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Reading guide:

Chapter 1-read all chapter

1. What is the setting of chapter 1? What is the event taking place?

2. Jurgis, Ona, Teta, Tamoszius, Dede Antanas, Jokubas and Lucija Szedvilas are the main

characters introduced in chapter 1. Describe at least two of them and how they are related to


3. What are the social injustices addressed in this chapter? Name at least 1.

Chapter 2- read all chapter

1. Where are the family originally from and what do they do for a living?

2. Where do they go to in America and why?

3. What is muckraking, describe the muckraking instance.

Chapter 3- read all chapter

1. Describe Jurgis belief in the American Dream and why he believes it’s possible.

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