Fdu 2

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FDU 2.0

Anna Neves Parreiras

Jaspinder Singh

Kelli Chocair Kanashiro

Pavan Kumar Vadlamani

Rambhupal Reddy Janga

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Vancouver

MADS-6612: Seminar Strategic Management

Professor: Dr. Bahareh Assadi

September 15, 2018


Relocating FDU Vancouver Campus to Downtown Eastside

Executive Summary

Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) founded in 1942, in the State of New Jersey,

USA, currently operates multiple campuses across USA, England and Canada. FDU’s

Vancouver campus opened its doors in 2007 and offers administrative sciences program in

various majors with intercultural and ethical understandings necessary to participate, lead and

prosper in the global marketplace of ideas, commerce and culture. Since 2007, FDU-

Vancouver has experienced a steady growth in its enrollment figures. It currently has 700

students enrolled in Global Health, Computer Security and Human Resources Administration


FDU’s updated business growth plan includes a Vision to offer new programs of

study as well as to increase the student enrollment from current 700 to 1500 students. To

bring about the changes, it is necessary for FDU-Vancouver to increase classroom space,

update infrastructure, hire new faculty, all of which can not be accommodated at the current

campus. Hence, FDU’s Management team has decided to move the campus to a new location

by Summer-2019.

This paper presents an operational plan for the said relocation efforts of the FDU

Vancouver Campus to its new location in the Downtown Eastside neighbourhood. In order to

develop an effective operational plan for relocating the campus, it is necessary to study and

analyze, the means, mode and method of relocation taking into consideration the interests of

all stakeholders, assessment of infrastructure & campus security, budget, and related

activities. As a first step towards this planning efforts, a SWOT analysis is performed to

document in detail, all benefits and risks associated with the move as well as to ensure that

such a move would only further the Mission and Vision of FDU into the present digital age.

This operational plan is divided into the following sections:


 Section 1 – Stakeholders Analysis

 Section 2 – Mission and Vision

 Section 3 – SWOT Analysis

 Section 4 – Challenges and Issues

 Section 5 – Operational Plan

Finally, we believe that this operational plan will enable FDU Vancouver to begin its

operations without any disruptions on the new campus, soon after the summer break of 2019.

We anticipate that these efforts to relocate could be completed by March 2019 and the new

campus could be operational by Summer-2019.

Section 1 – Stakeholders Analysis

The FDU’s Executive team performed a stakeholder analysis in which those

individuals or groups that are affected by or affect the university were identified. These

stakeholders are categorized into external, internal, direct, indirect, local and international.

The primary stakeholder groups identified by the Executive team include:

 Current Students / Prospective Students (Direct, Internal, Local and International)

 FDU Executive Management (Direct and Internal)

 FDU Faculty (Direct and Internal)

 FDU Administrative Staff/Team (Direct and Internal)

 Government and Local Authorities (Indirect and External)

 Local Communities (Indirect and External)

 Parents/Families of Students (Direct and External)

 Service Providers/Suppliers (Direct and External)


Section 2 – Mission and Vision

In 2000, the Board of Trustees adopted a focused mission for all FDU campuses - that

FDU’s programs’ goal is to prepare students for world citizenship through global education,

upon successful completion of the respective programs.

The questions that have to be addressed in order to develop the operational plan are:

 Does the current location and its facilities continue to support and promote FDU's


 Does the new Campus meet all the criteria that would help achieve and sustain FDU’s


Section 3 – SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis will support the Executive Team by giving the overall view of this

operation and its impact. It will also facilitate the process of planning and actions in

successful accomplishment of this operation. By performing the risk analysis, the business

risks can be anticipated in advance to avoid the delays and budget shortfalls.

Strengths: Diversity/Destination/Faculty/Flexible Schedule

Weakness: Economy/Career Prospects

Opportunities: Growth

Threats: Image

Section 4 – Challenges and Issues

This relocation operation is challenging due to the centralized authority of FDU's NJ

campus. Additional issues should be addressed during the planning phase, however many of

these issues will be highlighted after the SWOT analysis is completed.


Section 5 – Operational Plan

This operational plan aims to serve as a guide to relocate FDU to a new campus by

meeting the expectations of the stakeholders and operational requirements with in the

allocated budget and timeline.


Operational Plan to Relocating FDU Vancouver Campus to Downtown Eastside

Section 1 – Stakeholders Analysis

The FDU’s Executive team performed a stakeholder analysis in which those

individuals or groups that are affected by or affect the university were identified. These

stakeholders are categorized into external, internal, direct, indirect, local and international.

The results of stakeholder’s analysis are based on maintenance of interests and

considerations of each party, regarding the relocation of the University and its effects.

Complementary analysis can be found in the SWOT analysis section.

 Current Students / Prospective Students (Direct, Internal, Local and International) and

Parents/Families of Students (Direct and External) expect that new campus offers safe

and suitable facilities to improve scholastic, private, and co-curricular experiences.

Besides, it should be well located nearby restaurants, coffee-shops, and public


 FDU Executive Management (Direct and Internal) expects that new campus and its

facilities accommodate with safety and functionality additional fifteen classes, student

labs and lounge, new faculty and staff offices. The relocation has to be as smooth as

possible promoting minimal impact on University activities, avoiding delays and extra


 FDU Faculty (Direct and Internal) and FDU Administrative Staff/Team (Direct and

Internal) expect working spaces with an accentuation on enhancing on-grounds

network spaces that empower workforce, and staff connection.

 Government and Local Authorities (Indirect and External) expectations are that new

campus promotes a healthy a safe environment for students, workforce, and

community respecting the law and applicable regulations.


 Local Communities (Indirect and External) expects that the new campus ensures the

safety of the community, bringing selected and qualified public to the region. It means

a positive interference with the surrounding environment, ensuring peace and order,

reinforcing compliance with the law in the sense of not encouraging consumption of

drugs, cigarettes, and alcoholic beverages.

 Service Providers/Suppliers (Direct and External) expect the new campus to provide

easy access and adequate working hours for loading and unloading equipment, order

delivery, office supplies, etc.

Section 2 – Mission and Vision

The current site of the university campus and its facilities provides a shared vision for

the future of the university. It recognizes mission, values, qualities, and systems for the

proceeded greatness and the long-term achievement of the students and projects. The

University encourages student accomplishment by getting ready students from different

foundations for lives of effect as pioneers and subjects. It creates and share new learning,

disclosures, and developments, and engages local communities and worldwide networks to

advance training, wellbeing, and personal satisfaction. These commitments, notwithstanding

capable stewardship of intellectual, physical, and budgetary assets, guarantee the long‐term

achievement and suitability of the foundation.

The new campus focused on student success, dedicated to academic excellence and

success in producing graduates who excel wherever they live, work, and serve. The following

strategic goals and objectives will be helpful in achieving and sustaining FDU’s Mission:

Academic Program

 Strengthen the organization's training for assessing existing scholarly projects for

importance, thoroughness, and program needs in all stages.


 Develop new scholastic projects and instructional destinations dependent on research

and examination with the end goal to satisfy the mission and in addition meet

understudy and network needs.

 Expand the incorporation of confidence and learning in each order, major, and

program conveyance display.


 To give students, personnel, and staff with offices that improve scholastic, private,

and co-curricular experiences.

 Enhance and operate the offices groundbreaking strategy, which organizes learning,

living, and working spaces most required for upgrades or remodels, with an

accentuation on enhancing and expanding on-grounds network spaces that empower

student, workforce, and staff connection and collegiality.

Student Success

 To enlist, warmly welcome, select, and hold students who show the fitting level of

capacity and potential and interface them with scholastic and non-academic assets for

making progress inside the University.

 Optimize enlistment development for all instructive conveyance stages.

 Increase understudy maintenance and graduation rates.

Technological Infrastructure

 To strengthen mechanical foundations across the University.

 Assess and enhance innovation benefits on a nonstop premise to guarantee openness

and unwavering quality.

 Increase innovative efficiencies and give reliably elevated amounts of client benefit at

all grounds and destinations and on the web.


 Continually create frameworks and systems that ensure individual and institutional

information and accommodate disaster recovery.

Section 3 – SWOT Analysis

(to be completed by Pavan)

Section 4 – Challenges and Issues

(kelli’s suggestion):

Physical moving of the FDU Vancouver Campus may be a complex situation due to

interferences in processes, practices, equipment functionality, and even organizational

culture. Therefore, it is essential to be meticulous and to predict the impacts of this moving

may have on the whole academic business. Some challenges and issues have been identified

and analyzed in order to include smart alternatives and to design a successful operational


(kelli’s suggestion: this text has to be improved still. It is important to list the challenges

and issues pointed out, also is necessary to propose solutions for each one of them)

Challenges and Issues

1. (kelli’s suggestion) As the University's headquarters is in New Jersey, the whole process

of change must be approved by them. This may cause setbacks and delays in the decision-

making and response process, which can affect all deadlines and incur additional costs. It

will be necessary to assemble a dedicated and professional team to manage the relocation

project. This team should have the ability to deal with the University’s internal processes

and knowledge of the University’s inventory. During the planning and procurement

phases, this team has to be fully dedicated to the project in order to mitigate common

risks, build alternatives when necessary and prevent extra costs.

2. To keep costs under the proposed budget for the relocation. The procurement process has

to be initiated in advance of six months in order to avoid delays and extra costs.

3. To motivate employees to understand that this change is necessary for the growth of the

institution, enabling and providing opportunities for everyone to grow within the

University. It is mandatory to develop and apply an effective communication program to

inform the internal and external public and stakeholders about new campus and its

importance. Also, the communication will align their expectations regarding the next

steps and the relocation plan.

Have the ability to meet the move deadline, causing all the requirements for the delivery

of the old building to be fulfilled, as it is in the landlord/tenant’s law.

4. (kelli’s suggestion) To meet the deadlines and requirements for the release of the old

building, complying with the law of the tenant/owner and the previous lease agreement.

The dedicated project manager has to be involved during the cancellation of the leasing

conducted by the FDU legal department. The project manager will be aware of all

requirements for the release of the old building to be included in the operational plan.

5. (kelli’s suggestion) To meet the deadlines and requirements for the occupation of the new

site building, complying with the law of the tenant/owner and the current/future lease

agreement. The dedicated project manager has to be involved during the lease process and

negotiations conducted by the FDU legal department. The project manager will be aware

of all requirements for the occupation of the new site to be included in the operational


6. (kelli’s suggestion) To present, at least, three quotes for each service that has to be

contracted. To choose the best proposal that meets the best cost-benefit and does not

compromise the quality or deadlines.

7. Increase to satisfy students’ expectations, specially the number of Canadians students, in

order to promote and increase the University’s popularity. (kelli’s suggestion: to be

discussed and complemented).


8. Develop a good image of the University with the local community of the new location.

To be able to make ties with the local community. (kelli’s suggestion) and to develop and

maintain a good relationship with the local community, being able to make ties with the

surround environment.

9. (kelli’s suggestion) To plan accordingly with the level of difficulty after site visit results:

check ground and floor access, loading and unloading hours, permitted noise level,

quantity of service elevators, emergency stairs, distance from the building and the parking


Section 5 – Operational Plan

The following operational plan takes into account previous sections analysis and

reviews, the inclusion of FDU requirements, meeting the interests of stakeholders and

presenting alternatives to the challenges found.

The Team

The FDU management shall designate a dedicated team to manage this complex and

meticulous project. It will be necessary a savvy project manager from FDU New Jersey to be

responsible for plan, monitor and control the project and to unblock decision making

processes. A project leader, preferably from the FDU Vancouver administrative staff, shall be

designated to be responsible for collaborating with the project from beginning to end to

ensure the successful relocation of the current FDU Vancouver campus to the new site. In

addition, it is necessary to designate another internal agent, at this time from the IT staff, to

coordinate the data and network infrastructure along with other related demands.

The project leader is responsible for collecting all FDU requirements for the new

location and, if necessary, facilitating access to internal information while the IT agent

evaluates IT demands and network infrastructure to the new site. Also, the project leader will

set and adjust timelines, meetings with stakeholders, service providers, and other interested

parties, and communicating status reports to stakeholders, including the project manager.

Also, he/she will be responsible for controlling the budget, sourcing, briefing and

getting quotes from related service providers in the region.

The project manager will interfere whenever necessary, when changes are requested

by stakeholders and need to be adjusted operationally. He/she must communicate the impacts

that those changes may cause throughout the project and re-establish deadlines.

Important Deadlines

Due to the importance of keeping costs under the proposed budget, it is recommended

that the procurement process be started six months in advance of the final objective to avoid

delays and extra costs. Formal contracts and agreements should be developed by the FDU

legal department together with the project manager to ensure the inclusion of high penalties

in case the contracted service fails or delays with deliveries.

A critical phase of this project is the development of the interior design project and its

implementation. Some construction processes may experience delays during deployment due

to unexpected events that may occur, such as broken cabling, water infiltration, electrical

short-circuiting, and so on. It is recommended that this service is prioritized in the

implementation phase and have a limited time frame of three months to complete.

Project Phases

The operational plan should have, at least, the five main phases as follows:

 Phase 1 – Accommodate (Analysing) FDU Requirements

 Phase 2 – Procurement and Purchasing Process

 Phase 3 – Implementing the Interior Design and Network Infrastructure Plan

(including test plan).


 Phase 4 – Transportation Process (Preparation, Packing, Labeling and Managing


 Phase 5 – Moving in Process (set up furniture, desks, chairs, printers, computer, audio

and TV equipment, etc).

Phase 1 – Accommodate FDU Requirements

Based on FDU mission and vision goals, which are to prepare students for global

citizenship through global education, the University determines specific IT and

telecommunication requirements so that this dedicated mission can be successfully fulfilled.

Internet are the primary media considering that the University's headquarters is pinned

in New Jersey, the US, most of the University’s programs offered are global, and the FDU

students in the Vancouver campus are international. For FDU, this feature is crucial and

should be implemented with great caution. Otherwise, a poor implementation can cause

severe financial and operational consequences for the University such as, lack of

communication with students, faculty and staff of other campuses and so on.

Accordingly, the operational plan for relocating FDU to a new facility has to include a

customized interior design project in order to accommodate all FDU requirements (Appendix

X), including specific FDU IT and Telecom requirements (Appendix Y).

Some steps must be given in advance of the moving by itself, such as contracting an

IT managed service provider to develop a customized IT plan by analyzing the FDU IT and

telecommunications requirements to the new campus and the current IT and communication

tools used in the old campus. This plan should contain a detailed assessment and review of IT

and telecommunications equipment, including an inventory of each IT and Telecom

equipment and service agreements. Besides, the project has to determine what equipment is

or isn't required on the new site, Internet speed, list of equipment that needs to be updated or

replaced, number of additional computers, phones, and other technological gear, evaluation

of server room requirements, and a test plan.

In parallel, it is necessary to hire an architectural firm to develop the interior design

project for the new FDU campus. The architect should be responsible for evaluating FDU

requirements, taking into account the maximum possible functionality and comfort and

develop an interior project to accommodate all classrooms, desks, study areas, laboratory,

auditorium, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.

Also, during the planning phase, the architect should include the new IT and data

infrastructure project developed by the IT managed service provider. He/she should review

configuration plan of new office with Managed Services Provider, by working out where

power outlets, telephone and network cabling points will be needed, deciding optimum

location for printers, faxes, copiers, modems and scanners, confirming whether minimum

requirements for the server room are met, such as electrical, cooling, dimensions and


After the release of the final interior design project, the blueprint will be used to

develop the FDU signage planning based on the FDU’s signage guidelines (Appendix W).

The signage plan must contain context regarding internal and external signs with names of

location, wayfinding, information, identification or a statutory requirement. There must be

efficiency in providing identification and directional signage without cluttering the

environment with signs. A signage is to be clear and concise, containing logically arranged

information enhanced with internationally recognised symbols that will be able to be readily

understood by most people.

According to the City of Vancouver (2018), the chapter of sign permit demands that

all signs on private property in Vancouver require sign permits except some. Depending on

the signage project, a permit may be required for any sign type described in the definitions

section of the Sign Bylaw. If a sign type is not described in the Sign Bylaw, it is not allowed.

Depending on the type of sign, additional signs may be required, including an awning

permit or building permit. Additional information can be captured in the Sign Bylaw chapter

or contacting the Development and Building Services Centre. (rewrite these last 2


Phase 2 – Procurement and Purchasing Process


Furniture: Desks, Chairs, Tables, Mirrors, Sofas, Bean bags, Comforters, Mats

Kitchen: Refrigerator, Coffee Maker, Sandwich Maker, Ovens, Wending Machines, Water


Electronics: Computers, TV screens, Printers, Mouse, Keyboards, Telephones, Fax

Machines, Remotes, Projectors, Speakers

Electrical: Lights, Bulbs,

Safety: First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguishers, Logging (ID)

Additional Needs:

Gymnasium, Student Dorm rooms, Library, Canteen (Mini Tim Hortons), ATM, Play Room

(Pool, Chess), Prayer room, Auditorium, Pay Phone,

Office Supplies: Folders, Paper Bundles, Staples, Pins, Punching,

As per the inventory list (Appendix Z) provided by the Director of Academic

Services, FDU has different kinds of inventory from furniture to electronic equipment like

tables, chairs, computers, televisions and safety equipment. The existing inventory is

accommodating the current students where as it cannot serve the future needs. So, there is a

necessity to purchase the new equipment to meet the future needs. For this purpose, a written

document called RFI was collected to understand the services provided by the several

vendors in BC. Upon analysing the RFI received, the management has requested RFP from

selected vendors. The vendors were finalised by FDU based on their experience, services,

quality and price.

FDU inventory list plus additional demands/needs.

To recommend use of RFI (Request for Information) and RFP (Request for Proposal) during

the procurement and purchasing processes.

Phase 3 – Implementing the Interior Design and Network Infrastructure Plan

(including test plan).

Phase 4 – Transportation Process

(Preparation, Packing, Labeling and Managing Inventory). Hiring of a transportation and

packing firm, including all tasks related to.

Phase 5 – Moving in Process

(set up furniture, desks, chairs, printers, computer, audio and TV equipment, etc).

To be included in the Appendix

Tasks and Timelines




About FDU. Retrieved from http://view2.fdu.edu/about-fdu/history-and-mission/ on

September 9, 2018.

About Sign Permit of City of Vancouver. Retrieved from https://vancouver.ca/doing-

business/sign-permit.aspx on October 1st, 2018.

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