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Privacy Activity

Data is everywhere. You are ‘giving off data’ and providing data to others all the me. Some mes this
data can be directly linked to you as an individual; some mes not.

Read the scenario assigned to you (these are based on real stories):

A. A boss sees an employee who called in “sick” in a picture that someone posted on Facebook.
In this picture the employee is a ending a sport event on the “sick” day. The boss fires the
B. A company who has contracts with the Federal Government doesn’t want to hire a person
because a Facebook friend leaves lots of enthusias c “legalize marijuana” pos ngs on his wall.
C. A teacher is fired because there’s a picture of this teacher holding alcoholic drinks on her
Facebook page.
D. Someone’s Ne lix rental history is being used as evidence in a murder case because this
person rented a lot of horror/gory movies.
E. An 18-year-old boy is charged with distribu ng child pornography when he uses his cell phone
to send naked images of his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend to his friends.

Please answer the following ques ons in a Google Doc. Be prepared to share your answers with the

1. Gelsey Guijosa, Tania Rodriguez, Jafeth Lobo.

2. We got Scenario D
3. In your scenario, did the people have the right to use the informa on they did or should it have
been private? Why?
They have the right to check the history but is not right that they are accusing that person
because of a murder.
4. Are the people who were affected by the use of this informa on at fault? Why?
They are affected because they are accusing him/her that did a murder.
5. Give example in your life of something unexpected happening because of informa on shared at
sites such as Facebook, Twi er, MySpace, blogs
Something that happen to us is when we post something and we don’t know if it is going to go
6. Think about what data you’ve made available in different places/spaces such as Facebook,
Twi er, tex ng, Ne lix, email, etc. What might other people think about who you are based on
this data? Is it accurate impression of who you are?
So if we post bad things in our social media people are going to think that we are violent, if we
post sad things then other people are going to think that we are depressed or we are really
boring people. They start assuming.
7. Consider each of the following broad categories of societal change. Discuss whether availability
of data has had a posi ve or nega ve impact on each aspect of society and, if nega ve, how
these consequences can be minimized
a. Privacy: Posi ve and nega ve, Posi ve because if something happens you need to check
someone privacy to get evidence, nega ve because it’s really rude someone's privacy.

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