You are on page 1of 208


Student Life 2
Elementary 16
Middle School 36
M.S. Activities/Sports 50
Underclassmen 64
High School Sports 76
High School Activities 96
Staff 138
Seniors 144
Ads 172

Courtesy of the
Department of the Interior,
Yellowstone National Park


Watercolor by
Junior, Alex Boyer
Doug Osborne and Ben Pyatt, Need we say more?

Nicole Dismang, Cheri Crosby, Amber Park,

Colette Jones, Rebecca Dill, and Amy
Sturdevant enjoy the pieces of their lunch.

Michelle Moore, Vanessa Stokes,

Shelly Roller, Amber Park, and Cindy
Crosby-director of all decorations.

The Senior float terrorizes the streets of Buffalo with toliet paper.

Student Life 2
It's all just .....
Another Piece of the Puzzle.
Story and layout by Amy Sturdevant

If Buffalo High School were a puzzle , there

would be several pieces to put together.
Every student, teacher, class, club, and
activity is important to our puzzle. Each
person must put his or her own puzzle
together. This year was no exception . Get
out of bed , attend school , go to practice ,
and rush off to part-time jobs. Does this
puzzling process sound familiar to you? If
so , you are one or the many students who
had to sort through complex pieces in
order to keep their lives going.
Where did you fit in? John Mathews, Are you totally confused by this
puzzling high school life?

Senior students get involved in a pep assembly.

Student Life 3
&Kim Hardin

Ryan Young & Jaymi Gilpin

Just who are the select

seniors? The senior
class nominated and
elected the BEST TWO
out of their class.
Mr. & Ms. Bison
nominations were
made by seniors and
elected by the student

Lois Cline & Champ Warfel

Tim Ray & Shelly Roller

Julie Bower & John Mathews


Amy Sturdevant &
Andy McConnell

Story & Layout::

Laraine Rogers

4 Student Life
Mr. & Ms. Bison 1996
Seniors, Tim Ray and Jaymi Gilpin

Student Life 5

FRIE Story and Layout by Heidi Strobel

they can work together even

if it means getting wet.

6 Student Life
Pets and Friends are two of the most
important things in our lives. Even though
our friends may at times seem like frogs,
our pet's devotion never changes. Animals,
especially gold fish, and friends do come
and go, but there are those that remain
close to our hearts. Many kids commented
that whether their pet is a dog, cat, bird or
horse, they care, love, and think of them as
their best friend. As for your friends, if you
are close or perhaps have grown apart, the
times your have shared, will never be
Rodney Rodelander and Chais Rankin 2nd Grade
forgotten. These are all parts of that puzzle
we call life.

Lindsey Blecher and Crystal Sanders, 2nd Grade

Fourth Graders, Cody McCowan and Dillon Davison share

some good times at the water fountain .

Not all students have a clear undstanding about

how many fingers they should hold up.
Student Life 7
Story and Layout:
Lisa Rice & Jennifer Slider

Everyone fits into a

puzzle somewhere,
somehow. Your opinions
influence where you fit
and how the puzzle will
look when it is com-
pleted. Throughout life
there are many puzzles to
put together, each one
with many different opin-
ions. No matter where
you go or what you do
there will be someone
who has a different opin-
ion than you. Here are a
few pieces of the puzzle
from your classmates.

How should children be disciplined? "I think it should be the parents'

choice unless they are abusive." Laraine Rogers

Q• How do you feel about

all sports being co-ed?
A. I believe if A. Some sports
the person meets are designed to be
the qualifications played by girls
they hould be and orne are
able to play on designed to be
the team and it played by guys.
shouldn't matter Hank Sanderson
on their sex.
Amy Garrison

8 Student Life
Q. Howdoyou
think we hould Q If you would become
• president what would
punish murderer ? be the first thing you
would do?

A• Put th mona A •I would get more

land for national fore ts,
littl i land with
other murderers. and preserve more of the
rain forests.
Shane Mason Issac Popejoy

Do you think things

Q How hould w
• go about attaining Q • would be different
if we had a woman
world p ace. president? Why?

A • We will never have A• o, there will always

be people who disagree
world peace o why even with him or her. I do
try. If we can't get along believe that a female
within our own country, president would have a
how i the whole world harder time in office
going to get along. o one because of the way some
will compromi e. males and females think
Nicole Dismang the role of women hould
be in the home.
Elizabeth Ruth

Survey Pieces Response In Percentages

Question Yes No No Opinion

Should drug be legalized? 36 55 9

Should abortion be legal? 36 51 13
Should capital puni hment be used? 71 18 11
Do you think the peed limit hould be rai ed? 61 31 8
Do you feel gang violence affect Dalla County? 21 65 14
Do you feel drug are a problem in Dallas County? 68 24 8
Do you think chool hould have dre code ? 9 4 7
Do you think President Clinton will be re-elected? 16 67 17
Do you think there will be a World War III? 64 23 13
Do you think there will ever be world peace? 20 74 6
Do you think your parent have more ay m your
life than you do? 35 59 6
Do you think there are other life form in pace? 52 26 22
Do you think the world will end by nuclear war? 26 60 14
Do you think we will live on another planet? 34 58 8
Do you think the world will ever be controlled by
one government? 27 70 3
Do you think O.J. Simp on wa guilty? 44 47 9
Student Life 9
What do you like best about
middle school?
Having a snack bar and the
air conditioning .
Jamie Rainwater,Sth grade

What are your hobbies?

I like to listen to my CD
player and talk on the
phone .
Brooke Glor, 6th grade

If you could spend the day
with anyone who would it
be? Why?

A. The Middle School students hoop it up w ith

their free time.
Miichael Jordan. Because I
want to be like him.
Heath Barber, 7th grade

What are you looking
forward to in High School?

I'm looking forward to
driving, and graduating.
Luke Christian , 8th grade

8th graders, Jeff Roller and Nathan Brownfield

are having a stare down.

10 Student Life
Story and Layout: Sara Ownby

oo old for elementary, and too young for

high school. Where in the middle do you fit,
Buffalo Prairie Middle School. This was a big step
for the new 5th graders. The 8th graders found it a
routine thing. This year block scheduling was
something new for all four grades at BPMS.
Several of the middle school students were
asked how they felt about block scheduling. One
8th grader, Keri McDaniel said, "It gives more time
to do homework." A 5th grader, Jessica Cook said,
"I like how the block scheduling works, and the
classes are a lot of fun." The majority of the stu-
dents said that it gave more variety of classes they
could take. Every class has a part in making the
Pieces of the Puzzle Fit.

Student Life 11
A you can see, Julie's hard at work! Hmm ... Heidi wonders if she'll get a big tip?

12 Student Life
How We Fill the Space?
Story and Layout : Ryan Young

rom the last ring of the bell at 3:15 to

the first ring at 8:25 th next school day,
students spend their time in different ways.
Cruising, working, getting extra help on an
assignment, or practicing for a sport are
many of the ways students at BHS fill the
Those tudents who are in sports
realized at the beginning of the seasons that
school doesn't get out at 3:15. Sometimes it
may last two to four hours after the last bell
The students that work after school
don't have it easy either. They have to learn
to balance their time so they can get their
homework done, and till get enough sleep
for the next day at school.
By the end of your high school career,
you will hopefully have accomplished your
goals and, of course, have fun while doing it.

Kri ten a k , "Do you want bread stick with that?" The bell . . . tart the rae .

Student Life 13

Of The Puzzle Story and Layout by Jaymi Gilpin

• ll.Xl\t One morning reality hits!! All of our high school
years are ending and it's time to decide where our lives are
headed. Big decisions lie ahead, whether selecting a college
Q) or finding a job that can offer a secure future. Some may

u choose to stay in the job that they had during high school;
others may decide that their current job is boring or the pay
is too low. They may consider finding another job or trying

Q) college life.
Anyway we look at it, there are decisions to be made and

pieces of our puzzle to fill. Many factors need to be consid-
ered when one decides the direction of his/her life. Money,

family, and other circumstances can either make or break a
decision, and things don't always turn out the way they were
planned. Hopefully, the pieces we choose to complete our

' }
puzzle will bring happiness and a secure future.


14 Student Life
I'm planning to go to college
or tech. school , and hope-
fully play football.
Kurt Jones I plan to go to college and
own my own Real Estate
office, and marry Jimmie.
Melissa Gilchri t

I'm gonna try to go to I'm going to SMS, major in

college, but my main something yet undecided,
priority is to marry Robert. get married, and enjoy
Julie Bower Missouri.
Amanda Dahlquist

I plan to develop my skills I'm planning to attend OTC

in massaging and female- for two year and majoring
male relationships. in physical therapy.
Doug Osborne Kristen Nyberg

Student Life 15
Jericca Holt enjoys
watching T.V.

1st grader
Chris Horstman
enjoys swimming.

2nd grader
Dawn Booth
enjoys climbing trees

3rd grader
Ashley Williams
enjoys talking on the

4th grader
Ashleigh Strobel
enjoys basketball
Mrs. Betsy Earls
Mrs. Earl's Kinde
Dalton Bennett
Carrie Bowers
Justin Burton
Lucas Chituck
Brendan Cox
Jessica Crouch
Hailey Elliott

Ashley Frye
Brandon Haney
Jerica Holt
Michael Horstman
Cheyenne Kane
Robert Levine
Miranda Lippencott
Krista Manley

Zachary Pilkington
Benjamin Potter
Amanda Schwanke
Brandy Snow
Justin Tapp
Travis Thompson
Casey Wells
Kyle Whetsten

K is for Kindergarten. Here's

where we begin the puzzle.

Mrs. Claire Holt

Mrs. Holt's Kinde
Stephanie Barclay
Cody Baxter
Debbie Browers
Jacob Bryant
Carl Bunch
Travis Cornelia
Joshua Cornwell

Scott Cotter
Kayla Daniels
Jessica Dryer
Zachary Enokido
Curtis Fletcher
Justin Florez
Jessica Francis
Destiny Gruber

Brittany lmes
Jordan Klapp
Nathan Lamkey
Courtney Moyer
Skyler Peters
Kyle Pinkley
Ethan Reed
Kyle Wingo

18 Kindergarten
Mrs. Carolyn Jenson
Joshua Barnhart
Bruce Bennett
Christina Butler
Zachary Crooks
Shawna Dismang
Zachary Goforth
Audrey Groll

DeeAnn Groll
Ben Hagan
Dustin Hurd
Donn Jones
Travis Jones
Alissa Keller
Kristin Knapp
Timothy Luttrell

Markus Moore
Nicholas Odom
Levi Osborn
Glenette Porter
Jalisa Porter
Christopher Robbins
Andrew Rogers
Justin Snow

Jerri Swopes
Jacqueline Trader
Stephen Winebrenner

Angela Credeur

Elementary students in Mr . Mill clas work diligently on their studies.

Kindergarten 19
Mrs. Alice Anne Long
Jeremy Arterberry
Brett Bartee
Chelsea Bates
Jake Brewer
Ashley Butts
Ryan Casey
Tyler Cobb

Matthew Evans
Carley Hawkins
Kylee Henderson
Patrick Jones
Landon Keith
Maeghan Kidd
Skileen Landeros
Roiann Lynn

Amy Norton
Joseph Pheifer
Lynn Phillips
Bradley Schofield
Haley Thiesen
Tori Tuning
Seth Wommack
Jacob Woodburn

Just starting the


20 Kindergarten
Mrs. Miller's Kind"' . . . . . .

Mrs. Viola Miller

Thomas Ashwell
Virginia Atchley
Autumn Bahr
Mary Cline
Zachery Davison
Johnathan Erickson
Brian Faucett

Clinton Goforth
Bryan Hargis
Karona Huffman
Annie Oliver
Ethan Plemmons
Willa Schwitters
Amber Snow
Jamie Spicer

Coe Turner
Kyle Vest
Ben Williams
Stephanie Wilson
Bradley Youngman
Michael Zanzie

Mrs. Stevson's Kindergarten

Mrs. Diane Stevson
James Allivato
Aaron Boland
Clinton Bunch
Brandon Casey
Bailey Dill
John Fetters
Ricky Harrell

Clarissa Hembree
Isaac Lowden
Timothy Massengale
Amber Miller
Samantha Mumm
Jeremy Nelson
Adam Paul
Kassie Rogers

Amber Skinner
Andrew Torimino
NO PHOTO: Elizabeth Williams
Adriana Wilson
Britney Swain

Kindergarten 21
Mrs. Andrews' First Grade
Mary Nell Andrews
Kristen Blair
Lacey Blecher
Summer Brooks
Ben Brown
Maggie Buttram
Kelsey Canon
Ashton Chandler
Justin Colley
Sean Creel
Debbie Criner
Becky Frazier
Chris Glor
Chelsea Harter
Christopher Horstman
Jason Johnson
Ashley King
Jessica Lawson
Amanda Marsh
Bethany Nimmo
Lewis Parnell
Alisha Phillips
Stephanie Smith
Ryan Spence
Tyler Stidham
Crystal Turner
is for the first few
F pieces of the puzzle.
Mrs. Hole & Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade
Susan Hole
Joanna Wheeler
Jared Cornwell
Brandon Davidson
Matt DeMarr
Jared Dibben
Chris Fletcher
Cara Hall
Joseph Klapp
Lance Pierce
Jeremy Scarber
Rusty Smith
Jeremy Snow
Michael Spotz
Derek Stewart
Jennifer Tharp
Jessica Triplett
Bradley Walters
Ericka Woods

22 First Grade
Mrs. Mill's First Grade
Sharyl Mills
Levi Atterberry
Autry Chelsy
Cody Brown
Luke Buscher
Joshua Crandell
Courtney Dame
Jordan Dibben

Ashley Dillard
Anna Earls
Timothy Garroutte
Amanda Hamilton
Emery Hatfield
Cristy LaFitte
Justin Lowden
Cassie Pettitt

Chris Place
Ciara Rauh
Valerie Ridgway
Landry Royce
Jessica Russell
Kayla Smith
Anessa Stewart
Nathan Wilson

Chris Yardley

Mrs. Moffett's First Grade~--....,

Kelli Moffett
Chris Abercrombie
Jeanette Austin
Megan Benson
Coton Bowers
Tom Caddell
Aimee Caldwell
B.J. Crawford

Cody Hicks
Jessica Klementzos
Tommy Lynch
Megan McKinney
Cassie Morgan
Alyssa Moss
Susanne Otterness
Morgan Pickney

Destini Price
Joe Roberson
John Sawyer
Heather Stidham
Crissy Stockdall
Charlie Torimino
Ashley Villines
Tiffany Vincent

Cody Waide

Alysia Cockrum

First Grade 23
Mrs. Power's First Grade
Sharon Powers
Brooke Allen
Hali Batt
Makayla Burkle
James Credeur
Josh Credeur
Alexandra Dyer
Roxie Flippin
Jeremiah Gandy
Orin Green
Kathryn Johnson
Darrick Jones
Tyler Jones
Brittni Killian
Casandra lewis
Jordan lewis
Sara McClendon
logan Miller
Cody O'Quinn
lewis Ownby
Heather Regions
Dustin Richardson
Jessica Ross
Rebecca Sveom
Douglas Trader
Trevor Warren

Travis Hurd
Charles Robbins

Mrs. Turner's First Grade

Becky Turner
Greg Anderson
levi Atteberry
Kyle Brunkhorst
Emma Compton
Bobbie Davidson
Elizabeth Dorssom
lance Doty
Chelsey Gerleman
Stephanie Harmon
Melody Hohensee
Alona Jackson
Kandi Klapp
Sarah Maynard
Anthony Mitchell
Brandi Norton
Christopher Oliosi
levi Oliver
Abigail Potter
Jessica Powell
Andrew Robertson
Justin Roby
Julie Smith
Rachel Spears

Crystal Vickers

Chelsea Spees

24 First Grade
Mrs. Zebel's First Grade
Cheryl Zebel
Leandra Bell
Bradley Thomas
Stephanie Brown
Chris Coljohn
Jonathan Crowl
Lacey Davison
Jessica Dill
Britnee Erickson
Jake Ferrell
Cody Graves
Rachel Hamilton
Theresa Hitchcock
Kyle Keith
Adam McAuliffe
Emily McCoy
Sherry Presley
Crystal Ray
George Ruth
Jennifer Swigert
Priscilla Thomas
Jerry Wells
Lacey Wells

Dustin Johnson
Curtis Moore

Preston Page

is for second grade.

The puzzle continues.

Mrs. Chamber's Second Grade

Mrs. Tammy Chambers
Jeffrey Akins
Kayla Boro
Russell Butts
Ryan Clark
Leanne Colagio
Taylor Compton
Phillip Counts
Chayla Hale
Margaret Hamilton
Danny Harrel
Sammy Hernandez
Bryan Hill
Kyle Hunt
Jessica Jones
Logan Labby
Bobby McGuire
Adam Mincks
Amanda Molette
Tiffany Nimmo
Jessie Rash
Nicole Stephens
Kasey Vance

Second Grade 25
Mrs. Fox's Second Grade
Mrs, Lisa Fox
Whitley Barber
Sara Barnhart
Matthew Beesley
Mikhael Compton
Joshua Crooks
Tyler Dill
Katherine Dull
Joshua Evans
Samone Gamel
Michael Green
Candice Hicks
William Jones
Matthew McDaniel
Brandon Nelsen
Anthony Patterson
Benjamin Phillips
Sheila Rogers
Eva Sandoval
Jesse Simmons
Christopher Whipple
Michael White
Doyle Wilcoxon

One Piece at a time . • •

Mrs. Hamilton & Mrs. Perry's Second Grade

Mrs. Martha Hamilton
Mrs. Linda Perry
Kyle Alff
Chris Barclay
Joshua Bell
Calvin Bloomer
Jeremy Campbell
Jason Defreece
Gerald Dutcher
Brandon Eisman
Adam Frantz
Matthew Gerleman
Truman Hall
Brandy Hunt
Francine Kates
Chris Meade
Kelli Rohm
Tara Schwitters
Amanda Simrin
A.J. South
lesha Vanover

No Photo:
Aaleasha Enos

26 Second Grade
Mrs. Kirksey's Second Grade
Mrs. Barbara Kirksey
Hannah Bradley
Taylor Burns
Nathan Duff
Michael Erwin
Jacob Everett
Patrick Hammond
Diana Kane
William Marsh
Terry Norton
Jennifer Owens
Austin Park
Angela Patterson
Trafton Rogers
Patricia Ruth
Branden Smith
Wilvan Tan
Justin Tapp
Brittany Woods

No Photo:
Wesley Bowden
Jordan Fitzpatrick

• • . fills the spaces. Nolan Townsend

Mrs. McHenry's Second Grade

Mrs. Faye McHenry
Adam Ainley
Amanda Cowden
Chaz Creibaum
Cody Dillard
Chad Edde
Chandra Francis
Danielle Gibbs
Stormy Grady
Benjamin Hardin
Cassie Henderson
Jessica Hodges
Anthony Johnson
Kyle Keene
Kayla Morgan
Jessica Owens
Justin Polston
Randy Rodelander
Virginia Rogers
Kelsie Smith
Shannon Vincent
Colby Wimberly

Second Grade 27
Mrs. Kay Otterness
Mrs. Otterness' Second Grade
Whitney Badgett
Lynn Bennett
Megan Bennett
Lindsey Blecher
Joy Brann
Lars Castonguay
Robert Davis
Karrie Ernster
Nick Ferrell
Chaynna Gatton
Nicky Griesse
Matthew Hall
Neil Hicks
Spencer Jones
Zachary Mehl
Linzi Pierce
lan Platz
Chais Rankin
Rodney Rodelander
Crystal Sanders
Bradley Townsend
Adam Vest

How do we fill the space?

Mrs. Scott's Second Grade
Dawn Booth
Zachary Bowers
Andrew Brewer
Raymond Burton
Kari Dotson
Jessica Haley
Jessica Hallemeier
Nathan Harmon
Jim Hawkins
Mary Justice
Kimberly Kay
Nathan Mankey
Rachel McGinnis
Heidi Morgans
Dale Smith
David Stackhouse
Rusty Stepp
Paul Torrey
Cassandra Weeks
Matt Wommack

With one

28 Second Grade
Mrs. Ankron's Third Grade
Marcia Ankrom
Courtney Bahr
Charlie Bankes
Nathaniel Bibens
Brandon Brown
Amanda Cusick
Laci Deckard
Whitney Edwards

Justin Everitt
Brad Graevs
Tasia Hatz
Ryan Hickman
Michael Herrera
Morganne Hinds
Nick Hitchock
Jeremy Jones

Eric King
Amanda Klapp
Laura Kurtz
Zachary Labby
Layne Maddux
Angela Norton
Justin Owens
Chris Mumm

Nicholas Robinson
Krystle Townsley
Craig Viles
Michelle Watson

Mrs. Hicks' Third Grade

Leisa Hicks
Jerry Allen
Jason Atteberry
Mason Brake
Adam Brown
Sara Burns
Hope Cahow
Ashlee Cotter
Mathew Dame
Amanda Gillham
Serenity Goodman
Larry Griffin
Lisa Guthrie
Chastidy Hawkins
Wesley Lane
Kyley Lewis
Katie McAdoo
Sharon McGinnis
Brandon Miller
Bradley Montgomery
Brett Naylor
Ryan Pinkley
Kacey Rankin
Aaron Roby
Jared Spence
Joel Thompson
David Ussery
at a time. Summer Zimmerman

Third Grade 29
Mrs. Kjar & Mrs. Stanley's Third Grade -~-~-
Karen Kjar
Marjorie Stanley
Sheila Allan
Alisha Brown
Jennifer Harrison
Sara Long
Charles Mathews
Amber McAuliffe
Christopher Noodwang
Justin Rauh
Johnny Rogers
B.J. Routt
Christopher Schwanke
Samantha Smith
Stephanie Smith
Michael Stafford
Ashley Turner
Quinton Webb
Ashley Williams NO PHOTO:
Tiffany Williams
John White

Mrs. Montoya's Third Grade

Cheri Montoya
Clayton Bennett
Tonya Buntin
Jessica Caselman
Adam Conner
Dale Credeur
Ashley Elliot
Meghan Engleson
Cassandra Ferree
Caloeb Gandy
Tyson Hamm
Matthew Luttrell
Jennifer Matthews
Lyndi Miller
Stephanie Richardson
Zachary Skinner
Erica Snow
Johna Starkey
Korey Warren NO PHOTO:
Desirae Webb
Nicole Ess
Trevor Williams

30 Third Grade
Mrs. Robison's Third Grade
Rebecca Robison
Billy Acosta
Sammie Barclay
Jazmyne Beamer
Paul Black
Wendy Bunch
John Camp
Alisha Chituck
Cory Creel
Adam Hayes
Nick Henderson
Kati Hildebrandt
Matt Hill
Shawnna Horstman
Layne Hughes
Brandon Klememtzos
Forrest Maynard
Ryan Monteith
Ryan Morisset
Whitney Paul
Lindsay Peppers
Jessica Rambo
Angela Ridgeway
Danielle Sibley
John Simrin
Ashley Smith
NO PHOTO: Bitt Sperko
Joshua Williams
Adam Eidson
Edward Anderson

Mrs. Stokes' Third Grade

Becky Stokes
Tessa Atteberry
Nick Bailey
Sarah Baker
David Bowers
Gregory Franz
Chase Hamlet
Brett Harrison
Dustin Henderson
Brandi Hicks
Elizabeth Johnson
Zoie LeJeune
Christopher King
Ben Mizell
Danielle Owens
Tim Owensby
Paige Pierce
Joey Pilkington
Ben Potter
Josh Roberson
Cortney Shewmaker
Brandi Swigert
Jennifer Turner
Rachel West
Brandon Wilson


Richie Keeny

Third Grade 31
Student from Mrs. She~·vmaker's class obviously were distracted by the camera.

Mrs. Brown's Fourth Grade

Mrs. Linda Brown
Jesse Alsup
Chrystal Bailey
Dustin Bailey
Brittany Bartee
Terri Caldwell
Donald Coots
Craig Cotton
Kevin DeFreece
Julie Duff
Eric Enokido
Joe Fitzgerld
David Garrett
Tiffany Hahn
Jeffery Johnson
Daniel Klapp
Tommy McDonald
Stephanie Montgomery
Jeremy Parrish
Ashley Payne
Michael Powell
Emily Ruth
Nicole Smith
Seth Strawsma
Angela Young
Daniel Youngman

32 Third Grade
Mrs. Foster's Fourth Grade
Mrs. Dixie Foster
Steven Caston
Michael Chituck
Tony Colagio
Anna Craig
Rachel Crawford
David Greenwood
Cheryl Kaus
Lisa Kurtz
Anthony Lane
Jeffrey Lilley
Mark Meade
Tara Montgomery
Jessica Owens
Richard Phillips
Jenna Rankin
Tamica Rogers
Trisha Smith
Jennifer Spears
Derrek Stidham
Lyal Strickland-Hamm
Brandon Turner
Dana Wheeler
Daniel While
Trent Williams
Arleta Wisdom

Mrs. Oglesbee's Fourth Grade

Mrs. Sarah Oglesbee
Josie Bench
Rachael Caringer
Edgar Castillo
Tanner Clark
Dylan Davison
Nicole Farley
Jennifer Feco
Jesika Fitzpatrick
Joshua Fulkerson
Chelsea Henderson
A.J. Hill
Joshua Hollar
Michelle Holman
David Matthews
Kody McCowan
Jessica Jones
Lee Philllips
Donald Shoemaker
Kristal Smith
Ashleigh Strobel
Adam Trow
Jayson VanValkenburg
Michael Watson
Amber Willis

Rachel Crocker

Fourth Grade 33
Mrs. Quigley's Fourth Grade
Mrs. Tamara Quigley
Aaron Blue
Kim Bunch
Eric Colley
Regina Cook
Danielle Dickerson
Candace Dutcher

Matt Erwin
Jessica Fetters
Steven Frantz
Quintin Hicks
Tony Hill
David Kay
Tracy Lawson
Charlotte Lilly
Lindsay Melton
Cody Morris
Audrey Potter
Thomas Reese
Jana Shewmaker
John Torimino
Richard Tubb
Miranda Wilson

Kevin Killeen
Alexa Ramirez

Mrs. Leta Saner

Tommy Alff
Dusty Booth
Danan Bradley
John Caddell
Brian Cline
Preston Dobbs
Sheila Everette
Amanda France
Curtis Gulley
Mathew Harris
Cary Hildebrandt
Heather Hyde
Stephanie Jones
Brandi Nixon
Joshua Penn
Jessica Simrin
Joelle Smith
Julia Stewart
Albert Weeks
Erin Whitmore
John Wilson
Emily Wise

Josh Eidson
Justin Ledgerwood
Justin Powers
Michael Townsend
Q. What's your favorite sport?

34 Fourth Grade
Mrs. Shewmaker's Fourth Grade
Mrs. Jennifer Shewmaker
Matthew Beltz
Aaron Black
Ashley Carver
Heather Cornelia
Dawn Crouch
Jesse Frazier
Aaron Haley
Jerimiah Hodge
Lucas Hughes
Bobby Ingle
Rhyanna Lamkey
Ray McAuliffe
Molly McClurg
Matthew McGuire
Cheryl McWilliams
Daniel Oliosi
Miranda Polston
Ashley Prater
Jamie Roberson
Jennifer Robinson
Danny Sawyer
Troy Smith
Ashley Zimmerman

Tyler Dill

A. Christmas: 20
Of twenty-one students surveyed their responses were:

Easter: 1
Michael Hood
David Shank

Mrs. Randall's Fourth Grade Mrs. Barbara Randall

Brandon Buntin
Mary Compton
Travis Dill
Stephanie Dismang
Jason Drennon
Michelle Dunlap
James Farrow
Cody Fry
Robert Gann
Mark Garrison
Adam Gregory
Amanda Hayes
Tara Hicks
Tyler Hicks
Bradley Hurd
Brandon Lewis
Joshua Lewis
Rebecca Novak
Alex Owen
Robby Simmons
Nathaniel Walker
Christopher Whiteley
Andrew Whitney

Jeremiah Oliver
Matthew West

Fourth Grade 35
The air conditioning,
-~:.t;,;:;,,.,. pop machines, dances,
and not as many
Krystal Rambo,
8th Grade

The dances, snack bar,

pop machines, and
more room.
Seth Anderjaska,
7th Grade

There is more room,

better Student Council,
pop machines, and not
as many students.
Michelle Sarlitto,
7th Grade

The student's lockers

and good teachers.
Jennifer Klempin,
5th Grade

Likes air conditioning,

but dislike block
Jennifer Garrison,
8th Grade
Elena Acosta
Joli Ahart
Kassie Allan
Crystal Allison
Michael Allivato
Michelle Allivato
Brandon Anderson
Edward Anderson

Jennifer Atkinson
Kyle Bain
Alicia Ballard
Mandy Bass
Toby Beamer
Adam Beltz
Eric Beltz
Tyler Boggs
Shawn Boland
Jesse Bowles
Logan Bradley
Laura Brown

Matthew Brown
is just

Jessica Burns
Alexis Byrd

Will Cable

Johnnie Campbell
Kelly Carter
Eric Caston
Darren Cheek
the Puzzle.
Haley Colbert
Jessica Cook
April Cooper
Aaron Cornelius
Michael Creel
Melanie Dame
Lucas Dowell
G.W. Dugan

Daniel Dull
Michael Dunlap
Natashi Ervin
Melissa Estes
Katie Feco
Danielle Fenton
Brandon Ferrell
James Fisher
Nikki Friemal
Chasity Fulkerson
Brandon Gardner
Rachael George
Brandon Glor
Derek Graevs
Kelli Greenwood
Sherry Hacker

38 Fifth Grade
Nicholas Hale
Jennifer Hall
Kermetta Hamilton
Brynn Hammond
Jeff Hardison
Wesley Hargis
Casey Lynn Hawkin

Adam Hayes
Melissa Hayes
Evan Henderson
Armando Hernandez
Nicholas Hibler
Jessica Hicks
Robert Hinze
Heather Hitchcock
Samuel Hitchcock
Joshua Huffman
Jennifer Jobson
Jeremiah Johnson
Kati Johnston
Ashley Jones
Jacob Kahler
Joseph Kampe

Donna Kane
Steven Klein
Jennifer Klempin
Jason Kubla
Klayton Labby
Jessica Lambeth
Blaine Leer
Jennifer Lindsey
Dustin Lowden
Shawn Mankey
David Manley
Julie Marsala
Gabriel Martin
Michael Matthews
Daisy McDaniel
Mary McWilliams
Amee Medcalf
Heather Mehl
Tania Meritt
Krista Monteith
Shan Montgomery
Sharla Moore
Amanda Muro
Nathan Nyberg

Jacob Oliver
Jansen Otterness
Richard Overman
Zachary Palmer
John Parks
Emily Parnell
Gregory Parsons
Michael Parsons
Brandon Patterson
Andrea Perkins
Scott Perry
Travis Pierce
Steven Place
Nolen Prater
Jacob Prock
Jamie Rainwater

Fifth Grade 39
Judd Ramsey
Casey Rash
Darcy Redd
Joshua Rhine
Alicia Rice
Eric Roberts
Justin Rogers
Joseph Rose
Ben Routt
Matthew Ruth
Rydell Saner
Christopher Sawyer
Joshua Scharp
Ashley Sharpe
Rebecca Showers
Alissa Simpson
Robert Smith
Daniel Sommerfield
Crystal Strickland
Jessica Strohl
Reilly Stroup
Joshua Summers
Holly Swigert
Ashley Thiesen
Jason Thompson
Holly Tsavinicis
Bradlie Webb
Danielle Webb
Justin Whillock
Lela White
A.J. Williams
Steven Wilson
Lacey Winchester
Amanda Wisdom
Erich Wisdom
Megan Wright
Alisha Young
James Young
Kristy Youngman


Nathan Crofut
Ryan Ess
Alicia Sons
Robert Wakefield

Steven Place, Daniel Dull, and Brandon Melanie Dame, Kyle Bain, and Jessica Bums make a
Ferrell poking around on a furry critter. new friend.

40 Fifth Grade
Heather Allen
Lindsay Allen
Sean Allen
Denver Alsup
Joseph Anderson
Jessica Atkinson
Brent Austin
Jason Badgett
Chip Bancroft
Deanna Bennett
Tony Bennett
Kimberly Boss
Chris Brooks
Glenn Brown
Derek Brownfield
Joshua Brunkhorst
Brad Bunch
Justin Butler
Holli Cahow
Dustin Caldwel

is just Steven Carter

Nikki Chambers
Brandon Chapman
Chastity Claspill

.,. Candace Cline
John Colbert

the Puzzle. Steven Lawrence Combs

Joseph Compton

Thomas Compton
Zachary Condren
Stephen Cotter
Kristine Cotton
Cassandra Credeur
Thomas Cusick
Sarah Dalton
Stacey Daniels
Lacey Davies
Brandon Deckard
Austin Dickyre
Kevin Dill
Matthew Dille
Melissa Drennon
Carl Duckering
Ronnie Duke
Ray Dunham
Justen Dyer
Edward Engleson
Julie Enlund
Nathan Ervin
Amy Evans
Candice Ferrell
Dusty Ferrell

Sixth Grade 41
Mechelle Fuller
Kasey Gamel
Jeremy Gann
Brooke Glor
Justin Glor
Johnny Goodman
Charlie Hacker
Ashlee Hamilton

Wesley Hamm
Sarah Harvey
Bobbie Heard
Rhiannon Hickman
Sawnie Hicks
Cory Hildebrant
Gillian Hodge
Karrien Holmes
Jordan Holt
April Hoover
Kyle Huber
Macy Hughes
Zackariah Jensrud
Rachel King
Casey Kloiber
Samuel Lambeh
Aimee Lane
Joseph Laroe
Donielle Logan
Charlie Lynch
Rebecca Lynch
Eric Macella
Brandi Malicote
Paul Marsala
Kasey Mathews
Kalem Matthews
Joshua Maynard
Holly McLauliffee
Nicole McCleary
Adam McDaniel
Tawni McKinney
Travis McLaughin
Zachary McMillan
Brakley Meade
Derek Mitchell
Kendall Mooky
Cassie Mueller
Jeffery Nelson
Stevie Nicholson
Jonathan Oliosi
Rachel Pachmayr
Michael Patterson
Elizabeth Payne
Jody Payne
Shelly Payne
Kimberly Pegg
Ashley Perkins
Ilene Phillips
Kendra Phillips
Joshua Pickens
Jimmie Jo Pitt

42 Sixth Grade
Jessy Portis
Jacob Potte
Katie Potter r
Amy Prater
Brandon Rambo
J onathan Rawhngs
. Reed
Tnsh Reese

Gregg Rhoten
Darrell Roberts
Jeffrey Robert
Clint Robin s
J d" son
~ 1 Rogers
Michelle R
Sarah J ogers
. o Rohm
Timothy Sand erson
Cory Scharp
Brandon Sch
Jessica Sh oenfeldt
A arp
my Shewmaker
L" Sh ewmaker
lndsey Short
Jessica Sincla·
Berek Skinner lr

Ashley Smith
~atthew Smith
Cmdy Snyder
Heather Stillwell
Heather Strohl
Julie Tapp
Patricia Th"1esen
oy Townsley

J~shua Triplett
Nick Tritico
Daniel Usse
D~nielle waJe
Enca Warner
Don Webb
Kyle Wentz
Aaron West

Crystal Wetzel
. Wh"1pple
B nan Whitm ore
Carl Whitten
Cory Wiler
Bobby Woodb
Rachel Za me
. urn

Daniel Bunn Thomas Sawyer
Ahsley Fisk Rac~elle Sibley
Florentino Gu· Austm Sickm
Anth 1errez Tenn yre
J I ony Herrera J ey Wakefield
ac yn Morrow ermey Williams

Sixth Grade 43
Schellie Acreback
Zachary Allison
Seth Anderjaska
Bryce Atteberry
Joseph Austin
Heath Barber
Lucas Barnes
Melissa Barton

Brandy Bass
David Beesley
Natalie Bibens
Derek Black
Mya Black
Amy Blair
Sarah Bliss
Randall Bornman
Justin Boulware
Patrick Bowels
Brandy Brown
Jason Burchell

Brian Burgess
is just
Chris Byrd
Jared Campbell
Kirby Carter
Sarah Chapman
Mike Colagio of
Matthew Collar
Rebecca Compton
the Puzzle.
Christy Cooper
Kari Cooper
Shawn Covert
Brett Crane
Tracy Crawford
Sean Criswell
Breanna Cummings
Melanie Darnell
Jasmine Davison
Matthew Defreece
Robby Demarr
Steven Dickerson
Travis Dill
David Dixon
Sarah Dorssom
Emily Elliott
Tami Engelhardt
Christine Evans
Joshua Farley
Glenda Farrow
Jackie Fetters
Toby Frazier
Alicia Gandy
Joel Gandy

44 Seventh Grade
Ricky Garrett
Angela Glor
Nick Goins
Afton Graves
Joey Green
Cassie Greenwood
Amanda Hackler
Joshua Harmon

Katie Harrison
Rachel Harrison
Michael J. Harter
Robert Hayes
James Henderson
Crystal Hernandez
Mattew Herrera
Annie Hill
Jamie Hughes
Emily Hunt
Brandi Huntley
Sean Jackson
Justin Jobson
Jess Kampe
Heidi Kelb
Will Kelb
David Kelley
Colin Klein
Andy Lewis
Rachel Locke
Derrick Logan
Douglas Maack
Jennifer Macella
Brandon Mankey
Jeffery Manley
Greg Massey
Daniel Matherly
Dana Mattson
Matthew Maynard
Sasha McDonald
Linda McWilliams
Brett Meade
April Medley
Aaron Murphy
Bradley Nicholson
Matthew O'Dell
Mary Oglesbee
Clayton O'Quinn
Travis Owens
Brandy Ownby
Marcus Ownby
Jessica Parsons
B.J. Payne
William Payne
Chris Peters
Robert Pitt
Ladonna Polston
Curtis Potter
Randall Rash
Eric Redd
Justin Redd
Jessica Redd
Adam Rorie
Richard Rose
Tami Rusher
Michelle Sarlitto

Seventh Grade 45
Nicki Sawyer
Joshua Schwanke
Robert Segura
Jeannette Sergent
Jessica Sergent
Ryan Sharp
Rachel Shoemaker
Amanda Siemer
Ricky Simmons
Dustin Smith
Joshua Smith
Zane Smith
Randi Smithey
J.R. Spradling
Nathan Stamburski
Jonathon Stanford
Kurtis Steinman
Dustin Steiro
Joseph Still
John Stroup
Jessica Tharp
Amber Throckmorton
Carol Tindle
Eddy Torrey
Denny Townsley
Crystal Vest
Ricky Viets
Sean Viets
Joshua Way
Shiloh Weaver
Jennifer Wheat
Frank Williams
Evan Wingo
Kathryn Wise
Tina Worley
Matthew Wright


lacey Ryan
Racheal Smith
Gail Warner
Michael West
McKenzie Willis

Marcus Ownby and Shawn Covert seem to be Members of the 7th grade band listen closely
discussing just who needs to do more sit-ups. to Miss Claspill.

46 Seventh Grade
Kelly Armstrong
Corey Atteberry
Brandi Bales
Brandon Banker
Jennifer Bankes
Samuel Baugus
Brenna Beasley
Jessica Bell

Lelia Belt
Jennifer Beltz
Joseph Benson
Jennifer Berry
Jacob Bettenhausen
Matthew Boggs
Shanna Bolin
Cherakee Brake
Adam Brown
Alicia Brown
Corey Brown
Jacob Brown

is just Nathan Brownfield

Jared Cahow
Kristen Calfee

Stephanie Canon

of Russell Carter
Loyd Caselman

the Puzzle. Mike Catherwood

Ricky Chapman

Luke Charlton
Samantha Cherry
Luke Christian
Tessa Coltrin
Anthony Compton
Eric Cook
Jason Cooper
Wendy Cornwell

Scott Cotton
Jamie Cowan
Mark Crofut
Caleb Cusick
Amanda Dill
Robert Dismang
Justin Donaldson
Jana Duff
Michelle Dugas
Amy Dunham
Jeffrey Elam
Robert Elliot
Travis Elliott
Erin Enlund
Jade Enokido
Brandy Ernster

Eighth Grade 47
Joseph Feco
Courtney Fisk
Kami Freeman
Dustin Gamel
Michael Gardner
Eric Garretson
Jennifer Garrison
Chris Goins
Corey Goins
Bradley Goulet
Brian Hacker
Kristen Hahn
Jessica Hall
Crystal Hamilton
Gregory Hardison
Nicole Harrison
Samanta Haskett
Chris Hatten
Eric Haueter
Jeanetta Hayes
Koi Henderson
Joshua Herrera
Katrina Hill
Kelly Hitchcock
Holly Huston
Brenda Hyder
Jesse Johnston
Amanda Jones
Morgan Kaisler
Michael Kelley
Alicia Klapp
June Kubla
Bradley Shane Leer
Darrell Logan
Jamie Lowry
Dustin Lunceford
Bobby Lynch
JR Wayne Lyon
Kerry Mathews
Wesley McBee
Brandon McCarthy
Keri McDaniel
Seth McDaniel
Lacey McGuire
Gabriel McMillan
Amanda McWilliams
Jonathan Meadows
Aaron Miller

Courtney Dawn Mincks

Kristina Mitchell
Caleb Moody
Gene Moyle
Hector Muro
Maria Nevarez
Nicholas Nimmo
Elizabeth ODonnell
Lee Ella Oglesbee
Ben Oliver
Robby Oliver
Matthew Pachmayr
Andrea Park
Mitchell Paro
Amanda Payne
Andy Perkins

48 Eighth Grade
Joshua Portis
Brandi Price
Faith Rawlings
Amanda Redd
Tim Reeves
Anita Rhoten
Jacqueline Rice
Ricky Rodelander

Jamie Rogers
Michael Rogers
Jeffrey Roller
Rustyn Saner
Michelle Schultz
Lacy Sharp
Michael Sherman
Jennifer Sims
Amy Sinclair
Daniel Sisney
Angela Slavens
George Smith
Michael Smith
Sarah Smith
Stephanie Smith
Julia Spence

Bradley Stefka
Shaun Stillwell
Tegan Strawsma
Lauren Stroup
Jesse Swofford
James Torimino
pepper Vanderpool
Ashley Wall
Ben Ward
Hannah West
Mechelle West
Cory Whitaker
Billy Dean Whit
Rachel White
Elizabeth whitmore
Barbara Whitten
Twila Williams
Bradley Wise
Clint Wright
Joanna Young
Angela Zanzie


Robert Boyd
Christy Cline
Justin Goeman
Travis Hemsworth
RIGHT PHOTO: Jerad Meritt
K ri McDaniel i Danielle Pellham
Leslie Penny
howmg u the mile
Mike Pillinger
the guy noticed too. Krystal Rambo
Autumn Scott
Wayne Smith
Brian Stafford
Darcy Strain
Joshua Weisenbach
Miranda Willis
Joshua Wisely

Eighth Grade 49
What clubs/activities or sports are you
involved in?

"I am involved in
Literary Club, Boy
~ Scouts, Basketball,
and Baseball."

Jansen Otterness
5th Grade

"I am involved in
basketball, softball,
volleyball, and
student council."

Lacey Davies
6th Grade

"I am in basketball,
volleyball, and

Sarah Chapman
7th Grade

"I play football

and baseball."

Brandon McCarthy
8th Grade

"I am involved in
basketball, track,
student council,
NJHS, and
Gabe McMillian
8th Grade


FRONT ROW, from left, Matthew Wright, Robert Pitt, Evan Wingo , Robb DeMarr, Kirby
Carter, Brett Meade, Ricky Viets , Sean Viets, Matt Herrera, Shawn Covert, Toby Frazier,
and Justin Redd. BACK ROW, Coach David McDonald, Ricky Garrett, Joshua Schwanke,
Kurtis Steinmar, John Stroup, Doug Maack, Nick Goins, David Dixon, Brandon Mankey,
Steven Dickerson , Jason A. Burchell , Derek Black, Jeff Manley, Coach David Meadows,
and Coach Tim Boatwright.


FRONT ROW, from left, Robby Oliver, Cory Whitaker, Michael Kelley, A.J. Miller,
Seth McDaniel , Eric Naueter, Daniel Sisney, Koi Henderson , Clint Wright, and
Michael Gardner. MIDDLE ROW, Ricky Chapman , Brian Hacker, Josh Herrera,
Russ Carter, Chris Goins, Brad Wise , Michael Sherman , George Smith , Brandon
McCarthy, Joe Benson , and Ricky Haak. BACK ROW, Coach David McDonald, Joe
Feco, Sam Baugus, Corey Goins, Dean White, Nathan Brownfield , Michael Smith ,
Chris Hatten, Brad Stefka, Jason Cooper, and Luke Charlton .

52 Middle School Football


FRONT ROW, From left, Amy Dunham, Jenny Beltz, Angie Zanzie, Amy Sinclair and
Courtney Fisk. MIDDLE ROW: From left, Keri McDaniel, Kami Freeman, Brandy Bales,
Tessa Coltrin and Shanna Bolin. BACK ROW: From left, Lacey McGuire, Rachel White,
Kelly Armstrong , Saran Smith, Andrea Parks and Coach Paula Phillips.


FRONT ROW, From left, Jasmine Davison , Sarah Chapman , Rachel Harrison, Angela Glor
and Amanda Siemer. BACK ROW, From left, Natalie Bibens, Shiloh Weaver, Amber
Throckmorton , Tracy Crawford , Melissa Barton , Jessie Sergent and Coach Paula Phillips.
Not pictured: Christie Cooper and Jessica Parsons.

Middle School Volleyball 53


7th Grade Boys, front row, left to right: Brett Meade, Kirby Carter, Heath Barber, Robb
Demarr, Evan Wingo, Ricky Viets, manager Sean Viets, and manager Jarod Campbell.
Second Row: Coach David McDonald, Derek Black, Steven Dickerson, Brad Roll, Justin
Boulware, David Kelly, Brandon Mankey, Will Kelb, and Justin Jobson.

8th Grade Boys, front row, left to right: Brad Stefka, Russel Carter, Chris Goins, Jeff
Roller, Greg Hardison, and Gabriel McMillan. Second Row: Coach David McDonald,
Luke Charlton, Luke Christian, Michael Smith, Chris Hatten, and Nathan Brownfield.

54 Boy's Middle School Basketball


7th Grade Girls, front row, left to right: Angela Glor, Sarah Chapman , Jasmine
Davison , Christy Cooper, Chrystal Hernandez, and Amanda Siemer. Second row:
Coach Paula Philllips, Afton Graves, Cassie Greenwood, Tracy Crawford, Randi
Smithey, and Natalie Bibens. Not pictured: Melissa Barton.

8th Grade Girls, front row, left to right: Amy Dunham, Shanna Bolin, Andrea Park,
Kerry Mathews, Lacey McGuire , and Amanda Dill. Second row: Coach Paula Phillips,
Jessica Bell , Samantha Smalle, Samantha Cherry, Hannah West, Amanda Payne , Sarah
Smith, and Kami Freeman. Not pictured : Erin Enlund and managers Courtney Fisk,
Kristen Calfee, Jennifer Berry, Elizabeth O'Donnell, and Jamie Hughes.

Girl's Middle School Basketball 55

1ST ROW: 8th Dean White , Luke Charlton, Brad Wise, Andy Perkins, Dustin Lunceford, Ricky Hoack,
Brian Hacker 2ND ROW: Joe Benson, Eric Garretson , Gabe McMillan, George Smith, Nathan
Brownfield, Chris Goins 3RD ROW: A.J . Miller, Brad Stefka, Mike Smith, Chris Hatten, Jeff Roller

1ST ROW: 7th Matthew Right, Joel Gandy, Matt Defreece, Ricky Viets, Rob DeMarr, 2ND ROW:
Doug Maack, Nick Goins, David Kelly, Sean Jackson, Derek Black, Chris Peters, 3RD ROW:
Steven Dickerson , Sean Viets , Tommy McDonald, Brett Meade

56 Middle School Track



( I
FRONT ROW: 8th Lacey McGuire, Sarah Smith, Amanda Payne, Ashley Wall, Alicia Klapp BACK
ROW: Pepper Vanderpool, Jamie Lowry, Katrina Hill, Kelly Armstrong, Jenny Beltz

FRONT ROW: 7th Jamie Hughes, Sarah Chapman , Katie Harrison, Angela Glor, Cassie Greenwood ,
Jasmine Davison , Crystal Hernandez, Tami Engelhardt BACK ROW: Alicia Gandy , Jennifer Wheat,
Melissa Barton , Amanda Siemer, Christy Cooper, Sasha McDonald, Jessica Tharp , Emily Elliott

Middle School Track 57



1ST ROW: Randell Rash, Joey Green, Andy Lewis, Heath Barber, Matt O'Dell, Joshua Schwanke, Toby Frazier, Matthew
Wright, Sarah Dorssom. 2nd ROW : Chris Peters, Jarod Campbell, David Kelly, Daniel Matherly, Josh Harmon, Jess Kampe,
Jamie Hughes, Emmy Elliott, Crystal Vest. 3rd ROW : Rachel Locke, LeeAnna Black, Lacey Ryan, Jennifer Macella, Sean Viets,
Melissa Barton, Jasmine Davison, Angela Glor, Cassie Greenwood. 4th ROW: Rabecca Compton, Katie Wise, Amanda Jones,
LaDonna Polston, Amber Throckmorton, Shiloh Weaver, Natalie Bibens, Matt DeFreece, Mrs. Patsy Viets. 5th ROW: Christy
Cooper, Jessica Parsons, Randi Smithey, Linda McWilliams, Brandy Bass.


1ST ROW: Cindy Snyder, Holly Cahow, Brooke Glor, Amy Shewmaker, Charlie Lynch, Rhiannon Hickman, Carmen Reed , Melissa
Drennon, Kevin Dill. 2ND ROW: Lindsey Short, Kim Boss, Rachel Zanzie , Macy Hughs, Chastity Claspill, Amy Prater, Heather Strohl ,
Danielle Wade, Dusty Ferrell, Mrs. Patsy Viets . 3RD ROW: Ashley Fisk, Stacey Daniels, Deanna Bennett, Jodi Rogers , Heather Stillwell,
Nicole Chambers, Candice Ferrell , Heather Allen , Michelle Rogers, Tammi Setzer. 4TH ROW: Karrine Holmes, Lindsay Allen , Scheri Logan,
Brent Austin, Rachel King , Crystal Wetzel , Jacob Potter, Kyle Huber. 5TH ROW: Carl Duckering, Chip Bancroft, Jordan Holt, Nick Tritico,
Ashley Perkins, Ilene Phillips, Katie Potter, Beth Payne, Julie Tapp , Jaclyn Morrow.

58 Middle School Select Choir



1ST ROW: Mrs. Patsy Viets, Wendy Cornwell, Krystal Rambo, Shaun Stillwell, George Smith, Eric Garretson,
Nick Nimmo, Rick Rodelander, Angela Slavens. 2ND ROW: Kelly Hitchcock, Jennifer Sims, Leslie Penny, Pepper
Vanderpool, Courtney Fisk, Andrea Park, Jade Enokido, Kristen Hahn, Amanda Reed, Gene Moyie. 3RD ROW:
Lee Ella Oglesbee, June Kubla, Lelia Belt, Lauren Stroup, Jamie Lowry, Caleb Moody, Samantha Haskett,
Amanda McWilliams, Brandi Price, Brad Wise, Mitch Paro.

1ST ROW: Sam Lambeth, Joe Anderson , Ashley Smith , Jessica Sharp, Macy Hughes, Holli Cahow, Sarah Dalton , Gillian
Hodge, Dustin Caldwell , Shaun Whipple . 2ND ROW: Karrine Holmes, Landsay Allen , Danielle Wade , Kristine Cotton,
Melissa Drennon, Jo Jo Pitt, Kim Pegg, Amy Evans, Ashley Perkins, Jessica Atinson. 3RD ROW: Brent Austin , Sarah
Harvey, Nicole McCleary, Shelly Payne, Michelle Fuller, Heather Stillwell , Carmen Reed , Chastity Claspill , Amy Prater,
Sawnie Hicks, Nicole Chambers. 4TH ROW: Carl Duckering, Chip Bancroft, Beth Payne, Katie Potter, Jacqueline Morrow,
Ashley Fisk, Stacey Daniels, Wesley Hamm, Bobby Woodburn , Brandon Rambo. 5TH ROW: Kyle Wentz, Jacob Potter,
Justin Butler, Josh Maynard , Rachel King , Nick Tritico, Jordan Holt.

Middle School Choir/Band 59


FRONT ROW: Katie Harrison, Jamie Hughes, Amanda Siemer, Matt Maynard, Jon Stanford, Shaun Zimmerman, B.J.
Payne, David Dixon, Josh Charles, Joel Gandy, Matt Herrera. SECOND ROW: Evan Wingo, Brett Meade, Ricky
Viets , Toby Frazier, Willy Payne, Afton Graves, Matt DeFreece , Amanda Jones, Katie Wise, Melanie Darnell, Alicia
Gandy. THIRD ROW: Natalie Bibens, Annie Hill, Crystal Vest, Justin Redd, Schellie Acreback, Jessica Reed , Glenda
Farrow, Brandon Mankey, Dustin Steiro. FOURTH ROW: Cassie Greenwood, Sarah Chapman, Shiloh Weaver,
Amber Throckmorton, LaDonna Polston.


FRONT ROW: Brandi Bales, Scott Cotton , Jana Duff, Nicole Harrison, Tessa Coltrin , Erin Enlund , Tegan Strawsma,
Joanna Young , Kelly Armstrong , Hannah West, Alicia Klapp . SECOND ROW: Angela Zanzie, Brenna Beasley, Michael
Gardner, Katrina Hill , Amanda Jones, Elizabeth O'Donnell , Michelle Schultz, Jenny Beltz, Faith Rawlings, Jennifer Berry.
THIRD ROW: Andy Perkins , An ita Rhoten , Cherakee Brake, Amanda Dill , Lacy Sharp, Jessica Bell , A.J. Miller, Jeanetta
Hayes, Jared Cahow. FOURTH ROW: Matt Boggs, Koi Henderson, Luke Charlton , Dean White, Russell Carter, Josh
Herrera, Bobby Lynch .

60 Middle School Band


FRONT ROW: Heath Barber, Evan Wingo, Gabriel McMillan, Greg Parsons, Evan Henderson, Eric Beltz, Nick Hale.
SECOND ROW: Mrs. Beck, Justin Boulware, George Smith, Chris Hatten, Crystal Strickland, Lacey Davies, Brooke
Glor, Jessica Sinclair, Rachel King, Zach McMillian, Ms. McDonald THIRD ROW: Mrs. Reeves, Jessica Bell,
Andrea Park, Kelly Armstrong, Emmy Elliott, Jamie Hugnes, Keri McDaniel, Mrs. Kerr.

FRONT ROW: Evan Wingo - Vice President, Gabriel McMillan - President, Emmy Elliot - Treasurer.
SECOND ROW: George Smith- Secretary.

Middle School Student Council 61


First Row: Maria Nevarez, Kelly Armstrong , Lacey McGwuire, Amanda Payne, Rachel White , Andrea Park, George Smith , Luke
Christian, Gabriel McMillan . Second Row: Jana Duff, Jamie Lowery, Mike Kelly, Stephanie Smith, Tessa Coltrin, Angela Zanzie , Gene
Moyie, Keri McDaniel, Koi Henderson , Travis Elliott, Andy Perkins. Third Row : Brandi Bales, Tegan Strawsma, Joanna Young,
Elizabeth Whitmore , LeeEIIa Oglesbee, Michelle Schultz, Kerry Mathews, Greg Hardison, Dan Sisney, Alex Green. Fourth Row:
Hannah West, Erin Enlund, Alicia Klapp, Jessica Bell, Stephanie Canon, Jenny Beltz, Brenna Beasley, Matt Pachmayr, Lauren Stroup,
Krystal Rambo, Faith Rawlings . Fifth Row : Amanda Redd , Jessica Hall, Jeannetta Hayes, Cherakee Brake, June Kubla , Amy Sinclair,
Miranda Willis, Josh Herrera, Mitch Paro. Not Pictured: Elizabeth O'Donnell, president.


Layout By
Tim Ray

First Row: Sean Viets , Angela Glor, Cassie Greenwood , Sarah Chapman , Derek Black. Second Row: Matt Defreece,
Jamie Hughes, Emmy Elliot, Ricky Rose , Josh Schwanke, Eric Redd , Brandon Mankey. Third Row: Natalie Bibens, Shiloh
Weaver, Joseph Austin , Kari Cooper, Jeannette Sergent, Mary Oglesbee . Not Pictured : Dana Mattson, Rachel Shoemaker.

62 Miiddle School N.J.H .S.


Front Row:Mrs. Galsgow, Kristen Hahn, Jamie Lowry, Lacy Sharp, Jenifer Garrison, Michelle Shultz. Second Row: Nick Nimmo, Brandi
Bales, Courtney Fisk, Rachel White, Keri McDaniel, Kami Freeman, Jasmine Davison. Third Row: Kristen Calfee, Lacey McGuire,
Amanda Payne, Sarah Smith, Ashley Wall.

First Row; Amy Evans, Cassie Muller, Holli Cahow, Michelle Allivata, Becky Showers, Kelli Greenwood , Dustin Lowden , Mrs. Grant.
Second Row: Erica Warner, Jansen Otterness, Klayton Labby, Nick Hale, Adam Beltz, Eric Beltz, Miss Crites. Third Row: Nick Tritico,
Jordan Holt, A.J. Williams, Brandon Ferrell, Chris Peters, Brandon Mankey, Shawn Mankey.

Middle School FHA/ Literature Club 63

What would you change about Buffalo High School?

I would like to increase

the size of Buffalo High
School. There is not
enough room in the
high school.

Janelle Turner

I would like to see

more school spirit
at BHS.

Darcy Condren

I would like to see more

students come to the
sporting events.

Becky Ray

I would like to have more

classes to chose from.

Paul Hill

I would like to have more

pep assemblies and
special events.

Michael Showers
lisa Abney
Michelle Acreback
Rebecca Addison
Kathy Allison
Crystal Anderson
Patrick Anderson
Heather Arndt
Jason Atkinson

Misty Bain
Josh Baker
Rachael Baldwin
Charity Bancroft
Jamie Barber
Amber Barton
Brandon Bass
April Batt

Randy Berry
Todd Black
Steven Bliss
Michael Bolin

are just
Mitchel Brown
Steven Brown
~ttO ~
Brad Brunkhorst
Della Bunch

Shannon Byron
Tamara Carter
Natalie Chapman
Derek Clark of
the Puzzle.
Jerry Cline
Josh Cline
Leslie Cline
Rachel Cobb
Ace Comer
Jessyca Compton
Marsha Dame
Shawn Daniels

Ryan Davies
Billy Dotson
Travis Doty
Crystal Duke
J R Currington
Alicia Edwards
Kerri Elliott
Glen Farrow

Jennifer Fetters
Ricky Finley
Daniel Fletcher
Jennifer Fletcher
Greg Franklin
Melissa Fuller
Joseph Furtado
Bradley Garrison

66 Freshmen
Janelle Gilchrist
Randee Gilpin
Tori Green
Seth Greenwood
David Guess
Jennifer Guess
Matt Hale
Bethany Hawley

Paul Hill
Rick Hill
Heather Hodges
Kevin Holdt
Roberta Holley
Jared Holt
Kevin Huber
Sarah Hunt
Chris Huntley
Lisa Hyde
Nikki Jasper
Timothy Jasper
Angela Kane
Sara Kinnaman
Nathan Klapp
Jenny Kuhn

Nathan Lane
Heather Lashell
Janice Lawson
Gus Marsala
Stacey Mattson
David McClain
Erica McCoy
Chad McDonald
Jill McNabb
Abram Medcalf
Shawn Musser
Valeri Nalley
Kriston Neitzert
Eddie Nimmo
Paul Nixon
John Nyberg
Angela Oliver
Tracy Owens
Andrew Owensby
Misty Paro
Josh Phillips
Jeremy Pickens
Brent Pinkley
Rhonda Place
Pearl Poole
T J Rainwater
Kevin Record
Brandon Reed
Edward Reese
Mark Reeves
Rhonda Rice
Audrey Riddle
Justin Roberts
Danielle Rodelander
Elizabeth Ruth
Cindy Sanderson
Jessica Sarlitto
Kyle Schadeck
Gretchen Scott
Mickey Scrivener

Freshmen 67
Buck Shockley
Michael Showers
Rebecca Skinner
Bryon Slack
Kim Smitherman
Wayne Sperko
Jason Stanley
Joshua Still

Matt Stokes
Andrea Strickland
Rodney Taylor
Eric Testerman
Chris Tharp
Dusty Trippe
Michael Tritico
Michelle Turner

Marvin Vannostrand
Anna Viets
Jannetta Wakefield
Rachel Webb
Chad Whillock
Amanda White
Erica White
Brad Williams

Rachel Williams
Leslie Wilson
Carrie Wingo
Jamie Allen


Josh Arnold
Phillip Eidson
James Ellis
Wendy Faught
Daniel Hoover
Michelle Killeen
Tyler Lane
Ronnie Losinger
Daniel Lyall
David Maynard
Sarah Moore
Timothy Marrow
John Oliver
Angel Pistoia
ABOVE PHOTO: Erica White, Heather Hodges, Leslie Cline, John Nyberg, and
John Raska
Ryan Davies getting in some last minute gossip.
Jeremy Ward
Rachel Woodburn
Kate Veit ABOVE LEFT PHOTO: Buck Shockley showing his innocence.

68 Freshmen
Jeff Abercrombie
Amber Anderson
Dusty Armstrong
Victor Ash
Steven Aukerman
Adam Batt
Jason Beltz
Mark Bennett

Justin Blake
Adrienne Boulware
Rachel Bower
Wade Bower
Brianne Bowers
Rachel Brown
Jeremy Brownfield
Sharon Bryant
Joshua Cahow
Amanda Campbell
Stacy Canon
Ryan Cansler

are just
Amanda Carver
Leon Caselman
Heather Chambers
Annie Charlton

Adam Cline
Olivia Comer
of Darcy Condren
Meranda Cummings

the Puzzle.
Michael Dahlquist
Jeremy Dame
Jenny Davenport
Jessica Davis
William Dickerson
Christy Dotson
Brandon Duff
Donald Dycus
Pam Elliott
Tara Engelhardt
Patricia Evans
Katrina Farrow
Casey Felin
Kerrie Fielder
Josh Ford
Becky Gann
Carrie Garner
Amanda Garrett
Matt Garrett
Thomas Hall
Matthew Harris
Josh Harrison
Aaron Harvey
Chantel Hatfield

Sophomores 69
Beth Hatten
Glenda Haueter
David Hayes
Daniel Herrera
Melissa Hickman
Jon Hicks
Jonathon Hicks
Chris Hill

J R Hodges
Krista Holman
Steven Howe
Amanda Jackson
Amy Jasper
Darren Jasper
Justin Johnson
Matt Kramer
Justin Klapp
Trisha Lambeth
Matt Lindsey
Jessica Long
Holly Loyd
Helen Lynch
Kristy Mathews
Aaron Matthews

Julie Matthews
Billie Sue Mays
Shane McKinney
Amber Mclaughlin
Jeremy McMillan
Barry Monday
Kristen Moody
Sara Nalley
Robert Neely
Brad Nyberg
Kristy Oquinn
Michael Owensby
Kristin Ownby
Katrina Papuzynski
Rachel Paro
J R Perkins
Kris Pollard
Stacy Portis
Shawna Poynter
Brad Prater
Larry Presley
Joy Rawlings
Becky Ray
John Reese

Mark Rich
Blake Robinson
Amanda Ross
Chris Ryan
Randyn Saner
Brandy Sawyer
Melissa Schreiber
Ashley Schwanke
Richard Sharp
Brian Shewmaker
Brad Shockley
Jeremy Simpson
Brooke Skinner
Stacey Smith
Stephanie Smithey
Joshua Souza

70 Sophomores
Sophomores are .. •

a puzzling process.
Billy Spears
Crystal Sperko
Amanda Strickland
Dawn Strobel
Shon Taylor
Catriona Thomson
Bill Turner
Reggie Turner
Eddie Varner
Kate Veit
Sara Viles
Brian Welch
Matt Wentz
Lilli White
Aaron Wilson
Loren Wilson

AI Winters
Thomas Wise
John Woodburn
Frank Wyatt
Jeremy Young

Chet Allen
Zach Anderson
Chris Bailey
Steve Brinkman
Brent Brown
Elisa Cline
Bradley Davis
William Davis
Brian Deckard
Jerry Evans
Jennifer Fohn
Ryan Harvey
Eric Hatfield
Aaron Johnson
Travis Loyd
Jennifer Nichols
Clayton Pierce
Jamie Sole
Mark Stockdall
Jennifer Storr
Larry Tannehill
Greg Watlington

oplwmores Clayton Pierce, Matt Lindsey, Aaron Wilson, and Brian hewmaker
chow down at lunch.

Sophomores 71
Jeff Alford
Kim Allen
Heath Anderjaska
Kim mie Baker
Will Barnes
Carl Black
Jason Bliss
Donnie B ornman

Michelle Bowden
Alex Boyer
Christina Brown
Mike Brown
Heidi Brunkhorst
Dennis Burns
Jason Butler
Brian Calfee
Buster Carter
Chad Clark
Heather Colagio
Christa Cook

are just
Stacy Cowan
Mike Crane
Michelle Dame
Kenny Daniels

Jake Davis
Christy Dorssom
Chris Duff
Mindy Durrington
the Puzzle.
Eddie Dye
Adam Engelhardt
Kristi Eske
Bonnie Evans
John Fisher
Sarah Fisher
Lisa Freeman
Amy Garrison

Jason Gaynor
Jessica Goins
Christy Green
Arik Griesse
Daniel Hahn
Janette Hall
Jason Hall
James Harmon
Angelia Harrison
Mike Harrison
Kristen Hendricks
Amanda Hendrickson
Rebecca Hicks
Amy Holman
Rebecca Hook
Gabe Huffington

72 Juniors
Angie Johmson
Michael Johnson
Waylon Kaus
Brandon Kenall
Justin Kenall
Angie Killeen
Karen Kuhns
Patrick lashell
Amy lewis
Wayne logan
John luke
Clara Maddux
Dorothy Manning
Shane Mason
John Matthews
Amber McCarthy
Justin McCowan
Amy McCoy
Seth McDairmant
Stephanie McHenry
Darrell Miller
Tim Musser
David Novak
Craig Owens
Sara Ownby
John Phillips
Mike Pickens
Issac Popejoy
Ben Pyatt
Chris Record
Nathan Reed
lisa Rice

Juniors rushing off to their next class.

Juniors 73
Trenton Rieth
Bobbie Robie
A.J . Rogers
Joe Ruth
Bart Sandoval
Jerry Sharp
Toni Sharp
Curtis Skinner

Jennifer Slider
Amy Smith
Misty Snyder
Sarah Spradling
Jason Starrett
Heidi Strobel
Jason Swanigan
Scott Thompson
John Throckmorton
Damon Trippe
Janelle Turner
Kendra Underwood
Gordy Va;1derpool
Aaron Weaver
Jamie Wheat
Renae Witt

Steven Worley
Patrick Xander
Dusti Albertson Scott Freeman Sarah Pease
Kim Allen Crystal Godfrey John Poole
Tabatha Bennett Kristie Hibler William Price
Justin Bower April Hodges Angela Ryan
Bryan Brake Kathy Huber John Simpson
lucas Collamore Melissa Manary Sean Storr
Mark Coram Mark Minor Jennifer West
Steven Criner Kerrie Misenko Arty Woods
Danny Fohn Matt Obernuefemann

Juniors Heidi Brunkhorst and Angie Killeen pretending Lo study for their next class.

74 Juniors
Just a few more pieces of the puzzle.

The Three Amigos: Jacob Dm·is, Aaron Weaver, and Jason Gaynor

Above Photo: I'm beautiful and I know it.

Clara Maddux

Left Photo: This is what homework can do

to you. Rebecca Hicks

Underclassmen 75
Why are you involved in sports?

It is fun, and I have

always been an active
person. And they help
me spend my free time.
Michelle Moore

It keeps me in shape
and I love the physical
Ben Pyatt

Sports are fun and I like

the competition.
Kristen Nyberg

Sport are very interest-

- ing and fun. They
stimulate the physical
nature of all people.
Shane Cody

You get to meet new

people, keep in shape,
and it is fun.
Rebecca Hicks
Story and layout by: Christa Cook

With twelve seniors, twenty-two returning letterman, and a District 10

Championship in •94, expectations ran high for Coach Willis and the •gs football
team. The goals of this years team were to have a winning season, possible
conference title, and a return to the state play-offs. To accomplish these goals the
football team attended camps, played in a summer league, and participated
regularly in the off-season weight and conditioning program. It would take total
team effort. Everyone needed to do their part to enhance the opportunities of
success. Coach Willis said, .. No one individual could determine the success of the
team. Without 100°/o commitment there could be no guarantees ... The season
came and went so quickly, for many the end too soon. Some objectives were
accomplished and some goals achieved, but not all of our dreams fulfilled.
Therefore, our quest is not over for some it begins again. We choose to be
Champions and to those who now are passing tell me the keys to success again!

FRONT ROW: Buster Carter, Adam Cline, Tommy Wise, Brian Welch, Kurt Jones,
Eamonn Wheelock, Brent VanDeren, Matt Lindsey, Chad Clark, Justin Blake,
John Reese, Frank Schreiber. MIDDLE ROW: Jason Johnson, Todd Warfel,
Brian Shoemaker, Cody Willis, Andy McConnel, Justin McCowan, Gordy
Vanderpool , Brad Nyberg, Jeremy Brownfield, Chuck Reese, Richard Sharp.
BACK ROW: Mike Harrison, Shon Taylor, Matt Kramer, Mike Brown, Champ
Warfel , Frank Wyatt, Chris Duff, Mike Pickens, Hank Sanderson, Randyn Saner,
Ben Pyatt, Ryan Young, Aaron Wilson, Jason Swanigan , David Dugan.

78 Bison Football

FRONT ROW: Mike Tritico, Todd Black, Chad McDonald, Steve Bliss, Nathan Lane, Matt Hale, Eddie
Nimmo, Randy Berry. BACK ROW: Paul Hill, Steven Brown, Derek Clark, Ricky Finley, Edward
Reese, Brent Pinkley, Mitchell Brown.

ABOVE: Coach Stucky, Coach

Boatwright, Coach Willis, and Coach
McDonald pose for the camera.
TOP LEFf: The Bi on plan their next
BOTTOM LEFT: The Buffalo Bi on
again t the Reed Spring Wolve .

Bison Football 79
Coach Dana Steward, Leah Harrison, Carmen Wingo, Vanessa Stokes, Kristen
Nyberg, Shelly Roller, Amber Park, and Coach Teresa Holt. Not pictured, Kim


Back Row; Coach Dana Steward , Tara Englehardt, Adrienne Boulware , Karen Kuhns ,
and Coach Teresa Holt. Middle Row; Heather Chambers, Christy Hammerbacher,
Brooke Skinner, and Kristin Ownby. Bottom Row; Kerrie Fielder and Brianne Bowers .

Buffalo varsity
players are down and
ready as they wait for
the serve.

80 Volleyball
Stortj and layout by Carmen Wingo
It all begins in August, two weeks before school...Running, jumping, sitting on walls. It may not sound
like much fun to the average person, but to volleyball players it is just another part of the game to get ready
for the beginning of an exciting new season.
This years season all began with two new coaches. "They were hard to get used to, but they brought in a lot
of new ideas that helped the team," stated Adrienne Boulware.
This years varsity team had seven players, who were all seniors. They had played all four years in high
school. When asked, "What has changed the most in your high school career of volleyball?" Vanessa Stokes
replied, "When we started playing, some of us were individual players, but as the years went by we learned to
play as a team, even when it came to chewing gum."
The season ended with districts. Shelly Roller was asked what her most memorable moment was for her
last year. She said, "My most memorable moment would probably be districts. Knowing that those were our
last games that we would all play together was really sad." The volleyball team won the first match against
Eldorado Springs, but lost to Willard in a tough match. All in all, the year went well and this part of the
puzzle is completed.

BACK ROW: Coach Dana

Steward , Erica White,
Michelle Turner, Heather
Hodges, Jenny Kuhns, and
Coach Teresa Holt.
MIDDLE ROW : Janelle
Gilchrist, Amber Barton,
and Heather Arndt.
Wingo and Leslie Wilson.

Brooke Skinner dinks the ball while the other J.V. Michelle Turner, Carrie Wingo, and Heather
players wait for the return. Arndt in action .

Volleyball 81
The lady Bison team started off preseason with Coach Hoffman , but after a
couple days into practice , she sat the team aside and told them she had accepted a
job in Springfield. From that point on Coach Bill Shoemaker took over the coaching
spot. It took the team a while to adjust to new ways with Coach Shoemaker, but after
they did the team began having fun .
Regardless of whether the team won or lost, their attitudes remained positive
and their efforts were strong throughout the season. The team participated long and
hard to be the best that they could be. Carmen Wingo stated , 1 really enjoyed the
whole season , but I will never forget the practice when Amy McCoy got hit with a ball
and her nose would not stop bleeding . ~~
Overall the team adjusted well to the new changes of the season and enjoyed
it. Their record included winning first place in their own tournament.

'95-'96 LADY BISON


FRONT ROW: Erica White, Jill McNabb, Leslie Cline, Erica McCoy, Becky Ray, Amber
McLaughin, and Natalie Chapman. BACK ROW: Rhonda Rice, Clara Maddux, Carmen Wingo,
Shelly Roller, Vanessa Stokes Amber Park, Amy McCoy, and Karen Swanigan. NOT
PICTURED: Lois Cline, Michelle Moore, and Heather Hodges.

82 Softball

Senior Shelly Roller gets down and dirty to get the ball. Senior Karen Swanigan up to bat.

Seniors Shelly Roller, Carmen Wingo, and Vanessa Stokes

smiling while riding the pine.

Senior Michelle Moore going after a ball Junior Clara Maddux during a game.
during a game.

Softball 83

Front Row: Reena Heinkel, Amy Jasper, Back Row: AI Winters, Issac Popejoy,
Josh Ford, Carl Black, Brian Stuckey, Brad Shockley, Micheal Owensby

Josh Ford thinks," Cross Country

takes good endurence to run. If
you don't have it you won't do well."

Brian Stuckey says, " Cross

Country is a lot of work, but it's a
great feeling to finish a race, and
know you've done your best."
Above Photo: AI Winters longing for
the track.

84 Cross Country
cou TRY

Above Photo: Reena

Heinkel is giving
it all she's got.

Brad Shockley, Carl Black,and Micheal Owensby are up Above Photo : Issac Popejoy is
to no good. running hard.

Above Photo: Josh Ford and AI Winters are leading the pack.

Cross Country 85
Imagin walking out onto th gym floor in front of everyone in the whole chool. Thi i not a very ea y
thing for many tudent to imagine, but e ery cheerleader goe through it every time there i a pep a embly or a
game. Thi year the cheerleader had a tough time getting the tudent to cooperate at the fir t few a emblie ,
but aft r a while the tudent b dy got involved. The tudent oon began to yell every thing with the cheerleader .
B H S!! wa a common ound heard ringing through the air at mo t pep a emblie . The Cheerleader were very
active thi year. They tarted off the year with try-out in early May. Then they went on to summer practice.
The e practice were to prepare for NCA
Cheerleading camp at SMSU, wich every
cheerleader mu t attend. At thi camp they
won many award : blue ribbon , pirit tick ,
team award , and aftey award . The Buffalo
Cheerleader were al o noted t r their crazy-
day attire. The girl wore dred-lock in their
hair with red, black, and white bead . They
then tarted chool with football and ba ketball
ea on. The cheerleader were true and
dedicated fan of the Buffalo Bi on team .
This year wa a very exciting year for the
Bi on Cheerleader . Thank for your upport
Buffalo High School fan !!!
--storv and lavout Arny Sturdevant

The Freshman cheerleaders: Front-Bethany Hollie, April Batt, and

Rhonda Place. Back- Rachel Williams, coach Kerr, and Jessie

Junior Varsity Squad: Kendra Underwood, Beth Hatten , Glenda Christa Cook cheers on from
Hauter, Carrie Wingo, and Chantell Hatfield. above the crowd.

86 Cheerleaders

The varsity cheerleaders

say goodbye to their seniors.

VARSITY SQUAD:Janette Hall, Melissa Gilchrist, Rebecca Hicks,

Christa Cook, Amy Sturdevant, Darcy Condren , and Annie Wise .

What was your most memorable

moment in cheerleading?

"When the varsity squad received

the team award at camp."
Christa Cook

The varsity squad making a line for the basketball players to

run through.

All squads create a pyramid at an assembly.

Christa Cook and Amy Sturdevnat show us their
"cheery" smiles.

Cheerleaders 87

Determination and a "never give up" attitude were quite obvious on the Buffalo Bison varsity
basketball squad during the past year. While the final win-loss tally was not in favor of the Bisons, this
group of players never gave up in their quest to improve their game. They dedicated countless hours
of conditioning practice and game time in building a basketball team to be proud of in future years.
In the area of stats, Tim Ray and Brian Shewmaker led the team in scoring with Ray also
topping off the assist category. Josh Ford and Shewmaker each had high games of the year with 25
points each with the rebound award being picked up by Justin McCowan.
Working with a mix of upper and lower classmen, Coach Brett Reese analyzed the past year as
one to build on and sees this squad's "never give up" attitude something to be proud of.

Senior Tim Ray trie to add some more point to the scoreboard for the Bisons.

Front Row: Shane Cody, Curt Skinner, Brian Calfee, Jeremy Brownfield, Brian Shewmaker, Matt
Lindsey. Back Row: Coach Brett Reese, Mike Owensby, Jason Swanigan, Carl Black, Justin
McCowan, Tim Ray, Scott Hicks, Josh Ford, Brad yberg, James Harmon, Coach Tim

88 Boys Basketball
BASKETBALL Story and Layout by: Gabe Buffington


Front Row: Michael Owensby, Randyn Saner, Adam Batt, John Nyberg, Brad Shockley, Seth
Greenwood, James Harmon. Back Row: Coach Brett Reese, Matt Hale, Aaron Wilson, Jason Beltz,
Buck Shockley, Shawn Daniels, Justin Blake, Coach Tim Boatwright.


Front Row: Ryan Davies, Todd Black, Randy Berry, Brandon Bass, Matt Stokes, Eddie Nimmo,
Marvin Van Nostrand. Back Row: Coach Brett Reese, Coach Jason Swearingin, Josh Still, T. J.
Rainwater, Jeremy Pickens, Nathan Lane, Steven Bliss, Jason Stanley, Tim Jasper, Coach Tim

Boys Basketball 89

FRONT ROW: Michelle Moore, Vanessa Stokes, Shelly Roller, Lois Cline
BACK ROW: Coach Autry, Clara Maddux, Randee Gilpin, Becky Ray, Amy
McCoy, Coach Ramsey .

FRONT ROW: Heather Arndt, Amber Barton, Natalie Chapman,
Adrienne Boulware, Erica McCoy, Christy Hammerbacher
BACK ROW: Coach Autry, Jill McNab, Erica White, Heather Hodges,
Rhonda Rice, Anna Viets, Amanda Campbell, Coach Ramsey

90 Lady Bison Basketball

The pieces of the Lady Bison Basketball team were quickly put together with our all out
Bison spirit and floor time for all players. Our Senior Ladies did an excellent job of pulling the
younger players together to develop team unity. Among their successes, Senior, Michelle Moore
got Honorable Mention, and Freshmen , Randee Gilpin got Second Team All Conference.
A major piece to our puzzle was the new head coach Bill Autry! What he has to say about
this year was, "It has been a learning experience for everyone. A lot of girls got floor time which
will help for next year. Some coaches measure success by wins and loses, I measure success
by the sweat we left on the floor. I felt like we had an above average year!"

Lett Photo: Lady Bisons pose before

their big game against Republic.

Senior, Michelle Moore, Shelly Roller, and The bench i waiting patiently
Junior, Clara Maddux are ready to use their for their part of the action.
defensive moves.

91 Lady Bison Basketball

The track team was small on numbers, but big on heart.
Coach John Willis and Coach Eddie Phillips led the boy's track team and Coach Dave
Meadows led the girls for the 95-96 track season . The standout trackster was senior Phillip
Frieze, who took 1st at every track meet in the shot put. At the Bolivar meet he threw a
personal best of 55 feet 3 inches. Which set a new C.O.C. High school record.
As the season came to a close the Bison track team competed at district competition.
Frieze taking 2nd place with a 49 feet 5 inches throw and Steven Brinkman taking 3rd in 11 0
high hurdles with a personal best of 16 seconds flat.
Overall, both teams showing their talent, doing their best and reaching their goals.

FRONT ROW: Marvin VanNostrand, AI Winters, Elizabeth Ruth, Reena

Heinkel, Bill Turner, and Steve Brinkman. BACK ROW: Mickey Scrivener,
Bryan Brake, Buck Shockley, Todd Black, Joe Ruth, and Kurt Jones. NO
PHOTOS: Phillip Frieze, Ben Pyatt, Heather Hodges, Amber Barton.

Sophomore AI Winters showing his

true grit. Junior Ben Pyatt checking out his time in the
hundred meter dash.

92 Track
Story and Layout by Ryan Young

Senior Reena Heinkel leading the pack.

Junior Joe Ruth tries to make it a couple more

inches in the long jump.

Freshman Amber Barton strides out and keeps

her pace on the fast lane.

Senior Phillip Frieze throwing with all his might.

Sophomore Steven Brinkman gives his all in
the 110 high hurdles.

Track 93
'96 Layout by Tim Ray

The Seniors
Shane Cody CF, P
Derrick Schmied ,
Jason Stefka, P
Thor Cannon P, 1B
John Mathews, C

RECORD 10-11
Schmied and Timmy
1st Team AII-C.O.C. Jasper watching the
Shane Cody, OF game intently.
2nd Team AII-C.O.C.
Brian Shewmaker,
Best Offensive Player
Best Defensive Player
BELOW : The Bisons
Shane Cody celebrate a win at
Top Newcomer districts against Bolivar.
Gus Marsala
Bison Award
John Mathews
Catch of the Year
Jeremy Brownfield
Play of the Year
Curt Skinner
Clutch Hitter
Randyn Saner

94 Baseball

'95-'96 Buffalo Bisons 1st Row: Shane Cody, Brian Calfee, Curt Skinner, Brian
Shewmaker, Randyn Saner, Thor Cannon, John Mathews, Brad Prater, Dusty
Armstrong. 2nd Row: Derrick Schmied, Jason Stefka, Gus Marsala, Matt
Kramer, Josh Ford, Brad Nyberg, Darren Jasper, Aaron Wilson, Jeremy Dame,
Jeremy Brownfield, Adam Batt.

FAR LEFT: Thor Cannon always

enjoying his time at the ballpark.
LEFT: Senior John Mathews
having a good eye at the plate.
BELOW: AII-C .O.C. player
Shane Cody trots to the dugout
after his outfield duties.

Freshman Baseball 1st

Row: Brent Pinkley, Ryan
Davies, John Nyberg,
Wayne Sperko. 2nd Row:
Paul Hill, Gus Marsala,
Matt Hale, Matt Stokes,
Chad McDonald, Jason
Stanley, Timmy Jasper.

Baseball 95
Layout by: Gabe Huffington

Front Row: Justin Kenall, Brandon Kenall, Gabe Huffington, Jason Beltz, Bart
Sandoval. Back Row: Chris Duff, Aaron Weaver, Shane Mckinney, Shawn Daniels,
Coach Holt. Not Pictured: Michael Showers, Justin Blake, Nathan Lane

Junior Aaron Weaver tries to envision Freshmen Shawn Daniels watches his
his golf ball rolling into the hole. golf ball sail down the middle of the fairway .


96 Golf
Layout by Carmen Wingo


2nd team All Southwest MO District Team 1st team All Conference
Reena Hienkel Carmen Wingo
AI Winters 1st team All District
Honorable Mention Carmen Wingo
Josh Ford 2nd team All conference
Kim Hardin
2nd team All District
FOOTBALL Vanessa Stokes
Honorable Mention
2nd team All Conference
Chris Duff (tackle) Vanessa Stokes
Mike Harrison (center)
Hank Sanderson (def. tackle)
2nd team All S.W Mo Coaches
2nd team All Conference
Brian Shewmaker
Kurt Jones (linebacker)
Honorable Mention
Philip Frieze (def. end)
Josh Ford
Tim Ray
Honorable Mention
Kurt Jones (linebacker)
Phillip Frieze (running back)
Ben Pyatt (linebacker)
Jason Swanigan (linebacker)
Ryan Young (def. end) 2nd team All Conference
Randee Gilpin
Honorable Mention
SOFTBALL Michelle Moore

1st team All Conference

Karen Swanigan (designated hitter)
2nd team All conference
Clara Maddux (3rd base) 1st team All Conference
Michelle Moore (short stop) Shane Cody (outfield)
Amber Park (outfield) 2nd team All Conference
Honorable Mention Brian Shewmaker (utility)
Lois Cline (catcher)
Rhonda Rice (1st base)
Carmen Wingo (outfield)

Stockton and Fair Grove meet: Outstanding
Mike Harrison

Sports Honors 97

"Being in VICA has
opened many
opportunites for me."
Amy Sturdevant

"I'm in FCA because it

gives me time to spend
with my fellow
christians. It also gives
me support in area's I
need it in."
Clara Maddux

"I really enjoy being on

Student Council be-
cause it gives me a
chance to help make our
school a better place."
D arcy Condren

"I am in FHA because

it's fun and it deals
with life."
Doug Osborne

"''m in Pep Club

because! like support-
ing our school and
showing school spirit."
Heidi Strobel
Row 1: Janelle Turner, Christa Cook, Heidi Strobel, Shelly Roller, Lois Cline, Leah Harrison, Melissa
Gilchrist, Michelle Moore, Kristen Hendricks. Row 2: Paul Hill, Aaron Wilson, Tim Ray, Brian Stuckey,
Beth Hatten, Darcy Condren, Leslie Cline, Michael Showers. Row 3: Jeremy McMillian, Josh Harrison,
Kim Hardin, Cindy Crosby, Becky Ray, Janelle Gilchrist.

100 Student Council

Student Body Officers
Kim Hardin-Secretary, Leah Harrison-President, and Michelle Moore-Vice-President.

Freshman Clue Offken: (float mw) ~-- Sophomore Oan Officers: (front row) Jeremy
CurieWmp, ~Bubu,-~u'" Mi1lian, Aaron Wilson, Darcy Condren, Becky Ray
Hill, Michael Sit (back ro ) Beth Hatten, Josh Harrison.

r Clall Officers: (front row) Melissa Gilduist,

y ller, Lois Cline, Tim Ray (bac row) Ciady
by, Brian Stuckey.

Student Council 101

This year twenty new Junior came in and the Seniors were ready to welcome them!
How do these select students receive an invitation to join N.H.S.?
The answer: That little extra .....
That little extra effort
That little extra drive
That little extra push that make
them the best leader they can be!
These honors are based on academic achievements, citizenship, community service,
extra curricular activitie , and leader hip qualities.
For new members it' been quite an experi nee. Junior Ben Pyatt said "Being in .H.S.
has been a rewarding experience for all the hard work I've put in." Second year member
Senior Shane Cody said, "It' a good way to keep me motivated to do well in all my
clas es." N .H.S. Members put several extra pieces of effort into their puzzle.

FRONT ROW: Brandy Hendricks, Leah Harrison, Alexis Welch, Chris Ruth, Dow Cline, Janelle Turner,
Heidi Strobel, Shelly Roller, John Mathews. SECOND ROW: Heidi Brunkhorst, Karen Kuhns, Angie
Killeen, Reena Heinkel, Alex Boyer, Lisa Shoemaker, Amanda Hendrickson, Joe Ruth, Shane Cody. THIRD
ROW: Kurt Lanendorf, icki Taylor, Jennifer Bums, Melissa Gilchrist, Jeanett Slack, Brandon Kenall, Christy
Dorssom, Tylene Sandoval, Amanda Dahlbuist. FOURTH ROW: Gabe Huffington, Kim Hardin, Clara
Maddux, Annie Wise, Carl Black, Brian Stuckey, Jennifer Slider, Lisa Rice , Heather Colagio, Cindy Arnold,
Chris Duff.

102 National Honor Society

Story and layout: Heidi Strobel

N.H.S. OFFICERS: Historian-Nicki Taylor, Vice President-Brandy

Hendricks, President-Brian Stuckey, and Secretary-Annie Wise

Junior Clara Maddux proudly Junior member Joe Ruth accepting

accepts an award from Mr. Blowers an award at initiation.

Everyone listens to what Kurt Ladendorf has to say about his community
service project!

National Honor Society 103

ROW 1: Sarah Viles, Amber McCarthy, Janelle Turner, Meli a Gilchrist, Li a
Sho maker, Rebecca Hook, Dorothy Manning, icki Taylor, and Bobbi Robie.
NESS ROW 2: Mrs. Joyce Smith; spon or, Annie Charleton, Crystal Sperko, Jennifer
Burn, Becky Vance, Cindy Arnold, Chris Duff, and Reena Heinkel. ROW 3: John
Phillips, Gordy Vanderpool, Carl Black, Brian Stuckey, Tylene Sandoval, Annie
Wi e, Patrick LaShell, Joseph Ruth, and Jeanette Slack.



Front Row: Amber McCarthy and Melissa Gilchrist Back row:

Jeanette Slack and Brian Stuckey

104 FBLA
Corporate take overs, wheeling and dealing, climbing the corporate ladder... Donald
Trump, Carol Jones, Sam Walton, Mary Kay Ash, where did they all begin? Could they all have
been FBLA members?
Future Business Leaders of America is not just another club. It is an organization that lets
students get acquainted with the business world.
During December 4-15, the members held a children's hat, coat, and glove drive for OACAC.
They also had Tom Watt sales, which did well again this year. Towards the end of the school year,
they compete in district contest. There are 23 events to choose from. Twelve FBLA members are
competing in 13 of the 23 events. The members that are in districts practice every Wednesday after
school. Joyce Smith, sponsor, exclaimed, "There wasn't many activities this year because the main
interest has been District contest!"
Jeanette Slack, senior, has been a member all four years of high school. She said, "I like
FBLA because it teaches you to be strong and to be a good leader." Janelle Turner, junior and her
first year being a member, likes FBLA because, "When we have our meetings we have a lot of fun
on deciding what to do next."
Will we see these business leaders in future corporate board rooms? You can bank on it.
Story attd layout by Carmen Wingo


working hard for District

BELOW PHOTO: Jo Ruth taking a

break from his assignment for a

Melis a
Gilchri t

FBLA 105
Future Farmers of America Story and Layout by Van a Stok

Future Farmer Of America i a national organization

that promote agriculture leader hip through education and
competition. It al o motivates young peple to make positive
contributions to their schools and their country. The Buf-
falo chapter of FF A wa involved on many activities during
the 95-96 school year, from pizza parties to barnwarming.
At the beginning of the year, they hosted a blood drive for
the American Red Cros . In October, the floriculture team
participated in the Maryville contest and took fir t. Then in
November, they went up to the American Royal. "Although
this club is time consuming and a lot of hard work, it all
pays off when it come to winning first place trophies in
conte ts," stated John Mathew .
Michael Webb and Jeremiah
Zeolia planting weeds.

ROW 1: Pat Lashell, Dusti Albert on, Kristen Hendricks, Brad Shockley, Bonnie Evans, Brandon Duff, Dow
Clin , ROW 2: Audry Riddle, Janell Gilchrist, Dawn Strobel, Adrienne Boulware, Mandy Strickland, Erica
McCoy, Amber McCarthy, Amanda Jack on, Brandy Sawyer, Carmen Wingo, Shelly Roller, Amy Yerkes,
Shawna Poynter, Stacey Cowan, Angela Harri on, Heather LaShell, Wendy Faught, Crystal Godfrey, Jenny
Davenport, Stacey Cannon, Je sica Long, Sara Viles, Stacey Portis, Amy Holman, Valerie alley, ROW 3: Kim
Hardin, Jaymi Gilpin, Julie Bower, Amanda Wiliams, Ja on Hall, Michael Owensby, Chri Hill, Jeremy
Simp on, Adam Cline, Matt Stokes, Matt Harris, Chris Bailey, Bradley Garrison, Brandon R ed, Annie
Charlton, Rachel Woodburn, Le lie Cline, Amy Garrison, Kristen yberg, Vane sa Stoke , ROW 4: Brian Slack,
athan Lane, Cody Wilson, Leon Ca elman, Victor Ash, Barry Monday, Brad Prater, Regie Turner, Andrew
Ow n by, Jo h Ford, J r my Brownfi ld, Zane Mathew , Matt Hale, John Nyberg, Heath Anajeska, A.J. Rogers,
Tommy Wi e, J.R. Perkins, Ju tin John on, Ryan Cansler, Richard Sharp, Mark Rich, Stephani Smithey, ROW 5:
John Mathews, Chad Bancroft, Thomas Poynter, Chet Allen, John Phillips, Josh Souza, Wade Bower, Frank
Wyatt, Bill Evans, Floyd White, John Hick , Dusty Armstong, Craig Owens, Tim Ray, Buck Shockley, Kirby
Ve t, Jeremiah Zeolia, Monte McClurg, Bobby ewman, Pat Bea ley, Matt Wi dom, Nathan Montgomery, J.R.
Durrington, Brent Pinkley, Ju tin Grant, Eddi irnrno, Carl Black, Rahc 1 Bower

106 FFA

ABOVE: Brad Shockley, Bonnie Evans, Patrick LaShell, Brandon Duff, Dow Cline,
Kristen Hendricks, and Dusti Albertson. Behind Officers: Terry Halleran; sponsor.


Mattews, Kristen yberg,
Shelly Roller, and Carmen
Wingo studying for the
weekly quiz.


Sponsors: Terry Halleran and
Don Hankins doing what they
do best.

FFA 107
Future Homemakers 0 America
Story aud Layout By: Amy Sturdevant

First Row: Rachel Cobb, Shane McKinney, Brad Nyberg, Doug Osborne , Christa Cook, Heidi
Strobel , Melissa Hickman , Amber McCarthy. Second Row: Mike Dalquist, AI Winters, Eddie
Varner, Toni Sharp, Kristen Hendricks, Dusty Albertson , Katrina Papuzynski , Lillie White , Kristen
Owenby, Kerri Rielder,Sponsor Mrs. Kennendy. Third Row: Eddie Nimmo, Steivie Aukerman ,
Aaron Wilson , Becky Ray, Gabe Huffington , Vanessa Stokes, Adriane Boulewere, Clara Maddux,
Christy Dotson , Annie Wise , Lisa Rice, Amy Garrison.

What Is FHA? They are Future Homemakers of America. This Club Is composed of
students who have taken a home-economics class. FHA Is an active club that Is Involved
in many activities. On September 20 they sent their officers to an Officer Training
Workshop at Reed Spring High School. The chapter members went to the Regional
meeting on October 24 at Southwest Babtlst University. This year the club sponsored a
child from Children International. Her name is Malra Lorena Guerra Argueta. She from
Guatemala. She sends them letters and pictures. Buffalo FHA Is greatly apprecla by
FHA's sponsor Is Mrs. Kennedy. She has been the FHA sponsor for 23 years
Kennedy was a FHA member when she was In high school. As our sponsor at BHS
has had several regional officers and one state officer.

108 F.H.A.
Adrianne Boullwere: "Meeting new people!"


Melissa Hickman: "We adopted a girl from Somallia."


Kristen Owenby: "This is my first year, and it has been very fun!"


First Row: Dusty Albertson, Toni Sharp, Annie Wise, Christa Cook, Clara Maddux.
Second Row: Eddie Varner, Aaron Wilson, and sponsor Mrs. Kennedy.

A busy Home-Economics class at work. Senior Colette Jones works on a cooking project.

F.H.A. 109
Future Teachers of
• America

ROW 1: Shawna Poynter, Amanda Jackson, Christy Hammerbacher, Angie Killeen, Melissa Gilchist, and
Scott Thompson. ROW 2: Becky Ray, Gabe Buffington, Christa Cook, Staci Meadows, Jeanette Slack,
Annie Wise, and Mike Tritico. ROW 3: Sponsor; Jan Alford, Jennifer Slider, Lisa Rice, Sarah Fisher, Brian
Stuckey, and Tylene Sandoval.

Amber Park, Senior, joined FTA becau he Ms. Alford instructing memb r, Sarah Spradling.
want to become a teacher.

110 FTA
You finally have the biggest chair at the front of the room. All the tudents are staring you in the face,
eag r to 1 arn. What do it look like from the other ide of th de k?
FTA is a national organization developed for those tudent interested in pursuing a career in
education. It ncourag tudents to explore and to under tand the difficulties of teaching.
FTA Members traveled to the St. Loui Science Center thi year. Other activities included par-
ticipation in Teachers' Education Week, National Education Week, different educational trip , and
some student are in a student teaching program (cadet teaching). Future plan include possibly hav-
ing a cadet teaching class for credit in the 1996-1997 school year.
When asked "What do you like about FTA ?" Gabe Hufffington replied, "It gives you a lot of
experience in teaching and students." Christy Hammerbacker stated, "I can learn things about teaching
and tuff to help me d cide if I want to be a teacher or not."
Altogether, FTA i a good organization to be in for tho e interested in pursuing a career in
teaching or ju t wanting to know or learn more about the re pon ibilitie of a teacher.

Officers from left to

right: Melissa Gilchrist,
Jeanette Slack, and
Annie Wise.

Senior member, Brian

Stuckey, practices that
"teacher smile" to prepare to
motivate his future students.

Story and Layout By: Carmen Wingo

FTA 111


Front Row: Mr. Glor, Lisa Rice, Christa Cook, Heidi Strobel, Sara Ownby, Jennifer Slider, and
Jaymi Gilpin. Back Row: Gabe Buffington, Ryan Young, Tim Ray, Vanessa Stokes, Carmen
Wingo, Amy Sturdevant, and Shelly Roller.

ABOVE: V. Stokes, Mr. Glor, S. Roller, T. Ray, and C. Wingo work

on layouts. TOP RIGHT: C. Cook takes a stress break. RIGHT: A.
Sturdevant "Can anyone find the negatives to these photos.

112 Yearbook Staff



Front Row: Karena Vandelicht, Melissa Barnhart, Maria Gough, Alexi Welch, Melis a Gilchrist,
Becky Vance, Lisa Shoemaker, and Mrs. Jill Hostetler. Back Row: Brian Stuckey, Cheri Crosby,
Cindy Cro by, Kim Hardin, Amber McCarthy, Cindy Arnold, Julie Bower, and Jayrni Gilpin.

Story & layout by Jaymi Gilpin

Scout adviser, Mrs. Hostetler works on story proofs for
the next edition.

Scout Staff 113





Freshman Paul Hill
"It's a way to get away
from drugs and

Senior Hank Sanderson

"It's a time you can have fun
with other Christians at

Senior Kim Hardin

"I think it's good that
students and teachers
can come together as
friends and talk about
things going on in our
school. It's great to
know there's always a
few people you can
turn to."

Layout by Tim Ray

114 FCA
1st Row: Dawn Sherman, Amber Park, Melissa Hickman, Kendra Underwood, Jason Trupp,Jason
Stanley, Amanda Campbell, Melissa Gilchrist, Cindy Arnold, Allison Langford. 2nd Row: Brian
Stuckey, Tara Engelhardt, Amanda Jackson, Christy Hammerbacher, Amber McCarthy, Audrey
Riddle, Amanda Henderson, Cindy Sanderson, Helen Lynch. 3rd Row: Shane Luke, Darcy
Condren, Kim Hardin, Clara Maddux, Buck Shockley, Tim Ray, Nathan Lane, Heidi Brunckhorst,
Becky Ray, Casey Felin, and Robbie Bailey.

Becky Ray-Sec.
Clara Maddux-Tres.
Tara Engelhardt-Hist.
Amanda Campbeii-V.P.
Heidi Brunkhorst-Pres.



FCA 115

First Row: Debbie Potter, Melissa Manary, Sarah Hunt, Sharon Bryant, Leah Harrison, Angie
Killeen, Annie Wise, Lisa Shoemaker, Becky Vance, Felicia Clark, Kendra Underwood, sponsor
Mrs. Beckner. Second Row: Chris Bailey, Matt Wentz, Kurt Landendorf, Cindy Arnold, Sarah
Fisher, Kirnrnie Baker, Jermey Young, Jessica Sarlitta. Third Row: Bill Turner, Aaron Wilson,
John Hicks, Jason Beltz, John Phillips, Katrina Papun kzi, Kerri Wingo, Sarah Pease, Maria Goff,
Cheri Quigley, Bethany Hollie. Fourth Row: Amy Jasper, Bary Sander on, Bryon Brake, Chris
Ruth, Aaron Johnson, Amamda Ross, Amanda Classpill, Tara Enclebeart, Michelle Turner,
Audrey Riddle, Eric Greis e, Robie Bailey, Tylene Sandoval, and Brian Slack.

Senior mber Park and Amanda Dahlquist show us just ho

Spanish Club us together.

116 Spanish Club

Que Pasa?! ("What's Happening")
Story and Layout By Amy Sturdevant
Hola! This i a familiar ound to many Spani h Club members. Spanish Club is a very active group
of stud nts involv din many activitie throughout the school year. They have regular meeting in
the morning before chool. At the e meetings they planned fiesta , and many more activities. On
February 22, the Spani h Club went roller kating. This wa a highlight of the year. Many tudent
enjoy Spanish Club becau e it has many oppotunities for fun. Students are able to get involved in
their chool, and at the am time they are al o getting the chance to learn and u e a different
language. Many students reported that Spanish club is an exciting club to be involved in!

Right Photo:
Shane Luke
him elf in
Cla s.

Spanish Club 117

French Club Story and Layout by Amy Sturdevant

First Row: Becky Vance, Melissa Gilchrist, Kate Viet, Maria Goff, Angela Norris, Darcy Condren ,
Leah Harrison , Nicki Taylor, Rhonda Place, Faith Horne, Michael Showers, Felicia Clark.
Second Row: Amanda Williams, David McClain, Jeanette Slack, Cheri Quigley, Jeremy McClain,
Lisa Rice , Jennifer Slider, David Hayes, Nikki Jasper, Johnathan Hicks, Brandon Kenall.
Th ird Row: Cheri Crosby, Brian Stuckey, Chris Duff, Carl Black, Jason Stefka, Brad Nyberg, Scott
Thompson , Chris Ruth , Patick Lashell , Justin Kenall.

118 French Club
French club is a
very active club.
This year they
were involved in
many activities.
They went to
Springfield and
saw a French
play. They also
have had many
fun nights in Mrs.
Phillips' room
watching movies
and eating
*************** *

French club sponsor Ms. Phillips Shows us her smiling face.

Bottom Right: Students in

French Class Listening to a
French tape.

TOP LEFT: Seniors Amanda

Williams and Cheri Crosby head
off to French class.

French Club 119

ART CLUB • • •

Art Club officers: Gabe Buffington, President; Darcy Condren, Secre-

tary; Shane Luke, Vice-President

Arik and Aaron, shouldn't you guys be working Club members, Aaron Harvey and Katrina
on your project? Papuzynski, work at decorations for the PTA
Founders Day Banquet.

120 Art Club

Creating New Pieces
Story and Layout by: Gabe Huffington

Imagination .. .. it's everything to someone interested in

art. Used in a creative manner, art and the products created
from it offer satisfaction , pride, and a sense of accomplishment.
Art Club is comprised of students from all grades with this
year's club being quite busy. Members put a little hardwork and
elbow grease into this year's activities when they planted
bushes in the art room atrium.The club also put some extra time
in after school decorating for the PTA Founder's Day banquet
held in Bolivar. Art club members capped the year's activities off
with a trip to Kansas City and a tour of the Nelson-Atkins

Back Row: T. J. Rainwater, Buck Shockley, Arik Griesse, Jon Hicks, Joshua Souza,
Shane Luke Third Row: Shane McKinney, Gabe Huffington, Kurt Ladendorf, Donnie
Bornman , Matt Kramer, Jason Beltz, Aaron Wilson , Christy Hammerbacher, Brent
Pinkley Second Row: Shelly Roller, Carmen Wingo, Jeanette Slack, Debbie Potter,
Katrina Papuzynski , Julie Matthews,Crystal Huston Front Row: Mr. Glor, Alex Boyer,
Ben Pyatt, Heidi Strobel , Doug Osborne , Leah Harrison, Crystal Sperko, Heather
Hodges, Darcy Condren

Art Club 121


Speech & Debate Club

ROW ONE: Michael Owensby, Holly Loyd, Kristen Moody, Katrina Farrow, Alexis
Welch, Melissa Barnhart, Miss Carmen Vandeveer. ROW TWO: David McClain, Brian
Stuckey, Joe Ruth, Chris Duff, Bryan Brake, Alex Boyer, Chris Ruth

ABOVE PHOTO: Freshman David McClain enjoys his

candycane while he plays ch ss.
ABOVE RIGHT PHOTO: Back Row, Joe Ruth Sec., Chris Duff
VP., Chris Ruth Pres., Meli a Barnhart Tres. Front Row: Brain ABOVE PHOTO: Senior Chri Ruth & Alexis Welch,
Stuckey Sec., Holly Loyd Rec., Alexi W lch Tres. "We do verything together including debating."

122 Speech & Debate

Pieces from the School Play

Seniors Alexis Welch , and Chris Ruth are in a love Seniors Alexis Welch , and Chris Ruth are watching
stare. Brian Stuckey type a good story.


Andy Hobart Assistant Director Chris Duff

Chris Ruth Carrie Wingo
Norman Cornell Set Construction STAGE MANAGER
Brian Stuckey Jimmie Beckner
Sophie Raushmeyer Aaron Johnson
SOUND Alexis Welch
Melissa Barnhart Mel issa Barnhart
James Beckner Cheri Qu igley
Joe Ruth Bryan Brake DIRECTOR
Bryan Brake Chris Duff
Jason Trupp Mary Lou Beckner

School Play 123


FIRST ROW: Kami eitzert, Rachel Paro, Ashley Schwanke, Jamie Barber, Beth
Hattan, and Tara Engelhardt. SECO D ROW: Staci Meadows, Clara Maddux, Anna Viets, Chantel
Hatfield, Trisha Lambeth, Cheri Quigley, and Tylene Sandoval.


FIRST ROW: D~ug orne, Welch, osh Still. : Dusty Trippe,

John Throckmorton, Randy Berry, Ju tin Kenall, and Jo h Cahow. THIRD ROW: Jason Trupp, Paul Hill,
Victor Ash, Matt Wentz and, Brandon Kenall. FOURTH ROW: Jason Swanigan, Wade Bower, Robbie
Baily, Wayne Logan, Thomas Hall, Bryon Slack, and David Dugan.

124 Dynamics& Guys Choir


Mannimg, Alexis andy HeJndr·icks, l-la"'thar LhambeJ:s,

Elizabeth Ruth, Rachel Williams SECO D ROW: Annie Wise, April Batt, Angie Killeen, Jamie
Barber, Ashley Schwanke, Cynthia Sanderson THIRD ROW: Cindy Crosby, Clara Maddux, Kami
eitzert, Rachel Paro, Tara Engelhardt, Stephanie McHenry, Tylene Sandoval FOURTH ROW: Anna
Viets, Jeanette Slack, Staci Meadows, Reena Heinkel, Amy Jasper, Rachel Woodburn, Amanda
Campbell, Trisha Lambeth.
Layout by: Heidi Strobel

Glee Club members Jamie Barber and Clara

Maddux laughing about their great singing
Everyone is practicing hard so they cam make Ms. Powers

Glee Club 125

MIXED CHORUS Layout by: Gabe Huffiington

Bottom Row: Brandy Hendricks, Dorothy Manning, Alexis Welch, Annie Wise, Dusty Trippe,
Doug 0 borne, Brian Welch, Jo h Still, Rachel William , Jamie Barb r, Cynthia Sanderson,
Ashley Schwanke, Beth Hatten Second Row: Kami eitzert, Angie Killeen, April Batt, Jeanette,
Slack, John Throckmorton, Randy Berry, Victor Ash, Justin Kenall, Amy Jasper, Heather Chambers,
Elizabeth Ruth Third Row: Clara Maddux, Reena Heinkel, Rachel Paro, Stacy Meadows, Jason
Trupp, Paul Hill, Matt Wentz, Brandon Kenall, Josh Cahow, Tara Englehardt, Amanda Campbell,
Rachel Woodburn Top Row: Cindy Crosby, Anna Viets, Chantel Hatfield, Jason Swanigan,
Wayne Logan, Wade Bowers, Steven Bailey, Thomas Hall, Brian Slack, David Dugan, Tylene
Sandoval, Cheri Quigley, Trisha Lambeth

Mixed Chorus students warm up their voices by singing practice scales.

126 Mixed Chorus

ROW ONE: Brandy Hendricks, Dorothy Manning, Alexis Welch, Annie Wise, Rachel Williams,
Jamie Barber, Cindy Sander on, Ashley Schwanke, Beth Hatten, Doug Osborne, Josh Still ROW
TWO: Kami eitzert, Angie Killeen, April Batt, Amy Jasper, Heather Chambers, Elizabeth Ruth,
John Throckmorton, Ju tin Kenall, Josh Cahow, Derrick Schmied ROW THREE: Clara Maddux,
Reena Heinkel, Rachel Paro, Staci Meadows, Jeanette Slack, Tara Engelhardt, Amanda Campbell,
Rachel Woodburn, Paul Hill, Matt Wentz, Brandon Kenall ROW FOUR: Cindy Cro by, Anna viets,
Chant 1 Hatfield, Tylene Sandoval, Cheri Quigley, Trisha Lambeth, Wayne Logan, Wade Bower,
Robbie Bailey, Bryon Slack, David Dugan

Officers: Pre ident-Cindy Cro by, Program Chairman-Ale i Welch, Vic -

president-Cheri Quigley, Secretary-David Dugan

Music Club 127

Imagine a bunch of red, white, and black uniforms marching down the BHS
football field. This is the second year for the "Bison Pride" marching band. With a lot
of hard work and appreciation, the marching band was able to get flashy new uniforms
this year. Although they are into the second year, they are participating in a lot of local
parades, and you will see them at home football and basketball games pepping the
crowd up.
Band can mean different things to different people. A lot of students join band
just because everyone else i ; orne drop after a couple years. Some find that they love
band and stick with it. It gives some students confidence in themselves or serves as an
outlet for relaxation. Band at first can be scary for the freshman, but it doesn't take
long to get over the intimidation. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to be
good at playing an instrument and become a valuable member of an outstanding

ROWl: Angel Pistoia, Leah Harrison, Christy Green, Ca y Felin, Kim Hardin, Becky Vance, Amber Barton,
Rhonda Place, Bethany Hawley, and Matt Wentz. ROW2: Michael Showers, Sara alley, Heather LaShell, Jill
Me abb, Michelle Killeen, Jenifer Slider, Liz Ruth, Cindy Sanderson, Justin Kenall, Josh Cahow, Heather Arndt,
and Katrina Thompson. ROW3: Beth Hatten, Regie Turner, Carl Black, Arik Griesse, Erica White, Clara Maddux,
Brandon Kenall, Tylene Sandoval, Michael Tritico, Jason Stanley, Jason Trupp, Brandon Duff, and Amy Jasper.
ROW 4: Amber McLaughlin, Robbie Bailey, Aaron Harvey, Chad McDonald, Amanda White, Barry Monday,
Jared Holt, Irish Lambeth, Michael Crane, Pat LaShell, and Chantel Hatfield.

128 Band
Stanley, Brandon Kenall,
Rhonda Place, Aaron
Harvey, Christy Green,
==~=~ Michael Tritico, and
:===-:::::- Robbie Bailey.

ABOVE: Clara Maddux concentrates

hard on getting the right notes while
she play her french horn.
ABOVE: Brandon
Kenall pretending
to make music.

RIGHT: Band member

Angel Pistoia playing
her flute solo.

Story and layout by Vanessa Stokes

Band 129
Story and layout by: Christa Cook

Are you proud to be a BISON fan? If so, you're probably a member of the Pep Club. Pep club
member can be found whenever there' a game. When it's hot, cold, raining, or even snowing you
will find the pep club cr aming and yelling to support our athlete . Thi year' pep club had a lot
of spirit. If we were winning by ix or losing by ten, you could till hear the pep club cheering the
athlete on. This year' pep club consisted of fourty-five members and two pon ors. The pep club
it elf elected it's officer during a meeting. Junior, Heidi Strobel wa elected pre ident, Senior, Doug
Osborne wa elected vice-pre ident, and Sophomor , Shane McKinn y was elected treasurer.
Be a BISON fan and help cheer on our athletes!

ROW 0 E: April Batt, Bethany Hawley, Michelle Killeen, Cindy Sander on, Meli sa Gilchrist, Rachel Paro,
Heather Chambers, Kendra Underwood, Beth Hatten, Kerrie Fielder, Audry Riddle, Heather Hodges, Toni
Sharp, H idi Strobel, Carrie Wingo. ROW TWO: Rachel Williams, Jessie Compton, R becca Hicks, Christa
Cook, Doug 0 borne, Darcy Condren, Amanda Jackson, A hley Schwank , Casey Fe lin, Kim Harden, Karena
Vandelicht, Amy Garri on, Janette Hall. ROW THREE: Glenda Haueter, Rhonda Plac , Jason Swanigan,
Shane McKinney, Chantel Hatfield, Annie Wise, Michelle Moore, Is ac Popejoy, Al Winters, Michelle Turner,
Erica McCoy, Spon or Mi Harris. ROW FOUR: Jo h Ford, Eddie Nimmo, Buck Shockley, Wade Bower,
Christy Dot on, and Ja on Gaynor.

130 Pep Club

Junior Aaron Weaver shows hi chool spirit at a football game.
"Everybody, Y-E-L-L!"


Pep club Student go
gets bobbing for
involved at hot dog at a
a ba ket- pep assembly.
ball game.

Pep Club 131


I I Lr)
~ 0\
en ~ Imagine walking down the football field without the typical fo tball attire: thermal
underwear, multiple ocks and shirt , and a winter coat that makes anyone eem the ize of the
Goodyear Blimp. ot only wer the candidates and attendant without their winter en emble,
they had to brave the cold weather in their sleeveless formals. Although the temperature was

~ \0
chilly, the pirit at BHS kept them warm.
~ Spirit week tarted on Wedne day with tie dye and hades day. Thursday wa
0 multiple birth\ twin day. Friday was th traditional spirit day with each cia having a

de ignated color: seniors wore black, juniors wore red, ophomore wore all three, and
(l) fre hmen wore white. Classes decorated the halls Friday morning, pirit cake wa erved at
..c:: lunch, and 7th hour was the pep a embly. The annual parade wa held after chool with float
from each cia . After the coronation and game, a tailgate party wa held with refre hments for
everyone .
::J Shelly Roller escorted by Ryan Young was crowned 1995 Football Festival Queen.
Other candidate were Jaymi Gilpin escort d by Hank Sander on, Michelle Moore escorted by

-..J David Dugan, and Vanessa Stokes escorted by Kurt Jane . Attendant wer Toni Sharp
~ (junior), Chantel Hatfield (sophomore), and Carrie Wingo (fre hman) escorted by Champ
c Warfel, Philip Frieze, and Eammon Wheelock.


~ Top left photo: 1995 Football Fe tival
Qu en Sh lly Roller e carted by Ryan
Young. Left photo: The Court.
Above photo: Heide Strobel and
Chri ta Cook-winn r of twin day.

132 Football Festival

Senior candidates Michelle Moore, Shelly Roller,
Jaymi Gilpin, and Vanessa Stokes.

Students showing their spirit

during multiple birth day.

Football Festival 133

Girl's Basketball Festival


Shane Cody, Tim Ray, Derrick Schmied, and David Dugan.

2nd Year For Girl's Basketball Festival, This

Years King Tim Ray

Mr. Bi on Tim Ray and hi e cort

Shelly Roller.
ATTENDANTS: Fre hman Matt Stokes, Junior Ben Pyatt, and
Sophomor Jo h Ford.

134 Girl's Basketball Festival

Boy's Basketball Festival


Lois Cline, Kristen Nyberg, Carmen Wingo, and Leah Harrison.
Crown Bearer, Chris Abercrombie, Flower Girl, Kayla Smith.

1996 Boy's Basketball Festival Queen was Leah Harrison.

Junior R becca Hick , participates

in th fe tival p p a embly.
TS: Junior Amber McCarthy, Sophomore Amanda
Jack n, and Freshman atali Chapman.

Boy's Basketball Festival 135


Melissa Barnhart, Rebecca Hook, Amanda

Williams, Jaymi Gilpin, Carmen Wingo, Shelly Roller, Vanessa
Stokes, Carrie Wingo, and Michael Showers. SECOND ROW:
Casey Felin, Amanda Ross, Willie Barnes, Andy McConnell, Ben
Pyatt, Dawn Strobel, And Gabe Buffington. THIRD ROW: Becky
Ray, Annie Charlton, Jason Beltz, T.J. Rainwater, Paul Hill, and
Brandon Kenall.

136 Peer Council


To help tho e who would talk to

their peer about problem they
can't discuss with adults.
Colette Jones, Senior
Peer Council Advisers

I wanted all my friend and peer

to know they can come to me if
they just need to talk or need
omeone they can tru t.
Jaymi Gilpin, Senior

I thought I could be helpful to

my friends.
Melissa Barnhart, Senior

I wanted to help pople with their

problems, and I thought p er
counciling would be a good way
to do it.
Saralz Gann, Senior

Because if people need help, they

know that they have friend they
TOP PHOTO: Mrs. Carol Cully . . . and I thought I had
can talk to.
Amanda Williams, Senior trouble .
BOTTOM PHOTO: Mrs. Judy Kennedy .. . I'm fine, you're
fin ,
we're all fine.

Peer Council 137

Staff working the longest at the puzzle.

Mrs. Viola Miller

____ ....
30 years

Mr. Gleamon Vest

Bus Driver
30 years

Hildreth Swanigan
27 years

Mrs. Linda Gillispie

H.S. English Teacher
25 years

Mr. Larry Cline

25 years
Rachel Akins
Jan Alford
Wanda Allen
Gloria Auberry
Bill Autry
Sarah Beck
Mary Lou Beckner
Geanine Biarnesen

Virginia Bolin
Fred Borneman
Barbara Blair
George Blowers
Mary Ellen Bradshaw Jones
Nancy Burroughs
Myrna Burtin
Patty Campbell

Nancy Canon
Leona Cansler
Mary Carver
Mary Jane Carver
is just
Brigitte Channel
Mary Ellen Chapman
Sherrie Christian
Hazel Claspill

Kim Claspill
Marlene Cobb
Teresa Coltrin
Ronnie Condren
the Puzzle.
Barbara Crites
Cheryl Crosby
Carol Cully
Dennis Dorssom
Betty Dryer
Clydie Dugan
Lisa Dull
Teresa Dunham

Patsy Durrington
Brenda Fisher
Shirley Flippin
Shirley Ford
Shirley Fuller
Christine Gillispie
Linda Gillispie
Carol Gilpin

Betty Glasgow
Lonnie Glor
Myra Glor
Linda Grant
Barbara Gravis
Jeanna Green
Terry Halleran
Donald Hankins

140 Staff
Ann Harmon
Melanie Harris
Scott Harris
Carla Harrison
Zena Hayes
Barbara Hedgepath
Teresa Holt
Jill Hostetler

Tom Inman
Carla Jenkins
Janet Johnson
Steve Johnson
Shirley Jones
Judy Kennedy
Peggy Kenyon
Debera Kerr

Billie Knox
Cheryl Knox
Sandra Kuhns
Allison Langford
Samantha Lankford
Janet Locke
Diana Looney
Ed McDairmant

David McDonald
Jennifer McDonald
Cynthia McKenzie
David Meadows
Diana Moyle
Jim Murphy
Pam Naylor
Jane Owen

Teresa Patterson
Paula Phillips
Ray Dean Phillips
Willa Phillips
Pam Pierce
Donaell Piper
Suzanne Powers
Stacy Ramsey

Dean Randall
Brett Reese
Karen Reese
Lisa Reeves
Suzanne Abdei-Salam
William Saling
Frank Sergent
Barbara Shewmaker

Rhonda Shockley
Deborah Smith
Joyce Smith
Trudi Snow
Dana Steward
David Stuckey
Hildreth Swanigan
Jason Swearingin

Angie Taylor
Lucy Tharp
Carmen Vandeveer
Robert Vaughn
Cathline Vest
Patsy Viets
Debbie Wallace
Gail White

Staff 141
Lenna Wilson
Saundra Wisdom
Jo Ann Wygant


Judy Ahart
Ann Ainsley
Superintendant, Dr. Ron Wilken Asst. Superintendant, Dr.Hugh Parnell
Vickie Allen
Mary Nell Andrew
Donna Ashworth
Peggy Bancroft
Julie Bass
Charles Baston
Rebecca Bell
Mitzi Bibens
Tim Boatwright
Ray Bolin
Edwin Boyd
Don Brewer
Carmon Brewster
Linda Brown
Ruth Brown
Gloria Burgess
Carmela Camp
Bill Case
Phyllis Case
Randy Case
Wanda Case
Don Casteel
Rod Casteel
Barbara Clark
Larry Cline
Janey Darnell
Lavelle Deckard
Deena DeMuri FRONT ROW: Gary Naylor, Mac Ahart, Linda Portman.
Imogene Dicken
Larry Dixon
BACK ROW: Bill Ray, Steve Abercombie, Scott Baker, AI Christian
Debby Dryer
Patsy Duskin
Boyce Eagon
Rhonda Ebeirus
Deborah Ethridge
Richard Fair
Diana Frantz
Matt Frantz
Pam Freeman
Rick Freeman
Doris Frye
Carol Fuller
Alex Gancean
Carl Gann
Dixie Goodwin
Denise Hamilton
Jim Harper
Carol Harrison
Joy Harrison
Rick Henderson
Roberta Henderson
Carla Hibler
Lori Hicks
Vickie Hicks
Gary Howard

142 Staff
Shirley Jasper
Ken Jenson
Emma Johnson
William Jones
Rodney Kay
LEFT PHOTO: Mrs. Cully Brock Keneca
Dena Sue King
threatens to use a ruler on
Nancy Klapp
one of her students. Patty Kubla
Darlene Lacey
Lois Letterman
Jimmy Lowery
Marion Lutz
Gid Mabe
LaWanka Mallard
Kathy Mankey
John Martin
Doug Matthews
Jo Matthews
Kenny McDaniel
BELOW: Janitors Larry Jack Moore
Cline and Jerry Skopec Diana Moyle
taking a well deserved Arleen Niemi
Debra Owens
break. Bob Payne
Jennifer Payne
Patricia Payne
Darrell Perkins
Frank Phillips
Dana Polston
Steve Potter
Don Reeves
Lorinda Rehagen

- •
Gary Routh
Cay Sergent
Bill Shepard
Marcia Shepard
Bill Shoemaker
Jerry Skopec
Kara Smith
Ruth Smith
Diane Stevson
ABOVE: Middle School Tracy Strickland
Secretary Hildreth Swanigan Verna Strickland
enjoying her last year before Bill Stringer
Karen Stringer
she retires. Cynthia Swanigan
Sue Swanigan
Robert Swearengin
Kenneth Taylor
Helen Turner
Betty Vest
Gleamon Vest
Gene Welsh
David Williams
John Willis
Dale Wilson
LEFT PHOTO: Th e Jack Winebrenner
High School cooks Evonne Wolfe
Sandra Woods
practicing th eir smiles. Debbie Woodyard
Larry Wright
Myles Yates
Catherine Young
Clarabelle Young
Edward Young

Staff 143

I was at Movies & More
and I bent over to pick
up some pogs and my
Levi's ripped in the seat!

At the end of an assem-
bly we were all walking
out and Scott Hicks
came up behind me and
yanked my short down!

I tried to slide across the
gym floor in
cheerleading practice,
with no knee pads on. I
had strawberries on my
knees for three weeks!

Having no teeth.

When I accidentally
flipped off the entire
student body at the
Christmas assembly
my Junior year!
Ju[ie 13ower Jennifer 13ums Tfior Cannon Jason Cfiapman :Fe[icia C[art(
146 Class of '96
IJ{ashif:._a Sajjfey Covert Joseph Crania[[ Cheri Cros6y Cinay Cros6y Jtmancfa 1Jahfquist

Christina 1Jurington Phiffip 1Jycus 'Bi[[ 'Evans Shawnna :Tear Pfii[ip :Jrieze

Sen iors 147

5 -3 1-77, s on of Dale
6 -25 -78, son of Cleve & 6 -29-78, son of Keith &
Allis on & Mary Jo Blunt.
P Bancroft. F A 1, Linda F co , Bill Bower.
Honor Roll.
FFA 3, Vo-tech 34, Bas- Chri tmas Attendant 3,

ketball 2, Yrs. in D.C. 13. Band 12, FCA 12, FBLA 4,
FFA 4, French Club 1234,
7-31-78, daughter of Ivan
BARNHART, MELISSA Who's Who 4, Scout 34,
& Patricia Arnold.
DAWN Yr . in D.C. 13.
Honor Roll 1234, Aca-
4-25-78, daughter of Larry
demic Letter 34, Buffalo
& Denise Barnhart. Honor BURNS, JENNIFER
Gals 12, FCA 34, FBLA
Roll 1234, Academic 4-27-78, daughter of CANNON, THOR
34, FHA 12, NHS 4,
Letter 234, Black Walnut Johnny & Diane Burns. 12-14-77, son of Richard
Spanish Club 34, Who's
Canidate 3, FCA 1234, Honor Roll 1234, FCA, & Gold ie Cannon. Honor
Who 234, College Prep
FHA 12, NHS 4, Drama FBLA, FHA, FTA, NHS, Roll 1234, Academic
Certificate, Scout Re-
Club 23, French Club 12, French Club, Library Letter 3, Spanish Club 34,
porter 34, Cox Medical
Club Officer 23, Track 12, Club, Art Club, Vo-tech 4, Ba eball 1234, Basketball
Explorer 34, Yr . in D.C.
Basketball 2, Softball 234, Who's Who, Pep Club 1, Who's Who 3, Post 639
Volleyball 1, Who's Who 1234, Yrs. in D.C. 6. American Legion Baseball,
3, College Prep Certificate, Yr . in D.C. 13.
Speech & Debate 1234,
Peer Counselor 234, FL
234, Scout Staff 4, News
Editor 4, Mock Trial 34,
BAILEY, ROBBIE Docudrama 3, School Play
9-8-78, on of Steve & 34, Yrs, in D.C. 9.
Laura Lea Bailey. Honor
Roll 1234, Chamber Choir BEESLEY, PAT
34, Music Contest 1234, 5-24-77, son of Bobby &
Band 1234, FCA 34, Anna Beesley. FFA 4,
Music Club 34, Who's VICA 34, Vo-tech 34, Yr
Who 34, College Prep in D.C. 12.
Certificate, Yrs. in D.C. 7.
BAKER, KEN 8-3-76, daughter of JoAnn
11-24-78, on of Dennis & Blunt & Donny Cantwell.
Veronica Baker. VI A 34, Spanish Club, Art Club,
Vo-tech 34, Yr , in D.C. 2. FHA, VICA, Vo-tech,
Basketball 1, Volleyball 1,
Yrs. in D.C. 3.

148 Senior Bit & Piece

Council 4, Journalism 4,
Music Club President 4,
Yrs. in D.C. 13.

5-29-7 , daughter of
James & Joyce Dahlquist.
Honor Roll 1234, Black
Walnut Candidate 3, FCA
4, Spanish Club 34,
French Club 12, Art Club
4, Softball 12, Sports
Mana er 12, Who's Who
4, College Prep Certificate,
HOBY Ambassalor,
Colorguard Captain 12,
School Play 12, Yrs. in
D.C. 2.

CHAPMAN, JASON ball Manager 123, Who's Track 134, Baseball 1234, 11-9-77, on of Paul &
10-28-77, son of David Who 3, College Prep Basketball 12, Yrs. in Sherry Decker. VICA 34,
Chapman. FFA 1234, FFA Certificate, National D.C. 13. Vo-tech 34, Yrs. in D.C. 2.
Officer, Football 1, Yrs. in History and Government
MARIE 3-14-7 , daughter of
CLARK, DOLLY CLINE, LOIS 8 -30-77, daughter of Darrell & Sharon Dill.
12-24-77, daughter of 1-27-7 , daughter of Phyllis & Steve Cov rt. FBLA 2, FHA 2, FTA 2.
Nora May Williams. VICA Dean & Ona Cline. FHA 1, Spanish Club 2, French Club 134, Art Club
34, Vo-tech 34, Yrs. in Honor Roll 123, Academic Music Club 1. Art ;ub, 2, VICA 4, Vo-tech 4,
D.C. 9. Letter 2, FCA 12, FBLA 2. VICA 34, Vo-tech 34, Cheerleader 12, Who's
FFA 234, FHA 2. FTA 12. Track 1. Yr . in D . . 8. Who 134, Pep Club 1234,
CLARK, FELICIA LEANN French Club 234, Art Yrs. in D.C. 13.
12-31-77, daughter of Club 2, Student Council CROSBY, CHERI ANN
Rory & Joyce lark. 234, Cla s Officer 24. 6-15-78, daughter of DISMANG, NICOLE
Honor Roll 23, Principal's Track 1, Basketball 124. Wayne & Cheryl Crosby. 9-21-78, daughter of
List 14, Acad mic Letter Softball 1234. Volleyball Honor Roll 1234, FBLA 2, Connie & D nnis
124, Mu ic Contest 12, 2, Pep Club 1234, Na- FTA 2. Music Club 1, Dismang. Drama Club 2,
Buffalo Gal 12, Band 12, tional Student Council French Club 1234, Li- French Club 134, Track 2,
Spanish lub 4, French Camp 4. Yr . in D .C. 13. brary Club 3 , Library Cheerlead r 23, Who's
Club 234, Library Club 4, Club Secretary. Who's Who 234, Pep Club 1234.
ollege Pr p ertificate, CLINE, TERRY Who 34, Pep Club 1234,
Yr . in D.C. 12. 4-26-78,son of Larry & Journali m 4, Yrs. in D.C. DUGAN, DAVID
Linda Cline. Honor Roll 13. 5-7-77, on of Charles &
CLINE, DOW 134, VICA 34, Vo-tech 34, Glenda Dugan. Chamber
3-9-78, son of Christine & Who's Who 23, Yrs. in CROSBY, CINDY Choir 34. Music Contest
Luth r lin . Honor Roll D.C. 13. 6-15-78, dau hter of 134, Mu i Club 34,
1234 arnival Canidate Wayne & Cheryl Crosby. Music Club Secretary 4,
1. FFA 234, NHS 34, CODY, SHANE Honor Roll 3, Chamber VICA 4, Vo-tech 4, Track
Student Council 1, FFA 12-19-77, son of Roger & Choir 23, Glee Club 1234, 134, Football 4, Di trict
Vice -President 3, FFA Rebecca Daniel . Honor Music Contest 1234, FHA Honor Choir 34, COC
President 4, Fr shman Roll 1234, F A 1, NH 1, Mu i Club 123, Chamb r hoir 34, Yr . in
Class President, Basket- 34, Spanish Club 1234, French Club 3, Student D.C. 12.

Senior 149
Leah Harrison taking time from her grueling
schoolwork to give us that million dollar

Leafi J{arrison 1<f_ena J{ein/(;g.[ 13rantfy J{enaric~

Class Of
Scott J{ic~ 'l(rista 13rarfjora J{igfiji[[ 96 I Mefissa J{o[man
150 Class of '96
Cofette Jones ?(urtJones 'Travis ?(e[6

Seniors 151
TINA 10- 18-78, son of Maurice
7-29-95, daughter of & Marie Grant. Honor
Kathy Durrin ton. Honor Roll 234, FFA 4, Spani h
Roll 2, Principal' Li t 34, lub 23, Baseball 4,
Homecomin Attendant 2, Football 3, Yrs. in D.C. 3.
Mi Merry hri tma 1,
FHA 24, Art Club 2, Vo- GRIFFITHS, JAMES
tech 4, Track 2, Softball 1, 6 -22-78, son of John &
p p lub 2, Yr . in D.C. 7. Carolyn Griffiths. FFA
123, French Club 2,
DYCUS, PHILLIP Who's Who 4, Yrs. in D.C.
12-4-77, on of Marolyn & 5.
John Dycus. FCA 3, FHA
3, Spanish Club 4, VICA GRONNIGER, ERIC
34, Vo-tech 34, Yr . in 9-22-78, Jan & Andrew
D.C. 3. Gronniger. FFA, VICA Yo-
tech, Yr . in D.C. 13.

11-2-77, daughter of
9-5-77, daughter of Tony
& Kara Smith. Honor Ronald & Lavonne Gilpin.
EVANS, BILL Honor Roll 234, Home-
Roll 1234, Academic
4-6-78, on of Melvin & Letter 234, FCA 3, FBLA coming 3, FFA 4, FHA HARDIN, KIMBERLY
Shirley Evans. Band 1, 234, FTA 34, NHS 34, 234, French Club 1234, DAWN
FFA 4, Vo-tech 34, Base- French Club 1234, Art Club 14, Colllege Prep 7-31 -78. daughter of
ball 4, Football 12, ACRA Library Club 4, Art Club Certificate, Pep Club 34, Cindy & Dale Wilson &
34, AS Bull Rider, Yrs. in 2, FBLA President 4,
Peer Counselor 234, Kenny & Alice Hardin.
D.C. 13. Student Council 4, Yearbook Staff 4, Scout 4, Honor Roll 1234, Aca-
Yrs. in D.C. 13. demic Letter 234, Carnival
Senior Class Secretary,
Cheerleader 1234, Who's Queen 3, Music Contest
GLASSFORD, ALLEN 1234, Band 1234, FCA
Who 1234, College Prep
1-10-77. FFA 34, VICA 124, FFA 4, NHS 34,
Certificate, Scholastic All
American 3, Missouri 34, Vo-tech 34, Yrs. in Spanish Club 3, Student
D.C. 13. Council 4, Student Body
Girl's State 3, MVC 2,
FEAR, SHA WNA Most Spirited Cheer- Secretary, Track 1, Bas-
10-12-76, daughter of GOUGH, MARIA ketball 124, Softball 1,
leader 3, Journalism
Albert & Peggy Fear. VI A Photo Editor 34, Yrs, in 1- 1-78. Spani h Club 4, Volleyball 1234, Sports
4. D.C. 8. Drama Club 34, Journal- Manager 2, Cheerleader 3.
ism 4, Play 3. Who's Who 34, College
FRIEZE, PlULIP Prep Certificate, Mascot 2.
12-7-77, son of Mitzi Speech & Debate Team 1.
Jone & Philip Frieze. Scout 4, Mock Trial 1,
VICA 34, Vo-tech 34, District Band Solo 124,
Track 34, Baseball 1, Marching Band 34, Assis-
Football 4, Yr . in D.C. 9. tant Majorette 4, Sports
Editor 4, Miss Dallas
County 1995, Pep Club
1234, top 10% of class,
COC District Band, Pep
Band, Yrs. in D.C. 7.


6-11-78, son of Fran & 6-7-78, daughter of
Robert Georg . Mu ic Gilbert Jr. & Joy
Contest 2, Band 2, Foot- Harrison. Honor Roll
ball 2, Yrs. in D.C. 7. 1234, Academic Letter

152 Senior Bits & Piece

234. Homecoming Atten- HOLMAN, MELISSA T . Brenda Kelb. Honor Roll MATHEWS , ZANE
dant 2, Black Walnut 10-14-77, daughter of 1234, FFA 4, NHS 4, VICA 4-4-78, son of James &
Canidate 4, Music Con- Penny & Michael Holman. 34, Vo-tech 34, Yrs. in Reita Mathews. FFA
test 1234, Band 1234, Honor Roll 1, FCA 1, FHA D.C. 13. 1234, FFA Sentinel, Vo-
FCA 1, FFA 3, NHS 34, 3, FTA 1, Library lub 2, tech 3, Basketball 12,
Spanish Club 4, French VICA 2, Vo-tech 2, Softball Yrs .. in D.C. 13.
Club 1234, Art Club 4, 1, Sports Manager 2, Vo-
Student Council 134, tech opening & closing
Freshman & Sophomore team, Pep Club, Yrs. in 9-16-78, son of Cindy &
Class Secretary, Student Taylor Graybill. FFA
D.C. 11.
Body President 4, Track LADENDORF,KURT 1234, VICA 34, Vo-tech
1, Volleyball 1234, Who's HUSTON, CRYSTAL 1-23-78, son of Paul 34, Football 12, Yrs. in
Who 3, College Prep 7-13-78, daughter of Tom Ladendorf & Betsy Leach. D.C. 5.
Certificate, National & Connie Huston. FBLA Honor Roll 1234, Aca-
demic Letter 34, NHS 34, MCCONNELL, ANDY
Student Council Camp 4, 1, Art Club 4, VICA 4, Vo-
HOBY 2, Yrs. in D.C. 13. Spanish Club 34, Art Club 12-23-77, son of Allan &
tech 34, Pep Club 1, Yrs.
4 , Who's Who 2 , College Brenda Harrington.
in D.C. 12.
HEINKEL, REENA Prep Certificate, Mi souri Honor Roll 1234, Carnival
5-7-78, daughter of Boys State, Yrs. in D.C. 4 . Canidate 2 , Music Con-
Karlene & David Heinkel. test 2, FCA 1, FFA 124,
Honor Roll 1234, Aca- LANE, TARA FHA 3 , Music Club 2,
demic Letter 4, Glee Club 12-3 -77, daughter of Terry French Club 1, Art Club
4, Music Contest 4, FCA & Cindy Lane. Honor Roll 4 , Student ouncil 3,
2, FBLA 234, NHS 4, 1234, FCA 12, Drama Junior Class President.
Music Cllub 4, French JOHNSON, JASON Club 12, French Club VICA 3 . Vo-tech 3,
Club 1, Art Club 1, VICA 12-26-77. son of Jeff & 123, Drama Club Reporter Weightlifting 1234,
.Treasurer 3, VICA 34, Vo- 2, VICA 34, Vo-tech 34, Football 124, Peer Coun-
Dianna Cowden. Cham-
tech 34, Track 12, Cross Basketball 2 , Softball 123, selor 234 , Pep Club 1,
b er Choir 4 , Music
Cou ntr;y 1234, Who's Volleyball 123, Sports Yrs. in D .C. 12.
Contest 34, FHA 234,
Who 1234, College Prep Music Club 1234, Manager 1. 2nd team all
COC softball , Bison Award MCDANIEL , AARON
Certificate, Yrs. in D.C. Weightlifting 34, Football
10, Softb all, Yrs. in D. 13. 3-29-7 7, son of Sharon
13, Yrs. in D.C . 13.
McDaniel. FFA , VICA,
7- 2~78, daughther of 2-24-78, daughter of 10 - 10-77, son of John &
Suzy Luke. Art Club 4, MEADOWS, STACI
Jackie & Catherine Randy & Linda Jones .
Hendricks. Honor Roll Yrs. in D.C. 2. 11-1-77, daughter of Ron
Honor Roll 12, Glee Club
1234, Academic Letter & Kim Meadows. Honor
1 ,FHA 234, Spanish Club
234, Glee Club 1234, LYNCH, NITA Roll 124, Chamber Choir
23. Music Club 1, Cheer-
M sic Contest 1234, NHS 8-2-78, daughter of Gene 34, Dynamics 34, Glee
leader 12, Who's Who
34, Music Club 1234, & Lisa Lynch. FFA 12, Club 1234, Music Contest
1234, Peer Counselor 234,
VlCA 34, Vo-tech 34, Glee Club 1, Spanish Club 1234, FTA 34, Spanish
Pep Club 1234, Yrs. in
Who's Who 234, Yrs . in 34, Dra m a Club 23, Yrs. Club 4, Music Club 1234,
D.C. 7 .
D.C. 5. in D.C. 9. Library Club 3, Who's
Who 2, District Honors
HICKS , COTI' Choir 34, Yrs. in D.C. 12.
2-21 -78, son of Don &

5-18-78, s on of Ron & Janis Jones. FFA 123,
Vickie Hick . FFA 3, FHA VICA 34, Vo-tech 34,
1, Spanish Club 1, Bas- 5-25-78, son of Carroll &
Weightliftlng 1234, Foot-
ketball 1234, Who's Who Imogene Montgomery.
ball 1234. MATHEWS, JOHN
1. Camival King 3, FFA
11-28-77, son of Dwigh t & 1234, VICA 34, Vo-tech
Charlene Mathews. Honor

HIGHFILL, KRISTA 34,Yrs. in D.C. 13.
Roll 1234 , Academ ic
10-2-77, daugh ter of Letter 234, FFA 1234, MOORE, MICHELLE
Sandra & J ohn Bla k e & NHS 34, Spanish Club 2, 4-3-78, da u gh ter of John
Don Bradford . Buffa lo Art Club 3, Baseb all 234, & Ruth Moore. Honor
Gals 123, Band 123, FHA KELB, TRAVIS Ba sketball 2, Footb a ll 1, Roll 123, FCA 1, S p anish
23, Yrs. in D.C. 12. 11 -4-77 , son of Rick & Who's Who 3, College Prep Club 2, Student ouncil
Certificate, D.C. 13. 34,Track 1, Basketball

Seniors 153
'Bo66y 'J.f!.wman .9/.ngefa f)[prris 'l(risten fJ.[y6erg 'Doug Os6orne Co'!f Owens

.7Lm6er Pari( 'De66ie Potter 'Tfiomas Poynter

Cheri Quigfey 'Timotfiy (j. 1(ay 'Troy 1(ietfi

154 Class of '96
'lJerricl( S chmietf :Jrani(Schrei6er 'Brat! Shepartf Jason ShepperfJ '])own Sherman

Lisa Shoema~r Jeanette S[acl(_ Joe[ Starrett Jason S tejl(a 'Wentfy Stevenson

Seniors 155
con't Michelle Moore,,, NHS 34, French Club
1234, Softball 1234, Student ouncil 123, 1234, Art Club 14. Stu-
Who' Who 4, Yrs. in D.C. Volleyball 1234, Yrs. in dent Council 1234, Fresh-
13. D.C. 13. man, Sophomore, Junior
Ia Rcpre entative,
11-14-77, on of Byron & 10- 17-77, daughter of Basketball, 124, Softball
June Moriarty. Honor Stuart & Tamara Quigley. 134, Volleyball 1234,
Roll 234, Carnival King 1, Honor oil 234, Academic Who's Who 1234, College
FFA 1234, VICA 34, Vo- OSBORNE, DOUG Letter 4, Dymanics 234, Pr p Certificate, Peer
tech 34, Track 1, Basket- 8-1 0-77, son of Doug Glee Club 234, Music Counselor 234, Pep Club
ball 1, Yrs. in D.C. 13. Osborne & Laurie Lecoe. Contest 234. Spanish 1234, Yearbook Staff 34.
Chamber Choir 1234. Club 4, Mu ic Club 234, National Student Council
MULLIES, JESSICA Music Contest 1234, French Club 234, Music Camp at Camp Cheley 3.
5-10-78, daughter of Music Club 1234. Art Club Vice-President 4, State Stu-Co Camp at
Ronald & Anna Marie Club 4, Pep Club Vice Who's Who 34, Interna- Fulton 12, Yrs. in D.C.
Mullie . Band 1, FCA 2, President. Weightlifting 4, tional Forei n Language 13.
FHA 1, VICA 34, Vo-tech Yrs. in D.C. 3. Award 23. Music Letter
34, Track 2, Cheerleader 234. Yrs. in D .C. 10. RUTH, CHRISTOPHER
1, Yrs. in D.C. 8. OWENS, CORY 6 - 16- 78, son of Neal &
4-26-78. daughter of Susan Ruth. Honor Roll
Homer & Beverly Owens. 4, NHS 2, Drama Club 1,
Honor Roll 1234, VICA 34. French Club 1, Who's Who
Vo-tech 34, Yrs. in D.C. 4, Speech / Debate 3, I
13. RAY, TIM Dare You Award 1, Yrs. in
3-19-78. on of Bill & the D.C. 5.
NEITZERT, KAMI late Joyc Ray. Honor
4-6-78, daughter of Roll 1234, FCA 1234, FFA
Roberta Ikerd. Honor Roll 4, Spanich Club 2, Art
12, Principal's List 34, Club 13, Student Council
Academic Letter 34, 4 , Senior Class Represen-
Chamber Choir 34, PARK, AMBER tative, Basketball 1234, SANDERSON, HANK
Dymanics 1234, Glee Club 9-12-78, daughter of Ron Volleyball Manager 1, 6 - 7-78, son of Cal & Kay
1234, Music Contest & Patty Park. Honor Roll Yearbook 34. Yrs. in D.C. Sanderson. Honor Roll
1234, FBLA 23, NHS 34, 1234, Miss Merry Christ- 13. 1234, FCA 12, French
Music Club 1234, French mas 2, Music Contest Club 1, Art Club 2, Vo-
Club 12, FBLA Secretary 123, Band 123, FCA 1234, RIETH, TROY A. tech 4, Track 1, Football
3, VICA 34, Vo-tech 34, FBLA 234, FTA 4, NHS 34, 3-16-78, on of Richard & 1234, College Prep Certifi-
Yrs. in D.C. 13. Spanish Club 34, Basket- Karen Rieth. Band 12, cate, Yrs. in D.C. 13.
ball 123, Softball 1234, FFA 1234, VICA 34, Vo-
NEWMAN, BOBBY Volleyball 1234, Who's tech 34. Track 1, Basket- SANDOVAL,TYLENE
10-18-77, son of Bobby & Who 4, College Prep ball 12, Yrs. in D.C. 13. 10-27-77, daughter of
Joanne Newman. Honor Certificate, Yrs. in D.C. 7. Bart & Sarah Sandoval.
Roll 1234, Band 12, FFA ROGERS, BRIDGET Honor Roll 3, Principal 's
1234, VICA 34, Vo-tech POTTER, DEBBIE SUE 5 - 19-76, daughter of List 124, Academic Letter
34, Who's Who 34, Yrs. in 8-19-77, daughter of Larry Allen & Cathy Rogers. 234, Chamber Choir
D.C. 9 . & Shirley Bell. FHA 12, Chamber Choir 1, FHA 1234, Dynamics 1234,
Spanish Club 4, Art Club 23, Cro Country 3, Yrs. Glee Club 1234, Music
NORRIS,ANGLEA 34, VICA 3, Vo-tech 3, Pep in D.C. 6. Contest 1234, Band 1234.
8-5-77, daughter of Lorna Club 12, Yrs. in D.C. 11. FBLA 234, FTA 4, NHS 34.
Cooper. Debate 3, Yrs. in ROLLER, SHELLY Spanish lub 34, Musi
D.C. 2. POYNTER, THOMAS DENISE Club 1234, Who's Who 34.
CLINT 2-23-78, daughter of J.R. College Prep Certificate.
NYBERG, KRISTEN 12-13-77, son of Dannie & & Sheila Roller. Honor State Music Contest 1234.
2-1-78, daughter of Elaine Poynter. FFA Roll 1234, Academic All District Honors Choir
Dwight & Bunny Nyberg. 1234, VICA 34, Vo-tech Letter 234, Carnival 34, SMSU Math Relays
Honor Roll 1234, Aca- 34, Football 1, FFA Soils Canidate 2, Homecoming 124, All-Juniors Honors
demic Letter 2, Homecom- Team, Yrs. in D.C. 13. Attendant 2, 1995 Foot- Band 3, Marching Band
ing Attendant 2, Band 1, ball Fe tlval Queen, FCA 34, CO Band 34, COC
FCA 2, FFA 4, FHA 123, 12, FFA 4, FHA 1234 Chamber Choir 3, Yrs. in
D.C. 13.

156 Senior Bit & Pieces

SCHMIED, DERRICK & Carol Stienmark. VICA, Club 34, Art Club 2, Track
11-20-77, son of Don & 10-25-77, daughter of Vo-tech, Yrs. in D.C. 13. 34, Cro s Country 134,
Carol Schmied. Chamber Donna Howard-Slack. Who's Who 234, College
Choir 34, Music Contest Honor Roll 1234, Aca- STEVENSON, WENDY Prep Certificate, Mis ouri
234, FCA 34, FHA 34, demic Letter 234, Cham- 3-28-77, daughter of Scholars Academy 2, BHS
Mu ic Club 234, Art Club ber Choir 4, Dymanic 4, Wanda Stevenson. Honor Scout Editor-in-chief 4,
4, FHA Activity Coordina- Glee Club 4, Mu ic Con- Roll 4, FFA 2, VICA, Vo- FBLA Vice-President 4,
tor, Baseball 124, Basket- test 1234, Buffalo Gal 2, tech, Track, A Sporting Scout Staff 34, Speech
ball 12, Who's Who 4, Band 123, FBLA 1234, Chance, Special Olympics, Team 124, Debate Team
Baseball Letter 24, State FTA 34, NHS 34, Mu ic Yrs. in D.C. 13. 12, Mock Trial 1234,
Honor Rating of 1 in Club 4, French Club 4, Art Mock Trial !st Place 1,
Chamber Choir 3, Yrs. in Club 4, FBLA Secretary 4, STOKES, VANESSA School Play 23, Yrs. in
D.C. 12. Who's Who 23, State Band 3-5-78, daughter of D.C. 13.
Contest 2, District Sec. of Lonnie & Becky Stokes.
8-18-78, son of Tom & Choir 4, Yrs. in D.C. 13. FHA 14, Art Club 4, 3-27-78, daughter of
Ronda Skelton. Honor Softball 1234, Volleyball Lyndol & Pam Sturdevant.
Roll 3, Band 1, French Honor Roll 124, FBLA 2,
Club 2, Art Club 1, VICA FFA 1, FHA 234, FTA 234,
3, Vo-tech 3, Football 3, Spanish Club 3, Art Club
Who's Who 2. 2, VICA 4, Vo-tech 4,
Cheerleader 1234, Who's
SHEPARD, BRAD Who 1234, Pep Club
7-28-78, son of Bill & 1234, Cheerleading Letter
Marcia Shepard. Honor 234, Yearbook 34,
Roll 134, FFA 34, Music D.C. 13.
Club 1, VICA 34, Vo-tech
34, Football 1, Yrs. in D.C. SUMMERS, MISTY
13. 5-1-76, daughter of Don
K. Garrison Jr. & Berta I.
SHEPPERLY, JASON Summers. FFA 123, Vo-
10-31-77, son of Bob & tech 4, Yrs. in D.C. 11.
Cathy Shepperly. Honor
Roll1234, Spanish Club 1, SWANIGAN, KAREN
Art Club 2, VICA 34, Vo- 9-28-78, daughter of Jerry
tech 34, Football 12, Yrs. & Linda Swanigan. Honor
in D.C. 13. Roll, Chamber Choir, FCA,
FHA, Spanish Club, Music
SHERMAN, DAWN MARIE Club VICA 34, Vo-tech 34,
9-28-78, daughter of Hoc/ ho.n hoc/ boy.\ , ll'lwtclw ~onna c/o :'
Track, Basketbal~. Soft-
Richard & Connie ball, Volleyball, Yrs. in
Sherman. Honor Roll D.C. 12.
124, Academic Letter 23, STARRETT, JOEL 1234, Pep Club 12, Peer
FCA 34, NHS 34, Spanish 3-18-77, on of Marge & Counselor 234, Yearbook
Club 4, Drama Club 234, John Raska. Chamber 4, Yrs. in D.C. 13.
French Club 1, Who's Who Choir 1, Art Club 4, Vo-
234, College Prep Certifi- tech 4, Yrs. in D.C. 4. STRICKLAND, REBECCA
cate, NFL 234, Speech & 6-1-78, daughter of
Debate 234, Pep Club 1, STEFKA,JASON Frankie Strickland & TAYLOR, NICKI
Yrs. in D.C. 11. 8-9-77, son of Joyce & Debbie Buttram. Buffalo 7-5-78, daughter of Elmer
Arthur Stefka. Honor Roll Gals 12, Band 12, Basket- & Barbara Taylor. Honor
SHOEMAKER, LISA L. 1234, Academic Letter ball Manager, Yrs. in D.C. Roll 1234, Academic
1-17-78, daughter of 234, FFA 4, FHA 4, 13. Letter 2, FBLA 234, NHS
Donald & Olive Shoe- French Club 124, Art Club 34, French Club 1234,
maker. Honor Roll 1234, 3, Track 1, Ba eball 234, STUCKY, BRIAN L. Library Club 4, Art Club
Academic Letter 234, Basketball 12, Football 3-27-78, son of Den & 1, NHS Reporter, Who's
Buffalo Gals 12, FBLA 3, 12, College Prep Certifi- Deanna Stucky. Honor Who 234, College Prep
FHA 12, NHS 34, Spanish cate, Yrs. in D.C. 6. Roll 1234, Academic Certificate, Scout Staff 3,
Club 34, College Prep Letter 34, FCA 134, FBLA Yrs. in D.C. 13.
Certificate, Scout 34, Yrs. STEINMARK, CORKEY 1234, FTA 4, NHS 34,
in D.C. 13. 6-18-78, daughter of Bill Drama Club 1234, French

Seniors 157
'lJrew 'Turner Patience 1.1naerwooa '13ecf;y Vance Xfl.rena o/anaefidit Cfwmp 'Warje[

158 Class of '96

Carmen 9vf. Wingo 'l(evin Wisaom Mattfiew Wisaom .9tnnie Wise

~6ert Xanaer .9tmy l)"erK:_es !l?.Jjan .9!. l)"oung

I Tanya .9taaison Jaco6 J"ora 'l(jr6y 'llest I
: Joanne .9t[fen ~66y george Craig Wara :
Cfiristy r.B[unt 'Bryan Jiays Mik!. We66
: (jary r.Byma-Prescott Mik!. 06emuefemann 'Eamonn WfieefocK:_ I
I Cfiris Casteef Cork!.y SteinmarK:_ Jeremiah ZeoCia :
1 Micfiae[ 'Eisman 'f<!-6ecca S tricK:_Cana 'lJavii ZoucK:_ I
1 Micfieffe J"arris 'lJawn 'Tessmer 1
Seniors 159
Music Club 234, Ba ket- WISDOM, KEVIN
THOMAS, JESSICA French Club 234, Library 9 -14-77, on of Faye
10-8-77, daughter of Julie Club 4, Marching Band ball 1, Volleyball 1, Who's
Wisdom. Honor Roll
Thomas. Honor Roll 134, Drum Majorette 34, State Who 34, Speech / Debate
12,FCA 123, FFA 23, VICA
Homecomin Attendant 1, Music Contest 3, FBLA Team 234 , Scout Staff 34, Vo-Tech34,Weightliftfng
FCA 12, FBLA 1, FFA 4, Treasurer 3, Junior Reporter & Feature 1234, Football 123, Who's
FHA 1234, Art Club 4, Honors Band 3, Sopho- Editor 34, Speech Drama Who 3, Yrs. in D.C. 10.
Student Council 1, VICA more Pilgrimage 2, Yrs. in Secretary 3, District
4, Vo-tech 4, Basketball 1, D.C. 8. Honors Choir Tryout 34, WISDOM, MATTHEW
Varsity Speech 234, 10-2 1-77, son of Gary
Volleyball 1, Yrs. in D.C.
School Play 3, District Wisdom. FFA 1234, VICA,
12. VANDELICHT, KARENA Vo-Tech 34, Yrs in
12-20-77, daughter of Solo 3, DocuDrama 3,
Mock Trial 234, 4th Place D.C. 3
TROW, MOLLY Renee Bradford & Dana
5-7-78, daughter of Ruth Vandelicht. Band 123, Mock Trial 2, Yrs. in D.C.
& Todd Trow. FCA 2, FFA FHA 12, Cheerleader 1, 3. WISE, ANNIE EUZABETH,
3, FHA 2, VICA 34, Yo- Scour Staff Reporter 4, 5 - 14-78, daughter
tech 34, Yrs. in D.C. 10. Yrs . in D.C. 13. WHEELOCK,EAMMON of Robert & Becky Wise.
9 - 12-78. FFA 34, VICA Honor Roll 1234. Academic
TRUPP, JASON VEST, KIRBY 34, Vo-tech 34, Letter 34, Glee Club4, Music
Weightlifting 1234, Track Contest 4, FBLA 34, FHA
5-12-78, son of Jerald & 4-8-78, son of Betty &
1, Baseball 2 , Football 1234, NHS 34. Spanish Club
Cynthia Trupp. Honor Gleaman Vest. Carnival 1234, FHA Historian 2 ,
Roll 234, Principal's List Canidate 2, FFA 1234, 124, Yrs . in D.C. 8 .
Reporter 4, Cheerleader 234,
1, Academic Letter 23, FHA 2, Art Club 2, VICA Pep Club 234, Who's Who
Camber Choir 1234, 3, Vo-tech 3, Weightlifting WHITE, FLOYD 234, College Prep Cerificate
Music Contest 1234, Band 12, Football 12, Yrs. in 6-17-78, son of Allen & 4 ,Yrs in D.C . 6 .
1234, FCA 1234, NHS 34, D.C. 13. Pearl White. Band 2 ,
Music Club 1234, Library FBLA 1, FFA 4 , Art Club
Club 1, Basketball 1, 1, VICA 34, Vo-tech 34,
Football 1, Who's Who 34, Track 1, Basketball 1, Yrs.
College Prep Certificate, in D.C. 12.
Male Dynamics 34, State
Music Contest 1234, WILLIAMS, AMANDA Xander, Robert
Marching Band 34, COC 7- 18-78 , daughter of 1- 1-77, son ofD.M. & Dee
Chamber Choir 3, Yrs. in Nora & David Williams. Dee Xander. Band 2, Art
9-16-77, son of Beth &
D.C. 6. Honor Roll 234 , FFA 234, Club 1, VICA 34,Vo-Tech
Jerry Parish. Vo-tech 3,
French Club 4 , College 34 , Tra k 2, Yrs , in D.C.
Track 34, Football 34, Yrs. 12.
TURNER, DREW in D.C. 2. Prep Certificate, Peer
9-20-78, son of Gary Counseling 234, Pep Club
Turner & Kathleen 12 3, Yrs. in D. . 13.
WARFEL, TODD 3-26-78, daughter of Patty
Turner. FHA 2, Spanish 8-2-78, son of Jerry & Barrow. Honor Roll
Club 4, VICA 3, Vo-tech 3, WILSON, CODY Academic Letter, Homecom-
Beth Parrish. FFA 12,
Weightlifting 1, Yrs. in VICA 3, Vo-tech 3, Track 12-4-76, son of C.A. & ing Attendant, FFA , Track ,
D.C. 4. 34, Baseball 124, Basket- Donna Wilson. FFA 1234, Volleyball 123,Basketball
Art Club 1, VICA 34, Yo- 123, Bamwarming Queen,
ball 1234, Football 34,
tech 34, Football 1, Yrs. in Yrs, in D.C. 1.
Cross Country 2, Honor-
able Mention Baseball 12, D.C. 13.
Yrs. in D.C. 2. 8-8-78, son of Helen Young
& Leroy Young. Honor Roll
8-23-78, daughter of Keith 1234,FCA 1, FFA 4, French
UNDERWOOD, PATIENCE 7-6-78, son of Bill Webb & & Penny Wingo. Honor Club 1, Art Club 1, Student
9-28-78, daughter of Carol Nimmo. FFA 24, Roll 1234, Academic Council 12, Class Officer
Ernest & Lois Underwood. FHA 2, VICA 34, Vo-tech Letter 23, Homecoming 12, VICA 4, Vo-Tech 4 ,
FBLA 3, Yrs. in D.C. 2. 34, Football 1, Yrs. in D.C. Attendant 1, Band 1, FCA Track 1, Football 1234,
1, FFA 4, FHA 1, NHS 3, Yearbook 4, Yrs. in D.C. 13.
Art Club 4, Track 12,
12-22-77, daughter of Basketb all 12 Softball
Bobby & Christine Vance. WELCH, ALEXIS
7-8-78, daughter of Doug 1234, Volleyball 1234, ZEOLIA, JEREMIAH
Honor Roll 1234, Aca- Who's Who 3,Peer Coun- 9-12-77, son of Larry &
demic Letter 234, Music & Karen Welch. Honor Kathy Zeolia.FFA 34,
selor 234, Pep Club 34,
Contest 1234, Buffalo Roll 34, Glee Club 234, VICA34, Vo-Tech 34, Yrs.
Yearbook 34, College Prep
Gals 123, Band 1234, Music Contest 234, FCA in D.C. 12.
234, Drama Club 234, Certificate, Yrs, in D.C.
FCA 3, FBLA 234, NHS 13 .
34, Spanish Club 4,

160 Senior Bits & Pieces

Tylene Sandoval Brandy Hendricks

1 . Tylene Sandoval
2. Brandy Hendricks
3. Becky Vance
4. Leah Harrison
5. Kami Neitzert
6. Lisa Shoemaker
7. Melissa Gilchrist
8. Annie Wise
9. Jeanette Slack
10. Shelly Roller
11. Jason Trupp
12 .. John Mathews
13. Kim Hardin

Front Row: Becky Vance, Brandy Hendricks, Annie Wise, Melissa Gilchrist, Leah
Harrison, and Jeanette Slack. Back Row: Tylene Sandoval, Lisa Shoemaker, Kami
Neitzert, Jason Trupp, Kim Hardin, John Mathews, and Shelly Roller.
• •

A friendly game of quack- diddley - oboe

waiting in line.

Rebecca Dill, Karen Swanigan, Amy Phillip Freeze, Kurt Jones, and Ryan
Sturdevant, and Amber Tarver asking, Young showing us what it is like to
"Can you feel the love?" have the time of your life.

Michelle Moore says to

David Dugan, "Let's blow
this popcorn stand."

162 Senior Trip

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting for
the fun to begin.

Right Photo: Drenched and

loving it.

Left Photo: Carmen Wingo, Shelly Roller, Julie

Bower, and Vanessa Stokes sitting in the lap of

Right Photo: Seniors wondering

where to begin the excitement.

Senior Trip 163

PROM '96
Todays D ea s Are Tomorrows Memories . . .

Prom King and Queen , Seniors Thomas Poynter and Jaymi Gilpin danced the
traditional dance.

Waylon Wilson, Adrienne Boulware, Tim Ray, In between dances friends mingle.
and Dawn Strobel sporting their finest.

164 Prom
Laughing with good friends is what it's Do the hokey pokey and shake it all
all about. about!

Everyone is trying to wait patiently for the main event they came here for-
to get their pictures taken!

Senior, Michelle Moore and David Dugan Senior, Amber Park and date Jeremy ns,
waiting for the party to get started! smiling big for the camera.

Prom 165
Three levels of scholastic achievements have been set up toward
which students are urged to strive. These are known as the
Principal's List, Bison Honor Roll, and Honor Roll. These honor lists
were compiled at the end of each semester.

A student will qualify for the principal's list upon completion of the following requ irements:
1. Achievrement of 4.0 g.p.a. in all courses attempted.
2. Be enrolled in 6 or more units for credit.

A student will qualify for the bison honor roll upon completion of the following requirements:
1. Achievement of 3.67 g.p.a. or higher.
2. Be enrolled in 6 or more units of credit.

A student wi ll qualify for the honor roll upon completion of the following requirements:
1. Achievement of 3.00 g.p.a. or higher.
2. Be enrolled in 6 or more units for credit.
3. Any students with a "D+" grade or lower will not be eligible.

PRI CIPAL'S LIST: Front row- Heather LaShell, Rachel Woodburn, Erica White, Becky Ray, Brad yberg,
Back row- Kim Baker, Amanda Hendrickson, Patrick LaShell, Chri Duff, and Tylene Sandoval.


Layout by Vanessa Stokes

ROW 1: Joy Rawling, David McClain, Kristy Mathew , Randyn Saner, Amanda Jackson,
Darcy Condren, and Aaron Harvey. ROW 2: Josh Phillips, Kim Smitherman, Sara alley,
Michelle Turner, Jamie Barber, Heather Arndt, and atalie Chapman. ROW 3: Ja on Stanley,
Aaron Crocker, Jeremy McMillan, Brian Shewmaker, Brad Shockley, Carrie Wingo, and Matt
Stokes. ROW 4: Derek Clark, Michael Showers, Al Winters, Josh Ford, and Matt Hale. 0
PHOTO: Jason Beltz, Lee Roy P rkins, Leslie Cline, Chad McDonald, Elizabeth Ruth, Kate
Turner, and Anna Viets.

ROW 1: Travis Kelb, Melis a Gilchri t, Kim Hardin, Thor Cannon, Tim Ray, and M li a
Barnhart. ROW 2: Jeanett Slack, Carmen Wingo, Shelly Roller, Li a Rice, Ja on Gaynor,
and Terry Cline. ROW 3: Cindy Arnold, Brandy Hendricks, Reena Heinkel, Annie Wi e,
and Alexis Welch. 0 PHOTO: Leah Harrison, John Mathews, Michelle Moore, Ja on
Trupp, Gabrial Buffington, and Jennifer Slider.


1995-96 B.H.S.

FIRST ROW: Kevin Wisdom, Pat Beesley, Andy McConnel, Shane Cody, Ja on Stefka, Tomas
Poynter, Amy Sturdevant. SECO D ROW: Hank Sander on, Ryan Young, Jaymi Gilpin, Amb r
Park, Amanda Dahlqui t, icole Dismang. THIRD ROW: Brian Stucky, Angela orris, Sarah
Gann, Kristen yberg, Colette Jones, Wendy Stevenson. FORTH ROW: Li a Shoemaker, Kurt
Ladendorf, Chris Ruth, icki Taylor, Staci Meadows, Cheri Quigley. OT I PHOTO: Julie Bower,
Loi Cline, Cheri Cro by, David Dugan, Bobby ewman, Cory Owen , Frank Schreiber, Dawn
Sherman, Amber Tarver, Eamonn Wheelock, Amanda Williams, Amy Yerkes.

FIRST ROW: Stephanie McHenry, Heidi Strobel, Chri ta Cook, Sara Ownby, Amy McCoy, Mindy
Durrington, Amber McCarthy, Alex Boyer, Karen Kuhns. SECO D ROW: Ben Pyatt, Damon
Trippe, Carl Black, Craig Owens, Janelle Turner, Clara Maddux, Heidi Brunkhor t, Angela Killeen.
THIRD ROW: Tobiah Crocker, Wayne Logan, Chri ty Dorssom, Bonnie Evan , Mi ty Snyder,
Waylon Kaus, Melis a Manary, Amy Garrison, Heather Colagio. FORTH ROW: Steve Worley, Scott
Thompson, Angela Ryan, John Phillips, Michael Crane, Brandon Kenall, Arik Griesse. FIFTH ROW:
Pat Xander, Joe Ruth, Sarah Pease, Amy Smith, Kristen Hendricks, Donnie Bornman, Jake Davis.
OT I PHOTO: Dusti Albert on, Willie Barn , John Fi her, Scott Fr man, Chri ty Green, Ju tin
Kenall, Bart Sandoval, Toni Sharp, John Throckmorton.

168 Honor Roll


FIRST ROW: Shane McKinney, Jeremy Brownfield, Jeff Abercrombie, Chantel Hatfield, Casey Felin,
Tara Englehart, Heather Chambers, Trisha Lambeth, Jenny Davenport, Amanda Campbell.
SECO D ROW: Anna Charlton, Loren Wilson, Reggie Turner, Aaron Wilson, Josh Harrison, Beth
Haten, Glenda Haueter, Daniel Herrera, Stacy Portis. THIRD ROW: Victor Ash, Adam Batt, Chris
Ryan, Matt Kramer, Adrienne Boulware, Christy Dotson, Melissa Hickman, Brad Prater, Amber
McLaughlin, Crystal Sperko. FORTH ROW: Melissa Schreiber, Amanda Ross, Holly Loyd, Mike
Dahlquist, Darren Jasper, Brian Welch, Brandon Duff, Carrie Garner. OT I PHOTO: Rachel
Brown, Amanda Garrett, Jon Hicks, Brandy Sawyer.

FIRST ROW: Misty Bain, Melissa Fuller, Alicia Edwards, Jenny Kuhns, Josh Still, Tim Jasper, Gus
Marsala, Ryan Davies. SECO D ROW: Danielle Rodelander, Amanda White, Cindy Sander on,
Michelle Killeen, Leslie Wilson, Janice Lawson, April Batt, Bethany Hawley, Valeri alley. THIRD
ROW: Seth Greenwood, Paul Hill, Wayne Sperko, Billy Dotson, Jared Holt, Brad Brunkhorst,
Kriston Neitzert, Steven Brown. OT I PHOTO: Michelle Acreback, Amber Barton, Todd Black,
Shawn Daniels, Janelle Gilchrist, Heather Hodges, Erica McCoy, Jil Me abb, John yberg, Rhonda
Place, Ed Reese, Rhonda Rice, Rebecca Skinner, Rachel Williams.

Honor Roll 169

Layout by: Gabe Huffington

Left photo: Tara Lane and Molly Trow take that long
walk across the floor.
Top photo: John Mathews, Tim Ray, and Thor Cannon
discuss their early education and their plans for the

Sarah Gann, Amanda Dahlqui t, and Kim Hardin anticipate senior Colette Jones and Karen Swanigan look
activities. forward to graduation.

170 Graduation

What was your most memorable

experience in high school?

Valedictorian Tylene Sandoval

I think the entire "high school" experience has been
memorable. Out of all of my high school memories,
I think I will remember graduating the most!

Salutatorian Brandy Hendricks

I really can 't pinpoint one exact experience that is
my "most memorable. " All of my high school years
were filled with memories I will never forget. Just
having wonderful friends to create unforgettable
memories with was a great experience to me!

Brian Stuckey, Brandy Hendricks, Ja on Trupp, Annie Wi e, Staci Meadows, and Tylene Sandoval .
bunch of eniors waiting to fini h th ir puzzle.

Graduation 171
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Highway 65 - Main Street
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Dallas at Locust
Mom, Jay, & Maggie
P. 0 . Box 361 Buffalo, MO 65622
Schedule of Services
Sunday School . ... .......... 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship ........... 10:45 A.M.
Evening Worship ............. 7:00 P.M.

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3 26.-0406
The Last Piece • • • and We're Done!
Story and Layout by Tim Ray
As Another year at Buffalo To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
High School comes to an end we To reach out for another is to risk involvement •
say our last good-byes to our To expose feelings i to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before the crowd
seniors. As they leave us, is to risk their loss.
they leave a little Piece of their To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
lives with the underclassmen they To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to riskfailure.
have left behind. We wish the best But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard
of luck to the Class Of 1996. in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing
Our high school Puzzle is has nothing, and is nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply
complete. To the underclassmen cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love--live.
Chained by his cetitudes, they become a slave,
enjoy the ride while it lasts they have forfeited freedom.
because it will be over before you Only a person who risks is free.
realize what has happened.

Theme: Another Piece Of The
Paper Stock and Trimsize: 80
lb. enamel, 9X12.
Number of Pages and
4thRow: Gabe Huffmgton,
Pressrun: 200 pgs. 550 copies.
Delivery: Summer Tim Ray, Christa Cook,
Type Styles: Helvitica, Palatino, Jennifer Slider, Lisa Rice.
Avante Garde, Bookman , New 3rd Row: Ryan Young,
Century Schoolbook, Times, Cannen Wingo, Heidi Strobel,
Zaph Chancery. Sara Ownby. 2nd Row: Amy
Type Size: Body Copy,10, Sturdevant, Van essa Stokes,
12,14,18 point; Captions 10 Shelly Roller. 1 tRow: Jaymi
point; Headlines, 24, 30,36, 48,
60 point.
Color: 23 four-color, 8 spot
Endsheets: Black with Die Cut.
Photography: Yearbook Staff,
Baldwin Studios, Hal Wagner
Studios, Department of Interior
Yellowstone National Park.
Staff: Buffalo Yearbook Staff
Publisher: Taylor Publishing
Company, Dallas, Texas.

192 Clo ing

Versati e and d!arming, Emma Thompson
wrote the Ac:ademy Award-winning saipt
for and stars in •Sense and Sensibi ity,•
a touching comedy about twa sisters
fulling in love.

In •Ac:e Ventura: When Nature (a k, • rubber-faced

Jim Carrey brought funs to the box office in droves
with his sequel to •Ac:e Ventura: Pet Detective:
Master of laughs
Robin 1Iiams and
In •Casino,• a feast of special
Sharon Stone plays effects brings the
a veterun Las jungle to life in the
Vegas hustler in fundful movie
Martin Scortese's •Jumani:
three-hour depic-
tion of how the
mob control and
ultimately lost Las
Vegas. Consi red the hottest young actor
in SO years, Brad Pitt cotopuhed
•Seven• into a box-office smash.

•Babe, • a family-oriented film

from Australia, features a talking
pig that becomes a sheep herder
and a hero among his barnyard
friends. James CromweD stars as
the farmer in this 1ghtful story
of diplomacy and courtesy.

Woody, the pulktring cowboy,

and Buzz Lightyea brightened
the hotKiay season in 'Toy Story,•
Disney's featur.Jength,
computer-animated smash hit.
Best Actress winner Susan Sarandon
portrays a Louisiana nun in •Dead Man
Wa ·ng,• which aka stars Sean Penn
as a death-row inmate.
Mike Nelson and Servo
spent yet another year
ridiculing bad movies,
to the delight of
•Mystery Science
Theater 3000• fans.

On •frasier,• the
Crone family and
friends maintained
their pointed take on
trfe in Seattle.

f11x w ighed in with

.~- ---:t~ a aitical~ acclaimed
hour-lang drama
about five young
people trying to move
on with th ir tiVes after
the sudd n death of their
parents on •party of Ave!
Jonathan Silverman
negotiated the hazards
1he fast-paced intrigue of of New York Oty's single
•ER• made it the No. 1 life in ~ Single Guy. •
show in Americo's homes.

Student lim AI n continued to bring his unique slant

Soapbox on masrulinity to his role as father, husband
•1 nev r judge and host of -roolnme• on ABC's •Home
- - . - - - a friend by lmprov rnent. •
appearance, sex, race or age.
AttnDutes I va u in my friends are
honesty and dedication.•
Esther Williams - Vancouver, Wash.

U.S. record soles for rountry megostar
Garth Brooks surpassed all artists except
th Beatles fol owing the release of •fresh
Horses, • his ftrst stu010 a bum in two years.

Country music newcomer lim McGraw

turned out the No. 6 best-sel ing rountry Shania Twain ftrst hit the
album with •Ali i Want: charts with "Whose Bed
Have Your Boots Been
Under,• and went on to
release the blockbuster,
3 million-seller a bum
"The Woman in Me:

nc was rhythm and blues'

most talked about ad of the
year with -waterfalls:

It d eel at No. 1 after a $30

mi ion promotional push, but
"chael Jackson's •HIStor( fe I
short of expectations wh nsoles Released 25 years after
dropped sharply after the initial the Beatles broke up,
robust showing. •Anthology 1• sold 2 million
~.,.,.~ .

copies inthree weeks.

Soul dynamo K neth •Babyfoce• &nonds •I listen to all
aeated a soothing mix of love songs different kinds
performed by nc, Whitney Houston of music because I feel it makes me
and teen star Brandy in the best-selrng a more diverse person and enables
Freezes Over:
-waiting to Exhale• soundtrack. me to relate to more peop e:
Brooke Hutson - Cuba, Mo.
The Dallas Cowboys,
pro football's team of
the '90s, won their
third Super Bowl in
four years with a
vidory over the
Pittsburgh Stee rs in
Super Bowl XXX. The never-say-~! Atlanta Braves fino ly
won a World Series title when they
defeated the American League Champion
Oevelond lnd' ns in the October dassic.
Future Ho of Forne
quarterback Don Morino
of the Miami Dolphins
surpassed Fran
Tarbnton as the NA.'s
all-time leading passer.

Amid howls of protest,

controv rsial heavy- .,.J'~~III!I
weight boxing chomp
Mike Tyson returned
to the ring after serv-
ing prison time for
rope, knocking out
challenger Peter
McNeeleyin a mere
B9 seconds.

In spite of family
problems and nagging
injuries, Steffi Grof maintained
her top ranking in women's tennis
with victories in Wimbledon, the
U.S. Open and the French Open.

Basketbo magic come

olive in Los Ang as when
Eorvin (Mo ic) Johnson Col Ripken Jr. broke
announced h' return to Lou Gehrig's 56-year d
the LA. Lokers after four record when he played
years of retir ment because in his 2,131 consecutive
of his infection with HIV, the game Sept. 6.
virus that causes AIDS. In
mid-May, Johnson retired
from professional bosketbo I
... again.

Madison, Tenn.
Twenty-year-old Shannon Fou ner won a two-year
court battle for admission to The Gtadel, an all-male
military academy, on~ fa leave after the first grueling
week because of exhaustion. She wos joined by 30
male cadets, who dropped out for the same reason.

President Bdl Ointon and

Congressional Republkan
leaders Bob Dole and Newt
Gingrich faded to reach a
compromise on the 1996
federal budget, resuhing in
an unprecedented shutdown
of government operations.

Oh, Jackie! Satheby's

auctioned some 5,000
Jacque ine Kennedy Onassis
•hand-me-downs• for four
days in Apn1. Items induded
her 40-aJrat engagement ring,
$2,587,500 and her silver
tape measure, $48,875.

Less than a month after

Air Force Capt. Scott O'Grady earned the admiration Unabomber suspect
Americans were left deep~ Ted Kaaynski wos
of the nation for surviving six brutal days in a Bosnian divided by the acquittal of
forest after being shot down by Serbian gunfire. taken into custody,
OJ. Simpson, whose bookstores were filled
eight-month-long, televised with paperbacks
murder trial riveted the detailing his life and
nation's attention and 18 years of bombings.
mode celebrities of both
legal taorns.

•55• took a aJVe as

Congress abottshed the
national speed tamit
and gave states the
right to set their own
limits--or do away
with them akogether,
Bob Dole pushed aside neo~ as several Western
The gritty House
a dozen Republkan presidential states did.
hopefuls, including Patrick Speaker from Georgia,
Budlanan, Stave Forbes and Rep. Newt Gingrich,
Lamar Alexander, as the 1996 was named Tune
presid ntiol campaign opened magazin 's Man of
in aornest. the Yaor for his role in Those who sa·d it wouldn't last were right. Lisa Moria Presley
leading the RepubtKOn and pop superstar Michael Jackson called it quits after o brief
Revolution. and intriguing marriage.

Sh11 vigorous at age 75, Pope John Paul II
stopped in the United States on his wo~d tour.
83,000 faithful stood in the rain for his Moss
at Giants Stadium in New York Oty.

Although his book Mother Nature dobbered the eastern United States
wos on instont best-seDer, with 30 hours of nonstop snow, piling up two feet of the
Colin Powell disappointed white stuff from North Carolina to Moine. It wos the East
many Americans when he Coast's worst snow storm in SO years.
decided not to run for the
out a call for one m~lion
~ African American men oaoss

i the rountry to gather in

~ Washington, D.t, as a sign
Unusual~ turbulent weather spawned a record 111 hurritones of unity and commitment in
in the western hemisphere, leaving 11 0 people dead and the Milnon Man March.
billions of dollars in property damage.

Seven-year-old Jessiro Dubroff died living

her drea~ng to be<ome the
youngest pilot to fly oaoss the United
States. Her single-engine plane aoshed in
Cheyenne, Wyo., April11 .
Nea~ four years of
civl1 wor in Bosnia ended
with the signing of the
Dayton Peace Accords
and the dispatch of
a muhinationol
force to the

Superhuman determination
characterized Christopher Reeve's
recovery after a horseback riding
occident left him paralyzed.

Hil ory Rodhom Ointon become the

first First Lady to face a grand jury
when she testifi the Wh• r
affair. She also addressed d es t
the United Nati ns Worn n's
Conference In B-ng,

Student Soapbox
•My teen years ora different from my parents'
bacousa they hod mora freedom and mora
opportunities in the career wo~d:
Dana lewis - Madison Heights, Va.
America's obsession with the Internet grew as the number of
home pages-and users-proliferated on the World Wide Web.

Java joints like this

Starbucks Coffee shop
sprang up on every urban Oprah Winfrey, celebrating
comer as '96 spawned the 10 years as America's most-loved
The rood to the future coffee aaze. talk show host, avoided trash-TV
is paved with microchips! topics and outrageous audience
says computer guru and participation, unlike her daytime
bil ionaire Bill Gates in Miaosoft Corp. launched its new competitors, induding Jenny Jones
"The Rood Ahead,• his operating system, Windows 95, and Ricki Lake.
much-Gnticipated map se ing 16 million copies in four
to the techno-future. months, thanks to a 2~
promotional tour.

Fashion ads for Calvin

Klein jeans and The Gap
featured next-door-
neighbor types sporting
casual body language
and carefree, camfortoble

Above c!Jcl o'll8 ~om left

Gard 111 D d
Sergei Grinkov, 28, champion Russian figure skater
Eva Gabor, 74, actress
Ran Brown, 54, Commerce Secretory
Gene Kelly, 83, entertainer
Y"rtzhak Rabin, 73, Prime Minister of Israel
Not l
Wolfman Jack, 57, rock 'n' roll disc jockey
Barbara Jordan, 56, constitutional scholar and
former congresswoman from Texas
Butterfly McQueen, 84, actress During leisure time,
Mickey Mantle, 64, Hall of Fame baseball player teens opted for casual
Dean Martin, 78, entertainer and comfortable
Audrey Meadows, 69, actress sportswear, sporting
Orville Redenbacher 88 vivid reds and navys.
popcorn king ' '
George Bums, 100,

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