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Miners Guild

Points: Personality: 192 (48%) Warrior: 208 (52%) Total: 400

Handgunner Bagpiper
Points 34 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Points 40 Quality 3+ Combat 4
Trait: Handgun (W), Trait: Difficult Target,
Traits Traits
Short Move Music, Short Move

Warrior w/hammer and shield Young Bear

Points 46 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Points 40 Quality 3+ Combat 4
Trait: Block, Traits Trait: Animal, Big
Traits Hammering Blow (W),
Short Move

Ruill the Beardless - Personality Green Axeman w/shield

Points 114 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Points 24 Quality 4+ Combat 3
Trait: Double Strike (P,W), Traits Trait: Block, Short Move
Expert Parry (P), Hero (P),
Lucky (P),
Shieldbreaker (W), Unique

Miner Officer - Personality Green Axeman w/shield

Points 78 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Points 24 Quality 4+ Combat 3
Trait: Expert Parry (P), Traits Trait: Block, Short Move
Leader (L,P),
Piercing Weapon (W),
Short Move

Animal - ASBOH; Big - ASBOH; Block - ASBOH; Difficult Target - ASBOH; Double Strike (P,W) -
ASBOH; Expert Parry (P) - ASBOH; Hammering Blow (W) - ASBOH; Handgun (W) - HAF; Hero (P) -
ASBOH; Leader (L,P) - ASBOH; Lucky (P) - ASBOH; Music - ASBOH; Piercing Weapon (W) - ASBOH;
Shieldbreaker (W) - ASBOH; Short Move - ASBOH; Unique - ASBOH;

User - User Created; ASBOH - Advanced Song of Blades & Heroes; FF - Fightin Fungi; AAB - Axe &
Brimstone; HAF - Hammer & Forge; Future - future supplements; NBGA - Norindaal Bestiary: Giant

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