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QOOL Requirements for new Residents

Referring patient: First ‘search’ the patients details, if there is a profile already created then refer that profile to the MDT
meeting and update there profile. If not then you will need to create a profile (Add new) and refer it to the MDT

Updating/Entering the QOOL profile: Enter patients details under the demographics tab (Name, UR, DOB etc.)

Click on Clinical Data tab (left hand side) fill in as much information as possible. The
minimum data required in this section is the right hand side – Menopausal status,
Comorbidities, ECOG status and ADL’s (these sections must be entered). Please note
this does not mean that the other section aren’t important as they should also be

Diagnosis and staging – Enter in a brief dot point style patient history under the
clinical notes section (bottom left hand side of the page)

EG: Age and menopausal status

Detection method (BSQ, self detected etc) and symptoms
Previous medical history/ surgical history
Family history
Date then imaging performed (please enter all recent/relevant imaging)
Date then biopsy performed
Date and surgery performed

Please note: The more information you provide the better as this information is projected at the MDT meeting and also
gets generated onto the MDT summary letters.

Any issues feel free to contact Kristy or myself.

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