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Iratze Rico

English 3P, period 0

22 January, 2019

Collection 3 LRA

In the poem, “Because I could not stop for death” by Emily Dickinson is

about death coming at unexpected times and at its own time. Emily Dickinson uses

figurative language in their poem in order to convey a central idea about life by

using death and immortality. She states ¨Because I could not stop for death, He

kindly stopped for me…” (Dickinson l.1-2). She is trying to tell the readers that she

is not afraid of death to when the time comes. It matters because she knows that

eventually the time will come so at the moment she is going to continue living her

life. I think the theme is to keep living your like and to make the best of it.

Anything could happen at any moment.

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