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GARRY T. ALLISON, BEd (Hons), MEd, BAppSci (Hons PT), PhD1

SUE L. MORRIS, BSc (Hons), BAppSci (Hons)2š8H;D:7DB7O"BAppSci (Hons), PhD3

Feedforward Responses of Transversus

Abdominis Are Directionally Specific
and Act Asymmetrically: Implications
for Core Stability Theories
nticipatory postural ad- The loss of the feedforward onsets in motor control dysfunction of the deep

A justments (APA) are

involuntary and automat-
ic adjustments to posture
occurring prior to a predictable
postural perturbation. Postural
the presence of LBP is the foundation of
the proposal that there is an underlying

TIJK:O:;I?=D0 Experimental laboratory study

supplemented with a repeated case study.
TE8@;9J?L;0 To examine bilateral muscle
abdominal muscles in individuals with
LBP. It has been further proposed that

TH;IKBJI0 Trunk muscles from the group data

demonstrated differences between sides (lateral-
ity), which were systematically altered when alter-
muscle activity is considered to activity of the deep abdominals in response to nate arms were raised (directional specificity). This
rapid arm raising, specifically to examine the was clearly evident for the TrA but less obvious for
be anticipatory if it occurs prior the erector spinae. The ipsilateral biceps femoris
laterality and directional specificity of feedforward
to focal muscle activity during responses of the transversus abdominis (TrA). and obliquus externus, and contralateral OI and
voluntary movements. There is T879A=HEKD:0 Based on the feedforward TrA, were activated earlier than the alternate side
for both right and left arm movements. This was a
continuing debate on the specific responses of trunk muscles during rapid arm
movements, authors have concluded that the deep consistent pattern over a 7-year period for the case
role of the feedforward muscle trunk muscles have different control mechanisms study. Data for the rectus abdominis derived from
activation patterns associated compared to the more superficial muscles. It has the case study demonstrated little laterality or
been proposed that deep trunk muscles such as directionally specific response.
with the APA. APAs have been
TrA contribute substantially to the stability of the
attributed roles in controlling T9ED9BKI?ED0 This is the first study to show
lumbar spine and that this is achieved through
that the feedforward activity of the TrA is specific
the center of mass,9,11 segmental simultaneous bilateral feedforward activation.
to the direction of arm movement and not bilater-
These inferences are based on unilateral fine-wire
stability,18 and even in the electromyographic (EMG) data and there are ally symmetrical. The asymmetry of TrA activity
generation of movement itself.34 limited investigations of bilateral responses of the during arm raising suggests that the interpretation
The onset of the transversus abdomi- TrA during unilateral arm raising. of the role of TrA as a bilateral stabilizer during
anticipatory postural adjustments needs to be
nis (TrA) electromyographic (EMG) sig- TC;J>E:I7D:C;7IKH;I0 Bilateral
fine-wire and surface EMG data from the anterior revised. Future research needs to examine muscle
nal in response to rapid arm movements
deltoid, TrA, obliquus internus (OI), obliquus ex- synergies associated with the asymmetrical
has been a basis of many research and function of the TrA and the underlying mechanism
ternus, biceps femoris, erector spinae, and rectus
commentary papers examining motor abdominis during repeated arm raises were re- associated with low-load stability training.
control in individuals with low back pain corded at 2 kHz. EMG signal linear envelopes were TB;L;BE<;L?:;D9;0 Therapy, level 5.
(LBP).15-17,21,25,37 A critical feature of this re- synchronized to the onset of the anterior deltoid. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2008;38(5):228-237.
search is that, in contrast to healthy con- A feedforward window was defined as the period
up to 50 ms after the onset of the anterior deltoid,
trol subjects, individuals with LBP do not
and paired onsets for bilateral muscles were plot- TA;OMEH:I0 abdominal muscles, anticipatory
demonstrate feedforward activity of the ted for both left and right arm movements. postural adjustments, low back pain, motor control
TrA during rapid limb movements.22,24,38

Associate Professor, School of Physiotherapy, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia; Associate Professor Neuroscience and Trauma, Physiotherapy Department, Royal
Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia. 2 Doctoral Candidate, School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia.
Lecturer, School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia. This study was approved by The Institutional Human
Research Ethics Committee of The University of Western Australia. Address correspondence to Dr Garry T. Allison, School of Physiotherapy, Curtin University, GPO U1987, Perth
WA 6845, Australia. E-mail:

228 | may 2008 | volume 38 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
this dysfunction results in suboptimal Clearly, however, the delay in onset of the hypothesis is that if the deep abdomi-
stability of the lumbar spine and, maybe, TrA is not specific to the diagnosis of LBP nal muscles have a predominant role of
a mechanical factor in the underlying and researchers have not exhausted the stabilization and are directionally inde-
pathogenesis of LBP.15,37 Many rehabilita- possibility of other factors being signifi- pendent, then there will be symmetry
tion and core stability programs incorpo- cant control parameters influencing the between sides, independent of the arm
rate these concepts and conclude that all activity onset of the deep abdominals. used to induce the spinal perturbation.
forms of perturbation or functional tasks The research on the TrA to date has A case study is included that shows re-
require the TrA to be bilaterally preac- been dominated by the experimental peated measurements on 3 testing oc-
tivated to provide optimal spinal stabil- regimen utilizing a right-arm pertur- casions over 7 years. The purpose of this
ity. This assumes that the predominant bation (rapid raising), with electrodes case study is to show the stability over
role of the feedforward TrA activation is attached to abdominal muscles on the time of the abdominal muscle activation.
to stabilize the spine and not contribute contralateral side. A few authors have For completeness in understanding the
to the control of the center of mass or to examined and reported in the scientific trunk muscle activation patterns, the case
the focal task (usually arm raising). There literature bilateral activation patterns of study includes data from rectus abdomi-
are studies that suggest that the TrA may the deep abdominals. Allison and Henry4 nis, which is not recorded in the other
contribute to spinal segmental stability reported pooled bilateral TrA onset data subjects. Preliminary data from this case
while acting bilaterally in a “corset” ac- and were unable, for their asymptomatic study have been reported previously.1,6,7
tion14 in conjunction with a bony lever- subjects, to replicate the consistent feed-
age to stabilize the sacroiliac joint (SIJ),39 forward onsets of the TrA for all normal C;J>E:I
or via a tensioning of the thoracolumbar subjects, as reported by other research-
fascia.10,41 Some authors, utilizing en- ers (eg, Richardson et al37). Earlier re- Subjects
gineering models, have questioned the search data16 also demonstrated that

he study used a repeated-mea-
magnitude of the stabilizing capacity of sometimes the TrA does not activate in sures design for a group of 7 sub-
bilateral activation of the TrA.12 a feedforward manner during (bilateral) jects, in addition to repeated testing
The central and peripheral mecha- arm-raising tasks. Specifically, Hodges (3 occasions) on a single subject. All data
nisms that explain the apparent clinical et al16 found that for more than 70% of collection protocols were approved by
efficacy of core stability programs based the trials the right TrA was not activated the University of Western Australia In-
on isolated TrA activation are unclear prior to the onset of the deltoid in 3 of stitutional Human Research and Ethics
and may incorporate central changes 8 healthy control subjects performing Committee and informed consent was
in cognitive processing. For example, a bilateral arm flexion. These findings obtained.
low score on the Fear Avoidance Beliefs were discounted due to the probabil- In the group data collection 7 of 8 con-
Questionnaire is associated with a lesser ity “that control of spinal stiffness may senting volunteers (2 males; mean  SD
likelihood of responding to core stability not be optimal in these subjects”16 and age, 37  8.2 years; height, 174  11.1 cm;
training programs.13 Similarly, changes in because the researchers’ previous work body mass, 75  20.3 kg) completed the
the feedforward activation profile of the demonstrated that individuals with study. One subject withdrew due to stress
TrA have been demonstrated in healthy chronic LBP have delayed TrA onsets.24 reaction with the needle insertions.
subjects when they have increased anxi- Although these articles are a decade old,
ety or stress or have experimentally in- the link between early TrA activation EMG Acquisition
duced pain.31,33 Following specific trunk and spinal stability has been a consis- The EMG signals were collected simul-
muscle fatigue, the baseline activity of the tent theme in subsequent publications taneously at 2 kHz, bilaterally from TrA,
trunk muscles are altered differently,29 and the search for this link a common obliquus internus (OI), and obliquus
which may influence the ability to detect research focus. A plausible explanation externus, using intramuscular fine-wire
onsets in the feedforward window.4 In for both Hodges et al16 and Allison and electrodes (2 strands, nylon-insulated
spite of these cognitive and peripheral Henry4 data was that there are different stainless steel, with 0.5-mm stripped bare
factors that may influence the behavior of laterality responses between the sides of and inserted with 25-gauge sterile nee-
the feedforward response of the TrA, the the TrA, and that bilateral arm flexion dle). An hour before the insertions, 2.5 g
literature in recent years has consistently does not generate the same response as of topical cream anesthetic (EMLA: 2.5%
linked the changes of the activity onset unilateral arm flexion. lidocaine, 2.5% prilocaine) was applied
of the TrA as a marker of motor control The purpose of this study was to ex- to the skin over the insertion site. Inser-
dysfunction that directly reflects an im- amine the impact of laterality of the arm tions were undertaken using ultrasound
pairment resulting in less than optimal movement on the onset of TrA and other guidance (Sonolayer SSA-270A; Toshiba
mechanical stability of the lumbar spine. trunk muscles in healthy subjects. Our Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) with a 5-MHz

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 5 | may 2008 | 229
curved array sound head between the an- Right Arm Raising
terior superior iliac spine and the ribcage,
with insertions approximately 20 mm
apart. Surface EMG profiles were record-
ed following skin preparation of shaving,
abrasion, and alcohol wipe, from the an-
terior deltoid, biceps femoris (mid lateral Transversus abdominis

femur), and erector spinae (paravertebral

at level L3-4) in the group subjects. In the –500 ms 0
first 2 testing sessions of the case study
rectus abdominis (caudal and lateral
to the umbilicus) was recorded instead
of the biceps femoris.5 Surface record-
ings were made using 3 Ag/AgCl surface
electrodes (Clear Trace; ConMed, Utica, Obliquus internus Obliquus externus
NY), 38 mm in diameter, centers placed
20 mm apart, using a double-differential
–500 0 –500 0
electrode configuration. Early case study
data were collected using a single-differ-
ential (2-electrode) method. In all proto-
cols the bony aspect of the clavicle was
used as the common earth electrode site.
Erector spinae Biceps femoris
Electrodes were positioned following skin
preparation and all electrode pairs were
–500 0 –500 0
tested with volitional activation.

Right side Left side

Test Protocol
After a familiarization period subjects <?=KH;'$The ensemble group mean of the median linear envelopes from 6 trials of right arm raising for 7
were asked to perform 12 rapid arm subjects. Solid vertical line is 50 ms after the onset of anterior deltoid (dashed line). Note the clear laterality
movements, alternating left and right response of the transversus abdominis (TrA) and obliquus internus (OI) that have a contralateral (left) early
arms, resulting in 6 trials for each arm. activation, and the biceps femoris that has an ipsilateral (right) early response. The obliquus externus does not
show substantial laterality.
Data in this manuscript are limited to
unilateral arm raises, which were self-
paced and initiated after an audio cue. data were collected using a Bagnoli-16, was always the case for the anterior del-
Subjects were instructed to focus on the with a CMRR of 87 dB at 50 Hz (Del- toid in this experimental model. Paired
acceleration of the arm only. Subjects sys, Inc, Boston, MA) and Grass series 7 (left and right) trunk muscle onsets, to
were not asked to preactivate, deactivate, amplifiers for the surface and fine-wire, examine the laterality response, were
or undertake any unusual abdominal pre- respectively. Postprocessing involved determined in a window from 150 ms
emptive maneuvers that might be used filtering using a zero-lag, fourth-order before to 100 ms after anterior deltoid
to prepare the subject and thus alter the Butterworth filter band pass (20-450 onset, using the same algorithm. Onsets
natural postural set. Any advice in this Hz) and then full-wave rectification. For were visually inspected for trials where
way could alter the role of the TrA acti- the case study, EMG data were band-pass SNR values of less than 6 were detected.
vation patterns and it is unclear if these filtered (10-1000 Hz) with the analogue Differences between the matched sides
comments would be interpreted in a amplifier (Grass series 7; CMRR, 90dB of the onsets were determined for each
similar manner by healthy controls when at 50 Hz) and then recorded to disc using muscle (laterality) and compared for the
compared to individuals with LBP. a 16-bit AD card (National Instruments, left and right upper extremity flexion (di-
Austin, TX). Muscle activity onset for rectional specificity of movement), using
:WjWFheY[ii_d] the anterior deltoid was determined us- a 2-sample unequal variance t test. The
The data were collected for 5 seconds ing the integrated protocol.3 This proto- alpha level of confidence was set at .05
(10-k data points), with at least 1 second col has been shown to be robust, reliable, and corrected for multiple comparisons
of data prior to initiation of the arm move- and valid for situations where the signal- (5 muscles by 2 directions) to establish a
ment. The EMG signals for the group noise ratio (SNR) is greater than 6, which significance level at P .005.

230 | may 2008 | volume 38 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
Linear envelopes were created using a Left Arm Raising
100-data-point (50-ms integrated EMG)
moving average and amplitude normal-
ized to the peak of the linear envelope
200 ms from the onset of anterior del-
toid. All data sets were truncated to 1500
Transversus abdominis
points (750 ms), with 500 ms prior to
anterior deltoid onset and 250 ms after.
Anterior deltoid onset was defined at t = –500 ms 0
0 and the feedforward window defined as
the activation prior to +50 ms. The 50 ms
reflects the estimated electromechanical
delay of the anterior deltoid for the arm-
raising task.8 Obliquus internus Obliquus externus
Individual, EMG, linear-envelope
ensembles were created by determining –500 0 –500 0
the median point by point for each of 6
trial linear envelopes. This nonparamet-
ric central tendency method, as opposed
to using mean values, was utilized to re-
Erector spinae Biceps femoris
duce the influence of any extreme values
that would impact unduly on the result-
–500 0 –500 0
ing linear envelope. This meant that no
trials were excluded due to subjective Right side Left side
examination of trial “quality.” A 10-point
moving average was used to create the <?=KH;($The ensemble group mean of the median linear envelopes from 6 trials of left arm raising for 7 subjects.
linear-envelope ensemble, which was Solid vertical line is 50 ms after the onset of anterior deltoid (dashed line). Note laterality responses reversed
then quintated (1:5) to create the graph- when compared to Figure 1. Obliquus externus has an ipsilateral (left) early response. Erector spinae shows little
laterality response during left arm raising.
ics in Excel.
The case study using the arm-raising
protocol (blocks of 10 consecutive trials) electrode placements. This indicates that respective of the relative variance to the
examined the activation of the abdomi- the activity of the TrA and OI were spe- anterior deltoid onset, the points should
nal muscles, including rectus abdominis, cific to the direction of the perturbation lie along the line of identity. Points ly-
on 2 occasions 3.5 and 7 years previously. to posture. ing below the line indicate that the left
Data from the first 2 studies have been The erector spinae and the obliquus side was activated prior to the right and
reported earlier.1 externus did not show clear amplitude points above the line show that the right
laterality responses with perturbations for side had an earlier onset than the left.
RESULTS both arms (<?=KH;I' and 2). The obliquus <?=KH;)7 shows the distribution for the
externus demonstrated a greater lateral- biceps femoris, indicating a dichotomy
ity response with the dominant (right) of responses where the ipsilateral mus-

uring unilateral rapid right
(<?=KH;') and left arm raising (<?=- arm raising. The erector spinae seemed cle is activated prior to the contralateral
URE 2), the group EMG ensemble to show a greater rate of activation on muscle substantially for both left and
profiles clearly showed asymmetrical bi- the contralateral side and, noticeably, right arm raises. Trunk muscles onsets
lateral responses in the deepest 2 layers of the onsets of the ipsilateral erector spinae were plotted when onsets of both mus-
the anterior trunk muscles (TrA and OI) muscle activation could be considered to cles were within 150 ms before and 100
and the biceps femoris. The contralateral occur at the similar times. ms after the onset of anterior deltoid.
side to the arm raised demonstrated an The latency of the muscles (TrA, OI, <?=KH; )8 shows that the TrA laterality
increase in amplitude in the feedforward obliquus externus, erector spinae, biceps response was the reverse (contralateral
window well before the ipsilateral muscle. femoris) relative to anterior deltoid was before ipsilateral), with greater vari-
These laterality responses were replicated matched between sides for each muscle ance compared to the biceps femoris. A
when arms were alternated, demonstrat- for each arm-raising task (<?=KH;)). For similar pattern existed for OI (<?=KH;)9),
ing that the response was independent of a muscle to have simultaneous onsets, ir- with a greater variance, particularly for

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 5 | may 2008 | 231
Biceps Femoris Graphic Key
100 100

A Right side
50 preactivates left 50

Axis: Onset Right Side (ms)

–200 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100 –150 –100 50 100

–50 –50

–100 –100 Left side

Right arm
preactivates right
Left arm
–150 –150

Axis: Onset Left Side (ms)


Transversus Abdominis Obliquus Internus

100 100

50 50

0 0
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100

–50 –50

–100 –100

–150 –150
Obliquus Externus Erector Spinae
100 100

50 50

0 0
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100

–50 –50

–100 –100

–150 –150

<?=KH;)$Scatter plots of the onsets of the paired left and right sides of muscles during left and right arm raising. Points below the diagonal indicate that the left side was
activated prior to the right side, points above the diagonal line indicate the right side was activated prior to the left side. The biceps femoris (A) is tightly clustered with clear
laterality response. The transversus abdominis (TrA) (B), obliquus internus (OI) (C), and erector spinae (E) tend to have similar laterality response. (D) The obliquus externus
has a unique pattern with the right side modulated by arm but less so for the left side. Note that the horizontal axis is right-side onset, and the vertical axis is left-side onsets.

232 | may 2008 | volume 38 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
Left Side Muscle Right Side Muscle
Left side
earlier 50
ms 0
Right side
TrA OI ES OE BF Obliquus internus Obliquus internus

Left arm Right arm

–500 ms 0 –500 ms 0

<?=KH;*$The mean (SD) of the difference between

paired side-to-side (laterality) onsets of the trunk
muscles for left and right arm raising. Onsets
calculated only for paired data and between –150 to
+100 ms. Paired onsets identified for each muscle
transversus abdominis (TrA) (75%), obliquus internus Obliquus externus Obliquus externus
(OI) (76%), erector spinae (ES) (92%), obliquus
externus (OE) (60%), and biceps femoris (BF) (93%).
All muscles show statistical differences (P .0001, –500 0 –500 0
unpaired unequal-variance t test) for an effect of
directional specificity. Note the relative symmetry of
the laterality responses for each arm.

Rectus abdominis Rectus abdominis

the right arm movement (orange circles).
The obliquus externus (<?=KH;):) had a
large variance in the onsets, with a pat-
tern different to the other muscles. The –500 0 –500 0

right obliquus externus showed greater Right arm Left arm

laterality responses than the left, sug-
gesting that they might be influenced by <?=KH;+$Linear envelopes for the right and left arm movements of the case study (block of 10 trials) for bilateral
trunk muscle EMG signal profiles. Note that the relative signal amplitudes (within muscles) can be compared.
other factors, including arm dominance.
The rectus abdominis shows very little laterality for either arm movement during the feedforward window. This
<?=KH; ); shows the erector spinae data has implications on the relative stiffness or hoop stressors of the central fascial sheath during the anticipatory
formed a closer cluster around the line postural adjustment for the unilateral transversus abdominis on which to act. Laterality in the feedforward window
of identity, suggesting limited laterality is observed for obliquus internus. This is more pronounced for the right side. For the obliquus externus the left
difference; but this still demonstrated a (nondominant) arm evokes greater amplitude of response for both sides.
directional specificity associated with the
different arm movements. reflected the majority pattern of the group ent occasions over a 7-year period for the
The degree of laterality response for findings. The significance of the case TrA in response to right arm raising. The
each muscle pair is shown in <?=KH; *, study is the consistency of the responses pattern of activation was very consistent
where the least laterality difference was between 3 different assessments over in the APA window and there was some
observed in the erector spinae and the a 7-year period and, most importantly, variability in the feedback window. Again,
greatest in biceps femoris. The lateral- the comparison of the amplitude of the this case study shows a consistent pattern
ity responses (side-to-side differences same muscle under different arm pertur- of contralateral TrA preactivation, with a
in the same muscle) were clearly de- bations. <?=KH; + shows the linear enve- lag in the ipsilateral side and up to 5-fold
pendent (P .0001) on the arm used to lopes of the more superficial abdominal increases in activation of the contralat-
perturb the posture and, therefore, all muscles, including the rectus abdominis. eral TrA compared to the ipsilateral TrA
muscles showed significant directional This graphic shows the change in ampli- in the feedforward window.
specificity. tude response of the same muscle under
different perturbations. There was no :?I9KII?ED
9Wi[IjkZoH[f[WjWX_b_joWdZ7cfb_jkZ[ laterality response observed in the rectus
7ii[iic[dj abdominis and, importantly, the rectus

he vast body of stability and
One of the participants in the study had abdominis is not substantially activated rehabilitation literature, often
been tested 3.5 and 7 years previously, us- before the onset of the anterior deltoid. based on single-arm-raising ex-
ing a very similar protocol. The data of <?=KH; , shows the block of 10 trials perimental models, discusses the role
the case study for all 3 testing occasions for this same subject tested on 3 differ- of feedforward TrA activation patterns.

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 5 | may 2008 | 233
of healthy subjects have a clear laterality
Feedforward window Feedback window
response of the TrA. During unilateral
arm raising, the activation of the ipsi-
lateral TrA lags behind that of the con-
tralateral side. Furthermore, because the
Onset deltoid laterality responses of the respective sides
of the TrA muscle are replicated for left
and right arm flexion perturbations, and
repeated across time, the findings can-
Right transversus abdominis not be attributed to signal amplification
or in vivo errors in fine-wire placements.
Therefore, this study is the first to show
that the feedforward response of TrA is
–500 ms 0 250
clearly directionally specific to the side of
the arm movement, and is not bilaterally
symmetrical. These additional findings
are counter to the interpretation of earlier
studies stating that bilateral feedforward
responses of the TrA are highly consistent
in healthy controls, and this isolated ac-
tivation contributes substantially to the
segmental stability of the lumbar spine.
Left transversus abdominis
Previous reports provide data that are
in agreement with the findings of this
current study.4,26-28 Allison and Henry4
made the assumption (albeit incorrect)
–500 ms 0 50 250 that the TrA muscle functioned bilater-
ally, therefore pooling the left and right
1999 2004 2006 sides, which increased the variance of
their data. Studies that have failed to rep-
<?=KH;,$Reliability of linear envelopes of the transversus abdominis (TrA), recorded in the same subject over a licate clear TrA/OI feedforward onsets in
7-year period (1999, 2004, and 2006), from 10 consecutive trials of right arm raising. Onset detection protocols
normal control subjects may be explained
would result in similar values. The onset of the right (ipsilateral) TrA is difficult to detect in the feedforward window.
In comparison, the left TrA clearly has a feedforward response. TrA is consistently directionally specific and shows
partly by the laterality response identi-
consistent patterns over 7 years within 1 subject. fied in this study. For example, Lehman
et al26 utilized surface EMG to examine
Generally, there is an assumption that BWj[hWb_joe\j^[<[[Z\ehmWhZH[ifedi[e\ the right-side onsets during right arm
in the feedforward window (even prior JhWdil[hiki7XZec_d_i flexion and found about 50% of healthy
to activation of other trunk muscles and Although the results of this study may controls had onsets later than 50 ms after
anterior deltoid) the TrA is activated suggest controversy, the controversy the deltoid activation (mean, 59 ms; 95%
bilaterally and symmetrically and is lies in the interpretation of the previous CI: 22-96). Similarly, Marshall and Mur-
not related to the direction of the per- findings and the subsequent concepts phy28 found that 20% of healthy subjects
turbation—or, is not directionally spe- of the isolated role of TrA in spinal sta- did not have feedforward TrA/OI onsets
cific. Many authors use this assumption bility and not the actual data. In fact, if detected by surface EMG during ipsilat-
to support the hypothesis that the role only the contralateral data are consid- eral arm raising, and that the group mean
of TrA in the period before the onset of ered, then the findings of this study are (SD) onset was 25 (26) ms after the onset
other trunk muscles contributes sig- consistent in many ways with previous of anterior deltoid.
nificantly to spinal stability. This study literature. That is, the (contralateral) On examination of the TrA/OI muscle,
provides clear evidence to contradict TrA is a feedforward muscle and preac- onsets relative to anterior deltoid, of 50
the assumptions of (a) bilateral feed- tivates other trunk muscles during rapid patients with nonspecific LBP, Marshall
forward symmetry and (b) the activa- arm raising.23,37 The EMG assessment of and Murphy27 documented a distinct lat-
tion’s independence of the direction of muscles bilaterally rather than unilater- erality response (mean  SD ipsilateral
perturbation. ally, however, indicates that the majority muscle onset of 49  35 ms compared

234 | may 2008 | volume 38 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
to 2  59 ms for the contralateral side). or premovement experimental instruc- if the central common fascia is stiffened
This is consistent in magnitude with the tions.5,20,29,33 This onset data when used by the rectus abdominis or opposed by
finding in this study, suggesting that the in clinical research is clearly valid for the the common fascial attachment of the
laterality response is still present in indi- interpretation for motor control strate- opposite obliques. But in the included
viduals with LBP. Interestingly, the TrA, gies and activation sequences, but are less case study, like other studies,4,23,28 the
like the IO and biceps femoris, tended to valid in terms of inferring a similar con- activation of the rectus abdominis was
show the greatest laterality responses (for tribution to stability via force generation. substantially delayed compared with the
onset detection). This is an important area of investigation preactivation of the contralateral TrA,
for future research. suggesting that if the rectus abdominis
JhWdil[hiki7XZec_d_iWdZ provides a central support structure it
:_h[Yj_edWbIf[Y_ÓY_jo JhWdil[hiki7XZec_d_iWdZIf_dWb is entirely due to passive resistance. The
The contralateral preactivation of the IjWX_b_jo_dj^[<[[Z\ehmWhZM_dZem contralateral OI may be able to influence
TrA is considered not to be direction- Stability of the spine may be influenced the TrA via a common anatomical link,
ally specific when the arm is flexed or by the TrA activation through various particularly at levels below the umbili-
extended.23,24,42 This invariance to the di- subsystems.35,36 It may contribute direct- cus40; yet the OI has a similar laterality
rection of perturbation is quoted as evi- ly via mechanical actions, or secondarily response to that of the TrA and, therefore,
dence of a stabilizing role.23,42 This study through sensory information or indirect is not substantially active during the feed-
examining bilateral activation illustrates mechanisms of changing cognition or ki- forward window period when it would be
that unilateral left and right arm flexion nesiophobia. Mechanically, the TrA has required to provide a stable attachment.
generates different APA responses in the been hypothesized to provide lumbopelvic If one takes the biomechanical point
TrA showing clear directional specificity. stability via a “corset” action,14 the lever- of view that a 30- to 50-ms delay may not
This directional specificity is also clearly age system,39 or the hydraulic amplifier be of significance in generating spinal
observed in the biceps femoris and OI, effect of tensioning the thoracolumbar segmental stability, then the lag observed
suggesting a similar pattern of laterality fascia.10,41 Hodges et al19 argued that any in the laterality response in this study
response. This may be explained by the activation of the TrA for spinal segmental may not be mechanically significant. If
different direction of the rotation torque stabilization needs to be bilateral, because this view is taken, however, because the
applied to the trunk with each arm flex- unilateral TrA activation was found not to magnitude of the difference in the later-
ion.30 The fiber orientation of the TrA increase the segmental stiffness in a por- ality response is similar to the difference
may suggest that it plays an important cine model. Mathematical models sug- observed in individuals with LBP and
role in rotatory torques of the trunk.43 gest that there is little, if any, stabilizing healthy controls, then onset delays in LBP
However, it does not explain why dif- role performed by the TrA in isolation.12 or between sides (laterality) need to be in-
ferent onsets were not detected with ex- But, clearly, all of these studies suggest terpreted in terms of motor control and
tension and flexion of the same arm in that any segmental stabilizing role which not assumed to make mechanical differ-
previous research.23 In contrast, the clear may be present is minimized or nullified ences to feedforward spinal stability. This
directional specificity shown in this study when the muscle is acting in isolation study also found laterality and directional
is consistent with the data from Marshall and predominantly unilaterally. In the specificity of the other trunk muscles and
and Murphy,28 who found in healthy majority of cases in this study, the feed- a degree of symmetry of pattern (<?=KH;+)
controls that the ipsilateral TrA/OI has forward activation is substantially uni- when the upper extremity movements are
an earlier onset with arm extension when lateral. Therefore, because the proposed alternated. Therefore, future research may
compared to the same arm flexion. mechanisms linking the TrA to segmental examine the synergistic patterns of other
Further evidence of directional speci- stability predominantly rely on early bi- trunk muscles acting with the TrA.30
ficity is also supported by the substantial lateral activation, it is unclear how a me- From either point of view, we ques-
changes in both magnitude and onset of chanical hypothesis can be upheld for this tion the link between the asymmetrical
the same muscle when different upper specific functional task. These findings in and isolated function of TrA acting in the
extremities (right versus left) are used combination suggest that, with bilateral feedforward window and any attributed
to perturb the posture. Onset detection activation, the TrA possibly stabilizes the mechanical segmental stability of the
protocols alone may not be able to em- spine. But clearly this mode of action is spine.
phasize the significance of these magni- not apparent prior to the activation of the
tude changes and also may themselves be anterior deltoid during rapid arm raising ?cfb_YWj_edi\ehJhWdil[hiki
influenced by factors such as variability in in healthy control subjects. 7XZec_d_iJhW_d_d]
the baseline muscle activity due to stress, One could argue that one side of the The findings of this study do not impact
fatigue, presence of pain, fear of pain, TrA may act on the lumbar spinal fascia on the validity of undertaking specific TrA

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 5 | may 2008 | 235
bilateral activation training programs. 9ED9BKI?ED 97KJ?ED0 This study did not include indi-
But, our findings suggest that the under- viduals with either acute or chronic LBP
lying rationale that the training program for comparisons.

he TrA is a feedforward muscle
directly influences the mechanical sta- during unilateral rapid arm raising.
bility of the spine via the isolated role of This is a predominant characteristic ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors would like
bilateral activation of TrA in the feedfor- of the contralateral side to the perturbing to thank the editors and the anonymous re-
ward window is not supported. We pro- arm. The ipsilateral TrA shows a delayed viewers for their input into the final presenta-
pose that changes in functional stability pattern of activation. This side-to-side tion of the manuscript. SLM was supported
of the spine occur secondarily through difference switches when the perturb- by NHMRC Dora Lush Biomedical Science
the cognitive or sensory changes associ- ing arm is changed, showing clearly that Scholarship.
ated with the specific, low-load exercises,2 the activation of the TrA is directionally
and that there may be common elements specific and that symmetrical, bilateral
to successful training programs of differ- preactivation is not a normal activation H;<;H;D9;I
ent loads and treatment philosophies. We pattern during a unilateral ballistic ac-
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Effects of tensioning the lumbar fasciae on
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muscle recruitment in people with low back pain of motor changes induced by back pain: WWW.JOSPT.ORG

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