R's Notice of Appeal (Filed) - 8577 PDF

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STATE OF NEW YORK ® SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ALBANY IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDWARD F. COX, individually and on behalf of the NEW YORK STATE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE, and MARC MOLINARO, NOTICE OF APPEAL Petitioners, Index No. 04812-18 For a Judgment Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil RJI No. 08-18-ST9744 Practice Law and Rules Hon. Patrick J. McGrath ~-against-- NEW YORK STATE JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICS Respondent. SIRS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Respondent, New York State Joint C ‘Smmission on Public Ethics, hereby appeals to the Appellate Division of the State of NewYork! Third Department, from the attached Decision, Order and Judgment of the Supreme=Gourtjof the State of New York, County of Albany, dated December 18, 2018 and entered-on [fgcembet 20, 2018, which Decision, Order and Judgment, inter alia, denied Respondent's motion to dismiss the petition and granted the petition in part. The Respondent appeals from each and every part of said December 18, 2018 Decision, Order and Judgment, as well as the whole thereof, insofar as it aggrieves the Respondent; and invokes its right to an automatic stay pursuant to CPLR 5519(a)(1). Dated: Albany, New York Yours, etc. January 15,2019 GLEASON, DUNN, W. O'SHEA. By: Thomas F. Gleason; Attomeys for Respondent Office and Post Office Address 40 Beaver Street Albany, New York 12207 Telephone: (518) 432-7511 TO: Michael J, Hutter, Esq Attorney for Petitioners 100 Great Oaks Blvd., Suite 123 Albany, New York 12203 Telephone: (518) 465-5995 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY In the Matter of the Application of EDWARD F. COX, individually and on behalf of THE NEW YORK STATE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE, and MARC MOLINARO, NOTICE OF ENTRY Index No. 04812-18 Petitioners, Hon. Patrick J. McGrath For a Judgment Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules -against- NEW YORK STATE JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICS, Respondent. PLEASE BE ADVISED that the attached Decision and Order in the above referenced proceeding was entered in the Office of the Albany County Clerk on December 20, 2018. Dated: December 27, 2018 Michael 100 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 123 Albany, NY 12203 (518) 465-5995, mhutter@powe itola.com

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