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Release from Imprisonment Removing Grief Repayments of Debts Ringworm Safety Against Burglary, Break-ins and Fire Safety in Journey Security Against All Harms Snakebite and Scorpion Sting Sore Throat and Hoarseness Stomach-ache Strengthening the Eyesight Sweetness of Fruits To Drive Out Ants From the House To Drive Out Mosquitoes, Fleas Etc. Toothache Urinary Tract Obstruction Urine Problems Weakness of Memory When Somebody Got Terrified When Fearing An Attack From An Animal When Something is Lost or Misplaced vi 78 1 A PLEASANT STAY ey AT ONE'S DESTINATION 82 | 83 Recite this verse on entering any town, 84 city or village. 85 86 gh, 12% 5 87 “ I< I Paheel wt sf 2 Ch 15h C5053 2 89 x 9? 997% S24 90 oe a eg rll AS CS) 92 3 94 Rabbi anzilnee mun zalammubaarakanw 95 wa anta khayrul munzileena. 96 O my Lord! cause me to disembark a blessed alighting, and You are the best to cause to alight. (Al-Mu'minum : 29) Zz ACQUIRING CHILDREN - Recite excessively: e OLGA as Rabbi hab lee mil |a-dunka thur-riy- yatan tayyibah. Innaka samee- ‘ud du'aa’. My Lord! grant me from Thee good offspring; surely Thou art the Hearer of prayer. (Ale-Imran : 38) AILMENT OF THE HEART \ Recite Surah A-Inshirah and blow on the patient. AES SOMA EE FET ST (aay. SIE GELS SB. OO ah gs G a. ¢ OnE Bort SEES LYS nashrah laka sadraka Wawada-'na a'nka wizra hee anqada thahraka Warafa-'na laka thikrak Fa inna ma’al “usri yusran Inna ma‘al “sri yusran Faitha faraghta fan sab Wa ila rabbika farghab. Have We not expanded for you your breast, And taken off from you your burden, Which pressed ily upon your back, And exalted for you your rely with difficulty is case. With difficulty cly ease. So when you are free, nominate wd make your Lord your exclusive object. (AFInshirah) FROM yaes ANY SICKNESS Read and blow on the patient. ASSURED ACCEPTANCE OF DU'AAS Say thrice before making any du'aa. se eae Wa nunaz-zilu minal qur’aani maa huwa shifaa-un wa rahmatul lil mu'mineen aa-ha il-laa an-ta sub-haa-na-ka in-nee kun-tu mi-nazh zhaa-limeen. And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers. is no god but Thou, glory be to 1am of those who make themselves to suffer loss. (A-Anbiya : 87) 1 (Abisra : 82) Se

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