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the sublime

having the older generation occupying the area around the cathedral
and the younger generation concentrating their residencies on the
outskirts leads to segregration in the community.

lack of activities despite large number of open spaces

making the city dull.

the aim is to escalate the number of young adults and

to keep the elderly at satisfactory
by livening up the city with stimulating activities.
young adult concentration map

younger people concentrate their residencies

on the outskirts
music as an art of space

music transports us to distant moments and spaces than

those we are in the present making us feel nostalgic

music awakes in us emotions that are hard

to explain

architecture does it too

“the fundamental phenomenon of sound is its
development in time. architecture is basically
static. time is introduced through changes in
daylight, periods of different intensity of noise and
through the movement of people. sound-architecture is
in its essence an event of temporal development.
space is developed gradually in time. but it is not a
space, it is a constant sequence of spaces.”

similarities disimilarities

music and architecture are the only art that surrounds us architecture is designing through space

puts us through a journey music is designing through time

has got harmony in both symmetry and asymmetry a piece of music is an event in time, ephemeral almost

is expressed through music scores and architecture plans a piece of architecture could last centuries
main source of music in winchester

the cathedral bells are played in a traditional

english style having their beautiful sound
travelling across the city of winchester
each bell is cast to sound a different note in a
scale which is traditionally numbered from the top
note down to the lowest

mathematical music
all forms of music show some mathematical structure in scales,
chords or rythms

bell ringing is underpinned by some elegant and fascinating


the minimus

in a 4 bell ringing, there are three different types of way of playing the bells on a 4 factorial product (24 different sequences)

each way of playing creates a specific shape on a triple axis diagram

1st way of playing forming 4 hexagons

every last bell gets a chance to stay still while the other 3 bells
on the front are being played without having a repeating sequence

3rd way of playing forming 6 squares

6 different ways to play 4 bells into pairs

2nd way of playing forming 4 hexagons

every bell on the front gets a chance to stay still while the
other 3 bell on the back are being played without having a
repeating sequence.
strategic master plan
1:1500 site plan
the musical fountain

lake symphony musical fountain

kuala lumpur, malaysia
the amphitheatre

roof forest, tokyo plaza

hiroshi nakamura
the music studio

imperial war museum

daniel libeskind
the festival

field of light
eden project
harmonic fields
pierre sauvageot
the sublime

halo love

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