was from them that many of the smaller Welsh
kingdoms owed their origins. However, of these only
Ceredigion grew sufficiently strong to take on the
might of Demetae or Dyfed, a colony of Irish settlers
in south-west Wales, eventually to form one kingdom,
called Seisyllwg after its conqueror. Two other Welsh
kingdoms existed in the fifth century: Powys and
Gwent. Powys was in eastern Wales and formed the
border between Wales and England, once the Angles
migrated that far west. It was essentially the old British
territory of the Cornovii, and no doubt their rulers had
survived through Roman occupation to reestablish
themselves. It was also from here that many British
migrated south to Cornwall and Devon and from there
to Brittany.

There were other British tribes in Shropshire,
Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. The Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle tells us that in 577, ‘Cuthwine and Ceawlin
fought against the Britons and they killed 3 kings,
Coinmail and Condidan and Farinmail, in the place
which is called Dyrham and took 3 cities: Gloucester
and Cirencester and Bath’.

The other British kingdom of significance was

Dumnonia, which originally covered Cornwall, Devon,
Dorset and Somerset,
but which under pressure from the Saxons was driven
back into the peninsula until only Cornwall or Kernow
would survive as a kingdom right up until the ninth
century. (Cornwall has two carved stones
commemorating two of its kings: Tristan or Drust – the
legendary Tristram – who flourished in the mid sixth
century and the much later king Doniert of the ninth.)


Saxons, Jutes and Angles began to settle in Britain
from the middle of the fifth century, first in Kent, but
Saxons and Angles were raiding and settling all along
the eastern coast of Britain. They had to fight to gain
their territory, and the resident British migrated
westwards or were killed. There is a tragic account left
by an unknown ‘Chronicler of London’
* of this period:

The Saxons stretched out envious hands from their

seaboard settlements, and presently the whole of this

rich country where yet lived so many great and
wealthy families, was exposed to all the miseries of
war. The towns were destroyed, the farms ruined, the
cattle driven away . . . nothing was brought to the port
for export; the roads were closed; the river was closed.
They lived now by the shore and in the recesses of the
forest, who once lived in great villas, lay on silken
pillows and drank the wine of Gaul and Spain.

Then we of the city saw plainly that our end was come
. . . those who were left, a scanty band, gathered in the
Basilica, and it was resolved that we should leave the
place since we could no longer live in it. I, with my
wife and children, and others who agreed to
accompany me, took what we could of food and of
weapons, leaving behind us the houses where our lives
had been so soft and happy, and went out by the
western gate, and taking refuge where we could in the
forest, we began our escape . . . Every year our people
are driven westward more and more . . . My sons have
fallen in battle; my daughters have lost their husbands;
my grandchildren
are taught to look for nothing but continual war. And
of Augusta [London] have I learned nothing for many
years. Wherefore am I sure that it remains desolate and
deserted to this day.

While the Celts held their kingdoms in the west,

Sussex was invaded by Aelle, where he virtually wiped
out the resident British to establish his kingdom.
Cerdic led the next wave, heading a warband from the
Gewisse (who came from the Marches, and the
southern borders between Wales and Mercia) in an

incursion into what is now Wiltshire, Somerset and
Gloucestershire. Cerdic was almost certainly British
and his soldiers were British and Saxon mercenaries.
They managed to establish a hold on land that whilst
predominantly British at that time was increasingly
being passed on to Saxon overlords. He managed to
drive back the British into Wales and Dumnonia, and
from his battles the kingdom of the West Saxons began
to emerge. These early Saxons spread right across parts
of southern Britain in various marauding bands that
gradually melded together under stronger leaders.

As the Saxons endeavoured to control the south, the

Angles were moving into eastern and middle England.
And in the north, where the Angles had made an
alliance with the Picts, they fared a little better.
According to Bede, they ‘extended the conflagration
from the eastern to the western shores without
opposition and established a stranglehold over nearly
all the doomed island. Public and private buildings
were razed, priests were slain . . . A few wretched
survivors captured in the hills were butchered
wholesale’ while others surrendered or fled abroad,
eking out ‘a wretched and fearful existence among the
mountains, forests and crags’.

So, after a period of a hundred years from 450 to 550

when the Celtic kingdoms had remained dominant in
Britain, fighting among each other as much as against
the Saxon and Angle settlers, the balance began to
shift. The Saxons had come to stay.

By the close of the sixth century Kent was a rich and
prosperous place, having strong links with the
Merovingian kings of France.
In fact the Jutish origins of the kingdom had given way
to a major Frankish element which moulded Kent’s
culture. Kent was in fact the first important kingdom in
England and because of its position of power and
authority it was able to influence the other kingdoms.
Bede recognized certain Saxon rulers as bretwalda, the
equivalent of a high king. The third of these, Athelbert
(who ruled from 580–616), was an established king for
36 years of a settled kingdom, who exerted his
influence over his countrymen in matters of culture,
religion, education and trade. His kingdom extended
into Surrey and parts of Sussex, and also held authority
over Essex.

Athelbert was the first Saxon king to convert, albeit

cautiously, to Christianity. Augustine had been sent to
proselytize from Rome and Athelbert welcomed his
mission cautiously, meeting them in the open air so as
to avoid any possible magic that might be practised by
the Christians. him under an oak tree, venerated by the
Saxons, which he believed would cancel out any magic
practised by the Christians. Athelbert recognized
Augustine’s sincerity but declared that he could not
abandon the religion of his fathers. Nevertheless he
allowed Augustine and his colleagues to establish a
house at Canterbury and within a short period many
hundreds of Athelbert’s subjects had converted.
Athelbert was baptized some four years later and
thereafter became fervent in his support. It was a sign
of his authority that he was able to arrange a meeting

between Augustine and the Celtic church in the west of
England, as part of Augustine’s plan to bring it under
Roman control.

Athelbert, with Augustine’s help, also established a set

of detailed law codes, bringing in a system of
monetary fines (rather than payment in kind, such as
livestock), allowing people to pay in instalments, and
establishing the level of fine to fit the severity of the
crime. The king was reckoned as overlord, so that if
any crime were committed within his kingdom, the
perpetrator had to recompense the king as well as the
victim. His laws also gave considerable protection to
women and allowed a wife to leave her husband if
there was good cause. These laws not only restored a
form of governance and administration to Britain, but
with the emphasis on monetary compensation, also
reinstated a financial
system. During Athelbert’s reign the first Saxon coins
in England were minted at Canterbury.

The East Anglian kingdom emerged towards the end of

the sixth century and its ruler Redwald was the next
bretwalde after Athelbert and professed Christianity
(though he was somewhat duplicitous in this respect).
The East Anglian kingdom kept close to the former
kingdom of the Iceni and would remain ferociously
independent for the next 200 years.

In the north lay the kingdom of Northumbria.

Northumbria at its greatest extent would include all the
Scottish lowlands up to the Clyde. There was always a
close relationship with the Britons of Strathclyde, the

Scots of Dál Riata and the Picts whose kingdoms lay to
its north. It is with Athelfrith that the real history of
this kingdom begins. He had succeeded as ruler of
Bernicia in 593 after his father was killed in battle
against Owain of Rheged. Afterwards the young
Athelfrith pursued and killed Owain, and later he
earned the soubriquets of Athelfrith the Ferocious, as
well as Athelfrith the Artful, fitting names for a
powerful warrior. In 603 a confederate Scottish/Irish
army moved against the English in Lothian. Losses
were great on both sides but Athelfrith claimed victory
and for the time being the north was his, with Bernicia
extending far into the territory of the old Votadini.
Then he turned his attention south, invading Deira,
south of the Tees and killing their king, Athelric. He
also tried to kill Athelric’s brother Edwin, but the
young prince escaped into exile. To legitimize his
claim to Deira Athelfrith took Athelric’s sister as his
second wife (his first wife, Bebba, had been a Pictish
princess.) By now, he controlled the whole of eastern
Britain from Lothian to north of the Humber and may
have exercised some authority over Lindsey, south of
the Humber. In 613 he decided to hunt down Edwin
who had sought sanctuary with the kings of Gwynedd
and Powys, and Athelfrith advanced towards Chester,
wiping out a party of monks who had come to parley
with him. He then defeated the Welsh under Selyf ap
Cynan at Chester. Athelfrith was finally killed in battle
near Doncaster, and Edwin lived on to see his kingdom
restored to him.

After settling in his kingdom Edwin (ruled 616–33)

turned his attention to conquering the north. First in

about 619 he expelled Ceredig from his British
kingdom of Elmet; next he conquered Rheged, which
gave him the gateway to the isles of Man and Anglesey
and brought him into contact with his former friend
Cadwallon of Gwynedd. Edwin’s army drove the
Welsh back to the tip of Anglesey and Cadwallon was
forced to flee to Ireland. Edwin married a Christian,
Athelburh. Edwin finally became the strongest ruler of
Britain and eventually converted to Christianity
himself. He sanctioned the conversion of the
Northumbrians and successfully campaigned with the
pope for the bishopric he had established at York to
become an archbishopric. However, Edwin’s past was
to haunt him. Around 630 Cadwallon returned to
power in Gwynedd and entered into an alliance with
Penda, the new ruler of Mercia in a series of attacks on
Northumbrian land. Eventually the two great armies
met at Hatfield Chase, north of Doncaster. Edwin’s
army was scattered, he was killed and Cadwallon
marched on through Northumbria devastating the land.
Northumbria was split asunder with Bernicia being
returned to the family of Athelfrith. Edwin
subsequently came to be regarded as a martyr and was
canonized. In fact he was a ruthless, cunning and
vengeful king who manipulated people and events to
his own advantage.

Penda was probably the greatest warrior of his age, the

epitome of the warlord, who lived and died a pagan,
dedicated to his Nordic religion. He dominated Britain
from 633 to 655.

Edwin’s son-in-law Oswy (ruled 642–70), who had
been brought up in exile with the monks on Iona and
had finally inherited the kingdoms of Bernicia and
Deira, would kill Penda, after a battle in which Penda
had taken his son hostage. Oswy would ultimately be
responsible for the Synod of Whitby in 664, whereby
the Roman church found favour over the Celtic
christian church.

Penda’s successors Wulfhere (ruled 658–75) and

Athelred (ruled 675–705) created a major Mercian
kingdom that ruled all central England and stretched as
far south as Sussex, Surrey
and into Kent and even the Isle of Wight, while
Wessex and Kent struggled to hold on to their power in
the south.

An interesting ‘relative’ of Penda’s by marriage was

Seaxburh, who became the only reigning queen of the
West Saxons (672–3). She was the widow of
Cenwealh, whose first wife had been Penda’s sister.
Twelve years after her rule, the West Saxons would
have an important leader, Caedwalla, at first a roving
chieftain without a kingdom, who with his band of
mercenaries raided the border territories of Wessex and
Mercia. He succeeded in gaining territory in the south
for the West Saxons (mostly by killing off any kings
who stood in his way). Thanks to his efforts Wessex
became the third power in the land after Northumbria
and Mercia, and he was succeeded by Ine (ruled
688–726), the first true king of the West Saxons, as
distinct from a war-leader. He not only established

Wessex as a kingdom but introduced a code of laws
and a strong administrative system to govern the land.

Northumbrian power was only broken following the

death in battle of Egfrith in 685. He had believed
himself invincible, having already once subjugated the
southern Picts and Strathclyde, and he marched into
the heart of Pictland again, to teach them another
lesson, only to have his army slaughtered. Thereafter
Northumbria was ruled by weaker kings, who, like the
Celts, reduced their power by continual infighting. The
only remaining Northumbrian king worth noting is
Aldfrith (685–704), their last great king, who was a
scholar and art lover. It was under his rule that many of
the beautiful illuminated books of the Northumbrian
monasteries (such as the Lindisfarne Gospels) were
produced. Some have even attributed the poem
Beowulf, the great Anglo-Saxon poem, to him or one
of his fellows at court.

Mercian power continued under a few more kings,

notably the proud and cruel Offa who ruled from 757
to 796. He was without doubt the most powerful king
in Britain of his day, and his authority was
acknowledged by all the other rulers of England, and
to a large extent in Wales, though less so in Scotland.
He is remembered for Offa’s Dyke, the monumental
150-mile earthwork
stretching from the estuary of the Dee to Tidenham on
the Severn, built during his rule to protect his frontiers
against the Welsh.

His authority was recognized by the great
Charlemagne, who entered into an agreement that his
son Charles would marry Offa’s daughter, but when
Offa made this dependent on Offa’s son Egfrith
marrying one of Charlemagne’s daughters, the
Frankish king was so enraged he broke off trading
relations with England. Only after some intense
negotiations were these restored and the planned
marriage never materialized. While Offa had become
the most influential of the Saxon rulers, he was not
regarded as an equal on the stage of Europe, and the
kingdom he created would soon falter under his
successors. A Full list of all rulers of the early Saxon
kingdoms will be found starting on page 425.


OF THE ENGLISH (802–1066)

A hot-headed young man at Offa’s court was Egbert,

in exile from his father’s kingdom in Kent. Egbert was
soon banished from Mercia, as he was seen as a
problem to the West Saxon kingdom by Offa’s
son-in-law Beorhtric, but after Beorhtric’s death, he
returned to become ruler of Wessex in 802. During the
first part of his reign he consolidated his position in

Wessex against rival claimants, and having done that
was able to underline his authority by subjugating the
British of Dumnonia and absorbing Devon (though not
Cornwall) into Wessex. Then from 823 onwards
Egbert began to look to the other kingdoms. With the
help of his son Athelwolf he regained Sussex, Surrey,
Kent and Essex, and helped the East Anglians defeat
and kill the Mercian kings Beornwulf and Ludeca.
When he marched on Northumbria he was recognized
as overlord without a fight. Although the kingdoms of
Mercia and Northumbria remained in existence for
another sixty years or more, Wessex was now the
dominant kingdom. Egbert, who died in 838, is usually
regarded as the last bretwalda and ‘the first king of
England’. The first title
is certainly correct; the second is debatable. The same
might be said about his successors, Athelwolf,
Althelred and Alfred the Great.

Starting in Egbert’s day the Vikings had begun to raid

and plunder the British coast, and by the 850s they
were settled along the eastern Irish coast at Dublin and
Waterford under Olaf the White and the Dane Ivarr the
Boneless. From here, in the short space of twenty
years, they conquered the Hebrides and the Isle of
Man, Deira (establishing their kingdom of Jorvik), East
Anglia, and the Orkneys (and soon after Caithness and
Sutherland). Throughout the 870s they encroached
further into England, but it would be Alfred’s defeat of
the Danes at Edington that would save Wessex.


Wessex 23 April 871–26 October 899.

Born: Wantage (?) c847; Died: Winchester (?)

26 October 899, aged 52(?) Buried: Winchester.

Married: 868, Ealhswith (d.902) of Mercia – 5


Alfred, a grandson of Egbert, and fourth son of

Athelwolf, was born in about 847. He is certainly the
best known of the West Saxon kings, though much of
what we think we know about him may be myth. It is
likely that as a child he accompanied his father on a
pilgrimage to Rome and spent some time at the court
of Charles the Bald, king of the Franks. Alfred became
fascinated with the Frankish world, the court of the
descendants of Charlemagne, and modelled his own
court upon it, and his great passion for scholarship was
stimulated by it. Alfred, as youngest son, was probably
being groomed for the church, as his father was
intensely religious, and it was only through the death
of his elder brothers that he became king.

He first rises to preeminence in the mid 860s, when

with his elder brother Athelred, he battled successfully
against the Danes. But in 871 Athelred died of wounds,
and though he had two

infant sons, it was Alfred who was declared successor.
Alfred had already proved his battle prowess,
particularly at Ashdown in 870, but there was no time
to celebrate his succession. Within a month he was
pitched into battle with the Danes at Wilton, a day
which Alfred thought he had won but the wiliness of
the Danes, with their false retreat, caught the English
off guard. Battle followed battle that first year, the
outcomes swinging both ways, until, at the year’s end,
Alfred bought peace with the Danes. The Danes settled
north of the Thames, where peace was also bought
with the Mercians, and for a period Alfred could
consolidate his army. During this time too he began to
develop a navy in order to meet the Danes on their own

Although the Danes suffered defeat in battle at

Wareham and in a naval campaign off the south coast
at Swanage, in the winter of 878 they caught the
English by surprise at Chippenham, taking over the
royal court, and forcing the English to flee into the
surrounding marshes at Athelney in Somerset. It is to
this period that belong the legends of Alfred burning
the cakes and disguising himself as a harper to spy in
the enemy camp. Faced with additional Danish
reinforcements including a Danish fleet established in
the British Channel which endeavoured to blockade
Alfred, his forces in Devon, nonetheless, defeated the
fleet and then, with his local knowledge, Alfred was
able to outwit the Danes and lead his army out of
Athelney to Selwood. There he strengthened his forces,
marched on the Danes and defeated them at the battle
of Ethandune (Edington). The Danes submitted and,

more significantly, their leader agreed to be baptized a
Christian. Peace was declared with the treaty of

Over the next eight peaceful years, Alfred came to be

regarded by the English as their overlord, but he was
never king of all England, as the Danes still held the
greater part of the north and east. He created a series of
25 fortified boroughs around his kingdom, such as
Oxford and Hastings, and extensively refortified
London. He created seats of learning across southern
England, and introduced his code of law. This was
administered by
local reeves (or sheriffs) and judges, and Alfred
reviewed their activities in his own series of visits.
This forced the local administrators to learn to read in
order to ensure that the books were properly kept.
Alfred also decreed that all the sons of freemen should
learn to read and write, first in English and, for those
destined for high office, in Latin.

Apart from a brief skirmish with the Danes in 885,

peace held until 893 when another war with the Danes
of East Anglia erupted and lasted until 897. The Danes
caused havoc across Mercia and into Wales, but were
unable to penetrate the fortifications of Wessex. Alfred
reorganized the navy into a major fleet, for which he is
remembered as the father of the English navy. His
strength eventually drained Danish vitality and their
army faded away. Although they would return again
and again, Alfred had established a kingdom which,
for the next few decades, was invincible.

Alfred married Ealhswith, the daughter of a Mercian
nobleman and, through her mother, descended from the
Mercian royal line, so that Alfred’s sons could claim
the royal blood of both Wessex and Mercia. Of his four
children, his daughter Elfreda married Baldwin, Count
of Flanders, and their
great-great-great-great-grand-daughter Matilda became
the wife of William the Conqueror.

Alfred’s son Edward (King of the West Saxons

899–924) and grandson Athelstan (King of the English
924–39) were equally great warriors and
administrators. Edward drove the Danes out of York
and East Anglia, though the Norse moved into the
vacuum that was left. Athelstan was the most powerful
of all West Saxon kings. He may have been
illegitimate, born of a liaison between Edward and a
shepherd’s daughter, and was raised by Edward’s sister
at her court in Gloucester. Athelstan thus grew up with
a loyalty towards the Mercians that his forebears had
never had. He also came to an understanding with
Sitric, the Norse king of York, who married his sister
Eadgyth. On Sitric’s death, Athelstan prevented
Sitric’s brother, Gothfrith from claiming
the throne of York and entered York himself, the first
Saxon king to do so. Later, in an effort to stop Welsh
hostilities in Mercia (for they had joined forces with
the Norse to carry them out), he also laid down a
boundary between Wales and England, along the River
Wye, and exacted a harsh tribute from the Welsh
princes. It is not clear whether they ever met his
demands, but Hywel Dda (possibly the greatest of
Welsh rulers) recognized Athelstan’s authority and

became fascinated with the Saxon court, so much so
that he proved his fealty by accompanying Athelstan
on a punitive expedition against Constantine II of
Scotland, thus ending a seven-year-old alliance
Athelstan had made with the Scots. At the battle of
Brunanburh in 937 (site unknown but probably in
present-day Yorkshire or Lancashire) Athelstan
defeated the combined forces of Constantine and Olaf
Gothfrithson in one of the most decisive of all Saxon

It was not until the reign of Eadred (King of the

English 946–55) that the Norse were finally defeated
and Northumbria formally became part of England
(though the earls of Bernicia retained considerable
autonomy). Eadred became the first king of all the
English in 954, though it was his son Edgar who was
the first to be formally crowned king of the English.


King of the English, 1 October 959 – 8 July 975

(he was appointed king of Mercia and
Northumbria from 957). Crowned: Bath Abbey,
11 May 973.

Born: c943. Died: Winchester, 8 July 975, aged

32. Buried: Glastonbury Abbey.

Married: (1) c960 Athelfleda, daughter Ormaer,
ealdorman of Hertford: either divorced c961 or
died c961 or c964; 1 son; (2) Elfrida (c945 –
c1002), daughter Ordgar, ealdorman of Devon,
and widow of Athelwald, ealdorman of East
Anglia: 2 children. Also had one illegitimate

The Saxon name Eadgar means ‘rich in spears’, which

was undoubtedly a recognition of his inheritance of
military power. When Edgar’s uncle Eadred died in
955, his brother Edwy became king in Wessex whilst
Edgar was appointed to the kingship of Mercia and
Northumbria. He was only twelve at the time and did
not assume full authority until he was about fifteen, by
which time he was welcomed, as Edwy was a weak
and unpopular king. Edgar had been raised in East
Anglia, in the household of Athelstan, the ealdorman
of the old territory of the Danelaw which covered all of
East Anglia and Danish Mercia. As such Edgar was
already a popular prince amongst the middle-English
and Danes and was readily accepted as king, whereas
Edwy was seen as a weak and troublesome youth. By
November 957 the Mercians and Northumbrians had
renounced their allegiance to Edwy. Both kings were
advised (or controlled) by a strong council which had
led to conflict with Edwy who had expelled bishop
Dunstan. When Edgar came of age he recalled Dunstan
and was enthusiastic about his ideas for reforming the

English church. When Edwy died in October 959,
Edgar also became king of Wessex and as the
archbishopric of Canterbury was vacant with the recent
death of Oda, Dunstan was appointed to that see. With
the support of the king, Dunstan introduced a major
programme of monastic reform, not all of which was
happily accepted at the time, but which brought Saxon
England in line with developments on the continent.
All secular clergy were ejected, and the church
officials were granted considerable independence from
the crown. The most extreme of these was the creation
of the soke of Peterborough, where the abbot of St
Peters had almost total independence. Many of the
monasteries that had been destroyed during the Danish
invasions were restored. It was only a period of peace
that could allow such rebuilding and change. Edgar,
for all that he was not a soldier or strategist to match
his father or grandfather, was able to work alongside
strong and well organized ealdormen in governing the
kingdom and in ensuring its safety. All the time
England seemed in capable hands, the Norse and
Danes bided their time.

In 973 Edgar gave a demonstration of authority.

Although he would have had a formal coronation when
he became king of Wessex, Dunstan believed there
was a need for a major ceremony similar to those of
the King of the Franks and the German Emperor. The
ceremony was delayed for some years because
Dunstan was unhappy with Edgar’s dissolute
existence. For all he supported church reform Edgar
was not a particularly religious man. There were
rumours about his private life. He had married a

childhood friend, Athelfleda, early on, but it seems that
around the year 961 either she died in childbirth or the
two became separated, because of Edgar’s amorous
adventures with Wulfryth. Stories circulated later that
Edgar had seduced a nun. But although Wulfryth later
became a nun, the real story seems to be that he fell in
love with a lady who bore him a child, and she either
chose to enter (or was banished to) a nunnery and they
probably never married. Edgar then became
romantically entangled with Elfrida, who was already
married, and again the scandalmongers hinted that the
two might have planned the murder of her husband,
Edgar’s one-time foster-brother Athelwald in 964, in
order to marry. Elfrida later came to epitomise the
image of the wicked stepmother in her relationship
with Edgar’s youngest child, Edward (The Martyr). All
these shenanigans caused Dunstan to counsel Edgar to
change his ways. Perhaps as he passed from youth into
adulthood he became less reckless, and in 973 Dunstan
agreed to a major ceremony at Bath.

Following the coronation Edgar put on a display of

force. His army marched from Bath to Chester along
the Welsh border, showing his authority over the
Welsh, while his fleet sailed through the Irish Sea, also
demonstrating his subjugation of the Norse who still
held power in that area at Dublin and on Man. At
Chester a further ceremony took place. Edgar was
rowed along the river Dee, accompanied by at least
eight other kings who recognized him as their overlord.
So his coronation had a double significance. For the
first time a Saxon king was crowned as king of all the
English, a title used by previous monarchs but never as

part of their coronation. Edgar was thus the first
king of England. At the same time Elfrida was also
crowned, the first queen of the English. This ceremony
has remained essentially the same in content ever

Edgar’s reign would be the last reign of peace and

harmony in Saxon times. Thereafter the Saxon world
would begin to disintegrate and within less than a
century be almost wiped away.

Three years after Edgar’s son Edward The Martyr was

crowned in 975, he was murdered at Corfe Castle in
Dorset on a visit to his stepmother Elfrida and his
half-brother Athelred, who then succeeded him. The
attack had clearly been premeditated and before long
Elfrida was implicated in the crime as the wicked

It is not likely that many missed Edward who suffered

from fits of uncontrollable rage, but within a decade
people were saying miracles were occurring alongside
his bones at Wareham, and Althelred declared him a
saint and martyr.


King of the English, 18 March 978–December
1013, 3 February 1014–23 April 1016. Crowned:
Kingston-upon-Thames, 4 April 978.

Born: c968. Died: London, 23 April 1016, aged

48. Buried: Old St Paul’s Cathedral, London.

Married: (1) c985, Elgiva (c963–1002), dau.

Thored, ealdorman of Northumbria: 13 children;
(2) 5 April 1002, Emma (c985–1052), dau.
Richard, duke of Normandy: 3 children.

Athelred is remembered colloquially and half-jokingly

today as the Unready, although the nickname was
really a clever pun on his name, athel ‘noble’ and rœd
‘counsel’, meaning ‘noble counsel’. Throughout his
reign Athelred was ill-advised and if he made his own
decision, he was as likely to change his mind, hence
the nickname, rœd-less, or lacking counsel. He was a
better administrator than history has given credit, but
he was a hopeless king and leader.

He was probably under ten years old when he came to

the throne, and Elfrida and the Mercian ealdorman
Alfhere dominated the government of England.
Alfhere had been the main opponent to Edward and led
the anti-monastic movement which flared up following
the death of Edgar. Alfhere believed that the
monasteries were becoming too rich and powerful too
quickly and that they could control the shires. Alfhere

was implicated in the murder of Edward. Interestingly
it was he who translated Edward’s body from its hasty
burial at Wareham to Shaftesbury, where it was buried
amongst great ceremony and talk of miracles. Alfhere
remained the most powerful ealdorman until his death
in 983. He succeeded in shaping Athelred’s policy of
reducing the power of the monasteries, although
Athelred later overturned this. Alfhere also had to face
the impact of the first Danish raids for thirty years.

After Alfhere’s death Athelred endeavoured to exert

his own authority and even his mother’s considerable
power waned, though Elfrida lived till 1002. There was
a period in the late 980s when Athelred sought to
reduce the power of the church, but he subsequently
reverted to his father’s interests and promoted the
construction of new monasteries under the new order.
He also endeavoured to update the laws of the country
and reorganize local government. This culminated in
the Wantage Code of 997 which, compared to past law
codes, showed an unprecedented willingness to accept
local customs, especially those amongst the Danes of
eastern England. Many of the odd and curious
anomalies that we have in our customs and codes of
conduct in this country were enshrined under this
Code. Had Athelred’s reign been measured by his
willingness and ability to reform and organize, he
would have been remembered kindly, but his mettle
was tested when the Danish raids returned and England
was pushed to the limit.

The raids began in a comparatively small way as early

as 980 and continued through to 982. Most of the raids

were in the south west, but Southampton was severely
damaged and London was attacked and burned in 982.
Raids ceased for the next few years
and perhaps Athelred was lulled into a false sense of
security, for in 987 they began again, once more in the
south-west and then, in 991, a major battle at Maldon
in Essex, in which the Danes outwitted the East Saxons
who were killed to a man. The first payment of
danegeld, or what amounted to protection money,
arose following this battle. In 994, after the Danes had
invaded London, Athelred paid 16,000 pounds in
danegeld, but this time on the basis that the Danish
leader Olaf would accept Christianity and never again
raid Britain. Olaf kept his promise. But his command
was superseded by others who had made no such
agreement, and so the raids continued. Each year the
danegeld increased until the riches of England were
savagely reduced. In addition the monasteries were
plundered and destroyed and with armies being kept
mobilised for most of the year men were unable to
harvest. The country grew poorer, the men weaker, and
spirits lower. Athelred had never been tested as a battle
commander and he had no idea what to do. He also had
to face desertion from amongst his own ealdormen,
whose actions in fleeing the command of battle further
weakened their men’s morale. Athelred seemed
powerless to punish them. Instead he shifted from one
mad scheme to another, none of which worked and all
of which reduced the country’s morale further. At one
point in 1009, he demanded that a whole new fleet be
constructed, but he was unable to find sufficient able
commanders and had no battle plans to meet the Danes
in the waters they controlled. The fleet spent more time

anchored off-shore than in battle, and once it moved
into battle it was destroyed. Athelred did nothing to
save it but left it to its fate. The venture was a disaster
and drained the country’s resources further. In 1002
Athelred married Emma, daughter of Richard, duke of
Normandy. The marriage was almost certainly to
create an alliance whereby Richard stopped the Danes
using Normandy as a base for raiding southern
England. Richard no doubt played his part, but the plan
was another of Athelred’s ineffective tactics.

Probably his worst decision was the St Brice’s Day

massacre on 13 November 1002. He ordered the killing
of every Dane who
lived in England except the Anglo-Danes of the
Danelaw. It is unlikely that the edict was carried out to
the letter, but there was fearful slaughter across
southern England which left a bitter stain on
Athelred’s character. Even if the resident Danes had
supported him previously, they now turned against
him. The massacre brought back to English shores the
Danish commander Swein who had accompanied Olaf
on earlier missions. Legend has it that Swein’s sister
and her husband had been killed in the massacre and
Swein returned to exact revenge. Swein’s campaign
lasted from 1003 to 1007 when Athelred agreed a
peace treaty with him and paid over an immense
danegeld of 30,000 pounds. But new commanders
brought more slaughter and the whole of England
became a battlefield.

By 1013 Swein held power over England and in 1016,
his son Cnut or Canute succeeded to the English


England 30 November 1016–12 November 1035.

Crowned: London (Old St Paul’s) 6 January
1017. Canute was also king of Denmark from
1018 and of Norway from 1028.

Born: Denmark, c995. Died: Shaftesbury, Dorset,

12 November 1035, aged about 40. Buried:
Winchester Cathedral.

Married: (1) c1014, Elfgiva (c996–c1044),

daughter of Alfhelm, ealdorman of Northampton;
2 children; (2) 2 July 1017, Emma, widow of
Athelred II: 3 children.

Canute was the first Dane to be crowned as king of

England. His subsequent rulership of Denmark and
Norway made him the most powerful king of northern
Europe. Canute had accompanied his father, Swein, on
his conquest of England in 1013, when he was left in
control of the Danish fleet in the north. Once his father
had been elected king of England, Canute saw fit to
entrench his position in the north and it was probably
early in 1014 that he claimed marriage to Elfgiva, the

daughter of Alfhelm, who had been ealdorman of
Northumbria until his
murder in 1006. Swein died early in 1014 and although
the Danes elected Canute as their new king, the witan
chose the return of Athelred whose forces drove
Canute from the north. Canute was also concerned
about establishing himself on the throne of Denmark,
but by the time he had returned to his homeland his
elder brother Harald was already ensconced as king.
Canute returned to England late in 1015 and the next
twelve months saw a wasting conflict between the
Danes and the Saxons under Edmund Iron-side.
Neither side was the complete victor and in October
1016 Edmund and Canute divided England between
them, with Canute taking Mercia and Northumbria.
The following month Edmund died. Canute was
elected king of all England and was crowned early the
following year.

From a coin

The records of Canute’s early reign are limited and

often prejudiced against him, as are most annals of a
conqueror by the conquered. He comes across as a
tyrannical king who systematically murdered or exiled
most of the leading Saxon nobles, including those who

had crossed to his side. However, he did not eradicate
the Saxon nobility as this would serve him little
purpose. England was by now a well established
kingdom, whereas Denmark had only recently been
united and Canute was young and untested in kingship,
especially in a foreign land. He needed the support and
help of those who understood England and the English.
Initially he divided the land into four, granting territory
to three of his earls by way of military commands, and
Wessex for himself. However, from 1018 he appointed
Godwin as earl of Wessex and it was under Canute that
Godwin became the most powerful earl in England.
Canute also realized he needed to be on good terms
with the church and went to great lengths to establish
relationships with Wulfstan, the archbishop of York,
and Lyfing, archbishop of Canterbury. It was with
Wulfstan that Canute later issued his law codes, based
heavily on those already promulgated by the Saxon
kings. Canute was able to adapt these codes for use in
Denmark. Finally Canute married Athelred’s widow,
Emma, in order to strengthen his right to the throne.
By all accounts he was still married to Elfgiva, which
has caused some commentators to presume she was his
mistress. She was certainly more than that, some
treating her as his ‘handfast’ or common-law wife
according to Scandinavian custom, whilst Emma was
his formal wife and queen. By this arrangement it
meant that the children of Emma were heirs to the
English throne, whilst the children of Elfgiva had right
of succession to the throne of Denmark. In 1018
Canute returned to Denmark where, after the death of
his brother, he was accepted as king. He did not return

to England until 1020, but even then required regular
trips to Denmark to sustain the throne, particularly
during the period 1022–3. In 1020 Canute held a major
council at Cirencester. There seems to have been some
unrest during his absence, and Canute dealt with this
by banishing Athelweard, the ealdorman of the western
provinces (the former Dumnonia). The reason for his
exile is unrecorded, but we can imagine he had been
plotting against Canute, perhaps to restore one of
Athelred’s sons to the throne, the likeliest one being
Edwy. Some records suggest that Edwy had been
murdered by order of Canute in 1017, but William of
Malmesbury records that he survived and lived in the
south-west of England, perhaps under the protection of
Athelweard. It may be that Edwy was murdered after
Athelweard’s expulsion. The next year we find Canute
at odds with Thorkell the Tall, another Danish earl
who had sold his services to Athelred in 1013, but who
had accepted Canute’s overlordship and been made
earl of East Anglia. Thorkell must have challenged
Canute’s authority, perhaps in his treatment of the
Saxons. Thorkell, for all his early devastation of
England, had married a Saxon and seems to have
established a friendship. He possibly had more
scruples than Canute and they disagreed over Canute’s
policy of government. Thorkell was temporarily
banished but the two became reconciled in 1023.

Canute’s reign has all the hallmarks of a powerful king

who was initially uncertain in his authority. The harsh
measures at the start of his reign arose through his
feeling of insecurity, though he was in fact more stable
in England than in Denmark. The English had suffered

nearly thirty years of privations under Danish raids,
and all they wanted was a restoration of peace and
prosperity. The degree of support that he had in
England gave him the strong base from which to
consolidate his rule of Denmark and, from 1028, to
conquer Norway. From 1030 he installed his eldest
son, Swein (then about sixteen), as king of Norway,
with his mother Elfgiva, as regent. By the mid-1020s
Canute had mellowed from his earlier tyrannical rule
(which was probably exaggerated in any case by the
chroniclers) to one of piety. He made considerable
gifts to the church in the hope of buying salvation for
his soul. The famous (much later) story of Canute
sitting in his throne on the beach and commanding the
tide to turn may have an element of truth. Although the
legend suggests that Canute wanted to demonstrate his
authority over the waves – and by implication his
power over the northern seas – the fact is that Canute
was giving a demonstration of piety by proving that he
did not have power over them. The event is
traditionally sited at Bosham on the English south
coast, but an earlier record, by Geoffrey Gaimar, does
not refer to Canute’s throne and places the episode in
the Thames estuary.

In 1027 and again in 1031 Canute visited Rome, but

despite this show of piety he sought to impose his
authority not just over England but Scotland and

Nevertheless, despite his piety, Canute sought to

impose his authority not just over England but
Scotland and Wales. He visited Scotland in 1031,

probably not with an army of conquest, but in order to
form a peace alliance with Malcolm II who had taken
advantage of unrest in England during Athelred’s
reign to impose his authority over Bernicia and parts of
Northumbria. The agreement reached between Canute
and Malcolm saw Bernicia restored to England and the
English-Scottish border established more or less as it is
today. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that three
kings submitted to Canute in the north. In addition to
Malcolm these were Mœlbœth almost certainly
Macbeth, and probably Margad Ragnallson, the Norse
king of Dublin who had authority over Man and the
Isles. Thorfinn the Mighty, earl of Orkney, was already
subject to Canute as his Norse overlord. Canute’s
authority over Wales was more tenuous. There is some
suggestion that Rhydderch Ap Iestyn recognized
Canute’s authority, but that may have been an
administrative convenience, judging from Rhydderch’s
love of power, and it is unlikely that Canute exerted
any power in Wales.

The records and later folklore suggest that Canute

came to love England, possibly more than his
homeland. He was a monarch who had conquered and
established the most powerful of all Scandinavian
empires, and was recognized as one of the most
important rulers of his day. He died remarkably young,
aged about forty. There is evidence that he knew he
was dying and had a terminal illness that lasted for
many months. Yet his death must have come suddenly
as Harthacanute, who should have been his successor,
was in Denmark and unable to stake his claim on

England. Canute was therefore succeeded by his
younger (and possibility illegitimate) son Harold (I).

Canute’s son Harold Harefoot (ruled 1037–40) and his

elder half-brother Harthacanute (ruled 1035–7 and
1040–2) were weaklings. Like many young sons of
powerful kings, Harold was spoiled and ineffectual.
After his death, Harthacanute had his body exhumed
from Westminster Abbey, beheaded and flung into the
marshes, for it was only because he had been
preoccupied with troubles in Denmark, that his
younger brother had become regent and accepted as
king. Harthacanute proved to be a harsh and intolerant
king. He raised an excessive tax to support his fleet at
four times the rate of his father’s. This led to rebellion
Worcester in 1041 which he suppressed with vicious
rage, almost destroying the town. It is to this period
that the legend of Lady Godiva, or Godgifu, belongs.
She was the wife of Leofric, earl of Mercia, who was
forced to impose the tax across his domain. The people
of Coventry could not afford it and Godiva therefore
rode naked through the town to persuade Leofric to
reduce the tax. Although this is wholly folklore it does
demonstrate the strength of opposition among the
Saxon nobility to Harthacanute’s taxes. Harthacanute
died while drinking at a wedding party. Apparently he
had a fit, but the possibility of poison cannot be
ignored. He was an unpopular and much hated king
and with his death (he had no heir), the kingdom
passed back to the Saxons in 1042, but it would not be
for long.


King of England, 8 June 1042–4 January 1066.

Crowned: Winchester 3 April 1043.

Born: c1004, Islip, Oxfordshire; Died:

Westminster, 4 January 1066, aged 61. Buried:
Westminster Abbey.

Married: 23 January 1045 at Winchester

Cathedral, Edith (c1020–75) daughter of Earl
Godwin of Wessex: no children.

Edward was the only surviving son of Athelred the

Unready and his second wife, Emma, the daughter of
Duke Richard of Normandy. (The Vikings had not
only conquered England but as early as 911, had
settled in northern France where their duchy became
known as Normandy, after the Northmen. These
Normans became more civilized than their Norse or
Danish counterparts, heavily influenced by the French
courts, but they were still of Norse stock, and retained
that vicious fighting streak that never admitted defeat.)

Edward was half-Norman and had spent most of his

youth (since the age of nine) in exile in Normandy. He
thus grew up favouring Norman customs and, never
having expected to become king, was also a rather idle
and dissolute man. Upon his

accession he realized he had a kingdom divided
between Saxons, Danes and Norse with powerful earls
of all factions. It is to Edward’s credit that he
succeeded in governing despite these differences.
Critics of Edward accuse him of being a vacillating
and indecisive king, like his father, but this may have
been a façade for a cunning tactician, because Edward
succeeded in ruling for over twenty-three years amidst
much popular support. The fact that he was prepared to
make strong decisions is evident from the start of his
reign, when he confiscated his mother’s property
because she retained control over much of the
Treasury. Emma was the most powerful and probably
the richest woman in England, being the widow of two
previous kings (Athelred and Canute), but her support
for Edward had been limited. In fact she seemed to
have almost disowned her marriage to Athelred and
had become a strong supporter of the Danish court.
Although Edward dispossessed her she was not sent
into exile but remained in England. Charges were
brought against her of involvement in the death of her
sons by her first marriage and in supporting the Danish
king Magnus. She seems to have bought her way out of
this, although the more colourful records state that a
trial by ordeal was arranged. Emma purportedly
walked over nine red-hot ploughshares unscathed and
at this show of innocence Edward restored all her lands
and property and begged her forgiveness. She lived on
at Winchester where she died on 6 March 1052, aged
about sixty-six.

The power base in England at this time was with

Godwin, earl of Wessex, and his many sons. It was

Godwin’s position that secured Edward his kingship,
as the English Danes had previously recognized
Canute’s nephew Swein as successor. Godwin had
married first Canute’s half-sister and after her death,
Gytha, Canute’s cousin. Godwin regarded himself as a
kingmaker (he had succeeded in raising Harold
Harefoot to the throne and expected his son Harold (II)
to become king in turn). To cement this royal
connection further Godwin secured the marriage of
Edward to Edith, his eldest child by Gytha, in 1045.
The marriage was apparently never consummated, and
popular tradition has
ascribed this to Edward’s piety or effetism. Edward
was to all intents married to the church. His single
most lasting achievement was the construction of
Westminster Abbey, which he financed personally and
which was consecrated within a week of his death.
Edward was not especially learned himself, but he
loved to surround himself with knowledge and culture
and encouraged scholarship throughout the country.
With England benefitting from the first period of
lasting peace for over seventy years, Edward’s reign
was the last glow of a Saxon golden age.

From the Bayeux Tapestry

Edward had no reason to like Godwin, for all that he

knew he needed his support. Godwin had been
implicated in the murder of Edward’s brother Alfred,
who had been imprisoned and blinded in 1036/7 at the
order of Harold Harefoot. Furthermore Godwin had
twice changed sides, having come to power under
Canute and supported Harthacanute before switching
to Harold Harefoot, only to back Edward after
Harold’s death instead of Swein, his obvious
successor. Finally, the two had politically opposed
ideals. Edward was primarily a Norman. He filled his
court with Normans and appointed them to the most
senior posts, whilst Godwin believed these posts
should be given to the Saxon and Danish nobility. It
was a conflict over Edward’s favouritism to the
Normans that led to an argument between Edward and
Godwin in 1051. Edward, now feeling secure,
banished Godwin and his
sons, and despatched Edith to a convent. It was not a
popular move as the Godwins were held in high regard
by the English. It may have been partly to ameliorate
this that Edward abolished the danegeld in 1051, the
oppressive tax that Athelred had levied to pay the
Danish pirates.

During this power vacuum, William of Normandy

visited Edward. William’s father was Edward’s cousin,
and William knew that Edward had no formal heir and
would not want the kingdom inherited by Godwin’s
sons. Although there is no record of any agreement at
this time, it was later claimed that Edward nominated

William as his successor. However the following year
Godwin and his sons invaded England. Edward was
prepared to fight but the witan did not want a civil war.
With bad grace, Edward pardoned Godwin and
restored him and his sons to their earldoms. This made
them more powerful than before. Godwin also secured
his son Harold as senior amongst Edward’s advisers,
so much so that by 1053 Edward had more or less
passed all administration over to Harold, leaving
himself able to devote his energies to church matters
and to hunting. Surprisingly during this period Edward
supported the claim of Malcolm (III) to the kingship of
Scotland and gave his authority to an invasion of
Scotland by Siward, earl of Northumbria, to depose
Macbeth and place Malcolm on the throne. The initial
onslaught was only partially successful but Malcolm
eventually succeeded to the Scottish throne in 1058
and his friendship to the Saxons would prove valuable
to Saxon exiles in future years.

In the meantime Harold Godwinson grew from

strength to strength, and was increasingly looking like
a successor to Edward, which Edward did not want.
Even though he may have promised the succession to
William, the anti-Norman feeling in England made this
too dangerous a course to promote. Edward was thus
relieved when he learned in 1054 that his nephew,
known as Edward the Exile, was alive and well in
Hungary. An embassy was despatched to recall him to
England. As the son of Edmund Ironside he was the
natural successor. His return was delayed but Edward
finally arrived in England in August 1057.

Within a few weeks he was dead. Edward’s succession
plans were thwarted, although he now raised Edward
the Exile’s four-year old son, Edgar, as his heir
(atheling). Edward was forced to acknowledge that
should he die before Edgar came of age, Harold would
be regent. As a result the final years of Edward’s reign
were ones of increasing uncertainty. Edward still
favoured William of Normandy as his successor,
whilst the English increasingly favoured Harold, at
least as war-leader if Edward died before the young
atheling came of age. There was another claimant,
Harald Haadraada of Norway, who already ruled
Orkney and the Western Isles, and believed England
was his by right. In 1065, Godwin’s son Tostig was
deprived of his earldom in Northumbria following his
inept and tyrannical rule, and was banished to
Flanders. He soon threw in his lot with Harald
Haadraada, so that by the end of 1065, when it was
clear that Edward was dying, the English throne was
under considerable threat and needed strong
leadership. Thus, when Edward died in that first week
of January 1066, it was Harold Godwinson who
became king.


King of the English 5 January – 14 October

1066. Crowned: 6 January 1066 at Westminster

Born: c1022 Died in battle: 14 October 1066,
aged 44. Buried: Battle, Sussex; remains later
removed to Waltham Abbey, Essex.

Married: (1) c1045 Edith Swanneshals

(Swan-neck): 6 children; (2) Edith (Eadgyth) (b.
c1042), daughter of Alfgar, earl of Mercia, and
widow of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn of Wales: 1 child.

Harold is romantically portrayed as ‘the last of the

Saxons’ in the novel of that title by Lord Lytton. In
some ways his heroic death at the battle of Hastings
was a last ditch stand defending the old order against
tyrannical oppression. On the other hand Harold was
not a lily-white champion of virtue, he was a violent
man with a vicious temper. He was, after all, Godwin’s
eldest son, and
earl of Wessex. After his father's death, he had become
the senior earl, and increasingly taken over the
administration and government of England, while
Edward had involved himself more in church affairs.
By 1064 Harold was designated ‘Duke of the English’,
tantamount to heir apparent. Harold had almost
certainly instigated the mysterious death of Edward the
Exile, the real heir to the throne.

He maintained a vicious campaign against the Welsh

prince Gruffydd ap Llywellyn, whom he forced into
submission first in 1057 and again in 1063, the latter
campaign resulting in Gruffydd’s death. Harold later

married Gruffydd’s widow, Edith, daughter of the earl
of Mercia, though he already had a wife, married
according to the Danish law, also called Edith (known
as Swan-neck), whom he truly loved and who bore him
six children.

Sometime in 1065 Harold was at sea in the English

channel when his ship was blown off course and he
was driven on to the coast of Normandy. This has
always been a curious episode, never fully explained.
Purportedly, Harold agreed that Duke William would
be Edward’s successor and paid homage to William.
Knowing Harold’s character this was unlikely, and
could easily have been invented by William later,
when no-one could disprove it. Whatever the
circumstance, by the end of 1065 William, who had
previously been made heir by Edward the Confessor,
though again somewhat secretly, firmly believed he
would be the next king of England. In November 1065
Tostig, Harold’s brother and earl of Northumbria,
having been ejected from his earldom was forced to
flee the country and during that winter he planned his
invasion of England.

On the night of 4/5 January, 1066, King Edward died

and Harold was proclaimed and crowned king.
William of Normandy regarded this as treachery and
he too prepared to invade. The first to attempt it was
Tostig with a fleet from Normandy. In May 1066 he
harried the south coast of England round to Lindsey in
the east, where he was defeated and fled to Scotland.
He appealed to his cousin Swein in Denmark who was

prepared to offer him an earldom, but not support for
an invasion, so
Tostig made his way to the court of Harald Haadraada,
the king of Norway, and the most fearsome Viking of
them all. Harald was initially unsure, knowing how
strong England’s defences were, but Tostig convinced
him and through the summer the Norwegians prepared
their fleet while William of Normandy prepared his.
King Harold used the period to strengthen England’s
coastal defences. In September Harald Haadraada
sailed with 200 warships, stopping first in Orkney
where he gathered more supplies and men. He sailed
with the earls Paul and Erlend down the coast to the
mouth of the Tyne where Tostig waited with a further
force of men from Scotland and Man. This massive
force continued down the coast of Northumbria,
pillaging and destroying as it went. It was met at
Fulford on 20 September by an English army under
earls Morcar and Edwin which was defeated. York
agreed to surrender and the invaders withdrew to
Stamford Bridge to await negotiators. There, on 25
September, they were surprised by King Harold’s army
which had undertaken a forced march north. The battle
that followed was a total victory for Harold. Both the
Norwegian king and Tostig were killed. But Harold
had no time to relish his success. Two days later the
wind that had stopped William sailing changed and his
invasion began. Harold was forced to march south
again at full speed, and the two armies met at Senlac
Hill, north of Hastings on 14 October. With hindsight
Harold should have waited. To engage two major
invasion forces at either end of the kingdom within one
month required superhuman ability. The astonishing

thing is that Harold almost won. The Normans’
technical sophistication was of limited use against the
Saxon shield-wall with which they protected the
position. A retreat by the Breton forces encouraged a
pursuit that exposed the English to a cavalry
counter-attack, but the battle was decided by hard,
attritional fighting. As dusk came on the lofted arrows
were eroding the ranks of the Saxon axemen. Harold
was not killed by an arrow in his eye, but he and his
brothers died defending each other to the last.

From the Bayeux Tapestry

Had Harold been the victor, it is a fascinating exercise

in alternative reality to consider what might have
become of England. Two such great victories would
have made Harold secure and, seemingly invincible.
He was not young, but there is no reason why he could
not have reigned another twenty years or so. In that
time, unless he changed his ways, the real Harold
would have been revealed – the sly and devious son of
Godwin. The Saxons might have continued to rule for
another century. But such was not to be. All but one of

Harold’s sons lived into the 1080s and beyond, though
we lose track of them before their deaths. Although the
English initially rallied around the young atheling,
Edgar, they soon capitulated to Duke William who
ever after was known as William the Conqueror.

OF NORMANDY (1066–1154)

By the eleventh century the kingdoms that made up the

British Isles were still agrarian. Over the centuries the
Anglo-Saxons had settled in villages and had begun to
clear the vast woodlands, but there were still great
forests and marshes and millions of acres of moorland.
Thousands upon thousands of acres of land remained
unpopulated and uncultivated, and much of Britain’s
vast mineral resources were as yet untapped. By the
time the Normans invaded England, the population had
reached about one and a quarter million, with the
majority living in East Anglia, while to the north there
were less than four people per square mile. Because of
constant warring, it was a land in decline. The arrival
of the Normans would change all that. They would
strengthen Britain’s defences with their stone castles
(many still standing to this day). They would fortify

governmental institutions, the laws of the land and
their direct implementation – through sheriffs and
special commissioners – in turn the monarchy would
itself be strengthened. For they also brought with them
their feudal ways, dispossessing the English of their
lands and keeping them for the
crown. The Norman barons became tenants in chief of
the old Anglo-Saxon manors, and in return for this
favour were obliged to raise knights for the king’s
service in lieu of rent. The barons in their turn sublet
their manors and land with equal obligations, each
manor having its landless knights; the poor of the land
became no more than serfs. The Normans brought in
laws to protect the forests, and the royal hunting rights
to all the game that lived therein. Any man (or dog)
found breaking this law could be ‘hambled’ – that is,
have his hamstring pulled and be crippled for life.

The first Norman monarchs were not sophisticated or

cultured people.



King of England, late November/early

December 1066–9 September 1087. Crowned:
Westminster Abbey, 25 December 1066.

Titles: king of England, duke of Normandy and

count of Maine.

Born: Falaise, Normandy, autumn 1028. Died: St
Gervais, Rouen, 9 September 1087, aged 59.
Buried: Abbey of St Stephen, Caen.

Married: c1053 (at Eu), Matilda (c1031–83),

dau. Baldwin V of Flanders, 10 children.

William the Conqueror, or William the Bastard as he

was known in his day (though out of his hearing), was
the illegitimate son of Robert I, duke of Normandy.
William was also descended from Ragnald, the
ancestor of the earls of Orkney. The connections
between the Norman and Saxon royal families
extended back to Athelred The Unready who had
married Emma the sister of William’s grandfather,
Richard II of Normandy. William was the son of
Edward the Confessor’s first cousin. Researchers have
been unable to find any evidence of Edward’s
promising the throne to William, at least amongst
English documents, and its
only provenance is amongst the Norman chronicles.
William was later able to exact support for the claim
from Harold Godwinson, earl of Wessex, who was at
William’s court in 1065, and the Bayeux Tapestry
shows Harold offering fealty to William. So when
Edward died in 1066 and Harold was crowned as king,
William regarded him as a usurper.

William had already demonstrated his strength as a

commander and soldier. His life was one of almost

constant warfare as he carved out for himself a position
as one of the most powerful and, when necessary,
ruthless rulers of his day. He had succeeded to the
duchy of Normandy in 1035 when just seven or eight
years old. His father had died while on a pilgrimage
when only 27. His mother, Herleva or Arletta, was
Robert’s mistress. She was the daughter of a local
tanner and, legend says, Robert spied upon her while
she washed clothes at the river. During William’s
minority there was much rivalry at the Norman court
as the aristocracy struggled for power. Three of
William’s guardians were assassinated and the young
duke knew he needed to assert his authority as soon as
he was able. That opportunity came in 1047 when his
cousin, Guy of Brionne, rebelled and claimed the
duchy. Guy had considerable support and William
needed the help of Henri I of France to win the day
after a tightly fought battle. This gave William his
authority but it also imprinted upon him a streak of
ruthlessness which caused him to retaliate viciously
against anyone who challenged him.

William’s authority increased when he married

Matilda, the daughter of Baldwin V, count of Flanders,
a powerful ruler whose acceptance of William as a
suitable son-in-law showed that William had risen
above the trials of his youth. William may also have
seen in Matilda a further link with his claim on the
throne of England as she was a direct descendant of
Alfred the Great. The pope apparently opposed this
marriage for some years on the grounds of an earlier
betrothal by Matilda, but it finally received his blessing
in 1059.

During the decade of the 1050s William continued to
consolidate his power, even to the point of incurring
the enmity of his
former ally, Henri I of France. William succeeded in
rebuffing all attempts to invade Normandy and by
1062 had himself invaded Maine, on almost the same
pretext as he would invade England four years later –
that Herbert, count of Maine, had promised William
the county if he died without heir. William became
count of Maine in 1063. William’s other conquests
meant that he had support from the surrounding
powers of Anjou and Brittany, whilst the new king of
France, Philippe I, was under the protection of
William’s father-in-law, Baldwin. This meant that
when William prepared to invade England in
September 1066 he was able to draw not only upon his
own resources within Normandy, but upon those of his

From the Bayeux Tapestry

Nevertheless, this did not make William’s conquest of

England a certainty. He was up against one of the most
aggressive armies of Europe under the command of

Harold Godwinson. Harold’s misfortune was that he
had to face two invasions within one month. Already
weakened by defeating the army of Harold Hardraada
of Norway at Stamford Bridge on 25 September, his
army faced a quick march back to fight William who
had landed at Pevensey on 28 September. William took
advantage of Harold’s absence to develop his defences
near Hastings and by
pillaging the local farmsteads and hamlets. By so doing
William succeeded in drawing Harold towards him,
whereas Harold’s opportunity for success lay in
drawing William away from his fleet and its supplies.
The two armies met at Senlac Hill (now Battle), near
Hastings, on 14 October 1066. Had Harold’s army not
been weakened he may well have won, but they were
overpowered by William’s cavalry. The Saxon army
submitted after the death of Harold and his brothers.
That day, however, the witan proclaimed Edgar the
Atheling as their new king but he was only a boy of
thirteen or fourteen, and unable to muster any forces to
retaliate against William.

For the next two months William’s army moved

strategically around the Kentish coast taking a circular
route to London and seeking the submission of the
English en route. They burned Dover, and laid waste to
much of Surrey. The citizens of London prevented
William crossing the Thames, so he sacked Southwark
and moved west, crossing the Thames at Wallingford.
Edgar submitted at Berkhamstead and the Normans
then approached London from the north. Lud Gate was
opened to the invader by a collaborator and, in the
Battle of Ludgate Hill, countless Londoners were slain.

William was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 25
December 1066, the ceremony conducted by Ealdred,
archbishop of York. Cries of support from the
Normans present were interpreted as an English
rebellion and the guards promptly attacked the Saxons
and set fire to nearby houses. William himself had to
quell the panic. His reign began with terror and would
remain a reign of terror for twenty years.

Although William was to style himself king of

England not all of England had accepted him as king.
His dominion was primarily in the south, covering all
the old kingdoms of Wessex, Kent, Sussex and Essex,
and stretching some way into Mercia. The powerful
earls of Mercia and Northumbria, the brothers Edwin
and Morcar, believed that William’s design was only
to conquer Wessex and accepted him as king within
that domain, pleased that he had overthrown the
Godwin family. They even hoped they would be
accepted as kings in their territories. This
short-sightedness sealed the fate of England, for had
the brothers united their armies with those elsewhere in
England and faced William before he became
established, he might still have been defeated, but the
old rivalries between Saxon families became their
downfall and isolated rebellions were soon put down
with the viciousness with which William became

William remained in England for three months after

his coronation, during which time he appointed a wide
range of Norman officials, and despatched the army to
plunder the churches in order to pay his army. When

he returned to Normandy in late February 1067 he took
with him the most likely candidates to lead any
rebellion in England, Edgar the Atheling, Stigand, the
archbishop of Canterbury, and the earls Edwin and
Morcar. During his absence in Normandy, where
William displayed the spoils of his conquest and made
most of his fame, his half-brother Bishop Odo
endeavoured to impose Norman rule in England, but
with minimal success. An attempted invasion by
Eustace, count of Boulogne, who was Edward the
Confessor’s brother-in-law, was soon repelled, but the
general unrest in England, especially in the north and
west, continued to grow. William returned in
December 1067 and began his systematic conquest of
England in earnest. He turned his attention first to the
west, at Exeter, where Harold’s mother had taken
refuge. The town submitted after a siege of eighteen
days. William was comparatively lenient to the
townsfolk, though he exacted payment. He also
ordered the building of a castle and established a
Norman nobleman, Baldwin of Brionne, as the local
custodian. This became William’s approach over the
next few years. As he advanced upon his conquests he
would build a castle from which a Norman duke or earl
would maintain the peace in that territory. Initially the
castles were hasty constructions of wood upon a
motte-and-bailey site. It was only later that he and his
successors began the construction of massive stone
castles at key sites. These castles became the image of
Norman power created not to defend England but to
dominate it. In total 78 castles were constructed by
William’s order, the most famous being the Tower of
London. By March 1068

William felt sufficiently secure in the south to bring his
wife, Matilda, over to England where she was crowned
queen. She remained in England for a year,
accompanying William on his tour of conquest. Their
last son, the future Henry I was born at Selby in
September 1068. She returned to Normandy in 1069
and remained there until her death in 1083.

It was during 1068 that William faced his first major

opposition. Earls Morcar and Edwin rebelled, and
Edgar the Atheling took refuge with Malcolm III of
Scotland – Malcolm married Edgar’s sister Margaret
the following year. The Saxons sought the support of
the Welsh though clearly were not acting with any
coherent plan for William was soon able to quash the
rebellion by advancing on Warwick. William
continued north, establishing castles at Nottingham and
York. His original plans to govern northern England
through the Saxon aristocracy now changed, as he
believed Edwin and Morcar had forfeited their rights.
From then on William redistributed the lands of the
Saxons amongst the Norman and French aristocracy.
The native English were not simply conquered, they
were dispossessed. William was hated and despised by
the English, but any attempt to display this feeling was
countered by ruthless retaliation.

When William returned briefly to Normandy in early

1069, faced with a revolt in Maine, the English
attacked the Normans at Durham, killing many of
them. They moved on to besiege the castle at York, but
by then William had returned and he not only defeated
the English but sacked the city.

The English resistance was far from over. Edgar the
Atheling’s followers joined forces with King Swein of
Denmark. Swein had as much claim to the English
throne as William, if not more. He was the nephew of
Canute and maintained, like William, that Edward had
named him as his successor. The English had learned
to co-exist with the Danes. There had been Danish
kings ruling parts of England for two centuries before
Canute. The armies of Swein and Edgar, along with
other northern rebels, recaptured York in September
1069. Again William marched on the north, this time
destroying everything in his path. This harrying of the
north was the most extreme example of despoiling and
genocide that England has ever seen, and for which
William was never forgiven by the English. He may
have conquered them, but he never ruled them.

William succeeded in buying off the Danish force and

in late 1070 they retreated, after briefly returning for a
second attempt. Pockets of resistance remained
throughout the north, the west and especially in the
Fenland of East Anglia, where the Saxon thane
Hereward the Wake, perhaps the best known of the
Saxon rebels, maintained the most ordered resistance
to William. Hereward was joined by Earl Morcar
whose brother, Edwin, had been treacherously
murdered by his own men. William brought all his
forces to bear upon the Isle of Ely where Hereward
made the last major Saxon stand against Norman
might. William’s power proved irresistible. Hereward
escaped, but Morcar was captured and imprisoned, and
other rebels were tortured and mutilated before their

The last to resist William was Edgar the Atheling who
had fled back to the court of King Malcolm. In the
summer of 1072 William marched into Scotland to
demand that Malcolm cease aiding Edgar’s
insurrection. Malcolm agreed and, with the Peace of
Abernethy, recognized William as his overlord. He
also expelled Edgar from his court. Edgar, however,
did not submit to William until 1074. By the end of
1072 William believed that his conquest of England
was complete. Already he had replaced many of the
Saxon officials with Normans, and these included the
officials of the church. Probably his most significant
appointment was that of Lanfranc as archbishop of
Canterbury. The Norman aristocracy was installed in
lands across the length and breadth of England and
their dominion established a feudal system in which all
Saxons were increasingly treated as peasants.

Although William made annual visits to London,

Gloucester and Winchester, he had no central
headquarters so during his visits to Britain he and his
court would move from one stronghold to the next. A
contemporary has described this weary circuit:
‘Sometimes the king declares he will leave early then
slumbers till
noon, while horses droop under their harness, chariots
stand ready, messengers fall asleep and everyone
grumbles . . . But when the king changes his mind
about a destination – what chaos. Probably only one
house can be found there. Then we, after wandering
miles through an unknown forest, often in the dark,
may find by chance some filthy hovel. Indeed,
courtiers often fight for lodgings unfit for dogs.’

Although William had despoiled the land in order to
subjugate the English, he had never intended to
plunder it. Indeed, once he had established his
authority he was keen for England to prosper so that he
could benefit from the revenues. William returned to
Normandy in 1072 and remained there for much of the
next twelve years, needing to maintain his duchy
against the opposition of the French and his former
allies who were now fearful of his power. The
administration of England was left in the hands of
Richard Fitzgilbert and William de Warenne, two of
William’s most powerful barons.

William did not return to England for any significant

period until 1085, when he brought over a massive
army to defend the island against a planned invasion
under Canute IV of Denmark. Canute, however, was
murdered before the invasion began. William’s restless
army caused considerable hardship to the Saxons
during this period. In addition William had to raise the
land taxes in order to pay his sizeable army and this
caused real difficulties. The problems that William had
in knowing who owned what land and what its value
was, so that he could levy the taxes, led to him
ordering a major survey of England. The record of this
survey, carried out with remarkable accuracy and
speed during 1086, became known as the Domesday
Book, and though its purpose was for William to
ensure he had control over his taxes in England, the
result is a rare and indispensable historical document.
William, however, made little use of the document
himself. He returned to Normandy at the end of 1086
where he became preoccupied with a local rebellion. In

July 1087 William besieged the town of Mantes. As
his horse jumped over a ditch, the pommel of his
saddle ripped into his stomach. The
wound became poisoned leading to peritonitis. William
was carried back to Rouen in considerable pain. There
he lingered on for five weeks, and died in September.
His body was returned to Caen for burial but
apparently the tomb was not big enough for the king
was a tall man, at least five foot ten inches. As the
attendants forced his body into the tomb, the already
decaying and swollen corpse burst open, letting out an
intense smell of putrefaction that caused most to flee
the site. Only a hardy few completed the burial.

William had changed England irrevocably. His total

domination had, within less than a generation, almost
eradicated the Saxon aristocracy and imposed a feudal
society run by a small handful of Normans. The
language difficulties added further to the alienation,
but perhaps the most significant difference was in the
lifestyle. Although the Normans were descended from
the Vikings, they no longer looked to the north as their
ancestral home, unlike the Saxons whose inheritance
was from northern Europe. The Normans had taken on
the more sophisticated lifestyle of the French, which
brought with it the power, grandeur and aloofness of
an upper-class existence. William used England as his
playground, establishing the New Forest in Hampshire
for his hunting. He had no liking for the English or, for
that matter, for England, seeing it only as a rich source
of revenue. Although his harsh rule brought peace to
England, where man was apparently able to travel
without fear of crime, this was only because the

English lived in much greater fear of revenge and
retribution from their Norman overlords. It created a
rift between the nobility and the common man which
remained in Britain for centuries.

William was devoted to his wife Matilda, and was

much saddened at her death. They had ten children.
The eldest, Robert, succeeded William as duke of
Normandy and count of Maine even though he had
been in open rebellion against his father in his latter
years. The second son, Richard, died in his twenties in
1081 while hunting in the New Forest. Two other sons,
William and Henry, would succeed William as kings
of England. Of his six
daughters, Adela would become mother of the future
king Stephen.


King of England, 9 September 1087–2 August

1100; Crowned: Westminster, 26 September

Born: Normandy, c1057. Died: New Forest, 2

August 1100, aged about 43. Buried: Winchester

William the Conqueror’s third and favourite son,

William, was bequeathed the kingdom of England
although many believed he might also inherit the

duchy of Normandy. Normandy, however, went to his
eldest brother Robert. The two were always openly
hostile to one another, and had been so during their
father’s lifetime, with William remaining loyal to his
father. Much of William’s reign was spent in rivalry
with Robert. The consequences were divisive: barons
who held lands in both Normandy and England found
it impossible to know whom to support without fear of
losing their lands on one side or the other. It looked
initially as if Robert’s star might prevail, as barons
rose in support of him in an insurrection in 1088 led by
his uncle Odo. However Robert failed to capitalize on
this support and William was quick to quash the
rebellion, devastating Odo’s estates in Kent. The
rivalry between William and Robert was eventually
solved to some degree in 1091, after a brief attempt at
a coup by their younger brother Henry, which united
William and Robert. William now showed his
negotiating skills by reaching an agreement between
all three brothers to their mutual benefit, and William
even brought Robert to England to join him in an
expedition against Malcolm III of Scotland. The
position, however, was not fully resolved until 1096
when Robert decided to join the First Crusade. He
pledged Normandy to William in exchange for money
to raise his army. William was never officially duke of
Normandy, serving instead as his brother’s regent, but
he was more successful than Robert and won back
lands in France that Robert had lost.

In fact William was a king for whom much seemed to

go right. One might almost think that God smiled on
him, though such a belief would have horrified the

clergy who regarded William with total disdain.
Because the chronicles of the time were written by
monks, the opinion has passed down in history of
William as a vicious and avaricious man who was
‘hated by almost all his people and abhorrent to God’.
It is difficult to get an objective picture of a man who
had strong and powerful enemies amongst his own
barons as well as within his own family. Some have
claimed that he was homosexual, his court being
described as like that of the Roman emperor Caligula,
with men dressed effeminately, if dressed at all. It is
true that he never married, though there were later
unsubstantiated rumours that he had an illegitimate
son. He was portrayed as having a fiery temper, his
face often flushed red, hence his nickname Rufus. The
red face may be more an indication of his drinking and
eating habits. He was stout, and despite being a man of
action may well have had heart problems.

Despite all this William was a good soldier, who took a

liking to England and endeavoured to rule justly. He
attempted to conquer lands in Wales, and initially
made considerable advances against the Welsh prince
Gruffydd ap Cynan Gwynedd but was eventually
repulsed in 1094. A second onslaught in 1098 regained
ground, and several of the Welsh princes recognized
William as their overlord. During this period William
established a line of castles along the Welsh marches.

William also continued an uneasy relationship with the

Scottish king, Malcolm III. William had spurned the
Saxon prince Edgar the Atheling, who returned to
Scotland and, in 1090, encouraged Malcolm to invade

England again, primarily with the purpose of regaining
Scottish lands in Lothian and Northumbria, and
defending Cumbria. William soon rebuffed Malcolm
and succeeded in renewing the Peace of Abernethy. In
fact Malcolm was friendly towards William and
eventually despatched Edgar as a nuisance. William
did not necessarily return that friendship for, in 1092,
he seized the lands around Carlisle, establishing a
castle there, and when
visited by Malcolm for a parley, refused to see him. As
the infuriated Malcolm returned to Scotland he was
attacked and killed by the Normans in Northumbria.
Malcolm’s brother Donald Bane claimed the throne in
a period of violent upheaval against the Normans.
William Rufus, however supported first Duncan II and
Edgar, the sons of Malcolm III, in overthrowing
Donald. Edgar, whose reign was more stable,
acknowledged the help and support of the Normans
and realized that thereafter he was subservient to them.
William thus stamped his authority on an expanding
Norman base with tentacles creeping into Wales and

Where William really roused the wrath of the clergy

was in his dealings with them. He did not seem
respectful of the church, unlike his father. Although he
was held in check initially by Archbishop Lanfranc,
when Lanfranc died in 1089, William did not bother to
appoint a successor and, instead, took advantage of the
revenues himself. In the eyes of the church, William
was stealing from God. They urged William to appoint
Lanfranc’s student and friend, Anselm, as archbishop
but William refrained. It was not until William was

taken ill in 1092 and believed he was dying that he
gave in. As Anselm was in England at that time,
William offered him the archbishopric. Anselm at first
refused but, under pressure from the clergy, he
accepted. This was only the start of the problems
between him and William. At this time there was a
schism in the papacy. Urban II was the pope installed
in Rome and he was supported by Anselm, but there
was a rival anti-pope in Ravenna, Clement III. William
remained uncommitted. In 1095 he called a council to
judge the matter. William finally agreed to support
Urban, but only because he extracted acceptance from
Urban that papal legates could not enter England
without royal agreement. It was more an agreement of
convenience than of loyalty. William in fact
interpreted it as his freedom from the church. Although
Anselm supported Urban, he refused to accept the way
in which William had approached the issue,
maintaining that church matters could not be judged in
a secular court. William appealed to Urban, seeking for
the pope to depose Anselm. A papal legate was
despatched to England but
no decision was made. In the end the relationship
between Anselm and William became so impossible
that Anselm went into self-imposed exile in 1097.

From Historia Anglorum

It was little wonder that the clergy so despised

William, and they had good grounds, but they may
have blackened his character a little too much. There
have even been recent allegations that William was a
devil-worshipper and practised the black arts, but there
is no real evidence for this. What it boils down to is
that William was a perfectly able and capable king
who was successful in most of his campaigns, but
whose temperament and affectations annoyed both the
church and many of his barons.

This background consequently led to much speculation

about William’s death. He was hunting one summer’s
evening in the New Forest when he was killed by an
arrow apparently shot at a fleeing deer. It was
immediately claimed as an accident, the offending
party being Walter Tirel. Tirel always proclaimed his
innocence, stating that he was nowhere near the king
when the arrow was fired, but Tirel was rapidly
transported back to France. The conspiracist theory is
that William was murdered, perhaps by order of one of
the barons who supported his brother Robert. Duncan

Grinnell-Milne, in his compelling piece of detective
work The Killing of William Rufus (1968), was
that William’s death was part of a master plan by his
brother Henry to gain the throne. Certainly there were
many relieved at the death of the king, and the verdict
of accidental death was satisfactory to all (except Tirel
who felt he was falsely accused), so no one
investigated it further. William’s body was hurriedly
conveyed in a farm cart to Winchester Cathedral where
it was peremptorily buried in the early hours of the
next morning. Though there were official mourners,
everyone seemed in much greater haste to return to
Westminster. There is a strong feeling in reading about
William’s death and Henry’s succession that William
was a nuisance who was now out of the way and
everyone could get back to the real purpose of

In retrospect William’s reign is a minor episode in

England’s history, though had he lived he might have
caused more problems in his relationship with the
church. It remains a fact, though, that he was not only
able to sustain his kingdom in England but that he
reached workable relations with the kings and princes
of Scotland and Wales as well as his brother in
Normandy, which demonstrates an able administrator
and king for all that he was opinionated, arrogant and
ill tempered. England would have many rulers who
were far worse than William.


King of England 3 August 1100–1 December

1135. Crowned: Westminster, 6 August 1100.

Titles: King of England, Duke of Normandy (from

1106) and Lord of Domfront (from 1092).

Born: Selby, Yorkshire, September 1068. Died: St

Denis-le-Fermont, near Rouen, 1 December
1135, aged 67. Buried: Reading Abbey.

Married: (1) 11 November 1100, Matilda

(formerly Edith), dau. of Malcolm III of Scotland;
4 children; (2) 29 January 1121, Adeliza, dau. of
Geoffrey VII, Count of Louvain; no children.
Henry had at least 25 illegitimate children by
eight or more other women.

William and Robert had agreed that if either of them

died childless, then the survivor would succeed. This
effectively disinherited their youngest brother Henry
who had long begrudged the fact that he had not been
able to inherit his mother’s estates in England
bequeathed to him upon her death in 1083. Instead his
father William the Conqueror believed that, as the
youngest son, Henry would be destined for the church.
He received a good education, hence his nickname
Beauclerc, meaning ‘fine scholar’, since he was the

first Norman king (and there had not been that many
Saxon ones) who could read and write.

Henry was not satisfied with his lot and it was

rumoured he masterminded the death of William II,
making it look as though he was killed as the result of
a hunting accident. If this is true then its timing was
critical. In 1096 Robert of Normandy had joined the
Crusade to the Holy Land and had pledged the duchy
to William. By the summer of 1100 news reached
England that Robert was returning, along with a new
bride. Immediately upon William’s death a hastily
convened council elected Henry as his successor: this,
despite the support that many barons had for Robert,
who was on a crest of popularity following his
victories in the Holy Land, even though his past record
showed him as a weak ruler of Normandy. By the first
week of September, when Robert had returned to
Normandy, Henry had been elected and crowned. One
of his first acts was to recall Anselm from exile to the
archbishopric of Canterbury, and with Anselm’s
support Henry’s position was inviolable. He further
cemented it by a political marriage to Edith, the
daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland and the niece of
Edgar the Atheling, thus establishing alliances with the
elder Saxon aristocracy and with the Scots.

From a coin

Robert raised a considerable army and invaded
England in June 1101, cleverly misleading Henry
whose army waited at Arundel while Robert landed at
Portsmouth. It is possible that had Robert pressed
home his advantage he could have defeated Henry’s
army. He might easily have captured Winchester,
where the Treasury was held, but his army passed by
that town. It stopped short of invading London, though
this too was within his grasp. Instead the two armies
met at Alton where Robert asked for negotiations.
Clearly Robert lacked the opportunism that marked the
success of his father and younger brother. Even worse,
he was prepared to trust Henry. The result was that
Henry agreed to pay Robert 3,000 marks annually and
recognize him as the legal claimant to the throne in
exchange for Henry remaining king while he lived. In
the eyes of Henry and the barons possession was
nine-tenths of the law, and Robert was the loser. A few
years later, in 1106, Henry took control of the matter,
invading Normandy and capturing his brother at
Tinchebrai. Robert was brought to England and
imprisoned for the rest of his life – another
twenty-eight years – he was certainly over 80 when he
died in 1134.

Whilst Henry was endeavouring to regain Normandy

he had troubles at home with the church. Although he
had recalled Anselm as archbishop of Canterbury, the
relations between the two rapidly deteriorated. Anselm
had fallen out with William Rufus because the latter
had refused to acknowledge the authority of Rome and
Anselm’s rights in the reorganization of the church.
Anselm reminded Henry of the papal authority in

appointing clergy, since the pope had decreed as far
back as 1059 that lay investiture was unlawful in the
eyes of the Church. Henry would have none of this,
and with other matters more pressing refused to
consider it. By 1103 Anselm found his position
untenable and he again went into exile. The pope
threatened to excommunicate Henry and, fearful of
how this would undermine his authority as king, Henry
recalled Anselm and sought to negotiate a
compromise. The result was that in 1106 Henry
accepted clerical authority in investiture on the
understanding that the clergy still recognized secular
authority over the lands owned by the church. In this
way Henry kept his revenues (which Anselm had
maintained belonged to the church and thus to Rome)
and it meant he could still agree who had possession of
the property. Nevertheless when Anselm died in 1109
Henry succeeded in keeping the see of Canterbury
vacant for five years.

Once Henry had secured the dukedom of Normandy he

had his hands full in keeping it. Since England was
now relatively safe, he found he had to spend more
time in Normandy. His queen Matilda officially served
as regent during these absences, but increasingly the
administration came under the capable control of
Roger, bishop of Salisbury. Since Henry drew heavily
upon the English revenues to finance his army in
Normandy as well as his extensive building projects
across England, Roger developed a system for
controlling the exchequer. In effect he established the
basis for what would evolve into the civil service.

Although Henry would enter into battle if necessary,
he sought to pave the way by treaty or diplomacy first,
and in this he was admirably skilled. One such act was
the marriage in January 1114 of his eldest daughter
Adelaide (who adopted the name Matilda upon her
marriage) to Heinrich V, Emperor of Germany, and
she was crowned Empress on the same day. She was
eleven years old; the Emperor was 27. Henry held
Normandy against all opposition. His ultimate victory
was the defeat of Louis VI of France in 1119. When
peace was agreed with the pope’s blessing, Henry was
accepted unchallenged as duke of Normandy. Henry
cemented this advance by marrying his eldest son
William to Alice (who also changed her name to
Matilda), the daughter of Fulk V, count of Anjou and
Maine. William was only fifteen, Alice less than
twelve. In 1120, as Henry’s eldest son William came
of age, he was made duke of Normandy, and stood in
succession to the throne of England, even though
Henry’s eldest brother Robert and his son William
were both still alive.

In the summer of 1120 Henry could be proud of his

Through his own marriage and those of his children he
had alliances with the strongest neighbouring royal
families of Europe; others he had dominated by
conquest or treaty. He had reached a satisfactory
arrangement with the papacy and all looked well for
the future. And then everything fell about him. In
November 1120 his two eldest legitimate sons William
and Richard drowned when the White Ship foundered
off Barfleur while sailing from Normandy to England.

He was left without a male heir, although his eldest
illegitimate son, Robert Fitzroy, earl of Gloucester,
now turned an eye to the throne. Henry’s first wife,
Matilda had died in May 1118, an event over which
Henry did not seem especially concerned. He arranged
a quick marriage of convenience to Adeliza, daughter
of Geoffrey VII, count of Louvain. That marriage was
childless, although Henry had several more illegitimate
children (ultimately he would have twenty-five).

In 1125 Henry’s daughter, Matilda, became a widow

when the Emperor Heinrich died. She was
twenty-three but had no children. In 1126, fearing he
would have no further children, Henry made the barons
swear an oath of fealty to Matilda as the
heir-presumptive to the throne. The barons agreed,
though the idea of being ruled by a queen was
anathema to them. The position was further aggravated
when, in May 1127, Henry arranged a second marriage
for Matilda, this time with Geoffrey of Anjou, who
was then only fourteen. The Normans had little
affection for the Angevins and did not like to consider
that Geoffrey might become their King. They began to
turn their allegiance to Henry’s nephew, William, the
son of Duke Robert, who was known as William Clito.
At this time, April 1127, he was supported by the
French king, who had just made him count of Flanders.
In January 1128 he married Giovanna, the daughter of
the count of Burgundy. William was gradually rising in
power and his right to the English throne was
becoming increasingly recognized by the Norman
aristocracy. However, in July 1128 he was wounded in
a skirmish near St Omer and died five days later.

The barons now realised that there was little alternative
to Matilda becoming their queen, but they showed
increasing opposition. Geoffrey, who became count of
Anjou in 1129, recognized this and though he never
seems to have considered himself having any claim to
the throne of England, he did consider the duchy of
Normandy and asked Henry if he would give him
custody of the castles along the French coast. Henry
refused. Relations between Henry and Geoffrey
deteriorated rapidly. They had not been helped by
Matilda deciding she could not abide Geoffrey and
deserting him to return to England. Henry, still with an
eye on Matilda producing a grandson, sought to
reconcile the two with some degree of success.
Nevertheless, by 1135 Henry and Geoffrey were
openly at war. Henry sailed to Normandy but soon
after his arrival he became ill, apparently after eating
some lampreys. Six days later he died from ptomaine
poisoning. Despite having declared Matilda his heir,
neither she nor the barons took up that position, and
the throne was claimed by Henry’s nephew, Stephen.

Henry was a highly capable king. Although he was

frequently involved in warfare, either direct or
diplomatic, most of this was over his lands in
Normandy. For all of his long reign, after the first year,
he maintained peace throughout England, though it
was a peace at the cost of exacting taxes needed to
maintain his army. This led to him establishing the
crown exchequer, the basis of the future Treasury.
With his many campaigns and international affairs,
Henry had little time for anything other than pleasures
of the flesh, although he did establish a royal

menagerie at his manor at Woodstock, near Oxford,
which is regarded as the first English zoo. It is ironic
that, despite having fathered at least twenty-nine
children, he was only able to leave one legitimate heir
to the throne, and she was not considered seriously by
Henry’s barons until it became convenient to do so.
For all Henry’s schemes and plans during his
thirty-five-year reign, the longest of any king of
England since Athelred II, it all came to nought.
Perhaps he schemed too much, for his efforts in his
final years to find a successor meant that he found one
too many,
and within four years of his death, England was
plunged into civil war.


King of England, 22 December 1135–7 April

1141 (deposed); restored 1 November 1141–25
October 1154. Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 26
December 1135; and again Canterbury
Cathedral, 25 December 1141.

Titles: king of England, count of Mortain (before

1115) and count of Boulogne (from c1125).

Born: Blois, France, c1097. Died: Dover, 25

October 1154, aged 57. Buried: Faversham
Abbey, Kent.

Married: c1125, Matilda (c1103–1152), dau. of
Eustace III, count of Boulogne, 5 children.
Stephen had at least five illegitimate children.

Stephen’s mother, Adela, was William the

Conqueror’s daughter, and had inherited much of her
father’s strength and power, dominating her husband
Stephen, count of Blois, whom she despatched to the
Crusades where he was killed in 1102. She had at least
ten children of whom Stephen was one of the
youngest. He soon became a favourite of his uncle
Henry who showered him with gifts of lands in
England and Normandy, making him one of the richest
men in his kingdom. His younger brother Henry
likewise gained lands and titles, and was consecrated
bishop of Winchester in October 1129, still an
influential post at that time. This meant that both
Stephen and Henry had more influence than their elder
brother Theobald (whom Henry disliked), who had
succeeded to the county of Blois on his father’s death
and had a greater right of succession to the English
throne than Stephen.

In 1125, Stephen married Matilda, the niece of Henry

I’s first wife Matilda and grandaughter of Malcolm III
of Scotland. She was also fifth in descent from
Edmund Ironside. Stephen had thus married into the
royal blood of Wessex. In 1126 Henry I had

forced his barons to swear fealty to his daughter, the
Empress Matilda, as successor in the absence of
another direct male heir.

MATILDA uncrowned queen of England, known

as ‘Lady of the English’.

Ruled 7 April–1 November 1141. Empress of

Germany, 7 January 1114–23 May 1125.

Born: Possibly Sutton Courtenay, nr Abingdon,

or in London, February (?) 1102. Died: Abbey of
Notre Dame, Rouen, 10 September 1167, aged
65. Buried: Bec Abbey, Normandy; later removed
to Rouen Cathedral.

Married: (1) 7 January 1114, at Mainz,

Germany, Heinrich V (1081–1086), emperor of
Germany: no children; (2) 22 May 1128, at Le
Mans Cathedral, Anjou, Geoffrey, count of Anjou
(1113–1151): 3 sons.

Christened Adelaide at birth, she had adopted the name

Matilda on her marriage in 1114 to the German
emperor, Henry V. Since she was only twelve at this
time it was clearly a political marriage and the young
girl does not seem to have been especially happy.
Raised in the strict atmosphere of the German court,
Matilda acquired a haughty, almost arrogant nature, to
some extent inherited from her father. She was used to

having her own way and found it difficult to make
friends. When her husband died in 1125, she had
returned to England to be acknowledged as heir to her

Stephen had been a party to this, but, as we saw, it was

not popular amongst the Normans who did not like the
idea of being ruled by a woman, especially one who
was now married a second time to the young count of
Anjou. The Angevins were longtime enemies of the
Normans in northern France, and if Matilda became
queen her husband, Geoffrey, would almost certainly
become king, and the Normans had even less desire to
be ruled by an Angevin.

On his uncle’s death in December 1135, Stephen

hastened to
London from his estates in Boulogne. Although
initially denied access through Dover by Matilda’s
half-brother, Robert of Gloucester, Stephen’s
resoluteness brought him to Canterbury where he
gained the support of William, the archbishop. Moving
on to London he gained the immediate support of the
city by granting it the status of a commune, with rights
of collective self-government. Stephen was crowned
within three weeks of his uncle’s death. This took most
barons by surprise. Some were mustering their support
behind Theobald. However, rather than have a divided
kingdom they soon switched their allegiance to
Stephen and swore fealty to him both as king of
England and duke of Normandy. Stephen was helped
by his brother Henry who allowed Stephen access to
the royal treasury at Winchester, so that Stephen was

able to bribe many of his less ardent supporters.
Theobald did not pursue his claim, but Matilda was
outraged. She protested, even to the pope, but Innocent
II supported Stephen on the basis that certain barons
and clerics maintained they had heard Henry state on
his deathbed that he wished Stephen to be his

For the moment Stephen was secure. In fact initially

Stephen was a popular king. He had an affable nature
but a firm hand and rapidly commanded respect. He
was fair in his judgements and seemed to have the
common touch so that he was supported by the vast
majority of the English. There were, however,
disputes. David I, the king of Scotland (see p. 117),
invaded Northumberland and claimed the territory in
the name of his niece, Matilda. In fact David’s
intentions were more to reclaim what he believed were
his own territories by right of succession, and he used
Matilda’s cause as an excuse. Stephen’s skirmishes
against David were all successful, culminating in the
Battle of the Standard in August 1138. Stephen had
less success in the Welsh Marches, the stronghold of
Robert of Gloucester, and it was here that Stephen’s
weakness lay. Although Robert had given token
allegiance to Stephen it is evident that the two
remained distrustful of each other. Even though Robert
accompanied Stephen in 1137 in his expedition against
Geoffrey of Anjou, Matilda’s husband, who
had been making regular incursions into Normandy, he
did not act outright against Geoffrey and, by all
accounts, began to support Geoffrey in his actions. In
May 1138 Robert, who was then in Normandy, issued

a declaration whereby he renounced his homage to
Stephen. Stephen promptly forfeited Robert’s lands
and the only way Robert could regain them was by
invading. Matilda now had an army to support her own
claim to the English throne. Such were the roots of the
first English civil war.

Once the rift was declared, Norman loyalties wavered

and Robert was able to gain further support. It was
during this period that Stephen’s once sound
judgement began to waver, but his determination
caused him to make some ill-founded decisions that
seriously weakened his position. First, in December
1138, he alienated his brother, Henry, by not
supporting his claim to be archbishop of Canterbury,
which went to the manipulative Theobald of Bec.
Second, in June 1139, he arrested Roger, bishop of
Salisbury and his nephews Alexander, bishop of
Lincoln, and Nigel, bishop of Ely. These three,
together with two of Roger’s sons, had a tight control
over much of the administration of England. It had
come to Stephen’s attention that all of them, under the
leadership of Roger, were fortifying their castles in
support of Robert of Gloucester. Stephen moved
against them, arresting them on the grounds of
threatening the peace. Henry of Winchester
immediately denounced Stephen as infringing church
authority, but Stephen’s actions were subsequently
upheld by the pope. In taking control of these bishops’
castles Stephen had made a major military advance,
but he had also made many enemies amongst their
supporters. Third, after the Battle of the Standard,
Stephen gave the castle at Carlisle to the Scots. This

enraged Ranulf, earl of Chester, since Carlisle and
Cumbria had been part of the lands of his father, which
had been forfeited following his father’s insurrection
against Henry I. Ranulf still regarded them as part of
his heritage, and to have them given to the old enemy,
the Scots, was more than he could bear. From then on
Ranulf became an enemy of the king and though he
himself to Robert of Gloucester’s camp, it was more
for his own personal revenge than for any support of

In September 1139 Robert and Matilda made their

move. Although Stephen had the ports barred, they
arrived on the south coast and found refuge at Arundel
which was under the control of Henry I’s second wife,
Adeliza, who had recently married William d’Albini,
earl of Arundel. Stephen promptly marched on
Arundel, but Robert had already left through minor and
well-hidden byways to Bristol. Stephen pursued him
without success, and it seems Robert may have been
aided en route by Stephen’s brother Henry. Certainly
Bishop Henry successfully negotiated with Stephen to
release Matilda under oath and he escorted her to
Robert in Bristol. From the vantage point of history
this seems a remarkably naïve action, though it
emphasises Stephen’s chivalric nature. Evidently
Stephen believed there was little support for Matilda,
and his main concern was Robert. Nevertheless, with
Matilda by his side, Robert was able to draw upon her
right of succession and held the equivalent of a
separate court in the lands faithful to him, which were
mostly the old heartland of Wessex in Wiltshire,

Gloucestershire and Somerset. Soon William
Fitzrichard, who held lands in Cornwall, sided with
Matilda. This brought another of Henry’s illegitimate
sons, Reginald, earl of Cornwall and the full brother of
Robert of Gloucester into the fray. Nevertheless, if
Stephen had managed to contain the war within the
south-west, he might have finished it quickly, and
certainly his impressive energy gave him the upper
hand during 1140. However his position was
undermined when opposition broke out in East Anglia,
focused on the support for the imprisoned Bishop
Nigel of Ely. Trouble soon spread to Lincoln. Stephen
had granted the Castle of Lincoln to William d’Albini,
the husband of the dowager queen Adeliza. Ranulf of
Chester believed he had a right to Lincoln and,
although Stephen was prepared to accept this, and even
granted the castle to Ranulf’s half-brother William,
Ranulf seemed less than satisfied. By Christmas 1140
the two brothers had seized Lincoln in their own name.
The townsfolk rebelled and sent for Stephen’s aid.
Stephen laid siege to the town, although Ranulf had
already escaped to gain the support of Robert of
Gloucester. In this he was successful and Robert
advanced with a large army upon Lincoln. Stephen was
advised to retreat but he stubbornly refused. Victory
here could well end the civil war. Moreover Stephen
had promised help to the people of Lincoln and he was
not about to let them down. Despite his smaller force,
Stephen led his men into battle on 2 February 1141. It
was the only major battle of the civil war and could
have been decisive. Stephen fought bravely but he was
outnumbered and his force was defeated.

Stephen was captured and imprisoned at Bristol.
Although some remained loyal to Stephen they rapidly
suffered as a consequence, and before long most turned
their allegiance to Matilda, in the belief that Stephen
would remain permanently imprisoned. Matilda and
her forces gradually assumed control.

Within a month the ‘Empress’ Matilda had secured the

support of Henry, bishop of Winchester, which
allowed her access to the royal coffers. She arrived at
London a few weeks later and in April was declared
‘Lady of the English’. She still preferred to be known
as ‘Empress’, but occasionally styled herself queen.
Although preparations were in hand for her coronation,
that never happened. Matilda rapidly made herself
unpopular. First she raised a tax on all the nobility, and
then she proposed to revoke the status of commune
which had been granted to London by Stephen. This
allowed London to collect its own taxes for its own
benefits. Matilda wanted access to these taxes. Her
support in London rapidly dwindled, and when
Stephen’s queen, also called Matilda, was able to bring
her own forces from Kent, with William of Ypres, the
‘Empress’ was driven out of London in June. She
settled in Oxford, although she spent some weeks in
the complicated siege within a siege at Winchester. It
was during this and the following affrays in the
surrounding countryside that Robert of Gloucester was
captured and Matilda only narrowly escaped. Matilda
needed Robert as head of her forces and as a
consequence she had
to trade for his release with the release of Stephen from
captivity in Bristol.

Stephen was restored to the throne in November and
enjoyed a second coronation on Christmas Day. The
war was not won, but Stephen became more tenacious.
England was divided, but Stephen retained the upper
hand. In May 1142 Robert took a hazardous journey to
Normandy to gain support from Matilda’s husband,
Geoffrey, but he was too busy trying to gain control of
Normandy and refused assistance. Whilst Robert was
absent Stephen pressed home his advantage and by
December had Matilda under siege at Oxford Castle.

She was able to escape by rope from an open window

and then, cloaked in white as camouflage against the
snow, she crossed the frozen river and made her way to

It is worth noting that resident at Oxford at this time

was Geoffrey of Monmouth who, just a few years
earlier, had completed his History of the Kings of
Britain. The book was dedicated to Robert of

The civil war would drag on for a further five years.

Although Stephen continued to hold the advantage he
could never rule in total confidence. A strong reminder
of this came when the Empress’s forces scored a
notable victory over Stephen at Wilton. Stephen
became less assured of his authority and frequently
arrested people at a moment’s notice on suspicion.
Among these was the treacherous Geoffrey de
Mandeville, constable of the Tower of London, who
had been made earl of Essex. His support swung with
the prevailing breeze and after his arrest his forces

raised a rebellion in 1143, which Stephen was able to
quash. For a while Robert and the ‘Empress’ believed
they might still have a chance, especially after
Geoffrey of Anjou gained control of Normandy in
January 1144, but to no avail. In 1145 Robert of
Gloucester’s son, Philip, transferred his allegiance to
Stephen. Gradually Stephen wore down opposition, but
in this process England was slowly being destroyed.

In October 1147 Robert of Gloucester died, and a few

months later, in the spring of 1148, Matilda returned to
Normandy and
never returned to England. Although she ruled as
uncrowned queen for less than a year, Matilda was the
first queen of all England. Had she not been so
arrogant and fiery tempered, she might have been
remembered more for her successes than her failures.

Her cause was taken up by her son Henry (later Henry

II). Skirmishes continued throughout 1149, but nothing
of any substance. The English civil war did not so
much end as fizzle out. Stephen, though, was a shadow
of his former self. The civil war had broken him. The
strong, resolute, affable man of 1136, was now an ill,
haunted, uncertain individual. His continued policies at
home were thwarted by Theobald, archbishop of
Canterbury, who refused Stephen’s involvement in
church affairs. Theobald found himself briefly exiled
from England, but Stephen soon realized this worked
against him. Stephen wanted to secure the succession
for his son, Eustace, count of Boulogne, but he needed
the approval of the archbishop to have him crowned.
This Theobald refused to do. Although Stephen

declared his son king of England in 1152, this was not
acknowledged by the church. Stephen, now much
saddened by the death of his wife in May 1152,
became a broken man. In 1153 Henry of Anjou
brought a force to England to establish his right to the
throne. The engagements were all indecisive, not
helped by Stephen’s apparent lack of strength.
Suddenly, in August 1153, Eustace died. Stephen’s
ambitions collapsed. He signed the Treaty of
Wallingford with Henry in November 1153,
acknowledging Henry as his heir and successor.

Stephen had less than a year to live. He spent most of

these days in Kent, which had remained loyal to him,
though he was in great pain from bleeding piles. He
died of appendicitis at Dover in October 1154 and was
buried alongside his wife and son at Faversham Abbey,
which he had founded in 1147. Had Stephen’s right to
accession been unopposed there is no doubt that he
would have ruled as a strong and popular king, but the
civil war ruined the ambition and reputation of an
otherwise capable, intelligent and brave king.


*The following quote is taken from London by Walter

Besant (Chatto & Windus, 1892) who credits it as
being from ‘a hitherto unpublished chapter from the
Chronicle of a layman, a British citizen.‘ However he
does not cite his source for this.


WALES (500–1240)
The whole history of Wales from the sixth to the
thirteenth century was one of constant fighting
between brothers, cousins, uncles, nephews and any
other relative who got in the way. And when they were
not fighting each other within their kingdom, they were
fighting their neighbours. In these conditions it was
rare for a strong king to unite more than one kingdom
and even rarer for that to remain united under his

Wales was not really a country of discrete kingdoms;

rather it was one where internal boundaries changed
with every passing king, making up a cauldron of
smaller kingdoms. Occasionally one of these would
bubble to the surface and remain dominant before
simmering down and awaiting the next eruption.

The major struggles for power were between Gwynedd

in the north and Deheubarth in the south, with Powys
and Gwent occasionally getting in the way (see map on

p. 465). After Cadwallon of Gwynedd had been
defeated in 634, Wales would not see another
great ruler until Rhodri The Great in 844. He was what
Wales had needed at the time, for the land was under
threat from the Vikings. Rhodri ruled Gwynedd for
thirty-four years. He was the first Welsh king to
receive the epithet ‘Great’.

Rhodri succeeded to the kingdom of Gwynedd on the

death of his father in 844, and to the kingdom of
Powys in 855 on the abdication of his uncle, Cyngen
ap Cadell. Through his marriage to Angharad, the
daughter of Meurig of Seisyllwg, Rhodri also came to
rule that territory when Angharad’s brother Gwgon
drowned in 871. By the end of his reign Rhodri ruled
the greater part of Wales, the most united under a
single monarch since the days of Maelgwyn.

If there was any time when Wales needed a strong

king, it was then. Rhodri’s kingdom was under attack
from the Danes to the west and the Saxons to the east.
In 853 Burgred of Mercia combined forces with
Athelwolf of Wessex in a major assault against the
Welsh. Though they overran Powys, they were unable
to defeat Rhodri and withdrew. In 855 the first Viking
attack occurred on the coast of Anglesey. Rhodri
marshalled his defences and, in the following year, he
met a Danish fleet in battle and slew their leader,
Gorm. The victory was celebrated not only in Wales,
but across England and in Francia, which was also
subject to Danish attacks. The Danes continued to
harry the coasts of England and Ireland, and later
returned to Dyfed in southern Wales, but left Anglesey

alone for twenty years. This indicates that Rhodri had
established significant defences to discourage any
invasion. Rhodri again faced an onslaught from the
Mercians in 865, when Burgred invaded as far as
Anglesey but had to withdraw because of the Viking
threat to his own kingdom.

For Rhodri to sustain his defences on both east and

west borders shows a high degree of strategic skills
and an ability to command considerable support and
loyalty. There is no doubt that Rhodri gave back to the
Welsh a belief in themselves and a chance to show
their strength. If this had been achieved earlier and
sustained by Cadwallon, the native British might well
have regained much of the island, but they were never
able to sustain it beyond the reign of one ruler.
With Rhodri there came a ruler who changed the
culture and thinking of his people, a change which
outlasted him and formed the basis for the
establishment of modern Wales.

Unfortunately for Rhodri his abilities let him down

after a powerful reign of over thirty years. In 877 the
Danes renewed their raids on Anglesey, this time with
a stronger power base in Dublin and the Western Isles.
They succeeded in breaking through Rhodri’s defences
and he fled for safety into Ireland. He returned to
Gwynedd in the following year to face an onslaught
from Ceolwulf II of Mercia, himself a vassal king of
the Danes, and Rhodri died in battle.

After his death his son Anarawd ruled with equal

power, as did his successor Idwal. But it was nearly

thirty years after Rhodri’s death, before the next great
leader would emerge. This was Hywel the Good.


Dyfed 905–50; Seisyllwg, 920–50 – the two
kingdoms combined as Deheubarth after 920;
also ruled Gwynedd and Powys, 942–50

He was arguably the greatest of the Welsh rulers, and

certainly the only one to be called ‘Good’. By the time
of his death he was king of all of Wales except
Morgannwg. His date of birth is not recorded, but it
was probably around 880/2. He was given Dyfed by
his father Cadell ap Rhodri who had conquered it in
905, deposing the last king Rhodri ap Hyfaidd.
Although Hywel ruled this as sub-king to Cadell, it
was an early sign of Hywel’s abilities that Cadell
should entrust his new kingdom to his younger son.
Hywel consolidated his rule in Dyfed by marrying
Elen, the daughter of Llywarch ap Hyfaidd. When
Cadell died in 909, Hywel’s brother Clydog inherited
Seisyllwg, but to all intents Hywel ruled Dyfed and
Seisyllwg jointly with Cadell. Upon Cadell’s death in
920, Hywel combined the two kingdoms to which he
gave the new name of Deheubarth.

Hywel was a regular visitor to the court of the kings of

England. In 918 and 927, these were meetings called
by the Saxon kings to reaffirm their suzerainty and
seek fealty from the other rulers of Britain. In 934,

Hywel had to prove that fealty by accompanying
Athelstan in his punitive expedition against
Constantine II of Scotland. On none of these occasions
would Hywel have relished this subordination, but he
was sensible enough to know that he had neither the
need nor the strength of arms to defeat the English and
that he could benefit by working with them. This
affiliation brought respect from the English kings and a
recognition of Hywel’s authority. At other times he
seems to have attended the English courts as a friend,
often to witness charters, and took the opportunity to
study how the administration and jurisdiction operated.
Though it may go too far to say he was an Anglophile,
he did christen one of his children with an English
name, Edwin, and the English ability to organize
clearly appealed to him. He had the good sense to
understand what worked well and could respect the
English way of life. This was further amplified after
his pilgrimage to Rome in 928. It had a marked effect
upon him, not simply in the religious sense, but in
recognizing the benefits that could come to a well
organized kingdom, which he witnessed in France and

Hywel benefited from his association with the English.

In 942 his cousin, Idwal ap Anarawd of Gwynedd, was
killed in battle against the Saxons. His sons were
expelled from the kingdom and the dominion of the
land passed to Hywel. He was now ruler of most of
Wales, with the exception of the south-east. He took
this opportunity to organize and consolidate the many
tribal laws of the land. Soon after 942, probably around
945, he called a great conference at Ty Gwyn (‘the

White House’) in Dyfed (near the modern town of
Whitland), with representatives from every parish. The
conference met for six weeks during which time we
must imagine that all of the laws were codified and
differences debated. It is unlikely that within that six
weeks all differences were resolved, but it provided the
basis for developing a series of three law books, which
represented the respective laws of Gwynedd,
Deheubarth and Morgannwg.
These law books established such authority that it was
later said none of the laws could be amended without
gathering together a similar assembly. By codifying
these laws, which was apparently done under the
masterful direction of a lawyer called Blegywryd,
Hywel did more towards unifying the Welsh as a
nation than any other ruler had sought to achieve by
conquest and domination. Even when after Hywel’s
death his kingdom was again partitioned amongst his
successors, his laws lived on, and remained the
cornerstone of Welsh administration. So paramount
was Hywel in his role as king and lawgiver that he was
also the first and only Welsh prince to issue his own
coinage. Since it was issued from the mint at Chester,
Hywel must have consulted with the English over its

When Hywel died in 950, probably in his late sixties,

he left behind a legacy that would long be remembered
as a golden age in Welsh history.

As a result of the influence of Rhodri and Hywel two

strong kingdoms emerged – Gwynedd in the north and
Deheubarth in the south. In the south-east Gwent and

Glywysing joined together to form the kingdom of
Morgannwg, which remained independent, while in the
east along the Marches the kingdom of Powys
re-emerged under a series of powerful kings. These
kingdoms retained a high degree of independence,
whilst acknowledging the supremacy of the Saxons.


Powys, 1039–63; Deheubarth, 1044–47 and
1055–63; from 1055 also regarded as sovereign
of all Wales.

Born: date unknown but probably around 1000.

Died: 5 August 1063.

Married: c1057, Eadgyth (i.e. Edith)

(c1042–after 1070), dau. Alfgar, Earl of Mercia;
3 children.

It would not be until the eleventh century that a ruler

was to be regarded as sovereign of all Wales. This was
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn.
Like the see-saw between the descendants of Augustus
to be emperor of Rome, so the pendulum swung
between the varied and many descendants of Rhodri
Mawr for the kingship of Gwynedd. The descendants
of Idwal ap Anarawd were fairly weak and usually
destroyed each other by internecine battles. The other
line, descended from Idwal’s brother Elisedd, was
stronger but had less opportunity to gain the throne.

When they took it they were often dominant, as in the
case of Gruffydd’s father Llywelyn ap Seisyll, but the
most decisive of them all was Gruffydd himself. This
may seem strange for a man who, in his youth, had
displayed little ambition but, matured by the
instruction of his father, Gruffydd turned into a virtual
war machine. He seized power in Gwynedd when Iago
ab Idwal ab Meurig was murdered, and was generally
welcomed by the populace who had enjoyed the reign
of his father. Gruffydd first turned his ferocity against
the Mercians who constantly harried the borders of
Wales and in 1039 won a decisive victory at the battle
of Rhyd-y-Groes, near Welsh-pool, where he slew
Edwin, the brother of Earl Leofric of Mercia. The
victory was so decisive that for a period the Saxons
stopped all hostilities across the border. This allowed
Gruffydd to turn his attention to South Wales with a
sustained onslaught on Hywel ab Edwin of
Deheubarth. The battles were intense with heavy losses
on both sides and much despoiling of the land,
especially around Ceredigion. After two resounding
defeats, Hywel recruited an army of Vikings from
Ireland and there was a climactic battle at the estuary
of the river Towy in 1044, where Hywel was slain.
Gruffydd’s victory was brief, though, for within a few
months he was challenged by Gruffydd ab Rhydderch,
another of the princely descendants of Rhodri Mawr.
For two years the battles continued, and when warfare
did not succeed treachery was brought into play, and in
1047 over a hundred of Gruffydd ab Llywelyn’s
soldiers were slaughtered through deceit on the part of
Gruffydd ap Rhydderch’s brothers. In revenge

Gruffydd laid waste to parts of Dyfed and Seisyllwg.
He also went
into an alliance with Swein, the new earl of Mercia, in
order to have Saxon support for his claim on
Deheubarth, but even this did not succeed and, for a
while, Gruffydd ceased his campaigning in the south.

He turned his attention again to the eastern Marches,

and sought to gain further land beyond Offa’s Dyke.
He entered into an alliance with Alfgar, the son of Earl
Leofric of Mercia, taking advantage of rivalry between
Leofric’s family and that of Earl Godwin of Wessex
whose son, Swein, Gruffydd’s former ally, had been
forced into exile in Byzantium. At about this time
Gruffydd married Alfgar’s daughter, Eadgyth (who
would later become the wife of Harold II), who was
aged about fifteen. A series of raids began in 1052 and
between them Gruffydd and Alfgar gained much
territory along the Marches. Saxon border patrols were
overwhelmed even as far south as Westbury in
Gloucestershire. In 1055 the town of Hereford was
sacked and burnt.

Gruffydd was now at the height of his powers, for in

1055 he at last had his victory over Gruffydd ab
Rhydderch, whom he slew in battle, and thereafter
claimed the kingdom of Deheubarth. In 1056 the
bishop of Hereford, Leofgar, led an army against
Gruffydd but he was soundly defeated. By this time
Gruffydd claimed sovereignty over all of Wales,
although it was a tenuous claim that he could hold only
by show of force, and not as a ruler in the normal
sense. Nevertheless the English respected this authority

and, in 1057, they at last sought a treaty with Gruffydd.
After lengthy negotiations, led by Harold Godwinson
and Earl Leofric, an agreement was reached, and
Gruffydd swore his fealty to King Edward the

One might think Gruffydd would settle down and

enjoy his power and attempt to administer the rule of
law across Wales, but he continued to work in alliance
with Earl Alfgar, helping him to regain his lands after
he was temporarily dispossessed in 1058. However,
after Alfgar died in 1062, Gruffydd became vulnerable.
In his old age Gruffydd let down his guard and, late in
1062, Harold Godwinson mounted a surprise attack on
court at Rhuddlan, destroying Gruffydd’s fleet.
Gruffydd escaped, but he was now a refugee. Harold,
with his brother Tostig, mounted a combined attack on
Wales in 1063, forcing the Welsh army into
submission. Not only did Harold exact tribute and
hostages but he demanded that the Welsh abandon
Gruffydd. Gruffydd’s own men turned on him and he
was slain by Cynan ap Iago in August 1063, his head
sent to Harold as a sign of the victory. Thereafter his
kingdom was sub-divided by Edward and allocated to
various princes. Maredudd ab Owain ab Edwin
inherited Deheubarth, whilst Bleddyn ap Cynfyn and
his brother Rhiwallon shared Gwynedd and Powys.

The longest reigning of all Welsh rulers was Gruffydd

ap Cynan whose rule lasted some 56 years and spanned
the reigns of the Norman monarchs William I and II,
Henry I, Matilda and Stephen. A descendant of Rhodri

Mawr, he was born in about 1055 in Ireland where his
father was in exile. His mother Ragnhildr was a
granddaughter of Sitric II, king of Dublin. Gruffydd
was therefore of mixed Celtic and Norse blood. Early
on in his career he had been captured by the Normans
and held in Chester castle for some ten or twelve years
but, under Henry I’s rule, he made a deal with the
Normans whereby he and his sons were able to retain
their land in return for accepting Norman authority. He
and Henry I seemed like-minded and each was
prepared to tolerate the other. Gruffydd ceased to show
hostility to the Normans and instead spent his time
rebuilding the old glory of Gwynedd. He had a
particular passion for music and stories of old, and has
earned a reputation as a patron of the bardic tradition,
laying down the basis for the modern eisteddfod. His
court poet was the legendary Meilyr Brydydd.

He was clearly a survivor, for some nineteen years of

his life had either been spent in exile or in prison, but
his strength, willpower and ultimately his tenacity
brought him the respect of the Normans. During the
height of his reign, from 1100 to around 1120,
Gruffydd rebuilt the pride and culture of the northern
Welsh. He passed this legacy on to his son, Owain


Gwynedd, 1137–70.

Born: Angelesey, c1100. Died: 28 November
1170, aged 70. Buried: Bangor Cathedral.

Married: (1) Gwladys, dau. Llywarch ap

Trahern; 2 sons; (2) Christina, dau. Gronw ap
Owain; 2 sons. Owain had at least 6 illegitimate
children by two or three other women.

Owain ap Gruffydd originally earned the surname

Gwynedd to distinguish him from another prince with
the same name who became known as Owain
Cyfeiliog, but the name was even more apt, as Owain
built upon the achievements of his father, Gruffydd ap
Cynan, to establish Gwynedd as a power in the land,
one which aroused respect, and not a little concern, in
the English king Henry II. By the end of his reign,
Owain was being called Owain the Great.

At the start, though, it seemed as if Gruffydd’s

achievements might be split by the inevitable enmity
arising among the sons of strong monarchs, as his
lands were partitioned between his various heirs. But
in fact the sons acted with one accord, realising that
between them they had the strength to dominate Wales.
This had started to happen even before Gruffydd’s
death. Owain and his elder brother Cadwallon (who
died in 1132) had systematically extended the borders
of Gwynedd to incorporate the territories of
Meirionydd, Rhos, Rufoniog and Dyffryn Clwyd,
thereby establishing their power throughout northern

and north-west Wales. On the death of Henry I in 1135
there was a general uprising amongst the Welsh
princes to regain their territory from the Normans,
taking advantage of the political uncertainty in
England which resulted in the civil war between
Stephen and Matilda. None was more powerful or
better placed to gain from this anarchy than Owain. In
1136, the Norman lord Richard de Clare (whose father
had been given the lands of Ceredigion in 1110) was
ambushed and killed by Welsh renegades. Soon after
there was
a significant battle at Crug Mawr, in northern
Ceredigion, where the Welsh slaughtered a large
Anglo-Norman army. Owain and another brother,
Cadwaladr, used these opportunities to invade
Ceredigion, taking the northern territories, and
extending their hold the following year. Their attempts
to break into Dyfed in 1138 failed, but Cadwaladr
sought to consolidate his hold upon Ceredigion, which
he maintained until 1143. Then Cadwaladr’s
involvement in the murder of Anarawd ap Gruffydd
led to his expulsion from Wales and his exile in Ireland
for a year until he was temporarily restored by his
brother in 1144.

Meanwhile Owain was gradually extending his control

over the territories of northern Wales, taking over one
district at a time so that by 1149 almost all of the old
kingdom of Powys was under his control, and the
boundaries of Gwynedd once again extended from
Anglesey to the estuary of the Dee. Although Owain
continued to plan for further territorial expansion, the
next few years saw a period of strengthening his

existing domain, and it was as much his qualities as a
politician as an expansionist which made him one of
Wales’s greatest rulers.

From a picture in the National Library of Wales

His only setback occurred in 1157. By then Henry II

had come to the throne and restored political strength
in England. Pope Adrian IV had granted Henry
authority over the whole of Britain in 1155, and with
this as his passport, Henry despatched his forces into
Wales. Although Owain lost some ground, Henry did
not force the king into submission. Nevertheless
Owain was sensible enough to know that he needed to
negotiate with Henry. Henry agreed to cease any
further incursions into Gwynedd, provided Owain
accepted Henry as his overlord. Henry had also taken
under his wing, Owain’s brother, Cadwaladr, who had
been exiled in England, and had become an ally of the
Norman earls of Chester and Shrewsbury. Henry
required that Owain accept Cadwaladr as his partner in
government in Gwynedd, which Owain did becoming,
at last, reconciled to his renegade brother. Owain

accepted all these terms freely. His great strength was
in recognizing the benefits that came from being allied
to Henry II and his great Angevin empire. It meant that
the Welsh prince was regarded as a significant feudal
monarch rather than as a tribal chieftain, and it was
through Owain that the sovereignty of Gwynedd was
recognized. Owain was regarded as the premier ruler in
Wales, and was officially styled ‘Prince of the Welsh’
(subject to Henry as overlord), though he was still
called king of Wales by his subjects. Henry publicized
this at a ceremony in July 1163 at Woodstock, where
all the Welsh rulers and the Scottish king assembled to
pay homage to Henry. Amongst their numbers was
Rhys ap Gruffydd who was still hostile to Henry, and it
required Owain’s authority and skills as a negotiator to
convince Rhys that he should submit to Henry.

Although he maintained his fealty to Henry for the rest

of his life, this did not stop Owain ensuring that the
rights and status of the Welsh were acknowledged by
the Normans. The ceremony of 1163 unsettled many of
the Welsh princes, seeing it as domination by the
Normans, and in 1164 a series of uprisings broke out
all over Wales. Henry decided that a show of force was
and brought together a mighty army from France,
Scotland and Ireland, but he mismanaged the whole
operation. Owain united the Welsh armies and stood
fast at Corwen, on the river Dee, awaiting the Norman
onslaught. It did not happen: undone by the weather,
the terrain, and the sheer size of his force, Henry
retreated, taking only a few hostages. The Welsh drove
home their advantage, with Owain and Cadwaladr

regaining the territory they had lost ten years earlier
and reestablishing the borders of Gwynedd.

Owain had a somewhat ambivalent relationship with

the church. Whilst he was strongly religious he had no
wish to be dictated to – a trait he shared with Henry II!
He incurred the displeasure of the church when, as his
second wife, he took his cousin Christina. Such a close
marriage was not regarded as lawful in the eyes of the
church, but Owain did not falter, and indeed his deep
love for his second wife became legendary. Owain saw
the authority of the see of Canterbury over the Welsh
church as just as much a sign of domination as his
submission to the Norman king, and whilst he saw the
advantages in the latter, he did not so willingly
concede the necessity for the former. He refused to
accept the authority of Canterbury in appointing his
local bishops, especially at Bangor, where he did not
replace the bishop for thirteen years.

At the time of his death in 1170 Owain was thus

master of all of North Wales, the premier prince of
Wales, and was held in high regard throughout Europe.
If his sons had had similar qualities, they might have
avoided the civil war that broke out between them
upon Owain’s death and, once again, sundered the
kingdom. It was left to his grandson, Llywelyn The
Great (see p. 95), to restore the kingdom to its final
days of glory. In the meantime in the equally powerful
kingdom of Deheubarth, Rhys ap Gruffydd was also
very active. His significance would be very long-term,
for centuries later Henry VII, the first of the Tudor

dynasty would claim descent through him from the
Celtic princes of Wales.


Deheubarth, 1155–97.

Born: c1132 in Ireland. Died: 28 April 1197,

aged about 65. Buried: St David’s Cathedral.

Married: (date unknown), Gwenllian, dau.

Madog ap Maredudd of Powys; 9 children, plus
at least 9 illegitimate.

In the eighteen years following the death of his father

Gruffydd ap Rhys, Rhys and his brothers progressively
reclaimed and rebuilt much of the old kingdom of
Deheubarth, recovering lands from the Normans and
from the rival kingdom of Gwynedd. Rhys had been
only four when his father died, but by the age of
thirteen he was involved with his brothers in various
engagements so that he was already battle hardened
when the early death of his brother Maredudd
catapulted Rhys into power in 1155.

He came to power at the same time as Henry II of

England, who felt he needed to repair the damage
caused in both England and Wales during the last
twenty years. As we have seen he soon tested Welsh
resistance by a campaign into North Wales in 1157 that
saw the submission of Owain Gwynedd. Rhys held out

for a year with a display of bravado, but when Henry
put it to the test in 1158, Rhys was forced to submit.
His parley with Henry was costly. Rhys was forced to
hand back all of the captured castles to the Norman
families and was left in control of only Cantref Mawr
and a few outlying territories. Deheubarth was again
split asunder as if the last twenty years had been for
nothing. Perhaps even more ignominious was that
Rhys agreed to drop the title of king, demonstrating his
total submission to Henry’s authority. Ever after he
was always known as Yr Arglwydd Rhys – ‘The Lord
Rhys’. Such a decision was not easily accepted. Rhys’s
nephew, Einion ap Anarawd, rebelled and slew the
garrison at Castell Hywel. Henry returned with a show
of force and Rhys had to capitulate. However, soon
after Henry returned to France, Rhys attacked several
castles in Dyfed, most notably Carmarthen, which
resulted in a major Norman force being despatched by
Henry’s illegitimate son, Reginald, earl of Cornwall.
The scale of the opposition drove Rhys back into his
stronghold of Cantref Mawr from which the combined
forces of five Norman earls, plus the assistance of the
rulers of Gwynedd, were unable to displace him. A
truce was finally called and, for the next three years,
Rhys remained quiet.

From a picture in the National Library of Wales

Then, in 1162, Rhys began again on a series of raids,

taking the castle at Llandovery. When Henry returned
to England in early 1163 his first mission was to
penetrate into South Wales. Henry caught up with
Rhys in Ceredigion. Quite how or why Rhys submitted
is not clear, but there was no struggle, and Henry took
Rhys away as prisoner. It is a demonstration of
Henry’s belief in his own strength and authority that,
after a few months, he released Rhys after he had paid
homage to Henry at Woodstock in July, along with
Malcolm IV of Scotland and Owain Gwynedd. Rhys
remained obdurate. While he had been prisoner, his
nephew Einion had been murdered. The murderer was
being sheltered by Roger de Clare, earl of Hertford.
Once back in Wales, Rhys immediately led an army in
Ceredigion destroying any Norman stronghold he
found as he progressed. This was the last straw for
Henry. He planned to raise a major army and subdue
Wales once and for all. The threat of this at last
the various factions in Wales together into a major
uprising. At the same time Henry had his own

domestic problems over Thomas Becket, and his
campaign of 1165 failed dramatically. Rhys seized this
as an opportunity to regain all of his lost lands and
within a year had rebuilt much of Deheubarth. He
never was able to regain much of the land in Dyfed or
along the southern coast, but most of Ceredigion and
northern Ystrad Tywi was under his direct rule, and
many surrounding territories were ruled by client

For a period the Norman lords despaired, many of

them turning their attention to Ireland to expand their
power. This further annoyed Henry whose next
expedition to Wales in 1170 was not to subjugate the
Welsh but to bring his Norman lords back to heel. It
seems that during the 1160s both sides had learned
their lessons. In 1171 and 1172 Henry and Rhys held a
series of meetings out of which Rhys emerged as
Henry’s recognized ‘justiciar’ in Deheubarth, a role
which demonstrated that Rhys acted with the authority
of Henry and had power over the administration of the
law, and that meant power over the lesser rulers in
South Wales. Rhys actually styled himself ‘Prince of
South Wales’. It was a turning point in Welsh affairs.
From then on, for the second half of his reign, Rhys
put aside his rebellious past and assumed the rôle of a
governor, negotiator, peace-maker and king’s man. He
even sent a force to support Henry during the revolt of
his sons in 1173. Rhys saw the benefits of Norman
England and even began to imitate the Norman way of
life and administration. But he did not neglect Welsh
culture. He rebuilt the castle at Cardigan and, upon its
completion in 1176, inaugurated there the first official

eisteddfod. He also founded or rebuilt a number of
abbeys, of which Strata Florida was the most striking

Unfortunately most of Rhys’s achievements were built

on shifting sands. They relied primarily on his own
strength and stamina and on the relationship that he
developed with Henry II. After Henry’s death in 1189,
Rhys found it difficult to receive any co-operation
from Richard’s government, and the protection he was
allowed from the ambitions of the marcher lords also
evaporated. Tensions again began to mount, intensified
by unrest between Rhys’s own sons. The result was
that Rhys once again had to take to arms to defend
himself. The main Anglo-Norman opponent was
William de Breos, lord of Radnor and Builth. Initially
Rhys showed his strength, but by 1194 the infighting
within the family began to take its toll. The main
trouble-maker was one of Rhys’s younger sons,
Maelgwyn, who was imprisoned and later handed over
to Breos by his own brother Gruffydd. When Rhys
secured Maelgwyn’s release, it only led to more
infighting between Maelgwyn and Gruffydd. Rhys was
caught in the middle and in 1194 found himself
captured and imprisoned by Maelgwyn. He was soon
released, but found that other sons, Rhys Gryg and
Maredudd, had captured Deheubarth’s royal
stronghold at Dinefwr. Rhys was incensed. Showing
something of his old strength and verve he regained his
castles and, in 1196, led a major campaign against the
Normans. During the last few years William de Breos
had succeeded in regaining some of his old territories,
but in a remarkable campaign Rhys stormed and

captured many of de Breos’s castles and razed Norman
towns to the ground. Rhys went out in a blaze of glory.
He died the following spring. He was the last great
ruler of southern Wales, and certainly one of Wales’s
greatest rulers. From out of almost nothing he rebuilt
Deheubarth, and held it against overwhelming odds for
over forty years. Unfortunately, as was ever the case
with a strong king who ruled for so long, the rivalry
between his sons soon pulled the kingdom apart.

If there is one Welsh prince everyone knows (or think

they know) it is Llywelyn the Great, although some of
his exploits often get confused in the public
consciousness with those of his grandson, known as
Llywelyn The Last. Llywelyn rightly deserved the
epithet the Great, the most of all the Welsh rulers,
almost solely for his leadership and statesmanlike
abilities. Certainly he had no finesse or cultural
qualities, but he was the man that Wales needed to pull
it out of the Dark Ages and make it a united country.
He was an ideal successor to Gruffydd ap Cynan and
Owain Gwynedd his grandfather.


IORWETH Gwynedd (east Gwynedd from
1195) 1200–40; incorporating Powys from 1208;
overlord of Deheubarth from 1216; regarded as
prince of Wales from 1210.

Born: Dolwyddelan, Nantconwy, c1173. Died: 11
April 1240, aged about 66. Buried: Aberconwy

Married: 1205, Joan, illeg. dau. King John of

England; 5 children. Llywelyn had at least one
illegitimate child.

His rise to power was meteoric. His father, Iorweth

Drwyndwn, had died soon after Llywelyn’s birth and
he was raised with his mother’s relatives in Powys. By
his late teens he had joined forces with his cousins,
Gruffydd and Maredudd ab Cynan in their opposition
to their uncles Rhodri ab Owain and Dafydd ab Owain.
Llywelyn soon got the upper hand over his cousins, so
that when Dafydd was deposed from East Gwynedd in
1195 Llywelyn claimed the territory as his own.
Although technically he initially shared it with his
uncle, Dafydd was soon squeezed out of the land,
imprisoned in 1197, and then banished altogether in
1198. In 1200, his cousin Gruffydd, who had
ostensibly become the ruler in West Gwynedd, died,
and Llywelyn promptly annexed that territory. In 1201
and 1202 he deprived Maredudd of his lands in Llyn
and Meirionydd respectively, so that by 1202 he had
reunited all of Gwynedd.

Llywellyn learned from his predecessors that it was

important to stay on cordial terms with the king of
England. Soon after John came to power, he and

Llywelyn entered into a detailed agreement. This
enforced John’s overlordship of Wales, and stated the
terms by which Llywelyn and his own lords must
render fealty; but it also recognized the authority of
Welsh law and stated on what basis cases might be
tried. This agreement, the oldest to survive between an
English and a Welsh monarch, while definitely
constituting an imposition of English overlordship,
nevertheless recognized the relevance and need of
Welsh law and government and thus gave Llywelyn a
power in his own land
that was unequalled by any previous English-Welsh
relationship. Llywelyn sought to cement this accord
further by marrying Joan, an illegitimate daughter of
John’s, in 1205. He also accompanied John on his
punitive expedition against the Scots in 1209.

In the meantime Llywelyn took what opportunities

presented themselves to expand his authority in Wales.
His closest rival was Gwenwynwyn, the prince of
Powys, who also had expansionist desires, but who
overstepped the mark in 1208, literally, by several
ill-disposed attacks on the marcher lands. King John
reacted swiftly and deprived Gwenwynwyn of all of
his lands. Llywelyn promptly annexed southern Powys
and used this as a means to march into and lay claim to
southern Ceredigion. He then claimed overlordship of
the other lesser lordships in southern Wales and, by
1210, was declaring himself as prince of all Wales.

This insubordination angered John who sent two

expeditions into Wales in 1211. The first suffered from
poor organization but the second was highly

successful, penetrating far into the stronghold of
Gwynedd. East Gwynedd was placed again under
Norman control, and John cleverly engineered the
isolation of Llywelyn by ensuring the support of the
other princes. Exacting tributes were demanded and
severe retribution taken on the hostages John took,
including Llywelyn’s illegitimate eldest son. For a few
months Llywelyn was vulnerable. There was even a
rival movement which sought to bring his cousin,
Owain ap Dafydd, to the throne, but at the moment of
crisis Llywelyn found unanimous support amongst his
countrymen. In 1212 Llywelyn regrouped his forces
and prepared to face the might of John’s army, which
he had convened with a view to total conquest of

It could have been the biggest invasion force since the

Norman conquest of England but, at the last moment,
John changed his plans. Domestic problems amongst
his barons, which culminated in John’s signing of the
Magna Carta, meant that he turned his attention from
Wales. This was not a retreat, but the Welsh regarded
it as a victory. Llewelyn had not been afraid to face the
might of the English, and the English had backed
down. Thereafter
Llywelyn felt able to recommence his onslaught
against the Norman-controlled territories, regaining
East Gwynedd and lands in the Marches, as well as
commanding fealty from the remaining Welsh princes
in Powys and Deheubarth. By 1216 Llywelyn was
prince of all Wales in fact as well as title, as confirmed
by the Treaty of Worcester in 1218.

Border skirmishes continued for several more years,
mostly with the new regent of England, William
Marshal, one of the marcher lords and the new earl of
Pembroke, until his death in 1219. From 1216 to 1234
lands and castles frequently changed hands, but it was
as much a period of testing as of outright hostility. The
two parties came to understand each other and, with
the Pact of Middle in 1234, an agreement was reached
by both sides which assured a modicum of peace.

Llywelyn was determined that all he had achieved

would not be broken asunder after his death so, as
early as 1208 he ensured that his newly born legitimate
son, Dafydd, was recognized as his heir. He also
determined to revoke the Welsh law of partible
succession, which had been the ruin of previous
attempts to unite Wales. Llywelyn sought to introduce
the rule of primogeniture so that his eldest legitimate
son inherited. Although this caused a family rift
between Llywelyn’s eldest illegitimate son, Gruffydd,
and his nominated successor, Dafydd, Llywelyn
succeeded in gaining total acceptance. But Daffydd
was to die at the age of thirty-seven without an heir,
and it was his brother Gruffydd’s son Llywelyn (the
last) who succeeded him.

SCOTLAND (850–1165)
In Scotland and Wales the Celtic rule of partible
succession meant that kings divided their land amongst
their sons, so that the work of any king to establish a
stronger and larger kingdom was immediately undone

when it was subdivided amongst his successors, few of
whom were of the same ability as their father. This rule
had weakened the Welsh kingdoms more than the
ones. The Scots of Dál Riata had been growing in
power, but then fell foul of an interdynastic struggle
between the main ruling family, the Cenél Gabhrán,
and the Cenél Loarn, both descended from the father of
the founding ruler Fergus. At the start of the eighth
century this infighting weakened the Scots and allowed
the king of the Picts, Angus, who was the victor of
their own interdynastic struggle, to take control.

It was in the mid ninth century that the kingdoms of

the Picts and the Scots united to become what we now
know as Scotland. The separate kingdom of
Strathclyde merged with the kingdom of the Scots in
around 890. At this stage the kingdom of Scotland was
centred in southern Scotland and held little authority
over the Highlands which were still dominated by the
Picts and the Cenél Loarn who later emerged as a
separate kingdom of Moray. Further north the Vikings
settled in Orkney and their authority spilled over into
Caithness. The ruler responsible for the union was
Kenneth MacAlpin.

KENNETH MACALPIN Scots, 840–58; and

Picts, 847–58.

Kenneth’s origins are obscure and his fame rests more
on the subsequent development of his dynasty than any
significant actions during his own reign. Although he
must have come from some branch of the ruling Cenél
Gabhrán faction, his exact antecedents have never been
satisfactorily identified, though a twelfth-century
genealogy makes him the great-grandson of Aed Find,
who ruled Dál Riata from 750–78. This is, of course,
possible, but it is surprising that someone who shot to
power so quickly had not otherwise already featured in
the activities prevalent during the previous decade
where a high ranking and ambitious prince is bound to
have made his mark. The story that he succeeded his
father as a sub-king of Galloway is again possible, but
unlikely. What seems more likely is that Kenneth was
a prince of the Cenél Gabhrán but was not
necessarily resident in Dál Riata for all of his early life.
He may have lived part of the time in Ireland, or
elsewhere amongst the Western Highlands. It has been
suggested that his father married not only a Pictish
princess (Kenneth’s mother) but a Norse princess, and
that Kenneth thus already had strong connections with
the Vikings. The Irish annals record that in 836,
Gothfrith macFergus, a Gaelo-Norse half-breed, who
had established himself as king of Oriel in northern
Ireland and who apparently also had dominion over
some of the Hebrides, visited Kenneth in Argyll in
order to discuss the Viking attacks on western
Scotland. Could Kenneth have negotiated some form
of treaty with the Vikings which worked to their
mutual benefit? In 839 the Vikings advanced through
Dál Riatan territory into the heart of the land of the
Picts and, in the ensuing battle at Forteviot, killed

many of the Scots’ and Picts’ nobility. In the chaos that
followed Kenneth claimed the kingship of Dál Riata.
Kenneth held power by his own strength and cunning.
There must have been others who believed they had a
greater right to the throne or who, for whatever
reasons, distrusted Kenneth, and his first few years
must have been bloodthirsty, as he rid himself of his
enemies and secured his right to the throne. None of
this is recorded, because Kenneth subsequently became
such a revered ruler that his past and origins were
whitewashed to an extent, but some of his character
comes through in the tale about how he deceived the
Picts. Apparently he invited the Pictish nobility, then
ruled by Drust Mac Ferat, to a feast. Kenneth had
already dug pits around the benches and weakened the
bolts holding the benches together, so that once the
Picts had become drunk it was easy to release the bolts,
cast the Picts into the hidden trenches and slaughter
them. Whatever the real events, tradition records that
Kenneth conquered the Picts by deceit and slaughter.
By 847 he had united the old kingdoms, establishing
them as a single entity. To do this he must have
considerably subdued any remaining Pictish nobility
for never again did they lay claim to their throne.
Kenneth called his combined kingdom Alba, or
Albany, and by the time of his grandson Donald II,
thirty years
later, it was already being called Scotland. Kenneth not
only established his capital at Forteviot, the previous
capital of the Picts, but he also established Dunkeld as
the spiritual capital of Alba by removing there some of
the relics of St Columba from Iona.

Kenneth’s reign was violent but successful. Having
taken over control of the Picts he still warred against
the Angles to the south and the British of Strathclyde,
and he retained an uneasy peace with the Vikings. He
relied heavily on his own strength of character, though
he also cemented his authority with neighbours and
allies by inter-dynastic marriages through his
daughters. One married Olaf, the King of Dublin;
another married Aed Findliath, who became High King
of Ireland in 862, whilst a third married Rhun, prince
of Strathclyde. Kenneth’s violent life evidently took its
toll for he died of an illness, in February 858. His age
is uncertain but he was probably in his late forties. He
was succeeded by his brother Donald, who lasted but
five years, after which came his son Constantine I,
whose reign was dominated by battles or connivances
with the Vikings who had settled in Ireland. With Olaf,
king of the Norse Vikings in Dublin, who had married
one of his sisters, Constantine conspired, along with
another Viking leader, Ivarr The Boneless, to attack
Dumbarton, and thus the British kingdom of
Strathclyde fell.

Not long after, in 889 Strathclyde and Cumbria were

merged with the kingdom of the Scots. They retained a
degree of autonomy and it later became the practice
that the heir to the Scottish throne was made king or
prince of Strathclyde.

Constantine II, grandson of Kenneth macAlpin, was

one of the longest ruling monarchs of Scotland.

CONSTANTINE II Scotland 900–43

Constantine, a grandson of the first Constantine, was

probably little more than two years old when his father
Ead died, and only
in his early twenties when he succeeded his cousin
Donald II, the first ruler to be termed ‘King of

The length of Constantine’s reign and his strength of

character allowed him to establish Scotland as a
unified kingdom. His first concerns were against the
Norse who, in 902, had been driven out of their
kingdom in Dublin. Their ruler in exile, Ragnall,
clearly intended to establish a new kingdom in the area
of Strathclyde and Cumbria, and the years 903 and 904
were ones of regular skirmishes between the Scots and
the Norse. In 903 the Norse raided as far east as
Dunkeld, but at this stage the Norse army seems to
have withdrawn, though must always have remained a
threat, for in 910 Ragnall succeeded in invading York
and establishing himself as ruler. It was against this
background that Constantine perceived a need to
strengthen his defences around Strathclyde and
Cumbria, and he established the sub-kingdom of
Strathclyde in 908, with his brother Donald as its ruler.
The Norse threat continued, however. Ragnall, now
established in York, sought to expand his kingdom into
neighbouring Bernicia and, on the death of Eadulf in
913, Ragnall expelled his successor Ealdred who fled

to Constantine’s court. Constantine fought two major
battles against the Norse, in 914 and 918, both at
Corbridge. Although the Scots suffered defeat on both
occasions, it was not without heavy losses to the
Norse. Ragnall was anxious not to lose his links with
Dublin, which kingdom he had regained in 917, so in
918 the Norse and Scots entered into a peace treaty.
Constantine then allied himself with the Norse against
the Saxons of Wessex, resulting in the famous pact
with Edward The Elder in 920. It is very unlikely that
on this occasion Constantine regarded Edward as his
overlord, despite the record of the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle. It is more likely that each side
acknowledged the other’s authority and status. This
pact was subsequently renewed with Athelstan at
Eamont Bridge near Penrith in July 927, a meeting
which followed Athelstan’s defeat of Gothfrith of
Dublin, who had invaded Northumbria to claim the
throne of York. Athelstan gained Constantine’s
agreement not to support Gothfrith, but Constantine
reneged on this in 934 when he supported Gothfrith’s
son, Olaf, the new king of
Dublin, in his claim on the throne of York. The most
flagrant sign of Constantine’s support was when he
gave one of his daughters to Olaf in marriage. This
incensed Athelstan, who invaded Scotland as far north
as Edinburgh and inflicted losses upon Constantine. He
apparently also took one of Constantine’s sons
(probably Cellach) as hostage. Constantine’s support
for Olaf, however, remained steadfast and, in 937, Olaf
invaded Northumbria. The armies met the Saxons at
Brunanburh, where Olaf and Constantine were dealt a
crushing defeat by Athelstan, regarded as one of the

greatest Saxon victories. Cellach died in the battle.
However, when Athelstan died two years later, Olaf
ventured again to claim York and this time succeeded.
Olaf’s alliance with Constantine increased the latter’s

In 943, when he must have been about sixty-five,

Constantine abdicated. He was clearly still able and
active, but he must also have recognized that it was
time for new blood. In 943 Edmund of Wessex had
resolved his problems with the Norse kings of York,
which weakened Constantine’s command of northern
Britain. He retired to the monastery at St Andrews.
During his reign Constantine had had a mixed
relationship with the church. He had allied himself
with the pagan Norse, had tolerated the reversion to
pagan practices in Galloway and Kyle, and had
delayed long in the baptism of his son Indulf. Yet as
early as 906 he had agreed, with Bishop Cellach of St
Andrews, to uphold the authority of the Scottish
church, and he had also been a friend of St Catroe,
escorting him on his mission through Scotland during
the 940s. It is possible that his meeting with Catroe
provided a good excuse to abdicate.

There is a long-held belief that Constantine came out

of retirement in 948 to join Malcolm who had
succeeded him in an invasion of England. Since he
would have been at least seventy years old by then, it
seems very unlikely, though it is possible that
Constantine encouraged Malcolm in the enterprise.
Constantine died in 952 at the monastery of St
Andrews, and was almost certainly buried there.

Squabbles over succession continued for the next fifty
years or
so, and Kenneth II came to the throne in 971 during a
period of interdynastic rivalry between the rulers of
Moray, Strathclyde and Scotland. Kenneth, along with
other Celtic princes, promised Edgar fealty to the
English at the convention at Chester in 973, and Edgar
confirmed Kenneth’s right to the lands of Lothian. It
was a crucial meeting in the development of defining
the state of Scotland.

Kenneth was keen to preserve Scotland as a united

kingdom, and endeavoured to ride the succession of
dynastic rivalry by agreeing with the Scottish magnates
that the succession should become patrilinear, passing
from father to son, rather than alternating between
dynasties. This seems to have been only partly
accepted, for it would take at least a generation before
the dispossessed princes passed away and the process
became accepted as the norm. For six years the rivalry
continued between Kenneth and Olaf, his distant
cousin before Olaf was slain in 977. Then the rivalry
over succession passed on to the next generation with
Olaf’s nephew Constantine (subsequently Constantine
III – The Bald), and Kenneth’s great nephew Giric
(subsequently Giric II) eventually conspiring against
Kenneth to cause his downfall and murder. He died in
rather mysterious circumstances at Finella’s Castle
near Fettercairn in 995. Nevertheless it was Kenneth’s
son Malcolm who subsequently regained and retained
the Scottish throne.


Sub-king of Cumbria and Strathclyde, 990–5,

997–1005; king of Scotland, 1005–34.

Born: c954. Died: 25 November 1034, aged 80,

at Glamis Castle. Buried: Iona.

Married: c980 (date and spouse’s name

unknown): 2 or 3 daughters.

In 990 Kenneth II had sought to establish his son

Malcolm as his heir by proclaiming him king of
Strathclyde and Cumbria. Since
Malcolm Mac Donald was still king of Strathclyde
(unless records that suggest he died in 990 are correct)
the kingdom was clearly divided, and Malcolm mac
Kenneth probably ruled Cumbria. When Kenneth II
was killed in 995, Malcolm was also deposed from
Strathclyde, by the rival faction of Constantine III, but
upon his death in 997, Malcolm regained Strathclyde.
This was an unhealthy situation, as the new king of the
Scots, Kenneth III, was evidently seeking to establish
right of succession for his own son Giric II, who was
made either co-ruler or a sub-king, possibly also in
Strathclyde. The two rulers tolerated each other for
eight years then, in 1005, Malcolm defeated and slew
Kenneth and Giric at the battle of Monzievaird.
Malcolm was not only a strong and ambitious ruler, he
was a strategist and an opportunist. His long reign

allowed him to expand and consolidate his kingdom,
though some of his actions, not least the slaying of
Kenneth and Giric, sowed seeds of discontent that
would have repercussions later. Malcolm first
endeavoured to establish his rulership over Bernicia,
extending his lands beyond the Tweed. He was
severely defeated by Uhtred of Northumbria in the
siege of Durham in 1006 and it was twelve years
before Malcolm again tested the lands to the south. He
did, however, ensure an ally in the kingdom of
Strathclyde. This kingdom was traditionally ruled by
the heir to the throne. Malcolm had only daughters and
his grandson, Duncan, was too young to rule, so
Malcolm appointed Owen as ruler of Strathclyde.
Owen was almost certainly older than Malcolm, and as
the youngest son of Donald of Strathclyde had
probably never entertained aspirations to kingship, so
this elevation made him a strong friend and ally to
Malcolm and helped strengthen the lands to the south.

In the meantime Malcolm sought to make an alliance

with the Norse earls of Orkney and, in 1008, he
married his daughter to Sigurd II. The main reason was
to have the Norsemen as allies against the men of
Moray, who for the last fifty years had worked against
the main Scottish royal line, and Malcolm granted
Sigurd lands as far south as Moray. Malcolm seemed
to be seeking Sigurd’s recognition of Malcolm as his
overlord, even though the
earls of Orkney were subjects of the kings of Norway.
In Malcolm’s eyes, though, this gave him authority
over Moray, Caithness and Sutherland. The
arrangement soon worked in Malcolm’s favour for, in

1014, Sigurd was killed at the battle of Clontarf in
Ireland and while his sons by an earlier marriage
squabbled over the succession, Malcolm proclaimed
his young grandson, Thorfinn, as earl of Caithness,
even though he was only five. The young boy seemed
to be much loved by the nobility of Orkney and by the
king of Norway, so that he soon obtained claims on
parts of Orkney until he became sole earl in 1030.
With this support in the north Malcolm believed he had
stifled the problems in Moray (even if only

In 1018, following the annexation of Lothian two years

earlier, Malcolm turned his attention to Bernicia and,
with Owen of Strathclyde’s help, he defeated Earl
Eadulf at Carham on Tweed. Immediately afterward
Malcolm bestowed much bounty on the church at
Durham and claimed overlordship of southern
Bernicia. In that same year he installed his grandson,
Duncan, as king of Strathclyde. Malcolm was now in
his early sixties, and the first king to rule the territory
of Scotland as we know it today. He might have sought
to rest upon his achievements. However, he needed to
be ever vigilant. The rulers of Moray continued to fight
for control and began a series of raids and skirmishes
from the north; one of these, in 1027, resulted in the
burning of Dunkeld. At the same time, Canute had
established himself in England and was intent upon
ensuring he had no opposition from the north. In 1031
records suggest that Canute ‘invaded’ Scotland,
although there is some doubt as to whether he led an
army, or simply made a royal visit. The latter seems
more likely because, had Canute succeeded in

marching north with an army and defeating Malcolm,
he would almost certainly have continued with a
campaign to conquer Scotland, of which he was
capable. In all likelihood Canute’s main aim was to
secure a friendly alliance with Malcolm who, now in
his mid-seventies, could in any case offer little
resistance. However, either now, or soon after, Canute
did reclaim Bernicia and Cumbria, with the result that
the borders of Scotland as we know them today were
finally established.

In his old age Malcolm did what he could to secure the

throne for Duncan. In 1032 he endeavoured to
slaughter the family of Kenneth III’s grand-daughter
Gruoch by surprising them in their fortress at Atholl
and burning it to the ground. Gillecomgain was killed
but Gruoch, his wife, and their son Lulach escaped. A
few months later he arranged the murder of Kenneth
III’s great-grandson Malcolm, who was still only an
infant. The next year Malcolm died, probably in his
eightieth year. Later historians claimed he was
murdered as part of the continuing inter-dynastic
struggle, and this is just possible, though unlikely. He
was the last male heir of Kenneth MacAlpine.
Malcolm had lived long enough for his grandson
Duncan to inherit the throne, although his future was
far from certain.

1018–34; Scotland, 25 November 1034–15
August 1040.

Born: c1001. Died (killed in battle) Pitgaveny, 15

August 1040, aged 39. Buried: Iona.

Married: c1030, Sybilla, sister (some records say

dau.) of Siward, earl of Northumbria: 3 sons and
possibly one daughter.

Duncan was the son of Bethoc, Malcolm II’s daughter,

and Crinan, earl of Atholl and abbot of Dunkeld.
Although Malcolm had done everything to eliminate
all other rival claimants amongst the immediate
descendants of Kenneth MacAlpine, he had not
quashed the rival Loarn dynasty which ruled Moray.
They offered little, if any, allegiance to the kings of
Scotland, and certainly had little respect for Duncan.
He might have inherited his grandfather’s ambition,
but he was not his equal as a strategist or commander.
Duncan was fortunate in that soon after he inherited
the throne, England was in turmoil following the death
of Canute and an argument over the succession, whilst
to the north Thorfinn, earl of Orkney, was also facing
an internal challenge. Had Duncan struck at those
moments, he might have succeeded in expanding his
kingdom along the lines that Malcolm
had planned. However, Duncan left it for some years,
and instead found himself facing an attack by Eadulf of

Bernicia in 1038, in revenge for the conquest of
Durham by Malcolm twenty years earlier. Eadulf was
driven back only by the help of Duncan’s brother,
Maldred, the regent of Strathclyde. In 1040 Duncan
was ready to fight back although he chose to do it on
both fronts and, by this time, Thorfinn of Orkney had
regained his authority. Early in 1040 Duncan marched
on Durham whilst his nephew, Moddan, led an army
north to Caithness. Moddan found himself
outnumbered and rapidly retreated whilst Duncan’s
assault on Durham was nothing short of incompetent
and his army suffered heavy losses. Duncan now
decided, rather late, to concentrate his forces on one
front, and set out to encounter Thorfinn. He was
out-manoeuvred on every front, narrowly escaping
with his life in a sea battle, whilst Moddan was killed
at Thurso. Duncan retreated into Moray, where any
sensible commander would realize he was in unsafe
territory. Although the men of Moray had for years
battled against the Norsemen, they had no wish to
support Duncan. The earl of Moray, Macbeth, allied
himself with Thorfinn and overwelmed Duncan’s army
at Pitgaveny on 15 August 1040. Duncan was killed in
the battle. His death was not mourned. The historical
Duncan is nothing like the victim portrayed in
Shakespeare’s Macbeth. He was seen as a ruthless and
incapable king. His son, Malcolm (III) was still only an
infant and was not considered eligible to inherit the
throne. It took the Scottish council only a short while
to accept Macbeth as king.

MACBETH Moray, 1032–57; Scotland, 15
August 1040–15 August 1057.

Born: c1005. Died (killed in battle): Lumphanen,

15 August 1057, aged 52. Buried: Iona.

Married: c1033, Gruoch, widow of Gillecomgain,

mórmaer of Moray: no children.

The Macbeth of history was rather different from the

tragic character portrayed by Shakespeare. He was the
son of Findlaech, the earl of Moray of the line of
Loarn, a collateral branch of the rulers of Dál Riata
who now ruled much of what was soon to become
Scotland. His mother, Donada, was the daughter of
Malcolm II. Not much is known about his youth. His
father was murdered when Macbeth was fifteen or so,
and the earldom was taken by Macbeth’s cousins
Malcolm and subsequently Gillecomgain. It was after
the latter’s murder in 1032 that Macbeth, now
twenty-seven, inherited the title. Whilst his
predecessors had been hostile to Malcolm II and had
actively sought to usurp the throne, Macbeth was less
belligerent. Malcolm’s cousin and successor, Duncan,
however, was a far less competent king, and Duncan
was killed by Macbeth’s forces at Pitgaveny. Later
accounts that Macbeth murdered Duncan are total

Macbeth ruled strongly and wisely for the next
fourteen years without any major mishap. Because of
his close relationship with his half-brother Thorfinn,
there was no conflict with the Norse of Orkney. If
anything, Thorfinn knew he could rely on Macbeth’s
support when Thorfinn went on a punitive raid as far
south as Man and North Wales in 1042. The only
challenge to his rule came from his uncle Crinan, the
father of Duncan and the earl of Atholl. Crinan
probably sought to place his second son, Maldred, on
the throne and in 1045 Crinan, then aged about
seventy, staged a rebellion. The two factions met at
Dunkeld where Crinan and Maldred were killed. For
the next nine years there seems to have been no
instability in Macbeth’s reign. He was apparently a
generous and pious ruler. He is described as a tall man
with a ruddy complexion and fair hair. In 1050, he
undertook a pilgrimage to Rome where it is recorded
that he scattered gifts and money ‘like seed’. This
indicates that he must have had a sufficiently secure
kingdom at that time, and by all accounts he was much
loved by his subjects.

In 1054, however, Macbeth’s world crumbled. By then

Duncan’s son Malcolm was twenty-three and regarded
himself as the true heir to the throne of Scotland. He
was supported in his efforts
to regain the throne by Edward The Confessor, who
placed Siward of Northumbria in charge of the
invasion. Siward’s forces advanced far into Scotland.
Perhaps Macbeth sought to play the same tactics as
Brude Mac Bili had against Egfrith of Northumbria
nearly four centuries earlier. But Siward had also

learned not to venture too far into enemy territory
without backup and he brought his fleet into the Firth
of Tay. The two armies, both of considerable size, met
at Dunsinnan on 27 July 1054. This is the battle
commemorated in Shakespeare’s play where Macbeth
had been assured by the witches that he was safe until
Birnam Wood came against him. Since the battle took
place on an open field (and not with Macbeth hiding in
his castle as portrayed by Shakespeare), it is unlikely
that Siward’s troops camouflaged themselves with
greenery, though one cannot discount that such tactics
may have been used in part of the battle. What is more
likely is that Malcolm’s troops, who were essentially
the men of Atholl, wore sprigs of rowan in their caps
as emblems, or carried branches of rowan as cudgels. It
has also been suggested that the battle site was not
Dunsinnan, just north of Scone, but a few miles further
east at Dundee. It is worth reflecting upon the forces
involved in the battle. Although it was essentially a
Northumbrian (i. e. English) army versus a Scots,
Siward’s forces represented the Scottish heir Malcolm.
The battle was, therefore, an internal Scottish conflict.
Yet most of Siward’s army was made up of
Scandinavian troops, whilst Macbeth’s army included
many Norman soldiers. Normans had settled in
England during the reign of Edward the Confessor,
who had been raised in Normandy and had strong
Norman sympathies. However his conflict with Earl
Godwin had led him to expel many Normans from
England in 1051 and some had taken refuge in
Scotland. Although it is not stated that Thorfinn of
Orkney assisted Macbeth, it is likely that Macbeth’s
army included levies from across northern Scotland

and thus included soldiers from Caithness and
Sutherland who would have been Norse. Thus the
battle that decided Macbeth’s fate was essentially
fought between Scandinavian factions, primarily the
old enemies of Danes versus Norse. Although Macbeth
was overwhelmingly defeated he was not
deposed, and there were sufficient casualties amongst
Siward’s forces for his army to retire. Malcolm laid
claim to the southern kingdom of Strathclyde and used
this as his base for further incursions into Scotland.
There followed three years of civil war. Malcolm’s
strength grew and Macbeth was driven back further
into his Moray base. However, during one such retreat
Macbeth found himself cut off from his main army,
and he was ambushed by Malcolm’s forces at
Lumphanan, west of Aberdeen. Tradition states that he
made his last stand in the stone circle known as the
Peel Ring where he and his bodyguard were butchered.
Support for Macbeth remained strong for it was not
Malcolm who was chosen to succeed him but his
stepson Lulach.

Macbeth’s reputation as a strong, wise and generous

king has been overtaken by the image portrayed by
Shakespeare. Shakespeare did not invent this, however.
He drew his facts from the historical records available
to him which had already been distorted mostly by
Hector Boece, whose History of Scotland, published in
1527, contained many inventions, including the
characters of Banquo, the three witches, and the image
we have of Lady Macbeth. The real Macbeth was
revered and given a royal burial on Iona. Apart from
the brief reign of Lulach (1057–8), Macbeth was the

last Gaelic ruler of the Scots. With the subsequent
succession of Malcolm III, Scotland shifted toward a
more Anglo-Norman outlook.


Sub-king of Cumbria and Strathclyde, 1045–58;
king of Scotland, 17 March 1058–13 November
1093. Crowned: Scone Abbey, 25 April 1058.

Born: c1031. Died: nr Alnwick, 13 November

1093, aged 62. Buried: Dunfermline Abbey (later
removed to the Escorial, Madrid).

Married: (1) c1060, Ingibiorg (d. c1069), widow

of Thorfinn, Earl of Orkney: 3 children; (2)
c1069, Margaret (d. c1093), dau. Edward
Atheling, son of Edmund II of England: at least 8

Many lists of Scottish kings begin with Malcolm III,

even though he was the fifty-eighth in line since
Fergus established the kingdom of Dál Riata in Argyll,
and the twenty-second since Kenneth MacAlpin had
united the Scots and the Picts. The main reason for
Malcolm’s apparent status is that under his rule
Scotland shifted dramatically away from its Gaelic past
and moved towards the Anglo-Norman world of
southern Britain. Malcolm had been raised in the
Anglo-Norman court of Edward The Confessor. When
his father, Duncan had been killed in battle against

Macbeth in 1040, Malcolm, then a young boy of eight
or nine, along with his brother was hurriedly smuggled
out of Scotland in fear of their lives. After the deaths
of Macbeth and his stepson, Lulach, Malcolm was
crowned as king of Scotland. His support was not total,
with many, especially the Highlanders, preferring their
old ways and customs and not seeking to follow
Malcolm. Nevertheless they accepted him as overlord
because of his sheer physical power and menace. He
was a swaggering bully who rapidly earned the
nickname of Canmore, or Bighead.

Malcolm began his reign by establishing alliances.

Amongst his father’s former enemies was Thorfinn,
the earl of Orkney. It is not clear when Thorfinn died,
but it is evident that he had not helped Macbeth in his
fight for the monarchy, not because he did not support
Macbeth (they were half brothers and allies) but
because he was probably already very ill. He may have
died as early as 1057 and was almost certainly dead by
1060, when Malcolm married Thorfinn’s widow,
Ingibiorg, and established an alliance with her sons
Paul and Erlend who became the new earls of Orkney.
Ingibiorg bore Malcolm three children before she died,
probably around 1069. Malcolm’s alliance with
Orkney brought him into closer contact with Harald
Haadraada, the king of Norway, and overlord of
Orkney and the Western Isles. Malcolm was thus seen
as an ally of Norway when, in 1066, Tostig, the brother
of Harold Godwinson of Wessex, gained Haadraada’s
support for an invasion of England. The invasion force
landed first at Orkney and sailed down the eastern

coast of Scotland to the Humber estuary. Malcolm’s
motives are uncertain in this
campaign. He was clearly a Saxon sympathizer, but
evidently not a supporter of Harold Godwinson, whom
he may have seen as a usurper in the south. His support
for Tostig, who was nothing short of a rebellious thug,
does not seem a wise choice and Malcolm would have
gained little from a Norse victory beyond the possible
annexation of Northumbria. He was more likely to
have become a vassal of the Norwegian king.
However, as we saw earlier, Harald and Tostig were
killed at Stamford Bridge, and a few weeks later
Harold Godwinson was killed at Senlac Hill by
William duke of Normandy. At Christmas 1066
William was crowned king of England. Although
Malcolm knew the Norman world – Edward the
Confessor had been pro-Norman and there were many
Normans at his court where Malcolm grew up as well
as Norman soldiers in Malcolm’s army – he was
unsure what an alliance with the Normans would
achieve. His initial sympathies were with the Saxons.
Edgar Atheling, the Saxon heir, joined in the
unsuccessful rebellion against William in 1068, and
subsequently fled to Malcolm’s court to seek refuge.
He was accompanied by his sister Margaret whom
Malcolm married the following year. This further
consolidated the Scottish-Saxon alliance, but alienated
Malcolm all the more from his Highland subjects, and
made an enemy of William the Conqueror. It should be
remembered, however, that in 1069 William’s hold on
England was far from secure and many believed that
he would eventually be overthrown. Edgar was almost
certainly convinced he would some day regain the

throne of England, and Malcolm’s move was part of
his framework of alliances with neighbouring powers.
Malcolm supported Edgar’s unsuccessful attempt to
regain England in 1069 along with Swein of Denmark.
The next two to three years saw Malcolm supporting a
series of raids throughout northern England, coming as
far south as Cleveland. William was enraged, and in
1072 he invaded Scotland and sought the submission
of Malcolm at Abernathy. The terms of the treaty
meant that Malcolm could no longer harbour any of
William’s enemies, and Edgar Atheling again became
an exile. William also forced Malcolm to recognize
him as his overlord, and took his son Duncan as
hostage. Later English kings would regard the Treaty
of Abernathy as the date of their conquest of Scotland,
though it is unlikely it was viewed as that at the time.
Certainly it did not stop Malcolm raiding England in
1079, though this proved equally fruitless. William
sent his son Robert to negotiate with Malcolm. This
achieved little, though Robert decided to add to the
fortifications of the north and built the New Castle at
the estuary of the Tyne. William regarded Malcolm as
an irritant at this time and certainly did not view him as
a ruler of equal status. Malcolm, on the other hand,
living up to his nickname, believed he was just as

Under the influence of his wife Margaret, to whom he
was devoted, Malcolm changed steadily from the
coarse ruffian of his youth to a mature individual who
had strong respect for his wife’s religious and cultural
beliefs and interests. Margaret had been well educated
in Hungary and England and was an ardent Christian.
It was under her direction that the abbey at
Dunfermline was begun in 1072, to equal the one
Edward the Confessor had completed at Westminster
just seven years earlier. Margaret also restored the
monastery on Iona, and did much to bring the Celtic
church in line with the Roman. Records suggest that
from 1072 the archbishopric of York was given
authority over the church of Scotland. Malcolm, who
was not especially religious himself, seemed content to
Margaret to undertake these reforms, surprisingly
ignorant of their long-term effect. It is probably
another example of his belief in his authority as
absolute, but it is also a reminder that Malcolm truly
loved Margaret and that their marriage was strong and

Malcolm had evidently not forsaken his designs upon
England. After the death of William I in 1087, his son
Duncan was released and Malcolm again began
planning an expansion of his territories. He was soon
joined by Edgar Atheling, who recognized the
opportunity, and in 1090 Malcolm invaded
Northumbria. He was defeated by William Rufus and
the terms of the Treaty of Abernathy were re-invoked.
William continued to defend the north and in 1092
invaded Cumbria and built a fort at Carlisle. Malcolm
and his son Edward came to meet William but were
rebuffed. As they were returning north they were
ambushed by Robert Mowbray, earl of
Northumberland, near Alnwick and both Malcolm and
Edward were killed. When Margaret, who was already
extremely ill, heard the news four days later she pined
away. It is an irony that Malcolm had replaced the old
rule of tanistry by that of primogeniture, only to have
his eldest son and heir die with him. The Scottish
magnates had no idea what to do in such circumstances
and civil unrest broke out. Five of his nine sons would
eventually succeed him as king, though his immediate
successor was his brother Donald.

Malcolm had been temporarily buried near

Tynemouth. Shortly afterwards he and his wife were
buried at the new Dunfermline Abbey. Following a
papal inquiry in 1250 into the life and possible
miracles of Margaret, she was canonized. During the
Reformation their bodies were reburied at a specially
built tomb in the Escorial, Madrid. In 1673 Margaret
was named as one of the patron saints of Scotland.

Malcolm’s reign was a clear transition from the Gaelic
tradition to the acceptance of new values and beliefs.
Although he was not supported in this by many of his
countrymen he established a momentum that could not
be stopped.


called DONALBAIN Scotland 13 November
1093–May 1094 (deposed); restored 12
November 1094–October 1097.

Born: c1033. Died: Rescobie, 1099, aged 66.

Buried: Dunkeld Abbey, later removed to Iona.

Married: (name and date unknown): 1 daughter.

As Malcolm’s younger brother Donald, for most of his

life, probably had no designs on the Scottish throne.
He was almost certainly made mórmaer (earl) of
Gowrie around the year 1060 but there is no record
that he played any part in Malcolm’s affairs. It is
possible that the two brothers were estranged and that
Donald did not support Malcolm’s and Margaret’s
reforms. He lived in exile in Ireland and the Western
Isles and thereby endeared himself to the pro-Gaelic
party in Scotland. After Malcolm’s and his heir
Edward’s death, Donald was raised to the throne
during the days of confusion over the succession.
Donald was sixty, and although his hair had probably
turned white (hence his nickname) he was evidently

strong and hale of body. Donald and his supporters
promptly expelled the Norman and Saxon refugees in
Scotland. As a consequence Malcolm’s eldest son,
Duncan, who had hitherto also shown no interest in the
kingship, but who had lived as a hostage at the courts
of William I and II of England for many years, came
into the picture. He was supported by William Rufus
and his army defeated Donald and drove him out of
Scotland. Duncan held the throne for only seven
months (May–November 1094) before being defeated
by Donald at the battle of Monthecin in November
1094, after which Donald was restored to the throne.
However, Donald now divided the kingdom between
himself and his nephew Edmund, with Donald’s rule
amongst the heart of his supporters in the Highlands
north of the Forth/Clyde valley. This arrangement
survived for less than three years (November
1094–October 1097) as another of Malcolm’s sons,
Edgar (October 1097–January 1107), received greater
support from William II
and deposed Donald and Edmund in October 1097.
Donald was blinded and imprisoned at Rescobie in
Forfarshire, where he died some eighteen months later.
He was buried at Dunkeld Abbey but later his remains
were removed to Iona by his adherents. He was the last
Scottish king to be buried there, and thus marks the
end of the old tradition of Gaelic kings.

Soon after Edgar’s accession Magnus III of Norway

led a major expedition to his territories in northern
Britain. He deposed the earls of Orkney, Paul and
Erlend, who were Edgar’s step-brothers, and set off on
a wave of conquest around the Scottish coast. Edgar

gave Magnus sovereignty over the Hebrides. These
islands were heavily populated by Norse or
Gallo-Norse and seemed far removed from Edgar’s
world. Part of this arrangement, however, meant that
the holy island of Iona came under Norwegian rule.
Although Edgar was sensible enough not to encourage
a wave of Norman settlement in Scotland, he increased
his ties with England. He was already beholden to
William Rufus for gaining the throne, and was present
at the coronation of Henry I in 1100. Three months
later, Edgar’s sister Edith married Henry, so links were
tightened between the English and Scottish monarchy.
Edgar lived mostly in Edinburgh and it does not appear
that he ventured far beyond. He played the part of a
Norman vassal to the letter and it is of little surprise
that by this time the Norman kings of England began
to regard Scotland, certainly the border territory, as
their domain.

Edgar, who died childless in his mid-thirties, was in

turn succeeded by his younger step-brother, a son of
Margaret, Alexander I (The Fierce) (1107–24).

When Alexander had succeeded to the throne it was

intended that he share the kingdom with his brother

Alexander chose not to, and David threatened to

invade the kingdom, but was never able to raise a
sufficiently large army. It was not until 1113 that
Alexander granted David territory in Strathclyde and
the Borders. Upon his accession, Alexander married
Sybilla, the fifteen year old illegitimate daughter of

Henry I. During the first phase of his reign Alexander
was clearly
Henry’s vassal: he even accompanied Henry in his
campaign into Wales against Gruffydd ap Cynan in
1114. However, by the second half of his reign,
Alexander had shifted back toward the heart of old
Scotland, or Alba, and had taken up residence at
Scone. It may be now that he earned his nickname of
‘the Fierce’, apparently after the ferocious way he
quelled an uprising by the men of Moray. It may have
been through such an indomitable strength of character
that Alexander began to win over the Highland Scots,
despite considerable opposition. Alexander began a
programme of castle construction, including the one at
Stirling. His court became one of splendour – there is
mention of Arab stallions and Turkish men-at-arms.
Alexander also continued his mother’s reforms in
anglicizing the Scottish church, and was the first to
introduce coinage into Scotland. His reforms saw the
introduction of the first sheriffs in Scotland as
controller’s of the king’s peace. Thus, by the end of
Alexander’s reign, there had been a measurable shift
toward uniting the older Scottish culture with the new
Anglo-Norman world. Alexander had achieved this
through his own strength and willpower, leaving a
steady base for his brother David. Alexander died at
Stirling Castle and was buried in Dunfermline Abbey.

DAVID (I) THE SAINT Scotland, 23(?) April
1124–24 May 1153.

Titles: king of Scotland, earl of Huntingdon and

Northampton (from 1113) and prince of Cumbria

Born: c1084. Died: Carlisle, 24 May 1153, aged

about 69. Buried: Dunfermline Abbey.

Married: 1113, Matilda (c1012–c1130), dau.

Waltheof, earl of Northumberland, and widow of
Simon de St Liz, earl of Northampton and
Huntingdon: 4 children.

David was about forty when he came to the throne,

mature in his character, his outlook and his ability to
govern. He had spent much of his youth, since the year
1093, at the court of his brother-in-law,
Henry I of England. Since his infancy he had been
raised by Margaret with a respect for learning and the
church, and it seems he had a tremendous respect for
fair play. In 1113, when David married Matilda, and
inherited vast lands in Northumberland, Northampton
and Huntingdon, Alexander allowed David to become
sub-king of the Lowlands. Since David also became
earl of Huntingdon he was both a Norman baron and a
Scottish king, which was immensely important in
understanding the power that David was able to wield
and the respect he had to be accorded by his peers.

From a 12th-century chapter

When David became king in 1124 he continued the

reforms started by his mother and brothers, but it was
under David that it all came into shape. Chief of these
reforms was the feudalization of lowland Scotland.
Tracts of land were given to Anglo-Norman barons in
exchange for their loyalty and service. Amongst them
were Robert de Brus, the ancestor of Robert Bruce,
who was given the lordship of Annandale, and Walter
Fitzalan, who became High Steward of Scotland and
thus the ancestor of the Stewart dynasty. This process
was described by the disgruntled Highlanders as
‘invasion by invitation’, and led to at least two revolts
during David’s reign and eventually the declaration of
independence by Somerled of Argyll after David’s
death. Nevertheless, David’s gradual reform brought a
cohesiveness to Scotland that it had previously never
enjoyed, particularly in the strength of the church and
the world of learning. He founded the bishoprics of
Aberdeen, Brechin, Caithness, Dunblane and Ross as
well as the monasteries at Holyrood, Melrose, Kinloss,

Newbattle and Dundrennan. He also forged strong
links with Rome. Even during his life he had come to
be regarded as a saintly king by his people and the
epithet Saint David remained after his death, even
though he was never formally canonized. It was David
who really forged Scotland as a prosperous kingdom,
introducing a strong coinage, and developing towns
like Berwick, Edinburgh, Jedburgh, Stirling and Perth
as major trading centres from which the king drew
revenues. David also redrew the Scottish
administrative map, creating the counties which
remained until the reorganization of 1975. Justice was
dispensed by a system of justiciars. In all these things
David created the modern Scotland.

In military matters he was less strong and only partly

successful. In 1127 he agreed, along with other English
barons, to recognize Henry I’s daughter, Matilda, as
the next ruler of England. He used this as an excuse in
1135, on the death of Henry and the succession of
Stephen, to invade northern England, laying claim to
Northumberland and Cumberland initially in the name
of Matilda. The next three years saw considerable
bloodshed in Northumberland where David’s soldiers
committed awful atrocities. Eventually David was
defeated by the northern barons under Thurstan,
archbishop of York, at Cowton Moor, near
Northallerton, on 22 August 1138 at the Battle of the
Standard. David continued to press his claims in the
north and Stephen, unable to fight his war on two
fronts, eventually reached an agreement whereby
David was granted the earldom of Northumberland
provided he swore fealty to Stephen. The earldom was

bestowed upon David’s son, Henry, who was the king

David switched sides again to support Matilda when

she gained
the upper hand in February 1141 and he ventured as far
south as London for her coronation. However, he was
expelled from London in September by Stephen’s
troops and only narrowly escaped back to Durham
without being captured. Thereafter he remained on the
sidelines, a nominal supporter of the Empress, but not
engaging in further conflict. In 1149 he gained a
promise from Matilda’s son Henry II that, should he
become king, he would grant David the lands of
Northumberland and Cumbria. When David died at
Carlisle in May 1153 he almost certainly regarded
himself as lord of all the lands from Caithness in the
north to Cumbria and Northumberland in the south.
Though these southern lands were never formally part
of the kingdom of Scotland, David doubtless believed
they would be.

Neither of David’s own sons came to the throne. His

firstborn, Malcolm, had been murdered in infancy,
probably about 1114. Henry, who was groomed as the
next king, died in 1152, aged thirty-eight. Henry’s
young son, Malcolm, was promptly declared the king
designate, though he was only twelve.


King of Scotland, 24 May 1153–9 December

1165. Crowned: Scone Abbey, June (?) 1153.

Born: 20 March 1141. Died: Jedburgh Castle, 9

December 1165, aged 24. Buried: Dunfermline

It seems that for all his youth, Malcolm inherited much

of the wisdom and sense of fair play of his grandfather
and was not over-influenced by other external factors.
He kept his head in moments of crisis and ensured he
received sound advice before making decisions.
Nevertheless the mere fact of his age made him less
able to deal with Henry II of England. Although Henry
had promised Malcolm’s grandfather that he would
bequeath Scotland the territories of Northumberland
and Cumbria when he became king (which he did in
1154), he soon reneged upon this. In 1157 Henry met
Malcolm at Chester and deprived him of these
northern territories in exchange for the earldom of
Huntingdon, which had been his grandfather’s but had
been lost in 1141. In 1159 both Malcolm and his
brother William were forced to accompany Henry on a
mission to Aquitaine where Henry needed to punish
the count of Toulouse. The Scots perceived Malcolm
operating as the vassal of Henry, although Malcolm
was only delivering his feudal obligations for the
honour of Huntingdon. Nevertheless this led to a series

of rebellions in Scotland amongst the Highlanders who
resented not only the continued anglicization of
Scotland but the blatant subordination of Scotland to
the English king. The first rebellion was in 1160 by
Fergus of Galloway. Malcolm promptly put down this
rebellion with the support of his Anglo-Norman
barons, though it took two more expeditions before
Fergus was eventually quashed. A further show of
force in 1164 by Somerled of the Isles was equally
effectively dealt with. Malcolm, for all his youth,
proved himself stronger than many suspected.

Nevertheless Malcolm did not project the image of a

powerful monarch. Slim, fair-haired and a declared
celibate – for which he earned his nickname of ‘the
Maiden’ – Malcolm was devoted to the church, to
which he made many endowments. He never married,
although it was rumoured he fathered an illegitimate
child who died in infancy. Malcolm died after a short
illness at the age of twenty-four, and was succeeded by
his brother William.


King of Scotland, 9 December 1165–4 December

1214. Crowned: Scone Abbey, 24 December

Titles: king of Scotland; earl of Northumberland


Born: c1143. Died: Stirling, 4 December 1214,
aged 71. Buried: Arbroath Abbey.

Married: 5 September 1186 at Woodstock

Palace, Oxford, Ermengarde (d. 1234), dau.
Richard of Beaumont-le-Maine: 4 children.
William also had at least 9 illegitimate children.

William was twenty-two when he succeeded his

brother. He had been the earl of Northumberland since
the death of his father, in 1152, but the earldom was
lost in 1157 as part of Malcolm’s dealings with Henry
II. William’s ambition to regain Northumberland
became an obsession during his reign and strongly
dictated the subsequent events – after an initial eight
years of uneasy peace, it led him to join in the revolt of
Henry II’s sons in 1173. William had little command
over his army and was captured in 1174 and taken in
chains to Falaise in Normandy. There he was forced to
pay homage to Henry, acknowledging him as his
overlord. He thereby became the vassal of Henry, the
terms of the treaty confirming that the Scottish barons
also owed their allegiance to Henry. With the Treaty of
Falaise Scotland theoretically passed into English
hands. The Scots of Galloway immediately rebelled,
led by Gilbert, the son of Fergus of Galloway.
William, who had now returned to Scotland, was able
to crush the rebellion with Norman support. He
thereafter fortified Galloway with a series of burghs

and castles, including those at Ayr and Dumfries, and
thereafter Galloway was loyal to him.

William now endeavoured to make northern Scotland

subservient to him. Although he was always nominally
their king, the Highlanders had remained independent.
In 1179, William advanced into the Highlands,
establishing castles at Redcastle and Dunskeath. He
was soon confronted by the opposition of Donald
MacWilliam, who rebelled in 1181. This Donald was a
legitimate claimant to the Scottish throne. On his
father’s side he was the grandson of Duncan II whilst,
through his mother, he was a great-grandson of Lulach.
Donald believed himself the king of the Highlands, and
allied himself with Harald II of Orkney in opposition
to William. Donald’s forces gained the upper hand for
much of the next five years, taking control of Ross. It
was more by chance than design that Roland of
Galloway cornered Donald at Mangarnia Moor, near
Inverness, on 31 July 1187 and killed him in battle.
William founded burghs at Elgin and Inverness to
further contain the north, but it was not until 1197 that
Harald of Orkney gave William the opportunity to
Caithness and regain the northern territories. Thorfinn,
Harald’s son, was taken hostage. Harald’s stubborness
meant he refused to yield to William, and a further
invasion of Caithness in 1202 caused William to react
strongly. He blinded and castrated Thorfinn (from
which wounds he died) and brought a mighty army
into Caithness, against which Harald was unable to
raise anything its equal. Thereafter Harald submitted to
William, recognizing him as his overlord in Caithness.

By this period William was in a strong position. In
1189 the new English king, Richard, desperate to
finance his crusade, sold all rights in Scotland back to
William for 10,000 marks (or about £6,700). This was
known as the Quit-claim of Canterbury. It meant that
by 1202 William was undisputed king and overlord of
all mainland Scotland. One other turn of fortune for
William had meant that in 1192 the Pope decreed that
the Scottish church was answerable directly to him,
and not subordinate to Canterbury or York, which
further elevated William’s status. William succeeded
in maintaining a tense though cordial relationship with
Richard’s successor John for all the latter remained the
senior king. William held tightly to his control of
Scotland, without being able to expand it into England.
For some reason William chose not to marry until he
was forty-three, and it was nearly twelve years before
his first son, the future Alexander II, was born.
William’s brother David had also married late, and
these many years without a clear heir had only added
to the unease in the north and encouraged claimants to
the throne. One final rebellion in Scotland, in 1211, by
Godfrey, the son of Donald MacWilliam, was easily
quelled, and Godfrey was executed in 1213.

William’s reign, one of the longest in Scotland by an

adult king, was ultimately successful, for all its darker
periods. Although he never extended his kingdom, he
regained all that he lost and was a stronger king by the
end of his reign. His soubriquet of ‘the Lyon’ was
added later. He was never known by that during his
lifetime, and it is not believed to relate to his character,
even though he was tenacious and strong in dealing

with his subjects. It probably came from the symbol of
the lion he used on his seal.


(part I: 1154–1272)

Although the Normans would dominate Wales and

Scotland by the late thirteenth century, they still
regarded their heartland as Normandy and France
rather than England. England was a rich country, the
revenues from which allowed the kings to finance their
campaigns in France and, in the case of Richard I, the
Crusades. Henry II established a large Angevin Empire
where he held territories in fief to the French king
across most of northern and western France. The centre
of this Empire was Anjou; it also included the
territories of Brittany, Aquitaine and Normandy. Henry
even made moves into Ireland. Following the Treaty of
Windsor, signed on 6 October 1175, Rory O’Connor,
the last hereditary High King, recognized Henry as his
overlord in most of eastern Ireland (primarily Meath,
Leinster, Munster, Waterford and Ulster). O’Connor
remained king of Connaught on payment of a tribute to
Henry, and other tributory kings remained. Henry
made his son John ‘Lord of Ireland’ in 1177.

John, the suitably nicknamed Lackland, who started
with nothing, nearly ended with nothing since he died
in the middle
of a civil war in England in 1216, with the heir to the
French throne having been brought over as king. John
had already lost much of France and the recovery of
the French lands would remaine a passion of all
successive kings down to Henry VIII.

Great changes would take place under the Angevins in

England. The powers of the church and the clergy
would be limited, while those of the barons would
increase and finally place constraints on royal power.

The first universities of Oxford and Cambridge would

be founded in 1164 and 1209, while this period is best
remembered for its Crusades, and for the rise of
chivalry. Meanwhile the population of the British Isles
had risen to two and a half million by the beginning of
the thirteenth century.

Henry, Empress Matilda’s eldest son had briefly

claimed the kingdom of England in 1141 during the
extended civil war. His father Geoffrey, count of
Anjou, became duke of Normandy in 1144. Geoffrey
was frequently known as Plantagenet because of the
sprig of broom (planta genista) he would wear in his
cap, and this soubriquet subsequently became the
surname of his descendants and the title of the royal
house of England. Its official name, though, was the
house of Anjou and it would dominate England for
over 330 years.

CURTMANTLE King of England 25 October
1154–6 July 1189. Crowned: Westminster, 19
December 1154.

Titles: king of England, duke of Normandy (from

1151), duke of Aquitaine (from 1152), count of
Anjou, Touraine and Maine (from 1151).

Born: Le Mans, Maine, 5 March 1133. Died:

Chinon Castle, Anjou, 6 July 1189, aged 56.
Buried: Fontevrault Abbey, France.

Married: 18 May 1152, at Bordeaux Cathedral,

Gascony, Eleanor (c1122–1204), dau. of William
X, duke of Aquitaine, and divorcée of Louis VII,
king of France: 8 children. Henry had at least 12
illegitimate children by five or more other

Henry had first attempted to continue his mother’s war

against Stephen after she had returned to Normandy in
1148, but Henry was a young squire of fifteen without
sufficient resources to maintain such an effort. The
next five years would see a significant change in him.
When his father died in 1151 he inherited the duchy of
Normandy as well as becoming count of Maine and
Anjou. Eight months later he married Eleanor of
Aquitaine, who was at least ten years his senior, the
former wife of Louis VII of France whom Louis had

divorced, ostensibly on grounds of consanguinity, but
really because she had provided no male heir. This
marriage infuriated Louis VII, especially when he had
recognize the claim of Henry as duke of Aquitaine.
Although Henry paid homage to Louis for his lands in
France, he now effectively controlled more territory
than the King himself. Louis sent forces against Henry
as a show of power but Henry was able to contain
them. In fact he felt sufficiently in control to
accompany a small force to England in January 1153
in an effort to depose Stephen. In this he was
unsuccessful, but Stephen was no longer disposed to
fight, and most of the hostilities were between Henry
and Stephen’s son Eustace. In August 1153 Eustace
died and this paved the way for Henry’s succession
which was sealed under the Treaty of Wallingford that
November. By its terms Stephen continued to rule for
as long as he lived but Henry was his undisputed
successor. When Stephen died in October 1154, Henry
succeeded to a considerable territory, subsequently
called the Angevin Empire, though not known as that
in Henry’s day. At its peak it stretched from the
Scottish border to the Pyrenees, and would include
overlordship of Ireland.

From a coin

Giraldus Cambrensis wrote of him: He ‘had a reddish
complexion, his eyes were grey, bloodshot and flashed
in anger. He had a fiery countenance, his voice was
tremulous and his neck bent a little forward . . . he had
an enormous paunch, rather by fault of nature than
from gross feeding [for] in all things he was moderate,
even parsimonious’.

The energy with which Henry set about establishing

his authority over his territories was awesome. This
was helped by the papal bull issued in 1155 by the new
Pope Adrian IV (the only English pope – Nicholas
Breakspeare), which decreed that Henry had authority
over the whole of Britain, including Scotland, Wales
and Ireland. In the space of two years (1155–7) Henry
had destroyed many of the castles established by
barons during the civil war, and which he referred to as
‘dens of thieves’; he had negotiated terms with
Malcolm IV of Scotland, whereby Cumbria and
Northumberland returned to English rule; and he had
invaded Wales and brought the Welsh princes to heel.
This last enterprise nearly cost him his life, however,
when he was ambushed by the heir of Gwynedd,
Cynan ab Owain. Henry’s strength of character, his
papal authority, and the immense resources upon
which he could draw made him an impossible man to
challenge, and by 1158 he had restored an order to
England and its subservient kingdoms which it had not
known to such a degree for many lifetimes. Wales
would continue to be a thorn in his side for much of his
reign, but he never considered it as much of a problem
compared to other priorities. Subsequent campaigns of

1167 and 1177 served to remind successive Welsh
rulers of his authority.

From 1158 to 1163 Henry was back in France. In July

1158 his brother Geoffrey had died. Geoffrey had in
1150 been made count of Nantes, one half of the duchy
of Brittany, and on Geoffrey’s death Henry sought to
gain control. He was foiled by the speed with which
the exiled duke, Conan IV, reclaimed his lands. Conan
had been confirmed as earl of Richmond by Henry in
1156, and Conan was forced to acknowledge Henry’s
overlordship in Brittany. In 1166 Henry arranged a
marriage between
his son Geoffrey and Conan’s daughter Constance, and
thereafter Conan handed over the administration of
Brittany to Henry to direct on behalf of the children.
Henry’s main thrust during 1159 and 1160 was against
Toulouse, which he regarded as part of his wife’s
territory in Aquitaine. The French king, Louis VII,
came to the defence of his brother-in-law, the count of
Toulouse, and Henry had to withdraw rather than fight
his French overlord. Toulouse and Aquitaine remained
in dispute between Henry and Louis for the rest of
their reigns.

The most notorious aspect of Henry’s reign was his

relationship with Thomas à Becket. Becket was a
personal friend of Henry’s. Born in London, the son of
a wealthy merchant, he was well educated and had
trained as a knight before his father’s misfortunes
obliged him to become a clerk, entering the household
of Theobald, the archbishop of Canterbury, in 1142.
He became an expert at canonical jurisprudence, and

was appointed archdeacon of Canterbury in 1154 and
chancellor of England in 1155. He fought alongside
Henry in Toulouse and became wealthy. His election
as the next archbishop of Canterbury in May 1162
came as a surprise to many, and was not universally
accepted amongst other churchmen because of
Becket’s background and worldliness. It was probably
this that caused Becket to change so radically in
character in order to prove his devotion to the church.
Henry, who thought he had an ally within the church
who would help him in ecclesiatical disputes which
had so plagued past kings, found that he had an
unpredictable opponent. Henry’s short temper did not
allow this to last for long and matters came to a head
over the issue of clergy who broke the law. Henry
maintained at a council held in October 1163 that these
‘criminous clerks’ should be unfrocked and tried in a
lay court. Becket maintained that they would be tried
by ecclesiastical courts. Henry appealed to the new
pope (Alexander III), who requested that Becket be
more conciliatory. Henry now presented Becket with a
series of terms, known as the Constitutions of
Clarendon, where in January 1164 the council was
held. Becket argued tenaciously but eventually
submitted. Henry believed that
he had succeeded but, soon after Becket repented his
change of heart and began lobbying the bishops. Henry
was furious. He summoned Becket on various charges,
including a debt of 44,000 marks (about £30,000) as
owing since his days as chancellor. Becket was found
guilty and his estates forfeited. He fled to France
where he spent two years at the Cistercian abbey of
Pontigny in Burgundy before the pope gave due

attention to his cause. Becket pleaded personally
before him in Rome, and Alexander restored him to the
see of Canterbury. But Becket could still not return to
England. He remained in France where he wrote letters
of exhortation to the bishops, threatening
excommunication unless they heeded his words.

In the meantime Henry had more pressing matters in

hand. The pope’s support and the Clarendon verdict
had allowed Henry to start breaking down the old
feudal system in England, making local baronial courts
subordinate to a strong central court. He reestablished
the jury system and introduced a new code of laws.

By a series of dynastic marriages Henry was

establishing himself as one of the most powerful men
in Europe. Already in 1160 he had arranged a marriage
between his eldest surviving son Henry (aged two),
and Margaret (aged two), daughter of Louis VII of
France. Louis had not expected a confirmed marriage
for many years after the betrothal agreement. But
Henry had offered his support to the new pope,
Alexander III, in 1160, whose succession was
disputed, and in repayment, Alexander carried out the
marriage. With her marriage Margaret brought a dowry
of several castles in France. Then, in February 1168
Henry’s eldest daughter Matilda was married to
Heinrich the Lion, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, while
his youngest daughters were betrothed to the kings of
Castile and Sicily.

Henry’s dispute with Becket returned to haunt him in

1170. In that year Henry determined to have his eldest

son Henry formally crowned as king of England. Louis
VII constantly objected to Henry’s schemes and
objected to the coronation of June 1170 firstly on the
grounds that his daughter had not been crowned queen
at the same time but also that it was unlawful. The
coronation should have been conducted by Thomas
Becket, the authorised representative of the pope.
Becket was still in exile in France at that time so the
archbishop of York conducted the ceremony.

This coronation effectively elevated Henry himself

into an imperial role. Becket condemned this when he
returned to England later that year. Becket was
welcomed by the general populace as a hero: their
champion against baronial oppression. Henry could not
understand why Becket was always so quarrelsome. It
was during one such moment of frustration that Henry
uttered his notorious words: ‘Is there none will rid me
of this turbulent priest?’ Four knights, hearing these
words and determined to prove themselves,
immediately left Henry’s court in Normandy, arriving
at Canterbury on 29 December 1170 where they slew
Becket within the cathedral. Although the murder
shocked Christendom, it had not been at Henry’s direct
bidding. The knights each did their penance. Henry
donned sackcloth, and apologized to the pope, but he
soon weathered the storm. Everyone realized that
Becket was best out of the way, though he was rapidly
canonized in 1173.

Henry’s attention turned to Ireland. He already

believed he had ostensible authority over the country
but plans for an earlier invasion in 1155 had been

shelved. However in 1170 Richard Fitzgilbert, the earl
of Pembroke, known as Richard Strongbow, invaded
Ireland at the request of the dispossessed king of
Leinster, Diarmaid MacMurchada. Diarmaid had
earlier appealed to Henry who had offered him his
support, but gave him no direct help. Strongbow’s
forces however soon captured Waterford and Dublin.
Strongbow married Diarmaid’s daughter. Henry II
became suspicious of Strongbow’s intentions and
brought his own army into Ireland in 1171. Henry’s
forces were too powerful for the Irish. They nicknamed
them the gaill glassa, or ‘grey foreigners’, from their
armour which had not been seen before in Ireland.
Henry soon established authority over eastern Ireland,
especially the kingdoms of Leinster and Meath, whose
rulers acknowledged his overlordship in the Treaty of
Windsor in October 1175. Hugh
de Lacy was made the first lord of Meath and remained
as Henry’s viceroy in Ireland, though his later
aspirations to the kingship led to his assassination.
Henry’s youngest son, John, was styled king of Ireland
from 1177, though this was no more than an honorific
as the hereditary kings of Ireland still ruled. John later
adopted the more appropriate title lord of Ireland.

John’s title was part of a settlement in a dispute

between Henry and his children that rocked his final
years. The ‘Young King’ Henry was not satisfied with
his authority in name only and wanted more. Although
he was crowned a second time along with his wife by
the new Archbishop of Canterbury, in August 1172,
when he was created not only king of England but
duke of Normandy and count of Anjou, he was still

dissatisfied. There is the tale that at the banquet the
father waited upon his own son, remarking that ‘No
other king in Christendom has such a butler’, to which
the son retorted, ‘It is only fitting that the son of a
count should wait on the son of a king.’ This new
status stirred Richard and Geoffrey into rebellion in
1173, which brought with it opportunists from
elsewhere in the realm, including William The Lyon
(see p. 121) of Scotland. William had long had designs
on Northumberland and Cumbria which he believed
were his inheritance. He invaded northern England in
1173 but was captured and taken prisoner to Henry in
Normandy and forced to pay homage. The sons were
supported by their mother Eleanor of Aquitaine, from
whom Henry had drifted apart by the late 1160s. The
problem intensified after 1180 when Louis VII was
succeeded by Philippe II, a far less scrupulous
monarch who was keen to shatter the Angevin Empire
and agreed to help Henry’s sons against their father.
Henry’s world which he had so painstakingly created
was now in danger of collapsing.

The young Henry was an ungrateful child and,

encouraged by his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, he
rose up in revolt against his father when the old king
attempted to transfer three of Henry’s key castles to
John. The ‘Young King’ sought his mother’s help with
the result that Eleanor was imprisoned. This led to the
sons coming into the fray, and the next decade saw an
embittered rivalry between Henry and his sons. The
‘Young King’ did not survive to inherit the throne, as

he died of a fever at Martel Castle in Turenne on 11
June 1183, aged twenty-eight.

Henry’s third son, Geoffrey, was killed in an accident

at a tournament in Paris in August 1186. Although this
might have simplified the battle between Henry and his
sons, it focused the attention on the rivalry between
Richard, the eldest surviving heir and Eleanor’s
favourite, and John, the youngest and Henry’s
favourite. Henry had spent most of these latter years in
France, visiting England only for official duties. It was
in France that he faced the army of Richard and King
Philippe, with whom was also his favourite son John.
This broke Henry’s spirit. He was already ill and
prematurely aged. He no longer had the energy to fight
and agreed terms with Philippe at Colombières on 4
July 1189. Two days later he died from a massive
haemorrhage, cursing his sons to the last. He was only
56 years of age. His widow, Eleanor, would live for a
further fifteen years, dying at the remarkable age of 82,
the oldest of any English queen consort until the
twentieth century. She still continued to exert an
influence over her scheming children, of whom
Richard now inherited the throne of England.


King of England, 6 July 1189–6 April 1199.
Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 2 September

Titles: king of England, duke of Normandy and

duke of Aquitaine (from 1172).

Born: Beaumont Palace, Oxford, 8 September

1157. Died: Chalus, Aquitaine, 6 April 1199,
aged 41. Buried: Fontevrault Abbey, Anjou.

Married: 12 May 1191, at Limassol, Cyprus,

Berengaria (c1163–after 1230), dau. of Sancho
VI, king of Navarre: no children. Richard had
one or possibly two illegitimate children.

Probably no other historical king of England has so

much legend attached to him and so much reputation
which is ill founded. We know Richard as the
Lionhearted, or Coeur-de-Lion, the brave and intrepid
champion of Christendom against the infidel, and he is
one of our national heroes. And yet the truth is so very

Richard had little interest in England and certainly not

in the administrative demands of government. In his
youth he had not expected to become king, as his elder
brother Henry (The Young King) was heir to the
throne. In 1172 he was invested with the duchy of
Aquitaine, the inheritance of his mother, Eleanor. Like

all the sons of Henry II, Richard seemed a less than
grateful child. He was devoted to his mother and, when
she had been imprisoned, Richard had joined in the
rebellion of his brothers against their father seeking to
gain more authority. Henry was still able to rebuff
them at this time, but the relationship between father
and sons soured over the years, with Richard’s brother
John being the favourite. Richard had one passion in
life. He loved to fight. The thrill of battle never left
him. In his youth he had trained as a knight and was a
champion of the tourney. His courage and strength
soon became the wonder of Aquitaine where he spent
several years in battle against the rebellious barons.
His military skill was evident when he took the
hitherto impregnable castle of Taillebourg in 1179.
Richard was ‘tall in stature, of handsome appearance,
his hair between red and reddish yellow,
straight-limbed, rather long in the arms, the better for
drawing the sword or more effective for attack;
nonetheless his legs were long, and his entire person
was well proportioned,’ wrote a contemporary. He
seems to have attracted as much attention from men as
from women and there is almost certainly some truth in
the belief that Richard had homosexual inclinations.

After the death of his elder brother Henry in 1183

Richard became his father’s heir. Henry hoped that
Richard would pass Aquitaine on to John, but Richard
had no such intention. Henry’s efforts to gain land
back from his sons for John only led to warfare
between Richard and his father. In 1189 Richard had
joined forces with Philippe II of France and beat his
father into

submission. When Henry died a few days later,
Richard travelled promptly to England to be crowned,
pausing briefly in Normandy to be acknowledged

Richard’s coronation was marred by the persecution of

the Jews that broke out in London and later in other
cities, especially York. Two years earlier Saladin’s
forces had captured Jerusalem, and the cry went up
across Europe to regain the heart of Christendom from
the infidel. Henry II had originally been asked to lead
the Crusade, and Richard had been anxious to take
part, but with them both fighting each other nothing
had happened. With Henry’s death, Richard’s one
ambition now was to lead an army against the
Saracens. His stay in Britain was brief, sufficient to
raise finances and resources for the Crusade. This
included the infamous Quitclaim of Canterbury
whereby Richard sold all rights in Scotland back to
William The Lyon for 10,000 marks. He returned to
France in December 1189 and would not set foot in
England again for four years, and then only for two
months. Although king of England for ten years he
spent only six months in his kingdom. He left the
administration of England in the hands of William
Long-champ, a loyal and capable chancellor whose
short temper and arrogance caused considerable
friction with other barons and for a period forced him
to retreat to Normandy.

From Historia Anglorum

Richard combined forces with Philippe II of France

and set off for the Holy Land in July 1190. The vast
army encountered transportation difficulties when their
fleet was delayed and they decided to winter in Sicily.
Richard’s sister Joanna was the recently widowed
queen of Sicily and Richard was less than satisfied
with her treatment by the new king Tancred. A
skirmish broke out between the crusaders and the
inhabitants of Messina which resulted in Richard
capturing the town. This enabled him to negotiate
favourable terms with Tancred, which not only brought
the release of Joanna, but much needed funds for the
Crusade. It was not a happy winter in Sicily, however.
Richard and Philippe quarrelled over Richard’s
planned marriage with Philippe’s sister Alys. They had
been betrothed for over twenty years, but during that
time Alys had almost certainly become the mistress of
Richard’s father Henry. She was not exactly a shining
example of virtue and Richard, who had little interest
in the fair sex, declined to marry her. In the midst of
this quarrel, Eleanor of Aquitaine arrived in Sicily with
a new bride for her son, Berengaria of Navarre.

Incensed, Philippe sailed on ahead to the Holy Land.
Richard followed in April 1191, but en route the ship
carrying his young bride and his sister was nearly
captured by Isaac Comnenus, a Byzantine rebel who
had usurped power on Cyprus. In the resultant battle
Richard conquered Cyprus, which he subsequently
sold to Guy de Lusignan, the exiled king of Jerusalem.
While in Cyprus, Richard married Berengaria. There
were to be no children of this marriage. Although
Richard may have been homosexual (and he certainly
had a fascination for Berengaria’s brother Sancho) he
had at least one illegitimate child, Philip, who became
lord of Cognac, probably the offspring of a lady at
court in Aquitaine, a child of Richard’s youth.

Richard reached the Holy Land in June 1191 and his

forces helped conclude the siege of Acre, which had
been deadlocked for almost two years, and where the
besiegers were themselves besieged by Saladin’s army.
Richard however fell out with Duke Leopold of
Austria, whom he insulted. Both Leopold and King
Philippe of France soon returned home. Richard killed
the prisoners
taken at Acre and marched down the coast to Jaffa,
winning a victory at Arsuf en route. However his
forces were unable to penetrate inland to Jerusalem
and, in September 1192, Richard was forced to
conclude a three-year treaty with Saladin. Although
Richard’s Crusade failed in its prime objective, his
exploits were amplified in their telling so that his
English and French subjects elevated him to the status
of a super-hero. In fact he was an extremely arrogant,

petulant king, with a vicious temper and a total lack of
moral scruples.

Richard returned to Europe in October 1192 but his

ship was wrecked in the Adriatic and he was forced to
travel across land. When he entered the territories of
his enemy Leopold of Austria he apparently disguised
himself as a woodsman, but he betrayed himself
because of his fine gloves and was handed over to the
Emperor Heinrich VI, who demanded a ransom of
150,000 marks. Richard was held captive for fifteen
months while negotiations ensued and the ransom was
raised. The negotiations were conducted by Richard’s
new justiciar, Hubert Walter, who had accompanied
him to Palestine and who had arrived safely home.
Hubert not only succeeded in raising the ransom but
also quashed the attempted revolt by John to gain the
throne. John’s ineptitude nevertheless lost him lands in
northern France. It is to this period that the romantic
legend belongs of Richard’s minstrel Blondel
travelling from one castle to another in Austria and
singing Richard’s favourite song until he heard
Richard sing back in response from the castle of
Dürrenstein. Like most legends it probably has a core
of truth.

Richard was eventually released and returned to

England in March 1194. Despite John’s treachery,
Richard forgave him, merely admonishing him for
acting like a child. He devoted the remaining years of
his life to regaining his lost territories in France. He
left for France in May 1194 and never returned to
England. He seemed little concerned about the

problems that his absence had caused elsewhere in
Britain, particularly in Wales where warfare had
broken out between the various rulers, and also in the
Irish Sea where Ragnald of Man ruled as a pirate.
Henry II had held these upstarts in check, but Richard
showed no such interest.

Although Richard made peace with Philippe II on

more than one occasion, war always broke out again.
Nevertheless Richard reconquered all of his former
territories and, in building new fortifications, left them
stronger than before. He received an arrow wound
during a skirmish at the castle of Chalus in the
Limousin, and he died from the infection a few days
later in April 1199. Richard spent his entire life as a
warrior. He was an excellent soldier, fearless, brave
and a great tactician, but he was useless at anything
else. He left no heir, and had also spent a considerable
fortune on his exploits. The English, in their usual way
of preferring the legend to the facts, have long
cherished the memory of a man who, in fact, had no
interest in England other than as a source of revenue,
and who was a ruthless fighting machine who made
enemies of most of the royalty of Europe.

Berengaria survived Richard by over thirty years. She

settled in Le Mans where she helped finance the
construction of the Abbey of L’Epau where she was
later buried. It is often stated that Berengaria was the
only queen of England never to set foot in the country.
She never did so during Richard’s reign, but she made
occasional visits after his death until she settled down
as a nun at L’Epau.


King of England: 6 April 1199–18 October

1216. Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 27 May

Titles: king of England, lord of Ireland (from

1177), count of Mortain (from 1189) and duke of
Normandy (1199–1203).

Born: Beaumont Palace, Oxford, 24 December

1166. Died: Newark Castle, 18 October 1216,
aged 49. Buried: Worcester Cathedral.

Married: (1) 29 August 1189, at Marlborough

Castle, Isabella (c1175–1217), dau. of William,
earl of Gloucester; divorced 1199: no children;
(2) 24 August 1200, at Bordeaux Cathedral,
Isabella (c1187–1246), dau. of Aymer Taillefer,
count of Angoulême: 5 children. John also had at
least twelve illegitimate children.

John was the youngest and favourite son of Henry II

and Eleanor of Aquitaine. His mother was forty-five
when he was born and she had already given birth to
nine children. As the youngest child John had no
immediate inheritance, Henry’s patrimony having
already been divided amongst his other children. John
thus earned the nickname Lackland.

After Henry II’s conquest of eastern Ireland in 1175,
John was invested with the honorary title of king (later
lord) of Ireland, though it carried no authority or land.
In 1185 John was despatched to Ireland to conclude the
conquest, but instead he alienated the native kings by
ridiculing their dress and appearance, and angered his
soldiers by spending their pay.

John was clearly a spoiled child, but he did not waste

his childhood. He had received a good education and
took a special interest in law and administration. He
was the youngest male child by some eight years and
there is little doubt that his elder brothers continued to
treat him as a child. He did not get on with them
particularly well and followed his own solitary
pursuits. He became extremely petulant, but also
shrewd, finding ways of achieving his own ends. His
brothers, and others who knew him closely, found they
could not trust him. When Richard left for the
Crusades in 1190, he granted John sufficient territory
in France in the hope it would keep him out of
mischief, and ordered him not to set foot in England.
But John’s passion for power ruled his head and the
moment Richard left, John determined to overthrow
William Longchamp, whom Richard had left in charge.
Richard heard of John’s activities and sent Walter of
Coutances to assist Longchamp. John was forced to
retire to his estates but then paid homage to Philippe II
of France, who had returned (ahead of Richard) from
the Crusade in 1191. When Richard eventually
returned to England in March 1194, John lost many of
his lands in Normandy but Richard soon forgave him.
Nevertheless with Richard close at hand, winning back

his lands in France, John was not able to make more
trouble. In fact he assisted Richard in his wars and
Richard appointed him his heir.

When Richard died in 1199 John was accepted as king

England, but not by the Angevin territories in France,
who preferred his nephew Arthur of Brittany. Arthur,
and his sister Eleanor, were the children of John’s
elder brother Geoffrey, and had stronger claims, on the
principle of primogeniture, to the throne than John did.
John’s subsequent actions did not help the situation.
Little over a year after his coronation he divorced his
wife and married Isabella of Angoulême. Their
marriage was tempestuous – both highly sexed and
strong-willed, they were well matched – but the
marriage was also the cause of John’s downfall. She
was already betrothed to Hugh de Lusignan, who
complained to Philippe of France. He summoned John
to answer the case but John refused, enabling Philippe
to confiscate all John’s lands in France. In the ensuing
conflict, which broke out in the spring of 1202, John
defended his lands admirably, including a mercy dash
to save his besieged mother. Unfortunately John made
a singular error of judgement in capturing and
imprisoning Arthur and his sister. Arthur was never
heard of again, but by Easter 1203 there were strong
rumours that his mutilated body had been seen in the
river Seine. Blame attached itself to John, with many
believing he had killed Arthur in a fit of rage. Arthur’s
fate unsettled the barons in Brittany, Normandy and
Anjou, and their distrust of John increased. John found
it difficult to defend his lands. He escaped to England

in December 1203, leaving his Norman subjects to
their fate. He succeeded in negotiating a truce for two
years thus enabling him to hold on to most of Poitou,
but by 1206 he was forced to surrender all his
territories north of the Loire.

John needed resources to reestablish an army to regain

his French lands and though this was the main focus of
his energies for the next few years he did not neglect
the administration of England. It is unfortunate that
John is remembered as a harsh king because to his
subjects he was exceedingly fair, ensuring that the law
was properly administered. In fact he was probably too
fair, since he often angered his barons with his
judgements against them in favour of their tenants. He
further alienated the barons by levying severe taxes
and strengthening the forest laws to increase his
income. The most hated tax was ‘scutage’. This was
levied on
those barons who declined military service, which
became increasingly common amongst those who had
no lands in France and thus had no desire to fight
abroad. Moreover many were less and less inclined to
want to fight for John, and scutage became seen as an
onerous punishment for their disloyalty. John did not
seem to worry about annoying his barons. He had a
good sense of humour and delighted in anything that
ridiculed or deflated pomposity. This angered his
barons even more, though John’s common subjects
found it a redeeming feature.

From the Charter Roll of Waterford

John’s delight at challenging authority went a step too

far, however, with the pope. In 1207 John rejected the
new archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, and
refused to accept the pope’s injunction that Langton be
re-installed. As a result in 1208 England was placed
under an interdict that stopped all church services, and
then John was excommunicated. This did not worry
John because he used the opportunity to confiscate
church revenues which provided much needed funds
for his military endeavours. Between 1208 and 1211
John undertook several
successful campaigns throughout Britain, which
bought him time with his restless nobles. Campaigns in
Scotland, Ireland and Wales during these years brought
the rebellious lords and vassals to order and
demonstrated that John did possess military skills. In
fact John’s defeat of Llywelyn The Great (see p. 95) in
1211 was perhaps his single most effective victory. He
was able to exact severe tribute from these vassals to

add to his growing treasury. John planned a further
campaign in 1212 but by then other priorities took
over. A rumoured murder plot, a threatened rebellion
by his barons, a planned invasion by Philippe of
France, and the threat of deposition by the pope made
John reconsider his position. This was where he
demonstrated his cunning. His negotiations with Pope
Innocent III lifted the interdict on the basis that John
would hold his lands as a fiefdom of the papacy.
Innocent thereafter supported John in his actions
against his barons, and even against Philippe.

John now had the finances and the papal support he

needed. He had to capitalize on this by regaining his
lands in France. His campaign, which began in July
1213, was initially successful. He routed the French
fleet and won a number of battles. However, the
following year, whilst campaigning in Poitou, John’s
allies were defeated at Bouvines in Flanders, which
weakened John’s position. He was forced to agree a
peace treaty with France. In the eyes of the barons this
was seen as a defeat. Their patience snapped. They
rebelled openly and civil war broke out in May 1215.
The hostilities were brief as John was betrayed. Within
a month London fell. John met the rebels at
Runnymede on 15 June 1215, where he was forced to
sign a charter, agreeing to restore many of the rights
that the church and barons believed they had lost, not
just during John’s reign but that of Henry II. This later
became known as the Great Charter or Magna Carta. It
was not so very earth-shattering at the time, but it
rapidly became the symbol of the success of the barons
over their oppressive king. John soon denounced the

charter as having been signed under duress and was
supported in his actions by the pope.

Civil war again broke out and this time the rebel
declared Louis, the son of Philippe of France, as their
king. Louis was able to land at Sandwich in May 1216
and advance on London unopposed. John was forced to
retreat. Although he retained much of the West
Country, the rest of England was opposed to him.
Campaigning in the Fens, he crossed the Wash and
headed towards Lincoln, but misjudged the tides. His
treasures and crown jewels were lost, and it must have
seemed as if his kingdom was lost with them. He soon
caught a fever, not helped by his over-eating, which
led to dysentery. He died a few days later aged only
forty-eight. There was some suggestion that he might
have been poisoned. He was succeeded by his
nine-year-old son Henry III. Queen Isabella retired to
her estates in France where she married the son of her
original lover, Hugh de Lusignan, and lived a further
thirty years.

History has judged John rather more harshly than he

deserves. He was a man who believed the world owed
him something and created enemies by refusing to take
authority seriously. But there were many who
remained intensely loyal to him, otherwise there could
not have been a civil war, and he certainly cared for
England and the English more than his brothers or his
father. It would be from him, and not from his
brothers, that two of England’s greatest kings, Edward
I and Edward III, were to descend.


King of England: 18 October 1216–16

November 1272. Crowned: Gloucester, 28
October 1216, and again at Westminster, 17
May 1220.

Titles: king of England, duke of Normandy (until

1259) and Aquitaine.

Born: Winchester Castle, 1 October 1207; Died:

Westminster, 16 November 1272, aged 65.
Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 14 January 1236, at Canterbury

Cathedral, Eleanor (c1223–1291), dau. of
Raymond Berenger, count of Provence: 9

Henry inherited the English throne at a difficult time.

He was only nine years old. England was riven by civil
war, with London and the south-east controlled by
Louis, the son of the French king. It did not take long
for the appointed regent, William Marshal, and the
justiciar, Hubert de Burgh, however, to defeat the rebel
barons and to bribe Louis into departing. Young Henry
had been crowned in a makeshift ceremony at
Gloucester Cathedral, where the royal family had fled.
Because John had lost the crown jewels in the Wash
during his Lincoln campaign, Henry was crowned with

his mother’s own bracelet or torque. Henry was
fortunate in having William Marshal as his regent.
William was probably the most respected man in
England. He was a brave and valiant knight, the
epitome of chivalry, and had loyally served Henry II,
Richard and John. He vowed to carry the young king
head-high on his shoulders rather than submit to
French domination. By the time Marshal died in 1219,
he had restored law and order to the kingdom. Young
Henry was crowned again, this time with new regalia,
at Westminster Abbey in May 1220. He was still only
twelve, and would not assume authority for another
seven years. With the passing of Marshal, Henry
became the pawn of two men whose
self-aggrandisement and poor advice would cause
Henry’s long reign to be regarded as weak and
ineffectual. These men were Hubert de Burgh and
Peter des Roches. De Burgh, who became regent after
1219, was an extremely able and talented soldier, and
had served under both Richard and John. He continued
the struggle against the barons and foiled the plot to
capture Henry in 1223. However, de Burgh’s actions in
France were less successful, with Aquitaine being lost
in 1224, though Gascony, the southern part of
Aquitaine, was regained the following year.

Henry assumed direct rule in 1227, although Hubert de

Burgh remained the chief justiciar until 1232. By then
he and Henry had fallen out because Henry needed
money to continue his campaigns to recover his
territories in France. The royal treasury was almost
empty. Henry accused the justiciar of using the money

for his own endeavours and de Burgh was imprisoned.
The main
architect of de Burgh’s fall was his rival, Peter des
Roches, bishop of Winchester who, along with Stephen
Segrave, now become the equivalent of prime
ministers in England. Des Roches was from Poitou,
which was no longer in English hands, thus the barons
became unsettled when des Roches filled most of the
offices of his state with his fellow Poitevins. England
was coming under foreign rule. Edmund Rich,
archbishop of Canterbury, along with William
Marshal’s son, Richard (who had been declared a
traitor because of his opposition to des Roches’s
government) led a delegation of barons to entreat
Henry to expel the Poitevins. Henry capitulated in
1234. He not only expelled the Poitevins, but
dismissed Roches and Segrave and took full
government, into his own hands. Henry had come to
realize that he ignored the authority and power of his
barons at his peril. Even though Henry had reaffirmed
the terms of the Magna Carta, he did not particularly
abide by them. He was essentially thoughtless in his
views of the barons, and rather than follow their
counsel he began to fill his court with others, mostly
from France. This process was accelerated after
Henry’s marriage to Eleanor, the daughter of Raymond
Berenger, count of Provence, in January 1236 and the
marriage of Eleanor’s sister, Margaret, to Louis IX, the
king of France. Although this further angered the
English barons it had a remarkable effect upon English
culture. France was at this time at the height of literary
and architectural art. French literature, especially the
chansons and romans de gestes, spilled over into

England, and the many chivalric romances, including
those which built the stories of king Arthur and his
knights, came into their final form during Henry’s
reign. It also saw a massive increase in the building
and restoration of churches, castles and other religious
houses in the Gothic art form. Many of our great
historic castles date in their existing form from this
period. This includes Westminster Abbey which was
sumptuously restored and improved for the coronation
of Eleanor of Provence in 1236.

The seeds of discontent that grew between Henry and

his barons were now firmly sown and regularly
watered. Not only did Henry fail to recognize the
rights and privileges of the barons,
turning instead to his own court favourites for their
counsel and advice and showering them with honours,
but he continued to place onerous tax obligations upon
his barons, including the infamous scutage. The barons
might have tolerated the latter had the money gone
towards successful military campaigns, but this did not
happen. Although Henry was not a good soldier,
having lost most of his lands in France, he was a good
negotiator. He established a strong alliance with
Scotland in 1237 under the Treaty of York, which
more or less established the existing boundary between
England and Scotland; whilst the Treaty of Woodstock
in 1247 established a similar arrangement with the
Welsh princes. The reduction in border skirmishes
meant that the marcher lords and northern barons could
turn their attentions again to matters of state, and they
did not like what they saw. In 1250 Henry took the
Cross, determined to undertake a Crusade. This may

have been a diversionary tactic to raise the spirit of his
nobles. It did not work, however, because Henry never
did embark upon his Crusade. Instead, influenced by
the pope, he used the money raised for the Crusade to
support the pope in his battle against Manfred, the
usurping king of Sicily. In return the pope nominated
Henry’s young son, Edmund (known as Crouchback
because of his deformity), as the king of Sicily, in
1254. The enterprise was, however, doomed and the
pope eventually deprived Edmund of the title and
bestowed it upon Charles of Anjou, Henry’s
brother-in-law, in 1266. In the meantime Henry had
concluded the Treaty of Paris in 1259 with Louis IX of
France, whereby he renounced his rights in Normandy,
Maine and Anjou, but retained Gascony as a fiefdom
subject to Louis.

From a contemporary document

As with his father, Henry was perceived by the barons

as an inept king who taxed them to the hilt, ignored
their counsel, and wasted resources on unsuccessful
foreign campaigns. The Sicilian campaign was the
final straw. Opposition to Henry was voiced first by

the Marshal of England, Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk,
at the Council of Westminster in 1258, which was
followed rapidly by what became called the Mad
Parliament at Oxford. There Henry was forced to
acknowledge a new charter known as the Provisions of
Oxford, where he grudgingly agreed that the barons
were allowed to select one half of the King’s council,
instead of the King having absolute discretion.
Amongst these barons was Simon de Montfort,
Henry’s brother-in-law, with whom Henry’s
relationship had soured over the years. Simon was
almost as highhanded and authoritarian as Henry,
having caused an uprising in Gascony during his
governorship. In 1260, when Henry returned from
concluding the Treaty of Paris, he denounced de
Montfort and overturned the Provisions of Oxford,
obtaining papal support for his actions. The events of
fifty years earlier repeated themselves and England slid
into the abyss of civil war. Arbitration over the
application of the provisions was made by Louis of
France, who found in favour of the king in 1264.

In April, hostilities broke out. The baronial army was

supported by the Welsh princes under Llywelyn ap
Gruffydd. As we saw, Henry’s supporters were
initially successful, capturing Simon de Montfort’s son
(also called Simon) at Northampton in April 1264, but
the elder de Montfort fought back and, in the Battle of
Lewes on 14 May, defeated and captured Henry. The
king was forced to call a parliament at which he
acknowledged the barons’ demands. During the course
of the next year the

barons, under de Montfort, succeeded in gaining the
king’s assent to most of their proposals. However, in
July 1265, Henry’s eldest son, Edward (later Edward
I), escaped from custody and raised an army against de
Montfort. At the ensuing battle of Evesham on 4
August 1265, de Montfort and his supporters were
savagely defeated and Henry returned to power.

Henry now overturned all the acts forced upon him by

the barons in the previous year and decreed grievous
punishments against the barons and others who had
sided with the revolution. Having exacted his revenge
he became more conciliatory, granting certain
privileges to the barons under the Treaty of
Marlborough in 1267, and also recognizing Llywelyn
as prince of Wales under the Treaty of Montgomery
that same year. Henry retained his executive role and it
would not be true to say that he granted the first
parliament as we know it today. Nevertheless, the
concessions of his final years went some way towards
establishing a council of peers.

Now aged sixty, Henry began to suffer from

approaching senility. He left much of the government
to his son Edward and devoted his time to pursuing the
arts, including completing the rebuilding of
Westminster Abbey, which remains the greatest legacy
of his day. He was apparently griefstricken at the death
of his brother Richard in April 1272, and dementia
overcame him. He died seven months later.

Henry had been king for a remarkable fifty-six years,

the longest reign of any English monarch up to that

time, although ten of those years were in his minority.
Despite that length of reign, Henry III is rather a
forgotten king. People are more likely to recognize the
name Simon de Montfort and know of his rebellion
than to know anything about Henry III. This serves to
demonstrate the weakness of Henry’s character and his
inability to govern strongly, but he was not all bad. He
believed in his absolute right to rule, and was
unsympathetic to his barons, but he was pious, loving
(a devoted family man) and preferred to seek peace
wherever possible rather than wage war. Although that
may have damned him in the eyes of his barons, it
a remarkable flowering of art and culture in England
which was his true legacy.

Under his son, Edward I, the power of England would

grow to dominate the whole of Britain.

Uniting the Kingdoms


WALES (1246–84)
In Wales, as we have seen the greatest of the Welsh
rulers Llywelyn the Great, acknowledged ruler of
Wales from 1216, had endeavoured to secure the
succession for his descendants, but everything
crumbled after his death in 1240. Llywelyn ap
Gruffydd would seek to hold the kingdom together but
would meet his death fighting in 1282. With the
Statute of Wales, issued by Edward I on 19 March
1284, Wales would pass under the government of
England, and the direct rule of its king, who would, for
ever afterwards, appoint his own son as the new prince
of Wales.

Llywelyn was the last native ruler of Wales. The
sudden death of his uncle, Dafydd ap Llywelyn, just as
events had turned in his favour had enabled Henry III
to sweep through Wales, meeting no organized
resistance and, one by one, the minor princes had
submitted to him. The Treaty of Woodstock on 30
April 1247 concluded the affair and saw Llywelyn and
his elder brother Owain, the senior princes of
Gwynedd, also submit to Henry.



Gwynedd (west Gwynedd from 25 February

1246, effectively 30 April 1247) June 1255–11
December 1282; styled Prince of Wales from

Born: date unknown, but probably c1225. Died:

11 December 1282, aged about 57. Buried: Cwm
Hir Abbey.

Married: 13 October 1278 at Worcester,

Eleanor, dau. Simon de Montfort; 1 daughter.

The Treaty had been severe. Henry invoked many

clauses from previous agreements and reclaimed vast
areas of Wales directly for the crown, including some
territory that had been lost since the reign of Owain
Gwynedd, a century earlier. These lands were

incorporated as part of England in perpetuity.
Moreover, whilst Henry still respected Welsh law, the
Treaty had brought with it certain obligations which
required the recognition of English law. Any lasting
vestige of Welsh autonomy had been quashed. Owain
and Llywelyn were allowed to administer Gwynedd,
which now consisted of Anglesey and the few cantrefi
on the adjacent mainland, as vassals to Henry.

However, Llywelyn had more political acumen than

Henry gave him credit. Over the next eight years he
entered into a series of secret alliances with
neighbouring princes ensuring their support. In June
1255 he met his brothers Owain and Dafydd in battle
at Bryn Derwin. They were defeated and imprisoned
and Llywelyn became sole ruler of Gwynedd. The
following year Llywelyn called in his support and his
new alliance conquered East Gwynedd, ejecting its
English lords. Over the next two years, Llywelyn
swept through Wales reclaiming all the territory lost to
Henry. Although Henry attempted a punitive
expedition in August 1257, it failed dismally and
Henry, already in serious trouble at home with his
barons, was forced to reach an agreement with
Llywelyn in 1258 which granted him authority over
the conquered lands. At that point Llywelyn declared
‘Prince of Wales’, and the native princes transferred
their fealty from Henry to him. Under the Peace of
Montgomery, agreed with Henry III in 1267, Llywelyn
was recognized as the sovereign of Wales. Wales
(which at this time still excluded some of the territories
in the south) for the first and only time had become a

single sovereign state. In the decade leading up to
1267, Llywelyn had allied himself to Simon de
Montfort, and this resulted in considerable gains as
Llywelyn took control of much land in the Welsh
Marches. Llywelyn also contracted to marry de
Montfort’s daughter, Eleanor, in 1265.

After de Montfort’s death, as Llywelyn endeavoured to

consolidate his principality into a more unified whole,
it became increasingly apparent that his territories were
held together more by fear and the strength of his own
personality than by any inherent loyalties. His actions
to sustain law and order became increasingly severe,
and respect for the prince visibly evaporated. Also the
lack of an heir fuelled factionalism. In 1274 a plot
against his life by his brother Dafydd and Gruffydd ap
Gwenwynwyn of southern Powys was uncovered; the
two conspirators fleeing to England. Llywelyn
promptly overran Gruffydd’s lands. That year saw a
new king on the throne of England, Edward I, who
openly supported the two princes. Edward did not
initially plan to enter into conflict with Llywelyn – the
two in fact had a high degree of respect for each other.
However, Llywelyn’s failure to attend Edward’s
coronation in 1274 or pay homage to Edward, despite
several demands, angered Edward irretrievably.
Moreover, Llywelyn’s high-handedness towards the
church in wanting a share of revenues caused as much
dissension among church officials, as other actions did
among his lords and subjects. The last straw came
when Llywelyn refused to pay homage in 1276, despite
Edward travelling to Chester. In reaction Edward
stopped Llywelyn’s bride-to-be, Eleanor de Montfort,

travelling to Wales and detained her at Windsor.
Llywelyn’s hot-headedness and pride made it
impossible for him to climb down and the two were set
on a collision course. In November 1276 Llywelyn was
declared a rebel and hostilities began. Edward
knew he could soon turn the dissension amongst the
Welsh to his advantage. His first test of the Welsh
borders in 1276 saw resistance crumble immediately in
northern Powys where its prince, Llywelyn ap
Gruffydd ap Madog promptly changed his allegiance
to Edward. Edward’s progress through Wales was
systematic and clinical. Within a year Llywelyn was
forced to submit and, under the Treaty of Aberconwy,
he was relegated to ruling only the heartland of
Gwynedd, west of the Conway. Although he retained
the title ‘Prince of Wales’, it was meaningless. He was
also forced to share that kingdom again with his
brother Owain, who was resettled in the cantref of
Llyn in 1278.

From a picture in the National of Wales

Although humiliated, Llywelyn maintained his dignity.

He treated Edward with the utmost respect and
endeavoured to maintain amicable relations, while also
seeking to regain his hold on Wales. Over the next four

years he began to re-cement relationships with the
various princes across Wales. In some cases he was
successful; in others woefully unsuccessful. Territorial
disputes, especially with Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn,
who had been restored by Edward in southern Powys,
began to fray Llywelyn’s temper. Throughout this
period Wales was in uneasy humour, uncertain over
the degree to which they should support Llywelyn or
respect Edward. In the end it was the inevitable
unrestrained irresponsibility of Llywelyn’s brother
Dafydd that sealed the fate of Wales. Dafydd, in league
with Llywelyn ap
Gruffydd ap Madog of Powys, ravaged the borders
around Oswestry in March 1282. Whether or not
Llywelyn was himself aware of the revolt, he was soon
caught up in it and had no other choice but to become
its leader. Edward was outraged and, though he had to
react swiftly, he planned his strategy with cool
deliberation, marshalling forces that would be
powerful enough to resolve the matter once and for all.
It was a much harder struggle than in 1277, but
Edward was relentless. Victory would almost certainly
have been his, even if Llywelyn himself had not been
killed in December 1282. He was killed, not in a
pitched battle, but in a scuffle by an opportunist who
did not realise at the time who he was. The war
continued for four more months under the command of
Dafydd, but in April 1283 he surrendered at Castell y
Bere and was imprisoned. In October he was executed
for treason. With the Statute of Wales, issued on 19
March 1284, Wales passed under the government of
England. All the local princes were dispossessed, and
the political face of Wales was changed for ever, the

old kingdoms replaced by new counties and a
provincial administration run by a governor-general.

Llywelyn’s daughter, Gwenllian, was sent to a nunnery

where she remained till she died in 1337. Dafydd’s
daughters were likewise consigned to nunneries while
his two sons were imprisoned for the rest of their lives:
Llywelyn died in 1288; Owain, some time after 1305.
Alone of all the royal family, Rhodri ap Gruffydd, who
had sold his inheritance to Llywelyn as early as 1272,
lived on as a lord of the manor in Surrey and in
Cheshire, dying in 1315. His grandson, Owain ap
Thomas ap Rhodri, who lived much of his life in
France, held pretensions to invade Wales and reclaim
the principality. He received a modicum of support at
the time, and there were even rumours of an invasion
between 1369 and 1372, but his plans came to nothing
and he was assassinated in 1378. The only successful
attempt to regain the principality would come under
Owain Glyn Dwr in 1400, during the reign of Henry

SCOTLAND (1214–1371)
Although William the Lyon had successfully wrested
back Scotland from the English, succeeding monarchs
– Alexander II, Alexander III, Margaret, Maid of
Norway and John Balliol – had over the years once
more become tied into a state of fealty to the English
crown. Had Alexander III, who had been a strong
monarch, not met such an untimely death by riding
over a cliff at the age of forty-four, things might have

worked out differently, but after his demise, his strong
realm was plunged into a period of darkness that would
lead to war.

Scotland at this time was still a land divided. The

authority of the Scottish kings effectively covered the
lowlands and the Borders plus much of the eastern
seaboard. Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles, as
far south as the Isle of Man, were still answerable to
the king of Norway, whilst the Highlands on the
mainland, where the people were Gaelic speaking,
regarded themselves as independent even if
recognizing the authority of the crown. The Isle of
Man had always had a degree of independence
especially since it became the base of the formidable
Godred Crovan in 1079. A few generations later
Somerled established his own Kingdom of the Isles in
1156. Both of these rulers and their successors
acknowledged the sovereignty of Norway, not
Scotland. Their lands remained separate kingdoms
until they were officially ceded to Scotland under the
Treaty of Perth of 2 July 1266. This followed the
defeat of the Norse at the Battle of Largs three years
earlier and the subsequent subjugation of the islands
and mainland territories by Alexander III. Alexander
later invested the title of Lord of the Isles in the head
of the Macdonald family and over the next two
centuries these lords would operate as if they were
kings in their own right, frequently opposing the
Scottish monarch. Orkney remained under Norse
sovereignty until 20 May 1469.

In the meantime the kingdom of Scotland itself came
under threat with the death, on 26 September 1290, of
known as the Maid of Norway, the infant queen of
Scotland. There was no immediate successor to the
throne though there were no shortage of claimants. The
Scottish lords agreed that Edward I of England would
arbitrate upon the final shortlist of thirteen claimants.
There followed an interregnum of over two years
whilst the English king and his judges decided. In the
meantime Edward took advantage of the situation by
claiming the Isle of Man for England in 1290 and apart
from efforts by Scotland to reclaim it in 1293 and
again in 1313, it remained an English territory

On 17 November 1292 Edward I would nominate John

Balliol as Scottish king, a justifiable decision but one
also convenient to Edward as Balliol had strong
English sympathies. Balliol subsequently cast off the
English yoke but following his defeat at Dunbar he
would be forced to abdicate in July 1296. Edward set
about bringing Scotland under English control and his
first act was to remove the Stone of Destiny from
Scone and bring it to Westminster. In effect he had
taken the heart out of Scotland. Distracted by problems
with France, Edward was unable to hammer home his
advantage straightaway with the consequence that
there was time for rebellion to ferment in Scotland,
first under William Wallace and then under Robert
Bruce. Edward I would die without seeing Scotland
absorbed into England even though he had proceeded
as far as preparing a new constitution. His son, Edward

II, was a much weaker ruler and after his defeat at
Bannockburn in June 1314, Scotland was lost to the
English. It was not, however, till the Treaty of
Northampton on 4 May 1328 that the English formally
recognized the sovereign independence of Scotland.

Robert Bruce applied to the Pope for recognition of

Scotland as a sovereign state with the authority to
anoint its monarchs. The Scottish kings had no such
right previously and this had always made them
secondary to the English kings in the eyes of the
Church. Pope John XXII granted this right to Robert
on 13 June 1329, though unfortunately for Robert he
had died six days earlier and did not know of his
success. Nevertheless the combination of the
Treaty of Northampton and the papal bull meant that
Robert’s successor, David II, was the first Scottish
king to be crowned and anointed as monarch of an
independent sovereign state.


Ruled 25 March 1306–7 June 1329. Crowned:

Scone Abbey, 27 March 1306.

Titles: king of Scotland; earl of Carrick (from

1292), lord of Annandale (from 1304).

Born: Turnberry Castle, 11 July 1274. Died:

Cardross Castle, Dumbarton, 7 June 1329, aged

54. Buried: Dunfermline Abbey (though his heart
was buried at Melrose Abbey).

Married: (1) c1295, Isabella, dau. Donald, earl

of Mar: 1 child; (2) c1302, Elizabeth (d. 1327),
dau. Robert de Burgh, earl of Ulster and
Connaught: 4 children.

The ancestor of Robert the Bruce was a Norman

knight, also called Robert, who accompanied William
the Conqueror on his invasion in 1066. This Robert de
Bruis, who took his name from his family estates at
Bruis near Cherbourg, received extensive lands in
Yorkshire. His son, also called Robert, was made lord
of Annandale by David I of Scotland in 1124. This
Robert’s grandson, another Robert, married David’s
great-granddaughter Isabel in 1220. Their son, Robert
le Brus (1210–1295) was at one time heir to the throne
and competitor for the crown of Scotland against John
Balliol in 1292. His son, Robert (1243–1304) was the
father of the famous Robert the Bruce, who succeeded
him as lord of Annandale in 1304.

Robert would originally swear fealty to Edward I of

Scotland in 1296, when he inherited the title of Earl of
Carrick. His father had sought the Scottish crown from
Edward, but had been refused. Robert would remain
loyal to Edward until 1297, when he supported the
revolt of William Wallace. After Wallace’s defeat in
1298, Edward laid waste to Robert’s lands.

Nevertheless he made his peace with Edward and in
1299 Robert was
made one of the four regents of Scotland. Robert’s
pride made it difficult for him to work alongside his
co-regent John Comyn, the son of another competitor
of 1292 and a descendant of Duncan III, but they
needed to work together. In 1305 Edward executed
Wallace and prepared an ordinance for the governance
of Scotland. Its independence was soon to be a thing of
the past. In February 1306 Bruce and Comyn met at
Greyfriars church in Dumfries, endeavouring to
resolve their rival claims to the throne and to plan a
course of action against Edward. An argument
followed in which Robert stabbed Comyn, who
subsequently died. Robert knew he would be
excommunicated and would thereby lose his right to
the throne. Rather than flee, he acted on impulse and
hurriedly gathered his supporters together and within
six weeks had crowned himself king of Scotland. His
support was far from complete. There were many who
regarded him as a young hothead, but there were
enough to rally round him as a symbol of Scottish
kingship. Robert had been present at the execution of
William Wallace and knew what would happen if he
failed. He was therefore determined to succeed,
regardless of the odds.

At first luck went against him. He was defeated by the

earl of Pembroke who captured Perth and drove Bruce
west into Atholl. Bruce was defeated again soon after
by Comyn’s uncle, Macdougal of Loarn, who forced
Bruce further west, until he was driven out of Scotland
and sought refuge on the Isle of Rathlin off the Irish

coast. It is at this time that the memorable legend arose
of Bruce hiding in a cave and, being inspired by a
spider defiantly reweaving its web against the weather,
to resolve ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.’

Robert rallied. Early in 1307 he surprised the English

at Carrick, who had garrisoned his own castle of
Turnberry, and later that year defeated Pembroke at
Loudon Hill. Edward I marched against Bruce but died
before reaching Scotland. The campaign would be
prematurely abandoned by his son, Edward II, and
Bruce went from strength to strength. Over the next six
years the English garrisons were driven out of
Scotland. By 1314
only two castles remained in English hands: Berwick
and Stirling. The governor of Stirling promised to hand
over the castle unless the English sent reinforcements
by 24 June. This galvanized Edward II into belated
action. His forces arrived and engaged the Scottish at
Bannockburn on 24 June 1314. This was one of the
Scot’s greatest victories. Edward’s force of over
20,000 men were totally defeated by Robert’s army of
half its number.

Although skirmishes continued for the next decade,

Robert’s victory allowed a degree of respite in the
hostilities. Robert even had time to support his brother,
Edward, who had been made high king of Ireland in
May 1316, but who was killed at the Battle of Dundall
in October 1318. Edward Bruce was, for a time,
recognized as Robert’s heir. One might imagine the
possibilities had Scotland’s king also been high king of
Ireland. After Edward’s death the succession passed to

Robert’s infant grandson, the child of his daughter
Marjorie and Walter, the steward of Scotland.
Although this child later ruled as Robert II, Robert the
Bruce eventually sired his own heir, David II.

Robert still needed to make his peace with the pope,

who had excommunicated him. By 1320 the Scots had
compiled what became known as the Declaration of
Arbroath, which not only established the sovereignty
of Scotland but defined Robert’s right to the throne. It
has been described as ‘the most remarkable statement
of nationalism in medieval Europe’. It took Pope John
XXII eight years to reach a decision. He eventually
lifted his excommunication in 1328 and recognized
Robert’s right to the kingship. The same year saw the
Treaty of Northampton between Robert and Edward III
of England, which also recognized the independence of

In the intervening years when not fighting, Robert had

done his best to bring law and order back to a country
rent by civil unrest. He instigated a major rebuilding
programme and sought to reestablish trade. Scotland at
last began to be restored. In early 1329 Robert
prepared to set off for the Holy Land, but he died of
leprosy before leaving Scotland. Although he was
buried at Dunfermline, his heart was carried on the
Crusade to atone
for his sins and was eventually returned to Scotland
and interred at Melrose Abbey. The young hothead and
turncoat had become the saviour of Scotland and was
long after remembered as ‘Good King Robert’.


Ruled 7 June 1329–August 1332 (deposed);

restored 16 December 1332–March 1333
(deposed); restored 1336–22 February 1371.
Crowned: Scone Abbey, 24 November 1331.

Born: Dunfermline Palace, 5 March 1324. Died:

Edinburgh Castle, 22 February 1371, aged 46.
Buried: Holyrood Abbey.

Married: (1) 17 July 1328, at Berwick, Joanna

(1321–62), dau Edward II of England: no
children; (2) 13 (?) February 1364, at
Inchmahome Priory, Aberfoyle, Margaret (d.
1375), dau. Sir Malcolm Drummond; divorced 20
March 1370: no children.

David was Robert (I), the Bruce’s only son, and was
only five when his father died. He had already been
married to Joanna, the sister of Edward III of England,
since July 1328. He was four, she was seven. Although
they remained married for thirty-four years, they had
no children and it was, apparently, a loveless marriage.
This was symbolic of David’s early life where, for
much of the time, he was a puppet controlled by other
forces. This made him a rather dissolute youth who
took some while to live up to the expectations others
had of him. Of particular significance, though, was
David’s coronation. Although he was only seven, and

probably not that aware of the import, he was the first
king of Scotland to be anointed with the symbol of
papal approval, and to be crowned jointly with his
wife. Nevertheless, it did him little good. Nine months
later his forces were defeated by those of Edward
Balliol (son of John) who, supported by Edward III,
had sought to regain what he believed was his rightful
inheritance. Although Edward was crowned in
September 1332, he was deposed three months later
and David was restored. The overthrow of Balliol
Edward III to act. He invaded Scotland, defeating all
opposition at Halidon Hill on 19 July 1333. At this
stage David was taken for safety to the court of
Philippe VI of France. Although he was restored to the
throne in 1336, he remained in exile in France until it
was felt safe for his return to Scotland in 1341, when
he was seventeen.

An uneasy peace ensued for the next five years. By

then the French were at war with the English and asked
the Scots for assistance. David invaded England but
was defeated by the forces of Archbishop William de
la Zouche at Neville’s Cross, near Durham, on 17
October 1346. David fought valiantly but was captured
and held prisoner in England for the next eleven years.
His nephew, Robert, remained steward of Scotland
during this period when, to all intents and purposes,
Scotland was subservient to England. Nevertheless,
Edward’s war with France meant his attention was
elsewhere and the governance of Scotland continued
unhindered. David was eventually released in 1357
under the terms of the Treaty of Berwick, whereby

David had to pay Edward the staggering sum of
100,000 merks (about £67,000) in ten equal
instalments. This was never fully paid, but David paid
occasional instalments as and when it was necessary to
stave off the ambitious Edward. David even proposed
that Edward’s second son, Lionel, should succeed him
as king of Scotland, should David die childless. The
Scottish Parliament rejected this proposal, and the
death of Lionel in 1368 brought an end to the idea, but
it was another factor in David’s attempts to hold
Edward at bay. Nevertheless whenever David sought
to impose a tax to raise the instalments for the ransom
he was met with outright rebellion, particularly from
John, the lord of the Isles. It required considerable
negotiation, mostly by Robert the Steward, to restore
an alliance. David did his best to reestablish the
financial and civil strength of Scotland, despite the
depredations of the Black Death which had severely
reduced the population of Scotland and England whilst
David was in captivity. Although David was never
held in such esteem as his father, his final years
showed that he was not totally the weak or
inadequate king as he was later remembered. He just
had the misfortune at living at the same time as
Edward III, one of Europe’s strongest monarchs.
Robert died childless in 1371 and he was succeeded by
his nephew, Robert, the first king of the Stewart

(part II: 1272–1399)

The Angevins’ rule for a further 120 years in many

ways marked a grim period for the ordinary man. Not
only were there the invasions into Wales and Scotland
to quell uprisings, and the Hundred Years’ War with
France, but the climate of the fourteenth century turned
to one of constant rain, which in turn fostered
pandemics of the plague which raged across Europe in
1348–9 and again in 1361, 1375 and 1390. There were
two types of plague: the pneumonic plague, which
spread by droplet infection like the common cold, and
the Black Death carried by flea-infested rats. Within
the space of a few years, the kingdoms of Britain had
lost a third of their population: some one and a half
million people succumbed. Now there were fewer
people left to pay taxes, fewer revenues for the royal
coffers, despite the sovereign’s extravagant lifestyle,
though wages for those skilled craftsmen who had
survived rose. In 1381 the poorer classes revolted: in
town and countryside, in separate outbreaks virtually
all over the country. The immediate reason was the
poll tax, brought about by the heavy costs of war. This
was imposed no less than three times within the

space of a few years, and rose from four pence to one
shilling a head. But discontent had also been festering
for a long time about the obligations which the
peasants owed to the lords of the manors.

For the nobility and those at court, however, it was a

time of increasing wealth and cultural splendour. The
wool trade began to expand rapidly in the mid
fourteenth century, bringing enormous prosperity.
Although nobility was largely by descent, wealth
became a yardstick for social class, whereby, for
example, only those with annual incomes exceeding
£40 could apply to become a knight. And in 1460 an
Act of Parliament was passed laying down rules for the
type of dress and quality of cloth that could be used by
each social class.

The notion of chivalry with its elegance and strict

codes of courtly behaviour had spread throughout
Europe, and the first works of literature in vernacular
English were being written by William Langland and
Geoffrey Chaucer (whose wife’s sister was first John
of Gaunt’s mistress, then his wife). With Wyclif’s
translation of the Bible into English, the use of English
rather than French or Latin was soon to mean that
literacy was no longer only the prerogative of the court
and the clergy.


Ruled 16 November 1272–7 July 1307.
Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 19 August 1274.

Titles: king of England, Wales (from 1284), Man

(from 1290), Scotland (from 1296), lord of
Ireland, duke of Gascony (from 1254), earl of
Chester (from 1254).

Born: Palace of Westminster, 17 June 1239.

Died: Burgh-on-Sands, near Carlisle, 7 July
1307, aged 68. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: (1) October 1254, at Las Huelgas,

Castile, Eleanor (1241–90), dau. of Ferdinand
III, king of Castile: 16 children; (2) 10 September
1299, at Canterbury Cathedral, Margaret
(c1279–1318) dau. of Philippe III, king of
France: 3 children. Edward is reputed to have
had one illegitimate child, although the claim is

Edward I is certainly the greatest of the Plantagenet

kings of England and one of the most important of all
English kings. The soubriquets applied to him give
some indication of his abilities: ‘the Lawgiver’, ‘the
Hammer of the Scots’, ‘the Father of the Mother of
Parliaments’, ‘the English Justinian’, let alone his
personal nickname of Longshanks, which was not
derogatory. Edward was a tall man, healthy, strong and
immensely powerful, a born soldier.

He was the eldest son of Henry III, born when his
father had already reigned for over twenty years.
Thanks to his father’s long reign, Edward was able to
ascend to the throne in the flower of his manhood.
Thankfully he had also matured, for his youth, whilst
spent as part of a loving family, was also tempestuous.
In 1254, when only fifteen, he was married to Eleanor,
the infanta of Castile, who was barely thirteen. Her
name would be given to many inns and taverns, one of
which, in south London became corrupted into the
Elephant and Castle. It was a political marriage in
order to protect the southern borders of Gascony,
England’s last possession in France, the governship of
which had been in the hands of Simon de Montfort.
Edward was invested as duke of Gascony at the time of
his marriage, and acknowledged his fealty to the
French king, the sainted Louis IX. However, Edward’s
command of Gascony does not seem to have been any
less turbulent than De Montfort’s. It appears Edward
ruled with a strong hand and was not averse to severe
retribution if any of his subjects challenged his

At the same time (1254) Edward had been invested

with lands in Wales and Ireland, and his first
experience of warfare came in the uprisings in Wales
when in 1256 the Welsh, under Llywelyn ap Gruffydd,
rebelled against the English imposition of a system of
county administration. Peace was rapidly concluded
because Henry III was facing his own internal
problems in the rebellion of the barons. Edward
initially sided with Simon de Montfort in producing
the Provisions of Westminster in 1259, but later

supported his father in the war that broke out in 1264.
It was Edward who captured the younger Simon de
Montfort at Northampton,
but it was also Edward’s youthful rashness that led to
his capture alongside his father at the battle of Lewes
later that year. As we have seen, Edward succeeded in
escaping his custody a year later and in August 1265
routed and killed the elder De Montfort at the battle of
Evesham. Henry’s retribution on the disaffected barons
was severe and those who were disinherited fought
back from a stronghold at Ely in 1267. It was Edward
who overpowered the barons, and it was his military
skill and show of strength that helped bring peace to
England by 1269.

Edward was now thirty and, in 1270, set out on a

long-awaited Crusade to the Holy Land. Although his
escapades were not entirely glorious, there was much
derring-do suitable for later retellings in adventure
stories. Edward succeeded in relieving Acre from one
of its many sieges by the troops of the sultan of Egypt,
and won a victory at Haifa, but he was also wounded
by a poisoned dagger wielded by an Assassin. Had he
died English history would have been significantly
different, and there would certainly have been a
succession crisis with no adult heir. Edward recovered,
however; this was later said to be thanks to his wife
who sucked the poison from the wound. He was in
Sicily on his way home when, in November 1272, he
learned of his father’s death. It is an indication of how
confident Edward was in his English regents that he
did not hurry home. Instead he travelled triumphantly
through Italy as a Crusader hero and new king, and on

through France to pay homage to the new French king,
Philippe III. He eventually returned to England on 2
August 1274, with his coronation held seventeen days

The coronation was a momentous occasion, but a small

cloud over it would cast a long shadow. Llywelyn ap
Gruffydd, the prince of Wales, failed to attend to pay
homage. Edward commanded him to attend his court
on two later occasions and even travelled to Chester in
1276 to make it easier. When Llywelyn rebuffed him
for a third time, Edward acted with lightning effect. He
declared Llywelyn a rebel and thus anyone supporting
him would be a traitor.

Edward brought his forces into Powys and opposition

crumbled. He was able to penetrate into Gwynedd and
force Llywelyn into submission. Under the Treaty of
Aberconwy in November 1277, Llywelyn retained the
now hollow title of Prince of Wales, and held authority
over only Gwynedd, west of the Conway, which he
was forced to share with his brother. Llywelyn, though
humiliated, endeavoured to remain respectful of
Edward to the extent that in October 1278 Edward
allowed the long promised marriage between
Llywelyn, and his cousin, Eleanor, the daughter of
Simon de Montfort. This arrangement had been made
in 1265, when Eleanor was only thirteen.
Unfortunately Eleanor died in childbirth four years
later, just at the time that actions by Llywelyn’s
brother Dafydd caused a further rebellion in Wales and
Llywelyn, possibly against his will, was forced back

into the limelight. Edward, believing he had previously
treated Llywelyn with surprising leniency, was furious.
Although the Welsh offered more resistance than in
1278, Edward was able to call upon much greater
resources than the Welsh. Victory was almost certain
to be Edward’s, but it was made more complete when
Llywelyn was killed in a skirmish in December 1282.
His renegade brother held out for a further four months
but was arrested in April 1283 and executed for treason
six months later.

Edward was no longer prepared to tolerate the

perpetual hostility from the Welsh. On 19 March 1284
the Statute of Wales was enacted, bringing Wales
under the direct government of England. Wales now
held the status of a colony of the Crown, and justice
was administered by three sheriffs. Edward also set up
a series of new lordships, some of which were granted
to the dispossessed Welsh princes, but others to
Edward’s own barons. In June 1284 Edward celebrated
his conquest of Wales by holding an Arthurian Round
Table court at Nefyn. The festivities were so well
attended that the floor of the court gave way under the
strain. One of the legends attached to this period is that
Edward promised he would grant them a prince who
had been born on their own soil, and promptly
presented to them his infant son, Edward, who had
been born at Caernarvon. Edward was not officially
invested as prince of Wales until February 1301.

From the Cotton MS, British Library

The Welsh exploits were but one chapter of Edward’s

early reign, though a significant one. Much of his
energy was directed toward a survey of England and a
reformation of feudal jurisdictions in the country’s
legal system. Soon after his coronation he despatched
commissioners throughout his kingdom to establish
who held what authority over what land and whether
there had been any abuse of power. Hitherto barons
holding lands in fief from the king had often
administered the king’s laws within their territories,
but many abused this privilege. In many cases barons
claimed this had been their right since time
immemorial, because they were unable to produce
charters granting them such authority. Edward
recognized that authority granted in the time of Henry
II (his great grandfather) was early enough to qualify
as time immemorial, particularly given the unstable
years of Stephen and Matilda’s civil war, but anything
more recent had to be supported by written evidence.
With this established Edward was able to put the
collection of taxes and other revenues on a much
firmer footing, and he was also enabled to reconstruct

his authority and that of his barons in a more clearly
codified set of laws. Edward needed clarity over his
revenues to enable him to finance his extensive
military campaigns. This time, however, he determined
to appease the barons by gaining their assent to his tax

The combination of tax and legislative reforms in

consultation with his peers was what brought about the
evolution of government by Parliament. A Great
Council had met since the time of John, but it did not
have the representative element of a formal Parliament.
With his Statute of Westminster in 1275 Edward
inaugurated reforms which led, over the next twenty
years, to the establishment of a formal parliament.
During this process Edward was quick to punish those
who had abused their authority. In this way Edward
endeared himself to the commoners of England, who
saw him as their saviour. The one group to which
Edward did not endear himself was the Jews. In 1278
he had passed an enactment which allowed all Jews in
England to be arrested on the grounds of coin-clipping.
Some 280 of them were hanged. The Jews had been
one of the main alternative sources of income in
England, but the Crusades had brought a reaction
against them. While barons and royalty were keen to
borrow their money, they had no desire to repay it and
even introduced laws to stop the Jews claiming land in
forfeit for non-payment. By Edward’s reign the Jews
were themselves becoming impoverished and the
rising tide of nationalism in England increased the
public antipathy to them. In 1290 Edward expelled all
of the Jews from England, over 16,000 of them, on the

grounds of usury. Thereafter the merchants became
royal creditors, especially those from Venice and
Lombardy in Italy.

Edward had long set his eyes on the conquest of

Scotland. An opportunity arose in 1290 when
Margaret, the infant queen of Scotland (and Edward’s
great-niece) died. Edward had previously agreed with
Alexander III (King of Scotland 1249–1286) that the
young queen would marry his son and heir Edward,
which he hoped would lead to the union of England
and Scotland. Margaret’s death scuppered that plan,
but Edward was now consulted by the Scottish
magnates to adjudicate over the succession. In 1292,
Edward eventually nominated John Balliol, a fair
decision, but also a weaker choice than the other
primary candidate, Robert le Brus, and one whom
Edward could more easily dominate. Nevertheless over
the next few years the Scots grew tired of
John as a spineless pawn of Edward and incited him
into rebellion in 1295. This came as a result of a
difficult set of circumstances which now plagued
Edward. In 1294 the French king Philippe IV had
taken possession of Gascony. Edward had summoned a
parliament to approve the collection of taxes for his
campaign against France, but there was considerable
resentment, especially north of the border where the
Scots were expected to pay a tax for a war against the
French, whom they regarded as their ally. At that same
time, in October 1294, the Welsh took advantage of the
French diversion to rebel, with Madog ap Llywelyn
declaring himself prince of Wales. Edward was now
facing rebellion on three fronts. It is evidence of his

mastery of the situation that he was able to resolve all
three in quick succession. From December 1294 to
March 1295 he led his armies into Wales, defeated all
opposition and slaughtered the main ringleaders. Back
in England Edward summoned the first Model
Parliament, which consisted of representatives of all
three estates: the church, the barons and the shires and
towns. With the agreement of this parliament he was
able to raise further revenues and enact plans for his
campaigns in Scotland and France. Edward took his
forces north, sacked and plundered Berwick in March
1296 and defeated John Balliol at Dunbar on 27 April.
John surrendered two months later and was imprisoned
in the Tower of London. Edward proudly seized the
symbol of Scottish kingship, the Stone of Scone, which
he brought south to Westminster, where it would
remain for seven hundred years. Edward now believed
he had conquered Scotland and left three magnates in
authority. He needed to turn his attention to France.
Parliament was less keen to raise further revenues for a
French campaign, but regardless Edward sailed for
France in 1297 and, through the intervention of the
pope, was able to make a truce with France whereby he
also regained control of Gascony. Thus in the space of
two years Edward had held his possessions on two
fronts and extended them on a third. The Scottish
advance, however, was more chequered than Edward
had anticipated. His three administrators proved
unequal to their task and the tyrannical oppression of
one of them,
William Ormsby, had stirred the Scots back into revolt
under William Wallace. Edward now led a further

army north, defeating Wallace at Falkirk on 22 July

Over the next few years Edward sought the total

subjugation of the Scots. His many campaigns, which
culminated in the capture and execution of Wallace in
August 1305, seemed to deliver Scotland firmly into
his hands. And yet, even as he was in the process of
confirming a constitution for Scotland another
rebellion erupted, this time under Robert the Bruce.
Despite his age and increasing infirmity, Edward
prepared for a further campaign. He marched north and
was in sight of Scotland when he died of dysentery at
Burgh-on-Sands near Carlisle in July 1307. Edward
believed he had conquered the Scots and thus must
have died disappointed at not seeing his vision
complete. Nevertheless, unlike any ruler before him
(and most since), he had the skill, strength and
authority to undertake the task and failed ultimately
only by his underestimation of the strength of the
Scottish spirit.

Edward’s first wife, Eleanor, had died in 1290 of a

fever near Grantham while she was travelling north to
meet Edward in Scotland. Edward had been devoted to
her and was sorely grieved at her death. As her body
was conveyed back to London, he established crosses
at the sites where her body rested each night. There
were originally twelve of these, of which the best
known were at Waltham and Charing Cross. Eleanor
had borne Edward sixteen children, the most from one
legitimate union to any king of England. However few
of these survived infancy and only four of them

outlived Edward. Three of these were daughters, but
the fourth was Eleanor’s youngest son Edward. King
Edward had remarried in 1299, this time to Margaret
the sister of Philippe IV of France. It was another
political marriage yet, although Edward was sixty and
Margaret scarcely twenty, the match seemed to work,
and Margaret bore Edward three more children.

Although Edward failed to conquer Scotland, his

conquest of Wales has left its mark on Britain ever
since, though possibly his
most lasting legacy was the firm establishment of
Parliament. He would be succeeded by his son


Ruled 8 July 1307–25 January 1327 (abdicated).

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 25 February

Titles: king of England and Scotland, lord of

Ireland; prince of Wales (from 1301), duke of
Aquitaine (from 1306).

Born: Caernarvon Castle, 25 April 1284. Died

(murdered): Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, 21
September 1327, aged 43. Buried: Gloucester

Married: 25 January 1308, at Boulogne
Cathedral, Isabella (c1292–1358) dau. of
Philippe IV, king of France: 4 children; Edward
may also have had one illegitimate child.

Edward II’s reign was amongst the most despairing in

history, cast into even greater notoriety because it was
locked between the reigns of those two giants – his
father, Edward I, and his son, Edward III. He was
regarded as a weak king, not only through his lack of
military ambition, but because of his total lack of
interest in matters of state. He preferred gardening and
basket-weaving to soldiery and government. Had he
not been so easily influenced by his court favourites,
he might have served better. The problem stemmed
from his lonely childhood. Although he was the
fourteenth of Edward’s nineteen children, few of his
brethren survived infancy and he never knew them. Of
his elder sisters, three were married before Edward was
six, while a fourth entered a nunnery around the time
he was born. Only Elizabeth was close to Edward in
age and would have been his closest childhood
companion. Edward was already sixteen by the time
his half-brother Thomas was born. Although his father
was a devoted family man, his continued absence in
his wars against Wales, Scotland and France left
Edward to fend for himself, and the death of his
mother when he was only six left him bereft.

As so often happens with lonely children (especially
child heirs)
they welcome anyone who shows them friendship and
do not recognize when that friendship may be false,
seeking only fame or riches. His closest childhood
friend was Piers Gaveston, a rather handsome but
affected knight from Gascony. The two of them led
extravagant lifestyles, finding enjoyment in the
disruption of ceremony and the annoyance of members
of court, whom Gaveston delighted in calling by rude
nicknames. Their inseparability and manner of dress
caused the old king to believe they may have shared a
homosexual relationship and Gaveston was banished
from court on several occasions, but after the king’s
death, young Edward called Piers back. To the horror
of the court magnates, Piers was made the earl of
Cornwall (a title usually reserved for the king’s sons),
he was married to Edward’s niece, Margaret, and when
Edward went to France to collect his bride, Isabella, he
made Piers regent. Piers made all the arrangements for
the coronation, tried to outshine all others present by
his manner of dress and had the highest honour of
carrying the king’s crown. Gaveston disgraced himself
at the celebrations by his outward display of affection
for Edward, which distressed the young queen.
Gaveston further incurred the wrath of the court by
bungling the banqueting arrangements resulting in a
poorly cooked and late meal.

The barons prevailed upon Edward to banish

Gaveston, which Edward did by making him regent of
Ireland in 1308, but within a year Gaveston had
returned. Gaveston continued to abuse the barons with

his wit and sarcasm, but probably what annoyed the
barons more was that despite his foppishness,
Gaveston was a good knight. He often arranged
tournaments, only to defeat any knight who rode
against him. One of these, the king’s cousin, Thomas,
earl of Lancaster, was incensed by this ignominy.
Thomas was no man to upset. He was one of the most
powerful in England, with vast estates and a huge
private army. By nature he was vicious and haughty,
caring only for himself. He led the opposition against
the king and in the parliament of 1310 forced the king
to agree to a committee of twenty-eight barons, known
as the Lords Ordainer, who in effect governed the
country. They forced Edward to agree to Gaveston’s
permanent exile. Edward made him lord of Man, but
Gaveston could not stay away and turned up at the
king’s Christmas celebrations, as arrogant and
obnoxious as ever. A group of barons, led by
Lancaster, arrested Gaveston and executed him in June
1312 on the grounds that he was an enemy of the state.
The barons soon realized Gaveston’s execution was a
mistake as it polarized opinion in England. There were
those who believed the Lords Ordainer had acted
unlawfully. The leader of this opposition was Hugh le
Despenser, a long-time supporter of the king and a
friend of Gaveston’s. He and his son (Hugh the
Younger) inveigled their way into the king’s favour.
By 1313, Hugh the Younger had become the king’s
chamberlain and closest adviser.

By this time Edward determined that he had to do

something about Scotland. He had accompanied his
father on several of his expeditions to Scotland in the

early years of the century, and had been with his father
on his final march north in 1307. The old king’s last
words had been to command young Edward to defeat
the Scots. Edward had none of the military skills or
leadership of his father and, though he tentatively
crossed the border into Ayrshire, he rapidly retreated to
the pleasures of the court, leaving Robert the Bruce to
reclaim and rebuild Scotland. Edward led another brief
foray to the Scottish borders in the autumn of 1310
and, meeting no opposition, regarded his expedition as
a victory. However Robert merely bided his time and,
on Edward’s departure, returned to conquering castles
and expelling the English. By the end of 1313 the only
castle remaining in English hands was Stirling, which
was under siege by Robert’s brother. The governor of
the castle, Sir Philip de Mowbray, declared that, if
English reinforcements were not sent by 24 June 1314,
he would surrender the castle to the Scots. Edward felt
compelled to do something for the prestige of the
English. On the eve of the appointed day he arrived at
Stirling with one of the largest armies ever assembled
in England. Although some estimates assigned it
100,000 men, it was probably closer to 20,000, but it
still outnumbered the Scots two to one. Despite their
numerical disadvantage, the Scots had spent months
preparing for this battle and Bruce chose the site close
to the Bannock Burn with
precision. The English were forced into a course of
action for which the Scots were ready, and almost from
the outset the English infantry were thrown into chaos
as they stumbled into prepared pits, whilst the cavalry
were limited because of the surrounding bogland. The
defeat was one of the worst ever to befall an English

king. Edward fled from the battlefield, first trying to
find shelter at Stirling Castle itself, probably one of the
more extreme examples of stupidity from any English
king, and then escaping by way of Dunbar back to
London. Edward left Robert to his own devices, and
though it was still another fourteen years before
Scotland’s independence was formally recognized, it
was effective from the battle of Bannockburn.

Edward’s reputation was at its nadir. England was torn

between two opposing factions. The country was
governed by the Lords Ordainer under Thomas of
Lancaster, whilst the king’s party was increasingly
controlled by Hugh le Despenser. Although no official
civil war broke out, there was a total state of anarchy
with opposing factions fighting their own private
battles, whilst the Scots plundered the north of England
with almost complete freedom. To add to the problems
England was laid low by a dire famine. It was only due
to the negotiations of Aymer de Valence, earl of
Pembroke, one of the more honourable and pragmatic
nobles, that a form of reconciliation was made between
the king and Lancaster in 1318. Had Edward seen fit to
change his ways, matters might have improved, but
Edward’s conviction of his absolute authority only
increased his intransigence. He listened only to his
court favourites, the two Despensers, whom he
showered in riches, and rebuffed his barons. Hugh the
Younger had been created lord of Glamorgan and used
the opportunity of further unrest amongst the
dispossessed Welsh lords to establish an extensive
domain in southern Wales. This development was
opposed by Roger Mortimer, the most prominent of the

marcher lords, who saw the Despensers’ authority
challenging his own in Wales. A confrontation in 1321
between Edward and Lancaster, supported by the
Welsh marcher lords, caused Edward to agree
temporarily to exiling the Despensers.
This was more because Edward feared a rebellion
among the Welsh being supported by a Celtic alliance
with Scotland, and he needed to pacify the Welsh
leaders. They hated Mortimer more than Despenser. It
should not be forgotten that Edward had been invested
as prince of Wales in 1301 which, at that time, was not
solely an honorific title. The Welsh took it seriously, as
did Edward, and in the years before he became king he
administered Welsh affairs and pronounced upon
petitions far more effectively than he was ever able to
do as king of England. Wales was specially his own,
and the Welsh recognized this. In 1322, this allowed
Edward, for once, to become his own man and act with
uncharacteristic resolution. He led an army against
Roger Mortimer, whom he captured and imprisoned in
the Tower of London in January 1322. He then led an
army against Thomas of Lancaster, who was defeated
at Boroughbridge, captured and beheaded at Pontefract
in March 1322. Flushed with success Edward
continued north and laid waste to Scotland, his army
reaching as far as Edinburgh before his luck ran out.
He then retreated with all haste, pursued by a Scottish
army, losing his baggage and plunder en route, but
escaping with his life and a degree of dignity. Edward
discovered further treachery along the Scottish borders
where his warden of the Marches, Andrew Hartcla, had
been conspiring with the Scots to allow them inroads

to Cumberland. Hartcla was executed, and Edward
agreed a truce with Scotland in May 1323.

The years 1321 to 1323 were the most decisive of

Edward’s life and showed his abilities when he put his
mind to it. But he soon relapsed. The Despensers were
recalled and they continued to create significant
domains for themselves, especially in Wales, where
they were allied with Rhys ap Gruffydd, who became
sheriff of Carmarthen and was a strong supporter of the
royal cause in Wales. The Despensers now caused the
enmity of Edward’s queen, Isabella. It seems that after
the death of Lancaster, Isabella grew distant from
Edward. It is difficult to say how close they ever were,
since Edward had insulted Isabella at their coronation
by his show of affection for Gaveston, but she had
borne the king four children.
The last, Joan, had been born in July 1321. Isabella
now began openly to confront the king, spurred on
almost certainly by Roger Mortimer, with whom
Isabella became more closely acquainted at the Tower
of London. The Despensers contrived with Edward to
have Isabella deprived of her estates in 1324, but they
underestimated her cunning. Relations with France
were once again hostile and Isabella requested that she
visit the king of France, her brother, to aid
negotiations. Edward agreed. No sooner was Isabella
in France than she was joined by Roger Mortimer, who
lived with her openly as her lover.

When her young son Edward arrived in France to pay

homage for the lands of Ponthieu and Aquitaine, of
which he was made respectively count and duke in

September 1325, Isabella refused to allow him to
return to England, in defiance of Edward’s authority.
She and Roger now raised an army to depose Edward
and establish her son on the throne. The French king,
Charles IV, with a remarkable display of honour,
would not allow Isabella to conduct these affairs in
France, especially with her open adultery with
Mortimer, and she was exiled to Hainault, where the
count allowed her to recruit an army of mercenaries
from the Low Countries. Isabella and Mortimer sailed
for England, landing at Harwich on 24 September
1326. Edward showed little resistance, retreating to his
stronghold in Wales. Over the next two months his
supporters were captured and executed, including the
Despensers, and the king was eventually taken at
Pen-rhys in the Rhondda on 16 December. He was
held captive at Kenilworth Castle, where he was well
treated by his cousin, Henry, the new earl of Lancaster
and brother of the executed Thomas. Isabella called a
parliament on 20 January 1327 to seek the deposition
of Edward, but the parliament had no authority without
the king’s presence. Edward refused until he was given
the ultimatum that his son’s inheritance might also be
forfeit, at which point he capitulated and abdicated in
favour of his son on 25 January.

Edward was now transported to Berkeley Castle in

Gloucestershire, where his rescue was attempted by
Rhys ap Gruffydd. Isabella and Mortimer feared that
Edward might yet make a
resurgence, and so Mortimer arranged for Edward’s
death. He did not want it to appear that violence had
been committed against the king. He was hoping it

might appear as a natural death, or suicide. However,
attempts to starve the king did not work, and in the end
Edward was held down while a red hot poker was
inserted into his bowels. There were some rumours,
however, that another victim was found to serve as a
body whilst Edward was smuggled out of England and
spent his final years as a hermit in Lombardy. The idea
of the former ostentatious monarch being able to live
as a hermit, regardless of his situation, beggars belief,
however. He was buried at Gloucester Cathedral where
a beautiful alabaster effigy was raised above the tomb
by his son. Edward’s death roused considerable
sympathy amongst his subjects, especially the Welsh,
and his memory was venerated for many years. It was
not until 1330 that his death was avenged. Roger
Mortimer was tried and executed, and Queen Isabella
was placed in confinement at Castle Rising in Norfolk.
She lived on for thirty years after her husband’s death,
dying on 22 August 1358 and was buried at Greyfriars
Church at Newgate in London. Though a strangely
matched couple, Edward and Isabella produced one of
England’s greatest kings, Edward III.


Ruled 25 January 1327–21 June 1377.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 1 February 1327.

Titles: king of England, duke of Aquitaine (from
1325), earl of Chester (from 1312), count of
Ponthieu and Montreuil (from 1325), lord of
Ireland, king of France (from 1340).

Born: Windsor Castle, 13 November 1312. Died:

Sheen Palace, Surrey, 21 June 1377, aged 64.
Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 24 January 1328, at York Minster,

Philippa (1311–69) dau. of William V, count of
Hainault and Holland: 13 children. Edward also
had at least three illegitimate children by his
mistress Alice Perrers (c1348–1400).

Any king must have seemed an improvement after the

embarrassing reign of Edward II, but England was
fortunate in that his son, Edward III, was both a great
king and a popular one. Although his reign was not as
glorious as subsequent romancers and chroniclers liked
to maintain, it was remarkable and one that England
needed to restore its self-esteem and its position in

The start of Edward’s reign was less momentous. He

had been raised to the throne following the forced
abdication of his father. He was only fourteen and was
in the manipulative hands of his mother, Isabella of
France, and her paramour, Roger Mortimer. They had
detained Edward in France the previous year when he

had gone to pay homage to the French king Charles IV
for his lands in Aquitaine and Ponthieu, and it was
under Isabella’s standard that Edward returned to
England in September 1326 to be proclaimed ‘Keeper
of the Realm’. Edward remained under the control of
Isabella and Mortimer, though there was some saving
grace in that the head of the regency council was
Henry of Lancaster, a cousin of Edward’s father and a
more moderate man than most. The murder of
Edward’s father at the instigation of Mortimer shocked
the nation, but the young king was in no position to do
much about it at the time. Despite his youth he had led
an army into northern England in the summer of 1327
to counter the attacks made by the Scots on the
borders. After a month trying to track down the enemy
amongst the wild country, Edward was forced to admit
defeat and he returned dejected to York. Negotiations
were opened with the Scots resulting in the Treaty of
Northampton in May 1328 where the independence of
the Scots was recognized. Edward’s sister Joan was
betrothed to Robert The Bruce’s infant son, David (II),
and they were married that July at Berwick. Edward in
the meantime had married his long-time betrothed,
Philippa of Hainault, who had travelled to York for the
wedding in January 1328. Their marriage was happy
and fruitful, far more so than England’s alliance with
Scotland which was always threatened by the uneasy
ménage à trois between Scotland, England and France.
That same year Charles IV of France died without an
heir. Edward believed he had a more direct claim,
through his mother, as grandson of Philippe IV of
France and nephew of Charles IV. The French did not
recognize inheritance through the female line and

overturned Edward’s claim in favour of Charles’s
cousin, Philippe de Valois. In any case there was no
way that the French would be ruled by an English king,
but that did not stop Edward’s ambitions. He did not
press his claim for the moment, but paid homage to the
new king for his lands in France, and bided his time.

From the tomb, Wesminster Abbey

In the meantime Edward took control of his own

affairs. There was a rising tide of feeling against his
mother, Isabella, and Mortimer, who were now living
openly together. Mortimer was continuing to seek
retribution against the supporters of Edward II,
including the young king’s uncle, Edmund, earl of
Kent, who was executed in March 1330. Edward
decided that enough was enough. With the support of
Henry of Lancaster, Edward’s men (including William
de Montacute, King of Man)
seized Mortimer at Nottingham Castle, apparently
dragging him from Isabella’s embrace. He was tried

and convicted, and was hanged, drawn and quartered at
the new place of execution at Tyburn in London. (He
was the first of many thousands to be executed there
over the next 450 years.) On 20 October Edward
assumed personal responsibility. He was to receive
unanimous support from his barons. They recognized
in him a quality that reminded them of the great days
of Edward I. Edward used the facilities of the
Parliament to ensure that the barons received a fair
opportunity to contribute to debates, and he often took
their advice. Whilst he remained superior, in the regal
sense, he did not demean the barons.

Clearly none of this would have worked had Edward

not proved himself an able soldier and king. His first
opportunity came against the long standing enemy,
Scotland. Edward Balliol maintained his right to the
throne of Scotland against the family of Bruce and
Edward supported his claim. In August 1332 Edward
overthrew David II. Even though David was Edward’s
brother-in-law, Edward continued to support Balliol,
and Balliol recognized him as his overlord at
Roxburgh on 23 November 1332. Consequently, when
Balliol was himself overthrown a month later, Edward
III responded, providing forces to support Balliol’s
endeavours to regain the throne. Edward’s army won a
crushing victory over the Scots at Halidon Hill on 19
July 1333. Here, for the first time, the strength of the
English and Welsh longbowmen played their part in
seriously weakening the Scots forces. Balliol was
restored and a year later, in June 1334, gave to the
English crown almost all of the border country
between the Forth and the Tweed, which was

immediately governed as part of England. The Scots
however fought back. Balliol was deposed again, and
although he soon regained the throne it became evident
that Balliol could only rule with English support.
When he was overthrown again in 1336, he gave up
and David II was restored. Edward did not pursue
rights to Scottish territory, because his attention shifted
to France. France and Scotland had long been allies
and Edward was only too aware
that united the two could seriously damage England.
Moreover the many Gascons living in England had a
right of appeal in the courts to the French king, through
Edward’s fealty for his lands in Gascony. Edward
recognized that these problems would be solved if his
claim to the throne of France was upheld. He revived
this claim in 1337 and declared his intentions to fight
for it. This was the start of what became known as the
Hundred Years’ War.

Supported by his barons, Edward crossed to Antwerp

and invaded France in 1338. Philippe VI refused to
fight, and the next eighteen months saw only minor
and relatively unsuccessful skirmishes. However, in
1340 Edward won a major sea battle off the port of
Sluys in Holland, and this emboldened him enough to
declare himself king of France. He even challenged
Philippe to decide the matter in single combat, but
Philippe refused. For the next three years Edward was
unable to make any advance, and the cost of
maintaining his army and fleet became crippling. He
reached a truce with Philippe in 1343, but that truce
was conveniently broken in 1345. Now Edward’s luck
changed. His great general, Henry, earl of Derby,

regained Gascony, and Edward followed up with a
major invasion force. Landing in Normandy in July
1346, he harried his way through northern France with
much pillaging and destruction, which galvanized
Philippe into action. The two armies met at Crécy, near
the Somme, on 26 August. Again it was the power of
the longbow that gave the victory to Edward. His army
moved on to Calais, to which he laid siege for several
months until the citizens submitted, on the verge of
starvation. Edward was prepared to sack and destroy
the city but his queen, Philippa, who had accompanied
him on the campaign, pleaded for their lives. While the
siege was continuing Edward received excellent news
from England. The Scots had sought to take advantage
of Edward’s absence by invading northern England,
but their forces were routed by the archbishop of York
at Neville’s Cross in October 1346. David II was
captured and taken as prisoner to England. A peace
treaty was concluded in France and Edward returned to

The next few years may be seen both as the zenith of

Edward’s reign but also some of the darkest days in
Britain. Edward, triumphant in his victory over France,
and with David of Scotland his prisoner, established a
court par excellence at Windsor Castle. Edward
operated his Court on the model of the Arthurian
Round Table. Arthur was his hero, and many of the
incidents later related by Thomas Malory in his Morte
d’Arthur have their counterparts in Edward’s
tournaments and chivalric quests. The world of
Edward III was the world of Arthur. Edward planned
to instigate an Order of the Round Table, which was

eventually called the Most Noble Order of the Garter
when he established it in 1348. It was the highest order
of chivalry limited always to a select group of
twenty-five or so knights. It was first bestowed upon
Edward’s eldest son, Edward, the Black Prince, and
included among its illustrious ranks his second cousin,
Henry, earl of Derby (later duke of Lancaster and
grandfather of the future king Henry IV), and Roger
Mortimer, the grandson of his mother’s lover. These
honours and the opportunity to prove themselves to the
king resulted in a rare camaraderie between the king
and his nobles, one which helped sustain the successes
of the first half of Edward’s reign. Edward called to his
court the greatest knights from throughout Europe who
would prove their valour and strength in his
tournaments. It was a period of considerable glory and
prestige for England.

However this splendour was darkened by the Black

Death, the name given to the virulent bubonic plague
that swept through Europe, reaching its height in the
north in 1348. Almost a third of the population of
Britain (or almost a million people) died from it. Over
200 people a day died in London alone for over two
years. Edward’s thirteen-year old daughter Joan died
of it in Bordeaux in September 1348, as did his infant
son Thomas, but although others of the court
succumbed, the plague left the royal family
surprisingly unscathed. Nevertheless it devastated the
English economy and reduced the manpower on which
Edward could call, but this was the same throughout
Europe. It was through the remarkable ability of

Edward’s officials that the finances and administration
of England were sustained through this period.

Philippe VI of France died in August 1350 and with

the succession of his son, Jean II, hostilities broke out
again with England. Jean, known as the Good, refused
to acknowledge Edward’s overlordship but likewise
refused to fight until Edward’s tactics of plunder and
destruction drew the French out. A series of battles, of
which the most decisive was at Poitiers in September
1356 under the command of Edward’s son, Edward the
Black Prince, brought French government to the verge
of anarchy. Jean II was taken captive to England.
Unable to agree terms, Edward III invaded France in
1359, hoping at last to gain control. However, the
continuance of the bubonic plague and a devastatingly
severe winter weakened the English as much as the
French and Edward was unable to strike the final blow.
A treaty was nevertheless agreed at Brétigny in 1360.
By this Edward’s sovereignty was recognized over his
former lands in France, primarily Aquitaine and Calais.
In return Edward dropped his claim to the throne of

The year 1360 remains the peak of Edward’s reign as

the remaining sixteen years were ones of slow and sad
decline. The plague returned with increasing virulence
in 1361. The French king Jean was never able to raise
his ransom (set at half a million pounds) and died in
London in 1364. His son, Charles V, ascended the
French throne and encouraged the French subjects of
the English in Aquitaine to rebel. Although Edward
tried to negotiate with France relations worsened. The

great triumphs of the Black Prince faded as his health
failed, and were replaced by the ignominious defeats of
his brother John of Gaunt. The war became protracted
and costly and, when the French plundered and burnt
Portsmouth in 1369, English opinion began to turn
away from the king. This was further aggravated when
Edward drew upon church revenues in order to finance
the conflict. By 1374 Edward had lost much of
Aquitaine, and the French regained control over most
of the English territories except Calais and a coastal
strip in southern Gascony, near Bayonne.

Edward’s health and spirit also failed. His wife,

Philippa, died in August 1369 of an illness akin to
dropsy. They had been married for forty years and by
all accounts had remained very
happy. Philippa had grown rather portly in her last
years which added to her overall character as a
friendly, homely, motherly woman whom the nation
greatly loved. In her final years Edward had found
himself drawn to Alice Perrers, one of his wife’s
chamber ladies, who became his mistress. Although
she satisfied the old king’s physical desires – in fact
she bore him at least three children – she was also
scheming and grasping and made his final years a
misery. She was banished from the court in 1376. It
was likely that she was the cause of the king
contracting gonorrhoea. To add to the king’s sadness,
his eldest son, Edward the Black Prince, who had
turned against his father’s policies, died in June 1376.
The king’s final year was spent in much loneliness and
sadness aware that the administration about him was
crumbling. He died of a stroke at Sheen Palace in June

1377. He was succeeded by his grandson, Richard II.
Although his reign is remembered for its great days of
glorious knighthood and conquest, it was this and the
Black Death that drove the country into poverty and
near ruin and was the basis for the collapse of the
Plantagenet dynasty in the next generation. Edward III
cannot be denied the epitaph of a great king, but like so
many other great kings he bequeathed little to his


Ruled 22 June 1377–29 September 1399

(abdicated). Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 16
July 1377.

Titles: king of England; prince of Wales, earl of

Cornwall and earl of Chester (from 1376).

Born: Bordeaux, Gascony, 6 January 1367.

Died: Pontefract Castle, on or about 14 February
1400, aged 33. Buried: initially Kings Langley,
then removed to Westminster Abbey in 1413.

Married: (1) January 1382, at Westminster, Anne

(1366–94) dau. Charles IV, Holy Roman
Emperor and king of Bohemia: no children; (2) 4
November 1396, at Calais, Isabella (1389–1409),
dau. of Charles VI of France: no children.

Richard whose father was Edward, the Black Prince,
was only ten when he ascended the throne. The Black
Prince had been renowned throughout Christendom for
his knightly valour. He had all the prowess of the
Plantaganet line, but he also inherited their violent
temper. Edward also proved himself a poor
administrator and, for all that he was loved by the
nation, he would probably have made a poor king.
Richard’s mother was also something of a character.
She was Joan, the granddaughter of Edward I through
his second marriage. Although she was known as the
Fair Maid of Kent, she was older than Edward (she
was 33, he was 31) and had already contracted a
bigamous marriage to William Montague, earl of
Salisbury, and borne five children to her first husband,
Sir Thomas Holland. She was a loving mother to
Richard and his elder brother Edward, who died
young, but was not the most virtuous. We have an
image of the young Richard striving to live up to his
responsibilities but surrounded by lecherous and
grasping relatives all endeavouring to gain more than
their fair share of the action. This no doubt made
Richard all the more determined to assert his authority,
a characteristic that would eventually cost him his life.

No formal regent was appointed on Richard’s

accession. Control of the government was initially
assumed by Parliament, but this increasingly passed
into the hands of his uncle, John of Gaunt, duke of
Lancaster, who was the most powerful man in England
and who also had claims on the kingship of Castile.
Some contemporaries believed that Gaunt himself had
pretensions to the throne but, if he did, these did not

come to the fore and he remained one of the staunchest
supporters of his nephew throughout his minority and
into his kingship. Richard early proved his courage and
strong spirit with the Peasant’s Revolt of 1381. In 1377
the first poll tax had been introduced to help finance
the wars with France and campaigns in Scotland,
Wales and Ireland. It was unpopular but was tolerated,
though the increases in the tax in 1379 and 1380
caused considerable unrest. In June 1381 one of the tax
collectors was killed by Wat Tyler of Dartford in Kent
because of the taxman’s attack on Tyler’s
daughter. Tyler’s colleagues came to his aid in defence
and a force of around 100,000 evolved around Tyler as
its leader to march on the capital. The rebels killed
Simon of Sudbury, archbishop of Canterbury, and
Robert Hales, the treasurer. The establishment had
already raised the anger of the English common folk
by proceedings against the religious reformer John
Wycliffe, whose challenge to authority had gained
popularity among the peasants. Richard appeased the
rebels, promising to grant them their wishes. Although
this satisfied many of them, a core remained with
whom the king agreed to parley the following day at
Smithfield. Here Wat Tyler became more
presumptuous and raised his hand several times to the
young king. Tyler was struck down by the Lord Mayor
of London, William Walworth, and killed. The
remaining peasants prepared to fight, but Richard
risked placing himself in front of them and subdued
their wrath. He led them out of the city, and many were
attacked and killed by Sir Robert Knollys. Richard
emerged from this with increased prestige, not only
amongst his own barons, who respected his bravery,

but surprisingly amongst the English common folk
who held him in regard as their champion against
oppression, even though he had in effect betrayed
them, especially as he never instigated the reforms he
promised. This success, though, influenced Richard’s
later life when he came to regard himself as a
champion of England and one not to be dictated to by
anyone, whether his barons or his subjects.

From a painting in Winchester Abbey

Nevertheless Richard’s relationship with his court soon

became divided. Much of this came at the instigation
of Richard’s close friend, his chamberlain, Robert de
Vere, earl of Oxford, and of his advisor and later
chancellor, Michael de la Pole. Richard bestowed
much bounty upon these two colleagues which
incurred the enmity of the court circle, whose
opposition polarised around the leadership of Richard
Fitzalan, earl of Arundel. By the mid 1380s Richard
II’s court had become divided along exactly the same
lines as that of Edward II seventy years earlier.
Richard even made the same mistake as Edward by
seeking to gain glory by an expedition to Scotland in
1385. This had been occasioned by a show of might by

a combined army of Scots and French, the French
having allied themselves with Scotland against a
common enemy. Although the army had caused havoc
in Northumberland, it retreated against the might of
Richard’s army and though Richard marched through
southern Scotland, laying waste as he went, the two
armies did not once meet, and Richard retreated
without a victory. The Scots bided their time for three
years and then made further devastating raids on
Northumberland. By that time Richard was in less of a
position to respond because he was fighting for his
own right to govern.

Richard had caused the final rift with his enemies in

1386, when he made Robert de Vere duke of Ireland
with full powers of regency, and Michael de la Pole
chancellor, without consultation with Parliament.
When later that year John of Gaunt, who had
maintained the stability in government, sailed to
Castile to defend his right to the throne, Richard’s
opponents took the opportunity to act against Richard.
They were led by his uncle, Thomas, duke of
Gloucester, with the earl of Arundel and Thomas
Beauchamp, earl of Warwick. Together with Thomas
Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, and Richard’s cousin,
Henry Bolingbroke, son of John of Gaunt, these five
opponents became known as the Lords Appellant.
Their private armies allowed them effectively to
assume control of the country. They forced Richard to
hand over
his courtiers for trial. Richard did not, but retribution
was still carried out. Some, like de Vere and de la Pole,
escaped but had their lands forfeited, but others were

rounded up and executed. For a while, although furious
with the Lords Appellant, Richard complied with their
wishes. Although he declared himself of age in 1389
and assumed full kingship, he carried out no vengeance
upon the Lords Appellant, although he did dismiss
most of the counsellors imposed upon him and
replaced them with his own favourites. A relative
period of calm followed over the next six years, during
which time Richard successfully brought a settlement
to the turbulence in Ireland in 1394 and concluded a
twenty-eight year peace treaty with France in 1396.
One major sadness was the death of Richard’s wife,
Anne of Bohemia, of the plague in June 1394. She was
only twenty-eight. Richard was so grief stricken that he
had the palace at Sheen, where she died, razed to the
ground. They had had no children. Two years later, as
part of his peace treaty with France, Richard married
Isabella, the seven-year-old daughter of the French
king Charles VI.

With troubles concluded abroad Richard believed he

was now operating from a position of strength. In the
summer of 1397 he had Gloucester, Arundel and
Warwick arrested. Gloucester was despatched to Calais
where he was murdered. Arundel and Warwick were
tried before a parliament now firmly under Richard’s
control. Arundel was found guilty and executed.
Warwick so prostrated himself before the king that he
was reprieved but banished to the Isle of Man, under
the lordship of William le Scrope. As for Mowbray
and Henry Bolingbroke, both had, in fact, been
comparatively loyal to Richard. Many believed that
Mowbray may have personally murdered Thomas of

Gloucester. However in early 1398 they were both
accused of treason and challenged to a trial by combat.
Richard intervened before the contest. Mowbray was
exiled for life and deprived of his lands, whilst Henry
was exiled for ten years.

Richard now ruled as a total despot, assuming absolute

power. He dominated his court and parliament and all
lived in fear of his wrath. All of the viciousness and
arrogance of the Plantagenet
temperament become focused in Richard. He became
the embodiment of the adage that absolute power
corrupts absolutely. In his youth and when controlled
by his parliament Richard had demonstrated both his
courage and an ability to govern wisely, but this was
now all laid aside in his desire for total control. For
those who remained his favourites this was no problem
as he continued to bestow his favours upon them.
Richard was no warrior king, for all he was an able
soldier, but like Edward II, Richard became a
dilettante. He is credited with inventing the
handkerchief, which may say much for his lifestyle,
but there is no denying that his court encouraged the
development of cultural pursuits. It was during his
reign that Geoffrey Chaucer wrote his Canterbury
Tales (1387). The rise of literature also brought with it
the rise of criticism, and two other poets, William
Langland and John Gower, both wrote remonstrances
against Richard II’s reign.

When John of Gaunt died in February 1399 Richard,

instead of pardoning Henry Bolingbroke and allowing
him to return to his estates, extended his banishment

for life and forfeited his lands. He thereby made a
dangerous enemy. In May 1399 Richard left for Ireland
in order to quell the unrest. On 4 July Henry
Bolingbroke landed in Yorkshire with a small army.
The number soon swelled as Henry marched south.
Richard returned to meet him but his support rapidly
dwindled. Deserted, Richard was forced to submit to
Henry at Flint on 19 August 1399. He was imprisoned
in the Tower of London. Henry now used the
precedent established by the deposition of Edward II to
seek the abdication of Richard. It was complicated by
the fact that Henry was not the direct heir. Richard was
childless and the next in line to the throne was Edmund
Mortimer, earl of March, who was descended from
Edward III’s son Lionel, the elder brother of John of
Gaunt. However, Edmund was only eight, and there
was no benefit following the revolution in installing an
eight-year-old king. Parliament thus agreed that Henry
should succeed. Richard II eventually consented to
abdicate on 29 September 1399, and Henry came to the
throne as Henry IV.

Richard was removed to Pontefract Castle in

Yorkshire, but several of his supporters sought his
freedom and attempted to murder Henry IV and his
family. Richard was clearly a danger while still alive.
He was thus left to die at Pontefract, probably by
starvation. There is no evidence of any physical
murder. It was some years before Richard’s body was
removed from its original burial site at Kings Langley
and buried in state at Westminster. Richard, like
Edward II and later kings, especially Charles I, were

capable monarchs who were corrupted by their own
self-importance and arrogance and paid the price.


With the population decimated by plague, wages for

work on the land grew higher and so did the price of
food. Once again, rebellion and lawlessness were rife.
Henry IV would be constantly hampered by lack of

Under Henry IV in 1400 and 1402 Acts of Parliament

were passed restricting the rights of Welshmen.
Henceforth the Welsh were only allowed to hold
subordinate roles.

Wales, under Owain Glyn Dwr would challenge the

English monarchy and for a while maintain its
independence. And Henry IV’s attack on Scotland
would end in his defeat. His son, Henry V, an abler
and more popular king, would inherit the rebellion in
Wales and finally quell it for the last time. And he
would also invade France, winning the Battle of

Agincourt against all odds, bringing Normandy once
again under British control. But his French conquests
would be gradually eroded under the rule of his
successor Henry VI and by 1453, only Calais would
remain an English possession.

Then, for the next thirty years England would be

plunged into interdynastic strife (in a series of civil
wars that would later become known as the Wars of
the Roses – so named after the different coloured roses
of the families’ coats of arms – red for House of
Lancaster, white for the House of York) as the
descendants of the Plantagenet king Edward III
contested for the English throne.


Ruled 30 September 1399–20 March 1413.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 13 October 1399.

Titles: king of England, earl of Derby (from

1377), earl of Northampton and Hereford (from
1384), duke of Hereford (from 1397), duke of
Lancaster, earl of Leicester and earl of Lincoln
(from 1399).

Born: Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire,

probably 3/4 April 1366 (or 1367). Died:
Westminster Abbey, 20 March 1413, aged 46.
Buried: Canterbury Cathedral.

Married: (1) soon after 27 July 1380 at Rochford
Hall, Essex, Mary (c1368-94), dau. of Humphrey
de Bohun, earl of Hereford: 7 children; (2) 3
April 1402 (by proxy) at Eltham Palace, Kent,
Joan (c1370–1437), dau. of Charles II, king of
Navarre, and widow of John de Montfort, duke of
Brittany: no children.

Henry was the first king of the House of Lancaster, but

he was still a Plantagenet. Both he and Richard II,
whose throne he usurped, were grandsons of Edward
III. Henry’s father was John of Gaunt, who had been
the premier lord in England after the death of Edward
III in 1377. Henry had been born at Bolingbroke Castle
and was often called Henry Bolingbroke. His mother
(whom he scarcely knew, as she died of the Black
Death when he was three) was Blanche, the daughter
of Henry, duke of Lancaster, and
great-great-grandaughter of Henry III. Bolingbroke
was initially induced by his uncle, Thomas, duke of
Gloucester, to oppose Richard’s court favourites and
he became one of the Lords Appellant, who effectively
governed the country during the late 1380s. However
he stepped down from this role a year later in 1389 and
in subsequent years appeared as a supporter of the
king. In 1390 Henry embarked on the first of his
adventures, joining the Teutonic Knights on an
expedition to Lithuania in the war over the Polish
succession. Two years later Henry undertook a

pilgrimage to Jerusalem, though his greater triumph
was the grand journey he took through the courts of
Europe on both the outward and return trips, where he
was treated regally and evidently held in high esteem.
At this time of his life Henry was still comparatively
handsome, although he was rather short. He had
inherited the Plantagenet red hair which, when he grew
a beard, gave him a rather fiery appearance. In later life
Henry developed a very severe form of eczema, to the
extent that many believed he was suffering from
leprosy, something he could have caught in his early
travels. It is quite possible that the malady was
stress-connected considering the difficult life Henry
later led as king.

Henry was a good man for the king to have on his side,
but Richard II did not seem to appreciate this. In 1398
Richard delighted in banishing Henry into exile on the
grounds of past treasonable acts. The banishment was
originally for ten years. In February 1399 Henry
succeeded his father as Duke of Lancaster. King
Richard chose to deprive Henry of his estates and
extend the sentence to life. Henry invaded England in
July and within six weeks Richard submitted to him.
Henry succeeded in convincing Parliament of his
eligibility to the throne (Edmund Mortimer, earl of
March, had a prior claim, but he was only seven years
old). Nevertheless it was an uneasy succession. For all
that nearly everyone welcomed Henry over Richard,
those who had supported Richard became concerned
for their own lives and estates. Within months of his
succession Henry found his life threatened in a
rebellion organized by the earls of Kent, Salisbury and

Huntingdon. Henry’s retribution upon the earls and
their supporters was swift and violent. It is likely that
in its aftermath
Henry also ordered the murder of the king who was
starved to death, though the guilt of this continued to
haunt Henry for the rest of his life.

Within a few months Henry faced a further revolt, this

time in Wales, where Owain Glyn Dwr was declared
prince in September 1400. Although the initial revolt
was swiftly put down by Henry, Owain was not caught
and several years of guerilla warfare followed.


Prince of Wales, 1400–16.

The last Welsh national to claim the title ‘Prince

of Wales’. He was descended on his father’s side
from Madog ap Maredudd, the last ruler of a
united Powys, and on his mother’s side from
Rhys ap Gruffydd, the Lord Rhys of Deheubarth.
Later chroniclers would also find a distant link
with the families of Owain Gwynedd but, even
without that, after the murder of Owain ap
Thomas in 1378, whose pretensions to the Welsh
throne in 1372 had caused an upsurge of Welsh
pride and nationalism, Owain Glyn Dwr was
certainly the primary contender to the principality
of Wales. Little is known of his early life. He was

born around 1354 and on his father’s death in
1370, inherited estates in Powys and Meirionydd.
Sometime around 1383 he married Margaret, the
daughter of David Hanmer, a justice of the King’s
Bench, and it is likely that up to this time, Owain
had been receiving legal training. He also served
a military apprenticeship, between 1383 and
1387, in northern England, Scotland and France.
He settled down to the life of a country squire,
building himself fine new houses and estates at
Sycharth and Glyndyfrdwy. Although the next
decade gave no indication of Owain’s future
intentions it is evident that he was held in high
regard by the Welsh and that
increasingly he became the voice for their
complaints of ill-treatment by their English
overlords. It seems that it was a boundary dispute
with his English neighbour that suddenly caused
tempers to flare. Everything came to a head on 16
September 1400 when Owain’s supporters
declared him prince of Wales.

From a portrait in the National Library of Wales

After an initial show of power in late 1400, which

was followed by an equally quick punitive
expedition by Henry IV, Owain went into hiding
for several months. During this period, although
English agents were searching for him, he was
able to maintain a guerilla campaign. Encouraged
by Owain’s acts other rebellions broke out across
Wales, the most momentous being the capture of
Conway Castle in April 1401. By August 1401
Owain’s forces were tightening their grip over
north-west Wales, and a further expedition by
Henry IV only strengthened national resistance
and brought support to the Welsh from Scotland
and Ireland. In June 1402 Owain made a further
show of force at the battle of Bryn Glas, where he
overwhelmed an English levy

and put fear into the marcher lords. The leader of
that levy, Edmund Mortimer, was captured and
won over to the Welsh cause, marrying Glyn
Dwr’s daughter Katherine. Owain soon began to
win over other factions from England, most
notably the Percy family, who held the earldom
of Northumberland and, by the end of 1403, he
was receiving support from the French. Owain’s
successes came to their peak in 1404 when he
summoned a parliament at Machynlleth, on the
borders of Powys and Meirionydd, and soon after
he contracted a Franco-Welsh alliance. The
support of the French resulted in major gains in
south Wales during 1405. It was in July 1405 that
Owain held his second parliament. He had also,
by now, gained the support of the Welsh church
through his own support in the long-running
dispute over the autonomy of St David’s.

By this stage, however, Owain’s ambitions seem

to have grown unrealistically. It seems that during
1405 his alliance with Henry Percy, earl of
Northumberland, and Edmund Mortimer reached
the stage where they were plotting the overthrow
of Henry IV and the division of England and
Wales between them. Such plans required
significant forces, support and finances. These
were all available in some measure but not
sufficiently co-ordinated and, by the end of 1405,

Owain’s fortunes began to founder.
Northumberland was the first to suffer defeat and
he withdrew his forces. Further promised support
from the French and Scots did not materialize and
by late 1406 Owain was in retreat before a more
organized offensive by the English king. With the
death of the earl of Northumberland in 1408,
Owain’s English support evaporated. Gradually
castle after castle was regained by the English,
the last two – Aberystwyth and Harlech – falling
from Owain’s hands in 1409. Edmund Mortimer
died in the siege of Harlech, and Owain’s wife
and several of his children and
grandchildren were captured. Thereafter Owain
and his son Maredudd remained in hiding. There
were occasional skirmishes in the mountain
fastness of north-west Wales, and Owain was
never betrayed, but the revolt was over and Wales
was subdued. It is possible that his final days
were spent in a remote part of Herefordshire. It is
presumed Owain died either late in 1415 or early
in 1416. It was not until April 1421 that Owain’s
son, Maredudd, accepted a pardon. Owain’s
resting place is not known, allowing him to pass
into legend like Arthur as a saviour who might
one day return.

Support for Owain grew, not only amongst the Welsh,

but amongst the English barons who had their own

axes to grind. Key amongst these were the marcher
lords, the Mortimers, who believed that their heir,
Edmund, was the rightful king of England. This heir’s
uncle, also called Edmund, was won over to the Welsh
cause and married Glyn Dwr’s daughter. Owain also
found support from Henry Percy, the son of the earl of
Northumberland. Young Percy, better known as
Hotspur, was a vain and intolerant individual who
never believed he had received just recognition for his
border successes against the Scots. Moreover his wife
was Mortimer’s sister. In 1403 Hotspur threw in his lot
with Glyn Dwr and Mortimer. Henry reacted quickly,
before Hotspur and Mortimer could combine forces,
and confronted Hotspur at the battle of Shrewsbury on
21 July 1403. Hotspur was killed and his uncle, the
earl of Worcester, was captured and executed.
Hotspur’s father, Henry, earl of Northumberland, was
spared, but he continued to plot against the king. By
1405 it became evident that Mortimer and Percy were
planning to overthrow Henry and share England
between them. Both Thomas Mowbray, the Earl
Marshal of England, and Richard Scrope, archbishop
of York, became involved in the plot. The rebel army
was defeated and this time Henry showed no mercy,
though there
was a great outcry when the archbishop was executed.
Although the earl of Northumberland escaped to
Scotland, he died in February 1408. Soon after
Edmund Mortimer died during the siege of Harlech
and the Welsh rebellion faded away.

At last by 1408 Henry felt reasonably safe. Two years

earlier he had taken James I of Scotland captive when

the young heir to the throne was being sent to France
for safety. James remained at the court of the English
king for the next seventeen years and, with him as
hostage, England’s relationship with Scotland
remained stable. Moreover threats from France
diminished as the French became riven by their own
civil war. Unfortunately for Henry his physical
constitution gave way and for several years, between
1406 and 1409, there were concerns for his life. In
addition to the stress of keeping his throne amid
widespread opposition, Henry had struggled to sustain
the administration and finance of England. Henry
placed considerable demands upon his treasury, and
Parliament often argued against him. Henry remained
moderate throughout, careful to avoid a confrontation
that might cost him his throne. He relied increasingly
on his council to help him run his government.
However, it became evident that his illness was taking
its toll and that Henry was finding it difficult to
govern. By 1409 his son, Prince Henry, was made
chancellor in place of the king’s favoured Thomas
Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury. Arundel returned
in 1411 amidst a quarrel between the King and his
council, in which it seems it had been proposed that
Henry abdicate in favour of his son. Henry refused.
Rumours abounded that Prince Henry was going to
take the throne by force, but that never happened. He
had little time to wait. Henry’s strange wasting disease
took his life in March 1413, two weeks before his
forty-sixth birthday. The valiant knight of twenty years
earlier had been worn out by the stress of government
and ill health. Nevertheless he had established a united
kingdom, and passed on the throne to his son, Henry

V, who would become one of England’s best known

Henry had desired that he be buried at Canterbury

Cathedral rather than Westminster Abbey. There is a
story that while a ship bore his coffin down the
Thames a storm erupted and the king’s
body was washed overboard. The sailors later
substituted another body. When Henry’s tomb at
Canterbury was opened in 1832, the simplicity of the
remains suggested that the story may have been true.
Henry was succeeded by his son Henry.


Ruled 20 March 1413–31 August 1422.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 9 April 1413.

Titles: king of England; prince of Wales, duke of

Cornwall, earl of Chester and prince of Aquitaine
(from October 1399); duke of Aquitaine and duke
of Lancaster (from November 1399).

Born: Monmouth Castle, 16 September 1387.

Died: Bois-de-Vincennes, France, 31 August
1422, aged 34. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 2 June 1420, at Troyes Cathedral,

France, Katherine (1401–37), dau. of Charles VI,
king of France: 1 son (Henry VI).

Henry from his youth demonstrated his abilities as a
resourceful and valiant soldier. Even though he was
only fifteen, Henry fought alongside his father in the
war against the Welsh rebels under Owain Glyn Dwr,
and later against the English rebels, Henry ‘Hotspur’
Percy and Edmund Mortimer. By the time he was
eighteen Henry was heavily involved in working with
his father’s council of administrators. The young king
was so admired that, when his father grew weak from a
wasting disease, there was a call for the father to
abdicate in his son’s favour. This did not happen, and
it is not proven that the prince wanted it to happen, but
it is evident that in the king’s final years he and his son
disagreed over several matters. Chief amongst these
was England’s involvement in France. Henry IV had
chosen to press again England’s claims to French
territories, and an opportunity had arisen in 1407 when
civil war broke out in France during one of Charles
VI’s increasing bouts of insanity, between two factions
– the Burgundians and the Armagnacs. Henry IV
supported the latter but Prince Henry supported the
Burgundians. Their dispute
was never resolved, and the king’s supporters used it
as an opportunity to discredit the prince. However
when Henry IV died in 1413, and Prince Henry
became king, these disputes were rapidly resolved.
Henry was quick to forget old grievances, even to the
point of granting the last Plantagenet king, Richard II,
a proper state burial at Westminster.

Henry focused his intentions single-mindedly on

regaining the lands in France and galvanized
Parliament into total support. His initial negotiations

with the French proved fruitless – not surprisingly
considering Henry’s wish to have the whole of the old
Angevin Empire restored. When negotiations ceased,
Henry invaded on 11 August 1415. He successfully
besieged Harfleur and then, on 25 October, confronted
the French army at Agincourt. Although the French
outnumbered the English three-to-one, their rash
tactics against the English and Welsh longbowmen
proved disastrous. The flower of French chivalry died
on that day. It is reported that the French lost some six
thousand men compared to four hundred English.

Although Agincourt was a major victory, it was not

decisive because France did not immediately fall to
Henry. But his success had caused the French to be
extremely wary of Henry, and it earned Henry
tremendous support in England. He also succeeded in
gaining Sigismund, the Holy Roman Emperor, as his
ally and together they won the support of John, duke of
Burgundy. Starting again in August 1417, Henry
pursued his campaign through Normandy which fell to
him in the spring of 1419. A few months later the duke
of Burgundy was murdered, and Henry found that his
own claim on the French throne was now supported by
all Burgundians in total defiance of the Armagnac
party, adherents of the Dauphin, Charles. Henry signed
the Treaty of Troyes with the Burgundians in May
1420, which recognized him as the heir to the French
throne. To seal the alliance Henry married Katherine,
daughter of the French king. Henry brought his bride
back to England in February 1421 and spent the next
few months in a triumphant tour of the land. It was

soured slightly by the news of the death of his brother,
Thomas, duke of Clarence, at the battle of
Baugé in France in March. By June Henry was back in
France, continuing his battle for the kingdom. The
Dauphin’s stronghold at Meaux fell to him in May
1422 after a long siege. Unfortunately Henry had
become very ill during the winter, almost certainly
with dysentery, and his health worsened during the
summer. He died on 31 August 1422, aged only
thirty-four. It was a cruel blow of fate. Less than six
weeks later the French king died. Like Moses, Henry
was in sight of his kingdom but was denied entry into
it. Nevertheless Henry bequeathed to his infant son a
kingdom greater than any since the days of Henry II.

Our image of Henry is probably drawn mostly from his

portrayal by Laurence Olivier in the film version of
Shakespeare’s Henry V, but Olivier’s own portrayal
was based on a painting of Henry that shows a rather
humourless, determined young man with a hard face,
an over-large nose, thin eyebrows and a clipped
monkish haircut. Although Henry’s reign had been the
shortest of any English king since the Norman
conquest (even Richard I’s was three months longer), it
was one of the most successful. No other king gained
such united support from his barons and no other king
regained so much territory and held it. There is no way
of knowing how Henry would have maintained his two
kingdoms had he lived and his reign might have ended
in failure, like Edward III’s. But Henry was also a
tireless administrator who, despite the pressure of his
military campaigns, continued to respond to petitions
from England and meet the needs and demands of his

court. His ability to hold together his parliament
despite the immense strain upon the treasury of his
campaigns is further testimony to his abilities. Henry
also remained fond of and on good terms with his
step-mother, Joan of Navarre, even though she was
accused of witchcraft in 1417 and imprisoned at
Pevensey Castle. His ability to handle all of these
eventualities and triumph in them all was remarkable.
His early death was a tragic loss to England. His wife,
Katherine, subsequently formed a romantic alliance
with Owain Tudor, and most probably married in
secret. By him she had four or five children, and died
giving birth to the last in 1437. By her son Edmund,
she was the grandmother of Henry VII.

From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery


Ruled England 1 September 1422–4 March

1461 (deposed); restored 3 October 1470–11
April 1471 (deposed again). Crowned:
Westminster Abbey, 6 November 1429, and
again at St Paul’s Cathedral, 6 October 1470.
Also declared king of France, 11 October 1422.
Crowned: Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, 16
December 1431.

Titles: king of England and France; duke of

Cornwall (from birth).

Born: Windsor Castle, 6 December 1421. Died

(murdered): Tower of London, 21 May 1471,
aged 49. Buried: Chertsey Abbey, Surrey, but
removed to Windsor Castle in 1485.

Married: 22 April 1445 at Titchfield Abbey:

Margaret (1429–82), dau. of René, duke of Anjou
and king of Naples: 1 son.

Henry VI is a prime example of the wrong king at the

wrong time, and that made for a very tragic reign. His
father had been strong and charismatic, a king whose
single-mindedness in recovering the former Norman
territories in France had led to him being recognized as
heir to the French throne. His son was not even nine
months old when his father died. Six weeks after

inheriting the English throne, young Henry was also
declared king of France with the death of Charles VI,
his grandfather. Had Henry V lived he would have had
the strength of character to take advantage of the
situation, but with only an infant king, the new empire
required something special to unite it. That something
special was not there. In fact the empire soon became a
victim of the same tensions that had threatened both
thrones for as long as there had been kings:
inter-dynastic rivalries, and hatred and suspicion of
court favourites.

Although Henry was officially king of France, he

never had much opportunity to rule it. In France
Charles VI’s nineteen-year-old son was also declared
king as Charles VII. He held most of the southern
provinces while Henry’s regent, his uncle, John, duke
of Bedford, governed the northern provinces for
England. The battle for France dragged on, lacking the
relentless drive and power of Henry V. Bedford
endeavoured to consolidate the gains the English had
made so that the benefits could be ploughed back to
the crown and thus reduce the drain of the war on the
English treasury. However this meant that any final
victory was perpetually deferred. Neither Bedford nor
the rather weak-willed Charles VII had sufficient skill
to conclude the battle. The key to the fighting centred
around Orléans which came under siege in 1427. This
was the period of Joan of Arc who galvanized the
French into action. Although she was only seventeen
she led an army into Orléans and raised the siege in
May 1429. The spirit of victory was restored to the
French and a wave of national pride engulfed the

country as they regained lands from the English along
the Loire Valley. Charles was crowned king of France
in June 1429. This concerned Bedford who urged on
the coronation of young Henry. He was crowned king
of England in November
1429, but it was another two years before he was
crowned as king of France in 1431. He was the only
king ever to be formally crowned in both countries.
However, although it had been hoped this would instil
a similar nationalistic fervour in the English, it
achieved nothing. The French were gaining the upper
hand and the English were losing all of the lands
Henry V had gained. In 1435 the Duke of Burgundy, in
whose name the English had first invaded France,
reached an agreement with Charles VII known as the
Treaty of Arras. From then on the English cause in
France was lost; Charles entered Paris in 1436.
Apparently when Henry learned of Burgundy’s
defection he cried. Although he retained the title of
king of France, it held no authority. The conflict would
continue for another eighteen years until the death of
England’s dashing champion John Talbot, earl of
Shrewsbury, at Castillon in 1453. With that defeat
England’s Hundred Years’ War with France came to
an end. The only French territory remaining in English
hands was Calais.

Henry did not declare himself of age until November

1437, just before his sixteenth birthday. Until then the
protector of England had been his uncle, Humphrey,
duke of Gloucester. No one seemed to like Gloucester,
and he was not trusted with full regency powers, which
had remained with Bedford until his death in 1435.

The result was constant wrangles in Parliament as
Gloucester endeavoured to exercise his authority. At
times even the young king interceded to calm matters,
although no one took much notice of young Henry.
During his upbringing he had been told to behave
himself and not believe himself to have absolute
authority. By the time he took the reins of government
he was already a pawn of the most powerful statesmen
and was too weak willed to exert any power. This was
not because he did not believe he should, it was mostly
because he was not interested. People are not simply
born kings, they have to be them, and Henry had no
will to govern. As a result he invested power and
authority in the hands of those he most trusted and, as
Henry was amazingly naive, these tended to be the
least scrupulous of people. Amongst them was William
de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, and grandson of
Michael de la Pole who had been one of Richard II’s
court favourites. Although de la Pole ingratiated
himself into Henry’s affections, and became his
steward in 1435, he had good intentions since he was a
peacemaker at heart. However, his solution for peace
effectively meant the loss of France, and his chief
opponent in this was Humphrey of Gloucester who
was in favour of continuing the war of conquest. In
other times, history might have been on the side of
Suffolk, but in the years so soon after Henry V’s great
victories and with so many lives and resources
expended, the English nation was not for sacrificing
France. Nevertheless, because of his closeness to the
king, Suffolk was able to plot his course for some

It was through Suffolk’s negotiations that Henry
married Margaret of Anjou in 1444 with terms that
should have brought peace. What many did not know
until later was that one of the terms in order to extend
the truce was that Henry would surrender Maine, to
which he agreed. There was uproar when the truth was
known to the extent that Henry no longer felt safe in
London. Margaret of Anjou together with the Earl of
Suffolk convinced Henry that his uncle was plotting an
uprising. Humphrey of Gloucester was arrested and
confined at Bury St Edmunds in February 1447, where
he died a week later. Many believed that he was
murdered, probably on Suffolk’s orders. Suffolk,
realizing his unpopularity, switched from peacemaker
to warmonger and invaded Brittany in 1449. This
brought the conflict into Normandy which the French
conquered by September 1450. Suffolk could not
escape the loss of Normandy. Even before the war was
concluded, Suffolk was arrested and impeached.
Henry, hoping to save his life, had him banished, but
his ship was intercepted at Dover and Suffolk was
executed. Suffolk and his allies now became the
scapegoat for all that had gone wrong both in France
and with the mismanagement of English affairs. This
was the main cause for the revolution led by John Cade
in May 1450 which followed much the same course as
the Peasants’ Revolt of seventy years earlier, except
that Henry VI did not show the bravery of the young
Richard II. The revolt ran its
course over the next two months before Cade’s death.
His rebellion was an opportunity to purge government,
but Henry took little action. Instead he created further
polarization by appointing Edmund Beaufort, the Duke

of Somerset (and Henry V’s first cousin), as his closest
adviser. Somerset had once been a good soldier, but his
role as lieutenant of France had coincided with the loss
of most of the English lands, and he was regarded as
the focal point for English failure. He was also the
sworn enemy of Richard, duke of York (who was
Henry V’s second cousin). York had been effectively
banished to Ireland in 1447, because of his sympathy
for Humphrey of Gloucester. However in August 1450
he returned to England, supported by his army, and
demanded his place on the Council.

The next few years were tense ones as the rivalry

between Somerset and York grew: a rivalry that would
erupt into the Wars of the Roses. Somerset had the
upper hand to begin with, because of his direct link
with the king, but matters changed after August 1453
when the king became afflicted by the first bouts of
mental decline that would darken his later years. This
was almost certainly inherited from his grandfather,
the king of France, who also had bouts of imbecility.
Exactly what was wrong with Henry is not certain, but
he lost all memory and reason and would sit for weeks
devoid of expression or awareness in a deep
melancholia. The depression may have been triggered
by the loss of France. It came just two months before
the birth of Henry’s first (and only) son, Edward. The
king gave no sign of acknowledging the child and
when, eighteen months later, Henry’s reason returned,
he had no idea where the child came from, believing it
must have been born of the Holy Ghost.

Richard of York was made ‘Protector of the Realm’ in
March 1454 and promptly had Somerset arrested and
imprisoned in the Tower. However, a year later, when
Henry recovered, the king had Somerset released and
York dismissed. York’s entreaties to the king were
ignored and the inevitable conflict broke out at St
Albans on 22 May 1455. The battle was brief and
Somerset was killed. That should have been an end of
any hostilities, because
Henry seemed prepared to be reconciled to Richard of
York. When another bout of madness struck Henry in
November 1455, Richard was again made protector but
was again dismissed in February 1456. With Henry
scarcely able to govern, his queen, Margaret, took up
his cause. She despised the arrogant haughtiness of
York and encouraged the new duke of Somerset,
Henry Beaufort, against him. By 1458 the flames of
war were being fanned across England between the
Yorkists, supported by Richard Neville, earl of
Salisbury, and his son, also Richard Neville, earl of
Warwick, on the one side, and the Lancastrians, under
the figurehead of Henry VI, but really led by Margaret
of Anjou, supported by Somerset and Henry Percy, the
third earl of Northumberland. With the battle of
Ludlow in 1459 the Wars of the Roses began in
earnest. At that battle the Yorkists were routed and
Richard of York fled to Wales and then Ireland, while
his supporters sought refuge in Calais. The following
year the Calais element defeated the Lancastrians at
Northampton, and Richard of York returned to
England. He now formally placed his claim to the
throne before Parliament in September 1460. The
following month his right was acknowledged and he

was declared the heir to the throne, in place of Henry’s
son Edward. Henry, his mind failing rapidly, agreed,
but Margaret of Anjou was not so easily pacified. She
raised a further army in the north and met the Yorkists
at Wakefield on 30 December. York was killed in the
battle, whilst Salisbury was captured and murdered.
Margaret marched on London, defeating the earl of
Warwick at St Albans early in 1461. Warwick
managed to recruit another army, together with York’s
son, Edward, and they marched into London in
triumph in March 1461. Edward declared himself king
(as Edward IV). His forces marched north, following
the retreating army of Henry and Margaret, and the
two clashed at Towton near Tadcaster in Yorkshire.
There, in the middle of a snowstorm, the Lancastrian
army was defeated. Henry and Margaret fled to
Scotland, where they were given refuge by the young
king James III. Henry bought support from the Scots
by granting them Berwick, but the military aid he was
given proved useless in
the abortive battle at Carlisle. Edward was soon after
crowned king of England. He outsmarted every move
made by Margaret of Anjou, including her alliance
with France, to try and regain the crown and, after
three years, Henry became an embarrassment to the
Scots. He was smuggled out of Scotland and spent a
year in refuge in northern England, until he was
betrayed and captured by English forces in July 1465
and imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Had Henry been of the same arrogant disposition as

Edward II and Richard II, both of whom had been
murdered in prison, Henry might have expected his

days to be numbered. But following an amazing
reversal in the fortunes of Edward IV, Henry suddenly
found himself removed from the Tower on 3 October
1470 and reinstated as king. The earl of Warwick had
changed his allegiance to Henry and even went so far,
two months later, as to marry his daughter Anne to the
king’s son, Edward. Henry’s ‘readeption’, as it was
known, was not to last for long. Edward IV returned
with an army in April and defeated and killed
Warwick. The king was again captured and
imprisoned. His wife’s army arrived too late to save
him. She and her supporters were defeated at
Tewkesbury on 4 May 1471, where the young Prince
Edward was killed. Margaret was also imprisoned in
the Tower and on that same night, 21 May, Henry was
stabbed to death. Just who killed him was never
revealed, though his body was displayed in its coffin
the next day as if he had died naturally, so as to avoid
any later rebellion to restore him.

Margaret of Anjou remained in prison, first at the

Tower, then Windsor and finally Wallingford, before
being released to return to her father’s estates at
Angers in 1475. Her appearance had become as
wretched as Henry’s, exhausted by years of trial and
tribulation. Had she been the queen of a stronger king,
they would have made a remarkable pair and doubtless
ruled with considerable effect, but Margaret had the
misfortune to be married to a king who began weak
and sank into mental decline. He should have been a
younger brother and left government to
John, duke of Bedford, who was much more able.
Henry was more a scholar than a statesman. Although

his reign led to the Wars of the Roses, he and his queen
may best be remembered as the founders of King’s
College (1441) and Queen’s College (1448) at


Ruled 4 March 1461–3 October 1470, deposed;

restored 11 April 1471–9 April 1483. Crowned:
Westminster Abbey, 28 June 1461.

Titles: king of England and France, earl of

March (from birth), duke of York, earl of Ulster
and earl of Cambridge (from 1460).

Born: Rouen, Normandy, 28 April 1442. Died:

Palace of Westminster, 9 April 1483, aged 40.
Buried: St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Married: 1 May 1464, at Grafton Regis,

Northamptonshire, Elizabeth (c1437–92) dau. of
Richard Wydville, 1st Earl Rivers: 10 children.
Edward also had at least four illegitimate

Edward IV was the first king of the House of York

though, like his predecessor Henry VI, he was a
Plantagenet. Both were descended from Edward III,
Henry through Edward’s son John of Gaunt, and
Edward through a younger son, Edmund, duke of York

(and in the female line through Lionel, duke of
Clarence). Edward IV’s father was Richard, duke of
York, who, in 1460, had been declared heir to the
throne, though he died soon after in battle at
Wakefield. Edward, who was only eighteen, was able
to rally support along with his cousin Richard Neville,
earl of Warwick, and successfully invaded London. He
was declared king on 4 March 1461, and just over
three weeks later decisively defeated the forces of
Henry VI at Towton, probably the bloodiest battle
fought on English soil, and this secured his claim on
the throne. Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou fled to
Scotland, seeking sanctuary with James III.

Edward IV was welcomed to the throne. Although he

young he had already proved himself an able soldier.
Moreover he was tall (six foot three inches) and
handsome with a dashing smile, golden brown hair and
winning ways – he could, for instance, always
remember the names of his knights and officials and
something about them, which endeared him to the
court. Nevertheless all the time Henry VI lived,
Edward’s claim on the throne could not be regarded as
secure. He needed to rule wisely and ensure the
support of his noblemen. He did this by limiting the
previous practice of court favourites. Instead he placed
the control of Crown lands under court officials,
confiscating many of the lands previously bequeathed
to Lancastrian sympathizers. He set about making
England profitable through foreign trade, including his
own commercial ventures, to the extent that he was
eventually able to make the Crown solvent, rather than

buried in debt as under previous kings. He did his best
to make the Crown and government administratively
efficient and financially sound, though it must be
admitted that one reason he reduced administrative
costs was in order for more money to be spent on
himself and the image of the king so that his court was
as resplendent as those in France and Burgundy.

Once Edward felt firmly established as king he left the

work of defeating the remaining outposts of
Lancastrian resistance, which were mostly in the north,
to his cousins Richard and John Neville. Edward knew
how much he owed to Richard Neville for his position
as king and Neville was highly rewarded. He would
later earn the reputation as Warwick, the King-maker.
He was made the Chamberlain of England, as well as
receiving many other honours and considerable land.
He became the second most powerful man in England.
After the battle of Hexham in May 1464, where the last
important Lancastrian resistance was crushed, John
Neville was given the earldom of Northumberland, the
hereditary title of the Percy family. With the Nevilles
supporting him, Edward’s position was secure, and
therefore Edward’s next act was one of the greatest

Edward was a highly sexed man, and his actions were

as much ruled by his lust as by his brain. Warwick,
under his own
initiative, had been working to secure an alliance with
the French king Louis XI, who still supported Henry
VI. The proposed treaty of friendship was to be sealed
by the marriage between Edward IV and a French

princess, Bona of Savoy. Warwick continued the
negotiations throughout 1464 with a view to
concluding them in October. Edward was not fully
supportive of the negotiations as he favoured a treaty
with England’s older ally, Burgundy, which was itself
at loggerheads with France. Edward’s marriage was
therefore a powerful bargaining tool. Yet Edward
married in secret to an English lady and, to make
matters worse, the marriage might even have been

Although more rumour than fact, Edward had a

reputation for taking many of the ladies of the court to
his bed. All the time he was an honourable bachelor,
and all the time this led to no consequences, everyone
turned a blind eye. However, in May 1464, under the
pretext of a hunting trip, Edward entered into a secret
marriage with Elizabeth Wydville (often called
Woodville), daughter of the 1st Lord Rivers, and the
widow of Sir John Grey. The story went that Edward
lusted after her but she would not submit without a
promise of marriage. Edward agreed, probably not
meaning it, but Elizabeth held him to his word. Edward
was reputed often to make promises for sex with the
ladies of the court, and this reputation would later be
the downfall of his family. When news of his marriage
leaked out – amazingly he kept it secret for four
months – there was uproar. There was even a rumour
that Edward had made a similar marriage compact with
Lady Eleanor Butler a year or two earlier. How much
of this was true has never been satisfactorily resolved,
and the rumour was probably a fabrication built upon
Edward’s known philandering, but it was later a major

weapon to be used against the legitimacy of his
children by Elizabeth. What made matters worse was
that Edward had married into a family of Lancastrian
sympathizers: Elizabeth’s father had married a second
time to Jacquetta of Luxembourg, the widow of Henry
V’s brother John, duke of Bedford. Elizabeth’s father,
brother and her former husband had all fought on the
side of Henry VI. Warwick was the most
outraged at the marriage. It had humiliated him in the
face of the French king and lost him his opportunity to
gain lands and titles in France. Moreover it meant that
the Wydville family now advanced in status and
threatened to equal or even overthrow his stature as the
second most powerful man in England.

Although Warwick continued to work with Edward

and the Wydvilles over the next few years, he became
increasingly exasperated at Edward’s persistence in
allying with Burgundy while Warwick tried to cement
an alliance with France. Also when Edward thwarted
Warwick’s proposals of marriage contracts between
his family and the king’s, Warwick realized that
differences between them were becoming
irreconcilable. The last straw came when Edward
married his sister, Margaret, to Charles, duke of
Burgundy, in July 1468. Warwick withdrew his
support from Edward and began to side with Edward’s
over-ambitious brother, George, duke of Clarence, who
desired the kingship. Warwick was also supported by
Louis XI, who promised Warwick lands in France if he
successfully overthrew Edward. Warwick had not at
this stage moved across to the Lancastrian cause,
though he knew that Louis still supported Margaret of

Anjou. Warwick’s intention was to depose Edward and
make George king in his place. In July 1469 Warwick
succeeded in securing the marriage between George
and and his daughter Isabella which Edward had so
long opposed. Warwick now supported a series of
uprisings that began in northern England. Although
Edward was still a popular king amongst his subjects,
his marriage had sullied his reputation and Elizabeth
was never a popular queen. Warwick, on the other
hand, was always a popular hero, seen by many as the
nation’s deliverer, and when in mid-July, Warwick
issued a proclamation declaring that Edward must
reform his ways or suffer deposition, Warwick
received enormous support. Edward at first
procrastinated, perhaps a little too sure of himself, and
found himself trapped at Nottingham by a rebel army.
A relief force was defeated and, although it allowed
Edward’s escape, Edward realized that his army was
outnumbered. A battle was out of the question and,
wisely, Edward dispersed his army and allowed
himself to be captured by Warwick. Warwick
imprisoned the king and sought to govern in his name,
but was unable to find support in Parliament and, with
government crumbling, he began to incur the wrath of
the populace for imprisoning their sovereign. Warwick
had no choice but to release Edward, who returned to
London in October 1469 amidst much public acclaim.
Although on the surface, Edward reconciled himself
with Warwick and his brother George, Warwick knew
that his authority was now limited. Grudgingly, if he
was to achieve any restoration of his power, he needed
to throw in his lot with Louis XI and Margaret of
Anjou and defect to the Lancastrian cause. Supported

by the Lancastrians, Warwick again fomented rebellion
in the autumn of 1470, and their invasion fleet landed
at Dartmouth in September. Edward was caught ill
prepared. John Neville sent his army purportedly to
support Edward but, at the last moment, declared his
support for Henry VI. Edward suddenly realized that
his forces were considerably outnumbered and his only
recourse was to flee. He left England on 2 October
seeking refuge with his brother-in-law, the Duke of
Burgundy. Warwick seized the opportunity, brought
Henry VI out of imprisonment in the Tower and
restored him to the throne.

Had Warwick withheld his zeal, Henry’s restoration

might have remained permanent, but urged on by
Louis XI, Warwick and Louis declared war on
Burgundy. Charles, who until then had not wished to
be involved, was now compelled to grant Edward a
fleet and an army, and on 11 March 1471 Edward
returned to England. Edward’s skills as a soldier and
general now became apparent. Although outnumbered
three to one, Edward’s army soundly defeated
Warwick’s at the battle of Barnet, on Easter Sunday,
where both Warwick and his brother John were killed.
Edward marched victoriously into London and was
restored to the throne. Six weeks later Edward defeated
the army of Margaret of Anjou at Tewkesbury on 4
May, where Margaret’s son, Prince Edward, was
killed. Edward IV was once more firmly in command
of his realm. To ensure there was no further rebellion
in favour of Henry VI, Edward ordered that the old

king be murdered, though the public message was that
he had died naturally and his body was put on display
to curb any rumours.

The second half of Edward’s reign lacks the glory and

excitement of the first, although it was more
administratively sound. It was during this period that
Edward was able to carry through the reforms he had
started in the previous decade, which led to better
executed offices of the Crown, more effective
administration of the law, and generally profitable and
safe trade throughout England. The Crown became
self-financing, and the loss of burdensome taxes made
Edward even more popular amongst his subjects. He
exerted considerable diplomacy abroad, developing
strong alliances with the dukes of Brittany and
Burgundy and with the king of Aragon. In July 1475
Edward determined to recapture the former English
lands in France but his own invasion army was not
matched by the promised reinforcements from
Burgundy, and Edward had no choice but to negotiate
peace with Louis. This was almost certainly the better
outcome for, despite Edward’s superior generalship,
continued conflict in France was bound to have
financial repercussions that might have soured
Edward’s popularity. As it was, Edward’s brothers
Richard (see Richard III) and George both saw the
peace treaty as an ignominious defeat. George, who
still believed he should be king, began to plot against
his brother. This time Edward had him arrested and
tried for treason. Found guilty, George was executed in
February 1478. The traditional story is that George was
drowned in a butt of malmsey wine.

Edward was a great patron of the arts, and a pioneer
patron of printing. Although he personally preferred
the illuminated manuscript, he encouraged William
Caxton in his pursuits, and in November 1477 helped
finance the first book printed in England, The Dictes
and Sayenges of the Phylosophers, which had been
translated by the queen’s brother, Anthony, Lord
Rivers. Edward also financed major building works at
Windsor Castle and Eltham Palace in Kent. Ultimately,
however, he fell victim to his own love of food. His
continued gorging had made him fat
and lazy and the once virile and strong king had
become stout and inactive. His health began to fail and
he became subject to an increasing number of ailments.
Just which one killed him has never been satisfactorily
resolved. He died just before his forty-first birthday,
probably of pneumonia, though it has been conjectured
that he had contracted typhoid or may even have been
poisoned. Certainly some attributed his death to a
surfeit of food. Had he reigned longer Edward might
well have been regarded as a great king. He was
without doubt a strong one, and governed intelligently,
though in his private life he was unwise and naïve, and
his actions ultimately proved fatal to his dynasty.


Ruled 9 April-25 June 1483, deposed, never


Titles: king of England; prince of Wales, earl of
Chester and duke of Cornwall (1471–83), earl of
March and earl of Pembroke (from 1479).

Born: Westminster Abbey, 4 November 1470.

Died: Tower of London, probably 3 September
1483, aged 12. Buried: Tower of London and
subsequently Westminster Abbey.

Edward did not live long enough to enjoy any of the

benefits of kingship, only its hardships. He and his
brother Richard, duke of York, are immortalized in
history as the ill-fated ‘Princes in the Tower’ whose
deaths have become one of the best known historical

The likelihood of Edward ever becoming king seemed

doomed from the start. Although his father Edward IV
had been a popular king, his mother, Elizabeth
Wydville, was not so universally liked. Possibly had
Edward been their first born, he might have been old
enough to take control himself at the time of his
father’s sudden and unexpected death. His eldest sister,
Elizabeth, was then seventeen, and at that age Edward
could have assumed royal authority. But he was his
father’s fourth child, and was born at the lowest ebb in
Edward IV’s reign, when the king had fled
England and Elizabeth had sought sanctuary in
Westminster Abbey. Although his father regained the
throne, young Edward grew up in a family where there

was considerable hostility between his father and his
uncles, George, duke of Clarence, and Richard, duke
of Gloucester (later Richard III). Nevertheless the child
had a good education and a regal bearing and may, in
due course, have made a fine king.

However upon his father’s death, his uncle Richard

rapidly manipulated events to establish himself as
‘Lord High Protector’ of England. Young Edward was
holding court as prince of Wales at Ludlow and
travelled to London under the protection of his
mother’s brother, Earl Rivers. They were met at Stony
Stratford by Richard, on his way to London from York.
Thereafter he escorted Edward to London and, though
professing absolute loyalty, he was already planning
on assuming the kingship himself. Edward and his
brother were installed in the Tower of London which,
at that time, was still a royal residence and not solely a
prison, but the young king’s freedom was totally
restricted and he never left the Tower again. Plans for
his coronation were delayed and in June 1483 Bishop
Stillington, almost certainly at the instigation of
Richard, announced his belief that Edward IV’s
marriage to Elizabeth Wydville had been illegal
because Edward already had a pre-contract marriage
arrangement with Lady Eleanor Butler. As a
consequence his children by his second marriage were
illegitimate. Although no evidence for this first
marriage was ever produced, such was Edward IV’s
reputation as a womaniser that it was easily believed,
and Richard was able to gain the support of Parliament
in declaring the young king illegitimate and he was
summarily deposed on 25 June 1483. His period as

king can scarcely be honoured with the description of a
reign, since he had no opportunity to exercise any
authority, but he was the true heir to the throne and as
such had the shortest reign of any legitimate king after
the Norman Conquest.

Rumours began almost immediately of the fate of

Edward and his brother Richard, Duke of York. The
last they were seen was in July 1483, but there is
circumstantial evidence to suggest that they
lived for another four or five weeks. Over the centuries
there has been considerable speculation as to what
became of the Princes and who caused their deaths.
Had they died naturally it would have been in Richard
III’s interests to make it known. Some believe the boys
survived Richard’s reign and that they were
subsequently murdered on the orders of Henry VII.
The fact that their fate remained such a secret allowed
two pretenders to the throne to emerge during Henry
VII’s reign, Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck, both
of whom claimed that they were Edward’s younger
brother Richard. It was not until the year 1674 that the
remains of two young children were found buried in
the Tower of London. These were treated as the bones
of Edward and Richard and were reburied in an urn in
Westminster Abbey. More recent research on these
bones, whilst inconclusive, was suggestive that they
were the remains of the young Princes. The likely
explanation of their deaths is the one given to Henry
VII by Sir James Tyrrell, who declared under torture
that he had smothered the two children by order of
Richard III. Henry VII chose to maintain its secrecy
because he had earlier shown favour to Tyrrell and it

might be implied that Henry had sanctioned the death
of the Princes. Nevertheless the thorough research
conducted by Alison Weir in her book The Princes in
the Tower makes it clear that the only person who
could have been responsible for their deaths was
Richard III.


26 June 1483–22 August 1485. Crowned:

Westminster Abbey, 6 July 1483.

Titles: king of England; duke of Gloucester (from


Born: Fotheringay Castle, Northamptonshire, 2

October 1452. Died (in battle): Bosworth Field,
Leicestershire, 22 August 1485, aged 33. Buried:
Greyfriars Abbey, Leicester.

Married: Anne (1456–85) dau. Richard Neville,

earl of Warwick, and widow of Edward, prince of
Wales: 1 son. Richard had at least four
illegitimate children.

Richard III has long been regarded as one of England’s

most villainous kings and, though many revisionists
have sought to clear his name, the evidence continues
to suggest that Richard was as conniving in his
personal affairs as history dictates, but not necessarily

any more conniving than many of his predecessors. He
was certainly not the evil monster portrayed by
Shakespeare in his play Richard III and, though he
probably had a slight deformity in his shoulder, he was
not a hunch-back.

Richard was the younger brother of Edward IV. His

was apparently a difficult birth, and he seems to have
been a delicate child, but grew through all of this into a
strong and resourceful young man, albeit short. He was
only nine when his brother became king, after a
childhood where he was frequently moved to safe
custody as the fortunes of his father, Richard, duke of
York, waxed and waned during the Wars of the Roses.
Five months after his brother became king, Richard
was created duke of Gloucester. Although young, he
was well aware of the actions of his elder brother
George, duke of Clarence, who, encouraged by
Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, rebelled against
Edward in 1469, but Richard remained loyal to
Edward. As Warwick rapidly fell from grace, starting
in 1469 and culminating in his death at the battle of
Barnet in 1471, Richard benefited, being granted many
of Warwick’s titles and much of his land in the north.
By 1471 Richard was Constable and Lord High
Admiral of England, chief justice of the Welsh
Marches, chief steward, chamberlain of South Wales,
Great Chamberlain of England and chief steward of the
Duchy of Lancaster. In 1472, though still only
nineteen, Richard married Anne Neville, the daughter
of the earl of Warwick, herself a descendant of Edward
III and the widow of Edward, prince of Wales, the son
of Henry VI. Their only child, Edward, was born early

in 1476. Through this marriage Richard became
entitled to half of the Warwick estates, which caused
considerable acrimony with his brother, George, who
felt that the reapportionment of Warwick’s lands was
unequal. During these years Richard strengthened his
hold on the north of England governing it on Edward’s
behalf. He became
known as ‘Lord of the North’, ruling it as king in all
but name. His chief residence was his castle at
Middleham in Yorkshire, a strong yet comfortable
castle which became known as the Windsor of the
North. Richard accompanied Edward on his expedition
to France in 1475, and the only show of dissension
between Richard and Edward was over the peace
treaty, which Richard held to be dishonourable.
Nevertheless, Richard remained loyal to Edward
during the continued defiance of George, resulting in
George’s execution. Richard strengthened his hold on
the north and even turned his eyes towards Scotland.
He conducted several campaigns against James III
resulting, in 1482, in regaining Berwick and advancing
into Edinburgh. During all this period Richard was
highly regarded by his peers and subjects, both as a
just administrator and as a wise and strong general. To
all intents Richard ruled northern England, which was
recognized when he was granted palatine powers in the
west March in 1483. Two months afterwards Edward
IV died unexpectedly and his will named Richard as
‘Lord High Protector of the Realm’ during Edward V’s

Thereafter matters moved swiftly. Richard knew that

he needed to assert his authority before the Wydvilles

– the family of Edward’s widowed queen – did so.
Richard hastened down from York while the Wydvilles
were bringing the young heir from Ludlow. Richard
met them at Stony Stratford, took the young king under
his protection, escorted him to London, and placed him
in the Tower. The Tower was still a royal residence in
those days, but it was also a strong fortress, and once
there the king was entirely under Richard’s power.
Predictably the Wydvilles reacted, and Richard was
able to represent their actions as being treasonable.
Anthony Wydville, the queen’s brother, was executed
without trial. Richard meted out the same fate to Lord
Hastings, once his loyal supporter and a staunch
opponent of the Wydvilles. However when Hastings
realised that Richard was seeking to claim the throne
and depose Edward, he objected and was promptly
arrested and executed. Richard now broadcast the
belief that Edward V was illegitimate, because Edward
IV had
entered into a previous marriage contract. Parliament
recognized this claim on 25 June, when the young king
was deposed, and Richard was proclaimed king the
next day. He had secured the throne quickly and quite
ruthlessly in eleven weeks. By the standards of his day,
while one might not condone his actions, one can
understand them. The rivalry between the Yorkists and
the Lancastrians was not at an end and England needed
a strong ruler with full authority. Even acting as
protector, Richard could not always count on the full
support of Parliament. He thus needed to be rid of the
young king. His main rivals were the Wydvilles whom
Richard and most Yorkist supporters opposed, so it
was crucial that they did not gain power. Seen in this

light Richard’s quick actions were those of a shrewd,
calculating tactician who knew how to control and
manipulate. Morals aside he was a very clever man.

With Edward V deposed, it remains questionable why

the young king and his brother had then to be killed.
Richard probably recognized that the Act of Parliament
that had overthrown Edward’s legitimacy could as
easily be revoked and, so long as the princes were
alive, they remained a threat to his overall control. It
seems likely that Richard ordered their deaths in early
September 1483 while he was on a state tour of the
realm and outside the capital, but although rumours
were rife about the fate of the princes, the real facts
about their deaths did not come to light during
Richard’s lifetime.

Although secure on the throne, Richard had to deal

with some residual rebellions. The main threat came
from his once loyal supporter Henry Stafford, duke of
Buckingham, who had entered an alliance with the
Wydvilles and with Henry Tudor who, through his
mother, was another descendant of Edward III and the
last Lancastrian claimant. Buckingham’s revolt was,
however, ill planned and thwarted by rainstorms, and
he was captured without battle and executed at
Salisbury on 2 November 1483. Henry Tudor remained
in Brittany but continued to ally himself with the
Wydvilles and awaited his opportunity.

There is little doubt that Richard governed as a wise


competent king. This suggests two sides to his
character. But though he may have been ruthlessly
ambitious and duplicitous in his desire for kingship, he
enjoyed the power of governance and treated his
subjects fairly. He was highly regarded as a monarch
by the English and by his contemporaries in Europe.
Though it might seem hypocritical, Richard railed
against the poor English morals and issued
proclamations to uphold moral standards. Richard was,
in fact, a very pious man, a staunch supporter of the
church and generally loyal to his wife. He had fathered
several illegitimate children before his marriage, but
the records are unclear as to whether he continued to
maintain mistresses afterwards. He was distraught
when his young son, Edward, who had always had a
weak constitution, died in April 1484, aged only eight.
Richard’s wife, Anne, was too weak to bear another
child. She was consumptive and died within the year,
in March 1485. Later stories implied Richard had
poisoned her because of his plans to marry his niece,
Elizabeth of York, in order to father a new heir to the
throne. This never occurred, and it is not clear how
serious Richard’s plans were to this effect, and it may
have only been to thwart Henry Tudor’s plans to marry

Henry Tudor’s planned invasion happened in August

1485. The two armies met at Market Bosworth, just
west of Leicester. Had Richard succeeded, his
authority to rule would have been unchallenged.
However the battle was soon over. Richard charged
straight into the thick of it, intent upon killing Henry
Tudor himself, and was killed in the close-fought

action. His naked body was carried on a pack-horse to
Leicester for burial. According to tradition Richard’s
crown was found on the battlefield under a hawthorn
bush. The public interest in the rediscovery of Richard
III's remains beneath a carpark in the centre of
Leicester on the site of the old Greyfriars Church, and
the dispute over where he should be reburied, shows
the continued fascination not only with this king but
with the English monarchy.

When his brief reign is viewed in the round, Richard

was undoubtedly a worthy king. He was as capable of
taking the kingdom forward into a new age as his
ultimate successors. History as written has chosen to
focus on the vicious and ruthless side of his character
rather than a balanced view. Richard was certainly not
someone to have as either your friend or your enemy,
but he was a better king than many who had come
him and many who would come after. With his death
the Plantagenet line came to an end. The nearest
Yorkist claimant was Edward, the son of Richard’s
brother George, duke of Clarence. One of Richard’s
illegitimate sons, John, was captain of Calais but was
murdered in 1499. Another likely illegitimate son, also
called Richard, lived in anonymity in Kent until 1550
and is buried at Eastwell Church. Richard III was the
last English king to die in battle.


It was somewhat ironic that Richard III’s successor to

the English throne should be of Welsh descent, for the
Welsh had been condemned to subordinate roles for so
long. Henry VII and Henry VIII would now revoke the
prejudicial laws, giving the Welsh equal rights.

The arrival of the Tudors heralded a new age. With

Henry VII came increasing peace, prosperity and
enlightenment. This was the age of the great voyages
of exploration – of Columbus and Cabot, Magellan,
Pizarro, Hawkins, Drake and Ralegh. Mercator would
complete his first map of the world. And on the high
seas, England and Spain would become the great rivals
for supremacy. Portugal would establish trading links
with India, and by the end of Elizabeth’s reign the first
charter for the East India Company would be granted.

The latter part of this period became a time of religious

upheaval and intolerance, as Protestantism vied with
Catholicism. Luther would be condemned as a heretic,
Latimer and Tyndale burnt at the stake for their beliefs.
Under Henry VIII

3,000 monasteries would be destroyed, while 300
Martyrs were burnt at the stake at Queen Mary’s

The wool trade continued to prosper. In fact, sheep had

become so prolific that Henry VII had to introduce a
new law restricting the number of sheep anyone could
hold, for common lands were being enclosed for
pasture, and villages erased for more pasture. Henry
sought to wrest the cloth trade from Flanders for the
English and this too would become a new source of


Ruled 22 August 1485–21 April 1509. Crowned:

Westminster Abbey, 30 October 1485.

Titles: king of England; earl of Richmond (from


Born: Pembroke Castle, 28 January 1457. Died:

Richmond Palace, 21 April 1509, aged 52.
Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 18 January 1486, at Westminster

Abbey: Elizabeth (1466–1503), dau. of Edward
IV: 8 children. Henry allegedly had one
illegitimate son, though this seems to have been

The first of the Tudor kings of England, Henry’s claim
to the throne was extremely tenuous. He was
descended from Edward III’s son John of Gaunt, but
only through his mistress Katherine Swynford. Their
child, John Beaufort, was made duke of Somerset and
his granddaughter, Margaret, was Henry VII’s mother,
giving birth when she was only thirteen. The
Beauforts’ claim on the English throne had once been
declared illegitimate, but it was later legalized. Henry’s
more authentic claim was from the Welsh rulers. His
father, Edmund Tudor, earl of Richmond, was eighth
in line from Rhys ap Gruffydd, the Lord Rhys of
Deheubarth, and through him Henry could claim
descent from the Celtic princes of Wales and as far
back as the pre-Saxon rulers of Britain. Rightly or
wrongly Henry argued that the blood of Arthur flowed
in his veins, and he even named his first-born son
Arthur to emphasize that connection.

Nevertheless Henry was aware that his right to the

throne by descent was not strong, there were at least a
dozen others with a better claim – even assuming he
knew that Edward V and Richard, Duke of York (the
‘Princes in the Tower’) were dead. His real claim was
by right of conquest. He had defeated Richard III at
Bosworth and was a popular claimant. His uncle, the
notorious Jasper Tudor, a colourful adventurer had
been amongst the staunchest supporters of the
Lancastrians in the Wars of the Roses. The Tudor
name brought with it an aura of daring and excitement.
The nobility had not fully supported Richard III, but
neither were they especially supportive of Richard’s
nephew, Edward, earl of Warwick, who was then only

ten years old, but who had the strongest claim to the
throne by right of descent. Henry VII grew to resent
Edward’s existence and found reasons to have him
imprisoned and later executed for treason in 1499.
Henry strengthened his claim on the throne by
marrying Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter of
Edward IV, thereby uniting the houses of York and
Lancaster under the new dynasty. Richard III had
declared Edward IV’s children illegitimate, and one of
Henry’s first Acts of Parliament was to legitimize them
again. It only serves to emphasize, however, the
questionable entitlement that Henry had to the throne.
He knew this and was forever fearful of other
claimants. It is no coincidence that during Henry’s
reign two significant pretenders came forward,
Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck. Henry was
gracious to the first, and patient to the latter.

Henry’s childhood had been one of exile and

estrangement. His father had died before his birth and
his young mother remarried. Henry was raised by his
uncle, Jasper, until Pembroke Castle fell to the
Yorkists in 1461, when Henry’s custody passed to
William Herbert, soon created Baron Herbert and earl
of Pembroke. Henry received a good education and
was raised as a prospective husband for Herbert’s
daughter Maud, but all this changed when Herbert was
executed for treason in 1469, and soon after Henry was
reunited with his uncle Jasper, who was welcomed
back at court with the restoration of Henry VI in 1470.
The king even
recognized Henry Tudor as a likely heir. Fortunes
changed again when Edward IV recovered the crown,

and both Jasper and Henry fled Britain to seek refuge
in Brittany. Despite attempts by Edward to find them
they survived. Little is known of this period, but
judging from Henry’s later nature it was evident that
he learned to survive by his wits and to trust no one. It
was this wily but dashing soldier who defeated Richard
III at Bosworth in 1485 and inherited the throne of

From a portrait dated 1505

Yet Henry forever remained a nervous king. Despite

his success over the various claimants to the throne,
who remained troublesome throughout the first half of
his reign, Henry was anxious to establish his authority
amongst his peers in Europe. He received the backing
of Pope Innocent VIII in 1486, who recognized his
right to the throne and threatened excommunication to
any who challenged that right. With the birth of his
son, Arthur, in September 1486, Henry was keen to
make a strong alliance with the rulers of Aragon,
Ferdinand and Isabella, whose court was one of the
richest in Europe. Their daughter, Katherine, had been
born a few months earlier than Arthur, and

negotiations over their betrothal began as early as
1489. They were eventually married in 1499.

The link with Spain became even more important

following Columbus’s discovery of a route to the
Indies (or so was then believed) in 1492. Columbus
claimed these islands in the name of
Ferdinand and Isabella. Henry took considerable
interest in trade and exploration, though he had failed
to help finance Columbus’s expedition. He certainly
did not overlook a second opportunity and in 1496
authorized and financed a voyage of discovery by the
Genoese sailor Giovanni Caboto, who set sail from
Bristol in 1497 and discovered Newfoundland (five
hundred years after the Vikings), though he also
believed these to be the lands of the Great Khan.

Henry was keen to avoid expensive wars and thus

needed an alliance with England’s centuries-old foe,
France. Key to this was an alliance with Scotland.
While pursuing one political marriage with Spain,
Henry also negotiated another with Scotland. As early
as 1487 plans were afoot to arrange no less than three
marriages between the Scottish and English royal
houses. The strength of James III’s friendship with the
English (see p. 274) angered many Scottish nobles and
resulted in James’s murder in 1488. Negotiations were
not reopened until 1495, when the pretender Perkin
Warbeck found favour with both James IV of Scotland
(see p. 280) and the scheming German emperor,
Maximilian I, who agreed to support the Scots against
the English. This forced Henry to enter into
discussions with Scotland with a view to encouraging

Scotland to drop the Auld Alliance with France. Whilst
James IV never agreed to this, a peace treaty was
agreed between England and Scotland in 1502 and
James IV married Henry’s eldest daughter Margaret in
August 1503. Henry had also negotiated an alliance
with Maximilian in February 1496.

SIMNEL, LAMBERT. Pretender to the throne

of England, crowned in Ireland as Edward VI of
England on 24 May 1487. Simnel, who was aged
only eleven or twelve, was a pawn in the dynastic
struggles that had led to the Wars of the Roses
and had not yet settled down at the start of the
reign of Henry VII. Simnel was of humble origin,
and his real name is not known – contemporary
records call him John, not Lambert, and
even his surname is suspect. He was purportedly
the son of an Oxford joiner and had been born in
1475. He was raised and educated by a local
priest, Richard Simon, and through him came
under the wing of John de la Pole, earl of
Lincoln, the son of Edward IV’s sister, Elizabeth.
Lincoln had been nominated as his heir by
Richard III and he believed he could use Simnel
as a means to attain the throne. Henry VII’s claim
to the English throne was primarily by right of
conquest, not by descent. There had been
considerable secrecy during the reign of Richard
III over the fate of Edward IV’s sons, Edward

(Edward V) and Richard, duke of York – the
‘Princes in the Tower’. Also, on his accession,
Henry VII had imprisoned Edward, earl of
Warwick, another nephew of Edward IV. Simnel
was the same age as Warwick, and only slightly
younger than Richard of York. When Lincoln
first put forward Simnel’s claim it was as Prince
Richard, but this was soon changed to Edward of
Warwick. For his safety Simnel was taken to
Ireland in late 1486, where there were many
Yorkist supporters. Although Henry VII soon
discovered the truth about Simnel and declared
him an impostor in February 1487, bringing the
real Warwick out of the Tower to prove he was
alive, the support for Simnel grew and he was
crowned in Dublin Cathedral as Edward VI. With
Simnel as his figurehead, Lincoln led an invasion
force into England in June 1487 but it was
decisively beaten at the battle of Stoke on 16
June, where Lincoln was killed. Simnel, being
still a minor, was pardoned by Henry who was
kind to the boy. He allowed him to work in the
royal kitchens and he was eventually elevated to
the role of the king’s falconer. He died in 1525,
aged about fifty. He fared considerably better
than the subsequent pretender, Perkin Warbeck.

WARBECK, PERKIN. Pretender to the throne
of England, who proclaimed himself as Richard
IV in 1494. Like the earlier claimant, Lambert
Simnel, Warbeck took advantage of the
tenuousness of Henry VII’s claim to the English
throne and the uncertainty over the fates of
rightful heirs. He was in truth the son of a French
official, John de Werbecque, and had been born
at Tournai in Picardy in 1474. He subsequently
gained work as a merchant’s assistant and, while
in Ireland in 1491, he gained the support of the
Yorkists, first claiming to be Edward, earl of
Warwick, then an illegitimate son of Richard III,
and finally Richard, duke of York, the younger
son of Edward IV and one of the ‘Princes in the
Tower’, whose fate was still uncertain. Warbeck
may have already intrigued with Edward IV’s
sister, Margaret of Burgundy who, in November
1492, recognized him as her nephew and the
rightful heir to the English throne. Warbeck
travelled through Europe, gaining support and
recognition, most importantly from Maximilian I,
the new German emperor, who urged Warbeck to
invade England. It was with Maximilian’s
encouragement that Warbeck proclaimed himself
as Richard IV in October 1494 and returned to
Ireland to raise an invasion force. Henry VII,
however, had been quick to respond, and had
succeeded in arresting most of the English

nobility who supported Warbeck. For over a year
Warbeck vacillated between Ireland and the
Netherlands, seeking to gain support, every time
finding himself bettered by Henry VII. He
eventually turned to James IV of Scotland who
offered to help. James even married Warbeck to
his cousin, Lady Catherine Gordon, daughter of
the earl of Huntly, in January 1496. Their
eventual invasion of England ended up as no
more than a border skirmish in September 1496.
By then Warbeck had already lost the support of
the Emperor Maximilian and James IV. Warbeck
emerged as a whinging, self-centred individual
with a high opinion of himself but little ability.
Warbeck’s last refuge was in Cornwall, where the
Cornish had rebelled against Henry VII’s taxes.
Warbeck raised a local force and in September
1497 besieged Exeter, but with little success. He
fled and was captured a month later and
imprisoned. Henry was lenient with Warbeck,
allowing him to live at court, but when Warbeck
sought to escape, he was imprisoned in the
Tower, close to the real earl of Warwick. As was
almost certainly intended, the two managed to
communicate and plotted a conspiracy. As a
consequence they were both charged with treason
and executed. Warbeck was hanged at Tyburn on
23 November 1499, aged twenty-five.

Henry VII’s ancestry meant he was held in high regard
by the Welsh, and although he did not especially show
them any favour, neither did he show them any
hostility. In fact as his reign progressed, so members of
the Welsh nobility were appointed to senior posts and
granted territory in Wales, particularly the Marches. As
a result the English domination of Wales by the
marcher lords ceased. For the first time in generations,
there was harmony between England, Wales and
Scotland, with Henry’s foreign negotiations bringing
greater peace with his European counterparts. This was
perhaps Henry’s greatest legacy. Although he was only
continuing policies already initiated by Edward IV, the
upsurge of trade and exploration at the start of Henry’s
reign, against a background of increased peace,
prosperity, and also enlightenment, gives the feeling
that, with the arrival of the Tudors, a new age had
begun. Admittedly this was probably more evident in
hindsight than at the time.

However the final years of Henry’s reign were ones of

personal sadness and increasing loneliness. His eldest
son, Arthur, had died childless of consumption in April
1502, aged only fifteen. Henry’s
wife Elizabeth died ten months later following the
birth of their eighth child, who also died. Henry, who
had never been a trusting or a happy king, became all
the more surly, and retreated further into private life.
Under his instruction Sheen Palace, which had been
badly damaged by fire in 1497, was rebuilt and made
all the more lavish as Richmond Palace, and it was
here that he retired, keeping himself more to himself.
His health failed and he had increasing bouts of asthma

and gout. He died at Richmond Palace in 1509, aged

Although Henry’s reign is seen as the start of

England’s glory and the birth of Modern England, with
the end of the Middle Ages, in truth his main
achievement was in uniting a previously divided
England and bringing harmony with Wales and
Scotland, which provided a solid base upon which his
successors, Henry VIII and Elizabeth, could build.
Personally Henry was a sad king – faithful to his wife,
but cautious with his affections and perhaps never truly
enjoying the success that he achieved. Henry would be
succeeded by his third child and second son.


Ruled 22 April 1509–28 January 1547.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 24 June 1509.

Titles: king of England and (from 1542) of

Ireland; duke of York (from 1494), duke of
Cornwall (from 1502), prince of Wales and earl
of Chester (from 1504).

Born: Greenwich Palace, Kent, 28 June 1491.

Died: Whitehall Palace, London, 28 January
1547, aged 55. Buried: Windsor Castle.

Married: (1) 11 June 1509, at Greenwich Palace,
Katherine (1485–1536), dau. Ferdinand II, king
of Aragon; marriage annulled 23 May 1533: 6

(2) 25 January 1533, at York Place (renamed

Whitehall Palace), London, Anne (c1500–36),
dau. Thomas Boleyn, earl of Wiltshire; marriage
declared invalid 17 May 1536: 3 children;

(3) 30 May 1536, at Whitehall Palace, London,

Jane (c1508–37), dau. Sir John Seymour; died in
childbirth: 1 son;

(4) 6 January 1540, at Greenwich Palace, Anne

(1515–57), dau. Johann, duke of Cleves;
marriage annulled 9 July 1540: no children;

(5) 28 July 1540, at Oatlands Palace, Surrey,

Katherine (c1520–42) dau. Lord Edmund
Howard; executed 13 February 1542: no

(6) 12 July 1543, at Hampton Court Palace,

Katherine (c1512–48), dau. Sir Thomas Parr: no

Henry also had at least two illegitimate children,

and probably more.

Henry VIII is probably the best known king of England
and may even be the most notorious (though there are
plenty to compete for that title). Some may argue he
was also the most important king of England because
of the status which he brought to his kingdom along
with the establishment of the Church of England.
Certainly his reign saw some of the most significant
developments in England since the time of Edward I.

Henry was not born to be king. As a younger son of

Henry VII he had been groomed for the church,
receiving a substantial classical education. However,
Henry’s elder brother Arthur died of consumption and
Henry, still only ten, became heir apparent. Unlike his
father, who was reserved and surly, Henry was a happy
child who delighted in all manner of sports and
entertainment. Not only did he master French and
Latin, and become an excellent rider and athlete, but he
was a fine dancer and musician – the music of
Greensleeves has long been attributed to him. He also
had a natural authority and self-command, and enjoyed
touring England and presenting himself to his subjects,
which made him a very popular prince and king.
Although the nickname ‘Bluff King Hal’ was only
accorded to him posthumously, it fitted his character
well. Moreover unlike his predecessors for the past one
hundred years (and arguably longer), Henry was the
first to inherit a comparatively united kingdom, as an
assured successor with every right of inheritance to the
His father had established good relationships with the
leading countries of Europe, and with no foreign wars
for some years, the country’s finances were strong.

England was in the best shape financially, spiritually
and administratively that it had been for a long time.

Henry was two months off his eighteenth birthday

when his father died. He was a handsome, well
proportioned youth, in love with life and the world. He
happily obeyed his father’s dying wish that he marry
his elder brother’s widow, Katherine of Aragon, in
order to continue the alliance with Spain. They were
married six weeks later and two weeks after that there
was a double coronation in Westminster Abbey at the
height of midsummer, with much feasting and

Henry was more interested in enjoying himself than

bothering with the day to day affairs of government.
He satisfied himself that his ministers could be trusted,
and left the overall direction of affairs to William
Warham, archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Howard,
earl of Surrey (later 2nd duke of Norfolk), who was the
Lord Treasurer, Bishop Richard Foxe and, after 1514,
to Thomas Wolsey. Henry rid the courts of Edmund
Dudley and Sir Richard Empson, two key ministers in
Henry VII’s reign who were the architects of a strict
tax regime and had become hated by the populace.
Henry had them executed on the grounds of
‘constructive treason’, as they had sought to arm their
men as Henry VII lay dying.

Henry preferred to involve himself in European affairs,

playing the role of an international magnate not
confined to an English backwater. He supported his
father-in-law, Ferdinand of Aragon, against the Moors

in 1511, and joined Pope Julius II, along with Venice
and Spain, in the Holy League against France, which
was formed that October. This increased the friction
between England and Scotland (France’s old ally),
which was exacerbated by border skirmishes and sea
raids. James IV of Scotland, who was Henry’s
brother-in-law, insisted that, if Henry remained part of
the Holy League, the only outcome could be war
between Scotland and England. Henry seemed
undisturbed. In June 1513 Henry led an invasion force
to Calais. James IV took advantage to invade England,
something Henry had anticipated and so despatched
Thomas Howard to counter. The result was the battle
of Flodden on 9 September 1513, where James IV and
the flower of Scottish nobility fell. Since the heir,
James V (see p. 286), was only a year old, Henry’s
sister, Margaret, became the Scottish regent. She did
not receive the support of the Scottish aristocracy, but
for a period, although skirmishes continued, the battle
with Scotland was won, and Henry was victorious. He
was also victorious in France, leading the successful
sieges of Thérouanne and Tournai, whilst his forces
defeated the French at the battle of the Spurs, at
Guinegate, on 16 August 1513. The name of the battle
signified the speed of the French retreat. Thomas
Wolsey negotiated peace terms with France, one of the
terms being the marriage of Henry’s sister Mary to
Louis XII of France in August 1514. The marriage was
short lived as Louis died only a few months later. Mary
then angered Henry by running away with his close
friend Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, and marrying
in secret in February 1515. They were eventually
pardoned, upon payment of an exacting fine, and they

would subsequently become the grandparents of the
ill-fated Lady Jane Grey.

Henry wanted to be the centre of the European stage.

When the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian I, died in
January 1519, Henry stood as a candidate to succeed
him, having earlier been encouraged by Maximilian
himself who regarded him as a good prospect.
However, the electors selected from the controlling
Hapsburg family. When Pope Leo X died in December
1521, Henry strove to have an English pope,
nominating Thomas Wolsey but without success.
Europe seemed a world closed to Henry and it
frustrated him that a man of his abilities was denied
greater influence in European affairs. It was probably
this attitude that shaped his dealings with the new
French king, François. In June 1520 Wolsey was able
to engineer a summit meeting at Guisnes, near Calais,
which became known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold
because of the extravagance of the display, each
party trying to outshine the other. Another peace treaty
was negotiated, though it too was short lived.

From a portrait by Holbein

This period was one of change in Europe. Most

significant, as far as England was concerned, was the
reforming zeal of the German scholar and preacher,
Martin Luther, who began a prolonged series of attacks
upon the Papacy and the Catholic church, including his
book On the Babylonish Captivity of the Church in
1520. Henry had remained a staunch supporter of the
Pope and felt compelled to respond to Luther’s attacks.
Together with Thomas More and John Fisher, Henry
wrote Defence of the Seven Sacraments, which became
a best-seller throughout Europe. In recognition of his
support the Pope conferred on Henry in 1521 the title
of Fidei Defensor, or Defender of the Faith, a title
which has been used by all subsequent English
monarchs, regardless of their faith. Within a few years
it would seem a singularly inappropriate title for

He was becoming increasingly concerned about the

birth of an heir. His wife, Katherine, had borne him six
children, but only one of these, Mary, had survived
infancy. His eldest son, Henry, born in 1511, had died
after only seven weeks. Their last born
child died within hours of its birth in November 1518.
By 1526, when Katherine had turned forty, it was
evident that Henry would not have a son. It was
unthinkable that he would be succeeded by a girl. He
began to believe that the fault lay with him, and that he
had committed a sin against the church in marrying his
brother’s widow, even though the marriage had
received papal blessing. It was especially galling as in

June 1519 Henry’s mistress, Elizabeth Blount, who
was only seventeen, had borne him a baby boy, who
became Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond. Although
illegitimate, Henry began to regard this boy as his
likely heir if he were unable to produce a legitimate
child. Also by 1527 Henry had become infatuated with
the twenty-five-year-old Anne Boleyn, whose elder
sister, Mary, had been Henry’s mistress for some
years. Anne refused to be simply his mistress and
played for higher stakes. Wolsey entered into
negotiations with the pope formally to annul Henry’s
marriage with Katherine. The new pope, Clement VII,
was traditional in his outlook and a vehement opposer
of Lutheranism. At first it looked as if he might
accommodate Henry, but the pope then succumbed to
the power of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V,
who was the nephew of Henry’s wife. Clement refused
to accept that his predecessor’s dispensation for
Henry’s marriage could have been in error, yet whilst
he did not reject Henry’s request outright, he
procrastinated in every way possible, setting up a
commission to review the issue.

The affair dragged on for six years, during which time

Clement was seen by more and more countries as a
weak pope. The whole of Scandinavia broke with
Rome and introduced Lutheranism, beginning in 1527.
Henry’s adviser, Thomas Cromwell, advised the same.
His inability to resolve the matter had seen Wolsey fall
from power. He was arrested for treason in November
1530, but died soon after.

Cromwell now moved matters ahead and it was under
his guidance that Henry became the Head of a separate
Church of England with the authority to appoint his
own archbishops and bishops. Thomas Cranmer, his
newly appointed archbishop of
Canterbury, pronounced on 23 May 1533 that Henry’s
marriage with Katherine was void. Henry had already
taken this as read, as he had secretly wedded Anne
Boleyn in January 1533, when she was already a
month pregnant. The pope refused to accept the
pronouncement, and in July 1533 he declared the
divorce and remarriage void, and prepared to
excommunicate Henry. The excommunication was
suspended, but it was reaffirmed by Clement’s
successor, Paul III, who was however unable to gain
the international support he desired to formalize the
sentence. This merely served to force Henry further
down his chosen road rather than allow for
reconciliation. In fact Henry was at great pains to
demonstrate that his argument was only against the
pope, not the church. The significant change was that
Henry was ‘Head of the Church’ in his dominions, or
(like the pope) God’s representative. Otherwise,
changes were limited, and Henry emphasised this with
the publication of the Act of the Six Articles in 1539
which reaffirmed doctrines inherited from the Church
of Rome. Nevertheless there were those who could not
support Henry in his role as Head of the Church, such
as Sir Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher, who
refused to acknowledge this and were executed in

Henry’s next move was to appoint a commission to
report on the state of the monasteries. Cromwell had
long believed that the monasteries were too powerful
and were likely to lead any pro-Roman resistance to
change. Following the report Parliament legislated in
1536 for the suppression of all small monasteries on
grounds that they were uneconomic and, on the
strength of this, dissolved all remaining monasteries in
1539. This caused considerable anguish throughout
England, but especially in the north, where there was a
rebellion known as the Pilgrimage of Grace. This
rebellion was not just about the monasteries.
Dissatisfaction had been fermenting for some time and
the Acts of Dissolution were the final spark. Peasants
were rebelling against the enclosure of common lands,
which limited their ability to farm because of high
rents. The rebellion began in Lincolnshire in October
1536 and spread through Yorkshire under the
of Robert Aske. Henry appeared conciliatory and
defused the rebellion by promises, none of which he
fulfilled, and some months later he had Aske and over
two hundred of the rebels executed. This punishment
was a salutory lesson to all and Cromwell’s
commissioners met little resistance as they moved
from county to county closing the monasteries. The
last to fall was Waltham Abbey in Essex in March
1540. Although the Crown benefitted considerably
from the closure of the monasteries, since most of the
profits arising passed to Henry who was always
desperate for money for his foreign exploits, the
ultimate beneficiaries were the local landed gentry
who, once the monastery was closed and ransacked,

acquired most of the land and remaining properties. It
was the greatest shift in land ownership since the
Norman Conquest.

Henry’s early delight over Anne Boleyn’s pregnancy

soon faded when she gave birth to a girl, the future
Elizabeth (I). This was followed by two stillborn
children. A fourth child was miscarried following a fall
Henry had from a horse in January 1536 which left
him unconscious and the shock brought on Anne’s
labour. Henry recovered, though the injury led to
complications in his later years with a severely
ulcerated leg. By now Henry had lost all interest in
Anne – he even maintained he had been seduced by
witchcraft. As a sign of this, Catholics later ascribed to
Anne a shrivelled sixth finger. He readily believed
charges of her infidelity and adultery and she was
arrested, tried and found guilty of treason and executed
on 19 May 1536. Just two days before Archbishop
Cranmer declared Anne’s marriage to Henry null and
void, probably on the rather tenuous grounds that
Henry had formerly had a relationship with her sister

During the previous two years Henry had become

besotted with one of Anne’s ladies-in-waiting, Jane
Seymour, a not especially attractive lady but one who
beguiled Henry with her coquettish ways. They were
married eleven days after Anne’s execution and the
marriage was a happy one, albeit brief. Jane was never
crowned queen because an outbreak of plague in
London delayed the coronation and then Jane became

Henry was overjoyed when Jane gave birth to a boy,
the future Edward VI, but Jane was seriously
weakened by the birth and died twelve days later in the
midst of Henry’s celebrations. Because she had given
him a son and heir, Jane remained the favourite of
Henry’s wives and after his death he was laid beside
her in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

For his next wife Henry looked to Europe. Because of

the papal bull isolating him, Henry was fearful that the
French, the Hapsburgs or both would invade England
and depose him. As a consequence Henry sought a
political marriage with Germany and, through the
advice of Thomas Cromwell, settled on Anne, the
sister of the duke of Cleves in Germany. Although
Henry admired her portrait, he was horrified when he
first met Anne in January 1540 but by then marriage
arrangements had proceeded too far. Henry feared the
backlash if he withdrew. Although they were wed on 6
January, the marriage was never consummated and
both parties readily agreed to a divorce which went
through seven months later. Henry was generous to
Anne, because of her compliance, and the two
remained good friends.

Unfortunately for Henry his next marriage, which was

almost on the rebound, was to the beautiful teenage
Katherine Howard, a cousin of Anne Boleyn’s. He and
Katherine were married within three weeks of the
divorce and Henry delighted in his young bride, who
seemed to put the spring back in his step, even though
by now he was becoming grossly fat and ageing fast.

Evidently Katherine soon tired of her husband, thirty
years her senior, and turned to her former lovers. She
was soon betrayed, charged with treason and executed
on 13 February 1542. Henry had at first refused to
believe the charges and never quite recovered from her

When he entered into his final marriage in the

following year it was to an older lady, already twice
widowed, Katherine Parr. By all accounts Henry was
now after a companion rather than a lover, and in Parr
he found a woman with whom he could converse on a
wide range of subjects and who served as an excellent
stepmother to his three surviving children, Mary,
and Edward, who were reconciled for the first time in

During these tempestuous marriages Henry had not

ignored the international scene, or indeed the state of
Britain. He regarded the British Isles as his own
empire, and had made a move towards consolidating it
in 1536 with what has since been called the Act of
Union, which officially incorporated Wales as part of
England, rather than as a separate province. He was
unable to enact the same legislation for Ireland,
although his father had made the Irish parliament
subject to the English. A rebellion led by the
Fitzgeralds in Ireland in 1534 had been summarily
dealt with and in 1542 Henry declared himself king
rather than lord of Ireland.

Henry also kept a constant eye on the intrigues
between France and Scotland and had even visited
France to meet the king, though the two could never
reconcile their views. Relationships with Scotland
soured. Henry regarded it as an affront when James V
(see p. 286) failed to keep a meeting at York in
September 1541 and future meetings were postponed
because of the interference of the French king. Henry
grew tired of the Scots, and the last connection
between them ended when his sister, Margaret, died in
November 1541.

The following year saw Henry prepared to go to war

with Scotland and, although no formal declaration was
made, hostilities broke out in a series of scraps and
skirmishes with the upper hand going to the Scots.
However a Scottish force of some 10,000 was soundly
defeated by 3,000 English at Solway Moss in
November 1542. The Scots had appeared as such a
disorganized rabble that the defeat was a double
disgrace, and soon after James V pined away in
despair. Henry now pursued a marriage alliance
between his son Edward and James’s infant daughter
Mary and, under the terms of a peace treaty concluded
in July 1543, Mary was to marry Edward in her tenth
year. This treaty was never ratified by the Scots while
the pro-French nobles did everything to undermine it.
Hostilities continued between England and Scotland
throughout the 1540s, with Scotland using this as an
excuse to argue that the treaty was invalid. Henry had
marginally better success with France, concluding a
treaty with François in 1546.

Henry died on 28 January 1547, aged only 55, but a
victim of his gross conduct. Despite the major reforms
that he had made he was not a great initiator, relying
instead on such great men as Wolsey and Cromwell
whom he cast aside when no longer needed. At times
he ruled like a despot, engineering everything to his
own ends. Yet he could wield that power without it
destroying him and it is true to say that no other
English king could have undertaken such reforms and
succeeded. It was through Henry, the first king to be
referred to as His Majesty, that the modern English
state was created.


Ruled 28 January 1547–6 July 1553. Crowned:

Westminster Abbey, 20 February 1547.

Titles: king of England and duke of Cornwall.

Born: Hampton Court Palace, 12 October 1537.

Died: Greenwich Palace, 6 July 1553, aged 15.
Buried: Westminster Abbey.

As had happened so many times before, a strong and

powerful king was followed by a weak one. Edward VI
was Henry’s only surviving son and was only nine
when his father died (Henry Fitzroy had died in 1536).
His mother, Jane Seymour, had died giving birth, and
though in his youth he seemed healthy, it became

evident that he had a weak constitution. He had the
potential to be a wise and powerful king, for he
received an extensive education, and was raised with
considerable care by his stepmother Katherine Parr.
His childhood seemed to pass him by. Thrust into
kingship and surrounded by scholarly men, Edward
tried to run before he could walk, combining precocity
with much of his father’s stubborness and

Edward’s uncle, Edward Seymour, duke of Somerset,

was made ‘Protector of the Realm’ during Edward’s
minority and
started the reign with an invasion of Scotland to
enforce the marriage treaty between Edward and Mary,
Queen of Scots. Although he defeated the Scots at
Pinkie in September he was unable to break the Scots’
resolve and in fact drove them closer to a marriage
alliance with France. Edward was surrounded by rival
factions who sought to control the king’s mind when
he was still too young to understand fully the motives
for his actions. It seems that he genuinely regretted
having to agree to the execution of Thomas Seymour,
who had become his step-father, on grounds of high
treason in March 1549, and in 1552 he also agreed to
the execution of the protector, Somerset, who had
presumed on his authority and been ousted from power
in October 1549. In his wake the over ambitious John
Dudley, earl of Warwick (and soon to be created duke
of Northumberland) came to power, operating as
protector in all but name.

Edward had been raised a Protestant and at the outset
of his reign Protestant reform continued at an even
greater pace than before due to the unremitting zeal of
the Protector Somerset. All shrines and pictures of
saints were destroyed, many processions were banned
and the number of official ceremonies reduced. The
first English Prayer Book was issued in 1548. There
was much Catholic discontent throughout England,
though the only manifestation of it was a rebellion in
Devon in the summer of 1549 against the Common
Prayer Book and this was promptly dealt with by Lord
Russell. At the same time, in East Anglia, there was a
repeat of the problems which had given rise to the
Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536, when local peasants,
under the leadership of Robert Kett, a tanner, rebelled
against the enclosure of common land. Kett gathered
together a force of 10,000 men to blockade Norwich,
but the rebels were defeated by John Dudley and Kett
was hanged.

Edward founded a number of grammar schools

throughout England which still bear his name, and he
also established a workhouse for the poor at Bridewell
and Christ’s Hospital in London. It seems that the
young king had a genuine concern to help the poor and
needy as well as to promote education and learning.
Although he was moulded into a zealous Protestant, he
evidently promoted it with good intent. It was as much
his concern as it was Northumberland’s, that if he died
young all the Protestant reform would be undone if his
half-sister Mary, a staunch Catholic, came to the
throne. He thus complied with Northumberland’s plans
in promoting Lady Jane Grey as his successor.

Edward’s last year was one of much suffering. He
contracted consumption and also suffered from
congenital syphilis, passed on from his father. His
death was a merciful blessing for him, but it would
turn the country into a period of turmoil.


Proclaimed Queen of England, 10 July 1553.

Deposed 19 July 1553.

Born: Bradgate Manor, Leicestershire, June or

July 1537. Died (executed): 12 February 1554,
aged 16. Buried: Tower of London.

Married: 21 May 1553, at Durham House,

London, Guilford (1536–54) son of John Dudley,
duke of Northumberland. No children.

Jane was the innocent victim of the schemes of her

ambitious and recent father-in-law, John Dudley, Duke
of Northumberland, to continue the Protestant faith in
England after the death of Edward VI in preference to
the Catholic princess Mary (I). Jane was the
granddaughter of Mary, the sister of Henry VIII, and
under the latter’s will, Mary’s children had right of
succession only after the deaths of his own children
and their heirs. Edward VI signed an amendment to his
father’s will only a few weeks before his own death
which set aside his sisters’ claims to the throne and

nominated Jane. Just a month earlier Northumberland,
who had assumed the role (if not the title) of protector
of the realm during Edward’s minority, had arranged
the marriage of his son Guilford to Jane. Jane did not
particularly like Guilford, although their subsequent
adversity drew them together.

Jane was formally offered the crown in accordance

with Edward VI’s wishes, and declared queen, against
her own better judgement, by the Council on 9 July
1553. Jane did not want to be queen of England, but
when she accepted the crown, she did so recognizing it
would help the Protestant reform. She was publicly
proclaimed queen the following day. She was an
extremely well educated and well mannered child who
in other circumstances would have made an excellent
queen consort. She was obdurate that her husband
would not be jointly proclaimed king. The nobility
were affronted by Northumberland’s scheme. There
was also overwhelming public support for Mary. Jane
retained the title of queen for just nine days.
Northumberland’s army was defeated, and he was
arrested and beheaded. Jane and her husband were also
arrested and imprisoned in the Tower. Mary was
prepared to be lenient with them, recognizing their
unfortunate position, but Jane’s fate was sealed when
her father, Henry Grey, duke of Suffolk, became
involved in Sir Thomas Wyatt’s rebellion against
Mary. Jane refused to recant her Protestantism and on
12 February 1554 she was executed, having been
found guilty of treason.


Ruled England, 19 July 1553–17 November

1558. Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 1 October
1553. Also queen consort of Spain: 16 January
1556–17 November 1558.

Born: Greenwich Palace, Kent, 18 February

1516. Died: St James’s Palace, London, 17
November 1558, aged 42. Buried: Westminster

Married: 25 July 1554, at Winchester Cathedral,

Philip (1527–98) son of Charles V, Holy Roman
Emperor. No children.

Mary was the eldest surviving daughter of Henry VIII

and his first wife, Katherine of Aragon and, as such,
she was despatched in 1525 to Ludlow Castle, styled
Princess of Wales. When Henry’s marriage to
Katherine was declared void by Thomas Cranmer in
1533, Mary, who was then seventeen, was declared
illegitimate. Mary, who was a well educated child and
a capable linguist and musician, was devoted to her
mother and hated the separation. She steadfastly
refused to accept that the marriage was not legitimate
and indeed regarded her father’s second marriage to
Anne Boleyn as bigamous and false. She had a violent
and volatile relationship with her stepmother and
disliked her young half-sister Elizabeth. Mary

remained obdurate throughout Henry’s reign, refusing
to accept the Protestant Reformation.

Jane Seymour, Henry’s third wife, worked hard to

reconcile father and daughter, but the family were not
fully reunited until Henry’s last wife, Katherine Parr,
who succeeded in bringing them all together, united, at
last, in their support for the young Edward VI. Mary’s
right to the throne was recognized in Henry’s will, in
succession to Edward. However Edward subsequently
amended his father’s will to disbar Mary from the
throne for fear that she would undo all of the Protestant
reforms enacted during Edward’s brief reign. He, as
we have seen, nominated his cousin, Jane, as his
successor, but although Jane was proclaimed as queen,
she did not receive the support of her peers or the
populace and was rapidly dethroned. Mary entered
London in triumph on 3 August 1553 and was crowned
two months later. Since neither Jane nor the Empress
Matilda had been crowned, Mary was the first genuine
queen regnant of England. It is perhaps ironic that at
the same time Scotland was also ruled by a Queen
Mary, who was her first cousin (see p. 291).

As feared by the reformers, Mary did begin to reverse

the legislation passed during her half-brother’s reign
and restore as much of the old order as she believed
possible. She was cautious, because she did not want to
provoke religious disorder and strove, instead, to find a
balance. She reinstated some of the Catholic bishops
and imprisoned certain zealous reformers, but she did
not dare overturn her father’s enactment which would
have restored the Pope’s supremacy. She did, however,

pass an act which invalidated her father’s divorce from
Katherine of Aragon, restoring Mary’s legitimacy and
automatically bastardizing Elizabeth.

Mary had never married; in fact she had come to

regard herself as a spinster. It is true that she was not
very attractive and she had inherited congenital
syphilis from her father which not only gave her a
weak constitution, with regular headaches and poor
eyesight, but gave her a form of rhinitis which meant
that her breath was always foul-smelling. This hardly
endeared her to anyone and if there was to be any
marriage at all it would be a political one. Her choice
settled on Philip of Spain, the son of the Holy Roman
Emperor, Charles V. Parliament petitioned the Queen
to reconsider and to seek a husband from within
England, but Mary steadfastly refused. Her choice of
Philip was extremely unpopular, with many believing
that Philip would use the opportunity to enforce his
own control over England and that Mary would
become a Spanish puppet.

A group of conspirators including Sir James Crofts and

Sir Thomas Wyatt plotted against Mary but the
intended coup was ill planned and only Wyatt’s
rebellion in Kent, which began on 25 January 1554,
carried any force. It was, however, soon quashed,
many of the ringleaders were captured, tried and
executed. The Princess Elizabeth was also implicated
in the coup and briefly confined to the Tower of

Mary’s marriage with Philip went ahead in July 1554.
In accordance with Spanish tradition, Philip was
granted the title of king (although he was only the king
consort). Eighteen months later Philip’s father
abdicated, relinquishing to him the throne of Spain.
Mary likewise assumed the title of Queen of Spain. It
is also worth an aside here and noting that when Mary
Queen of Scots married François, the French Dauphin
in April 1558, he likewise became king consort of
Scotland. Although Mary fell in love with Philip, the
love was not reciprocated. Philip left for Spain in
August 1555, returning to England only once between
March and June 1557. His treatment of Mary was
callous and left her heart-broken.

In November 1554 Cardinal Reginald Pole, the papal

legate (and subsequently archbishop of Canterbury)
announced that England had been absolved of papal
censures and was restored to the Holy See. Whilst this
was welcomed by many, in its wake
came the papal requirement that all heretics must be
burned at the stake. It was from this moment that
Mary’s reign of terror began, which earned her the title
of Bloody Mary. Almost certainly much of it was not
of her own desire, but between February 1555 and
November 1558 almost 300 victims perished cruelly in
the flames. These included Thomas Cranmer,
archbishop of Canterbury, and the famous example of
Hugh Latimer, bishop of Worcester and Nicholas
Ridley, bishop of London, who were burned outside
Balliol College, Oxford. These executions were
recorded and published, during Elizabeth’s reign, by
John Foxe in his best-selling Acts and Monuments of

these latter and perilous days (1563), now popularly
known as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.

Another conspiracy was hatched against Mary in

December 1555, called the Dudley Conspiracy after
one of its main architects, Sir Henry Dudley. The idea
was to rob the finances from the Exchequer, depose
Mary and Philip, and raise Elizabeth to the throne. It
was also intended to secure her marriage to Edward
Courtenay, a distant relative descended from Edward
IV. However before the plot could be achieved news of
it leaked out and by March 1556 most of the
conspirators were either arrested or had fled to France.
There were other plots, all of which failed, but England
remained in a sorry state. The last blow to national
pride came when Philip convinced Mary and the
English Parliament to join Spain in its war against
France. As a result of the conflict England lost Calais,
its last possession in France.

Mary’s husband had returned to Spain and never came

back to her. Although she believed she might be
pregnant, she had never conceived. Both of these facts
caused a depression which added to her overall
ill-health, and the loss of Calais as well as all of the
Protestant persecutions caused Mary to regard her
reign as a total failure. Her famous remark, ‘when I am
dead, you will find Philip and Calais engraved upon
my heart’, was not without substance. She died in the
early hours of 17 November 1558, her constitution
further weakened by influenza. A few weeks earlier
Mary had reluctantly conceded that her half-sister,
Elizabeth, would be her successor.


Ruled England 17 November 1558–24 March

1603. Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 15 January

Born: Greenwich Palace, 7 September 1533.

Died: Richmond Palace, 24 March 1603, aged
69. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Elizabeth was the only surviving child of Henry VIII

and Anne Boleyn. She was a disappointment to her
father, who had anticipated a son and heir. She
scarcely knew her mother, who was executed when
Elizabeth was thirty-two months old, and the infant
Elizabeth despatched to Hatfield Palace in
Hertfordshire. She was also disowned by her sister,
Mary, the start of a bitter rivalry that festered for
twenty-five years. When Anne Boleyn’s marriage to
Henry was declared void, Elizabeth became
illegitimate, as had Mary before her, and was thus
barred from inheriting the throne. It was only later,
satisfied that he would be succeeded by his son
Edward VI, that Henry recognized Mary and Elizabeth
as potential successors if Edward’s line failed.
Typically for Henry, however, he was prepared to
recognize Elizabeth as the ‘heiress of a kingdom’ in his
negotiations with France over the possible betrothal of
Elizabeth to Charles, duke of Angoulême, the younger
son of the French king. Nothing came of this or of any

other possible childhood proposals, but it was evident
that the only real benefit Henry saw in his daughter
was as barter in any political alliance.

Elizabeth was extremely well educated and was a

precocious and intelligent child. She mercifully
escaped the congenital syphilis passed by her father to
his other children, and grew into a strong and healthy
child who delighted in riding, hunting, archery and
dancing and who became a proficient linguist. It was
not until 1543 that Henry’s last wife, Katherine Parr,
brought all of the children together in a united
household and proved an excellent stepmother. Whilst
Elizabeth and Mary tolerated each other they never
became close. Elizabeth always regarded herself as a
rightful heiress. Though supportive of Edward VI, she
was seen as a
threat and a liability by Mary when she became queen
in 1553. Elizabeth had been raised within her father’s
newly reformed Church of England while Mary
remained defiantly Catholic. During Mary’s reign there
were terrible persecutions of the reformers after years
of ardent Protestantism in Edward’s reign. Mary even
believed that Elizabeth had plotted against her in a
number of conspiracies and had her sister confined
first to the Tower of London and then to Woodstock,
near Oxford. Thus, when Edward and Mary both died
childless, it was with much relief and a belief by
Elizabeth that ‘this is the Lord’s doing,’ that she
inherited the throne. Her accession was welcomed
throughout the land.

Elizabeth had all the credentials for a strong queen.
She inherited much from her father – her physical
strength and resolution, her vicious temper, her cruelty,
but also a delight in pomp, a passion for power and a
general joy of life. From her mother, apart from her
youthful beauty, she inherited a degree of insincerity
and a tendency towards jealousy. She also had an
interest in astrology, consulting the alchemist John Dee
over the most propitious date for her coronation. His
forecast evidently worked, for not only did Elizabeth
go on to reign for nearly forty-five years, longer than
any king since Edward III, and also live longer than
any English monarch since Penda, but her reign was
undoubtedly the most glorious England had seen and
one which firmly established England as a world

Elizabeth’s first pressing responsibility was to resolve

the religious division in England. She did not want a
backlash against the Protestant persecutions of Mary’s
reign, but neither did she want the rampant
Protestantism of Edward’s. She sought to strike a
balance, accommodating both religions, so that
although Protestantism became the national religion,
she did not regard it as wrong if there were those who
wished to hear the Roman mass in private. But she
disliked the more extreme Calvinist tendencies in
Protestantism. Those who acted wisely would be safe
in Elizabeth’s realm, but she would not tolerate any
who sought to test
her will. Nevertheless, throughout her reign there were
many Catholic conspiracies seeking to overthrow
Elizabeth. This became worse after 1570 when the

Pope, tired of seeking Elizabeth’s compliance to the
authority of Rome, issued a bull deposing her. Since
she took no notice of this, it only strengthened her role
as ‘Supreme Governor of the Church of England’ and
meant that anyone who continued to practise
Catholicism was effectively a traitor. Much against her
own wishes, religious persecution returned after 1570
and this only aggravated the Catholic cause against
her. This in turn widened the rift between England and
Scotland and led to the darkest shadow cast over her
reign, the treatment of Mary Queen of Scots (see p.
291), her cousin and a claimant on the English throne.

The relationship between Scotland and England had

been one of near constant hostility for a thousand
years. Mary of Scotland was still in her teens when
Elizabeth came to the throne, but as the queen consort
of the king of France she exerted authority in two
strong Catholic countries. Mary’s mother, Mary of
Guise, who was the queen regent in Scotland, was an
even more ardent Catholic and it was her desire to
place her daughter on the English throne. There were
many Scots who feared that Scotland would become a
puppet state of France, and the growing number of
Protestants made Scotland a land divided. Elizabeth
took advantage of this, secretly supporting the Scottish
Protestants in their work against the two Maries. The
Scottish rebels soon became too powerful to overlook
and Mary of Guise sought aid from France. A French
invasion became a probability, and advance troops
landed in Scotland. Elizabeth was able to use this
situation, albeit reluctantly, to enter into an alliance
with Scotland in February 1560 (Treaty of Berwick),

whereby England promised troops to help repel the
French. Despite some rather scrappy fighting by the
English, the French decided to negotiate,
circumstances hastened by the death of Mary of Guise.
The Treaty of Edinburgh was signed on 6 July.

Five months later François II of France died and in

August 1561 the widowed Mary returned to her native
Scotland, much to
the horror of the English who had hoped she would
stay in France. Her power there had been eclipsed by
the rise of Catherine de Medici, mother of the young
king Charles IX, and Catherine bore no love for the
Guises. Whilst this helped Anglo-French relations,
Mary’s return to Scotland might have stirred up old
rivalries. In August 1560 the Scottish Parliament had
abolished the pope’s authority and brought its
Protestant church more in line with England’s, but
Mary remained a Catholic. To her credit, Mary was
conciliatory and her charm captivated her Scottish
subjects who soon welcomed her return. However, she
refused to ratify the Treaty of Edinburgh, the terms of
which would have denied her any possible succession
to the English throne, and she actively sought to be
regarded as Elizabeth’s heir presumptive in the
absence of any children. Plans for a meeting between
Mary and Elizabeth nearly came to fruition in August
1562, but the eruption of civil war in France between
the Catholic Guises and the Huguenots (Protestants)
made the situation too tense. It was the closest
Elizabeth and Mary ever came to meeting.
Aggravatingly Elizabeth refused to name a successor,
even after a near fatal bout of smallpox in October

1562, always maintaining that although she had no
desire to marry, for the sake of the succession one day
she would and produce an heir. Mary of Scotland, on
the other hand, was actively in pursuit of a new
husband and there was fear in England that if she
married the heir of a strong Catholic country, she
would have the power to invade England and oust
Elizabeth. This was made all the more potent when
negotiations opened between Scotland and Spain for
the marriage between Mary and the heir to the Spanish
throne, Don Carlos. These only ceased when Don
Carlos was declared insane. Mary however lost her
controlling hand when she fell in love with her cousin,
Lord Darnley. The marriage proved unpopular and the
subsequent events, including the murder of Mary’s
secretary, David Rizzio, the mysterious death of
Darnley in February 1567 and Mary’s affair with and
rapid marriage to Lord Bothwell, brought about the fall
from grace of Mary and her subsequent deposition.

From a portrait by Nicholas Hilliard, c1575

From July 1567 Mary was a captive, and in May 1568
she was driven out of Scotland and threw herself upon
Elizabeth’s mercy. Elizabeth was outwardly supportive
but maintained she could not harbour Mary while the
stigma of her involvement in the death of Darnley was
unresolved. Mary remained in prison, first at Carlisle,
and then in a series of castles in northern England. This
continued for nineteen years with the inevitable
consequence that Catholic factions used Mary as the
figurehead for their cause. There were several
conspiracies during this period culminating in the
Babington Plot in the summer of 1586. Plans were well
advanced for the murder of Elizabeth and there were
hopes of a Spanish invasion, when Babington was
betrayed. Mary was aware of Babington’s schemes and
as a consequence was herself tried for treason, found
guilty and, with much reluctance on Elizabeth’s part,
executed. At this same time Elizabeth had bestowed a
pension upon Mary’s son, James VI, in effect
recognizing him as her heir.

Just why Elizabeth did not marry is the matter of some

conjecture. Her dedication to the throne and her people
her to say that she was married to the nation in much
the same way as she believed her bishops were married
to the church. She expressed a low opinion of any
bishop who chose to marry. Her own haughtiness and
belief in her absolute authority almost certainly meant
she would have found it difficult to share government
with anyone, for although she might remain queen, any
husband, especially one of the proper status, could not
have been denied his views. It was more a problem

over whom to marry rather than whether to marry, and
that problem was never resolved. It was not helped by
the fact that Elizabeth’s first love was almost certainly
her favourite – Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, the
brother of Guilford Dudley, husband of Lady Jane
Grey. Dudley was already married, to Amy Robsart,
whose mysterious death in 1560 caused many to
believe that Dudley had murdered her. Thus tainted,
Dudley was no suitable candidate as Elizabeth’s
husband, even though he pursued his suit for the next
twenty years. He remained something of a philanderer
and adventurer and died in 1588. Elizabeth was much
saddened by his death for although she had other court
favourites, such as Sir Christopher Hatton, the captain
of the bodyguard, and, most notably, Robert Devereux,
earl of Essex, the flame burned strongest for Dudley
and he never left her heart.

Nevertheless Elizabeth recognized that a political

marriage was necessary both for producing an heir and
for strengthening England’s position in Europe, but she
constantly prevaricated over her choice, using it for
political bargaining. For a period she had to be the
most eligible spinster in Europe, and various royal
families made their approaches. Early in her reign
there had been negotiations with Philip II of Spain, the
former husband of Elizabeth’s sister Mary, but these
were dropped when Elizabeth confirmed her
opposition to papal sovereignty in 1559. The main
contender then became Charles, the archduke of
Austria, and younger son of the Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand. He was an ideal candidate and, had
Elizabeth been given more support from her brilliant

and long-suffering adviser, William Cecil, the
marriage might have happened. But Cecil counselled
against it,
Elizabeth became more involved with Dudley and
negotiations collapsed in 1567 on religious grounds.
By the time Elizabeth came to reconsider Charles in
1570 he was betrothed to another. Now approaching
37, Elizabeth’s eligibility was failing. If she was going
to marry she needed to marry soon. Negotiations
opened with Henri, duke of Anjou, the younger brother
of Charles IX, king of France (who had also been a
suitor at one stage). Negotiations again failed on
religious grounds (and possibly because of Henri’s
sexual practices – he was bisexual and a transvestite)
and so Anjou’s younger brother François, duke of
Alençon, stepped into the frame. The age difference
between the two was considerable, and it was not
helped by the fact that the French persecution of the
Huguenots aggravated the Anglo-French religious
balance. Nevertheless Elizabeth apparently became
enchanted with the diminutive young Duke, whom she
nicknamed ‘frog’ when she first met him in 1579.
Though negotiations were erratic Elizabeth caused a
sensation in November 1581, when she announced that
she would marry him. This was really a ploy on
Elizabeth’s part to increase her bargaining power with
the French as she was not that sincere in her proposals
to marry.

All came to naught in 1584 when Alençon died. He

was the last serious suitor for by now Elizabeth was
past the age of successfully bearing a healthy child. It
is almost certain that despite her many favourites,

Elizabeth remained a virgin all her life. She actually
delighted in her virginity, deploying it as a strength,
and became known as ‘the Virgin Queen’. Walter
Ralegh, another court favourite, named the territory in
North America Virginia in her honour in 1584.
Elizabeth refused to acknowledge that she was ageing.
She wore a wig (as she had lost much of her own hair),
whitened her face with a mixture of lead and arsenic to
hide the scarring from the smallpox, and even rubbed
urine into her face to remove wrinkles. She could not
hide her blackened teeth arising from her love of sugar.

During all these years England had been fighting an

unofficial conflict with Spain. Philip II of Spain was
infuriated by England’s
blatant piracy of Spanish ships from the New World.
Spain and Portugal dominated the seas, and in 1580
Philip became king of Portugal as well as Spain, thus
increasing his maritime and merchant strength. In 1493
the then pope had partitioned the New World between
Spain and Portugal and now the bounty of the
Americas was united in Philip. Spain had exerted an
almost tyrannical exploitation of the New World,
forbidding other countries access to the lands. In 1562
an English seaman, John Hawkins, had found a way
round this by trading directly with the Spanish in
Hispaniola over slaves. The venture proved profitable
and two more followed, this time with Elizabeth as a
shareholder, but the third expedition fell foul of the
Spanish and only just limped home in early 1569.
Hawkins’s fellow captain, Francis Drake, now
regarded it as open season on the Spanish and from
1572 he began to plunder Spanish enterprises in

Central and South America. By 1577 Drake had been
introduced to Elizabeth and she unofficially
encouraged his activities against Spain. In December
1577 Drake set off on what would become his voyage
around the world, plundering Spanish vessels in both
South America and the East Indies. It has been
estimated that the total value of Drake’s booty was
worth about £450,000, which would be many millions
at today’s rates. He returned to England in September
1580 and became a national hero. He was knighted in
April 1581.

Philip’s relationship with England continued to sour.

England’s support to the Netherlands against Spain
was the final straw in 1585. After the execution of
Mary Queen of Scots, Philip believed he had a divine
right to invade England, a major heretical aggressor,
and contended that he had a claim on the English
throne, because he was distantly descended from
Edward III. In July 1587 Philip secured a treaty with
the pope approving the conquest of England, provided
that the land was restored to Catholicism. The pope
allowed Philip to choose whomever he wished as
England’s ruler. While these negotiations were in hand
Drake led a punitive expedition into Spain, capturing
and destroying many Spanish vessels. The culmination
of all this was
one of the most famous confrontations of all time when
Philip sent his apparently invincible Armada against
England in July 1588. Philip’s venture was doomed by
the weather even more than by the superiority of
English seamanship and the better design of the
English ships, which allowed them to hug the water

and dart through the waves. By comparison the huge
and imposing Spanish galleons were a liability in
strong winds. Although Elizabeth had hesitated at first
about the confrontation with the Armada, the defeat of
Spain’s might was one of the most important victories
in English history. Conflict with Spain dragged on for
another fifteen years. In April 1596 the Spaniards
turned up on Elizabeth’s doorstep by capturing Calais.
A joint Anglo-Dutch offensive was made against Spain
under the command of Essex. It captured and
plundered Cadiz, destroying much of the fleet, and
returning home rich with booty, little of which the
queen saw as most of it ended up in the hands of the
looters. Philip despatched a second Armada in October
1596, but this again fell foul of the weather as did, this
time, the English fleet. This was the last major battle
against Spain although hostilities continued beyond
Philip II’s death in September 1598, and even beyond

The end of the century saw England at the height of

her power. Her great sea captains and explorers –
Francis Drake, Walter Ralegh, Martin Frobisher, John
Hawkins – meant that she effectively ‘ruled the
waves’. Literature blossomed – this was the age of
Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, Christopher
Marlowe, Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser,
whose Faerie Queene (first part, 1589; second part
1596) was dedicated to Elizabeth. Scientific study did
not advance quite so quickly in England as it did in the
Protestant parts of Europe, but there were some great
physicists and speculative thinkers who emerged in

Elizabeth’s time, with Sir Francis Bacon again head
and shoulders above them.

The last drama to be enacted during Elizabeth’s reign

was the revolution in Ireland and the subsequent fate of
the earl of Essex. Hugh O’Neill, earl of Tyrone, had
been in rebellion against the
English for some years, and this reached a climax in
August 1598 when O’Neill massacred an English force
sent to relieve the fort at Blackwater. The Irish were
now in open revolt and England sent in an army. The
earl of Essex jumped at the opportunity to take
command, hoping that this might restore his favour
with the queen, who had been cold to him since Essex
had quarrelled with her ministers William Cecil, now
Lord Burghley, and his son Robert over the possibility
that Elizabeth might negotiate for peace with Spain.
This had followed an alleged assassination plot against
the queen organized by Rodrigo Lopez, a Portuguese
Jew supposedly in the pay of Philip of Spain, and
involving Ferdinando Stanley, king of the Isle of Man.
Elizabeth had some suspicions that Essex had
concocted the whole story in order to get back into her
favour. Many did not believe that Essex was a capable
commander, but the queen supported him and gave
him all the men and finances he needed. Elizabeth
would have been only too happy to be rid of Ireland,
except that she feared it falling to a foreign power,
especially to Spain. There had been other rebellions
during her reign, that of Shane O’Neill in Ulster during
the 1560s, the Fitzmaurice rising of 1569–73 and the
Desmond rebellion of 1579–83. These received harsh
retaliation from the English, slaughtering young and

old alike and keeping the island savagely repressed.
Elizabeth had hopes that Essex might similarly subdue
the rebels, but instead he spent the summer of 1599
moving about the island and achieving little. He
negotiated terms with O’Neill, after losing more than
half his force to the unhealthiness of the Irish
environment, and returned home without permission.
Essex expected to be regarded as a hero, but instead
the queen and the Privy Council showed him nothing
but contempt. Essex was censured and humiliated.
Essex sought his revenge upon the Council, but was
caught and tried for high treason and executed in
February 1601. Although Elizabeth was saddened by
Essex’s death, she was delighted when his successor in
Ireland, Lord Mountjoy, succeeded in defeating
Tyrone in December 1601 and in reaching an
agreement with Spanish opportunists who had invaded
Kinsale that September. Tyrone’s
eventual surrender was not received for another sixteen

Elizabeth died at Richmond Palace on 24 March 1603,

aged 69. The final years of her reign lacked the vitality
of her youth, unsurprisingly. Although she made no
will, she had made it known that her cousin, James VI,
was her lawful successor. She was thus technically the
last queen of England. The combination of her reign
and that of her father had made England one of the
greatest powers in Europe. In November 1601
Elizabeth had made a speech before the House of
Commons which became known as her Golden
Speech. She used it as an opportunity to reaffirm her
devotion to her people. ‘There is no prince that loves

his subjects better, or whose love can countervail our
love,’ she said, adding, ‘There is no jewel, be it of
never so rich a price, which I set before this jewel: I
mean your love.’ In this she was sincere. Elizabeth did
truly love England, and in return she was greatly loved
and sorely missed. Her reign was England’s golden
age. With her death the English crown passed to the

OF STEWART (1371–1625)

Robert the Bruce’s daughter Marjorie had married

Walter, the sixth High Steward of Scotland and a
descendant of Walter Fitzalan who had received large
estates from David I along with the hereditary title of
Steward of Scotland. So Steward or Stewart had
become the family name. Marjorie had died in
childbirth, but the baby survived to become Robert II.

Just as in England, by Robert II’s day, the influence of

the Normans had turned what had been a nation of
tribes into a feudal society and the powerful Celtic
earls – the mormaers – had been brought into a feudal
relationship with the king. There was strong central
and local government, and a number of burghs had
been founded – these were communities in which
merchants and tradesmen had specific rights. As
townships, many of their inhabitants were English and
they were English-speaking. Gaelic speakers formed
much of the rural population, for Scotland was mainly
an agricultural community, and exports of wool from
the ubiquitous sheep were booming.

As in England too, the Black Death struck Scotland in
a series
of plagues between 1349 and 1401, and Scotland lost a
third of its population. As a consequence landlords
were only too anxious to get tenants for their land even
if it meant granting them their freedom and by the mid
fourteenth century Scotland had no more serfs.

However, in certain respects, the social structure in

Scotland differed from England, for by the fourteenth
century it was a land of two distinct identities and
cultures (and in some respects remains so today).
There were – and still are – the Lowlanders and the
Highlanders. In 1380, John of Fordun described them
thus: the Lowlanders were ‘domestic’, had ‘civilized
habits’, and were ‘trusty, patient, urbane, decent in
their attire’, while those of the Highlands were ‘savage
and untamed, rude and independent, given to rapine,
easy living . . . comely in person but unsightly in dress,
hostile to the English . . . and exceedingly cruel’.

Pastoral farming was favoured in the Highlands

because the land could quickly be cleared for a fight,
and tenants looked forward to their lord’s feuds, for
warfare rather than farming was their true pleasure in

Over the next century or so, despite warring clans,

plots, treason and murder, by the reign of James IV,
Scotland could boast a large and colourful, immensely
cultured – and expensive – court which conversed in at
least six languages, for James IV was, par excellence,
a prince of the Renaissance. An impression of the

court’s sheer liveliness can be gained from the poet
William Dunbar’s list of people serving in it: servants,
officials, churchmen, courtiers, craftsmen, doctors in
law and medicine, diviners, rhetoricians, philosophers,
astrologers, artists and orators, men of arms and valiant
knights, musicians, minstrels, horsemen, hurlers and
flingers, coinmakers, carvers and carpenters, builders
of boats and ships, masons, shipwrights, glaziers,
goldsmiths and jewellers, pointers, painters and
apothecaries. James IV and his wife Margaret Tudor
would be fitting ancestors to the first king of Scotland
and England.


Ruled 22 February 1371–19 April 1390;

crowned: Scone Abbey, 26 March 1371.

Titles: king of Scotland; earl of Atholl (1342–67),

earl of Strathearn (1357?–69).

Born: Paisley, 2 March 1316. Died: Dundonald

Castle, Ayrshire, 19 April 1390, aged 74. Buried:
Scone Abbey.

Married: (1) 1336, with a second ceremony in

1348, Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan, Ayrshire: 10
children; (2) May 1355, Euphemia (c1330–87),
dau. of Hugh, earl of Ross: 4 children. Robert
had at least 8 illegitimate children.

Robert had been named the Bruce’s heir if Bruce did
not have a son of his own, but in the event David was
born and succeeded. Although his nephew, Robert was
eight years older than David, and grew into a tall,
strong youth with good manners and a generous
disposition. He was liked by all, and many wished that
he had become king. He was twice the regent or
guardian of Scotland during David’s enforced
absences. David, however, regarded Robert as
something of a traitor. Robert had withdrawn his forces
from the battle of Neville’s Cross in 1346 at which
David was captured. Robert governed the kingdom for
the next eleven years with as much weakness as he
would when he subsequently became king, although
the kingdom was plagued by the Black Death.

Robert finally succeeded to the kingship in 1371 when

he was nearly fifty-five and not the man he had been.
He was described as red-eyed and enfeebled and was
known as ‘Auld Blearie’. Perhaps this was partly due
to his amorous adventures – he fathered at least twenty
children, possibly more. Under his aegis, the kingdom
became poorer and ill-controlled with many crimes
going unpunished. Lawlessness grew. There was a
vicious and destructive raid by Richard II in 1385,
which included the burning of Edinburgh, leading to a
number of border incidents, the most notable of which
was the
battle of Otterburn on 5 August 1388. Here the earl of
March defeated and captured Henry Percy (‘Hotspur’),
the son of the earl of Northumberland. From about
1384, by which time Robert was growing senile, the

general administration of affairs passed to his son
John, earl of Carrick, who would become Robert III.


Ruled 19 April 1390–4 April 1406; crowned:

Scone Abbey, 14 August 1390.

Titles: king of Scotland; earl of Carrick (from


Born: c1337. Died: Dundonald Castle, 4 April

1406, aged 68(?). Buried: Paisley Abbey.

Married: c1366, Annabella Drummond

(c1350–1401), dau. Sir John Drummond of
Stobhall: 7 children. Robert III also had one
known illegitimate child.

Two years before his succession, John was kicked by a

horse and became an invalid. Because his abilities to
govern were severely limited, much of the
administration was carried out by his younger brother,
also called Robert. This Robert was created duke of
Albany in 1398. Albany was ambitious and took over
almost complete control of the kingdom from the day
of his brother’s accession, but in 1393 the king decided
to take the administration back into his own hands,
with disastrous results. Robert III was about as
incapable at governing as his father. The 1390s saw

bribery and corruption throughout the Scottish
lowlands, with money flowing from the government’s
coffers into the hands of the newly created barons (the
many sons of Robert II) and their vassals. Even worse
the rift widened between the Lowlands and the
Highlands. The clans strengthened, with clan warfare
becoming rife. Donald MacDonald, lord of the Isles,
ruled his lands as a separate kingdom. Robert III was
unable to exercise any authority over them. They were
more responsive to his younger brother, Alexander, the
earl of Buchan and self-styled
‘Wolf of Badenoch’, who became little more than a
bandit leader. He married into the family of the lord of
the Isles and to some extent became their proxy king in
the North.

Robert III sank further into a state of depression,

stating to his wife that he should be buried in a
dungheap with the epitaph ‘Here lies the worst of kings
and the most miserable of men.’ Annabella called a
special council in April 1398 at which her eldest son,
David, then still only nineteen, was made ‘Lieutenant
of the Realm’. In his actions his primary adviser was
his uncle, the ambitious Albany. David proved to be as
inept as his father, being of a dissolute and licentious
nature. When the English king Henry IV decided to
invade Scotland in 1400, he was able to reach
Edinburgh without much opposition. He lay siege to
the castle but was eventually forced to retire through
want of supplies. The Scots seemed powerless to
respond. After Annabella died in 1401, Albany had
David thrown into prison at Falkland Palace in Fife
where he left him to starve to death.

Scottish fortunes did not revive. In September 1402
they made an expedition against the English to retaliate
for the raid on Edinburgh, but were totally defeated by
the earl of Northumberland at Homildon Hill.

David’s younger brother, James, who was only seven,

became heir to the throne. In 1406 the king entrusted
the boy, then aged eleven, to the care of Sir David
Fleming, to be smuggled out of Scotland to safety in
France as he was in danger from Albany.
Unfortunately everything went wrong. The sea and
high tides limited shipping; Sir David was waylaid and
killed; and when James was eventually hidden on a
cargo ship by Henry St. Clair, it was attacked by
pirates. The young boy was captured and taken to
Henry IV, who promptly imprisoned him in the Tower
of London. When news reached King Robert, he
retired to his ancestral home at Rothesay and there
pined away from grief.


Governor of Scotland, 1406–20.

Titles: earl of Menteith (from 1361), earl of Fife

(briefly before March 1372), duke of Albany
(from 1398).

Born: c1340. Died: Stirling Castle, 3 September

1420, aged 80. Buried: Dunfermline Abbey.

Married: (1) 1361, Margaret Graham, countess
of Menteith (c1330–1380?): 7 children; (2) 1380,
Muriella Keith (d. 1449): 5 children.

Robert was the ambitious and certainly most

capable son of Robert II who sought to gain the
crown of Scotland for himself and his own
progeny. With the increasing senility of his father
during the 1380s, Robert took on more of the
country’s administrative affairs, and after his
brother John’s accident in 1368, Robert became
the senior administrator. He was not formally
styled governor, even after the succession of his
brother (as Robert III), for all that the power was
almost wholly in his hands. The king sought to
regain control of the government between 1393
and 1398 but that was a disaster. In April 1398
the king’s son, David, was made ‘Lieutenant of
the Realm’, and Robert, now duke of Albany, was
his primary adviser. From April 1402 Robert was
more or less in full control. After James, now
heir, was captured by pirates and imprisoned in
the Tower of London, and Robert III had died of
grief. Robert Stewart was officially inaugurated
as the governor of Scotland in 1406. Although he
never held the title of king, he held the equivalent
power, signing all the documents in his name and
ensuring that his son, Murdoch succeeded him as
governor. Nevertheless Robert realized that he

was not all-powerful and could be toppled, so he
sought to govern without alienating either the
leading barons or the common folk. For the
former, he allowed them ample
use of the crown’s revenues; and for the latter, he
decreed that no taxes should be levied. As a result
the kingdom grew poorer by the day and there
was general lawlessness. Robert delegated the
general administration of southern Scotland to
Archibald, the earl of Douglas who had married
Robert’s niece Margaret, whilst northern Scotland
was in the hands of Alexander, the earl of Mar
and son of Robert’s brother, Alexander, the
notorious Wolf of Badenoch. Although Douglas
was a capable soldier and administrator,
Alexander Stewart was little more than a robber
baron who held the Highlands under his sway.
Robert did nothing to reduce his power and it
would be fair to say that by the time of Robert’s
death, at the age of eighty, Scotland was in
straitened and corrupt circumstances.


Ruled 4 April 1406–21 February 1437.

Crowned: Scone Abbey, 21 May 1424.

Titles: king of Scotland; duke of Rothesay and

earl of Carrick (from 1404).

Born: Dunfermline Palace, 25 July 1394. Died

(assassinated): Perth, 21 February 1437, aged
43. Buried: Perth.

Married: 2 February 1424, in Southwark,

London, Joan Beaufort (d. 1445), dau. John, earl
of Somerset, and great-granddaughter of Edward
III: 8 children.

Although young James’s freedom was restricted while

kept in the Tower of London, he was not totally
deprived of his liberty as he spent most of his time
with King Henry at Windsor and on his progress about
England. As a consequence James gained not only an
excellent education, but considerable knowledge of
court administration and governance, almost certainly
better than he
would have received at home. James also accompanied
Henry V on military service in France, learning much
about soldiery and military tactics. He also acquired
literary skills. Not only is he the first Scottish king of
whom evidence of his handwriting survives, he was
also something of a poet. One of his poems, The Kingis
Quair, is not only an autobiography of his years of
captivity but records how he fell in love with his future

wife. By the end of his captivity, he was thirty. He had
outlived Henry IV and Henry V, and was living during
the minority of Henry VI. The English had problems in
their continuing conflict with France and saw an
opportunity in restoring James to the throne as a way
of stopping the Scottish support for the French. Under
the Treaty of London, James was given his freedom, in
return for a payment of 60,000 merks (£40,000) to
cover the cost of his upkeep and education (a neat
euphemism for a ransom). Before returning to Scotland
James married his sweetheart, Joan Beaufort, the niece
of Richard II and a granddaughter of John of Gaunt.
James was eventually crowned king of Scotland in
May 1424, at last king of a land he had not seen for
eighteen years.

The Scotland he inherited was in a pitiful state. To a

man raised in the comparatively prosperous south, the
condition of Scotland must have cut him to the quick.
It was controlled, though not governed, by his cousin
Murdoch and his wayward sons. James had been able
to keep in touch with the Douglas family, whose earl,
Archibald had married James’s sister Margaret in 1390
or earlier. Archibald had endeavoured to govern
southern Scotland and had by 1424 disassociated
himself from Murdoch. It was Douglas who helped
engineer James’s release. James devoted all his
energies to restoring the land. His first measure was to
rid Scotland of its lawless governors. Within a month
of his coronation James had imprisoned his cousin’s
son, Walter Stewart, who controlled the fortress of
Dumbarton and was thus not only influencing the trade
into the western Highlands and pocketing most of the

revenues for himself, but was also controlling the
despatch of forces to France, which James had agreed
to stop under the Treaty of London. Over the next few
months James
imprisoned the earl of Lennox (Murdoch’s
father-in-law), Murdoch himself, Murdoch’s wife
Elizabeth and his son Alexander. Murdoch’s youngest
son, James, led a revolt in the area of Lennox and
sacked Dumbarton. Although he escaped to Ireland
where he remained in exile, his actions sounded the
death knell for the other members of his family.
Lennox, Murdoch, Walter and Alexander were all
executed at Stirling Castle on 24 and 25 May 1425.

James next sought to minimize the possibility of

challenge from among his uncles and cousins who
were descendants of his grandfather’s second marriage,
which was regarded as more legal than his first and
thus may have represented a stronger legal challenge to
James’s right to the throne. James deprived the young
Malise Graham of his right to the earldom of
Strathearn, claiming it could not be passed on through
his mother, the only daughter of Robert II’s, son
David, who had died in 1389. Malise was despatched
to England as one of the hostages held against payment
of James’s ransom. James recognized the seniority of
his ageing uncle Walter, the second son of Robert II’s
second marriage, who was earl of Atholl, and he
created him earl of Strathearn in July 1427. This was
tantamount to recognizing Walter’s right of succession
(and that of his sons Alexander and David) to the
Scottish throne. It would have dire consequences later
in James’s reign.

James next turned his attention towards the Highlands.
The MacDonald clan had assumed almost absolute
power under Donald II and Alexander II, lords of the
Isles. The Highlanders did not regard themselves as
subjects of the Scottish king, but were a law unto
themselves, not that there were any laws to control
them. In 1428 James called a meeting of clan leaders at
Inverness. Once there he arrested them, executing the
more powerful ringleaders. In this he showed that he
was not a king to be trusted. At his worst he was cruel,
vicious and vindictive, and gave no inch to his
enemies. Alexander of the Isles was released, but
promptly led an uprising and, although he was soon
re-captured and forced to do obeisance to James, the
clan warfare
continued for a few more years until an uneasy peace
was agreed in 1435.

In addition to curbing the powers of the clans and

nobles, James sought to reintroduce strong laws. He
passed a considerable number during the first few
years of his rule, ranging from the banning of football
(football hooliganism must be older than we think!)
and the introduction of licensing hours for drinking, to
organized fire-fighting and the control of tax
collection. He briefly introduced direct taxation in
1424, but it was so unpopular that he repealed it,
though he reintroduced it in 1431. He also developed
trade with his close European neighbours and, despite
the Treaty of London, re-opened relationships with
France by renewing the Auld Alliance. His eldest
daughter, Margaret, was betrothed to the Dauphin of
France in 1428, though the marriage did not happen

until 1436, when she was still only eleven. Other
daughters were married to dukes and counts of some
consequence throughout Europe. It seemed for a while,
though, that James might not leave a male heir. It was
not until October 1430 that his wife was delivered of
male twins, Alexander and James. Alexander soon
died, but James survived.

It was inevitable that James’s ruthless actions in order

to regain stability and control in Scotland would make
him enemies. In the summer of 1436, a disastrous
attempt to regain Roxburgh, from which James was
forced to retreat, lowered his prestige farther and
demonstrated his lack of control over his nobles, who
had sought to create trouble at home while James was
away. James spent that Christmas at Perth. Legend has
it that a local seer warned him that he would not return
south alive. While retiring for the night on 20
February, he and his wife were attacked by a group of
assassins. His wife, who tried to protect him, was
wounded, and James, who fled into an underground
vault, was cornered and hacked to death. Ironically
James had recently bricked off one end of this vault
because tennis balls ended up down there and, in so
doing, he had stopped off his means of escape.

The conspirators were led by Sir Robert Graham, the

uncle of
Malise Graham whom James had slighted at the start
of his reign. Also involved in the plot were Walter
Stewart, earl of Strathearn, whom James had once
favoured, and his grandson Robert, whom Walter had
hoped would be made king. The assassins were all

caught, tortured and executed. Walter received his
crown: a red-hot one of iron. James’s widow, Joan,
lived a further eight years and married a second time:
to James Stewart, the famous ‘Black Knight of Lorne’.
The then lieutenant of Scotland, Alexander
Livingstone, feared that they might abduct the child
king (James II) and so had them arrested in 1439 –
they were released on condition that they would not
attempt to retain custody of the child.


Ruled 21 February 1437–3 August 1460.

Crowned: Holyrood Abbey, 25 March 1437.

Titles: king of Scotland; duke of Rothesay (from


Born: Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, 16 October

1430. Died (in battle): Roxburgh, 3 August 1460,
aged 29. Buried: Holyrood Abbey.

Married: 3 July 1449, at Holyrood Abbey, Mary

(1433–63), dau. Arnold, duke of Gueldres: 7
children. James also had at least one illegitimate

James bore a large birthmark which caused him to be

known as James of the Fiery Face. He was only six

when his father was murdered. He remained in the care
of his mother, Joan, until she remarried in 1439, when
she was barred from having any dealings with him.
The new lieutenant of Scotland and the real power in
the land was a relative unknown, Sir Alexander
Livingstone, governor of Stirling Castle. The queen
and her infant son had first sought refuge in Edinburgh
Castle, governed by Sir William Crichton, and a
wrangle broke out between Livingstone and Crichton
as to who should have possession of the boy. These
two officials remained in rivalry for several years,
authority over the boy and through him over the land.
Crichton, in particular, became involved in the rivalry
over the succession between the king and the Douglas
family. The fifth earl of Douglas, Archibald, was
James II’s cousin, and he married Euphemia Graham, a
great-granddaughter of Robert II. His sons, William
and David thus had a strong title to the Scottish throne.
When Archibald died in 1439, James was faced with
the young upstart William, the sixth earl, a born
trouble-maker. Crichton, acting on behalf of the king,
invited the two brothers, William and David, to a feast
at Edinburgh Castle on 28 November 1440. At the end
of the meal a black bull’s head was placed on the table
as a symbol of death. The two brothers were then
seized and subjected to a mock trial at which James
pleaded for their release. They were, however, found
guilty of treason and immediately executed. The
Douglases were thereafter the sworn enemies of James
and of Crichton and, as the family regained their
power, they supported Alexander Livingstone,

engineering events from behind the scenes effectively
to control the kingdom.

Throughout the 1440s, Scotland once again became a

land of civil strife with rivalry between baronial
factions. By 1449 when James II, now eighteen,
assumed his full powers as king the Livingstone family
had control over almost all the key offices and castles.
Almost immediately, he arrested most of the
Livingstone officials. They were imprisoned and two
of them were subsequently executed. Their fall from
power was as sudden and mysterious as their rise.
Soon after, William Douglas, the new earl, set off to
France and Italy, probably to escape the king, who may
have learned of the Douglas’s assistance to the
Livingstones. When William returned, in 1450, his
relationship with the king remained cordial if distant,
but James became incensed when he found that
William had entered into an alliance with the earl of
Ross, who was also the lord of the Isles. Douglas was
invited to dine with James on 22 February 1452, where
James asked Douglas to break the alliance. Douglas
refused, and James stabbed him in the neck. The attack
was probably unpremeditated and the murder not
planned, but its results were disastrous.
William Douglas’s brother, James, the new earl,
withdrew his allegiance from the king and declared his
allegiance to the English king Henry VI. The Douglas
family now united under a common cause against
James II.

When conflict erupted it came as part of the English

Wars of the Roses. James supported the Lancastrians

while the Douglases supported the House of York, so
that the war, which began with the battle of St Albans
in May 1455, had its echo on Scottish fields. James,
however, used his devious tactics in setting one noble
house against another, and used his own strong support
in the south to defeat the Douglases within a matter of
months. James relied heavily on a new form of
artillery, the cannon. These had only recently been
introduced into Scotland, and James used his wife’s
connections in the Low Countries to acquire a
monopoly on these giant guns. Castles had no
protection against cannon power and soon fell to his
siege train. It is likely that one of these cannon was the
mighty Mons Meg, still on display at Edinburgh
Castle. The power of the Douglases was destroyed
once and for all. The earl survived but fled to England.

Over the next few years James aggressively revoked

many of the acts and settlements agreed during his
minority and removed many hereditary entitlements.
Few earls were safe in their castles, as James reclaimed
many of them as possessions of the crown. In effect the
old feudal system was ended as many lands now
became forfeit. James also updated many of the laws
promulgated by his father and introduced many new
ones, regulating dress and improving education.
Glasgow University was established in 1451.

By the end of the 1450s James had a powerful hold

over Scotland. He may not have been liked by many of
his subjects, but he was respected. He could have had
ahead of him a long and effective reign. But his delight
in the power of the cannon which had won him his

kingdom, was also his undoing. In August 1460 James
was laying siege to Roxburgh Castle in support of
Henry VI. His wife arrived on the scene and James was
keen to fire a special salvo in her honour. As he ignited
one cannon it exploded
and killed him. James’s heir, also called James, was
only eight. It looked as if the events at the start of the
last two reigns were to be repeated.


Ruled 3 August 1460–11 June 1488.

Crowned: Kelso Abbey, 10 August 1460.

Titles: king of Scotland; duke of Rothesay (from


Born: St Andrew’s Castle, Fife, May 1452. Died

(murdered): Milltown, 11 June 1488, aged 36.
Buried: Cambuskenneth Abbey.

Married: 10 July 1469, at Holyrood Abbey,

Margaret (1456–86), dau. Christian 1 of
Denmark and Norway: 3 sons.

Once again Scotland found itself under the control of a

council of regents. This was initially headed by young
James’s mother, Mary of Gueldres, a remarkably able

woman, though she found herself opposed by James
Kennedy, bishop of St Andrews.

Scotland supported the Lancastrian cause in the

English Wars of the Roses and it was to Scotland that
the Lancastrian king, Henry VI, fled after his defeat at
Towton at the end of March 1461. The Scots gave him
refuge and, in return, Henry restored Berwick to
Scottish hands. (It had been in English hands since
1296, and its recovery was a further boost to the
regency following the recapture of Roxburgh the
previous year.) An attempt to aid Henry with military
support was less successful as Scottish forces were
defeated at Carlisle in June.

A few weeks later Edward IV was crowned king of

England. He soon entered into a treaty with the earl of
Douglas and John II, lord of the Isles, which was
sealed in February 1462. This gained Edward the
support of those rebels against the Scottish throne.
Mary, the queen mother, realized that if Scotland
entered into its own treaty with Edward, the agreement
with Douglas and John would be worthless. She was
strongly opposed in this by Kennedy and the two
parties – known as the ‘Young Lords’ headed by
Mary and the ‘Old Lords’ headed by Kennedy – almost
rent the country apart. Mary did enter into negotiations
with Edward, but was unable to bring these to a
satisfactory conclusion before illness resulted in her
early death on 1 December 1463, aged thirty.

Meanwhile the Scots had been actively supporting

Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI’s wife, who had brought

an army from France and was endeavouring to regain
castles in northern England. However, when Edward
agreed a truce with France in the autumn of 1463, the
Lancastrian cause seemed hopelessly lost. Kennedy
was forced to realize that the queen mother was right.
Within days of her death, negotiations began between
Kennedy and Edward IV that resulted in a truce. Henry
VI was smuggled out of Scotland in March 1464 but,
after two ignominious defeats, he was captured and
imprisoned in the Tower of London. Soon after this
John of the Isles realized that his power had been
annulled and although he technically resumed his
allegiance to James III, he continued to rule as if
independent of the crown.

Kennedy died in July 1465. Had he or the queen

mother lived longer Scotland would have been spared
the rise to power of the Boyd family, under the guiding
control of Sir Alexander Boyd, governor of Edinburgh
Castle. He entered into an alliance with Gilbert
Kennedy, brother of the late Bishop Kennedy, and with
Robert, Lord Fleming. Between them they were able to
gain sufficient support from other members of the
nobility to sustain their audacious plans. In July 1466,
while the young king was hearing his accounts at
Linlithgow Castle, Boyd and Fleming lured James out
on to a hunt and kidnapped him, hiding him away at
Edinburgh Castle. When Parliament was held that
October, James, who was still only fourteen, stated that
his abduction had been made by royal agreement.
Boyd was appointed the King’s guardian and keeper of
the royal fortresses. His elder brother, Robert, was
already earl of Kilmarnock and now became the lord

chamberlain. Robert’s son, Thomas, married the king’s
elder sister, Mary, in April 1467 and was created earl
of Arran. The consequent grants of land made him the
lord of the country. For a little under three years the
Boyds dominated the control of Scotland. Unlike the
Livingstones, in the previous reign, the Boyds did not
go for absolute power, preferring to drain the revenues
for their own profit, and enjoy the use of their
authority. Their fall would be as sudden as their rise.

The same Parliament that had acknowledged their

authority had discussed the matter of the debt owed by
Scotland to Norway for the annual rent due on the
Hebrides which had been accumulating for over forty
years. It was now becoming an embarrassment, and
default could result in the restoration of the Hebrides to
Norway. It had already been suggested some years
earlier that Scotland would benefit from a marriage
with the crown of Norway and negotiations began in
1468. It was Thomas Boyd who led these negotiations
and, although the end result was of considerable
benefit to Scotland, it did not help the Boyds. With the
marriage of James III to Margaret of Norway in July
1469 the debt owing on the Western Isles was written
off. King Christian agreed to pay 60,000 florins
(£20,000) as a dowry. However, 50,000 of these were
offset against Norway pledging its rights in Orkney to
Scotland. When payment came to be made, Christian
could not raise the 10,000 florins and instead further
pledged his rights in the Shetlands to Scotland. By
1470, therefore, Scotland found itself in ownership of
the Northern Isles, which had been in Norwegian

hands for almost 600 years, and in full ownership of
the Hebrides. The last Norse earl of Orkney had died
eighty years earlier and the earldom had been held by
the St Clair family. William resigned his earldom to
the Crown in 1471, and was compensated with lands in
Fife. St Clair’s daughter, Katherine, married James
III’s brother Alexander in 1475. The kingdom of
Scotland was now at its full extent.

With his marriage, James III assumed full regal

authority and his supporters acted immediately. The
Boyds were found guilty of treason and sentenced to
death. Lord Boyd fled to England, where he remained
in refuge but died within a year at Alnwick Castle.
Thomas Boyd was warned by his wife Mary. He had
been returning from Denmark but was able to set sail
again. He
was stripped of his title and remained in exile until his
death in 1473. Alexander was less fortunate. He was
arrested and executed in November 1469.

The reign of James III is a something of a paradox.

The tradition passed down to us is of a dilettante who
abandoned his nobles and the government of his
people for his fascination for the arts and sciences. He
is also portrayed as a weakling king who hid himself
away in his castle and refrained from defending his
country from the designs of the English. He was
accused of being an anglophile, which was true,
though this was not necessarily as heinous as implied.
James was rather shrewder than he might at first seem.
At the start of his reign he benefitted from a
remarkable period of peace and prosperity which

Scotland had not enjoyed for many years. The
increased size and wealth of his realm, the relative
calm with England and the reconciliation with John of
the Isles, who was eventually brought to book in 1476,
allowed James to explore other areas of interest. The
fact that he tended to ignore the aristocracy in favour
of artists and artisans should have been no bad thing.
He encouraged learning: poetry, music, painting,
astronomy, architecture and engineering all seem to
have prospered during his reign. It should come as
little surprise that he placed more trust in the middle
class artisans than in the nobility who, hitherto, had
given him little comfort. A case in point relates to the
bishopric of St Andrews. In August 1472, due to the
negotiations of the bishop, Patrick Graham, St
Andrews was granted archiepiscopal status by the
pope. This was a tremendous honour for Scotland, as
this released it from the control of the archbishopric of
York which had long claimed supremacy over
Scotland. However Graham, who was a nephew of the
former Bishop James Kennedy and was distantly
related to James III, saw this as an opportunity to
increase his authority over the king and certainly over
all the clergy of Scotland. Opposition immediately
arose against Graham, who was perceived as a
megalomaniac. James III placed his court physician
and astrologer, William Scheves, as head of this
opposition faction. Scheves succeeded in making
himself archbishop in 1478. Graham was deposed by
papal bull on the grounds of heresy and simony and
died insane soon after. The clergy seem prepared to
accept Scheves, for all that he was not of noble birth,

but Scheves turned out to be something of an
adventurer and later turned against James III.

James’s relations with England continued to remain

cordial and, with the birth of his son (the future James
IV) in 1473, he entered into arrangements with Edward
IV that once the prince reached his majority he would
marry one of Edward’s daughters. This was
exceedingly beneficial for Scotland, though it was not
necessarily perceived as such by all those north of the
border. By the close of the 1470s James was being held
in disdain by many of his subjects because of his
anglophilia and because of his apparent abrogation of
his kingly duties in favour of the arts. The nobility
came to believe that these artisans, particularly the
mason Robert Cochrane, were effectively running the
government. James was even believed to have
cultivated an interest in alchemy and the black arts.
The Scottish aristocracy turned their allegiance to
James’s younger brothers, Alexander, duke of Albany,
regarded as one of the greatest knights in Europe and
the father of chivalry, and John, earl of Mar, another
gifted knight and statesmen. It seems that these two
brothers had all the knightly and kingly virtues in
which James failed. Discovering the ambition of his
brothers in the summer of 1479, James stripped them
of their titles. Both were imprisoned at Craigmillar
Castle in Edinburgh, where John died soon after, many
believe murdered. Alexander escaped and sought
refuge in France.

Although James was temporarily rid of his ambitious

brother, he was still surrounded by many disaffected

barons who were increasingly dissatisfied at James’s
reluctance to confront Edward IV of England. Edward
was openly plotting war against France, Scotland’s old
ally, and doing his best to ally himself with James’s
old enemies, including John of the Isles and James,
earl of Douglas. Hostilities broke out on the English
border in the spring of 1480. Attempts at reconciliation
proved fruitless and by the close of 1481 Scotland and
England were at war. Alexander, the king’s brother,
chose to side with Edward IV against James and, from
June 1482 was openly styling himself as Alexander IV,
king of Scotland. James
was eventually forced to lead an army into England.
However he took with him his court favourites, which
angered the earls. While encamped at Lauder the earls,
led by Archibald, earl of Angus, parleyed with the king
and besought him to surrender his favourites and to
cease circulation of the debased coinage which James
had issued. James refused and, in anger, the earls
seized the king’s favourites, including Cochrane, and
the king’s musician, William Roger, and hanged them
at the bridge into the town. James himself was arrested
and imprisoned at Edinburgh Castle. Alexander
marched on Scotland and concluded peace with
England. Part of the price was that England regained
Berwick in August 1482, which had been in Scottish
hands for only twenty-one years. Thereafter Berwick
would remain English.

Alexander chose not to usurp the throne, even though

he could almost certainly have counted on the support
of the Scottish aristocracy and of the English king.
Instead he released James from prison in October

1482. The two, for a while, were reconciled, but by
early 1483 they were back in conflict. The death of
Edward IV in April 1483 robbed Alexander of his
English support and two months later James was able
to drive Alexander out of Scotland. He eventually
sought refuge in France, where he was killed in an
accident at a tournament in 1485.

James’s reign should have taken a turn for the better

over the next few years. However, he was sadly
affected by the death of his wife in July 1486 and
thereafter increased his seclusion in his royal homes.
Nevertheless he pursued, with singular dedication, the
desire to formalize a marriage between his son and the
royal house of England, even to the extent of
suggesting a marriage between himself and Edward
IV’s widow. James pursued this throughout the short
reign of Richard III and into the early years of Henry
VII. This apparent passion for England further angered
the Scottish earls, who were already disaffected by
James’s continued mismanagement of financial affairs.

Eventually, in the spring of 1488, the earls, led by

Angus, Argyll and Gray, broke into open rebellion.
James sought refuge in the north where he raised an
army of supporters. The two
factions met at Sauchieburn, near Bannockburn, on 11
June 1488. James’s army was defeated and the king
fled the battlefield. There are several stories of his fate,
the most colorful of which is that he fell from his horse
and was helped to safety by a local woman drawing
water from a well. He told her his identity and she
went in search of a priest but, when she revealed

James’s whereabouts, a local opportunist found the
king and killed him. More likely is that soldiers,
pursuing James from the battlefield found his horse
and soon discovered him in refuge, apparently at a
local mill, where he was slain. It is not known who
killed the king.

James III was in all probability a misunderstood king

who severely miscalculated the power of his nobles.
He was not as foolish as some made out since he
succeeded in maintaining periods of considerable
peace and prosperity in Scotland, despite the activities
of his brothers and their supporters and the tactics of
the English crown. Had he been less strong-willed and
more conciliatory, he might have made a fine monarch.
He was succeeded by his son, another James.


Ruled 11 June 1488–9 September 1513.

Crowned: Scone Abbey, 26 June 1488.

Titles: king of Scotland; duke of Rothesay, earl of

Carrick and lord of Cunningham (from birth).

Born: 17 March 1473. Died (in battle): Flodden

Field, 9 September 1513, aged 40. Buried:
possibly Sheen Abbey, Surrey, though his exact
resting place is not known.

Married: 8 August 1503, at Holyrood Abbey,
Margaret (1489–1541), dau. Henry VII of
England (the marriage had earlier been
performed by proxy on 25 January 1502): 6
children. James had at least seven illegitimate
children, and it is claimed he was secretly
married to Margaret Drummond, by whom he
had one child and who was poisoned in 1502.

The reign of James IV saw Scotland (and Europe)

emerge from the Middle Ages and enter a new age.
This transition meant that although the young James
(who was fifteen when his father was killed) took after
his father in his patronage of the arts and sciences, it
had become more acceptable and James was not
pilloried because of it. It also helped that James was a
strong king who did not ignore his nobles and, for the
most part, earned their respect and support. His
abilities as a politician and negotiator were appreciated
and, despite the relative insignificance of his kingdom
on the European stage, he could hold his own and
maintain an influential voice. It was this which, by his
own misfortune, would lead to his tragic death.

James was quick to bring his country back to order

after the strife of the last year of his father’s reign. In
his first parliament, led by the earl of Argyll, they
annulled all grants and enactments made by James III
earlier that year and issued summons of treason against
all those who still opposed the new king. Only three of

these were dealt with summarily. The earl of Buchan
was fully pardoned, whilst the lords of Bothwell and
Montgrenane were stripped of their estates, but did not
forfeit their lives. All others were pardoned and the
heirs of those who had died at the battle of
Sauchieburn were allowed to inherit their estates.
Furthermore the absolution of the pope himself,
Innocent VIII, was sought for all of those who had
risen against James III on the basis of his interest in
alchemy and the black arts. Within less than a year
James had gained peace with most of his nobles,
though matters were soured by the rebellion of Robert,
Lord Lyle, the Justice General, and John Stewart, a
distant cousin of the king, who had been created earl of
Lennox. These two seemed dissatisfied with the share
of the spoils, and they found unexpected support from
Lord Forbes of Aberdeen. The insurrection broke out
in April 1489 when the lords garrisoned their castles
against the king. The sieges lasted throughout the
summer but by October the castles had been taken and
the lords’ lands declared forfeit. With a remarkable act
of clemency James later forgave the lords and restored
their titles.

That same year saw a naval victory by Scotland against

ships which had been harrying the Firth of Forth.
James’s naval commander, Sir Andrew Wood, not only
captured these ships, but defeated a punitive expedition
sent by Henry VII against James later that summer.
This victory did much to raise the spirits of the
Scottish populace.

James used Wood in his activities amongst the
Hebrides to help root out the rebellious supporters of
Angus of the Isles. Angus was murdered in 1490, but
his cousin, Alexander, was no less troublesome in the
Isles. Eventually James took action against the aged
MacDonald lord, John II, in May 1493. His lands were
declared forfeit and he was summoned to appear before
James IV and declare his submission. John complied
and the title of Lord of the Isles ceased. Although
hostilities remained amongst the Isles, James had dealt
the final blow to the great adversary of his forebears.
With such time as he was able James spent much of the
1490s visiting and taking measures throughout the
Isles to restore order and loyalty. His actions were
persistent and persuasive and he moved forward by
occasional victories. For instance the flagrant
opposition of Sir John of Islay, who stormed
Dunaverty Castle in April 1494 and hanged James’s
new governor before the king’s very eyes, was
followed with swift retribution upon Sir John and his
accomplices. The uprising of Alexander of Lochalsh in
1496 was similarly swiftly dealt with by James’s
supporters, and Alexander was slain. There were still
further rebellions, the main one being lead by Torquil
Macleod, the lord of Lewis, who now regarded himself
as the primary hereditary ruler of the Isles. He had
taken under his wing Donald Dubh, grandson of John
of the Isles, who had escaped from prison in 1501 and
by 1503 was prepared to lead his assault on the Scots
king. It took three summers before Donald was
captured, in 1505, but by then the measures that James
took in order to subdue the Isles and guarantee the
support of the chieftains were having effect. Firstly,

James had agreed to grant land by charter to the
chieftains provided they gave him their fealty.
Secondly, following Donald’s rebellion, James
established two sheriffs over the Isles to administer
justice, while the government of the Isles was given to
the Earl of Huntly in the north and the earl of Argyll in
the south.

From a portrait in the National Gallery of Scotland

Throughout his reign James endeavoured to maintain

peace with England, though in this he was fraught with
dilemma. Since 1492 James had been aware of the
endeavours of Perkin Warbeck, the pretender to the
English throne who had begun his campaign in 1490.
He rapidly gained the support of many princes of
Europe, including James IV whom he first visited in
1495. James believed Warbeck’s claims and, as a sign
of his support, he not only wrote to the king of the
Romans, Maximilian, offering his support if
Maximilian should take action against Henry VII, but
he married Warbeck to his cousin, Lady Catherine
Gordon, in January 1496. In September 1496 James
and Warbeck invaded Northumberland but the

skirmishes proved fruitless and the two parties
retreated after a little over two weeks. Warbeck
became incensed at the way James had conducted the
forces and Warbeck now fell out of favour. Although
James continued to honour him as his guest for many
more months, at the risk of war with England,
Warbeck was eventually despatched from Scotland to
France in July 1497. These hostilities, however, had
led to a series of border skirmishes which remained
until peace was eventually restored between England
and Scotland in September 1497 through the medium
of the Spanish ambassador Pedro de Ayala. Somewhat
languidly James and Henry sought to strengthen this
peace, reviving the aims of James’s father in seeking a
between the royal families of Scotland and England.
James was in his late twenties and his failure to marry
and produce an heir was the cause of some
consternation in Scotland. There were rumours that
James had secretly married one of his mistresses,
Margaret, the daughter of Lord Drummond, and that
this would complicate arrangements with the English.
Margaret Drummond was poisoned, along with her
two sisters, early in 1502. After three years of
negotiation a marriage treaty was signed in January
1502 between James IV and Henry VII’s
twelve-year-old daughter Margaret Tudor. The same
day a formal peace treaty in perpetuity was signed
between the two nations. This treaty also had papal
blessing, so that, if it were broken the transgressor
would face excommunication. That this perpetuity was
to last only eleven years was one of the unfortunate
twists of fate. The official marriage between James and

Margaret took place at Holyrood in August 1503.
Through this union the crowns of Scotland and
England would eventually be united under James IV’s
great-grandson 100 years later.

Political endeavours aside, James continued to pursue

his interests in the arts and sciences and encourage
learning. Of great significance in this respect was his
statute of 1496, which purports to be the first
compulsory education act, making it incumbent upon
all barons and gentlemen to send their sons to school
from the age of eight, to remain there until they had
mastered Latin. James had a fascination himself for all
forms of study, especially medicine and dentistry. He
apparently experimented in pulling the teeth of his own
barber. The King’s College at Aberdeen was founded
in 1495, teaching among other subjects, medicine and
in 1506 the Royal College of Surgeons was established
in Edinburgh. Among the most colourful of James’s
doctors was John Damian, an alchemist, who was
appointed abbot of Tongland in 1504. This eccentric
experimented with flying and made his own wings,
with which he plunged to his death from Stirling Castle
in 1513. James was also concerned about the morals of
the nation. Among his many statutes was a ban on the
playing of football in 1491, though he evidently
enjoyed the game himself for there is a record that he
purchased footballs for
his own pleasure in 1497! To enforce his regulations
James often accompanied the court justiciars, but from
1504 he established a permanent court in Edinburgh
(or wherever the king held his court) which met daily

and became the supreme court of justice in Scotland
until superseded by the Court of Session in 1532.

James also encouraged the arts. The priest William

Dunbar became Scotland’s first equivalent of the poet
laureate, receiving a pension from James in 1500 and
thereafter penning poems for official occasions,
notably The Thistle and the Rose to commemorate
James’s wedding in 1503. In 1507 the bookseller
Andrew Myllar, financed by the king’s clerk Walter
Chapman, brought the first printing press into

Although James now had a formal treaty with England,

he also had a long-standing treaty with his old allies,
France. This caused him another major dilemma when
his brother-in-law Henry VIII prepared to do battle
against France. Whom should James support? The war
had come about because of the machinations of the
pope, Julius II. Although James had supported the need
for a holy war against the Turks, he was taken aback
when he found that in 1511 Julius declared Louis XII
of France a schismatic because he had dared to
question the pope’s actions. Julius formed a Holy
League of Spain, Austria and England against France.
James could not support this, finding that he too
questioned the pope’s decision. The Auld Alliance
between France and Scotland held good, but it meant
that England and Scotland were again on opposing
sides. Henry did not especially want war with
Scotland, but James maintained that so long as Henry
continued aggression against France there could be no
peace between them. As part of his preparations, James

strengthened his fleet and constructed the mighty
battleship the Great Michael. At 240 feet long and
with space for 300 sailors, over 100 gunners and 1,000
soldiers, it was the largest ship yet built. Despite many
efforts to ensure peace, border skirmishes and sea
battles grew between the two nations until they could
no longer avoid full hostilities. When Henry invaded
France in June 1513, James declared war on England.
The first major and decisive battle was at Flodden
Field, just south
of the border near Coldstream. Here, despite fighting
valiantly, James was killed. With him died thirteen
earls, fourteen lords, his twenty year-old son
Alexander, whom he had made archbishop of St
Andrews, and many hundreds of knights and soldiers.
The English commander, the earl of Surrey, had also
suffered considerable losses, and he did not follow up
his victory by an incursion into Scotland. For the
moment the battle was won.

There is an interesting aftermath. The historical

account states that James’s body was found on the
battlefield by the English and was conveyed to
Berwick and then to London, where it was kept at
Richmond Palace for some time before being interred
at Sheen Abbey. However rumours began to arise that
James had not died at Flodden and that the body was
that of a lookalike, or one so disfigured in the fighting
to make identity uncertain. There was one rumour that
James had survived the battle but was murdered soon
after by Lord Home. Others maintained that James had
gone on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, from where he
never returned. All of this is fanciful but was sufficient

to provide James’s widow, Margaret, who remarried in
1514, with an excuse to obtain a divorce from her
second husband on the grounds that James had still
been alive when the second marriage took place. The
exact whereabouts of James’s remains is still a
mystery. He was succeeded by his
seventeen-month-old son James.


Ruled 9 September 1513–14 December 1542.

Crowned: Stirling Castle, 21 September 1513.

Titles: king of Scotland; duke of Rothesay (from


Born: Linlithgow Palace, 10 April 1512. Died:

Falkland Palace, 14 December 1542, aged 30.
Buried: Holyrood Abbey.

Married: (1) 1 January 1537, at Notre Dame,

Paris, Madeleine (1520–37), dau. Franois 1 of
France; (2) 12 June 1538, at St Andrews
Cathedral, Fife, Mary (1515–60), dau. Claude 1,
Duke of Guise-Lorraine: 3 children. James also
had at least nine illegitimate children.

A special crown and sceptre was made for the infant’s

coronation twelve days after his fathers death. James

V’s whole reign, half of which was in his minority,
was filled with attempts at diplomacy between France
and the papacy, most of which were successful, but
which ultimately proved a disaster for the king.

Immediately upon his succession, his mother, Margaret

Tudor, set herself up as regent but, since she was
English and the sister of the aggressor Henry VIII, she
scarcely commanded much support. The Scottish
council preferred John, duke of Albany, the son of
James III’s brother Alexander, who was next in line to
the throne. John had been born and raised in France –
in fact he could not speak Scottish. The French king
was not confident the Scots would continue to support
him and did not sanction the return of Albany so for
some months there was an uneasy stalemate. In April
1514 James IV’s posthumous son, Alexander was
born. He became the new heir to the throne, which
helped ease some of the tension between the factions
which supported Stewart and Albany succession. Then
in August 1514, Margaret Tudor married the
untrustworthy Archibald Douglas, earl of Angus. Thus,
under the terms of James IV’s will, she was excluded
from her guardianship of the young king and this
increased the demand for a new regent. Since in that
same month, France and England entered into a peace
treaty, Louis approved the return of Albany to Scotland
on the promise that he maintain peace between
Scotland and England.

Although there were suspicions that Albany had his

own designs upon the Scottish throne he never gave
evidence of this and in fact showed remarkable skill in

handling a difficult situation. The only rebellion
against him came from Alexander, Lord Home, who
was already regarded as having played a dubious role
at Flodden. He was promptly arrested and executed in
1516. Albany succeeded in administering justice and
upholding the rule of law with admirable credit, though
not without cost. Records show that he and his retinue
drained the Scottish coffers and left the nation virtually
bankrupt. Nevertheless, he was eventually accepted by
the remaining Scottish factions once it
was evident that Albany agreed that the
French-Scottish alliance against England should be
renewed. The new French king, François, was less
supportive and when Albany returned to France to
enter into negotiations in 1517 he found himself
detained there for four years. During his absence the
Council of Regents that he had established soon broke
down. This led to the notorious Cleansing of the
Causeway in April 1520: a street fight between the
Douglases (under the earl of Angus) and the Hamiltons
(under the earl of Arran) which resulted in the
Hamiltons being driven out of the capital.

In 1521 Henry VIII entered into an alliance with the

emperor Charles V which reopened hostilities with
France. The Anglo-French treaty was thus broken and
François sought to renew his alliance with Scotland.
Albany returned to Edinburgh with a treaty to be
ratified by the Scots council. The Scots however had
no desire to be merely the pawns of the French and it
was a further two years of negotiations before the
Scots agreed to support the French. Albany returned to
Scotland in 1523 with men and finances, to find not

only an antipathy to French soldiers in Scotland, but an
increasing fear of attacking England. Past severe
defeats began to make the Scots think twice about a
renewed alliance with France. Albany returned to
France in 1524 and never returned. He died there in
1536. The Douglases sought to take over control. The
earl of Angus declared himself the new governor and
keeper of the king. He effectively imprisoned the
fourteen-year-old James at Edinburgh Castle in 1526,
while he and his family took over the official posts.
This action was not supported by Angus’s wife,
Margaret Tudor, who succeeded in divorcing Angus in
1527. She eventually managed to make contact with
her son who escaped from Edinburgh Castle in 1528
and was given refuge at Stirling Castle. Angus’s lands
were declared forfeit and he fled to England.

Now, at sixteen, James entered into his majority. The

years of his youth had forced him into a position from
which he could not retreat. He pursued his hostility to
Angus with vitriolic vigour, though further conflict
broke out before the Douglases were
eventually banished from Scotland in November 1528.
James’s opposition to Angus, who had been the focus
of the pro-English faction in Scotland, meant that any
hope of reconciliation with England was limited.
However James found that Henry had too much else to
consider than to open hostilities with Scotland and a
five-year peace treaty was concluded with England at
Berwick in December 1528. This allowed James some
respite to restore order to his fractured realm. He took
action against the chieftains of the borders who were
openly defying alliance to either Scottish or English

monarchs. His punitive raids on the borders in 1529
and 1530 were decisive, especially the second, when
he hanged nearly fifty rebels of the Armstrong clan of
Liddesdale without trial. Although this restored peace
to the Borders it brought further enmity from the
Border folk towards James, whom they felt they could
no longer trust.

James next turned his attention to the Western Isles.

Although the chiefs of the Isles had shown their
allegiance to James’s father, old rivalries had broken
out during Albany’s governorship and this erupted into
full fury in 1528 when the Macleans took up arms
against the Campbells for revenge for the murder of
Lord Maclean by John Campbell, the brother of the
earl of Argyll. Despite his youth James was able to use
his authority and powers of diplomacy in negotiation
with the Macleans by which he won the support of the
chieftains of the Isles. James arrested and imprisoned
Archibald Campbell, earl of Argyll, in 1531. These
actions in the Highlands and Borders, while restoring
peace, had also alienated James from many key nobles.
When he needed their support in later years it was not

James re-opened negotiations with France and also

with the pope. Clement VII’s own relationship with
Henry VIII had deteriorated beyond redemption and
the pope was fearful that James might follow in his
uncle’s footsteps. Although James had no intention of
doing this he nevertheless milked the situation for what
it was worth, which resulted in his receiving an
extensive annuity from the pope. This enabled James

to replenish his bankrupt coffers and to reestablish a
rule of law in Scotland
by founding the Courts of Justice in 1532. Relations
with England were tense, but as France was keeping
peace with England and did not want to have to
support Scotland in a war with Henry, the French were
able to facilitate a new Anglo-Scottish peace treaty
which was more lasting. James also sought to marry
into the French royal house. He had long expected a
betrothal to a daughter of the king of France, and when
another planned marriage was rejected, James married
Madeleine, the French king’s sixteen-year-old
daughter on 1 January 1537. The one objection to the
marriage had been the young girl’s weak constitution
and the worst fears were proved right. Soon after she
was brought to Scotland that summer she died, after a
marriage of only seven months. James was distraught,
but he soon entered into a new marriage alliance with
Mary of Guise-Lorraine, whose first marriage to Louis
de Longueville had also ended in 1537 with the duke’s
death. This girl was a more robust twenty-three year
old and had borne her first husband two sons.

James was to prove an unsuccessful father. His

firstborn son, James, died after eleven months in April
1541. Three days later his second born son, Robert,
died aged only eight days. That following November,
James’s mother, Margaret, died, and with her passing
went the last family link between James and his uncle
Henry. At the same time James’s relationship with his
nobles was worsening. He remained an extremely
popular king amongst the general public, and he was

welcomed on a tour of Scotland during the summer of
1541 when the nation shared in his and his wife’s grief.

By 1542 the relationship between England and France

had worsened. A projected meeting between James and
Henry VIII was stopped by François and the inevitable
conflict became a reality. No formal declaration of war
was made, but a series of border conflicts led to an
incursion of Henry’s men under the duke of Norfolk
into Scottish territory in the summer of 1542. James’s
army followed Norfolk but refused to cross the border,
again arguing that they were not going to do France’s
dirty work. James succeeded in raising another army
but as it came to face the
English army at Solway Moss in November 1542,
James found his earls would not support him and the
army broke into disarray. The English victory was
easy. Scarcely anyone was killed, and James’s army
was routed.

It seems that after this defeat James lost the will to

live. With no heir to the throne, no support from his
nobles and no ability to fight the English, he took to
his bed in early December. Even the news of the birth
of a daughter, the future Mary, Queen of Scots, did
nothing to raise his spirits and he died of depression a
week later, aged only thirty. His defiant opposition to
Henry VIII’s Protestantism had established the course
of conflict between his heiress, Mary, and the English
crown that would prove both a disaster and ultimate
success for the Scottish crown.

MARY queen of Scotland and France Queen of
Scots, 14 December 1542–24 July 1567
(abdicated); Crowned: Stirling Castle, 9
September 1543. Queen consort of France, 10
July 1559–5 December 1560.

Born: Linlithgow Palace, 8 December 1542.

Died (executed): Fotheringhay Castle, 8
February 1587, aged 44. Buried: Peterborough
Cathedral, later removed to Westminster Abbey
in 1612.

Married: (1) 24 April 1558, at Notre Dame,

Paris, François (1544–60), son of Henri II of
France: no children; (2) 29 July 1565, at
Holyrood Palace, Henry, lord Darnley
(1545–67), son of Matthew Stewart 4th earl of
Lennox: one son; (3) 15 May 1567, at Holyrood
Palace, James, earl of Bothwell (1535–78):
stillborn twins.

Mary was only one week old when her father died.
Since Mary’s elder brothers had both died in infancy,
there must have been some concern that Mary might
not survive. Although her mother, Mary of Guise,
remained the child’s protector, she was not made
regent. That role fell to the heir presumptive, James
Hamilton, second earl of Arran and great-grandson of
James II. Unlike past

governors, however, Hamilton was not his own man
and was easily influenced. The next five years saw
Hamilton battered between the various pro-English and
pro-French factions that dominated Scottish politics.
The prize was in gaining a marriage treaty with the
young princess. Hamilton entertained the hope that she
would become the bride of his own son, James. Henry
VIII conspired to make her the wife of his son Prince
Edward, the future Edward VI, by the Treaty of
Greenwich, which was never ratified. When the Scots,
under Cardinal Beaton, archbishop of St Andrews,
ended this arrangement, English forces harried the
Scottish borders in 1544 and 1545, which served only
to strengthen the Scottish opposition to the English.
Beaton was a fervid papist and ordered the burning of
several heretics, notably George Wishart in 1546. It
was probably as a result of this that Beaton was
murdered in May 1546, though whether for his
sympathy with England or Protestantism was not
entirely clear. It was at this same time that John Knox
was forced into exile following his own persecutions
as a ‘heretic’. He found refuge on the Continent but
returned to Scotland in 1559 as its most fervent

When Henry VIII died on 28 January 1547 the French

began to exert a stronger influence in Scotland,
particularly after the defeat of the Scots by the English
Protector, the duke of Somerset, at Pinkie in
September 1547. The Scots convinced Hamilton that
the best place for Mary’s safety was in France and she
set sail in July 1548. Mary grew up in the glittering
French court and was carefully educated as a French

woman. For the next decade the Scots found
themselves the pawn of French affairs, becoming
embroiled in the war between France and Spain and
consequently with England. Any chance of
reconciliation with England, whose new queen Mary
Tudor had reverted to Catholicism, was thwarted by
the French hostilities. Scotland was powerless to
conduct its own affairs, even after their
twelve-year-old queen, Mary, had decreed in 1554 that
she wished to choose her own Governor. James
Hamilton was replaced by Mary of Guise, the queen
mother, who acted as much the agent for France as for

It was against this background that Mary was married

to the French Dauphin, François, on 24 April 1558.
She was fifteen; he was fourteen. Only a year later,
Henri II of France died in a tournament. Mary became
queen consort of France and her husband, king
François II. To many Scotland had now lost its
sovereignty to the kingdom of France.

Considerable opposition to France grew in Scotland

and although there was no outright rebellion it did
allow the growth of Scottish reformists who supported
English Protestantism. When the English queen Mary
died in 1558, and it became evident that her successor,
Elizabeth, would follow her father’s opposition to the
pope and reintroduce the Church of England, the
Scottish Protestants turned to England for support in
driving out the French. Elizabeth, still not sure of her
position, did not initially provide open support, but did
not stop the action of her countrymen in their designs.

A little earlier the French had recaptured Calais, the
only English possession remaining in France, and set
about the persecution of the English Protestants in
France. Mary of Guise, the queen regent, carried out
the same actions in Scotland. The Scottish Protestants
and their supporters, who were now becoming openly
hostile to the French, sought to depose the queen
regent and instal their own Regent. They first sought to
follow James Stewart, Mary’s illegitimate half-brother,
but by December 1559 James Hamilton (sometimes
called the earl of Arran), son of the heir presumptive,
escaped from captivity and this allowed his father, now
known as the duke of Châtelherault, to return to
Scotland and resume control. Civil war plagued
Scotland over the next six months. Elizabeth of
England eventually sent troops to support the Scots
against the French. There were no decisive victories,
however, and peace was only restored with the death
of the queen mother in June 1560. Thereafter the
Treaty of Edinburgh called for the peaceful retreat
from Scotland of English and French troops. A
parliament was called that September in the names of
Mary and François II of France.

From a contemporary portrait

Although an uneasy peace returned to Scotland, there
were many loyalists who believed that Mary would
remain in France and possibly abdicate her position as
queen of Scotland. If she did, then the crown would
fall to the Hamiltons, the younger of whom was
currently pursuing the hand of Elizabeth of England.
All this changed, however, in December 1560, when
the young French king died. Mary became the dowager
Queen of France with her own estates and income, but
was without support in France, as the new king,
Charles IX, was under the power of his mother,
Catherine de Medici. Mary determined to return to
Scotland. The younger James Hamilton had already
contacted Mary, reminding her of their childhood
friendship. If they should marry, the Scottish lines of
succession would come together and James would
become the rightful king. Mary, however, rejected his
suit. When she returned to Scotland in August 1561
she sailed to meet her half-brother, Lord James
Stewart, at Leith rather than the Hamiltons at
Dumbarton. Thereafter the younger Arran’s mind
began to fail and within a year he was incarcerated as

Mary did not rush into marriage. Instead she worked

with her councillors and church representatives to
establish a moderate rule in Scotland acceptable by all.
In this she achieved remarkable results. Her grace and
good humour made her appeal to the
general populace, and her desire to be seen about her
kingdom increased her popularity. Mary, although at
heart a Catholic, allowed religious freedom. She
succeeded in walking this middle road by her sheer

strength of character. Her supporters talked openly of
her as the successor to the English throne and whilst
they tried to unite Mary and Elizabeth in common
views, Elizabeth’s increasing antagonism towards
Mary failed to bring about what could have been a
strong union. The need for Mary to marry had caused
some consternation amongst official circles but, in
1564, Mary fell in love with Henry Stewart, Lord
Darnley, her second cousin and next in line to the
Scottish throne. Although it seemed a natural match, it
was unpopular amongst Mary’s nobility. The marriage,
which took place in July 1565, was enacted according
to the Catholic rites and this ruffled the feathers of the
reformers. Moreover, the rise to power of Darnley
removed Châtelherault and James Stewart (now earl of
Moray) from any likelihood of succession. Although
these two nobles rebelled they were soon defeated by
Mary who led her own troops into battle. The nobles,
however, believed that Mary was neglecting their
interests which were supplanted by her own court
favourites, especially the court secretary and musician
David Rizzio.

Darnley also believed Mary was having an affair with

Rizzio and, in March 1566, he and his fellow lords
murdered Rizzio in front of Mary. It is possible that the
conspirators also intended to murder Mary, but she
escaped, along with Darnley, with whom she became
briefly reconciled.

However, Mary’s position was now endangered. The

birth of her son (the future James VI) and his baptism
by Catholic rites, further alienated the Protestants. Her

reconciliation with Darnley was brief, and she began a
new liaison with James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell.
Bothwell was disliked and distrusted by the other
leading nobles, including Mary’s own half-brother.
Again she was blinded by passion. The two of them
conspired to remove Darnley from the scene. This did
not necessarily mean his murder, although a divorce
might have meant the succession
of Mary’s young son becoming void. In fact Mary
sought to reconcile herself again with Darnley when,
on 10 February 1567, he was murdered under
somewhat mysterious circumstances at his lodgings in
the Provost’s House near Holyrood. A tremendous
explosion nearly destroyed the house, suggesting the
conspirators had sought to murder both Darnley and
Mary, except that Mary was not there and Darnley was
found smothered in the grounds. The full facts behind
Darnley’s murder were not satisfactorily resolved
despite several convictions and the unseemly haste by
which Bothwell divorced his wife, was acquitted of
any part in Darnley’s death, and then married Mary on
15 May, only added to the suspicion. Mary had now
turned her back on the Catholic faith for she was
married by Protestant rites. However, Mary’s actions
had discredited her in the eyes of many of her lords
and her people. A confederacy of lords united with the
outward purpose of rescuing Mary from the traitor
Bothwell, but with the real objective of replacing Mary
with their own choice, her young son, James. Although
Mary and Bothwell fled they were soon captured.
Mary was despatched to the castle of Lochleven where,
on 24 July 1567 she agreed to abdicate. Bothwell was
stripped of all his titles and lands. He fled to Orkney

and then to Norway where he remained in exile, dying
in Denmark in 1578. While at Lochleven Mary
miscarried twins.

In May 1568 Mary escaped from Lochleven and

rapidly raised a considerable army but it was defeated
by the supporters of the young king James at Langside
on 13 May and Mary fled into England. She threw
herself under the protection of Queen Elizabeth, but
this resulted in Mary’s imprisonment at Carlisle on
suspicion of involvement in Darnley’s murder. A
commission which looked into Mary’s affairs reached
no clear conclusion. This did not wholly clear her
name and Elizabeth, who had avoided speaking with
Mary, consigned the Scottish queen to further
imprisonment, for her own safety, in a series of castles
– Bolton, Tutbury, Wingfield. Mary still had
supporters, both in Scotland and England and there
were many papists who yearned
for the restoration of Mary and the overthrow of
Elizabeth. While at Wingfield in 1569 she became
romantically entangled with Thomas Howard, the
Duke of Norfolk, who had investigated the Darnley
enquiry on Elizabeth’s behalf. Norfolk hatched a
scheme with the Florentine financier, Roberto di
Ridolfi, to free Mary, overthrow Elizabeth and restore
Catholicism. The plan failed. Ridolfi escaped. Norfolk
was imprisoned and executed. Mary was now doomed
to finish her life imprisoned in a further series of
castles and fortified houses: Chatsworth, Sheffield,
Chartley and finally Fotheringhay. Throughout this
period she managed to involve herself in various
intrigues and plots against the English crown,

becoming more and more dangerous. Amongst these
was the plot of Antony Babington in 1586, who was
encouraged by a Catholic priest, John Ballard, to head
a conspiracy against Elizabeth. They were betrayed by
double agents including Gilbert Gifford and Anthony
Tyrrell. Letters from Mary to Babington were found.
Ballard and Babington were executed. Mary was tried
and convicted of treason. Elizabeth delayed signing her
death warrant for three months, but Mary was finally
beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle on 8 February 1587.
There were many who wondered why her son, James
VI, now of age and in full sovereignty of Scotland, had
taken no action to save her. But James, who had never
really known his mother, was plotting his own future
and was in no mood to complicate matters. Mary went
to the executioner’s block bravely and with honour – a
victim perhaps of her own pride and recklessness, but
ultimately a pawn in the power vortex of love, religion
and politics.

JAMES VI, also JAMES I of England.

Ruled 24 July 1567–27 March 1625. Crowned

king of Scotland: Stirling Castle, 29 July 1567.

Full name and titles: James Charles, king of

Scotland and (from 1603) England; duke of
Rothesay (from birth), duke of Albany, earl of
Ross and baron Ardmannoch (from 1567).

Born: Edinburgh Castle, 19 June 1566. Died:
Theobalds Park, Hertfordshire, 27 March 1625,
aged 58. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 23 November 1589, at Oslo, Norway,

Anne (1574–1619), dau. Frederick II of Denmark
and Norway: 9 children.

We tend to think of James VI more as James I king of

England, overlooking the fact that he had been king of
Scotland already for thirty-six years, twenty-three of
those since he had taken the reins of government. He
was the first king to rule the whole of Britain (only the
Isle of Man retained a separate kingship but was
subject to the Crown).

James, the only son of Mary Queen of Scots and Henry

Stewart, Lord Darnley, was, through both his parents,
the great-grandson of Margaret Tudor, sister to Henry
VIII of England, and he was thus heir to the English
throne should Elizabeth, the queen of England, have no
children. He was just thirteen months old when his
mother was forced to abdicate and, as with other
Stewart kings of Scotland, his reign began under a
regency amid intense rivalry. His mother was still alive
and her supporters, the papists, led by John Hamilton,
archbishop of St Andrews, were still powerful amongst
the Scots. Also, accusations were still flying over the
murder of his father, Lord Darnley. Both his mother
and his uncle, the earl of Moray, were implicated.

Although both were eventually cleared of the charges,
Moray (who almost certainly was a party to it)
succeeded in casting the blame on to William Maitland
of Lethington, who had been Mary’s secretary of state.
Maitland was thrown into prison but was never tried
and, though released, later died of poison.

Moray became regent. He was the head of the

pro-Reformation faction that opposed Mary. Although
he had his enemies, Moray was a strong and able
governor. Had he been conceived on the right side of
the sheets he would have been a good king. He
succeeded in subduing rebels in the Borders as no
previous monarch had, and it was primarily through his
guidance that
Protestantism spread throughout Scotland and took too
strong a hold to fail. Nevertheless his enemies
eventually got the better of him, and in January 1570
Moray was murdered by James Hamilton of
Bothwellhaugh, nephew of Archbishop Hamilton.
Although the younger Hamilton was not brought to
book, his uncle was. Elizabeth of England knew that
Hamilton was the power behind a series of border
incidents. She took advantage of the divisions between
the Scottish nobility to encourage Matthew Stewart,
earl of Lennox and James’s grandfather, to attack and
devastate Hamilton’s lands. Lennox was promoted to
the regency. Although he was becoming old and weak,
he was still a passionate supporter of the king and in
the ensuing months he captured Archbishop Hamilton
who was tried, found guilty of complicity in the
murders of Darnley and Stewart, and hanged. Over the
ensuing months Lennox pressed home his advantage.

His Protestant faction eventually won the day, though
Lennox himself was shot and killed in a skirmish in
Stirling in September 1571.

The next regent was John Erskine, earl of Mar, who

governed for just over a year, but the real power
behind the throne, and the next regent, was James
Douglas, earl of Morton. Morton had his enemies but
he established a firm and stable government. He was
the strongest champion of the Protestant cause, to the
extent of passing legislation that enabled justiciars to
levy fines for nonconformity to the new faith.
Although he was briefly ousted from the regency by
the earls of Argyll and Atholl in 1578, he regained
control for a further two years. The young king did not
like Morton, who was cold and ruthless. James had
been starved of parental affection throughout his
childhood, and this allowed him to warm to the
ebullient and avuncular Esmé Stuart, a cousin of his
father’s, who had been raised in France but who was
also an heir to the throne. He came as an agent to
Scotland in 1579 in the hope of converting the country
back to Catholicism. Through his urbanity he soon
won the affection of the young king and succeeded in
overthrowing Morton who was charged with
involvement in the murder of Darnley. Morton was
arrested and
executed in 1581. Stuart’s true colours however now
emerged and the threat of a popish plot caused the
more extreme Protestant faction to react. William
Ruthven seized James in August 1582 and refused to
release him until James agreed to the banishment of
Esmé Stuart. Once this was accomplished James was

freed in June 1583. The episode, known as the Ruthven
Raid, demonstrated what a powerful force
Protestantism had become by the late sixteenth
century, and how much the king was perceived as the
figurehead in determining the direction of the church.

James’s relationship with Esmé has caused some to

regard James as homosexual, or at least bi-sexual. It is
quite likely as, starved of affection in his youth, James
showered love and affection on anyone who showed
him a personal interest. James had not been the most
attractive of children. He was short and walked with a
rolling gait that was suggestive of rickets. He had
somewhat bulbous eyes and apparently had trouble
swallowing so that he frequently drooled. This
affliction also affected his speech which was, at times,
slurred. How much of this picture of James was the
product of his enemies is less easy to interpret, because
much of it is recorded by later English chroniclers,
some of whom found it difficult to understand James’s
broad Scottish accent. Other more dangerous rumours
were spread about James. The most extreme was that
he was a changeling child, swapped because Mary’s
had been stillborn. Some noticed a remarkable
resemblance with John Erskine, earl of Mar. The
remains of a newborn baby were found at Edinburgh
Castle during renovations in the nineteenth century,
but nothing was proved. The same rumours would be
spread about James II of England’s only surviving son,
the Old Pretender (see p. 338).

Although James had exercised some authority in

government since 1578, by 1583, at the age of

seventeen, he decided he would no longer be the pawn
of factions within his aristocracy. All those who
attempted to control him, such as James Stewart, the
new earl of Arran (and cousin of the previous earl,
James Hamilton, former suitor of Mary, Queen of
Scots), found their power
rapidly curtailed. By 1586 James had established a
government of moderates who moved along with his
own wishes towards a firm relationship with England
and a strong control over Protestant affairs. This did
not stop James being an eternally nervous king, in
regular fear of assassination, a consequence of his
upbringing rather than of his current state. It also made
him cautious in his foreign affairs. By 1586 he had
reached an informal agreement with Elizabeth of
England whereby he became her successor, and James
would do nothing to endanger that. For that reason he
remained silent while his mother was tried and
executed in February 1587, and remained neutral
during England’s war with Spain and the invasion of
the Spanish Armada in July 1588.

From a portrait by Paul van Somer, 1620

The death of Mary, Queen of Scots, reduced the power

of the Catholic faction who now had no figurehead.
Most of the Catholics were in the north of Scotland
where Protestantism had barely reached. The
Highlanders professed Catholicism, but many still held
true to the old Celtic church, whilst others often
practised pagan worship. (Claims of witchcraft
amongst the Highlanders were rife in the 1590s. James
compiled a volume railing against witchcraft and
satanism called Dœmonologie
[1597] and in 1603 introduced an act with the aim of
abolishing its practice, though with little effect.) It was
these northern Scots who still held dialogue with the
Spanish and were a threat to Scottish uniformity – not
that that was new in Scottish history. The Highlands
and the Lowlands had seldom been one kingdom, for
all they might have purported to be one country.
Nevertheless, James could not have the north siding
with Spain and creating a Catholic kingdom north of
the Clyde. In 1589 he quashed one potential rebellion
when he discovered that the earls of Huntly and Errol
had been in communication with Spain over a
invasion. James treated the earls lightly. But in 1592
James became aware of similar plans again involving
Huntly and Errol, this time in league with the earls of
Angus and Bothwell. James bided his time, working
matters to his own advantage until in 1594 he was able
to surprise the earls and banish them from the

At the same time he was increasingly nervous of the
power of the Protestants, especially once
Presbyterianism was introduced by Act of Parliament
in 1592. These reformists regarded themselves as
beholden only to God, not to the King. The King was
as much a vassal of God as were they, and God’s
spokesman on Earth was the General Assembly. This
meant that James VI effectively had no authority over
the church, a matter of which Andrew Melville, the
instigator of Presbyterianism, was prone to remind the
king. James VI now worked one faction against
another. In 1596 he recalled the northern earls and
stated that these and other northern magnates should
have their own equal representation on the General
Assembly. Hitherto the Assembly had been composed
almost entirely of earls from the south under the
domination of Melville. Moreover, although Melville
believed James could not abolish the General
Assembly, James had statutory control over the
holding of any assembly. He could thus control when
the Assembly could meet and who was on it. In one
quite masterful stroke he weakened the power of the
Presbyterians and ensured the northern earls were no
longer isolated. He was soon to remind Melville and
his colleagues of his own belief in the authority of
kingship. In 1599 he produced his book,
Basilikon Doron, which espoused the divine right of
kings. It was a direct challenge to Melville’s
Presbyterianism. Fifty years later it would lead to the
death of James’s son Charles.

After 1596 James was in complete control of his

kingdom. Occasional skirmishes erupted, but nothing

that seriously endangered his authority. The worst
example was the Gowrie Conspiracy in August 1600
when it was alleged Alexander Ruthven, the brother of
the earl of Gowrie, lured James to his house in Perth
on some pretext only then to attack James. In the
resultant fracas, Ruthven and the earl were killed.
There has been some speculation over whether James
fabricated this story to explain the death of Gowrie to
whom James owed considerable sums of money, but
the weight of opinion has settled in favour of James.
Gowrie’s primary opposition to James had been over
his passion to unite England and Scotland, for which
purpose James had planned to raise an army to ensure
his succession.

James had used the authority of kingship to unite a

kingdom more completely than any previous Scottish
king. He still did not crack the inveterate obstinacy of
the Highlanders who paid him mock allegiance but
otherwise played by their own rules, but he had little
interest in them anyway. By now Elizabeth of England
was in her sixties, and her lack of an heir meant that it
was only a matter of time before, barring accidents,
James would inherit the crown of England. He had
married Anne of Denmark in 1589 and had a son and
heir, Henry, born in February 1594, and a daughter,
Elizabeth, in August 1596. Others would follow. No
other king was so confident in his kingdom, and no
other nation so expectant as Scotland. The news came
on 26 March 1603 when a messenger arrived at
Holyrood to inform the king that Elizabeth had died
two days previously. Two days later another
messenger arrived to say that the English Privy

Council had decreed James as her successor. On 5
April James left Scotland for England. Although he
promised to revisit it often he only returned once in the
next twenty-two years. Scotland may have gained a
kingdom but it had lost its king.

(LATER STUART) (1603–1714)

The rule of the Stewarts, their banishment and

restoration, would mark a time of tremendous social
upheaval. Civil War devastated the country and split
families, causing hardship and tragedy. Religious
persecution would be a keynote, though the last
burning of heretics at the stake would take place in
1612 under James I. And, under Cromwell, Jews
would be readmitted into the country for the first time
in almost 400 years.

This was also a time of great expansion. The daring

explorations of the world, which had begun under
Elizabeth’s reign, took on an increasing momentum

under the Stewarts and Cromwell. With new
discoveries, Britain’s first empire began to take shape.
In 1609 Hudson explored the river and bay in Canada;
some fifty years later the Hudson Bay Company,
chartered by Charles II, would have a monopoly on fur
trading and become virtually a sovereign power in the
region. In 1620 the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for America
and founded the Plymouth Colony in New England.
A year later there were attempts to colonize
Newfoundland and Nova Scotia; three years after that
Virginia became a Crown colony, and a decade later
the first settlers went to Maryland. In 1646 the
Bahamas were colonized. New York was seized from
the Dutch. In the 1670s and 80s Pennsylvania and the
Carolinas were founded and the Niagara Falls
discovered, and in 1684 the Bermudas became a
Crown colony. Most significantly, thirty years earlier
Jamaica had been captured. It had been a centre for
buccaneers; in the 1680s it would become a centre for
the slave trade and thus would begin an ignominious
period in British history, on which much of Britain’s
wealth would be founded, for in 1713 Britain obtained
sole rights to import slaves into America.

This was also a period when many of the everyday

things we now take for granted in Britain appeared for
the first time. Chocolate, tobacco and coffee became
part of fashionable life, and potatoes by 1670 were part
of everyone’s diet; forks for eating were introduced
from Italy. The Authorized version of the Bible, the
first newspaper, the first insurance companies for
property, logarithms, the slide-rule, the first patent
laws and the first copyright laws, hackney coaches,

postal services, calculating machines and the
barometer, the first coke furnaces for smelting iron ore:
all originated during this time.

There were still epidemics of the Plague in 1616, 1625

and 1665, but also a great flowering of art, culture and
pleasure. Shakespeare continued to live and write for
thirteen years after James I’s accession; there was
Restoration theatre, the work of Rubens, Inigo Jones,
Van Dyck and Grinling Gibbons – and the first races at


Crowned king of England: Westminster Abbey,

25 July 1603.

The population of Britain rose to 7 million, with some

675,000 people living in London by the beginning of
the eighteenth century.
James was full of the joys of spring when he arrived in
Westminster in April 1603. He had grand schemes to
unite England and Scotland and establish a Great
Britain. Unfortunately these plans failed. Although the
Scottish Parliament, which had been left under the
control of James’s second cousin Louis Stuart (Esmé’s
son), passed an Act of Union in 1607, the English
Parliament would have nothing to do with it, so that
England and Scotland remained two discrete
kingdoms. Nevertheless, to have two kingdoms ruled

by one king meant that the border disputes that had
cost so many lives for so many centuries became a
thing of the past. James rapidly found that governing
England was not like Scotland. They did things
differently. Although the English statesmen welcomed
him as their new king, and one with a considerable
reputation, he was nevertheless a foreigner, and one
who spoke in a strange accent and brought with him
favourites of his court. After Elizabeth’s final few
years, which had become rather dour and constrained
compared to the earlier glories, James was
invigorating, but he was also pompous, full of
considerable self-importance, and paranoid about his
safety. The English found him difficult to understand,
and James took a while to become accustomed to the
English Parliament and way of life. In fact he and his
Parliament usually disagreed so strongly after a while
that he regularly dissolved it in order to find other
ways to meet his needs, especially for money. James
disliked having to acquire the approval of Parliament
to raise money for foreign activities.

All this uncertainty about James added to his

increasing unease, which was not helped by Robert
Catesby’s Gunpowder Plot of 1604/5, when extremist
Catholics sought to destroy James and parliament. In
this respect James was sorely misunderstood. Although
he was not Catholic, he was not as fervent a Protestant
as the members of the Scottish Kirk that he had left
behind – even if the Gunpowder Plot made him appear
a near martyr for Protestantism. James worked long
and hard at moderating Presbyterianism. When he

came south James delighted in the Church of England,
which had retained an Episcopalian structure and
gave James ultimate authority over it, whereas the
Presbyterian Assembly treated James as an equal and
denied him control. In England James had more
opportunity to impose his will. In 1605 he outlawed
the Assembly and those who objected he arrested on
grounds of treason. Andrew Melville was summoned
to England and imprisoned in the Tower of London for
mocking the English church. He was not released until
1611, when he left England for France and did not
return. James had broken the back of the General
Assembly and was able to impose his own system of
diocesan bishops over the Scottish church. He also
imposed moderation on the English puritans, whom he
attempted to force to conform to the Anglican church.
As the final stroke in his reforms of the church, James
introduced his own Authorised Edition of the Bible,
usually known as the King James’s Bible, in 1611.

In other English affairs James fared moderately well.

Ruling Scotland from a distance enabled him to work
through others to achieve ends he might never have
done at home. In 1608, through the earl of Argyll, he
arrested the leading clansmen in the Hebrides and
forced them into submission. A subsequent rebellion
by the MacDonalds in 1614, hoping to revive the
lordship of the Isles, was soon quashed, as was the
rebellious lifestyle of James’s second cousin, Patrick
Stewart, earl of Orkney, who was eventually executed
in 1615. James also began the plantation of English
and Scottish protestants into Ulster from 1611 on.

In foreign affairs James had mixed fortunes. Scotland’s
original friendship with Spain allowed him to curtail
England’s war with Spain expeditiously, though
relationships were never again the same. In 1607 the
first English colony in North America was established
by John Smith at Jamestown in Virginia. James’s
‘kingdom’ extended to Bermuda in 1609 and to New
England in 1620 with the Pilgrim Fathers in the
Mayflower. James endeavoured, through the marriages
of his children, to establish a strong Protestant alliance
throughout Europe. His crowning achievement was the
marriage of his daughter Elizabeth to the Elector
Palatine Frederick in February 1613 (from whom the
Hanoverian kings of England were descended). He
also hoped to marry his sons into the Spanish royal
family. This was never likely, but even the possibility
was thwarted when his son-in-law Frederick became
king of Bohemia in 1618 and found himself at war
with the Hapsburg monarchy in Austria. Spain was the
ally of Austria, and James came under pressure to
support Bohemia against two of the greatest nations in
Europe. He succeeded in maintaining his distance –
mostly because the English Parliament would not vote
him money for the enterprise – but his scheme of a
Protestant alliance in Europe rapidly crumbled. By
now premature senility was dulling his powers, and a
series of poor decisions throughout the last fifteen
years of his reign meant that this once ingenious and
clever monarch became gradually more incompetent. It
was not without good reason that he earned the
reputation as ‘the wisest fool in Christendom’, a phrase
coined some years earlier by Henri IV of France. Some
of the scandals in his later years included the murder of

Sir Thomas Overbury in 1613 and the subsequent
pardoning of the earl of Somerset and Lady Essex who
were convicted of masterminding the poisoning; the
execution in 1618 of Sir Walter Ralegh, whom James
had long believed was conspiring against him; and the
arrest and imprisonment of Sir Francis Bacon on the
grounds of bribery and corruption. Despite these
darker spots James showed himself to be forward
looking. He became interested in scientific
development, especially where it might aid the defence
of the realm. He was the patron of several inventors
including the remarkable Dutch scientist Cornelius
Drebbel, who presented him with a perpetual-motion
machine. Drebbel is remembered for the development
of the microscope and thermometer, but he should be
better remembered for having developed the first
submarine, which was really a submersible
rowing-boat with the oarsmen breathing through a
hollow mast. He demonstrated it in the Thames in
1620 and even took James I for a trip, making him the
first king ever to travel underwater.

By the end of his reign, with his intellect fading, James

found himself under the strong influence of George
Villiers later Duke of
Buckingham, with whom James had become
acquainted in 1614 and who rose rapidly to power.
Villiers’s schemes were often ill advised but James
came wholly under his spell. James’s final years thus
saw him as a weak and dispirited monarch, a shadow
of his former self. Nevertheless he had been an active
king for over forty years, and in name had been a king
almost all of his life. He had, in fact, ruled longer than

any other Scottish king and had left a greater impact
upon his nation of birth than any preceding him.
Although it was only an accident of birth that caused
him to become king of England, he nevertheless
succeeded in governing both countries despite
considerable handicaps and opposition, his ability to
survive such trials and tribulations marks him down as
one of the most remarkable and cunning of kings. He
was succeeded by his son Charles.


Ruled 27 March 1625–30 January 1649.

Crowned king of England at Westminster
Abbey, 2 February 1626, and king of Scotland at
Holyrood Abbey, 8 June 1633.

Titles: king of England, Scotland and Ireland,

prince of Wales (1616–25), duke of Albany,
marquess of Ormonde, earl of Ross, baron of
Ardmannoch, duke of York (from 1605), duke of
Cornwall and Rothesay (from 1612) and earl of
Chester (from 1616).

Born: Dunfermline Palace, Fife, 19 November

1600. Died (executed): Whitehall Palace,
London, 30 January 1649, aged 48. Buried: St
George’s Chapel, Windsor.

Married: 13 June 1625, at St Augustine’s
Church, Canterbury, Henrietta Maria (1609–69),
dau. of Henri IV, king of France: 9 children.

Charles was the first king to succeed to the kingdoms

of both England and Scotland. He had not become the
heir apparent until 6 November 1612 when his elder
brother Henry died of typhoid. Charles also had an
elder sister, Elizabeth, who survived him and
from whom the later kings of England from George I
are descended, although all his other brothers and
sisters died in infancy.

Charles himself was a weak child, backward and

unable to walk or talk in infancy. He was left behind in
Scotland when his father and family moved to London
in 1603 and he followed a year later. He was nursed by
Lady Carey who nurtured and strengthened him, so he
could talk by the time he was four, though he never
lost his stammer, and could walk by the age of seven.
He was short (his final height was about five foot four
inches), but grew into a more handsome figure than his
father. He was devoted to his brother and sister and
was much saddened at his brother’s death and, a few
months later, his sister married the Elector Palatine of
the Rhine and went to live at Heidelberg. Charles’s
teens were lonely years during which he forced himself
to become assertive, a trait important in a king but
which was to become his downfall.

Charles was the first king to be raised within the
Church of England. This religious divide made it
impossible to marry the Infanta Maria of Spain, whom
he visited incognito in 1623 with his friend George
Villiers, who that year became the duke of
Buckingham. Instead he married the French princess
Henrietta Maria, but only on condition that she was
allowed the free practice of the Catholic religion and to
control the upbringing of their children. Their marriage
happened two months after Charles succeeded to the
throne. At first the marriage was unhappy: Henrietta
was only fifteen and did not seem schooled in the art of
courtship. She disliked Charles’s childhood friend, the
duke of Buckingham, and may have felt there was
more than male bonding between them. Charles
clashed with the large retinue that Henrietta had
brought from France, which included a bishop,
twenty-nine priests and over 400 attendants. Within a
year he had despatched these back to France. In 1628,
Buckingham was murdered and it seems, with both
these barriers removed, that their relationship warmed,
and their first child was born in May 1629 (but died the
same day). Henrietta always
managed to maintain a controlling hand over Charles
and exerted an increasingly unwise influence.

For the first three years of his reign Charles had been
heavily influenced by Buckingham whose exploits,
which earlier might have seemed all a joke, became
politically dangerous. Thanks to Buckingham, Charles
found himself at war, first with Spain and then (in
1627) with France, with the intention of aiding the
Huguenots. Buckingham led abortive and costly

expeditions in both campaigns, and caused further
international scandal by allegedly seducing the queen
of France. Charles was also anxious to assist his
brother-in-law Frederick to regain the Rhine Palatinate.
Parliament did not like Buckingham and refused to
grant Charles the finances for the wars. Charles
consequently took what other avenues he could to raise
money, including drawing on his wife’s dowry and
exacting loans from the wealthier peers. He also failed
to pay soldiers. This attitude and his cavalier approach
to Parliament, which he only called when he chose and
then tended to ignore, incensed the Commons. In 1628
the Commons drew up a Petition of Right to control
Charles’s excesses. Although he accepted it, he chose
largely to ignore it. Charles’s clash with Parliament
continued beyond the murder of Buckingham in
August 1628. In the end, Charles adjourned Parliament
in March 1629. He did not call another for eleven
years, ruling in absolute authority and not seeking
parliamentary sanction for his actions. He raised
money through taxes and custom duties (known as
‘tonnage and poundage’) as he chose, and also
imposed forced loans and purchased knighthoods upon
his wealthier subjects. Although he saved much
expenditure by bringing the pointless wars to a close,
he frequently did not pay members of the royal
household, even though he continued to live in great

He further upset his subjects, particularly those in

Scotland, when he attempted to bring the Scottish
church in line with the Church of England, imposing a
new service book on Scotland, and introducing his own

prejudices within the church, especially a tendency –
known as Arminianism – to oppose strict Calvinist
views of predestination. This was associated with high
church practices, which echoed much of the Catholic
service. Charles worked with William Laud, the new
archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Wentworth,
later earl of Strafford, who, in 1628, was created
President of the North. Between the three they
endeavoured to create an absolutism in church and
state with Charles as the ‘most absolute prince in
Christendom’, ruling by divine right.

From a portrait by Daniel Mytens, 1634

In some actions Charles might almost be justified.

Wentworth’s activities in Ireland after 1633, where he
was lord deputy, were remarkable compared to past
campaigns. Whereas previously the expenditure on
Ireland had always oustripped any revenues received,
Wentworth made the island profitable through his
imposition of taxes and custom dues, his elimination of
piracy, the introduction of a sound agricultural
programme relying on the cultivation of flax, and the
transformation of the army into an orderly force. This

was done with a heavy-handedness that did not endear
Wentworth to the king’s subjects, but it was effective.

Attempts to run roughshod over the Scottish church,

however, did not work so well. The Scots rejected
Laud’s new service book and declared defiant loyalty
to the old Kirk. They formed a National Covenant in
1638 in opposition to Charles’s policies. Following
Wentworth’s suggestion, Charles decided to impose
his intentions by force. He raised an army in the spring
of 1639, only to discover how little loyalty he
commanded from his troops. Many of the English
defected, not expecting to be paid and regarding the
Scots as oppressed. The planned force of 30,000 ended
up as only 8,000. Charles was easily defeated by the
determined Scots in what became known as the First
Bishops’ War. Charles was in a predicament. He did
not have the finances for a second campaign and had
no alternative but to summon Parliament in April 1639.
This Parliament, known as ‘the Short Parliament’
because it was dissolved after only a few weeks,
refused to grant Charles money unless he heard their
grievances. Charles refused. Again he raised an army
and again the Scots defeated him in the Second
Bishops’ War that August. Charles was again forced to
call Parliament, and this time he was not allowed to
dissolve it (hence it became known as ‘the Long
Parliament’). Parliament chose Wentworth as the
scapegoat for Charles’s rule of tyranny, treating the
understanding that Wentworth had promised to
summon the army from Ireland to subdue the Scots as
evidence of treason. Charles was forced to sign

Wentworth’s death warrant, and he was executed on
Tower Hill on 12 May 1641.

Charles conceded some of Parliament’s wishes,

particularly over the ship-taxes he had imposed, but he
would not give way on his reform of the Church of
England. Charles attempted to rally support in
Scotland but without success. However, when he
returned to London he believed some support amongst
Parliament was swinging his way. When John Pym
presented his list of grievances against the king, known
as the Grand Remonstrance, in November 1641, it did
not receive universal support. Charles, encouraged by
his queen, believed he could swing the balance in
Parliament by removing the main opposition. In
January 1642 Charles entered the House of Commons
with an armed guard intending to arrest the five
primary offenders. The five Members, who included
Pym, had already escaped. This was the final straw.
There was much public opposition to Charles’s
actions, so he withdrew from London. Negotiations
over the next seven months
failed to reach any agreement, with the king totally
intractable and Parliament increasing its demands.
Civil war became inevitable and the king formally
declared hostilities at Nottingham on 22 August 1642.

This was not the first civil war to divide England, and
it was not the first to result in the deposition of a king,
but because it was the first and only war in England to
result in the abolition of the kingship, it has become
known as the Civil War. The Royalists, or Cavaliers,
generally had the upper hand in the early encounters,

though they failed to strike decisively at the first main
engagement at Edgehill on 23 October 1642 against
the Parliamentarians, or Roundheads, under Robert
Devereux, third earl of Essex (and son of Elizabeth’s
favourite). As the conflict continued, so the
Roundheads began to take the offensive, especially
when Thomas Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell took
command with their specially trained cavalry and
restructured New Model Army. They achieved
victories at Marston Moor in 1644 and particularly at
Naseby on 14 June 1645. With his defeat Charles
deliberated about his position for nearly a year before
surrendering to the Scots, expecting greater clemency.
For their part, the Scots expected Charles to meet their
terms over his church reform, but when Charles
defiantly refused, the Scots handed him over to the
English. While Charles was held by the Scots at
Newcastle, the English Parliament issued a set of terms
which became known as the Propositions of Newcastle
in July 1646. These terms were to agree to the
Covenant, abolish episcopacy, authorize Parliament’s
control over foreign policy and the army and amend
his reforms of the Church. Charles refused. When
handed over to the English, Charles was confined to
Hampton Court, where Fairfax and Cromwell sought
to come to terms with him over a formal written
constitution. Again Charles refused. Escaping from
Hampton Court, he sought refuge on the Isle of Wight,
where he was immediately confined to Carisbroke
Castle. Charles now intriguingly played one party
against the other, negotiating at once with both the
Parliamentarians and the Scots. The Scots reached an

agreement with Charles which became known as the
signed on 26 December 1647. Under its terms the
Scots would restore Charles as their king provided he
would accept Presbyterianism for a trial period. This
would be imposed upon the English and the two
kingdoms united – though in fact it was a Scottish
takeover of the English Parliament. Although not all
Scots were united over this agreement, it was sufficient
for an army to invade England in July 1648, only to be
decisively defeated by Cromwell in three engagements
in August at Preston, Wigan and Warrington. Fairfax’s
army also rapidly subdued a Royalist revolt in southern

In January 1649 Charles was brought to trial for

treason, on the grounds that he had fought against his
subjects. Charles refused to recognize the court as
having any authority over him and thus offered no
defence. He remained dignified but disdainful of the
proceedings. When the court delivered its verdict the
135 judges were split almost evenly, 68 finding him
guilty and 67 innocent. Thus by a majority of just one,
Charles was condemned to death. He was executed at
Whitehall on 30 January. He wore two shirts so as not
to shiver from the cold and give the impression he was
afraid. The Scots were vehemently opposed to the
execution of their monarch by the English parliament
but following their recent defeat they felt powerless to
react. They nevertheless transferred their allegiance to
Charles’s son, Charles (II), while in England the
kingship was abolished.

Charles had failed as a king in every respect except
authority, and in that he presumed too much. He was
an absolute dictator or autocrat who nevertheless, in
practice, could not operate without the support of his
Parliament. His dignity and defiance against the odds
might make him a romantic figure were it not for his
complete and utter intransigence and arrogance. Whilst
he failed to pay his soldiers and supporters, he spent a
small fortune on commissioning and acquiring works
of art. Where Henry VIII and Elizabeth had the support
of the people even though they acted in an almost
similar way, Charles did not, because Charles worked
against rather than for his subjects. It would be left to
son Charles to restore the humanity, if not the
credibility, to the Crown.


Ruled Scotland, 11 June 1650–3 September

1660 (fled into exile); restored 29 May 1660–6
February 1685. Crowned, Scone Abbey, 1
January 1651. Ruled England, 29 May 1660–6
February 1685. Crowned: Westminster Abbey,
23 April 1661.

Titles: king of England, Scotland and Ireland;

duke of Cornwall and Rothesay.

Born: St James’s Palace, London, 29 May 1630.
Died: Whitehall Palace, 6 February 1685, aged
54. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 22 May 1662, in Portsmouth, Katherine

Henrietta (1638–1705), dau. of John IV, duke of
Braganza: 3 children (all stillborn). Charles had
at least 16 illegitimate children by 8 mistresses.

Charles was twelve when the Civil War had broken

out. Until then he had been raised in the stately
magnificence of Charles’s royal palaces and had
received a good if not extensive education. He rapidly
became skilled in the arts of war, fighting alongside his
father in the early engagements and being made
commander of his troops in the West Country in March
1645, when only fourteen. As the tide of the war
changed, however, Charles wisely left England,
settling first (1646) in France and then (1648) Holland,
where his sister, Maria, the Princess Royal, had
married Prince William of Orange. Charles had at least
two sexual encounters during these years, and probably
more. Rumours persist that he had fathered a son,
James, while in Jersey in 1646 but of more
significance was a second son, also called James, born
in the Hague on 9 April 1649. The mother was Lucy
Walter. The son, who became the duke of Monmouth,
later claimed his parents were married and that he was
the legitimate heir to the throne.

It was while living in the Hague that Charles learned of
his father’s execution. On 16 February he was
proclaimed king in Jersey. A few days later the
Scottish Parliament proclaimed Charles their king,
provided he was prepared to accept the Scottish
Covenant. This widened the rift between Scotland and
England, where the new Parliament abolished the
monarchy in March 1649. Charles really wanted to be
king of England, and accepting the Scottish Covenant
would have barred that route completely. Charles
learned early on, therefore, that he needed to be
cautious and devious. He was a remarkably pragmatic
individual whose main aim was to enjoy himself, but
he was prepared to fight and prove himself. He felt that
everyone should be allowed to lead their own life, and
thus he would bend with the wind and take whatever
options best served his purpose. He therefore bided his
time, exploring what other avenues might exist. He
found Ireland closed to him by Cromwell’s army
while, in April 1650, an unofficial advance guard
under the command of James Graham, the marquess of
Montrose was defeated and Montrose hanged. Charles
had to act so, in June 1650, he signed a treaty which he
managed to keep sufficiently ambiguous but which
effectively made him a covenanted king of the Scots.
Twelve days later he landed in Scotland, a stranger in
his own land. He was dubiously accepted as king but
not allowed to exert any authority. He was more a
figurehead than a sovereign, but his very presence
posed immense danger, not only from rival factions in
Scotland but from the English. A month later
Cromwell led an army into Scotland. It was not overtly
an invasion force, rather a move to explore the

relationships between the two countries, but it left little
doubt that Cromwell meant business if he met any
opposition. However, as many past campaigners had
found, Scotland is a difficult land to conquer without a
massive support infrastructure and Cromwell’s was
disrupted by weather and disease. Nevertheless he
engaged and overwhelmingly defeated a Scottish force
at Dunbar on 2 September 1650, taking possession of
Edinburgh and Leith. This was the downfall of the
government of Covenanters under Archibald
Campbell, marquess
of Argyll, and the chaos that followed saw an
untrusting but necessary alliance between the extremist
factions who overthrew the anti-Royalists (known as
the Remonstrants) and proclaimed Charles their king.
He was crowned at Scone on 1 January 1651.

Cromwell continued to stamp his authority on

Scotland, and in July 1651 Charles led a hopeful army
south into England. He was met by Cromwell’s army
at Worcester on 3 September 1651 and soundly
defeated. Charles was lucky to escape with his life. He
fled into Shropshire and sought refuge at Boscobel
House, where he was helped by the yeoman Richard
Penderel. It was at this time that the famous episode
happened of Charles hiding in an oak tree whilst
Cromwell’s soldiers scoured the woods. Charles
disguised himself as a servant and a few weeks later
made his escape to France. It was difficult for Charles
to disguise himself as he had a most distinctive
physique. He was tall, at least six foot three inches,
which is surprising considering the shortness of his

parents. He probably inherited the genes through his
Danish grandmother.

He spent the next eight years on the continent,

wheeling-and-dealing with whatever power might
assist him. He was well placed, as during the next few
years England found itself at war with first the Dutch
(1652–54) and then Spain (1656–9). Charles took
advantage of both conflicts to gain support for his own
cause. These hostilities brought the English closer to
the French as allies, which further helped Charles
because of his own close affinity with the French. An
Anglo-French force defeated the Spanish in northern
France in 1658, as a consequence of which the Spanish
surrendered Dunkirk to the English, who once again
held territory in France.

During this period Cromwell’s hold on England and

Scotland grew. The Commonwealth was declared and,
in 1653 Cromwell was made ‘Lord Protector’. Though
he governed through a Parliament, he was granted
almost absolute powers and, indeed, in May 1657
Cromwell was offered the title of king. He refused but
accepted the right of succession, so that his son,
would be Lord Protector after him. For a brief period
religious tolerance was observed throughout England
and the Jews were readmitted after their 365-year-long
exile, but towards the end of Cromwell’s government
there was a backlash against puritanism and
extremism, and a return to a more Catholic practice.
Nevertheless civic marriages were allowed and the
registration of birth, deaths and marriages enforced.

From a portrait by Samuel Cooper

Cromwell died on 3 September 1658. His son, Richard

Cromwell, did not want the role of Lord Protector, and
neither was he the man for the job. Had his elder
brothers survived, the Protectorate might have
continued, but Richard was unable to enforce any
authority or control Parliament or the military and in
May 1659 he resigned. England came under military
rule and it was thanks to the authority of George
Monck, who had been made governor of Scotland by
Cromwell in 1654, that order was restored. Monck
marched on London in January 1660, entering the city
without opposition. He soon whipped up enthusiasm
for the restoration of the monarchy and paved the way
for Charles to return to England on 23 May 1660.
Charles entered London six days later on his thirtieth
birthday. He was crowned eleven months later with
new regalia, the former crown jewels having been
broken up during the Commonwealth.

Charles’s restoration was dependent upon his religious

When he signed the Declaration of Breda in April
1660, which laid down the terms of his restoration, he

acknowledged religious tolerance, though he had
trouble gaining any form of acceptance among the
clergy and, by 1661, within Parliament. Acts were
passed against Jesuits and Quakers and Charles’s
efforts to reintroduce a modified form of the Church of
England was rejected by an increasingly Puritanical
parliament. A new English prayer book was introduced
and Charles found most of his views ignored. The
intolerance of the English Parliament pushed Charles
back to his Catholic sympathies from his many years
on the Continent. In 1662 he had married the Catholic
Katherine of Braganza, the Portuguese Infanta. He
negotiated in secret with Catholics and eventually, in
1672, he was able to carry through his Declaration of
Indulgence, which suspended all penal laws against
nonconformists and allowed private worship by
Catholics. Charles himself was rumoured to be a secret
Catholic and his brother, James, duke of York (later
James II), openly professed his Catholicism. Feelings
against Catholics continued to run strong resulting in
the false Popish Plot of 1678. This was bumped up by
Titus Oates, who spread rumours of an imminent
rebellion by the Catholics to invade England from
Ireland, overthrow the king and place James on the
throne. The backlash against the Catholics was
immense, with over thirty-five Catholics tried and
executed on trumped-up charges. It was two years
before Oates’s hoax was uncovered.

Early in his reign Charles was guided by Edward

Hyde, the Lord Chancellor and head of government,
who was made earl of Clarendon in April 1661.
Clarendon was a staunch Royalist, ultra-conservative

and anti-Puritan, who would have set the country back
twenty years. He ultimately became the scapegoat for
all the problems that beset Charles’s early reign. The
sale of Dunkirk back to the French in October 1662
was an unpopular move, as was the outbreak of war
with the Dutch in March 1665, although Clarendon
spoke against this. It need never have happened, and
arose because of an impasse over merchant shipping
routes and rights through the English Channel. As a
precursor to
this various Dutch trading posts and colonies were
attacked and seized by the English, including New
Amsterdam in the American colonies. This was
captured by the distinguished sea captain, later
admiral, Robert Holmes in August 1664 and renamed
New York in honour of Charles’s brother, the duke of
York. Although the Dutch regained other territories,
they never recovered New York. The war with the
Dutch reached stalemate, because England suffered
under the Great Plague which began to have its effects
in London in April 1665 and was not assuaged until
the Great Fire swept through London in September
1666. A treaty with the Dutch was eventually
concluded in July 1667. Soon after Clarendon was
dismissed and to avoid impeachment he fled to France,
where he remained in exile. Clarendon’s daughter,
Anne, had married the duke of York secretly in 1659
and, through her, Clarendon became the grandfather of
the future queens Mary II and Anne (though he did not
live long enough to know it). Clarendon’s son,
Laurence, who was Charles’s Master of the Robes and
later became the First Lord of the Treasury (1679) was
the man who nicknamed Charles ‘the Merry Monarch’.

He also made the famous quip about Charles that ‘he
never said a foolish thing and never did a wise one’, to
which Charles agreed, riposting ‘my words are my
own, and my actions are those of my ministers’.

Charles next came under the influence of a group of

five advisers known from their initials as the Cabal: the
Lords Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley and
Lauderdale. These advisers each looked after their own
interests and so did not necessarily act in union. Indeed
they had opposing religious views – Ashley (later earl
of Shaftesbury) was an ardent Protestant, whilst
Clifford was a Catholic. Clifford worked with Charles
in his desire to wreak revenge upon the Dutch and
helped negotiate a secret treaty with the French in May
1670, whereby the English would support the French
against the Dutch in return for financial rewards and
use of French ports. The treaty also provided that at
some opportune time Charles would declare his
reversion to Catholicism. Although Charles believed
he was
gaining ground, he effectively became a puppet of the
French. A strong anti-French and anti-Catholic mood
swept the country, aggravated in 1672 when the duke
of York openly declared his conversion to Catholicism.
Charles was forced to withdraw his Declaration of
Indulgence and agree in 1673 to a Test Act, which
excluded all Roman Catholics from official office.
This excluded the duke of York from office, but did
not stop James marrying the Catholic princess Mary of
Modena. Parliament refused to sanction any finance to
support the Dutch war, and Charles was compelled to
act as mediator between the two countries which

dragged on until the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678. One
of the outcomes of this was that Charles’s niece, the
fifteen year old Mary, was married to William (III) of
Orange in 1677.

The Popish Plot encouraged by Oates showed the

strength of anti-Catholic feeling in England. There was
a strong fear that personal liberties would be infringed
by royal whim and in May 1679 Parliament passed the
act of Habeas Corpus, one of this country’s most
important items of legislation which protects the
individual’s freedom from unlawful imprisonment.
This same Whig Parliament, under the leadership of
the earl of Shaftesbury, introduced an Exclusion Bill
which would deny the duke of York succession to the
throne. By then the queen had had several stillbirths
and miscarriages and Charles believed he would have
no legitimate son, for all that he had sired many
illegitimate ones. Charles prevented the bill’s
enactment by using his authority in the Lords. When
Parliament met the next year the bill was introduced
again, and passed, but Charles dissolved Parliament. A
third Parliament met in Oxford in 1681 and the bill
passed through the Commons and the Lords, but again
Charles dissolved Parliament. Charles brought military
pressure upon the Whigs to moderate their actions, and
the country was fearful of another civil war. Charles
entered a secret treaty with the French for their support
in the event of a rebellion. It was in this atmosphere
that the Rye-House Plot was uncovered in June 1683.
It was a scheme devised by Lord William Russell,
Algernon Sidney, Lord Capel and others to assassinate
Charles and James on their departure

from the races at Newmarket in March, and raise
Charles’s eldest surviving illegitimate son, the duke of
Monmouth, to the throne. The plot was thwarted when
a fire caused them to leave early. Sidney became the
first victim of the infamous Judge Jeffreys, who tried
him with minimal evidence and consigned him to the
execution block. Jeffreys became a willing tool in
serving Charles who wreaked revenge upon any likely

With his own private army, with the Whig opposition

dispersed, and with Judge Jeffreys happy to execute
anyone who dared oppose the king, Charles’s final
years were unsurprisingly peaceful. While this
suggests he ruled like a despot, he was in reality an
amusing and likeable man with a great sense of
humour. He was really a loveable rogue, a kind of
‘Chuck the Lad’. He enjoyed many sports and pursuits,
including horse-racing. He established the race-course
at Newmarket in 1667 and even raced there as a jockey
in the Twelve-Stone Plate in 1675 and won. He loved
the theatre, which he reestablished and patronized after
it was banned during the Commonwealth, and loved
the actresses even more. Two actresses became his
mistresses. The better known was Nell Gwynne, who
bore him two children. The eldest, Charles Beauclerk,
survived and married the daughter of the earl of
Oxford, and their descendants survive today. By Moll
Davies, Charles had Mary Tudor, who married the earl
of Derwentwater. Nell Gwynne also had a great sense
of humour and the episodes between Charles and Nell
in London often caused much jollity. One such was
when Nell tried to outdo Charles’s other mistress,

Louise, duchess of Portsmouth, by wearing a more
outrageous hat which was so huge that it threatened to
overwhelm her when she appeared on the stage in the
King’s presence. It was at Nell Gwynne’s urging that
Charles established the Royal Hospital at Chelsea for
army pensioners.

Charles was also a great patron of the arts and

sciences. He loved discussing scientific issues and
conducted his own experiments. His primary interests
were in clocks and watches (he had seven clocks in his
bedroom each of which chimed at different
times) and in navigation. He was the first monarch to
have a royal yacht, the Royal Escape. Not surprisingly
these two interests come together in his patronage of
the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1675 under the
first Astronomer-Royal, John Flamsteed. Charles
established the Royal Society in London in 1660 with
the view to ‘improving Natural Knowledge’. This was
the period when Isaac Newton formulated his theories
on gravity; when Sir Christopher Wren undertook
some of his greatest building works, including the
present St Paul’s Cathedral, on which work began in
1675; when Robert Boyle established the principles of
scientific experimentation and developed modern
chemistry out of ancient alchemy; when Richard
Lower undertook the first blood transfusion between
animals (1665); and when Edmund Halley correctly
predicted the return of the comet now named after him
(1682). Thanks to Charles’s patronage, science
received a boost which it had been denied under earlier
rulers and saw the birth, in England, of a scientific

The first real newspapers appeared during Charles’s
reign, notably Roger L’Estrange’s The Public
Intelligencer in 1663 and the London Gazette in 1665.
These were still controlled by royal licensing of the
press and censorship of the press was re-introduced in
1680, lasting until 1695.

Some commentators on Charles’s reign have called it

‘the worst reign in English history’, which is a
considerable exaggeration. The criticism is that
Charles followed whatever course he deemed best to
save himself, even if it meant selling his country and
his religion to the French. Charles cannot be regarded
as a good king, but neither was he an especially bad
one, since he was never vindictive, had no wish to
cause anyone any harm or anguish provided everyone
was moderate. It was the extremists about him who,
frustrated at Charles’s lack of firm direction, forced
issues that caused Charles to react unfavourably.
Nevertheless the monarchy survived under him and
beyond him.

Charles died of a stroke while still comparatively

young and was succeeded by his brother James.

JAMES II, also JAMES VII of Scotland. Ruled

6 February 1685–11 December 1688 (deposed);
continued as king of Ireland until 1 July 1690.
Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685.

Titles: king of England and Scotland; duke of
York (from 1644), earl of Ulster (from 1659),
duke of Normandy (from 1660).

Born: St James’s Palace, London, 14 October

1633. Died: St Germain-en-Laye, near Paris, 16
September 1701, aged 67. Buried: Church of the
English Benedictines, Paris.

Married: (1) November/December 1659, at

Breda, Holland, Anne (1637–71), dau. Edward
Hyde, earl of Clarendon: 8 children; (2) 21
November 1673, at Dover, Kent: Mary
(1658–1718), dau. of Alfonso d’Este, duke of
Modena: 12 children. James also had at least
seven illegitimate children by two mistresses.

James was the younger brother of Charles II and the

son of Charles I. As the second son of the monarch he
was granted the title duke of York, though this was not
formally bestowed until January 1644. The English
Civil War disrupted his education, which always
remained moderate. He was just nine when he
witnessed the battle of Edgehill (October 1642); he
was then removed for his protection to the Royalist
headquarters at Oxford where, apparently, he enjoyed
the company of dwarfs. When Oxford was captured by
the Roundheads in 24 June 1646, the young prince was
taken prisoner and confined to St James’s Palace in
London, where he remained for nearly two years. In

April 1648, disguised as a girl, and pretending to be
playing hide-and-seek, he effected his escape and fled
to Holland, joining his brother Charles with their sister
Mary in the Hague. He frequently quarrelled with his
brother and mother. Unlike Charles, who was
good-natured and happy-go-lucky, James was rather
dour and serious. This made him a better soldier than
his brother and, in 1652 he was commissioned into the
French army, serving under Turenne in the French
wars in Spain and the Netherlands,
being promoted to lieutenant-general. He had to resign
this commission when France and England reached an
alliance, but he subsequently served with Spain against
France and England in 1658, and was noted for his

During this period James had entered protacted

negotiations with the duke of Longueville to marry his
daughter, but these came to nothing. His mistress at
this time was Anne Hyde, daughter of Charles’s chief
minister Edward Hyde, and lady-in-waiting to James’s
sister Mary. He entered into a private marriage contract
with her in Holland in November or December 1659.
When news leaked out relatives were horrified. Most
refused to acknowledge the marriage, and even James
denied it for a while. However, with the Restoration of
the monarchy in May 1660, and Anne now heavily
pregnant, James went through a public ceremony on 3
September 1660 in London. It was some years,
however, before there was any real family harmony.

With Charles installed as king, James had a number of

titles bestowed upon him. In addition to duke of York,

he became the duke of Albany and was made an
honorary duke of Normandy by the French king, the
last English monarch to hold that title. He also became
Lord High Admiral. He commanded the navy during
the Anglo-Dutch war, defeating the Dutch at the battle
of Lowestoft in June 1665. In 1664 when the English
captured New Amsterdam, it was presented to James
and renamed New York after him.

In 1668 James and Anne converted to Catholicism but

this was kept secret until Charles was able to force his
Declaration of Indulgence through Parliament in
March 1672. Anne died in 1671 and James was soon
negotiating to marry the ardently Catholic Mary of
Modena. The Whig government under the earl of
Shaftesbury was horrified and in March 1673 forced
the King to withdraw his Declaration of Indulgence
and to pass the Test Act, which banned Catholics from
holding public office. James, who had served bravely
again in the third Anglo-Dutch War at Solebay in May
1672, had to step down as Lord High Admiral. The
Government also tried to pass an Exclusion Bill which
have removed James from the succession. Charles was
able to thwart this on three occasions between 1679
and 1681, but this and the Popish Plot of 1678 where
rumour spread of a plan to assassinate Charles and
instal James on the throne, caused a massive wave of
anti-Catholic feeling. James prudently went into exile
in Brussels, and thence to Scotland, in December 1679.
He was greeted with considerable caution and
trepidation. The Scots had been in upheaval over the
last year against potential Catholic reform, and the

presence of a Catholic heir in their midst did nothing to
pacify them. James, however, remained the soul of
discretion for the brief period he was there, and he was
generally accepted. However on his return a year later,
with the Exclusion Bills rejected, James became less
moderate. In July 1681 he forced two bills through the
Scottish Parliament. The Act of Succession made it
clear that religious differences were no bar to the
succession to the Scottish throne. The Test Act forced
all those holding official posts to sign a document
pledging their adherence to Presbyterianism,
Episcopalianism and Catholicism. Few would comply
and most resigned, James using this as an opportunity
to purge government of any opposition. Over the next
three years, even after he returned south, James
continued to persecute the Covenanters and there are
many stories (possibly not all true) of the atrocities
committed by him and in his name.

These persecutions continued in Scotland after James

became king in February 1685. Although he was
proclaimed king, he never took the Scottish coronation
oath and was the first king of Scotland not to be
crowned in Scotland. In fact, he never visited it again.
From the moment of his accession there was mounting
opposition to James. Neither Scotland nor England
wanted a Catholic monarch, especially one with such a
cruel and vindictive streak. Two political exiles united
with plans to invade their respective countries and oust
the king. In Scotland this was Archibald Campbell,
earl of Argyll, who invaded Scotland in May 1685,
whilst in England it was James Scott, duke of
Monmouth, Charles II’s eldest illegitimate son, who

arrived at Lyme Regis on 11 June 1685 and was
proclaimed king at Taunton nine
days later as the real James II. Both men were
astonished that so little support rallied to their cause.
Argyll was not joined by his clan. His small army was
soon overpowered as it marched south. He was
captured, imprisoned without trial and executed in
Edinburgh on 30 June. Monmouth was defeated at
Sedgemoor on 5 July and captured three days later. He
was executed at Tower Hill in London on 15 July. The
infamous Judge Jeffreys was sent on a Bloody Assizes
circuit of the West Country, where many of
Monmouth’s followers were captured and executed.

James now imposed a reign of terror, determined to

restore Catholicism in England and Scotland. He
introduced a Declaration of Indulgence in April 1687
restoring rights to Catholics, and any protesters were
imprisoned, including seven bishops, accused of
seditious libel. His complete disregard for the wishes
of Parliament and his evident intention to overthrow
the Church of England at last galvanized his opponents
into action. The last straw was the birth of a son, James
(see James VIII) on 10 June 1688 after a succession of
stillbirths and daughters who had died in infancy. Until
then it was possible the church might have tolerated
James, as his heir presumptives, Mary and Anne, were
both Protestants, but the young James would be raised
a Catholic and that prospect was too much. Rumours –
false but declared in hope – that the new-born baby
was a changeling and that James’s child had died at
birth, circulated rapidly and had sufficient credibility
to allow the bishop of London and six supporters

(known as the ‘Immortal Seven’) to invite James’s
son-in-law, William of Orange, to England to protect
his wife’s succession to the throne. William was
himself alarmed at the return of England and Scotland
to Catholicism, as it would confirm Britain as an ally
of France against the Netherlands and in France’s
current mobilization against Germany. On 29
September William sent a declaration to the English
Lords accepting their offer and laying out his terms for
a ‘free and lawful Parliament’. Delayed at first by bad
weather, William’s army landed at Brixham on 5
November 1688 and was welcomed at Exeter. Over the
next two weeks most of the major cities and bishoprics
in England declared their
support for William. James’s army was first based at
Salisbury, but in the light of William’s advance he
retreated to Reading and called a war council. His
commander-in-chief, John Churchill, and others
defected to William on the same day, and the next day
James discovered that his daughter, Anne, had also
defected. Realizing he had been deserted, James called
a Great Council and agreed to major concessions,
including the dismissal of Catholics from office.

Negotiations, led by the marquis of Halifax, continued

for a week, but they were little more than a delaying
tactic. On 10 December James fled from London,
discarding the Great Seal in the Thames. He was
captured at Sheerness in Kent and returned to London,
but William allowed him to escape again and he fled to
France on 23 December. William accepted the
government six days later.

James was installed at the château of Saint-Germain,
near Paris and established a court-in-exile. (It was at
this time that the spelling of Stewart was changed to
Stuart, to imitate the French spelling, Steuart.) With
James was his eldest surviving illegitimate son and
chief agent and negotiator, James Fitzjames, duke of
Berwick, son of Arabella Churchill, the sister of John
Churchill. There were still pockets of support for
James, especially amongst the Irish Catholics and the
Scottish Jacobites. Following a rebellion amongst the
Irish in January 1689, James landed at Kinsale in
Ireland and in May 1689 held a Parliament in Dublin
which still acknowledged his authority. James raised
an army in Ireland, including support from France, and
governed for a year, passing a number of acts in favour
of the Catholics. In June 1690 William brought his
army to Ireland and defeated James at the battle of the
Boyne on 1 July 1690. James fled back to France three
days later. He continued to plot and scheme for the
next seven years, including a further attempted
invasion in 1692 and another planned for but not
executed in 1695. He eventually devoted himself to
religious pursuits after 1697 and apparently suffered a
mental decline. He succeeded in obtaining recognition
from France that his legitimate son, James (the Old
Pretender), should become king after the death of
William III.

James’s arrogance and viciousness cost him his crown,

but surprisingly not his life. Continued support for him
and his son amongst the Scots would result in two
Jacobite rebellions over the next fifty years, and his

descendants would remain pretenders to the Scottish
and English thrones until 1807.


Scotland. King of England and Scotland (jointly
with MARY II), 13 February 1689–8 March 1702.
Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 11 April 1689.

Full name and titles: king of England, Scotland

and Ireland; Stadtholder of Holland, prince of
Orange and count of Nassau-Dillenburg (from

Born: Binnenhof Palace, the Hague, Holland, 4

November 1650. Died: Kensington Palace, 8
March 1702, aged 51. Buried: Westminster

Married: 4 November 1677, at St James’s

Palace, London, Mary, dau. of James II of
England: 3 children, all stillborn.

William III was descended from the ancient house of

Nassau in Germany and was the great-grandson of
William the Silent, prince of Orange, who became
Stadtholder (or chief executive) of the Netherlands in
1572. His father, William II, died just eight days
before William was born. His mother, Maria Henrietta,
was Charles I’s daughter, making him James II’s
nephew. He would marry James II’s daughter Mary.

William was deprived of his titles in Holland in his
childhood because of his father’s arguments with the
regents of Holland, but he was restored in 1672
following the overthrow of the dictatorial John de Witt
who had governed Holland, first in alliance with
France and then, after war broke out with France in
1667, with England and Sweden. Young William led
the Dutch against the French and succeeding in forcing
a peace in 1678 in which all the Dutch terms were
agreed. As a precursor to this, in his negotiations with
his uncle, Charles II, who was acting as mediator
between France and the
Netherlands, William secured a political marriage with
England by marrying his cousin, Mary, in 1677.

When James had come to the throne and begun to

pursue his active Catholic measures, William first
distanced himself and then, afraid that James might
actually tip the balance and secure a Catholic majority
in Parliament, and thereby become an immediate ally
of the French, decided to intervene. He responded to an
invitation from seven English peers known as the
‘Immortal Seven’, invaded England in November 1688
and within eight weeks had succeeded in a bloodless
coup. The English Parliament determined that by
fleeing the country James had abdicated, whilst the
Scots argued that he had forfeited the Crown by his
pro-Catholic actions against the Scottish nation. Either
way James was no longer recognized as king other
than in Ireland. There was some support for a regency,
but while James II was still active, and support grew in
Ireland and Scotland, Parliament did not want an
interminable interregnum. William, on his part, did not

want to be seen solely as a king consort, and was
prepared to return to Holland. The English did not
want a vacant throne and Mary was uncomfortable
about reigning alone, especially as it looked as if she
had usurped her father’s throne. As a consequence in
February 1689 William was offered joint sovereignty
with Mary. Although common in the time of the early
Saxon rulers, there had been no joint rule in England
for over 800 years, and none in Scotland since the
eleventh century. A Declaration of Rights was issued
which outlawed the way James II (and others) had
exercised their royal prerogative. The next month a
Mutiny Act was passed, to make the existence of an
army in peacetime depend on the agreement of the
House of Commons. The Commons also tightened the
control over the royal expenditure with a Civil List
Act. These measures restricted the royal authority
considerably and because William needed the support
of England for Holland he was prepared to accept these
changes. They went a long way toward the modern
form of constitutional monarchy.

William still needed to secure his authority across the

realm. James II was causing problems in Ireland where
he remained king and his army was besieging Derry.
William sent troops into Ireland in August 1689 and
followed himself in June 1690. He defeated James II at
the battle of the Boyne on 1 July, which forced James
to flee back to France. The Irish Catholics fought back
but were defeated again, the following July, at
Aughrim. Uprisings amongst the Scottish Highlanders
were less easily dealt with, and the clansmen were
given an ultimatum to swear their allegiance to the

king by 1 January 1692 or face the consequences.
When Alexander MacIan MacDonald failed to make
the deadline, nearly forty members of his clan,
including women, children and MacDonald himself,
were massacred by the Campbells at Glencoe on 13
February. This was a deep stain on William’s character
and few Scots forgave him, even after he sought to
acquit himself with a public enquiry three years later.
This brought the perpetrators to justice but no sentence
was enforced.

The action was not typical of William, but not

surprising either. He was a deeply serious man,
boringly so, who tolerated no nonsense, had no sense
of humour, and had little interest in Scotland. He was
short (Mary was five inches taller, and generally larger
all round), bad-tempered – a tendency exacerbated by
his asthma – and obsessive about his desire to keep the
French out of Holland. Everything drove him towards
that goal, and apart from consulting Parliament in
order to raise finances for his foreign activities,
William avoided government altogether, leaving this to
his wife, Mary. Since Mary had no interest in
government either, but merely followed her husband’s
wishes, Parliament had its own way much of the time.

There were two attempts by Jacobites to overthrow

William. The Lancashire Plot in July 1694 failed
virtually before it began, while Sir John Fenwick’s
conspiracy to assassinate William and restore James
was uncovered in February 1696.

William’s war with France dragged on until 1697.
There were victories on both sides, none
overwhelmingly decisive, but often
involving severe losses. Although William was
victorious in the naval battle of La Hogue on 19 May
1692, which curtailed James II’s efforts to invade
England, the English and Dutch suffered major losses
at Neerwinden on 29 July 1693. The Treaty of
Ryswick in September 1697 brought a temporary and
uncertain end to the hostilities. One of the outcomes of
this war was the establishment of the Bank of England
in 1694 to help organize the finances required to
support the war.

Mary had died of smallpox in December 1694. The

couple had not been well matched. William was often
accused of having homosexual tendencies, though it
was also known that Elizabeth Villiers was his
mistress. Mary was frigid and in her youth had had a
lesbian relationship. They were also ill-matched
physically, Mary being much larger than William, who
was probably embarrassed by the whole procedure.
Though they strove for an heir, they had a succession
of stillbirths. The public had tolerated William because
of their respect for Mary and, after her death, his
popularity diminished further. This only drove him
more into his foreign negotiations, in which he
delighted. From 1698 till his death he became
embroiled in the problems over the Spanish

A succession crisis in England emerged in 1700 with

the death of his nephew William, Anne’s only

surviving son. As a consequence an Act of Settlement
was passed, which secured the Protestant succession to
the throne, specifically the Hanoverian succession (see
George I).

William died as the result of a riding accident. In

February 1702 his horse stumbled on a mole hill and
threw William, breaking his collarbone. A fever set in,
followed by pleuresy and pneumonia from which he
died. William may not have been a much-loved king,
but he was more stable than James and, because of his
general lack of interest in England, he allowed the
strength of parliament to grow (even though he tried to
by-pass it when he needed to). It was in his reign that
parliamentary government began to emerge.

MARY II Queen of England and Scotland.

Ruling jointly with WILLIAM III [II of
Scotland], 13 February 1689–28 December
1694. Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 11 April

Born: St James’s Palace, London, 30 April 1662.

Died: Kensington Palace, London, 28 December
1694, aged 32. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 4 November 1677, at St James’s

Palace, William III, prince of Orange: 3 children,
all stillborn.

Mary was the eldest surviving child of James II and an
heiress in her own right, though the Exclusion Bills
which Parliament sought to introduce during 1679–81,
which would have denied her father’s accession to the
throne, could in turn have denied her. Moreover when
James did succeed, his fervent pro-Catholic acts might
have closed the succession completely to Protestants,
which would have denied Mary’s accession again. It
was James’s Catholicism and his too close an alliance
with France that caused Mary’s husband, William of
Orange, to challenge and ultimately overthrow James.
William and Mary became joint sovereigns of England
(see under William III for details).

Mary remained forever in the shadow of her husband

and contributed little to government beyond her good
humour. She was the more loved sovereign of the two,
and her gay demeanour was much needed at court and
in Parliament to lighten William’s surliness.
Nevertheless Mary had not been raised for
government, and did not like it, preferring to defer to
William except when he was out of the country. Mary
had not welcomed the match with William. She had
apparently wept when it was announced. The two had
three stillborn children in the first two years of their
marriage and nothing thereafter. From 1677 to 1689,
she lived in Holland where she was much loved by the

Mary fell out with her sister (and eventual successor)

Anne over John Churchill, the Earl of Marlborough. It
was Churchill’s defection to William in the rebellion
of 1688 that had made

William’s accession so easy, and Churchill had served
him valiantly since, but did not feel he had been
suitably rewarded. Rumours emerged that Churchill
was starting to plot against William. Churchill’s wife,
Sarah, was a longtime friend of Anne’s, having been
her maid of honour and lady of the bedchamber. When
Churchill was arrested and imprisoned in 1692, Mary
expected Anne to dismiss Sarah, but Anne chose not
to, and Mary regarded this as an affront. The two were
never reconciled.

Mary was only thirty-two when she contracted

smallpox and died in December 1694. The country
mourned her passing far more than her husband’s eight
years later. Mary strove to improve the nation’s
morals, and instructed magistrates to be more active in
enforcing the vice laws. She supported the Society for
the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, which
eventually took shape in 1698, and she had plans to
build a hospital at Greenwich, which William carried
through after her death.


Ruled 8 March 1702–1 August 1714.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1702.

Titles: queen of England, Scotland, France and
Ireland (became Great Britain, Ireland and
France from 1 May 1707).

Born: St James’s Palace, London, 6 February

1665; Died: Kensington Palace, London, 1
August 1714, aged 49. Buried: Westminster

Married: 28 July 1683, at St James’s Palace,

George (1653–1708), son of Frederik III, king of
Denmark: 19 children, of which 14 were
stillbirths or miscarriages.

Anne was the second daughter of James, and through

her mother, Anne, the grand-daughter of Edward
Hyde, earl of Clarendon. She was comparatively
poorly educated and preferred sport and riding to
reading and art. In 1683, when she was eighteen, hot
on the heels of a court scandal, when she was reputedly
seduced by one of the courtiers, Lord Mulgrave, Anne
was married to Prince George,
brother of the Danish king Christian V. Whilst George
had received a good education he seems to have
absorbed remarkably little of it, as he was lacking in
the most basic general knowledge and seemed to revel
in being a nonentity. He was harmless, well-meaning
and a good husband, and the pair made a pleasant
couple, but no one wanted George as a possible future
king. When Anne came to the throne in 1702, George

was kept securely in the background. He certainly tried
to do his duty in fathering an heir, but of nineteen
children (including twins), fourteen were stillborn, and
only one survived beyond infancy and he, William,
died in July 1700, aged eleven, of hydrocephalus.
Since each child arrived within scarcely a year of the
previous one, Anne’s body must have been exhausted
– she was pregnant for at least thirteen of her
twenty-five years of marriage. Anne was overweight, a
condition that probably contributed to the lack of a
healthy child, and she frequently needed to be carried
in a chair (which may be why the sedan chair became
so popular during her reign). She also suffered from
gout and rheumatism, and must have been in constant
pain. How she maintained her generally bright and
kindhearted demeanour is a tribute to her stoicism and
conscientiousness. She may not have wanted to be
queen, she may have been ill equipped for it, but she
nevertheless sought to do her duty. She relied heavily
on Sidney Godolphin, the Lord High Treasurer and
nearest equivalent of the day of the Prime Minister.

Early in her reign Anne demonstrated her interests in

the Church and the needy by establishing a fund,
known as Queen Anne’s Bounty, which increased the
stipends of poorer clergy. She also insisted upon the
construction of more churches in London.

Anne’s reign was dominated abroad by the War of the

Spanish Succession. This had arisen because Louis
XIV of France accepted the Spanish throne on behalf
of his grandson Philip, instead of recognizing Charles
of Austria as the successor, as had been agreed by the

Partition Treaty of 1700. Britain, Austria, Portugal,
Denmark and the Netherlands sided against France,
Spain and Bavaria. War was declared in May 1702 and
peace was not concluded until the Treaty of Utrecht in
April 1713. England’s hero in the war was John
Churchill, whom Anne elevated to duke of
Marlborough and
gave a considerable income. His great victory was on
13 August 1704 at Blenheim, in Germany, where he
stopped the French advance. When he came to
establish his great estate at Woodstock, near Oxford,
Churchill named it Blenheim Palace after his victory.
Also of lasting consequence in the war was the capture
by Admiral Sir George Rooke in July 1704 of
Gibraltar, which has remained a British possession
ever since.

Anne took an interest in the war but, like her subjects,

grew tired of its inexorability. It forced her to take a
stronger hand in her dealings with her government and
even made her dismiss her chief ministers on more
than one occasion. In this respect, while Parliament
remained paramount and Anne had virtually become a
constitutional monarch, she wielded sufficient
authority to keep the government on its toes. She also
believed that her actions reflected the mood of the
nation as a whole. She wielded a similar authority
against others in her life, eventually dismissing Sarah
Churchill from her official duties in 1711, partly
because the lady had become high and mighty, but
mostly because she had been promoting Whig
propaganda against Anne’s own Tory preferences.
Anne became lonely after the death of her husband in

1708, and her constant pain made her more moody and
vindictive. Her closest friend was Lady Abigail
Masham, the cousin of Sarah Churchill, who remained
with her in her final years. During this period Anne
endeavoured to negotiate with her half-brother James
(the Old Pretender), imploring him to set aside his
Catholic faith for the sake of the succession. The Act
of Settlement of 1701 had conferred the succession on
Anne’s second cousin, Sophia, widow of the Elector of
Hanover. She died six weeks before Anne, and the
succession passed to her son, George I. By the time of
her death in 1714 Anne had become so big she could
not move and needed to go everywhere in a
wheelchair. Her coffin was almost square.

The most significant change during Anne’s reign was

the Act of Union, effective from 1 May 1707, which
united England and Scotland as one kingdom – Great
Britain. This was personally encouraged by Anne who
believed that the full economic and political union was
the best development for both countries.

Anne’s reign is often associated with the growth in tea

and coffee houses, which themselves became the
centres for developing businesses and commerce (the
London Stock Exchange grew out of a coffee house).
Trade grew considerably during this period, especially
with the establishment of the South Sea Company in
1711, trading with South America, and the increased
trade coming from India and the East. The new
kingdom of Great Britain began to prosper as never
before and the seeds of the British Empire were

Proclaimed king in France as James III of
England and James VIII of Scotland on 16
September 1701.

Born: St James’s Palace, London, 10 June 1688.

Died: Rome, 1 January 1766, aged 78. Buried: St
Peter’s Basilica, Vatican.

Married: 1 September 1719, at Montefiascone,

Italy, Maria (1702–35) dau. Prince James
Sobieski of Poland.

James Francis Edward Stuart, known commonly

as the Old Pretender, was the only surviving
legitimate son of James II and Mary of Modena.
At his birth many believed that he was a
chageling, introduced into the royal bed in a
warming-pan. In the rebellion of 1688 he
preceded his father in flight to France, where he
was raised. He received the support of the French
king as successor to the thrones of England and
Scotland, and was declared king on the death of
James. He made an abortive attempt to land in
Scotland in 1708, but was defeated by the
English. In the next few years he served with
great courage in the French army in the War of
the Spanish Succession. All this time he yearned
to regain the English throne. His cousin Anne

urged him to renounce his Catholicism and
embrace the Church of England. He would then
be the rightful heir. But James refused, sticking
steadfastly to his faith. His next opportunity came
in 1714, following Anne’s
death. By this time there were increasing Jacobite
sympathies linked with concern over the
Hanoverian succession (see George I). James’s
remoteness in France made it difficult for him to
mobilize support. When rebellion broke out in
Scotland on 26 August 1715, under John Erskine,
earl of Mar, Louis XIV of France had just died,
and James was indisposed. It took him months to
cross France and gain a ship to Scotland, landing
at Peterhead on December 22. The Jacobites were
able to capture Perth, and James VIII held his
court at Scone, but Edinburgh and Stirling
resisted them. Over the next two weeks James’s
supporters at last got to know the man who had
not set foot in Britain for twenty-seven years.
Although he had the regal bearing of the Stewart
monarchy, and appeared balanced and sincere, he
did not rouse them to Jacobite fervour. Quite the
opposite. He was a rather gloomy individual
resigned to failure from years of ill luck. His
support, which at most had not exceeded 12,000,
rapidly dwindled. Six weeks after his arrival in
Scotland, James departed, slipping quietly out of
the country and returning to France. He remained

a refugee in Europe for the rest of his life, finally
settling in Rome where the pope awarded him an
income and demanded he be known as the king of
England. Only one other opportunity presented
itself – in 1718 when Philip V of Spain agreed to
support James. Another Spanish Armada set sail
but, like the other two, it suffered in the bad
weather and only a small force made it through to
the Hebrides, without the Pretender. He retired to
Rome where he took a bride, though it was far
from a happy marriage. When the Jacobites rose
again in 1745, James was too old and tired to
bother and it was his son, Bonnie Prince Charlie
who answered the call.


Proclaimed prince regent, 12 August 1745;
defeated 16 April 1746. Styled himself Charles
III, 1 January 1766–31 January 1788.

Born: Rome, 31 December 1720. Died: Rome 31

January 1788, aged 68. Buried: St Peter’s, Rome.

Married: 17 April 1772, at Marefischi, Ancona,

Italy, Louise (1752–1824) dau. Gustavus

Adolphus, Prince of Stolberg-Gedern (separated
1780): no children.

Charles was the eldest son of James (see James

VIII) and regarded himself as the rightful
claimant to the throne of Scotland (and to a lesser
degree England). Unlike his father he was not a
staunch Catholic, but supported the Jacobite
cause. Also, unlike his lugubrious father, he had a
good sense of humour and was a dashing,
sporting individual. He was involved in the siege
of Gaeta in 1734 and served well at Dettingen in
1743 in battle against George II. He made himself
available to Louis XV of France who sought to
use the Jacobite resistance in an invasion of
England during the War of the Austrian
Succession. Louis’s expedition was prevented by
bad weather and, in the end, Charles went it
alone, losing one ship en route, and arriving in
Eriskay in the Hebrides on 23 July 1745 with just
seven companions. His resolve, passion and
optimism soon fostered support amongst the
Highlanders and he was declared prince regent on
12 August. A week later he raised his father’s
standard at Glenfinnan. His army grew. He
entered Edinburgh without opposition and
established himself at Holyrood. An army sent
against him under the command of Sir John Cope
was rapidly despatched. After a brief pause

Charles marched south, reaching as far as Derby
on 4 December, without opposition. At this point
it seemed that England was his for the taking.
George II was preparing to flee to France.
although there was no resistance, Charles did not
find any support amongst the English and it was
considered prudent to return to Edinburgh.
Thereafter the army became dispirited. The duke
of Cumberland followed in pursuit, regaining
ground and establishing a base at Inverness in
February. By now Charles’s lack of ability as a
leader was showing, as his army became
weakened and ill. The showdown between the
two forces happened at Culloden on 16 April
1746. The Jacobites were soundly defeated by
Cumberland. This was the last battle fought on
British soil. Charles escaped. Aided by Flora
MacDonald, and disguised as a spinning-maid,
Charles remained a fugitive throughout the
Highlands for five months, during which period
Cumberland took revenge on any Jacobite nests
remaining in Scotland. Realizing his cause was
lost Charles left Scotland in 18 September 1746
never to return. While in Scotland he had met the
twenty-five-year-old Clementina Walkinshaw,
who became his mistress and followed him to
Europe. They had a daughter, Charlotte, born in
1753, who became duchess of Albany. Charles

lost his verve and spirit and sank into
drunkenness. He lost Clementine because of his
cruelty, and had a short, unhappy and unfruitful
marriage with Princess Louise of
Stolberg-Gedern. His daughter, who was later
legitimized, was his only companion in his final,
sad years. He long regretted he had not died at
Culloden with his supporters.

The Rise of Empire



The rule of the House of Hanover would last almost

200 years, and would see the population of Britain rise
from 7 million to 38 million. It would witness the end
of its first empire – the loss of the American colonies
and the collapse of the Slave Trade – and a mighty
expansion of its second. In 1765 Robert Clive captured
Bengal for the East India Trading Company and from
then on the British spread across India. In the 1770s
Australia was discovered and the first settlers (800 of
whom were convicts) made their homes there. The
Napoleonic Wars brought more colonial possessions:
Trinidad, Tobago, St Lucia, Sri Lanka, Mauritius,
Cape Colony and Malta. In the 1840s Britain further
expanded in India, and began to settle in New Zealand.

By 1850 Britain was the world’s leading trading
nation. Victoria would become Empress of India, and
under her rule, Britain would gain control of Egypt,
Sudan, The Gambia, Gold Coast (Ghana), Kenya,
Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the Transvaal and
Orange Free State.

There would be enormous social changes: the

influence of the monarchy in government would
decline as the power of Parliament,
the Prime Minister and Cabinet increased. There would
be a revolution in agriculture in the mid eighteenth
century, and with greater yields from rotation of crops,
new machines, scientific breeding, land reclamation,
greater investment and enclosure of common lands, the
population would double within fifty years. Only in
Scotland would the population decline. From the mid
eighteenth century onwards a steady stream of the poor
and unemployed migrated to the colonies and to
America: victims of the terrible Highland clearances
where homesteads were destroyed to make way for

The Industrial Revolution, which began around 1760,

would bring in its wake both good and evil. The rural
poor of England and Wales moved en masse to the
towns burgeoning near coal mines, for the newly
invented steam engine required coal. New advances in
spinning and weaving, and the making of iron
encouraged a proliferation of smelting works and
cotton mills, which had to be kept going day and night,
while the poor packed into slums around these. In the
first decades of the nineteenth century the first

enlightened Acts of Parliament were passed to limit
child labour to children over the age of nine and to no
more than twelve hours a day. It would not be until
1847, under Queen Victoria, that the laws were
changed to curtail daily working hours to ten and the
age to thirteen and over. In the mid-nineteenth century,
workhouses became compulsory for the poor without
work. In the 1870s, primary education would become
available for all children, and the first law permitting
Trades Unions would be passed. Meanwhile canals,
steamships and railways would open up the
possibilities of travel and change the face of Britain.


Ruled: 1 August 1714–11 June 1727. Crowned:

Westminster Abbey, 20 October 1714.

Full name and titles: George Louis, king of

Great Britain and Ireland, duke and elector of
Hanover (from 1698).

Born: Osnabrück, Hanover, 28 May (7 June)

1660. Died: Osnabrück, Hanover, 11 June 1727,
aged 67. Buried: Leinschloss Church, Hanover.

Married: 21 November 1682, at Celle Castle,

Germany, Sophia Dorothea (1666–1726), dau.
George William, duke of
Brunswick-Lüneberg-Celle; marriage anulled 28

December 1694: 2 children. George also had at
least three illegitimate children by Ehrengard
Melusine von Schulenburg (1667–1743), who
may subsequently have married George.

The Act of Settlement passed in 1701 formalized the

succession to exclude all Catholics, which was why
James (the Old Pretender), a legitimate son of James II
was not allowed to rule. At the time the act was
concluded, the nearest living Protestant heir was
Sophia, the seventy-year-old daughter of Frederick,
king of Bohemia and Elector Palatine of the Rhine.
Her mother, Elizabeth, was the eldest daughter of
James I. Sophia died six weeks before Queen Anne in
the summer of 1714 and the succession passed to her
eldest son, George, who had succeeded his father,
Ernst August, as duke and elector of Hanover on 23
January 1698. When George came to the British throne
he was fifty-four, older than any previous English heir.
Prior to 1701 there had been little thought that he
would become king of England, and even during the
last years of Queen Anne’s reign efforts had been
made for James Stuart to convert to Protestantism, but
the likelihood of George’s succession became
increasingly inevitable in the last few years. Whilst he
had never learned English, he rapidly struggled to
master key sentences, but preferred to communicate in
French, the diplomatic language of the day. He also
relied on his son, George Augustus, to help translate.

Before his elevation to king of England, George had
already led an eventful life. He was the eldest child
with five brothers and a sister. He outlived them all
except his youngest brother Ernst. He had been a
handsome youth, and still retained something of a
cherubic if fat face, though his seeming inability to
smile made him
appear surly. He was not tall, but was fit and athletic,
though he later became rather stout. He was well
educated but delighted most in riding, hunting and
military exercise. He first saw military service in 1675,
and was involved in the Dutch and Turkish wars,
distinguishing himself at Neerwinden in 1693. He
developed a good relationship with John Churchill, the
future duke of Marlborough, during the War of the
Spanish Succession and commanded the Imperial
Army on the Upper Rhine from 1707 to 1709.

He was elevated to the College of Electors of the

Empire in 1708 and became arch-treasurer of the
Empire in 1710. He was resourceful and much
respected, but was also highly ambitious, vindictive
and used to having his own way. He had already
demonstrated this by his treatment of his wife, which
had become something of a scandal in Europe.

He had married the beautiful sixteen-year-old Sophia

Dorothea of Celle in 1682. The marriage was at first
happy and they had two children: George Augustus
and Sophia Dorothea. Sophia soon tired of her boorish
husband, however, who seemed to have little respect
for women, and she began an affair with Philip von
Königsmark, a Swedish colonel of dragoons. When

George discovered this in July 1694 he was furious.
Sophia was imprisoned in the Castle of Ahlden for the
rest of her life, forbidden to remarry and denied access
to her children. Divorce proceedings were concluded
in December 1694. Königsmark disappeared and it was
widely believed that George had ordered his death. His
body was supposed to have been discovered years later
buried under the floorboards at the elector’s palace.
However, Königsmark had earlier had an affair with
Clara, the Countess von Platten, and it was believed
that she may have lured the Colonel to his death. This
becomes even more sordid when we learn that Clara
had also been the mistress of George’s father, Ernst,
and had borne him at least four children, one of whom,
Sophia Charlotte, was rumoured to be George’s
mistress, even though she was his half-sister. It is more
likely that the two simply enjoyed each other’s
company. Sophia Charlotte was not an attractive lady;
in fact she grew to be excessively corpulent, so
that when she and the king were seen together they
were nicknamed the Elephant and Castle. She became
a naturalized British subject and was raised to the
peerage as baroness of Brentford and countess of
Darlington in 1722. George’s one public mistress was
Ehrengard Melusine von Schulenburg, an extremely
thin lady whom the Germans called ‘the scarecrow’
and the British dubbed ‘the Maypole’. There is a
strong belief that George may have subsequently
married Melusine in secret, especially as in later years
she was created Princess von Eberstein by the Emperor
Charles VI who would not have done so had she not
had some royal status. Robert Walpole also regarded
her ‘as much queen of England as anyone ever was’.

She was generally known by the title duchess of
Kendal which she was given in March 1719. George
had already had two children by her before he divorced
his wife, which only emphasizes his hypocritical
attitude when he discovered her affair. England’s
Queen Anne had taken a dislike to George when he
visited her as far back as 1680 pursuing a possible
marriage alliance, and from his subsequent sexual
adventures one can only imagine what the outcome
might have been for Anne and England had they

The English and Scots did not warm to George either

when he paraded through London in September 1714.
He had already taken nearly eight weeks to come to
Britain, revelling in his new found glory in a series of
parties across Europe. He was jeered by Londoners,
who never quite took him seriously. By this time the
power of the king was waning against the growing
power of Parliament and, while the authority of the
king retained a certain mystical aura, this was not what
it had been before the Civil War and the English were
already starting to regard the monarch as a figurehead.
While they had taken Mary and Anne to their hearts,
they did not like these foreigners who kept turning up
to claim the throne – first William of Orange and then
George of Hanover. This seriously damaged the
acceptability of the monarchy in the eyes of the public.
The Scots liked this ‘wee German laddie’ even less.
The Jacobite supporters of James II and his son James
Edward Stuart grew in strength and in September 1715
the first Jacobite rebellion

erupted at Braemar. It could have been far more
serious than it was if the Old Pretender had not turned
out to be such a discouraging pessimist. The rebellion
fizzled out, but George still exacted a vicious penalty
upon those who had taken part.

Despite what his amorous adventures might suggest (in

fact they probably support it), George was shy and
tended to keep out of the limelight when he could. He
was not one for intellectual pursuits, though he did
have a love for music and it was through George that
the composer George Frederic Handel came to
England. His Water Music was composed for a royal
water-party on 22 August 1715, and George’s love of
Handel’s work led to the foundation of the first Royal
Academy of Music in 1720. George’s shyness and
inability to communicate well in English made him all
the more blunt and short-tempered. He had been used
to getting his own way in Hanover and could not adapt
to the English parliamentary system where he needed
to seek approval for his actions, especially when this
affected his foreign policy and his wish to protect
Hanover’s interests. Because of the language
problems, especially after the rift with his son in 1717
which meant the younger George no longer attended
cabinet meetings to help translate, George needed
another minister to represent him. This was the start of
the post of Prime Minister, but it also reduced
George’s direct sphere of control.

George had previously allied himself with Peter the

Great of Russia and was keen to ensure that he
benefitted from Peter’s war with Sweden. To do so he

needed to have control over his foreign policy and he
could not do this with the Whig government that had
come to power under Robert Walpole in 1715 after the
failure of the Jacobite rebellion. In 1716 the Septennial
Act had been passed, which postponed the opportunity
of the Tories to return to power for four years. George
distrusted the strong-minded and exceedingly able
Walpole who would not sanction the funds George
needed for his new campaign against Russia. George,
however, rapidly appreciated that he could influence
who led the Whigs. George set one faction against
another within the party and succeeded in aiding the
weak and malleable earl of
Sunderland and Lord Stanhope to oust Walpole in
1717. George was now able to dictate his terms to
Stanhope and gain an alliance with Holland and France
against Russia. However in opposing Walpole he made
a dangerous enemy.

Walpole allied himself with George’s son, George

Augustus (later George II), who served as regent on his
father’s many forays back to Hanover. George
despised his father because of his treatment of his
mother, and would have been only too happy to depose
him. He established a clique, known as the Leicester
House Set, with the sole intention of frustrating the
king’s plans, and Walpole became part of the group.
Walpole also became friends with Prince George’s
wife, Caroline, princess of Wales, an intelligent and
influential lady who gave Walpole her stolid support.
King George soon realized that he could not prevail
against such opposition and was forced to be
reconciled with Walpole. This was precipitated by the

economic distaster known as the South Sea Bubble.
The South Sea Company had been established in 1711,
trading with the Spanish colonies in South America in
anticipation of benefits that would arise from success
in the War of the Spanish Succession. King George
was made governor of the company in 1718 and it
became fashionable to invest, especially once the
Company took over the management of the National
Debt in 1720. Senior officials in the company began to
issue false stock to meet the demand and in September
1720 this bubble burst. Thousands of speculators found
that their investment was worthless, including most of
the country’s leading nobility. When it was found that
cabinet ministers and court officials had been involved
in the dirty dealings it became a national scandal,
threatening the Hanoverian dynasty. George was
forced to rely on Walpole’s skill in resolving the affair
and restoring order. From then on Walpole was in
supreme power and dominated English affairs.
George’s relationship with his politicians and the
general state of English religious and cultural society
at this time was lampooned by Jonathan Swift in
Gulliver’s Travels (1726).

Because of the supremacy of Parliament, George

removed himself further from public affairs. It made
the king less of a target, although the Jacobites still
wished to restore the Stuart Pretender.
In 1722 a plot was uncovered to do just that, known as
the Atterbury Plot after one of its leading conspirators
Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester. Where once he
would have been executed, Atterbury was imprisoned
and then banished, and all his possessions confiscated.

Generally, though, plots against the king diminished
because Walpole had him under control. George’s
excesses were by and large eradicated, although the
relationship with Spain remained poor, resulting in a
dispute over Gibraltar and a fruitless expedition against
Spain’s American colonies.

George liked to spend the summer and autumn in

Hanover, and it was while travelling there in June 1727
that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage. His son and the
British government were happy to leave him there and
he was buried in the Leinschloss Church at Hanover.
Although his brusqueness and pomposity caused him
to be generally disliked, George had a considerable
influence on the British parliamentary system and
brought in (by default not design) the constitutional
government that has dominated British politics ever
since. He was succeeded by his only son.


Ruled 28 May (11 June NS) 1727–25 October

1760. Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 11 October

Full name and titles: George Augustus, king of

Great Britain and Ireland, duke and elector of
Hanover, duke and marquess of Cambridge (from
1706), earl of Milford Haven (from 1706), duke

of Cornwall and Rothesay (from 1714), prince of
Wales and earl of Chester (from 1714).

Born: Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover, 30

October (9 November NS) 1683. Died:
Kensington Palace, London, 25 October 1760,
aged 76. Buried: Westminster Abbey.

Married: 22 August (2 September NS) 1705, at

Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover, Wilhelmina
Charlotte Caroline (1683–1737) dau. of John
Frederick, margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach: 9
children (1 stillborn). George probably had one
illegitimate child.

George had been born in Hanover before the Act of

Settlement had nominated the Hanoverian line of
succession, but after this was passed in 1701, when
George was seventeen, the youth was tutored in both
the English language and the English way of life. He
became a naturalized British citizen in 1705 and
received a flock of British titles. There was a
considerable rift between George and his father after
the imprisonment of his mother in 1694, and the elder
George refused to grant his son any local
responsibilities. Even though he proved his valour at
the battle of Oudenarde in 1708 in the War of the
Spanish Succession, his father failed to recognize his
abilities. This drove George more towards his future
British subjects, and in later years he would state that

he regarded himself as more British than German, even
if he said it in a strong German accent.

George had a passion for the strict rules of etiquette

and probity which at times became obsessive and made
him irritating at official functions, but at least it meant
he strove to get things right, which made him a more
acceptable monarch to the British than his father – at
least at the outset.

In 1705, when twenty-one, George married Caroline of

Ansbach, who was just seven months his elder. It was
a good match. Caroline more than matched George in
intelligence and canniness, and also softened his
German preciseness. She had an earthy charm and was
attractive in a beguiling way rather than in her looks.
Both partners recognized the need to flirt: George
simply because of his sexual desires; Caroline as a way
of influencing men of power. It was Caroline who
became the power behind the throne, first during the
reign of her father-in-law when, in the absence of a
Queen, she took on the role of first lady as princess of
Wales; and certainly when George inherited the crown.

When George’s father became king, George and

Caroline accompanied him to England and took up
residence in London. George aided his father in
understanding English, often translating at meetings of
the cabinet or the Privy Council, and serving as regent
during his father’s regular summer returns to Hanover.
However at the close of 1717 an argument erupted

George and his father over a misunderstanding that
happened during the christening of the prince’s latest
son. The young George did not like the choice of the
duke of Newcastle as godfather, and the duke
misunderstood George’s comments at the font as a
threat. When the prince refused to apologize, the king
first threatened to have the son imprisoned and then
banished him from St James’s Palace. George and
Caroline set up home at Leicester House near St
Martin-in-the-Fields and here established what became
almost a rival court, often giving audience to the king’s
political enemies, most especially Robert Walpole. It
was at Leicester House that Caroline used her wiles
and influence to win over the men of authority whom
she preferred. The consequences of this rift were
significant. It meant that the king no longer felt
comfortable at the cabinet meetings without his son
and therefore handed over the management of them to
his preferred minister, which was how the formal role
of the Prime Minister emerged. It also meant that
George and Caroline were able to have a trial run at
their own cabinet meetings which were a solid
grounding for the real thing.

What does seem surprising is that George, given the

poor relationship with his father, should have been so
hostile towards his own son, Frederick Louis. By all
accounts he regarded Frederick as an imbecile, almost
from birth, although Frederick was no such thing.
George and Caroline left Frederick in Hanover when
they came to England, and he was not allowed into
England until 1728, when they did their best to ignore
him. It rather irritated them both when they discovered

that the young man, whom they reluctantly created
prince of Wales in 1729, became something of a
favourite among London society. With little parental
control Frederick became a dandy and a
man-about-town, often going on the razzle and ending
up drunk. He frequently gambled and built up huge
debts that his father refused to acknowledge, let alone
pay. Frederick had all the qualities of being a cultured
man if his father had paid him any attention: he had a
love of sport, art and the theatre. But his father liked
none of those things and regarded his son as a wastrel.
When Frederick
died of an aneurysm in March 1751, aged 44, his father
rather callously remarked that he was glad. It is quite
likely that George had hoped Frederick might have
died younger and that his heir would have been his
younger and favourite son, William Augustus, duke of
Cumberland, who shared his father’s Germanic
ruthlessness. However Frederick lived long enough to
marry and father nine legitimate children, amongst
them the future GEORGE III. Frederick also lived long
enough to become a major thorn in George’s side,
always opposing his father’s plans and siding with the
opposition in government. Had he become king, he
would have settled down and been moderate and
compassionate, but his father brought out the worst in
him. It was a real-life example of ‘like father, like son’.

When George became king in 1727, England was

under the strong political control of Robert Walpole.
George had little need to interfere, but that did not stop
him wanting to give the impression of being in charge.
He sought to change his ministers much like his father,

but his preferred minister, Sir Spencer Compton,
admitted he was not up to forming an administration.
George was thus forced to continue with Sir Robert
Walpole, who accommodated George by voting him a
larger share of the Civil List.

Like his father, George had a passion for war and it

was all that Walpole could do to stop George involving
himself in a number of hostilities throughout Europe,
particularly the War of the Polish Succession. Matters
began to change after the death of Caroline in 1737.
George genuinely loved his wife and sorely missed
her. He never remarried, but he now lived more openly
with his mistress, Amalia von Walmoden. With
Caroline’s influence and support gone, Walpole’s star
began to wane. George’s desire for war was granted
when hostilities broke out with Spain in September
1739 and then with France in 1742 in the War of the
Austrian Succession. Even though nearing sixty,
George took the opportunity to lead an army into the
field at Dettingen on 16 June 1743. This was the last
occasion that a British sovereign would command an
army in battle. He served valiantly, fighting beside his
men, and it gave his popularity a boost.

Interestingly also serving in the battle of Dettingen, on

the side of the French, was Charles Edward Stuart, the
Young Pretender. Charles’s desire to win back the
Scottish and English thrones caused him to invade
Scotland in 1745 and on a wave of popularity brought
an army as far south as Derby. It was as a consequence
of the Jacobite rebellion that the first recorded singing
of the National Anthem occurred at Drury Lane on 28

September 1745, in a patriotic reaction to the rebels.
George sent his second son, William, against Charles.
William, duke of Cumberland, defeated the Scots at
Culloden in April 1746 and followed this with a
vicious culling of the Jacobites, which earned him the
name of ‘Butcher Cumberland’. This did not endear
the duke or the king to the Scots. William was not, in
fact, an especially good commander. At the battle of
Fontenoy in France, the previous May, Cumberland
had suffered a humiliating defeat and heavy losses. He
was defeated again by the French at Laffeldt in 1747
and in 1757, when Britain became unnecessarily
involved in the Seven Years’ War, Cumberland was
forced to surrender the Hanoverian army at
Klosterseven. George was so humiliated by this that he
stripped his son of his military commands.

Walpole had stepped down as prime minister in 1742

and George’s attempts to appoint a capable one proved
uneven over the next few years. Control passed mostly
to Henry Pelham, who sanctioned the funds for
George’s wars but who was not an especially gifted
administrator. In the end George was forced to
consider William Pitt (the elder), who had been a
supporter of his son Frederick and had formed a clique
known as the ‘Patriot Boys’, a kind of ‘brat pack’ of
the 1740s.

The war against the French had other consequences. In

India, the daring adventures of Robert Clive at Madras
(in 1746) and at Arcot (in 1751) stirred the blood, and
his subsequent achievements at Calcutta,
Chandernagore and Plassey in 1756/7, saw the defeat

of the French and the emergence of the British control
of India. Soon afterwards, in Canada, General James
Wolfe (who had served at Dettingen and Culloden)
succeeded in capturing Quebec in September 1759 and
fulfilling Pitt’s plan to expel the
French from Canada. There were further territorial
gains in the West Indies and Africa. Thus as George’s
reign drew to a close, the British Empire was
expanding on both sides of the globe. Had George
lived another eight years he would have seen Australia
added to the map. The 1750s thus saw an increase in
national pride and a restoration, to some degree, of
George II in the national affection although, as with his
father, the British found it difficult to take any
Hanoverian to their hearts.

George’s reign must ultimately be seen as a success,

though a clouded one at that, but certainly better than
the results of either the Old Stewart Pretender or
Bonnie Prince Charlie gaining the throne. George’s
successes outweighed his failures, thanks mostly to his
choice of prime ministers, and Britain became
prosperous and an increasing world power. George
himself died in a rather undignified fashion – he had a
heart attack while sitting on the lavatory. He was
succeeded by his grandson.


Ruled 25 October 1760–29 January 1820
(declared unfit to rule 5 February 1811).
Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 22 September

Full name and titles: George William Frederick,

king of Great Britain and Ireland (and nominally
of France, a title relinquished in 1801), duke and
elector of Hanover (king from 1814), duke of
Cornwall and Rothesay, duke of Edinburgh,
marquess of Ely, earl of Eltham, viscount of
Launceston, baron of Snowdon, prince of Wales
and earl of Chester (from 1751).

Born: Norfolk House, London, 24 May (4 June

NS) 1738. Died: Windsor Castle, 29 January
1820, aged 81. Buried: Windsor Castle.

Married: 8 September 1761, at St James’s

Palace, Sophia Charlotte (1744–1818), dau.
Charles, duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz: 15
children. It is alleged that George had previously
married Hannah Lightfoot in secret on 17 April
1759, but this remains to be proven.

It seems that something of both George II and his son

Frederick Louis whom he despised so much was
passed on to the new king. He had a strain of
obstinacy, like his grandfather, but in other matters he
was flexible and conciliatory. He was the first of the

Hanoverian kings to be born and raised in England and
to speak English without a strong German accent,
which helped the British warm to him. He had a
binding sympathy with the English and never visited
Hanover, even though he remained their ruler (and
their king from 1814). He was good-hearted with a
deep religious conviction, lacking, at least in his youth,
the vicious streak that had been prominent in the first
two Hanoverian kings. What George also lacked,
however, was sound judgement, a fault inherited from
his father. He was too trusting and was dominated by
his mother. This contributed to some of the bad
decisions that darkened his reign.

George was well educated and did not have the

wayward streak of his father. The only skeleton in his
youthful cupboard was his relationship with Hannah
Lightfoot, the daughter of a shoemaker from Wapping.
George allegedly married Hannah in secret in 1757 (or
1759, records vary) and she was supposed to have
borne him three children. Although documentation
exists which purportedly proves the marriage its
authenticity is suspect. The likelihood of three children
is also remote. Although Hannah may have been a
momentary infatuation, George soon fell in love with
Lady Sarah Lennox, a daughter of the duke of
Richmond and great-granddaughter of Charles II by his
mistress, the duchess of Portsmouth. George was
advised that he should not marry a British subject but
should look to the eligible German princesses. The
final choice was the charming seventeen-year-old
Charlotte of Mecklenburg. The coronation was delayed

until after their wedding on 8 September 1761, so that
a joint coronation could be held two weeks later.

George was twenty-two when he was proclaimed king.

He was keen to do what was right and one of his first
actions was to put out a proclamation against
immorality. He also wanted to get
control back over the Government which had gradually
leeched power from the monarch over the last sixty
years. George did not like Pitt or the Whig philosophy.
His preferred premier was John Stuart, earl of Bute,
who had been a close friend of his mother’s and had
assisted in his education. Bute was a Whig, but being
of Scottish descent, had Jacobite sympathies and was a
staunch royalist. He was not a good administrator so
that while George got his way, the country turned
against Bute and he resigned in 1763. Bute remained in
the king’s confidence for two more years, but in the
meantime the king suffered a long series of tedious
prime ministers until he eventually found his man in
Frederick, Lord North, who became premier in 1770.

From a contemporary portrait

The first ten years of George’s reign were thus difficult
ones for him in getting to grips with the reins of
government. Issues which in hindsight seem positive,
such as securing peace with France and Spain in 1763,
at the time were seen in a darker light. Bute was
accused of receiving bribes from France, and the king
was accused of selling out to the enemy. The Stamp
Act introduced in 1765 met with considerable
opposition and had to be repealed the following year.
Throughout this period the king was subjected to
constant abuse and libel from the renegade politician
John Wilkes who published material which in previous
generations would
have led to his execution for treason. The strain on the
king told and in early 1765 he suffered a physical
collapse which may have been a precursor of his later
mental affliction. Though not as severe as the bout of
1788 or the final decline of 1810, it was sufficient for
Parliament to rush through a Regency Act. It was
further fodder to George’s opponents to denigrate him,
and so much stigma has attached to him as king that it
becomes difficult to see the real man and his

Lord North has likewise been criticized and is regarded

by some as the worst of all prime ministers. To his
premiership belongs the American War of
Independence. The American revolution had its roots
before North’s administration. The colonies had been
free of taxation, but also had no parliamentary
representation. When a tax was re-imposed on
molasses in 1764 and the stamp duty on legal
documents and newspapers in 1765 there was an

outcry. Although both of these measures were
subsequently repealed, a new tax on tea, introduced in
1773, sparked off more antagonism and led to the
Boston Tea Party in December 1773, when tea held in
Boston Harbour was thrown overboard. The British
closed the port at Boston and sent in troops, with the
inevitable consequence that hostilities broke out on 19
April 1775 with battles at Lexington and Concord. The
US Congress issued its Declaration of Independence
on 4 July 1776 and thereafter George III became the
figurehead for American hostility. George was intent
upon bringing America to its knees and approved any
measure that would cause the Americans the utmost
distress, though the allegation that he would make
them all slaves is an exaggeration. The worst defeat for
Britain came at Saratoga on 17 October 1777, when
General John Burgoyne was forced to surrender his
entire army. This action turned the balance of the war,
as France now recognized the independence of the
colonies and sent support. The last major battle was at
Yorktown where George Washington, with the aid of
the French, defeated Lord Cornwallis, who surrendered
on 19 October 1781. The Treaty of Paris was signed on
3 September 1783. Whereas peace might have been
concluded earlier and the colonies saved,
George insisted on fighting to the bitter end and took
the consequences. George’s reputation suffered
irreparably while Lord North resigned. It was some
years before George again found a minister with whom
he could work, William Pitt the Younger.

George clashed with Pitt over Catholic Emancipation.

Such measures had been the downfall of past kings,

especially James II, and even the merest hint of
equality had resulted in the Gordon Riots of June 1780
when the MP, Lord George Gordon, incited disorder
throughout London, leading to widespread destruction
of property and about 300 deaths. The king remained
remarkably calm during the riots and through his own
resoluteness restored order. The memory of the riots
burned bright for many years so that when Pitt tried to
issue a Catholic Emancipation Act in 1801, George
violently opposed it and Pitt resigned. Pitt’s measure
had been his way of controlling the Irish rebellion
which erupted in 1798, encouraged by the success of
the French Revolution. There had been unrest
generally throughout Britain since 1795 and the king’s
popularity declined. Pitt introduced several repressive
measures, including suspending habeas corpus, and
sought to negotiate with France in 1797, which
angered George. Despite efforts by later ministers
George refused to entertain any consideration of
emancipation for Catholics. For an exceedingly pious
and generally good-natured man, this obstinacy verged
on bigotry. Pitt was, however, able to force through the
Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland which
came into force on 1 January 1801. On the same day
George relinquished the anachronistic title of king of
France, which all English kings had maintained since

A measure of the times is reflected in the two

assassination attempts upon George by the public.
Margaret Nicholson, a house-maid, threatened him
with a dessert-knife on 2 August 1786, while James
Hadfield fired a shot at the king at Drury Lane on 15

May 1800. Both would-be assassins were pronounced
insane. George’s reign was not short of its scandals.
There was the trial of Warren Hastings for corruption
and cruelty in the Indian administration, which ran
from 1788 to 1795. There was the
private and illegal first marriage of his son (the future
George IV) to a commoner in 1785, followed by the
immoral conduct of his legal daughter-in-law, Caroline
of Brunswick, the wife he had forced upon his son,
who deserted her in 1796. A committee of enquiry was
set up in 1806 to undertake the ‘delicate investigation’,
as it was called, into Caroline’s affairs. Caroline was
eventually sent on a grand tour of Europe. There was
the duel between the war secretary, viscount
Castelreagh, and the foreign secretary, George
Canning, in September 1809, in which Canning was
wounded. Finally there was the assassination of the
prime minister, Spencer Perceval, in May 1812, by
John Bellingham. To set against this were the great
victories of Horatio Nelson in the Napoleonic Wars,
especially at Copenhagen in April 1801 and Trafalgar
in October 1805, and the victories of Wellington in the
Peninsular War, leading to the final defeat of Napoleon
at Waterloo in June 1815. These victories abroad
helped raise the morale of a country where the nobility
and middle classes were clearly benefitting from the
nation’s commercial prosperity, but where the ordinary
man and woman were discovering how repressed and
neglected they were. Most of the angst, however, was
aimed at the Government and not directly at George
who, despite his obstinacy and occasional lapse of
judgement, remained popular amongst his subjects. In
fact he was often viewed, especially by the middle

classes, as their champion against the Government. He
gave the royal assent to William Wilberforce’s act to
abolish the slave trade, which became law in 1807
(though it was another twenty-six years before slaves
in the British colonies were granted their freedom).

George was a man of wide interests and intellect. He

became fascinated in agriculture and botany, giving
some of the land at Windsor over to farming, hence his
nickname of ‘Farmer George’. It was an appropriate
epithet since the name George means ‘farmer’ or
‘landworker’, so George genuinely lived up (or down!)
to his name. He wrote pamphlets on agriculture under
the pseudonym of Ralph Robinson. He became more
tolerant in his later years about the moral state of the
nation, especially in the
theatre and literature, just as the most sensational
literature emerged. The gothic horror novel The Castle
of Otranto (1764) by Horace Walpole and the
salacious The Monk (1795) by M. G. Lewis, could
never have been published in earlier times. Literature
flourished during George’s reign – this was the era of
the Romantics: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge, Percy Shelley and Lord Byron. There were
many scientific advances during this period, which was
the dawn of the age of invention. The best remembered
were James Watt’s steam engine in 1769 and the use of
the steam engine by Richard Arkwright to perfect his
spinning machine in 1790. These inventions laid the
foundations of the Industrial Revolution but also led to
such outbursts as the Luddite riots of 1811, a
culmination of considerable unrest amongst textile
workers to the new machines which would rob them of

their livelihood, but which also ushered in a new class
of industralists.

HENRY [IX] The last of the royal Stewarts,

brother of Bonnie Prince Charlie. He was born in
Rome on 6 March 1725. He never seriously
pursued his title, although things may have been
different had Charles succeeded in the rebellion
of 1745. The Jacobites styled him the duke of
York. After Charles’s defeat, Henry became a
cardinal in 1747 and, in 1761, bishop of Frascati.
He received pensions from the Vatican and from
Spain as well as income from two French abbeys.
Although he styled himself Henry IX after his
brother’s death on 31 January 1788, it was only
an honorific. He lost his fortune during the
French Revolution, but was looked on kindly by
George III who granted him a pension of £4000
in 1800. He died at Frascati on 13 July 1807,
aged 82, and was buried at St Peter’s Basilica in
the Vatican.

George’s last thirty years or so, however, were spent in

sad decline. His recurrent bouts of ‘madness’ became
more severe. In
November 1788 he suffered a particularly violent bout
where he attacked the prince of Wales and began
talking incessantly. He was forcibly restrained and
removed to Kew where he underwent humiliating
treatment by ignorant and not altogether well-meaning

doctors. Remarkably he had recovered by April 1789,
but there were further bouts in 1801 and 1804 and the
final decline in November 1810, precipitated by the
death of his youngest daughter Amelia. By then the
king was also blind. His son was made ‘Prince Regent’
with powers of sovereignty from 5 February 1811. The
old king was confined to Windsor Castle, where he
was more or less neglected, his hair and beard growing
long and white. Just what lucid moments he had during
these years is not known. Recent assessments have
judged that George was not mad in the psychological
sense but suffered from porphyria, a blood disease
which upsets the body’s chemical balance and can
produce symptoms akin to madness. It has been called
‘the royal malady’ and may have affected George’s
predecessors as far back as Charles VI of France.
Charles’s daughter, Katherine, married Henry V and
through her it passed on to Henry VI. There are even
suggestions that it may have afflicted the Saxon kings.

The two ‘facts’ that most people remember about King

George are that he was mad and that he ruled longer
than any other monarch besides Victoria. In fact
neither are true, as George’s reign effectively ended
when his son was made regent. What fewer people
recall was that he had a genuine desire to do the best
for his country during an especially violent period. The
fact that he remained king, while the French monarchy
was abolished, is some testament to how he was
regarded and that he had learned how to manipulate the
system of government.


Ruled 29 January 1820–26 June 1830, with

restricted powers as Prince Regent from 5
February 1811.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 19 July 1821.

Full name and titles: George Augustus

Frederick, king of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland, king of Hanover, duke of
Cornwall and Rothesay, earl of Carrick, Baron
Renfrew and lord of the Isles (from birth), prince
of Wales and earl of Chester (from 1762).

Born: St James’s Palace, 12 August 1762. Died:

Windsor Castle, 26 June 1830, aged 67. Buried:
Windsor Castle.

Married: (1) 15 December 1785, at Park Lane,

Mayfair, London, Maria Anne Fitzherbert
(1756–1837) dau. Walter Smythe of Brambridge:
no children; marriage not recognized under
British law; (2) 8 April 1795, at St James’s
Palace, London, Caroline Amelia Elizabeth
(1768–1821) dau. of Charles II, duke of
Brunswick: 1 daughter. George also had at least
two illegitimate children that he acknowledged,
and probably many more.

George IV was the eldest son of George III, but in
looks and manner he was more like his grandfather,
Frederick, prince of Wales. He was tall and handsome
in his youth, though became fat in middle age, and
above all he was a spoilt child and a libertine. He had
no care at all for his duties as prince of Wales or later
as king, enjoying only the privileges and the money
that came with them. His lifestyle resulted in many
debts, which he managed to get the king and
Parliament to pay. He had many mistresses and
probably had more illegitimate children than he ever
acknowledged. He was generally a profligate and
ill-mannered man. Yet, like most such rascals, he could
turn on the charm and dignity when he needed to, and
he knew how to live and celebrate in style. London
society therefore adored him, and today there is an
idealized romantic view of the prince. The ‘Regency’,
strictly the period between 1811 and 1820 when he
served as Prince Regent during his father’s final
mental decline, has become a by-word today for a
whole style of interior design, dress, dazzling society
gatherings and exciting court intrigue. It was also the
period of the Napoleonic Wars, and the height of fame
for Richard Brinsley
Sheridan, Beau Brummell and the great poets and
essayists of the day – Lord Byron, Robert Southey,
John Keats, Percy Shelley, Wordsworth, and early
novelists such as Jane Austin and Mary Shelley. The
period holds much fascination and interest, and this has
influenced our image of the Prince Regent. In simple
terms, had Parliament not been there to run the
country, it is almost certain that George IV, seeking to
operate outside the rules, would have brought the

country to ruin and would quite possibly have been
assassinated or deposed.

Much of George’s life story is a catalogue of his

romantic affairs, at least one of which endangered his
succession to the throne. All of the Hanoverian
monarchs were highly sexed, but George IV was
probably the most profligate. It is not entirely clear
why this should have been so. Unlike the relationship
between George II and his son, George IV was not
despised from birth. Quite the opposite. George III
doted on him, and was reluctant for him to grow up.
He was certainly spoiled but had an excellent
education and was a quick learner. Perhaps this
precocity, mixed with his good looks, made him too
assured and confident of himself with a total disregard
for how others viewed him. He was only sixteen when
he had his first affair with the actress Mary ‘Perdita’
Robinson whom he saw in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s
Tale in 1779. They remained together for a short while
before George fell in love with another, and found he
had to pay Mary a princely sum to keep her quiet. He
worked his way through at least a dozen other
mistresses over the next seven years, of varying
degrees of high and low birth, and all costing him or
the king a small fortune, until he encountered a young
widow, Maria Fitzherbert, who was six years his
senior. She became the one true love of his life. She
refused to be his mistress, however, and George, in a
typical immature tantrum, threatened to stab himself if
she did not return his love. She eventually agreed to
marry him. George knew that this was not possible.
Not only was she already a widow (twice over) and

pretty much a commoner (the grand-daughter of a
baronet), but worst of all she was a Roman Catholic.
The Act of Settlement of 1701 barred any Catholic
from inheriting the
throne, and it would effectively have barred George’s
accession. Moreover the Royal Marriages Act, which
George’s father had introduced in 1772, made any
marriage by members of the royal family aged under
twenty-five void unless it had received the formal
approval of the king and the Privy Council. George
acquired no such approval, but went ahead with the
marriage anyway in December 1785. Under English
law, George’s marriage to Maria was void. The pope,
however, regarded it as valid. George continued to
have many more affairs, the most torrid of which was
with the countess of Jersey. George III made every
effort to control his son’s debaucheries, for the prince,
who now drank and ate to excess, was also becoming
violent. He had spent to excess in building his own
home at Carlton House in London, and as part of the
arrangement for helping finance the debt, the king and
Parliament insisted that George marry a proper wife.
The King selected his niece, Princess Caroline of
Brunswick. He must have been blind to her reputation,
for not only was she not that attractive, and took little
heed for her own personal hygiene, she was already
supposed to have had one affair during her youth and,
like George, she had wild tantrums. When the two first
met three days before their wedding in April 1795,
George felt sick at the sight of her and asked for a
brandy, and Caroline called him fat and unhandsome.
The Prince was drunk throughout his wedding
ceremony and spent most of the wedding night in a

stupor by the fire, but he must have done his duty, for
nine months later to the day the Princess gave birth to
their one and only child, Charlotte Augusta. George
and Caroline separated soon after the birth and George
denied Caroline any involvement in the raising of her
daughter. Caroline established an orphanage in Kent in
August 1797, whilst George went back to his
mistresses. Mrs Fitzherbert returned to live with
George for a while after 1800, still regarding herself as
his lawful wife.

With the outbreak of the Napoleonic War, George

applied several times for military service, jealous of
the commands held by his brothers, but he was always
refused. This was realistic, because the heir to the
throne would no longer be put at such
risk, but it was also pragmatic, as George had no
military training and the government were fearful of
what damage he might cause. Frustrated, George
became mischievous at home. A dispute arose in 1804
over the custody of his daughter with the result that
Charlotte was handed over to George III. Annoyed at
this, Prince George cast aspersions over the conduct of
his estranged wife, alleging that one of the orphans in
her care, William Austin, was her own son. This led to
a ‘delicate investigation’ by Parliament in 1806 which,
though it cleared Caroline of the charge, revealed that
her conduct was far from becoming.

In 1810, when George III sank into his final decline

George was made Prince Regent, with certain
restricted powers. Nevertheless from 1811 he acted as
if he were the sovereign. His extravagance, even

though curtailed by Parliament, was still lavish. During
this period the Royal Pavilion at Brighton was
completely rebuilt on the mock-Oriental style designed
by John Nash. Under instruction from the Prince, Nash
also redesigned Central London, which is why
Regent’s Park and Regent Street are so named. The
streets of the City of London were lit by gas from
1814. Waterloo Bridge was opened in 1817 and
Southwark Bridge in 1819. The Prince Regent
continued to entertain lavishly, especially after the
victory of Wellington in the Napoleonic Wars, when
England played host to the emperor of Russia and the
king of Prussia in June 1814.

The Regency period however was not all glitter.

Soldiers returning from war were not fully
recompensed and did not find gainful employment.
There was considerable unrest which found little
sympathy from the government, especially from Lord
Liverpool and Lord Sidmouth, who had previously
dealt harshly with the Luddites. A gathering at Spa
Fields in North London in December 1816, when
manufacturers sought to present their views to the
Prince Regent, turned ugly and was dealt with
severely. Sidmouth used this as an opportunity to
undertake what became called the Green-Bag inquiry
in February 1817 when a series of secret committees
looked into a number of alleged cases of sedition. As a
result of this habeas corpus was suspended. A
gathering in St Peter’s Field in Manchester in August
alarmed the authorities because of its size – the
military dispersed the meeting, causing over 400

injuries and eleven deaths. This incident became
known as Peterloo (after Waterloo) and led to even
more repressive legislation outlawing public
assemblies. The populace were not happy and within
only a few weeks of the Prince Regent becoming king
in January 1820, a plot was unearthed, known as the
Cato Street Conspiracy, to assassinate the members of
the Cabinet and overthrow the Government.

George had other things on his mind, however. He had

been grief-stricken when his only daughter, Charlotte,
who had married in May 1816, died due to
complications after childbirth in November 1817. He
now had no heir to the throne, and his wife, Caroline,
now approaching fifty, was past child-bearing age. In
fact George did everything to keep Caroline out of the
country. She had gone on a grand tour of Europe after
the end of the Napoleonic Wars and was by all
accounts romantically involved with an Italian courtier,
Bartolomeo Pergami. However, on George’s accession
to the throne Caroline was determined to return and
take her place as queen. George offered her £50,000 a
year to stay away, but she brushed this aside and
returned to Britain in June 1820. George introduced a
parliamentary bill, called the Bill of Pains and
Penalties, which was an enquiry into Caroline’s
conduct. Since Caroline appeared in the House of
Lords, the enquiry has come to be regarded as her trial,
though she never spoke in her defence. The bill was
dropped and Caroline exonerated with much public
rejoicing. George still refused to admit her and went to
great pains to exclude her from his coronation in July
1821. George had ensured no expense was spared over

this event which he planned for over a year and it
remains the most extravagant coronation ever held in
England. To George’s relief, but also his shame,
Caroline died just three weeks later on 7 August 1821
of inflammation of the bowels. The public had always
been very supportive of the queen and voiced strong
opposition to the king. A few weeks later George went
on a royal progress through the kingdom, visiting
Ireland and, at the urging of Sir Walter Scott, Scotland
(the first Hanoverian to do
so). He put on all his charm and elegance and was
remarkably well received. One might question how
much the populace were celebrating the continuance of
the monarchy as distinct from the individual. The
institution of the monarchy suffered considerably
under George IV, but survived sufficiently due to the
fond memory of George III to enter a golden phase
under Victoria.

George’s reign as king lasted for just over ten years

and it advanced the country but little. George had a
succession of prime ministers, most of whom he tried
to oppose, especially as regards their foreign policy.
Both he and the duke of Wellington vigorously
opposed any political reform and it was only with
reluctance on their parts that, at last, in April 1829 the
Catholic Emancipation Act became law, restoring to
Catholics the right to public office. It did not meet with
the riots accorded earlier attempts to do this. There
were greater troubles besetting the nation than religion,
and it required a much stronger government than
George IV and his ministers to tackle them. George
died on 26 June 1830 of respiratory problems, aged

sixty-seven. For all his dandyism and extravagance he
was at the end a sad and lonely man, who had damaged
the stature of the monarchy and whose only lasting
legacy is the Brighton Pavilion. He was succeeded by
his brother, William IV.


Ruled 26 June 1830–20 June 1837.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 8 September


Full name and titles: William Henry, king of the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland;
duke of Clarence and St Andrews and earl of
Munster (from 1789).

Born: Buckingham Palace, 21 August 1765.

Died: Windsor Castle, 20 June 1837, aged 71.

Married: 13 July 1818, at Kew Palace, Adelaide

Louise Theresa Caroline Amelia (1792–1849),
dau. George, duke of Saxe-Meiningen: 6 children
(4 stillborn). William also had at least eleven
illegitimate children, ten by Dorothea Bland

William was George III’s third son and had not

expected to become king. It was the death of George

IV’s daughter Charlotte in 1817, followed by the death
of George’s brother, Frederick (the ‘Grand Old Duke
of York’ of the nursery rhyme), in 1827 that made
William the heir presumptive. Until then he had led a
life fairly distanced from the extravagant carousel of
his brother. William entered the Navy in 1779 at the
age of fourteen and served at the relief of Gibraltar. He
received few concessions initially because of his
status, but served first as an able seaman, rising to
midshipman and then rising through the ranks. He
served under Nelson during 1786/7 in the West Indies,
and was given the command of his own frigate, the
Andromeda, in 1788 and the next year was appointed
the Rear Admiral of HMS Valiant. He was made duke
of Clarence in 1789 and thereafter regularly attended
the House of Lords. He was made Admiral of the Fleet
in 1811 and delighted in the official duties that

Like his brothers, William was an inveterate

womanizer. During a visit to Hanover in 1784 he was
supposed to have seduced and even entered into a
secret marriage with Caroline von Linsingen. The
marriage was unlikely (though it seemed to be a
tradition amongst the Hanoverians) but the seduction
was very likely and she bore him a son called William,
who drowned in 1807. A typical sailor, Prince William
had a girl in every port, but in 1790 William fell in
love with the actress Dorothea Bland, better known by
her stage name Dorothea Jordan. Although they did not
marry, they lived happily together for twenty years.
She bore him ten children who adopted the surname
Fitzclarence. Their descendants live to this day.

William suddenly abandoned Dorothea in 1811,
probably because she had become an alcoholic and
was no longer attractive. She tried to return to the
stage, without success, and died following a mental
collapse in France in 1816. William’s callous treatment
of her was out of character with his past actions, but
probably a true representation of the real man.

William did not marry until after the death of his

brother’s heiress, the Princess Charlotte. He was
fifty-two when he married the twenty-five-year-old
Princess Adelaide, but despite the age
difference the two became devoted to each other and
she became a devoted stepmother to William’s
illegitimate flock. Unfortunately none of their children
survived infancy.

William was nearly sixty-five by the time he became

king and by then he had become a bad-tempered,
miserly old man who delighted in being obstinate. He
refused to have an extravagant coronation like his
brother’s, but insisted that it be simple, and he thereby
abandoned much of the tradition that had accompanied
the ceremony. He felt rather that he was a caretaker
monarch, holding the throne for his niece Victoria and
determined to survive long enough to avoid her
mother, the duchess of Kent, becoming regent. He had
no interests in art, science or literature, though he did
establish a Royal Library at Windsor because it
seemed strange without one.

His single most significant contribution to the advance

of the nation came in 1832 when, against his own

personal judgement, he supported Earl Grey and
encouraged the Tory peers to abstain from voting
against the Reform Bill, securing its passage. This was
the start of modern democracy in Britain, reforming
the representation of the people. This opened up the
opportunity for a series of reforms, most of which
would come to fruition in Victoria’s reign. Others of
importance were passed in 1833 – the Factory Act,
against child labour, and the Abolition Act, which
emancipated slaves in the British colonies. The Poor
Law of 1834 was a well-intentioned piece of
legislation, institutionalizing the workhouse. Much of
the administration of Britain was still at the level
where it could transport the Tolpuddle Martyrs to
Australia in 1834 for calling a trade union meeting of
agricultural workers. Public reaction to their sentence
added fuel to the growing Chartist movement for
political and social reform. William found all this
reform rather distressing, as if the whole moral
structure of the nation was collapsing. He died of
pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver on 20 June 1837,
the last of the Hanoverian kings. Little did he realize
that his successor, Victoria, would rule for the rest of
the century and rule over the greatest empire the world
had seen.


Ruled 20 June 1837–22 January 1901.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 28 June 1838.

Full name and titles: Alexandrina Victoria,

queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland; empress of India (from 1 May 1876).

Born: Kensington Palace, 24 May 1819. Died:

Osborne House, Isle of Wight, 22 January 1901,
aged 82. Buried: Frogmore, Windsor.

Married: 10 February 1840, at St James’s

Palace, London, Albert (1819–61) son of Ernst I,
duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: 9 children.

Victoria might never have been born had not George

IV’s daughter, Charlotte, died following childbirth in
November 1817. At that time there was no legitimate
heir to the throne in the next generation amongst the
descendants of George III. This sent George IV’s
remaining unmarried brothers scurrying to find wives
and produce an heir. Edward Augustus, duke of Kent,
married Mary Louise Victoria, the daughter of Franz I,
duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield on 29 May 1818.
Edward was fifty years old and had not previously
been married, though he did have several illegitimate
children. Mary Louise (who was always known as
Victoria) was thirty-one and had recently been
widowed following the death of her husband, the
prince of Leiningen, in 1814. She already had two
children, Karl (1804–56), who became the next prince

of Leiningen, and Anne (1807–72). Her brother was
Prince Leopold, the husband of George IV’s ill-fated
daughter Charlotte. Leopold remained in London after
his wife’s death to help support his sister. Victoria’s
father, the duke of Kent, died on 23 January 1820
when she was only nine months old, so she never knew
him, which was probably all to the good as he was a
sadistic man with a vicious temper and no scruples.
Uncle Leopold thereby became the mainstay of the
family, helping his sister and providing a father figure
to the young Victoria.
She missed him tremendously when he became the
king of the Belgians in 1831.

When George IV died in 1830, and her uncle, William

IV became king, Victoria became the heir presumptive.
When she was shown a genealogical chart, it brought
home to her how close to the accession she was, and
this occasioned her famous comment ‘I will be good’.
William IV died in the early hours of 20 June 1837, so
that Victoria learned she was queen in the middle of
the night. Under the Salic Law, women could not rule
the kingdom of Hanover which passed to her Uncle
Ernst, and thereafter (in 1851) to her cousin George,
who was just three days younger than Victoria. Had
Victoria not been born, then her uncle and cousin
would have become the next two kings of England.

At the time that Victoria became queen, the monarchy

was not popular. The post-Napoleonic period had seen
considerable distress amongst the English working folk
and the country was well in need of reform. The high
and wild living of George IV and his brothers had not

helped respect for the monarchy. There had been many
riots across the country which had been put down with
customary military zeal. The Whig government, with
the reluctant aid of William IV, had succeeded in
passing the Reform Act along with other much needed
legislation, but it was still very early days and the
Hanoverian dynasty, up until now, had shown little
interest in such progress. There was a general attitude
of ‘Why bother?’ amongst both the royal family and
many leading politicians. All this would change under
Victoria, though at the outset the public could never
have anticipated the scale of change that would happen
or, for that matter, the length of reign that Victoria
would have, a reign that would change the face of
Britain and, to a large extent, the globe. In the first few
years of her reign Victoria, as the symbol of a corrupt
and profligate monarchy, was as unpopular as her
predecessors. There were three assassination attempts
in the first four years, the first on 10 June 1840, by
Edward Oxford, and then two within a few weeks of
each other in May and July 1842, when shots were
fired at the queen.

Victoria had to face a scandal within the first year of

her reign.
During her youth she had always disliked Sir John
Conroy, who was close to her mother (some felt too
close) and who some believed wished to become the
power behind the throne. When she became queen
Victoria expelled Conroy, but believed that he
continued to exert an influence through one of her
mother’s ladies-in-waiting, Lady Flora Hastings. She
believed Conroy and Lady Flora had become lovers

and that Lady Flora was pregnant with his child. In fact
the poor woman had cancer of the liver and the tumour
had swollen her stomach. Victoria subjected Lady
Flora to an examination which proved she was still a
virgin, though Victoria retained her doubts. Lady Flora
died soon after. This episode caused her considerable
unpopularity and she was heckled at Ascot races. She
was jeeringly called Mrs Melbourne because of her
close association with the Prime Minister.

Melbourne, who had himself been the subject of a

scandal in 1836 over his friendship with the
Honourable Mrs Caroline Norton (and had never really
recovered from the association between his wife, Lady
Caroline Lamb, and Lord Byron from twenty years
earlier), was a close friend and adviser to Victoria in
the first few years of her reign. He instructed her on
political matters and provided an avuncular role in the
absence of her Uncle Leopold. In 1839 Melbourne
resigned and Victoria invited Robert Peel to form a
government. As part of the arrangements Peel
determined that the ladies in the royal household who
had been Whig appointments should be replaced by
Tory nominees. Victoria refused and Peel declined to
form an administration. Melbourne returned. Victoria
had flexed her muscles, albeit over a storm in a teacup
and though she had won, she subsequently
reconsidered the circumstances and allowed some
changes when Peel was returned to power following
the general election in 1841.

Victoria met her future husband, Prince Albert, in 1836

when his father (the brother of Victoria’s Uncle

Leopold) brought him to London. She was
immediately attracted to him and on their second
meeting in 1839 Victoria asked him to marry her. The
marriage took place on 10 February 1840. They were
twenty years old, with Victoria the senior by three
months. Albert had not had a happy childhood. His
parents had separated. Both his father and his brother
were notorious womanizers, while Albert was the more
studious, making the best use of his education. It was
Albert and not Victoria who had the stronger moral
values and he steadily impressed these upon her.
Although they had nine children, Albert saw this more
as his duty than as pleasure, whereas Victoria treasured
the memory of their love-making.

From a painting by Winterhalter, 1846

Nevertheless Victoria was only too aware of the

scandalous sexual adventures of her uncles as almost
all her cousins were illegitimate, and many of her
uncles’ mistresses still held a place in society. Albert
believed that the royal family should set an example.
Although at the start of their marriage Victoria
maintained her role as the queen with Albert as no
more than her husband, and not the master of the
house, she soon deferred to his judgement, and

Albert’s strong moral standpoint was forced upon the
government of the day. Ministers soon knew that any
unbecoming conduct would be severely criticized by
the queen. The stern views of Albert and the queen
began to change the moral climate of the country, at
least on the surface, though it repressed much.
Nevertheless the queen was not such a prude as she is
often portrayed, since she was prepared to accept that
men might have affairs. She denied ever using the
phrase ‘we are not amused’, which was attributed to
her late in life after seeing someone giving an
impression of her.

Although they argued like any young couple, Victoria

and Albert were ideally matched and intensely in love.
Apart from their official residences in London and
Windsor, the queen had Osborne House built for them
on the Isle of Wight, which was completed in 1851.
While it was under construction, the queen also
purchased Balmoral House in Scotland in 1852. These
became their two main country retreats.

Albert also took an interest in the social conditions of

the country. It was his genuine concern for the
condition of children and of workers that gave the
reform movement a political acceptability that it had
hitherto lacked. With the right ministers in place,
especially Robert Peel at the outset, social reform
gathered pace during the mid-nineteenth century. The
extent of social and cultural reform during Victoria’s
reign was immense, much of it due to improved
educational standards (especially after the Education
Act of 1870), public health (with a series of acts in

1848, 1872 and 1875), and technology. In the last case
it was Prince Albert’s own initiative for Britain to hold
a Great Exhibition in 1851, effectively the first
World’s Fair, for the display of technological
knowledge and advances. The Exhibition was held in
the famous Crystal Palace, designed and built by
Joseph Paxton, which was later relocated to the park at
Sydenham in South London. The Exhibition made a
resounding profit which the Prince planned to spend on
establishing the Victoria and Albert Museum in

There is little doubt that the improvement in the

working man’s lot during the nineteenth century
helped the monarchy by reducing social unrest. When
Europe was racked by a wave of revolutions in 1848,
the British monarchy remained intact, although the
Chartists took advantage of the general unrest to stage
a demonstration. Britain had become a more
democratic country than others in Europe and this
process was strongly supported by Albert and to a
slightly lesser degree by Victoria. She maintained that
the European monarchs (many of whom were
relatives) should stand together in mutual support. To
this end she encouraged royal visits between
monarchs, undertaking
several herself. Her first had been to Louis-Philippe of
France in September 1843, the first visit between an
English and French sovereign since Henry VIII visited
François I in 1520. Her relationships with other
European nations did much to stabilise Europe in the
second half of the nineteenth century. Her
involvement, for example, in keeping Prussia out of

the war between Austria and Sardinia in 1857, and
subsequently convincing her ministers to remain
neutral, certainly stopped hostilities from escalating
and brought a quick peace. She also strove to dampen
down anti-Indian hysteria during the years of the
Indian Mutiny (1857/8) and called for leniency in
retribution in India. Victoria also urged neutrality in
the American Civil War, although the incident over the
British mailship Trent, which was boarded by the
Federal Navy, taking prisoner two Confederate envoys
on diplomatic business (later released), might have
escalated into a British involvement in the war, had not
Prince Albert intervened in a tactful rewording of the
British government’s despatch.

Albert was only ever ‘Prince Consort’, the title of

which was confirmed in 1857, although Victoria would
have liked to have made him king. The two were a
formidable pair and, through Albert, the nation became
endeared to the monarchy. The whole of Britain was
devastated by the death of Albert (probably from
typhoid) on 14 December 1861, and Victoria was
racked by grief. She went so far as to consider suicide,
and spent the rest of her life dressed in mourning. The
Albert Hall and Albert Memorial were built in his

After Albert’s death, Victoria took a less prominent

part in public affairs though she kept in touch with
everything via her Prime Minister. Her relationship
with her government had always been on a personal
basis. Some prime ministers she could instinctively
trust; and even though she did not like Robert Peel at

first, she developed a high regard for him. She never
trusted Lord Palmerston, although she eventually
supported his action in the Crimean War of 1854/6.
She instituted the Victoria Cross for valour in the
Crimea; it was made from iron cast from the guns
captured in the war. She never liked William
Gladstone, whom
she found patronizing and obstinate, but she had her
best relationship with Benjamin Disraeli. Their views
were similar and he knew how to flatter her. His
greatest coup was making her empress of India in
1876. She sorely missed Disraeli when he died in

Throughout the second half of her reign, Victoria

interceded in foreign affairs only in an effort to
maintain peace and remain neutral. Generally she was
successful, though at times this went to the brink as
with the declaration of war between Russia and Turkey
in 1877. Victoria and Disraeli’s stand almost caused a
war between Russia and Britain until terms were
agreed at the Congress of Berlin in 1878. Victoria was
horrified at the activities in the Sudan in 1883/4 and
censured her ministers when they did not follow her
orders and send relief to General Gordon in Khartoum
in time to save him. Also throughout her reign there
were continuing problems between Britain and Ireland.
In 1886 Gladstone introduced a Home Rule Bill which
would have restored the Irish parliament in Dublin and
repealed the 1800 Act of Union. Victoria would have
none of it and the discussion split Gladstone’s Liberal
Party, with the Unionists emerging on their own. A

second attempt in 1893 was passed by the Commons
but rejected in the Lords.

While there was every reason to hold Victoria in high

respect for her abilities as a monarch, she came in for
some criticism. The public believed her extended
mourning for Albert was becoming unhealthy and
affecting her judgement. She had found some
consolation in a new shoulder to cry on, that of a
Scottish estate worker and attendant John Brown, who
was blunt and honest but caring. His concern for her
welfare convinced Victoria that the working class often
had better standards and morals than the aristocracy.
This was not helped by the profligate behaviour of her
son the Prince of Wales (see Edward VII). Her
association with John Brown was interpreted as
something more serious than it was, with newspapers
referring to her as ‘Mrs. Brown’. She was in danger of
reducing respect once more for the monarchy and there
was even some discussion in 1871 of abolishing the
but it came to nothing. Brown remained her faithful
attendant and stalwart until his death in 1883.

Towards the end of her reign Victoria was seen as the

grandmother of Europe, and with her Golden and
Diamond Jubilees in 1887 and 1897 there was much
celebration. Through her daughter Victoria, who had
married the future Friedrich III of Prussia, she was the
grandmother of the future Kaiser Wilhelm II. Through
her second daughter, Alice, her granddaughter (also
called Alice) married Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. Her
second son, Prince Alfred, was elected king of Greece

in 1862 but declined the throne. His daughter Marie
married King Ferdinand of Romania. There was
scarcely a royal family in Europe who did not have
some matrimonial link with Victoria, and most of them
were present at her Diamond Jubilee. At that time the
British Empire was also at its greatest extent and it
would have seemed to Victoria’s subjects that Britain
ruled the world. It was not true, as would soon be seen,
but it was a great feeling to the British while it lasted
and brought the nineteenth century to a magnificent

When the queen died at Osborne House on 22 January

1901, she had not only ruled longer than any previous
British monarch, but she could count more people as
her subjects than any ruler ever. On her own she was
not as great a queen as she was in partnership with
Prince Albert, or with a strong prime minister, so it is
difficult to rank her as a greater monarch than
Elizabeth I, but in terms of the changes that happened
during her life, she must be accorded the most
significant reign in British history.

Devolving Empireand

(changed to WINDSOR)

The twentieth century marked a period of enormous

change. Scientific developments and inventions –
telecommunications, radio, film, television, electronic
media, air travel – would, more than in any other
century, alter the United Kingdom’s perception of
itself and of other nations.

At the beginning of the twentieth century Britain, with
its monarch as its titular head, ruled almost a third of
the world’s population, but this would not remain so.

In 1931 the Statute of Westminster would recognize

Australia, Canada, Eire, New Zealand and South
Africa as independent states within the Commonwealth
of Nations. After the Second World War, Britain
would find that it could no longer afford to maintain its
remaining empire by force. India and Pakistan would
become independent in 1947. In 1948, Palestine, a
British mandate since 1920, would become the state of
Israel. Also in 1948 Burma and Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
would gain their freedom; in 1957 Malaya and the
Gold Coast too, followed by all the remaining
colonies of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. In
1964 Malta would follow. In 1997 Hong Kong would
be handed back to the Chinese. By the end of the
century only a few colonies – such as Gibraltar and the
Falklands – would remain, and British sovereignty of
them would be constantly disputed by Spain and

The twentieth-century’s two world wars caused,

worldwide, some 17 million deaths in the first, at least
60 million in the second, and changed irrevocably how
the countries of Europe viewed one another. As a
consequence the European Community was created to
form closer economic and political ties in Europe, to
try to prevent such devastating occurrences ever
happening again. Britain joined in 1971. How far
Britain will become involved, whether it can retain its

autonomy, and whether there will still be a place for a
British monarchy are questions it now asks itself.


Ruled 22 January 1901–6 May 1910. Crowned:

Westminster Abbey, 9 August 1902.

Full name and titles: Albert Edward, king of

Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions
beyond the Seas, emperor of India, duke of
Cornwall and Rothesay, earl of Carrick, lord of
the Isles and Baron Renfrew (from birth), prince
of Wales and earl of Chester (from 1841), duke of
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1861–63).

Born: Buckingham Palace, 9 November 1841.

Died: Buckingham Palace, 6 May 1910, aged 68.
Buried: Windsor Castle.

Married: 10 March 1863, at Windsor Castle,

Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julie
(1844–1925), dau. of Christian IX, king of
Denmark: 6 children.

Baptized Albert Edward, and always affectionately

known as Bertie, he was the second child and eldest
son of Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg. His
parents were very strict with him as a child,
determined that he would not become wayward

and profligate like Victoria’s father and uncles or
Albert’s father and brother, but it was to little avail. In
fact they probably restricted him too much, as by his
teens he had developed a cruel streak (which
thankfully he lost), threw tantrums just as George IV
did in his youth, and showed every tendency of
rebelling against his parents. He grew out of this only
because his good looks (he looked very much like his
father and his maternal grandfather) allowed him to get
his own way with women and he was able to enjoy
himself as he pleased. His parents did not allow him to
play any part in political affairs or undertake any state
visits until much later in life, although he did tour
Europe, Canada and America in his teens. Had they
done so Edward might have taken his responsibilities
more seriously because once he did become king, he
became a skilled negotiator. Instead he suffered from
the usual Hanoverian trait of parents not trusting their
children and so, like his mother’s great-grandfather,
Frederick, prince of Wales, the new prince of Wales
(which he was created when he was a month old) led
the life of a playboy.

Although this made him a frustration to his parents,

most people enjoyed his company and the nation took
him to its heart, especially after the death of Prince
Albert, when the queen went into mourning and
became over sombre. Prince Edward maintained a
sense of humour and delighted in practical jokes and
kept society bubbling. There was great national
concern in 1871 when Edward became seriously ill
with typhoid. The Queen, however, never forgave
Edward for creating an incident in 1861 which she

believed added to Prince Albert’s stress and
contributed to his early death. Prince Edward was in
Ireland involved in army manoeuvres and as a joke a
young actress was hidden in his tent. It caused a
scandal. It was thought paramount that Edward should
take a wife as soon as possible and on 10 March 1863
he married Princess Alexandra of Denmark. Edward
had acquired a house and land at Sandringham in
Norfolk in 1862, which became his and his wife’s
main country retreat. Alexandra was remarkably
tolerant of her husband and her flexibility and good
nature doubtless contributed to what is one of the
longest marriages of any British monarch. They
remained married for forty-seven years until Edward’s
death. Alexandra died on 20 November 1925 in her
eighty-first year.

They had six children (though the last died after only a
day in 1871). Edward, however, remained a
philanderer and enjoyed the company of many women.
Perhaps his best known mistress was the actress Lillie
Langtry (real name Emilie Le Breton), but he was
regularly seen in the company of many different
society ladies. Generally Edward kept these affairs
discreet, although most people in society knew about
them. Occasionally though they became more public.
In 1870 the MP Sir Charles Mordaunt brought a
divorce suit against his wife on the grounds of
adultery. In her statement, Lady Mordaunt cited the
prince of Wales as one of the co-respondents. During
the course of the trial, at which the prince appeared as
a witness, it become known that he frequently visited
her alone when her husband was in the House of

Commons, though nothing more was proved. Prince
Edward never acknowledged any illegitimate children,
though rumours were rife. Sonia, the second daughter
of Alice Keppel, born in May 1900, was widely
believed to be the Prince’s. She became the
grandmother of Camilla Parker Bowles.

Perhaps the most notorious incident attached to Prince

Edward was the baccarat scandal of 1890. The prince
had attended a house party at Tranby Croft in
Yorkshire where they played the then illegal game of
baccarat. One of the party, Sir William
Gordon-Cumming, was accused of cheating but the
matter was kept quiet, provided Sir William did not
play cards again. However word leaked out and Sir
William sued others of the party for slander. Again the
prince appeared in court as a witness, and the nation
expressed its outrage that the prince should be
involved in an illegal gambling game. Such is society
that it should express more concern over this than over
Prince Edward’s affairs.

In fact Edward’s activities set the fashion in society –

how he dressed, where he went, what he did. Society
life revolved about him. He was primarily responsible
for making Monte Carlo a
fashionable location for the elite; he went big-game
hunting in India; he loved horse-racing and regularly
attended major society meetings – three of his horses
won the Derby and another the Grand National.
Edward also took an interest in yacht racing – the
racing yacht Britannia was built for him in 1892. The
public followed everything that he did: even leaving

the bottom button on the waistcoat undone (because of
his increased corpulence) became the height of

Although Victoria denied Prince Edward involvement

in political affairs, he still held his views. He caused
sufficient family unrest in 1864 when the
Schleswig-Holstein dispute erupted and Prussia
declared war on Denmark. Victoria naturally supported
Prussia, but Edward supported Denmark, his wife’s
country, and this view was shared by the Prime
Minister. Edward further angered the queen when he
welcomed the Italian revolutionary, Garibaldi, to
England in April 1864, when he came to encourage
further support for Denmark. In fact Edward proved
himself far more tolerant and capable than ever his
mother perceived. While she encouraged the nation to
remain neutral when hostilities erupted elsewhere in
Europe, Edward would, had he been allowed, have
exerted his influence to resolve affairs. Instead the
queen restricted him to state visits amongst peaceable
nations and public ceremonies, such as the opening of
the Thames Embankment in 1871, the Mersey Tunnel
in 1886 and Tower Bridge in 1894. He performed his
public duties with considerable energy and aplomb and
applied himself to a number of charity organizations
and public committees. In particular he had concern
over the condition of housing in Britain and was a
member of the Royal Commission on Housing
established in 1884. Edward also enjoyed himself
helping with the preparations for his mother’s Golden
Jubilee in 1887 and Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

In January 1892 his eldest son, Albert, died of
pneumonia. Albert (known as ‘Eddy’ to the family)
had always been an apathetic child and the prince
believed him backward. It was later suspected that he
suffered from syphilis of the brain.
Rumours attached themselves to ‘Eddy’ and his
lifestyle – it was alleged that he had secretly married
Annie Crook sometime in the mid-1880s and that the
Jack the Ripper murders were committed to silence
those in the know, though no evidence but hearsay
supports this.

One other cloud cast a shadow over Edward and that

was an assassination attempt on 4 April 1900, when
the prince was fired at while travelling through
Brussels on his way to Denmark. The prince was
unhurt. The cause was related to the Boer War in South
Africa, which had soured relationships between
England and its European neighbours.

Edward was welcomed as king in January 1901.

Edward’s coronation was delayed by six weeks
because he developed appendicitis. The food, which
had already been prepared, was distributed among the
poor of London. The eventual celebrations, held on 9
August, were magnificent. It may not have been the
most expensive ceremony, but it was almost certainly
the largest, with representatives from all over the
world. Although he ruled for fewer than ten years, his
lifestyle made sufficient impression for the first decade
of this century to be known as the Edwardian period. It
was a period of fun and enjoyment. It was a time of
major advancement in the welfare of society – trades

unions were recognized, old age pensions and national
insurance were introduced.

Edward took little interest in this. His time was spent

becoming what the French dubbed ‘the uncle of
Europe’. He undertook regular visits to European
monarchs, most of whom were his relatives, and
helped Europe maintain a steady peace. All his life
Edward had been a Francophile and it was primarily
through his relations with France that England was
able to conclude the Entente Cordiale alliance in April
1904. Edward became a major symbol of British
strength and authority and was highly respected
through Europe and the Empire. He was far more of a
humanist than any of his predecessors, something
which he inherited from his father, and despite his
reputation for the good life, was also charitable and
philanthropic, sparing no energies in support of
good causes. He upheld the best of the Victorian
values and while not all his views would accord with
today’s values (for instance, he opposed women’s
suffrage) his wish that everyone should lead a good life
shaped and influenced English society for fifty years
and still remains the image of the ‘good old days’.

He died on 6 May 1910 of bronchial complications.

His funeral was the last time the monarchy of Europe
assembled together, as four years later the Great War
would rip Europe apart. Edward was succeeded by his
only surviving son, George V.


Ruled 6 May 1910–20 January 1936.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 22 June 1911.

Full name and titles: George Frederick Ernest

Albert, king of Great Britain and Ireland (only
Northern Ireland after 1920) and the British
Dominions beyond the Seas, emperor of India,
duke of York, earl of Inverness and Baron
Killarney (from 1892), duke of Cornwall and
Rothesay (from 1901), prince of Wales and earl
of Chester (from 1901).

Born: Marlborough House, London, 3 June 1865.

Died: Sandringham House, Norfolk, 20 January
1936, aged 70. Buried: Windsor Castle.

Married: 6 July 1893, at St James’s Palace,

London, Mary Augusta Louise (1867–1953) dau.
of Franz, duke of Teck: 6 children.

George V was the second son of Edward VII. Until his

elder brother, Prince Albert, died in 1892, George had
not anticipated he would be the next in line to the
throne after his father. He had opted for a career in the
navy, like William IV, starting as a naval cadet at
Dartmouth in 1877 and rising to the rank of
commander in 1891. Unfortunately a bout of typhoid,

followed by news of his brother’s death, ended his
naval career and he had to adjust to the prospect of
becoming king. He had sufficient sense of duty to do
this, though he did not welcome it, and neither did he
like the
additional political and language studies he had to do.
He was not fond of intellectual pursuits, preferring,
like his father, a sporting life. Unusually for the
Hanoverian line, George was on very good terms with
his father, but he did not copy him in any other way,
especially the playboy role. George was rather shy,
which he overcame by talking loudly in a booming
voice, but he much preferred solitary pursuits and it
was not unusual for him to hide away at Sandringham
for periods of time, hunting, fishing and developing his
collection of stamps of the British Empire. He was
slightly below average height (about five foot seven
inches) and had inherited his father’s good looks and
had captivating blue eyes.

George married his late brother’s betrothed, Princess

Mary of Teck, in 1893. He was twenty-eight; she was
twenty-six. They had five sons and a daughter, Mary,
who became the Princess Royal in 1932. Their two
eldest sons became Edward VIII and George VI. Their
third son, Henry, duke of Gloucester, lived until 1974.
The fourth son, George, duke of Kent, was killed on
active service in the Second World War, when his
plane crashed into a Scottish hillside in August 1942.
Their youngest son, John, was an epileptic and was
kept out of the public gaze at Sandringham, where he
died in 1919 aged thirteen. Their marriage was not a
love match but by all accounts George was faithful. An

early allegation that he had married the daughter of
Admiral Culme-Seymour before his marriage to Mary
was rapidly squashed and the perpetrator of the story
prosecuted and imprisoned. There was never more than
minor gossip about George’s love life and he was the
first king since Charles I not to have any sexual
scandal attached to his name.

Although Edward VII did his best to prepare George

for the monarchy, both in terms of becoming
acquainted with the political process, and in visits to
foreign courts, George felt ill equipped for the political
crisis that he was plunged into after his father’s death
in May 1910. The Liberals’ budget of 1909, which had
included provision for a super-tax to cover the cost of
old-age pensions, had been rejected by the House of
Lords. Prime Minister Asquith had asked Edward VII
to consider appointing additional Liberal peers to the
House to vote the budget through. Edward had died
before making a decision and George was now placed
in a difficult position. In the end it was referred to a
committee, followed by a general election where the
increased Liberal majority caused the Lords to accept
public opinion. George, however, did not like having
been brought into party politics and made his views
forcibly known.

The Royal Family

George’s coronation was held in Westminster Abbey

on 22 June 1911, but he also had the idea of being
crowned emperor in India, which neither his father nor
grandmother had been. He and the queen sailed for
India in November and were jointly crowned emperor
and empress on 11 December 1911 at Delhi. It was on
that occasion that Delhi became the country’s capital.
George VI did not repeat this second coronation, so it
was a unique event.

It was also the last moment of glory of the old world,

for soon after the situation in Europe worsened. The
immediate problem was in Ireland. Asquith sought to
introduce a Home Rule Bill (the third attempt; see
under Victoria for the first two) and, though it was
rejected twice by the House of Lords, the King was
prepared to give it his support. However the lawyer
and politician, Sir Edward Carson (the man whose
cross-examination of Oscar Wilde had been the ruin of

the playwright in 1895), refused to accept the provision
of the Bill and in 1913 mobilized a force of Ulster
Volunteers. The king, fearing civil war, called a
meeting of all parties at Buckingham Palace in July
1914 to consider an amended Home Rule Bill that
excluded Ulster. No decision was reached and
discussions were set aside when war broke out in

In the years leading up to war, King George had

repeatedly warned his cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm II, that
if Germany showed any aggression towards Russia or
France, Britain would come to their aid. He also
expressed the hope that they would not have to be
drawn in. Britain’s past record suggested to Germany
that they would remain neutral, so when the
catastrophic sequence of events sparked off by the
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
of Austria on 28 June 1914 escalated into war,
Germany declared war on Russia and France and, to
add to the problem, marched on France through
Belgium. Britain, tied by its treaties to its allies,
declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914. The King
did what he could to keep morale high. He shared in
the rationing, not wishing to be shown special
treatment. He paid five visits to the Grand Fleet and
seven visits to armies in France and Belgium. On one
visit in 1915, he was thrown from his horse and
fractured his pelvis. The King did what he could
behind the scenes and the public seemed to accept his
genuine patriotism, but when anti-German feeling
became intense in 1917 he took the counsel of his
government and changed his family name from

Saxe-Coburg to Windsor. Even before the war had
finished, there was revolution in Russia. George’s
cousin Alice had married Tsar Nicholas II and the
couple, with all their children, were murdered on July
16th 1918. George was devastated by the news. The
old Europe was crumbling and Victoria’s descendants
were being replaced. Kaiser Wilhelm survived the war
but fled from Germany and spent the rest of his life in
the Netherlands.

After the war, the matter of Ireland still needed to be

resolved. The Easter Rising of April 1916 had done
little to help the situation, the execution of the rebels
Pearce, Connolly and others only shifted support to the
nationalists. King George opted for a conciliatory
approach. The Government of Ireland Act of 1920
proposed for separate parliaments in Dublin and
Belfast. The king and queen opened the Ulster
Parliament in June 1921. Sinn Fein rejected the
proposal for southern Ireland and it was not until the
Anglo-Irish Treaty of 6 December 1921 that all of
Ireland, except for Ulster, was recognized as the Irish
Free State.

To George the old order continued to fade away. In

1924 the first Labour government was formed under
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald. George was
surprised to find the ministers easy to operate with.
Unfortunately the Zinoviev letter, allegedly written by
the head of the Communist International, encouraged
armed revolution. The Labour Party was tainted with
Communism and the letter contributed to their
downfall. The General

Strike of 1926 was further evidence of civil strife and
potential revolution. The Baldwin government took a
hard line with the strikers while the king had been
prepared to be more conciliatory. It became evident as
the years progressed and the strife grew that England
was in the grip of a world depression. King George
took a cut in his own pay via the Civil List. It was
George who actively encouraged the idea of a National
Government to tackle the problem, and this eventually
came in under Ramsay MacDonald in 1931. It was this
sense of needing to hold the nation together that caused
George V to introduce two traditions in 1932. The first
was his own personal distribution of Maundy Money
on the Thursday before Easter. The tradition dated
back to the time of Edward III in 1363, but since the
Reformation had been conducted by the Lord High
Almoner. His other innovation was to broadcast a
Christmas Day message over the radio, which also
continues to this day. These acts immediately brought
the king to the hearts of people who otherwise had
never seen him, let alone heard him, and it did more
than any other action that he took to personalize the
king. It undoubtedly contributed to his popularity,
which he had never courted. He was overwhelmed at
the enthusiasm and warmth accorded him at his silver
jubilee in 1935.

In 1931 the Statute of Westminster made the change

from the British Empire to the Commonwealth, with
Parliament ceasing to control some of the overseas
dominions directly. The King remained as Head of the
Commonwealth and, in many cases, as head of state,
but it was a further slide away from the old regime

under which George had been reared and where he still
felt most at home.

The king’s health had declined in the last few years. In

November 1928 he had suffered a near fatal bout of
septicaemia, which weakened his constitution. He had
been sent to Bognor Regis to recuperate. Thus, when
he entered his final illness with a severe bronchial
infection in January 1936, Queen Mary suggested he
might again visit Bognor. This gave rise to his alleged
but doubtless apocryphal last words, ‘Bugger Bognor!’

George V succeeded more than he ever realized in

moulding together the disciplinarian approach of
Victoria and Albert with the homely geniality of
Edward VII to produce a monarch who stood for the
best standards and principles of the nation. Few of his
contemporaries fully appreciated the lengths to which
he went to understand the problems of Britain and to
promote stability and understanding throughout
Europe. He succeeded far more than he failed, and the
love he received from the nation was the testament to
that. He was succeeded by his son.


Ruled 20 January–11 December 1936. Never


Full name and titles: Edward Albert Christian
George Andrew Patrick David, king of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland, emperor of India,
duke of Cornwall and Rothesay, earl of Carrick,
lord of the Isles and Baron Renfrew (from 1910),
prince of Wales and earl of Chester (from 1910);
duke of Windsor (from 1937).

Born: White Lodge, Richmond, Surrey, 23 June

1894. Died: Paris, France, 28 May 1972, aged
77. Buried: Frogmore, Windsor.

Married: 3 June 1937, at Château de Candé,

Maine-et-Loire, France, Wallis Simpson (née
Warfield) (1896–1986): no children.

Despite an abundant selection of Christian names (the

last four being the four patron saints of Britain), the
future Edward VIII was always known in the family as
David. He inherited his family’s handsome features,
including the youthfulness of his mother and
grandmother so that his face always had a boyish
charm. Almost from the outset he reacted against the
demands placed upon him. Like his distant predecessor
Edward II he had little interest in state affairs, though
unlike that same predecessor he also disliked the pomp
and ceremony. He regarded his investiture as prince of
Wales in 1911 as ridiculous and he rebelled
against his father’s discipline. He took after his
grandfather, Edward VII, in preferring ‘the good life’

and though his father tried to curb these tendencies he
only aggravated them by continually treating Edward
like a child. He was refused active service during the
Great War, something that would certainly have been
the making of him had he survived, and after the war,
the king refused to involve him in political affairs.
Instead, in the same way that Victoria treated ‘Bertie’,
so Edward was only entrusted with going on goodwill
tours around the world. Edward enjoyed doing these,
although they became exhausting, and over a period,
throughout the 1920s, it came to look as if King
George was doing all he could to keep Edward out of
the country.

One side-effect of all of this that would later have

significant consequences was that the prince became
attracted to the United States. Here was a country that
accepted him for what he was and allowed him to
speak his mind. He felt trapped and censured in Britain
but alive and free in America. Edward and his father
grew further apart. The prince embarked upon a series
of affairs. He showed no interest in marriage, but
seemed to have a liking for older, married women. He
was evidently seeking that affection denied him by his
parents. There were allegations that the Prince was a
repressed homosexual, although his many affairs
would speak against this. Nevertheless he was attracted
to more masculine looking women. In January 1931 he
first met Mrs Wallis Simpson, an American divorcée
who had recently married for a second time. Edward
fell in love with her, though it was never that clear how
much she loved him – it was more the attraction of
power. Nevertheless the two drew closer together and

it was evident by 1935 that Edward had made his mind
up to marry her. He never found the right moment to
tell his father, because of George’s failing health.

In January 1936 the old king died and David became

Edward VIII. Although he had no great desire to be
king he was prepared to do his duty, but only if he
could marry Mrs Simpson. Divorce proceedings were
already going through between Mrs Simpson and her
husband, and the decree nisi was granted on 27
1936. During this period Edward and Mrs Simpson
were almost inseparable but the British press remained
silent on the matter. The American and European
press, however, covered the news with relish, and it
was only a matter of time before it would break in
Britain. The king continued to believe that the nation
would happily accept an American as queen. The
government, the archbishop of Canterbury, and
Edward’s mother did not agree, believing that a
marriage with a woman twice divorced, especially with
both past husbands still alive, would be
unconstitutional and wholly unacceptable. Edward
remained determined. Mrs Simpson’s decree absolute
was set for 27 April 1937, fifteen days before the day
planned for the coronation. It was not until November
that Mrs Simpson realized the import of the
constitutional dilemma – known as the Abdication
Crisis – in which Edward was caught, and she offered
to step aside. Edward would have none of it. On 16
November he gave the Prime Minister, Stanley
Baldwin, an ultimatum that either he be allowed to
marry or he would abdicate. Edward was supported by

such stalwarts as Winston Churchill and Lord
Beaverbrook, who were prepared to rally the country
behind Edward, but he wanted none of that. If
anything, this was the escape he was looking for.
Edward was not cut out to be king and, though he
would have suffered it for the nation, he would not do
it alone. On 5 December 1936, Edward confirmed his
intention to abdicate. The necessary papers were
prepared and signed on 10 December and the next day,
after making a moving broadcast to the nation, Edward
sailed away to exile in France. There he and Wallis
Warfield (she reverted to her maiden name on 7 May
1937) were married on 3 June. A few months earlier,
on 8 March, Edward had been made duke of Windsor,
but the honorific of ‘Royal Highness’ was denied his
wife, albeit legally she was entitled to be so addressed.

They remained living in France, mostly in Paris, for

the rest of their lives, although they travelled
extensively, mostly to the United States where they
became the centre of high society. Edward wished to
serve his nation during the Second World
War but the closest he got was as governor and
commander-in-chief of the Bahamas from 1940 to
1945. After the war rumours became rife that he had
Nazi sympathies, though in fact he had visited
Germany in 1937 in an effort to help stop the
inevitable. Edward had such a high opinion of himself
that he was blinded to his use by the Nazi propaganda

Edward and his younger brother, who succeeded him

as George VI, remained at a distance, though there

were efforts at reconciliation by Elizabeth II, who
visited Edward just days before he died of cancer on
28 May 1972. His body was flown back to Britain and
buried at Frogmore in Windsor. His widow survived
for another fourteen years in a sorry state in their Paris
home as senile dementia took hold. She died on 24
April 1986, in her ninetieth year, and was buried
beside her husband at Frogmore.

Edward had let his heart rule his head, but since his
heart was also telling him that kingship was not for
him then he must have made the right decision.
Although his reputation has suffered some brickbats
over the years, he is still remembered as the king who
sacrificed everything for love, and that romantic image
will never fade.


Ruled 11 December 1936–6 February 1952.

Crowned: Westminster Abbey, 12 May 1937.

Full name and titles: Albert Frederick Arthur

George, king of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, emperor of India (until 22 June 1947),
duke of York, earl of Inverness and Baron
Killarney (from 1920).

Born: Sandringham, Norfolk, 14 December 1895.
Died: 6 February 1952, aged 56. Buried:
Windsor Castle.

Married: 26 April 1923, at Westminster Abbey,

Elizabeth (1900–2002) dau. of Claude George
Bowes-Lyon, earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne:
2 daughters.

Kings usually have many years to prepare for their

role, unless they are usurpers, and even then they do it
with intent. George VI had less than a week, and for
much of that week he could not believe it was

Albert Frederick Arthur George (‘Bertie’ to his family)

was the second son of George V and had not expected
to become king, certainly not within a few months of
his brother, Edward VIII, succeeding to the throne.
Edward’s love for Mrs Wallis Simpson, however,
which led to his abdication in December 1936,
propelled George into the monarchy with scarcely a
moment’s notice.

Like his father, George VI had not been raised to be

king. He was a rather delicate child who suffered from
gastritis as a result of his nurse’s neglect. It led to a
duodenal ulcer in later years. He was shy and had a
restricting stammer which he only overcame with hard
work. He entered the Royal Navy in 1913, as a

midshipman, and this was the making of him for,
although he was sea-sick, he came to enjoy the naval
life. He served with distinction during the First World
War, being mentioned in despatches at the battle of
Jutland. He served for a short period in the Royal
Naval Air Service. He was created duke of York in
1920, of which he was excessively proud.

For all he was strait-laced and a stickler for protocol,

George also had the common touch. In 1921 he set up
the Duke of York’s Boys’ Camps which brought
together working-class and public schoolboys in
summer camps. They worked well and were held
annually until 1939. He also became President of the
Industrial Welfare Society and took a keen interest in
workers’ health and safety. He enjoyed sport,
especially tennis, and made a brief appearance at
Wimbledon in 1926 in the doubles with his wife.

He had met Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyonin 1922. She

had originally been introduced to his brother Edward
in the hope of making a match. Lady Elizabeth was
attracted to the prince of Wales, but it was the duke of
York who eventually won her hand, and the two were
married in April 1923. Although not a member of a
British or European royal family, Lady Elizabeth’s
family had a long and illustrious history, tracing its
descent from John Lyon, secretary of David II of
who was made Lord Glamis in 1372 and who married
Jean, a daughter of Robert II, in 1376. On her mother’s
side, Lady Elizabeth could trace descent from the
Welsh prince Owain Glyn Dwr. They were well

matched and made a happy couple. They were blessed
with two daughters, Elizabeth in 1926 and Margaret in

Following their marriage George and Elizabeth settled

into the Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park. Although
he continued to undertake special visits on behalf of
his father, George was not involved in any matters of
government. On his accession he confessed that he had
never seen a state paper and was at a complete loss as
to what to do. His strong sense of duty carried him
through. He wanted to emphasize the continuity of the
monarchy and chose George as his regal name rather
than Albert. The coronation already fixed for his
brother went ahead as usual, but George simply
stepped into his place. To the public it seemed as if
George was well prepared, but it had been sheer pluck
and determination that carried him through, along with
the unstinting support of the queen.

One single affair dominated the world scene in 1937

and that was the growing menace of Nazi Germany.
George supported his Prime Minister, Neville
Chamberlain, in his policy of appeasement, not
wishing to repeat another four years of war, but when
all else failed to stop Hitler’s intentions, George was
also quick to show his support for the oppressed
countries. No sooner was war declared on 3 September
1939 than the king broadcast a message to the Empire,
encouraging them to show their allegiance. George’s
relationship with Winston Churchill, who became
Prime Minister in May 1940, was initially remote, but
they later became firm friends. The king and queen

were determined to remain in residence in London,
even during the dark period of the Blitz, and they both
narrowly escaped with their lives when Buckingham
Palace received a direct hit by six bombs in September
1940. The couple visited the worst hit areas in the East
End and their genuine concern for the Londoners
endeared them to the nation. He initiated the George
Cross in 1940 as the highest award for heroism and
gallantry shown by civilians, awarding it in 1942 to the
island of Malta. The king kept a very public profile
throughout the War,
visiting factories and military sites, as well as the
troops in North Africa in 1943. The victory
celebrations on 8 May 1945 outside Buckingham
Palace demonstrated just how much the royal family
was the centre of Britain’s hopes and aspirations.

George’s affinity with his subjects made it easier to

adapt to the Labour Government, which came to power
in 1945 under Clement Attlee, than it had been for his
father in 1924, even though he was not in total
sympathy with their ideology. He advised caution in
their policy of nationalization. The king continued a
strenuous round of public duties, including a tour of
South Africa and Rhodesia in 1947. 1947 also saw the
withdrawal of the British from India and the
establishment of the independent nations of India and
Pakistan. In 1951 George opened the Festival of
Britain, intended as a celebration of postwar Britain
like the Great Exhibition of Prince Albert’s exactly
100 years before.

The king’s health continued to deteriorate. He had an
operation for blocked arteries in his legs in 1948, and
in September 1951 part of his left lung was removed
because of lung cancer. Although he recovered, he died
in his sleep in the early hours of 6 February 1952, aged
only 56. For the man who did not want to be king he
had achieved wonders in restoring the popularity of the
monarchy after the abdication crisis and in helping
sustain Britain’s morale through the dark years of the
War. He was a courageous and extremely dutiful king.


Ruled 6 February 1952 to date. Crowned:

Westminster Abbey, 2 June 1953.

Full name and titles: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary,

queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms
and Territories; Head of the Commonwealth.

Born: 17 Bruton Street, London, 21 April 1926.

Married: 20 November 1947, at Westminster

Abbey, Philip (b. 10 June 1921) son of Prince
Andrew of Greece and Denmark.

Elizabeth was the eldest of the two daughters of

George VI. She became heir presumptive on the
abdication of her uncle Edward VIII in 1936, when she

was ten, and thereafter she was groomed for her future
role. Her childhood, and that of her sister Margaret,
was part of a close-knit family. There were none of the
problems or fractures that had marred earlier
generations and to the public the royal family became
the epitome of family life. The family even remained
together at Buckingham Palace throughout the Blitz,
though they later moved out to Windsor. It is a sharp
contrast to the way the royal family would come to be
perceived in the 1980s and 1990s. Elizabeth was
determined to play her part in the war effort and, after
an initial refusal, her father eventually allowed her to
join the ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) in 1945,
where she learned how to handle and repair all manner
of vehicles.

Princess Elizabeth first met her future husband in July

1939 during a visit to Dartmouth Naval College where
he was a cadet. He was grandson of George, king of
the Hellenes, and, through his mother, great-great
grandson of Queen Victoria, and thereby Elizabeth’s
third cousin. His father had been banished from Greece
during a military coup in 1922 and Philip was brought
up by his uncle, Lord Mountbatten. Philip served with
distinction in the Royal Navy during the Second World
War, both with the Mediterranean Fleet and with the
British Pacific Fleet in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
He was mentioned in despatches after the battle of
Cape Matapan and received many decorations
including the Greek War Cross, the Burma Star and the
French Croix de Guerre.

When it became clear that Elizabeth and Philip would
marry, it was necessary for Philip to renounce his
rights to the Greek throne and he became a naturalized
British subject as Philip Mountbatten, which was
concluded on 28 February 1947. The couple were
married on 20 November that year. He was created
duke of Edinburgh on the same day. Their first son,
Charles, was born on 14 November 1948. Princess
Anne was born 15 August 1950, then, after a long gap,
came Prince Andrew on 19 February 1960 and Prince
Edward on 10 March 1964.

The descent of Elizabeth II from King Arthur

This chart shows the relationship of Elizabeth II

to the two historic namesakes of King Arthur,
Arthur of Dál Riata and Arthur of Dyfed.

George VI’s health deteriorated over the next few
years but he felt in sufficiently good health in 1952 for
Elizabeth to agree to undertake a world tour. She was
at the Treetops Hotel in Kenya when news came of her
father’s sudden death in February. She returned
hurriedly to Britain and was crowned at Westminster
Abbey on 2 June 1953. The whole event was televized.

The queen was to make much use of television in
popularizing the royal
family and bringing her closer to the people. Her
regular Christmas Day message was televized for the
first time in 1957 and in 1969 she agreed to a
television film being made about the daily routine of
family life which displayed some remarkably
rudimentary moments and also demonstrated the sense
of humour Elizabeth inherited from her parents.

Elizabeth dedicated much of her time to establishing a

closer bond to the Commonwealth of Nations. The
independence of India in 1947 had seen the former
Empire begin to crumble and its successor
Commonwealth had a less clear identity. Elizabeth and
the duke of Edinburgh undertook a number of state
visits in order to foster stronger relationships. This was
always difficult, especially during the 1950s and 1960s
when much stronger national identities saw outbreaks
of revolution and civil strife in many former colonies
around the World. Problems and attitudes in Ghana,
South Africa, Rhodesia, Canada and Australia, as
examples, showed that Elizabeth’s role as head of state
was not always readily accepted and often criticized.
Prince Philip’s comments at the time of the Rhodesia
crisis in 1963 caused friction with Parliament, and the
prince needed to be reminded of his position. On
balance, however, most of the Commonwealth
countries respect the queen as a figurehead and
recognize her constant efforts in striving to foster
goodwill and harmony between fellow nations. It has
been a demanding role, and possibly one that at times
meant that the queen was becoming slightly removed

from her own role towards her British subjects.
Nevertheless, the constitutional role of the monarch
had become so firmly established that despite a
number of major foreign incidents, such as the Suez
Crisis, Aden, and even the Falklands War in 1982,
when her son Prince Andrew saw active service, they
are seen as the responsibility of the government of the
day and the queen’s role, despite extensive
consultation, is not seen by the public as paramount.
Yet, despite this lack of association in Britain, other
nations may use such events to praise or condemn the
queen. This resurfaced in 1997 when the tour of India
led to demonstrations seeking an apology from Britain
for the massacre at Amritsar in 1919.

It was not until 22 February 1957 that the duke of

Edinburgh was granted the title of ‘Prince’. This
followed a period of anguish when it was confirmed
that the royal family would continue to use the
surname Windsor, after Elizabeth’s father, rather than
Mountbatten. The Duke felt marginalized and, even
though he respected his secondary role to the queen, he
still strove to be recognized in his own right. It was as
much Philip’s desire as the queen’s that the royal
family be seen as contemporary and not as a curious
British anachronism. He made considerable use of the
public relations media and became known for his
outspokenness. He also encouraged the children to mix
freely with other children, and insisted upon their
education at public schools rather than privately at the
Palace. The duke initiated the Duke of Edinburgh’s
Award Scheme in 1956 to encourage young people to
tackle a wide range of challenges or experiences.

The queen was admonished by Lord Altrincham in
1957 for being ‘out of touch’, a charge that has been
levied by others in the intervening years despite the
many measures the queen has taken to become closer
to her subjects. The main problem is that society has
moved on, particularly since the 1960s, so if the queen
is out of touch, it is only because the monarchy is not
designed to follow fashion. If it did it would be
criticized for losing its traditional values and the
balance between those and being part of society is a
difficult one to assess, especially when there is a high
level of hypocrisy amongst the media in their dealings
with the royal family.

Although there have been scandals galore in all

generations about the love life of the monarchy, it has
only been in this generation that the queen and her
immediate family has had to face censure and
vilification from the press and certain factions of the
public, even though they have striven to maintain high
standards, and certainly far higher than any monarch
between Charles I and Victoria. This judgement began
in 1955 with the press criticism of the suggested
marriage between Princess Margaret and Group
Captain Peter Townsend, the queen’s equerry,
who had been divorced. Margaret followed the
teachings of the church and decided not to marry him.
In 1960 she married Antony Armstrong-Jones, who
became Lord Snowdon in 1961. They had two
children, but marital problems began to emerge in the
1960s and the couple were eventually divorced in May
1978. The problems with the marriages of the queen’s
children were blown out of all proportion by the press.

Perhaps the least criticized was Princess Anne, whose
charitable work has caused her to be more highly
respected, but also because her formidable character
means she is well equipped to handle herself in
difficult situations. Her marriage to Mark Phillips in
1973 ended in divorce in April 1992, when it was
leaked that the Princess had developed an attachment
to another former equerry, Timothy Laurence, whom
she subsequently married. Prince Andrew’s marriage
in July 1986 to Sarah Ferguson soon had its difficulties
and the couple were separated in March 1992 and
divorced in May 1996. Sarah Ferguson’s vivacity and
extravagance was itself something of a threat to the
image of the royal family and she was later criticized
for bringing them into disrepute as a consequence of
such antics as a royal edition of the popular television
programme It’s a Knockout in 1987. ‘Fergie’, as she
was popularly known, was not seen as acting with due

The major tragedy was the fairy-tale marriage with the

unhappy ending between Prince Charles and Lady
Diana Spencer. Charles had come under considerable
pressure during the 1970s to marry, and his name had
been duly linked to many famous people. His final
choice of the twenty-year-old Diana, daughter of the
eighth Earl Spencer, met with much enthusiasm, and
the royal wedding on 29 July 1981 was a public
holiday with street parties and great celebration.
However over the ensuing years it became apparent
that Diana was ill-suited to the pressure of life as a
member of the Royal Family and her relationship with
Charles, who became portrayed as an eccentric, ‘New

Age’ prince, began to crack. The couple separated in
1992 and were divorced in August 1996.

The year 1992, with its rapid sequence of divorces and

separations, brought a further decline in respect for the
royal family, with a wave of support for abolishing the
monarchy and establishing a republic. In the autumn of
1992, Windsor Castle was severely damaged by fire
and there was increased criticism when it was learned
that, because the castle and its priceless contents were
not insured, the restoration work would have to be
funded from the public purse. In response to the outcry
the queen consented to pay income tax, and limited the
scope of the Civil List. It was not surprising that in her
annual speech at the Guildhall that year, the queen
referred to 1992 as her ‘annus horribilis’.

The queen and her relatives were not without personal

threats and dangers. The most tragic of all was the
murder of Lord Mountbatten by the IRA on 28 August
1979. In March 1974 a gunman named Ian Ball fired
six shots at Princess Anne in his failed attempt to
kidnap her. In June 1981 Marcus Sergeant fired six
blanks at the queen while she was riding to the
Trooping of the Colour, and in July 1982 there was the
famous incident when Michael Fagan succeeding in
breaching all security at Buckingham Palace and
encountered the queen in her bedroom.

The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales in August

1997 saw such an upsurge in public sympathy, that it
polarized attitudes between the traditional distant and
stoic role of royalty and the apparently open and

human approach adopted by Diana. The challenging
encomium by Diana’s brother Earl Spencer struck a
chord with the public at large.

The Golden Jubilee year of 2002, anticipated as one

for celebration, was tinged with sadness with the
deaths of Princess Margaret and the Queen Mother.
This went some way towards reestablishing sympathy
and respect for Elizabeth as an individual, even if it has
not necessarily resolved the split views towards the

The role of the monarchy has become less appreciated

than at any other time this century, and respect is given
to individuals rather than to the institution as a whole,
which many now regard
as outmoded. The challenge at the start of the
twenty-first century, as Britain becomes more deeply
integrated with Europe, is for the monarchy to find a
new place in the affections and confidence of the

A Chronology ofBritish
Queens,Emperors and

No names of British kings will be found in the
historical record prior to the Roman invasion of 55BC.
We know that many kings and chieftains existed but
the only names to survive are in Celtic legend. Some
were also preserved in the History of the Kings of
Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth, though most of this
is also more legend than fact. There is sufficient
credibility amongst Welsh legend to accept the
authenticity of Beli Mawr who is the starting point in
this chronology. The rulers of the British tribes were
first identified by the Roman chroniclers who
accompanied Julius Caesar in 55BC and the Claudian
conquest of AD43. The leading tribe was the
Catuvellauni, but there were well over twenty tribes in
Britain including the Trinovantes, the Silures, the
Brigantes and the Picts. The following does not
attempt a separate listing by tribe because there are
many gaps and overlaps.

Ruler Born Reign DiedNotes

Beli Mawr fl 100BC Silures and

High King

Lud or Llud fl Silures and

70BC–c60BC High King

Caswallon fl Catuvellauni
(or 60BC–c48BC and High
Cassivelaunos) King;

Imanuentius fl 55BC Trinovantes

Mandubracius 54BC–c30BC Trinovantes

Cingetorix fl 55BC Cantii; one

of four

Commius c80BCc50BC–c20BC Atrebates

and Belgae

Addedomaros c30BC–c20BC Trinovantes

Tincommius c20BC–cAD5 Atrebates

and Belgae

Tasciovanus c20BC–cAD10 Catuvellauni

Dumnovellaunos c20BC–cAD5 Trinovantes

and Coritani;
Cantii from

Antedrigos c10BC Dobunni

Diras fl AD 1 Trinovantes

Vosenos fl AD 5 Cantii

Andocomius c5–c15 Catuvellauni

Volisios c5–c20 Coritani

Dumnocoveros c5–c20 Coritani

Cartivel(launos) c5–c20 Coritani

Eppillus c5–c10 Atrebates

and Belgae;
deposed but
ruled the
Cantii from

Epatticus fl 10 Atrebates
and Belgae;

Verica (or c10–40 Atrebates

Bericos) and Belgae

Cunobelin c10–41 Catuvellauni;
(or Cymbeline) Trinovantes
from c1 High

Amminius c25–c40 Cantii;


Antedios c25 Iceni

Togodumnus 41–43 Catuvellauni

(or Teneuvan)

Caratacus c40–51 c54 Cantii

c40–43 then
exiled in
Rome High

Cartimandua 43–69 Brigantes

Venutius 69–72 Brigantes

Arviragus fl 44–74 c74 Silures High

(or Gweirydd) King

Prasutagus 47–59 59 Iceni

Boudica 59–61 61 Iceni

(or Boadicea)

Cogidubnus 43–75 Regnii

Marius fl 60–90? c125Silures High


Calgacus fl 80 Caledonii

Coel (I) fl 70 Silures

Lleirwg Mawr fl c150–c180 Silures High

or Lucius King

Argentocoxos fl 208 Caledonii.

May be
father of
Ciniod of the

All Roman emperors whose authority extended to
Britain are listed. Very few visited Britain, and even
fewer had any interest in the island. This also covers
all the governors who were appointed directly by
Rome and vested with imperial authority. These were
not hereditary monarchs. All existing Celtic kingdoms
became forfeit upon Roman occupation, though
Claudius and his successors allowed some client kings
to remain. These were soon abandoned and
descendants of the tribal nobility were treated as senior
administrators within the states or civitas established in
Britain. Only in the
northernmost parts of Britain did the Celtic tribes
remain independent.


Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Claudius 10BC 41–54 54 probably poisoned

Nero 37 54–68 68 committed suicide

Galba 3BC 68–69 69 murdered after 7


Otho AD32Jan–Apr 69 committed suicide
69 after 3 months

Vitellius 15? Apr–Dec 69 murdered after 8

69 months

Vespasian 9 69–79 79

Titus 39 79–81 81

Domitian 51 81–96 96 murdered

Nerva 30 96–98 98

Trajan 53 98–117 117

Hadrian 76 117–138 138

Antoninus 86 138–161 161


Marcus 121 161–180 180 ruled jointly with

Aurelius Lucius Verus

Lucius Verus130 161–169 169 ruled jointly with


Commodus 161 180–192 192 murdered

Pertinax 126 Jan–Mar 193 murdered after 3

193 months

Didius 133 Mar–Jun 193 murdered after 66

Julianus 193 days

Decimus 193–197 197 committed suicide


Pescennius 193–194 194 murdered after a

Niger battle

Septimius 145 193–211 211


Caracalla 188 211–217 217 ruled with his


Geta 189 Feb–Dec 211 ruled with Caracalla;

211 murdered

Macrinus 164 217–218 218 murdered

Elagabalus 203 218–222 222 murdered

Severus 208 222–235 235 murdered


Maximinus 172 235–238 238 murdered

Gordianus 158 Jan 238 238 committed suicide

(I) after 20 days

Gordianus c192 Jan 238 238 ruled jointly with

(II) father; murdered

Pupienus c164 Feb–May238 ruled jointly with

238 Balbinus; murdered

Balbinus Feb–May238 ruled jointly with

238 Pupienus; murdered

Gordianus 224 238–244 244 murdered


Philippus c204 244–249 249 killed in battle

Decius c190 249–251 251 killed in battle

Trebonianus c206 251–253 253 murdered


Aemilius c207 Aug–Oct 253 murdered after 88

253 days


Valerianus c195 253–260 after 260 died in


Gallienus c213 253–268 268 emperor in the west;


Valerianus and his son Gallienus split the empire

between them with Gallienus ruling the West.
Gallienus subsequently faced an uprising from Marcus
Cassianus Postumus, governor of Lower Germany,
who declared a separate Gallic Empire in 260. This
covered all of the Roman empire west of the Rhine,
including Britain. It shrank to cover only Gaul and
Britain by 269 and was eventually reabsorbed into the
Roman Empire in 274 under Aurelianus.

Gallic Empire

Postumus 260–269269 murdered

Laelianus Feb–Apr269 usurper;
269 killed in
battle (?)

Aurelius Apr–Jul 269 murdered

Marius 269

Victorinus 269–271271 murdered

Tetricus 271–274 abdicated

back to

Roman Empire restored

Aurelianus 214 270–275275 murdered

Tacitus c200 275–276276 murdered after eight


Florianus Jul–Sep 276 murdered after 88

276 days

Probus 232 276–282282 murdered

Carus c224 282–283283 purportedly killed by


Carinus c250 283–285285 emperor in the west;

Diocletian 245 284–305311 retired

Although Diocletian remained the senior emperor he

divided the Empire into two in 286 (East and West)
delegating authority in the west to Maximian.

Maximian c250 286–305310 retired; tried to regain

the imperial throne
and was killed

During Maximian’s reign Britain declared

independence under Carausius and Allectus.

Carausius 286–293293 murdered

Allectus 293–295296 deposed

Constantius c250 305–306306 emperor in the west

Chlorus (the

Severus (II) 306–307307 emperor in the west;
forcedto abdicate
then killed

Constantine 272 306–337337 declared emperor in

(I) Britain

Constantine was declared emperor in Britain before he

was acknowledged as Augustus in the west in 307; he
shared this with Licinius from 308 to 311, but
thereafter Licinius gradually overpowered others to
become emperor in the east. Constantine subsequently
defeated and killed Licinius and from 324 was sole

Constantine 337–340340 emperor of Britain,

II Gaul and Spain;
killed in battle

Constans 340–350350 ruled Italy and

eastern Europe until
340, then ruled all
Europe; murdered

Magnentius 350–353353 killed in battle

Constantius 353–361361 had been emperor in

II the east since 337

Julian the 360–363363 died of battle wounds

Julian was appointed Caesar in the West from 355.

Jovian 363–364364 accidentally gassed to


Valentinian 364–375375 emperor in the west


Gratian 359 375–383383 killed in battle

Britain declared its own emperor in 383 with Magnus


Magnus c300 383–388388 Britain and Gaul;

Maximusb killed in battle

Valentinian 370 388–392392 killed; nominal

II co-emperor with
Gratian from 375

Eugenius 392–394394 killed in battle

After Eugenius’s death Rome was briefly united under

the eastern emperor Theodosius who died a few
months later.

Honorius 384 395–423423

Stilicho was effectively ruler of Rome during

Honorius’ minority until his death in 408. The Western
empire began to crumble and Britain declared several
claimants to the throne:

Marcus 406 406 murdered

Gratian 407 407 deposed and


Constantine 407–411411 legitimized emperor

(III) in 408

In AD410, Honorius withdrew his support from Britain

leaving the island to defend itself. Thereafter Britain
was no longer part of the Roman Empire.


Ruler Born Reign DiedNotes

Aulus 43–47

Publius 47–52


Aulus Didius 52–57


Quintus 57–59 59 Died in office



Gaius 59–61 Defeated

Suetonius Boudicca


Publius 61–63 68


Marcus 63–69 Driven out by

Trebellius Marcus Roscius


Marcus 69–71 Faced revolt of

Vettius Cartimandua


Quintus c29 71–74



Sextus Julius c40 74–78 103


Gnaeus 37 78–85 93 Completed the

Julius conquest of most
of Britain


Sallustius 85–c90 c90 Executed by

Lucullus Domitian

Governorship c90-c94

Publius c45 c94–c98 118


Titus Avidius c98–c101


Lucius 101–103


Publius 103–109


Marcus ?115–118 may have

Appius governed as
early as 111


Quintus 118–122


Aulus 122–126 Oversaw

Platorius construction of
Hadrian’s Wall


Marcus 126–129 ‘second term?’

Appius ‘or may be L.


Sextus Julius 129–133


Publius 133–138


Quintus 138–144 extended Empire

Lollius into Scottish


Gnaeus 144–155


Gnaeus 155–158


Longus or ?158–160? name incomplete


Marcus 160–163


Sextus 163–166 withdrew from

Calpurnius Scottish
Lowlands to
Hadrian’s Wall


Caerellius 166–170 period uncertain


Governorship 166-170

Lucius 170–174 first term



Quintus 175–178 period uncertain



Caerellius 178–180

Lucius 180–185 second term



Publius 126 185–187 193 declared
Helvius emperor


Governorship 187-191

Decimus 192–197 declared

Clodius emperor


Virius Lupus 197–202

Marcus 202–203 acting governor

Antius only


Gaius 203–205


Lucius 205–211?


Hereafter the province of Britannia was divided into

Britannia Superior in the south, with its capital at
London, and Britannia Inferior in the north with its
capital at York.

Britannia Superior

Gaius Junius ?211–222?


Titus Julius ?223–226

Tiberius c226-230

Rufinus ?

Marcus ?


Titus c251–253


Britannia Inferior

Gaius Julius ?211–213? probably executed


Marcus ?215–218? became emperor

Antonius Gordinus I


Modius ?218–219?

Tiberius 220


Marius 221–223?

Claudius 223

Maximus ?224–225

Claudius between
Apellinus 222–235

Calvisius between
Rufus 222–235

Valerius between
Crescens 222–235


Tuccianus ?236–237?

Maecilius between
Fuscus 238–244

Egnatius between
Lucilianus 238–244

Nonius ?241–242?

Octavius between
Sabinus 260–269

From 270 onwards records of Roman governors
become sparse, whilst other information suggests that
Britain was claiming increasingly
greater independence. Over the next few years we see a
succession of Romans who declared themselves as
emperors within Britain, some moving on to claim the
purple in Rome, others failing disastrously.

Governors and Vicarii

Britain was restored to the Empire after Allectus and a

new governor installed. The administration was further
complicated however by the creation of separate civil
and military governors few of whose names are
recorded. Britain was divided into four provinces, each
with a provincial governor. The following are the few
known remaining provincial governors who seemed to
exercise control over parts of Britain.

Aurelius 296–305 governor of Britannia

Arpagius Secunda

Flavius c350s

Lucius c360s probably governor of

Septimius Britannia Prima

There are no records of other governors and by 383

Magnus Maximus had declared himself emperor in
Britain. For the remaining thirty years of Roman

administration Britain become increasingly more


(from Yorkshire to the Clyde)
As Britain emerged from the Roman Empire it fell to
the leading noblemen and generals to maintain law and
order. A number of leaders began to establish
themselves in various corners of Britain The first were
along the northern frontier, where Coel the Old carved
out a kingdom ruled by ‘the Men of the North’. Their
domain stretched from the northernmost Roman wall
(that of Antoninus Pius) down to what is now
Yorkshire. After Coel’s death his kingdom was split
between his descendants and it rapidly sub-divided,
weakening the realm. The kingdoms were gradually
reduced by the Saxons, although the British kingdom
of Strathclyde
(see p. 449) survived much longer as a unit. It is
difficult to be clear about who ruled which kingdom so
the following covers all the known Men of the North in
as close chronological sequence as possible along with
their likely territories.

Ruler BornReign Died Notes

Coel Henc380c410–c430 c430 all of northern
(‘Old King Britain

Tutagual fl 400–c420s Galloway and


Garbaniawn c430s–c450s southern Votadini

or (Bryneich)

Cunedda c420–c450 northern Votadini

moved to North

Ceneu or fl 450s–470sc470sRheged and

Cenen (also Catraeth (equal to
Keneu) Cumbria and

Ceretic fl 450s–470s Strathclyde

Lewdwn or fl 470s–490s northern Votadini


Gurgust fl 480s–500sc500sRheged

Bran Hen fl 500s Votadini (may be
(the Old) Gododdin and

Pabo or fl 500s–c530c530 central Yorkshire


Morcant fl 510s–540s Votadini


Cathen fl 510s–540s Galloway and


Merchiaun fl 510s–540sc540sRheged

Eleuther or fl 530s–550sc550sCatraeth and

Elidyr York; murdered

Ceidiaw or fl 540s–550s Galloway or

Keidyaw Rheged?

Rhun fl 550s–560s Galloway and

Kyle; lost

kingdom to rulers
of Rheged

Outigern fl 540s–550s Votadini

Gwrgi or fl 550s–580 580 Catraeth/York;

Gurci killed in battle

Peredur fl 550s–580 580 Catraeth/York;

killed in battle

Elidyr fl 540s–c560c560 Rheged; killed on

a raid

Cinmarc or fl 560s–c570c570 Rheged


Cinbelin or fl 540s–570s northern Votadini


Gwenddolau fl 560s–570s573 Galloway; killed

in battle

Clinog or fl 560s–580s northern Votadini

Clydno Eitin

Morcant fl 580s–590s Votadini?

Urien orc540c570–c590 c590 Rheged

Gwallawg fl 570s–590sc595 Elmet; though

this name may
also apply to a
ruler of Galloway
and the Clyde

Dunaut fl 570s–595 595 central Yorkshire

Owain c590–c595 c595 Rheged

Llywarch c560–595 640 retired to Powys


Mynyddog 580s-595 northern Votadini


Rhun fl 600s c630 Rheged; retired to

the priesthood

Ceredig c595–625 c625 Elmet; expelled

Rhoeth fl 620s Rheged

(England south of Yorkshire)
Southern Britain, the part which romantic legend has
called Loegres, must also have divided into its former
tribal status after the Roman departure, but it was less
evident than in the north, where the defences were
strongest against the Picts, Irish and Saxons. Southern
Britain retained, to a degree, the heart of the former
Roman administration and it is possible to see that
there was an attempt, at least for a while, to maintain a
more cohesive administration amongst the southern
tribes probably based at the heart of the wealthiest
Roman centres around Cirencester and Gloucester,
where the tribes of the Dobunni, Silures and Cornovii
mingled. It was probably from here that the primary
leaders of southern Britain emerged in what would
later be the British kingdoms of Gwent, Powys and the
Gewisse. The following list is a close approximation of
the high kings during the immediate post-Roman
period before new kingdoms began to establish
themselves. The Welsh Triads identify the first high
king as Owain, though his existence is not otherwise
recorded. The dates used are those most commonly
associated with the rulers, but are in themselves

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Owain c411–c425425 existence


Vortigern c425–c455c466 restored
(or briefly as
Vitalinus) vassal king
Saxons in
c460 but

Vortimer c455–c460c460 battle

(or commander
Natalinus) during
killed in

May be the same king as Natanleod


Tradition lists Uther Pendragon as the successor of

Ambrosius but his existence is uncertain. Brychan was
also High King at this time.

Arthur c496–c537c537

Constantine fl 530s c540


Hereafter the role of senior king passed to Maelgwyn

of Gwynedd and continued in Wales.


The south-east was the first area to be dominated by
the Saxons, especially Kent and Sussex. Within a
century after Roman rule the British in what became
England were forced further west into either Wales or
Dumnonia (Devon and Cornwall), which became
known as the West Welsh (the word Welsh being
derived from the Saxon for foreigner). The Dumnonian
king list is one of the hardest to reconcile. It is
complicated by legend, the connection between its own
kings and those in south Wales, and its relationship to
Brittany in France, as some kings ruled both kingdoms.
The British Dumnonia originally covered Cornwall,
Devon, Dorset and Somerset, though by 710, only
Cornwall (Kernow) remained. The post-Roman kings
of Dumnonia may have been descended from the
Cornovii who migrated from Wales in the early fifth
century. There were probably several cases of kings
ruling at the same time, and the following list is only
indicative and not definitive.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Cantii (Kent)

Gwyrangon fl 450

Dobunni (Severn Valley)

This may also be the territory of the High Kings listed

immediately above.

Aurelius fl 530

Coinmail, fl 577 defeated at Dyrham



Cynan map fl 420s


Gadeon map fl 450s


Docco fl 470s c473

Gwrwawr fl 480s
map Gadeon

Tudvawl fl 500s

Custennyn fl 530s c540


Erbin map fl 540s


Geraint map fl 550s killed in battle


Hoel or fl also king in Brittany

Riwal 550s–570s

Cunomor or fl
Mark 550s–570s

Drust or fl 570s

Cador map fl 580s

Peredur map fl 600s


Tewdwr or fl 620s
Theudo map

Kingship at this point uncertain

Judhael fl 650s

Erbin fl 690s

Geraint fl 700s 710 killed in battle

After 710 Dumnonia (except for Cornwall) was under

the control of Wessex.

Kernow (Cornwall)

Kings of Cornwall between Geraint and Doniert are

not known.

Doniert or fl 870s 875 drowned


Ricatus fl 900?

Hoel fl 920s

Cynan orfl
Conan 930s

Probably the last native ruler of Cornwall, though his

descendants survived as ealdormen, having probably
married into local Saxon families. Cador (fl 1066) was
one such and his son, Cadoc, had a daughter who
married Henry I’s illegitimate son Reginald, who
became the first earl of Cornwall. Hereafter the
kingdom became part of the Norman earldom of


The Saxons began to settle in Britain in the second
quarter of the fifth century. The Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle proclaims the descent of all of the kings
from Odin, but it is likely that many of the ancestral
names are genuine. The earliest Saxon kingdom was in
Kent, but elsewhere other roving bands of warriors
carved out territory for themselves, particularly in
Wessex and Northumbria. The following are in order
of the establishment of each kingdom. Some
kingdoms, especially Mercia, had sub-kingdoms
which, for a brief period, held a degree of autonomy.

KENT (455–933)
Kent was settled by the Jutes, who also settled on the
Isle of Wight, although the two kingdoms are seldom
linked or associated. Although the kingdom’s origins
are lost in legend, Kent was the first substantially
independent kingdom to emerge and the first to
introduce Christianity to the English. Kent was often
ruled by two kings, one for East Kent and one for West
Kent – divided by the river Medway.

Ruler BornReign Died Notes

Hengest c420 455?–?488?488

Oeric, Oisc ?488–c516c516 killed in battle

(or Aesc) (Badon?)

Octha 516–c40 c540

Eormenric c540–c80 c580

Athelbert (I) c552 c580–616 616

Eadbald c582 616–40 640

Eorcenbert c624 640–64 664

Egbert (I) c641 664–73 673

Hlothhere c644 673–85 685 killed in battle

Eadric c663 685–6 686 killed during

conquest by

Caedwalla 686–7 688 Kent conquered by

of Wessex Wessex

Mul 686–7 687 burned to death

Sigehere of 687–8 688 king of Essex


Oswine 688–90 ?

Swaefheard 689–692 c707 later king of Essex

or Sweafred

Wihtred c670 691–725 725

Athelbert II 725–48 ruled jointly with


c754–62 762 then retired;
returned after
Eardwulf’s death

Eadbert (I) c697 725–c62 c762 ruled with Athelbert

II and then Eardwulf

Ealric 725– ? ? ruled jointly with


Eardwulf c730 c748–54 754? ruled jointly with

father Eadbert

Sigered 759–63 after 778

Ealhmund 762–4 784 deposed and later


Heaberht 764–c71 771?

Egbert II 764–c84 c784

Ealhmund c784–c785785 restored but then

(restored) killed

Eadbert II 796–8 after 811 deposed and

Praen imprisoned

Cuthred 798–807
(of Mercia)

Kent was ruled directly by Cenwulf and Ceolwulf of

Mercia from 807 to 823.

Baldred 823–5

Hereafter the kings of Kent were sub-kings to Wessex,

a title usually offered to the heir presumptive.

Athelwolf 825–39 858

Athelstan 839–52?852?

Athelbert 855–60 865

The title seems to have ceased after Athelbert, during

the Danish wars, but was briefly restored for the son of
Edward the Elder:

Edwin c902 c920–33933 drowned

ISLE OF WIGHT (534–687)

Although the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles would suggest
Wight was occupied by the West Saxons it was, in

fact, more closely associated with the Jutes who also
occupied Kent. The full record of its kings does not

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Stuf 534– ? joint rulers

Wihtgar 534–44? joint rulers

The ruling house uncertain for the next century.

Arwald ? –687 687 killed by Caedwalla

of Wessex

Wight thereafter came under Saxon rule. Part of the

island was given to Beornwine, nephew of Wilfrid, the
former Bishop of York, in order to convert the
islanders to Christianity.

SOUTH SAXONS (491–791)

The original Saxon settlement was based around
Pevensey and was contained on the north by the vast
forest of the Weald. The first named rulers of the South
Saxons were invading warlords who did not establish a
kingdom. The kingdom of Sussex did not emerge until
the early seventh century and the record of its first
kings has not survived.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Aelle 491–c516c516 killed in battle


Cissa 491–c516c516 killed in battle


No further rulers are known between c516 and c660,

when the kingdom became subject to Mercia.

Athelwalh c660–c85685 killed in battle

Berthun 685–6 686 killed in battle

Overrun by Wessex; later kings are poorly documented

and were all client kings of Wessex or Mercia.

Nothhelm or c692–c725c725

Wattus fl 692

Athelstan fl 714

Athelbert c725–c50 possibly also ruler
of Kent

Osmund c758–c72

After Osmund the status of kingship was demoted to

the equivalent of duke.

Oswald fl 772

Oslac fl 772

Ealdwulf 765–c91 may have ruled with

Elfwald after 772

Elfwald c772– ? ruled with Ealdwulf

Hereafter the kings were relegated to ‘dukes’ and the

kingdom became part of Mercia, and subsequently

The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms

EAST ANGLIA (571–799)

The kingdom of the East Angles covered modern
Norfolk, Suffolk, and parts of Cambridgeshire and
Bedfordshire. Although this kingdom acknowledged
the sovereignty of Mercia at different times it remained
fiercely independent until overrun by the Danes.

Ruler BornReign Died Notes

Uffa 571–c8

Tytila c578–c99

Redwald c599–c625c625

Eorpwald c625–c32 c632 murdered

Richert c632–c34

Sigebert c634–c38 c641 retired to a

killed in battle

Egric c638–c41 c641 killed in battle

Anna c641–c53 c653 killed in battle

Athelhere c653–5 655 killed in battle

Athelwold 655–c63 c663

Ealdwulf c663–c713c713

Alfwald c713–c49 c749

Beonna c749–c61

Athelred c761–90

Athelbert 790–4 794 beheaded

Overrun by Mercia 794–6.

Eadwald c796–c9?

Overrun by Mercia c799–823? Technically became

subject to Wessex after 829 but the following kings
retained a high degree of independence.

Athelstan c823–37?852 may also have ruled


Athelweard 837–50? may have ruled

jointly with below

Beorhtric 852–4

Edmund c841 854–69 869 killed in battle

Oswald c870

Hereafter colonized by Danes who established their

own kingdom of East Anglia (see p. 439).

EAST SAXONS (580–820)

The original kingdom of the East Saxons was bigger
than modern-day Essex stretching into Hertfordshire
and Bedfordshire and even into parts of Middlesex and
Berkshire. London was part of
the kingdom. The East Saxons were initially
subordinate to Kent, but subsequently gained their
independence and for a brief period ruled Kent, before
becoming subject to Mercia and later Wessex.
Aescwine is usually identified as their first king, but he
was in all probability a governor imposed by
Eormenric or Athelbert of Kent.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Sledda c580s–c600

Saebert c600–c616

Sexred c616–23 623 killed in battle

Saeward c616–23 623 killed in battle

Saexbald c616–23 623 killed in battle

Sigebert (I) 623–c50

(the Little)

Sigebert II c650–c3 c653 murdered

(the Good)

Swithhelm c653–63 663

Sigehere 663–88 688 also king of Kent

Sebbi 663–c93 693 abdicated and

retired to a

Sigeheard 693–c707

Swaefred or 693–c707 earlier king of Kent


Offa 707–9 c710 abdicated and

became a monk

Saelred 709?–46 746

Swebert 709–38 738

Swithred 746–59

Sigeric 759–98

Sigered 798–825

Thereafter Essex became part of the kingdom of


MERCIA (585–919)
(including Hwicce, Lindsey and the
Mercia was one of the three major kingdoms of
Anglo-Saxon England. Its kings were Angles. Its
earliest rulers almost certainly ruled a much smaller
territory around Tamworth and Lichfield. At its
greatest extent Mercia covered all central England
south of the Humber and north of the Thames, and held
authority over territories south of the Thames,
especially Sussex and Kent. Its ruler Offa was the
greatest of all English kings before Alfred the Great.

Ruler BornReign Died Notes

Creoda or c585–c93 see also Critta of
Crida Lindsey

Pybba c593–c606

Ceorl c606–c26

Penda c604 c626–55 655 may have shared

rule for a period;
killed in battle

Eowa c635–42 642 co-ruler and possible

rival claimant

Peada c629 c653–6 656 murdered

Peada was sub-king of the Middle Angles and briefly

sub-king of Southern Mercia after 655, Oswy of
Northumbria held authority over Mercia between 655
and 658.

Wulfhere c640 658–75 675

Athelred c642 675–704 716 abdicated and retired

to a monastery

Cenred 704–9 abdicated and went
to Rome as a monk

Ceolred 709–16 died of madness (or

possibly poisoned)

Athelbald 716–57 757 murdered by his own


Beornred 757

Offa 757–96 796

Egfrith Jul–Dec 796 ruled jointly with his

796 father from 782

Cenwulf 796–821 821

Ceolwulf (I) 821–3 deposed

Beornwulf 823–6 826 killed during a revolt

Ludeca 826–7 827 killed during a revolt

Wiglaf 827–9 expelled by Egbert

of Mercia

830–9 839 regained the

Wigmund c839–40?840 may have been only


Beorhtwulf 840–52

Burgred 852–74? expelled and retired

to Rome

Ceolwulf II 874–c83 c883

Hereafter Mercia came under the control of Wessex.

Alfred established the title of ‘Lord of the Mercians’
whose holders ruled with sub-regnal authority.

Athelred c883–911911

Athelflaed c869 911–18 918

Elfwynn c898 918–19? deprived of her lands

In 919 Edward the Elder of Wessex took control of

Mercia. He installed his son Athelstan as king of
Mercia in 924, but after his brother’s death, Athelstan
united Mercia and Wessex (see p. 439).


Although a Mercian sub-kingdom, roughly equivalent

to the territory of Worcestershire, Hwicce seems to
have been a much venerated territory. Its boundaries
were roughly equal to the territory of the Dobunni at
the Roman conquest, and was almost certainly the
heartland of the British revival after the end of Roman
authority and the home of Ambrosius Aurelianus and
possibly Arthur. It may thus have held much greater
historical and even religious significance in the seventh
century than is remembered today.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Eanfrith 650s?–c74

Eanhere c674–5?

Osric c675–c85

Oswald c685–c90

Oshere c679–c99

Athelbert fl 700

Athelweard fl 710

Athelric fl 720

Osred fl 730s

Eanbert fl 759 brothers who ruled


Uhtred fl 759 brothers who ruled


Ealdred c759–c90 brothers who ruled


Thereafter Hwicce came directly under Mercian rule.


Roughly equivalent to Lincolnshire, the territory of the

Coritani at the time of the Roman conquest. This
kingdom is one of the least well documented and only
the genealogy of Aldfrith provides any details on the
Lindsey royal family. We cannot assume that all of his
ancestors were kings and we do not know for certain
their dates. Lindsey may once have been an
independent kingdom, possibly Celtic, but it was
subject to Northumbria from c620–58 (though may
have been relatively independent from 642–51), to
Mercia from c658–c75, to Northumbria c675–9, and
Mercia again from 679, whereafter its kings were
reduced in authority to ‘dukes’ or ealdormen.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Critta or fl 580s may be same as first

Crida ruler of Mercia

Cueldgils fl 600?

Caedbaed fl 625?

Bubba fl 650?

Beda fl 675?

Biscop fl 700?

Eanfrith fl 725?

Eatta fl 750?

Aldfrith fl 775?


Roughly equivalent to northern Herefordshire and

southern Shropshire, the territory of the Cornovii at
the Roman conquest. The Magonsæte thus shared some
of the territory of the Welsh Powys and certainly

Ergyng. It is possible that the territory was once the
homeland of the Gewisse, from whom some of the West
Saxon kings were descended.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Merewalh c625 c650–685

Merchhelm 685–?700

Mildfrith fl 700s

The kingdom was probably overrun by Powys (see p.

473) around the year 710.


Ruler Reign Died Notes


Dida c670–5


Frithuwold 673–c5

His son Frithuric may also have ruled briefly as a

client king.

(including BERNICIA and DEIRA) (557–913)
Some of the first Angles to reach Britain settled in
Deira, in the lands south of the Tyne, and subsequently
overran the British kingdom of Bernicia between the
Tyne and the Tweed. Although the two kingdoms were
united as Northumbria, the rivalries remained fierce
throughout Northumbria’s existence. At its greatest
extent Northumbria stretched as far as the Forth and
across all of northern England, absorbing Rheged,
Strathclyde and Galloway.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes


Ida c557–c69 c569 tradition cites reign

as 547–59

Glappa or c569–c574

Adda 574?–81?

Frithuwulf c573–80?
or Freothulf

Theodulf 573?–74?

Hussa c580–c7

Theodoric 584?–91?

Athelric 587?–93? killed in battle

Athelfrith 593–604

In 604 Athelfrith drove Edwin of Deira into exile and

united the two kingdoms.


Aelle 569?–99? 599? tradition cites reign

as 559–89

Athelric c599–c604604? murdered?


Athelfrith 604–16 616 killed in battle

Edwin c585 616–33?633? killed in battle
or Eadwine

kingdom briefly split

Eanfrith 633?–5?635? ruled Bernicia, killed

Osric of 633?–4?634? killed in battle


kingdom reunited

Oswald c605 635?–12642 killed in battle

Oswy c611 642–70 670

during Oswy’s reign there were several sub-kings (•)

of Deira

• Oswine 643–51 651 murdered

• Athelwald 651–5 655? killed in battle or


• Alfrith c635 654–64? ? killed, exiled or died

of plague?

Egfrith c645 664–85 685 king of Northumbria
from 670; killed in

• Elfwine 661 670–9 679 sub-king of Deira;

killed in battle

Aldfrith c640 685–704 705

Eadwulf 704–5 ? expelled after two


Osred (I) c696 705–16 716 murdered or killed in


Cenred 716–18 718 possibly murdered

Osric c698?718–29 729 slain

Ceolwulf 729–37 764 deposed and restored

in 731; later retired
to a monastery

Eadbert 737–58 768 abdicated to enter the


Oswulf 758–9 759 murdered

Athelwold 759–65 ? deposed

Alred 765–74 ? deposed

Athelred (I) 774–9 deposed and later


Elfwald (I) 779–88 788 murdered

Osred II 788–90 792 deposed

Athelred (I) 790–6 796 murdered


Osbald Mar–Apr799 deposed and later

796 became a monk

Eardwulf 796–806 driven into exile

Elfwald II 806–8 deposed

Eardwulf 808–11 811


Eanred 811–43 843

Athelred II 843–9 849 briefly deposed in
844; restored but
later murdered

Redwulf c844 c844 killed in a Viking


Osbert 849–66 867 expelled; killed in

the Viking invasion

Aelle (II) 862–7 867 initially ruled jointly

with Osbert; killed in
the Viking invasion

During Aelle’s reign the Vikings settled in

Northumbria establishing their kingdom at York
(Jorvik) (see p. 438) which corresponded with Deira.
The kingdom of Bernicia remained in Saxon hands
though it was subservient to Danish overlords.


Egbert (I) 867–72 873 expelled

Ricsig 872–6 876?

Egbert II 876–88? ? may have been

ejected by Scots

Eadulf or 888?–913913

After Eadulf’s death the earldom of Bamburgh

remained in his family’s hands until 1041. The earls
were Ealdred (913–30), Uhtred (930–49), Oswulf
(949–63), Eadulf Evilcild (963–94), Waltheof (994–5),
Uhtred II (995–1016), Eadulf Cudel (1016–19),
Ealdred II (1019–38), Eadulf (1038–41). Thereafter it
was absorbed into the earldom of Northumbria.

Dunbar or Lothian

After Oswy’s death the Picts rebelled against the

Northumbrian overlordship. Egfrith established an
hereditary sub-kingdom in Lothian, similar to one of
the Welsh Marcher lords.

Beornheth 670–85 685 killed in battle

Beorhtred 685–98 698 killed in battle

Beorhtfrith 698–after

WEST SAXONS – Gewisse and Wessex

It was not until the late seventh century that Wessex
began to take on a unified shape. The West Saxons

were a number of tribes who conquered territory across
the south of Britain. The main concentration was in
Wiltshire and Hampshire, but there was another core of
settlers along the Berkshire Downs. There was
considerable rivalry first with the British and then the
Mercians for territory in Gloucestershire and the
Severn valley. Later the West Saxons began to push
further west into Somerset and Dorset. With territory
fragmented and covering such a spread of ground there
would have been several kings at any one time, not
necessarily related, though later genealogists sought to
contain them in a single family tree. In fact the West
Saxons were a confederacy of tribes and adopted the
name Gewisse, which means confederate but which
originally related to a British tribe or tribes in the area
known as Ergyng or Archenfield. It was not until the
reign of Ine that these tribes became united. Under
Egbert they would become the dominant kingdom, and
the West Saxon dynasty became the rulers of England.
This section traces these rulers down to the time of
Alfred the Great and the Danish invasion.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes


Cynric 554?–81?581?

Ceawlin 581?–8? 589? ruled with Cutha;

Cutha fl sub-king of the

570s–80s Gewisse

Ceol 588–94 594

Ceolwulf 594–611 611

Cynegils 611–43 643 ruled with


Cwichhelm c614–c36 sub-king of the West


Cenwealh 643–72 672 in exile 645–8

Cuthred I 645–8 661 Cuthred served as

vassal king under

Seaxburh 672–3 the only recorded

(Queen) Saxon queen

Wessex was fragmented amongst many sub-kings

during the period 672–82. These included Cenfus,
Cenred and Baldred at the outset plus the following

three kings in later years and almost certainly other

Aescwine 674–6 676

Centwine 676–85 ? abdicated and

became a monk

Caedwalla c659 685–687688 also ruled Kent and

Sussex; died on
pilgrimage in Rome

Ine 688–726728 abdicated and retired

to Rome

Athelheard 726–40 740

Cuthred II 740–56 756

Sigebert 756–7 expelled and


Cynewulf 757–786786 murdered

Beorhtric 786–802802

Egbert 771? 802–39 839 became bretwalda in

Athelwolf c795 839–55 858 retired

Athelbald c831 855–60 860

Athelbert c833 860–5 865 also sub-king of Kent

Athelred (I) c837 865–71 871 died as a result of

wounds in battle

Alfred (the849 871–99 899


By the time of Alfred the West Saxons had imposed

their authority over the rest of England, but the nation
had again become riven by the Danish invasions and
the fight for Britain began. (continued on p. 440)

Jorvik, the Danish kingdom of York, was essentially
the same as the old Saxon kingdom of Deira in
Northumbria. From 910 the kingdom was taken over
by the Danish kings of Dublin.

Ruler BornReign Died Notes

Ivarr the 866–73 873 also king of Dublin


Halfdan 873–7 877 also king of Dublin;

Ragnarson killed in battle

Kingdom ruled from Bernicia

Gothfrith 883–95 895

Sigfrid 895–c9 c899

Canute c899–c900c900 assassinated

Athelwold 899–902 902 killed in battle

Halfdan (II) ?902–10 910 co-ruler with
Eowils; killed in

Eowils ?902–10 910 co-ruler with

Halfdan; killed in

York was taken over by the expelled Danish kings of

Dublin, some of whom later became joint rulers.

Ragnall 910–c21c921 also ruled Man

Sitric Caech 921–7 927 previously king of


Kingdom conquered by Athelstan of Wessex and ruled

by him till 939.

Erik c885 939? this period as

Bloodaxe Athelstan’s sub-king
is spurious; restored
in 947.

Olaf or Anlaf c919 939–41 941 also king of Dublin

Gothfrithson and of Danish Mercia
(‘the Five Boroughs’)

Olaf or Anlaf c920 941–3 also king of Dublin;

Sitricson 949–52 981 expelled; expelled

Cuaran again; returned to

Ragnall (II) c921 943–5 945 killed in battle


York back under control of kings of Wessex, 945–8.

Erik c885 947–8 expelled


952–4 954 restored; expelled

again and slain

Kingdom regained by the English.


This kingdom covered the same territory as the old
kingdom of the Angles. The territory was awarded to
Guthrum as part of the peace settlement with Alfred
the Great.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Guthrum 879–90 890


Eohric or 890–902

Guthrum II 902–16


The English and Normans (900–1284)
Although Alfred the Great held the Danes at bay and
stopped a total conquest of England, they were granted
land in East Anglia and Danish settlements rapidly
grew. A foothold had been
established. Danish and Norse raids continued and they
were eventually victorious in 1013 when the English
capitulated to Swein Forkbeard. After his death his son
Canute became one of the great rulers of northern
Europe. Even though Canute’s sons were unable to
sustain the scale of his empire, it was not the last
England saw of the Northmen. Another branch of the
ancient royal family, related to the earls of Orkney, had
settled in Normandy, and their leader, William the

Bastard, conquered England in 1066. The Northmen
were ultimately victorious and drove the Saxons into
serfdom. It was this generation of Northmen,
William’s sons and grandsons, that not only conquered
England but dominated Wales and Scotland. Although
Scotland was not quite conquered, Edward I died
believing it was within his grasp, just like Wales,
which he had dominated and absorbed into England in
1284. By the reign of Edward I Britain was fast
becoming a united kingdom with the English king
recognized as the soverign lord. This section covers the
English kings from Alfred the Great to Edward I.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Edward thec871 899–924924


Elfweard c904 924 924 ruled only 16 days

Athelstan c895 924–39 939

Athelstan was the first true king of the English, and

was acknowledged as overlord by the Welsh princes.
He also defeated the Scots and Norse in 937.

Edmund I c921 939–46 946 killed trying to stop a


Eadred c923 946–55 955 died after a long

From Eadred on, the kings are justifiably called kings

of the English.

Edwy or c941 955–9 959

Eadwig the

Edgar c943 959–75 975 king of Mercia from


Edgar was the first king to be crowned king of the

English in 973.

Edward the c962 975–8 978 murdered


Athelred II c968 978–10131016

the Unready

Regent: 978–83 983 ealdorman of Mercia


In 1013 the Danelaw submitted to Swein, king of


Swein c960 1013–141014

Saxon rule restored.

Athelred II c968 1014–161016

the Unready

Edmund II c989 1016 1016 died of wounds

Ironside received in battle, or
possibly murdered

Danish rule restored.

Canute or c995 1016–351035 also king of

Cnut Denmark and

Harold (I) c10161035–401040 made regent in 1035

Harefoot but seized the
kingdom in 1037

Harthacanutec10181035–421042 in Denmark from

1035; deposed 1037;
restored 1040 died of
a fit or poisoned

Saxon rule restored.

Edward c10041042–661066

Harold (II) c10221066 1066 killed at the battle of


Edgar c10521066 1125 submitted to William

the Atheling the Conqueror


The House of Normandy (1066–1603)
William of Normandy gained the throne of England by
conquest. The Saxon royal family was overthrown and
a new regime, not simply a new dynasty, was imposed
which changed England forever.

Ruler Born Reign DiedNotes

William (I) c10271066–87 1087William II of

the Normandy

William II c10571087–11001100killed in a hunting
Rufus accident; possibly

Henry I c10681100–35 1135

Stephen c10971135–54 1154briefly deposed

Apr–Nov 1141

Eustace c11311152–3 1153crowned by his

father but never

Matilda 1102 Apr–Nov 1167not crowned


The House of Anjou,

commonly known as Plantagenet (1154–1399)

Henry II 11331154–89 1189

Henry (III) 11551170–83 1183crowned as Henry’s

the Young successor

Richard I 11571189–99 1199


John 11671199–12161216

Henry III 12071216–72 1272minority until Jan


Regents during minority: William Marshal (1216–19)

Hubert de Burgh (1219–27)

Edward I 12391272–13071307

Edward II 12841307–27 1327deposed and later


Edward III 13121327–77 1377assumed direct

authority from
October 1330

Richard II 13671377–99 1400deposed and

possibly murdered

House of Lancaster (1300–1461; 1470–1)

Henry IV 1367?1399–14131413

Henry V 1387 1413–22 1422

Henry VI 1421 1422–61 declared of age

November 1437;
deposed March

(restored) 1470–1 1471restored October

1470; deposed
again April 1471;

Protector during minority: John, duke of Bedford


House of York (1461–70; 1471–85)

Edward IV 1442 1461–70 deposed October


(restored) 1471–831483 restored April 1471

Edward V 1470 Apr–Jun 1483 deposed; one of the

1483 Princes in the Tower

Richard III 1452 1483–851485 killed in battle


House of Tudor (1485–1603)

Henry VII 14571485–15091509

Henry VIII 14911509–47 1547

Edward VI 15371547–53 1553

Protector during minority: Edward Seymour, earl of

Hertford, 1547–9.

Jane 153710–19 Jul1554deposed after nine

1553 days; executed

Mary (I) 15161553–8 1558

Elizabeth (I) 15331558–16031603

House of Stewart (1604–49; 1660–1714)

James (I) 1566 1603–251625 James VI of Scotland

Charles (I) 1600 1625–491649 deposed and executed

Commonwealth declared 19 May 1649 under rule of a

Lord Protector.

Oliver 1599 1653–8 1658


Richard 1626 1658–9 1712 abdicated


Commonwealth nullified May 1659; monarchy

restored May 1660.

Charles II 1630 1660–851685

James II 1633 1685–8 1701 abdicated

Interregnum 11 Dec 1688–12 Feb 1689 when

government assumed by the Peers.

William III 16501689–17021702joint ruler with
Mary II

Mary II 16621689–94 1694joint ruler with

William III

after Act of Union 1 May 1707

Anne 1665 1702–141714

House of Hanover (1714–1901)

George I 16601714–27 1727

George II 16831727–60 1760

George III 17381760–18201820

From 5 Feb 1811 the prince of Wales (future George

IV) became ‘Prince Regent’.

George IV 17621820–30 1830

William IV 17651830–7 1837

Victoria 18191837–19011901

House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,
(changed to Windsor from 1917) (1901– )

Edward VII 1841 1901–101910

George V 1865 1910–361936

Edward VIII 1894 Jan–Dec 1972 abdicated


George VI 1895 1936–521952

Elizabeth II 1926 1952–



Pict is a generic name created by the Romans for the

tribes of the northern most part of Britain. They were
from an older wave of Celtic settlers, and not the same
as the Belgic tribes of southern Britain who had moved
across from the continent in the first or seventh century
BC. The early history of the Picts is lost in legend. The

king-lists usually start with a legendary ancestor called
Cruithne. He and his sons came from Ireland and
settled in Alba (Scotland) probably in the seventh
century BC. The various provinces of Scotland are
named after his seven sons. These, with their later
names, were Cirech (Angus and Mearns), Fótla (Atholl
and Gowrie), Fortriu (Strathearn and Menteith), Fíobh
(Fife), Cé (Mar and Buchan), Moireabh (Moray) and
Cat (Caithness). Cat remained in Scotland whilst his
brothers went to France. It was from Cat that the line
of Pictish high-kings descends. Another legend states
that Gub, king of the Picts, was banished from Ireland
and his son, Cathluan (who is probably the same as
Cat), became the first high-king of the Picts. The
king-lists vary, and it is highly probable that some of
the kings ruled concurrently in different provinces
rather than in succession. The Picts were not a single
unit. Over time two strong divisions emerged. The
Southern Picts or Maetae (where the kingdom became
called Fortrenn or Fortriu) based around Forteviot,
and the Northern Picts, or Caledonii, with their capital
at Inverness. The following list contains rulers from
both territories, and begins with the first
semi-historical rulers.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Legendary or Semi-historical rulers

Gede or reigned 50son of Cathluan

Gilgidi years

Tharan or reigned 100
Tarain years

Merleo reigned 15not present in all lists


Deocillimon reigned 40
or Duchil years

Ciniod mac reigned 7not in all lists

Artcois years

Deort or reigned either 50 or 20 years


Blieblith reigned 5fl. c220BC


Deototreic reigned 40
or years

Conbust or reigned 20
Usconbust years

Crautreic reigned 40
or years

Deordiuois reigned 20not in all lists


Uist reigned 30not in all lists


Caruorst reigned 40not in all lists


Gartnait reigned either


4 or 9 fl. cAD165

One list suggests that after Gartnait Bolgh had reigned

4 years he was succeeded by four further kings, each
called Gartnait, who reigned for 9 years in total.

Breth or reigned fl.

Brude 7 years cAD170
mac Muthutb

Vipoig reigned
Namet 30
also called years

Fiachu or reigned
Fyahor 30
Albus years

Some lists merge the previous two kings into one king
who reigned for 30 years.

Canatumel reignedsome lists say

or 6 years reigned 5
Canutulachama years or 1
year; also

Donarmahl or reigned
Douernach 2 years

Feradach or reignedprobably
Feodak 2 years same as king
Finlegh called

Gartnait or c335 reigned 40 or
Gauiach 60 years

Talorc map reignedalso called

Achiuir 25 Balarg

Historical rulers

Drust 424–53

Talorc 453–7

Nechtan 457–68

Drest 468–98

Galanan 498–513 see also Caw of

(or Galam I) Strathclyde


Drest 513–33 deposed between


Drest 513–29 ruled jointly with

Gartnait 533–40

Cailtram 533–41

Talorg 541–52

Drest 552–3

Cennalath (or 553–7 579

Galam II)

Brude (I) 556–84 584 possibly killed in


Gartnait 584–602

Nechtan (II) 602–21 621

Cinioch or 621–31

Gartnait 631–5

Brude (II) 635–41

Talorc 641–53

Talorcen 653–7

Gartnait 657–63

Drust 663–72 expelled

Brude (III) 672–93

Taran 693–7 expelled

Brude (IV) 697–706

Nechtan (III) 706–24 732 abdicated

Drust 724–6 729 driven out; killed in


Alpin 726–8 736 driven out; became

king of Dál Riata in
733; possibly killed

Nechtan (III) 728–9 732

Angus 729–61 761 King of Dál Riata

(Oengus) from 736

Brude (V) 761–3 763

Ciniod 763–75 775

Alpin 775–9

Talorgen or 779–81 781


Drust 780–2

Talorcen 782–5

Conall 785–9 807 deposed; became

King of Dál Riata in

Constantine 789–820820 King of Dál Riata

from 811

Angus or 820–34 834 also king of Dál Riata
Oengus II

Drust 834–7 ruled jointly with


Talorc 834–7 ruled jointly with

Drust VIII

Eoganan (or c837–9 839 king of Dál Riata

Ewen) killed in battle

Ferat or 839–42

Brude (VI) 842 842

Kineth 842–3

Brude (VII) 843–5

Drust 845–7 847 killed in battle

Thereafter the Southern Picts were absorbed into the

kingdom of Alba under Kenneth macAlpin. For a
period the Viking Thorstein established a kingdom in
the northern Pict territory of Caithness and

Sutherland. It is likely that a Pictish kingdom
continued in the north in Moray.


The original ‘Scots’ were the Irish who came from the
Dál Riatan homeland in northern Ireland and settled in
Argyll. They gradually took over most of Argyll,
Galloway and the southern Hebrides until the Viking
invasions pushed them inland to conquer the kingdom
of the Picts. The Scots developed a genealogy taking
their pedigree back to 330BC, based on their Irish
ancestry. These earlier kings almost certainly existed
but probably as no more than chieftains amongst the
Scottish islands and coastal fringes.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Fergus (I) c440 c498–501501

Mor (the

Domangart 501–7 507

Comgall 507–38 538

Gabhrán 538–58 558

Conall 558–74 574

Aedán c533 574–608 608 first king to be

Eochaid c583 608–29 629


Connad Cerr 629 629 killed in battle after

reign of 3 months

Domnall 629–42 642 killed in battle


Ferchar 637–50 650 shared kingdom with


Dúnchad 650–4 654 killed in battle

Conall 650–60 660 ruled jointly with



Domangart 660–73 673


Maelduin 673–88 688

Domnall 688–95 killed (in battle?)

Ferchar Fota 695–7 697 usurped the throne

of Loarn

Eochaid (II) 697 697 murdered after a

brief reign

Ainbcellach 697–8 719 usurper; expelled

of within a year.

Fiannamail 698–700 700 killed in battle

Selbach of 700–23 730 abdicated in favour

Loarn of his son

Dúngal 723–26 after expelled


Eochaid (III) 726–33 733

Alpin 733–6 736 king of the Picts;

possibly killed

Muiredach 733–6 736

Eogan 736–9

Angus 736–50 761 king of the Picts

or Oengus

Aed Find 750–78 778

(the Fair)

Fergus 778–81 781

mac Eochaid

Donncorci ?781–91 791 possibly shared


Domnall 781–805 possibly shared


Eochaid (IV) 781– ? possibly shared

the kingdom

Conall mac 805–7 807 king of the Picts

Tarl’a (or killed in battle

Conall 807–11
mac Aedán

Constantine 811–20 820 king of the Picts

Angus (II) 820–34 834 king of the Picts

Aed mac 834–9


Alpin 834 834 sub-king of

killed in battle

Eoganan (or c837–839839 king of the Picts

Uen) killed in battle

With the death of Eoganan, Kenneth macAlpin would

unite the Picts and the Scots and the infant kingdom of
Scotland (at first known as Alba) would emerge (see p.

STRATHCLYDE (c.450–890)
This kingdom was based on the British tribal division
of the Damnonii around Alclud, or Dumbarton. At its

greatest extent it included Kyle, Galloway and
northern Rheged.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Ceretic or fl
Coroticus 450s–70s

After Ceretic’s death the kingdom was subdivided

between his sons and grandsons.

Erbin fl probably inherited

470s–80s Alclud and

Cinuit fl probably Manau

470s–80s Gododdin

Geraint fl probably Alclud


Tutagual fl probably Galloway

490s–500s and Kyle

Caw map fl c490s abdicated; may be

Geraint same as Galam of

Dyfnwal or fl initially Manau, but
Dumnagual 510s–30s reunited Strathclyde
(I) Hen

Clydno or fl probably Alclud and

Clinoch 530s–40s Manau

Tutagual c559–80 reunited Strathclyde

Rhydderch c580–612 612 may have ruled as

Hen early as 560
(the Old)

Nechtan 612–21 621

Bili (I) 621–33

Owen or 633–c45
Eugene (I)

Gwraid or c645–58

Dumnagual 658–94
or Dyfnwal

Bili II 694–722

Teudebur 722–52

Dumnagual 752–60
or Dyfnwal

Owen or 760–c80
Eugene (II)

Rhydderch fl 790s

Cynan ? –816 816

Dumnagual 816– ?

Artgal ? –872

Rhun 872–?7

Eochaid ?877–89 ?890 also king of Alba;


Hereafter Strathclyde was merged with the kingdom of
the Scots. It was initially ruled by Donald II but, under
Constantine, Strathclyde became a sub-kingdom
governed by a member of the royal family, usually the



In 889 the once British kingdom of Strathclyde was
merged with the kingdom of the Scots. It retained a
degree of autonomy and it later became the practice
that the heir to the Scottish throne was made king or
prince of Strathclyde. This practice was not always
consistent and there remained a few rulers of
Strathclyde who were not subsequently elevated to the
Scottish throne.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Donald mac 908–c25934 retired


Owen c925–37937 probably killed in

Caesarius battle

Probably ruled directly by the Scottish kings

Constantine and Malcolm, 937–45.

Donald mac 937–45 ? deposed and
Donald blinded

Indulf 945–54 962 became king of the

Scots 954

Dub or Duff 954–62 966 became king of the

Scots 962

Donald mac 962–73 975 abdicated in favour

Owen of his son

Malcolm 973–97 997


Malcolm c954 990–5 deposed


(restored) 997–10051034 became Malcolm II

of Scotland

Owen the 1005–18 1018?


Duncan c1018–341040 became king of
Scotland 1034

Malcolm c10311034–58 1093 became Malcolm III

mac of Scotland

Maldred c10031034–45 1045 Regent; probably

mac killed in battle

When Malcolm inherited the Scottish throne

Strathclyde was fully integrated into his kingdom.
Malcolm seems to have styled his son Edmund as
prince of Cumbria, though his cousin’s son Dolfin was
earl of Cumberland before 1092 when he was expelled
by William II of England, and Cumbria was taken from

SCOTLAND (840–1298)
In 848 Kenneth macAlpin united the kingdoms of the
Picts and the Scots which later became known as
Scotland. At this stage the kingdom was centred at
Forteviot in southern Scotland and Kenneth and his
successors held little authority over the Highlands
which were still dominated by the Cenél Loarn and the
who later emerged as the separate ‘kingdom’ of
Moray. Further north the Vikings settled in Orkney and
their authority spilled over into Caithness.

It was centuries before Scotland became united. Only
in 1265 did Norway cede the sovereignty of the
Western Isles and Man to Scotland and, though the
earldom of Orkney passed into the hands of a Scottish
family it remained Norwegian territory for another two
centuries. It was ironic, therefore, that at the time that
Scotland began to feel it had control over its affairs,
Alexander III should die with only an infant successor
and her death left the country with a succession crisis.
The country fell into the hands of the English king
Edward I. This section therefore follows the Scottish
kingship through from the creation of Alba under
Kenneth macAlpin to its fight for freedom at the time
of John Balliol and William Wallace.

The House of Alpin

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Kenneth (I) 840–58 858


Donald (I) 858–63 863 murdered or killed in


Constantine 863–77 877 killed in battle


Olaf the 866–71 872 also king of Dublin;
White overlord of Picts and

Aed 877–78 878 killed in battle

Giric 878–89 ? deposed; ruled jointly

with Eochaid

Eochaid 878–89 889 also king of


Hereafter the kingdoms of the Picts, Dál Riata and

Strathclyde were united under one monarch, the first to
be honoured as king of Scotland.

Donald II 889–900900 killed in battle

Constantine 900–43 952 abdicated to become

II a monk

Malcolm (I) 943–54 954 killed in battle

Indulf 954–62 962 abdicated to become

a monk;

slain by Vikings soon

Duff or Dub 962–c66c966 driven into exile and


Cuilean Ring c967–71971 killed in battle

(or Colin)

Kenneth II 971–95 995 murdered

Scotland 500–1200

Olaf 971–7 977 rival claimant;

killed in battle

Constantine 995–7 997 killed in battle

the Bald

Kenneth III 997–1005 1005 killed in battle

Giric II 997–1005 1005 sub-king ruled with

above; killed in

Malcolm II c954 1005–34 1034

Duncan c10011034–40 1040 murdered

Macbeth c10051040–57 1057 killed in battle

Lulach thec10311057–8 1058 killed in battle


Malcolm III c10311058–93 1093 killed in an ambush


Donald IIIc10331093–4 deposed, but later
Bane restored

Duncan II c1060May–Nov 1094killed in battle


Donald IIIc10331094–7 1099 ruled northern

Bane Scotland; deposed
(restored) again, blinded and

Edmund 1094–7 ? ruled southern

Scotland; deposed
and retired to a

Edgar c10741097–11071107

Alexander c10771107–24 1124

the Fierce

David (I) c10841124–53 1153

the Saint

Malcolm IV 1141 1153–65 1165

the Maiden

William (I) c11431165–12141214 William submitted
the Lyon to English under
Henry II from

Alexander 1198 1214–49 1249

the Peaceful

Alexander 1241 1249–86 1286 killed in riding

III accident

Margaret, 1283 1286–90 1290 died at sea

of Norway

Interregnum from 26 Sep 1290–17 Nov 1292 during

which Edward served as overlord.

John c12501292–6 1313 abdicated


Second interregnum from 10 Jul 1296–25 Mar 1306

during which period Edward I claimed the throne. The
kingdom was governed by several regents and for a
while wrested from the English by William Wallace.

William c12741297–8 1305 Governor: briefly
Wallace held control

The year after William Wallace’s death Robert the

Bruce would lay claim to the throne of Scotland and
began a new chapter in the country’s history. This is
continued on page 461.

MORAY (980–1130)
One of seven sub-kingdoms of the Picts. By the ninth
century it was ruled by a mórmaer, or earl, who was
sometimes referred to as a king. The Cenél Loarn, a
collateral dynasty of the kings of Dál Riata who
believed they had equal right to the kingship, had
migrated along the Great Glen away from the Viking
raids. At the head of the dynasty were the descendants
of Ainbcellach who joined with the northern Picts in
opposing the Scottish kingdom established by Kenneth
macAlpin in the 840s. Usually referred to in the
chronicles as the ‘men of Moray’ this kingdom
remained almost autonomous for three centuries and
two of its rulers, Macbeth and Lulach, also ruled
Scotland. The full list of rulers is not known. A
Maelbrigte is mentioned as having been killed by
Sigurd I of Orkney in 892, whilst a Donnchad mac
Morgain was involved in a raid in Northern Ireland in
976. The following is incomplete and covers only the
rulers after Donnchad mac Morgain.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Ruairaidh fl 980s
or Rory

Ruairaidh may have been succeeded by his elder son


Findlaech or 990?–10201020murdered?

Malcolm 1020–29

Gillecomgain 1029–32 1032murdered

Macbeth c1005 1032–57 1057killed in battle

Lulach c1031 1057–8 1058killed in battle

Mael Snechta c1051/21058–78 1085deposed; retired

to a monastery

Aed or Heth 1078– ? ? ancestry

married Mael
Snechta’s sister

Angus c1080 ? –1130 1130killed in battle

mac Heth

After 1130 Moray was formally absorbed into Scotland

although factions continued to rebel including
Malcolm macHeth (whose ancestry is much disputed
but may have been Angus’s brother or son but who is
also believed to be related to Alexander I), who was
the earl of Ross and was defeated and imprisoned in
1134 and not released until 1157. Malcolm’s
great-grandson, Kenneth,
belonged to the last generation of rebels, being
defeated in 1215. The MacHeths were the ancestors of
the Clan Mackay.


Danish and Norse raids began in Britain at the end of
the eighth century but it was fifty years before they
established their own kingdoms. This included lands in
Ireland (the kingdom of Dublin) and Normandy. Some
kingdoms grew out of existing Scottish or English
kingdoms as identified below.

THE ISLE OF MAN (560–1265)
The Hebrides and the Isle of Man formed a kingdom
known as the Western Isles to the Scots and the
Southern Isles (or Sudreys) to the Norse. Identifying
sovereignty over them is complicated. The islands
were occupied by both the Irish and British during the
various waves of invasion around the first centuries BC
and AD. Legend attributes names to four early Celtic
rulers of Man who may have some basis in fact –
Dalboeth, Elathan, Alladh or Athas and Manannán.
Manannán’s name is most closely associated with the
island. During the fifth century Man came under the
control of the rulers of Rheged. It was conquered by
Edwin of Northumbria in 620, but its rulership
remained with the descendents of Llywarch Hen until
it passed briefly to Wales and was then conquered by
the Danes.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Llywarch c560–95

Man was conquered by Báetán mac Cairill of Ireland

in 577 and then by Aedán mac Gabhrán of Dál Riata
in 582. It may have remained under Scottish
domination until conquered by Edwin of Northumbria
in 620.

Diwg fl 600s

Gwyar fl 630s Man overrun by

Edwin of

Tegid fl 670s

Algwn fl 700s

Sandde fl 730s

Elidr fl 760s

Gwriad fl 800s

Gwriad’s son, Merfyn Frych, became king of Gwynedd

and Man in 825, but Man soon slipped out of his
hands. By the 830s the Western Isles were being settled
by Vikings and the Hiberno-Norse Gael-Gaedhil.

Godred mac fl 836–53853 lord of the Hebrides


Ketil c853–c66c870

or Caitill

Olaf the White of Norway who became king of Dublin

in 853 brought a degree of control to the Hebrides and
Man and established his own jarls over the islands.
Ketil Flatnose was the first, though he ruled more like
a king. Others were Tryggvi (in the 870s) and Asbjorn
Skerjablesi in the 880s. Asbjorn was slain by the
children of Ketil Flatnose in around 899 and thereafter
Man and the Western Isles were disputed between the
Norwegian kings of Dublin and the Danish kings of
York, until Ragnall established his authority across the

Ragnall of c914–c21c921

Ruled by kings of Dublin and York, 920–940, who

appointed sub-kings to the Isles. The only ones known

Gebeachan ? –937 937 killed in battle


Mac Ragnall P937–42942 killed

Probably came under authority of Olaf Sitricson of
Dublin until 972 or so.

Magnus c972–7 977 killed


Godred 977–89 989 killed in battle


Ragnald fl 1000 1005


Kenneth 1005– ?

Swein ? –1034 1034

Authority on the Western Isles was imposed by Sigurd

the Stout of Orkney from 989–1014, but was regained
by the kings of Dublin under Sitric Olafson from
1014–35. During this period Ragnald’s brother
Kenneth and Kenneth’s son Swein continued to claim
the title of king of Man until Swein’s death in 1034.
Thorfinn the Mighty of Orkney reconquered the Isles
around 1038 and demanded tribute from Man if not
directly administering it. Man and the Isles continued
to be governed from Dublin subject to Orkney until
soon after 1065.

Margad 1052–c611065 deposed
of Dublin

Murchaid 1061–70 ? former king of

mac Dublin

Diarmit of

Fingal 1070–9 ejected by Godred

Godredsson Crovan

With the arrival of Godred Crovan the formal kingdom

of Man and the Isles was created.

Man and the Isles

Godred ?10401079–95 1095 also king of Dublin


Lagman 1095–9 ?1111deposed; later went

to Jerusalem

Sigurd c10891099–11031130
(I of

Sigurd was installed as king of Orkney and the
Southern Isles by his father Magnus III of Norway.

Domnall 1103–14?1115 expelled and later

mac Teige killed

Olaf (I) the?1085?1114–531153 murdered


Godred II 1153–58 expelled by

the Black Somerled

In 1156 Somerled established the separate lordship of

the Isles, and he ruled the full kingdom of Man and the
Isles from 1158–64. Thereafter Man included the
Outer Hebrides under its jurisdiction until 1266.

Godred II 1164–87 1187


Ragnald 1164 1164usurper,

overthrown after 4

Ragnald (I) 1187–12261229killed in battle

Olaf II the11771226–37 1237


Godred Donn 1230 1230shared kingdom;
(the slain

Harald (I) 12231237–48 1248shipwrecked and


Ragnald II 6–30 May1249murdered


Harald II 1249–50 deposed

Ivar 1250–2

Magnus 1252–65 1265submitted to

Alexander III in

Alexander III governed Man via a bailiff after 1265

until the island was seized by Edward I of England in
1290. There was a brief rebellion in September 1275
when Magnus’s son, Godred, seized the island and was
declared prince by the Manxmen, but Alexander’s
forces soon quelled the uprising.

KINGS OF THE ISLES (1164–1545)

This kingdom was created by Somerled from the
kingdom of Man and the Isles. It consisted of the eight

island groupings centred on Mull and Islay. The
holders were variously known as king or lord of the

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Somerled c11051156–641164 murdered

After Somerled’s death the kingdom was divided

amongst three of his sons. The kingdom of the Isles
was vested in his second son, Ragnald of Islay, but
each son and grandson could style himself as king and
often did. The following details the senior claimants
only, who were the descendants of Ragnald and his
brother Dugald.

Ragnald 1164–c1210 c1210

Dugald 1164–c92 c1192lord of Lorne and


Donald (I) c1210–30 1247?

Duncan c1170c1210–c47 c1247


Dugald c1210–35? 1235?joint claimant with
Screech Duncan

Uspak or 1230 1230 died of wounds


Ewen c1248–66 c1270strictly only held

Mac kingship 1247–9,
Dougall but continued as
vassal to
Alexander III

Dugald 1249–66 1268 was appointed by

Mac Norse king over
Ruari Ewen

Ewen submitted to Alexander III and his lands passed

to the Scottish crown. Alexander later invested the
titled Lord of the Isles in the MacDonald family, who
held it for the next two hundred years.

Angus Mór c1266–96 1296

(the Great)

Alexander 1296–99 1308?deposed

Angus Og 1299–13301330

John (I) 1330–87 1387

Donald II 1387–23 1423

Alexander II 1423–49 1449

John II 1449–93 1503 imprisoned

Angus (III) 1480–90 1490 usurped power;


Donald 1545 1545 unsuccessful

Dubh claimant

Title and lands were forfeited to the Scottish crown in


ORKNEY (874–1480)

The earldom of the Orkneys was created by Harald

king of Norway in the ninth century. Although its
earls, or jarls, remained subordinate to Norway, they

had considerable autonomy in Britain. Their territory
included the northern (and sometimes the southern)
Hebrides, known as the Sudreys, and usually included
Caithness (and sometimes Sutherland) in mainland

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Ragnald (I) c874–c5 894 returned to Norway;


Rögnvaldur murdered
the Wise

Sigurd (I) c875–92 892 died from bites from

Riki (the a dead head

Thorstein c875–900900 established as king

Raudr of Caithness and
(the Red) Sutherland; killed in

Guthorm c892–3 893

Hallad c893–4 abdicated

Orkneys occupied by Danish pirates under Thori
Treebeard and Kalf Skurfa.

Einar (I) 894–?920 ?920 known as


Arnkel ?920–54 954 ruled jointly and

subordinate to
Erik; both killed

Erlend (I) ?920–54 954 in battle

Erik c885 c937–54 954 also king of Jorvik

Bloodaxe at different times
between 939? and
954; killed in battle

Gunnhildr 954–5 widow of Erik


(returned) 976–7 ruled with her sons

Ragnfred and

Thorfinn (I) c910 c947–77 977

Hausakljúfr (Skull-splitter)

Arnfinn c942 977–?9 ?979 murdered

Havard c944 ?979–?81 ?981 murdered

Liot c948 ?981–?4 killed in battle

Hlodvir c946 ?984–?7 c988

Sigurd II ?987–10141014 killed in battle

Somerled 1014–15 1015 shared earldom

Einar II 1014–20 1020 murdered

Brúsi 1014–c30 c1031handed his share to

Einar 1018–20

Thorfinn II c1007c1018–c60 c1060became primary


the Mighty from 1028

Ragnald II 1011 1038–46 1046 murdered

Paul (I) c1038c1060–98 1099 deposed and died

in prison

Erlend II c1040c1060–98 1099 deposed and died
in prison

Sigurd III c10891099–11051130

Ruled as king of Orkney and the Isles, subject to his

father Magnus III of Norway.

Haakon c10711105–26 1126 previously

co-ruled with

Magnus (I) c10751108–17 1117 executed

Paul II the 1126–37 ?1138deposed and

Silent probably

Harald (I) 1126–31 1131 allegedly



Ragnald III c11001137–58 1158 murdered

Harald II1133 1139–12061206

(the Old)

Erlend III 1154–6 1156 killed in battle

Harald IIIc1156?1195–8 1198 killed in battle


(the Young)

David 1206–14 1214

John (I) 1206–31 1231 murdered

John was the last earl of the house of Möre. With his
death the earldom passed to a distant cousin and
descendant of the earls of Angus.

House of Angus

Magnus II 1231–9 1239

Gilbert 1239–56 1256

Magnus III 1256–73 1273

Magnus IV 1276–84 1284

John II c12591284–13111311

Magnus V 1311–c29 c1329

Malise c1329–?53 ?1353

Erengisl 1353–60 1392 may have lost the

title in 1357

The title was in dispute after 1360. It was claimed by

Erengisl’s nephew Alexander de l’Arde but was
removed from him and confirmed upon Henry St. Clair
in 1363, though it was not formally granted until 1379.
Although the islands remained nominally Norwegian
until 1469, the loyalty of the earls was increasingly to
the Scottish king.

House of St Clair

Henry 1345 1379–14001400murdered; noted

navigator who also
ruled the Faeroes
and Greenland; may
have colonized
America in 1398

Henry c13751400–20 1420died of the plague

William c14041420–71 1480resigned earldom to

the Scottish crown

SCOTLAND (1306–1807)
After two interregna, during which time Edward I
sought to gain control over Scotland, Robert the Bruce
declared himself king of Scotland, soundly defeated
the English at Bannockburn and obtained sovereign
status for Scotland. His descendants ruled Scotland for
the next three hundred years until James VI became
James I of England and paved the way for the final
union of Scotland and England.

House of Bruce

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Robert (I) 1274 1306–29 1329

the Bruce

David II 1324 1329–32 deposed by Edward


1332–3 restored but again

1336–71 1371 restored, most of

in captivity in

Edward c1282Aug–Dec deposed and

1332 expelled

(Balliol) 1333–4 restored but again


1335–6 c1364restored and

deposed again

House of Stewart

Robert II 1316 1371–90 1390

Robert III c13371390–14061406

Lieutenant of the Realm: David, duke of Rothesay (his

son), 1398–1401.

James (I) 1394 1406–371437 captive in England

Governor during imprisonment: Robert, duke of

Albany, 1406–20; Murdoch, duke of Albany, 1420–4.

James II 1430 1437–601460 killed during siege of


Regents during infancy: Joan (his mother), 1437–9;

Lieutenant: Alexander Livingston, 1439–49.

James III 1452 1460–881488 assassinated

Regents during infancy: Mary (his mother), 1460–3;

Bishop James Kennedy, 1463–5; Alexander Boyd,

James IV 14731488–15131513killed in battle

James V 15121513–42 1542

Regents during infancy: Margaret (his mother),

1513–4; John, duke of Albany, governor, 1515–24;
James, earl of Arran, chancellor, 1524–5; Archibald,
earl of Angus, governor, 1525–8.

Mary 1542 1542–671587 assumed authority in
1561; abdicated,
imprisoned and

Regents during infancy: James, earl of Arran as

governor, 1542–54; Mary, the queen mother, 1554–60.

James VI 15661567–16251625assumed authority

became James I of

Regents during infancy: James, earl of Moray,

1567–70; Matthew, earl of Lennox, 1570–1; John, earl
of Mar, 1571–2; James, earl of Morton, 1572–80.

Charles (I) 1600 1625–491649 deposed and

executed; also king of

Council of State existed 14 Feb 1649–16 Dec 1653,

during which period the Commonwealth of England
was not recognized and Charles II was elected king.

Charles II 1630 1650–851685 also king of England

James VII 1633 1685–8 1701 deposed; see James II
of England

Interregnum from Dec 1688–Feb 1689 when William

and Mary were recognized as monarchs.

William II 16501689–17021702also William III of

England; ruled
jointly with Mary II

Mary II 16621689–94 1694also Queen of

ruled jointly with
William III

Anne 16651702–14 1714

With the Act of Union in 1707, Scotland and England

were formerly united as Great Britain.

Stewart Pretenders

James (VIII) 16881701–16 1766never reigned but


the Old acknowledged

Pretender rightful heir by the

Charles (III) 17201745–6 1788acknowledged by a
the Young few supporters

Henry (IX) 17251788–18071807never seriously

pursued the claim

KINGDOM OF MAN (1333–1765)

In 1290 Edward I took possession of the island for
England, placing it under the governorship of Richard
de Burgh, earl of Ulster. John Balliol briefly reclaimed
the island for Scotland from 1293–96; otherwise it
remained under English control. During this period the
most stable period of governorship was under Antony
Bek, bishop of Durham, from 1298 to 1311. Robert the
Bruce claimed Man again for Scotland in 1313. In
1316 the Irish ravaged the island and it remained a
battlefield plundered and claimed by Ireland, Scotland
and England until the powerful reign of Edward III. In
1333 Edward granted the island to William de
Montacute in full possession, so that he became the
first restored sovereign lord of Man for nearly seventy

Ruler BornReign DiedNotes

William de 1333–44 1344also created earl
Montacute of Salisbury in
(i. e. Montague) 1337

William 1344–92 1397sold the island to

Montague William
(II) le Scrope

William le 1393–9 1399beheaded


Henry Percy, 1399–14051408deprived of

earl of lordship

House of Stanley

John c13501405–14 1414

John II 1414–37 1437

Thomas c14051437–59 1459

Thomas II c14351459–15041504created earl of

Derby in 1485

On the death of Thomas II, his successor gave up the

title of king and became lord of Man.

Thomas III c14811504–211521

Edward 1509 1521–721572

Henry 1531 1572–931593

Ferdinando c15591593–4 1594

Succession in dispute 1594–1612; meanwhile Man

returned to Elizabeth I and James I of England.

William I c15611610–121647 Although the lawful

ruler, William left
governorship with
his wife Elizabeth,
and then his son

Elizabeth, 1575 1612–271627

countess of

James, 1607 1627–511651 executed

Lord Strange

After the earl of Derby’s death his wife briefly

controlled the island, though she was deposed in a
rebellion. Governorship passed to Lord Fairfax from

1651–60 until the restoration of the English monarchy,
restored the Stanleys to the lordship of Man.

Charles 1628 1660–72 1672

William II c16551672–17021702

James II 1664 1702–36 1736

House of Murray

James c16901736–641764 2nd duke of Atholl


John Murray 1729 1764–5 1774

Murray sold the lordship to the British Crown in 1765

and the island came under British sovereignty.


The native British retained a degree of autonomy in
Wales throughout the Roman occupation. Little is
recorded about them that can be established as firm
historical fact though it is possible that the Silures,
Ordovices and Demetae continued to be ruled by tribal
chieftains within the Roman administration. Towards
the end of this period an influx of Irish from the west
and British from the east began to test these tribal

boundaries and new ones emerged based, initially, on
the old tribes, but subsequently developing into four
main kingdoms – Gwent, Gwynedd, Powys and
Deheubarth. The following lists all of the main
kingdoms and most of the sub-kingdoms.

GWENT and GLYWYSING (420–950)

The rulership of south-east Wales is complicated by
the many sub-divisions of the land due to partible
succession. Essentially there were two main kingdoms:
Gwent and Glywysing, both descended from the
Silures. Petty chieftains responded to the stronger
rulers, sometimes from Gwent and sometimes from
Glywysing but it was not until the tenth century that
the two kingdoms effectively united under the name
Morgannwg. The following lists the primary rulers. In
almost all cases lands were sub-divided between sons
and brothers, resulting in many sub-kings who are not
listed here.

The Welsh Kingdoms

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Erb fl 420s Gwent

Nynniaw fl 450s Gwent

Teithfallt fl 480s Gwent

Glywys fl 490s founder of


Honorius or fl 510s Gwent

Gwynllyw fl 520s Glywysing

Iddon fl 540s Gwent

Cadoc or fl 550s Glywysing


Tewdrig or fl 550s ?584 Gwent; abdicated

Theodosius but killed in battle

Meurig or c580–c615c615 Gwent and

Mouric Glywysing

Cynfeddw fl 610s possibly sub-king in


Arthwyr or c615–c630 probably ruled

Athrwys ap Gwent

Morgan c630–c665665 Gwent and

Mwynfawr Glywysing; may
(the have died in battle

Although Morgan is reckoned to have been succeeded
by his son Ithael, there remains a gap in the
chronology which is difficult to fill.

Ithael c715–c745 Gwent and


Ffernfael ap 745–775 775 Gwent


Rhys ab 745– ? Glywysing


Arthwyr ap 775– ? Gwent


Arthfael ap fl 800 Glywysing


Ithael ab ? –848 Gwent


Meurig ab fl 830s Gwent


Rhys ab fl 830s Glywysing


Brochwael fl 880s Gwent
ab Meurig

Ffernwael fl 880s Gwent; ruled jointly

ab Meurig with above

Hywel ap c840–c885885 Glywysing


Owain ap c885–c930930 Glywysing


Arthfael ap fl 920s Gwent


Cadell ap fl 930s 942 Gwent


Gruffydd ap 930–934 934 Glywysing; Gower

Owain from 928; killed in

Cadwgan ap 930–950 950 West Glywysing;

Owain killed in battle

On the death of Cadwgan his brother, Morgan, united

Gwent, Gower and Glywysing and created the single
kingdom Morgannwg, later called Glamorgan.

The individual kingdoms retained their identity to some
degree and Morgannwg continued to be fragmented
under successor kings, although there was now more
propensity to unity, especially in facing the advance of
the Danes and later the Normans.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Morgan 930–74 974 Morgannwg

(the Old)
ab Owain

Nowy ap fl 950s Gwent


Owain ap 974– ? Glywysing


Arthfael ap fl 970s c983 Gwent; probably

Nowy murdered

Rhys ab fl 990s Glywysing (part)


Iestyn ab fl 990s c1015Glywysing (part)

Hywel ab c990s–c10431043 Glywysing (part)


Rhodri ap 983–c1015 c1015Gwent


Gruffydd 983–c1015 c1015Gwent

ap Elisedd

Edwyn ap 1015–45 Gwent; imprisoned

Gwriad and blinded by

Rhydderch c1015–33 1033 Glywysing and

ab Iestyn Deheubarth killed
in battle

Gruffydd 1033–55 1055 Glywysing and

ap Deheubarth killed
Rhydderch in battle

Meurig ap 1045–55 Gwent


Morgannwg and Gwent were taken over by Gruffydd
ap Llywelyn of Gwynedd, 1055–63.

Cadwgan ap 1063–74 Morgannwg


Caradog ap 1075–811081 Gwent 1063–74;

Gruffydd usurped Morgannwg;
killed in battle

Iestyn ap 1081–91?1093deposed; died in a

Gwrgan priory

Glamorgan (Morgannwg) and Gwent were taken over

by the Normans in 1091 under the control of Robert
Fitzhamon. The descendants of Caradog ap Gruffydd
became lords of Caerleon until they were deprived of
their lands in 1270; the descendants of Iestyn ap
Gwrgan became lords of Afan until deprived of their
lands in 1282.


Ceredigion was one of the sub-kingdoms allegedly
established by Cunedda’s son Ceredig. It probably
formed around a previous Ordovician kingdom. Its
early history may be indistinguishable from Gwynedd
in the north whilst in the south it originally
formed part of the kingdom of Dyfed. Its independence
did not start to emerge until the reign of Seisyll ap

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Ceredig fl 470s

Iusay fl 500s

Serguil fl 530s

Bodgu ap fl 560s

Artbodgu ap fl 600s

Artglys ap fl 640s

Kingship during this period is uncertain.

Clydog ap fl 730s

Seisyll ap fl 770s


Arthgen ap ? –807

Dyfnwallon 807– ?
ap Arthgen

Meurig ap fl 850s

Gwgon ap ? –871 871 drowned


After Gwgon’s death Rhodri the Great annexed

Seisyllwg to the kingdoms of Gwynedd and Powys.
After his death his kingdom was split and Seisyllwg
passed to his son Cadell.

Cadell ap 878–909909

Clydog 909–920920

After Clydog’s death his brother Hywel, who had

inherited Dyfed after his father’s conquests in 904,
combined Seisyllwg and Dyfed to form the new
kingdom of Deheubarth which occupied most of South
Wales except for Glamorgan. Hywel also annexed

Gwynedd in 942 making him the ruler of all West

DEMETIA and DYFED (400–950)

The kingdom of Dyfed, in the far south-west of Wales,
was originally the tribal territory of the Demetae, and
the kingdom was first known as Demetia. When
Roman authority waned it was settled by the Irish, who
traced their descent from Artchorp in the fourth
century, who was descended from the Irish High
Kings. Details of the kings and their reigns are sparse.
The Demetian rulers are distantly related to the
Scottish settlers of Dál Riata.

Ruler BornReign Died Notes

Eochaid fl 400 son of Artchorp

Corath fl 420s

Aed fl 450s

Tryffin fl 480s

Aircol fl 500

Gwrthefyr, c515–c540
or Vortepor

Cyngar fl 550s

Pedr fl 570s

Arthwyr fl 590s

Nowy fl 610s

Gwlyddien fl 640s

Cathen fl 670s

Cadwgan fl 700s

Rhain fl 730s

Rhain’s kingdom was severely diminished by conquest

by Seisyll of Ceredigion and the remnant became the
smaller kingdom of Rheinwg.


Tewdws fl 770s
or Tewdwr

Maredudd c745 ? –c797 c797

Rhain (II) c767 c797–808808

Owain ap c770 808–811 814


Tryffin ap 811–814 814


Details of Dyfed’s rulers vanish at this time, possibly

as the result of Viking raids. No more rulers are
recorded until the time of Owain’s grandson, Hyfaidd.

Hyfaidd ap fl 893
Bledri 880s–893

Llywarch ap ? –904 904 drowned


Rhodri ap 904–905 905 beheaded


Hywel Dda 905–950 950

(the Good)

Hywel Dda inherited Seisyllwg after his brother’s
death and combined the two kingdoms as Deheubarth.

DEHEUBARTH (920–1291)
Deheubarth came into existence in 920 when Hywel
Dda combined the former kingdoms of Dyfed and
Seisyllwg. Occasionally rulers of Deheubarth gained
control over Gwynedd and vice versa. The Normans
conquered Deheubarth in 1093, though descendants of
the ruling family were allowed to hold authority over
Cantref Mawr (‘the Great Cantref. . .’) and Ystrad
Tywi and from this base the former kingdom of
Deheubarth briefly reemerged
in the twelfth century under Maredudd ap Gruffydd
and the Lord Rhys. Thereafter Norman control was
re-exerted and Deheubarth ceased to exist as a
kingdom after 1234.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Hywel Dda c882 920–50 950 also ruled Gwynedd

(the Good) and Powys, 942–50

After Hywel’s death Gwynedd regained its

independence. Hywel’s three sons split the kingdom of
Deheubarth, but after Rhodri died in 953 and Edwin in
954, Owain was able to reconsolidate it.

Owain ap 954–86 988 retired

Maredudd ab 986–99 999 also annexed

Owain Gwynedd
from 986

After Maredudd’s death the combined kingdoms of

Gwynedd and Deheubarth were ruled from Gwynedd
by Cynan ap Hywel from 999–1005.

Edwin ab 1005–18

Cadell ab 1005–18

In 1018, Llywelyn ap Seisyll of Gwynedd, who married

into the Deheubarth royal family, laid claim to
Deheubarth and ruled until his death in 1023.
Gwynedd and Deheubarth were then overrun by
Rhydderch ab Iestyn of Gwent, who styled himself king
of Deheubarth.

Rhydderch 1023–331033 also ruled Gwent;

ab Iestyn killed in battle

Hywel ab 1033–441044 killed in battle

Hywel was overthrown by Gruffydd ap Llywelyn of

Gwynedd in 1044 and, in the ensuing power struggle,
Rhydderch’s son Gruffydd laid claim to Deheubarth.

Gruffydd 1047–551055 also ruled Gwent;

ab killed in battle

Conquered by Gruffydd ap Llywelyn of Gwynedd from


Maredudd ab 1063–721072 killed in battle

Owain ab

Rhys ab 1072–781078 killed in battle


ab Edwin

Rhys ap 1078–931093 briefly overthrown in

Tewdwr 1081 and 1088; killed
in battle

Deheubarth was overrun by the Normans in 1093,
remaining in their possession until 1155. Territory was
granted to Rhys’s son Gruffydd in 1116, and further
land was progressively regained after the grand revolt
of 1136/37.

Gruffydd c1090 1137 ruled only Cantref

ap Rhys 1116–37 Mawr;
killed in battle

Anarawd c1116 1143 murdered

ap Gruffydd 1136–43

Cadell 1143–51 c1175seriously injured

ap Gruffydd and incapacitated

Maredudd c11301151–5 1155 rebuilt old

ap Gruffydd kingdom of

Rhys c11331155–97 1197 in 1158 submitted

ap Gruffydd to Henry II and
dropped title of
king, being known
as The Lord Rhys

Gruffydd 1197–12011201
ap Rhys

Maelgwyn c11701199–12301230 gained control of

ap Rhys though lost the

northern part in

Rhys Gryg 1216–34 1234 ruled Cantref

(the Mawr (from 1204)
Hoarse) and neighbouring
territory; died of

After the deaths of Maelgwyn and Rhys the princes of

Deheubarth were effectively minor lords subject to
Gwynedd and ruling small commotes and cantrefs in
Ystrad Tywi and Ceredigion with no real authority.
Rhys ap Maredudd below was the last to make a stand
in the South and was briefly proclaimed lord of Ystrad

Rhys 1234–441244 ruled Cantref Mawr

Mechyll only

Maredudd 1244–711271 ruled Cantref Mawr


Rhys ap 1271–831291 ruled Cantraf Mawr
Maredudd only;
executed for treason


Gwynedd covered the territory of the Ordovices, but
the kingdom established by Cunedda brought together
migratory British from elsewhere in Britain. The
territory was originally known as Venedotia, a name
which mutated to Gwynedd over the next two
centuries. The heart of Gwynedd was originally at
Deganwy, but shifted to Anglesey and at one time
included the Isle of Man. It became the most powerful
kingdom of Wales.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

House of Cunedda

Cunedda c450s–c460s

Einion c470s–c480s

Cadwallon c500–c534 c534


Maelgwn c497c520s–c549 c549died in a plague
(the Tall)

Rhun Hir c520c549–?580s

Beli 580s–c599 c599

Iago c599–c613 c613

Cadfan c615–c620 c625

Edwin of Northumbria overran Gwynedd between 620

and 627.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Cadwallon c590sc620–634 634 in exile 620–627;

killed in battle

Cadfael 634–c655 usurper; later


Cadwaladr c655–c682c682 died in a plague

Idwal c682–?720?720

Rhodri c720–c754c754

Caradog c754–c798c798 killed

Cynan c798–816 816 may have ruled

from 813 only

Hywel 814–825 825

Merfyn 825–844 844 son of Gwriad of

Frych Man

Merfyn’s son, Rhodri, succeeded to the kingdoms of

Powys in 855 and that of Seisyllwg in 872, becoming
king of all North Wales.

GWYNEDD (844–1283)
Gwynedd was always the primary kingdom of Wales,
even though it had moments when it was dominated by
rulers from the south. It had several great rulers during
its early years but the first to earn the title ‘the Great’
was Rhodri ap Merfyn who by 871 had inherited
Powys and Seisyllwg, in addition to Gwynedd, and
was effectively ruler of all northern and western

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Rhodri Mawr 844–78 878 driven out by

(the Great) Vikings;
killed in battle

Anarawd ap 878–916916

Idwal Foel 916–42 942 killed in battle

(the Bald)

Idwal submitted to Edward the Elder of England from

918–37. Gwynedd was ruled by Hywel Dda of
Deheubarth from 942–50.

Iago ab Idwal 950–79 ? deposed

Ieuaf ab 950–69 988 deposed and

Idwal imprisoned

Hywel ap 974–85 985 killed


Cadwallon ap 985–6 986 slain


Gwynedd was ruled by Maredudd ap Owain of
Deheubarth from 986–999.

Cynan ap 999–1005 1005


Llywelyn ap 1005–23 1023also ruled

Seisyll Deheubarth from

Iago ap 1023–39 1039murdered

ap Meurig

Gruffydd 1039–63 1063ruled Deheubarth

ap Llywelyn from 1055;
recognized as
sovereign ruler of
all Wales;

Bleddyn c10251063–75 1075murdered

ap Cynfyn

Rhiwallon 1063–70 1070co-ruler with

ap Cynfyn Bleddyn;
killed in battle

Trahern 1075–81 1081killed in battle
ap Caradog

Gruffydd c10551081–11371137regained territory

ap Cynan briefly in 1075

Owain c11001137–70 1170styled Prince of

Gwynedd Gwynedd from

Upon Owain’s death his lands were divided between

his sons, of whom Maelgwyn inherited Anglesey. Civil
war broke out from 1170–4, from which emerged two
victors who eventually divided the kingdom between
them. Another son, Cynan, succeeded in retaining his
land at Merioneth and briefly reestablished a ruling
dynasty there.

Maelgwyn 1170–3 ? fled to Ireland;

ab returned but
Owain imprisoned.

Dafydd ab c11351170–95 1203 East Gwynedd;

Owain ruled all of
Gwynedd Gwynedd 1174–5;

Rhodri ab 1170–90 1195 West Gwynedd;
Owain deposed, though
Gwynedd temporarily
regained Anglesey
in 1193

Llywelyn 1173 1195–12401240 acceded to East

the Great Gwynedd in 1195
and gradually
rebuilt the
kingdom; became
effective ruler of
Wales from 1216

Dafydd c12081240–6 1246 styled himself

ap ‘Prince of Wales’

Llywelyn c12251246–82 1282 killed


the Last ap

Owain 1246–55 1282?deposed by his

Goch brother; later
ap Gruffydd reinstated by
Edward I as


Dafydd 1282–3 1283 deposed and

ap Gruffydd executed for


The kingdom of Powys was carved out of the lands of
the Cornovii and Decangii in eastern and north-eastern
Wales. At
the height of its power, during the late sixth century, its
boundaries stretched beyond the current border of
Wales into Cheshire, Shropshire and Herefordshire, the
territory known today as the Marches. It struggled to
retain its independence since it was under threat from
the might of Gwynedd to the west and the
encroachment of the Mercians to the east. The identity
of its early rulers is uncertain because there were
almost certainly several tribes along the borders of
Wales with no single dominant ruler. For related
kingdoms see Gwerthrynion and Brycheiniog.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Cadell or fl 450

Powys was partitioned between Cadell’s sons and the
sons of Cunedda and Vortigern. Rulers probably
included Owain ap Einion, Cattegirn, Brittuand
Pascent, but precise details are uncertain.

Cynlas ab fl 530s

Cyngen fl 550s

Brochfael fl 570s
(of the Tusks)

Cynan fl c600
(the Cruel)

Selyf ap ? –615 615 killed in battle


Eiludd ap 615–?

At this stage Powys fragmented into North and South.

Southern Powys (Shropshire) – Pengwern

Cyndrwyn fl 620s
the Stubborn

Cynddylan c640–c655c655 killed in battle

Northern Powys (Chester, Clwyd)

Beli ap fl 630s

Rulers between Beli and Gwylog are uncertain.

Gwylog ap fl 700s

Elisedd ap c725– ?

Brochfael ap fl 760s

Cadell ap ? –808 808


Cyngen ap c808–c853855 died in Rome


After Cyngen’s death Powys passed to his nephew
Rhodri Mawr and formed part of the kingdom of

MEDIEVAL POWYS (1075–1416)

For over two hundred years Powys formed part of the
kingdom of Gwynedd. It was reestablished as a
separate kingdom by the sons
of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn soon after 1075 and although it
was later divided into Northern and Southern Powys it
remained independent for two centuries until
eventually possessed by England.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

House of Bleddyn

Madog ap1075–881088

Iorweth ap 1088–11031111imprisoned;
Bleddyn restored 1110, but

Cadwgan 1088–11111111murdered


Owain 1111–16 1116captured 1114–15;


Maredudd 1116–32 1132

ap Bleddyn

Madog ap 1132–60 1160


After Madog’s death the kingdom was divided into

North and South.

Northern Powys

Gruffydd 1160–91 1191Powys was shared

Maelor (I) with Owain Fychan
(to 1187) and Owain
Brogynton (to 1188)

Owain 1191–97 1197ruled jointly with

his brother Madog

Madog ap 1191–12361236initially ruled jointly
Gruffyd with his brother

Gruffydd 1236–69 1269

Maelor II

After Gruffydd Maelor’s death his lands were

partitioned amongst his sons, and Powys was never
again reunited. His youngest son, Gruffydd Fychan
(d.1289) had a son called Madog Crippil (d. c.1304)
whose grandson, Gruffydd Fychan, was the father of
Owain Glyn Dwr (see below).

Southern Powys

Owain c11251160–95 1197retired to a



Gwenwynwyn 1195–12161216dispossessed and

died in exile

Lands came under the rule of Llywelyn the Great of

Gwynedd, 1216–40.

Gruffydd c12151240–861286in exile 1257–63

ap and 1274–7

After Gruffydd’s death Powys came under the

sovereignty of England. Gruffydd had already given up
his title as king to become a lord of the Marches, a title
maintained by his family until 1421.


Owain Glyn c13541400–12c1416declared Prince of



Brycheiniog’s origins are lost in legend and are also
associated with Vortigern. The territory was initially
part of southern Powys but later formed part of
northern Gwent. It was named after its first and most
famous ruler, Brychan.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Brychan fl 520s

Rhun fl 550s


Awst fl 580s

Here the king list becomes corrupt. Brycheiniog may

have been overrun by Dyfed and remained part of that
kingdom until the time of the second Awst.

Awst fl 750s

Elwystl ap fl 770s murdered


Tewdwr or fl 770s
ap Rhain

Brycheiniog may have been ruled from Dyfed for the

next century.

Tewdwr fl 870s

Elise ap fl 890s

Tewdwr ap fl 925 may be the last ruler


MEIRIONYDD (490–880)
Meironydd was a small cantref on the western
seaboard of Wales. It was never a fully autonomous
kingdom, existing as a vassal state to Gwynedd. The
rulers were reputedly descended from Meirion, the
grandson of Cunedda.

Ruler Reign Died Notes

Meirion fl 490s

Catgualart fl 510s

Gwrin fl 530s

(of the

Glitnoth fl 570s

Gueinoth fl 600s

Idris or Iudric ? –632 632 killed in battle

Sualda fl 640s

Brochmael ? –662 662 killed in battle

Egeniud or 662– ?

Iutnimet fl 690s

Brochmael fl 710s

Although the genealogies show Brochmael as the

father of Cynan the next four or five generations are
not known.

Cynan fl 870s 880 killed in battle

Merioneth was absorbed into Gwynedd; the territory

often inherited by younger sons of the king.

List of Royal Consorts

In pre-Norman times the wife of a monarch was

seldom recognized as holding any authority, and they
were seldom crowned or anointed as queen. Indeed,
the West Saxons outlawed the crowning of the king’s
wife because of the wickedness of Beorhtric’s wife
Eadburh. Nevertheless some of the earlier queens were
highly influential, especially in the rise of Christianity
amongst the Saxons, starting with Bertha, the wife of
Athelbert. The connection between the queen and the
church gradually gave them a special status, which
developed in the tenth century. By the time of some of
the queens of the Middle Ages the king’s wife had
come to be regarded as a lady of power and authority.
The queen ceases to be the queen when the king dies.
If they are the mother of the successor they become the

‘Queen Mother’; otherwise they are known as the
‘Queen Dowager’. The following lists all of the known
Saxon queens, plus the later Queens of England and
Scotland. By the nature of the role, few of the titles,
especially in the early years, are continuous.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Queens of Kent

Bertha post c580–c601c601 wife of Athelbert (I)


The name of Athelbert’s second wife, who subsequently

married Eadbald, is not known.

Emma c603 c618–40post wife of Eadbald


Seaxburh c640–64c700 wife of Eorcenbert

Nothing is known of the later queens of Kent, except

for the three wives of Wihtred, and it is not recorded
whether they were consecrated as queens.

Queens of Mercia

Cynewise fl630–55 wife of Penda

Cynewise appears to be Penda’s only wife, and a
sufficiently strong woman that she was left in charge of
the kingdom when Penda undertook campaigns away.

Eormenhild c660–75c700 wife of Wulfhere

Osthryth 675–97 697 wife of Athelred;


Identities of the next few queens are not known.

Cynethryth c769–96 wife of Offa; may be

regarded as the first
queen of the English

Aelthryth c796–821 wife of Cenwulf

Identities of the next few queens are not known.

Saethryth c840–52 wife of Beohrtwulf

Athelswith 853–74 888 wife of Burgred, and

daughter of
Athelwulf of Wessex

Queens of Northumbria

Bebba c595–c603c603?first wife of


Acha c586 c604–? ? second wife of

Athelfrith; it is not
certain whether she
pre-deceased him

Athelburh c595 625–33 647 wife of Edwin, and

daughter of
Athelbert (I) of

Eanfrith had married a Pictish princess whose name is

not recorded.

Cyneburh c640–2 ? wife of Oswald, and

daughter of Cynegils
of Wessex

Enfleda orc626 642–70 c704 wife of Oswy


Etheldreda c630 664–74 679 first wife of Egfrith;

retired to monastery

Eormenburh 679–85 685 second wife of
after Egfrith

Cuthburh c670 c695–c700c725 wife of Aldfrith;

retired to a

Nothing is recorded of the subsequent wives of the

Northumbrian kings or their status as queen.

Queens of Wessex

The West Saxons or Gewisse did not usually recognize

the king’s wife as having any status until the reign of

Athelburh ?688–?726 wife of Ine

Frithugyth ?726–?40 wife of Athelheard

Subsequent wives are not recorded until the reign of


Eadburh 789–802after

Due to Eadburh’s reputation, the title of queen was

banned by the West Saxons.

Judith c843 856–8 after second wife of
870 Athelwolf and briefly
wife of Athelbald

The title of queen again lapsed until the reign of

Edgar. Even Alfred the Great’s wife, Ealhswith, was
never apparently consecrated queen. Their details
however are provided here for completeness.

Ealhswith 871–99 902 wife of Alfred

Elfleda c901–20920 second wife of

Edward the Elder

Edgiva c920–4 968 third wife of

Edward the Elder

Elgiva orc940–c5c945 wife of

Elfgiva Edmund

Elgiva or c957–8 959 wife of Edwy;

Elfgiva marriage
annulled; died in

Athelfleda c961–c4c964? first wife of Edgar

The Queens of England

Elfrida c945 c964–75c1002second wife of Edgar

Elfrida was the first woman to be crowned queen of

England, on 11 May 973 at Bath.

Elfgiva orc963 c985–10021002first wife of

Elgiva Athelred II

Emma c985 1002–16 1052second wife of

(changed Athelred II;
name to subsequently
Elfgiva) married Canute

Edith or Apr–Nov wife of Edmund II

Eadgyth 1016

Emma c985 1017–10351052wife of Canute and

widow of Athelred
II (see above)

Edith c10201045–10661075wife of Edward the


Edith c1042Jan–Oct wife of Harold II


Following the Norman Conquest the wife of the king
was usually formally crowned as Queen Consort and
these are the dates listed below. Where the marriage
date is different it is included in the final column.

Matilda c10311068–831083 wife of William I,

married 1053

Edith c10801100–181118 first wife of Henry I

(changed name to Matilda)

Adeliza c11051121–351151 second wife of

Henry I

(or Adela or Alice)

Matilda c11031136–521152 wife of Stephen,

married c1125

Eleanor ofc11221154–891204 wife of Henry II,

Aquitaine married 1152

Berengaria c11631191–9 c1231wife of Richard I

of Navarre

Isabella ofc11871200–161246 second wife of John

Eleanor ofc12231236–721291 wife of Henry III


Eleanor of1241 1274–901290 first wife of Edward

Castile I, married 1254

Edward I’s second wife, Margaret of France

(1279–1318), whom he married in 1299, was never
crowned queen.

Isabella ofc12921308–27 1358wife of Edward II


Philippa of1311 1328–69 1369wife of Edward III


Anne of1366 1382–94 1394first wife of Richard

Bohemia II

Isabella of1389 1397–9 1409second wife of

France Richard II

Joan ofc13701403–13 1437second wife of

Navarre Henry IV

Katherine of1401 1420–2 1437wife of Henry V

Margaret of1429 1445–61 1482wife of Henry VI,

Anjou who was deposed in
1461 and briefly
restored in 1471

Elizabeth c14371465–83 1492wife of Edward IV


Anne Nevill 1456 1483–5 1485wife of Richard III,

married 1472

Elizabeth of1466 1487–15031503wife of Henry VII


Katherine of1485 1509–33 1536first wife of Henry

Aragon VIII; divorced

Anne c15001533–6 1536second wife of

Boleyn Henry VIII;
marriage annulled;

None of Henry VIII’s remaining wives were crowned,

although plans were in hand for Jane’s coronation
before she died. They are all listed below, however, for

Jane c15061536–7 1537 third wife of Henry
Seymour VIII; not crowned;
died after childbirth

Anne of1515 Jan–Jul 1557 fourth wife of Henry

Cleves 1540 VIII; divorced

Katherine c15201540–2 1542 fifth wife of Henry

Howard VIII; executed

Katherine c15121543–7 1548 sixth wife of Henry


Philip of1527 1554–8 1598 husband of Mary I;

Spain the only king consort
of England; also king
of Spain: from 1556

The Queens of Scotland

Records of the wives of the early Scottish rulers are

virtually nonexistent, and this includes the wives of the
Pictish kings through whom inheritance passed. No
queen consort was officially crowned until the reign of
David II, but earlier queens are listed here, where
known, for completeness.

Ruler Born Reign Died Notes

Sybilla 1034–? ? wife of Duncan I; it
is not known
whether she
predeceased him

Gruoch c10151040–? ? wife of Macbeth; it

is not known
whether she
predeceased him

Ingibiorg c1060–c9 c1069first wife of

Malcolm III

Margaret 1046 1069–93 1093 second wife of

Malcolm III

Ethelreda 1094–? ? wife of Duncan II;

it is not known
whether she
predeceased him

Sybilla c10921107–22 1122 wife of Alexander I

Matilda c10721124–c30 c1130wife of David I

Ermengarde 1186–12141234 wife of William the


Joan 1210 1221–38 1238 first wife of
Alexander II

Marie de 1239–49 ? second wife of

Coucy Alexander II

Margaret 1240 1251–75 1275 first wife of

Alexander III

Yolande of 1285–6 1323 second wife of

Dreux Alexander III

Isabella 1253 1292–6 ? wife of John

de Balliol, married
Warrenne 1281

Elizabeth 1306–27 1329 second wife of

de Burgh Robert I

Joanna 1321 1329–62 1362 first wife of David


Joanna was the first queen consort of Scotland to be

anointed and crowned, on 24 November 1331.

Margaret 1364–70 1375second wife of
Drummond David II;

Euphemia c13301371–87 1387second wife of

Ross Robert II, married
1355; crowned

Annabella c13501390–14011401wife of Robert III,

Drummond married 1366

Joan 1424–37 1445wife of James I


Mary of1433 1449–60 1463wife of James II


Margaret 1456 1469–86 1486wife of James III

of Denmark

Margaret 1489 1503–13 1541wife of James IV


Madeleine 1520 Jan–Jul 1537first wife of James

of France 1537 V;
not crowned

Mary of1515 1538–42 1560second wife of
Guise James V;
crowned 1540

Henry 1545 1565–7 1567Mary’s second

Stuart husband, the only
(Lord king consort to be
Darnley) proclaimed king of

Queens of England and Scotland (Great Britain from 1701)

Anne of15741590–16191619wife of James VI

Denmark (I);
crowned queen
consort England in

Henrietta 16091625–49 1669wife of Charles I;

Maria not crowned

Katherine of16381662–85 1705wife of Charles II;

Braganza not crowned

Mary of16581685–8 1718wife of James II


George of16531702–8 1708husband of Anne;
Denmark not officially created
prince consort

Caroline of16831727–37 1737wife of George II,

Ansbach married 1705

Charlotte 17441761–18181818wife of George III

Caroline of17681820–1 1821wife of George IV;

Brunswick not crowned

Adelaide 17921830–7 1849wife of William IV,

married 1818;
crowned 1831

Albert 18191840–61 1861husband of Victoria;

created Prince
Consort 26 June

Alexandra 18441901–10 1925wife of Edward VII;

married 1863,
crowned 1902

Mary of18671910–36 1953wife of George V;

Teck married 1893,
crowned 1911; also

crowned empress of

Elizabeth 19001936–52 2002wife of George VI;

Bowes-Lyon married 1923,
crowned 1937; also
crowned empress of
India, relinquished

Philip 19211952– husband of

Mountbatten Elizabeth II; married
1947; created Prince
Philip 1957

Royal Family Trees

The direct descent of Elizabeth II

73 generations from Beli Mawr to Elizabeth II

Beli Mawr (fl 100BC) Cadell (d. 909)

Caswallon (fl 55BC) Hywel Dda (d. 950)

Llyr (fl 20BC) Owain (d. 988)

Bran the Blessed (flEinion (d. 984)


Beli (fl AD 20) Cadell (fl 1005–18)

Amalech (fl AD 50s) Tewdwr

Eugein (fl AD 70s) Rhys (d. 1093)

Brithguein (fl 100) Gruffydd (c1090–1137)

Dyfwn (fl 120s) The Lord Rhys


Oumun (fl 150s) Gruffydd (d. 1201)

Anguerit (fl 170s) Owain (d. 1235)

Amgualoyt (fl 200) Maredudd (d. 1265)

Gurdumn (fl 220s) Owain (d. 1275)

Dyfwn (fl 250s) Llywellyn (d. 1309)

Guordoli (fl 270s) Thomas (d. c1343)

Doli (fl 300) Margaret

Guorcein (fl 320s) Maredudd ap Tudor

Cein (fl 350s) Owen Tudor (c1400–61)

Tacit (fl 370s) Edmund Tudor

Paternus (fl 400) Henry VII (1457–1509)

Edern (fl 430s) Margaret Tudor

(1489–1541)=James IV

Cunedda (fl 450–460) James V of Scotland


Einion (fl 470–480) Mary, Queen of Scots


Cadwallon Lawhir (flJames VI [James I]

500–520) (1566–1625)

Maelgwn (d. c549) Elizabeth of Bohemia


Rhun (fl 560s) Sophia, Electress of

Hanover (1630–1714)

Beli (fl 590s) George I (1660–1727)

lago (d. c615) George II (1683–1760)

Cadfan (d. c625) Frederick, Prince of

Wales (1707–51)

Cadwallon (d. 634) George III (1738–1820)

Cadwaladr (d. 682) Edward, Duke of Kent


Idwal (d. c720) Victoria (1819–1901)

Rhodri Molwynog (flEdward VII

754) (1841–1910)

Cynan (d. 816) George V (1865–1936)

Essyllt George VI (1895–1952)

Merfyn Frych (d. 844) Elizabeth II (1926–)

Rhodri Mawr (d. 878)

The Saxon Kings of the English

The House of Normandy

The House of Anjou/Plantagenet

The Houses of York and Lancaster

The Tudor and Stewart Succession

The House of Stewart

The House of Hanover

The Houses of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (changed to


In the thirty years or more that I have been fascinated

with British and European monarchy, particularly the
period before 1066, I have read and taken notes from
more books about the subject than I can remember, and
certainly many more than I have collected and
consulted in compiling this present volume. The
following is nevertheless as representative a list as I
can produce of books that I have consulted in whole or
in part in researching this book, in addition to the many
specialist magazines and papers as well as countless
visits to castles and royal homes over the years. I
would also like to acknowledge the special help of
Peter Berresford Ellis on Celtic matters and Julian
Lock for his invaluable historical knowledge and
perception. This Brief History has been abridged from
my Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens by
Elfreda Powell, who has also written some of the
introductory material.

Adam, Frank, The Clans, Septs, and Regiments of the
Scottish Highlands, Edinburgh: Johnston & Bacon,
1960 (6th edition, revised by Sir Thomas Innes).

Anderson, Marjorie O., Kings & Kingship in Early

Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1973.

Ashbee, Paul, The Ancient British: A

Social-Archaeological Narrative, Norwich: University
of East Anglia, 1978.

Ashdown, Dulcie M., Queen Victoria’s Family,

London: Robert Hale, 1975.

Ashdown, Dulcie M., Royal Children, London: Robert

Hale, 1979.

Ashe, Geoffrey, Kings and Queens of Early Britain,

London: Methuen, 1982.

Ashley, Maurice, King John, London: Weidenfeld and

Nicolson, 1972.

Barber, Richard, Henry Plantagenet, Woodbridge:

Boydell Press, 1972.

Barlow, Frank, Edward the Confessor, London: Eyre

Methuen, 1970; revised New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1997.

Barlow, Frank, William Rufus, London: Methuen,


Barnwell, P.S., Emperor, Prefects and Kings: The
Roman West, 395–565, London: Duckworth, 1992.

Barnwell, P.S., Kings, Courtiers & Imperium: The

Barbarian West, 565–725, London: Duckworth, 1997.

Barrow, G. W. S., Kingship and Unity: Scotland

1000–1306, London: Edward Arnold, 1981; revised,
Edinburgh University Press, 1989.

Barrow, G.W.S., Robert Bruce and the Community of

the Realm of Scotland, London: Eyre and
Spottiswoode, 1965.

Bassett, Steven (ed), The Origins of Anglo-Saxon

Kingdoms, Leicester University Press, 1989.

Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People trs.

Leo Sherley-Price, rev R.E. Latham: Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1990.

Bellenden, John (translator), The History and

Chronicles of Scotland by Hector Boece, Edinburgh,

Bingham, Caroline, The Crowned Lions: The Early

Plantagenet Kings, Newton Abbot: David & Charles,

Bingham, Caroline, Edward II, London: Weidenfeld

and Nicolson, 1973.

Bingham, Caroline, James V, King of Scots, London:
William Collins, 1971.

Bingham, Caroline, The Kings and Queens of

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This index provides page references for all kings and

queens as well as the majority of other individuals
whose lives intermeshed with royalty. Primary entries
for each ruler are indicated in bold and illustrations in
italic. All other individuals are listed with their dates
(if known) and a brief description of their identity, e.g.
Becket, Thomas (c1118–70), archbishop of
Canterbury. Where individuals share a common name
the entries are in chronological order. However, for
convenience, rulers of a common name within a
kingdom are grouped together. All kings, queens,
princes and princesses are listed by their best known
first name (e.g. Anne Boleyn, not Boleyn, Anne). All
dukes and earls are listed by their family name and
only exceptionally by their title.

Addington, Henry (1757–1844), Lord Sidmouth 368

Adela (c1062–1138), countess of Blois 61, 71

Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (1792–1849), queen, wife

of William IV 370, 371–2

Adeliza (c1105–51), queen, wife of Henry I 65, 75

Adrian IV (d.1159), pope 89, 127

Aed Find of Dál Riata 98

Aed Findliath, high king of Ireland 100

Aedán mac Gabhran, king of Dál Riata 20

Aelle, of South Saxons 22

Albany, dukes of see Stewart/Stuart

Albert, prince (1819–61), prince consort 373, 375–8,

379, 380, 384, 385, 395, 401

Albini, William d’ (d.1176), earl of Arundel 75

Albinus, emperor in Britain 13

Aldfrith of Northumbria 26

Alexander I of Scotland 116–17, 118

Alexander II of Scotland 123, 151

Alexander III of Scotland 151–2, 170

Alexander IV see Stewart, Alexander

Alexander (II) of the Isles 269

Alexander III (c1100–81), pope 128, 129

Alexander, bishop of Lincoln 74

Alexander Macdonald (fl.1491), claimant to the Isles


Alexandra (1844–1925), queen, wife of Edward VII

384, 385–6

Alfgar (d.1062), earl of Mercia 85

Alfhere (d.983), ealdorman of Mercia and regent 36

Alfred the Great 29–31

Allectus, emperor of Britain 13

Ambrosius Aurelianus, high king of Britain 17

Anarawd ap Gruffydd of Deheubarth 88

Anarawd ap Rhodri of Gwynedd 81

Andrew, Prince (b.1960), son of Elizabeth II 402

Angharad ferch Meurig, wife of Rhodri the Great 80

Angus, earls of see Douglas

Angus (I) of the Picts and Scots 20, 98

Angus Og of the Isles 282

Annabella Drummond (c1350–1401), wife of Robert

III 264, 265

Anne of Bohemia (1366–94), queen, wife of Richard II

Anne Boleyn (1500–36), queen, wife of Henry VIII

233, 238, 239, 240, 241, 250

Anne of Cleves (1515–57), queen, wife of Henry VIII

234, 241

Anne of Denmark (1574–1619), queen, wife of James

VI/I 298, 303

Anne of England and Scotland 321, 328, 329, 333,

334, 335–8, 339, 346, 347, 349

Anne Hyde (1637–71), wife of James, duke of York

321, 325, 326

Anne Neville (1456–85), queen, wife of Richard III

210, 219, 220, 223

Anne, Princess (b.1950), daughter of Elizabeth II 402,

406, 408

Anselm (1033–1109), archbishop of Canterbury 63–4,


Argyll, earls of see Campbell

Arran, earls of see Boyd; Hamilton; Stewart

Arthur (1187–1203), duke of Brittany 139

Arthur (1486–1502), prince of Wales 226, 228, 231,

Arthur, semi-legendary king of Britain 17–18, 144,

184, 226

Arundel, earls of see Albini; Fitzalan

Arundel, Thomas (1353–1414), archbishop of

Canterbury 200

Ashley, Baron see Cooper, Anthony Ashley

Aske, Robert (d.1537), attorney and leader of the

Pilgrimage of Grace 240

Asquith, Henry (1852–1928), prime minister 392

Athelbert (I) of Kent 23–4

Athelfleda (d. c961), wife of Edgar 32

Athelfrith of Bernicia and Northumbria 24

Athelred (I) of Mercia 25

Athelred (II) the Unready, king of the English 29,

35–8, 39, 52

Athelric of Deira 24

Athelstan, king of the English 31–2, 82, 101–2

Athelwolf of Kent and Wessex 29, 80

Atholls, earls of see Stewart

Atterbury, Francis (1662–1732), bishop of Rochester


Attlee, Clement (1883–1967), prime minister 401

Aurelius Ambrosius see Ambrosius Aurelianus

Babington, Antony (1561–86), Catholic conspirator

254, 297

Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), lord chancellor 258

Baldwin, Stanley (1867–1947), prime minister 394,


Balliol see Edward Balliol; John Balliol

Beaton, David (1494–1546), archbishop of St Andrews


Beauchamp, Thomas (c1339–1401), earl of Warwick

189, 190

Beaufort, Edmund (c1406–55), 2nd duke of Somerset


Beaufort, Henry (c1436–64), 3rd duke of Somerset 209

Beaufort, Joan see Joan Beaufort

Beaufort, John (c1371–1410), 1st earl of Somerset 226

Beaufort, Margaret (1443–1509), wife of Edmund

Tudor and mother of Henry VII 226

Becket, Thomas (c1118–70), archbishop of Canterbury

93, 128–30

Bede (c673–735), historian 22, 23

Bedford, John (1389–1435) duke of Lancaster 205,

206, 210, 213

Beli Mawr, semi-legendary British king 5

Beorhtric of Wessex 28

Beornwulf of Mercia 28

Berengaria (c1163–after 1230), queen, wife of Richard

I 135, 137

Bigod, Roger (c1212–70), 4th earl of Norfolk 146

Bland, Dorothea (1761–1816), mistress of William IV

370, 371

Bleddyn ap Cynfyn of Powys and Gwynedd 86

Blount, Charles (1563–1606), Lord Mountjoy, later

earl of Devonshire 259

Blount, Elizabeth (c1502–39?), mistress of Henry VIII

Boadicea see Boudica

Bohun, Mary de see Mary de Bohun

Boleyn, Anne see Anne Boleyn

Bolingbroke, Henry see Henry IV

Bonnie Prince Charlie see Charles (III)

Bothwell, earls of see Hepburn; Stewart

Bothwell, Lord see Ramsay, Sir John (d.1513)

Boudica of the Iceni 10, 11

Boyd, Sir Alexander (d.1469), Guardian of Scotland


Boyd, Thomas (d.1473?), earl of Arran 275–6, 276–7

Brandon, Charles (1484–1545), duke of Suffolk 236

Breakspeare, Nicholas see Adrian IV, pope

Breos, William de see de Breos

Brown, John (1826–83), Victoria’s servant 379–80

Bruce, Edward see Edward Bruce

Bruce, Robert the see Robert I

Bruce (Brus), Robert de (d.1141), lord of Annandale

118, 154

Bruce (Brus), Robert le (d.1245), lord of Annandale


Bruce, Robert (1210–95), lord of Annandale,

competitor for the Scottish throne 154

Bruce, Robert (1243–1304), lord of Annandale 154

Brude (III) mac Bili of the Picts 109

Brude, of the Picts 19

Brus, Robert de see Bruce

Brutus, legendary king of Britain 5

Buchan, earls of see Stewart

Buckingham, dukes of see Stafford; Villiers

Burgh, Elizabeth de see Elizabeth de Burgh

Burgh, Hubert de see de Burgh, Hubert

Burghley, Lord see Cecil, William

Burgred of Mercia 80

Burgundy, dukes of see Charles the Bold; John the
Fearless; Philip the Good

Bute, earl of see Stuart, John

Butler, Eleanor (d.1468), mistress of Edward IV 213,


Caboto, Giovanni (1450–98), explorer 229

Cade, Jack (d.1450), rebel 207–8

Cadell ap Rhodri of Seisyllwg 81

Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd (d.1172), prince of Gwynedd

88, 89, 90

Cadwallon ap Cadfan of Gwynedd 25, 79, 80

Cadwallon ap Gruffydd (d.1132), prince of Gwynedd


Caedwalla of West Saxons and Kent 26

Caesar, Julius (102–44BC), Roman general and

statesman 5–6

Campbell, Archibald (d.1513), 2nd earl of Argyll 282

Campbell, Archibald (d.1558), 4th earl of Argyll 289

Campbell, Archibald (1575–1638), 7th earl of Argyll


Campbell, Archibald (1607–61), 8th earl and marquess
of Argyll 317–18

Campbell, Archibald (1629–85), 9th earl of Argyll


Campbell, Colin (d.1493), 1st earl of Argyll 279, 281

Campbell, Colin (d.1584), 6th earl of Argyll 299

Canute, Cnut or Knut of England, Denmark and

Norway 38–42, 39, 105–6

Canute IV, of Denmark 59

Caractacus see Caratacus

Caradoc see Caratacus; Cerdic

Caratacus of the Catuvellauni 7, 8, 9

Carausius, emperor of Britain 13

Caroline of Ansbach (1683–1737), queen, wife of

George II 351, 352, 353, 354, 355

Caroline of Brunswick (1768–1821), wife of George

IV 362, 365, 367, 369

Carr, Robert (d.1645), earl of Somerset 308

Cartimandua of the Brigantes 9

Cassivelaunos see Caswallon

Caswallon of the Catuvellauni 5, 6

Catesby, Robert (1573–1605), conspirator 306

Catherine, see also Katherine

Catherine de Medici, queen of France 253, 294

Caxton, William (c1422–91), printer 216

Cecil, Robert (c1563–1612), earl of Salisbury 259

Cecil, William (1520–98), Lord Burghley, lord high

treasurer 255, 259

Cellach (d.937), son of Constantine II 102

Cellach (fl.906), bishop of St Andrews 102

Ceolwulf II of Mercia 81

Cerdic of Gewisse or West Saxons 22

Ceredig of Elmet 25

Ceretic of Alclud/Strathclyde 16

Chamberlain, Neville (1869–40), prime minister 400

Charles I of England and Scotland 192, 303, 309–16,

312, 330, 390, 405

Charles II of England and Scotland 304, 315, 316–24,
319, 325, 326

Charles (III), Bonnie Prince Charlie or the Young

Pretender 339, 340–1, 356, 357, 363

Charles IV of France 178, 181

Charles V of France 185

Charles VI of France 190, 201, 202, 203, 205, 364

Charles VII of France 202–3, 205, 206

Charles IX of France 253, 256, 294

Charles V (1500–58), Holy Roman Emperor 238, 248,


Charles VI, Emperor 349

Charles, archduke of Austria 255–6

Charles, Prince (b.1948), prince of Wales 402, 406

Charles the Bald of the Franks 29

Charles the Bold (1433–77), duke of Burgundy 214,


Charlotte, duchess of Albany, daughter of Bonnie

Prince Charlie 341

Charlotte Augusta, princess of Wales (1796–1817),
daughter of George IV 367, 368, 369, 371, 373

Charlotte of Mecklenburg (1744–1818), wife of

George III 357, 358

Châtelherault, Duke of see Hamilton, James

Chester, earl of see Ranulf

Christian I of Denmark 276

Christian V of Denmark 336

Christina, wife of Owain Gwynedd 87, 90

Churchill, Arabella (1648–1730), mistress of James II


Churchill, John (1650–1722), earl, later duke, of

Marlborough 329, 334–5, 336–7, 348

Churchill, Sarah, née Jennings (1660–1744), countess,

later duchess of Marlborough 335, 337

Churchill, Winston (1874–1965), prime minister 397,


Clare, Richard and Roger de see de Clare

Clarence, Albert, duke of (1864–92) 387–8

Clarence, George, duke of (1449–78) 214, 215, 216,
218, 220, 224

Clarence, Lionel, duke of (1338–68) 158, 191, 211

Clarence, Thomas, duke of (1389–1421) 202

Clarendon, earl of see Hyde

Claudius, Roman emperor 8–9

Clement VII (1479–1534), pope 238, 239, 289

Clifford, Thomas (1630–73), 1st Baron Clifford, lord

high treasurer 321

Clive, Robert (1725–74), soldier and governor of India


Clodius Albinus, Decimus see Albinus

Clydog ap Cadell of Seisyllwg 81

Cnut see Canute

Cochrane, Robert (d.1482), self-styled earl of Mar 278,


Coel Hen (‘Old King Cole’), early British king 16

Cogidubnus or Cogidumnus of the Regnii 10

Coilus see Coel

Cole (‘Old King’) see Coel

Columbus, Christopher (1447–1506), explorer 228–9

Comyn, John, the Red (d.1306), joint regent of

Scotland 154

Conan, see also Cynan

Conan IV, duke of Brittany 127–8

Conn of a Hundred Battles, high king of Ireland 4

Conroy, Sir John 375

Constantine I the Great, Roman emperor 13

Constantine I of the Picts and Scots 100

Constantine II of Scotland 32, 82, 100–3

Constantine III (the Bald) of Scotland 103, 104

Constantine mac Fergus, king of the Picts and Scots 20

Constantius Chlorus, Roman emperor 13

Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1621–83), 1st earl of

Shaftesbury 321, 322

Cornwall, earls of see Gaveston, Piers; Reginald;


Courtenay, Edward (c1526–56), earl of Devon 249

Cranmer, Thomas (1489–1556), archbishop of
Canterbury 238–9, 240, 246, 249

Crichton, Sir William (d.1454), chancellor of Scotland


Crinan (c975–1045), mórmaer of Atholl 108

Crofts, James see Monmouth, James, duke of

Crofts, Sir James, conspirator 248

Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1698), Lord Protector 304,

314–15, 317, 318–19

Cromwell, Richard (1626–1712), Lord Protector


Cromwell, Thomas (c1485–1540), lord great

chamberlain 238, 239, 240, 243

Cruithne, legendary ancestor of the Picts 4

Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, duke of (1771–1851),

king of Hanover 374

Cumberland, William Augustus, duke of (1721–65)

341, 355, 356

Cunedda of Lothian/the Gododdin and North Wales

16, 20

Cunobelin of the Trinovantes and Catuvellauni 6–7

Cymbeline see Cunobelin

Cynan ab Owain of southern Gwynedd and

Meirionydd 127

Cyngen ap Cadell of Powys 80

Dafydd ab Owain of Gwynedd 95

Dafydd ap Gruffydd of Gwynedd 159, 160, 162, 168

Dafydd ap Llywelyn of Gwynedd 97, 159

Damian, John (d.1513), alchemist and physician to

James IV 284

Darnley, Henry (Stewart), Lord (1545–67), husband of

Mary Queen of Scots 253, 254, 291, 295–7, 298, 299

David (I) the Saint of Scotland 117–20, 118, 123, 154

David II of Scotland 153, 155, 156–8, 180, 182, 183–4,

263, 399

de Bohun, Mary see Mary de Bohun

de Breos, William (d.1211), marcher baron 94

de Bruce (Brus), Robert see Bruce (Brus), Robert de

de Burgh, Elizabeth see Elizabeth de Burgh

de Burgh, Hubert (d.1243), chief justiciar of England

de Clare, Richard see Fitzgilbert, Richard

de Clare, Richard (d.1136) 1st earl of Hertford 87, 92

de Clare, Roger (d.1173), 3rd earl of Hertford 92

de Kérouaille, Louise see Portsmouth, Louise

Kérouaille, duchess of

de la Pole, John (c1464–87), earl of Lincoln 230

de la Pole, Michael (c1330–89) 189, 190, 207

de la Pole, William (1396–1450), 4th earl/1st duke of

Suffolk 207

de la Zouche, William (d.1352), archbishop of York


de Lusignan, Hugh, count of La Marche 139, 142

de Mandeville, Geoffrey (d.1144), earl of Essex 77

de Montfort, Eleanor, wife of Llywelyn the Last 160,

161, 168

de Montfort, Simon (c 1208–65), earl of Leicester

146–7, 160, 166, 167

de Montacute or Montague, William, of Man 181

de Valence, Aymer (c1270–1324), earl of Pembroke

de Vere, Robert (1362–92), 9th earl of Oxford 189,


de Warenne, William, chief justiciar of England

(d.1088) 59

Dee, John (1527–1608), mathematician and astrologer


Derby, earls of see Henry of Grosmont; Stanley

des Roches, Peter (d.1238), bishop of Winchester


Despenser, Hugh le, the Elder (1262–1326), earl of

Winchester 175, 176, 177, 178

Despenser, Hugh le, the Younger (d.1326),

chamberlain to Edward II 175, 176, 177, 178

Devereux, Robert (1566–1601), 2nd earl of Essex 255,

258, 259

Devereux, Robert (1591–1646), 3rd earl of Essex 314

Diarmaid macMurchada (fl.1126–71), king of Leinster


Diocletian, Roman emperor 13

Disraeli, Benjamin (1804–81), prime minister 379

Donalbain see Donald III Bane

Donald I of the Picts and Scots 100

Donald II of the Scots 100, 101

Donald III Bane or Donalbain of the Scots 63, 114,


Donald II of the Isles 264, 269

Donald Dubh, claimant to lordship of the Isles 282

Donald mac Donald, sub-king of Strathclyde 101, 104

Donald MacWilliam (d.1187), claimant to the Scottish

throne 122, 123

Doniert, king of Cornwall 21

Douglas, Archibald (c1372–1424), 4th earl of Douglas

267, 268

Douglas, Archibald (c1390–1439), 5th earl of Douglas


Douglas, Archibald (c1449–1514), 5th earl of Angus


Douglas, Archibald (c1490–1557), 6th earl of Angus

287, 288, 289

Douglas, James (d.1491), 9th earl of Douglas 273, 274,

Douglas, James (d.1581), 4th earl of Morton 299–300

Douglas, William (c1424–40), 6th earl of Douglas 272

Douglas, William (c1425–52), 8th earl of Douglas


Douglas, William (c1552–1611), 10th earl of Angus


Drake, Francis (1540–96), admiral 257, 258

Drebbel, Cornelius (1572–1633), Dutch inventor 308

Drummond, Annabella see Annabella Drummond

Drummond, Margaret see Margaret Drummond

Drust, see also Tristan

Drust mac Ferat of the Picts 99

Dudley, Edmund (c1462–1510), statesman and lawyer


Dudley, Guilford (1536–54), husband of Lady Jane

Grey 245, 255

Dudley, John (c1502–53), earl of Warwick and duke of

Northumberland 244, 245, 246

Dudley, Robert (1532?–88), earl of Leicester 255

Dudley, Sir Henry (d.1565?), conspirator 249

Dunbar, William (c1460–c1522), scottish priest and

poet 285

Duncan I of Strathclyde and Scotland 104, 105, 106–7,

108, 111

Duncan II of Scotland 63, 113, 114

Duncan III of Scotland 154

Eadgyth (d. after 1070), wife of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn

and Harold II 47

Eadred, king of the English 32, 33

Eadulf of Bernicia 101, 105, 106

Ealhswith (d.902), queen of Alfred the Great 29, 31

Edgar the Atheling, proclaimed king of the English 50,

55, 56, 57, 58, 112–13, 114

Edgar the Peacable, king of the English 32–5

Edgar of Scotland 50, 63, 115–16

Edinburgh, Alfred, duke of (1844–1900) 380

Edinburgh, Philip, duke of see Philip Mountbatten

Edith, see also Eadgyth

Edith (c1020–75), queen, wife of Edward the

Confessor 43, 44, 46

Edith Swan-neck (fl.1040s-1060s), wife of Harold II


Edith, wife of Henry I see Matilda

Edmund I, king of the English 102

Edmund II Ironside, king of the English 39, 71

Edmund of southern Scotland 115–16

Edmund Crouchback (1245–96), earl of Lancaster


Edmund of Woodstock (1301–30), earl of Kent 181

Edward I of England 142, 147, 148, 152, 153, 154,

155, 160–1, 162, 165–73, 169, 182, 234

Edward II of England 153, 155, 170, 173–9, 181, 189,

191, 192, 210, 395

Edward III of England 142, 156, 157, 158, 173,

179–86, 181, 191, 193, 203, 211, 226, 251, 257, 394

Edward IV of England 209–10, 211–17, 218, 220, 221,

227, 228, 231, 232, 274–5, 278, 279

Edward V of England 217–19, 221–2, 227, 230

Edward VI of England 241, 242, 243–5, 246, 247, 250,

251, 292

Edward VI title assumed by Simnel, Lambert (see


Edward VII of Great Britain and Ireland 379, 384–9,

390, 392, 395, 396

Edward VIII of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

390, 395–8, 399, 402

Edward, Prince (b.1964), son of Elizabeth II 402

Edward (d.1484), son of Richard III 223

Edward Balliol of Scotland 157, 182

Edward the Black Prince (1330–76), prince of Wales

184, 185, 186, 187

Edward Bruce, king of Ireland 155

Edward the Confessor of England 43–7, 45, 52, 85,

109, 111, 112

Edward the Elder of West Saxons 31, 101

Edward the Exile (d.1057) 46–7

Edward the Martyr, king of the English 34–5, 36

Edward Plantagenet (1475–99), earl of Warwick 224,
227, 230, 232, 233

Edward of Westminster (1453–71), prince of Wales

208, 210, 220

Edwin, earl of Mercia 56, 57

Edwin of Northumbria 24–5

Edwy, king of the English 33

Egbert of West Saxons 28

Egfrith of Deira and Northumbria 26, 109

Ehrengard Melusine von Schulenburg (1667–1743),

mistress of George I 349

Einion ap Anarawd (d.1163), prince of Deheubarth 91

Eleanor of Aquitaine (c1122–1204), queen, wife of

Henry II 126, 131–2, 133, 138

Eleanor of Brittany (d.1241), countess of Richmond


Eleanor of Castile (1241–90), queen, wife of Edward I

166, 172

Eleanor de Montfort see de Montfort, Eleanor

Eleanor of Provence (c1223–91), queen, wife of Henry
III 144

Elfgiva see Elgiva

Elfrida (c945–c1002), queen of the English, wife of

Edgar 34–6

Elgiva (c963–1002), queen of the English, wife of

Athelred 35

Elgiva or Elfgiva (c996–1044), wife of Canute and

regent of Norway 38 40

Elizabeth I of England 231, 240, 241–2, 247, 248, 249,

250–60, 254, 293–7, 298, 299, 301, 303, 306, 315, 380

Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 398,

400, 401–8

Elizabeth (1596–1662), queen of Bohemia 307,

309–10, 347

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900–2002), queen, wife of

George VI 398, 399–400, 408

Elizabeth de Burgh (d.1327), wife of Robert I the

Bruce 153

Elizabeth Mure (d. pre-1355), wife of Robert II 263

Elizabeth Wydville (c1437–92), queen, wife of

Edward IV 213, 214, 217–18, 221

Elizabeth of York (1466–1503), queen, wife of Henry
VII 223, 226, 227, 231

Emma (c985–1052), queen of the English, wife of

Athelred 37, 40, 44, 52

Empson, Richard (d.1510), statesman and lawyer 235

Eochaid IV of Dál Riata 98

Erlend II, earl of Orkney 111, 116

Ermengarde (d.1234), wife of William the Lyon 121

Ernst August (1629–1698), elector of Hanover 347,


Ernst I, king of Hanover see Cumberland, duke of

Errol, earls of see Hay

Erskine, John (d.1572), earl of Mar 299, 300

Erskine, John (1675–1732), earl of Mar 339

Essex, earls of see Devereux

Euphemia Ross (c1330–87), wife of Robert II 263

Eustace (d.1093), count of Boulogne 56

Eustace (d.1153), count of Boulogne 78, 126

Fairfax, Thomas (1612–71), general, later Lord 314,

Fenwick, Sir John (c1645–97), conspirator 332

Ferdinand (d.1914), archduke of Austria 392–3

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor 255

Ferdinand II (1452–1516), king of Aragon (and

Castile) 228–9, 235

Ferdinand of Romania 380

Fergus (d.1161), lord of Galloway 122

Fergus, son of Feradach 4

Fergus Mor (the Great) of Dál Riata 98, 111

Findlaech or Finlay, mórmaer of Moray 108

Finlay see Findlaech

Fisher, John (1459–1535), bishop of Rochester 237,


Fitzalan, Richard (1346–97), earl of Arundel and

Surrey 189, 190

Fitzalan, Walter (d.1177), High Steward of Scotland,

founder of the Stewart dynasty 118, 261

Fitzgilbert, Richard (d.1090?), chief justiciar of
England 58

Fitzgilbert, Richard (Strongbow) (d.1176), earl of

Pembroke 130–1

Fitzherbert, Maria (1756–1837), wife of George,

prince of Wales 362, 365, 366–7

Fitzjames, James, duke of Berwick, illegitimate son of

James II 329

Fitzroy, Henry (1519–36), illegitimate son of Henry

VIII, duke of Richmond and Somerset 238

Fitzroy, Robert see Robert (Fitzroy), earl of Gloucester

Fleming, Robert Lord 275

Foxe, Richard (c1448–1528), bishop of Winchester

235, 249

François I of France 243, 288, 290, 378

François II of France 248, 252, 291, 293

François (d.1584), duke of Alençon 256

Franz I, duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield 375

Frederick V (1596–1632), king of Bohemia 307–8,

311, 347

Frederick (1763–1827), duke of York 371

Frederick Louis (1707–51), prince of Wales 354–5,

356, 358

Friedrich III of Prussia 380

Frobisher, Martin, naval commander 258

Gaveston, Piers (c1284–1312), earl of Cornwall 174–5,


Geoffrey (1158–86), count of Brittany, son of Henry II

128, 131, 132

Geoffrey (d.1158), count of Nantes 127

Geoffrey of Monmouth (d.1154), chronicler 17, 77

Geoffrey Plantagenet (1113–51), count of Anjou

69–70, 72, 73–4, 77, 125

George I of Great Britain and Ireland 310, 333, 337,

339, 347–52, 353, 354

George II of Great Britain and Ireland 340–1, 347,

348, 351, 352–7, 358, 366

George III of Great Britain and Ireland 355, 357–64,

359, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373

George IV of Great Britain and Ireland 362, 364,

365–70, 373, 374, 385

George V of Great Britain and (Northern) Ireland
389–95, 396, 399

George VI of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 390,

392, 398–401, 402, 403

George of Denmark (1653–1708), husband of Anne


George, king of Hanover (1819–78) 374

Gifford, Gilbert (1561–90), spy 297

Gilbert (d.1185), lord of Galloway 122

Gildas (c500–c554), British historian 16, 18

Gillecomgain, mórmaer of Moray 106, 108

Giric II of Scotland 103, 104

Gladstone, William (1809–98), prime minister 378,


Glendower, Owen see Owain Glyn Dwr

Gloucester, dukes of see Humphrey; Richard III;

Thomas of Woodstock

Godfrey, see also Godred

Godfrey (d.1213), claimant to the Scottish throne 123

Godgifu see Godiva

Godiva (fl.1040–80), wife of Leofric of Mercia 43

Godolphin, Sidney (1645–1712), lord high treasurer


Godred Crovan of Man and the Isles, and Dublin 152

Godwin (d.1053), earl of Wessex 44–7, 85, 109

Gordon, Alexander (d.1524), 3rd earl of Huntly 282

Gordon, Charles (1833–85), general 379

Gordon, George (1562–1636), 6th earl of Huntly 302

Gordon, Lord George (1751–93), agitator 361

Gothfrith of Dublin 101–2

Graham, James (1612–50), Marquess of Montrose 317

Graham, Malise (c1407–c1490), earl of Monteith and

Strathearn 269, 271

Graham, Patrick (d.1478), archbishop of St Andrews


Graham, Sir Robert, conspirator 270

Grey, Charles (1764–1845), 2nd earl Grey, prime

minister 372

Grey, Henry (1517–54), duke of Suffolk 246

Grey, Lady Jane see Jane ‘The Nine Days Queen’ of


Gruffydd ab Cynan of Meirionydd and West Gwynedd


Gruffydd ab Rhydderch of Glywysing and Deheubarth

84, 85

Gruffydd ap Cynan of Gwynedd 62, 86, 87, 94, 117

Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn, lord of Powys 160, 161

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn (d.1244), prince of Gwynedd 97

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, prince of Wales 48, 83–6

Gruffydd ap Rhys (I) of Cantref Mawr 91

Gruffydd ap Rhys (II) of Cantref Mawr 94

Gruoch, wife of Gillecomgain and Macbeth 106

Gwenwynwyn of Southern Powys 96

Gwgon of Ceredigion 80

Gwynne, Nell (1650–87), mistress of Charles II 323

Hadrian, Roman emperor 12

Hales, Robert, treasurer 188

Hamilton, James of Bothwellhaugh (d.1580?), assassin

Hamilton, James (c1477–1529), 1st earl of Arran 288

Hamilton, James (d.1575), 2nd earl of Arran, duke of

Châtelherault and Governor of Scotland 291–2, 293,
294, 295

Hamilton, James (d.1609), 3rd earl of Arran 292, 293,

294, 300

Hamilton, John (c1511–71), archbishop of St Andrews

298, 299

Handel, George Frederic (1685–1759), composer 350

Harald II, earl of Orkney 122–3

Harald III Haadraada of Norway 47, 49, 111–12

Harold I Harefoot king of the English 42, 44, 45

Harold II king of the English 44, 46, 47–50, 49, 53,

54–5, 85, 111–12

Harold Godwinson see Harold II

Hartcla, Andrew, warden of the Marches 177

Harthacanute king of the English 42–3, 45

Hastings, Lady Flora (1806–39), lady of the
bedchamber to Victoria 375

Hastings, William, Lord (c1430–83) 221

Hatton, Sir Christopher (1540–91), lord chancellor 255

Hawkins, John (1532–95), naval commander 257, 258

Hay, Francis (1564–1631), 9th earl of Errol 302

Heinrich V (1081–1125), emperor of Germany 68, 69,


Heinrich VI (1165–97), emperor of Germany 136

Hengist of Kent 17

Henri I of France 54

Henri II of France 293

Henri III of France 256

Henri IV of France 308

Henrietta Maria (1609–69), queen, wife of Charles I

309, 310–11

Henry, see also Heinrich; Henri

Henry I of England 50, 60, 65–71, 66, 86, 116, 118,


Henry II of England 78, 87, 89, 91–3, 120, 122, 124,
125–32, 126, 133, 134, 136, 138, 169, 203

Henry III of England 142–8, 145, 159, 160, 166, 194

Henry IV of England 163, 184, 189, 190, 191–2, 193,

194–201, 202, 265, 267

Henry V of England 193, 200, 201–4, 204, 205, 206,

208, 267, 364

Henry VI of England 193, 203, 204–11, 212, 213,

215–16, 227, 267, 273, 274, 275

Henry VII of England 90, 203, 219, 222, 223, 225,

226–33, 228, 234, 279, 282, 283, 284

Henry VIII of England 125, 225–6, 231, 233–43, 237,

245, 246, 250, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 298,
315, 378

Henry (IX) Stewart claimant 363

Henry of Blois, (d.1171) bishop of Winchester 71, 74,

75, 76

Henry of Grosmont (c1300–61), earl of Derby, duke of

Lancaster 183, 184

Henry (d.1152), earl of Huntingdon, son of David I

119, 120

Henry (c1281–1345), earl of Lancaster 178, 180, 181

Henry, the Young King, heir to the English throne 129,
130, 131–2, 133

Henry Frederick (1594–1612), prince of Wales 303,


Hepburn, Francis (d.1624), 5th earl of Bothwell 302

Hepburn, James (1535–78), 4th earl of Bothwell 253,

291, 295–6

Herbert, William (c1423–69), earl of Pembroke 227

Hereward the Wake, rebel 58

Hertford, earls of see Clare

Hill, Abigail see Masham

Holland, John (c1350–1400), earl of Huntingdon 195

Holland, Sir Thomas (d.1360) 187

Holland, Thomas (c1370–1400), earl of Kent 195

Holmes, Robert (1622–92), captain, later admiral 321

Home, Alexander (d.1516), 3rd Lord Home 286, 287

Honorius, Roman emperor 14

Horsa, brother of Hengist 17

Howard, Katherine see Katherine Howard

Howard, Thomas (1443–1524), earl of Surrey and 2nd
duke of Norfolk 235

Howard, Thomas (1473–1554), earl of Surrey and 3rd

duke of Norfolk 290

Howard, Thomas (1536–72), 4th duke of Norfolk 297

Humphrey (1390–1447), duke of Gloucester 206, 207,


Huntingdon, earl of see Henry (d.1152); Holland

Huntly, earls of see Gordon

Hyde, Anne see Anne Hyde

Hyde, Edward (1609–74), 1st earl of Clarendon 320–1,

326, 335

Hyde, Laurence (1641–1711), earl of Rochester, first

lord of the Treasury 321

Hywel ab Edwin of Deheubarth 84

Hywel Dda (the Good) of Deheubarth, Gwynedd and

Powys 32, 81–3

Iago ab Idwal ab Meurig of Gwynedd 84

Idwal Foel ap Anarawd of Gwynedd 81, 82, 84

Ine of West Saxons 26

Ingibiorg (d.c1069), wife of Thorfinn II of Orkney and
Malcolm III of Scotland 111

Innocent II (d.1143), pope 73

Innocent III (c1160–1216), pope 141, 228

Innocent VIII (1432–92), pope 281

Iorweth Drwyndwn ab Owain (d. c1174), lord of Arfon


Isabella of Angoulême (c1187–1246), queen, wife of

John 139, 142

Isabella of Castile 228–9

Isabella of France (c1292–1358), queen, wife of

Edward II 174, 177–8, 179, 180, 181–2

Isabella of France (1389–1409), queen, wife of

Richard II 190

Isabella of Gloucester (c1175–1217), wife of John 137,


Isabella of Mar (fl.1290s), queen,

wife of Robert I the Bruce 153, 154

Ivarr the Boneless of Jorvik and Dublin 29, 100

James I of Scotland 200, 265, 267, 268–71

James II of Scotland 270, 271–4

James III of Scotland 209, 211, 221, 229, 274–80, 281

James IV of Scotland 229, 232–3, 235–6, 262, 278,

280–6, 283

James V of Scotland 236, 242, 286–91

James VI of Scotland 254, 295, 296, 297, 298–303,


as James I of England 260, 284, 304, 305–9

James II of England and James VII of Scotland 300,

320, 322, 325–30, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 338, 349

James the Old Pretender, Stewart claimant, proclaimed

as James III of England and James VIII of Scotland
300, 328, 329, 337, 338–9, 340, 346, 347, 349–50,
351–2, 357

Jane Seymour (c1508–37), queen, wife of Henry VIII

233, 240–1, 243, 247

Jane ‘The Nine Days Queen’ of England 236, 245–6,

247, 255

Jean II of France 185

Jeffreys, Judge George (1648–89) 323, 328

Jennings, Sarah see Churchill

Joan Beaufort (d.1445), queen, wife of James I 267,
268, 270, 271

Joan (d.1237), wife of Llywelyn the Great 95

Joan of Navarre (c1370–1437), queen, wife of Henry

IV 194, 203

Joan of Woodstock, Fair Maid of Kent (1328–85), wife

of William Montague and Edward the Black Prince

Joanna (1165–99), queen of Sicily 135

Joanna (1321–62), queen, wife of David II 157

John (I), Lord of the Isles 158

John (II) Lord of the Isles 274, 277, 278, 282

John XXII (c1244–1334), pope 153, 155

John Balliol of Scotland 152, 154, 170–1

John of England 95–6, 123, 124–5, 131, 132, 133, 136,

137–42, 140, 170

John the Fearless (d.1419), duke of Burgundy 202, 206

John of France see Jean

John of Gaunt (1349–99), duke of Lancaster 165, 185,

187, 189, 191, 194, 211, 226

John of Lancaster see Bedford, John, duke of

Jordan, Dorothea see Bland, Dorothea

Julius II (1443–1513), pope 235, 285

Katherine of Aragon (1485–1536), queen, wife of

Prince Arthur and Henry VIII 228, 233, 235, 237–8,
239, 246, 247

Katherine of Braganza (1638–1705), queen, wife of

Charles II 316, 320

Katherine of France (1401–37), queen, wife of Henry

V 202, 203, 364

Katherine Howard (c1520–42), queen, wife of Henry

VIII 234, 241

Katherine Parr (c1512–48), queen, wife of Henry VIII

234, 241, 243, 247, 250

Kennedy, James (c1406–65), bishop of St Andrews

274–5, 277

Kenneth I mac Alpin of the Scots and Picts 98–100,

106, 111

Kenneth II of the Scots 103, 104

Kenneth III of the Scots 104, 106

Kent, earls of see Edmund (1301–30); Holland

Kent, Edward, duke of (1767–1820), father of Victoria


Kent, George, duke of (1902–42), son of George V


Kérouaille, Louise de see Portsmouth, duchess of

Kett, Robert (d.1549), rebel leader 244

Knox, John (1505–72), Scottish reformer 292

Knut see Canute

Lamb, William, (1779–1848), Lord Melbourne, prime

minister 375

Lancaster, earls of see Edmund; Henry; Thomas

Lanfranc (c1001–89), archbishop of Canterbury 58, 63

Langton, Stephen (d.1228), archbishop of Canterbury


Latimer, Hugh (c1485–1555), bishop of Worcester 249

Laud, William (1573–1645), archbishop of Canterbury


Leicester, earls of see Dudley

Lennox, Duncan, earl of (c1345–1425) 269

Leo X (1475–1521), pope 236

Leofgar, bishop of Hereford 85

Leofric (d.1057), earl of Mercia 84, 85

Leopold, duke of Austria 135, 136

Leopold of Saxe-Coburg (1790–1865), husband of

Princess Charlotte and first king of the Belgians 373–4,

Lightfoot, Hannah (fl.1758), alleged wife of George III


Lionel, duke of Clarence see Clarence

Livingstone, Alexander (d.c1450), Lieutenant of

Scotland 271–2, 276

Llud, semi-legendary king 5

Llywarch ap Hyfaidd of Dyfed 81

Llywelyn ap Gruffydd ap Madog, lord of Northern

Powys 161, 162

Llywelyn (II) ap Gruffydd (the Last) of Gwynedd and

Powys, prince of Wales 94, 97, 146–7, 159–63, 161,
166, 167–8

Llywelyn ap Seisyll of Gwynedd and Deheubarth 84

Llywelyn the Great of Gwynedd and Powys, prince of

Wales 90, 94, 95–7, 141

Longchamp see William of Longchamp

Louis VII of France 126, 128, 129, 131

Louis VIII of France 142, 143

Louis IX of France 144, 146, 166

Louis XI of France 213, 214, 215

Louis XII of France 236, 285, 287

Louis XIV of France 336, 339

Louis XV of France 340

Louis-Philippe of France 378

Louise of Stolberg-Gedern, Princess, wife of Bonnie

Prince Charlie 341

Lud see Llud

Ludeca of Mercia 28

Lulach of the Scots 106, 110, 111

Lusignan, Hugh de see de Lusignan, Hugh

Luther, Martin (1483–1536), religious reformer 237

Lyle, Robert (d.1497?), 2nd Lord Lyle 281

Macbeth of Moray and the Scots 42, 46, 107–10, 111

MacDonald, Alexander MacIan (d.1692), chief of the

clan MacDonald 332

MacDonald, Flora 341

MacDonald, Ramsay (1866–1937), prime minister

393, 394

MacLeod, Torquil (fl.1500), Lord of Lewis 282

Madeleine of France (1520–37), wife of James V 286,


Madog ap Llywelyn (fl.1263–95), rebel prince of

Wales 171

Madog ap Maredudd of Powys 196

Maelgwyn ap Rhys of Ceredigion 94

Maelgwyn Hir, king of Gwynedd 18–19, 80

Magnus III of Norway 116

Magnus Maximus, emperor of Western Rome 14, 17

Maitland, William (c1528–73), secretary of state 298

Malcolm I of the Scots 102

Malcolm II of Cumbria, Strathclyde and Scotland 41,

103–6, 108

Malcolm III of Cumbria, Strathclyde and Scotland 46,

57, 58, 61, 62–3, 71, 107, 108, 109, 110–14, 112

Malcolm IV the Maiden of Scotland 92, 120–1, 127

Malcolm mac Donald of Cumbria and Strathclyde 104

Maldred, regent of Strathclyde 107, 108

Malise Graham, earl of Strathearn see Graham, Malise

Mandeville, Geoffrey de see de Mandeville, Geoffrey

Mar, earls of see Erskine; Stewart

March, earls of see Mortimer

Maredudd ab Owain ab Edwin of Deheubarth 86

Maredudd ap Cynan of Meirionydd and West

Gwynedd 95

Maredudd ap Gruffydd of parts of Dyfed and Ystrad

Tywi 91

Margad Ragnallson of Dublin, Man and Galloway 42

Margaret, Princess (1930–2002), countess of Snowdon
400, 402, 405–6, 408

Margaret (d.1093), queen, wife of Malcolm III 112,

113–14, 115, 116

Margaret of Anjou (1429–82), queen, wife of Henry

VI 204, 207, 209–11, 214, 215, 275

Margaret of Burgundy (1446–1503), sister of Edward

IV 214, 232

Margaret of Denmark (1456–86), queen, wife of James

III 274, 276

Margaret Drummond (d.1375), queen, wife of David II


Margaret Drummond (d.1502), mistress (and wife?) of

James IV 280, 284

Margaret of France (c1279–1318), queen, wife of

Edward I 172

Margaret, maid of Norway, of Scotland 151, 152

Margaret Tudor, (1489–1541), queen, wife of James

IV 229, 236, 262, 280, 284, 286, 287, 288, 290, 298

Maria Henrietta, daughter of Charles I 330

Maria Sobieski of Poland (1702–35), wife of James the

Old Pretender 338, 339

Marlborough, dukes of see Churchill

Marlowe, Christopher 258

Marshal, William (d.1219), earl of Pembroke and

regent of England 97, 143

Mary I ‘Bloody Mary’ of England 226, 237, 241, 245,

246–9, 250, 251, 255, 292, 293

Mary II of England and Scotland 321, 322, 328, 330,

331, 332, 333, 334–5, 346, 349

Mary (1631–60), Princess Royal and princess of

Orange 316, 325, 326

Mary de Bohun (c1369–94), wife of Henry

Bolingbroke 194

Mary of Gueldres (1433–63), queen, wife of James II

271, 273, 274–5

Mary of Guise (1515–60), queen, wife of James V 252,

286, 290, 291, 292, 293

Mary of Modena (1658–1718), queen, wife of James II

322, 325, 326, 338

Mary Queen of Scots 242, 244, 247, 248, 252–4, 257,

291–7, 294, 298, 300, 301

Mary of Teck (1867–1953), queen, wife of George V

389, 390, 392, 394, 397, 398

Mary Tudor (1496–1533), queen of France 236, 245

Masham, Lady Abigail, née Hill (d.1734), court

favourite to Anne 337

Matilda (c1072–c1130), queen, wife of David I 118

Matilda (c1172–c1130), queen, wife of Stephen 71

Matilda (c1031–83), queen, wife of William I 52, 53,


Matilda, formerly Edith (c1080–1118), queen, wife of

Henry I 65, 66, 68, 116

Matilda, Lady of the English (1102–67) 68, 69, 70,

71–8, 87, 119–20, 125, 169, 247

Maud see Matilda

Maximian, Roman emperor 13

Maximianus see Magnus Maximus

Maximilian I (1459–1519), German emperor 229,

232–3, 236, 283

Melbourne, Lord see Lamb, William

Melville, Andrew (1545–1622),

Scottish Presbyterian reformer 302–3, 307

Merfyn Frych of Gwynedd 80

Meurig of Seisyllwg 80

Moddan (d.1040), mórmaer of Caithness 107

Monck, George (1608–70), admiral and

commander-in-chief, 1st duke of Albemarle 319

Monmouth, James duke of (1649–85), illegitimate son

of Charles II 316, 323, 327–8

Montacute or Montague, John (d.1400), earl of

Salisbury 195

Montacute or Montague, William de see de Montacute,


Montague, William, earl of Salisbury 187

Montfort, Eleanor de and Simon de see de Montfort

Montrose, marquess of see Graham

Morcar, earl of Northumbria 56, 57, 58

More, Thomas (1478–1535), lord chancellor 237, 239

Mortimer, Edmund (1376–1409), rebel 198, 199, 200,


Mortimer, Edmund (1391–1425), 5th earl of March

191, 195

Mortimer, Roger (c1287–1330), 1st earl of March
176–7, 178–9, 180, 181–2

Mortimer, Roger (1327–60), 2nd earl of March 185

Morton, earls of see Douglas

Mountbatten, Louis, 1st earl (1900–79) 402, 408

Mountbatten, Philip see Philip Mountbatten

Mountjoy, Lord see Blount, Charles

Mowbray, Thomas (1366–99), earl of Nottingham and

1st duke of Norfolk 189, 190

Mowbray, Thomas (1386–1405), Earl Marshal 199

Myllar, Andrew (fl.1507), Scottish bookseller and

printer 285

Nash, John (1752–1835), architect 368

Nelson, Horatio (1758–1805), vice-admiral 362, 371

Nero, Roman emperor 11

Neville, Anne see Anne Neville

Neville, John (c1431–71), earl of Northumberland 212,


Neville, Richard (1400–60), earl of Salisbury 209

Neville, Richard, ‘King-maker’ (1428–71), earl of
Warwick and Salisbury 209, 210, 211, 212–13,
214–15, 220

Nicholas II (1868–1918), tsar of Russia 380, 393

Nigel (d.1169), bishop of Ely 74, 75

Norfolk, earls and dukes of see Bigod; Howard;


North, Frederick, Lord (1732–92), prime minister 359,

360, 361

Northumberland, earls and dukes of see Dudley;

Mowbray; Neville; Percy; Siward

Oates, Titus (1649–1705), fabricator of the Popish Plot

320, 322

O’Connor, Rory see Rory O’Connor

Odo (c1030–97), bishop of Bayeux and earl of Kent 61

Offa of Mercia 26–7

Olaf Gothfrithson of Dublin 32, 102

Olaf of Scotland 103

Olaf Sitricson Cuarán of York and Dublin 102

Olaf the White of Dublin and overlord of the Picts 29,

Old Pretender, The see James the Old Pretender

O’Neill, Hugh (c1550–1616), earl of Tyrone 258–9

Ormsby, William (d.1317), justiciar 172

Oswy of Northumbria 25

Overbury, Sir Thomas (1581–1613) 308

Owain ap Dafydd 96

Owain ap Thomas ap Rhodri (1330–78), Welsh

claimant 162, 196

Owain Cyfeiliog of Southern Powys 87

Owain Glyn Dwr or Glendower, prince of Wales 163,

193, 196–9, 197, 201, 400

Owain Goch ap Gruffydd of Gwynedd 159, 161

Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd of Gwynedd 86–90, 88,

91, 92, 94, 159, 196

Owain of Rheged 24

Owen of Strathclyde 103, 104, 105

Oxford, earls of see de Vere

Palmerston, Lord see Temple, Henry

Parker-Bowles, Camilla (b.1947) 386

Parr, Katherine see Katherine Parr

Paul I, earl of Orkney 111, 116

Paul III (1468–1549), pope 239

Peel, Robert (1788–1850), prime minister 375, 377,


Pelham, Henry (1695–1754), prime minister 356

Pembroke, earls of see Clare; Herbert; Marshal; Tudor;


Penda of Mercia 25

Perceval, Spencer (1762–1812), prime minister 362

Percy, Henry (1342–1408), earl of Northumberland,

king of Man 198, 199, 265

Percy, Henry ‘Hotspur’ (1364–1403) 199, 201, 263

Percy, Henry (1421–61), 3rd earl of Northumberland


Percy, Thomas (c1343–1403), earl of Worcester 199

Perrers, Alice (c1348–1400), mistress of Edward III

Peter I the Great, tsar of Russia 350

Philip II (1527–98), king of Spain and husband of

Mary I 248, 249, 255, 256–8

Philip V of Spain 339

Philip the Good (1396–1467), duke of Burgundy 206

Philip Mountbatten, Prince (b.1921), duke of

Edinburgh and husband of Elizabeth II 401, 402, 404,

Philippa of Hainault (1311–69), queen, wife of Edward

III 180, 183, 185–6

Philippe I of France 54

Philippe II of France 131, 132, 133, 135, 137, 138,

139, 141, 142

Philippe III of France 167

Philippe IV of France 171, 181

Philippe VI of France 157, 183, 185

Pitt, William, the elder (1708–78), prime minister 356,


Pitt, William, the younger (1759–1806), prime minister

Pole, John, Michael and William de la see de la Pole

Pole, Reginald (1500–58), archbishop of Canterbury


Portsmouth, Louise Kérouaille, duchess of

(1649–1743), mistress of Charles II 323

Prasutagus of the Iceni 10

Princes in the Tower see Edward V; Richard


Pym, John (1584–1643), statesman 313

Ragnald I of Man and the Isles 136

Ragnall or Ragnald I of York and Man 101

Ralegh or Raleigh, Walter (1552–1618), military and

naval commander 256, 258, 308

Ramsay, Sir John (d.1513), Lord Bothwell 281

Ranulf (d.1153), earl of Chester 74, 75–6

Redwald of East Angles 24

Reginald (c1110–75), earl of Cornwall 75, 92

Reynold see Ragnald; Ragnall

Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn of Powys and Gwynedd 86

Rhodri ab Owain of Gwynedd 95

Rhodri ap Gruffydd (d.1315), former Welsh prince 162

Rhodri ap Hyfaidd of Dyfed 81

Rhodri Mawr (the Great) of Gwyned, Powys and

Seisllwg 80–1, 84

Rhun Hir of Gwynedd 80

Rhun, prince of Strathclyde 100

Rhydderch ap Iestyn of Glywysing and Deheubarth 42

Rhys ap Gruffydd (The Lord Rhys) of Deheubarth 89,

90, 91–4, 92, 177, 178, 196, 226

Rhys Gryg ap Rhys, lord of Cantref Mawr 94

Rich, Edmund (1170?–1240), archbishop of

Canterbury 144

Richard I the Lionheart of England 93, 123, 124, 131,

132–7, 134, 138

Richard II of England 186–92, 188, 194–5, 202, 207,

208, 210, 263

Richard III Crookback of England 216, 218, 219–24,
225, 227, 228, 230, 232, 279

Richard IV title assumed by Warbeck, Perkin (see


Richard of Cornwall (1209–72), son of John 147

Richard Plantagenet (1411–60), duke of York 208,

209, 211, 220

Richard Plantagenet (1473–83), duke of York, one of

the princes in the Tower 217, 218–19, 221–2, 227,
230, 232

Richmond, earls of see Tudor

Ridley, Nicholas (c1500–55), bishop of London 249

Ridolfi, Roberto di (1531–1612), financier and

conspirator 297

Rivers, Earl see Wydville

Rizzio, David (1533?–66), secretary to Mary Queen of

Scots 253, 295

Robert I duke of Normandy 52

Robert II, duke of Normandy 60, 61, 64, 66–7, 113

Robert I the Bruce of Scotland 118, 153–6, 170, 172,

175–6, 180, 261

Robert II of Scotland 155, 157, 158, 261, 262, 263–4,
264, 266, 269, 272

Robert III of Scotland 264–5, 266

Robert (Fitzroy) (c1090–1147), earl of Gloucester 69,


Robinson, Mary ‘Perdita’ (1758–1800), mistress of

George, prince of Wales 366

Robsart, Amy 255

Roches, Peter des see des Roches, Peter

Roger (d.1139), justiciar and bishop of Salisbury 68,


Roland (d.1200), lord of Galloway 122

Ronald see Ragnald; Ragnall

Rooke, Sir George, admiral 337

Rory O’Connor, high king of Ireland 124

Ross, Euphemia see Euphemia Ross

Rothesay, David Stewart, duke of see Stewart, David

Russell, John, Lord (c1486–1565), later 1st earl of

Bedford 244

Russell, William, Lord (1639–83), privy councillor and
conspirator 322

Ruthven, Alexander (1580–1600), master of Ruthven


Ruthven, John (1578–1600), 3rd earl of Gowrie 303

Ruthven, William (c1541–84), 1st earl of Gowrie 300

St Clair, Henry, earl of Orkney 265

St Clair, William, earl of Orkney 276

Salisbury, earls of see Cecil; Montacute; Neville

Scheves, William (d.1497), archbishop of St Andrews


Scott, James see Monmouth, James, duke of

Scrope, Richard (c1350–1405), archbishop of York

199, 200

Scrope, William le, of Man 190

Seaxburh of West Saxons 26

Segrave, Stephen (d.1241), chief justiciar of England


Selyf ap Cynan of Powys 24

Septimius Severus see Severus, Septimius

Severus, Septimius, Roman emperor 12, 13

Seymour, Edward (c1506–52), duke of Somerset

243–4, 292

Seymour, Jane see Jane Seymour

Seymour, Thomas (c1508–49), lord high admiral 244

Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), poet and dramatist


Shrewsbury, earls of see Talbot

Sidmouth, Lord see Addington, Henry

Sidney, Algernon (1622–83), republican 322, 323

Sidney, Philip 258

Sigurd II the Stout, earl of Orkney 104–5

Simnel, Lambert (1475–1525), pretender to the throne

of England as Edward VI 219, 227, 229–30, 232

Simon de Montfort see de Montfort, Simon

Simon of Sudbury (d.1381), archbishop of Canterbury


Simpson, Mrs Wallis (1896–1986), wife of Edward,
duke of Windsor 395, 396–8, 399

Sinclair see St Clair

Sitric of Dublin and York 31, 86

Siward (d.1055), earl of Northumbria 109

Somerled of the Isles 119, 121

Somerset, earls or dukes of see Beaufort; Carr;


Sophia (1630–1714), electress of Hanover 337, 346–7

Sophia Charlotte (1675–1725), half-sister of George I


Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg see Charlotte

Sophia Dorothea (1666–1726), wife of George I 347,


Sophia Dorothea (1687–1740), sister of George II 348

Spencer, Charles (1674–1722), 3rd earl of Sunderland,

first lord of the treasury 351

Spencer, Diana, Lady (1961–97), princess of Wales

406, 408

Spenser, Edmund 258

Stafford, Henry (d.1483), duke of Buckingham 222

Stanhope, James, 1st earl (1673–1721), first lord of the

treasury 351

Stanley, Ferdinando lord of Man and 5th earl of Derby


Stephen of England 61, 70, 71–8, 87, 119–20, 126, 169

Stewart, see also Stuart

Stewart, Alexander, ‘Wolf of Badenoch’

(1343?–1406?), earl of Buchan 264–5, 267

Stewart, Alexander (d.1425), son of Murdoch 269

Stewart, Alexander (c1375–1435), earl of Mar 267

Stewart, Alexander (1454–85), 3rd duke of Albany,

earl of Mar and March, self-styled Alexander IV 276,

Stewart, Alexander (d.1513), son of James IV 286

Stewart, Alexander (b.1514), posthumous son of James

IV 287

Stewart, David (1378–1402), duke of Rothesay,

Lieutenant of Scotland 265, 266

Stewart, Henry (1545–67) see Darnley

Stewart, James (d. c1448), the Black Knight of Lorne

Stewart, James (d. c1451), son of Murdoch 269

Stewart, James (d.1498/9?), earl of Buchan 281

Stewart, James (c1531–70), earl of Moray and Mar

293, 294, 295, 298–9

Stewart, James (d.1595), earl of Arran 300

Stewart, John (c1456/7–80?), earl of Mar 278

Stewart, John (d.1495), earl of Lennox 281

Stewart, John (1484?–1536), 4th duke of Albany 287,

288, 289

Stewart, Matthew (1516–71), 4th earl of Lennox 299

Stewart, Murdoch (c1362–1425), 2nd duke of Albany

266, 268, 269

Stewart, Patrick (1568?–1615), 2nd earl of Orkney 307

Stewart, Robert (c1340–1420), 1st duke of Albany,

Governor of Scotland 264, 265, 266–7

Stewart, Walter (d.1425), son of Murdoch 268, 269

Stewart, Walter (d.1437), earl of Atholl, Caithness and

Strathearn 269, 271

Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury 56

Stillington, Robert (d.1491), bishop of Bath and Wells


Strafford, earl of see Wentworth

Strathearn, earls of see Graham; Stewart

Strongbow, Richard see Fitzgilbert, Richard


Stuart, see also Stewart

Stuart, Charles Edward see Charles (III), Bonnie

Prince Charlie

Stuart, Esmé (c1542–83), duke of Lennox 299–300

Stuart, Henry Benedict see Henry (IX)

Stuart, James Francis Edward see James the Old


Stuart, John (1713–92), earl of Bute, prime minister


Suffolk, earls and dukes of see Brandon; Grey;

Howard; Pole

Swein (d.1052), brother of Harold II 85

Swein II of Denmark 57, 113

Swein, Sweyn or Sven Forkbeard of Denmark and
England 38, 39

Sweyn see Swein

Swynford, Katherine, mistress of John of Gaunt 226

Talbot, John (c1384–1453), 1st earl of Shrewsbury 206

Tancred of Sicily 135

Temple, Henry (1784–1865), Viscount Palmerston,

prime minister 378

Theobald of Bec (d.1161), archbishop of Canterbury

74, 78, 128

Theobald IV (d.1152) count of Blois 71

Thomas (c1278–1322), earl of Lancaster 174–5, 176,

177, 178

Thomas of Woodstock (1355–97), duke of Gloucester

189, 190, 194

Thorfinn II the Mighty, earl of Orkney 42, 105, 106–7,

108, 109, 111

Thurstan (d.1140), archbishop of York 119

Tirel, Walter, possible regicide (fl.1100) 64–5

Tostig (d.1066), brother of Harold II 47, 48–9, 86, 112

Trajan, Roman emperor 12

Tristan of Cornwall or Dumnonia 21

Tudor, Edmund (c1430–56), earl of Richmond 203,


Tudor, Henry see Henry VII

Tudor, Jasper (c1431–95), earl of Pembroke 227, 228

Tudor, Owain (c1400–61), court official and

grandfather of Henry VII 203

Tyler, Wat (d.1381), leader of the Peasants’ Revolt


Tyrell, Anthony (1552–1610?), spy 297

Tyrell, James (d.1502), chamberlain of exchequer and

supposed regicide 219

Tyrrell, Walter see Tirel, Walter

Urban II (c1035–99), pope 63

Valence, Aymer de see de Valence, Aymer

Vere, Robert de see de Vere, Robert

Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland 345, 346, 364,

370, 372, 373–80, 376, 384, 385, 387, 392, 395, 396,
402, 405

Victoria of Saxe-Coburg (1786–1861), mother of
Victoria 372, 373, 375

Villiers, Elizabeth (c1657–1733), mistress of William

III 333

Villiers, George (1592–1628), duke of Buckingham

308–9, 310, 311

Vortigern, high king of Britain 16–17

Waldmoden, Amalia von (1704–65), mistress of

George II 355

Walkinshaw, Clementina, mistress of Bonnie Prince

Charlie 341

Wallace, William, Guardian of Scotland 153, 154, 172

Walpole, Robert (1676–1745), prime minister 349,

350–1, 352, 355, 356

Walter, Hubert (d.1205), archbishop of Canterbury 136

Walter, Lucy (c1630–58), mistress of Charles II 316

Walworth, William, Lord Mayor of London 188

Warbeck, Perkin (1474–99), pretender to the throne of

England as Richard IV 219, 227, 229, 230, 232–3, 283

Warenne, William de see de Warenne, William

Warham, William (c1450–1532), archbishop of
Canterbury 235

Warwick, earls of see Beauchamp;

Dudley; Edward Plantagenet; Neville

Wellesley, Arthur (1769–1852), duke of Wellington

362, 370

Wellington, duke of see Wellesley, Arthur

Wentworth, Thomas (1593–1641), 1st earl of Strafford


Wilberforce, William (1759–1833), emancipator 362

Wilhelm II (1859–1941), German kaiser 380, 392, 393

Wilkes, John (statesman) 359–60

William I the Conqueror of England 46, 48, 49–50,

52–60, 54, 112–13, 114, 153

William II Rufus of England 60, 61–5, 64, 67, 114,

115, 116

William III of England and (as William II) of Scotland

322, 328–9, 330–5, 336, 346, 349

William IV of Great Britain and Ireland 370–2, 374,


William II (1626–50), prince of Orange 316, 330

William III, duke of Normandy 68, 69

William Clito (1101–28), count of Flanders 68, 69

William de Montacute see de Montacute, William

William of Longchamp (d.1197), bishop of Ely,

chancellor of England 138

William the Lyon of Scotland 121–3, 131, 134, 151

William Wallace see Wallace, William

William of Ypres (d.c1165), supporter of Stephen 76

Wolsey, Thomas (c1471–1530), archbishop of York,

lord chancellor 235, 236, 238, 243

Wood, Sir Andrew (d.1515), naval commander 282

Woodville see Wydville

Worcester, earls of see Percy

Wulfhere of Mercia 25

Wyatt, Sir Thomas (c1521–54), knight and conspirator

246, 248

Wycliffe, John, religious reformer 188

Wydville, Anthony (c1440–83), 2nd Earl Rivers 216,

218, 221

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Wydville, Elizabeth see Elizabeth Wydville

Wydville, Richard (d.1469), 1st Earl Rivers 213

Young Pretender, The see Charles (III)

Zouche, William de la see de la Zouche, William


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