Bailey Counselor Chat: With Mrs. Baker (6th Grade) & Mrs. Windham (7th Grade) & Coach Frels (8th Grade)

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Bailey Counselor Chat

With Mrs. Baker (6th grade) & Mrs. Windham (7th grade)
& Coach Frels (8th grade)
W hat does the counseling program offer?

● Supporting student’s social, emotional, & academic growth

● Individual guidance, small group & classroom guidance lessons
● Resources & referrals
Here are some examples...
How to help your student have a
successful middle school experience...
● Build rapport/spend quality time
● Establish limits with technology
● Help develop organization skills
● Develop a homework routine
● Stay in touch electronically (Parent Cloud,
teacher emails & websites)
● Encourage student voice & autonomy
● Encouragement (esp. when child is struggling)
● Help your child get involved (clubs, outside
groups, tutoring)

Please contact your child’s grade level


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