Yggdrasill Core Rulebook PDF

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Yggdrasill Core Rulebook Kindle \\ APEZLKRJKT

Yggdrasill Core Rulebook

By Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd

Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. Hardcover. Book Condition: New.

Hardcover. 220 pages. Dimensions: 10.6in. x 8.6in. x 0.8in.Hearing
I ask from the holy races, From Heimdalls sons, both high and
low; Thou wilt, Valfather, that well I relate Old tales I remember
of men long ago. - Vluspa, stanza 1 Thus begins the saga of the
Fate of the Northmen, the Prophecy of the Vlva. . . Yggdrasil - the
Lands of the North is a game of exciting adventure in a detailed
and fascinating setting. Become a hero in the Scandia of legend
- intrigue, combat, quests, magic and mythic creatures await. . .
! As heroes questing for adventure, glory, or immortality, youll
take part in great battles from the snowbound plains of Jylland
to the courts of kings, and as heroes recognised by Odhinn the
Indomitable, perhaps even to his feasting hall in Valhalla, there
to prepare for the Last Battle between the Giants and the Gods -
Ragnark itself, the end of the Age of Legends and of the Gods
themselves. Mercenary or hirdmen, berserkr or noble,
prophetess or sorcerer, Fate will guide you through frozen
fjords, deep seas, and monster-haunted forests. Skalds will sing
of your...

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