Starkville Dispatch Eedition 1-25-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Friday | January 25, 2019

Agencies organizing support Columbus

drives for federal workers crime task
force set
to meet
Monday meeting
is open to the public

The Crime Pre-

vention Task Force,
a multifaceted joint
effort between Co-
lumbus and Lown-
des County District
5 Supervisor Leroy
Brooks, will hold its
first public meeting
Monday, eight months after Colum-
bus City Council voted to collabo-
rate in the task force’s creation.
Brooks first proposed the task
force to Columbus Mayor Robert
Smith in 2017. The task force he
Dispatch file photo proposed is similar to one created
Area agencies are seeking gift card donations for federal employees who are working without pay due to the gov- by the National Association of Coun-
ernment shutdown. Efforts include seeking donations for TSA workers at Golden Triangle Regional Airport. ty Officials on criminal justice and
public health. That task force, which

TSA agents, prison and USDA workers going Brooks served on, was the inspira-
tion for several similar task forces

without pay due to government shutdown

“We wanted to hear from peo-
ple who are in the community, who
know the community’s needs,”
Brooks said. “Often it’s people in the
community that have different ideas
By Alex Holloway
‘We know this won’t help them pay the other than law enforcement.

As the longest federal govern-

bills, but it’s a little something that we “We think that one way to try
and reduce criminal activity in the
ment shutdown in United States
history drags into its 35th day, area
can do to try to contribute.’ community is to get people talking
to each other,” he added. “We want-
agencies are seeking community Columbus Lowndes Chamber of Commerce
ed to get stakeholders involved be-
President Lisa James
donations to help local federal work- cause they know what their commu-
ers who have gone for more than a nity is dealing with.”
month without pay. derwear, toilet paper, gas, detergent also be delivered to GTRA Director Brooks said he asked more than
The Columbus Lowndes Cham- — they can get anything there,” Mike Hainsey’s office. 25 community organizations, such
ber of Commerce is seeking gift James said. “They cannot provide “We know this won’t help them as Mississippi University for Wom-
cards to donate to the 10 Trans- Visa gift cards, cash or checks, so pay the bills,” James said, “but it’s en and The Dispatch, to nominate
portation Security Administration if anyone provides those, I will use a little something that we can do to people for the task force. About 15
workers at the Golden Triangle Re- them to buy restaurant gift cards, try to contribute.” organizations nominated represen-
gional Airport. Walmart gift cards or Kroger gift James said The Chamber reached tatives to serve, Brooks said.
Chamber President Lisa James cards.” out to the Greater Starkville Devel- In total, there are 18 confirmed
said the Chamber can only donate The chamber is accepting dona- opment Partnership and the West task force members and another
gift cards because TSA ethics laws tions at its office at 1102 Main St. Point-Clay County Growth Alliance 15 Brooks is “pretty sure” will join.
forbid giving agents cash. through Feb. 1, when it plans to de- for regional assistance in the drive Zack Plair, The Dispatch’s manag-
“At places like Walmart they can liver them to the airport. James said on Thursday afternoon. ing editor, is among the members.
get food or groceries if they need un- gift cards for the TSA agents can See Shutdown, 6A Monday’s meeting will focus on
committee selection. Task force
members will have their choice of
See Task force, 3A

EMCC hopes to have Communiversity open for classes in fall

Huerkamp offers update cheon Thursday to update club mem-
bers on the university’s workforce Jim Huerkamp,
on new expansion, training curriculum — including
the Communiversity, the college’s
East Mississippi
Community College
workforce project
workforce development 150,000-square-foot education center manager, speaks
for workforce training and develop- with Columbus Ex-
programs at college ment. He said officials hope to begin change Club mem-
moving equipment into the building bers Dan Wrather
By ISABELLE ALTMAN by mid-March. and Sammy Wilcox The building is located on High- at Lion Hills on
way 82, just west of PACCAR and a Thursday. Huer-
East Mississippi Community Col- short drive from the college’s Gold- kamp updated club
lege officials are hoping the Commu- en Triangle campus in Mayhew. The members on the
niversity will be ready for an estimat- Communiversity,
$42.6 million facility is being funded
ed 350 students this fall. which EMCC offi-
with local, state and federal dollars. cials hope to have
Jim Huerkamp, EMCC workforce “The intent of this building is to open for students
project manager, visited the Colum- teach from 7:30 in the morning to by August.
bus Exchange Club’s weekly lun- See Communiversity, 3A Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff

Weather Five Questions Calendar coming Sunday Public

1 What 1996 fictional diary included a Jan. 25-March 8 meetings
running tally of the heroine’s cigarette, Feb. 1: Board of
■ Smithsonian Water/Ways
alcohol and calorie consumption? Aldermen work
2 A komondor is what kind of animal? Exhibition: This traveling interactive
3 What fiery baseball manager got exhibit at the Tennessee-Tombigbee session, 1:15
so mad during a 1990 game that he Waterway Transportation Museum, p.m., City Hall
uprooted first base, threw it into the 318 Seventh St. N., Columbus, ex-
outfield and then picked it up and Feb. 4: Board of
Kennedy Perkins plores how water affects the way we
threw it again? live, work, worship, create and play, Supervisors, 9
Fifth grade, Annunciation
4 What is the more common name for and how to sustain this resource for a.m., Oktibbeha

46 Low 27
the United States Bullion Depository?
5 Who plays the guitar solo in Michael the future. A Main Street exhibition
High Jackson’s “Beat It”? made possible by the Mississippi
County Court-
Mostly sunny house
Humanities Council. For more infor-
Full forecast on Answers, 6B Feb. 5: Board of
mation, call 662-328-8936.
page 2A.
Aldermen, 5:30

Inside Tuesday p.m., City Hall

■ GSDP annual banquet: The Feb. 12: Planning
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 2A Greater Starkville Development Part- Don’t miss The Dispatch’s How to and Zoning Com-
Comics 4B Opinions 4A nership hosts its annual banquet at Choose special section, a guide to prod-
Crossword 6B Religion 5B The Mill at 6:30 p.m. For information ucts and services in the Golden Triangle, mission, 5:30
Dear Abby 4B or tickets, visit in Sunday’s paper. p.m., City Hall


2A Friday, January 25, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “I thought our guard play was really good and set the tone early. I
Trump associate Stone arrested, just felt like that’s where we really dictated tempo.”
Mississippi State women’s basketball coach Vic Schaefer, talking
about his team’s 90-42 victory against Florida on Thursday. Story, 1B.
faces obstruction charge
Indictment against self-proclaimed
‘dirty trickster’ is the first criminal
case in months from special counsel
Trump aides struggle to show
The Associated Press him of witness tampering,
obstruction and false state-
some shutdown empathy
WASHINGTON — Rog- ments about his interac-
President Trump:
Workers simply need to Talks start as Senate rejects
er Stone, a confidant of tions related to WikiLeaks’
President Donald Trump, release. Some of those
was arrested Friday morn- false statements were
ing in the special counsel’s

2 plans for ending shutdown

made to the House intelli-
Russia investigation and gence committee, accord-
‘make adjustments’
was charged with lying to ing to the indictment. The Associated Press
Congress and obstructing The indictment lays out
the probe. The Associated Press
in detail Stone’s conversa- NEW YORK — One White House
The seven-count in- tions about stolen Dem- aide mused that the shutdown was
dictment against Stone, ocratic emails posted by WASHINGTON — A splintered Senate voted down competing Dem-
like a paid vacation for some fur- ocratic and Republican plans for ending the 35-day partial government
a self-proclaimed “dirty WikiLeaks in the weeks loughed workers. President Donald
trickster,” is the first crim- before Trump, a Repub- shutdown, but the twin setbacks prompted a burst of bipartisan talks
Trump’s daughter-in-law said em- aimed at temporarily halting the longest-ever closure of federal agen-
inal case in months from lican, beat Clinton. Muel- ployees’ “little bit of pain” was worth
special counsel Robert cies and the damage it’s inflicting around the country.
ler’s office has said those it for the good of the country. Com-
Mueller and provides the In the first serious exchange in weeks, Senate Majority Leader
emails, belonging to Clin- merce Secretary Wilbur Ross ques-
most detail to date about Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., quickly called Minority Leader Chuck Schum-
ton campaign chairman tioned why cash-poor workers were
how Trump campaign as- er, D-N.Y., to his office Thursday to explore potential next steps for
John Podesta, were hacked using food banks instead of taking solving the vitriolic stalemate. Senators from both sides floated a plan
sociates were aware in the by Russian intelligence of- out loans. to reopen agencies for three weeks and pay hundreds of thousands of
summer of 2016 that emails ficers. The president himself says work- beleaguered federal workers while bargainers hunt for a deal.
had been stolen from the It says the Trump cam- ers simply need to “make adjust- At the White House, President Donald Trump told reporters he’d
Hillary Clinton campaign paign directed a senior ments.” support “a reasonable agreement.” He suggested he’d also want a “pro-
and wanted them released. campaign official to con- With hundreds of thousands of rated down payment” for his long-sought border wall with Mexico but
It alleges that unnamed tact Stone after the July 22, federal workers going without pay didn’t describe the term.
senior Trump campaign 2016, WikiLeaks release during the monthlong partial gov-
officials contacted Stone to of hacked emails from the ernment shutdown, Trump and his
ask when the stolen emails Democratic National Com- team, which includes the wealthiest “Well, I know they are, and I In a subsequent interview with
might be disclosed. mittee and other groups. Cabinet ever assembled, have strug- don’t really quite understand why,” Bloomberg, Ross said he was “pain-
The indictment does That official, who is not gled to deliver a full dose of empathy he said. “The obligations that they fully aware” that workers were suf-
not charge Stone with con- named in court papers, for those who are scraping to get by. would undertake, say borrowing fering hardships. He added that in
spiring with WikiLeaks, asked Stone about addition- Ross set off howls when he was from a bank or a credit union, are, in his earlier remarks, he’d been try-
the anti-secrecy website al releases and “what other asked on CNBC on Thursday about effect, federally guaranteed. So the ing to let workers know that credit
that published the emails, damaging information” reports that some of the 800,000 30 days of pay that some people will union loans were available for those
or with the Russian offi- WikiLeaks had “regarding workers currently not receiving be out ... there’s no real reason why “experiencing liquidity crises” —
cers Mueller says hacked the Clinton campaign,” the paychecks were going to homeless they shouldn’t be able to get a loan hardly the language of those living
them. Instead, it accuses indictment says. shelters to get food. against it.” paycheck to paycheck.


Office hours: Main line:
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 Area obituaries
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor? COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Services will be at of Saltillo and Ruthie parents, she was pre-
n OBITUARY POLICY 2 p.m. Saturday at Mt. Koger McCreery of ceded in death by her
Report a missing paper? Obituaries with basic informa-
Ary M.B. Church in Florida; and two grand- brothers, Eddie George
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? tion including visitation and
n 662-241-5000 service times, are provided Brooksville with the children. Smith and Terry Lee
n Toll-free 877-328-2430
free of charge. Extended obit- Rev. John Ball officiat- Pallbearers will be Smith.
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? uaries with a photograph, de- ing. Burial will follow Timothy Gray, Wood- She is survived
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to tailed biographical information at the church ceme- row Gray, LaTerrance by her children,
Buy an ad? community and other details families may tery. Visitation is from Dora, Ezekiel Lane, Toya Smith, Anthony
n 662-328-2424 wish to include, are available Gussie Lane III and
Submit a birth, wedding noon-6 p.m. Friday at Jackson, Shaulanda
for a fee. Obituaries must be
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- submitted through funeral
Carter’s Funeral Ser- Devontay Koger. Jackson, Roshaunda
n 662-328-2471 ment? homes unless the deceased’s vices. Carter’s Funeral Jackson Williams and
n n Download forms at www. body has been donated to Services is in charge of Bernice Jackson Romoan Jackson, all science. If the deceased’s arrangements. MACON — Bernice of Macon and Ashley
body was donated to science, Ms. Lane was born Smith Jackson, 62, Jackson of Brooksville;
the family must provide official Dec. 1, 1976, in Noxu- siblings, Sylvester
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701
proof of death. Please submit
died Jan. 16, 2019, at
bee County, to Gussie Noxubee Smith, Tavy Smith
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 all obituaries on the form
Lane Sr. and Betty Lou and Alberta Joiner, all
provided by The Commercial General
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 Dispatch. Free notices must Lane. She was formerly Hospital. of Macon and James
be submitted to the newspa- employed as a teacher Ser- Smith of Los Angeles,
per no later than 3 p.m. the with Noxubee County vices California; 25 grand-
SUBSCRIPTIONS day prior for publication Tues- School District and was will be at children; and four
day through Friday; no later
a member of Mt. Ary 11 a.m. great-grandchildren.
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
M.B. Church. Saturday Pallbearers will be
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 Sunday edition; and no later
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday She was preceded at Sylvan Jackson Marlon Windham,
Online.......................................... in death by her sister, Ridge Lonell Richey, Deme-
edition. Incomplete notices
Willie Mae Koger. M.B. Church with the tries Taylor, J.C. Taylor,
RATES must be received no later than
7:30 a.m. for the Monday In addition to her Rev. Montrell Rucker DeAngelo Bankhead
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. through Friday editions. Paid parents, she is survived officiating. Burial will and Delvin Young.
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. notices must be finalized by 3
by her children, Tom- follow at Oddfellows
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. p.m. for inclusion the next day
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. Monday through Thursday; and mie Lane and Alphonso Cemetery. Visitation Adell Bell
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Lane, both of Starkville, will be from noon-6 STARKVILLE —
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 Antonio Gray and
and Monday publication. For p.m. Friday at Carter’s Adell Bell, 92, died Jan.
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 more information, call 662- Tomarkus Gray, both Funeral Services. Car- 18, 2019, in Starkville.
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. 328-2471. of Brooksville; siblings, ter’s Funeral Services Services will be at
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card.
Willie Lane, James is in charge of arrange- 11 a.m. Saturday at
Patricia Lane Lane, Bruce Lane and ments. Sixteen Section M.B.
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) MACON — Patricia Linda Edmond, all of Mrs. Jackson was Church with the Rev.
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Ann Lane, 42, died Jan. Columbus, Gussie born Sept. 17, 1956, in Leroy Davenport
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: 17, 2019, at Baptist Me- Lane Jr. and John Lane, Noxubee County, to the officiating. Burial will
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., morial Hospital-Golden both of Brooksville, late Howard L. Smith follow at the church
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Triangle. John Koger of Oxford, and Francis Smith. She cemetery. Visitation is
Nancy Ashford of Ma- was formerly employed from 1-5 p.m. Friday at
FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE con, Priscilla Lane of with Cal Jack. Century Hairston Fu-
Crawford, Annie Gray In addition to her neral Home. Century
Hairston Funeral Home
is in charge of arrange-
Mostly cloudy and cold Intervals of clouds and
Intervals of clouds and
A blend of sun and
Partly sunny and much
Mrs. Bell was
born Nov. 8, 1926, in
24° 51° 34° 57° 34° 59° 37° 38° 21° Starkville, to the late
ALMANAC DATA Henry Flowers and
Columbus Thursday
Sallie Mae Poe. She
Thursday 46° 31° was formerly employed
79° (1950)
1° (1963)
as a custodian.
PRECIPITATION (in inches) In addition to her
Thursday 0.00 parents, she was
Month to date 6.19
Normal month to date 4.09 preceded in death by
Year to date 6.19 three sisters and two
Normal year to date 4.09
In feet as of Flood 24-hr.
7 a.m. Thu. Stage Stage Chng. her son, Bert Flowers
-1.28 Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
of Starkville; sister,
Columbus 15 8.76 -0.32 Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Annie Bell of Starkville;
Fulton 20 15.14 -0.95 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s four grandchildren;
Tupelo 21 3.05 +0.30 SAT SUN SAT SUN and six great-grandchil-
50/32/c dren.
In feet as of 24-hr.
7 a.m. Thu. Capacity Level Chng. Boston
38/28/c See Obituaries, 5A
Aberdeen Dam 188 167.05 +0.48 Dallas 58/40/pc 63/45/s Phoenix 73/45/s 73/47/s
Stennis Dam 166 144.95 +0.48 Honolulu 80/67/pc 79/66/pc Raleigh 48/27/pc 51/30/pc
Bevill Dam 136 136.45 +0.05 Jacksonville 59/32/pc 60/35/s Salt Lake City 37/26/s 42/29/pc
Memphis 49/39/pc 53/35/pc Seattle 52/39/s 50/37/pc
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
Major Minor Major Minor
Fri. 4:40a 10:52a 5:05p 11:17p FRI SAT LAST NEW FIRST FULL
Sat. 5:31a 11:43a 5:56p ---- Sunrise 6:55 a.m. 6:54 a.m.
Sunset 5:18 p.m. 5:19 p.m.
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 10:38 p.m. 11:42 p.m.
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Moonset 10:14 a.m. 10:49 a.m. Jan 27 Feb 4 Feb 12 Feb 19
Friday, January 25, 2019 3A


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Man with stolen South Carolina car Longtime Mississippi

leads deputies on chase Thursday Sen. Burton has
Suspect stopped A deputy attempt-
ed to initiate a traffic
in the car, including an 11-year-
old. stroke, Reeves says
in West Point with stop on Highway 82 Gilstrap has been charged with
for a red Hyundai no tag, no license, no proof of in- Burton stepped down as Senate
11-year-old passenger with no tags, accord- surance, felony fleeing and elud-


ing to a Lowndes ing and possession of a stolen president pro tempore on Jan. 8
County Sheriff’s Of- vehicle. The vehicle was found to
fice press release. have been entered as stolen out of The Associated Press
A South Carolina man was ar- Gilstrap
The vehicle’s driver, South Carolina.
rested in West Point on Thursday 36-year-old Gary Gilstrap, led dep- Gilstrap is currently in custody JACKSON — A longtime Mis-
for possession of a stolen vehicle, uties on a high-speed chase before at Lowndes County Adult Deten- sissippi lawmaker who recently
following a high-speed car chase stopping on Highway 45 in West tion Center. His felony bond has stepped down from a leadership
by Lowndes County deputies. Point. There were two passengers not been set. post has had a stroke.
Republican Sen. Terry Burton of
Newton was hospitalized Thursday
and his family is requesting priva-
cy, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves said in a
statement. Burton
“Please join me and Elee in praying for Sen.

CPD: Criminal suspect found with multiple weapons Burton and his family,” Reeves said.
Burton, 62, stepped down as Senate president
pro tempore on Jan. 8, when the legislative ses-
Man faces possession of weapon tended clip,
Armistad’s aggravated
assault charge was re-
sion began. The resignation came weeks after he
was arrested on a second-offense drunken driv-
by convicted felon, other charges to the re-
manded to justice court,
according to circuit court
ing charge. It was Burton’s third DUI arrest. He
was acquitted of one of the charges in 2016.
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT sion of a weapon by a con- A r - records. The president pro tempore presides over the
victed felon, according mistad was The CPD press release Senate when the lieutenant governor is not avail-
A man previously in- to a Columbus Police De- p rev iousl y said Armistad is a suspect able. Burton also helped get commitments of sup-
dicted for shooting into a partment press release. conv icted in multiple other cases, port from senators on issues important to Reeves,
vehicle has been arrested of a drug Armistad though it did not go into a Republican.
Armistad had two war-
after authorities found possession charge last details about those cases. In announcing his resignation from the lead-
rants for his arrest after
him with a AR-15 and a year. He was also indict- Armistad was charged ership post, Burton apologized to his Senate col-
Glock handgun. he did not show up for his ed for aggravated assault with two counts of failure leagues.
Kenny Riheam Ar- court dates. When police in 2015 after authorities to appear and malicious “During these next few months as we finish
mistad, 23, of 912 Wa- arrested him, they found said he and another man mischief, in addition to out this term, I’m turning it over to God and I’m
terworks Road, faces multiple weapons. were involved in a drive- the weapons charge. He turning it over to the professionals that I’m work-
multiple failure to appear The AR-15 had a drum by shooting that sent one is currently in custody on ing with to deal with my personal issues, demons,
charges as well as posses- feed and the Glock an ex- person to the hospital. $16,286 bond. human frailties, whatever you want to call them,”
Burton said Jan. 8.
Burton has served in the Senate since 1992. He
was a Democrat until switching parties in Decem-
ber 2002.
He has said he won’t seek re-election this year
in his district in Lauderdale, Newton and Scott
Around the state counties.
3 accused of helping Sheriff Andy McCants named Destiny Cooper with harboring a fugitive.
tells WTVA-TV that in- on Wednesday night and Logan and Sysco were
Mississippi inmate mates Elton Gordon and taken into custody. put in Mississippi De-
escape from jail Johnathan Sysco helped Gordon and Sysco have partment of Corrections Send in your News About Town event.
EUPORA — Three 18-year-old Anthony Lo- since been charged with custody, and Gordon and email:
people, including two
inmates, are accused of
gan scale the fence along
the county jail’s exercise
aiding and abetting an
inmate in jail. The sheriff
Cooper were in the coun- Subject: NATS
ty jail’s custody. It’s un-
helping a Mississippi in- yard and escape on Sun- says Cooper may be in a clear if they have lawyers.
mate escape from a Web- day. Logan was found relationship with Logan
ster County jail. at the home of a woman and has been charged

Task force
Continued from Page 1A
six committees, which If you go quired to make at least one
focus on a range of issues ■ WHO: The meeting is open recommendation to city
from youth development to the public council about crime pre-
to community policing. ■ WHAT: Crime Task Force vention tactics within their
There will also be a sev- discussion committee’s purview with-
enth resource committee, ■ WHEN: Monday from 6-7 in the first three months
consisting of representa- p.m. after Monday’s meeting.
■ WHERE: Columbus Munici-
tives from the district at- pal Complex “Statistics show that
torney, municipal judge, crime is prevented when
parks and recreation, and members of the commu-
mayor’s offices, as well as required to elect a chair- nity become involved,”
the Lowndes County Sher- person. Committees will Smith wrote in an emailed
iff’s Office and Columbus be able to decide when, statement to The Dispatch
Police Department. That where and how often they Friday morning. “...And
committee will exist to will meet, Brooks said. this group is a great first
provide “resources and “We’re hoping to have step in that direction.”
expertise” to other com- committee meetings open Monday’s meeting,
mittees. to the public too,” Brooks which is open to the pub-
Each committee, with said. “But that’s up to the lic, will be from 6-7 p.m. at
the exception of the re- committees, of course.” the Municipal Complex in
source committee, will be Committees are re- Columbus.

Continued from Page 1A
right about 9, 10 o’clock at luck, the equipment electricians. Some of
night,” Huerkamp said. would all be moved into those jobs pay almost as
The building will the building over the good as those doctorates
house instructors’ offices summer and students do and a lot more than a
and classrooms for all the would be able to begin lot of those Ph.D.’s do, I’m
credit programs related classes there by the time telling you.”
to manufacturing, along the fall semester starts in The college also hous-
with computer labs and August.
es a job center for area
space for industrial out- Huerkamp also gave
residents looking for em-
reach training. a general overview of
The Communiversity the workforce training ployment and offers sup-
will also include an Imag- programs and curricula port for new industries
ination Center, which will EMCC offers — from pro- moving into the Golden
display products made in grams that teach specific Triangle.
major industries all over trades such as welding to “If your company’s
the Golden Triangle. classes that focus on how moving into this area,
“We want you to come to write a resume and we’re going to sit down
in and get excited about how to dress for a job in- with you, discuss what
what goes on in the Gold- terview. training you need in your
en Triangle,” Huerkamp “The great thing is, to new employees and try to
said. “We’re hoping — I get these young people a give you that training,” he
can’t say for positive be- good job, you don’t have to said.
cause I’m not on that com- go into debt for hundreds “That’s the kind of
mittee — but we’re hop- of thousands of dollars,”
things that EMCC is do-
ing to have products from Huerkamp said. “Noth-
ing,” he added. “That’s
all industries. Hopefully a ing against universities.
drone, maybe. ... Maybe a ... We need universities essentially our vision:
small coil of steel, things as well. But we also need work with local industry,
like that. We want folks to a lot of young people go- help the local citizens get
come in and be wowed by ing and learning these the training they need for
the products that we do in other jobs — industrial the job they want and help
this area.” maintenance, robotics, ... on the economic develop-
Huerkamp said with computer programmers, ment side where we fit in.”
4A Friday, January 25, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Letters to the editor

Supports bill to end Daylight Savings pen to agree with the removal of Mis- coming, and you nor I can stop it. Keep name one). If you just look around you
I was watching the 6:00 p.m. news on sissippi from Daylight Saving Time will your good old boy ideas, and you will will see that young people can’t wait to
contact their elected representatives to become as the dinosaur: extinct. Since flee this backwards state (the figures
WTVA-Tupelo Wednesday night when it
let their feelings be known. you believe in Trump, I really feel sorry don’t lie). We remain about 50th in
was reported that there is a proposal in
It is time for us to get back on what I for you. Anyone that is on board with every category that matters as we have
the Mississippi Legislature (HB99) to
like to call “God’s Time.” 45 is in for a big surprise: doom. Also pretty much all my life, and I am not
take the state of Mississippi off Day-
Danny Pang ask the people that are affected by the young. Also I hear “conservative,” but I
light Saving Time.
Starkville shutdown if the wall is important. don’t see that in the political party they
I wholeheartedly support getting us
Andrew Whitten adhere to (debt skyrocketing) and then
off it because of the insanity of moving
Comments on recent stories Columbus they want to build an ultra-expensive
our clocks forward doesn’t save energy
as it is purported to do. First I would like to address the wall that will not solve the problem at
Most importantly the twice a year comments: Robert E. Lee should have Frustrated with conservative opin- all. It is not a crisis — there have been
time change has been proven to have been charged with treason and does ions border patrols, etc. all my life. Drugs
clearly negative effects on people’s not deserve any recognition. Dr. Martin I rarely write letters to newspapers, are smuggled in through airports and
health by affecting the natural circa- Luther King, Jr was about civil rights but I feel I must at this point. I read dai- ports and of course through Canada.
dian rhythm of the human body. This for ALL. As far as the wall is concerned, ly the letters written often by the same We are all mostly immigrants to this
disruption of the body’s natural clock why not build a wall around the U.S.? closed-minded conservatives detailing country unless you can trace your
causes severe health issues as well as People are so used to having things how everything would be better to just ancestors back to the indigenous people
public safety problems with increased their way and it’s hard to see the other leave things the way they have been in and most cannot.
traffic accidents and deaths. side of the coin. Board the train or get this state (for example the MLK holiday Jerry Fortenberry
I hope that all the readers who hap- left at the station because change is and Confederate Memorial Day just to Columbus

State of the nation

Are people ignoring

Trump or just bored
by him?
It started during the mid-
term campaign. Democrats
stopped talking about Donald
Trump all the time. Now presi-
dential hopefuls are doing the
same. Sen. Elizabeth Warren,
once a relentless sparring part-
ner on Twitter, all but ignores
Trump’s goading comments.
Is the reason, as some
commentators hold, that the
public is tired of the constant
Trump-bashing, including Froma Harrop
those who dislike the man? Is
it that Democrats have suddenly realized that getting
suckered into his social media combat is exactly what
he wants?
Perhaps, but the change in approach seems to reflect
something more, something beyond mere Trump fa-
tigue. We may have entered the era of Trump boredom. Home base
Some of that may come from the sense that he’s mat-
tering less. The midterm elections were a repudiation.
His poll numbers keep dropping.
His latest escalation, closing the government, is
Perhaps we’ve forgotten how
eating into his base of ardent supporters. Many who
sort of liked him are giving up. The precedent has to be
set that a president can’t close the government because
to treat each other as human
he didn’t get his way on some matter. Throwing the One day when I was Nearly all the posts and comments I’ve seen are
country into turmoil is not a normal negotiating tactic. 15, I was sitting at my couched in some kind of Christian context, but few
Americans, meanwhile, are getting nervous about dining room table along even attempt to convey any type of Christian love.
the economy, which has been Trump’s pride and joy. with about five of my high In fact, most are crass, ill-informed and intended
Just wait till sluggish growth collides with trillion-dollar school track teammates, all to wound. They tout a need to “protect the sanctity
budget deficits. of us male. We were laugh- of human life” but show little regard for human
I’ve been unfollowing Twitter mates who habitually ing about another boy from dignity.
list Trump’s old crimes and personal frailties as though our school when my mom Seeing this line of reasoning, time and again,
they were news. They don’t seem to understand that for walked by and heard us. has led me back to my mother’s wisdom.
many, raw anger has turned into acceptance of what he She inquired why we How do you know you’re pro-life?
is. There’s no fixing Trump. He’s a problem that needs were laughing about him. As a woman, have you brought a baby into the
managing. “Because he’s a queer,” I world through uncertain circumstances, either
Enter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is a model of answered. Zack Plair health or socio-economic, when abortion could
self-control. She speaks in the calm manner needed for My mother – every bit as have been an option? Have you rebuffed others’
dealing with people who act on impulse. Mother of five, wily as she was appalled – took a rather unorthodox efforts to convince you to have an abortion and
she’s a proven master at containing tantrums. approach to this disgusting, immature response, had the child anyway? Have you been a victim of a
Measured leadership in national politics is exactly and one that forever changed my way of thinking. terrible crime from which you became pregnant,
what most Americans want. There’s a yearning for “How do you know?” she asked. and either kept the baby or gave it up for adoption
normality in their national politics. “He likes boys,” I said. rather than choose abortion?
On this subject, we urge some of the hotheads on the “But has he ever, to your knowledge, had sex As a man, have you stepped up and committed
left to modulate their emotions. It is in their interests with a boy?” to do whatever is necessary to take care of a child –
to play it cool, assuming that their interests center on “I don’t know.” regardless of whether it’s biologically yours – when
getting Democrats elected and not building their own Expecting that answer, she asked if I considered abortion might look like the easy way out for you or
brands for a niche audience. myself heterosexual. Of course, I answered yes. the person pregnant?
Thus, it was pleasant to watch a Golden Globe “Have you ever had sex with a girl?” To me, those are criteria, albeit not a compre-
Awards presentation that didn’t bubble over with rage Of course, I had not. But even if I had, confess- hensive list, for calling yourself “pro-life” and –
at the man in the Oval Office. The moral preening in ing that to my rather conservative mother at 15, some disclosure here – I am a pro-life advocate who
the past was hard on the stomach, including for many and in that particular setting, was a recipe for a fits one of the above listed. If you’ve never really
who agree with the messages. Hollywood’s elite should lifetime grounding and one-way ticket to being had to “choose life” under some duress, and you
know that celebrity does not necessarily confer superi- homeschooled. are just loudly demanding that people faced with
or political insight. “Well, then how do you know?” she asked. those situations do what you think is right, are you
Take a cue from Democratic political advisers. In “Seems like sex is a required step to truly say not just a pro-life sympathizer?
the final month of the 2018 campaigns, their candidates you’re either hetero or homosexual. Otherwise, To be pro- or anti- anything (life, choice, guns,
mentioned Trump in only 11 percent of their ads. They you’re just sympathetic to one or the other with no LGBT, etc.) you should first go to the trouble to
generally stuck to their plans for the future. That appar- evidence to back it up.” learn what drives either decision. Leading your
ently worked for them. My friends laughed, noting “she really got you argument with “I can’t understand how anyone
Meanwhile, the serious scandals grow. The older there.” When she asked them the same question, would decide to …” means everything you say after
scandals tied to sexual behavior are minor next to the they answered likewise. that will either come from a lack of exposure or
extraordinary, but now thinkable, possibility that a Her point, as she later elaborated to me in pri- cultivated ignorance. Neither is a foundation for a
president has been working for a foreign adversary. vate, was simple: Don’t judge. Your responsibility valid position.
Continually repeating the smaller misdeeds only dis- to treat people as humans always supersedes any Empathy matters. It’s not weakness. It’s not
tracts from the bigger stuff. opinions you may have about their decisions. ungodly (in fact, it’s the opposite). Learning things
What Democrats need is their own media envi- Said another way: You can, with the same brain about issues or people that change the way you
ronment in which they control the message. And that and heart, disagree with someone’s life choices and look at them doesn’t make you wrong any more
means leaving Trump little opportunity to grab atten- still show empathy for why they made them. than carelessly sharing un-vetted information on
tion at their expense. The worse things get for him the I think about that conversation with my mom a Facebook that represents your worldview makes
more bombastic his diversions will be. lot, especially lately, when considering the vitriol you right.
An impeachment proceeding would add another lay- surrounding the right-to-life movement. What I’ve found often is that taking the empa-
er of chaos on a fatigued American public. New revela- Just a cursory look at my Facebook newsfeed thetic approach actually strengthens the beliefs I
tions might force that action, but this should not be the the last few days has been particularly revealing. already hold, while also allowing me to see others
Democrats’ focus at this point. The best day for sending From the “pro-lifers” it’s a near constant stream clearly as fellow humans, rather than a horde of
Trump home would be Nov. 3, 2020, Election Day. (Law of coarsely worded attacks on “abortionists” and enemies threatening my way of life.
enforcement may have plans for him later.) “baby killers” -- ranging from full-throated, angry Without empathy, you can’t possibly claim a
Whatever the means for removal, it’s obvious that defenses of the Covington Catholic students at the moral or ethical high ground. All you can truly
time is running out on the Trump years. Don’t drown March for Life who others have accused of harass- claim, in that case, is you hate what you don’t un-
out the sound of the ticking. ing participants of an Indigenous Peoples March, derstand and you want the power to eradicate it.
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the to sanctimonious agony over a law in New York That attitude, to put it mildly, isn’t productive.
Providence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is that supposedly makes it easier to have late-term Zack Plair is managing editor of The Dispatch. abortions. His email address is
The Dispatch • Friday, January 25, 2019 5A

Continued from Page 2A
Theresa Johnson ter’s Funeral Services ents, she was preceded Services is in charge of James Triplett Sr. He nity; sisters, Charlotte
OLIVE BRANCH — is in charge of arrange- in death by her siblings, arrangements. was a U.S. military vet- Jones of Nettleton,
Theresa Fox Johnson ments. Patricia A. Koonce and Mr. Snell was born eran and was formerly Tonya Thompson of
died Jan. 21, 2019, at the Mr. Fields was born Joe White. July 17, 1987, in Artesia, employed with Bryant Starkville and Amanda
Methodist Hospital in Nov. 7, 1994, in Colum- She is survived by to Eddie Hendricks and Food in West Point. Dabbs of Hatley; and
Memphis, Tennessee. bus, to Edward and her husband, William Veronica Snell. He was In addition to his three grandchildren.
A memorial ser- Twanna Fields. He was Bluitt of Columbus; a 2005 graduate of West father, he was preceded Memorials may be
vice will be held at 2 a 2013 graduate of West children, Natasha Lowndes High School in death by his daugh- made to St. Jude Chil-
p.m. Saturday at the Lowndes High School Morris, Nataya Smith and was formerly em- ter, Chasity Triplett
dren’s Research Hospi-
Starkville Church of and a member of Fair- and Tanaya Bluitt, all ployed as a laborer. He Bland; sisters, Almeat-
was a member of Beu- tal, 501 St. Jude Place,
God with the Rev. Jim view Full Gospel Baptist of Columbus; siblings, ris Windfield, Dorothy
Church. Rose Marshall of St. lah Grove Full Gospel Jean Triplett and Cla- Memphis, TN 38105.
Everett officiating. Visi-
tation will be two hours In addition to his Louis, Missouri, Barba- Baptist Church. rice Orr; and brother,
prior to services at the parents, he is survived ra Talley, Mary Louise In addition to his James Triplett Jr. Robert Young
church. Welch Funeral by his siblings, Antwan Marshall and Annette parents, he is survived In addition to his AMORY — Robert
Home is in charge of Dantzler of Crawford, Marshall, all of Colum- by his siblings, Shalon- mother, he is survived Anthony “Tony” Young,
arrangements. Ethan Fields of Macon bus, Tommy Marshall da Rogers, Brandon by his sons, Anthony 31, died Jan. 22, 2019, at
and Eniah Fields of of Fayetteville, North Rogers, Santenz Snell, Triplett and Devaris his residence in Tupelo.
Mrs. Johnson was
Memphis, Tennessee. Carolina and Susan Jessica Rogers, Jeremy Whooper, both of Co- Services will be at
born to the late Robert
Pallbearers will be Stewart of Atlanta, Rogers, Shacortney lumbus, James Hodges 1:30 p.m. Sunday at
Muril Fox and Laverla
Donald Henley Jr., Georgia; and four Vance, Ashley Snell of Macon and Deyon Cleveland-Moffett Fu-
Edwards Fox. She was
Gerald Sanders, Jamir grandchildren. and Olivia Rogers, all of Triplett of Lawrencev-
a graduate of Starkville neral Home with Kevin
Jefferson, Javon Dean, Pallbearers will be Artesia, Jaffiney Yar- ille, Georgia; daugh-
High School. Crook officiating. Burial
Ladarius Jackson and Shawn Tate, Amos brough of Meridian, Du- ter, Shorell Brown of
In addition to her par- will follow at Haughton
Santenz Snell. Jones, Melvin Brooks, rell Hendricks, Shurell Philadelphia; brothers,
ents, she was preceded Memorial Park. Visi-
Eddie Wells, Larry Hendricks, Donshae Devam Triplett of
in death by her son, tation will be from 5-8
Mark Johnson Mauricio Nance Jones, Kendrick Stew- Hendricks, Kinsley San Antonio, Texas
p.m. Saturday at the
COLUMBUS — art, Drew Craddieth Hendricks and Carson and Audry Triplett of
She is survived by funeral home. Cleve-
Mauricio L. Nance, 22, and Kourie Johnson. Hendricks, all of Colum- Chicago, Illinois; 13
her husband, Jeff John- land-Moffett Funeral
died Jan. 15, 2019, in bus, Jasmine Yarbrough grandchildren; and 10
son of Olive Branch;
son, David Johnson of Artesia. Rayford Aldridge and Destiny Yarbrough, great-grandchildren. Home is in charge of
Services VERNON, Ala. — both of Starkville. Pallbearers will be arrangements.
Olive Branch; brother,
will be Rayford MJ Aldridge, Alvin Cowans, Perry Mr. Young was born
Jim Fox of Starkville;
and sisters, Arline at 2 p.m. 90, died Jan. 24, 2019, at Brenda Farley Gordon, Christopher Aug. 9, 1987, to Robert
Saturday Generations of Vernon, CALEDONIA — Mayberry, Paul Porter, Burdine and the late
Romanoff of Starkville
at Beulah Alabama. Brenda Farley, 72, died Dewayne Roby and Tracy Tartt Young. He
and Gena Anthony of
Grove Full Services will be Jan. 21, 2019, at her Ferlandis Windham. attended Smithville
Memorials may be Gospel at 2 p.m. Saturday at residence. High School and was
made to St. Jude Chil- Baptist Nance Dowdle Funeral Home Graveside services Sharon Dykes formerly employed with
dren’s Research Hospi- Church Chapel with Joe Nettles are at 2 p.m. Friday at NETTLETON — BancorpSouth.
tal, 501 St. Jude Place, in Artesia with the officiating. Burial will McDuffie Cemetery. Sharon Ann Blake In addition to his
Memphis, TN 38105. Rev. Timothy Bourne follow at Mt. Carmel Lowndes Funeral Home Dykes, 64, died Jan. 24, father, he is survived by
officiating. Burial will Cemetery in Millport, is in charge of arrange- 2019, at the North Mis- his wife, Amanda Ange-
follow at the church Alabama. Visitation is ments. sissippi Medical Center
Frederick Hinton cemetery. Visitation is from 6-8 p.m. Friday at She was preceded in Tupelo.
loff Young of Wheeler;
STARKVILLE — Dowdle Funeral Home. in death by her hus- Services will be at 2 daughter, Emma An-
from noon-6 p.m. Friday
Frederick A. Hinton, Dowdle Funeral Home band, John Farley; son, p.m. Saturday at Cleve- geloff; brother, Tanner
at Carter’s Funeral Ser-
55, died Jan. 11, 2019, in is in charge of arrange- Johnnie Farley; and land-Moffett Funeral Young of Smithville;
vices. Carter’s Funeral
Starkville. ments. brothers, Roger Pound- Home in Amory with and sisters, Lacey Sims
Services is in charge of
Services will be at 2 Mr. Aldrige was born ers and “Moochie” Ricky Jones and Wesley of Amory and Lindsey
p.m. Saturday at West March 17, 1928, in Pick- Pounders. Stephens officiating. Young of Smithville.
Mr. Nance was born
Memorial Funeral ens County, Alabama, She is survived by Burial will follow at
May 3, 1996, in Colum-
Home. Burial will follow to the late Mr. Wyman her children, Jeff Farley, Liberty Cemetery. Vis-
bus, to Maurice Nance
at Sixteenth Section Lee Aldridge and Mrs. Theresa Clardy, Adam itation is from 5-8 p.m.
and Tessie Poindex-
Cemetery. Visitation Maudie Elaine Conner Farley and Brandon Friday at the funeral
ter. He was a 2014
is from 1-6 p.m. Friday Aldridge. He was a U.S. Farley; sisters, Helen home. Cleveland-Mof-
graduate of Columbus
at the funeral home. military veteran. Brackin, Elaine Ray and fett Funeral Home is
High School and was
West Memorial Funeral In addition to his Anna Tofsrud; brothers, in charge of arrange-
formerly employed as
Home is in charge of parents, he was preced- Bobby Pounders, Ken- ments.
a machinist. He was
arrangements. ed in death by his wife, neth Pounders, Cecil Mrs. Dykes was born
a member of Beulah
He is survived by his Grove Full Gospel Bap- Emma Lou Aldridge; Pounders, Jerry Pound- Sept. 3, 1954, in Tupelo,
wife, Vonda Carter-Hin- tist Church. and brothers, Charles ers, Junior Pounders, to Charles Burroughs
ton; children, LaFreda In addition to his par- Aldridge and Edward Warren Pounders and Blake and the late Joyce
A. Macon, Frederick ents, he is survived by Lee Aldridge. Harold Pounders; nine Ann Brown Stephens.
A. Macon, Andre D. his daughter, Kyndall He is survived by grandchildren; and ten She was a graduate of
Townsend, Heather R. Lenoir of Columbus; his brother, Denzil great-grandchildren. Nettleton High School
Whitley, Noah J. Hin- and siblings, Court- Aldridge; and sisters, and IJC. She was
ton, Natalla Carter and
Sylvia Carter; sisters,
ney Halbert, LyDasia Rachel Bell and Nona John McDill formerly employed as
Evans, MarQuita Evans, McKay. COLUMBUS — John a nurse with Gilmore
Annie Stallings, Valeria Frinita Hendricks, Memorial Hospital in
Morris McDill, 49, died
Hinton, Darlene Schaf-
fer, Diane Schaffer
Brendan Nance, Kema- Willie Jones Jr. Jan. 23, 2019, at his Amory.
rio Smith and Deveun WEST POINT — residence. In addition to her
and Robin Schaffer; Nance, all of Columbus mother, she was pre-
Willie Jones Jr. died Jan. Services will be at 2
and brothers, Venson and Anthony Walker of ceded in death by her
17, 2019, in Fairfield, p.m. Sunday at Lowndes
Hinton, Dewayne Doss, Marietta, Georgia. Alabama. Funeral Home Chapel. daughter, Bridgett
Leslie Schaffer and Pallbearers will be Services will be at 11 Burial will follow at Dykes.
William Schaffer. Eugene Brown Jr., Ed- a.m. Saturday at St. Paul Vaughn Cemetery in In addition to her fa-
ward Earl Williams Jr., M.B. Church with the Caledonia. Visitation ther, she is survived by
Keith Tate William Boykin, Quan- Rev. Tommie Lee Cox will be from 6-8 p.m. her son, Justin Dykes
STARKVILLE — tavis Snell, Kemario officiating. Burial will Saturday at the funeral of Nettleton; brothers,
Keith F. Tate, 53, Evans and LaQuentis follow at Greenwood home. Lowndes Funeral Tim Blake of Nettleton
died Jan. 17, 2019, in Brooks. Cemetery. Visitation is Home is in charge of and Tommy Blake of
Starkville. from 3-6 p.m. Friday at arrangements. the Carolina Commu-
Services will be at Rosetta Bluitt Carter’s Mortuary Ser- Mr. McDill was born
11 a.m. Saturday at COLUMBUS — Ro- vices Chapel. Carter’s to the late John McDill I don’t want flowers at my funeral. I want
West Memorial Funeral
Home. Burial will follow
setta Bluitt, 65, died
Jan. 20, 2019, at Baptist
Mortuary Services is
in charge of arrange-
Sr. and Linda Fowler
Langford. Animal Shelter Donations!
at Fox Cemetery. Visi- ments. He is survived by If you want it done your way, you need to call us.
tation is from 3-6 p.m. Hospi- Mr. Jones was born his brothers and sisters
Friday at the funeral tal-Golden to the late Willie Jones and stepfather, Jerry
home. West Memorial Triangle. Sr. and Katherine Hin- Langford.
Funeral Home is in Services ton Jones. Memorials may be
charge arrangements. will be He is survived by made to St. Jude Chil-
He is survived by at 2 p.m. his son, Ahmad Jones; dren’s Research Hospi- When Caring Counts...
his wife, Tiffany Guy Saturday at daughter, Tiffiny tal, 501 St. Jude Place, Lowndes Funeral Home and Crematory
Tate; daughters, Keisha 15th Street Bluitt Hoyett; brother, Earnest Memphis, TN 38105. (662) 328-1808
Page and Takira Guy; Church of Jones; sisters, Mary
sons, LaKeith Tate and God in Christ with the Dale Carodine, Sally D.T. Triplett
Derrick Brown; sister, Rev. Tommie L. Wil- Davis and Donna Faye MACON — D.T.
Janet Brown; and broth- liams officiating. Burial Cunningham; and five Triplett, 70, died Jan.
ers, Millon Tate Jr. and will follow at Memorial grandchildren. 19, 2019, at his resi-
Darrell Tate. Gardens Cemetery. dence.
Visitation is from 3-8 Demario Snell Services
Tyshun Fields p.m. Friday at Carter’s ARTESIA — Dema- will be at 2
CRAWFORD — Funeral Services. Car- rio Anquan Snell, 31, p.m. Satur-
Tyshun Bernard Fields, ter’s Funeral Services died Jan. 15, 2019, in day at St.
24, died Jan. 15, 2019, in is in charge of arrange- Artesia. Paul U.M.
Artesia. ments. Services Church
Services Mrs. Bluitt was born will be with
will be at Nov. 11, 1953, in Colum- at 2 p.m. the Rev. Triplett
11 a.m. bus, to the late Tom and Sunday Demetric
Saturday Fannie Marshall. She at Beulah Darden officiating.
at Charity was a 1972 graduate of Grove Full Burial will follow at Odd
Mission S.D. Lee High School Gospel Fellows Cemetery. Vis-
Full Gospel Baptist Snell itation is from 1-5 p.m.
and a graduate of Mis-
Baptist sissippi University for Church Friday at Lee-Sykes
Church Women. She was a Spe- with the Rev. Timothy Funeral Home. Lee-
with Bishop Bobby L. cial Education teacher Bourne officiating. Sykes Funeral Home
McCarter officiating. with Columbus Munic- Burial will follow at is in charge of arrange-
Burial will follow at ipal School District and the church cemetery. ments.
Fairview Cemetery. a member of Bibleway Visitation will be from Mr. Triplett was born
Visitation is from noon- Progressive Church of noon-6 p.m. Saturday at Dec. 7, 1948, in Noxu-
6 p.m. Friday at Carter’s God in Christ. Carter’s Funeral Ser- bee County, to Daisy
Funeral Services. Car- In addition to her par- vices. Carter’s Funeral Triplett and the late

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
6A Friday, January 25, 2019 The Dispatch •

Mississippi: $27M from

contractors in prison bribery case
‘These companies — they had to pay and pay dearly’ prison company, Management &
Training Corporation.
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood ■ $4.6 million from another pri-
vate prison operator, Cornell Com-
By EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS of the money is going into the gen-
The Associated Press panies Inc. (GEO Group).
eral state budget, nearly $7 million
■ $4 million from a prison health
is going to the Department of Cor-
JACKSON — Mis- care provider, Wexford Health
rections and more than $6 million is
sissippi Attorney Sources Inc.
for fees and expenses of attorneys
General Jim Hood ■ $3.1 million from a commis-
who sued on behalf of the state. sary management services com-
said Thursday that
“These companies — they had pany, Keefe Commissary Network
his office is collect-
to pay and pay dearly,” Hood said LLC.
ing nearly $27 mil-
lion from contractors during a news conference in his ■ $3.1 million from C. N. W. Con-
involved in bribing Jackson office. struction Company.
a former head of the Hood He said one of the companies, ■ $1.3 million from an offender
state prison system. Branan Medical Corporation, which tracking and monitoring company,
The money comes from 11 law- has drug-testing products, made a Sentinel Offender Services LLC.
suits filed in February 2017. The contract profit of $450,000 and will ■ $750,000 from CGL Facility
lawsuits said the contractors used pay the state $2 million. Global Tel- Management LLC, which provides
consultants to influence Correc- Link Corporation, which provides correctional maintenance services.
tions Commissioner Christopher telephone services for inmates, ■ $32,188 from AdminPros LLC,
Epps, who resigned in 2014 after a made a profit of $750,000 and will which provides Medicaid eligibility
dozen years on the job. pay the state $2.5 million, he said. services.
Epps acknowledged accepting “We did more than just disgorge ■ $100,000 from insurance agent
more than $1.4 million in bribes and them of their ill-gotten gains,” Hood Guy E. “Butch” Evans.
pleaded guilty in 2015. He is serv- said. “We recovered more.” One company sued by the state,
ing a nearly 20-year federal prison The other collections from the prison health care provider Health
sentence. lawsuits, according to Hood: Assurance LLC, went into bank-
Hood said more than $10 million ■ $5.2 million from a private ruptcy and will not pay the state.

Continued from Page 1A
The United Way of thanks in full and we’re getting ev- in the car
Lowndes County and large part erything up and out on to come to
Building Bridges of Hope to the dedi- time.” work and
are also working together cation of its Hainsey said people you only
to collect gift cards for af- TSA work- have been chipping in to have so
fected workers. ers. help the TSA agents, from much mon-
Glenda Buckhalter, T hough giving them Walmart ey.
community outreach co- there have cards to buying them “I went
ordinator for the city of Buckhalter Hainsey
been re- lunch. He said the air- through
Columbus and officer ports nationally of air- port’s agents hail from this in ‘91 or ‘92 when we
and director for Building ports facing delays due throughout the Golden had that shutdown in the
Bridges of Hope, said the to TSA workers calling Triangle. military,” he later added.
organizations are look- out while having to work Hainsey said he’s “I know what’s it’s like
ing to deliver cards on without pay, Hainsey said grateful for the commu- to have to prioritize what
Wednesday. that hasn’t been a prob- nity’s help. He noted that bill you’re going to pay. I
Buckhalter said she lem at GTRA. He said the Atmos Energy has also also know that everyone --
learned about the TSA airport hasn’t seen any been working to offer re- the banks, everyone else
workers at GTRA about security-related delays lief for agents who can’t understood that they’re
a week ago, along with 28 going to get paid. They’ll
since the shutdown be- make their payments.
Columbus and Lowndes get paid whenever the
gan. He said he’s also thank-
County residents who are government people get
“Although at the begin- ful to the TSA agents who
federal workers at a pris- paid. But you know, the
ning of January, the flight continue to work without
on in Aliceville, Alabama.
load was lighter,” he said. pay. uncertainty is scary.”
“The USDA has some
as well,” she said. “So it’s “But now we’re getting “It’s a sacrifice,” he
close to 50 people, if not back up to being pretty said. “You’re putting gas
right at 50. We wanted
to reach out and do what
we could for them. A lot
of them are parents and
they’re traveling. They
have bills and they have
to pay for things. We
might not be able to pay
a light bill or a mortgage
but we can get them gas
and food.”
Buckhalter said gift
cards can be delivered to
her office at 1607 Main St.
or the United Way office
at 223 Second St. N.

‘It’s a sacrifice’
Hainsey said GTRA
has been running smooth-
ly through the shutdown,

Man arrested
in pizza

A McCool
resident was
arrested last
week in Co-
lumbus after
allegedly fal-
sifying doc-
uments for
a local pizza Malone
Anthony Reagan
Malone, 23, was charged
with felony embezzlement.
According to a Columbus
Police Department press
release, Malone created
false documents for fraud-
ulent payments. The press
release did not say what
company Malone worked
Mississippi law states
that any amount over
$1,000 in such cases is con-
sidered a felony amount,
the press release said.
Malone was released
from the Lowndes County
Adult Detention Center on
$10,000 bond.
COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Senior Bowl, 1:30 p.m. Saturday (NFL Network)
Adam Minichino

THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Friday, January 25, 2019



No. 7 Bulldogs go
to 6-0 in league
From Staff and Wire Reports

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — For one game, at

least, the Mississippi State women’s basketball
team showed it could win without a major con-
tribution from senior center and leading scorer
Teaira McCowan.
Senior forward Anriel Howard scored 21
points and led four scor-
ers in double figures to lift No. 7 MSU 90,
No. 7 Mississippi State to a Florida 42
90-42 victory against Flor-
ida on Thursday night.
The Bulldogs tied last year’s game against the
Gators for the second-largest margin of victory
in a Southeastern Conference game in school
Sophomore guard Bre’Amber Scott added 15
points off the bench for the Bulldogs (18-1, 6-0
SEC), who won their eighth-straight game. Se-
nior guard Jordan Danberry had 12 points and
four assists, and freshman guard Xaria Wiggins
added 11 points.
“Just really pleased with my team today,” MSU
Mississippi State Athletic Media Relations
Mississippi State center Elgton Jenkins started 34 of 49 games at MSU. The 2018 Kent Hull Trophy winner for coach Vic Schaefer said. “I thought our guard
the best offensive lineman in the state of Mississippi started 26 games at center, five at left tackle, two at left play was really good and set the tone early. I just
guard, and one at right tackle. He allowed one sack in 762 pass-blocking snaps at center during his junior and felt like that’s where we really dictated tempo.”
senior seasons, according to Pro Football Focus. MSU dominated in all phases of the game,
outscoring Florida 37-6 in points off turnovers

JENKINS SHINES IN DOMINANT WEEK and 48-12 in points in the paint.

The 6-foot-7 McCowan was held to two points,

Mississippi State center improves his chances for NFL draft with impressive week of practice Game 20
n Ole Miss 2 p.m. Sunday (SEC Network;
By Ron Clements “Man, that feels ery game and every play.” WKBB-FM 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).
Special to The Dispatch good,” Jenkins said But Jenkins is more than just NOTE: The game is sold out.
of pancaking defen- brawn. MSU coach Joe Moorhead
MOBILE, Ala. — It’s a compli-
ment when an offensive lineman is
sive linemen. “You considered Jenkins the “brain” of Signee Jackson makes history
want to be able to his team’s offense. He also was
described as being nasty or having n Mississippi State women’s basketball signee
put your will on your named to the SEC Academic Hon- Rickea Jackson, out of Detroit Edison Public School
a mean streak.
opponent. or Roll in 2015 and 2017 en route to Academy, was named Thursday to the McDonald’s
Mississippi State center Elgton
Jenkins received several of those “Like Montez, Jenkins earning a degree in industrial tech- All-American Game. The game, which will feature many
putting him on his nology. of the nation’s top senior girls basketball players, will be
compliments this week at the Se- March 27 at State Farm Arena in Atlanta.
nior Bowl. back,” he added with a laugh. “Nah, “He’s a great teammate,” Sweat
Jackson, a 6-foot-3 wing player, is the first MSU signee
The 6-foot-4, 310-pounder from just kidding.” said Thursday following practice
to earn an invitation to play in the event. Rated the No.
Clarksdale consistently won his Jenkins hopes to back up that at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. “He can 9 prospect by, Jackson signed with MSU in
matchups during one-on-one and work in practice at 1:30 p.m. Satur- play center, guard, tackle, wherev- November.
team drills at the college football day (NFL Network) when the Se- er he needs to be to help his team Jackson is the state of Michigan’s first girls
showcase. He takes pride in planting nior Bowl players hit the field. He win.” McDonald’s All-American since Birmingham Detroit
a defensive lineman in the turf, even said his goal this week was to show Jenkins started 34 of 49 games at Country Day’s Madison Williams in 2010.
if it’s MSU teammate Montez Sweat. NFL teams he brings tenacity “ev- See JENKINS, 4B

Coverage skills coming COLLEGE BASEBALL

naturally for DE Green MSU, Ole Miss in top

By Ron Clements
Special to The Dispatch
the line and moved
to cover a slot
15 of USA Today poll
receiver. From Special Reports
MOBILE, Ala. Johnson took a
— Gerri Green three-stop drop, The Mississippi State and Ole Miss baseball
lined up at his usual was hit as he threw, programs were two of eight Southeastern Con-
spot and stood over and Green under- ference schools ranked in the top 20 Thursday
the outside shoul- Green cut the pass to inter- of the USA Today Sports preseason coaches poll.
der of the offensive cept it. The Missis- MSU first-year coach Chris Lemonis’ team
tackle. sippi State defender came in at No. 15 in the poll, while
Mississippi State Athletic Media Relations
Before Kentucky quar- returned it 84 yards for Mike Bianco’s Rebels are ranked Roundup
Mississippi State defensive end Gerri Green served No. 10.
as team captain this season. He started 27 of the 52 terback Stephen Johnson the only touchdown of his
games he appeared in as a Bulldog. This season, he received the shotgun snap, collegiate career. It is the third top-15 ranking
had 31 tackles and three-and-a-half sacks. Green dropped 5 yards off See GREEN, 3B for MSU. It enters the season ranked No. 9 in
the Baseball America poll, No. 14 according to
D1Baseball, No. 17 in the Perfect Game poll, and
No. 27 by Collegiate Baseball Newspaper.
In the 2018 preseason, MSU appeared in two

Borges, No. 3 Bulldogs set for ‘one last ride’

By Scot t Walters “Just as humble as the COLLEGE SOFTBALL first day I met him,” For-
sissippi State senior ten-
shey said. “You would
never know how great a
player he is. He works on
MSU’s Davidson named
nis player Nuno Borges
calls it “one last ride.”
Senior teammate Trev-
his game all the time. He
is also out there spending
those extra hours with the
preseason All-SEC
or Forshey sums it up as new guys. Heck, I am a se- From Special Reports
“the last chance.” nior and I am still learning
Whatever it is called, from him. It’s just been BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Mississippi State
the No. 3 MSU men’s ten- great watching him play sophomore catcher / third
nis team plans to make and being there for some baseman Mia Davidson, Ole Miss
the 2019 season special. of the great moments.” senior outfielder Kylan Becker, and
Coming off the pro- Borges enters his fi- Alabama junior utility player Bailey
gram’s best season in 20 nal collegiate season Hemphill and sophomore outfielder
years, expectations are with an 89-21 record in Kaylee Tow were named Thursday
high as MSU takes the singles and 48-33 record to the Southeastern Conference’s
court this weekend in the Mississippi State Athletic Media Relations in doubles. He will again
Preseason All-SEC Team, the
ITA Kick-Off Classic at A two-time Southeastern Conference player of the year, assume the No. 1 position Davidson
league announced.
the Pitts Tennis Centre. Mississippi State senior Nuno Borges has established for the Bulldogs.
MSU will face Wichita himself as one of the nation’s best players. A year ago, the Bull- The league’s head coaches
State at 1 p.m. Saturday. It dogs finished 23-3 (11-1 selected the 14 players named to the squad.
will face Arizona or UNC “You don’t find that in col- amazing experience.” in SEC). MSU beat Texas Alabama, Florida and LSU are the only programs
Wilmington in the event’s lege tennis often. We have A two-time Southeast- A&M for the SEC tour- with multiple players on the team.
second round Sunday. roomed together, studied ern Conference player of nament championship. Davidson, the 2018 SEC Freshman of the Year,
“This group of seniors together, gone out to- the year, Borges has es- The season ended with was one of only three sophomores to earn presea-
has been together the en- gether, and played tennis tablished himself as one of a loss to Ohio State in son laurels, joining Tow and Arkansas’ Mary Haff.
tire time,” Borges said. together. It has been an the nation’s best players. See TENNIS, 3B See SOFTBALL, 4B
2B Friday, January 25, 2019 The Dispatch •

Are You Ready
Thursday’s Men’s
Major College Scores
Bryant 63, CCSU 60
Conference Men
Conf. Pct. Overall Pct.
No. 1 Notre Dame 77,
Tennessee 62
NOTRE DAME (19-1): Shepard 6-13 1-4
Vanderbilt beats to Discuss Your
Ole Miss for first
Tennessee 6-0 1.000 17-1 .944 13, Turner 5-8 3-5 13, Mabrey 2-7 0-0 5, Ogun-
Canisius 80, Monmouth (NJ) 66 LSU 5-0 1.000 15-3 .833 bowale 11-21 4-7 28, Young 4-8 8-10 16, Cos-

Long Term
Fairleigh Dickinson 60, St. Francis Brooklyn 58 Kentucky 5-1 .833 15-3 .833 grove 0-1 0-0 0, Patterson 0-0 0-0 0, Vaughn
Mount St. Mary’s 74, LIU Brooklyn 72 S. Carolina 5-1 .833 10-8 .556 0-0 0-0 0, Benz 0-0 0-0 0, Nixon 0-0 0-0 0,
Robert Morris 72, Sacred Heart 64 Ole Miss 4-2 .667 14-4 .778 Prohaska 0-1 2-2 2, Totals 28-59 18-28 77.
Siena 57, Fairfield 48 Alabama 3-3 .500 12-6 .667 TENNESSEE (12-7): Davis 3-14 0-0 6,

victory in league Care Options?

Syracuse 73, Miami 53 Florida 3-3 .500 11-7 .611 Green 3-12 1-1 7, Kushkituah 1-3 2-2 4, Green
Temple 85, Memphis 76 Mississippi St. 2-3 .400 14-4 .778 9-21 1-1 19, Westbrook 6-14 2-2 16, Collins 1-2
Towson 75, Northeastern 72 Auburn 2-3 .400 13-5 .722 0-0 2, Harris 1-3 0-2 2, Burrell 0-2 0-0 0, Mas-
Wagner 83, St. Francis (Pa.) 79 Arkansas 2-4 .333 11-7 .611 sengill 3-5 0-0 6, Totals 27-76 6-8 62.
SOUTH Missouri 1-4 .200 10-7 .588 Notre Dame 14 17 24 22 —77
Austin Peay 89, Tennessee St. 74
Belmont 79, Murray St. 66
Georgia 1-5 .167 9-9 .500 Tennessee 17 17 12 16 —62 Are you struggling to provide care for a loved one?
Texas A&M 1-5 .167 7-10 .412 3-Point Goals—Notre Dame 3-12 (Mabrey From Special Reports
Campbell 77, Presbyterian 73
Coll. of Charleston 72, Elon 53
Vanderbilt 0-6 .000 9-9 .500 1-5, Ogunbowale 2-6, Prohaska 0-1), Tennessee
2-14 (Davis 0-3, Green 0-5, Westbrook 2-5, Bur-
Are you concerned about long term care costs?
E. Illinois 66, UT Martin 64
E. Kentucky 88, Jacksonville St. 70
Thursday’s Games rell 0-1). Assists—Notre Dame 23 (Young 10),
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Lealea Do you have questions about how to protect your
No games scheduled Tennessee 9 (Green 5). Fouled Out—Tennessee
Furman 73, Chattanooga 58 Today’s Games Davis. Rebounds—Notre Dame 43 (Young 12),
Carter had 20 points to lead three assets if you need long term care?
Hampton 88, SC-Upstate 70 No games scheduled Tennessee 41 (Green 11). Total Fouls—Notre
Hofstra 85, James Madison 68 Saturday’s Games Dame 10, Tennessee 23. A—9,154. players in double figures Thursday Are you confused by Medicare and Medicaid
Jacksonville 86, North Florida 81 Alabama at Baylor, 11 a.m. (ESPNU)
Lipscomb 89, Florida Gulf Coast 81 Iowa State at Ole Miss, 11 a.m. (ESPN) No. 7 Mississippi State 90, in the Vanderbilt women’s basket- and their requirements?
Longwood 55, High Point 51 Florida at TCU, 11 a.m. (ESPN2)
Louisiana Tech 89, Marshall 80, OT South Carolina at Oklahoma State, 1 p.m. Florida 42 ball team’s 80-68 victory against Ole At Dunn & Hemphill, we can help you answer these and many
MISSISSIPPI STATE (18-1): Howard 10-
Louisiana-Lafayette 88, South Alabama 84
Louisiana-Monroe 75, Troy 69
Texas at Georgia, 1 p.m. (ESPN2) 14 0-0 21, McCowan 1-4 0-2 2, Danberry 6-11 Miss in a Southeastern Conference other difficult questions by creating a plan tailored to fit you and
Louisville 84, NC State 77
Mercer 88, VMI 68
Kansas State at Texas A&M, 1 p.m. (ESPN)
Vanderbilt at Oklahoma, 3 p.m. (ESPN2)
0-0 12, Espinoza-Hunter 2-4 0-0 4, Holmes 3-4
2-2 8, Carter 3-7 0-2 6, Campbell 1-2 0-1 2, game at Memorial Gymnasium. your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 (ext.#0)
Morehead St. 67, Tennessee Tech 61 West Virginia at Tennessee, 3 p.m. (ESPN) Scott 5-8 2-2 15, Tate 1-3 0-0 2, Taylor 3-3 0-0
7, Wiggins 4-10 2-3 11, Totals 39-70 6-12 90. Mariella Fasoula (19 points, to discuss your long term care planning goals.
N. Kentucky 87, Green Bay 65 Arkansas at Texas Tech, 5 p.m. (ESPN2)
nine rebounds) and
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
NJIT 82, Stetson 59 LSU at Missouri, 5 p.m. (SEC Network) FLORIDA (5-14): Moore 0-2 0-0 0, Robin-
son 0-3 2-2 2, Johnson 4-7 0-0 9, Nakkasoglu
Autumn Newby (14 Roundup
North Alabama 76, Kennesaw St. 71 Kansas at Kentucky, 5 p.m. (ESPN)
Radford 86, Charleston Southern 78 Auburn at Mississippi State, 7:30 p.m. 5-10 2-2 14, Smith 1-7 4-8 6, Brower 0-0 1-2 1,
Texas State 81, Georgia St. 68 (SEC Network) Williams 0-1 0-0 0, de Oliveira 1-7 0-0 2, Rainey
Texas-Arlington 72, Georgia Southern 67 Sunday’s Games 0-6 1-2 1, Staples 0-1 0-0 0, Washington 2-6
3-5 7, Totals 13-50 13-21 42.
points, six rebounds) 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
UNC-Greensboro 83, The Citadel 60 No games scheduled
UNC-Wilmington 93, William & Mary 88
Thursday’s Women’s
Mississippi State 27 27 19 17 — 90 also scored in double 662.327.4211 |
W. Kentucky 66, Southern Miss. 63 Florida 9 13 12 8 — 42
Winthrop 97, Gardner-Webb 88 Major College Scores 3-Point Goals—Mississippi St. 6-12 figures to help Vanderbilt (6-13, 1-5 Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
(Howard 1-3, Espinoza-Hunter 0-1, Scott 3-3,
Wofford 107, Samford 106, OT
MIDWEST Fairfield 55, Iona 42
EAST Tate 0-1, Taylor 1-1, Wiggins 1-3), Florida 3-23 SEC) earn its first league win. W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
Cincinnati 88, Tulsa 64
IUPUI 73, Oakland 71
Fordham 56, Rhode Island 38
(Moore 0-2, Johnson 1-3, Nakkasoglu 2-5,
Smith 0-2, de Oliveira 0-3, Rainey 0-4, Staples Vanderbilt outscored Ole Miss Mention this ad when you call to get a free 30 minute
Monmouth (NJ) 67, Canisius 61
Ill.-Chicago 79, Detroit 67
Michigan St. 82, Iowa 67
Niagara 58, Manhattan 54
0-1, Washington 0-3). Assists—Mississippi
St. 20 (Holmes 6), Florida 4 (Smith 2). Fouled
43-27 in the middle two quarters, Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
Nebraska-Omaha 85, Purdue Fort Wayne 79,
Virginia 74, Pittsburgh 57
Out—Mississippi St. Scott, Rebounds—Mis-
sissippi St. 36 (Howard 8), Florida 40 (Robin-
and had a 40-20 edge in points in *Background information available upon request.

© The Dispatch
S. Dakota St. 87, N. Dakota St. 69
Appalachian St. 75, Arkansas St. 67
Austin Peay 74, Tennessee St. 47
son 9). Total Fouls—Mississippi St. 22, Florida the paint. The Commodores shot Providing Our Clients Expertise With
SIU-Edwardsville 87, SE Missouri 86, 3OT 17. A—1,242.
Seattle 75, Chicago St. 47
Belmont 65, Murray St. 58 50 percent from the field (28-for-56)
Charlotte 66, UTSA 54 No. 15 Kentucky 52, Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
Utah Valley 75, UMKC 67 Duke 66, Wake Forest 52 and had a 24-15 advantage in points
Wright St. 56, Milwaukee 54 Jacksonville St. 53, E. Kentucky 44 No. 25 Missouri 41
Arkansas St. 82, Appalachian St. 81, OT
Kentucky 52, Missouri 41 MISSOURI (15-6): Porter 0-2 0-0 0, off turnovers.
Louisville 68, Florida St. 49 Aldridge 2-7 0-0 6, Cunningham 5-12 4-4 17,
Coastal Carolina 72, UALR 71
Old Dominion 50, UTEP 48
Marshall 90, Louisiana Tech 88 Roundtree 3-7 1-2 7, Smith 0-3 0-0 0, Schuchts Vanderbilt used a 14-0 run in the
Rice 79, Middle Tennessee 68
Mercer 65, Chattanooga 58
Mississippi St. 90, Florida 42
0-1 0-0 0, Tahane 1-3 0-0 2, Brown 0-0 0-0 0,
Chavis 1-1 2-3 5, Levy 0-1 1-2 1, Troup 1-2 0-0 second quarter to build their lead.
UAB 52, North Texas 49
UTSA 88, Charlotte 43
Morehead St. 77, Tennessee Tech 56
NC State 54, Clemson 51
3, Totals 13-39 8-11 41.
KENTUCKY (17-3): McKinney 1-3 1-2 3,
The Commodores led by as many
Arizona St. 84, UCLA 73
North Carolina 81, Virginia Tech 69
Notre Dame 77, Tennessee 62
Wyatt 3-7 4-6 11, Howard 1-8 1-4 4, Morris 2-9
0-0 4, Murray 8-14 5-6 21, Anyagaligbo 1-4 0-0
as 17 points with 7 minutes, 27 sec-
BYU 71, Saint Mary’s (Cal) 66
CS Bakersfield 88, California Baptist 84
Old Dominion 78, UTEP 59 2, Green 2-4 0-0 4, Paschal 0-0 0-0 0, Roper onds left to play.
Rice 60, Middle Tennessee 47 1-5 0-0 3, Totals 19-54 11-18 52.
Cal St.-Fullerton 81, UC Santa Barbara 60
Colorado 68, California 59
Samford 79, ETSU 58 Missouri 12 9 7 13 — 41 Crystal Allen paced Ole Miss (8-
South Alabama 83, Louisiana-Lafayette 60 Kentucky 10 8 18 16 — 52
Gonzaga 98, Santa Clara 39 Southern Miss. 69, W. Kentucky 56 3-Point Goals—Missouri 7-19 (Aldridge 12, 2-4) with 20 points. It was her
Montana 80, Idaho St. 69
N. Colorado 79, S. Utah 68
Texas A&M 69, Auburn 67
Troy 78, Louisiana-Monroe 56
2-6, Cunningham 3-7, Roundtree 0-3, Chavis
1-1, Troup 1-2), Kentucky 3-14 (McKinney 0-2, eighth 20-point outing this season.
Oregon St. 90, Washington St. 77
Portland St. 78, E. Washington 65
UAB 70, North Texas 60
UALR 60, Coastal Carolina 47
Wyatt 1-2, Howard 1-4, Morris 0-1, Murray 0-1,
Green 0-1, Roper 1-3). Assists—Missouri 11
The senior guard also extended
Sacramento St. 69, Idaho 48
San Diego 71, Loyola Marymount 58
UT Martin 90, E. Illinois 66
Vanderbilt 80, Mississippi 68
(Smith 3), Kentucky 5 (Murray 2). Rebounds— her streak of consecutive made free
Missouri 25 (Cunningham 6), Kentucky 37
San Francisco 83, Portland 61
Southern Cal 80, Arizona 57
MIDWEST (Howard 8). Total Fouls—Missouri 19, Ken- throws to 34 after going 6-for-6. It
Green Bay 62, Ill.-Chicago 32 tucky 14. Technical Fouls—Missouri TEAM 1.
UC Irvine 75, Hawaii 74, OT
Utah 70, Stanford 66
IUPUI 67, Milwaukee 66 A—4,174. is the third-longest active streak in
Indiana 70, Michigan 60
Washington 61, Oregon 56 Maryland 70, Ohio St. 57 Arkansas 72, Alabama 61 the NCAA, and the longest in the
Weber St. 93, Montana St. 84 Michigan St. 77, Illinois 60 ALABAMA (10-10): Copeland 4-7 3-4 11,
The Associated Press Northwestern 58, Nebraska 54 Walker 7-16 0-0 18, Abrams 0-5 0-0 0, Johnson
Penn St. 65, Wisconsin 59 5-14 2-5 14, Wade 0-3 0-0 0, Craig Cruce 0-0 Senior guard Shandricka Ses-
Men’s Top 25 Fared Purdue 64, Minnesota 53 0-0 0, Knight 0-1 0-0 0, Barber 2-7 0-0 5, Benja-
Thursday Purdue Fort Wayne 56, Nebraska-Omaha 48
SE Missouri 63, SIU-Edwardsville 58
min 4-8 2-2 13, Totals 22-61 7-11 61.
ARKANSAS (15-5): Williams 1-3 2-2 4,
som added 14 points, five rebounds,
1. Tennessee (17-1) did not play. Next: vs.
West Virginia, Saturday. South Dakota 80, North Dakota 50 Dungee 4-15 1-2 9, Mason 3-7 0-0 7, Monk two assists, one blocked shot, and
SOUTHWEST 5-14 5-6 16, Tolefree 4-8 1-2 13, Stout 0-0
2. Duke (16-2) did not play. Next: vs.
Georgia Tech, Saturday. Arkansas 72, Alabama 61 0-0 0, Thomas 7-10 1-1 15, Weaver 0-0 0-0 0, one steal before fouling out.
3. Virginia (17-1) did not play. Next: at Georgia St. 57, Texas State 34 Doumbia 0-0 0-0 0, Northcross-Baker 1-3 0-0 n Arkansas 72, Alabama 61: At Fayetteville, Ar-
Notre Dame, Saturday. Texas-Arlington 81, Georgia Southern 48 3, Spangler 0-0 0-0 0, Zimmerman 2-2 0-0 5,
4. Gonzaga (19-2) beat Santa Clara FAR WEST Totals 27-62 10-13 72. kansas, Malica Monk had 16 points to lead three players
98-39. Next: at BYU, Thursday. Cal St.-Fullerton 59, UC Santa Barbara 52 Alabama 13 16 17 15 — 61 in double figures in the Razorbacks’ victory against the
5. Michigan (18-1) did not play. Next: at California Baptist 68, CS Bakersfield 45 Arkansas 19 14 20 19 —72
Indiana, Friday. Gonzaga 78, San Francisco 51 3-Point Goals—Alabama 10-29 (Walk- Crimson Tide at Bud Walton Arena.
6. Michigan State (18-2) beat No. 19 Iowa Hawaii 71, Cal Poly 54 er 4-9, Abrams 0-3, Johnson 2-6, Wade 0-1, Taylah Thomas had 15 points and seven rebounds
82-67. Next: at Purdue, Sunday. Idaho 104, Sacramento St. 66 Barber 1-4, Benjamin 3-6), Arkansas 8-22
7. Nevada (19-1) did not play. Next: at Idaho St. 50, Montana 34 (Dungee 0-4, Mason 1-4, Monk 1-3, Tolefree in 21 minutes off the bench, while Alexis Tolefree had 13
UNLV, Tuesday. Loyola Marymount 72, Pacific 67 4-7, Northcross-Baker 1-3, Zimmerman 1-1). points on four 3-pointers for Arkansas (15-5, 4-2).
8. Kentucky (15-3) did not play. Next: vs. Montana St. 66, Weber St. 59 Assists—Alabama 16 (Johnson 6), Arkansas
No. 9 Kansas, Saturday. N. Colorado 71, S. Utah 44 13 (Mason 4). Rebounds—Alabama 40 (Walker Jasmine Walker led Alabama (10-10, 2-4) with 18
9. Kansas (16-3) did not play. Next: at No. Portland St. 76, E. Washington 64 12), Arkansas 36 (Mason 9). Total Fouls—Ala- points and 12 rebounds. Ariyah Copeland had 11 points
8 Kentucky, Saturday. Saint Mary’s (Cal) 79, Pepperdine 68 bama 14, Arkansas 11. A—1,375.
Santa Clara 72, Portland 66 and 10 rebounds. De’Sha Benjamin had 13 points.
10. Virginia Tech (15-3) did not play. Next:
vs. Syracuse, Saturday. Seattle 90, Chicago St. 54 Vanderbilt 80, Ole Miss 68 n Southern Mississippi 69, Western Kentucky
UC Davis 60, CS Northridge 49 OLE MISS (8-12): Salter 3-9 0-0 6, Allen
11. North Carolina (15-4) did not play. 5-19 6-6 20, Reid 1-5 4-6 6, Sessom 5-11 2-2 56: At Bowling Green, Kentucky, Respect Leaphart had
Next: at Georgia Tech, Tuesday. UC Riverside 73, Long Beach St. 59
UMKC 68, Utah Valley 64 14, Smith 4-4 0-0 8, Crawford 2-3 0-0 4, Dunlap
12. Marquette (17-3) did not play. Next: at 2-6 0-0 4, Kitchens 0-0 0-0 0, Matthews 0-0 0-0
a career-high 24 points and 11 rebounds Thursday to
Xavier, Saturday.
13. Maryland (16-4) did not play. Next: vs.
The AP Women’s Top 25 0, Dozier 3-3 0-0 6, Totals 25-60 12-14 68. lead the Lady Eagles past the Hilltoppers in their Con-
VANDERBILT (6-13): Fasoula 7-8 5-10
Illinois, Saturday.
14. Buffalo (17-2) did not play. Next: at
Fared 19, Newby 4-10 6-7 14, Carter 7-14 6-7 20,
ference USA game at E.A. Diddle Arena.
Kent State, Friday.
Thursday Clemons-Green 1-3 0-0 3, Walker 2-5 2-2 7, The win was only the second for Southern Miss (10-
1. Notre Dame (19-1) beat Tennessee Alexander 3-8 1-2 7, Horrocks 0-0 0-0 0, Cam-
14. Texas Tech (15-4) did not play. Next: 77-62. Next: at North Carolina, Sunday. bridge 1-2 1-2 3, Hall 3-6 0-0 7, Totals 28-56
10, 2-5 C-USA) at Diddle Arena. It also snapped West-
vs. Arkansas, Saturday. 2. Baylor (16-1) did not play. Next: at 21-30 80. ern Kentucky’s 22-game conference winning streak.
16. Auburn (13-5) did not play. Next: at Oklahoma, Sunday. Ole Miss 16 13 14 25 — 68
No. 22 Mississippi State, Saturday. 3. UConn (17-1) did not play. Next: vs. Vanderbilt 14 22 21 23 — 80
Former Starkville High School standout Kelsey
17. Houston (19-1) did not play. Next: at UCF, Sunday. 3-Point Goals—Mississippi 6-27 (Salt- Jones had 14 points and 13 rebounds for her third dou-
Tulsa, Sunday. 4. Louisville (18-1) beat No. 22 Florida er 0-5, Allen 4-16, Reid 0-1, Sessom 2-5),
18. Villanova (15-4) did not play. Next: vs. State 68-49. Next: vs. Pittsburgh, Sunday. Vanderbilt 3-10 (Clemons-Green 1-2, Walker
ble-double. Megan Brown added 10 points.
Seton Hall, Sunday. 5. Oregon (17-1) did not play. Next: at 1-2, Alexander 0-3, Cambridge 0-1, Hall 1-2). Junior College
19. Iowa (16-4) lost to No. 6 Michigan Assists—Ole Miss 14 (Reid 7), Vanderbilt 17
State 82-67. Next: at Minnesota, Sunday. Washington State, Friday. n Itawamba Community College 77, East
6. Stanford (16-1) did not play. Next: at (Hall 4). Fouled Out—Ole Miss Sessom, Re-
20. Mississippi (14-4) did not play. Next: bounds—Ole Miss 32 (Crawford 8), Vanderbilt Mississippi C.C. 56: At Fulton, Shaniyah Buford had
vs. No. 24 Iowa State, Saturday. Colorado, Friday.
7. Mississippi State (18-1) beat Florida 33 (Fasoula 9). Total Fouls—Ole Miss 26, Van- 18 points to lead the Lady Indians (13-2, 5-0 Mississippi
21. N.C. State (15-4) lost to No. 23 derbilt 17. A—2,162.
Louisville 84-77. Next: vs. Clemson, Saturday. 90-42. Next: vs. Mississippi, Sunday.
8. N.C. State (19-0) beat Clemson 54-51. Association of Community and Junior Colleges North
22. Mississippi State (14-4) did not play.
Next: vs. No. 16 Auburn, Saturday. Next: at Georgia Tech, Sunday. SEC Women Division) to a victory against the Lady Lions (6-10, 3-2).
9. Oregon State (15-3) did not play. Next: Conf. Pct. Overall Pct.
23. Louisville (14-5) beat No. 21 N.C. Miss. State 6-0 1.000 18-1 .947 Sarah Berryman added 10 points for ICC.
State 84-77. Next: vs. Pittsburgh, Saturday. at Washington, Friday.
S. Carolina 5-1 .833 13-5 .833
24. Iowa State (14-5) did not play. Next: at 10. Marquette (16-3) did not play. Next: at Kentucky 4-2 .667 17-3 .850 Maddie Riley had 12 points for EMCC, while Aamiya
No. 20 Mississippi, Saturday. Xavier, Friday.
25. LSU (15-3) did not play. Next: at 11. Maryland (17-2) beat Ohio State
Texas A&M 4-2 .667 15-4 .789 Rush and Brianna Page had 11.
Arkansas 4-2 .667 15-5 .750
Missouri, Saturday. 70-57. Next: at Indiana, Sunday. Missouri 4-3 .667 15-6 .714 Men
12. Texas (16-3) did not play. Next: at Auburn 3-3 .500 15-4 .789 n Western Kentucky 66, Southern Mississippi
Western Kentucky 66, Texas Tech, Saturday. LSU 3-3 .500 12-6 .667
13. Syracuse (15-4) did not play. Next: at 63: At Hattiesburg, Leonard Harper-Baker recorded
Southern Mississippi 63 Duke, Sunday.
Ole Miss
3-3 .500 12-7 .632
2-4 .333 8-12 .400 career highs of 18 points and 15 rebounds, but the Hill-
WESTERN KENTUCKY (11-9): Bassey 14. Rutgers (15-4) did not play. Next: at Alabama 2-5 .286 10-10 .500
7-10 0-0 14, Anderson 5-11 1-2 11, Banton Penn State, Sunday. Tennessee 1-5 .167 12-7 .632 toppers edged the Golden Eagles in a Conference USA
2-4 0-1 5, Hollingsworth 5-13 1-3 12, Savage 15. Kentucky (17-3) beat No. 25 Missouri Florida 1-5 .167 5-14 .263 game at Reed Green Coliseum.
4-11 3-6 14, Smith 0-0 0-0 0, Diagne 0-2 0-0 52-41. Next: at No. 24 Texas A&M, Sunday. Vanderbilt 1-5 .167 6-13 .316
0, Ohmer 0-1 0-0 0, Bearden 3-5 3-4 10. Totals 16. Arizona State (13-5) did not play. Charles Bassey had 14 points and 17 rebounds,
26-57 8-16 66. Next: vs. UCLA, Friday. Thursday’s Games and Jared Savage added 14 points and six rebounds for
SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI (11-9): Harp- 17. Iowa (15-4) did not play. Next: vs. Kentucky 52, Missouri 41
er-Baker 7-12 3-5 18, Rowe 3-5 1-2 7, Griffin Purdue, Sunday. Mississippi State 90, Florida 42 Western Kentucky (11-9, 4-3 C-USA).
18. Gonzaga (18-2) beat San Francisco Notre Dame 77, Tennessee 62 Western Kentucky held Southern Miss (11-9, 3-5)
3-12 1-3 8, Holland 1-4 0-0 3, Edwards 4-13 Arkansas 72, Alabama 61
78-51. Next: vs. Santa Clara, Saturday.
0-0 8, Jacdonmi 0-0 0-0 0, Watson 2-3 0-2 4,
19. South Carolina (13-5) did not play. Vanderbilt 80, Ole Miss 68 without a field goal for the final 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Draine 5-11 0-0 15, Daniel 0-0 0-0 0, Hampton Texas A&M 69, Auburn 67
0-1 0-0 0. Totals 25-61 5-12 63. Next: vs. Vanderbilt, Monday.
Today’s Games
of the second quarter to take a 13-point halftime lead.
Halftime—W. Kentucky 34-21. 3-Point 20. Iowa State (14-5) did not play. Next: at LaDavius Draine connected on four consecutive
No games scheduled
Goals—W. Kentucky 6-21 (Savage 3-8, Oklahoma State, Saturday. Saturday’s Games
21. Utah (16-1) did not play. Next: vs. No games scheduled
3-pointers to cut the deficit to 47-44, but WKU answered
Bearden 1-2, Banton 1-2, Hollingsworth 1-4,
Diagne 0-2, Anderson 0-3), Southern Miss.
California, Friday. Sunday’s Games with an alley-oop and a triple that pushed the lead back
22. Florida State (16-3) lost to No. 4 LSU at Tennessee, Noon (SEC Network)
8-26 (Draine 5-10, Harper-Baker 1-1, Holland Louisville 68-49. Next: at Virginia Tech, Alabama at Georgia, 1 p.m. (ESPNU)
to 57-49 at 8:46.
1-4, Griffin 1-6, Watson 0-1, Hampton 0-1,
Rowe 0-1, Edwards 0-2). Rebounds—W.
Sunday. Arkansas at Florida, 1 p.m. n EMCC 68, ICC 64: At Fulton, Former New Hope
23. Michigan State (14-5) beat Illinois Ole Miss at Mississippi State, 2 p.m.
Kentucky 39 (Bassey 17), Southern Miss. 35 77-62. Next: at Michigan, Sunday. (SEC Network)
High School standout Terryonte Thomas had 13 points
(Harper-Baker 15). Assists—W. Kentucky 12 24. Texas A&M (15-4) beat Auburn 69-67. Auburn at Missouri, 2 p.m. to lead the Lions (10-6, 4-1) past the Indians (7-9, 1-4).
(Bearden 4), Southern Miss. 17 (Edwards 8). Next: vs. No. 15 Kentucky, Sunday. Kentucky at Texas A&M, 4 p.m.
Total Fouls—W. Kentucky 11, Southern Miss. 25. Missouri (15-6) lost to No. 15 Monday’s Game
Dewayne Cox added 10 points for EMCC.
15. A—2,568 (8,095). Kentucky 52-41. Next: vs. Auburn, Sunday. Vanderbilt at South Carolina, 6 p.m. Shamar Brown had 13 points for ICC.

Continued from Page 1B
of the six major polls, earning the Youngstown State at 4 p.m. Friday, Former Southern Miss baseball coach Corky Palm-
er, along with members of the 2009 College World Se-
No. 32 spot from the National Col- Feb. 15, in its season opener.
ries squad, will serve as guest speakers for this year’s
legiate Baseball Writers and USA Ole Miss will play host to Wright 1st Pitch Banquet set for Saturday, Feb. 2, at the Thad
Today Coaches Poll. State at 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15, in its Cochran Center. Registration begins at 5 p.m., with the
The USA Today Coaches Poll in- season opener. event starting at 6 p.m. Tickets for the banquet are $25
cludes eight opponents on the 2019 n Southern Mississippi picked to win per person and seating is limited to the first 400 people.
Conference USA: At Irving, Texas, the Southern Mis- To reserve your seat, call Collin Cargill at 601.266.6542
schedule for MSU, including three sissippi baseball team was picked Thursday to win 2019 or email him at
of the top four preseason teams. Conference USA Baseball title. The Golden Eagles won The preseason Baseball Hot Stove All-Access
LSU (No. 1), Florida (No. 3), Tex- the C-USA regular season and tournament titles last event will be from 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7, at Mug-
as Tech (No. 4), Ole Miss (No. 10), season. shots (204 N. 40th Ave.). Members of the coaching staff
The Golden Eagles also had four players, including will be there to meet and greet with fans and answer
Arkansas (No. 12), Georgia (No. questions.
preseason player of the year Matt Wallner, named to the
13), East Carolina (No. 14), and preseason All-C-USA Team. On Saturday, Feb. 9, the squad will play host to its
Auburn (No. 20) enter the season Wallner, a junior outfielder/pitcher, was chosen the annual Baseball Fan Day at Pete Taylor Park. There
ranked. Along with the eight oppo- preseason player of the year for the second-straight will be a free youth clinic from 10-11 a.m. During that
nents ranked in the preseason, four season. Rice junior right-hander Matt Canterino was time, a Season Ticket Holder Q&A period will also be
named the preseason pitcher of the year. held with the coaches along with some current players.
more — Southern Mississippi, Tex- Wallner, the 2017 National Freshman of the Year by Following the clinic, an autograph session will be held
as A&M, and South Alabama — are most national media organizations, finished last spring in the concourse followed by an intrasquad scrimmage
also receiving votes. with a .351 batting average with 13 doubles. He also led set for 12:30 p.m.
Ole Miss returns seven starters the Golden Eagles with 16 home runs and 67 RBIs. He n Alabama will kick off spring practice: At Tus-
walked 48 times to have an on-base percentage of .474, caloosa, Alabama, the Alabama baseball team will hold
from the 2018 team that had the its first practice of the spring at 1 p.m. Friday.
while his slugging percentage was .618.
SEC’s best offense. It is the only Wallner, who also had six saves in 12 appearances, The Crimson Tide will follow with an intrasquad
team in the conference to return earned All-American honors from multiple organiza- scrimmage at 2:45 p.m. Friday.
seven players on offense who start- tions, including a second-team accolade by the NCBWA Saturday and Sunday will follow the same pattern,
ed 48 or more games last season. (National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association) in the with practice slated to begin at 11 a.m. followed by a 1
outfield, a third-team selection at designated hitter by p.m. first pitch in the scrimmage each day.
Ole Miss will have to replace three, and a third-team pick by the ABCA Friday’s on-field work will signal the official start
Major League Baseball First-Year (American Baseball Coaches Association). to spring practice for the 2019 edition of the Crimson
Player draft picks on the mound, in- Senior first baseman Hunter Slater, senior Tide. The team will take part in three weeks of full-team
cluding first-rounder Ryan Rolison. right-handed pitcher Walker Powell, and senior workouts leading up to the season opener against Pres-
left-handed pitcher Stevie Powers join Wallner on the byterian on Friday, Feb. 15.
Ole Miss’ schedule is laden with preseason team. The Golden Eagles’ four preseason All practice times are subject to change depend-
ranked competition, including No. All-Conference choices are the most of any school. ing on weather conditions for the day. Scrimmages
1 LSU (May 3-5), No. 3 Florida Southern Miss received eight of the 12 first-place are subject to change, while the amount of innings and
(April 5-7), No. 8 Louisville (March votes. Louisiana Tech received two votes and was pitches per game is to be determined as spring practice
12-13), No. 12 Arkansas (March 29- picked second. Florida Atlantic and Rice also received a progresses. Dates and times for the upcoming week of
first-place vote and were third and fourth. practice and scrimmage can be found on
31), No. 14 East Carolina (March 6), n In related news, Southern Miss will participate in each Monday leading up to the start of the 2019 season.
No. 15 MSU (May 10-12), and No. several preseason fan events prior to its season opener Sewell-Thomas Stadium will be open to fans who
20 Auburn (April 18-20). Southern against Purdue on Friday, Feb. 15, at Pete Taylor Park. wish to watch the practice and scrimmage dates. Fans
Mississippi, Texas A&M, and Ken- On Wednesday, Jan. 30, there will be the Baseball are asked to enter Sewell-Thomas Stadium through the
Season Kickoff event at Brewsky’s (3818 W 4th St.). The main gate (Gate 3) located directly behind home plate.
tucky all received votes and also event runs from 6-7:30 p.m., with hot dogs being provid- Once inside, fans are encouraged to stay in the lower
appear on the schedule. ed as well as a cash bar. Fans will be able to meet the bowl seating area, as access to the upper levels of the
MSU will play host to 2019 Golden Eagle players and coaches. stadium is restricted.
The Dispatch • Friday, January 25, 2019 3B

briefly CALENDAR Basketball Basketball

Local Prep Basketball Continued from Page 1B Thursday’s Games
Golden State 126, Washington 118
Oklahoma City 122, New Orleans 116
Caledonia High School boys soccer team wins district Today’s Games well below her season average of 17.3 points, but Portland 120, Phoenix 106
Minnesota 120, L.A. Lakers 105
title South Panola at Columbus she had six rebounds and three blocked shots. Today’s Games
CALEDONIA — Morgan Fishel, Wes Rollins, Brade Bowen, and New Hope at Kosciusko “It’s all about matchups, and there were match- Washington at Orlando, 6 p.m.
Miami at Cleveland, 6:30 p.m.
Garrett Bergstrom scored goals Thursday night to lead the Caledonia Caledonia at Mooreville ups on the floor we wanted to exploit,” Schaefer New York at Brooklyn, 6:30 p.m.
L.A. Clippers at Chicago, 7 p.m.
High School boys soccer team to a 4-0 victory against Kosciusko on Starkville at Northwest Rankin said. “It wasn’t anything T wasn’t doing. I think Sacramento at Memphis, 7 p.m.
Senior Night. West Point at Lafayette Toronto at Houston, 7 p.m.
The victory enabled the Confederates to clinch the Mississippi High
we were getting out in transition a lot. We were Charlotte at Milwaukee, 7:30 p.m.
Noxubee County at Louisville Detroit at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
School Activities Association (MHSAA) Class 4A, Region 3 title. Aberdeen at Nettleton
attacking off the bounce a lot.” Minnesota at Utah, 8 p.m.
Phoenix at Denver, 8 p.m.
Franny Garcia had two assists and Rollins had one. Nanih Waiya at Hamilton Senior guard Funda Nakkasoglu led Florida Saturday’s Games
San Antonio at New Orleans, 5 p.m.
In the girls game, Lauren Brown had three goals in Caledonia’s 8-0
Oak Hill Academy at Winona Christian (5-14, 1-5) with 14 points. The Gators turned the Indiana at Memphis, 7 p.m.
victory against Kosciusko. ball over 27 times and absorbed their most lop- Golden State at Boston, 7:30 p.m.
The girls team already had clinched the district title. Canton Academy at Heritage Academy Philadelphia at Denver, 8 p.m.
Lizzie Truelock, Blair Ward, Hallie Kate Brewer, Savanna An- Columbus Christian at Calhoun Academy sided loss of the season. The 27 turnovers are the Atlanta at Portland, 9 p.m.
Sunday’s Games
drewsen, and J.C. Newman also had goals. Truelock had five assists. Prep Soccer most MSU has forced in a SEC game this season. Cleveland at Chicago, 2:30 p.m.
Sacramento at L.A. Clippers, 2:30 p.m.
Cora Gibson had two assists.
Today’s Match
“I attribute most of it to (Mississippi State),” Milwaukee at Oklahoma City, 5 p.m.
Orlando at Houston, 6 p.m.
Caledonia at Ripley, 5 p.m.
Florida coach Cameron Newbauer said of the Toronto at Dallas, 6 p.m.
Starkville Academy basketball teams split Northwest Rankin at Starkville, 5:30 p.m.
turnovers. “That’s Vic’s M-O. That’s their M-O, Utah at Minnesota, 6 p.m.
Washington at San Antonio, 6 p.m.
Lillee Alpe had 16 points Thursday night to lead the Starkville
Philadelphia at MSMS, 5:30 p.m.
and they do a fantastic job of it.” Miami at New York, 6:30 p.m.
Phoenix at L.A. Lakers, 8:30 p.m.
Academy girls basketball team to a 54-32 victory against Indianola Howard had 17 points in the first quarter,
Aubree Campbell had 11 points, and Meri Laci Archer had 10
Men’s College Basketball including a five-foot floater in the lane off an in- Football
Today’s Game bounds play that gave the Bulldogs a 27-9 lead. NFL Playoffs
Champion Christian at Mississippi University for Pro Bowl
In the boys game, Indianola Academy edged Starkville Academy
Women, 6 p.m.
“I just came out ready to play,” Howard said. Sunday’s Game
42-37. Ben Guest led the Volunteers with 11 points. At Orlando, Fla.
Saturday’s Games “I know I haven’t been playing to the best of my AFC vs. NFC, 2 p.m. (ABC/ESPN)

Iowa State at Ole Miss, 11 a.m. ability lately, so I wanted to turn the page.” Super Bowl
Alabama at Baylor, 11 a.m. Johnson hit a jumper that cut MSU’s lead to Sunday, Feb. 3
Mississippi State Belhaven at Mississippi University for Women, 4 p.m. 38-22 in the second quarter. The Bulldogs then
At Atlanta
New England vs. L.A. Rams, 5:30 p.m. (CBS)

Track and field team will compete at Razorback Marshall at Southern Miss, 4 p.m. closed the half on a 16-0 run. Scott sank two Hockey
Invitational Auburn at Mississippi State, 7:30 p.m. 3-pointers in the spurt, including one at the sec- NHL
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — A high-caliber field awaits the Mississippi Women’s College Basketball ond-quarter buzzer that made gave MSU a 54-22 Thursday’s Games
No games scheduled
State’s track and field teams this weekend in the Razorback Invitational Saturday’s Game lead at halftime. Today’s Games
at Arkansas’ Randal Tyson Track Center. MSU won its 22nd-straight SEC regular-sea- No games scheduled
The Razorback Invitational is one of only two nationally televised Southern Mississippi at Marshall, Noon Saturday’s Games

regular-season collegiate track meets in the country. It will feature team Sunday’s Games son game, dating to Feb. 26, 2017, when it lost Central All-Stars vs Pacific All-Stars: Central
vs. Pacific at San Jose, California, 8:15 p.m.
scoring in the traditional 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 system. A portion of Friday’s Alabama at Georgia, 1 p.m. to Tennessee. The Bulldogs held the Gators to Metropolitan All-Stars vs Atlantic All-Stars:
Metropolitan vs. Atlantic at San Jose,
action will be streamed live on SEC Network+ starting at 6 p.m., while Ole Miss at Mississippi State, 2 p.m. 3-for-23 from 3-point range. California, 9:15 p.m.
All-Star Game Final: TBD vs. TBD at San Jose,

a portion of Saturday’s events can be found on SEC Network from
1-4:30 p.m. College Gymnastics California, 10:15 p.m.

“We’re extremely excited about this weekend,” MSU interim coach Today’s Meet
Chris Woods said. “This is one of the best meets in the country, and it
LSU at Alabama Australian Open
features some of the best teams in the nation, with several teams that Continued from Page 1B MELBOURNE — Results Friday from the
are consistently in the conversation for national championships. With Men’s College Tennis “It was fun as a linebacker scoring a touchdown
Australian Open at Melbourne Park (seedings
in parentheses):
it being a scored meet, this is a good opportunity for us to be able to Today’s Matches
Men’s Singles
identify who could potentially score for us at the SEC Championships in college,” Green recalled the play on Oct. 21, 2017. Semifinal
Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Lucas Pouille
and nationals. It will be a great test for our athletes on a national stage, Florida A&M at Southern Miss, 2 p.m. The interception for a touchdown was one of six (28), France, 6-0, 6-2, 6-2.
Women’s Doubles
but I know they’re excited and ready to take on the challenge.” Northwestern at Alabama, 6 p.m. turnovers Green forced while at MSU. He put his Final
On the men’s side, four ranked opponents await the Bulldogs, Saturday’s Matches coverage skills on display early in the first prac-
Samantha Stosur, Australia and Shuai Zhang,
China, def. Kristina Mladenovic, France and
highlighted by second-ranked Florida. No. 8 LSU, the 12th-ranked Alcorn State at Southern Miss, 10 a.m. Timea Babos (2), Hungary, 6-3, 6-4.
hosts Arkansas and No. 17 Oregon round out the ranked opponents tice this week at the Senior Bowl. The 6-foot-4, Juniors Men’s Singles
Wichita State at Mississippi State, 1 p.m. 255-pound Greenville native ran step for step with Semifinal
for State’s men. Kentucky joins the fold as one of five SEC programs Lorenzo Musetti (1), Italy, def. Giulio Zeppieri,
represented. Ole Miss vs. San Diego (Los Angeles, California), Buffalo receiver Anthony Johnson and knocked Italy, 6-2, 6-4.
Emilio Nava (13), United States, def. Filip
MSU’s women will face five ranked foes, all inside the top 10 of 1 p.m. down a pass from Buffalo quarterback Tyree Cristian Jianu (4), Romania, 3-6, 6-2, 7-5.
Juniors Women’s Singles
the USTFCCCA TFRI rankings. Top-ranked host Arkansas leads the Jackson State at Southern Miss, 2 p.m.
pack, followed by No. 6 Florida, No. 8 Kentucky, No. 9 LSU and No. 10
Jackson. Semifinal
Clara Tauson (1), Denmark, def. Daria Snigur,
Sunday’s Matches “I just want to get better and show I can play line- Ukraine, 6-4, 6-1.
Oregon. Leylah Annie Fernandez (4), Canada, def.
Harvard at Alabama, 1 p.m. backer at the next level,” Green said. “We get to go Anastasia Tikhonova, Russia, 6-1, 6-3.
Opponent TBD at Mississippi State, time TBD Juniors Men’s Doubles
Ole Miss Ole Miss vs. UCLA or Indiana (Los Angeles, Cali-
against some of the best players in the country, so
it’s a great opportunity to showcase my talents.”
Dalibor Svrcina, Czech Republic and Jonas
Forejtek (3), Czech Republic, def. Emilio Nava,
Sessom, Massengale Named to 2019 Class for ‘So fornia), time TBA Green joined MSU teammates Elgton Jenkins, United States and Cannon Kingsley (4), United
States, 7-6, 6-4.
You Want to Be a Coach’ Program Women’s College Tennis Johnathan Abram, and Montez Sweat in accepting Juniors Women’s Doubles
ATLANTA – Ole Miss senior Shandricka Sessom and graduate Today’s Match invitations to attend the Senior Bowl at Ladd-Pee- Adrienn Nagy, Hungary and Natsumi
manager Ariel Massengale have been named to the 2019 class for the Kawaguchi (3), Japan, def. Emma Navarro,
WBCA and WeCOACH’s “So You Want to be a Coach” program.
Jackson State at Southern Miss, 11 a.m. bles Stadium. Green, Jenkins, and Sweat will play United States and Chloe Beck (8), United
States, 6-4, 6-4.
Sessom, a native of Byhalia, is in her fifth year at Ole Miss as a Saturday’s Matches on the South team. A shoulder injury will prevent
redshirt senior. Sessom is one of just 13 Rebels to ever score more Florida A&M at Southern Miss, 9 a.m. Abram from participating in the game. Transactions
than 1,300 points and haul in 500 rebounds, currently standing at Mercer at Alabama, 10 a.m. “It’s amazing to be here with my teammates,” Thursday’s Moves
1,312 points and 565 rebounds in 117 career games played in a Rebel
uniform. Sessom was named to the Preseason Second-Team All-SEC
Purdue at Ole Miss, 11 a.m. Green said. “It’s very special, just being at the Se- BASEBALL
American League
team and the SEC Community Service team in each of the last two Mississippi State vs. North Carolina State nior Bowl, but to have four of us from Mississippi DETROIT TIGERS — Claimed INF Kaleb
Cowart off waivers from Seattle.
years. (Gainesville, Florida), 1 p.m. State is awesome.” HOUSTON ASTROS — Named Bill
Murphy pitching coordinator; Jeremy Barnes
Massengale is in her second year on the Ole Miss staff as a grad- Alabama A&M at Alabama, 4 p.m. MSU’s four selections to the Senior Bowl are its hitting coordinator; Jason Bell fundamentals
uate manager after four years as the starting point guard at Tennessee. Sunday’s Matches most since four Bulldogs were selected following coordinator; Mickey Storey manager, Drew
French pitching coach and Ben Rosenthal
Massengale helped lead the Lady Vols to four SEC titles (two regular
season, two tournament) as well as four NCAA Tournament berths with
Southern Miss at Alcorn State, 2 p.m. the 2010 season. hitting coach for Round Rock (PCL); Graham
Johnson pitching coach and Tim LaMonte
three trips to the Elite Eight and another to the Sweet 16. Massengale Mississippi State vs. Opponent TBD (Gainesville, For Green, the game at 1:30 p.m. Saturday hitting coach for Corpus Christi (Texas); Nate
Shaver manager, Thomas Whitsett pitching
was part of Tennessee coach Pat Summitt’s final recruiting class. Florida), time TBD (NFL Network) will give him another opportuni- coach and Jason Kanzler hitting coach) for
Fayetteville (Carolina); Erick Abreu pitching
— From Special Reports ty to showcase the athleticism and physicality that coach and Rafael Pena hitting coach for Quad
made him an effective edge rusher. His leadership Cities (MWL); Ozney Guillen manager, John
Kovalik pitching coach and Sean Godfrey
also played a pivotal role in MSU’s success during hitting coach at Tri-City (NWL); and Carlos
on the air his five years with the program.
Lugo manager Rick Aponte pitching coach
and Ernesto Irizarry hitting coach for the DSL
Green, who served as team captain this season,
Today 11 a.m. — Ohio State at Nebraska, FS1
Noon — Virginia at Notre Dame, WCBI started 27 of the 52 games he appeared in as a Bull-
NEW YORK YANKEES — Agreed to terms with
RHP Adam Ottavino on a three-year contract.
5:30 p.m. — Buffalo at Kent State, CBS Sports 1 p.m. — Davidson at St. Louis, CBS Sports Network dog. This season, he had 31 tackles, six-and-a-half INF Asdrubal Cabrera on a one-year contract.
Designated INF Jack Reinheimer for
Network 1 p.m. — Kansas State vs. Texas A&M, ESPN for loss, and three-and-a-half sacks. MSU’s leader assignment.

5:30 p.m. — Michigan at Indiana, FS1 1 p.m. — Texas vs. Georgia, ESPN2 in community service, Green graduated in Decem- National League
6 p.m. — Rider at Iona, ESPNU 1 p.m. — South Carolina vs. Oklahoma State, ESPNU ber 2018 with a degree in agribusiness. terms with LHP T.J. McFarland on a one-year
7:30 p.m. — Butler at Creighton, FS1 1 p.m. — Marquette at Xavier, FS1 Green has played linebacker and defensive end, CINCINNATI REDS — Named Rolando Valles
1:15 p.m. — Northwestern at Wisconsin, Big Ten associate coach.
WOMEN’S COLLEGE GYMNASTICS but NFL teams plan to use him as a linebacker. BASKETBALL
5 p.m. — Kentucky at Florida, SEC Network Network National Basketball Association
3 p.m. — Utah St. at New Mexico, CBS Sports Network Green doesn’t care what system he plays in be- NBA — Fined Phoenix G Devin Booker $25,000
6:30 p.m. — Georgia at Auburn, SEC Network cause he believes he can play wherever NFL teams for escalating an on-court altercation by
8 p.m. — LSU at Alabama, SEC Network 3 p.m. — West Virginia vs. Tennessee, ESPN pushing Minnesota C Gorgui Dieng in the face
3 p.m. — Vanderbilt vs. Oklahoma, ESPN2 want him to. His position coach thinks he is best during a Jan. 22 game.
7:30 p.m. — St. Cloud at North Dakota, CBS 3 p.m. — South Florida at East Carolina, ESPNU suited to play an outside linebacker in a 3-4-system. Caboclo to a 10-day contract.
NBA G League
Sports Network 3:30 p.m. — Rutgers at Penn State, Big Ten Network “He’s one of the best kids I’ve ever been around AGUA CALIENTE CLIPPERS — Acquired F

COLLEGE WRESTLING 5 p.m. — Wichita State at UConn, CBS Sports Network in my life,” MSU defensive line coach Brian Baker Tyler Roberson from AEK Athens (Greece) via
his returning player rights.
6 p.m. — Michigan at Ohio State, Big Ten Network 5 p.m. — Kansas vs. Kentucky, ESPN said. “He has the football IQ to play behind the line FOOTBALL
National Football League
8 p.m. — Iowa at Illinois, Big Ten Network 5 p.m. — Arkansas vs. Texas Tech, ESPN2 of scrimmage.” BALTIMORE RAVENS — Extended the
FIGURE SKATING 5 p.m. — Tulane at SMU, ESPNU Baker lauded Green’s ideal height and weight,
contract of John Harbaugh coach through the
2022 season.
5 p.m. — LSU at Missouri, SEC Network
1 p.m. — European Championships: rhythm dance his nose for the ball, natural instincts, and situa- GREEN BAY PACKERS — Named Milt

competition, Belarus, NBC Sports Network 7 p.m. — UNLV at San Diego St., CBS Sports Network Hendrickson director-football operations, Kirk

7 p.m. — Syracuse at Virginia Tech, ESPN2 tional awareness. Olivadotti inside linebackers coach, Justin
Outten tight ends coach and Adam Stenavich
3 p.m. — U.S. Championships: rhythm dance com- Green recorded 161 tackles, 20 1/2 for loss, and offensive line coach.
petition, Detroit, Michigan, NBC Sports Network 7 p.m. — Arizona State at USC, ESPNU Canadian Football League
7 p.m. — Colorado at Stanford, FS1 eight-and-a-half sacks to go with three forced fum- EDMONTON ESKIMOS — Signed WR Natey
5 p.m. — European Championships: ladies’ free
skate program, Belarus, NBC Sports Network 7:30 p.m. — Auburn at Mississippi St., SEC Network bles and three interceptions despite playing for five Adjei to a contract extension through the 2020
season. Signed DL Gabriel Bagnell.

7 p.m. — U.S. Championships, WTVA 9 p.m. — Arizona at UCLA, ESPN2 defensive coordinators in as many seasons. Alliance of American Football
SAN DIEGO FLEET — Named Mike DeBord
GOLF 9 p.m. — Utah at California, ESPNU When the week is over, Green will return to Pen- offensive coordinator.
2 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Farmers Insurance Open, COLLEGE FOOTBALL sacola, Florida, where he has been training for next National Hockey League
second round, San Diego, California, TGC 1:30 p.m. — Senior Bowl: North vs. South, NFL Network month’s NFL Combine in Indianapolis. He thinks ANAHEIM DUCKS — Recalled D Korbinian
Holzer and Jake Dotchin from San Diego (AHL).
2:30 a.m. (Saturday) — European Tour Golf: Ome- MEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY his five years in Starkville have prepared him for a Reassigned RW Troy Terry, LW Max Jones, C
6 p.m. — Penn State at Michigan, Big Ten Network Sam Carrick and D Andy Welinski, Jacob
ga Dubai Desert Classic, third round, Dubai, TGC smooth transition to the next level. Larsson and Andrej Sustr to San Diego.
10 a.m. — Georgia vs. Tennessee, SEC Network “I feel like I’m ready,” Green said, “but I’m just fifth-round selection in the 2019 NHL Draft from
7 p.m. — Sunrise Academy (Kan.) at University taking it day by day.” Chicago for the reserve rights for F Dominik

School (Fla.), ESPN2 NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Reassigned F
NBA 10 a.m. — European Championships, NBC Sports Colin Blackwell to Milwaukee (AHL). Signed D
7 p.m. — Toronto at Houston, ESPN Network Ben Danford to a professional tryout contract.
Assigned D Filip Pyrochta and D Brian Cooper
NHL 6 p.m. — U.S. Championships, NBC Sports Network to Atlanta (ECHL).
GOLF ST. LOUIS BLUES — Assigned Fs Sammy
8 p.m. — NHL All-Star Skills Competition: From Continued from Page 1B Blais and Mackenzie MacEachern to San
San Jose, California, NBC Sports Network Noon — PGA Tour Golf: Farmers Insurance Open, Antonio (AHL).
third round, San Diego, California, TGC the quarterfinals of the NCAA tournament. It SOCCER
SOCCER was the program’s best finish since it reached the
Major League Soccer
1:20 p.m. — Bundesliga: Schalke vs. Hertha 2 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Farmers Insurance Open, ATLANTA UNITED — Acquired M Gonzalo
third round play, San Diego, California, WCBI semifinals in 1998. Martinez from River Plate (Argentina).
FC DALLAS — Reached a transfer agreement
Berlin, FS2
TENNIS 2:30 a.m. (Sunday) — European Tour Golf: Omega This season, MSU earned a No. 3 ranking in for D Chris Richards with FC Bayern Munich.
2:30 a.m. (Saturday) — Australian Open: Dubai Desert Classic, final round, Dubai, TGC the preseason after finishing No. 5 a year ago. Rzatkowski.
NEW YORK CITY FC — Signed M Justin Haak.
Women’s Championship, ESPN LUGE “The biggest thing we have been stressing to OTTAWA FURY — Signed D Jadon Vilfort.
X GAMES 7 a.m. — FIL World Championships: sprint and our guys is that last year does not matter,” MSU PHILADELPHIA UNION — Acquired G
Carlos Miguel Coronel from Red Bull Salzburg
9 p.m. — Day 2: snowboarding, Aspen, Colorado, doubles events, Germany, NBC Sports Network fifth-year coach Matt Roberts said. “Experience (Austria).

ESPN2 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS is a good thing. All coaches will take it. However,
PORTLAND TIMBERS — Re-signed G Steve
Clark and M Andrés Flores. Announced that M
8 p.m. — Bellator MMA: Emelianenko-Bader, SPIKE
Saturday NBA
we have stressed it’s a new year with new oppor-
Tomás Conechny returns from loan to Superli-
ga Argentina club San Lorenzo.
AUTO RACING 7:30 p.m. — Golden State at Boston, WKDH-WTVA tunity. That starts this weekend with two very United Soccer League
FC TUCSON — Signed M Moshe Perez.
1 p.m. — IMSA WeatherTech Sports Car NHL good opponents.” NASHVILLE SC — Named Brett Jacobs
assistant coach.
Championship: Rolex 24 action, Daytona Beach, 7 p.m. — NHL All-Star Game, WTVA Roberts said newcomers Stedman Strickland National Women’s Soccer League
SKY BLUE FC — Agreed to mutually part ways
Florida, NBC Sports Network SKIING and Gregor Ramskogler have impressed. Niclaus with Ds Amanda Frisbie and Rebekah Stott.
2 p.m. — FIA Formula E: qualifying, Chile, FS2 9 a.m. — FIS Alpine World Cup, NBC Sports Network Braun and Strahinja Rakic are the other seniors. COLLEGE
3 p.m. — FIA Formula E: Championship, Chile, FS1 SOCCER “We are approaching this season like a total Suspended Evansville men’s basketball coach
8 p.m. — IMSA WeatherTech Sports Car 8:30 a.m. — Bundesliga: Borussia Dortmund vs.
Walter McCarty one game for criticizing the
Championship: Rolex 24 action, Daytona Beach, re-set,” Forshey said. “However, it is important referees after a Jan. 23 loss at Drake.
Hannover 96, FS1 that we have played so many big matches. That
Williams will transfer.
Florida, NBC Sports Network 8:30 a.m. — Bundesliga: Augsburg vs. Borussia
experience is important. When we face some ad-
5 a.m. (Sunday) — IMSA WeatherTech Sports Car
Championship: Rolex 24 action, Daytona Beach,
Mönchengladbach, FS2
versity, we have been all there before. That’s a
11:20 a.m. — Bundesliga: Frankfurt vs. Werder Schedule
Florida, NBC Sports Network Bremen, FS2 good thing. It will help us.” Saturday
BOXING 5 p.m. — Liga MX: Club América vs. Monterrey, Borges said the offseason has been hectic but At Barclays Center, New York (FOX), Keith
Thurman vs. Josesito Lopez, 12, for Thurman’s
5 p.m. — PBC Fight Night Prelims: from, Brooklyn, FS2 not out of the ordinary. WBA Super World welterweight title; Tugstsogt
Nyambayar vs. Claudio Marrero, 12, for the
New York, FS1 TENNIS “Everybody on this team loves the game,” vacant IBO featherweight title; Adam Kownacki
7 p.m. — PBC Fight Night: Thurman-Lopez, WLOV vs. Gerald Washington, 10, heavyweights.
2:30 a.m. (Sunday) — Australian Open: Men’s Borges said. “It’s not getting better at this or get- At Toyota Center, Houston, Jaime Munguia
COLLEGE BASKETBALL Championships, ESPN vs. Takeshi Inoue, 12, for Munguia’s WBO
ting better at that. It’s just been all about playing junior middleweight title; Jesus Rojas vs. Xu
11 a.m. — Illinois at Maryland, Big Ten Network TRACK AND FIELD Can, 12, for Rojas’ WBA featherweight title;
11 a.m. — Colgate at Loyola-Maryland, CBS tennis. We play a lot, like all the time. It’s an es- Joshua Franco vs. Lucas Fernandez, 10, for the
1 p.m. — Razorback Invitational, SEC Network cape, but it’s a passion, too. For the seniors, we vacant NABF bantamweight title; Alber-
Sports Network 4 p.m. — New Balance Indoor Grand Prix: from to Melian vs. Edgar Ortega, 10, super
11 a.m. — Iowa State vs. Ole Miss, ESPN have done this forever together, so we want to go bantamweights; Vergil Ortiz Jr. vs. Jesus Bar-
Boston, Massachusetts, NBC Sports Network rayan, 10, super lightweights.
11 a.m. — Florida vs. TCU, ESPN2 X GAMES out with a bang.” Feb. 1
At Main Street Armory, Rochester, N.Y. (SHO),
11 a.m. — Alabama vs. Baylor, ESPNU 9 a.m. — Day 3: snowboarding; snow bikecross, Follow Dispatch sports writer Scott Walters on Ronald Ellis vs. DeAndre Ware, 10, for the va-
cant NABA/USBO/WBC Continental Americas
Twitter @dispatchscott super middleweight titles.
4B Friday, January 25, 2019 The Dispatch •

Jenkins Softball
Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B
MSU. The 2018 Kent Hull ipate in the Senior Bowl, but said of his Senior Bowl expe- Last season, Davidson ranked sec- in program history with a career .339
Trophy winner for the best he was held out of practic- rience. “It’s a blessing to be ond in the league with 19 home runs, batting average and seven triples. She
offensive lineman in the es this week and won’t play here and play with some of a mark that set MSU’s freshman and also ranks in the top 10 in career hits,
state of Mississippi started in the game because of a the best talent in the nation. single-season records. She also ranked on-base percentage and stolen bases.
26 games at center, five at sprained AC joint. I’m glad I got the opportuni- second in the conference in slugging Last season, Becker led the Rebels
left tackle, two at left guard, MSU’s four selections to ty to do it.” percentage (.762) and total bases (144), with a .329 batting average with six
and one at right tackle. He the Senior Bowl are its most A common phrase used seventh in runs scored (50), 10th in hits doubles, two triples, and 29 RBIs. She
allowed one sack in 762 since four Bulldogs were around college All-Star (70), 11th in batting average (.370) and led the Rebels with 19 walks and a .407
pass-blocking snaps at cen- selected following the 2010 games and the NFL Com- doubles (13), and 12th in RBIs (48). Da- on-base percentage.
ter during his junior and se- season. bine when a player performs vidson also caught 11 would-be base Last season, Hemphill led the Crim-
nior seasons, according to While the Bulldogs have well is he made himself stealers. son Tide with 13 home runs, 48 RBIs,
Pro Football Focus. enjoyed sharing the experi- some money. Jenkins did Davidson wrapped her freshman and 40 walks. She had a .333 batting
Jenkins, the No. 1 center ence together, the ultimate just that. He began the week season with first-team All-SEC and average and scored 26 runs. She had
prospect for the NFL draft, goal for each of them is to as a third-round prospect, SEC All-Freshman Team honors. She 13 games with multiple RBIs, the most
according to ESPN draft an- improve their draft stock. but NFL teams were so im- was selected SEC Freshman of the on the team, and was top 10 in the SEC
alyst Mel Kiper Jr., earned Jenkins has spent every free pressed that two scouts said Week a program-record three times. in walks, home runs, on-base, and slug-
first-team All-America hon- minute in Mobile studying they wouldn’t be surprised if Davidson was a top-10 finalist for ging percentage.
ors from The Athletic and film or his playbook. Sweat he winds up getting selected the 2018 Schutt Sports/NFCA Nation- Tow started 55 of the team’s 56
fourth-team honors from has been one of the best in the first round of the NFL al Freshman of the Year, the first stu- games in her freshman campaign, lead-
Phil Steele. defensive players all week. draft, which will be in April. dent-athlete in program history to be a ing the squad with 35 runs and 49 hits
Jenkins will join Sweat Green also has shined on “I hope so,” Jenkins said finalist for the award. She was named in 150 at-bats, good for a .327 batting av-
and MSU teammate Gerri the defense, while Abram of being a potential first- second-team NFCA All-South Region. erage. For her efforts, the Madisonville,
Green in the game Saturday. wanted to convey his matu- round pick, “but I only wor- Becker earned a spot on the Presea- Kentucky, native earned second-team
MSU safety John Abram rity to NFL teams. ry about what I can control. son All-SEC team for the second-con- NFCA All-America recognition and
also was selected to partic- “It’s been great,” Jenkins We’ll see.” secutive year. She ranks fourth all-time first-team All-SEC honors.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I obsess over table manners are awful. He
I’m a what’s wrong with sits with both elbows on the
28-year-old me. My experi- table, leans close to the dinner
male who has nev- ence with women plate and uses his fingers to
er had a girlfriend is limited. I’m push his food onto his fork.
or a meaningful not looking for a He mashes everything on his
relationship. I’m commitment, just plate together before he starts
well-educated, some friends to eating, smashes crackers in his
share good times soup, scrapes his spoon on the
nice-looking and and laughter bottom of the bowl and slurps
have a good with. I’d love to his liquids. He also licks his
sense of humor. have someone to fingers.
But I get shy and spend time with He thinks he can modify
ZITS nervous around before loneliness these behaviors when he’s with
the opposite sex. awakens previous others, but he lapses into them
Compounding bad habits. — even when he’s with friends in
that, I seem to ABOUT TO GIVE a restaurant. Please help me.
have a serious Dear Abby UP IN CONNECTI- How can I get him to change?
“resting face.” CUT Must I tolerate it? I have tried
People assume DEAR ABOUT constructive suggestions
I’m frustrated or angry/grumpy TO GIVE UP: I doubt your “rest- and gentle prodding with no
when it’s just my normal ex- ing face” is what keeps women success. Please respond in
pression. I’m worried it makes away. It’s more likely the fact your column because he reads
that you are afraid to interact it daily — while he eats. — DIS-
me unapproachable or appear with them. TRAUGHT SPOUSE IN COLUM-
to be unpleasant. Start by talking to some BUS, OHIO
I have overcome addiction, of the women in your support DEAR DISTRAUGHT
attend daily support meetings meetings. They already know SPOUSE: Your husband must
and have almost a year of so- something about you and have many wonderful qualities
GARFIELD briety. I avoid bar/club scenes the strides you have made in if you married him knowing this
where a lot of people my age overcoming your addiction. And is the way he consumes his
socialize. I’m beginning to feel involve yourself in activities you food. Among them is an aware-
very alone and empty. I asked enjoy that are more social. It ness that he should modify his
out a temp at my job, but she may help you to develop your eating habits when he’s with
had a boyfriend and offered “people skills” so you will feel friends. Let him know that YOU
to set me up with a friend of less anxious in other social are his BEST friend and you
hers. I declined because I was situations. But do not allow would like him to practice his
embarrassed. yourself to use the fact that “party manners” when he eats
My friends tell me it’s a you are lonely to destroy your with you. If he’s reluctant, point
game of numbers, but it hurts sobriety because it would be a out that he “lapses” when he’s
being rejected all the time. I poor excuse. socializing with others, and it
see beautiful, nice women with DEAR ABBY: I hate eating isn’t pretty. It may motivate him
men who treat them badly, and with my spouse because his to try harder.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). ingly good time organizing your
25). You don’t think of common It’s not about the job; it’s about next efforts.
sense as a talent, but it is. So how you do it. When you’re true LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
is your enormously capable to yourself, you can’t help but There will be a reason to get
style and generally sunny atti- execute like only you can. So realistic in your assessment
tude. These are the gifts that while others might be able to of your abilities. Maybe you’re
will send you to the top of the do the same job, none will do neither the best nor are you
invite list for all sorts of oppor- it quite the way you do. You’re the worst in the room, but “the
tunities, jobs and relationships. irreplaceable. room” actually doesn’t matter.
Exciting adventures are born GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Other people have nothing to do
out of your extreme trustworthi- When it’s right, it’s right. You with what you can do.
ness. Gemini and Virgo adore don’t have to talk a lot about it, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, or list the pros and cons, or run When it comes to friendship,
40, 44, 38 and 18. it by your friends and teachers you don’t need a certain num-
BABY BLUES ARIES (March 21-April and experts. When it’s right, you ber of them to be happy, you
19). Something in you wants just know. just need to be certain of the
to wander in search of new CANCER (June 22-July 22). ones you’ve got. You’ll see who
inspiration. Wherever you go, You’re respectful of people’s you can count on, and it’s both
you bring your heart, thoughts time, including your own, and a good feeling and a good thing
and desires with you to mingle therefore you find redundancy to know.
with what’s there, including and inefficiency downright LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
fresh landscapes, people and unacceptable. You’ll root it out, You’ll tell the truth, but you’ll do
adventures. remedy it and have a surpris- it in a way that doesn’t shock,
anger or upset anyone. You’re
sensitive. And you’re coming
from a place of love and possi-
bility, so that helps, too.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). When you’re around a
BEETLE BAILEY certain person, there’s an in-
creased sense of stability, order
and optimism in your world. You
feel clear-headed and capable.
It’s a good reason to have this
person around more often.
Dec. 21). What do delusions
of grandeur and delusions of
insignificance have in common?
Both are delusions spun by the
perceptions of fragile ego. The
way to a balanced view of your-
self is through self-acceptance
and love.
19). You’re not afraid to do
what your heart tells you to do.
And for this reason, it will feel
like your spirit is larger than
your body, larger than the room,
larger than the whole situation
you happen to be standing
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). There must be a solution
to the problem that has two
people meeting somewhere
in the middle, each sacrificing
and endeavoring, if not to an
FAMILY CIRCUS equal degree, then at least to a
comparable one.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You will communicate so
clearly, talking to people instead
of about people. This is the way
of becoming more powerful in
your own life and more influen-
tial in the world.

Lay your cards on the table

The Dispatch • Friday, January 25, 2019 5B

Religious briefs
available. For more informa- 1974 or 662-570-5595. berg Road, and Meadowview Road, hosts boxing lessons
Benefit Program tion, e-mail Eulalie H. Davis, Church, 300 Linden Circle
Praise and Worship Mondays and Wednesday
Prairie Hill M.B. Church, Worship Services in Starkville, host Celebrate Service from 5-7 p.m., weight-loss
364 Wicks Road, hosts a Sulfur Springs MB Church
Open Doors M.B. Church Recovery at 6 p.m. every Sun- boot camp Tuesdays and
Benefit Program on Jan. 26.
Guest speaker will be Pastor New Orleans Baptist invites the public to Sunday day at Calvary and at 6 p.m. holds a praise and worship
service the last Friday of each
Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and both
Michael Tate. The public is Seminary Morning Worship Services every Tuesday at Meadowview
Church. Get help, healing and month at 7 p.m. For informa-
on Saturdays 9-11 a.m.
invited to attend. The New Orleans Baptist from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. every 1st,
tion, call Pastor Henry Mosley,
Seminary will begin the Winter 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each support for any habit, hurt or
hang-up using the Christ-cen- 662-328-1035. Youth Fellowship
month at the Travis Outlaw
Women Conference session at 7 p.m. Jan. 28 at
First Baptist Church, 106 E. Sportsplex Center, 405 Lynn tered 12 steps.
The Transformational
Truevine Baptist Church,
Lampkin St. in Starkville. In- Lane in Starkville. Sunday Prayer Service Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
Road, hosts Youth Fellowship
1719 Sessums Road in
Artesia, hosts its Annual tense eight-week study of the School is from 10-10:30 a.m. Prayer, Free Coffee Church of the Eternal
Word, 106 22nd. St. S., Co- from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tues-
book of Matthew. All former For more information, call Mount Zion Missionary day. Games, prayer, service,
Women Conference at 10 a.m. lumbus, holds prayer service
and new students encouraged 662-263-7102. Baptist Church, 2221 14th food, & more. Transportation
Jan. 26. Guest speakers will Thursday nights 5-6 p.m.
to attend. For fees and more Ave. N., hosts free coffee and available. For information, call
be Evangelist Shavell Rice, Contact Marie Nabors, 662-
Evangelist Clarrissa Hickman
information, call Dr. Bill Dun- Grief Support Group a prayer community outreach
549-4322. Church service Iris Roberson, 662-295-7456.
can, 662-323-6448. The Oil of Joy for Grief service from 8-9 a.m. every
and Evangelist Pam Roberts. times: Sunday school 10
and Mourning offers a grief fifth Saturday. For information,
Lunch will be served. The
Forgive and Live support group at 6 p.m. every contact Jesse Slater, 662-
a.m.; Sunday worship 11:15 Watch Night Service
public is invited to attend. a.m.; Tuesday Bible study 7 Rockhill community watch
Forgive and Live meets second Thursday of the month 328-4979.
p.m. For information, call Pas- night service is 10 p.m.
at United Christian Baptist
Pastor Anniversary from 6-7 p.m. every 2nd and
4th Monday of each month Church, 232 Yorkville Road Radio Program
tor District Elder Lou Nabors, Monday at Sand Creek Chapel
Program in the downtown YMCA board East. “Making your grieving Apostles Patrick Perkins
M.B Church, located at 3818
Greater Mt. Olive M.B. room. Inquire and seek infor- journey easier.” For more in- Rockhill Road in Starkville.
Church, 1856 Carson Road, mation to succeed spiritually, formation, call 662-327-0604
invites the public to tune in
to WTWG, radio 1050 AM for
Fitness The Rev. Jerome Wilson and
hosts its 8th Pastor Anni- physically and financially and or e-mail unitedchristian@ Perfecting the Saints Broad- Transformations the Rockhill U.M. Church will
versary Program for Pastor be eager to be a blessing to cast, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. The Transformational be the special guest. The
Donald Henry and First Lady the community, churches and Church, 2301 Jess Lyons public is invited to attend.
Shelenia Henry at 2:30 p.m.
Jan. 27. Guest speaker will be
families through the Word of
God. The public is invited to
Fellowship Dinner, Women Prayer, Wor-
the Rev. Therman Cunningham attend. For more information,
Youth Service ship Service
Sr. of Oak Grove M.B. Church. Pleasant Ridge Faith Church of the Eternal
call Pat Fisher Douglas, 662-
The public is invited to attend. 251-5899. Center, 923 Ridge Road, Word, 106 22nd St. S., holds
Columbus, hosts a fellowship a prayer and worship service
dinner and youth service every
Souper Bowl Lunch Gospel Book Club third Sunday.
every Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
Call Marie Nabors, 662-549-
St. Paul’s Episcopal Friendship M.B. Church,
Church, 318 College St., 4322 or 662-329-1234, for
1102 12th Ave. S., invites the
invites the public to a Souper public to join its Gospel Book Prayer for Youth prayer requests.
Lunch from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Club from 6-7 p.m. beginning Every second and third
Feb. 2. All proceeds benefit Jan. 25 and then the fourth Saturday, Pleasant Ridge Faith Prayer Ministry
Loaves and Fishes and the Friday of each month to study Center hosts a prayer for the New Beginning Everlasting
Golden Triangle Homeless and discuss one chapter of youth from 2-3 p.m. Outreach Ministry invites the
Coalition. First 100 people get the King James Bible each public to call in with their
a hand-painted ceramic bowl. month. For more information, Celebrate Recovery prayer requests at 662-327-
$10 per person. Take-outs call Lillian Murray, 662-570- Calvary Church, 514 Lehm- 9843.

Biloxi Diocese lists 3 priests

accused of sexual misconduct
Catholic diocese says all three were expected later this year
to release information
an adolescent boy in Lau-
rel, and the Biloxi Dio-
prohibited from the ministry on priests in the area ac-
cused before 1977.
cese says he is serving a
10-year prison sentence.
The Associated Press with minors The Biloxi Diocese
Another was accused
The Diocese of Bi- says all three were pro-
BILOXI — A Catholic of misconduct with an
loxi said Thursday three hibited from the ministry
diocese in Mississippi priests faced such alle- and allegations were re- adolescent girl in Biloxi
has released its list of gations since the diocese ported to authorities. during the mid-1980s;
clergy credibly accused was founded in 1977. The One was accused in the third, with adolescent
of sexual misconduct Diocese of Jackson is 2015 of misconduct with girls in Biloxi in 1989.

Florida elections chief resigns when blackface photos emerge

Newspaper obtained pictures of “There’s nothing I can
say,” he told the paper.
DeSantis said Ertel
regretted dressing up in
official dressed as a Hurricane Katrina The Republican was
the elections supervisor
blackface but was right
to step down after the pic-
victim at 2005 Halloween party for Seminole County un-
til last month, when De-
tures surfaced.
“I want people to be
By GARY FINEOUT elections. The newspaper Santis picked him to take able to lead and not have
The Associated Press hasn’t said how it got the over the state department any of these things swirl-
photos or identified the that oversees elections. ing around,” said DeSan-
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. source. At the time, Ertel’s ap- tis, who was in Marianna
— Florida’s top elections Ertel, who had been pointment was praised to discuss relief efforts for
official abruptly resigned on the job less than three by both Republican and areas hit hard by Hurri-
Thursday after a newspa- weeks, resigned just Democratic politicians cane Michael in October.
per obtained pictures of hours after he testified as well as Democratic “I don’t want to get
him in blackface dressed about election lawsuits consultants who noted mired into kind of side
as a Hurricane Katrina before a state legislative his lengthy tenure as a controversies,” said De-
victim at a 2005 party. committee. He didn’t central Florida elections Santis, who weathered ac-
The revelation is a blow immediately respond to official. Ertel had yet to cusations of racial insen-
to new Gov. Ron DeSantis, a message seeking com- go before the state Senate sitivity during his race for
who has been trying to ment. for confirmation. governor last year.
bridge racial divides after
a bitterly fought election
against a Democrat who
was seeking to become
the state’s first black gov-
The Tallahassee Dem-
ocrat obtained pictures
taken at a Halloween par-
ty 14 years ago that show
Secretary of State Michael
Ertel in blackface while
wearing earrings, a New
Orleans Saints bandanna
and fake breasts under a
purple T-shirt with “Ka-
trina Victim” written on it.
The photos were tak-
en two months after the
deadly storm ravaged the
Gulf Coast region and
eight months after Ertel
was appointed Seminole
County supervisor of

Send in
your church event!


Religious brief
6B Friday, January owner(s)/part-
25, 2019 The Dispatch •
officer(s) and/or
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Tree Services 1860
majority stock-
Notice to Creditors holder(s)/mem- A&T Tree Service
Bucket truck & stump
State of Mississippi ber(s)/trustee of removal. Free est.
County of Lowndes the above name Serving Columbus
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Letters Administration
business are: citizen disc. Call Alvin @
have been granted and 242-0324/241-4447
issued to the under- Jay Patel, Owner "We'll go out on a limb
signed upon the Estate for you!"
of Corey Kinder, De- 1209 Hwy. 45 N.
ceased, by the Chan- Columbus, MS SERVICE, LLC
cery Court of Lowndes
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ber 2018. This is to Free estimates.
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County, Mississippi
within 90 days of this permit, a re-
date. A failure to pro- quest for a hear- CONTRACTOR SEEKING
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claim will forever bar the
same. made in writing Please call: • Packing
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and received by Materials
This the 10th day of HEAVY EQUIPMENT
the Department
January 2019.
of Revenue with-
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istration were issued by Date of First EOE area, pet friendly, and at 1010 6th Ave. N. bus & County School
the Chancery Court of furnished corporate Call 662-425-0332. locations. 662-242-
Oktibbeha County, Mis- Publication: apartments available. 7653 or 601-940-1397.
Professional 3500
sissippi to Lynn Morgan, 1/25/2019 ON SITE SECURITY.
Administratrix of the Es-
tate of Kenneth Morgan, MS NOTARY seeks an
attorney to collect her
resident and non-resid- personal files, notes,
ent, having claims, ma- 1/25/2019 & and court orders. Addi-
Benji @ 662-386-4446 Furnished w/ furn.,
tured or not, against 1/27/2019 tional tasks may be
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. 1 BEDROOM appl, utilities & cable.
needed. Respond:
this Estate are required
to file the same with the ATTORNEY Sat/Sun by appt only. 2 BEDROOMS 662-295-4701.

Clerk of the Court with- Building & Remodeling 1120 PO Box 2031
Columbus, MS 39704 PEAR ORCHARD APTS
3 BEDROOMS Commercial Property 8050
in ninety (90) days fol- 2BR Townhouse - $585,
lowing the date of the LEASE, RETAIL SPACE Available
© The Dispatch

first publication of this STRUCTION WORK Truck Driving 3700 W/D incl. Great loca- in Historic Downtown.
Notice, otherwise their WANTED. Carpentry,
tion. $200 processing
fee & $50 application
DEPOSIT 404 Main St. 3,000
claims will be forever small concrete jobs, sq. ft. $1,300/mo.
barred. electrical, plumbing, with Truck & Lowboy fee. 662-328-9471 or AND Call 662-328-8655
roof repairs, pressure Trailer experience to 662-889-7565.
washing and mobile load, haul, & unload CREDIT CHECK or 662-574-7879.
Respectfully submitted, heavy construction
home roof coating and Apts For Rent: South 7040 Houses For Sale: Northside
underpinning. No job
too small. 549-7031.
equipment. Overnight
travel required. Only 1BR/1BA 505 5th Ave.
662-329-2323 8150
qualified applicants with S. 1 block from down-
clean MVR, current CONVENIENT 3BR/2BA
By Her Attorney: town. Walking distance
SUGGS CONSTRUCTION medical examiner’s to MUW. No pets. CAFB 2411 HWY 45 N 512 Lincoln Rd. New
/s/ Reginald Paul Harri- certificate and no acci- paint, flooring, brick
on Building, remodeling, welcomed. XL l/r, d/r, COLUMBUS, MS shop, fenced backyard
metal roofing, painting dents need apply. Fax b/r & backyard. In-
Date: November 13, resume to 662-492- & patio. Zoned commer-
2018 & all home repairs. cludes w/d, air condi- cial, can be home/of-
662-242-3471 4490 or email to tioner, gas heater, hard- Commercial Property For fice. Call 662-328-9634
OF COUNSEL: wood floors, electric Rent 7100 for more information.
Reginald Paul Harrion, stove, refrigerator.
Bar #101053 Tom Hatcher, LLC Bargain Column 4180 $750/mo. $750 dep. COMMERCIAL PROPER- Houses For Sale: Southside
SCHWARTZ & ASSO- Custom Construction, 662-364-6454. TIES/Retail/Office
Restoration, Remodel- 5-FT. Mahogany dining 8300
CIATES, P.A. Spaces starting @
ing, Repair, Insurance table for $100. Chairs $285/mo. Downtown &
162 E. Amite Street claims. 662-364-1769. not included. Call Apts For Rent: West 7050 2BR/1BA Gas stove &
Jackson, MS 39201 East Columbus loca- heat. Move-in ready. 1

Licensed & Bonded 662-574-6264. tions. 662-435-4188.
Telephone: 601-988- BR Apt. attached that
8888 6 ANTIQUE dining needs work. $21,000.

Facsimile: 601-353- General Services 1360 chairs. $100 firm. OFFICE FOR RENT. 417 17th St. S.
0217 Call 662-352-9593. 30x15. Separate air Call 662-327-8712.
Babysitting & tutoring. conditioner & bathroom.
PUBLISH: 1/18, 1/25, Certified in most sub- 7-FT. dining table w/ Apartments $400/mo. Located in Houses For Sale: West 8350
jects. Call 662-574- leaf for $100. Call
& Houses
& 2/1/2019 Caledonia. Call 662-
0426. 662-352-9593. 574-0082. FSBO: 3BR/2BA in May-
COURT OF LOWNDES HEATER. WOOD-burning, 1 Bedrooms hew, 1551 Garth Rd.
Close to Columbus,
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI EXPERIENCED $100. 662-364-2498. 2 Bedroooms OFFICE SPACE: 2,000
square feet. 294 Starkville & West Point.
LOOKING FOR WORK. LARGE DOG House, 3 Bedrooms Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- New HVAC, 1.7 acres,
$50. Electric dryer, ing terms. Available large metal bldg incl.
HOLLIS, DECEASED Contact 662-574-5181. $50. 662-364-2498. Furnished & now. 662-328-8254. $139,000. 662-418-
8984 or 662-552-1400.
CAUSE NO: 2018-0251-
Ref. on Request. NEW BOY's 18 month Unfurnished HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
sleep set. Vest, pants, Columbus Office, Retail, Investment Property 8550
shirt, cap & booties. 1, 2, & 3 Baths Restaurant Space avail- GRAVEL FOR SALE on
$15. New ladies Levi
505 straight leg jeans.
Lease, Deposit able. Call 662-328- private property. Approx
$5. Call 662-242-4210. & Credit Check 8655 or 662-574-7879. 6 acres. Will sell or
lease property located
SIPPI TERVIEW SKILLS; OLDER DRYER $25.00. Houses For Rent: Northside in NE Noxubee County.

Letters Testamentary
Tues & Thurs Evening
classes start February
5th. Enroll now at Chris-
Call 662-327-4016
after 5 p.m. 327-8555 7110 601-405-3717.
2BR HOUSE. Stove, ref., Lots & Acreage 8600
have been granted and tian Women's Job PAIR OF hunter green w/d hookup, window
issued to the under- Corps. Min H.S. Dip- slipper chairs for $49.
Apts For Rent: Other 7080
a/c, heat electric. 2 ACRE home site for
signed upon the Estate loma or Equivalent re- 3-ft. gold framed mirror 1BR/1BA Apts for rent. $485/mo. Lease- sale. Tabernacle Com-
of Maurine T. Hollis, de- quired. Call 662-722- for $25. 5-ft. solid wood College Manor Apts, dir- dep.+credit check. Cole- munity. $15,000.
ceased, by the Chan- 3016 or 662-597-1030 bookcase for $25. Call ectly across from MUW. man Realty. 329-2323. Call 662-386-9122.
cery Court of Lowndes 662-574-6264. Completely renovated, 250 ACRE pine planta-
County, Mississippi, on
the 9th day of January, RETAINER WALL, drive- Farm Equipment & Supplies
incl granite countertops, 3BR/2BA. Fresh paint, tion with 10 to 16 year 1 Diet no-no, for
SS appls & W/D. 12 mo new carpet, ch/a,
A. D., 2019. This is to way, foundation, con- 4420 lease, dep req, $650/ fenced yard & appl furn.
old trees, prime deer some
give notice to all per- crete, masonry restora- hunting, ideal for hunt-
sons having claims tion, remodeling, base-
mo. 662-425-3817. 662-251-9696. ing club, $1500/acre, 5 “Very funny!”
2016 JOHN Deere
against said estate to ment foundation, re- 5100E Tractor, 210 will divide, Monroe 9 Nunavut native
2BR/1BA located in COLONIAL TOWN- County. 662-369-3778,
Probate and Register pairs, small dump truck hours. $40,500.
Historic Downtown HOUSES. 2 & 3 bed- or 662-256-5838.
11 Linda of “Dy-
same with the Chan- hauling (5-6 yd) load & Also, 2016 15ft
cery Clerk of Lowndes demolition/lot cleaning. Kubota Bush hog avail. Columbus. 2,000 sqft. room w/ 2-3 bath town- nasty”
houses. $600 to $695. LAMAR CO. 99+/-
County, Mississippi, Burr Masonry 205-329-1790. Hardwood floors
662-549-9555. Ask for acres. Near Kennedy.
13 Choir member
within ninety (90) days 662-242-0259. throughout. Open floor.
from the first publica- Very nice. Incl W&D. Glenn or text. Paved Rd. Small creek, 14 Value
General Merchandise 4600 $1200/mo. Call timber. $198,000. 15 Angsty rock
tion date of this Notice
662-328-8655. 662-327-2656.
to Creditors. A failure to WORK WANTED:
Licensed & Bonded-car-
so Probate and Re- Two 2009 iMac com- MENT NEAR MUW. WINTER SPECIAL
gister said claim will pentry, painting, & de- puters available. Good DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA, 323 13th St. N. 3 Blks 1.95 acre lots.
18 Like bodybuild-
forever bar the same. molition. Landscaping, working condition. CH&A, 1 story, W/D, from MUW. L/r, d/r, Good/bad credit. ers’ bodies
gutters cleaned, bush historic district, 1 block b/r, kitchen, large f/r
hogging, clean-up work,
Would be good for ba- 10% down, as low as 20 1963 Paul New-
This is the 22nd day of sic web browsing or from downtown, $625/ w/ fireplace, 2BR/3BA. $299/mo. Eaton Land.
January, 2019. pressure washing, mov- word processing. 2Ghz; mo. + $625 dep. NO Laundry room, outside 662-361-7711 man film
ing help & furniture
repair. 662-242-3608
2 GB RAM; 250 GB HD. PETS. 662-574-8789. fenced patio, screened 21 So far
/s/ WANDA HOLLIS Computer and built-in Peaceful & Quiet area. side porch & work room Autos For Sale 9150
COOPER, EXECUTRIX monitor only; mouse WITH ATTACHED APART- 22 Culp/Cosby
Lawn Care / Landscaping and keyboard not in- FIRST FULL MONTH
MENT B/r, d/r, kitchen 1965 MUSTANG, Red, series
Steven R. McEwen & bathroom. NO HUD.
McEwen Law Firm 1470 cluded. $50 each. RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- Ref. req. Dep. req. Automatic, 6cyl, A/C & 23 Twisty fish
Call 662-574-1561 power steering.
P. O. Box 709 room Apts/Townhomes. Pets allowed w/ extra
$16,000. 24 Fury
JESSE & BEVERLY'S Stove & refrigerator. 2 Lack of vitality 27 Costa del —
Columbus, MS 39703 BASS BOAT, 15ft, 70hp dep. $1075/mo. 662-386-2367. 25 Groan inducers
LAWN SERVICE. Mow- Yamaha.
$335-$600 Monthly. 662-386-7506. 3 Grammatical 28 Ovum, e.g.
ing, cleanup, landscap- Credit check & deposit. 2013 CHEVY Cruze. 27 Police trap
PUBLISH: 1/25, 2/1, &
ing, sodding, & tree cut-
Riding mowers - 2.
Coleman Realty, no-no 30 Yule song
2/8/2019 Garden Tiller. Mobile Homes for Rent 7250 Good condition. 100k 29 Crumb carrier
ting. 356-6525. 662-329-2323. miles. Black, 4-door. 4 Book jacket bit 31 Sensational
662-418-8984 or 662- 30 Like many
I, Jay Patel, own- 552-1400. 3BR/2BA Trailer, New $5,450. Call Ed @ 5 Chopped down 33 Came to
Painting & Papering 1620 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- Hope school dist. 662-574-0082. resorts
er of Towne 6 Stratford river 37 Slangy denial
Sporting Goods 4720 ments & townhouses. $500/mo & $500 dep. SUPER CHARGED 2004 32 Pink Floyd album
Square Liquor, SULLIVAN'S PAINT Call for more info. Call between 10a-7p. 7 Life, perhaps
Monte Carlo SS. Dale 34 Outback bird
LLC intend to SERVICE ED SANDERS Gunsmith 662-328-8254. 662-386-4292. Jr. Signature Edition. 8 Pay to play
Certified in lead Open for season! 9-5, NO TEXT MESSAGES. 35 Pay tribute to
make applica- removal. Offering spe-
$3500. 662-570-2601. 10 Mason’s tool
Tues-Fri & 9-12, Sat. DOWNTOWN LOFT. 36 Essential
tion for a Pack- cial prices on interior & Over 50 years experi- Very big, nice 1 bed- NICE 3BR/2BA MH in Campers & RVs 9300 12 Disreputable
exterior painting, pres- ence! Repairs, cleaning, 38 Great, in slang
age Retailer per- room. Wood floors, lots West Lowndes school 17 Sulky state
sure washing & sheet refinishing, scopes of windows. $700 per district. $485/mo + TOMBIGBEE RV Park, 39 Prickly plants
mit. rock repairs. mounted & zeroed, 19 Peepers
Free Estimates
month. Call Stewart, $485 dep. 662-242- located on Wilkins Wise 40 Boat bottom
handmade knives. 662-364-1610. 7653 or 662-308-7781. Rd & Waverly Rd. Full 22 Crocus cousin
Call 435-6528 Located: Hwy 45 Alt, Hookups available. 41 Garden pest
As provided for North of West Point, $300/mo. 662-328-
24 Stressed type
Apts For Rent: Other 7080
by the Local Op- turn right on Yokahama 8655 or 662-574-7879. 25 Maze choices
Stump Removal 1790 Blvd, 8mi & turn left on DOWN
tion Alcoholic 26 Loosen, as a bra
Darracott Rd, will see 1 Refers to
Beverage Con- sign, 2.5mi ahead shop
on left. 662-494-6218.
trol Laws, Sec- Sell idle items
tion 67-1-1, et Wanted To Buy 4780
seq. of the Mis- with a quick action
sissippi Code of Saint Nicholas Dinner classified ad.
ALLSTUMP GRINDING Plates. Willing to pay
1972, Annot-
ated and if gran-
$10 each. Call 662-
We can grind all your
ted such permit, stumps. Hard to reach Business Opportunity 6050
I propose to op- places, blown over
erate as a Lim- roots, hillsides, back- HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
yards, pastures. Free Columbus: 411 Main Five Questions:
ited Liability estimates. You find it, St. Office, Retail, Res-
Company under we'll grind it! taurant Space available.
1 “Bridget
662-361-8379 Call 423-333-1124.
the trade name
of Towne Liquor
located at 507 Looking for goods Jone’s Diary”
18th Avenue or services?
North, Suite 1,
2 Dog
Lowndes County. Find it in the
3 Lou Piniella
The name(s), classifieds!
title(s) and ad-
dress(es) of the 4 Fort Knox
officer(s) and/or 5 Eddie Van WHATZIT ANSWER
majority stock- Halen Log cabin

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