English Grammar: Grammarlevel-1

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English Grammar Pr act ic e 5
[ Circle the best possible answer for each question ] Si mp le P re se nt Te n se

1.Jenny ____________ her school uniform every evening.

A wash B washing C washes
2.Sam ____________ to school every
A walking B walks C walk
3.Every morning, my brother ________ up at 7 o’clock.
A wake B wakes C waking
4.My father ___________ at the post
A work B working C works
5.The sun ___________ in the
A rises B rise C rising
6.John _________ carrot juice after every
A drink B drinking C drinks
7.My parents _________ to go shopping during the weekends.
A likes B like C liking
8. Teenagers nowadays like to play__________ in schools.
A truants B truancy C truant
9.Henry _______ his teeth after every
A brushes B brushing C brush
10.Donny __________ just across the
A live B living C lives
11.We must _______ up before buying our food at the canteen.
A queue B queues C queuing
12.Leonard ________ to Cambodia every year on business trip.
A goes B go C going
13. Some people _________ biofuel to run their cars..
A uses B use C using
14.Harold __________to go to his grandfather’s house.
A want B wanting C wants
15.Susie __________ late every night since her parents divorce.
A sleeps B sleeping C sleep
16.Mr. Smith ________ some very unique and beautiful portraits.
A paint B paints C painting
17.My neighbor _________ me with my gardening.
A help B helping C helps
© 2011-2013 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com
Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel
18. Bablo _________ next to Bubly in class.
A sit B sits C sitting
19. Jonny __________ his mother to sweep the floor everyday.
A help B helping C helps
20.Lions __________ other animals which live in the jungle.
A eat B eating C eats
21.Hannah’s class teacher ____________ a SUV to school.
A drive B drives C driving
22.It __________ an adventurous man to climb Mount Kinabalu.
A takes B take C taking
23 My mother __________ dinner for us every
. night.
A cooks B cook C g
24 A hunter ___________ animals in the
. jungle.
A hunt B hunting C hunts
25 Children like to ___________ rather than to
. study.
A plays B play C playing
26.My uncle __________ around the park every
A jogging B jog C jogs
27.Every Saturday, James _________ to
A goes B go C going
28.We must __________ our teeth before going
to bed.
A brush B brushes C g
29.Mr. Anand _______ us how to write a proper English essay.
A teach B teaches C ng
30.I __________ the keys in the
A put B puts C g
31.The rowdy boys __________ the poor old
A beats B beating C beat
32.Bandy likes to ___________ story
A reads B read C g
33.Good samaritans __________ free food to the orphanage everyday.
A donates B donating C donate
34.Malcom ___________ with his aunt when he visits Europe.
A stay B stays C staying
35. My neighbor’s dogs __________ when they see a stranger.
A bark B barks C barking
36.Elephants usually __________ in groups to search for water.
A travels B travelling C travel

© 2011-2013 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com
Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel
37.Heavy downpours _________ flash floods around Malaysia.
A causes B cause C causing
. Floods ___________ hundreds of houses in Riau.
submerg submerg
A es B e C submerging
39 The council workers _________ the tall grass near my house
. every month.
A cuts B cutting C cut
40.A snake __________ on its
A crawls B crawl C crawling
41.Tim’s dog always ________ the cats which look for food behind his house.
A chase B chases C chasing
42.My mother ___________ the flowers in her garden everyday.
A water B watering C waters
43. Lopez only _______ oats for breakfast.
A eats B eating C eat
44.Ginny and Minny ___________ their birthdays every year.
A celebrates B celebrate C celebrating
45.Cindy _______ about her activities everyday on
the internet.
A blog B blogging C blogs 46. Drug
dealers __________ their drugs by using mules.
A smuggle B smuggles C smuggling
47. The police __________ my residential area every one hour.
48.Exercise __________ our body healthy and fit.
A keep B keeping C keeps
49.Mrs. Carlson’s daughter _________ singing everyday to perfect her pitch.
A practice B practices C practicing
50.An active volcano ____________ out hot lava when it
A spew B spewing C spews
© 2011-2013 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com
Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel
Answers For Unit Practice 5 – Present Simple

1 C 11 A 21 B 31 C 41 B
2 B 12 A 22 A 32 B 42 C
3 B 13 B 23 A 33 C 43 A
4 C 14 C 24 C 34 B 44 B
5 A 15 A 25 B 35 A 45 C
6 C 16 B 26 C 36 C 46 A
7 B 17 C 27 A 37 B 47 B
8 C 18 B 28 A 38 B 48 C
9 A 19 C 29 B 39 C 49 B
10 C 20 A 30 A 40 A 50 C

© 2011-2013 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com
Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel

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