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Issue 78:

November 2018

the bulletin of
theActivist members in


Iain Dalton, Usdaw Broad Left chair in the year to date compared to 2.3% last year be hand outs to big business contained in a
his year - 2018 - has been a bad year according to the British Retail Consortium. limited form in the Tory budget and demanded
for the retail sector. After almost 6,000 This is a product of increasingly squeezed in- in larger measure by groups such as British
chain shops were reported to have comes, a product of almost a decade of auster- Retail Consortium which the Usdaw strategy
closed in 2017, a net loss of 1,700 ac- ity with wages falling in real terms for many refers to.
cording to a survey for PricewaterhouseCoop- workers who have been pushed into increas- What needs to be raised is the question of
er, This year some of the biggest losses include ingly insecure work. under whose control the retail industry is to
Poundworld’s 350 stores, 100 M&S stores, 90 be developed and in whose interested. Usdaw
Carpetright stores and 60 New Look shops to Tory budget ADM in 2017 passed a proposition calling for
name a few, with Debenhams recently an- Therefore it was hardly surprising that Tory failing retail companies not to be allowed to
nouncing that they plan to close 50 stores. Chancellor, Phillip Hammond, made a great sack workers and close stores, but to be brought
This collapse has had a knock on effect on play of being the rescuer of the high street in into public ownership instead. Usdaw should
shopping centres, with around 200 shoping last week’s budget, pledging £1.5 billion to aid make this a key cornerstone of its industrial
centres said to be in crisis by the National Retail the retail sector. £900 million is allocated for strategy for retail.
Research Knowledge Exchange Centre, many business rates relief for retailers with a rateable Instead of handouts to private equity firms
of them owned by US private equity firms. value of less than £51,000. But this will hardly owning shopping centres, why not nationalise
assist the big chains that have been the ones them with compensation paid only on the ba-
What’s behind the slowdown? responsible for the bulk of store closures, or the sis of proven need. Instead of the further cor-
Much has been blamed on the rise of online workers out of a job as a result. poratisation of the high street, why not allow
shopping. According to the Office for National The rest is allocated to a ‘transformation democratically elected committees of retail
Statistics, online retail has grown from 5.2% of fund’ for the high street - for renovations, ‘small workers and the local community decide what
sales in September 2008 to 17.1% in September scale transport infrastructure’. The likelihood is changes they felt were necessary, if some retail
2018. The online sector has been boosted by that this will be disbursed not according to the space should be converted to some other use,
lower effective tax rates due to cuts to corpo- needs of local communities and retail workers, including community spaces. Rent levels could
ration tax whilst paying less in business rates but to suit the needs of big retailers and com- be decided democratically as well. Such ques-
than companies with tens, or hundreds or even mercial property owners. tions could be taken up immediately where La-
thousands of bricks and mortar stores. bour controlled local authorities own shopping
But this isn’t the only factor promoting on- Usdaw proposals centres.
line sales growth. The long working week in In contrast to this, the proposals made the re- Only on the basis of empowering ordinary
Britain, the highest in Europe according to cently launched ‘Usdaw’s industrial strategy workers to have control of their communities
Eurostat at 42 hours and 18 minutes, means for retail’ include some welcome measures. and workplaces can we avoid the fate of ‘ghost
people have increasingly less free time. The These include the key points from Usdaw’s malls’ or ‘ghost towns’ that have been seen in
costs of transport and parking for drivers, adds ‘Time for Better Pay’ campaign of a £10 an hour the US.
additional cost to visiting shops as opposed to minimum wage, minimum 16-hour contracts
browsing online. and the right to a contract reflecting regular We say:
But retail spending is also hours worked, alongside other measures such „„ Open the books to inspection by workers
slowing, like for like sales as reducing the gap between the pay of CEO’s and trade union representatives to see where
dropped 0.2% in Septem- and ordinary workers and measures to stop the profits have gone.
ber, compared to 1.9% corporate tax avoidance. „„ Renationalise the public transport system,
growth last year, with Also raised questions around transport in- with cheap, affordable fares
sales growth a mi- cluding Labour’s pledge to introduce free bus „„ Fight for a shorter working week, of no more
serly 0.7% travel for under-25s as well as other measures than 35 hours
to include the power of trade unions in such „„ Raise the minimum wage to £10 an hour,
situations, such as removal of the loophole end zero-hour contracts and other short hour
which allows employers to avoid collective contracts
consultations when closing smaller sites with „„ Nationalise the key sectors of retail and dis-
less than 20 employees. tribution under democratic workers control and
But it falls short of providing an alternative to management, linked to a wider plan of public
some of the question of what could effectively ownership of the key sectors of the economy. ■ ■ Facebook: ‘Usdaw Activist’ ■ Twitter: @UsdawActivist

theActivist the bulletin of members in

Shop workers hungry for £10 an hour now

‘Adam Viteos’, shop worker Stress, mental health issues and poverty
I work as an assistant manager in a high are increasingly becoming the norm in my
street retail chain and one of the most regular workplace. Things have become so desperate
complaints I get from my staff is that they are that we have started to organise communal
hungry. meals to share the cost of food. It has built
Working on a four-hour contract, it is camaraderie among staff and we’ve begun to
impossible for them to budget when they are organise in a union.
only guaranteed such low hours each week. Retail union Usdaw voted at its annual
Even lower management such as myself are conference in April to build a campaign around
only guaranteed 24 hours a week, with a real- the demand of a 16-hour minimum contract,
terms pay cut waiting for us upon promotion as except when the employee specifically
we lose our overtime rate. Full-time contracts requests less, coupled with a £10 an hour
are only given to store managers and deputy minimum wage.
store managers. This is something that members in my store
have welcomed. But the campaign needs
More hours to be built if we’re to rally the hundreds of
Every member of staff regularly discusses with thousands of retail workers to organise and
management about getting more hours. We push back against such conditions.
recently had two people leave, both because The anger bubbling away under the surface
they weren’t getting enough hours. is a ticking time bomb. We’re hungry for
Instead of raising everybody’s hours, the sustainable jobs and by the end of each
company was quick to recruit two new people month we’re just plain hungry. We will not
which has frustrated all of those who are tolerate this forever.
crying out for more hours.
My company isn’t alone, low and zero-hour We demand:
contracts are rife throughout retail. The result „„ The building of a serious campaign for £10
of this is a huge rise in underemployment an hour now and to scrap zero-hour contracts
which is bringing with it a whole range of „„ Coordinated trade union action on pay
issues. „„ Sustainable full-time jobs

JJ Usdaw at Trade Union Congress general council argued that we should

Usdaw’s presence at the Trade Union
Congress (TUC) this year was different
support the Unison/GMB amendment to
weaken the proposed ban on fracking to
than years gone by. One of the most a moratorium. Iain Dalton, a Broad Left Text JOIN with your name & postcode to 07761 818206
dramatic impacts was the Usdaw stall member in the delegation, argued against e:
at the conference, rather than the drab this, backed up by another delegate in
t: 020 8988 8777 t: @socialist _party
display of years gone past, instead there the Broad Left, but the vote was lost in
was a bold redesign launching the ‘time the delegation a couple of votes. f: Socialist Party
for better pay’ campaign - for £10 an Broad Left members Amy Murphy, Dave
hour minimum wage, and end to zero- McCrossen and Iain Dalton all spoke,
hour contracts. with Dave and Amy moving some of COME TO
The TUC itself didn;t have much
controversy - there were the usual fudges
to try and patch over any disagreements,
the union’s motions and amendments,
whilst Iain spoke in the debate on the far
right, putting across the need for a class-
including a formulation on Brexit that
emphasied a general election, while also
not ruling out a ‘People’s Vote’ although
based approach to tackle the far right.
A number of Usdaw delegates also
attended the National Shop Stewards
relegating this to a secondary matter (not Network rally ahead of the TUC, A WEEKEND OF DISCUSSION AND
that it didn’t stop TUC general secretary where Amy was one of the platform DEBATE
Frances O’Grady talking up a second speakers alongside other leading ON SOCIALIST IDEAS TO CHANGE
referendum!). trade unionists such as RMT and Unite THE WORLD. 10 & 11 NOVEMBER.
What controversy there was, was around general secretaries Mick Cash and
fracking. While Usdaw has a clear policy Len McLuskey as well as lay activists
to oppose fracking, an unelected full-time
official representing Usdaw on the TUC
involved in ongoing disputes such as the
Birmingham Care Workers. ■ ■ Facebook: ‘Usdaw Activist’ ■ Twitter: @UsdawActivist

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